Prepared & Prepared & Presented by Presented by Mukhtar Farid Mukhtar Farid In the name of Allah the most Beneficial the most Merciful

Prepared & Presented by Mukhtar Farid

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Prepared & Presented by Mukhtar Farid. In the name of Allah the most Beneficial the most Merciful. Surah Al-Fatiúah is read minimum of Seventeen Times in a day in Obligatory Prayers. No doubt we must follow the Manners of recitation of Holy Quran for reading all the Quran. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prepared & Prepared & Presented by Presented by Mukhtar FaridMukhtar Farid

In the name of Allah the most Beneficial the most Merciful

Surah Al-Fatiúah is read minimum of Seventeen Times in a day in Obligatory Prayers.

No doubt we must follow the Manners of recitation of Holy Quran for reading all the Quran.

However the act which we perform the most is programmed in our mind and thus not much of the care is paid.

Following Slides showing Ayat describing the manners of reading Holy Quran

�ه� �الل �ع�ذ� ب ت آن� ف�اس� �ق%ر� ت� ال� أ ��ذ�ا ق�ر �ه� ف�إ �الل �ع�ذ� ب ت آن� ف�اس� �ق%ر� ت� ال� أ ��ذ�ا ق�ر ف�إ

� ج�يم �ط�ان� الر0 ي �م�ن� الش0 ج�يم �ط�ان� الر0 ي م�ن� الش0• 16:98. So when you recite

the Quran, [first] seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled [from His mercy].

�ه% � ل �م�ع%وا ت آن% ف�اس� �ق%ر� �ذ�ا ق%ر�ىء� ال �ه% و�إ � ل �م�ع%وا ت آن% ف�اس� �ق%ر� �ذ�ا ق%ر�ىء� ال و�إ�ح�م%ون %ر� %م� ت 0ك �ع�ل � ل %وا �نص�ت ح�م%ون�و�أ %ر� %م� ت 0ك �ع�ل � ل %وا �نص�ت 7:2047:204 و�أ

• 7:204. So when the Qur’an is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive mercy.

�ه% آن �ع� ق%ر� 0ب �اه% ف�ات �ن أ ��ذ�ا ق�ر �ه%ف�إ آن �ع� ق%ر� 0ب �اه% ف�ات �ن أ ��ذ�ا ق�ر ((75:1875:18)) ف�إ

75:18. So when it is read then follow (With all your mind) its recitation.

Allah says in verse 75:16 (O Mohammad) do not haste with reading but read it such that every word is followed properly

It may be for its meaning as well follow the instruction recited to you

�ه% �ان �ي ب �ا �ن �ي ع�ل �ن0 إ %م0 �ه% ث �ان �ي ب �ا �ن �ي ع�ل �ن0 إ %م0 ث

75:19. Then upon Us is it’s clarification

The Arabic text from Ayat 16 to 19 is so beautiful that rhythm could not be translated.It is very clear that when you read and follow every word Allah takes responsibility to explain you the Ayat;

“what are the commandments”.

There are three verbs used There are three verbs used for reciting/reading Quranfor reciting/reading Quran

آن� ر� أ�ت� ال�ق� ر� ق�

آن� ر� ت!ل� ال�ق� ر�

م� ي�ت�ل�ون� ك�ت�اب� الل.ه� او ي�ت�ل�و ع�ل�ي�ه�آي�ات�ه�

The Word Quran is from The Word Quran is from Qura Qura أ أقـر� ”i.e. “To Read” i.e. “To Read قـر�

آن� ر� ال�ق� أ�ت� ر� Translated as ق�

Read or recite Quran

آن� ر� ت!ل� ال�ق� Translated as read Quran ر�with correct pronunciations

م� آي�ات�ه� ي�ت�ل�ون� ك�ت�اب� الل.ه� او ي�ت�ل�و ع�ل�ي�ه�Yatlu is translated as “rehearsing” Or read Ayat with emphasizing on the meaning of it

or explaining to follow the commandments

Allah assigned task of explaining Quran Allah assigned task of explaining Quran

to the Prophet (PBUH)to the Prophet (PBUH)

