Introduction to geometrical non-linearities Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi Dr. Giuseppe Abbiati, Dr. Konstantinos Agathos Lecture 4 - 19 October, 2017 Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH Z¨ urich October 19, 2017 Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 1

Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi Dr. Giuseppe Abbiati, Dr ... · Understanding limitations of geometrically linear analysis Understanding different nonlinear strain measures Understanding

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  • Introduction to geometrical non-linearities

    Prof. Dr. Eleni ChatziDr. Giuseppe Abbiati, Dr. Konstantinos Agathos

    Lecture 4 - 19 October, 2017

    Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH Zürich

    October 19, 2017

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 1

  • Outline

    1 Introduction

    2 An example of geometrical non-linearity

    3 The deformation gradient

    4 Non-linear strain measures

    5 Stress measures

    6 Constitutive equations

    7 Weak form of equilibrium equations

    8 Linearization of the weak form

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 2

  • Learnig goals

    Understanding limitations of geometrically linear analysis

    Understanding different nonlinear strain measures

    Understanding different definitions of stress

    Understanding how the weak form is linearized

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  • Significance of the lecture


    Structures undergoing large displacements and/or rotationssuch as cables, arches and shells

    Materials such as elastomers and biological/soft tissue

    Modeling of plastically deforming materials

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  • Large displacements of a rigid beam

    Small displacements

    Example taken from: “Nonlinear Finite Element Methods” by P. Wriggers,Springer, 2008

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  • Large displacements of a rigid beam

    Small displacements

    Equilibrium equation:

    Fl = cϕ

    Example taken from: “Nonlinear Finite Element Methods” by P. Wriggers,Springer, 2008

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 5

  • Large displacements of a rigid beam

    Small displacements

    Equilibrium equation:

    Fl = cϕ

    Large displacements

    Example taken from: “Nonlinear Finite Element Methods” by P. Wriggers,Springer, 2008

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 5

  • Large displacements of a rigid beam

    Small displacements

    Equilibrium equation:

    Fl = cϕ

    Large displacements

    Equilibrium equation:

    Fl cos (ϕ) = cϕ

    Example taken from: “Nonlinear Finite Element Methods” by P. Wriggers,Springer, 2008

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 5

  • Large displacements of a rigid beam

    0 20 40 60 80








    Fl c

    Small displacements

    Large displacements

    Force versus rotation

    Example taken from: “Nonlinear Finite Element Methods” by P. Wriggers,Springer, 2008

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  • Large displacements of a rigid beam

    In the previous example the beam was considered rigid

    Non linear strain measures would have to be used to take intoaccount the beam flexibility

    In the following non linear strain measures are introduced

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  • Reference/current configuration

    We consider a deformable body described by a set of material points.We define two states of the body:

    Reference configuration → Configuration of the body in thebeginning of the deformation (usually undeformed).

    Current configuration → Configuration of the body (usuallydeformed) at a given time t.

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  • Description of motion

    x (X, t) = X + u (X, t)


    x (X, t) location incurrent configuration

    X location in referenceconfiguration

    u (X, t) displacementvector

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  • The deformation gradient

    We define the deformation gradient as:

    F = ∇x (X, t) = ∇ (X + u (X, t))⇒ F = I +∇u (X, t)

    ⇒ Fij = δij +duidXj

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  • The deformation gradient

    Infinitesimal element in the deformed configuration:

    dx = d (X + u (X, t))= dX +∇u (X, t) dX= (I +∇u (X, t)) dX

    ⇒ dx = FdX⇒ dxi = FijdXj

    → F maps infinitesimal line elements from the reference to thedeformed configuration

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  • The deformation gradient

    Expression for the deformation gradient:

    F = ∇x =

    x1,1 x1,2 x1,3x2,1 x2,2 x2,3x3,1 x3,2 x3,3

    It follows that:

    J = detF 6= 0

    dX = F−1dx

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  • Transformation of area and volume elements

