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  • Hotel English

  • telephone reservation

    revising the reservation

    cancel the reservation

    Basic Procedures

    Chapter 1 Reservation Service

  • Nowadays Hotel advance reservation business is the introduction of a computerized reservation Network linking different hotels in a hotel chain with each other, with airline seat reservation system and with the computer terminals in the offices of travel agencies. Thus the guests reservation is very convenience. Guests can go simply to either agency or an airline office or to have their reservation in the Hotel they like.

  • O: Good evening. Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Id like to reserve a room.

    O: Hold on, please. I will put you through to the reservation department.

    R: Good morning. Room Reservations. May I help you?

    G: Id like to reserve a room for 2 nights.

    R: What kind of room would you like, sir?

    G: I would like to have a double room.

    R: May I have your name and phone number, please?

    G: John Black. J-O-H-N B-L-A-C-K. And my telephone number is 008 528 382 268.

    R: J-O-H-N B-L-A-C-K. Mr. Black. Your telephone number is 008 528 382 268. When are you going to arrive here?

    G: Next Monday. February 28th, I think.

    R: Very well. I would like to confirm your reservation. A double room for 2 nights from February 28th to March 1st. Am I all right?

    G: Absolutely. Thank you.

    R: Its my honor to serve you. We are looking forward to serving you

    G: Thats fine. Good-bye.

    R: Good-bye.

    Receiving a Reservation

    (R= Receptionist O= Operator G= Guest )

  • ( R= Receptionist GL= Group Leader )

    R: Good evening, sir. Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    GL: Yes. Id like to make a group reservation in your hotel.

    R: We have different kinds of rooms, such as single rooms, double rooms, twin rooms, different deluxe suites in Chinese, Japanese, Roman and Presidential styles. Which kind of room would you like?

    GL: I think we would like to have 16 double rooms and one deluxe suite in Chinese style.

    R: For which date?

    GL: From January 6th to January 10th.

    R: Wait a moment, please. I am going to check the room availabilities for those days.

    (After a short while)

    Thank you for your waiting, maam. The rooms you want are available at that time. May I know the name of the group?

    Tour Group Reservation

  • ( R= Receptionist GL= Group Leader )

    GL: British Business Delegation.

    R: British Business Delegation. May I have your name and telephone number?

    GL: John White. And the number is 886 660 67.

    R: Mr. White. Id like to confirm your reservation. 16 double rooms and one deluxe suite in Chinese style from January 6th to January 10th for 4 nights for British Business Delegation Group. And your phone number is 886 660 67. Is that all right?

    GL: Exactly. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

    R: Its my honor to be at your service. I am looking forward to serving you. Good-bye.

    Tour Group Reservation

  • (R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Great Wall Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to reserve a room for 3 days, please.

    R: Whats the type of room that you like?

    G: Id like to have a single room. And I want to stay at your hotel from October 5th to October 7th.

    R: Wait a moment, please. I am going to check the room availabilities for those days.

    (After a short while)

    Thank you for your waiting, sir. We have no single room at that time. Would you like to have a double room instead of a single room?

    G: Whats the difference?

    Face to Face the Reservation

  • (R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: The main difference is the bed in the double room is nearly as 2 times big as the one in the single room, so you will feel more comfortable in the double room. Furthermore, the price of a double room per night is 880 RMB, at the meantime, the single room is 580 RMB per night.

    G: Sounds not bad. Okay, Ill have it.

    R: May I have your name and phone number, please?

    G: Simon Smith. S-I-M-O-N S-M-I-T-H. And the number is 886 680 08.

    R: Mr. Smith. Id like to confirm your reservation. A double room from October 5th to October 7th for 2 nights. And your phone number is 886 680 08. Is that all right?

    G: Exactly. Good-bye.

    R: Okay. Mr. Smith. I am looking forward to serving you. Good-bye.

    Face to Face the Reservation

  • (R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good evening, sir. Welcome to HuaTian Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to revise my room reservation.

    R: Could you tell me under whose name was the reservation made?

    G: Under my name. Smith. S-M-I-T-H.

    R: For which date?

    G: From December 12th to 23rd.

    R: Okay. Ive found the record of the reservation. How would you want to revise your reservation?

    G: I would like to postpone the reservation 3 days later, because my schedule has been changed a little bit.

    R: So, Mr. Smith, your reservation would be revised from December 15th to 26th.

    G: Yes. Thats all right. Thank you.

    R: Its my pleasure. One more thing, Mr. Smith. Is your telephone number still the former one we have?

    G: Yes, absolutely.

    R: Okay. Mr. Smith. Thank you for your calling us. We are looking forward to seeing you.

    Revising the Reservation

  • (R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good morning. Changcheng Grand Hotel. Room Reservations. May I help you?

    G: Id like to cancel a reservation since my schedule for the following days has been changed.

    R: Thats ok. Could you tell me under whose mane was the reservation made?

    G: Black. B-L-A-C-K.

    R: And what was the date of the reservation?

    G: From June 20th to June 23rd for 3 nights.

    R: Excuse me, but is the reservation for yourself or for another party?

    G: Its for the General Manager in my company.

    R: Well. May I have your name and phone number, please?

    G: Yes, its Jennifer Green, and my number is 838 638 29.

    R: Thank you, maam. I will cancel Mr. Blacks reservation for June 20th for 3 nights. My name is Rachel Wu and we look forward to another chance to serve you.

    G: Thank you all the same, Miss Wu.

    R: Its my pleasure. Good-bye.

    Cancel the Reservation

    Dialogue 5

  • (R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Room Reservations. Good evening. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to reserve a single room for August 5th.

    R: Just a moment, please. Im sorry, sir. We are fully booked on that date.

    G: Oh. What a pity.

    R: Is it possible for you to change your reservation date?

    G: No. Thats not possible.

    R: Would you like us to put you on our waiting list and call you in case we have a cancellation?

    G: Thats very kind of you. But could you recommend me another hotel which wont be full up?

    R: Yes, of course. Where would you rather like to be, in the downtown or in the suburbs?

    G: In the downtown. Because the main part of my schedule is in the downtown.

    G: In that case, I would suggest that you try International hotel.

    G: Do you know what the rate per night for a single room is there?

    R: It will be 380 RMB per night.

    G: I see. One last thing, could you give me the telephone number?

    R: Yes. Its 838 2666. Shall I call the hotel for you now?

    G: No. Ill do it myself. Thank you very much for your help. Good-bye.

    R: Good-bye. And thank you for calling us.

    No empty Rooms

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    1. Good morning. Room Reservations. May I help you?

    2. Its my honor to be at your service.

    3. Could you tell me under whose name was the reservation made?

    4. Thank you for your waiting, maam.

    5. How many of your people?

    6. For which date?

    7. Im sorry, sir. We are fully booked on that date.

    8. I really appreciate your help.

  • 16~20m2

    Knowledge Tips

  • Practical Training

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good evening, sir. Shangri-la Grand Hotel. ______________________

    G: Yes. _________________________________

    R: For which date?

    G: From this Friday to Sunday.

    R: From this Friday to Sunday. Thats from June 6th to 8th. Wait a moment, please. I am going to check the list. Sorry, sir.

    ________________________________________ How about a double room?

    G: Id like to stay in your hotel. Okay. A double room is not bad.

    R: ___________________________________________

    G: John Smith. My phone number is 838 855 38.

    R: Mr. Smith. Your phone number is 838 855 38. Am I correct?

    G: Yes, absolutely. Thank you. Goodbye.

    R: Its my pleasure. Mr. Smith. _______________________________

    Room reservations. May I help you?

    Id like to reserve a single room in your hotel.

    The single rooms are not available on these days.

    May I have your name and phone number, please?

    We are looking forward to serving you.

  • Situation A

    Mr. Black wants to book a double room with a bath in the hotel for October 16th to 18th. The receptionist answers his phone and helps him to reserve.

    Situation B

    Mr. Smith wants to reserve a room in the hotel for January 5th to 8th. However, all the rooms are fully booked. The receptionist helps him to get a room in another hotel.

    Practical Training

  • Practical Training

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good evening, sir. . May I help you?

    G: Yes. .

    R: ?

    G: John Smith.

    R: ?

    G: .153

    R: Was the reservation made for yourself or someone else?

    G: Its made for me. , I have no enough time to stay in your town at that time.

    R: Ill cancel Mr. John Smiths reservation from January 5th for 3 nights. We are looking forward to another chance to serve you.


    G: No. Thats all. Goodbye.

    R: Goodbye. Mr. Smith.

