Instructor’s Guide ©2015 The Transportation Learning Center Signal Power Distribution Inspection & Maintenance Overview Instructor Guide 207: Signal Power Distribution Inspection and Maintenance Module 1: Signal Power Distribution Inspection and Maintenance Overview PREVIEW ONLY

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Instructor’s Guide

©2015 The Transportation Learning Center

Signal Power Distribution Inspection & Maintenance Overview

Instructor Guide

207: Signal Power Distribution Inspection and Maintenance Module 1: Signal Power Distribution Inspection and Maintenance


Page 2: PREVIEW - Transit Training Network

Instructor’s Guide

©2015 The Transportation Learning Center

Signal Power Distribution Inspection & Maintenance Overview

Table of Contents





General Schedules …………………………………………………………………………………………...78

Record Keeping………………………………………………………………………………………………..79



Page 3: PREVIEW - Transit Training Network

Instructor’s Guide

©2015 The Transportation Learning Center

Signal Power Distribution Inspection & Maintenance Overview


Purpose The purpose of this module is to:

ObjectivesAt the end of this lesson, the signal maintainer will be able to:

MaterialsMandatory Make sure you have the following

Optional You may also want the following for optional



• provide the participant with an overview for

maintenance and inspection of signal power


• PowerPoint Presentation

• Coursebook

• Quizzes

• Pencils

• Related agency-specific policies and


• Chalk board with chalk, large paper with

marker, etc.

• Internet connection

• Lab, simulator or rail line for use


• Electrical Safety Rules

• Regulatory Books: CFR Title 49

• Describe safety practices as related to performing

inspection & maintenance for signal power distribution.

• Identify and explain the use of tools signal power

distribution inspection and maintenance.

• Identify agency specific schedules for signal power

distribution inspection and maintenance.

• Describe inspection and maintenance documentation

for reporting as per agency regulations.


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Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 240 min This section: 30 min (7 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

Riders depend on us.


Predict the differences between the

approach boundaries?

Why is this important?

Randomly call on participants to share

possible answers.

Advance Slide

PPT slides 2REVIEW introduction slides


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PPT slide 6Thinking back to other courses or just in

general, what would you recommendations

or instructions would you give to a new

signal maintainer regarding any work on

power distribution systems?

Allow participants to think for a

minute and write down

any ideas. Allow participants to share

ideas with another participant.

Discuss participant

responses and if possible list them on

a chalk board or similar.

Advance Slide

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 240 min This section: 30 min (7 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

ASK participants what

they already know



Course book

Pen or pencil


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PPT slide 7 Each federal agency provides the baseline for

compliance in areas of safety, testing,

maintenance, and record keeping pertaining

to track circuits. This module uses the

guidelines outlined in FRA §236 for

inspection, testing, maintenance and repair as

the minimum standard. Each rail transit

authority may prescribe additional or more

stringent guidelines. The FRA guidelines also

prescribe standards to ensure that personnel

working with, and affected by, safety-critical

train control system related products receive

appropriate training and testing.

One focus of this module is on the practice of

safety for signal maintainers working around

power distribution for signal systems.


REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 240 min This section: 30 min (7 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 7 As such, this module enhances standard

safety policies of the participant’s rail transit

system as well as the principles of safety

covered in your orientation and in Course 100

of this series of courses, particularly the

module on Signal Maintainer Worker Safety.

Safety extends to the proper use of tools

when inspecting and maintaining signal power

distribution systems. This module discusses

the safe use of standard tools the signal

maintainer can expect to use when working

on signal power distribution systems.

Every rail transit system adheres to strict

record-keeping and timetables for inspection

and maintenance. These practices ensure the

safety of rail passengers, workers, and

properties. This module gives a thorough

overview of maintenance record keeping.


REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 240 min This section: 30 min (7 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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©2015 The Transportation Learning Center


PPT slide 9 To prevent injuries, the signal maintainer must

complete training & testing, follow supervisor

and mentor lead, follow agency rules and

procedures, maintain careful and accurate

records, and use reference material when


Personal safety is critical for a signal

maintainer. Personal safety includes, but is

not limited to, proper response to potential

hazards and knowledge of electrical safety


In addition to personal safety, a signal

maintainer must also exercise care in the

personal safety of others including other

signal maintainers.

Advance Slide

REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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©2015 The Transportation Learning Center


PPT slide 12 An estimated 30,000 non-fatal electrical shock

accidents occur each year. Over 200 people

die from electrocution each year on average

in the United States. In addition, equipment

may be damaged due to static electricity

discharge when working with low voltage

components in particular. Precautions must

be taken to ensure a signal maintainers safety

as well as to protect equipment.

