New January to June 2012 Books Pluto Press

Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

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Our new books published January - June 2012

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January to

June 2012



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The Afghan solutionThe Inside Story of Abdul Haq, the CIA and How Western Hubris Lost Afghanistan

lucy morgan edwardsPublished in time for the tenth anniversary of the Afghan war, this explosive book exposes how the West lost its chance to rout the Taliban and stabilise Afghanistan.

In late 2001, a group of Afghan tribal leaders met to plan how to topple the Taliban. Within weeks the plan was in tatters, thwarted by the West, and the group’s leader, Abdul Haq, assassinated by the Taliban. Lucy Morgan Edwards’s investigation into Haq’s tragic mission led her to Taliban ministers, warlords, spies and two American Republican brothers who financed Haq’s venture.

Based on the author’s own experience of the war in Afghanistan, this book reveals how a solution to the war was lost and why it matters today.

lUcy morgAN edWArds  arrived in Afghanistan as an aid worker at the height of the Taliban regime. She was an election monitor at the 2002 emergency Loya Jirga (Grand Council) and then a freelance journalist, writing for the Economist and Daily Telegraph. From 2004 to 2005 she was Political Advisor to the EU Ambassador in Kabul. She is now based in Geneva.


inside Al-Qaeda and the TalibanBeyond Bin Laden and 9/11

Syed Saleem ShahzadPb 978-0-7453-3101-0 £17.99

losing controlGlobal Security in the 21st Century

Paul RogersPb 978-0-7453-2937-6 £18.99

Imagine if the Afghan war was over by Christmas...2001

ocTober 2011 368pp 241mm x 159mm 16pp colour plates, 2 maps hb 978-0-9568-4490-3 £20epub 978-0-9568-4491-0 £20Kindle 978-0-9568-4493-4 £20

“A well-argued and deftly-written account of the

opportunities not taken ... based on the author’s own deep knowledge. Peter Bergen CNN Security Analyst and author of The Longest War: The Enduring Conflict Between America and Al-Qaeda

“A devastating indictment of the intelligence and

strategic failures that have led us into the current tragedy in Afghanistan. William Pfaff

“This insightful volume draws on Afghan and

foreign sources to tell the story of Abdul Haq’s tragic death and its applicability to the present and future. Peter tomsen author of The Wars of Afghanistan and former US Ambassador to the Afghan resistance 1989-92

Bactria Press

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leila KhaledIcon of Palestinian Liberation

sarah irving

Series: Revolutionary Lives

Dubbed ‘the poster girl of Palestinian militancy’, Leila Khaled’s image flashed across the world after she hijacked a passenger jet in 1969. The picture of a young, determined looking woman with a checkered scarf, clutching an AK-47, was as era-defining as that of Che Guevara.

In this intimate profile, based on interviews with Khaled and those who know her, Sarah Irving gives us the life-story behind the image. Key moments of Khaled’s turbulent life are explored, including the dramatic events of the hijackings, her involvement in the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (a radical element within the PLO), her opposition to the Oslo peace process and her activism today.

Leila Khaled’s example gives unique insights into the Palestinian struggle through one remarkable life – from the tension between armed and political struggle, to the decline of the secular left and the rise of Hamas, and the role of women in a largely male movement.

sArAh irViNg  is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Electronic Intifada, Guardian Online and New Internationalist. She has held editorial roles at Red Pepper, Peace News and Ethical Consumer magazine. She is author of the Bradt Guide to Palestine (2011) and co-author (with Sharyn Lock) of Gaza: Beneath the Bombs (Pluto, 2010).


my life in the PloThe Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle

Shafiq Al-Hout, edited by Jean Said Makdisi and Martin Asser. Translated by Hader Al-Hout and Laila OthmanPb 978-0-7453-2883-6 £19.99

my father Was a freedom fighterGaza’s Untold Story

Ramzy BaroudPb 978-0-7453-2881-2 £13.99

New Series: Revolutionary Lives

mAy 2012 176pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-2951-2 £12.99hb 978-0-7453-2952-9 £45epub 978-1-8496-4674-1 £12.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4675-8 £12.99

“Sarah Irving provides a fine portrayal of a

compelling and mysterious figure from a tumultuous period in Palestinian history, mixing biography and historical critique to deliver a valuable insight into Leila Khaled’s character as well as her extraordinary appeal as a revolutionary icon. nicholas Blincoe Novelist and co-editor of Peace Under Fire: Israel/Palestine and the International Solidarity Movement

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gerrard WinstanleyThe Digger’s Life and Legacy

John gurney

Series: Revolutionary Lives

‘The power of property was brought into creation by the sword’, so wrote Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676) – Christian Communist, leader of the Diggers movement and bête noire of the landed aristocracy. Despite being one of the great English radicals, Winstanley remains unmentioned in today’s lists of ‘great Britons’.

John Gurney reveals the hidden history of Winstanley and his movement. As part of the radical ferment which swept England at the time of the civil war, Winstanley led the Diggers in taking over land and running it as ‘a common treasury for all’ – provoking violent opposition from landowners. Gurney also guides us through Winstanley’s writings, which are among the most remarkable prose writings of his age.

Gerrard Winstanley: The Digger’s Life and Legacy is a must read for students of English history and all those seeking to re-claim the commons today.