    Area is transformed as:

    da = nda = JF−T NdA = JF−T dA


    da = nda is the area element in the current configurationdA = NdA is the area element in the reference configuration

    And volume as:

    dv = JdV


    dv is the volume element in the current configurationdV is the volume element in the reference configuration

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  • Strain measures

    We consider the square of an infinitesimal element in thecurrent configuration:

    dx · dx = (FdX) · (FdX) = dX ·(

    FT F)· dX

    C = FT F → right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor

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  • Green-Lagrange strain

    Difference of squares of lengths of infinitesimal elements:

    dx · dx− dX · dX =dX ·(

    FT F)· dX− dX · dX =

    =dX ·(

    FT F− I)· dX

    E = 12(

    FT F− I)

    = 12 (C− I) → right Green-Lagrange strain tensor

    E = 12[(I +∇u)T (I +∇u)− I

    ]= 12

    (∇u +∇uT +∇uT∇u


    In 1D: E = l2 − L22L2 , where L is the reference length, l is the current

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 15

  • Strain measures

    We consider the square of an infinitesimal element in thereference configuration:

    dX · dX =(



    = dx ·(

    F−T F−1)· dx

    c = F−T F−1 → Cauchy deformation tensor

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  • Euler-Almansi strain

    Difference of squares of lengths of infinitesimal elements:

    dx · dx− dX · dX =dx · dx− dx ·(

    F−T F−1)· dx =

    =dx ·(

    I− F−T F−1)· dx

    e = 12(

    I− F−T F−1)

    = 12 (I− c) → Euler-Almansi strain tensor

    In 1D: e = l2 − L2

    2l2 , where L is the reference length, l is the current

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 17

  • Comparison of strain measures

    Green-Lagrange strain tensor: E = 12 (C− I)

    Almansi strain tensor: e = 12(−1)(C−1 − I

    )Both of the above are members of the Seth-Hill family of strainmeasures: E(m) = 12m (C

    m − I)

    Another special case is the logarithmic strain: E(0) = 12 ln C

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 18

  • ExampleBar under rotation and stretch

    Deformation gradient

    F = ∇x =

    lL cos (θ) − sin (θ)lL sin (θ) cos (θ)

    Deformed configuration

    x =[



    lL cos (θ) X1 − sin (θ) X2lL sin (θ) X1 + cos (θ) X2

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 19

  • Example


    u =[



    ( l

    L cos (θ)− 1)

    X1 − sin (θ) X2lL sin (θ) X1 + (cos (θ)− 1) X2

    Displacement gradient

    ∇u =

    lL cos (θ)− 1 − sin (θ)lL sin (θ) cos (θ)− 1

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  • Example

    Linear strain measure

    � = 12(∇u +∇uT


    l cos (θ)− LL (1− L) sin (θ)2L(1− L) sin (θ)2L cos (θ)− 1

    Green-Lagrange strain

    E = 12(∇u +∇uT +∇uT∇u


    l2 − L22L2 00 0

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  • Cauchy stress tensor

    Force per unit of deformed area: t(n) = lima→0

    f(n)a =



    Cauchy stress tensor: t(n) = σσσ · n

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  • 1st Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor

    Force per unit of undeformed area: t(N) = limA→0

    f(N)A =



    ⇒ f(N) in deformed configuration

    1st Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor: t(N) = P ·N

    t(N)dA = t(n)da⇒ P ·NdA = σσσ · nda

    nda = JF−T ·NdA

    ⇒ P = JσσσF−T

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 23

  • 2nd Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor

    Force per unit of undeformed area: T(N) = limA→0

    F(N)A =



    ⇒ F(N) in undeformed configuration

    ⇒ dF(N) = F−1df(N) transformation of the force vector

    2nd Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor: T(N) = S ·N

    ⇒ dF(N) = F−1df(N) ⇒ S ·NdA = F−1P ·NdA⇒ S = F−1P

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  • Comparison of stress measures


    Cauchy stress(σ)