The physiological effects of electricity on a

human body can occur by way of burns and

nerve damage. Resistance of electrical

current conducted through a body will result in

energy dissipation in the form of heat. While

the effect is similar to damage caused by an

open flame, electrical burns can also occur

beneath the skin of a victim even affecting

internal organs.


REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 13 Grounded or double-insulated equipment will

reduce the likelihood of exposure to defective

insulation since double-insulated tools have

two insulation barriers and no exposed metal


Advance Slide

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PPT slide 14 Wires must be of appropriate gauge and size

for intended use as the wire must be able to

handle the current safely. Likewise, the

insulation must be appropriate for the

intended voltage and environmental

conditions with terminations reliable and

protected. In the event wires are

inappropriately sized or insulation is

insufficient, an electrical hazard can occur.

Overcurrent protection devices in a circuit,

such as a fuse or circuit breaker, must be

sized appropriately. If the breakers or fuses

are too big for the wires they are supposed to

protect, an overload in the circuit will not be

detected and the current will not be shut off.

Overloading leads to overheating of circuit

components (including wires) and may cause

a fire

Advance Slide

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Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 17 Wet conditions can provide an easy path

for electrical current. Touching a live wire or

other electrical component including live

electrical parts causes by damaged

insulation, while standing on a wet surface

will cause a shock. Wet clothing, high

humidity, and perspiration can also reduce

resistance and increase the chances for


Advance Slide

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Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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©2015 The Transportation Learning Center


PPT slide 18 Catenary wires and third rails are

sometimes present in some rail installations.

Careful consideration must be taken when

performing inspection and maintenance on

signal power distribution systems containing

these components. Both catenary wires and

third rails are high voltage and can produce

fatal shocks. Most overhead powerlines

carrying commercial power feed are not

typically insulated. Contact with these

overhead wires can cause a fatal shock.

Proper clearance distance from powerlines

must be maintained. The minimum distance

for voltages up to 50kV is 10 feet. For

voltages over 50kV, the minimum distance is

10 feet plus 4 inches for every 10 kV over

50kV. Material and equipment should always

be stored away from overhead powerlines. Advance Slide

REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 19 Burns that occur from arc blasts are due to

thermal radiation and intense light. The use of

proper clothing, work distances, and

overcurrent protection can help reduce this

risk. Wave blasts which can occur with a

25,000-amp arc can result in a force of

approximately 480 pounds on the front of the

body at 2 feet away. While these wave blasts

can throw individuals away from the arc and

resulting thermal radiation, serious ear

damage and memory loss due to concussion

can still occur. The pressure waves can also

send equipment flying and can knock over

walls. The melting of equipment is another

risk of an arc flash. As equipment melts down,

droplets of molten equipment metal can be

projected by the arc blast. These droplets can

cause burns and/or fires even at distances of

10 feet or more away. Advance Slide

REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 22 Employees required to enter into confined or

enclosed spaces shall be instructed as to the

nature of the hazards involved, the necessary

precautions to be taken, and in the use of

protective and emergency equipment

required. §1926.21(6)(i)

Although OSHA's construction standard does

not have a confined space standard,

construction contractors come under OSHA's

general industry confined space standard

when working in a building where the owner

comes under OSHA's confined space

standard (Miles 1994).


Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

REVIEW slides



confined space policy

and procedures

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PPT slide 22 An alternative approach is to declare that

employees are not allowed to enter permit-

required confined spaces and prevent such

entrance by locks or other effective means. If

work is required in a confined space, it can be

reclassified as a non-permit required confined

space by eliminating the hazards; such as

locking out equipment so it can’t be used.

Confined Space is space that: is large

enough and so configured that an employee

can bodily enter and perform assigned work

and has limited or restricted means of ingress

or egress, such as, but not limited to:

Ductwork, Manholes, Tanks, Tunnels, and


Confined space is not designed for

continuous occupancy.


Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

REVIEW slides



confined space policy

and procedures

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PPT slide 22 Has air, gas, steam or water under pressure.

Is found to have excessively high

temperatures that may cause dehydration.

Has the potential to cause injury by


Contains any other recognized health and

safety hazard.

Non-Permit Required Confined Space

(NPRCS) is: A confined space that does not

contain known or potential hazards

(atmospheric or otherwise) that might or will cause serious illness, injury or death.Provide participants and direct them to

write in their course book any related

agency-specific policy or procedures

related confined space.

