PowerHouse Commissioning Handbook Coverstorage.cloversites.com/powerhousechristiancenter...POWERHOUSE CHURCH COMMISSIONING ESSAY QUESTIONS Never Quit 1. Rephrase the ten steps of entering

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Page 1: PowerHouse Commissioning Handbook Coverstorage.cloversites.com/powerhousechristiancenter...POWERHOUSE CHURCH COMMISSIONING ESSAY QUESTIONS Never Quit 1. Rephrase the ten steps of entering


Page 2: PowerHouse Commissioning Handbook Coverstorage.cloversites.com/powerhousechristiancenter...POWERHOUSE CHURCH COMMISSIONING ESSAY QUESTIONS Never Quit 1. Rephrase the ten steps of entering


1. Turn in your Commissioning Letter of Intent (attached) to your mentor or Lynette Barboza before working on the curriculum.

2. Choose 9 books from the enclosed approved curriculum.

3. Turn in payment for your sword, shield, or dagger at the Bookstore on or before May 1st. Prices for each TBD.

4. Turn in your curriculum to your mentor or Lynette Barboza on or before May 1st:1. For each Ed Cole book

1. Final Exam (in workbook)2. Short Essay (in workbook)3. Long Essay (questions attached to this packet)

2. For each Non-Ed Cole book1. Curriculum Packet (Found at bookstore)2. Long Essay (attached to this packet)

5. Be prepared to be a part of the Commissioning Ceremony in June.

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I, __________________________________ offer this instrument as a formal “Intent to Be Commissioned”. I certify that I have met with my Ministry Leader and have read and do fully understand ALL the requirements necessary for Commissioning by PowerHouse Church.

I understand that the requirements include: reading the curriculum books, completing the exams & essays, purchasing a sword (men), shield (women) or dagger (youth), tithing for a minimum of 6 months, being spiritually employed for 6 months, going on a mission trip (or serving at Jordan Ranch at least 3 times in past 6 months), attending an Encounter God Weekend at Jordan Ranch, and not being involved in any sin or legal issues that would disqualify me from this position.

Should I fail to fully complete and comply with all set requirements, I understand that I may not be approved for Commissioning, and will be asked to re-qualify for a minimum six month period, prior to the next set Commissioning date.

________________________________!! ! ! ___________________________________Printed Name of Candidate! ! ! ! ! Mentor or Person Helping Thru Process!

________________________________!! ! ! ___________________________________Date of Birth! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Phone Number


________________________________!! ! ! ___________________________________Signature of Candidate! ! ! ! ! ! Date

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Page 7: PowerHouse Commissioning Handbook Coverstorage.cloversites.com/powerhousechristiancenter...POWERHOUSE CHURCH COMMISSIONING ESSAY QUESTIONS Never Quit 1. Rephrase the ten steps of entering

POWERHOUSE CHURCH COMMISSIONING ESSAY QUESTIONSChoose one long essay question for each of your 9 books. Write / type the question at the top of the

page before beginning your essay. It should be at least 1 page long and not more than 5 pages each. If you do not have access to a computer, good and clear handwriting is acceptable.

Courage1. Devise what you believe are the necessary steps and elements for the “new construction” of a

person’s life. What is necessary for “reconstruction”? Compare the two. Discuss which is harder and why.

2. From the materials studied, create a list of what you believe are the most important lessons a young man must learn. Support your opinion with Scripture references.

3. Why do men rebel? Give reasons, ways to prevent it and steps to restoration, including principles from the Parable of the Prodigal and any other Scripture references that apply. Write your answers in essay form and provide a teaching outline to be used for speaking as well.

Sexual Integrity1. List some sexual problems men encounter before and during marriage. Take each of the problems

you listed above and illustrate, with examples, how men might fall into these problems. In your essay, try to walk in the shoes of the fallen men and empathize with their situations. Offer solutions to their “problems,” recognizing them as sin, but showing a way each can recover from his sin.

2. Explain the covenants of the Bible from a scriptural perspective, including the covenant of marriage.3. Imagine you have been invited to speak to 500 teenagers to convince them to keep themselves pure

until marriage. Prepare an outline of what you would say, using Scripture references and emphasizing what points you would use to convince them.

Maximized Manhood1. Based on 1 Corinthians 10, write a comparison of the Israelites coming out of Egypt and a modern

man becoming “maximized.” Use specific comparisons, such as the Red Sea and baptism. Include Scripture references.

2. Contrast the Kingdom of God to the Kingdom of Satan, using specific attributes such as love and lust.3. Prepare a one-hour teaching on “How to Maximize Your Manhood.” Write the outline of it, including

Scripture references.

Communication, Sex & Money1. Many men have referred to this book as the “Sex & Money” book. Write what you’ve learned about

why men would think of those two items and not communication. What is necessary for good communication? Compare the ideal with the real. Discuss why it is hard for men.

2. From the materials studied, create a list of what you believe are the most important attributes in a healthy marriage. Support your opinions with Scripture references.

3. Why do marriages fail? Give reasons, ways to prevent it, and steps to restoration, including any Scripture references that apply. Write your answers in essay form and provide a teaching outline to be used for speaking as well.

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Strong Men In Tough Times1. Part One: Develop a plan for stopping “Scriptural Illiteracy” in a person’s life. Part Two: Expand it into

a plan for an entire church. Give Biblical Support for each stage of your plan.2. Explain a father’s need to provide his family with intimacy, discipline, love and value. Give a Scriptural

illustration for each of the four. In what ways can drugs, cults, or gangs offer a counterfeit family to children? Support your opinions with references from the news media and Scripture.

3. Write what you believe about God, and what God has for your life. If you are married, work on it with your wife. Condense it to create a confession. Share the entire project with your children, adapting it to their age level. Teach them the confession and lead them in it daily.

