Presentation about Our College 赴赴 FSU 赴赴

Presentation about Our College 赴美 FSU 四期. Contents ● Organization of presentations ● Delivery of information ● Usage of language ● How to start your presentation

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Presentation about Our College

赴美 FSU 四期


● Organization of presentations● Delivery of information● Usage of language● How to start your presentation● Introduction about the college● Introduction about the programs

Organization of Presentation

◎ Transparency of structure (have a clear beginning, middle and end) ◎ Organization of content (clearly identify the main points and supporting points) ◎ Level of information (start in the audience's area of interest)

Delivery of information◎ Image (Do you want to appear formal or informal, relaxed or high-powered?) ◎ Audience features (What are their interests? How do they feel?) ◎ Non-linguistic techniques (use of suitable body language and eye contact) ◎ Linguistic techniques (voice audibility and clarity, variation in pace and pitch, pauses, questions and humor)◎ Technical support (use of visual aids, e.g. slides, diagrams on a flipchart, transparencies and power point)

Use of Language◎ Vocabulary (choose the right word for spoken rather than written language) ◎ Grammar (assemble the sentences correctly in terms of language forms) ◎ Pronunciation (stress words correctly)◎ Fluency (variation in sentence structure and length)◎ Speed (link your ideas, and don't talk too quickly)

How to start your presentation

◎ Opening remarks◎ Self-introduction----name and position◎ The title/ subject of the presentation◎ The purpose of the presentation◎ The length of time the presentation will take◎ The main parts or points included◎ When the audience may ask questions

Useful Sentences for Introduction◎ Opening remarksGood morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about…Thank you very much for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …Ladies and gentlemen. It’s an honor to have the opportunity of addressing such a distinguished audience.

Useful Sentences for Introduction◎ Self-introduction----name and positionMy name is XXX Tang, and I am the teacher from School of Foreign Languages. 外语学院Business School 商学院 Software School 软件学院Art School 艺 术 学 院 Burial Education School 殡仪学院Social Administration School 社会管理学院Social Work Department 社会工作学院School of Electronic and Information Engineering 电子信息工程学院Medical Recovery School 医学院Cultural Communication School 文化传播学院

Useful Sentences for Introduction◎ The title/ subject of the presentationWhat I’d like to do today is to provide you with some general information about XXX. What I’d like to do today is to talk about XXX.The subject of my presentation today is ...I’d like to tell you today about...Now, I’d like to give you a brief presentation about ...

Useful Sentences for Introduction◎ The purpose of the presentationHopefully, this introduction can help you gain/ get a better understanding of our college.I hope the brief introduction will help shed some light on our college.

◎ The length of time the presentation will takeI will take only ten minutes of your time this morning.The presentation will last about 5 minutes.

Useful Sentences for Introduction◎ The main parts or points includedMy talk today consists of two parts. One is... and the other is...I shall first talk about ... and then touch on... and finally discuss...I've divided my presentation into four parts. In the first part I give a few basic definitions. In the next section I will explain….In part three, I am going to show...In the last part I would like/want to give a practical example.

Useful Sentences for Introduction◎ When the audience may ask questionsIf you have any questions, please feel free to ask at the end of my presentation.We have set aside ten minutes for the questions following the presentation.Feel free to stop me at any time for questions.Since there’s quite a lot to cover, I’d be grateful if you’d hold any questions until the end of my talk.

Useful Sentences for Conclusion◎ Ending a presentationThese were the presentation that I want to cover today. Thank you for your time and attention.In conclusion/ closing/ a word/ brief…This is all I want to say about XXX and I hope this brief introduction has helped shed some light on our college.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeI. History It has been established jointly by the Ministry

of Civil Administration of China and Hunan Province.

It was firstly founded/ set up by the Ministry of Civil Administration of China in 1984, and was upgraded as a vocational college in 1999. It won the excellent grade in the talent training performance evaluation being held by the Ministry of Education in 2004.

