PRINCIPALS MESSAGE BOOKWEEK PARADE Book Week 2021 this year asked our children to embrace the theme Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. ... This was an opportunity to escape into another world where your child could be anything they wanted to be! On Wednesday our school went into Another Worldas we walked the Bookweek Walkfrom Prep to our Multipurpose Hall. So many wonderful costumes depicting favourite book characters were on display. A big thank you to our wonderful Parents/Carers who helped dress up their child/ren for this colourful event! Thank you to Mrs Oster for your amazing extra special touches to our day and the Year 6 School Captains for confidently conducting our Bookweek parade in the hall. The music and photos of past Bookweek events set the scene for an enjoyable morning of fun and laughter. Thank you to the parents/carers who attended this event—I hope you were able to find Wallytrying to hide in our presentation! In our gardens near the Library some Doors appeared for our Bookweek celebrations! Thank you to Miss Larsen for challenging our students to think about walking through the doors and What world would they be in? or What would it be like? Whats behind the doors? The winners of the Bookweek library competitions were announced at our Bookweek parade and were presented with their prizes. Enjoy the photos featured throughout this issue. Barack Obama has been quoted as saying Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible.FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS SS website address is: http://www.fairviewheightsss.eq.edu.au We acknowledge the Tradional Custodians of this Land on which our school stands; where the Giabal and Jarowair peoples have performed age-old ceremonies of music, dance, storytelling and celebraon. We acknowledge and pay respect to the Elders, past, present and emerging, for they hold the hopes, memories and tradions of Aboriginal, Torres Strait and South Sea Island peoples. We honour those who carved their footsteps in the sands of me. Issue 14 10 September 2021

PRINCIPAL S MESSAGE - fairviewheightsss.eq.edu.au

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BOOKWEEK PARADE Book Week 2021 this year asked our children to embrace the theme “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds”. ... This was an opportunity to escape into another world where your child could be anything they wanted to be! On Wednesday our school went into “Another World” as we walked the ‘Bookweek Walk’ from Prep to our Multipurpose Hall. So many wonderful costumes depicting favourite book characters were on display. A big thank you to our wonderful Parents/Carers who helped dress up their child/ren for this colourful event! Thank you to Mrs Oster for your amazing extra special touches to our day and the Year 6 School Captains for confidently conducting our Bookweek parade in the hall. The music and photos of past Bookweek events set the scene for an enjoyable morning of fun and laughter. Thank you to the parents/carers who attended this event—I hope you were able to find “Wally” trying to hide in our presentation! In our gardens near the Library some Doors appeared for our Bookweek celebrations! Thank you to Miss Larsen for challenging our students to think about walking through the doors and What world would they be in? or What would it be like? What’s behind the doors? The winners of the Bookweek library competitions were announced at our Bookweek parade and were presented with their prizes. Enjoy the photos featured throughout this issue. Barack Obama has been quoted as saying “Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible.”

FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS SS website address is: http://www.fairviewheightsss.eq.edu.au

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this Land on which our school stands; where the Giabal and Jarowair peoples have performed age-old ceremonies of music, dance, storytelling and celebration. We acknowledge and pay respect to the Elders, past, present and emerging, for they hold the hopes, memories and traditions of Aboriginal, Torres Strait and South Sea Island peoples. We honour those who carved their footsteps in the sands of time.

Issue 14 10 September 2021

ONLINE SERVICES CONSENT FORMS Just a reminder if you haven’t already done so please return the Online Services Consent Forms which were sent home last week. We need to receive a form for each student en-rolled at FHSS. If you need a new form please call into the school office to ask for one. 2021 NAPLAN Our Year 3 and Year 5 students received their Naplan re-ports and are taking them home today in a plastic sleeve for Parent/Carers to view. ACTIVITY CONSENT FORMS Our Excursion Letters will now be called ACTIVITY CONSENT FORMS. The front page contains a Privacy Statement and gives Details of the Activity and Payments. The back page covers Activity risks and insurance / Con-sent & Signature/ Medical information and updates. You will need to complete both sides of the form and return to the school office. Therefore you will need to take note of the details of the activity and add to your calen-dars for future reference. FATHER’S DAY STALL Thank you for supporting the P&C and purchasing Father’s Day gifts at school. This year they SOLD OUT!!!! We trust you all enjoyed celebrating with Dads/Grandfathers/or other significant males in you lives.

