Organic Photovoltaics DOI: 10.1002/anie.200702506 Polymer–Fullerene Composite Solar Cells Barry C. Thompson and Jean M. J. FrȖchet* Angewandte Chemie Keywords: electron transfer · energy conversion · fullerenes · polymers · solar cells J. M. J. FrȖchet and B. C. Thompson Reviews 58 www.angewandte.org # 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 58 – 77

Polymer-Fullerene Composite Solar Cellsecourse.uoi.gr/pluginfile.php/75314/mod_resource/content/1/Solar...Polymer–Fullerene Composite Solar Cells ... [15,16] The processes can

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Organic PhotovoltaicsDOI: 10.1002/anie.200702506

Polymer–Fullerene Composite Solar CellsBarry C. Thompson and Jean M. J. Fr�chet*


Keywords:electron transfer · energy conversion ·fullerenes · polymers · solar cells

J. M. J. Fr"chet and B. C. ThompsonReviews

58 www.angewandte.org � 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 58 – 77

1. Introduction

Organic solar cells belong to the class of photovoltaic cellsknown as excitonic solar cells, which are characterized bystrongly bound electron–hole pairs (excitons) that are formedafter excitation with light.[1] Strongly bound excitons exist inthese materials as a consequence of the low dielectricconstants in the organic components, which are insufficientto affect direct electron–hole dissociation, as is found in theirhigh dielectric inorganic counterparts. In excitonic solar cells,exciton dissociation occurs almost exclusively at the interfacebetween two materials of differing electron affinities (and/orionization potentials): the electron donor (or simply donor)and the electron acceptor (or simply acceptor). To generatean effective photocurrent in these organic solar cells, anappropriate donor–acceptor pair and device architecturemust be selected.

In the more than 20 years since the seminal work ofTang,[2] organic solar cells have undergone a gradual evolutionthat has led to energy conversion efficiencies (h, see Figure 1)of about 5%.[3–8] Two main approaches have been explored inthe effort to develop viable devices: the donor–acceptorbilayer,[8–10] commonly achieved by vacuum deposition ofmolecular components,[11] and the so-called bulk heterojunc-tion (BHJ),[12,13] which is represented in the ideal case as abicontinuous composite of donor and acceptor phases,thereby maximizing the all-important interfacial areabetween the donors and acceptors. Polymer-based photo-voltaic systems which can be processed in solution, and whichgenerally take the form of BHJ devices, most closely conformto the ultimate vision of organic solar cells as low-cost,lightweight, and flexible devices. The real advantage of theseBHJ devices, which can be processed in solution, over vacuumdeposition is the ability to process the composite active layerfrom solution in a single step, by using a variety of techniquesthat range from inkjet printing to spin coating and rollercasting. However, regardless of the method of preparation,one feature that extends across all classes of organic solar cellsis the almost ubiquitous use of fullerenes as the electron-

accepting component. The high electron affinity and superiorability to transport charge make fullerenes the best acceptorcomponent currently available for these devices.

The state-of-the-art in the field of organic photovoltaics iscurrently represented by BHJ solar cells based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and the fullerene derivative [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), with reprodu-cible efficiencies approaching 5%.[3,4] To attain efficienciesapproaching 10% in such organic solar cells, much effort isrequired to understand the fundamental electronic interac-tions between the polymeric donors and the fullerene accept-ors as well as the complex interplay of device architecture,morphology, processing, and the fundamental electronicprocesses. In this Review, recent advances directed towardsthe optimization of organic polymer–fullerene BHJ solar cellsare critically discussed in the context of how they haveredefined the fundamental understanding of energy conver-sion to improve performance.

2. Optimization of Organic Solar Cells on the Basisof Mechanistic Principles

Efforts to optimize the performance of organic solar cellsshould find their basis in the fundamental mechanism ofoperation. Scheme 1 illustrates the mechanism by which lightenergy is converted into electrical energy in the devices. Theenergy conversion process has four fundamental steps in thecommonly accepted mechanism:[14] 1) Absorption of light and

[*] Dr. B. C. Thompson, Prof. J. M. J. Fr"chetDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of California, BerkeleyandDivision of Materials SciencesE.O. Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBerkeley, CA 94720-1460 (USA)Fax: (+1)510-643-3079E-mail: [email protected]: http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~ jfrechet/

Fossil fuel alternatives, such as solar energy, are moving to the fore-front in a variety of research fields. Polymer-based organic photo-voltaic systems hold the promise for a cost-effective, lightweight solarenergy conversion platform, which could benefit from simple solutionprocessing of the active layer. The function of such excitonic solar cellsis based on photoinduced electron transfer from a donor to anacceptor. Fullerenes have become the ubiquitous acceptors because oftheir high electron affinity and ability to transport charge effectively.The most effective solar cells have been made from bicontinuouspolymer–fullerene composites, or so-called bulk heterojunctions. Thebest solar cells currently achieve an efficiency of about 5%, thussignificant advances in the fundamental understanding of the complexinterplay between the active layer morphology and electronic proper-ties are required if this technology is to find viable application.

From the Contents

1. Introduction 59

2. Optimization of Organic SolarCells on the Basis ofMechanistic Principles 59

3. Electronic Donor–AcceptorInteractions 61

4. Morphology 64

5. Considerations for theOptimization of Polymer–Fullerene BHJ Solar Cells 70

6. Summary and Outlook 74

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generation of excitons, 2) diffusion of the excitons, 3) disso-ciation of the excitons with generation of charge, and4) charge transport and charge collection. Figure 1 shows aschematic representation of a typical BHJ solar cell, illustrat-ing the components involved in the mechanistic steps as wellas a current–voltage curve defining the primary quantitiesused to validate the performance of a solar cell.

The elementary steps involved in the pathway fromphotoexcitation to the generation of free charges are shownin Scheme 2.[15,16] The processes can also occur in ananalogous fashion in the case of an excited acceptor, andthe details of these mechanistic steps have been describedextensively in the literature.[16] The key point is that electrontransfer is not as simple as depicted in Scheme 1. The processmust be energetically favorable to form the geminate pair instep 3 of Scheme 2 and an energetic driving force must exist toseparate this Coulombically bound electron–hole pair.

It is apparent that the active layer donor–acceptorcomposite governs all aspects of the mechanism, with theexception of charge collection, which is based on theelectronic interface between the active layer composite andthe respective electrode. Detailed descriptions of the stepsused for device fabrication are found elsewhere.[17] Besidesthe fundamental mechanistic steps, the open circuit voltage

Barry C. Thompson was born in Milwaukee,Wisconsin in 1977. He studied Chemistryand Physics at the University of Rio Grandein Rio Grande, Ohio (BSc 2000) and com-pleted his PhD in 2005 with Prof. John R.Reynolds at the University of Florida, wherehe studied the synthesis and electronic char-acterization of electroactive polymers. He iscurrently a post-doctoral fellow studyingorganic solar cells with Prof. Jean M. J.Fr4chet at the University of California, Ber-keley.

Jean M. J. Fr4chet is the Rapoport Chair ofOrganic Chemistry at the University of Cal-ifornia, Berkeley and is a director of theMolecular Foundry at Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory. His research at theinterface of organic and polymer chemistry isdirected towards functional macromolecules,their design, synthesis, and applications.

Scheme 1. General mechanism for photoenergy conversion in excitonicsolar cells.

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of a polymer–fullerene BHJ solar cell,with a magnified area showing the bicontinuous morphology of theactive layer. ITO is indium tin oxide and PEDOT-PSS is poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrene sulfonate. The typical current–volt-age characteristics for dark and light current in a solar cell illustratethe important parameters for such devices: Jsc is the short-circuitcurrent density, Voc is the open circuit voltage, Jm and Vm are thecurrent and voltage at the maximum power point, and FF is the fillfactor. The efficiency (h) is defined, both simplistically as the ratio ofpower out (Pout) to power in (Pin), as well as in terms of the relevantparameters derived from the current–voltage relationship.

J. M. J. Fr"chet and B. C. ThompsonReviews

60 www.angewandte.org � 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 58 – 77

(Voc) is also governed by the energetic relationship betweenthe donor and the acceptor (Scheme 1) rather than the workfunctions of the cathode and anode, as would be expectedfrom a simplistic view of these diode devices. Specifically, theenergy difference between the HOMO of the donor and theLUMO of the acceptor is found to most closely correlate withthe Voc value.


It is therefore apparent that the choice of the componentsin the active layer as well as its morphology, which governs thephysical interaction between the donor and acceptor, are theprimary factors affecting the performance of the device. Assuch, the focus of this Review is the optimization andunderstanding of the electronic and physical interactionsbetween polymeric donors and fullerene acceptors in BHJsolar cells. Architectural modification (such as the use ofbuffer layers) or the choice of electrodes are also criticalaspects which will be viewed as a second level of deviceoptimization in our discussion.

3. Electronic Donor–Acceptor Interactions

In principle, the optimization of polymer–fullerenesolar cells is based on fine-tuning the electronic proper-ties and interactions of the donor and acceptor compo-nents so as to absorb the most light, generate thegreatest number of free charges, with minimal concom-itant loss of energy, and transport the charges to therespective electrodes at a maximum rate and with aminimum of recombination. Such an approach, whichfocuses solely on the electronic characteristics of theindividual components (absorption coefficient, chargecarrier mobility, etc.) ignores morphological issues,which are also of critical importance in these devicesand will be discussed in the following section. However,it is necessary to know the ideal electronic character-istics that each component should have for the design ofthe next generation, high-efficiency photovoltaic sys-tems.

The two components required in these devices forelectronic optimization are a soluble fullerene (gener-ally a C60 derivative) acceptor and a polymeric donorthat can be processed in solution. Fullerenes arecurrently considered to be the ideal acceptors fororganic solar cells for several reasons. First, they havean energetically deep-lying LUMO,[20] which endows the

molecule with a very high electron affinity relative to thenumerous potential organic donors. The triply degenerateLUMO of C60 also allows the molecule to be reversiblyreduced with up to six electrons, thus illustrating its ability tostabilize negative charge. Importantly, a number of conju-gated polymer–fullerene blends are known to exhibit ultrafastphotoinduced charge transfer (ca. 45 fs), with a back transferthat is orders of magnitude slower.[21] Furthermore, C60 hasbeen shown to have a very high electron mobility of up to1 cm2V�1 s�1 in field-effect transistors (FETs).[22]

It is these fundamental properties, coupled with the abilityof soluble fullerene derivatives to pack effectively in crystal-line structures conducive to charge transport,[23] that havemade fullerenes the most important acceptor materials forBHJ solar cells. The electronic structure of the fullerenes canbe considered to be constant regardless of the chemicalfunctionalization used for solubilization: for most functional-ized fullerenes, the first reduction potential only varies by� 100 mV relative to C60.