    Welcome to Shangri-la Grand Hotel

    Id like to cancel a reservation

    In whose name was the reservation made

    What was the date of the reservation

    From January 5th, for 3 nights

    Because my itinerary has been changed

    Is there anything else I can do for you

  • Dear Sir,

    1. My family and some of my friends wish to spend about a week at your hotel. We require two double rooms with a private bath, and one twin room with a shower.

    2. From one local travel service I have learnt that Western Lake is the right place for holiday. On a list of recommended hotels I found the name of your hotel.

    3. I am looking forward to your early reply.

    4. Would it be possible to let us have these rooms for the period from January 15th to 21st? Kindly let us know your terms.

    Yours sincerely,

    Peter Cooper

    Practical Training


  • 1.







    8. 500

    Practical Training

  • Practical Training

    1. I would like to reserve a single room in your hotel.

    2. How many guests are there going to be?

    3. Could you please arrange that for us?

    4. Which type of room would you prefer, single room or double room?

    5. Whats the date of the reservation?

    6. I am going to check the room abilities on these days.

    7. Id like to confirm your reservation.

    8. A double room with a front view is 500 RMB per night.

  • registration

    receiving the advance reservation

    extending stay

    Basic Procedures

    Chapter 2 Reception Desk

  • Receptionist

    Receptionists often work for businesses like spas, doctors offices, and salons which provide services to the public. In these positions, a receptionist makes appointments, keeps track of the schedule, keeps staff members updated about their bookings for the day, and handles client records. A receptionist will also answer questions for people about the services that the business offers, and he or she typically checks people in for appointments and deals with any paperwork, which clients may have to fill out. Receptionists are also expected to handle client payments in many cases.

  • Content

  • Reservation

    (R= Receptionist B=Bellman G= Guest )

    B: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Thank you.

    B: How many pieces of luggage do you have?

    G: Just this two.

    B: Two red bags. Is that all right?

    G: Yes.

    B: Ill show you to the Front Desk. This way, please.

    G: Okay. Thank you.

    R: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to have a room in your hotel.

    R: Do you have a reservation, sir?

    G: Im afraid not. Im just a walk-in.

    R: Okay. What kind of room would you like to have?

    G: A standard room with one big bed for three nights.

    R: How many of you?

    G: Only myself.

    R: Just a moment, please. Let me check the list. May I have your name, please?

  • Reservation

    (R= Receptionist B=Bellman G= Guest )

    G: John Smith.

    R: Okay. Mr. Smith. We have one standard room with one big bed. Could you give me your passport and fill in this registration form?

    (After a short while)

    R: Mr. Smith. You are requested to pay a deposit of 1200 RMB. How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    G: In cash. Here you are.

    R: Okay. Mr. Smith. Here are your passport and room card. And your room number is 8618 on the 16th floor. The bellman will send your luggage to your room. Wish you have a good stay in our hotel. Goodbye.

    G: Thank you. Goodbye.

    B: Mr. Smith. Please let me show you to your room. This way, please.

    G: Ok.

  • ( R= Receptionist G=Guest )

    Receiving the Individual

    R: Good evening. Welcome to Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to have a room in your hotel.

    R: Have you made a reservation with us, sir?

    G: Im afraid not.

    R: What kind of room would you like to have?

    G: A single room. Im alone.

    R: I would like to know your departure time.

    G: I will stay in your hotel for 2 nights. I will leave for Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

    R: Just a moment, please. Yes, there is one on the 6th floor facing the street.

    G: Could you change another one for me. I like to have a sleep since I feel kind of tired. Im afraid the room facing the street is noisy.

  • ( R= Receptionist G=Guest )

    Receiving the Individual

    R: Okay. Theres one on the same floor.

    G: How much is it?

    R: 380 RMB per night.

    G: Sounds good. Ill take it.

    R: May I have your passport, please? And could you fill in the registration form?

    G: Okay.

    (The receptionist checks the passport and the form)

    R: Heres your passport. How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    G: In cash.

    R: Here is the room card. Wish you have a good stay in our hotel.

    G: Thank you.

  • ( R= Receptionist G=Guest )

    Receiving the Advance Reservation

    R: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. I want to have a room in your hotel here.

    R: Have you made a reservation, sir?

    G: Yes. Ive booked a room in your hotel.

    R: May I have your name, please?

    G: Allan Scott.

    R: Wait a moment, please.

    (After checking the list)

    Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Scott. Yes. We do have your reservation. You have booked a single room from today to December 15th for 3 nights. The rate of the room is 380 RMB per night. Am I correct?

    G: Yes. Thats all right.

    R: Could you let me have a look at your passport? And would you please fill in this registration form?

    G: No problem. Here you are.

    R: Thank you.

  • ( R= Receptionist G=Guest )

    Receiving the Advance Reservation

    (After a short while)

    R: Thank you. Mr. Scott. Here is your passport. And you should pay a 800 RMB deposit. How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    G: In cash. Here you are.

    R: Thank you. Mr. Scott. Here is your room card. Wish you have a good stay in our hotel.

    G: Goodbye.

  • ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    Receiving a travel group

    R: Good evening. Welcome to Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Im John White, the tour leader of American Happiness Travel Service. We have a reservation with your hotel.

    R: Just a minute, please. Let me check the list.

    (After checking the list)

    Yes. Mr. White. We do have your reservation. You have reserved 18 double rooms for 3 nights. Is that all right?

    G: Yes.

    R: Have you got a group visa, Mr. White?

    G: Yes, here you are.

    R: Thank you. And could you fill in the registration form, please?

    G: Okay.

  • ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    Receiving a travel group

    (After a short while)

    R: Heres your group visa, Mr. White. And you have 12 rooms on the 12th floor from Room 8212 to Room 8223 and the others are on the 15th floor from Room 8506 to Room 8511. And here are the room keys. Please have a check.

    G: Thats very well. Thank you very much.

    R: Its my pleasure. Mr. White. The bellmen will send the baggage to your rooms. Wish you have a good stay in our hotel.

    G: I will. Goodbye.

    R: Goodbye.

  • ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    Extending the Stay

    R: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. I would like to extend my stay in your hotel as I have more meetings in Beijing. Im Robert Cooper, the tour leader of American Happiness Travel Service. We have a reservation in your hotel .

    R: May I know your name and room number?

    G: Robert Cooper, in Room 8606.

    R: How long would you like to extend your stay?

    G: 2 more nights.

    R: So youd like to extend your stay here for another 2 nights. Let me check the list, please.

  • ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    Extending the Stay

    (After a short while)

    Mr. Cooper. Room 8606 has been reserved tomorrow afternoon. So could you move to Room 8608 tomorrow morning?

    G: Okay, no problem.

    R: Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Cooper. And theres only 80 Yuan in your account. Because of the hotel policy and your extension, you are requested to pay a 1000 RMB. How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    G: In cash. Here you are.

    R: Thank you. Here is the receipt. And we will contact you tomorrow morning at 10 am.

    G: For changing the room. Okay. Goodbye.

    R: Goodbye. Mr. Cooper. I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.

  • Dialogues

    1. operator [5'preit ] n. ,

    2. international [ int(:)'nnl ] a.

    3. rate [ reit ] n.

    4. minimum ['minimm ] a. ,

    5.prefix ['pri:fiks] n. n. ,

    6. code [ kud ] n.

    7. urgent [ ':dnt ] a.

    8. transfer [ trns'f: ] v.

    9. standard [ 'stndd] ] a.

    10. enquiry [ in'kwairi ] n. ,,

    11. directly [ di'rektli ] ad.

  • Dialogues

    12. response [ ris'pns ] n.

    13. dial [ dial ] v.

    14. consult [ kn'slt ] v.

    15. directory [di'rektri] n.

    16. schedule ['skedul ] n. ,,,vt. ,,,

    17. accommodate [['kmdeit ] vt. , , ,

    18. medium [ 'mi:djm ] n. ,,,,;,

    19. colleague [ ' 'kli:g ] n. ,

    20. person-to-person call

    21. IDD (international direct dialing )

  • Sentences for Imitation:


    1. How many pieces of luggage do you have?

    2. Just a moment, please. Let me check the list.

    3. Could you give me your passport and fill in this registration form?

    4. Have you got a group visa, Mr. White ?

    5. Have you made a reservation with us, sir ?

    6. How long would you like to extend your stay?

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Offering help

    1. The bellmen will send the baggage to your rooms.

    2. You are requested to pay a deposit of 1200 RMB.

    3.Here are your passport and room card.

    4.Heres your group visa, Mr. White.

    5.Thank you. Here is the receipt.

  • According to Harold Marcuse, reception history is the history of the meanings that have been imputed to historical events. It traces the different ways in which participants, observers, historians and other retrospective interpreters have attempted to make sense of events both as they unfolded and over time since then, to make those events meaningful for the present in which they lived and live.

