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Updated 1.7.14




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Table of Contents

Introduc�on ................................................................................................. 1

Statement of Faith ...................................................................................... 2

Values ........................................................................................................... 4

Vision Statement .......................................................................................... 5

Apostolic Servant Council ............................................................................ 6

NLMI Leadership ........................................................................................... 7

Apostolic Advisory Team .............................................................................. 9

Guidelines for Ministry Creden�als ........................................................... 11

Partner Churches & Ministries ................................................................... 14

Partnership Benefits & Expecta�ons ......................................................... 18

Ministerial Mee�ngs .................................................................................. 20

Equipping Ministries .................................................................................. 21

Five-fold Translocal Ministers .................................................................... 22

Church Plan�ng Process ............................................................................. 23

Church Mul�plica�on Center ...................................................................... 24

Missions Vision & Commitment to Global Discipleship ............................. 26

Guidelines for Leader Accountability ......................................................... 28

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New Life Ministries Interna�onal (NLMI) exists for the purpose of

exal�ng Christ in every tongue, tribe, and na�on. NLMI is evangelical in theol-

ogy, belief, and prac�ce and charisma�c in expression. The network values

the importance of mutual accountability through rela�onships and leadership

as well as honors the importance of the autonomy of the local church.

There are many exis�ng credible, wonderful, and dynamic networks of

churches. In the spirit of humility, love, and unity, NLMI’s heart is to create

opportuni�es for partnership through connec�ng rela�onally; collabora�ng

on joint Kingdom ini�a�ves; cul�va�ng an apostolic ethos to send and mobi-

lize workers into the harvest fields in our “Jerusalem”; and catalyzing a

healthy, growing network of churches by the grace of God.

The Church exists for the glory of God and to make His glory known in the

na�ons. NLMI takes this mandate seriously. To be a part of this family is to be

a part of a people that are solidly biblical, rela�onally authen�c, Spirit-

empowered, crea�ve in ministry, and excited about the Great


In these next pages, you will learn how NLMI func�ons and works, but

through it all—don’t forget—we exist to advance Christ’s Kingdom.

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Statement of Faith

Inspira�on of Faith

We believe in the verbal inspira�on of the Bible, both the Old and New Testa-

ments, by the Holy Spirit as originally given; they are the final

authority for our faith and life. (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12)


We believe in one God revealed in three coequal, dis�nct persons: the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (MaIhew 3:16-17; 28:19; Ephesians 2:18)


We believe man in his natural state is a sinner, lost, undone, without hope

and without God. (Ephesians 2:1-2; Romans 3:23)

Divinity and Humanity of Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who by His incarna�on and

virgin birth took upon Himself the form of man and became the God-Man. In

the one person of Christ, there are two natures, human and divine, each in its

completeness and integrity. They are dis�nguishable but indivisible, so that

He is fully Man and fully God. He lived a sinless life and became the only sacri-

fice for the sins of the world. (Ephesians 1:3-5; Romans 5:1-11; Acts 4:12; 1

Peter 1:18-23)

Bodily Resurrec�on

We believe in the bodily resurrec�on of Jesus Christ. (Luke 24:38-47; John



We believe that the terms of salva�on are repentance toward God for sin

and a personal hearKelt faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which results in regen-

era�on. This salva�on is en�rely by grace and not by works. (Ephesians 2:6-

10; Romans 5:1; Acts 3:19-20)

Second Coming

We believe in the visible, bodily return of Christ to this earth to judge the

world and to claim His Bride. (Acts 1:11; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Titus 2:13;

Revela�on 1:7; 19:11-16)

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We believe that the Church is Christ's spiritual body on earth today. It consists

of born-again believers and has both universal and local

expressions. (MaIhew 16:18; Acts 20:28)

Heaven and Hell

We believe in the doctrines of eternal punishment for the lost and

eternal bliss and service for the saved; hell for the unsaved and heaven for

the saved. (John 14:1-3; Revela�on 21:1-4; 20:11-15)


We believe that Satan is a fallen, created being who is the “god of this world”.

He and his organized company of demons are opposed to the Kingdom of God

and work to defeat and destroy the believer. While his ac�vity is real, Satan

and his demon spirits were defeated and overthrown by Christ's victory at the

cross. (Luke 10:17-20; Colossians 2:13-15; Ephesians 6:10-18)

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit to be the third Person of the Godhead who is ac�ve

in the world today. The Spirit indwells and seals the believer at new birth. We

believe the bap�sm in the Holy Spirit is a subsequent experience and is availa-

ble to all Chris�ans to empower them to be witnesses. We believe in and en-

courage the use of the giMs of the Holy Spirit. (John 14:16-17; Acts 1:8, 2:1-4)


We believe that believer's water bap�sm and the Lord's Supper are

ordinances of the Church and should be prac�ced regularly. (Acts 2:38-47;

2:44-47; Romans 6:3-10; 1 Corinthians 10:16-21)

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Authen�c Rela�onships

We desire to model transparency, humility, and accountability in our homes,

leadership, cells, and work life to change hearts and transform our communi-

ty. Authen�city allows us to share our brokenness as well as our wholeness

and to iden�fy with the “common to man” issues of life with those around us

who do not know the Lord.

Embrace and Foster Diversity and Mul�-Ethnicity

We honor and celebrate diverse partnerships as we reconcile race, gender,

genera�on, and culture in all we do in the Kingdom. Recognizing the inequali-

�es of our history and culture, we desire to be proac�ve in developing models

of transethnic rela�onships, ministries, and churches as demonstra�ons of

the power of the love of God in our day.