Advance Slide

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

REVIEW slides



confined space policy

and procedures

Course book

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PPT slide 23 • Notify all personnel that equipment and

circuitry must be shut off, locked out, and

tagged out. (Simply turning a switch to off

is NOT enough.)

• Shut off energy sources and lock

switchgear in the OFF position. Each

worker should apply his or her individual

lock. Do not give your key to anyone.

• Test equipment and circuitry to make sure

they are de-energized. This must be done

by a qualified person*.

• Deplete stored energy (for example, in

capacitors) by bleeding, blocking,

grounding, etc.

Advance Slide

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Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 24 • Apply a tag to alert other workers that an

energy source or piece of equipment has

been locked out.

• Make sure everyone is safe and

accounted for before equipment and

circuits are unlocked and turned back on.

Note that only a qualified person* may

determine when it is safe to re-energize


*OSHA defines a “qualified person” as

someone who has received mandated training

on hazards and on the construction and

operation of equipment involved in a task.

Provide participants and direct them to

write in their course book any related

agency-specific policy or procedures

related to lockout/tagout.

Advance Slide

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

REVIEW slides



lockout/tagout policy

and procedures

Course book

Pen or pencil


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PPT slide 25 Consideration for one’s own personal safety

is paramount prior to signal power distribution

inspection, maintenance, testing. Equipping

personnel with the proper PPE and knowing

the hazards of the job site will help ensure a

safe working environment.

Personal protective equipment (PPE),

should always be utilized when working with

any element of the signal power distribution

system. All PPE required for general signal

maintenance as covered in earlier courses is

also required for maintenance and inspection

of signal power distribution systems.


REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 25 In addition to PPE recommended for general

signal maintenance covered in earlier

courses, PPE utilized for power distribution

should also include:

• Fire retardant uniforms

• Shoes meeting electrical standards

• Hot gloves for high-voltage work

• Safety glasses or shields

• Nonconductive head and/or face


Wearing a fire-retardant uniform made of

approved materials for resistance to arc flash

is recommended. In addition, striping should

be included to reflect and alert trains that

maintainer is on the right-of-way.


REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 25 The signal maintainer working on signal

power distribution systems should wear shoes

or boots that meet electrical standards made

of composite non-conducting material with

an electrical hazard (EH) rating and insulated

to help ground electricity from accidental

contact with live circuits or electrical

equipment. Selecting footwear with a rubber

soles can provide resistance to slips, water,

and abrasion, therefore providing additional

safety for the wearer. As mandated by OSHA

and local public employee safety and health

agencies, no steel-toe shoes should be worn

when working on any component or system of

power distribution.


REVIEW slides

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________


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PPT slide 26 The NFPA list the items which should be used

for the protection of a technician working on

electrical equipment. The items are

recommended based on the Category of the

Hazard Risk with which the technician is

confronted. The NFPA list includes the

following rules:

• When flame-resistant clothing is worn to

protect an employee, it should cover all

ignitable clothing and allow for movement

and visibility.

• Wear nonconductive head protection

wherever there is a danger of head injury

from electric shock or burns due to contact

with live parts or from flying objects

resulting from electrical explosion.


Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

REVIEW slides


Agency-specific PPE

policy and procedures

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PPT slide 26 • Hand and arm protection shall be worn

where there is possible exposure to arc

flash burn.

• Insulated soles should not be used as

primary electrical protection. Where

insulated footwear is used as protection

against step and touch potential, dielectric

overshoes should be worn.

• Employees required to work inside areas

designated as an Arc Flash Hazard

Locations are required to wear FR rated

pants and shirt or a set of FR rated

coveralls with a minimum arc rating of 8

(cal/cm2 ) over non melting clothing and

underclothing in addition to the minimum

PPE is required when working in an Arc

Flash Shock Hazard environment.


Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

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Agency-specific PPE

policy and procedures

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PPT slide 27 In the event of an emergency condition

contact the appropriate departments such as

the Power Dispatcher, the Controller and/or

local 911. Typically, when an emergency call

is sent to 911, the employee shall also notify

the control center or Power Dispatcher of the

emergency. An employee who is witness to a

person contacted by Third rail/Overhead wire

or any other dangerous electrical device must

immediately request the traction power be de-


Always follow your transit agency’s policy and

guidelines for working on or around electrified


Provide participants and direct them to

write in their course book any related

agency-specific policy or procedures

related to working around electrified

circuits. Advance Slide

Module Length: 240 min Time remaining: 210 min This section: 60 min (28 slides) Section start time: ________ Section End Time: ________

REVIEW slides



general guidelines for

electrified circuits policy

and procedures

Course book

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