    Knowledge Tips

  • Practical Training

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good evening. May I help you?

    G: Yes. I have a reservation for a single room in your hotel.

    R: May I have your name, please?

    G: John Smith.

    R: Wait a moment, please. ______________Yes. Mr. Smith. We do have your reservation. May I have a look at your passport?

    G. Yes, here you are

    R: ?

    G: Okay. Do you have a pen?

    R: Sure. Here you are.

    G: Thank you. Heres the form. _____________

    R: Yes, of course. Please pay 900 RMB in advance. How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    G: In cash. Here you are.

    R: Thank you. I hope you enjoy your stay in our hotel.

    G: Thank you.

    Shangri-la Grand Hotel.

    registration form

    has a bath.

    your passport

    kept you waiting.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 1

    Mr. Black has just arrived at the hotel. He has made and wants to check in. The receptionist helps him to do that.

    Situation 2

    Mr. White wants to extend his stay in the hotel because of his business. The receptionist helps him to achieve that.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 2:

    Reservationist= R Guest= G

    R: Good morning sir, What can di for you ?

    G: Good morning, Im going to check out today according to my travel schedule, but have too extend my stay in Shanghai for business for three more days.

    R: May I know your room number ?

    G: 1125.

    R: Just a moment, I ;ll check the record, well, I got the record. You ll check out this morning, October 23nd, is that right?

    G: Yes, now Im going for another 3 days.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 2:

    Reservationist= R Guest= G

    R: Im sorry, Mr. Green .This room has been reserved by other guest. Well

    arrange another single room for you, room 2106 .

    G: That will do, Thank you.

    R: Would you rewrite the departure date with the 25th ? Thank you. Hope

    you enjoying your stay inn our hotel.

  • ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. I would like to have a room in your hotel.

    R: Do you have a reservation?

    G: Yes. I have made a reservation about a standard room here.

    R: ____________________________________________________ ?


    G: ,

    but the reservation name is Robert Black. And the date should be around 3 days ago.

    Could you tell me when and who made the reservation

    Im not sure of the date due to the time difference

    Practical Training

  • Practical Training

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Wait a moment, please. .

    Yes, here we are. Mr. Black. May I have a look at your passport?

    G: Here you are.

    R: ______________________________________________?

    G: 3 nights, I think.

    R: Okay. Mr. Black. Please fill in this registration form. And heres your passport.

    G: Okay. ?


    R: Yes, please.

    G: Okay. Here you are.

    Ill check our reservation list

    And how many nights do you want to stay here

    Do I need to sign my name here

  • Practical Training




    4. ?


    6. 600


    8. 2

  • Practical Training

    1. Have you made a reservation with us, sir?

    2. How would you like to pay, in cask or by credit card?

    3. May I have a look at your passport?

    4. Would you please fill out the registration form.

    5. I hope I could have a sound sleep tonight.

    6. Excuse me. Please pay a deposit of 600 Yuan.

    7. Were so glad that youve extended your stay in our hotel.

    8. I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay in your hotel for

    two days.

  • check in services & show the guest to his/her room

    delivery of luggage

    ticket- booking service

    Basic Procedures

    Chapter 3 The Bellman

  • Bellman


    bellman bellman

  • Content

  • Check in Services

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest FA= Floor Attendant )

    R: Good evening, Miss. Welcome to Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to a room here.

    R: Do you have a reservation with us?

    G: Yes. I booked a single room 3 days ago. My name is Elizabeth Smith.

    R: Please let me check the list, please. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Yes. Miss Smith. We do have your reservation. Please fill in this registration form. And may I have your passport?

    G: Here you are.

    R: Thank you. And heres your passport. May I confirm your departure time?

    G: Yes. I am leaving tomorrow morning.

    R: Please pay 500 RMB for the deposit. How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    G: In cash. Here you are.

    R: Thank you, Miss Smith. Here are the room card to Room 8809 and the receipt. The bellman will deliver the luggage to your room. Wish you have a good stay in our hotel.

    G: Thank you. Bye.

    R: Goodbye. Miss Smith.

  • Show the Way to Her Room

    ( G= Guest FA= Floor Attendant )

    FA: Good evening, Miss. May I help you?

    G: Yes. I dont know where my room is.

    FA: May I have your room card, please?

    G: Yes, of course. Here you are.

    FA: Room 8809. Its near here. Follow me, please.

    G: Thank you.

    FA: Here we are.

    (The FA opens the door for the guest)

    After you, please.

    G: Thank you.

    FA: Youre welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    G: No, thanks. Thats all.

    FA: Wish you have a good stay with us. Goodbye.

  • ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    Delivery of Luggage

    (The door bell is ringing)

    G: Who is it?

    B: The bellman, sir. I have delivered the luggage to you.

    G: Okay. Come in, please.

    B: Thank you, sir. I am sorry for the delay. Heres your luggage. Please have a check.

    G: Two red suitcases. Yes, they are mine.

    B: Where should I put it?

    G: Just leave it here.

    B: Okay. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    G: No, thanks. Heres the tip. Please take it.

    B: Thank you. Wish you have a good stay in our hotel. Sorry to have interrupted you. . Goodbye.

    G: Goodbye.

  • ( R= Receptionist G=Guest )

    Ordering A Taxi

    B: Good evening, Sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to take a taxi to have a visit in the city. But I cant speak Chinese. So could you help me to take a taxi?

    B: Its my honor to help you.

    G: Thank you very much.

    B: How much do you know about the city?

    G: This is the first time that I have been here. So I know little about the city. Could you give me some suggestions?

    B: Okay. There are so many interesting places to visit in the downtown such as Local Gods Temple, Yuyuan Park and so on. You can also have a good shopping there.

    G: Sounds very good. Bus as I said, I am a stranger.

    B: Thats a piece of cake. Heres the name card of Hotel. Take it and you will know how to get back here. And I can write down the places youre going to visit on this paper. Remember to show this to the taxi driver, please.

    G : Okay. Thank you so much. Goodbye.

    B: You are welcome. Wish you have a pleasant visit today. Goodbye.

  • ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    Ticket- Booking Service

    B: Good morning, Miss. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to book three airplane tickets to Shanghai.

    B: When would you like to leave, Miss?

    G: The coming Friday. It will be better in the evening

    B: Which one do you like, the economical class or the first class?

    G: The economical class.

    B: Okay. May I have your passport? We need a copy about that. And we also need your name and room number.

    G: Okay. Here you are. Elizabeth Black. Room 8506.

    B: How do you spell Elizabeth?

    G: E-L-I-Z-A-B-E-T-H.

  • ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    Ticket- Booking Service

    B: Miss Black in Room 8506. Three tickets of economical class to Shanghai on this Friday, February 26th. Is that all right?

    G: Yes, absolutely.

    B: Please pay a deposit of 2600 RMB in advance. How do you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?

    G: In cash. Here you are.

    B: Okay. Thank you. Miss Black. I am going to call you this evening at 7 pm and send the tickets to you.

    G: Okay. Thank you. Goodbye.

    B: Youre welcome. Wish you have a pleasant stay with us. Goodbye.

  • Dialogues

    1. deliver [ di'liv ] vt. , , ,

    2. attendant ['tendnt ] n. ,,a. ,

    3. departure [di'p:t ] n. , , ,,,

    4. bellman [`belmn ] n. ,

    5. tip [tip] n. , ,

    6. interrupt [ int'rpt ] v.

    7. pleasant ['pleznt ] adj. ,

    8. temple [ templ ] n. , ,

    9. advance [ d'v:ns ] n. , , vt. ,,

  • Sentences for Imitation:


    1. And may I have your passport?

    2. May I confirm your departure time?

    3. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    4. When would you like to leave, Miss?

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Offering help

    1. Heres the name card of Hotel.

    2. And we also need your name and room number.

    3. Please pay a deposit of 2600 RMB in advance.

    4. I am going to call you this evening at 7 pm and send the tickets to you.

  • Knowledge Tips

    Cool things you can do with a luggage cart.

    The title of this post says cool things. I am not going to limit myself to just cool things but different things. There are so many ways you can use your cart instead of just for your luggage. By the time you finish reading this you will surely want one as you will see it can address not only your luggage needs but other ones as well.

    Here are some interesting ways you can use your luggage cart:

    a. Small or Home Office

    b. Moving

    c. Paperwork

    d. Gardening

    e. Racing

  • ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    B: Good evening, Sir. Welcome to Changcheng Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Thank you very much. Its really heavy.

    B: How many do you have?

    G: Just these three.

    B: One red bag and . Am I right?

    G: Yes. Thats right.

    B: for you, please. Ill show you to the Front Desk. This way, please. I will put the luggage by the post there.