[18,24,25] Therefore, the constraints andrequirements for the electronic band structure of an idealpolymeric donor become clear. The relationship is illustratedin Figure 2, for the example of MDMO-PPV (poly[2-methoxy-5-(3,7-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylen]-alt-(vinyl-ene)) and P3HT, two of the most commonly used donorpolymers.

The first constraint is that the donor must be capable oftransferring charge to the fullerene upon excitation(Scheme 1). A downhill energetic driving force is necessaryfor this process to be favorable and the driving force mustexceed the exciton binding energy. This binding energy is theCoulombic attraction of the bound electron–hole pair in thedonor, and typical values are estimated to be 0.4–0.5 eV.[26]

The energetic driving force effects the dissociation of the

Scheme 2. Elementary steps in the process of photoinduced chargeseparation for a donor (D) and an acceptor (A): 1) Photoexcitation ofthe donor; 2) diffusion of the exciton and formation of an encounterpair; 3) electron transfer within the encounter pair to form a geminatepair; 4) charge separation.

Figure 2. Band structure diagram illustrating the HOMO and LUMO energies ofMDMO-PPV, P3HT, and an “ideal” donor relative to the band structure of PCBM.Energy values are reported as absolute values relative to a vacuum.

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exciton with the formation of a geminate pair (step 3 inScheme 2). An additional energetic driving force is requiredto separate this geminate pair bound by Coulombic forces togenerate free charges. This process is aided both thermallyand by the intrinsic electric field in the device.

Much more sophisticated descriptions of the energeticrequirements for photoinduced electron transfer in the solidstate are given elsewhere, but in general the change in the freeenergy on converting two neutral species into two separatedcharged species must be favorable (that is, exergonic).[16,27]

Empirically, the overall energetic driving force for a forwardelectron transfer from the donor to the acceptor is repre-sented by the energy difference (offset) between the LUMOsof the donor and acceptor. It appears that a minimum energydifference of 0.3 eV is required to affect the exciton splittingand charge dissociation.[28,29] Furthermore, an energy differ-ence between the LUMOs that is larger than this minimumvalue does not seem to be advantageous, and indeed results inwasted energy that does not contribute to the deviceperformance.[30] The ideal polymer would have a minimumenergy difference between the LUMOs; in this way wastedenergy upon exciton splitting would be avoided and thebandgap of the polymer would be minimized so as tomaximize the absorption of light. Thus, the LUMO of anideal polymer would reside at approximately 3.9 eV, since theLUMO energy for PCBM, the most commonly and success-fully employed soluble fullerene derivative, is 4.2 eV.

The HOMO energy of the ideal donor polymer wouldthen be determined by considering the bandgap of thepolymer, and hence the absorption of light, as well as theinfluence on the open circuit voltage (Voc). The lower theenergy of the HOMO, the greater the maximum theoreticallyattainable Voc value, but the larger the bandgap, the poorerthe spectral overlap with the photon flux from the sun, whichhas a maximum at 1.8 eV (ca. 700 nm). A compromise isfound by considering that a bandgap of about 1.5 eV is anoptimal value for a polymer absorber.[31] This gives a HOMOenergy of about 5.4 eV, which corresponds to a maximumattainable Voc value of 1.2 V. The optimal bandgap value of1.5 eV has been determined through a detailed analysis thatbalances the attainable Voc value and the donor bandgap.[32] Abroad absorption band for the polymer between 4.1 and1.5 eVand a high absorption coefficient (at least 105 cm�1) arealso assumed to be a critical criteria for an ideal system. Ahigh charge carrier mobility for the polymer commensuratewith that of PCBM (10�3 cm2V�1 s�1 measured in a space–charge limited regime[33] or ca. 10�1 cm2V�1 s�1 measured infield-effect transistors[34]) is also assumed for such an idealdonor; the specifics of charge mobility will be described in thefollowing sections.

Several studies have been aimed at designing optimaldonor polymers for PCBM, either on a theoretical orempirical basis, by using the mechanism of solar cell operationpresented in Scheme 1, and in an analogous manner as theabove discussion.[30,32,35] Specific concerns about the elec-tronic interaction between the polymer and the fullerene havealso been raised recently on the basis of a growing under-standing of the fundamental photoconversion process, whichchallenges the simplistic mechanism presented in Scheme 1.

The first concept that must be considered is the precisesequence of events that lead to charge separation followingthe absorption of light and the generation of an exciton in thedonor polymer. In the generally accepted mechanism, directelectron transfer from the donor to the acceptor occursfollowing the diffusion of the exciton to the donor–acceptorinterface. However, another possible mechanism (Scheme 3)

involves a FCrster resonance energy transfer (FRET) fromthe donor to the acceptor after excitation, thus generating anexciton in the acceptor. Electron transfer from the donor tothe acceptor by oxidation of the donor by the excited-stateacceptor then leads to a free electron and free hole, if thedifference between the HOMOs of the two components issufficient to drive the charge transfer. This process has beenobserved to operate in covalent oligomer–fullerene dyads insolution[36] and has recently been observed for fullerenes inthe solid state.[37]

In the latter case, a dye (Nile Red) was blended withPCBM in a polystyrene matrix. The small dye molecule wasused to approximate the electronic absorption and emissioncharacteristics of a typical conjugated polymer, while retain-ing the ability to spatially separate the small molecule donorfrom PCBM in a polymer matrix. The emission of the dyeoverlaps well with the weak absorption of PCBM in the 500–700 nm range (a requirement for resonance energy transfer).The substantial fluorescence quenching in the films was takenas clear evidence of resonance energy transfer from the Nile

Scheme 3. FRETmechanism for the conversion of solar energy.

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Red to the PCBM. The main conclusion of such studies is thatresonance energy transfer can increase the effective diffusionlength of the exciton in conjugated polymers beyond theapproximate limit of 5 nm.[38] Otherwise domain sizes on theorder of about 10 nm would be required to avoid having theperformance of the device limited by exciton diffusion.Besides increasing the effective exciton diffusion length, theexploration of donor–acceptor pairs that give effectiveresonance energy transfer, followed by charge transfer, mayallow trapped excitons at low-energy sites to be harvested. Itshould be noted that polymer donors with bandgaps of lessthan 1.8 eV will show emission that will not overlap with theC60 absorption, thus precluding the operation of this mech-anism.

While the ultimate outcome of either mechanism(Schemes 1 and 3) is essentially equivalent, the extent towhich either mechanism is operating can have profoundeffects on the design of next-generation photovoltaic materi-als, and depend on the extent to which an RET-basedmechanism could enhance the exciton diffusion length in apolymer. Furthermore, the action of such a mechanismimplies that the energy difference between the HOMOs ofthe donor and acceptor is also a relevant parameter, ratherthan simply the difference between the LUMOs. Therequisites for an RET-based donor–acceptor pair are a highphotoluminescence quantum yield for the donor and a strongoverlap between the donor emission and acceptor absorption.

There is another issue that affects the design of conjugatedpolymers for use with fullerene acceptors that goes beyondthe simplistic HOMO–LUMO energy relationship shown inScheme 1. A variety of energetic considerations that extendbeyond the simple difference in the LUMOs deemednecessary for charge transfer must be considered for anydonor–acceptor pair. In a recent study,[39] two alkylthiophenepolymers with HOMO energies lying lower than P3HTwereblended with PCBM to study the energy- and charge-transferprocesses relative to the P3HT/PCBM system.

In polymer 1 (P1 in Scheme 4a), which had the lowestlying HOMO (5.6 eV, although it should be noted that PCBMwas taken to have a LUMO of 3.7 eV), the formation ofpolymer triplet states in PCBM blends was determined byphotoinduced absorption, while blends with P2, with aHOMO of 5.4 eV, showed PCBM triplet states. The resultscan be explained by considering the triplet energies of thematerials involved as well as the charge-separated state (CSstate) for the donor–acceptor pairs (Scheme 4). The energy ofthe CS state is taken as the energy difference between thedonor HOMO and the acceptor LUMO, and can berepresented as the geminate pair shown in Scheme 2. Itshould be noted that the CS state can take the form of anexciplex (an excited state bound donor–acceptor pair in whichpartial charge transfer beteen the components is observed)through relaxation of the geminate pair.[40] Following excita-tion of the donor, charge transfer to the acceptor yields a CSstate, which can have several fates, depending on its energyrelative to the triplet energies of the donor and acceptorinvolved. If the CS state is lower in energy than the two tripletstates (as in the case of P3HT and PCBM) the CS state canlead to free charge carriers. However, if the CS state is higher

in energy than the triplet states available for population (as isthe case for P1 and P2, Scheme 4a), intersystem crossingwithin the CS state, followed by energy transfer is favored,which leads to the generation of triplet states rather than freecharges. This study underscores the importance of consideringall the energy levels in the specific donor–acceptor pair.

Recent evidence has also shown that awareness of otherinterfacial intermediate states is critical when selectingeffective polymeric donors. In a recent publication,[41] evi-dence is given for the existence of a ground-state charge-transfer complex (CTC), generated by the interaction of thedonor and the acceptor. The CTC is also defined as havingenergy equal to the energy difference between the donorHOMO and the acceptor LUMO. The main difference here isthat the CTC state is a ground state that can absorb and emitlight. The CTC is very similar to an exciplex, with the maindifference that an exciplex is an excited-state species only, andis not coupled to the ground state.[42] The existence of a CTCin polymer–fullerene composites has been detected by photo-thermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS), used to observe theabsorbance of the ground state species, and by photolumi-nescence, used to detect emission. In essence, the CTC is anuncharged energetic state defined by a ground-state couplingof the HOMO of the donor and the LUMO of the acceptor,but does not constitute a ground-state charge-transfer species.

