1500 BIRDS TO BE EXHIBITED PRIZE BIRDS OF WEST TO BE ON EXHIBITION IN LOS ANGELES POULTRY SHOW RICH GOLD STRIKE IN INYO COUNTY LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 1905. Ledges Located on the Edge of the Great Death Valley CROWDING MINE WORK The ' Modlni Oold, Mlntnn ' enmpknf nt Om Vino, hn.i nK.-Hn started *t« mill and la running on very hlirh- Krad« ore. |A force of fifteen men is engAged doing stoplncr and develop* ment work. A new Burlelgh drill «.nd air compressor will be Installed In the near future. foot Mgc. of $12 or« h»« been ' «tfaek.' This f«mnu« mine has produced o*er $r,,onn,nnft : in the pa«t «nd thn utrlk* Jtiftt made wilt prohahly keep op its pft«t record. \u25a0 COPPER ORES ALSO FOUND IN NEW SPOTS Stampede Causes Much Suffer- ing to Prospectors Seek- ing Riches BUILDERS CAUSE DIRTY STREETS PILE THEIR MATERIALS IN PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Prominent New York Contractor Says "Cleaner Los Angeles" is Not. Possible While Nuisance , . Continues .. POULTRY SHOW WILL BREAK ALL RECORDS FMn«t ' Fancy Fowls of Country En- tered for Big Exhibition— ' Local Breeders Rap. resented - Tomorrow will wltnegg the opening of he biggest poultry show ever held in iin west, when over 1500 birds will be xhlßlted at Temple auditorium under tie direction of the Loa Angeles PouU ry association, For the past two weeks the fowls aye been arriving from different parta f thn country, and at 12 o'clock last Ight the work of building coopa and uttlng the auditorium ln^readlness to ecelve them was begun." Before the xhlblt la opened to the public on Tues- ay | the judges will have passed on U the birds and the ribbons will lie warded. .The poultry show which has been eld each year in San Francisco was liiUted this year, and nearly all the finest of the birds which would, have been entered there have been sent to \u25a0: Los Angeles, making the number of I entries much larger than at any for- mer time. . Exhlbltof Pigeons 'The pigeons will also be exhibited at the same time and the entire gallery of i the auditorium will be devoted to , ;? them. . They will be In charge of the eastern expert, W. E. Foster, who has come 'to Los Angeles with the largest consignment, solely for the purpose of /presenting them at this fair, j jJf^The' general' ahow will be superin- tended by Robert A. Condee, editor of the "Weßtern Fancier, the leading poul- try Journal of the west, asslated by the secretary of the association, Mrs. O. H. Hurbrldge, associate editor of the same •'> paper. '.-\u25a0 ', Mrs.' ; Burbridge Is the owner of the 'Orpington Poultry ranch and is one of . the largest exhibitors. She will enter ;i over. 100 fowls/ including buff, black, \u25a0\u25a0;.;\u25a0' white, spangled -and- Diamond Jubilee ' . Orpingtons, games and Holland tur- keys. ' .. .. ' \u0084." .Little,Elizabeth Burbridge, the 10- >•\u25a0 year-old daughter of Mrs. Burbridge, .*., will.exhibit. exhibit a pen of fancy game ban- : ', tarns ! and 6ne ' 6f lila ck ' African ban- ', tamsVboth raised by herself, and there \u25a0'; are" several other children under 14 who "will enter birds in this class. ;• An innovation— and one which ia ex- .,\u25a0.\u25a0 pected to do away with much of the ;" dissatisfaction of former shows, Is the \u25a0^election of an official weigher, who will Judge the weight of all fowls and make ,; a [record of it. Charles Andrews, a wejj known poultry fancier,.' will. fillthis position. ' \u25a0\u25a0 ' " . .-X ..,. Poultry Supplies \u25a0' Ar. 1 ' aorta of poultry aupplics will be \u25a0fihow.n, Including incubators wlthllt- ' tie\ch icka hatching out, and egga of dJfEer^nt kinds for the utility breeder. Henry ;.', Albera will have one of the moat complete exhibitions of this kind. Arthur Letts of the Broadway De- partment store will exhibit about fifty birds, principally black Mlnorcas and ; buffs, including some big eastern and ';.' EMgllsh , pr.ize winners. Mr. Letts has also purchased the first prize-winning ' buff at \u25a0 the\ St. Louis .exposition and expects to carry off honors with It. Soveralpena of "Mammoth, Bronze," ,'. "Bourbon Eeda" - and w^iite ; Holland turkeys have been entered, L. H. Had- '" ley of San Gabirlel being the largest ex- hibitor in thia line. , " -'.V Oiher exhibitors are: S. M. Butler ;of - liamanda Park,", who J will enter ,f Barred and ; White Rocks; Mra. G. R. ,,Griffith, Blue Andalusians, and W. .'Stewart,; Buff; Orpingtons and Toko- '\u25a0 homas. /"'.' \u25a0 Japanese Fighters . ,i:v The Tokohomas are the famous Japa- ' nese., fighting, games and have never .been seen In Los Angeles before. ' The I tails of the birds range Inlength from four to twenty feet, and the coloring Is remarkably brilliant. . ',' The. prizes offered include thirty sil- ver -' cups, ati well as special prizes, which bring the number offered up to) nearly! 100. . . r ' .rS,7 Tyler, ..who Is one of the oldest - Judges of the state and has taken part : in every ahow In thla part of America -•' for- years, will pass Judgment on. the - pigeons, and Henry Berrar of San Jose, '.'who"was Judge at the exposition in St. Louis, assisted byR. J. Van of Fresno, \u25a0 Beti M. Woodhull of Stockton and' S. M.Jißutler of Lamanda Park, will , ' .award the prizes to the owners of the 'other 'fowls. .', '.The show willcqntlnue from January 9 to 15, and each afternoon women of thej aaadclatlon, under the direction of , Mra. Burbridge, will serve tea In the - ? Sunday school room to vlaltors, '.' .' MRS. O. H. BURBRIDGE, ONE OF THE LEADING POULTRY FAN. . CIERB OF CALIFORNIA, AND SOME OF HER PRIZE WINNING ORPINGTONS - ' .!\u25a0 .1. .1. * \u25a0» 111iCMSHIMtHfr^HfcVSHit. \u25a0*»t. * *>** »Ht.* * it. <!\u25a0 «•lt» Jl »tlit \u25a0?. ill *** A *** »!\u25a0 * »t« * » ** \u25a0!< ** 'I FRANKLIN'S RAIN MAKES LANDING 'At midnight the indications were that it would continue raining through- out the night..1 stone philosopher who sniffed the air and smiled sardonically: "It ain't nothing to be powerful proud of any- way." BENEVOLENT SOCIETY CHOOSES NEW OFFICERS STORM DRIFTS IN FROM SEA AS PREDICTED Official Forecaster Confident He Has Made No MIstaka I n Latest Prophecy— Hatfie ld's Friends r i Cheerful BOLD MOUNTAIN LION V W^M;- : - TERRORIZES A TOWN By AwoclaUd Pr*M. \u25a0..^REDDING, ..Jan.v 8.-^A . .cougar ..or . mountain lion is frightening the resi- dents In the vicinity of the Four-Mile House,' on the . J Itedding-Weavervllle road,' .'eleven miles from Heddlng. The , animal,. which la,' of course, described : aa a. big- one, has followed a man on 'horseback and has chased a miner to his cabin. /."