    1st Piola-Kirchoffstress (P)

    2nd Piola-Kirchoffstress (S)

    Area Current Reference ReferenceForce Current Current ReferenceTransform - P = JσσσF−T S = F−1P =


    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 25

  • St. Venant materials

    St. Venant materials:

    A linear relationship between Green-Lagrange strain and secondPiola-Kirchhoff stress is assumed

    The relationship corresponds to Hooke’s law for infinitesimaldisplacements

    Good approximation when displacements and rotations are largebut deformations are small

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 26

  • St. Venant materials

    Stress strain relationship:

    S = DE

    Using Voigt notation:



    D1111 D1122 D1133 D1123 D1113 D1112D2211 D2222 D2233 D2223 D2213 D2212D3311 D3322 D3333 D3323 D3313 D3312D2311 D2322 D2333 D2323 D2313 D2312D1311 D1322 D1333 D1323 D1313 D1312D1211 D1222 D1233 D1223 D1213 D1212




    where Dijkl are material parameters

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  • St. Venant materials

    In terms of E and ν the above can be written as:


    = E(1 + ν) (1− 2ν)

    1− ν ν ν 0 0 0ν 1− ν ν 0 0 0ν ν 1− ν 0 0 00 0 0 1− 2ν2 0 0

    0 0 0 0 1− 2ν2 0

    0 0 0 0 0 1− 2ν2




    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 28

  • Hyperelastic materials

    The above relation is not accurate for elastic materialsundergoing large deformations

    Those materials are identified as hyperelastic

    Examples of such materials are rubber and soft tissue

    For more details we refer to: Lecture Notes by Carlos A. FelippaNonlinear Finite Element Methods (ASEN 6107)

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 29


  • Weak form

    Current configuration:∫v

    σσσ : δedv =∫v

    f · δudv +∫a

    t · δuda

    Reference configuration:∫V

    S : δEdV =∫V

    F · δUdV +∫A

    T0 · δUdA

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  • Weak form

    Reference to current configuration:


    S : δEdV =∫V


    ): δ(

    FT eF)

    dV =∫v

    σσσ : δedv

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  • Incremental solution

    Incremental solution procedures are used due to the nonlinearnature of the problem

    Quantities are decomposed to their values at each step plus anincrement

    Two alternatives exist for the definition of the referenceconfiguration

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  • Total/updated Lagrangian formulation

    Total Lagrangian (TL)

    The initial configuration isthe reference configuration.

    Stress & Strain measures atthe target configuration(increment i + 1) arecomputed with respect tothe initial configuration.

    Derivatives and Integrals aretaken with respect to V(initial conf.).

    Updated Lagrangian (UL)

    The previous increment isthe reference configuration.

    Stress & Strain measures atthe target configuration(increment i + 1) areevaluated with respect tothe previous configuration(increment i).

    Derivatives and Integrals aretaken with respect to v i .

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  • Total Lagrangian formulation


    S : δEdV =∫V

    F · δUdV +∫A

    T0 · δUdA

    ︸ ︷︷ ︸R

    Displacements at increment i + 1:

    ui+1 = ui + ∆u

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  • Incremental decomposition of strains

    By substituting in the definition of the Green-Lagrange strain:

    Ei+1 =12

    [∇ui+1 +∇





    ]= 12

    [∇ui +∇




    ]︸ ︷︷ ︸



    + 12

    [∇∆u +∇∆uT +∇

    (ui)T∇∆u +∇∆uT∇ui

    ]︸ ︷︷ ︸



    + 12[∇∆uT∇∆u

    ]︸ ︷︷ ︸


    Here ei is not to be confused with the Euler-Almansi strainInstitute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 35

  • Incremental decomposition of strains

    In the above the strain is decomposed as:

    Ei+1 = Ei + ∆E = Ei + ei + ηηη


    Ei The strain at increment i∆E The strain increment

    ei Linear with respect to ∆uηηη Nonlinear with respect to ∆u

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  • Decomposition of virtual strains and stresses