Scheme 4b illustrates how the existence of a CTC isexpected to influence the photoenergy conversion and also

Scheme 4. a) Energy level diagram illustrating the influence of the CSstate energy and the triplet energies in a polymer–fullerene pair on thelikelihood of the generation of free charge carriers. Polymer 1 (P1) hasa CS state energy (CS-P1) of 1.9 eV for the P1-PCBM pair asdetermined by ELUMO(acceptor)�EHOMO(Donor); CS-P2 is 1.7 eV andCS-P3HT is ca. 1 eV. The approximate singlet (S1) and triplet (T1)energies are shown for each component, with T1 for PCBM atca. 1.55 eV. b) An analogous energy level diagram illustrating theinfluence of the CTC and T1 energies in a polymer–PCBM pair on thelikelihood of the generation of free charge carriers. The CTC energiesfor P3, P4, and P3HT are estimated in an analogous way as the CSenergies to be 1.5 eV, 2.1 eV, and ca. 1 eV. For the P3-PCBM pair, theCTC is the lowest energy state, whereas for the P4-PCBM pair, thePCBM T1 is lowest.

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illustrates a complex interplay of energetic events that mustbe considered when designing a new polymeric donor. In theexample shown in Scheme 4b, the singlet (S1) and triplet (T1)energies for the three polymers P3, P4, and P3HTas well as ofPCBM are shown relative to the CTC and polaron pair (P.P.;also referred to as a geminate pair) energies for the twodistinct cases. The energy level of the polaron pair is shown tobe slightly higher than the CTC simply to indicate that energyis required to generate the polaron pair from the CTC,although the actual energy of the free, relaxed polaron pairmay be lower than that of the CTC.

The consequence of photoexcitation of the donor can thusfall into two categories depending on the energetic relation-ship of the CTC relative to the other available energy levels.The CTC of P3 (a copolymer of fluorene and triphenylamine)has an energy of 1.5 eV, which places it below all the otherstates (the T1 state of PCBM is just above at ca. 1.55 eV). As aconsequence, P3 shows strong photoluminescence quenchingin blends with PCBM and allows the generation of photo-current in solar cells. In the case of P4 (poly(9,9-dioctylfluor-enyl-2,7-diyl), PFO), for which the CTC is at 2.1 eV, photo-excitation of a blend with PCBM leads to emission from thePCBM singlet state (ca. 1.7 eV), with no photovoltaic activity.In this case, excitation of the donor is followed by energytransfer to the PCBM, which could then fluoresce (observed)or undergo intersystem crossing (not observed). The resultspresented in this study for three different polymers supportthe existence of a CTC and its role in the charge- and energy-transfer process. Further investigation will reveal more aboutthe nature of this CTC and the role it plays in polymer–fullerene solar cells. Note that in both Scheme 4a and b, theenergetic relationship of the P3HT-CS and the P3HT-CTC toPCBM is ideal for generating geminate pairs.

It is interesting to note that both the RET mechanismfrom Scheme 3 and the mechanisms of Scheme 4 havecommon aspects that also differentiate them from thesimple mechanism presented in Scheme 1. For the RET, CS,and CTC models, the HOMO energy of the donor polymer iscritical not just for how it influences the Voc value but also fordetermining whether or not photocurrent will be generated.These studies also indicate that there is a minimum HOMOenergy that polymers can possess for the generation ofefficient charge carriers in composites with PCBM. If theHOMO is too low in energy, the CS state (or the CTC) will behigh in energy, and lie above the S1 and/or T1 state(s) ofPCBM, thereby leading to the possibility of another mech-anism for energy loss. When the LUMO energy of PCBM istaken as 4.2 eV and the T1 state of PCBM is taken as 1.55 eV(assumed on the basis of the reported T1 energy for C60

[43]),the CS state or CTC must lie at 1.5 eV or lower, thus placingthe lowest donor HOMO at 5.7 eV. This situation also appearsto place an upper limit on the attainableVoc value in polymer–PCBM solar cells. Based on the ideal band structure for adonor polymer discussed previously, the HOMO energy of5.4 eV would give a CS state (and CTC) with an energy of1.2 eV, which would lie well below the T1 state of PCBM atabout 1.55 eV.

The ultimate mechanism that operates may be one of thethree presented here or a combination of all three, and the

mechanism that predominates may vary from polymer topolymer. Future studies will be required to answer thisquestion, but awareness of all the possible factors that areimportant will help in the design of better donors for PCBM,and indeed other acceptors.

4. Morphology

Even if the donor and acceptor have an ideal electronicrelationship, the performance of BHJ solar cells still dependson the physical interaction of the donor and acceptorcomponents, which is manifested by the composite morphol-ogy. The ideal bulk-heterojunction solar cell is defined as abicontinuous composite of donor and acceptor with amaximum interfacial area for exciton dissociation and amean domain size commensurate with the exciton diffusionlength (5–10 nm). The two components should phase-segre-gate on a suitable length scale to allow maximum orderingwithin each phase and thus effective charge transport incontinuous pathways to the electrodes so as to minimize therecombination of free charges. The composite should also beformed from solution and self-assemble into the mostfavorable morphology with the minimal application ofexternal treatments, as well as having long-term stability.Such requirements necessitate that the proper balancebetween the mixing and demixing of the two componentscan be achieved.

The morphology of the active layer depends on theinterplay between a number of intrinsic and extrinsicvariables. The intrinsic properties are those that are inherentto the polymer and the fullerene, as well as the fundamentalinteraction parameters between the two components. Theseinclude the crystallinity of the two materials as well as theirrelative miscibility. The extrinsic factors include all theexternal influences associated with device fabrication, suchas solvent choice, overall concentration of the blend compo-nents, deposition technique (spin coating, ink-jet printing,roller casting, etc.), solvent evaporation rate, as well asthermal and/or solvent annealing. It is clear that the numberof factors affecting the morphology of the active layer isimmense and specific to the polymer–fullerene pair used.These factors are best discussed in the context of the twospecific components, and the two current prototypical exam-ples of BHJ solar cells MDMO-PPV/PCBM and P3HT/PCBM will be discussed below.

From a morphology standpoint, one of the most thor-oughly studied donor–acceptor pairs for BHJ solar cells is theMDMO-PPV/PCBM couple, and has recently beenreviewed.[44,45] A detailed treatment will not be given here,but several key points about BHJ morphology and polymer–fullerene interactions in general are illustrated effectively bythis system.

The first important point is the effect of the solvent on themorphology of the active layer and the performance of thedevice. It was observed that casting the active layer blendfrom toluene gave power conversion efficiencies of about0.9% with a 1:4 weight ratio of polymer to fullerene. Whenthe solvent was changed to chlorobenzene, the efficiency

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dramatically improved to 2.5%.[46] Spectroscopic studiesproved that the difference was purely morphological. In thetoluene-cast films it was observed that micrometer-sizedPCBM clusters are embedded in a polymer “skin”.[47] Thisarrangement gives rise to a non-bicontinuous blend, in whichfullerene photoluminescence is not fully quenched by thepolymer, thus indicating the macroscale phase segregation inthe system. In the chlorobenzene-cast films, PCBM clusterswith sizes less than 100 nm are observed in a significantlymore homogenous and bicontinuous composite.

The vastly improved performance of the films cast fromchlorobenzene can be attributed to two factors: 1) the lengthscale of phase segregation is the same order of magnitude asthe exciton diffusion length, and 2) the more bicontinuousnature of the films facilitate charge transport. The cause forthe vast differences in morphology can be attributed primarilyto the greater solubility of PCBM in chlorobenzene than intoluene (4.2 wt% in chlorobenzene but only about 1 wt% intoluene).[44] The consequence of this is that the toluenesolution contains preformed clusters which lead to the largecluster size observed in the toluene-cast films.

The above example clearly indicates the importance ofsolvent choice for generating homogenous solutions. Anotherdecisive factor in determining the film morphology is theinherent miscibility of the two components. This has theconsequence that the morphology depends on the composi-tion and that there is an optimum composition for maximumdevice performance. The inherent miscibility is a thermody-namic aspect of the interaction of the polymer and thefullerene which is also dependent on the solvent choice. It isapparent in the MDMO-PPV/PCBM system that the twocomponents tend toward phase segregation at the composi-tions that are relevant for device fabrication because of aninherent immiscibility of the components. This is evidencedby the high weight percentage of fullerene required relative tothe polymer to generate a percolated network. This lack ofmiscibility is exacerbated by thermal annealing, which leadsto macrophase separation even at short annealing timesbelow the glass temperature (Tg) of the polymer.[48] Theseresults illustrate the fact that a polymer–fullerene blend withnanoscale phase-separated domains is thermodynamicallyunstable and can only be generated by kinetic trapping of thepreferred morphology (through control of the rate of solventevaporation from a solvent in which both components arehighly soluble).

To enable comparison with other polymer–fullerene BHJsolar cells, the parameters for the MDMO-PPV/PCBM solarcells are summarized. Films spin-cast form chlorobenzene arecharacterized by the parameters Voc = 0.82 V, Jsc =

5.25 mAcm�2, and FF= 0.61, which lead to a device efficiencyof 2.5%[46] under AM1.5 conditions at 80 mWcm�2 (with aspectral mismatch factor of 0.753 applied). To be technicallycorrect, AM1.5 measurements should be performed at100 mWcm�2 and should be corrected for any spectralmismatch induced from the light source or calibration of thelight source. The technical procedure for collecting highlyaccurate data has already been published.[49,50] In this Review,all the efficiencies reported are obtained under AM1.5

conditions with intensities of 80–100 mWcm�2, irrespectiveof whether a spectral mismatch factor was applied or not.

The most effective polymer–fullerene combination forBHJ solar cells is the P3HT/PCBM system, with efficienciesof 4–5%.[3–5,51–53] A general reproducibility of values greaterthan 5% has not yet been achieved, but values approaching5% are becoming more commonplace with P3HT/PCBMsolar cells. While the electronic interaction between these twocomponents is certainly favorable, as discussed in theprevious section, it is ultimately the morphology of theactive layer (and the ability to control this morphology) thathas led to the best performance in this type of solar cell.