\u25a0People \n that locality are now fear- ful ;\u25a0 to leave their homes without tak- ing a ride along with them. Itis be- lieved ? that i the lion has been forced . down ', from the mountains 'by the 'aiiow, being hungry enough to tackle 'a man. The Emma Mining company, or so- ' called Easy Bird, has been reorgan- ized under the name of the .: Outlook ; Mining company, with ' \u25a0 Col. W. T. Robinson of Mokclumne Hill as presi- dent and A. K. Mnyer of Boston ,aa financial agent. The company has a paid-up capital sufficient to put tho property |on a' dividend-paying j basis. Ten men are at present employed |in j putting, the .'mine and ten-stamp 'mill; in readiness to commence crushing ore. \u25a0 \u25a0- . ' , ,>-•'.How., > - •'.How. Mines Pay , The .Bonanza mine, at eastern Ore-j gon was offered for $500 in 1896, ' with ) no : takers. It ' la now producing ; $1,-' 000,000 a year, v ' \u25a0-\u25a0' \u0084 ; The . Copper' Queen was ;. ones ,\u25a0 bat \u25a0\u25a0 against $50 on' a 1 foot race., ItIs now!' paying ' millions . every , year/ , '' '• ', . \u25a0. ' \u25a0 Comstock; sold one-quarter Interest ' in his mine .for $6000. \ The ! mine pro- duced afterward $60,000,000 and' shares' sold. for $1875 each.'- '.''\u25a0.\u25a0' \. United \u0084V erde 80ld f for fifty, .cents 'a \u25a0 share and Is now. paying 8700 per cent \ dividends at; that price. -The \u25a0 mine \u25a0 went .begging ]f or : $30,000 ' fifteen years ; ago, until it was purchased by Senator. 1 Clark, who recently refused a $100.- 000,000 offer, for It made by a Belgian; syndicate. .Thn Comstock lode :of Virginia City.' Nev.; has produced in'gold.and silver; the mormoua sum of $32,000,000. Moat of this ore yielded but $8 per ton in gold. - r \u25a0' •;\u25a0,\u25a0 - ' ..' :\.>-'/:;"'v: The Homestake of .South; Dakota* on;. $3 ore, has paid $3,833 |in ; every day it has run for the past ten i years. Eastern peoplo are said to be'jne-V gotiating for the purchase of the Neo- . dies smelter. . \u0084 " .V .: Arizona's copper output for 1904 Is \u25a0 given at 210,500,000 pounds. Cadmium Mine in California \u25a0 The reported discovery of a consid- erable deposit of cadmium near Lyons, i in California^' calls attention, to . the fact that thereds not a single plant: in the United States that can; treat' cr refine this mineral and It is neces- sary to ship the crude concentrates to! Swansen, Wales. ;An Important" new, use of the metal is in the manufactura' of electrical storage batteries and this, new demands and general scarcity i has increased the market price from about; 30 cents a pound to about -TI.BO a pound . for the metal. It would seem that at this price It would be profitable to produce the ore even though Itis nec-£j essary to snip, it across the i ocean 'for:' treatment. The operators in' localities^ where the ore Is found would do. -well '< to get in touch with the market for thla^ product. Magdalena Notes '" MAGDALENA, Son., j Mex., Jan. 7.— John Henderson, general' manager of," four different mining companies ; ac-7 tively operating in the state of Sonora, :* passed through here several days i ago, accompanied by William X. ".'\u25a0 McKlb-: ber of Chicago, who la secretary of the , "Compania Mlnera de Sonora, Rlre I de/ Colere, S. H.." of which Mr.Henderson b president and general j manager. . They wera on a visit to one of ttheir/\u25a0t their /\u25a0 big copper properties in ! Atlaa district owned and operated by. the, Ohio MexV-' lean Mining company, organized under I the laws of Arizona by Mr. Henderson | and associates. , Telegrams recently received from tho company's property, the "Sonora \ Cop- ' per Queen," seven miles from Caborca, announce a big strike of high grade ore at a depth of 150 feet In a new *haft. The ore Is high grada In copper carry--, ing gold values." \u0084 ;. Operattonß at El Oro, the Coast Lino, Copper company of which Mr. Hender- ; son is general manager . also. Is being ;,. pushed with good results and. El; pro; will shortly be one of the big geld Pro-,, ducers of Sonora. A large , Huntlhgton mill Is being .In- fc stalled, hauled from Poso; a station on; the Sonora railway,' twelve nillesTdis- tont.f.Two more carloads of machinery , from Kllla-Chalmers company ; of Cht- cogo «\T« itiwiwl through N"i)gale» , cuatomhousa . by l\ ' Handuvul j*. Co.'.'. biokors for thla company," 1 the" j past; week and la being sent to property of "Compaiila' Minura : Porvenlr '',-,. do Bo- j.ora"; from ; Poao station, -Six carloads of lumber fromGujMnas, : hihl a big order of air pipe and tanks wtiw .placed, with Nogalwi merchants, whk'h show that those ' cumpanles "mte '• ciowding work. The Union Copper company, at Cop- peropolis is hauling lime to build'; a smelter. A pole line leading from Tel- egraph City to the mine has been com- pleted to supply the . power. ' Forty; men are at work at the mine. The Etna King ' Mining company ; of Stockton has put a hoisting plant upon the Zelgler property In Angel Camp, and will sink a three-compartment working shaft for. the development of two shoots of ore. On the Stanislaus river below CoN llervllle, six miles east of Murphys, the Bourbon Mining, Milting and Kler- trical company has acquired ' water rights along the river and Intends >to transmit power into Sonora and other Tuolumne points by July, 100!!. \u25a0 . A workman who was assigned the job of scraping and cleaning 1 the plates at the Sunny Hill. millingplant' 1 near' Redding quit work In alarm recently \u25a0 because he thought he was ; scraping the platen to pieces. When Superin* 5 tendent' Barlow madfl an Investigation- he found that It was gold the laborer was, scraping, and all told there was $1440 taken from the plates. ... American Capital In Bonora Develop* Ino Promlslnfl Properties vf^u Harris' shows some splendid gold ore from the strike and declares that $250 reck is common where he and his part- ner are staking claims. Not satisfied •with this, Harris also reports that Bam Morris and Sam Phail, who are known in Los Angeles as having traversed the entire Panamint country in quest of the yellow metal, have located excellent copper claims at Cow creek, ; seven miles south of Furnace canyon, and that sixty-four psr cent of the ore is copper, from a ledge 2 1-2 feet wide. Rich Searchlight Mines The entire Searchlight district of Southern Nevada Is tributory to Los Angeles, and In that section an im- mense amount of Angeleno capital is invested. C. C. Brown of Los Angeles, yeaTs ago, then a leading mining engi- neer, prophesied that the Quartzite mine of Searchlight would prove to be one of the richest gold mines in the western half of the United States, and would later rank among the ten great gold mines of the world. From indica- tions that time seems to have arrived and the prophecy made when the property was in its infancy has proven true. The showing now on the 700-foot level, together with the ground opened up above, makes the Quartzite not enly one of the ten big mlnea of the world, but one of the largest known I'ree-mllllng propositions. On the first of the year the stamp mills of that district, four In number, sixty stamps in Rli, were turning out a quarter ot a million dollars a month. This isn't much but It will do nicely for the four companies concerned. It takes time to open and equip, a property, but give Searchlight twelvo months and the above output win at least be doubled, and more likely tiebted. This (statement is made on Buch showings as the Cyrus Noble, Pompeii, Empire, Ivanough, Old Rom- en, Good Hope, Southern Nevada, Parallel Dupont, and many others. Another Bonanza Found Local mining circles are repeating the glowing accounts that have come here concerning a new Viola mine in Idaho that State Mine Inspector Bell recently visited and found it one of the great silver-lead , mines of the country. There is thirty feet of solid ore that carries from 30 to 70 pcr 1 cent lead, with a half ounce of silver for each unit of lead, there also being a small quantity of gold. \ This Is all shipping ore. During the past season the company shipped what would be equivalent to 100 twen- ty-ton cars of the ore, which was hauled by team to Dubois, elghty.flve miles at a cost of $10 a ton. This property was located in the early days, when the Viola was pro- ducing such great quantities of : ore, the claims being known ait tho 16 to 1 and. the Silver Dollar. Borne work was done on the ground at that tlm«. developing i a small ' vein on the .