    G: Okay. No problem. Thank you.

    B: How is your trip?

    G: Really exhausted. Too much luggage.

    B: Im sorry to hear that. in our hotel.

    G: Certainly. Thank you very much.

    B: Youre welcome. .

    Practical Training

    pieces of luggage

    two black suitcases.

    Let me take the luggage

    Wish you have a good stay

    We are always at your service.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 1: A guest has just arrived at the hotel with a lot of luggage. The bellman greets him and then helps him take the luggage to the front desk.

    Situation 2: Mr. Smith who is staying in the hotel wants to book an airplane ticket to Shanghai. The bell captain helps him to reserve the tickets and sends the tickets to his room.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 1

    ( B= Bellman G= Guest

    B: Im the bellman to bring your luggage, sir.

    G: Come inn please. Thank you , sir.

    B: Here is your luggage . One suitcase and a small handbag. Is that right?

    G: Yes, thatd right. Thank you. By the way, could you tell me if there is a resturant for my dinner ?

    B: Yes, sir. It is on the eight floor.

    G: How about your dinner service ? I want to go there with my fiends .

    B: We have very good Chinese resturant and Western resturant , which serve

    good Chinese and Western food.

    G: Thats sounds good. Thank you for your information.

    B: You are welcome , sir if you want to make a reservation, here is the brochure.

    G: Thank you.

    B: Please call me if you need any help, Goodbye

  • ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    B: Good morning, Miss. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Id like to call a taxi. Could you do that for me?

    B: Certainly, where are you going?

    G: .

    This is my first time that I have been in Hangzhou.


    B: .

    I want to visit the Western Lake

    Please give me some advice

    Its good for you to book a return tour by taxi.

    Practical Training

  • G: Ok. Ill take the return tour by taxi.

    B: Please wait a moment. .

    The taxi is expected to come in 15 minutes. .


    G: Sounds good.

    B: Excuse me, Miss. Your taxi is coming.

    G: Thank you very much.

    B: Youre welcome. Have a good trip.

    Ill get in touch with a taxi dispatcher.

    You could have something to drink in the lobby bar while waiting.

    ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    Practical Training

  • Flight Ticket Confirmation Form

    Surname: SmithGiven Name: RobertPassport No.: 100 003 206Room No.: 8506From: Shanghai To: BeijingFlight No.: CA 156Date: 2010.09.10Time: 3:30 PM Price: 1500 RMBDeposit: 1800 RMBInsurance: 20 RMBContact person: Lily ZhangContact Tel: 886 665 56As per your request, the hotel is pleased to assist procuring on your behalf the services of the Ticket Agency. This service is subject to the terms and conditions as may be imposed by the airline companies. Hotel should not be responsible for any flight delay or cancellation etc.Guest Signature: Robert SmithDate: 2010.09.02

  • 1.







    8. 2

    Practical Training

  • 1. Im very sorry for the delay, sir.

    2. Welcome to our hotel. Please allow me to help you with the luggage.

    3. Ill let someone send the luggage to your room soon.

    4. You have two pieces of luggage. One black suitcase and one leather bag. Am I right?

    5. Are these your luggage? May I take them for you?

    6. Please mind your hands in the revolving door.

    7. Please leave the luggage to me. Ill send them to your room.

    8. I would like to reserve 2 train tickets to Beijing.

    Practical Training

  • Chapter 4 At the Information Desk

    showing the way/inside the hotel, outside the hotel

    introduction some scenic spot and shopping center

    about the traffic

    Basic Procedures

  • Beijing is an ancient city with a long history.

    Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing,

    which was called Ji at the moment, had been

    named capital of Yan. Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital. Therefore, Beijing was famous for "Capital of a thousand years". As Beijing has been confirmed home city of Olympics 2008, the spirit of "green Olympics, scientific Olympics and humanized Olympic" will surely bring more and more changes to Beijing, promote the development of sports and Olympics in China as well as in the world, and strengthen the friendly communications between Chinese and foreign people.

    Introduction of Beijing

  • Content

  • Showing the Way inside the Hotel

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    R: Good evening, sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Could you tell me where the business center is?

    R: Yes. Its on the second floor. Opposite to the elevator.

    G: And where is the elevator?

    R: Walk straight along the corridor. You will find the elevator is at the end of the corridor on your right. You cant miss it.

    G: Thank you very much.

    R: You are welcome

  • Showing the Way outside the Hotel

    ( G= Guest FA= Floor Attendant )

    R: Good evening, sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Could you tell me where Culture Exhibition Center is?

    R: Yes. Its in the downtown, next to the municipal government building.

    G: How can I get there?

    R: The simplest way is taking a taxi. Theres a taxe station next to our building.

    It will cost you about 20 RMB to be there. You can also take Bus 228 because the traffic is convenient now. It will take you about half an hour.

    G: Thank you very much.

    R: You are welcome.

  • ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    Introduction Some Scenic Spot and Shopping Center

    R: Good evening, sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Since this is the first time I have been here, could you give me some introductions of the city? I want to visit some famous and interesting places.

    R: Yes. Our city has a long history dating back to 3 000 years ago. There are so many interesting scenic

    spots in the city, such as Dongpo Park, Puji Temple and so on. If you are fond of Chinese culture, you can go Dongpo Park to have a visit to know about the culture of Chinese ancient construction. Furthermore, you can go to Puji Temple to communicate with the local monks while having a look at the statues of Buddhas, Arhats, Bodhisattva and so on.

    G: Sounds very interesting. I also want to have a shopping. Any suggestions?

    R: You can go to the downtown. There are so many shops selling clothes, local handicrafts, etc. You can buy a lot as souvenirs. You can also enjoy local specialties there.

    G: Okay. Thank you very much. I think I will have a good trip today in your city. Goodbye.

    R: Certainly. Wish you have a good trip.

  • ( R= Receptionist G=Guest )

    About the Traffic

    R: Good evening, sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Could you tell me something about the situation of the transportation around the hotel? Because this is the first time Ive been here.

    R: Ok. No problem. Its really convenient here because therere stations of taxi, bus, and subways near our hotel. You can find it in front of our hotel.

    G: Could you give me some suggestions? You know. Traffic jams or something like that.

    R: Yes. If you want to go to the downtown or the airport, you should take subway. That can help you save a lot of time. And if you want to have a good view in the city, you can take public buses. And one more suggestion. Taking a taxi is very efficient, but not during the rush hour.

    G: Thank you. I think I can figure it out now. Goodbye.

    R: Its my pleasure to help you. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask me for help. Wish you have a good stay in our hotel.

  • Dialogues

    1. elevator [ 'eliveit ] n. ,

    2. opposite [ 'pzit ] adj. , ,

    3. straight [streit] ] a. ,;, adv. ,

    4. corridor ['krid ] n. ,

    5. exhibition [eksi'bin ] n. ,

    6. municipal [mju:'nisipl ] adj. , ,

    7. scenic ['si:nik ] adj. , ,

    8. Buddha ['bud ] n.

    9. arhat [`':ht] ] n. []

    10. Bodhisattva [ budi'stv ] n.

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Inquiring the service

    1. Could you tell me where the business center is?

    2. Could you tell me something about the situation of the

    transportation around the hotel ?

    3. Could you tell me something about the city?

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Offering help

    1.Its on the second floor. Opposite to the elevator.

    2. Walk straight along the corridor.

    3. You cant miss it.

    4. You can also take Bus 228 beacuse the traffic is convenient now.

    5. Its in the downtown, next to the municipal government building.

    6. Our city has a long history dating back to 3 000 years ago.

  • Knowledge Tips

    Great Wall (Changcheng )

    The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon, is one of the great wonders of the world.Unlike other Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites, the Great Wall embraces such broad dimensions that nothing else can compare with. It runs across Northern China from east to west, providing protection to agricultural civilization and ancient trading routes. It spans the history of China from past to present, witnessing the rise and fall of powers and dynasties

  • Practical Training

    R: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Im new here, so I know little about Suzhou.

    _____________________________________ ?

    R: No problem. I suggest you first visit some famous historic places, such as Humble Administrators Garden, Tiger Hill and Zhouzhuang Town.


    G: Really? _______________________ Could you tell me how to get there?

    R: Certainly.

    Could you tell me some places to visit?

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

    as a part of the spirit of the city.

    I will take your advice.

  • Practical Training

    R: Certainly. __________________________________________

    You can take No. 1 Traveling Bus to go there directly for the first two places while you should go to the bus station to take the bus to Zhouzhuang.

    G: Thats good. Thank you very much. I think I must have a good memory of Suzhou.

    R: Last but not the least. ______________________________

    Its going to rain according to the weather forecast.