Several levels of optimization have been employed in themost efficient versions of the P3HT/PCBM BHJ solar cells.The first is the weight ratio of the two materials. In contrast totheMDMO-PPV/PCBM systemwhere a 1:4 blend of polymerto fullerene was employed because of miscibility issues, a 1:1ratio[4] or 1:0.8 ratio[3,5] of polymer to fullerene was found tobe optimal. However, several reports indicate that ratios aslow as 1.0:0.6 or 1.0:0.43 also lead to optimized perfor-mance.[51,54] These results point to a much greater inherentmiscibility between P3HT and PCBM than is observed forMDMO-PPVand PCBM. Chlorobenzene is generally used asthe solvent[3,5] because both PCBM and P3HT are soluble,although 1,2-dichlorobenzene has been reported to givedevices with comparable performance.[4,57]

The best devices[3] are obtained from a solution of10 mgmL�1 P3HT and 8 mgmL�1 PCBM in chlorobenzene,and after spin coating a relatively homogenous composite filmis formed in which little or no phase segregation is observedbeyond the length scale of a few nanometers. Such untreatedfilms were observed by Ma et al. to give energy conversionefficiencies of less than 1% under AM1.5 conditions,[3]

although it should be noted that several research groupshave measured efficiencies of greater than 2%. The differ-ence in the efficiencies can be explained by differences in thetechniques used to prepare the films, as will be discussedbelow. The poor performance of as-cast films is generallyattributed to a poorly developed morphology that consists ofan intimately mixed composite of donor and acceptor ratherthan a bicontinuous network with well-developed andordered pathways for the transport of charge. The intimatemixing in the as-cast films has been further confirmed on themolecular level by using 2D NMR techniques, which indicatea high degree of interaction between the hexyl side chains ofthe polymer and the fullerene cages.[55]

This intimate and homogenous mixing of components inspin-coated films confirms that the interaction between P3HTand PCBM is more favorable than that betweenMDMO-PPVand PCBM. It also suggests that the kinetically trappedmorphology initially obtained is unstable to phase segrega-tion, being driven by the strong tendency of the twocomponents to crystallize independently. The judicious ap-plication of an external variable, such as heat or solventvapour, can drive the phase segregation of P3HT and PCBMinto bicontinuous domains.

A variety of methods have been used to optimize themorphology of these films to obtain the best solar cellperformance. The most commonly used technique involves

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thermal annealing, as first reported by Padinger et al.[56]

Heating the active layer of the device to a temperaturegreater than the glass temperature Tg of P3HT (the Tg valueof P3HT has been reported to be 110 8C,[57] but no clearfeature is observed and thus the precise value is still underdebate) allows 1) the polymer chains to reorganize and 2) thefullerene molecules to freely diffuse into the composite andreorder in a more thermodynamically favorable way. Figure 3

illustrates this change in morphology as monitored by trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM). Figure 3a and b showsthat thermal annealing of a 1:1 blend of P3HT (Rieke Metals)and PCBM leads to the development of a nanoscale phase-separated bincontinuous network. Figure 3c and d show thecase in which thermal annealing has induced phase separationand the generation of macroscopic domains of a 1:1 blend ofP3HT and PCBM. The relationship between the P3HTstructure and the composite thermal stability will be discussedlater in this section.

A detailed investigation by TEM and selected-areaelectron diffraction (SAED)[58] of the morphological conse-quences of thermal annealing shows the growth of large P3HTfibrillar crystals (lamellar in nature) from the smaller fibrillarstructures generated upon spin casting. The fibrils grow in thedirection in the interchain p axis of the polymer. Since P3HTcrystallizes faster and more readily than PCBM, the growth ofcrystalline P3HT domains upon thermal treatment is accom-panied by free diffusion of the fullerene molecules within thecomposite film, thus leading to aggregation of PCBM indomains that crystallize slowly. A bicontinous network withnanometer-scale phase segregation is obtained by judicious

application of this thermal annealing step, in which theheating time and temperature is temperature is carefullycontrolled. The ability to control the domain size at shortannealing times—a feature not attainable with any level ofthermal annealing in the MDMO-PPV/PCBM system—isattributed to inhibition of the fast diffusion of PCBM by therapidly formed P3HT fibril network acting as boundaries andenforcing a measure of control over the degree of phasesegregation. Once a highly ordered bicontinuous network ofP3HT and PCBM has been induced by thermal annealing,device efficiencies jump to the 4–5% range that characterizesthe state-of-the-art of this technique today. Figure 4 illustratesthe effect of annealing on the current–voltage curve and theexternal quantum efficiency (EQE, also IPCE= incidentphoton-to-current efficiency; the ratio (in %) of electronsharvested to incident photons at a single wavelength) fortypical P3HT/PCBM solar cells. The data show that annealingresults in significant improvements in the conversion ofharvested photons into harvested charges at all wavelengthsacross the composite absorption spectrum.

Figure 3. TEM images of a P3HT/PCBM composites. a) 1:1 blend ofRieke P3HT (regioregularity=92%) and PCBM prior to annealing(scale bar 0.5 mm); b) the same sample after annealing at 150 8C for30 minutes (scale bar 0.5 mm). (Reproduced with permission fromJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13988–13989.) c) 1:1 blend of P3HT(regioregularity >96%) and PCBM prior to annealing (scale bar2 mm); d) the same sample after annealing at 140 8C for 1 h (scale bar2 mm). (Reproduced with permission from Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 206–210.)

Figure 4. Top): Current–voltage curve for a P3HT/PCBM solar cellprior to annealing (&, h=0.82%), after annealing at 70 8C for 30 min(~, h =3.2%), and 150 8C for 30 minutes (&, h=5%). (Reproducedwith permission from Adv. Funct. Mater. 2005, 15, 1617–1622.)Bottom: EQE spectrum for a P3HT/PCBM composite solar cell before(~) and after thermal annealing (*). (Reproduced with permissionfrom Nano Lett. 2005, 5, 579–583.)

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The precise details of how the thermal annealing treat-ment should be applied vary from report to report, and reflectthe fact that experimental parameters, such as differences inpolymer sample, spin-coating conditions, polymer–fullereneratio, have a strong effect on the initial morphology after spincoating as well the consequences of thermal annealing. Ingeneral though, annealing temperatures between 100 and150 8C are applied for as little as 1 minute or up to 2 hours.One critical point to mention is that annealing prior todeposition of the cathode (generally aluminum) results inpoorer device performance than when annealing is performedafter deposition of the cathode.[59–61] A so-called confinementeffect is responsible for this difference in performance andtends to reduce the length scale and degree of phasesegregation.

Similar improvements in device efficiency can beobserved with other techniques such as solvent annealing orthe controlled evaporation of solvent from the cast films.Yang and co-workers have pioneered the use of controlledsolvent evaporation during film formation in P3HT/PCBMsolar cells.[4,62] It is observed that when films of a 1:1 blend ofP3HTand PCBM are spin coated from a 1,2-dichlorobenzenesolution the rate of solvent evaporation prior to deposition ofthe cathode has a strong effect on the performance of thedevice. When the cast film is allowed to dry in a covered petridish over a 20-minute period prior to Al deposition, an energyconversion efficiency of 3.52% is measured with no thermalannealing. If the same film is dried in a nitrogen flow for threeminutes, the maximum energy conversion efficiency isreduced to 2.80%, while acceleration of the rate of solventevaporation by heating the substrate to 50 or 70 8C leads tofurther efficiency reductions to 2.10 and 1.36%, respectively.This experiment suggests that both the presence and resi-dence time of solvent molecules in the film contribute tophase reorganization, and leads to results that are roughlysimilar to those obtained by thermal annealing.

Further experiments showed that the best device (3.52%efficiency) obtained by solvent evaporation benefited fromsubsequent thermal annealing at 110 8C for 10 minutes: itsefficiency increased to 4.37%. This finding suggests thateither the evaporation time of 20 minutes was insufficient toallow optimal reorganization of the morphology, or thatthermal annealing provides a more effective driving force forreorganization of the film. Longer annealing times resulted ina decrease in the peak efficiency of this device, likely as aresult of phase segregation taking place on a larger thanoptimal length scale. Similar results have also been observedwhen a true solvent annealing step was employed.[63]

Other studies have suggested that the performance ofdevices obtained by solvent annealing can exceed that ofthermally annealed devices. Thus, thermal annealing at 110 8Cfor 4 minutes of a 1:1 P3HT/PCBM film cast from chloroformled to efficiencies of 3.1%, while devices cast from the sameblend in dichlorobenzene and allowed to evaporate overnightin a sealed petri dish overnight with no thermal annealing hadefficiencies of 3.7%.[64] Film thickness also appears to be animportant variable, as it was shown in the same study that theoptimal film thickness for quickly evaporated films was about

100 nm, whereas the solvent annealed films were optimal atabout 300 nm.

Such disparity appears to be directly related to differencesin in the mobility of the charge carriers in the active layers.For the devices cast from chloroform and annealed at 110 8C,the hole mobility measured in the space–charge limit (SCL)was found to be 1.1 K 10�4 cm2V�1 s�1, whereas the thickerfilm, in which dichlorobenzene was slowly evaporated,showed a value of 5 K 10�3 cm2V�1 s�1. This constitutes anincrease in the hole mobility by a factor of 45, and can beattributed to a more favorable reorganization of P3HT duringthe slow solvent evaporation process. The higher mobilityallowed a thicker film to be used, which resulted in anincreased photocurrent as a result of increased absorption(until the space–charge limit was reached). At the space–charge limit, holes are generated in the active layer at a ratethat exceeds the rate at which they can be transported out ofthe film. The build-up of space charge lowers the fill factorand device efficiency.

All of these results emphasize the importance of anannealing step for reorganizing the polymer chains to achievemaximum mobility of the charge carriers. They also highlightthe importance of the optimization of the film thickness,which influences the annealing conditions used. For example,Li et al.[60] reported that optimal performance (4%) in 1:1blends of P3HT and PCBM is achieved with 63-nm-thickfilms, which are thermally annealed at 110 8C for 10 minutes.The use of 155-nm-thick films under the same conditions ledto efficiencies of only about 2%. It appears that it is currentlydifficult to establish universal optimum values for certainparameters in device construction because of variations inpolymer structure (regioregularity, molecular weight, poly-dispersity, etc.) and processing conditions.