•sur- face. '• Two and . a * half \u25a0 years ago •an Harris knows the desert country per- fectly and was accompanied on his prospecting trip- that turned out so successfully by L. P. McGeary and E. G. legot. who are now staking out the best looking ground. Harris saya that "It Is a beautirul country." The contact is in lime and granite, and can be traced for fifteen miles. There is already a crowd of goldseekers going Into the new coun- try and it willnot be long before the entire area will be located. \u25a0 More particularly, the new strike Is located twenty-five miles west of Sur- veyors' wells In Inyo county, Cali- fornia. The point is reached by going first to Willow Springs, then to Sur- veyors' wells, and through Cotton- wood canyon to the discovery. The ground la apart from Death valley, and so situated thut wood and water can be had In plenty from the mountains near by, which are a break up of the Panamint range. The Carson & Col- orado railroad Is only sixty miles dis- tant. However, through this reported dis- covery Inyo county, California, is again made famous, as Frank Harris, better known as "Shorty" Harris, has made a atrlKe fifty miles south of. the cr.mp with the reHonant name that will develop Into a rich property. ' •' Up in thnt rlproorlng ret rich and \u25a0now famoun gold camp, Ooldfleld, the alleged discovery of the Breyfoglo mine that stampeded the prospectors from GoldfleW and from Bullfrog, and from Bwallowtall an* from other shiv- ering camps, almost caused a lynching bee because the so-called discovery has been dynamited to smithereens by the Bullfroggers, Swallowtallera and other tailers who rushed into the desert coun- try to grab a slice of the ledges from which gold could be knocked off with jan axe. The alluring tale told by the 'lone prospector who evidently had drank deep and long, stampeded the whole Bullfrog camp and men rushed off by day and night to a point scv* vnteen miles southward, where the strike wa» said to be. Many did not equip themselves properly and some were in Imminent danger of dyingfrom exposure, and when they returned they were so wrathy that they talked of lynching, but j the man who told the story . explained satisfactorily and so still lives. At the old Black Hear, mine," owned by John Paggett, and which was sup- posed to have been worked out, a slx- The Ohm and Hand property, which Is under bond . to the Mount Vernon people, is said to be showing up fine. A four-foot ledge of blue ribbon quart* has been . encountered which runs from $40 to $50 per. ton. The well-known Cherry Hill Mine on Cherry Creek/ a few miles from Yreka, which has been closed for some time on account 'of litigation, has been placed in commission. This was the first property to attempt deep mining in that section, A force ' of men Is now engaged in driving the 1800 foot tunnel, and it is predicted that a rich strike will be made ; before many, feet have been covered. The vein' willbe encountered at a depth of about 1300 feet.' - \u25a0' . .V.' .. The Stavert Uroß. ure running a drainage tunnel which Is to drain their pld Keys mine 150 feet below the deep- est working and 800 feet below, the oeepeat part of their ground. This ia entirely a new departure. Hereto- fore other mines of the Keysvllle dis- trict have quit, work at 200 feet or lira. The Old Keys has paid by far more clear profit than any mtno in vhls section. According to Stephen ' Barton the Grenavere silver mine on Sll- verade mountain southeast of Isa- bella in \u25a0 Kern county, has been sold to J. M. Crumpacker of, Los Angeles, and arrangements are being made to work it. The development done :on this mine shows a margin above wages, part being gold. This waa.a ensh ealo and the terms appear to be private, Mr. Hooper being the ; man who sold the mine and tlw only per- son who ever made a milling test of the ore, though Judge Sumiwr made shipments of the ore to San Francisco gome thirty years ago. The Dorleska is owned by Capt. H. Z. Osborne and other associates In Los Angeles. . O. L. Carr and G. F. Emery of Carrvllle, owners .of the . well known Yellow Rose Miningcompany, are op- erating a group of claims on the head- waters of the south fork of Salmon and Union creek, in Coffee creek min- ing district. Mr. Carr, who' superin- tends the work saya the company is driving a . 1200-foot tunnel from the Siskiyou county side to tap the ore vein running parallel with the famous Dorleska mine, whlt'h; is now being operated on the Trinity side. They have already encountered some very good veins of ore; and when the main vein is struck, which will be at a depth of nearly 800 feet, it will make one of the grandest mines In Northern California. Last Sunday the new quartz millon the Lappln mine, near "Weaverville, was started on good ore. The plant was put in this fall and work was ener- getically pushed to completion. A mining man from Stockton, who recently visited the Jenny \u25a0 Llnd re- gion, was told there that the dredger at work In the Calaveraß river was taking out from $12,000 to $20,000 ; ; a month in gold, and that in one week recently the clean up amounted to $6000, which would'make about . $25,000 .a month. The machine Is operated day and night by three shifts, each com- posed of three men. A Stockton fam- ily which owns land on which the dredger Ifi at work is, \u25a0 according to import, rei-elvlng from $1200 to $2000. a month, that being 10 per cent of the gross clean-ups. A. few miles above Lewlston, Trinity county, California, work ;has been commenced on a big mining Project up , the river. The undertaking Is to drive a tunnel twelve feet wide and eight feet high through a mountain a distance of a third of a mile In order to .turn Trinityriver from its course. The tunnel cuts off a big bend ; and will lay bare a mile and a half or river bed that Is known to be rich in ''placer gold, for it has been thor- oughly prospected. The tunnel will be ample in Bize and grade to carry all the water in the river at ordinary stages. The enterprise is under the di- rection of Frank McCue. California