    G: Okay. Goodbye.

    R: Goodbye.

    The transportation system is very convenient.

    You need to bring your umbrella.

    ( R= Receptionist G= Guest )

  • Situation 1A guest, Mr. Black, wants to know the way to the bus station because he is leaving the city next day. He is asking the receptionist for help.

    Situation 2Mr. Smith who is a stranger in Beijing want to visit some famous scenic spots in the city. He is asking the receptionist for help..

    Practical Training

  • Situation 2: Mr. Smith who is a stranger in Beijing want to visit some famous scenic spots in the city. He is asking the receptionist for help

    Practical Training

  • Practical Training

    ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    R: Good evening, sir. This is the Information Desk. May I help you?

    G: Yes. I tried to contact Mr. Smith in Room 8506 but he was out. Could you help me to do that?

    R: Hold on, please. Im afraid he is not in. Would you like to leave a

    message? _______________________________

    G: Yes. Please ask him to call me back as soon as he arrives at the


    Please ask him to call me back as soon as he arrives at the hotel.

    Would you like to leave a message ?

  • Practical Training

    ( B= Bellman G= Guest )

    R: Certainly, sir. May I know whos speaking, please?____________________________________

    G: Robert Black.

    R: Yes, Mr. Black. May I have your phone number, please?

    G: Its 865-553-36.

    R: 865-553-36. Is that the complete message?___________________________

    G: Yes, thats all.

    R: Please let me confirm your message. The message is for Mr. Smith in Room 8506 from Mr. Robert Black. Please call him back at 865-553-36 when he arrives at the hotel. Is that correct?

    G: Thats right. Thank you

    R: Youre welcome. Please dont hesitate to contact us if you have any further inquiry. ______________________________________________________

    Is that the complete message ?

    Please dont hesitate to contact us if you have any further inquiry.

    May I know whats your name?

  • Practical Training





    5. 3000




  • 1. Im very sorry for the delay, sir.

    2. Welcome to our hotel. Please allow me to help you with the luggage.

    3. Ill let someone send the luggage to your room soon.

    4. You have two pieces of luggage. One black suitcase and one leather bag. Am I right?

    5. Are these your luggage? May I take them for you?

    6. Please mind your hands in the revolving door.

    7. Please leave the luggage to me. Ill send them to your room.

    8. I would like to reserve 2 train tickets to Beijing.

    Practical Training

  • types of telephone calls & overseas call

    leaving a telephone message answering guests inquries

    Basic Procedures

    Chapter 5 Telephone Operator

  • What is a telephone operator ?

    A telephone operator is a person who provides assistance to a telephone caller, usually in the placing of operator assisted telephone calls such as calls from a pay phone, collect calls, calls which are billed to a credit card, station-to-station and person-to-person calls, and certain international calls which cannot be dialed directly. Meanwhile, the operator is the way through that a telephone company offering telephone services to subscribers. For example, users of a mobile phone will register with a mobile phone operator to receive services.

  • Content

  • An Overseas Call

    ( O=Operator Guest=G )

    O: Operator. May I help you?

    S: Yes. Id like to make an international call.

    O: Certainly, sir. Which country are you calling?

    S: Canada. Could you tell me what the rate is for Canada calls, please?

    O: Yes. The standard rate for Canada calls is RMB 4 per minute. There is an extra charge of RMB15 for a person-to-person call. Thats the rate for both operator calls and international direct dialing calls (IDD).

    S: Is there any difference in charge between IDD calls and operator calls then?

  • An Overseas Call

    ( O=Operator Guest=G )

    O: With operator-assisted calls there is a minimum charge of three minutes, but there is no minimum charge for IDD calls. Moreover, the hotel will collect 15% as service charge from IDD calls.

    S: Well, in that case, I would like to place an IDD call to my wife in Canada.

    O: All right, sir. While dial IDD, please dial 0 first, then the international prefix 00, followed by the country code, area code and the expected telephone number. Direct dials are charged from the moment the call is answered.

    S: Ok, I see. Thank you very much.

  • In-house Call Service

    ( O= Operator G= Guest )

    O: Good evening. Operator speaking. May I help you?

    S: Yes, I have something urgent to speak to my secretary, Mr. William Moseley about, but I forgot his room number.

    O: I see, sir. I will check it for you. Could you please spell his name?

    S: Ok. W, I, double L, I, A, M, William, and M, O, S, E, L, E, Y, Moseley.

    O: Thank you, sir. Just a minute, please. Thank you for waiting, sir. Mr. Moseley is staying in Room 1008. Are you calling from outside, sir?

    S: No, its a house phone.

    O: Im afraid we cannot transfer room-to-room calls. Could you make the call directly, please? You may dial 0 first, and then the room number.

    S: All right, thank you.

    O: You are always welcome, sir.

  • Leaving a Telephone Message

    ( O= Operator G= Guest )

    O: Good evening. Shangri-la Grand Hotel. May I help you?

    G: Yes. Could you put me through to Mr. Black in Room 8818?

    O: May I have you name, please?

    G: Elizabeth Smith.

    O: Hold on, please. Ill put you through.

    (After a short while)

    Im afraid theres nobody answering the call. Would you like to leave a message?

    G: Okay. Tell Mr. Black that Ive called him and want to talk about the arrangement of our following schedule. Ask him to call me back, please.

    O: Okay. No problem. I will tell Mr. Black that Miss Smith Elizabeth called him and ask him to call you back for the arrangement of the following schedule. May I have your phone number, please?

    G: 008 528 352 666 6.

    O: 008 528 352 666 6. Is that all right?

    G: Yes. Thank you. Goodbye.

    O: Youre welcome, Miss Smith. Goodbye.

  • Answering Guests Inquires

    ( O= Operator G= Guest )

    G: Id like to know the price of the meeting room in your hotel. Could you tell me something about that?

    O: Yes. We have 3 kinds of rooms accommodating different numbers of guests. Could you tell me how many of your people?

    G: About 60.

    O: That should be medium size. The medium meeting room can accommodate 50 to 80 guests. The price of that is 1200 RMB per day. For which date?

    G: The day after tomorrow. We need 3 days.

    O: Wait a moment. Please let me check the list.

    (After a short while)

    Yes. The meeting room is available at that time. Do you need to reserve it?

    G: Not now. I need to have a discussion with my colleagues. If we need, Ill call you back. Goodbye.

    O: Okay. Thank you for your calling. Goodbye.

  • Dialogues

    1. operator [5'preit ] n. ,

    2. international [ ,int(:)'nnl ] a.

    3. rate [ reit ] n.

    4. minimum ['minimm ] a. ,

    5.prefix ['pri:fiks] n. n. ,

    6. code [ kud ] n.

    7. urgent [ ':dnt ] a.

    8. transfer [ trns'f: ] v.

    9. standard [ 'stndd] ] a.

    10. enquiry [ in'kwairi ] n. ,,

  • Dialogues

    11. directly [ di'rektli ] ad.

    12. response [ ris'pns ] n.

    13. dial [ dial ] v.

    14. consult [ kn'slt ] v.

    15. directory [ di'rektri ] n.

    16. schedule ['skedul ] n. ,,,vt. ,,,

    17. accommodate [['kmdeit ] vt. , , ,

    18. medium [ 'mi:djm ] n. ,,,,;,

    19. colleague [ ' 'kli:g ] n. ,

    20. person-to-person call

    21. IDD (international direct dialing )

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Answering the phone

    1. Hello, this is Information Desk.

    2. Operator. May I help you?

    Asking someone to wait

    1. Could you wait a moment while I put you through, please?

    2. Could you hold on for just one minute, please, sir?

    Making a connection

    1. Hold on, please Ill put you through.

    2. Im putting you through now.

    3. Youre through.

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Introduce services

    1. We offer IDD and DDD service, sir.

    2. There is no charge for in-house call.

    3. A person-to-person or a station call, sir?

    4. The country codes are listed in the Service Directory in your room.

    5. The cheapest is a station-to-station call, then a person-to-person call.

    Asking for a guests details

    1. Who shall I say is calling?

    2. Can I have your name, please, sir?

    3. Could you tell me the guests room number, please?

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Taking telephone messages

    1. Im afraid Mr. Chen is in a meeting at the moment.

    2. Im afraid theres no response.

    3. Im afraid theres nobody answering the call. Would you like to leave a message?

    4. Ill pass your message to Mr. Smith, sir.

  • Knowledge Tips

    Step 1 Begin speaking immediately after the beep. No one wants to listen to dead air, so jump into stating your message right away.

    Step 2 Start by giving your name. It is not wise to assume that the person will automatically know that it is you. Answering machines can distort voices and make it hard for the person to ascertain the caller.