While the above results do not necessarily confirmwhether solvent or thermal annealing of the film is thesuperior method, they confirm the great importance ofmorphological control within the active layers to generatehighly efficient devices. The primary consequences of eithertype of annealing are, firstly, an increase in the absorption oflight as a result of an induced red-shift in the absorption onset(which broadens the polymer absorption spectrum) caused bythe greater ordering in the polymer backbone and higherdegree of intermolecular ordering and concomitant increasein the absorption coefficient of the ordered polymer.[65,66]

Specifically, it has been observed that the annealed P3HT/PCBM blend is capable of absorbing 60%more photons thanthe un-annealed blends. Secondly, there is an increase in theinduced mobility of the charge carriers in the more highlyordered film, as described above.

The “molecular” optimization of both active layer com-ponents has also played a large role in the evolution oforganic photovoltaic devices. While PCBM has been found toproduce the best results to date in photovoltaic devices, noextensive testing of alternative fullerene structures has beenreported, and it is unclear whether PCBM possesses anyinherent advantage over other potential fullerenes. In fact,recent reports of devices prepared from alternatively sub-stituted soluble fullerene derivatives in combination withP3HT have shown efficiencies of around 4.5% under AM1.5

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conditions, with little optimization.[67] This finding indicatesthat further tuning of the fullerene structure to match therequirements of the polymeric donor may lead to compositefilms with enhanced performances.

In contrast, a great deal of optimization has gone into thepolymer component, which has led to the widespread use ofP3HT in solar cells. The primary variables for polymers of thistype are its molecular weight and regioregularity (RR,defined as the percentage of head-to-tail linkages in thepolymer). Several studies have examined the effects of thesevariables on the intrinsic properties of P3HT both in pristinefilms and in BHJ solar cells with PCBM. In both types offilms, the relevant parameters for solar cell performance arelight absorption and hole mobility. Additionally, the inter-action of the P3HT with PCBM, before and after annealing(which depends on the molecular weight and regioregularity),is also of critical importance for the composite films.

The most commonly used P3HT for BHJ solar cells is theelectronic grade P3HT produced by Rieke Metals, whichcontains a minimum of residual catalyst or other metalimpurities that may affect solar cell performance. Thispolymer is found to have an RR value of 90–93% and amolecular weight Mn of about 30 kDa, with a polydispersity(PDI) of approximately 2 (as determined by size exclusionchromatography, SEC).[68] Assuming the same level ofpolymer purity, deviations in regioregularity or molecularweight from these values have definite consequences on theintrinsic properties of the polymer and its performance indevices. It has been observed that increasing the polymerregioregularity in pristine P3HT leads to: 1) a red-shift in thethin film absorption,[69] 2) an increase in the solid-stateabsorption coefficient,[70] and 3) an increase in the mobilityof the charge carriers.[71]

The effect of polymer molecular weight on the solid-stateabsorption of light is pronounced, as studied by Zen et al.[72]

These authors showed that four P3HT samples withMn valuesvarying from 2.2 to 19 kDa (PDI= 1.2–1.5) had visiblydifferent optical properties. The lowest molecular weightpolymer gave a yellow film (even after annealing) with anabsorbance maximum (lmax) at 450 nm, while the 19-kDasample produced a violet film with lmax = 555 nm. In contrast,only a minor shift in the lmax value is observed in solution. Thepronounced red-shift in the solid-state spectrum of the high-molecular weight sample is suggested to be a consequence ofthe more effective packing of chains. This result is supportedby FET mobility data, which show a three orders ofmagnitude increase in hole mobility in the annealed films asthe molecular weight is increased from 2.2 kDa to 19 kDa.

Kline et al.[73] observed a similar effect for highly regiore-gular samples (RR> 98%) of P3HT with molecular weights(Mn) varying from 4 to 30 kDa. However, according to thisstudy, both the high- and low-molecular-weight P3HT arecapable of generating highly ordered films with coherent p–p

stacked structures. The blue-shift in the absorbance of thepolymer with lower molecular weight is proposed to be due tononsaturated electronic properties at such low molecularweight, rather than chain twisting and disordering. Further-more, a grain boundary model was proposed, in which thelower molecular weight polymers assemble into crystalline

nanorods that pack in a random fashion and generate grainboundaries unfavorable for charge transport. At highermolecular weights, however, it is suggested that a trulysemicrystalline polymer is formed, in which chain connectiv-ity between crystalline domains is efficacious for chargetransport through the polymer. With either of these views ofthe nanostructure within the polymer films, it is clear thathigher molecular weight and higher regioregularity result inpolymers that absorb more light and transport charges moreefficiently.

The effect of molecular weight and regioregularity hasalso been investigated in films made from P3HT/PCBMblends. In a detailed study, Schilinsky et al.[74] found adramatic effect of the P3HT molecular weight on theperformance of the solar cell. Five samples of P3HT withMn values varying from 2.2 to 19 kDa (PDI= 1.2–1.9) andequivalently high RR values were compared in 1:1 blendswith PCBM. Samples with molecular weights less than 10 kDagive significantly blue-shifted absorption spectra and weakabsorption across the visible spectrum that combine withsignificantly lower hole mobilities to give devices withefficiencies of less than 0.5%. Polymers with molecularweights greater than 10 kDa show efficiencies of 2–3% andEQE values of greater than 40% that extend from 400–650 nm. This finding suggests that P3HT with a molecularweight of less than 10 kDa does not have the ability toeffectively harvest photons and transport charge. This findingis consistent with the results presented for pristine P3HT filmsdiscussed above. The effect of molecular-weight variations athigher molecular weights (20–50 kDa) has not been exam-ined.

While the effect of the molecular weight of P3HTon boththe optical and charge transport properties was found to beconsistent for both pristine films and 1:1 blend films withPCBM, the effect of the regioregularity on device perfor-mance is still the object of some controversy. Considering theproperties of the pristine P3HT films, it might be reasonableto speculate that the highest regioregularity would translateinto the best photovoltaic performance because of the highlycrystalline nature attainable for polymers with very highRR values, their commensurately high hole mobility, andtheir favorable absorption characteristics.

In the first study on the effect of P3HT regioregularity byKim et al.,[70] this proposal was upheld. The solar cellperformance was compared for three samples of P3HT withRR values of 90.7, 93, and 95.2%. Devices formed from 1:1blends of these polymers with PCBM and annealed for twohours at 140 8C were found to give efficiencies of 0.7, 1.8, and2.4%, respectively, under AM1.5 conditions. It should benoted that theMn values for the three samples were 23.7, 17.8,and 14.2 kDa, respectively. It should also be noted that in thesame study a P3HT sample with an RR value of 95.4% and aMn value of 11.6 kDa was reported to give an efficiency of4.4% in a 1:1 blend with PCBM after further optimization.These results suggest that increasing the regioregularity of thepolymer leads to an improved device performance. Since onlythe P3HT sample with the highest measured RR value wassubjected to extensive optimization, it would be instructive tosee the effect of extensive optimization for the polymers with

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lower RR values. This is especially true in light of the earlierresults of Ma et al.,[3] who showed that the efficiency for ablend device consisting of a 1:0.8 blend of P3HT and PCBMincreased from 0.82% to about 5% after annealing for 1 h at150 8C. The polymer used in this study (obtained from Riekemetals) had RR� 90–93% and Mn� 30 kDa.

If it is assumed that molecular weight is not responsiblefor differences in performance, it is surprising that the P3HTsample with an RR value of 90–93% studied by Ma et al. wasable to out-perform so dramatically the P3HT samples withRR values of 90.7% and 93% studied by Kim et al. In bothstudies the P3HT/PCBM blends were spin-coated fromchlorobenzene, although significantly different concentra-tions were used (Kim: 60 mgmL�1, Ma: 18 mgmL�1) and thetwo blends had different compositions (1:1 and 1:0.8, respec-tively). While the results presented by Kim et al. seem todefinitely suggest that a higher RR value gives better BHJsolar cells with PCBM, in light of the results of Ma et al. andconsidering the lack of a complete solar cell optimization foreach RR sample, it appears that the extent to which smallchanges in the RR value can affect device performance is stillin need of more conclusive proof.

The conclusion that maximizing the RR value of theP3HT component is ultimately beneficial was also called intoquestion by a recent study by Sivula et al.[68] In this study theeffect of the RR value on the thermal stability of the P3HT/PCBM solar cells was examined. A P3HT sample with anRR value of 96% andMn = 28 kDa and amodified P3HTwithan effective RR value of 91% and Mn = 22 kDa werecompared. The modified P3HT is a random copolymer of96% 3-hexylthiophene and 4% 3,4-dihexylthiophene. Theincorporation of a small amount of the 3,4-dihexyl monomerinduces a controlled amount of head-to-head linkages thatlead to an effective lowering of the regioregularity of theP3HT. In this case, both polymers were observed to giveenergy conversion efficiencies of more than 4% (4.3% for the96%RR sample and 4.4% for the 91%RR sample). While itmust be taken into account that the sample with an RR valueof 91% is a copolymer of unknown sequence distribution,these results (coupled with the results of Ma et al.) do suggestthat maximizing the regioregularity of P3HT is not defini-tively necessary or ultimately beneficial. Furthermore, therole of polydispersity is unknown.

One important result that stems from the work of Sivulaet al. ,[68] is the finding that the thermal stability of the BHJcomposite layer depends on the RR value of the polymer. Itwas shown in the comparison of the samples with RR valuesof 96% and 91% that a nanoscale phase-separated filmmorphology is retained in the sample with the lower RR valueafter 30 minutes of annealing at 150 8C, while micrometer-sized aggregates of PCBM are observed for the P3HT blendwith an RR value of 96% under the same conditions. Thethermal stability of the morphology and device performancereported by Sivula et al. for the sample with an RR value of91% is consistent with the results presented by Ma et al. forthe P3HT sample with an RR value of 90–93%. At this time,it is clear that further detailed studies on the effect of theregioregularity of the polymer are required.

For comparison purposes, the best reported P3HT/PCBM(1.0:0.8) devices show an energy conversion efficiency ofabout 5%, Voc = 0.63 V, Jsc = 9.5 mAcm�2, and FF= 0.68. Onewill notice that the Voc value is smaller than that for MDMO-PPV/PCBM cells, as is expected based on the HOMO–LUMO difference between the donor and the acceptor(Figure 2). Most notably, the current density in the P3HT/PCBM devices is nearly twice that of the MDMO-PPV/PCBM devices. This is primarily a reflection of the enhancedabsorption of light, because of the broader absorption spectraand the greater amount of polymer present in the P3HTdevices relative to that in the MDMO-PPV devices.