Mine News As these caverns are frequent oc- currences In the mines' in tho Gold- field district and usually contain ore, the men Investigated and found all the walls carried gold ore. When a drill was driven into, the walls it was discovered that they were several feet In thickness. The men had put a heavy shot In the drift the night before, and the next morning, when muckers went to work to clear up the ore, they dis- covered that a large cavern had been opened. Part of the drift had fallen In and one side of the tunnel had been blown away, exposing the large cavern. m A heavy shot In the drift of the Lookout mine at Ooldfleld has opened an Immense cave containing one of the largest bodies of pay ore ever dis- covered In that portion of \u2666Nevada. Careful measurements of the ore ex* posed determined that tho cave con- tains over 10,000 tons of gold ore which will average $20 a ton. Rich Gold Cave At ninety feet from the portal, the tunnel opened a blind lend which car- ried Rood ore. Development disclosed the fact that there was a shoot 400 feet In length and on« to four feet In width, the ore being of j very fine grade. eastern bualneM man who w«» Inter- ested At Tlntk, visited the poperty. He made a careful investigation of the surface and found the formation just like that at the Utah camp. Becom- ing: satisfied the property was a lively one for development, he purchased It and started to cut the ledge, showing at the surface, surveys indicating that the tunnel would have to be driven soma 300 feet. "Los Angeles has th« possibility of being one of the cleanest cities In the world. New York city burned over a million tons of coal in a single winter and not considering the smoke nuisance has j the refuse ashes to be gotten rid of.' Comparatively little coal Is burned In Los Angvles, and the two very im- jurtunt Itnim of smoke and ash*H'ar« well out of the way in making;the city cleanly." "Contractors trf Los Angeles would probably fight the measure but It has been successfully - enforced for jyears InNew York and plays no small part lv the cleanliness of the streets, and the same thins can be done here. "Twenty-five years ago when the law was put Into effect, we contractors made a great hue and cry, because we believed absolutely needed part of the street for our materials, We have found out how to work from the cel- lar, that Is. all. ' "In New York city wo may have nome of the big steel girders needed »" construction .placed temporarily In the street but not longer than for twen- ty-four hours. I ' think we are build- ing sky scrapers having a floor, space equivalent to;, that of a block of the largest business bulldlngß in la>b An- geles and fifteen to twenty stories high. We have our materials' in the basement and use them a* they are needed. "In the construction of any building it is almost an easy for the materials to be dumped into the cellar and then used as needed. . "The authorities of New York city do not allow a wagon load of material to be . placed in the street when a' building is being erected," Mr. Miller said last night, "and New York is one of the cleanest cities in the United States. Here they allow anything to be piled in the street and contractors do about as they want to with j the highway." t "By the wind, horses and wagons and people passing, the sand, rtlrt and re- fuse la scattered about and as a re- sult you j have dirty streets and will have them so long as these conditions continue. ' . ' . .. . This la the comment on "a cleaner Los Angeles" by John, Miller, for thirty years a prominent contractor of New York city, who with his wife is spend- ing the winter In Los Angeles. "Los Angeles will . not have clean streets and an abatement of the dust nuisance until an ordinance is passed by the city council and enforced by the proper authorities prohibiting building contractors from piling up their ma- terials in the public highways as they are now doing." , ,;", Dr. Hecht made a stirring 1 address, In which he advocated the . federation of all. charltahle organizations in this city. This project, will not be possible within the present year, but Dr. Hecht is 'en- The hospital soclty elected eleven directors, who in turn elected the fol- lowing officers: ' 8. S, Sederman,' presi- dent; I. Norton, vice president; V.-Har- ris, secretary; N. Newmaxk, treasurer. Following are the directors : | Max N. Newmurk, Jacob Bchlesinger, 8. S. Sederman. I. Norton, Dr. 8. Hecbt, S. G. Marchults. J. L. Lownutn, , A. Prens- lauer, V. Harris, B. Forrer and B. King- baker. | The following officers were elected for the benevolent society: 8. B. Sederman, president; I. Norton, vice president; N. Danzlger, secretary, V. Harris, treas- urer; Dr. 8. Hecht, B. Forrer and I. Wolfe, directors. 1 ' The Joint annual meeting ' of the Hebrew Benevolent society and the Kaspare Cohn Hospital association was held yesterday afternoon at the Temple B'nal B'rlth. The reports of the officers were submitted, which showed a satis- factory financial standing and a large amount of good being done by the hos- pital. The reports of the house phy- sician and the matron were especially gratifying. Following the reports the officers for the ensuing year were elected. ' Jacob Schlesinger, who has served as the president of both associa- tions and who has proved the most efficient president the society has had, was obliged to withdraw from his posi- tion on account of illness in hts family. Aj committee was appointed to draft resolutions regarding the excellent work he has done. ' A census recently taken of the horses lil , Paris '}shows thut while the Valuta I loyal quarter has 18,600 Inhabitants it accommodate* 80.600 horses. '\u0084 Y> .' Thus the identy of the rain la houio- whut lit doubt, but, 'to quote a curb- : Hut field's : followers, on - the » other hand, are positive that the wizard of Eeperanza has .again provoked the clouds to tears and the most astute meterologist can j not shake them .In their belief. ; They, are \u25a0', firmly con- vinced.that Hatfield, with his strange chemical affinities, has produced this rain nnil is entitled . to credit for it. The rain did not come" unannounced. Mr. Franklin has eald for two daya in succession that it would/ "possibly" rain. He soented from . afar these showers, pointing out that ,there was a disturbance out at sea which would probably make a landing somewhere on | the lower coast and produce ralu. It rained enough in the early even- ing to bring out umbrellas and rain clothes and make dyspeptics ;scowl. Up to midnight only a "trace" of rain had fallen,, but the atmosphere re- mained limp and soggy, showing that a further downfall might be 'expected. An unpretentious drizzle Bet in yes- terday afternoon In Los Angeles and continued, intermittently, until late into the night. The rain was a small affair, to be sure, but It will get Its name in the weather bureau records, as well as in the papers, and those who are wishing, for a heavy precipitation will accept it thankfully and hope for larger favors. 7