    Step 3 Leave a brief description of the reason that you are calling. They do not need to hear a litany of details, keep it brief and to the point. A simple, "I was calling to confirm dinner on Saturday" will suffice.

    Step 4 Speak your phone number clearly. If you need to leave a call back number, avoid rushing through the numbers. You may want to repeat the phone number again to make certain that they hear it correctly.

    Step 5 Choose a closing. It is rude to hang up without stating some type of closing. A couple of options that you can choose from are "I look forward to hearing from you" and "Please, call me as soon as you are available."

    How to Leave a Message on an Answering Machine

  • Practical Training

    ( W= Waitress S= Mr. Scoot )

    ( O= Operator G= Guest )

    O: Good evening. _____________


    _______________________________ Could you tell me how to do that?

    O: Certainly, sir. Please dial 9 first and then the area code and the number you want.

    G: I see. __________________________?

    Id like to call my business partner to continue our talk.

    O: For the calls inside the city ,____________________?

    G: _________________Thank you very much.

    O: Youre welcome. Were always at your service.

    Hotel Operator


    the calls inside Hangzhou

    please dial 9 first

    Yes, absolutely

    a long distance call to Shanghai.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 1

    A guest, Mr. Black, wants to visit his friend, Mr. Smith, staying in International Grand Hotel. He is calling Mr. Smith to let him know he is coming.

    Situation 2

    Mr. White who is staying in Shangri-la Grand Hotel wants to make a long distance call to his wife. However, he doesnt know how to do. He is asking the telephone operator in the hotel for help.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 1 : A guest, Mr. Black, wants to visit his friend, Mr. Smith, staying in International Grand Hotel. He is calling Mr. Smith to let him know he is coming.

  • Practical Training

    ( O= Operator G= Guest )

    O: Good evening. This is the Hotel Operator. May I help you?

    G: Id like to know whether your hotel has the morning call service.

    O: Yes . ()

    Would you like a morning call?

    G: Yes .6

    O: What kind of call would you like______________________ (

    G: By phone, please____________________

    O: Sure. ?

    G: Jennifer Black in Room 8509.

    O: Ok. Miss Black in Room 8509. tomorrow morning at 6 oclock. Well give you a call at that time. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    G: Thats all. Thank you.

    O: Youre welcome. Have a good sleep.

    Anyone who stays in our hotel can ask for the service.

    Id like to be woken up at 6 oclock tomorrow morning

    by phone or by knocking at the door

    I dont want to disturb my neighbors.

    May I have your room number

  • Practical Training

    1. Police Hot Line ( )

    2. Interstate ( )

    3. First Aid ( )

    4. Ambulance ( )





  • Practical Training

    5. Public Security ( ) 6. Directory Assistance ( ) 7. Weather Report ( ) 8. Information ( )





  • Practical Training









  • Practical Training

    1. Good morning. This is Grand Wall Hotel. May I help you.

    2. Please wait for a moment. Ill put you through.

    3. Im sorry to have kept you waiting.

    4. Sorry, there is no answer. Would you like to leave a message

    5. May I have your telephone number, please? So when he is back I will ask Mr. Smith to ring you.

    6. Im sorry. But I cant tell you the room number without the permission from the guest.

    7. Im afraid youve got the wrong number. This is International Grand hotel.

    8. Sorry. The line is busy. Would you like to call back later?

  • Chapter 6 Complaints

    Settling complaints about hotel facilities

    Settling complaints about food

    Settling complaints about service

    Basic Procedures

  • Deal with Complaints



  • Why guests have complaints ?



    2. ()



  • Content

  • Settling Complaints about Air-conditioner

    R: Good morning. Reception desk. Can I help you?

    S: I certainly hope so. Im very annoyed.

    R: What seems to be the problem, sir?

    S: The air-conditioner in my room isnt working and there is a large pool of

    water on the floor under it.

    R: I see. Which room are you in, sir?

    S: 1208. And whats more, Ive just tried to turn the television on and it doesnt

    seem to work. And as far as I can see, the videos not working, either.

    R: Mm. Have you put your electronic key card in the slot by the door, sir?

    ( R= Receptionist S= Mr. Smith )

  • S: What?

    R: Well, sir, electrical appliances in the room dont work unless you put the

    card in the slot.

    S: Oh, I see, well, why doesnt it say on the card? And why didnt anybody in

    reception tell me this? Andwhy is there a pool of water under the air-


    R: Im terribly sorry, sir. Ill send an engineer straight up to have a look at the


    S: If you could, please. Thank you.

    R: Thank you, sir.

    ( R= Receptionist S= Mr. Smith )

    Settling Complaints about Air-conditioner

  • C: Did you ask to see me, Mr. Smith?

    S: Yes, I did. Im very upset at the way I have been treated.

    C: Perhaps you could tell me whats the matter exactly.

    S: Its my steak.

    C: What is wrong with your steak, sir?

    S: My steak is overdone. I asked for it medium. But when I complained to your

    waitress she just ignored me.

    C: Im very sorry, sir. Im sure the waitress didnt mean to be rude. You see she

    just started out as a waitress a week ago and she doesnt understand

    English very well. She should have changed your steak. It must be a

    Settling Complaints about Bad Quality of Food

    ( C= Captain S= Mr. Smith )

  • misunderstanding, sir. Ill have the steak returned to the kitchen right away.

    (after a while)

    C: How is your steak this time?

    S: Very good! It is done just right this time. Well, there is something else. This

    wine here, I think it is corked.

    C: Are you sure, sir? This wine has been very popular with our guests.

    S: Well, here you are. Try it for yourself.

    C: No, sir. It doesnt taste wrong at all. Perhaps it is a little too sour for your

    taste. I would recommend that you try the Burgundy next time.

    S: Right. Perhaps I will.

    C: Well, I hope you enjoy your dinner.

    Settling Complaints about Bad Quality of Food

    ( C= Captain S= Mr. Smith )

  • R: Good afternoon. What can I do for you, Mrs. Smith?

    S: Quite a lot. It is hard to believe that my room has not been cleaned so far.

    R: Im sorry. It must have been an oversight by housekeeping.

    S: An oversight? What can be more annoying when you asked for dry-cleaning

    and have been told they are unavailable

    R: Thank you for pointing out this problem. I will investigate immediately.

    S: Besides, no one would like to stare at the same two oranges left in the fruit

    bowl for one week. When I asked for a little more variety, I was told most of

    the fruits were out of season. It is unbelievable.

    R: Im awfully sorry and I will report to the manager to solve the problem as

    soon as possible.

    Settling Complaints about Slowness in Service

    ( R= Receptionist S= Mrs. Smith )

  • S: Shall I have to go on putting up with such a room maid? She is rude, never saying Good morning and always slamming the door hard when she finishes turn-down service.

    R: I do apologize that you have been troubled, madam. Your room has not been cleaned today, you have had the same fruit, and the room attendant is always rude. Is that correct, Mrs. Smith?

    S: Yes, I dont want to suffer any more.

    R: I assure you that the problems wont happen again. We will try to take care of your requests very soon. Sorry again. If there is anything more you need, please let us know.

    Settling Complaints about Slowness in Service

    ( R= Receptionist S= Mrs. Smith )

  • Dialogues

    1. facility [f'siliti] n.

    2. suppose [s'puz] v.

    3. slot [slt] n.

    4. appliance ['plains] n. ,

    5. overdone [uv'dn] a. ,

    6. ignore [ig'n:] v.

    corked [k:kt] a. ()

    8. solve [slv] v.

    9. apologize ['pldaiz] v.

    10. Burgundy ['bugndi] n.

  • Dialogues

    11. recommend [rek'mend] v.

    12. oversight ['uvsait] n.

    13. slam [slm] v.

    14. investigate [in'vestigeit] v.

    15. variety [v'raiti] n.

    16. unbelievable [nbi'li:vbl] a.

    17. dry-cleaning

    18. air-conditioner

    19. put up with

    20. report to

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    1. Sorry to have kept you waiting.

    2. It shouldnt have happened.

    3. I am terribly sorry to hear that.

    4. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    1. I assure you it wont happen again.

    2. I guarantee that from now on you dont need to worry about it.

    3. I understand how you feel and we will try to do our best to help you.

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Thank you for pointing out this problem. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

  • Knowledge Tips




  • Tips


    (Name)(Room No.),


    3) , ,sir/Madam,Mr./Mrs. ,

    4) ,;,I am sorry

    to hear that.

    5) ,Sorry, can you wait a moment

    please, and I will get the manager. (,,)

    6) Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. ()I assure you that it wont happen again. (,)

  • Practical Training

    ( W= Waitress S= Mr. Scoot )

    After the meeting, Mr. Scoot is having the dinner together with his partners.