Another important factor to consider is the mobility of thecharge carriers in these optimized blends. For pristineMDMO-PPV, the hole mobility measured in an SCL sense(using a diode configuration to best represent charge trans-port in a solar cell) is on the order of 10�7 cm2V�1 s�1.[75]

However, blending with PCBM at the optimal ratio of 1:4results in the hole mobility increasing to 10�4 cm2V�1 s�1. Thisstrong increase in the mobility of the charge carriers onblending with PCBM certainly reflects a morphologicalcomponent. Pristine films of MDMO-PPV have been shownto exhibit a disordered morphology, with the polymer chainsexhibiting coiled ringlike conformations.[76] It is suspectedthat the significantly higher hole mobilities measured in thepercolated blends are due to the influence of the large weightfraction of PCBM, which could force the MDMO-PPV into amore favorable conformation for efficient packing andinterchain charge transport.

The morphological influence on hole mobility is clearwhen it is considered that hole mobility does not increasefurther for weight percentages of PCBM greater than 67% inMDMO-PPV blends.[77] This weight fraction corresponds tothe threshold above which pure PCBM domains exist in acontinuous matrix of 1:1 MDMO-PPV/PCBM.[78] This findingsupports the notion that maximizing the amount of PCBM inclose contact with MDMO-PPV can help to maximize theability of the polymer to conduct charge. In contrast, SCLmobilities of 10�4 cm2V�1 s�1 are typically measured forpristine P3HT, and very similar values can be achieved inannealed blends of P3HT and PCBM.[65] This result points tothe fact that the morphological role in controlling the holemobility in P3HT devices is based solely on the ability of thepolymer to reorganize into an effective charge-transportingphase. The electron mobility in both P3HTand MDMO-PPVblends is on the order of 10�3 cm2V�1 s�1, which is on the sameorder as that measured for pristine PCBM under the sameconditions. The role that unbalanced electron and holetransport can play in device operation will be described inthe following section.

In concluding this section on polymer morphology, it maybe stated that attaining a desirable morphology in polymer–fullerene composite solar cells is critical for device perfor-mance. In the design of new polymers (or fullerenes) for BHJsolar cells, it is clear that optimizing only the electronicstructure is not sufficient. It is essential to consider whether ornot processing of the material can be carried out to give a finalcomposite structure with an effective morphology.

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5. Considerations for the Optimization of Polymer–Fullerene BHJ Solar Cells

In the previous two sections the importance of optimizingthe electronic structure of both the donor and the acceptor aswell as the morphology of the composite was discussed. Whilethe best currently available devices are composed of P3HT/PCBM and MDMO-PPV/PCBM composites,much effort is being devoted to enhancing theefficiency of BHJ solar cells by developing adeeper understanding of the processes and inter-actions that dominate the performance of solarcells and developing new materials that are moreeffective for device operation. In the followingsections, several key areas that have been exam-ined in an attempt to improve solar energyconversion will be discussed along with keyconcepts that ought to be considered in thesearch for high efficiency.

5.1. New Materials

The prototypical BHJ solar cells based onMDMO-PPV/PCBM and P3HT/PCBM compo-sites discussed above show the extent of optimi-zation that is required to generate efficientpolymer–fullerene solar cells. However, a varietyof other approaches have been used in attempts toovercome some of the inherent limitations ofthese typical examples. These limitations canlargely be gleaned directly by a consideration ofthe fundamental mechanism for photoconversionin these excitonic solar cells (Scheme 1), whichbegins with light absorption.

The photon flux reaching the surface of theearth from the sun occurs at a maximum ofapproximately 1.8 eV (700 nm); however, neither MDMO-PPV (Eg = 2.2 eV) nor P3HT (Eg = 1.9 eV) can effectivelyharvest photons from the solar spectrum. It is calculated thatP3HT is only capable of absorbing about 46% of the availablesolar photons[31] and only in the wavelength range between350 nm and 650 nm. The limitation in the absorption isprimarily due to limited spectral breadth rather than theabsorption coefficient, as conjugated polymers typically haveextremely high absorption coefficients on the order of105 cm�1.[79] Developing a polymer that could capture all ofthe solar photons down to 1.1 eV would allow absorption of77% of all the solar photons.[21] Expanding the spectralbreadth of absorption in polymer–fullerene composites hasmost commonly been pursued by extending (or shifting) thepolymer absorption spectrum into the near-infrared region.This is primarily achieved through the use of low-bandgappolymers, which has led to efficiencies as high as 3.5%[31] inpolymer–fullerene composite solar cells. While low-bandgappolymers have often been touted as the solution of thisproblem, merely having a lower energy onset for absorption isnot sufficient to harvest more solar photons. What is needed isto extend the overlap with the solar spectrum to gain broader

coverage while also retaining high absorption coefficients atrelevant wavelengths and suitable energy levels for interac-tion with PCBM.

A first approach towards these goals focused on broad-ening the absorption of known polymers through the UVandvisible regions. An excellent example is afforded by poly(3-vinylthiophenes), such as 1.[80] The incorporation of chromo-

phores that are conjugated to the backbone through the 3-vinyl linkage leads to a broadening of the wavelengths atwhich high photoconversion efficiencies can be achieved. In adirect comparison with P3HT/PCBM devices, cells withpolymer 1 afforded 3.2% efficiency versus 2.4% with P3HTunder the same conditions. The enhanced performance ofpolymer 1 can be attributed to the increased photocurrent inthe 400–500 nm range. It is interesting to note that despite itsirregular structure, copolymer 1 is able to afford highlyefficient solar cells when blended with PCBM in a 1:1 ratio.Other examples of poly(3-vinylthiophenes) have also beenreported to achieve efficiencies greater than 1%.[81]

The second and most common approach to increasing thespectral breadth of absorbed photons is the use of so-calledlow-bandgap polymers,[82] which are loosely defined aspolymers with a bandgap less than 1.5 eV. However, interms of polymer-based photovoltaic systems, any polymerwith a bandgap less than that of P3HT (that is, < 1.9 eV) isoften referred to as a low-bandgap polymer. In several casesefficiencies in the range of 1 to 3.5% have been achieved.Compounds 2–7 represent a few of the more successfulpolymers employed to-date. The most common synthetic

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technique used to achieve low-bandgap polymers is thedonor–acceptor approach, in which alternating electron-richand electron-poor units define the polymer backbone.[83] Thebest examples of this class reported thus far are based almostexclusively on benzothiadiazole (or analogues) as theacceptor in combination with several different donor groups.

Polymer 2, poly[{N-dodecyl-2,5-bis(2-thienyl)pyrrole}-alt-{2,1,3-benzothiadiazole}] (PTPTB), is capable of an efficiencyof about 1% when blended with PCBM in a 1:3 ratio.[28] Thelow bandgap (ca. 1.6 eV) of PTPTB is effective for extendingthe photocurrent in these devices out to nearly 800 nm andgiving a broad coverage across much of the visible region.However, 70 nm thick films of the 1:3 blends with PCBMafford peak EQE values of only about 20% as barely 40% ofthe available photons are absorbed at the lmax value of550 nm.

Another class of polymers are the APFO polymers (suchas 3, a poly[{2,7-(9,9-dialkylfluorene)}-alt-{5,5-(4,7-di-2’-thienyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)}], which are reported toafford efficiencies as high as 2.8%[84] and EQE values greaterthen 50% in the 350–600 nm region in 1:3 or 1:4 blends withPCBM.[85] . However, the high performance of these APFOpolymers cannot be attributed primarily to an increase in theabsorption, as the bandgap of 3 is only about 1.9 eV while theVoc values are on the order of 1 V. Further variations of thisstructure have been explored and the introduction of themuch stronger acceptor thienopyrazine has lowered thebandgap to 1.6 eV in APFO-Green 5 (4).[86] In this case,efficiencies up to 2.2% were measured in 1:3 blends withPCBM at a film thickness of 140 nm. Here, EQE values ashigh as 40% were measured at 700 nm, the wavelength atwhich the photon flux from the sun is a maximum, while opencircuit voltages are reduced to 0.6 V from the 1.0 V with theAPFO polymers described above. However, the high currents(9 mAcm�2) and respectable fill factors (0.4–0.5) suggest aneffective low-bandgap polymer.

A closely related polymer 5 also afforded efficiencies of1.6% in 1:4 blends with PCBM.[87] The lower bandgap of 5(1.78 eV) relative to 3 is due to the stronger donor–acceptorinteraction resulting from the use of the electron-rich 3-alkoxythiophene units. Another thienopyrazine-based poly-mer (6) has also been reported to give an efficiency of about1.1% with a bandgap of 1.2 eV.[88] To our knowledge, this isthe lowest bandgap polymer reported to date that affords anefficiency of more than 1%. Photocurrent production isdemonstrated up to 1000 nm and Voc values of 0.56 V areobserved in 1:4 blends with PCBM. The important point ofthis study is that by carefully engineering the band energies ofthe polymer the authors were able to effect a 0.7 eV reductionin the bandgap relative to P3HT while only reducing theVoc value by about 0.05 V. Success was achieved because themeasured LUMO–LUMO difference was 0.45 eV and themeasured (donor-HOMO)–(acceptor-LUMO) difference was1.01 eV, based on an electrochemical bandgap of 1.46 eV(optical energy gap Eg = 1.2 eV).

To date, the most efficient example of a low-bandgappolymer for use in solar cells is poly[{2,6-(4,4-bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b ;3,4-b’]dithiophene}-alt-{4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)}] (7).[89] This polymer has a mea-

sured optical bandgap of about 1.45 eV, and in a 1:1 blendwith PCBM shows a power conversion efficiency of 2.7% anda Voc value of 0.65 V, with a peak EQE value of about 30%and photocurrent production at wavelengths longer than900 nm. The excellent performance of 7 can be attributed to abroad absorption spectrum and high mobility of the chargecarriers (2 K 10�2 cm2V�1 s�1 in FETs). The ability to achieveefficiencies approaching 3% in a 1:1 blend with PCBMcorrelates with the superior miscibility of 7 with PCBMrelative to other donor–acceptor polymers. The use of the C70

derivative of PCBM (C70-PCBM or [70]PCBM) with 7 lead toefficiencies as high as 3.5%.[31,89] The main reason for thisincrease in performance is the much greater absorption of C70

in the visible region relative to that of C60. The high symmetryof C60 renders low-energy transitions formally dipole for-bidden, thereby resulting in a very weak absorption of light inthe visible region, despite the bandgap of 1.8 eV.