Passion for the Witness of the Gospel in the United States and Around the


We desire to accelerate the Kingdom of God through ongoing rela�onal and

prayer evangelism, special events and services, and an expanding family of

churches. We have a commitment to an inten�onal focus to the unengaged

and unreached peoples of the world according to the mandate to “make disci-

ples of all ethne [people groups].” We are commiIed to train and mobilize the

church of Jesus Christ in targe�ng the unreached in our missions endeavors.

Pursuit of the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit

We are commiIed to embracing the work and move of the Holy Spirit in our

network and movement. We desire to make room for all the workings and

ministries of the Holy Spirit; to always give the Lord place and precedence.

Prayer, Intercession, and Wholehearted Worship

We believe that all that we do should be bathed and accompanied in prayer.

We are dependent upon God, His grace, and His blessing.

Team Ministry & Partnership

We delight to serve, play, pray, and pursue the Kingdom of God together. We

willingly defer our own interests or �metable to include members, leaders, or

churches in our family that would benefit from our partnership efforts. We

heed the call to transform our community with an inten�onal effort that none

of the churches are leM behind.

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Five-Fold Mentoring

We receive, develop, and release all of the apostolic offices and the giMs of

the Holy Spirit through spiritual mentorship and nurturing. We honor the

roles of those with translocal giMs who will impart to us and desire to raise up

those from our midst who will do the same for others. We weigh all the coun-

sel of these seasoned leaders while maintaining the governance of our local

churches through the plurality of elders. We believe in the authority of godly

influence and guidance while avoiding control over the ongoing opera�ons of

member churches.

Vision Statement We are dedicated to strategic global missions and citywide transforma�on

through a family of congrega�ons yoked together to plant healthy and grow-

ing churches.

Our vision is to cul�vate a family of healthy, mul�plying churches and minis-

tries that partner and relate together for God’s glory and for the extension of

Christ’s Kingdom in the world.

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Apostolic Servant Council (ASC)

The purpose of this team is to serve the pastors, leaders, and churches. The

leadership is comprised of different pastors and trans-local ministers who

help to develop, advance, and pastorally care for the network. The ASC will

help lead by offering and crea�ng the following:

• Support

• Encouragement

• Accountability

• Visional support

• Coaching

• Crea�ng network-wide ini�a�ves and purposes to partner on

• Training to advance the apostolic vision of NLMI

As the work within the network grows, NLMI an�cipates forming more

serving teams to assist with the care of new churches, missionaries, and

ministries. Pastors are encouraged to stay closely connected with their serv-

ant teams informing them of needs, successes, struggles, and changes. It is

recognized that rela�onship is the founda�on of finishing well; therefore, it is

important that NLMI con�nues to develop sincere rela�onships with par�ci-

pa�ng ministries and churches not on paper only, but through phone conver-

sa�ons, visits, and face-to-face �me.

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NLMI Leadership

Dan Backens serves as the senior director of the NLMI Apos-

tolic Servant Council. Pastor Dan is also the founder and

senior pastor of New Life Providence Church – a mul�-

ethnic, mul�-site church in Virginia Beach, Nofolk and

Chesapeake, Virginia. He currently serves on the board of

the Life Enrichment Center in Norfolk, VA and on the board

of Bethany Bible College in New York. He is married to

Rhonda and together they have three children and four


Dr. Joseph Umidi serves on the Apostolic Servant Council.

He is a professor at Regent University, and founder and

president of Lifeforming Leadership Coaching, Inc. and

Equityforming, LLC. He has authored numerous ar�cles and

books dealing with transforma�on and is working in

community and interna�onal transforma�on strategies with

several organiza�ons. He is married to Marie, CEO of TMCJ,

Inc. an interna�onal arts ministry. They are the delighted

grandparents of three grandchildren.

Kevin Strite serves on the Apostolic Servant Council. He is

the senior pastor of New Life of the Shenandoah Valley. He

is married to Lynda, and they have four children. His pas-

sions beyond his family include worship, the Word of God,

raising up new genera�ons of faithful followers of Christ,

biblical families, and equipping people to live their lives with

purpose as they enjoy a personal rela�onship with God and

as they discover and fulfill their God-given calling on this


Dr. Rita Browning serves on the Apostolic Servant Council.

She is a board cer�fied pediatrician and president of

Mongolian Asia Reach (MAR). MAR is a compassionate

medical ministry with a registered office in Ulaan Baatar,

Mongolia where she lived for 14 years establishing church-

es, an orphanage, a special needs developmental clinic, and

a feeding program for homeless youth. Currently she lives in

Inner Mongolia, China, with her two adopted Mongolian

sons, studying Chinese.

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Wayne Buechler serves as Pastor of Network Development

for New Life Ministries Interna�onal. He also serves as assis-

tant pastor at New Life Providence Church. Pastor Wayne

brings more than 30 years of pastoral experience, establish-

ing four churches, and is a cer�fied coach in a wide variety

of areas including: maintaining passion in prayer, staying

free from burnout, walking in power, teaching pastors and

churches, and keeping a healthy balance spiritually, physi-

cally and mentally. He is married to Anita, and they have

five adult children.

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Apostolic Advisory Team

New Life Ministries Interna�onal will always have two to three apostolic

advisors not affiliated with NLMI who will serve in an advisory and coaching

role to the Apostolic Servant Council for the advancement of the network.

The selec�on of advisors are ra�fied by the majority of the current ASC. The

term lengths will be two years, but renewable at the discre�on of the ASC in

accordance also with the advisor’s desire.

The role of the advisor is a non-paid posi�on. Travel expenses (travel, lodging

and food) �ed to official NLMI business will be covered by NLMI.

The advisory team will meet as needed; therefore, there are no pre-planned

annual mee�ngs.

The purpose of the Advisory Team is for the following:

• To be available to offer counsel, coaching, and support to the ASC in

regards to organiza�on, character, and strategic development

• To be open when prompted to speak prophe�cally into NLMI and

share with the ASC and pastors

• To serve as a safeguard against any abusive or toxic leadership styles,

philosophies, or behaviors that develop within the director or en�re

Apostolic Servant Council. The assistance of the advisors could be

requested to help mediate such issues should they arise.

• To be available should an unresolved conflict arise from within the

council that is not able to be handled by the council itself and needs

input from the outside.

• To be available to counsel with the senior director in the event the

other council members feel it necessary in regards to leadership,

character, or family.

The apostolic advisors should be proven in their own apostolic ministry, call-

ing, and ability to coach other leaders. They should be men or women who fit

the descrip�ons and quali�es of elder/bishops detailed in 1 Timothy 3.

New Life Ministries Interna�onal takes seriously the need that at every level

of leadership accountability and input are needed.

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Larry Kreider currently serves as Interna�onal Director of

DOVE Chris�an Fellowship Interna-�onal (DCFI), a network of

churches scaIered throughout the world. As founder of

DOVE Interna�onal, Larry ini�ally served for 15 years as

senior pastor of DOVE Chris�an Fellowship in Pennsylvania,

which grew from a single cell group to over 2300 in 10 years.

Today, DCFI believers are found mee�ng in 200 congrega-

�ons in six con�nents of the world. He is a featured speaker

at conferences throughout the United States and around the

world training Chris�an leaders. Larry has wriIen more than

thirty books including the Biblical Founda�on Series in both

English and Spanish. Larry and his wife LaVerne have been

married for more than forty years, have four children and

three grandchildren.

Rev. Alfred Boakye Nyamekyeh is the General Overseer and

Presiding Bishop of House of Faith Ministries (World Missions

Church), a global network of churches commiIed to mis-

sions, church plan�ng and leader training. Having been in

evangelism and missionary work for more than 35 years, Rev.

Alfred plants churches in Africa, USA and other parts of the

world. He founded the World Missions Founda�on in 2005

and is president of Atlan�c Ministerial College in Kumasi,

Ghana. Rev. Alfred lives in Accra, Ghana with his wife Esther.

They are parents to four children and have four grandchil-


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Guidelines for Ministry Creden�als


Ordina�on is an act at NLMI in which individuals receive affirma�on for their

call to a life�me of ministry while serving faithfully in their recognized minis-

tries. This affirma�on gives them the right to perform the du�es of their office

and any other ministerial func�ons within the scope and prac�ces of their

church. The person should be involved in ac�ve ministry for at least two years

before becoming a candidate for ordina�on. NLMI will normally require two

years of licensing prior to confirma�on of ordina�on.

NLMI will ordain the following:

• Senior Pastors/Senior Leaders – It is assumed that pastors of NLMI

partner churches will hold an ordina�on with NLMI. This does not

mean they cannot hold an ordina�on with another organiza�on


• Translocal Five-Fold Ministers who are recognized by the senior

leader of the NLMI church they aIend. If they do not aIend an NLMI

church but are in rela�onship with and recognized by one of the

apostolic leaders, NLMI will also consider ordaining them.

In addi�on to the NLMI Apostolic Servant Council, each individual partner

church has the authority to ordain those they feel meet the requirements of

spiritual leadership as stated in 1 Timothy 3 and are called to ordina�on.

Meanwhile, if there is an installa�on of a new senior leader into a partner

congrega�on or a new partner, the NLMI servant teams should review the

leader’s applica�on for ordina�on.


Licensing is an act of NLMI. Individuals receive affirma�on for their call to min-

istry for a one year period with an annual review. This affirma�on gives them

the right to perform the du�es of their office and any other ministerial func-

�ons within the scope and prac�ces of NLMI. The NLMI Apostolic Servant

Council holds the authority to license individuals and to assist in their spiritual


At �mes, the Apostolic Servant Council will make a recommenda�on that li-

censing be renewed annually un�l the council recognizes that it is �me in

that person’s ministry, call, and life for life�me ordina�on.

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The request for licensing a person for ministry within a partner church would

come from the eldership of the partner church. If the individual is not from a

partner church, then the applica�on should be introduced by one of the ASC

or another ordained member of NLMI.

Local elderships and leaders have the authority to license those they feel

meet the requirements of spiritual leadership and are called into ministry.

Steps for Applica�on:

1. Request Licensing/Ordina�on Packet by calling 757.233.8578 or

email [email protected].

2. Complete Licensing/Ordina�on Packet consis�ng of:

a. Applica�on – to be completed and returned to NLMI with a $50

applica�on fee.

b. Reference LeIers (2) – candidate gives one reference leIer to

either his/her current senior pastor, pastoral contact who intro-

duced candidate to NLMI, or apostolic contact who invited

candidate to apply. Give the second reference leIer to a minis-

try friend/colleague for comple�on. Both leIers should be

returned to NLMI.

c. Theological Ques�onnaire – complete this form and send it it to


3. An Apostolic Servant Council member will interview candidate via

face-to-face or phone.

4. The ordinand will be ordained if there is a match of values,

philosophy and rela�onship. An ordained minister’s card and

cer�ficate will be issued.

5. Ordina�on is an act of NLMI in which individuals receive affirma�on

for their call to ministry for the en�rety of their call into ministry.

Ongoing Requirements:

1. Ordained persons or groups receive periodic reviews as needed by

the Apostolic Servant Council.

2. The Personal Life and Church/Ministry Life Forms (newlife.cc/

ministerspage) should be completed and submiIed each


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3. Based upon the history, experience, and educa�on of the applicant,

there could also be con�nuing educa�on requirements, which could

take the form of seminars, a leadership school, classes, self-study

courses, workshops (i.e. Regent Church Educa�on Program, Church

Mul�plica�on Center, New Life School of Missions, etc.). The costs of

this training would be the responsibility of the ordinand. While not

always required, ordinands are encouraged to take courses in church

history, theology, and biblical background.

Transfers of Ordina�on

An adopted partner church senior elder shall be ordained through NLMI. This

could be done by transfer or by a new ordina�on if the senior elder wishes to

keep creden�als with another organiza�on.

New Life Ministries s�ll asks that those applying for transfer of ordina�on fill

out the Licensing/Ordina�on Packet. However, based on the recommenda�on

of the ASC representa�ve introducing the candidate, an interview will not be

required unless otherwise requested.

All other requests for transfer would be evaluated individually by NLMI.

Interested candidates should request an applica�on packet specifying an in-

terest in transferring ordina�on to NLMI.

Please refer to Steps for Applica�on and Ongoing Requirements in the Ordina-

�on sec�on as they are the same.

Interna�onal Licensing and Ordina�ons

In each na�on, the cultural equivalent of licensing could be recognized or

used, but ordina�on seems to be universally accepted.


• Those who are pastoring NLMI partnering churches do not have an

annual fee, but are requested to submit both the annual Personal Life

and Church/Ministry Life forms for their renewal.

• Translocal leaders are asked to contribute $295 yearly as well as

complete the Church/Ministry, Personal Life, and Licensing/Ordina�on

Renewal Forms (newlife.cc/ministerspage).

• NLMI approved missionaries are asked to contribute $200 yearly as well

as complete Church/Ministry, Personal Life, and Licensing/Ordina�on

Renewal Forms .

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Partner Churches & Ministries

1. Partner Church Ar�cles of Incorpora�on and Bylaws

• Each partner church is responsible for its own Ar�cles of Incorpora-

�on and Bylaws. The Ar�cles of Incorpora�on and Bylaws must be

compa�ble with the NLMI Policies & Procedures Handbook. All

partner church bylaws need to be in agreement with the vision and

values of the network and oversight of the NLMI Apostolic Servant

Council (ASC). Other cluster churches will be available to assist

partner church elders to set up local partner church bylaws.

2. Partner Church Assets and Real Estate

• Each partner church is its own financial en�ty; thus all property, as-

sets, real estate, and liabili�es are the responsibility of the partner


3. Name of the Partner Church

• It is not required the name of the partnering church contain

or reference its affilia�on with New Life Ministries Interna�onal;

however, it is advisable and preferable the affilia�on is men�oned.

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1. Applica�on Requirements

• Request Church/Ministry Applica�on Packet by calling 757.233.8578

or email [email protected].

• Complete Church/Ministry Packet consis�ng of:

a. Applica�on - to be completed and returned to NLMI with an $50

applica�on fee.

b. Reference LeIers (2) - Give one reference leIer to the NLMI

Apostolic Servant Council member who introduced the applicant

to NLMI. The second leIer may be filled out by a church leader

of the applicant’s choice. Return both leIers to NLMI.

c. Theological Ques�onnaire - complete this form and send it to


• Understand and have the same values as established by the ASC.

• Understand and agree with NLMI’s evangelical/charisma�c doctrinal


• The leadership team of the partnering church understands and

agrees with the procedures and values as outlined within this NLMI


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• If the poten�al adoptee church agrees with the values, vision,

doctrine, and procedure and is in unity with the ASC, there should be

a �me for prayer and wai�ng on the Lord to receive confirma�on

before the exploratory season. An on-site personal visit with the

poten�al church and leaders is recommended.

• If the Lord gives confirma�on, then the exploratory season will begin

and last for a minimum of three months.

2. Exploratory Season

• The senior local leader/pastor and the ASC begin to build

rela�onships. In some cases, the senior local leader may relate to a

designate appointed by the ASC. A designate is someone who is

recognized to have apostolic authority and will assist in overseeing

the congrega�on.

• Apostolic oversight begins with the established exploratory season.

• During the exploratory season, no financial obliga�ons are expected;

however, par�cipa�on in mee�ngs, ministerial, and cluster/network

conferences is strongly encouraged.

• The senior local leader begins to relate to other NLMI leaders within

his geographical area.

3. Acceptance/Induc�on

• AMer the exploratory season, the ASC and the poten�al partner

church eldership team must be in full agreement to proceed with the

partnership before any commitment is made. In some cases the ex-

ploratory season could be truncated due to an exis�ng rela�onship

or partnership.

• If, aMer the exploratory season, there is not agreement to proceed

with the partnering church, then the ASC and poten�al senior local

leader and eldership team need to discern if there is a different di-

rec�on the Lord may be giving.

• A public commissioning service will be scheduled if there is full agree-

ment between the ASC and the poten�al adoptee church's leader-

ship team. One or more of the ASC members and/or appointed

designate(s) will represent NLMI.

• There may be �mes when a church is a part of two movements for a

season during transi�on. This process is worked out between the

senior local leader and elder team, the ASC, and the leader of the

other movement.

• Once a church becomes an NLMI partner, it is expected they will give

according to the dues structure outlined on the next page.

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Dues Structure for NLMI Partner Churches & Ministries

AIendance Monthly Rate

0-49 $50

50-99 $100

100-149 $175

150-199 $275

200-299 $375

300-399 $475

400-499 $575

500-999 $675

1000+ $775

Note: If you represent a ministry versus a church, an annual renewal fee of

$295 is required in lieu of the dues structure.

Adop�on of Movements, Networks, and Ministries

The same basic process will be used to adopt a movement as is used to adopt

a partner church. This process may take longer due to the number of persons/

ministers/churches involved in the adop�on process that includes poten�al

apostolic leaders and senior elders.

It is also recognized there may be other translocal ministries that may want to

look to NLMI for their apostolic accountability. Because the opera�on of all

giMs and ministries are valued, NLMI welcomes other five-fold translocal

ministers and ministries to relate to us and partner together.

In this case, the process for becoming a partner ministry would be similar to

the process of becoming a local partnering church. An affiliate category for

five-fold leaders has been established for those who have no organiza�on to

partner with but want to personally partner with the NLMI family of leaders

and churches.

Steps for Withdrawal or Dismissal

In the case of poten�al withdrawal or dismissal, a leader from the ASC or

designate must be a part of the process to make sure there is not a

rela�onship problem. If there is a sense the Lord is changing the partner

rela�onship, then the process of withdrawal or dismissal shall be established.

A senior elder cannot withdraw the partner church from NLMI without the

affirma�on of his eldership team. A partner church cannot be dismissed with-

out the affirma�on and review of this decision by the NLMI Apostolic Servant


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The following steps are to guide those involved in the withdrawal or dismissal

process. These steps can be modified by mutual agreement of the NLMI Apos-

tolic Servant Council and the partner church elders.

1. Members of the NLMI Apostolic Servant Council (two or more) or

designates shall meet with the senior elder. This mee�ng will further

evaluate the need for withdraw or dismissal.

2. Members of the NLMI Apostolic Servant Council (two or more) or

designates shall meet with the senior elder and the eldership team.

3. The �meframe for withdrawal or dismissal should be no less than

three months and not more than six months unless otherwise agreed


4. The NLMI Apostolic Servant Council (two or more) or designates shall

meet with the congrega�on (along with the senior elder and elders)

explaining the reason for withdrawal or dismissal, the process, and to

answer any ques�ons.

5. A decommissioning takes place publicly (a releasing of spiritual au-

thority) with the NLMI Apostolic Servant Council designates, and

partner church elders.

6. The partner church’s financial commitment to NLMI shall con�nue

un�l spiritual oversight is no longer provided.

7. A general climate of affirma�on of NLMI to the former partner

church, and the former partner church to NLMI, should exist as much

as possible.

8. New Life Ministries Interna�onal is released of spiritual

responsibility for the senior elder and elders and five-fold trans-local

ministers within the partner church.

9. The partner church and senior elder are released from financial

responsibility to give financial dues NLMI.

10. The former partner church may not use NLMI as part of its name and

NLMI will change its website and publica�ons so as to

correctly iden�fy its network.

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Benefits & Expecta�ons


1. Spiritual covering by an interna�onal network of churches, pastors

and five-fold ministers

2. Nine leadership equipping opportuni�es

a. Senior Pastors and Ministers can receive two complimentary

coaching sessions per year led by an NLMI Apostolic Servant

Council member. Ini�al session will determine coaching needs.

Addi�onal sessions available for a member rate of $45 per hour.

b. NLMI Apostolic Servant Council member available to visit

partner church/ministry as needed. Because of the inexpensive

annual financial requirements, churches are asked to cover the

visit expense (travel, hotel, meals, etc.).

c. Two resource packets annually

d. Four Ministerial Fellowship mee�ngs per year with leadership

development emphasis (webinar capability for those unable to

aIend in person)

3. Member rates for annual NLMI retreat and leadership confer-

ence. Upon event registra�on deadlines, partners will receive


4. Support, Encouragement and Accountability (SEA) through regional

pastoral clusters.

5. Par�cipa�on in the Church Mul�plica�on Center (CMC), Church Equip-

ping Program with Regent University (CEP), NLMI Missions, and NLMI

Network Services.

6. Licensing and/or ordina�on

7. Resource list will highlight network leaders available for training in

specialized ministries such as children, worship, eldership, etc.

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NLMI is a grace-based organiza�on. Therefore, while there are expecta�ons,

network leaders will always respond first in grace when dealing with situa-

�ons, people, leaders, and misunderstandings.

1. Adherence to the values, ethics and doctrines of the NLMI handbook.

2. Mutual love and respect for leadership and fellow network churches,

ministers, and ministries.

3. AIendance to the annual retreat and leadership conference. (NLMI

events will be invoiced to the partner church/ministry.)

4. Faithfulness in the monthly financial support of NLMI. Any NLMI

church facing a cri�cal season or difficulty can apply to the NLMI

Apostolic Servant Council for a pause on their giving with a brief plan

as to how and when the financial commitment will be restored. Any

NLMI partner church/ministry that prefers not to par�cipate in a

financial covenant rela�onship with giving will be released from

oversight and ordina�on responsibili�es from the leadership team

with grace and honor.

5. It is NLMI’s passion to create dynamic synergy and partnership.

While not required nor mandated, it is strongly encouraged that

churches and ministries partner together when possible with other

network affiliates for Kingdom-minded endeavors to advance the

Gospel regionally and globally.

6. Early communica�on is preferred when a problem that may require

interven�on arises in the leader’s family or in the church.

7. Accountability is only fruiKul when transparency and authen�city are

present. Therefore, NLMI does ask for grace-filled openness in apos-

tolic conversa�ons and to further serve the needs of the local church

and the leadership.

8. Comple�on each January of Church/Ministry and Personal Life Forms

found online at www.newlife.cc in the Minister’s Page sec�on.

9. Weekly comple�on of the Congrega�onal Care Form found online at

www.newlife.cc in the Ministers Page sec�on.

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Ministerial Mee�ngs

NLMI has formalized a local ministerial fellowship in Hampton

Roads, VA offering pastors and ministry leaders the following:

1. Quarterly gathering for fellowship, equipping, prayer, and

opportuni�es for ministry partnership to the churches and the com-

munity in a given geographic area.

2. PlaKorm for guest presenters and ministries to share resources and

�mely messages to leaders.

3. Live simulcas�ng or recorded video streaming op�ons for par�cipants

not able to meet in person.

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Equipping Ministries NLMI desires to create opportuni�es for training, strengthening, mobilizing,

and refreshing through various opportuni�es of equipping. NLMI never wants

to take the place of the local church and their need for equipping; however,

NLMI does believe in providing quality opportuni�es for its network leaders to

be challenged, new leaders raised up, and ministers sent out.

NLMI’s purpose for equipping is the following:

• Provide a forum for con�nued development of praxis, thought,

theology, and forma�on for leaders.

• To encourage leaders in their own spiritual forma�on.

• To offer new strategies and models to further enhance local church-

es, para-churches, and interna�onal ministries.

• Provide a safe venue for vulnerability and strengthening; to increase

Chris�an leaders’ capacity for mul�plica�on, influence, expansion,

and depth.

• NLMI’s equipping arm is designed to be a place for leaders and

friends to interact through both presenta�on and meaningful dia-


To accomplish these stated purposes NLMI offers several different network-

wide opportuni�es for equipping:

New Life School of Missions (NLSOM)

NLSOM was created to iden�fy, equip, and send out missionaries into the

world’s harvest fields. NLMI values directly rela�ng to indigenous leaders and

ministers for mobiliza�on purposes, but equally feel the responsibility to fulfill

the Great Commission globally by equipping and sending out from the net-

work’s own congrega�ons. Please refer to the Missions Vision sec�on for

more informa�on.

Church Mul�plica�on Center (CMC)

The CMC is designed to serve as support to the network and local churches

for the assessing, training and equipping future church planters. The center’s

vision is to equip leaders to plant innova�ve and impacKul churches locally,

regionally, and globally. Church plan�ng is an essen�al part of the apostolic

vision of NLMI. For more informa�on, please read the Church Plan�ng Process


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Leadership Development

To help in leadership development, NLMI encourages and offer coaching for

leaders, quarterly gatherings that can be aIended virtually or in person,

retreats, and seminars for addi�onal training. NLMI takes the posture of life-

long learners and want to constantly offer opportuni�es for NLMI’s leaders

and five-fold ministers to be encouraged, challenged, and refreshed.

Church Educa�on Program (CEP)

This ini�a�ve is in partnership with Regent University. It is an eight-course

track with founda�onal courses for ministers to help them in their develop-

ment, strengthening, and encouragement. Ministers who have not had much

background in Bible, either through Bible school or seminary, may be asked to

par�cipate for their ministerial development. The cost is minimal and classes

will be available in an online format. Those who complete the eight courses

will receive a cer�ficate in partnership with Regent cer�fying comple�on.

Five-fold Translocal Ministers

Ministry Descrip�on

According to Ephesians 4:11-12, the five ministry giMs of the apostle, prophet,

evangelist, pastor, and teacher are given by the Lord to equip the saints to

minister and encourage the body of Christ.

Affirma�on and Accountability

Five-fold ministers who have proven ministries and are recommended by

their eldership as having a broader sphere of ministry than to their own local

congrega�on may be recognized and affirmed by the NLMI Apostolic Servant

Council to serve translocally. Five-fold translocal ministers who are affirmed

will relate to the NLMI Apostolic Servant Council for their ministry and to the

local eldership where they are ministering during their ministry. They will be

accountable for their personal lives, family, etc. to the elders in the partner

church to which they are commiIed. Translocal ministers can also be intro-

duced by a member of the Apostolic Servant Council.

Local congrega�ons need the imparta�on of the Word of God that comes

through the five-fold ministry giMs. Senior elders of partner churches are en-

couraged to invite five-fold translocal ministers into their small groups and

congrega�ons to minister on a regular basis. The scriptures encourage to give

these translocal ministers generous love offerings and/or honorariums for

their spiritual service.

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Please refer to the Licensing and Ordination section for procedures of apply-

ing for credentials (pg. 8).

Translocal ministries are asked to pay $295 at the time of their acceptance

and then annually on January first as well as complete the Personal Life form

at the beginning of each year.

NLMI encourages its five-fold translocal ministers to participate in the leader-

ship institute, missions banquet, and ministerial fellowship meetings. Because

of the inexpensive annual dues, NLMI may ask that translocal members who

desire to participate in other events contribute to help cover expenses.

Church Planting Process

Church planting by NLMI and its partner churches is a foundational core value.

It is one of the best practical ways to reach new people and disciple communi-

ties through the intentional planting of Gospel-centered, Christ-exalting, and

life-giving churches. With the local church being the representation of Christ

in the community, we consider it essential that every community has the op-

portunity to have culturally appropriate and indigenized form of church plant-

ed in their midst. These plants become centers of healing, restoration, mobili-

zation, equipping, teaching, fellowship, and sending.

Because church planting is a fundamental core value, NLMI expects this value

will be inculcated in all of its partner churches.

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Church Mul�plica�on Center

The Church Mul�plica�on Center is a church plan�ng ins�tu�on, which has

been created to serve church planters and plants in their innova�on, incep-

�on, crea�on, forma�on, and embarka�on. Aspiring church plan�ng individu-

als and teams within the NLMI network are encouraged to par�cipate in this

center which has been created to be a regional assessment, training, and re-

source center to expand the Kingdom of God through church mul�plica�on. In

the church plan�ng center NLMI desires to see the following things happen:

1. Interac�on – Through working with like-minded church planters, NLMI

desires to see rela�onships formed, teams forged, ideas spawned, and

dreams given flight.

2. Incuba�on – NLMI believes an important element of the forma�on of

the church plant takes place as this network and the partner church

pray together. NLMI endeavors to create a safe place for innova�ve

strategies to be birthed and tried.

3. Imparta�on – The power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essen�al, and

in the center, NLMI also wants to make room for God’s visita�on and

imparta�on of his presence, power, and giMs. Furthermore, NLMI de-

sires to bring in various leaders to bring imparta�on from their experi-


4. Intercession – Only what is laid in prayer will last. NLMI is convinced

that a part of any church plan�ng prepara�on and training must in-

clude inten�onal and strategic intercession.

Who can Plant?

1. Any partner church is encouraged to plant new churches.

2. Mul�ple churches can come together and partner to launch a new

church either locally or interna�onally.

3. Missionaries are encouraged to plant new indigenous and culturally

relevant churches.

4. Par�cipants of the Church Mul�plica�on Center will plant new church-


5. Other churches will be planted through translocal and regional cluster

servant team members who start churches.

6. In addi�on to the vision of plan�ng churches, NLMI desires to mul�ply

and plant other church plan�ng centers to further mul�ply to every

tongue, tribe, and na�on.

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The NLMI Apostolic Servant Council will take an ac�ve role in plan�ng church-

es as well as offering support, encouragement, and accountability to the

church planters. As a family, there is a genuine desire to be able to serve and

resource as much as possible to assure the success and health of NLMI’s

church plants, church planters, and their respec�ve families.

NLMI respects the need for local autonomy within the church plant, but also

understands the need for mentoring and nurturing of new starts to assure

success, matura�on, and eventual mul�plica�on. Therefore, ASC or desig-

nates will be available in various capaci�es as coaches, trainers, counselors,

and advisors to assist the new church plant.

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Missions Vision and Commitment

to Global Discipleship NLMI recognizes God’s apostolic heart and glorious Gospel are not only for

individuals in the United States; it extends to both our Jerusalem and to the

“uIermost parts of the earth.” NLMI, therefore, as a community, is whole-

heartedly commiIed to extending God’s Kingdom to every tongue, tribe, and

na�on as we are empowered by the grace of the Lord.


NLMI firmly believes that God has called this network to:

• Reach and disciple the ethne (people groups) that God has called NLMI

and its partners to focus upon

• Plant churches interna�onally, partner with those who do the same,

and help catalyze church plan�ng movements when and where possi-


• Train and equip indigenous leadership

• Create effec�ve strategies to make an impact in the various spheres

that help to shape culture and society

• Show the love of God through compassion ministries (i.e. orphanages,

medical, etc.)

• Mobilize and send “home-grown” and indigenous missionaries to target

both the unengaged and least-reached peoples of the world

• Mobilize and train NLMI congrega�ons to think missionally, engage

locally, pray globally, give generously, and go interna�onally

• Establish centers (training centers and Bible colleges) of



NLMI endeavors to fulfill the above objec�ves by:

• Crea�ng training programs and seminars to prepare missionaries and

indigenous workers (i.e. New Life School of Missions)

• Teaching the global and apostolic heart of God to partner congrega-


• Forming strategic partnerships between partner congrega�ons and

other like-minded networks and agencies to further expedite the ex-

pansion of God’s glory and Kingdom in the earth.

• U�lizing and commiZng resources to the above objec�ves.

• Praying for the na�ons and praying Christ would thrust out laborers

into the harvest fields of the world.

• Helping local churches develop their own missions vision, strategy,

focus, and training.

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While NLMI agrees and recognizes the need for con�nued partnerships to

reach, train, and send people in all mission fields of the world, it will place

special emphasis on those areas that s�ll need special aIen�on because they

are less-reached.