    S: Waitress, come here.

    W: Is everything to your _____________?

    S: No. The steak was______________, but it is not very fresh.

    W: Oh, sorry to hear that. I will change it for another one.

    S: So what? It is not fresh and I am not happy about it.

    W: Im sorry, sir. Do you wish to try something else? The ______________ food

    would be on the house, of course.

    S: No, I dont want to try something else, and find it is not _______again!

    W: How about a delicious _________then, with our_____________?







  • Practical Training

    ( W= Waitress S= Mr. Scoot )

    S: Im not so keen on desserts as a habit. They are fattening.

    W: I see, sir. Here is the bill. I _________ the steak on the bill. Your room number, sir?

    S: Room _______.

    W: Please sign the bill. Im sure everything will be right again the next time you come.

    S: Dont be so sure of it yet. I am very _________and demanding.

    W: I have every ____________ in our chef. Just give us another chance, youll

    find this restaurant really lives up to its name.

    S: All right. Ill come again.

    W: Thank you very much, sir.





  • Practical Training

    Situation 1: The lamp in Mr. Nobels room was broken. And no one solved the

    problems for him. He is very angry. Receptionist called Mr. Nobel to

    check the Maintenance service.

    Situation 2: Mr. Simon goes to the restaurant together with his business

    partners. He has already made the reservation of a window table.

    But when they come, the receptionist cannot find the name. So the

    receptionist has to try to find another table for them.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 1: The lamp in Mr. Nobels room was broken. And no one solved the problems for him. He is very angry. Receptionist called Mr. Nobel to check the Maintenance service.

    ( R=Receptionist N= Mr. Nobel )

    N: Hello.

    R: Good morning. Is that Mr. Nobel, Room 2049?

    N: Yes. Who is speaking, please?

    R: This is Reception, Mr. Nobel. You called us to report that there was

    something wrong with the lamps.

    N: Yes. I have never found a room with such poor facilities.

  • Practical Training

    R: I am awfully sorry about that. I am just calling to check whether the

    problems have been solved, Mr. Nobel.

    N: No, no one has come since I called you.

    R: I do apologize for that. I will check with the Maintenance Department. I

    assure you that they will come at once.

    N: Would you? Oh, here they come. Thank you.

    R: It is my pleasure. Thank you, Mr. Nobel.

  • Practical Training

    Situation2 : Mr. Simon goes to the restaurant together with his business partners. He has already made the reservation of a window table. But when they come, the receptionist cannot find the name. So the receptionist has to try to find another table for them..

    ( R= Receptionist S= Mr. Simon )

    R: Good evening, sir. For how many people?

    S: Six people.

    R: Have you made a reservation?

    S: Yes, we have booked a table for six.

    R: May I have the name, please?

    S: The name is Smith.

    R: Yes, sir. Wait a minute, please... I am afraid there is no table reservation

    marked in that name, sir.

  • Practical Training

    S: But I called this morning and I was promised a window table.

    R: I see. There must be some mistakes, sir. I am terribly sorry about that.

    S: Then what should we do?

    R: Ah, we could give you a pleasant table in the Rose Room, though it is not

    a window table.

    S: Well, I suppose we will have to manage with that, but I must tell you I am

    disappointed with your service.

    R: Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel. I assure you we will

    make every effort to make your evening here a pleasant one.

  • Practical Training

    The complaints and criticisms of the guests are always right.The hotel staff should not care about the guests who are rude.No matter what the requests are from the guests, the hotel staff must fulfill all of them immediately.When guests point out problems of the service in the hotel, staff should listen to them carefully and help them to solve the problems as soon as possible.The staff should report the problems to the superior no matter what it is.Sometimes a hotel staff can argue with the guest who are rude and speak for the hotel.







  • Practical Training

    ( C = Front Office Clerk B= Mrs. Brown )

    Mrs. Brown is calling the operator. She wants to have a talk with her colleague.

    C: Good evening, Front office. Can I help you?

    G: This is Mrs. Stevenson. Room 1387. Ive just checked in and Im not happy

    with my room.

    C: ____________________________ (?)

    G: The room is smelly and there is someones hair on my bad! I didnt expect

    such things would happen in your hotel.

    G: The room is smelly and there is someones hair on my bad! I didnt expect

    such things would happen in your hotel.

    May I know whats wrong?

  • Practical Training

    C: Im sorry to hear that, Mr. Brown. _____________________________________


    She will bring air fresher and make up the bed again for you.

    __________________________________ ()

    G: Thats fine. Thank you.

    C: Youre welcome, Mrs. Brown. My names Bob, and



    Ill send a housemaid to your room at once.

    We do apologize for the inconvenience.

    ( C = Front Office Clerk B= Mrs. Brown )

    if there is anything else we can do for you, please dont hesitate to call me.

  • Practical Training

    , , , ,,

  • Practical Training

    1. Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests.

    2. I will change for you immediately.

    3. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

    4. I assure you it wont happen again.

    5. If this dish really bothers you, I will replace it for you.

    6. I will speak to our manager about it, please dont worry about it.

  • Sending and receiving fax

    Make a photocopying


    Basic Procedures

    Chapter 7 The Business Center

  • :





  • Content

  • B: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

    S: Would you please give me two envelops and some stamps?

    B: Certainly. Which envelop do you want, average, medium-sized or extra?

    S: Average, please.

    B: How would you like them mailed?

    S: This one shall be mailed to New York by air; and this one shall be mailed

    to reach Shenyang by plane mail. How long will it take for the mail to reach


    B: It usually takes three or four days. Do you want it to get there earlier?


    ( B = Business Clerk S= Mr. Smith

  • S: Yes, it is urgent.

    B: No worry, sir. We can mail it by express.

    S: How much is it for express service?

    B: The bill is 26 yuan RMB, plus surcharge on the basis of the value of the

    mail you declare.

    S: How long does it take?

    B: An express is guaranteed to reach the addressee within 24 hours.

    S: Thats a great relief. Ill take it. How much do I have to pay altogether?

    B: Thatll be 42 yuan RMB. Ill put it on your account.

    S: Thank you.

    B: You are always welcome, sir.

    (B = Business Clerk S= Mr. Smith )


  • B: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?

    S: Yes, Ill have a very important meeting tomorrow morning, so I want to have

    some manuscripts typed.

    B: Ok, sir. How many pages?

    S: About 56 pages.

    B: When do you need them?

    S: In a few hours. Its urgent, you know.

    B: Could I have a look at one or two of them?

    S: Sure, here you are.

    B: Im afraid your handwriting is a little bit illegible to me. It takes time to make

    out. So this is likely to be a tough job.

    Typing, photocopying

    ( B = Business Clerk S= Mr. Smith )

  • S: I was so pressed for time.

    B: We will do it in turn. It will be finished in three or four hours.

    S: Thats fine. How much do you charge for this special service?

    B: We charge 50% extra, sir.

    S: OK. And I also need to have these printed photocopied.

    B: No problem. How many copies do you want, sir?

    S: Four copies, please.

    B: Would you like me to staple them, sir?

    S: Yes, please. How much should I pay altogether?

    B: Thatll be 320 RMB, sir.

    S: Here you are.

    Typing, photocopying

    ( B = Business Clerk S= Mr. Smith )

  • B: Thank you, sir. Here is the receipt. Please keep it.

    B: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

    S: Good morning. My name is Smith. Bill Smith. I am expecting a fax from a

    client in Suzhou.

    B: Just a moment, Mr. Smith. Let me have a check. May I know your clients


    S: Yes. The name is Suzhou Grand Company.

    B: Oh, Im sorry. Im afraid we havent got it up to now.

    S: But I was told they would fax it to me this morning.

    B: Dont worry, Mr. Smith. Please leave your room number and we will send it

    up to your room as soon as we get it.

    Receiving and sending Fax

    ( B = Business Clerk S= Mrs. Smith )

  • S: Ok. My room number is 1208.

    B: Is there anything else, Mr. Smith?

    S: Please send this fax to Canada. By the way, whats the rate for a fax to Canada?

    B: To Canada, its 20 RMB per minute, plus service charge. The service charge is 20%.

    S: Thats fine. Here is the fax number. Its 516234-0880. Can you do it for me as soon as possible?

    B: Certainly, sir. Would you mind signing your name on the bill here? It will be on your account.

    S: Certainly not. Here you are.

    Receiving and sending Fax

    ( B = Business Clerk S= Mrs. Smith )

  • 1. express [iks'pres] n.

    2. envelop [in'velp] n.

    3. guarantee [grn'ti:] v.

    4. manuscript ['mnjuskript] n.

    5. type [taip] n.

    6. photocopy ['futkpi] v.