م� يه� ف� ب�ع�ث� �ذ� إ ن�ين� ال�م�ؤم� ع�ل�ى الل?ه� م�ن. د� ل�ق�آي�ات�ه� م� ع�ل�ي�ه� ي�ت�ل�و م� ه� س� أ�نف� م!ن� Dوال س� ر�

إ�ن و� ة� ك�م� ال�ح� و� ال�ك�ت�اب� م� ه� ي�ع�ل!م� و� م� ك!يه� ي�ز� و� Kين�ب Mم Kض�الل ل�ف�ي ب�ل� ق� م�ن (3:164) ك�ان�وا�

3:164 Certainly did Allah confer [great] favor upon the believers when He sent among them a

Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and

teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error.

ام�وا أ�ق� ام�وا إ�ن. ال.ذ�ين� ي�ت�ل�ون� ك�ت�اب� الل.ه� و� أ�ق� إ�ن. ال.ذ�ين� ي�ت�ل�ون� ك�ت�اب� الل.ه� و�ا Sر ن�اه�م� س� ق� ز� ا ر� م. وا م� ق� أ�نف� ة� و� ال� ا الص. Sر ن�اه�م� س� ق� ز� ا ر� م. وا م� ق� أ�نف� ة� و� ال� الص.

ةD ل.ن ت�ب�ور� ار� ون� ت�ج� ج� ن�ي�ةD ي�ر� ةD ل.ن ت�ب�ور�و�ع�ال� ار� ون� ت�ج� ج� ن�ي�ةD ي�ر� و�ع�ال�

•35:29. Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend [in His cause] out of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, [can] expect a profit that will never perish

• The word used is “Yetloon” It is recitation with application.

Dوال س� ي!ين� ر� �م! و� ال.ذ�ي ب�ع�ث� ف�ي األ� ه�م� ك!يه� ي�ز� م� آي�ات�ه� و� م� ي�ت�ل�و ع�ل�ي�ه� ن�ه� م!

إ�ن ك�ان�وا ة� و� ك�م� ال�ح� م� ال�ك�ت�اب� و� ه� ي�ع�ل!م� و�

Kين�ب Mم Kل ال� ب�ل� ل�ف�ي ض� )62:2( م�ن ق�

62:2 It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from

themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom although they

were before in clear error

ق. ال.ذ�ين� آت�ي�ن�اه�م� ال�ك�ت�اب� ي�ت�ل�ون�ه� ح�ن�ون� ب�ه� و�من ئ�ك� ي�ؤ�م� لـ� و�

ت�ه� أ� ت�ال�و�ون� ر� اس� ئ�ك� ه�م� ال�خ� لـ� و�

أ� ر� ب�ه� ف� ي�ك�ف�)2:121(2:121. Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its

true recital (Rehearsal). They [are the ones who] believe in it.

And whoever disbelieves in it, they who are the losers.

ت�ه� ق. ت�ال�و� ح�The meaning of this is very deep and pages could be written to explain what is the “Haq of Tilawat” It is very clear that one

should understand what Quran asks for. It is the right of your Lord. If we say that we have submitted our will to our Lord, then, are we following each and every instructions? This is to

lead our right destination. Shaikh Yusuf Estes says Islam is the only religion which

guarantees you, “Hell Fire” if you loose your right path.

To achieve right path a To achieve right path a simple way of explanationsimple way of explanationLet us take a simple example of driving car.

We want to reach our destination safely without loosing our way. On the road there

are many signs guiding you direction. There are other signs which tells you to

drive slowly if you are about to approach a sharp curve, or steep climbing up or

climbing down. These signs are for your safety. Similarly Quran has many signs (Ayat) and they have to be followed, to

reach our destination safely.

يم� ح� مـن� الر. ح� م� الل?ه� الر. يم�ب�س� ح� مـن� الر. ح� م� الل?ه� الر. ب�س�

1:1. In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

• When we read this Ayat we should imagine “We are opening our communication with Allah and imagine that He is the most merciful.

ين� ب! ال�ع�ال�م� د� لل?ه� ر� م� ب! ال�ع�ال�م�ين�ال�ح� د� لل?ه� ر� م� ال�ح�

1:2 All praise is due to Allah alone, the Sustainer of all the worlds

• When we read the first two words

• “ د� لل?ه� م� we should ask a question ”ال�ح�the praise is to whom? “It is for the Lord of Worlds.” Imagine the entire universe and beyond. Swim in this imagination.

يم� ح� الر. مـن� ح� يم� الر. ح� الر. مـن� ح� الر.

1:3 The Most Gracious, the Dispenser of mercy

You are talking to the Lord, again reminding yourself that he is the

most merciful.

ـال�ك� ي�و�م� الد!ين� ـال�ك� ي�و�م� الد!ين�م� م�

1:4 Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.Or Lord of the Day of Judgment

Bring in your imagination you are standing in sea of people around you. Expecting his mercy. It is

the day of result of our deeds.82:19 [It will be] a Day when no human being shall

be of the least avail to another human being: for on that Day all sovereignty is God's

alone. Kئذ يــو�م� مر� أل و�ا يـeا ش� Kنفسeل Kنفس تم�لك� ال ي�و�م�


ت�ع�ين� �ي.اك� ن�س� �ي.اك� ن�ع�ب�د� وإ ت�ع�ين�إ �ي.اك� ن�س� �ي.اك� ن�ع�ب�د� وإ إ

1:5 It is You we worship and we ask you for help.

Consider in your imagination that you are in front of your Lord and need help. And why we ask Him the help because we worship Him alone, so we cannot

ask help from anyone else. What help? To guide us to the right path

يم� الم�ست�ق� اط� ر� الص! ـــا يم� اهد�نـ� الم�ست�ق� اط� ر� الص! ـــا اهد�نـ�1:61:6 Guide us to the straight path

Repeat the request as He listen. If you ask right things from bottom of your Heart He may grant

You are standing in front of King of King. Who has every power and thus your way of request must be very humble way.

م� غ�ير� اط� ال.ذ�ين� أ�نع�مت� ع�ل�يه� ر� ص�ال!ين� م� و�ال� الض. وب� ع�ل�يه� الم�غض�

The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger

or of those who are astray. You are asking for

right path, path of those who received His favor Their destination is Heaven

Not the path of those who evoked anger of Allah. They did not obey his instructions and lost their path ending in a very wrong place. “The Hell Fire”

Imagine and fear Him so that when Allah look at you He may boast his mercy as you are afraid to loose path

So be on Right Path and follow all signs given which directs you to

Haven or ……

ا Dور ا ك�ف� إ�م. ا و� Dر�اك ا ش� �ن.ا إ�م. إب�يل� د�ي�ن�اه� الس. ه�

76:3 Verily, We have shown him the way: and it rests with him to prove himself

either grateful or ungrateful.

ة� اخ. اءت� الص. إ�ذ�ا ج� ة�ف� اخ. اءت� الص. إ�ذ�ا ج� ف�But when there comes the Deafening Blast

يه� ء� م�ن� أ�خ� ر� رM ال�م� يه�ي�و�م� ي�ف� ء� م�ن� أ�خ� ر� رM ال�م� ي�و�م� ي�ف�On the Day a man will flee from his brother

ب�يه�� أ ه� و� م!

أ� و�And his mother and his father

ب�ن�يه� ب�ت�ه� و� اح� و�ص�And his wife and his children,

أ�نe ي�غ�ن�يه� ئ�ذK ش� م� ي�و�م� ن�ه� ل�ك�ل! ام�ر�ئK م!For every man, that Day, will be a

matter adequate for him.