    We observe that the variation of Ei+1 is equal to the variation of theincrement:

    δEi = 0⇒ δEi+1 = δ∆E = δei + δηηη

    Applying the incremental decomposition to stresses we obtain:

    Si+1 = Si + ∆S

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  • Weak form

    Applying the above decompositions to the weak form we obtain:∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV +∫V

    Si : δηηηdV = Ri+1 −∫V

    Si : δeidV


    Si : δeidV is known and has been moved to the RHS

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  • Weak form

    Applying the above decompositions to the weak form we obtain:∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV +∫V

    Si : δηηηdV = Ri+1 −∫V

    Si : δeidV


    Si : δeidV is known and has been moved to the RHS (why?)

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  • Weak form

    Applying the above decompositions to the weak form we obtain:∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV +∫V

    Si : δηηηdV = Ri+1 −∫V

    Si : δeidV


    Si : δeidV is known and has been moved to the RHS (why?)∫V

    Si : δηηηdV is linear with respect to ∆u

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  • Weak form

    Applying the above decompositions to the weak form we obtain:∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV +∫V

    Si : δηηηdV = Ri+1 −∫V

    Si : δeidV


    Si : δeidV is known and has been moved to the RHS (why?)∫V

    Si : δηηηdV is linear with respect to ∆u (why?)

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  • Weak form

    Applying the above decompositions to the weak form we obtain:∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV +∫V

    Si : δηηηdV = Ri+1 −∫V

    Si : δeidV


    Si : δeidV is known and has been moved to the RHS (why?)∫V

    Si : δηηηdV is linear with respect to ∆u (why?)∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV is non linear with respect to ∆u

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  • Weak form

    Applying the above decompositions to the weak form we obtain:∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV +∫V

    Si : δηηηdV = Ri+1 −∫V

    Si : δeidV


    Si : δeidV is known and has been moved to the RHS (why?)∫V

    Si : δηηηdV is linear with respect to ∆u (why?)∫V

    ∆S : δ∆EdV is non linear with respect to ∆u (why?)

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  • Linearization of stresses

    Applying the above decompositions to the weak form we obtain:

    For the variation of ∆E we assume:

    δηηη = 0⇒ δ∆E = δei

    since δηηη is higher order

    For the stresses we employ the Taylor expansion:

    ∆S = ∂∆S∂∆E ·∆E =

    ∂∆S∂∆E ·

    (ei + ηηη


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  • Linearized Weak Form

    Assuming linear elastic material response: ∂∆S∂∆E = D

    Then the first term of the weak form becomes:


    ∆S : δEdV =∫V

    (ei + ηηη

    )T·D · δeidV

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 40

  • Linearized Weak Form

    Assuming linear elastic material response: ∂∆S∂∆E = D

    Then the first term of the weak form becomes:


    ∆S : δEdV =∫V

    (ei + �ηηη

    )T·D · δeidV

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 40

  • Linearized Weak Form

    Assuming linear elastic material response: ∂∆S∂∆E = D

    Then the first term of the weak form becomes:


    ∆S : δEdV =∫V

    (ei)T·D · δedV

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 40

  • Linearized Weak Form

    Assuming linear elastic material response: ∂∆S∂∆E = D

    Then the first term of the weak form becomes:


    ∆S : δEdV =∫V

    (ei)T·D · δedV

    The linearized weak form is formulated as:∫V

    ei ·D · δeidV

    ︸ ︷︷ ︸linear w.r.t. ∆u


    Si : δηηηdV

    ︸ ︷︷ ︸linear w.r.t. ∆u

    = Ri+1 −∫V

    Si : δedV

    ︸ ︷︷ ︸known

    Institute of Structural Engineering Method of Finite Elements II 40

    IntroductionAn example of geometrical non-linearityThe deformation gradientNon-linear strain measuresStress measuresConstitutive equationsWeak form of equilibrium equationsLinearization of the weak form