    7. print [print] v.

    8. staple ['steipl] v.

    9. receipt [ri'si:t] n.

    10. fax [fks] n.

    11. handwriting ['hndraiti] n.

    12. plane mail

    13. service charge

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    1. What font and size would you like?

    2. Shall I make the space larger?

    3. Shall I save it on your disk?

    4. Could you check it?

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    1. How many copies would you like?

    2. Would you like me to make it a little darker/lighter?

    3. The paper is jammed.

    4. Shall I copy these on both sides to the paper?

    5. Here is your original.

    6. We dont have paper that large. Shall we copy it to two pieces, and

    then tape them together?

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    1. Please write down the country code, the area code and their


    2. Shall I make a copy of this, and then send the copy?

    3. May I have the address of the party?

    4. We can send a fax for you.

  • Sentences for Imitation:

    A letter by air to Japan costs 6 Yuan RMB under the weight of 20g.

    2. Im sorry, we have no parcel service. You may go to the post office.

    3. Here is a registered letter for you. Please sign on the slip.

    If there is any mail addressed to you, well inform as soon as


  • Tips

    Would you like to... ,:Would you like me to try it a little darker/lighter? /?Would you like me to reduce/enlarge it a little? /?

    international postage

    domestic postage

    postage stamp

    postal service

    postal charge

    postal money order

  • Practical Training



    24-hour Business Center Services at Four Seasons

    Meet the Needs of Busy Business Guests

    24-hour _____________services at Four Seasons meet the needs of busy business guests.

    One of the many ways that Four Seasons sets itself apart is through the ___________business center services and__________ that it offers the business traveler. Whether you _______business hotels in Tokyo and__________, or in virtually any other corner of the globe, you will find that 24-hour business services are a standard ______________offering.

    The business center at many Four Seasons hotels and resorts ensures that _________and ___________services and business support from computers, printers and scanners to high-speed Internet access, photocopying and faxing ____________ are readily available.

    business center




    New York





  • Practical Training

    Situation 1: Mr. Nobel goes to the Business Center. He needs four copies of

    two documents, reducing it by one-fourth. Total charge is RMB

    48. The clerk staples these copies for him and present him the


    Situation 2: Mr. Miller goes to the Business Center to get online and check

    his mail. The clerk tell him how to use internet

  • Practical Training

    Situation 1: Mr. Nobel goes to the Business Center. He needs four copies of two documents, reducing it by one-fourth. Total charge is RMB 48. The clerk staples these copies for him and present him the receipt.

    ( B=Business Clerk N=Mr. Nobel )

    B: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

    N: Good morning. Would you copy these two documents for me?

    B: Certainly. How many copies do you like, please?

    N: Four copies each. Whats the rate, please?

    B: RMB 1 per page.

    N: OK. Could you reduce it a little?

    B: How small would you like me to try?

    N: Lets try reducing it by one-fourth.

  • Practical Training

    B: OK. We can try one page first. How about this one?

    N: Hmm... Could you try it a bit darker, please?

    B: No problem. Hows this?

    N: Fine. This comes out quite well. Just according to this sample, please.

    Besides, Id like to copy on both sides of the paper.

    B: In that case, they are counted by two pages.

    N: Yes, I see.

    (After finishing copying)

    B: Would you like me to staple these copies for you, sir?

    N: Yes, thanks. How much is the charge, please?

    B: You see, they are forty-eight pages, so the charge is RMB 48 sir.

    N: Here you are.

    B: Thank you. Here is the change, sir.

  • Practical Training

    Situation 2: Mr. Miller goes to the Business Center to get online and check his email. The clerk tell him how to use internet.

    ( B = Business Clerk M = Mr. Miller )

    B: Good afternoon, sir, Can I help you?

    M: Good afternoon. May I use the Internet.

    B: Certainly, sir. Let me dial-up. Please sit down and you can use it already.

    M: Thank you. Can I typed of my E-mail.

    B: Sure.

    M: Id like to copy this two pieces of paper.

    B: OK. How many copies do you need?

    M: One each.

  • Practical Training

    B: All right. Just a moment, please, sir. Here you are.

    M: Thank you. How much does it cost?

    B: The internet charge in 30 minutes is 10 yuan, the type each piece of paper

    is 10 yuan, and the copy each piece of paper for A4 size is 1 yuan, so the

    total is 21 yuan in all. How will you be paying the bill, sir?

    M: Id like to pay in my room bill now.

    B: Certainly. Could you sign here, sir?

    M: OK. Thank you very much. Good bye.

    B: My pleasure. Bye.

  • Practical Training










  • Practical Training

    ( B = Business Clerk S= Mr. Stick )

    Mr. Stick is coming to the Business Center. He wants to know some information of sending a mail.

    B: _________________________________ (,!?)

    S: Good morning. Id like to send a letter to America.

    B: Yes. _________________________________________________________


    S: How long does it take by airmail?

    B: ______________________ ()

    S: I see. And these designs must reach my company in America as soon as possible.

    Good morning, sir. May I help you?

    How would you like to send it, by airmail or by surface mail?

    About a week.

  • Practical Training

    B: _______________________________________________________


    S: Thats great. I will send it by EMS then.

    B: _______________________________________________________


    S: All right. ___________________________________ (,?)

    B: RMB Thirty-two, please.

    S: Here you are.

    In that case, you can send it by EMS ( Express Mail Service ).

    OK. Please fill in this form and return it to me with your letter.

    By the way, whats the postage, please?

    ( B = Business Clerk S= Mr. Stick )

  • Practical Training

    ? , A4

  • Practical Training

    1. What size of paper would you like for copying?

    2. You may send your e-mail or get connected to the internet in Business


    3. Sir, we have received your fax. Please come to the Business Center for it.

    4. How would you like to send it, by airmail or by surface mail?

    5. Please fill in this form and return it to me with your letter.

    6. Shall I enlarge this to fit A4 paper?

  • Foreign Currency Exchange

    Checking out

    Handling mistakes

    Basic Procedures

    Chapter 8 The Casher

  • (exchange),(means of identification),(signature),,,

    How would you like it?(?)

    In big/small notes, please(/)

  • Some Words about Credit Card


    affinity card

    platinum card

    student card

    preferred card / gold card

    value card

    classic card

  • Content

    Practical Training

  • C: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?

    S: Id like to change some US dollars and Id like to know todays exchange rate.

    C: According to todays exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equivalent to

    6.8 Yuan, RMB. How much would you like to change, sir?

    S: Well, Ill change one hundred and heres the money.

    C: Please fill in this exchange memo, your passport number and the total sum,

    and please sign your name here.

    S: All right.

    C: thank you. Youll have it right away.

    Foreign Currency Exchange

    ( C= Cashier S= Mr. Smith )

  • S: OK. Will you please give me some one-yuan notes? I need some small


    C: All right.

    (changing the money)

    C: Mr. Smith, here it is. Please have a check and keep the exchange memo.

    You can go to the Bank of China or the airport exchange office to change

    the left money back into dollars by showing the memo.

    S: Oh, yes, you are so kind. Thanks a lot.

    C: You are welcome.

    Foreign Currency Exchange

    ( C= Cashier S= Mr. Smith )

  • C: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

    S: Yes, please. Id like to settle my bill.

    C: Certainly, madam. Which room, please?

    S: 1101. Mrs. Simon.

    C: Please wait for a minute, madam. Ill just get your bill.

    S: Thank you.

    C: Here you are, madam. Could you just sign here, please? How will you be

    paying, madam?

    Checking in Cash

    ( C= Cashier S= Mrs. Simon )

  • S: By cashMmOne, two, three 420 Yuan RMB. Here you are.

    C: Thank you. Here is your receipt and your change, madam. Your change is

    80 Yuan RMB.

    S: Thank you very much.

    C: You are welcome, madam. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

    Checking in Cash

    ( C= Cashier S= Mrs. Simon )

  • C: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

    F: Yes, I want to check out.

    C: Your name and room number, please?

    F: My name is Stephen Faulkner. Room 1226. I called reception about an hour

    ago and asked them to prepare it. I have to leave within very limited time.

    C: Just a moment, please. Mr. Faulkner, do you have any charges for this


    F: I had breakfast this morning, but I paid cash for it.

    C: And have you used any hotel services since breakfast?

    F: Yes, I used the mini-bar. I drank a bottle of juice.

    Checking with Travelers Check

    ( C= Cashier F= Mr. Faulkner )

  • C: All right... Here is the bill, sir. Please check it.

    F: OK. Let me see Yeah, thats right. Can I pay with travelers checks?

    C: Certainly, sir.

    F: All right, here you are.

    C: Mr. Faulkner, could you please sig