Now it is one of the first 28 National Demonstration Vocational Colleges which were authorized in 2006.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeII. Location

The college is situated in the southeast of Changsha, a famous historical and cultural city in the central south of China. The campus, set in pleasing environments of green plants, lawns and trees, covers a space of 1217 mu of land, with a total floor space of 450,000 square meters.

Hundred, thousand, million, billion

Brief Introduction about the CollegeIII. Teachers and Students At present, there are more than 600

full-time teachers, over 190 associate professors. Up to now, over 17,000 full-time students have been enrolled in 47 majors respectively from 31 provinces.

30% teaching staff has high professional titles, 80% of them are qualified in both teaching and practice.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeIV. Schools of our college The college has 10 schools such as Social Administration School, Social Work Department, Burial Education School, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Business School, Art School, School of Foreign Languages, School of Software, Medical Recovery School, Cultural Communication School.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeV. Facilities The college has invested more than 90 million RMB on the teaching equipments and the library has a collection of 1.56 million books. The whole campus is covered with Internet, and above 240 multimedia classrooms have been equipped with electronic whiteboards. Meanwhile, there are about 258 labs in campus, and over 334 practice bases have been set up in Changsha, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeVI. Hardware The college owns two standard sports fields, a swimming pool, a gym and an outdoor cultural square for traditional activities.

Since our college has successfully won the bid for hosting the Provincial University Games in 2014, a new stadium and a new gym are under construction.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeVII. Future Development In the future work, with the development of the society, the college will deepen the reform of education with a greater stride to cultivate more talents merged with lofty idea, knowledge and ability, daring to undertake practical work and create new thoughts, having stronger ability to perform one task and higher potential to develop themselves, so that the college can be an example of vocational colleges in the whole nation, providing the society with more and better, advanced and specialized workforce in the fronts of production, construction, service and management.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeVIII. Teaching Reformation1. Tutorial System In order to guide the course selection, learning and employment, new students are provided with professional tutors so as to promote the development and healthy growth of students.

2. Curriculum network display systemAll of the courses are displayed to the students through the campus network and the platform of worlduc.com.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeVIII. Teaching Reformation3. The teaching facilities are opened everydayTeaching facilities are opened throughout the day, in order to improve students’ independent learning ability and meet their needs.

4. Warning system for student achievementSufficient warning to the students whose annual credits are not enough.

Brief Introduction about the CollegeVIII. Teaching Reformation5. Carrying out credit systemIn credit system, students are selecting courses and teachers under the assistance of their tutors.

6. Information technologyWith the second-generation digital campus network, more than 240 multi-media classrooms are equipped with electronic whiteboards.

新校训 New College Motto

爱 众 亲 仁 博 学 笃 行 Love all equally and close to the

people of great virtue To learn extensively and fix your


Brief Introduction about the College

Introducing the School

◎ History (the year your school was set up)◎Number of specialties / programmes/ departments◎ Number of teaching staff◎ Number of students enrolled◎ Teaching facilities (labs, practice bases)◎ Achievements (rewards and prizes)


◎A brief introduction about the School of Foreign languages

◎A brief introduction about the Business English Department

◎Business School was set up/ established/ founded in 1999. ◎ Currently it has specialties/ programs( 专业 ) like/ including... ◎ It has 55 full-time teachers, and the number of students in school is 1,508.◎ The school has a highly-qualified teaching staff/ an excellent teaching staff ( 师 资 队 伍 ) of 71 full-time teachers, including 4 guest professors, 9 associate professors, 32 lecturers, and 5 foreign teachers from Europe, America and Japan.

Sentence Structure

◎ The School has set up 14 language labs, 10 professional practice rooms on campus ( 校内实训室 ) and more than 30 practice bases off-campus( 校外实训基地 ). ◎ After years of practice, the school has achieved more results:◎The School has made prominent achievements with concerted efforts by actively carrying out teaching and research work.◎This School boasts one state-level excellent course (English for Business Correspondence), four province-level excellent courses, and one "National Distinguished Teacher".

Sentence Structure

Pre-departure Preparation

◎ Prepare an introduction about your school and major within 5 minutes. Try to make use of the sentence structures you’ve learned.

◎Make a PPT about your school and major and upload it to your Space in worlduc.com.