JohN gUrNey  is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Historical Studies, Newcastle University and is author of Brave Community: The Digger Movement in the English Revolution (2007).


human rights and social movementsNeil StammersPb 978-0-7453-2911-6 £19.99

The communist manifestoKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Introduction by David HarveyPb 978-0-7453-2846-1 £8.99

New Series: Revolutionary Lives

mAy 2012 176pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3183-6 £12.99hb 978-0-7453-3184-3 £45epub 978-1-8496-4677-2 £12.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4678-9 £12.99


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Jean Paul maratTribune of the French Revolution

clifford d. conner

Series: Revolutionary Lives

Jean-Paul Marat’s role in the French Revolution has long been a matter of controversy among historians. Often he has been portrayed as a violent, sociopathic demagogue. This biography challenges that interpretation and argues that without Marat’s contributions as an agitator, tactician, and strategist, the pivotal social transformation that the Revolution accomplished might well not have occurred.

Clifford D. Conner argues that what was unique about Marat - which set him apart from all other major figures of the Revolution, including Danton and Robespierre - was his total identification with the struggle of the propertyless classes for social equality.

This is an essential book for anyone interested in the history of the revolutionary period and the personalities that led it.

clifford d. coNNer  has written biographies of two eighteenth-century Irish revolutionaries, Colonel Despard (2000) and Arthur O’Connor (2009). He is also the author of the acclaimed A People’s History of Science (2005). He is on the editorial board of The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest.


A declaration of the rights of human beingsOn the Sovereignty of Life As Surpassing the Rights of Man

Raoul Vaneigem. Translated by Liz HeronPb 978-0-7453-2021-2 £18.99

marx’s ‘eighteenth brumaire’(Post)Modern Interpretations

Edited by Mark Cowling and James MartinPb 978-0-7453-1830-1 £24.99

New Series: Revolutionary Lives

mAy 2012 176pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3193-5 £12.99hb 978-0-7453-3194-2 £45epub 978-1-8496-4680-2 £12.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4681-9 £12.99


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The Accidental capitalistA People’s Story of the New China

behzad yaghmaianIn the last three decades China has experienced the largest population movement in human history. Millions have left behind homes to find work and new opportunities in the emerging mega-cities.

Through months of sustained interpersonal contact with migrant workers and factory owners, Behzad Yaghmaian paints a unique portrait of a country experiencing the turmoil of rapid development. His close listening has produced an intimate look at the hopes, hardships, triumphs and tragedies of those behind the Chinese ‘economic dragon’.

The Accidental Capitalist reveals the human reality behind China’s rise to global-superpower status. Yaghmaian articulates the collective narrative of a people which will resonate with anyone living under capitalism and provide valuable material to students and scholars.

behzAd yAghmAiAN  is Professor of Political Economy at Ramapo College, New Jersey. He has taught in the United States, Iran and Turkey. He is author of Embracing the Infidel: Stories of Muslim Migrants on the Journey West, and Social Change in Iran: An Eyewitness Account of Dissent, Defiance, and Movements for Rights.


china from the inside outFitting the People’s Republic into the World

Ronald C. KeithPb 978-0-7453-2854-6 £15.99

china’s global strategyTowards a Multipolar World

Jenny CleggPb 978-0-7453-2518-7 £19.99

Fascinating stories from the workers behind China’s phenomenal growth

mArch 2012 256pp 230mm x 150mm 20 photos, 3 maps Pb 978-0-7453-3230-7 £17.99hb 978-0-7453-3231-4 £60epub 978-1-8496-4653-6 £17.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4654-3 £17.99

“This remarkable book paints intimate portraits

of some of the faceless millions of migrant workers who have made China’s economic miracle possible. Yaghmaian takes readers beyond the statistics to show the revolutionary changes of the last generation. ivan Watson CNN Foreign Correspondent

“Unskilled migrants have been central to China’s

rapid industrialisation, but their life stories and voices have been missing from previous accounts of that process. Behzad Yaghmaian fills that gap. A fascinating, moving and highly readable book. Jeff crisP UNHCR

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A New generation draws the line“Humanitarian” Intervention and the Standards of the West

Noam chomskyHow do we understand the ethics of humanitarian intervention in today’s world? After Western intervention in Libya’s civil war this new edition of A New Generation Draws the Line provides timely answers.

In a new chapter on recent interventions Chomsky dissects the meaning of the ‘right to protect’ principle. Other chapters examine the West’s uses and abuses of ‘humanitarian intervention’ including detailed studies of East Timor and Kosovo.

The actions of Muammar Gaddafi and the trial of Serbian military commander Ratko Mladic have re-energised narratives about the role of the ‘civilised’ West. In this book, Chomsky deploys his forensic method - asking the difficult questions the West would prefer to avoid.

NoAm chomsKy  is a world renowned linguist and one of America’s foremost social critics. He is Institute Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at M.I.T. He is the author of numerous books for Pluto Press, including Pirates and Emperors Old and New, Fateful Triangle, The New Military Humanism: Lessons from Kosovo and Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs.