POULTRY SHOW WILL BREAK Edge of the Great ALL … · 1500birdsto be exhibited prize birds of west tobe on exhibitionin los angeles poultry show rich gold strike in inyo county los

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Ledges Located on theEdge of the Great


The'Modlni Oold,Mlntnn


nt Om Vino, hn.i nK.-Hn started *t«mill and la running on very hlirh-Krad« ore. |A force of fifteen men isengAged doing stoplncr and develop*ment work. A new Burlelgh drill «.ndair compressor willbe Installed Inthenear future.

foot Mgc. of $12 or« h»« been'«tfaek.'

This f«mnu« mine has produced o*er$r,,onn,nnft :in the pa«t «nd thn utrlk*Jtiftt made wilt prohahly keep op itspft«t record. \u25a0


Stampede Causes Much Suffer-ing to Prospectors Seek-

ing Riches



Prominent New York Contractor Says

"Cleaner Los Angeles" is Not.

Possible While Nuisance ,. Continues ..


FMn«t'Fancy Fowls of Country En-

tered for Big Exhibition—'

Local Breeders Rap.


Tomorrow willwltnegg the opening of

Ihebiggest poultry show ever held in

iin west, when over 1500 birds willbexhlßlted at Temple auditorium undertie direction of the Loa Angeles PouUry association,

For the past two weeks the fowlsaye been arriving from different partaf thn country, and at 12 o'clock lastIght the work of building coopa anduttlng the auditorium ln^readlness toecelve them was begun." Before thexhlblt la opened to the public on Tues-ay|the judges will have passed onU the birds and the ribbons will liewarded..The poultry show which has beeneld each year in San Francisco wasliiUted this year, and nearly all the

finest of the birds which would,havebeen entered there have been sent to

\u25a0: Los Angeles, making the number of

Ientries much larger than at any for-mer time. .

Exhlbltof Pigeons'The pigeons will also be exhibited at

the same time and the entire galleryofithe auditorium will be devoted to,;?them. . They willbe In charge of theeastern expert, W. E. Foster, who hascome 'to Los Angeles with the largestconsignment, solely for the purpose of/presenting them at this fair, j

jJf^The' general' ahow will be superin-tended by Robert A. Condee, editor ofthe "Weßtern Fancier, the leading poul-try Journal of the west, asslated by thesecretary of the association, Mrs. O. H.Hurbrldge, associate editor of the same•'> paper. '.-\u25a0

• ',Mrs.';Burbridge Is the owner of the

'Orpington Poultry ranch and is one of. the largest exhibitors. She will enter;iover. 100 fowls/ including buff, black,

\u25a0\u25a0;.;\u25a0' white, spangled -and- Diamond Jubilee'. Orpingtons, games and Holland tur-keys. '.. .. '

\u0084.".Little,Elizabeth Burbridge, the 10-

>•\u25a0 year-old daughter of Mrs. Burbridge,.*.,will.exhibit.exhibit a pen of fancy game ban-:',tarns !and 6ne

'6f lilack

'African ban-

', tamsVboth raised by herself, and there\u25a0'; are"several other children under 14 who"willenter birds in this class.;• An innovation—and one which ia ex-

.,\u25a0.\u25a0 pected to do away with much of the;"dissatisfaction of former shows, Is the\u25a0^election of an official weigher, who will

Judge the weight of all fowls and make,; a [record of it. Charles Andrews, a

wejjknown poultry fancier,.' will.fillthisposition.


'"..-X ..,.Poultry Supplies \u25a0'

• • Ar.1' aorta of poultry aupplics will be

\u25a0fihow.n, Including incubators wlthllt-'tie\ch icka hatching • out, and egga ofdJfEer^nt kinds for the utilitybreeder.Henry;.', Albera will have one of themoat complete exhibitions of this kind.

Arthur Letts of the Broadway De-partment store will exhibit about fiftybirds, principally black Mlnorcas and;buffs, including some big eastern and

';.' EMgllsh,pr.ize winners. Mr. Letts has• also purchased the first prize-winning'buff at \u25a0 the\ St. Louis .exposition andexpects to carry off honors with It.

Soveralpena of "Mammoth,Bronze,",'."Bourbon Eeda"

-and w^iite;Holland

turkeys have been entered, L. H.Had-'"ley of San Gabirlel being the largest ex-hibitor in thia line. ,

"-'.V Oiher exhibitors are: S. M. Butler;of

-liamanda Park,", who J will enter

,fBarred and ;White Rocks; Mra. G. R.,,Griffith, Blue Andalusians, and W..'Stewart,; Buff;Orpingtons and Toko-

'\u25a0 homas. /"'.' •

\u25a0 Japanese Fighters .,i:v The Tokohomas are the famous Japa-' nese., fighting,games and have never

.been seen In Los Angeles before.'The

Itails of the birds range Inlength fromfour to twenty feet, and the coloring Isremarkably brilliant. .',' The. prizes offered include thirty sil-ver -' cups, ati well as special prizes,which bring the number offered up to)nearly! 100. • . . r •


.rS,7 Tyler, ..who Is one of the oldest- Judges of the state and has taken part:in every ahow In thla part of America-•' for- years, willpass Judgment on. the-

pigeons, and Henry Berrar of San Jose,'.'who"was Judge at the exposition in St.

Louis, assisted byR. J. Van of Fresno,\u25a0 Beti M. Woodhull of Stockton and' S.M.Jißutler of Lamanda Park, will,'

.award the prizes to the owners of the'other 'fowls..', '.The show willcqntlnue from January

9 to 15, and each afternoon women ofthej aaadclatlon, under the direction of

, Mra. Burbridge, will serve tea In the-? Sunday school room to vlaltors, '.' .'


.!\u25a0 .1. .1. *\u25a0» 111 iCMSHIMtHfr^HfcVSHit. \u25a0*»t.**>**»Ht.**it.<!\u25a0 «•lt» Jl»tlit \u25a0?. ill***A***»!\u25a0*»t«*»**\u25a0!< **'I


'At midnight the indications werethat it would continue raining through-out the night..1

stone philosopher who sniffed the airand smiled sardonically: "It ain'tnothing to be powerful proud of any-way."



Official Forecaster Confident He Has

Made No MIstaka In Latest

Prophecy— Hatfie ld's Friends

r i Cheerful


\u25a0..^REDDING, ..Jan.v 8.-^A..cougar ..or.mountain lion is frightening the resi-dents In the vicinity of the Four-MileHouse,' on the . J Itedding-Weavervllleroad,' .'eleven miles from Heddlng. The,animal,. which la,' of course, described: aa a.big- one, has followed a man on'horseback and has chased a miner tohis cabin.

/."\u25a0People \n that locality are now fear-ful;\u25a0to leave their homes without tak-ing a ride along with them. Itis be-lieved ? that ithe lion has been forced.down ', from the mountains 'by the'aiiow, being hungry enough to tackle'a man.

The Emma Mining company, or so- 'called Easy Bird, has been reorgan-ized under the name of the .:Outlook ;Mining company, with

'\u25a0 Col. W. T.

Robinson of Mokclumne Hillas presi-dent and A. K. Mnyer of Boston ,aa

financial agent. The company has apaid-up capital sufficient to put thoproperty |on a' dividend-paying jbasis.Ten men are at present employed |in jputting, the .'mine and ten-stamp 'mill;in readiness to commence crushingore. \u25a0

•\u25a0- . •', ,>-•'.How.,

>-•'.How. Mines Pay

, The .Bonanza mine, at eastern Ore-jgon was offered for $500 in 1896,

'with )

no :takers. It'la now producing ;$1,-'000,000 a year, v


\u0084;• The .Copper' Queen was ;.ones ,\u25a0 bat \u25a0\u25a0

against $50 on' a1 foot race., ItIs now!'paying

'millions .every,year/ , ' ''• ',.\u25a0. '\u25a0

Comstock; sold one-quarter Interest'

in his mine .for $6000. \The!mine pro-duced afterward $60,000,000 and' shares'sold. for $1875 each.'- '.''\u25a0.\u25a0'\. United \u0084Verde 80ld ffor fifty,.cents 'a \u25a0

share and Is now.paying 8700 per cent \dividends at; that price. -The \u25a0 mine \u25a0

went .begging]for:$30,000'fifteen years ;

ago, until it was purchased by Senator.1

Clark, who recently refused a • $100.-000,000 offer, for It made by a Belgian;syndicate.

.Thn Comstock lode :of Virginia City.'Nev.; has produced in'gold.and silver;the mormoua sum of $32,000,000. Moat

of this ore yielded but $8 per ton in

gold.-r \u25a0' •;\u25a0,\u25a0

- '..' :\.>-'/:;"'v:

The Homestake of .South;Dakota* on;.

$3 ore, has paid $3,833 |in ;

every day it has run for the past ten iyears.

Eastern peoplo are said to be'jne-Vgotiating for the purchase of the Neo- .dies smelter. . •


.: Arizona's copper output for 1904 Is \u25a0

given at 210,500,000 pounds.Cadmium Mine in California

\u25a0 The reported discovery of a consid-erable deposit of cadmium near Lyons,iin California^' calls attention, to . the

fact that thereds not a single plant:in the United States that can; treat'

cr refine this mineral and It is neces-sary to ship the crude concentrates to!Swansen, Wales. ;An Important" new,

use of the metal is in the manufactura'of electrical storage batteries and this,new demands and general scarcity ihasincreased the market price from about;30 cents a pound to about -TI.BO a pound .for the metal. It would seem that atthis price It would be „profitable to

produce the ore even though Itis nec-£jessary to snip,it across the iocean 'for:'treatment. The operators in'localities^where the ore Is found would do. -well

'<to get in touch with the market for thla^product.

Magdalena Notes'"

MAGDALENA,Son., jMex., Jan. 7.—John Henderson, general' manager of ,"four different mining companies ;ac-7tivelyoperating in the state of Sonora, :*passed through here several days iago,accompanied by William X.".'\u25a0 McKlb-:ber of Chicago, who la secretary of the ,"Compania Mlnera de Sonora, RlreIde/Colere, S. H.." of which Mr.Hendersonb president and general jmanager. .

They wera on a visit to one of ttheir/\u25a0ttheir /\u25a0big copper properties in!Atlaa district •

owned and operated by.the, Ohio MexV-'lean Mining company, organized under Ithe laws of Arizona by Mr. Henderson |and associates. ,

Telegrams recently received from thocompany's property, the "Sonora \Cop-


per Queen," seven miles from Caborca,announce a big strike of high grade oreat a depth of 150 feet In a new *haft.The ore Is high grada Incopper carry--,ing gold values." \u0084 ;.

Operattonß at El Oro, the Coast Lino,Copper company of which Mr. Hender- ;

son is general manager .also. Is being ;,.pushed with good results and. El;pro;willshortly be one of the big geld Pro-,,ducers of Sonora.

A large ,Huntlhgton mill Is being .In-fcstalled, hauled from Poso; a station on;the Sonora railway,' twelve nillesTdis-tont.f.Two more carloads of machinery ,from Kllla-Chalmers company ;of Cht-cogo «\T« itiwiwl through N"i)gale» ,

cuatomhousa . by l\'

Handuvul j*. Co.'.'.biokors for thla company,"1 the" jpast;

week and la being sent to property of"Compaiila' Minura

:Porvenlr '',-,. do Bo-

j.ora";from ;Poao station,-Six carloads of lumber fromGujMnas, :

hihl a big order of air pipe and tanks

wtiw.placed, with Nogalwi merchants,

whk'h show that those'cumpanles "mte '•

ciowding work.

The Union Copper company, at Cop-peropolis is hauling lime to build'; asmelter. Apole line leading from Tel-egraph City to the mine has been com-pleted to supply the . power.


men are at work at the mine.

The Etna King'Mining company ;of

Stockton has put a hoisting plant uponthe Zelgler property In Angel Camp,

and will sink a three-compartmentworking shaft for. the development oftwo shoots of ore.

On the Stanislaus river below CoNllervllle, six miles east of Murphys,the Bourbon Mining,Miltingand Kler-

trical company has acquired'water

rights along the river and Intends >totransmit power into Sonora and otherTuolumne points by July, 100!!. \u25a0 .

A workman who was assigned thejob of scraping and cleaning1 the plates

at the Sunny Hill.millingplant'1near'Redding quit work In alarm recently \u25a0

because he thought he was ;scrapingthe platen to pieces. When Superin* 5

tendent' Barlow madfl an Investigation-

he found that It was gold the laborerwas, scraping, and all told there was$1440 taken from the plates....

American Capital In Bonora Develop*Ino Promlslnfl Properties vf^u

Harris' shows some splendid gold orefrom the strike and declares that $250

reck is common where he and his part-ner are staking claims. Not satisfied

•with this, Harris also reports that Bam

Morris and Sam Phail, who are knowninLos Angeles as having traversed theentire Panamint country in quest of

the yellow metal, have located excellentcopper claims at Cow creek, ; sevenmiles south of Furnace canyon, andthat sixty-four psr cent of the ore iscopper, from a ledge 2 1-2 feet wide.

Rich Searchlight MinesThe entire Searchlight district of

Southern Nevada Is tributory to LosAngeles, and In that section an im-mense amount of Angeleno capital isinvested. C. C. Brown of Los Angeles,yeaTs ago, then a leading mining engi-

neer, prophesied that the Quartzitemine of Searchlight would prove to be

one of the richest gold mines in thewestern half of the United States, andwould later rank among the ten greatgold mines of the world. From indica-tions that time seems to have arrivedand the prophecy made when the

property was inits infancy has proventrue. The showing now on the 700-footlevel, together with the ground openedup above, makes the Quartzite notenly one of the ten big mlnea of the

world, but one of the largest knownI'ree-mllllng propositions. On the firstof the year the stamp mills of thatdistrict, four In number, sixty stamps

in Rli, were turning out a quarter ot

a million dollars a month. This isn'tmuch but It will do nicely for the fourcompanies concerned.It takes time to open and equip,

a property, but give Searchlight twelvomonths and the above output winat least be doubled, and more likely

tiebted. This (statement is made onBuch showings as the Cyrus Noble,Pompeii, Empire, Ivanough, Old Rom-en, Good Hope, Southern Nevada,

Parallel Dupont, and many others.Another Bonanza Found

Local mining circles are repeatingthe glowing accounts that have comehere concerning a new Viola mine inIdaho that State Mine Inspector Bellrecently visited and found it one ofthe great silver-lead ,mines of thecountry.

There is thirty feet of solid ore thatcarries from 30 to 70 pcr1cent lead,

with a half ounce of silver for eachunit of lead, there also being a smallquantity of gold. \

This Is all shipping ore. During thepast season the company shippedwhat would be equivalent to 100 twen-ty-ton cars of the ore, which washauled by team to Dubois, elghty.flvemiles at a cost of $10 a ton.

This property was located in theearly days, when the Viola was pro-ducing such great quantities of:ore,

the claims being known ait tho 16 to

1and. the Silver Dollar. Borne workwas done on the ground at that tlm«.developing ia small

'vein on the .•sur-

face. '• Two and. a *half \u25a0 years ago •an

Harris knows the desert country per-

fectly and was accompanied on his

prospecting trip- that turned out sosuccessfully by L. P. McGeary andE. G. legot. who are now staking out

the best • looking ground.

Harris saya that "It Is a beautirulcountry." The contact is in lime andgranite, and can be traced for fifteenmiles. There is already a crowd of

goldseekers going Into the new coun-try and it willnot be long before the

entire area will be located. \u25a0

More particularly, the new strike Is

located twenty-five miles west of Sur-veyors' wells In Inyo county, Cali-fornia. The point is reached by going

first to Willow Springs, then to Sur-veyors' wells, and through Cotton-wood canyon to the discovery. Theground la apart from Death valley, andso situated thut wood and water canbe had In plenty from the mountainsnear by, which are a break up of thePanamint range. The Carson & Col-orado railroad Is only sixty miles dis-


However, through this reported dis-covery Inyo county, California, isagain made famous, as Frank Harris,

better known as "Shorty" Harris, hasmade a atrlKe fiftymiles south of.thecr.mp with the reHonant name that willdevelop Into a rich property.

' •'

Up in thnt rlproorlng ret rich and\u25a0now famoun gold camp, Ooldfleld, thealleged discovery of the Breyfoglomine that stampeded the prospectorsfrom GoldfleW and from Bullfrog, andfrom Bwallowtall an* from other shiv-ering camps, almost caused a lynching

bee because the so-called discovery has

been dynamited to smithereens by the

Bullfroggers, Swallowtallera and othertailers who rushed into the desert coun-try to grab a slice of the ledges fromwhich gold could be knocked off withjan axe. The alluring tale told by the'lone prospector who evidently haddrank deep and long, stampeded thewhole Bullfrogcamp and men rushedoff by day and night to a point scv*

vnteen miles southward, where thestrike wa» said to be. Many did not

equip themselves properly and somewere inImminent danger of dyingfromexposure, and when they returned they

were so wrathy that they talked oflynching, but j the man who told the

story. explained satisfactorily and sostill lives.

At the old Black Hear, mine," ownedby John Paggett, and which was sup-posed to have been worked out, a slx-

The Ohm and Hand property, whichIs under bond . to the Mount Vernonpeople, is said to be showing up fine.Afour-foot ledge of blue ribbonquart* has been . encountered whichruns from $40 to $50 per. ton.

The well-known Cherry Hill Mineon Cherry Creek/ a few miles fromYreka, which has been closed for sometime on account 'of litigation, has beenplaced in commission. This was thefirst property to attempt deep miningin that section, A force

'of men Is

now engaged in driving the 1800 foottunnel, and it is predicted that a richstrike willbe made ;before many, feethave been covered. The vein' willbeencountered at a depth of about 1300feet.'

-\u25a0' . .V.' . .

The Stavert Uroß. ure running adrainage tunnel which Is to drain theirpld Keys mine 150 feet below the deep-est working and 800 feet below, theoeepeat part of their ground. Thisia entirely a new departure. Hereto-fore other mines of the Keysvllle dis-trict have quit, work at 200 feet orlira. The Old Keys has paid by farmore clear profit than any mtno in vhlssection.

According to Stephen'Barton

the Grenavere silver mine on Sll-verade mountain southeast of Isa-bella in \u25a0 Kern county, has been soldto J. M. Crumpacker of,Los Angeles,and arrangements are being made to

work it. The development done :onthis mine shows a margin abovewages, part being gold. This waa.aensh ealo and the terms appear to beprivate, Mr. Hooper being the ;manwho sold the mine and tlw only per-son who ever made a milling test ofthe ore, though Judge Sumiwr made

shipments of the ore to San Franciscogome thirtyyears ago.

The Dorleska is owned by Capt. H.Z. Osborne and other associates In LosAngeles.

. O. L. Carr and G. F. Emery ofCarrvllle, owners .of the .well known

Yellow Rose Miningcompany, are op-

erating a group of claims on the head-waters of the south fork of Salmonand Union creek, in Coffee creek min-

ing district. Mr. Carr, who' superin-tends the work saya the company isdriving a.1200-foot tunnel from the

Siskiyou county side to tap the orevein running parallel with the famousDorleska mine, whlt'h;is now being

operated on the Trinity side. They

have already encountered some verygood veins of ore; and when the mainvein is struck, which will be at adepth of nearly 800 feet, it willmakeone of the grandest mines In NorthernCalifornia. •

Last Sunday the new quartz millonthe Lappln mine, near "Weaverville,

was started on good ore. The plant wasput in this fall and work was ener-getically pushed to completion.

A mining man from Stockton, whorecently visited the Jenny \u25a0Llnd re-gion, was told there that the dredgerat work In the Calaveraß river wastaking out from $12,000 to $20,000 ;;amonth in gold, and that in one weekrecently the clean up amounted to $6000,

which would'make about . $25,000 .amonth. The machine Is operated day

and night by three shifts, each com-posed of three men. A Stockton fam-

ily which owns land on which thedredger Ifi at work is, \u25a0 according toimport, rei-elvlng from $1200 to $2000. amonth, that being 10 per cent of thegross clean-ups.

A.few miles above Lewlston, Trinity

county, California, work ;has beencommenced on a big mining Projectup , the river. The undertaking Is todrive a tunnel twelve feet wide andeight feet high through a mountain adistance of a third of a mile In orderto .turn Trinityriver from its course.The tunnel cuts off a big bend ;andwill lay bare a mile and a half orriver bed that Is known to be richin''placer gold, for it has been thor-oughly prospected. The tunnel willbeample in Bize and grade to carry allthe water in the river at ordinary

stages. The enterprise is under the di-rection of Frank McCue.

California Mine News

As these caverns are frequent oc-currences In the mines' in tho Gold-field district and usually contain ore,

the men Investigated and found allthe walls carried gold ore. When adrill was driven into, the walls it wasdiscovered that they were several feetIn thickness.

The men had put a heavy shot Inthe drift the night before, and thenext morning, when muckers went towork to clear up the ore, they dis-covered that a large cavern had beenopened. Part of the drift had fallenIn and one side of the tunnel hadbeen blown away, exposing the largecavern.

mA heavy shot In the drift of theLookout mine at Ooldfleld has openedan Immense cave containing one of thelargest bodies of pay ore ever dis-covered In that portion of \u2666Nevada.Careful measurements of the ore ex*

posed determined that tho cave con-tains over 10,000 tons of gold ore whichwill average $20 a ton.

Rich Gold Cave

At ninety feet from the portal, thetunnel opened a blind lend which car-ried Rood ore. Development disclosedthe fact that there was a shoot 400feet In length and on« to four feet Inwidth, the ore being of jvery finegrade.

eastern bualneM man who w«» Inter-ested At Tlntk, visited the poperty.He made a careful investigation of thesurface and found the formation justlike that at the Utah camp. Becom-ing: satisfied the property was a livelyone for development, he purchased Itand started to cut the ledge, showingat the surface, surveys indicating thatthe tunnel would have to be drivensoma 300 feet.

"Los Angeles has th« possibility ofbeing one of the cleanest cities In theworld. New York city burned over amillion tons of coal in a single winterand not considering the smoke nuisancehas jthe refuse ashes to be gotten ridof.' Comparatively little coal Is burnedInLos Angvles, and the two very im-

jurtuntItnim of smoke and ash*H'ar«well out of the wayin making;the citycleanly."

"Contractors trf Los Angeles wouldprobably fight the measure but It hasbeen successfully -enforced for jyearsInNew York and plays no small partlv the cleanliness of the streets, andthe same thins can be done here.

"Twenty-five years ago when the lawwas put Into effect, we contractorsmade a great hue and cry, because webelieved w« absolutely needed part ofthe street for our materials, We havefound out how to work from the cel-lar, that Is. all.


"In New York city wo may havenome of the big steel girders needed »"

construction .placed temporarily In thestreet but not longer than for twen-ty-four hours. I

'think we are build-

ing sky scrapers having a floor, spaceequivalent to;, that of a block of thelargest business bulldlngß in la>b An-geles and fifteen to twenty storieshigh. We have our materials' in thebasement and use them a* they areneeded.

"In the construction of any building

it is almost an easy for the materialsto be dumped into the cellar and thenused as needed. • • .

"The authorities of New York city

do not allow a wagon load of materialto be.placed in the street when a'building is being erected," Mr. Millersaid last night, "and New York is oneof the cleanest cities in the UnitedStates. Here they allow anything to

be piled in the street and contractorsdo about as they want to with j the

highway." t

"By the wind, horses and wagons andpeople passing, the sand, rtlrt and re-fuse la scattered about and as a re-sult you jhave dirty streets and willhave them so long as these conditionscontinue. ' . ' . .. .

This la the comment on "a cleanerLos Angeles" by John, Miller, for thirty

years a prominent contractor of NewYork city, who with his wife is spend-ing the winter In Los Angeles.

"Los Angeles will.not have cleanstreets and an abatement of the dustnuisance until an ordinance is passedby the city council and enforced by theproper authorities prohibiting buildingcontractors from piling up their ma-terials in the public highways as they

are now doing." , ,;",

Dr.Hecht made a stirring1 address, Inwhich he advocated the .federation ofall.charltahle organizations in this city.

This project,willnot be possible withinthe present year, but Dr.Hecht is 'en-

The hospital soclty elected elevendirectors, who in turn elected the fol-lowing officers:

'8. S, Sederman,' presi-

dent; I.Norton, vice president; V.-Har-ris, secretary; N. Newmaxk, treasurer.Following are the directors:|Max N.Newmurk, Jacob Bchlesinger, 8. S.Sederman. I.Norton, Dr.8. Hecbt, S. G.Marchults. J. L. Lownutn, ,A. Prens-lauer, V.Harris, B.Forrer and B.King-baker.

|The following officers were elected forthe benevolent society: 8. B. Sederman,president; I.Norton, vice president; N.Danzlger, • secretary, V. Harris, treas-urer; Dr. 8. Hecht, B. Forrer and I.Wolfe, directors.

1'The Joint annual meeting'

of theHebrew Benevolent society and theKaspare Cohn Hospital association washeld yesterday afternoon at the Temple

B'nal B'rlth. The reports of the officerswere submitted, which showed a satis-factory financial standing and a large

amount of good being done by the hos-pital. The reports of the house phy-sician and the matron were especiallygratifying. Following the reports theofficers for the ensuing year wereelected. 'Jacob Schlesinger, who hasserved as the president of both associa-tions and who has proved the most

efficient president the society has had,

was obliged to withdraw from his posi-tion on account of illness in hts family.Ajcommittee was appointed to draftresolutions regarding the excellent workhe has done. • '

Acensus recently taken of the horseslil,Paris '}shows thut while the ValutaIloyal quarter has 18,600 Inhabitants itaccommodate* 80.600 horses. '\u0084 Y>.'

Thus the identy of the rain la houio-

whut lit doubt, but, 'to quote a curb-

:Hutfield's :followers, on-

the » otherhand, are positive that the wizard ofEeperanza has .again provoked theclouds to tears and the most astutemeterologist can jnot shake them .Intheir belief. ;They, are \u25a0', firmly con-vinced.that Hatfield, with his strangechemical affinities, has produced thisrain nnil is entitled. to credit for it.

The rain did not come" unannounced.Mr.Franklin has eald for two daya insuccession that it would/ "possibly"rain. He soented from .afar theseshowers, pointing out that ,there wasa disturbance out at sea which wouldprobably make a landing somewhereon| the lower coast and produce ralu.

Itrained enough in the early even-ing to bring out umbrellas and rainclothes and make dyspeptics ;scowl.Up to midnight only a "trace" of rainhad fallen,, but the atmosphere re-mained limp and soggy, showing thata further downfall might be 'expected.

An unpretentious drizzle Bet in yes-terday afternoon In Los Angeles andcontinued, intermittently, until lateinto the night. The rain was a smallaffair, to be sure, but It will get Itsname in the weather bureau records,

as well as in the papers, and those whoare wishing, for a heavy precipitationwill accept it thankfully and hope forlarger favors.