NLMI is absolutely dependent and reliant upon the power of the Holy Spirit.

The success of the early Church was undeniably linked to their dependency

upon the Spirit’s leading, provision, and power. Therefore, NLMI is commiIed

to crea�ng strategies, mobilizing people, and preaching the Gospel, but is also

commiIed to depending upon the inexhaus�ble strength and guidance of the

Holy Spirit.

Short-Term Missions

NLMI churches are encouraged to organize and sponsor trips to various na-

�ons to advance the global objec�ves of our missionaries and promote

awareness of the global heart of God within the local church.

Long-Term Missions

NLMI encourages its churches to send out long term missionaries into the

world. It encourage partnerships between churches to help adequately finan-

cially support our dedicated missionary force.

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Guidelines for Leader Accountability

The scriptures make it clear that God expects purity of heart and holy living in

all His people, and emphasizes that those in church leadership are expected

to live blameless lives that are above reproach. Due to their high visibility and

responsibility, the NLMI Apostolic Servant Council (ASC), elders, five-fold

translocal ministers, and ordained and licensed ministers must be Christ-like

in their lifestyles and conduct. When ministers of the Gospel fall into sin, the

integrity of the church is called into public ques�on.

The following outline of scripture policy concerning discipline of church lead-

ers is derived from I Timothy 3:1-7; 5:17-25 and Titus 1:5-9.

Process of Discipline

• If an elder of a member church has fallen into sin, the senior local leader

and a member(s) of the NLMI ASC or designates should be involved in this

process of discipline and restora�on along with the other elders.

• If the senior leader has fallen, two members of the NLMI ASC or desig-

nates are to lead this process with the involvement of the others in elder-


• If a five-fold translocal minister has fallen, his senior leader, eldership,

and a representa�ve from the NLMI ASC are to be involved in the

discipline and restora�on process.

• If a member of the NLMI ASC has fallen in a case of criminal behavior,

designated spiritual advisors will lead the process of discipline and

restora�on along with the other NLMI ASC members.

Process of Restora�on

If sin is substan�ated, the fact that sin has occurred must be made public to

the congrega�on or realm of influence. In most cases, it is wise that details of

the sin not be made public. The facts and the process of restora�on need to

be made public. True repentance and res�tu�on include a clear acknowledg-

ment of the sin—e.g., “I was wrong; there was no excuse.” There must be

willingness on the part of the one who sinned to submit to the process of

discipline and restora�on. Those responsible for administering the process of

discipline and restora�on should set clear goals for the fruit of repentance.

The standards should not be changed because of the size of the church, the

responsibili�es, or the offender’s giMs or personal charisma.

A leader cannot opt out of discipline. Time does not change rebellion in a

person’s heart. “Gross” sin is evidence of major character weaknesses. The

character qualifica�ons of I Tim. 3 for spiritual leaders must be fulfilled. This

takes a firmness to follow biblical standards, �me and accountability.

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There needs to be a public disclosure of the restora�on process so all can

observe whether the process is complete. This gives the opportunity for

ministry to resume. It is recommended that the spiritual leader who has fallen

be removed from leadership for a period of �me.

There cannot always be a set amount of �me for a complete restora�on. In

many cases, it should be leM open-ended with a �me for evalua�on of

progress built into the process. The fallen leader needs to submit to the

“eldership” the Lord has placed over him. Restora�on to ministry is not to be

assumed as the end result. There needs to be a genuine heart change and

new habit paIerns built into the life of the leader who is going through the

discipline and restora�on process.

The restora�on process is first a personal restoring of the individual to God,

and then a restora�on to his/her family (spouse). Following this there needs

to be a restora�on to the local church. Next there needs to be a restora�on to

other church leaders. Finally, there is the possibility of restora�on to a

ministry posi�on of spiritual leadership.

There may also be a need for counsel for the family to be healed, which would

include regular counsel for the restora�on of the leader and family members.

Severance pay for transi�on must be considered if the person is submiIed to

the discipline process.

Although much of the Church and society in general seem to be opera�ng in a

mindset opposed to restric�ons and discipline, God expects the Church to

exercise discipline in a scriptural way. In so doing, it must guard against

harshness and condemna�on toward the one being disciplined. The general

aZtude on all sides must be aimed at restora�on of the fallen, purifica�on of

the church, and in the end, glorifying and honoring God.

It is extremely important for MaIhew 18:15-20 to be followed when accusa-

�ons surface. If violated and informa�on is made public prematurely, I Cor. 6

should be used. According to I Cor. 6, a council of judges hears the issues,

evidence, and tes�mony and renders a decision. Keep clear records of dates,

�mes, evidence, discipline carried out, and specific sins confronted—but only

if these records will be maintained with strict confiden�ality.

God’s leaders must use discipline wisely and firmly to help the Church grow

“in the midst of a crooked and perverse genera�on.” Otherwise, the Church

will lose her ability to act as salt and light for a fallen world. We can all thank

God that He has given us clear instruc�on in the Bible on how to deal with

sinning church members and leaders.

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New Life Ministries InternationalNew Life Ministries InternationalNew Life Ministries InternationalNew Life Ministries International 1244 Thompkins Lane

Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757.233.8578

[email protected] www.newlife.cc

Updated 3/5/14Updated 3/5/14Updated 3/5/14Updated 3/5/14