Power and TerrorConflict, Hegemony, and the Rule of Force

Noam ChomskyPb 978-0-7453-3137-9 £12.99

rogue statesThe Rule of Force in World Affairs

Noam ChomskyPb 978-0-7453-1708-3 £14.99

Chomsky on Western military intervention

NoVember 2011 184pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3234-5 £12.99

Not available in North America and Japan

“Judged in terms of the power, range,

novelty, and influence of his thought, Noam Chomsky is arguably the most important intellectual alive. the neW York times

“On the one hand we have the established media,

the respectable community of foreign affairs analysts, the government - on the other, Noam Chomsky. the nation

“For Chomsky, the ‘official doctrine’ ... of military

intervention to safeguard human rights is as much a sham as the ‘New World Order’ trumpeted during the Gulf War. the guardian

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obama’s economyRecovery for the Few

Jack rasmusThree years after his election, Barack Obama presides over a deep economic malaise. Radical economist Jack Rasmus shows how the Obama administration has failed to deliver economic recovery and social justice and puts forward alternative proposals which could realise these goals.

Whilst corporate profits are up, economic hardship is the bitter reality for millions of US citizens. Rasmus argues that the weakest economic recovery since 1947 is the direct result of the Obama administration’s failure to take decisive action. From Obama’s presidential election to the passage of his 2012 budget, this book explains how the US economy got where it is today and why the risk of a ‘double dip’ recession is rising.

In a crucial election year, Obama’s Economy will be vital reading for students of US politics and economics, and all those looking for a way out of the current crisis of capitalism.

JAcK rAsmUs  is a Professor of Economics at St Marys College and Santa Clara University, both in California. He is a freelance economics journalist and author of Epic Recession: Prelude to Global Depression (Pluto, 2010). He has been a business economist, market analyst and vice-president of the National Writers Union.


epic recessionPrelude to Global Depression

Jack RasmusPb 978-0-7453-2998-7 £22.50

No Way to run an economyWhy the System Failed and How to Put It Right

Graham TurnerPb 978-0-7453-2976-5 £12.99

Why Obama’s economy is stupid

mArch 2012 176pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3218-5 £14.99hb 978-0-7453-3219-2 £50epub 978-1-8496-4695-6 £14.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4696-3 £14.99

“Everybody else talked of the Lehman crisis

as a blip, but Rasmus got it right: his concept of ‘epic recession’ describes what happened, in America and in the Western world. In this trenchant critique of Obama’s stimulus measures, he asks searching questions about the scale of the actions taken and the suitablity of their design. With orthodox economics coming under strain, Rasmus’ unorthodox economics is a refreshing counter-argument to the mainstream. Paul mason BBC Newsnight Economics Editor and author of Meltdown

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bertThe Life and Times of A. L. Lloyd

dave Arthur. foreword by lord Justice stephen sedleyFolk singer and folk music collector, writer, painter, journalist, art critic, whalerman, sheep station roustabout, Marxist, and much more - this is the story of A. L. (Bert) Lloyd’s extraordinary life.

A. L. Lloyd played a key part in the folk music revival of the 1950s and 60s, but that is only part of his story. Dave Arthur documents how Lloyd became a member of the Communist Party, forceful antifascist, trade unionist and an important part of left-wing culture from the early 1930s to his death in 1982. Following his return from Australia as a 21-year-old, self-educated agricultural labourer, he was at the heart of the most important left-wing movements and highly respected for his knowledge in various fields.

Dave Arthur recounts the life of a creative, passionate and life-loving Marxist, and in so doing provides a social history of a turbulent twentieth century.

dAVe ArThUr  has gained a considerable reputation as a researcher, collector, writer and broadcaster of English song, music and folklore. He edited English Dance and Song for twenty years, and in 2003 was awarded the EFDSS Gold Badge for services to folk music. His writing has appeared in The Times, the Independent, Melody Maker, Words International, the Folk Music Journal, English Dance and Song, the Stage, Encyclopaedia Britannica and New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.


class ActThe Cultural and Political Life of Ewan MacColl

Ben HarkerPb 978-0-7453-2165-3 £17.99

The Vinyl Ain’t finalHip Hop and the Globalization of Black Popular Culture

Edited by Dipannita Basu and Sidney LemellePb 978-0-7453-1940-7 £17.99

The political life and musical heritage of a folk legend

APril 2012 352pp 230mm x 150mm 25 b & w photographs hb 978-0-7453-3252-9 £24.99epub 978-1-8496-4671-0 £24.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4672-7 £24.99

“When everyone else was listening to Cream, I was

listening to A. L. Lloyd. frank ZaPPa

Published in association with the EFDSS

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Penny redNotes from the New Age of Dissent

laurie Penny. foreword by Warren ellisIn the space of a year, Laurie Penny has become one of the most prominent voices of the new left. This book brings together her diverse writings, showing what it is to be young, angry and progressive in the face of an increasingly violent and oppressive UK government.

Penny Red: Notes from the New Age of Dissent collects Penny’s writings on youth politics, resistance, feminism and culture. Her journalism is a unique blend of persuasive analysis, captivating interviews and first-hand accounts of political direct action. She was involved in all the key protests of 2010/2011, including the anti-fees demos in 2010 and the anti-cuts protests of spring 2011, often tweeting live from the scene of kettles and baton charges. An introduction and extensive footnotes allow Penny to connect all the strands of her work, showing the links between political activism and wider social and cultural issues.

This book is essential for understanding what motivates the new generation of activists, writers and thinkers that bring creativity, energy and urgency to the fight against capitalism and exploitation.

lAUrie PeNNy  is a journalist, feminist, and political activist from London. She is a regular writer for the New Statesman and the Guardian, and has also contributed to the Independent, Red Pepper and the Evening Standard. She is the author of Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism (2011). She has presented Channel 4’s Dispatches and been on the panel of the BBC’s Any Questions. Her blog, ‘Penny Red’, was shortlisted for the Orwell prize in 2010.


The Assault on UniversitiesA Manifesto for Resistance

Edited by Michael Bailey and Des FreedmanPb 978-0-7453-3191-1 £14.99

The Will of the manyHow the Alterglobalisation Movement is Changing the Face of Democracy

Marianne MaeckelberghPb 978-0-7453-2925-3 £17.99

Laurie Penny on protests, feminism and culture

ocTober 2011 224pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3208-6 £12.99epub 978-1-8496-4604-8 £10.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4605-5 £10.99

“Cuts, sexism and riots, Laurie Penny’s fresh

and angry voice captures the moment and the important issues - highly recommended. PollY toYnBee

“Penny is re-inventing the language of dissent and

causing apoplexy among the old men in cardigans who run the British blogosphere. Paul mason economics editor of BBC’s Newsnight

“In riots, kettles and occupations, and with

visceral anger, big-eyed desperation and wicked humour, this is Laurie Penny at her very best. dan hancox author of Kettled Youth (2011)

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Palestinians in israelSegregation, Discrimination and Democracy

ben White. foreword by haneen zoabiPalestinians in Israel considers a key issue ignored by the official ‘peace process’ and most mainstream commentators: that of the growing Palestinian minority within Israel itself.

What the Israeli right-wing calls ‘the demographic problem’ Ben White identifies as ‘the democratic problem’ which goes to the heart of the conflict. Israel defines itself not as a state of its citizens, but as a Jewish state, despite the substantial and increasing Palestinian population. White demonstrates how the consistent emphasis on privileging one ethno-religious group over another cannot be seen as compatible with democratic values and that, unless addressed, will undermine any attempts to find a lasting peace.

Individual case studies are used to complement this deeply informed study into the great, unspoken contradiction of Israeli democracy. It is a pioneering contribution which will spark debate amongst all those concerned with a resolution to the Israel/Palestine conflict.

beN WhiTe  is a freelance journalist and writer specialising in Palestine/Israel. He is the author of Israeli Apartheid (Pluto, 2009). His work has appeared in the Guardian online, the New Statesman, and Electronic Intifada. He also writes on the broader Middle East, Islam and Christianity, and the ‘war on terror’.


israeli ApartheidA Beginner’s Guide

Ben WhitePb 978-0-7453-2887-4 £9.99

stolen youthThe Politics of Israel’s Detention of Palestinian Children

Catherine Cook, Adam Hanieh and Adah KayPb 978-0-7453-2161-5 £16.99

Exposes the discrimination of the Israeli government

december 2011 144pp 198mm x 129mm Photographs, maps, figures Pb 978-0-7453-3228-4 £14.99hb 978-0-7453-3229-1 £50epub 978-1-8496-4626-0 £14.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4627-7 £14.99

“This accessible and forthright book will help

illuminate some of Israel’s darkest corners and secrets. As this book shows, the treatment of the Palestinians in Israel is the ultimate proof that the Jewish State is anything but democratic. Professor ilan PaPPe University of Exeter and author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and Out of the Frame

“Essential reading to understand why

there can never be peace unless Palestinian citizens of Israel are granted full equality, something they are systematically denied by Israel’s aggressive, and increasingly unrestrained Zionist ethnocracy. ali aBunimah Co-founder of Electronic Intifada, author of One Country

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The Palestine-israel conflictA Basic Introduction

gregory harms with Todd m. ferryThe Palestine-Israel conflict is the most notorious and ingrained conflict of the twentieth, and now twenty-first, century. Yet the way it is reported in the media is often confusing, leading many to assume the hostilities stretch back to an ancient period.

The Palestine-Israel Conflict is the first book to provide a clear, accessible, and annotated introduction that covers the full history of the region, from Biblical times until today. Perfect for the general reader, as well as students, it offers a comprehensive yet lucid rendering of the conflict, setting it in its proper historical context. Harms and Ferry show how today’s violence is very much a product of recent history, with its roots in the twentieth century.

This balanced account is now fully up to date, including the ongoing situation in Gaza, making it a valuable resource for anyone who wants a clear guide to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian territories, and its place in the history of Middle Eastern affairs.

gregory hArms  is an independent scholar based in Chicago. He is the author of Straight Power Concepts in the Middle East: US Foreign Policy, Israel and World History (Pluto, 2010).

Todd m. ferry  began his studies in archaeology and Near East history at Indiana University. He received his MA in Syro-Palestinian archaeology from the University of Chicago in 2001, and has worked as a supervisor at the sites of Ashkelon and Tel Beth Shemesh in Israel.


The Politics of change in PalestineState-Building and Non-Violent Resistance

Michael BröningPb 978-0-7453-3093-8 £17.99

straight Power concepts in the middle eastUS Foreign Policy, Israel and World History

Gregory HarmsPb 978-0-7453-2709-9 £14.99

The definitive introduction to the Middle East’s longest running conflict

JUNe 2012 216pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3213-0 £14.99hb 978-0-7453-3216-1 £50epub 978-1-8496-4686-4 £14.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4687-1 £14.99

“This superior and remarkably thorough,

if brief, study of the Holy Land enigma is strongly recommended as an introduction. choice

“An indispensable, basic introduction.

gaBriel kolko Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at York University in Toronto and author of The Age of War

“A tour de force in the depth and breadth of its

research and in its clarity. John k. cooleY Veteran foreign correspondent and author of Unholy Wars.

Third ediTioN

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The global sex TradeEconomics, Policy and the State

Karie A. gubbins

Series: New Politics, Progressive Policy

Trafficking in women for commercial sex is the world’s fastest growing transnational criminal phenomenon. The Global Sex Trade looks at the reality behind this shocking fact, showing how this situation has come about and how it can be changed.

In a distinctive and original analysis Karie A. Gubbins shows the connections between the legalised sex industry and the illegal world of sex trafficking. The sex industry creates the demand and, increasingly, trafficking is a form of supply. The result is a mutually beneficial relationship between legal and illegal economies that has allowed the global sex trade to expand and move freely across borders in recent decades.

The Global Sex Trade illuminates the economic and political forces involved in women’s exploitation and outlines routes to sexual equality. It is a pioneering contribution which will spark debate amongst feminists and students in gender studies and sociology.

KArie A. gUbbiNs  is an Adjunct Professor in the Women’s and Gender Studies Department at William Paterson University. She has written on feminism for Znet and is a former board member of the North Jersey Coalition Against Trafficking.


on the gameWomen and Sex Work

Sophie DayPb 978-0-7453-1758-8 £19.99

TraffickThe Illicit Movement of People and Things

Gargi BhattacharyyaPb 978-0-7453-2047-2 £16.99

New Series: New Politics, Progressive Policy

APril 2012 264pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3095-2 £18.99hb 978-0-7453-3096-9 £60epub 978-1-8496-4665-9 £18.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4666-6 £18.99


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The scramble for African oilOppression, Corruption and War for Control of Africa’s Natural Resources

douglas A. yates

Series: New Politics, Progressive Policy

Africa is often seen as a place to be pitied or feared as an area of instability. This book challenges these complacent assumptions, showing how our demand for oil contributes to the chronic problems plaguing the continent.

Douglas A. Yates shows how the ‘scramble’ by the great powers for African oil has fed corruption and undermined democracy. Yates documents how Africans have refused to remain passive in the face of such developments, forming movements to challenge this new attempt at domination.

This book is an urgent challenge to our understanding of Africa, raising questions about the consequences of our reliance on foreign resources. It will be vital reading for all those studying development and global political economy.

doUglAs A. yATes  is Professor of International Relations & Diplomacy at the American Graduate School, International & Comparative Politics at the American University of Paris, and Anglo-American Law at the University of Cergy-Pontoise. His most recent book is The French Oil Industry and the Corps des Mines in Africa (2009).


oil crusadesAmerica Through Arab Eyes

Abdulhay Yahya ZalloumPb 978-0-7453-2559-0 £17.99

oil WarsEdited by Mary Kaldor, Terry Lynn Karl and Yahia SaidPb 978-0-7453-2478-4 £24.99

New Series: New Politics, Progressive Policy

JANUAry 2012 256pp 215mm x 135mm 11 maps Pb 978-0-7453-3045-7 £19.99hb 978-0-7453-3046-4 £60epub 978-1-8496-4629-1 £19.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4630-7 £19.99

“Essential reading for anyone seeking an

understanding of the ‘resource curse’, the global exploitation of Africa’s resources and the troubled state of African politics. Professor michael klare Hampshire College, Massachusetts and author of Resource Wars

“Yates brilliantly scales the walls of the oil

fortress in Africa and shines a light into the complex politics - local, national and global - of the oil and gas industry and offers some insight into possible routes out of the swamp of failed oil-development. Professor michael Watts University of California, Berkeley

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The economics of KillingHow the West Fuels War and Poverty in the Developing World

Vijay mehtaGlobalisation has created an interconnected world, but has not diminished violence, militarism and inequality. The Economics of Killing describes how the power of global elites, entrenched under globalisation, has created a deadly cycle of violence.

In this groundbreaking work, Vijay Mehta shows how attempts at peaceful national development are routinely blocked by Western powers. He locates the 2008 financial crisis in US attempts to block China’s model of development. He shows how Europe and the US conspire with regional dictators to prevent countries from developing advanced industries, and how this system has fed terrorism.

Mehta argues that a different world is possible, based on policies of disarmament, demilitarisation and sustainable development. This original and thought-provoking book will be of great interest to anyone concerned about the consequences of endless war fuelled by the West.

ViJAy mehTA  is an author and peace activist. He is Chair of Uniting for Peace and founding trustee of the Fortune Forum charity. His books include The Fortune Forum Code: For a Sustainable Future (2006), Arms No More (2005), and The United Nations and Its Future in the 21st Century (2005).


from Pacification to PeacebuildingA Call to Global Transformation

Diana FrancisPb 978-0-7453-3026-6 £17.99

People PowerUnarmed Resistance and Global Solidarity

Edited by Howard ClarkPb 978-0-7453-2901-7 £17.99

Shows how the West makes peace impossible

febrUAry 2012 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3224-6 £14.99hb 978-0-7453-3225-3 £50epub 978-1-8496-4647-5 £14.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4648-2 £14.99

“We live in a rich world and yet increasingly

people are getting caught in the poverty trap and facing real hardship and pain. Vijay Mehta’s excellent book sets out the problems and solutions, and challenges us all to create the spiritual and political will to bring about change. mairead maguire Irish peace activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner.

“The Economics of Killing brilliantly links the

deepening economic crisis facing the West with the dynamics of militarism that is wreaking havoc on the planet. Everyone who cares about the future must read this groundbreaking book. richard falk Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton

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eradicating extreme PovertyDemocracy, Globalisation and Human Rights

edited by xavier godinotThe failure of attempts to tackle global poverty have bred cynicism and ‘compassion fatigue’. Eradicating Extreme Poverty provides an urgently needed fresh approach which will re-energise action on this issue.

Rejecting traditional ‘top-down’ approaches, Xavier Godinot and his colleagues start from the experiences, capabilities and strategies of the poor themselves. They argue that the first step is a close connection with poor communities followed by a commitment to take action alongside them. Life-stories from Burkina Faso, France, Peru and the Philippines are used to show that the poor must be involved in their own liberation.

After decades of failed development policies, this book outlines a radical new approach which will enliven debate amongst policy-makers, researchers, students and academics.

xAVier godiNoT  works at the headquarters of the International Movement ATD Fourth World, where he was director of its Research Institute for twelve years. He coordinates anti-poverty projects in Southern and Northen countries, with families living in rubbish dumps, under bridges and in slums. He has edited several books about poverty in the North and the South.


seasons of hungerFighting Cycles of Starvation Among the World’s Rural Poor

Stephen Devereux, Bapu Vaitla and Samuel Hauenstein Swan. Foreword by Robert ChambersPb 978-0-7453-2826-3 £9.99

Poverty and NeoliberalismPersistence and Reproduction in the Global South

Ray BushPb 978-0-7453-1960-5 £21.99

New ways to fight poverty

JANUAry 2012 272pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3197-3 £19.99hb 978-0-7453-3198-0 £65epub 978-1-8496-4632-1 £19.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4633-8 £19.99

“This gem of a book gets under the skin of

poverty. Above all it shows the human reality of poverty: the endless struggle for respect, and against indignity and stigma. Read it to learn what development should be about. duncan green head of research, Oxfam Great Britain

“This important publication argues

convincingly that extreme poverty is a human rights crisis that demands urgent commitments from states to respect, protect and fulfil human rights for all. salil shettY Secretary General of Amnesty International

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The best of le monde diplomatique 2012edited by Wendy KristianasenLe Monde diplomatique is one of the most highly respected independent periodicals. Published monthly in French and English, it brings together a diverse range of high-calibre writers from across the world.

This book collects the paper’s highlights from the last year. The articles have been carefully selected and are arranged around the key themes in our changing world including US imperialism, the financial crisis and the Arab Spring. Among the contributors are Slavoj Žižek, James K Galbraith and Philip S. Golub.

A perfect seasonal gift for anyone interested in global issues, The Best of Le Monde diplomatique goes beyond the news and illuminates the state of our planet.

WeNdy KrisTiANAseN  is the editor of Le Monde diplomatique in English, and a writer and journalist on the Middle East and wider Muslim world.


Power, Profit and PrestigeA History of American Imperial Expansion

Philip S. GolubPb 978-0-7453-2871-3 £17.99

War and empireThe American Way of Life

Paul L. AtwoodPb 978-0-7453-2764-8 £18.99

Analysis that gets to the heart of the year’s key issues

mArch 2012 256pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3187-4 £18.99hb 978-0-7453-3188-1 £65epub 978-1-8496-4650-5 £18.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4651-2 £18.99

“Le Monde diplomatique offers a cool, reasoned,

different view of the world’s most pressing issues. neW York revieW of Books

“Le Monde diplomatique is more than ever

indispensable to readers who want to know what governments and consensus media will not tell them. eric hoBsBaWm

“Le Monde diplomatique is a crusading voice in

journalism with especially good foreign coverage. William dalrYmPle

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making the World safe for capitalismHow Iraq Threatened the US Economic Empire and had to be Destroyed

christopher doranThe Iraq war defined the first decade of the twenty-first century – leading to mass protests and raising profound questions about domestic politics and the use of military force. Yet most explanations of the war have a narrow focus either on political personalities or oil.

Christopher Doran provides a unique perspective, arguing that the drive to war came from the threat Iraq might pose to American economic hegemony if the UN sanctions regime was ended. Doran argues that this hegemony is rooted in third world debt and corporate market access. It was protection of these arrangements that motivated US action, not Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction or a simplistic desire to seize its oil.

This book will provide new insights on the war which still casts a shadow over global politics, and will have wide appeal to all those concerned about the Middle East, world peace and global development.

chrisToPher dorAN  is a long-time activist, teacher and writer. His research focuses on the relationship between corporations and democracy, in particular the legal right of corporations to influence political decision-making.


erasing iraqThe Human Costs of Carnage

Michael Otterman, Richard Hil and Paul Wilson. Foreword by Dahr Jamail Pb 978-0-7453-2897-3 £14.99

regime UnchangedWhy the War on Iraq Changed Nothing

Milan RaiPb 978-0-7453-2199-8 £14.99

Why the US really attacked Iraq

APril 2012 216pp pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3222-2 £17.99hb 978-0-7453-3223-9 £60epub 978-1-8496-4668-0 £17.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4669-7 £17.99

“A significant contribution to the

scholarly literatures on neoliberalism and the US intervention in lraq. Insightful and compelling. david mcnallY York University, author of Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance

“A critique of American power in Iraq in the

traditions of Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein. Based on systematic research, it pulls no punches in revealing the abuses of corporate and state power. Doran’s powerful account shows how ‘militarised neoliberalism’ operates in the interests of giant corporations. Professor frank stilWell University of Sydney

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PakistanThe US, Geopolitics and Grand Strategies

edited by Usama butt and Julian schofieldThe killing of Osama Bin Laden highlighted the tense relationship between the US and Pakistani governments. This book considers the evolving nature of this relationship and Pakistan’s place within the global order.

Whereas standard accounts focus on the US-Pakistan relationship in isolation, Pakistan: The US, Geopolitics and Grand Strategies provides a broader geopolitical perspective. It analyses Pakistan’s relations with the US after a decade of the war on terror as well as Pakistan’s regional relations, which provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of Pakistan’s interests.

Contributions from experts in both Pakistan and the West mean that this book will be vital reading for anyone seeking to understand this troubled nation.

UsAmA bUTT  is a London-based academic specialising in Pakistan and Islamism. He is the co-editor of Pakistan’s Quagmire: Security, Strategy, and the Future of the Islamic-nuclear Nation (2010).

JUliAN schofield  is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Concordia University, Canada. He has been a key advisor to the Canadian government and intelligence services on Pakistan. He is the author of Militarization and War (2007).


The state of islamCulture and Cold War Politics in Pakistan

Saadia ToorPb 978-0-7453-2990-1 £17.99

military inc.Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy

Ayesha SiddiqaPb 978-0-7453-2545-3 £21.99

Pakistan versus the world

febrUAry 2012 288pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3206-2 £18.99hb 978-0-7453-3207-9 £70epub 978-1-8496-4644-4 £18.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4645-1 £18.99

“This deeply-researched, well-thought out and

comprehensive book makes an important contribution to our understanding of Pakistani policy and the vexed subject of US-Pakistani relations. Professor anatol lieven War Studies, King’s College London and author of Pakistan: A Hard Country

“Pakistan’s complex and increasingly stressful

relationship with the US cannot be analysed in isolation from its other regional interests, including those relating to China and Iran, let alone India. This wide-ranging study by scholars from diverse backgrounds provides much-needed analysis of this wider context. Professor Paul rogers Peace Studies, Bradford University

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boliviaRefounding the Nation

Kepa ArtarazThe election of the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS, movement towards socialism) to power in Bolivia in 2006 marked a historic break from centuries of foreign domination and indigenous marginalisation. Evo Morales, leader of the MAS, became the first indigenous president of Bolivia.

Kepa Artaraz looks at the attempt to ‘refound the nation’ which the new government has made as its goal. He shows how the mix of Marxism, indigenous liberation politics, anti-imperialism and environmentalism has made Bolivia one of the most interesting and unique political experiments of Latin America’s ‘red decade’.

As the historic left-turn in Latin America reaches a crossroads, Bolivia: Refounding the Nation guides us through the politics and ideas which have animated this popular movement, drawing out important lessons for progressive politics everywhere.

KePA ArTArAz  is a lecturer at the University of Brighton where he teaches global social policy and politics. He is the author of Cuba and Western Intellectuals since 1959 (2009).


The real VenezuelaMaking Socialism in the 21st Century

Iain BrucePb 978-0-7453-2736-5 £16.99

democracy and revolutionLatin America and Socialism Today

D.L RabyPb 978-0-7453-2435-7 £19.99

Bolivia from below

APril 2012 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3089-1 £18.99hb 978-0-7453-3090-7 £65epub 978-1-8496-4662-8 £18.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4663-5 £18.99


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Writings in exileleon Trotsky, edited by Kunal chattopadhyay and Paul le blanc

Series: Get Political

Leon Trotsky was a key political figure of the twentieth century – a leader of the Russian Revolution, founder of the Red Army, author of books on literature, history, morality and politics.

Leon Trotsky: Writings in Exile contains some of his most insightful and penetrating works. Exiled and isolated by Stalin, Trotsky used the only weapon he had left – words. In these writings he defends the 1917 revolution, warns prophetically of fascism and analyses anti-colonial movements in the global south.

This collection gives a sense of the real Trotsky – passionate, humanist, Marxist. It will introduce the writings of one of history’s great revolutionaries to a new generation.

leoN TroTsKy  was one of the most prominent leaders of the Russian Revolution in 1917. He was one of the primary contenders for the leadership of the Bolshevik Party in 1922 after the death of Lenin. When Stalin took this post, Trotsky swiftly concluded that the Revolution had been undermined. He was expelled from the Communist Party in 1927 and subsequently went into exile in Mexico, where he was assassinated by Soviet agents in 1940.

KUNAl chATToPAdhyAy  is Professor at the Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University. He is the author of The Marxism of Leon Trotsky (2006).

PAUl le blANc  is Professor of History at La Roche College, Pittsburgh. He is the author of Marx, Lenin and the Revolutionary Experience (2006), A Short History of the US Working Class (1999) and editor of Revolution, Democracy, Socialism: Selected Writings of VI Lenin (Pluto, 2008) and Rosa Luxemburg: Socialism or Barbarism (Pluto, 2010).


revolution, democracy, socialismSelected Writings

V. I. Lenin, edited by Paul Le BlancPb 978-0-7453-2760-0 £14.99

100 years of Permanent revolutionResults and Prospects

Edited by Bill Dunn and Hugo RadicePb 978-0-7453-2521-7 £19.99

Get Political

febrUAry 2012 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3148-5 £14.99hb 978-0-7453-3144-7 £50epub 978-1-8496-4635-2 £14.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4636-9 £14.99

“Leon Trotsky’s ideas inspired Minnesota

teamsters and Bolivian miners, Filipino peasants from Mindanao and rebel students in the Latin Quarter, New York intellectuals and French Surrealist poets. Thanks to the initiative of Kunal Chattopadhyay and Paul Le Blanc, some of the most important writings from this period are now available in one volume; considered with an open and critical mind, they will certainly provide precious tools for a Socialism of the 21st Century. michael löWY

black skin, White masksfrantz fanon. forewords by homi K. bhabha and ziauddin sardar

A devastating account of the feelings of inadequacy experienced by previously colonised people in a white world.

The communist manifestoKarl marx and friedrich engels. introduction by david harvey

Beautiful edition of Marx and Engels’ classic manifesto, introduced by renowned social theorist David Harvey.

socialism or barbarismSelected Writings

rosa luxemburg, edited by Paul le blanc and helen c. scott

The best introduction to the range of Rosa Luxemburg’s thought, including a number of writings never before anthologised.

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black skin, White masksfrantz fanon. forewords by homi K. bhabha and ziauddin sardar

A devastating account of the feelings of inadequacy experienced by previously colonised people in a white world.

The communist manifestoKarl marx and friedrich engels. introduction by david harvey

Beautiful edition of Marx and Engels’ classic manifesto, introduced by renowned social theorist David Harvey.

socialism or barbarismSelected Writings

rosa luxemburg, edited by Paul le blanc and helen c. scott

The best introduction to the range of Rosa Luxemburg’s thought, including a number of writings never before anthologised.

staying PowerThe History of Black People in Britain

Peter fryer. introduction by Paul gilroy

The definitive history of black people in Britain, an epic story that spans the Roman conquest to the present day. New introduction by Paul Gilroy.

change the World Without Taking PowerThe Meaning of Revolution Today

John holloway

New edition of John Holloway’s contemporary classic fusion of political philosophy and activism, including an extensive new preface by the author.

Jewish history, Jewish religionThe Weight of Three Thousand Years

israel shahak

New edition of Shahak’s controversial critique of Israel.

Get Political

AUgUsT 2008 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2848-5 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-2849-2 £50

AUgUsT 2008 120pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2846-1 £8.99 hb 978-0-7453-2847-8 £40

sePTember 2010 320pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2988-8 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-2989-5 £40

sePTember 2010 648pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3072-3 £19.99 hb 978-0-7453-3073-0 £65

sePTember 2010 296pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2918-5 £14.99 hb 978-0-7453-2919-2 £45

sePTember 2008 176pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2840-9 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-2841-6 £45

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struck outWhy Employment Tribunals Fail Workers and What Can be Done

david rentonEvery year, over a hundred thousand workers bring claims to an Employment Tribunal. The settling of disputes between employers and unions has been exchanged by many for individual litigation.

In Struck Out, barrister David Renton gives a practical and critical guide to the system. In doing so he punctures a number of media myths about the Tribunals. Far from bringing flimsy cases, two-thirds of claimants succeed at the hearing. And rather than paying lottery-size jackpots, average awards are just a few thousand pounds – scant consolation for a loss of employment and often serious psychological suffering. The book includes a critique of the present government’s proposals to reform the Tribunal system.

Employment Tribunals are often seen by workers as the last line of defence against unfairness in the workplace. Struck Out shows why we can’t rely on the current system to deliver fairness and why big changes are needed.

dAVid reNToN  is a barrister at Garden Court chambers in London and appears regularly for claimants at Employment Tribunals. Before being called to the Bar, Renton was a lecturer, senior researcher, and visiting professor in the UK and South Africa. He writes on employment law for the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers and is the author of Fascism (Pluto, 1999).


ramparts of resistanceWhy Workers Lost Their Power, and How to Get It Back

Sheila CohenPb 978-0-7453-1529-4 £17.99

employment rightsRichard W. Painter, Keith Puttick and Ann HolmesPb 978-0-7453-2124-0 £35.00

Exposing a system where workers lose, even when they ‘win’

mArch 2012 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3255-0 £19.99hb 978-0-7453-3256-7 £65epub 978-1-8496-4656-7 £19.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4657-4 £19.99

“David Renton’s new book is very approachable

and readable. It opens up employment law to students and employees alike. Professor linda clarke University of Westminster

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secret manoeuvres in the darkCorporate Spying on Activists

eveline lubbersThe exposure of undercover policeman Mark Kennedy in the eco-activist movement revealed how the state monitors and undermines political activism. This book shows the other grave threat to our political freedoms - undercover activities by corporations.

Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark documents how corporations are halting legitimate action and investigation by activists. