Information Age An in depth look at the An in depth look at the exciting history of the exciting history of the Calculator and Computer” Calculator and Computer”

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Information Age

““An in depth look at the An in depth look at the exciting history of the exciting history of the

Calculator and Computer”Calculator and Computer”

AbacusAbacus PascalPascal LeibnizLeibniz BabbageBabbage Early ComputersEarly Computers Electronic ComputersElectronic Computers TransistorTransistor Personal ComputerPersonal Computer AdvancementsAdvancements Noteworthy ContributorsNoteworthy Contributors


5,000 years ago5,000 years ago Asia MinorAsia Minor 5-bead5-bead

Blaise Pascal

PascalinePascaline Numerical wheelNumerical wheel

Invented 1642Invented 1642 Add & subtract onlyAdd & subtract only Series of ten-toothed wheelsSeries of ten-toothed wheels

6, 8 ?6, 8 ? Each tooth represented a digitEach tooth represented a digit

0 to 90 to 9

Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz

Philosopher and mathematicianPhilosopher and mathematician 16491649 Improved Pascaline Improved Pascaline

Multiply and divideMultiply and divide BirthBirth

CalculatorCalculator Personal computers ?Personal computers ?

Charles Babbage

Difference EngineDifference EngineWith Augusta Ada King With Augusta Ada King

First actual computerFirst actual computerStores informationStores informationAccepts dataAccepts data

Early Computers MechanismsMechanisms

Rotating shafts and gearsRotating shafts and gearsUsed during both world warsUsed during both world wars

Predict torpedo coursePredict torpedo course Analog computerAnalog computer

Vacuum TubesVacuum Tubes Digital computerDigital computer

Electronic Computers Electronic Numerical Integrator and Electronic Numerical Integrator and

Computer (ENIAC)Computer (ENIAC) 19461946 U. of PennsylvaniaU. of Pennsylvania

John P. Eckert, Jr.John P. Eckert, Jr. 18000 tubes18000 tubes Much more speedMuch more speed

1000x Mark I1000x Mark I

UNIVAC I & EDVAC I Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC I) Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC I)

First to use CPUFirst to use CPU John von NeumannJohn von Neumann mid 1940’smid 1940’s

Transistor 1950s1950s Smaller and fasterSmaller and faster Smaller components neededSmaller components needed Longer lifeLonger life Less expensive Less expensive

Personal Computer Intel 4004Intel 4004

1st Microprocessor1st Microprocessor Altair 8800 (1975)Altair 8800 (1975)

8-bit Intel 8080 Microprocessor8-bit Intel 8080 Microprocessor256 bytes RAM256 bytes RAMDIP switch input & LED outputDIP switch input & LED output

Apple II (1977)Apple II (1977)1st true PC1st true PC


Integrated CircuitsIntegrated Circuits PCBsPCBs VLSIVLSI GraphicsGraphics SoftwareSoftware

Herman HollerithHerman HollerithTabulating Machine (late 1800s)Tabulating Machine (late 1800s)IBM (1924)IBM (1924)

Alan TuringAlan TuringProgrammable Machine (1936)Programmable Machine (1936)

John von NeumannJohn von NeumannFirst Electronic ComputerFirst Electronic ComputerEDVAC (1945)EDVAC (1945)

Noteworthy Contributors

Noteworthy Contributors Bardeen, Brattain, ShockleyBardeen, Brattain, Shockley

Bell LabsBell LabsTransistorTransistor

Gates & AllenGates & AllenMicrosoft (1975)Microsoft (1975)BASIC for AltairBASIC for Altair

Jobs & WozniakJobs & WozniakApple Computer (1976)Apple Computer (1976)GarageGarage

Points to Ponder Computer TechnologyComputer Technology

Incredibly rapid advancementIncredibly rapid advancementSlowing ?Slowing ?

Supply & demandSupply & demand Modern ComputersModern Computers

Voice commandVoice commandCD imagingCD imagingVirtual Reality Virtual Reality