In contrast, C70 has an unsymmetrical structure withsignificantly stronger absorption across the visible region.[90]

In fact, the measured extinction coefficient of [70]PCBM isnearly five time that of [60]PCBM at 600 nm and nearly 20times higher at 475 nm.[91] As a result, [70]PCBM has beenused to improve the performance of a variety of polymer solarcells, following the initial report that MDMO-PPV/[70]PCBM devices are capable of energy conversion efficien-cies of 3.0% with significantly improved short-circuit currentdensities and external quantum efficiencies relative to[60]PCBM analogues, primarily as a result of the improvedphoton harvesting.[90] It should be noted that the bestefficiencies with MDMO-PPV/[70]PCBM were achievedwith a ratio of 4.6:1, whereas in the case of [60]PCBM theoptimum efficiency was obtained at a 4:1 ratio. This finding isa reflection of the poorer miscibility of [70]PCBM withMDMO-PPV, which is in accord with the overall lowersolubility observed with derivatives of the higher fullerene.

Several other examples of the use of [70]PCBM and othersoluble C70 derivatives have been reported, primarily incombination with low-bandgap polymers as an effort toabsorb light at the high-energy end of the visible spectrum,which is not achievable with most low-bandgap polymers.[92–94]

In this case efficiencies as high as 2.4% in 1:4 blends ofpolymer 5 with [70]PCBM were found, an improvement overthe 1.6% described earlier with [60]PCBM. This improvedefficiency is attributed primarily to significantly higher EQEvalues measured in the wavelength range 350–600 nm. Anextension of the above system to the C84 derivative([84]PCBM) has led to a significantly reduced performanceof the solar cell despite the even stronger absorption of[84]PCBM in the visible region; this problem is likely directlyrelated to the very poor solubility of [84]PCBM.[91]

Overall, it is clear that strategies that focus on optimizingboth the polymer and the fullerene structures can affordsignificant improvement in the ability to harvest light across abroader spectral range. Device efficiencies with these novelmaterials have now reached 3.5% and, with the same level ofmorphological optimization as expended on P3HT blendswith PCBM, efficiencies exceeding 5% are predicted. A keypoint with low-bandgap polymers is the need not only forbroadened absorption spectra, but also high absorption

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coefficients of the thin film, high mobilities, and effectivephysical and electronic interactions with the fullerene com-ponents.

In addition to higher fullerenes, a variety of soluble C60

derivatives have been synthesized (8–10) and employed inBHJ solar cells with varying success. The focus in this case was

not to increase the absorption of visible light, but rather toimprove miscibility, the mobility of the charge carriers, andother aspects of performance that are influenced by thestructure of the soluble fullerene employed. A furthermotivation for testing new soluble C60 derivatives is thedevelopment of a fundamental structure–property relation-ship and a guiding design principle for improving theperformance of the solar cells through the use of theoptimized fullerene acceptors. As mentioned earlier, substi-tution of the fullerene with a variety of solubilizing groups hasonly led to small changes in the electronic structure. There-fore, the focus has been to optimize the solubilizing group todevelop the right level of miscibility with the specificpolymeric donor employed, such that an “ideal” morphologywill be thermodynamically favorable or at least can be easilytrapped kinetically.

The concept of generating specific fullerenes that arecompatible with specific polymers has great potential forincreasing the performance of solar cells through the opti-mization of the morphology. In the simplest study, a series ofPCBM derivatives in which the nature of the alkyl ester wasvaried (methyl to hexadecyl) were synthesized and tested insolar cells.[95] While the solubility of the fullerene derivativesincreased with increasing alkyl chain length, the performancein MEH-PPV (poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyl)-1,4-phenyl-ene]-alt-(vinylene)) composite solar cells reached a maximumwith the butyl ester derivative. The initial increase in theperformance with an increase in the size of the alkyl groupwas attributed to the greater miscibility of the fullerene withMEH-PPV. However, alkyl chains longer than butyl resulted

in decreased solar cell performance probably because of adecrease in the mobility of the charge carriers in the fullerenephase as a result of the longer alkyl chains.

Other variations of the PCBM structure have also beenexamined. For example, the recently reported thienyl ana-logue of PCBM[96] (ThCBM, 8) has demonstrated efficienciesas high as 3.0% in 1:1 blends with P3HT. A wide variety ofother PCBM analogues have recently been reported, but nodistinct advantage over PCBM has been illustrated.[25] Effortsto significantly alter the structure of the solubilizing group onthe fullerene have generally led to a decrease in theperformance of the solar cell. One interesting case is thediphenylfullerene DPM-12 (9),[97] which is significantly moresoluble than PCBM and proves to be more miscible withMDMO-PPV and P3HT. The enhanced miscibility of 9appears to result in a higher level of recombination, as aconsequence of the less well-defined phases for effectivecharge transport. This aspect, combined with an electronmobility 40 times lower than PCBM, results in decreasedperformance. Only one class of soluble fullerenes has thus farbeen reported to give performance commensurate to that ofPCBM, and those are the dihydronaphthylfullerenes such as10.[67] In a test series, the electronic structure of the terminalbenzene ring was varied from trimethoxy to perfluoro. Thesimple benzoate derivative 10 gave the best performance with(un-optimized) efficiencies of 4.5% reported in P3HT solarcells at a polymer/fullerene ratio of 1:0.82, whereas P3HT/PCBM devices prepared in a parallel study showed 4.4%efficiency at an optimal ratio of 1:0.67.

5.2. Conceptual and Mechanistic Optimization

Another mechanistic factor in need of optimization is theexciton diffusion length of the polymer. In the polymer–fullerene composite solar cells with the most well-defined andoptimized morphologies, the exciton diffusion length shouldnot be a limiting factor in device performance because of theintimate mixing of the polymer and fullerene phases. How-ever, the exciton diffusion length remains an issue with mostpolymer–fullerene BHJ solar cells. A variety of differentroutes have been suggested to increase the exciton diffusionlength in the polymer.

The first approach, discussed in Section 3, relies onresonance energy transfer to effectively enhance the excitondiffusion length. An alternative approach attempts to usetriplet excitons rather than singlet excitons. Triplet excitonsare advantageous because of their significantly longer life-times relative to singlet excitons (10�6 s versus 10�9 s). Sincethe exciton diffusion length depends both on the mobility andlifetime of the exciton, an increase in the lifetime couldtranslate into an increased exciton diffusion length. While thisapproach has been suggested and examined for use in bilayercells,[98] it has never been specifically exploited in polymer–fullerene BHJ solar cells. It should also be noted thatphotocurrent generation in typical C60-based bilayer devicesis dominated by triplet excitons.[11]

Another consequence of using triplet excitons as theprimary excited species of the donor, is the greatly reduced

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likelihood of geminate recombination. The triplet excitonapproach has recently been used by Guo et al.[99] They used aplatinumacetylide polymer that provides for efficient heavy-atom-induced intersystem crossing (Kisc> 1011 s�1), whichleads to the exclusive generation of triplet excitons in thepolymer. When the polymer was blended in a 1:4 ratio withPCBM, device efficiencies of about 0.25% were achieved,despite the poor spectral overlap of the polymer with the solarspectrum. The photovoltaic performance was attributed tothe fact that the charge-separated state of the donor–acceptorpair was sufficiently lower in energy than the triplet state ofthe donor polymer to favor charge separation after excitation.Most importantly, the geminate pair that formed after chargetransfer and prior to the generation of free charges was spincorrelated to the triplet state and thus governed by a spin-forbidden, direct back electron transfer, which prohibitsgeminate recombination. This situation is in sharp contrastto that for singlet excitons where spin-allowed geminaterecombination is effective in organic materials with lowdielectric constants as a result of the strong coulombic bindingenergy of the geminate electron–hole pair.

Three main processes must be considered from the timean exciton at the donor–acceptor interface generates ageminate electron–hole pair, to the time when charges arecollected at the electrodes: geminate recombination, bimo-lecular recombination, and charge transport. These parame-ters are related to the efficiency of collecting formed charges.It is estimated that in the case of MDMO-PPV only 60% ofthe formed geminate pairs are dissociated and contribute tothe short-circuit current.[100] The geminate pairs can eitherrecombine or separate into free charges, with each processbeing characterized by its own relative rate and with the rateof separation into free charges being dependent on theelectric field.

The fact that only 60% of geminate pairs dissociate undershort-circuit conditions is a major loss mechanism in MDMO-PPV/PCBM solar cells. Interestingly, the dissociation effi-ciency of geminate pairs is dependent on the composition ofthe blends, specifically on the PCBM content.[77] At theoptimal 4:1 ratio (80 wt%PCBM), 60% of the geminate pairscan be separated and collected. Reducing the fullerenecontent to 67% results in a decrease in the efficiency of thecharge separation to about 37%. This decrease is dueprimarily to the decreased dielectric constant in the filmwith lower fullerene content, as a higher dielectric constanthelps to drive the electron–hole separation. For P3HT/PCBMblends, the situation is somewhat different, and 90% of thegeminate pairs are estimated to be effectively dissociatedunder short-circuit conditions in annealed blends.[65] Thissituation contributes to the superior performance of P3HT/PCBM devices. The reason for the enhancement in chargeseparation efficiency with P3HT is attributed to the geminatepair having a longer lifetime and a larger mean separation ofcharges. Therefore, although the mobilities of the chargecarriers in P3HT/PCBM and MDMO-PPV/PCBM solar cellsare very similar and the PPV system gives a higher Voc value,the improved charge-separation efficiency coupled with theenhanced absorption of light lead to improved performancein P3HT devices.