Real Man

1. Chose a text from the Bible and write on the principle that “private philosophy determines public performance.: Include patterns, principles, Scripture references and modern quotes as applicable.

2. Prepare a personal written testimony on “spiritual unemployment.” Why is it essential for a man to be spiritually employed and active? Support your conclusions with Scripture.

3. Create a one-hour presentation of any kind on the principle that “Fame can come in a moment but greatness comes with longevity.” Write an outline for it. Include Scripture references and personal illustrations.

Unique Woman

1. Clarify the difference between men and women by writing a speech that could be given to young teenagers. In what ways are women to be treated differently then men? Support each point with Scripture.

2. Imagine you find a group of men who have been hidden in a bunker since a ware occurred in your country around 1960. Find a way to prepare them for how women have changed since they last saw one. In what ways are the changes good? In what ways are the changes bad? Who is to blame, or to be congratulated? Give them a scriptural basis for conducting themselves around modern women.

3. What is the surest way to live a long, good lief with the spouse of your youth? What is the surest way to destroy it? Write specific steps to avoid destruction and build a good marriage, using Biblical principles and quotes.

The Power of Potential

1. From the book of Genesis, write your personal reasons for why Joseph is a good role model for the modern men who are trying to achieve a dream. Include patterns and principles Joseph encountered or learned while waiting for his dream, and Scripture references. Include where applicable modern quotes from men today who have achieved dreams.

2. Write a personal testimony of where your’ve seen the Holy Spirit work in your life through the supernatural or spectacular or both. Contrast the two. Give instances from scripture of both. Draw parallels where possible between your experiences and those of Joseph.

3. Prepare a one-hour teaching on “Lessons from the life of Joseph”. Write an outline for it. Include Scripture references.

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Never Quit1. Rephrase the ten steps of entering and leaving in your own words. Give an example of why each is

important. Then offer ways to accomplish each step, regardless of how difficult it may be.2. Imagine you have been invited to speak about God’s faithfulness to a group of prison inmates. What

would you tell them about their situation? What hope do they have? Write an outline for a one-hour message including Scriptural references and personal experiences you may have had.

3. The path to victory can be excruciatingly painful. Create a chart that shows specific steps to victory backed up with Scripture. Then show the steps to maintain victorious living with Biblical principles.


1. Explain this statement, “Choices determine conduct, character, and destiny.” Please use examples in the book and in the Bible to support your opinion.

2. Dr. Cole mentions there are three things successful people master. What are they and what are you doing to master those in your life.

3. Write out a personal testimony describing how you are applying the one thing Dr. Cole talks about making you a leader.

Love & Respect (This book will only be allowed through 2014 Commissioning)

1. What is the crazy cycle? What are you doing to decipher the code? Explain how you are seeing ways to stop it from happening.

2. If you are married, explain your personal testimony on how this book has impacted your marriage.3. Imagine you have been given an opportunity to teach a one hour presentation to newlyweds. Write

out an outline including scriptures and examples in the book to support your teaching.

Lioness Arising

1. What does being a lioness mean to you?2. What does the quote well-behaved women rarely make history mean to you? Use biblical examples.3. What was your favorite chapter and why?

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Purpose:The purpose of this questionnaire is to ensure that all candidates requesting a Commissioning are properly qualified.

Date: ___________________________Candidate Name: ___________________________Mentor or Person Helping You Through The Process: _____________________________________Date of Birth: _________________________Marital Status (Circle One):! Married! ! Single! DivorcedPhone Number: ____________________________Email: _________________________________________

Circle OneYes! No! Have you: Read (9) books of the PowerHouse Commissioning curriculum, completed ! ! curriculum, completed exams, and completed essays?

Yes! No! Are you currently tithing faithfully for a minimum of 6 months? (Must be documented by the ! ! Church Financial Administrator)

Yes! No! Are you giving into the vision of the house which is Jordan Ranch for a minimum of 6 ! ! months either directly or through the Dangerous Games President’s Club Membership? ! ! (Must be documented by the Church Financial Administrator; minimum of $20 per month)

Yes! No! Have you been spiritually employed for the past 6 months? Please explain what area of the ! ! church you have been serving in.


Yes! No! Have you accompanied a staff Pastor on a ministry trip? (At your own expense; this can ! ! include serving at a PHC or Jordan Ranch event in a full-time capacity) Please explain.


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Circle One

Yes! No! Have you attended an Encounter God Weekend at Jordan Ranch? If Yes, When?


Yes! No! Have you been convicted of a crime within the past year? If “Yes”, please explain. ! ! (Sentence must have been completed for a minimum of 6 months).


Yes! No! Have you divorced or are separated (or in the process) within the last year? If “Yes”, please ! ! explain.


Yes! No! Are you involved in any lawsuits, legal issues, Internal Revenue Service issues? If “Yes”, ! ! please explain.


Yes! No! Have you been involved in a homosexual relationship, fornication, adultery, idolatry, ! ! thievery, drunkenness, extortion, spousal or child abuse within the last 6 months? If “Yes”, ! ! please explain._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Circle OneYes! No! Are there any issues of unforgiveness toward anyone that has not been rectified? If “Yes”, ! ! please explain.


Yes! No! Do you use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco? If “Yes”, please explain.


Yes! No! Do you feel that you are ready to lead by example and that you are prepared to be ! ! recognized publicly as a Christian leader?!

What does being commissioned mean to you?


I hereby certify that all answers in this questionnaire have been completed with honesty and integrity.Signature: ____________________________Commissioning Candidate


Yes! No! Is this candidate recommended for commissioning? If “No”, please explain.


Signature: _________________________! ! Signature: ____________________________! ! Commissioning Coordinator! ! ! ! Church Financial Administrator