SCHOOL MUSICAL See all the final School Musical information on page 4 of this issue.


Children born 1 JULY 2016—30 JUNE 2017

We are currently taking 2022 enrolments for eligible Preps Please contact the office as soon as possible so that we can make an interview time. If you have any friends or family who are looking to enrol please encourage them to phone

and commence the enrolment process.

You will find important information for our 2022 Prep Stu-dents on Page 4.

UNDER 8’s DAY It was great to see so many parents/carers enjoying the Un-der Eight’s activities on the oval. A GREAT time was had by all. Thank you to Chris McVeigh for co-ordinating this event.

P&C MEETING Please note a change of DAY and TIME for our next P&C Meeting for this Term ONLY. Our next P&C Meeting will be held on Monday 13 Septem-ber, commencing at 6.00pm in the Staff Room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

FREE DRESS Our Free Dress Day for Term 3 will be held on Friday 17 September. Your gold coin donation will go towards our Chaplaincy Fund. This money ensures that we are able to employ Chappy Alan for 2 days every week.

DON’T WANT YOUR FREE PLANTS VOUCHERS WITH TRC RATES NOTICES? Thank you to those families who have already donated their vouchers.

Should you be choosing not to make use of your Council free Plants Voucher, we would be grateful if you’d donate them to our school so we can make good use of them as we renew a number of our school gardens. Your unused free plants vouch-er will be welcomed at the school office!


SWIMMING Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated in the swimming program this Term. Once again we had great numbers participating and Glennie, as always, provided us with a fantastically low student teacher ratio that we just would not get anywhere else. On the back of our program Glennie have offered Fairview Heights students and families an incredible deal for Term 4 swimming lessons. If you book for Term 4 with Glennie you will receive 2 free classes!!! That is a great incentive and will definitely improve skills further coming into summer and our swimming carnival. If your child attended swimming with the school they will bring home a ‘postcard’ with full details. If your child didn’t attend this Term that’s OK you are still eligible. Just contact Glennie or come to the school office to collect your postcard. Al Aston

2021 DATES TO REMEMBER TERM 3 LAST CHANCE! Musical Tickets are On Sale at the School Office

Fridays Sep 10 Year 5 & 6 Selected Interschool Sport Teams Last Day!!

Fri Sep 10 Under 8’s Sports Day

Mon Sep 13 Musical rehearsal at Highfields Cultural Centre—Travelling by Bus

Tues Sep 14 Musical rehearsal at Highfields Cultural Centre—Travelling by Bus

Thurs Sep 16 11am School Musical Performance—Mystery at Mag-pie Manor Prep—Year 3 Students & Parent/Carers @ Highfields Cultural Centre

Thurs Sep 16 7.00pm School Musical Performance—Mystery at Magpie Manor @ Highfields Cultural Centre

Fri Sep 17 Free Dress Day—Gold Coin towards our Chaplaincy Fund.

Sat Sep 18—Sun Oct 3

Spring School Holidays

Mon Oct 4 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Tues Oct 5 1st Day Term 4

Fridays Oct 8—19 Nov

Year 5 & 6 Selected Interschool Sport Teams (7 Weeks)

Wed Oct 13 Year 2 Excursion to Cobb & Co Museum

Tues Oct 19 3F & 3V—Amaroo Excursion

Tues Oct 19 Pre Prep Playgroup 9.00am

Wed Oct 20 3/4T + 3’s in 25M - Amaroo Excursion

Thurs Oct 28 Pre Prep Playgroup 9.00am

M,Tu,W Nov 1,2,3 School Review

Fri Nov 5 Pre Prep Playgroup 9.00am

Tues Nov 9 Prep Information Afternoon @ 3.15pm

Wed Nov 10 Prep Open Day 9-10am

Fri Nov 12 Year 6 Tallebudgerra Camp Payment Due

Fri Nov 19 Year 5 Camp Payment Due

Mon Nov 22—Fri 26 Year 6 Tallebudgerra Camp

Dec 1—Dec 3 Year 5 Emu Gully Camp

Sat Dec 11—Sun Jan 23

Summer School Holidays


Thursday/Friday Thursday /Friday

Tuckshop Yr 1-6 Tuckshop Prep—1st Break Only

Tuesday Musical Main Part Practice 3.00-5.00pm

2nd Tues of Month P&C Meeting – 7.00 pm – Staff Room— All Welcome

Wednesday Chess Lessons in Library—8.00am

Wednesday Breakfast Club in N Block @ 8.00am

Wed & Thurs KindyLinQ 9.00am—12.00noon Wednesday & Thursday each week

Wednesday Woodwork Option—1st Break

Wednesday Assembly—Follow Covid Restrictions/Social Distancing

Thursday Concert Band Practice Commencing 7.45am

Our tickets sales have been great—we have sold over 300 tickets! Tickets are available at the School Office. Don’t put off purchasing your tickets! (We have sold out for the evening per-formance in past years)

Our Prep to Year 3 Students Musical Excursion payment & consent has been extended until Wednesday 15 September. These students will have the opportunity to travel by bus to attend the morning performance on Thursday 16 September at 11.00am.

Our Musical Cast will be travelling out to Highfields Cultural Centre on Monday 13 September and Tuesday 14 September for Practices and Dress Rehearsal. Attending these rehears-als and travelling by bus to Highfields is a requirement for ALL MUSICAL STUDENTS. Parents/Carers are responsi-ble for transporting their own child/ren to Highfields for the evening performance.

If you haven’t returned the Musical MAKE-UP NOTE yet please send it in on Monday with your child.

The FINAL “MUSICAL PERFORMANCE INFORMATION LETTER” was sent home yesterday to all Musical Students. This letter includes the final information regarding the last week of Practices and the day of the Performances. Please ask your child for this very important letter.

We can’t wait to present our

2021 School Musical

‘Mystery at Magpie Manor’

for our Fairview Community!




between 8:00am – 3:30pm

We have two performances on Thursday

16 September @ Highfields Cultural Centre

Morning Performance @ 11.00am

Evening Performance @ 7.00pm

TICKET PRICES are as follows:

Family Tickets:

$50.00 (this is for 2 Parents/Carers & 2 Students)

Adult Tickets: $20.00

Student Tickets: $10.00

There is no concession discounts

Remember to purchase your tickets early, so you are not dis-appointed and miss out!! (We have sold out for the evening performance in past years)

“What is that door doing there? I’ve never seen that before. I wonder where it goes?” Slowly, carefully I opened it. A snake crept up on me, I ran so fast then it bit me on the leg. I pulled it off my leg. Riley — Year 2

“What is that door doing there? I’ve never seen that before. I wonder where it goes?” Slowly, carefully I opened it. I fell first into ice cream !! …. It was the most delicious taste I’ve ever had. I was wondering “How did I get here? Where am I? And why am I here? I’ll get pretty full!” Eric — Year 2

“What is that door doing there? I’ve never seen that before. I wonder where it goes?” Slowly, carefully I opened it. I saw a weird door. I opened it and there was Lego flying out of the door because it was Lego land! I went in and saw Lego men and Lego houses. I borrowed a car and went out of the door and drove it around the school. Jaxon — Year 2

“What is that door doing there? I’ve never seen that before. I wonder where it goes?” Slowly, carefully I opened it. In there was animal world. When I walked in, a humung-ous wild bull came charging at me. A jaguar came to the res-cue. They wrestled on the ground and the jaguar won. The Jaguar said to me “Hop on.” Then I became the king of the animal world for many years. Then my old friend Bob the jaguar got sick and he eventually died. So then I gave up being the king without Bob. Liam — Year 2

“What is that door doing there? I’ve never seen that before. I wonder where it goes?” Slowly, carefully I opened it. I saw Ninjago! I ran inside. I looked for the ninja but I couldn’t find it. Then I saw Lord Garmadon. I saw the ninja. I knew what to do. I ran, then I saw the green nin-ja. I saw their power then the green ninja saved me. I said “Thank you green ninja.” Thomas — Year 2

“What is that door doing there? I’ve never seen that before. I wonder where it goes?” Slowly, carefully I opened it. I saw my birthday land. I saw cake and presents. All my family were there and we had a party. We did dancing and had a dance off. Ava — Year 2

Term 3 Students of the Week

Congratulations to our Students!

Week 8

Sadie, Madison, Macen, Mirri, Aubrey, Hunter, Cruz,

Tearlah, Aster, Ruby, Ellabree, Noah, Ruby, Grace,

Lesly, Nate, Dominic, Zoe, Dylan, Jaylie, Cody, Hei-

di, Rhylan & Brodie.

Week 9

Vincent, Ariarna, Lily, Tyron, Archie, Aleeah, Emily, Elias,

Kenzie, Dominic, Nate, Alyssa, Kobe, Liam, Luca, Wyatt, Jack,

Jesse & Nate.

Literacy Pro Week 8 Piper, Olivia, Mackenzie, Ava, Eden, Grace, Emily, Judd,

Billy, Corban, Dominic, Landon, Eric & Logan

Week 9 Kaylee, Savannah, Luca, Andre, Parker & Hudson

Gold Ward Winner Caleb — Congratulations!!

Do you have a child who craves attention? Does their attention-seeking at times deflate and overwhelm you? If so, you are not alone. Attention-seeking is perhaps the most com-mon misbehaviour in families.

“Look at me, Mum” and its many variations become like a nervous tic driving parents to distraction. It’s good to give kids your undivided attention but there are limits to how much attention you can give. Unfortunately, attention-seeking becomes a pattern of be-haviour that’s hard to break.

My first parenting mentor Prof. Maurice Balson, author of Becoming Better Parents, be-lieved that children who constantly seek attention are generally discouraged. “I am not good enough” is their belief.

The antidote to discouragement according to Balson, was to increase the amount of en-couragement that a child or young person received. Encouragement, literally meaning ‘to give heart or courage’ focuses on the processes of improvement, effort, enjoyment and contribution.

The latter, contribution, is the most potent of these processes. Kids will usually belong to their families in two ways. They are either contributing members, or are known for their poor behaviour. For kids known for poor behaviour, their usual way of operating shows a mindset of “If I’m not appreciated, at least they’ll know I’m around”.

Attention or appreciation? There’s no contest. Appreciation is the genuine deal when it comes to helping kids feel good about themselves.

Why appreciation works

Appreciation is highly motivating. Even adolescents will generally respond to a parent’s ap-preciative comments, although their faces won’t always not show it.

Appreciation has an old-brain connection. The job of our old brain or survival brain, is to keep us safe. Our safety can only be guaranteed if we are a part of a group, so parent ap-preciation helps kids feel secure, preventing them from resorting to negative attention-seeking behaviour to feel part of the group.


– a parenting skill for the ages


Appreciation is approval on steroids

Approval says I like what you do. Appreciation means much more. It shows how behaviour impacts on another person on an emotional level, which has a stronger impact.

Showing appreciation is a wonderful way to shape a child’s behaviour in positive ways. “Thanks so much for cleaning your toys away without asking. It makes my life so much easier.” This type of comment will usually generate a dopamine (feel-good chemical) re-sponse from a child, which means they are likely to repeat the behaviour to replicate the feeling.

How appreciation works

There are four rules to be mindful of, when you show appreciation:

It must have meaning

Appreciation must be real and related to a specific behaviour for it to be effective.

It should let child know the emotional impact of their behaviour

Either with words (“It makes me feel happy”) or through non-verbals (a smile, a hug or high-five) your child should see that their behaviour has had a positive impact on you.

It should be genuine

You can’t fake sincerity with a child or young person as they are generally adept mood de-tectives. It’s best if it has small differences

Showing appreciation is not a one-size fits all behaviour. Appreciation should be shown a way that matches the situation and suits your child. Consider writing a note to show ap-preciation for something special. Boys often prefer private encouragement rather than public acknowledgement so consider when and where you shower them with encourage-ment.

Positive side effects

There are plenty of positive side effects to showing appreciation for a behaviour. An appre-ciative parent comment helps create a healthy, happy family atmosphere. Appreciation can change the mood of the giver and receiver and it’s a behaviour that if adopted by children can be experienced by the next generation. That makes parent appreciation a behaviour for the ages.

Michael Grose

Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s an award-winning speaker and the author of 12 books for parents including Spoonfed Generation, and the bestselling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It. Michael is a former teacher with 15 years experience, and has 30 years experience in parenting education. He also holds a Master of Educational Studies from Monash University specialising in parenting education

Hall-Thorpe Sports provides fun and edu-cational care for children outside of

school hours. Our program encourages an active and healthy lifestyle with a focus on

the children’s interests

The service is conveniently located on the school grounds and offers a fun filled

Vacation Care Program.

To book a spot in our program please call 46 387 965 or visit


Check out some photos on our Hall-Thorpe

Sports Facebook page.