Bimolecular recombination is also a concern in these BHJdevices. In these composites, the notion that free, oppositelycharged species would meet and recombine at an interface iseasily accepted. The initial product of bimolecular recombi-nation is a geminate pair, which can re-dissociate on the basisof the factors described above. Therefore, not all bimolecularrecombination events contribute to a loss mechanism. Theproblem of bimolecular recombination in polymer–fullereneBHJ solar cells has been investigated by Koster et al.[101] Therate of bimolecular recombination in these cells is determinedby the phase with the lowest charge-carrier mobility. Con-ceptually, this is due to the fact that the fastest carrier(electrons in the case of P3HT and MDMO-PPV compositeswith PCBM) cannot cross the phase interface and must waitfor the slowest carrier to recombine.[102]

The importance of bimolecular recombination is thusrelated to the mobilities of the charge carriers in the twophases. In short, increasing the carrier mobilities results inboth increased extraction of the charge carriers and increasedbimolecular recombination. Therefore, developing the opti-mum mobilities of the charge carriers in the two phases andan optimal balance between the two is necessary. A recentstudy,[102] has sought to derive this relationship. For bothMDMO-PPV/PCBM and P3HT/PCBM systems, the electronmobility me and hole mobility mh were measured to be 10�3 and10�4 cm2V�1 s�1, respectively. It is estimated that in theoptimal case the mobilities will be balanced and range from10�1 to 1 cm2V�1 s�1. If the mobilities are on the order of me =

10�6 and mh = 10�7 cm2V�1 s�1, 45% of carriers should recom-bine through bimolecular recombination, under the condi-tions assumed for deriving these relationships. In a case whereme = 10�1 and mh = 10�2 cm2V�1 s�1, only 0.38% of carriersshould recombine. Increasing the mobilities further is thoughtto have a negative effect because of an induced decrease inthe Voc value at very high mobilities (107 cm2V�1 s�1).

Balanced mobilities of the charge carriers are needed toavoid the build-up of space charge in the devices. It has beendemonstrated that photocurrent reaches the fundamentalspace–charge limit when the electron and hole mobilitiesdiffer by more that two orders of magnitude.[103] The build-upof space charge as well as high levels of bimolecularrecombination have a strong effect on reducing the fillfactor in solar cells.[101] Therefore, to maximize the efficiencyof the soalr cell through reduction of bimolecular recombi-nation, the elimination of space charge and the maximumeffective extraction of charge-carrier mobilities must bebalanced and optimized.

Another aspect of optimization that could lead to theenhancement of solar cell performance is the minimization ofwasted energy. This is best done by considering the bandstructures of P3HT and PCBM. The LUMO–LUMO differ-ence of the two materials is about 1 eV, whereas it is generallyaccepted that as little as 0.3–0.4 eV is necessary and sufficientfor effective charge transfer (see discussion in Section 3). As aconsequence, 0.6–0.7 eVare “wasted” and are not reflected inthe Voc value of the device. Therefore, a donor–acceptor pairthat displays suitable band differences to minimize wastedenergy and maximize the Voc value should be sought, while

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retaining a donor bandgap that is effective for harvesting thesolar spectrum, as described in Section 5.1.

Two approaches can be used to achieve this goal: the bandstructure of the polymer can be modified to better match thatof the fullerene, or the energy levels of the fullerene can betuned to better match the polymer. The simpler routeattempts to lower simultaneously both the LUMO andHOMO of the polymer structure. Several examples havealready been discussed in Section 5.1. in regard to low-bandgap polymers. These rely primarily on the incorporationof electron-poor units into the polymer backbone to increasethe electron affinity of the polymer and thus lower theLUMO. The incorporation of such electron-poor units oftenleads to a concomitant decrease in the HOMO energy of thepolymer in such donor–acceptor systems.[35] However, itshould not be assumed that a donor–acceptor method is theonly synthetic design strategy or even necessarily the mosteffective for pursuing such targets, as such donor–acceptorcopolymers often suffer from low absorption coefficients.

5.3. Stability of the Solar Cells

A final concern of critical relevance to the optimization ofpolymer–fullerene BHJ solar cells is the stability of thedevices. Stability can be assessed in regard to a variety ofdifferent parameters including, in particular, ambient andthermal stability. While ambient stability may be realizedthrough encapsulation to protect devices from the action ofoxygen and water, thermal stability is a critical issue thatcurrently plagues organic BHJ solar cells. It is well-docu-mented that the phase-instability of MDMO-PPV/PCBMsolar cells renders them unstable to long-term exposure toelevated temperatures.[48] Devices based on P3HT/PCBMshow better thermal stability because of the inherentlygreater miscibility of the two components. The preciseprimary structure of the P3HT has been proposed to play amajor role in the thermal stability of the composite (seediscussion in Section 4).[68] Polymer samples with regioregu-larities greater than 96% phase segregate from PCBM muchmore readily than samples with RR values of 91–93%. It isexpected that a stronger driving force for crystallization in themore regioregular samples enhances phase segregation withPCBM. Thus, it is expected that the precise primary structureof any polymer used in a fullerene BHJ cell will have a strongeffect not only on the performance, but also on the stability ofthe device.

Two general routes have been explored to improve thethermal stability of polymer–fullerene BHJ solar cells andreduce phase separation: the use of compatibilizers and cross-linking. The use of additive compatibilizers in the form ofdiblock copolymers functionalized with P3HT grafts on oneblock and fullerene grafts on the other block have resulted inthe generation of homogenous composites, which displayenhanced thermal stability.[104] When 17 wt% of the diblockcopolymer is added to a 1:1 blend of P3HT and PCBM, theefficiencies of the solar cells remain constant at about 2.5%even after 10 h of annealing at 140 8C. For comparison, a 1:1P3HT/PCBM device measured under the same conditions

shows an efficiency of only about 1.2% after 10 h ofannealing. As discussed in Section 4, TEM imaging provideda correlation between the performance of the solar cells andthermally driven phase segregation.

The use of cross-linkable moieties on the polymer and/orthe fullerene has also been proposed as a means to enhancethe phase stability of the BHJ solar cells. In the best exampleof this strategy, an epoxide-functionalized PCBM was used asa cross-linkable fullerene derivative.[105] In this case, cross-linking of the fullerenes was achieved either by strictlythermal treatment at 140 8C or by thermal treatment in thepresence of a small amount of chemical initiator. Whendirectly compared to P3HT/PCBM (1:2 by weight) blendfilms, analogous blends of P3HT and the cross-linkablefullerene showed significantly improved phase stability, tothe extent that no phase separation was observed even onextended annealing. The real benefit here is that when thefullerenes are effectively polymerized within the compositefilm, their diffusion is no longer a factor even above theTg value of the polymer. After extended thermal annealing,however, device performance was observed to decreasethrough an unknown degradation mechanism. A similarapproach has also been pursued with a butadiyne-substitutedfullerene.[106] The use of cross-linkable polythiophenes hasalso been explored and several polythiophenes bearing cross-linkable moieties have been synthesized.[107]

A possible drawback to the use of cross-linkable polymerswas discovered in the study of Murray et al. on cross-linkableregioregular polythiophenes.[108] Cross-linking of the polymerfilms results in a blue-shift in the polymer absorption spectra,which can be directly correlated with the density of cross-linking in the polymer. It is proposed that cross-linking at hightemperature causes a more disordered morphology to belocked in and prevents the adoption of the favorable chainconformation and packing for the realization of the highlyordered polymer chains responsible for strong absorption ofvisible light and charge transport. Ultimately, such practicalissues will have to be addressed more seriously if thesedevices are to find viable application.

6. Summary and Outlook

In the 12 years that have elapsed since the discovery of thepolymer–fullerene BHJ solar cells, dramatic improvements infundamental understanding, device construction, and pro-cessing of the active layer have led to efficiencies of about 5%being achieved by several research groups using blends ofP3HT and PCBM. The major accomplishment has been thedevelopment of a much deeper understanding of the complexinterplay between the electronic and physical interactions ofthe polymer and fullerene component and how this ultimatelyaffects the device performance. The lessons learnt from thepresent generation of polymer–fullerene photovoltaic sys-tems will surely assist in the design of the next generation ofoptimized organic solar cells.

The challenges for the next level of optimization havebeen delineated here and focus not only on cementing a muchdeeper level of mechanistic understanding of the processes

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involved, but developing and optimizing new materials tocapitalize on such new knowledge. The low-bandgap poly-mers discussed in Section 5 are one such example of howstructural optimization of a polymer can lead to materials thatcan better absorb solar radiation, while retaining highvoltages and charge-carrier mobilities. The complete optimi-zation of such newmaterials has a long way to go, but the pathpaved by the optimization of P3HT/PCBM and MDMO-PPV/PCBM devices will certainly aid in this process. A greatchallenge that remains is the very practical challenge of long-term device stability, although efforts involving cross-linkersand compatibilizers may contribute to solving such issues.Another practical challenge is to move beyond the small-areadevices used in a laboratory setting and to investigate howmore realistic devices and processing conditions influenceperformance. Recent studies by Schilinsky et al. has shownthat efficiencies of 4% can be achieved in devices based onP3HT and PCBM by using the reel-to-reel compatibletechnique of doctor blading, but that distinct differencesexist between bladed and spin-coated devices.[109]

A number of new approaches are also being explored forthe optimization of polymer–fullerene solar cells. The use ofblock copolymers in which one block contains pendantfullerenes has been suggested as one method to achievegreater control over the morphology in these BHJ devi-ces.[104,110] Many other improvements have been sought, bymodifying the architecture of the device as a whole, whileretaining the essential nature of the BHJ active layer.Specifically, the use of a TiOx layer inserted between aP3HT/PCBM composite layer and the Al electrode has beenused as an optical spacer to increase the absorption of light inthe active layer and has been shown to give considerableenhancement in the photocurrent generated across the visiblespectrum (maximum EQE value ca. 90%).[111] The extent towhich subtle changes in interfacial layers can influence deviceperformance is very nicely illustrated by a recent study withP3HT/PCBM devices in which modification of the PEDOT-PSS layer by the addition of mannitol improved the perfor-mance of the device from 4.5 to 5.2% as a result of adecreased series resistance in the device.[53] Such results,coupled with the discussions in this Review, indicate thatmuch room exists for improvement in polymer–fullerene BHJsolar cells at all levels of device construction and composition.The pursuit of such optimizations promises to be an informa-tive and ultimately useful endeavor.

We acknowledge financial support of our research on photo-voltaic systems by the U.S. Department of Energy, BasicEnergy Sciences (no. DE-AC03-76SF00098). B.C.T. thanks theAmerican Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund forfunding through the Alternative Energy Postdoctoral Fellow-ship.

Received: June 8, 2007

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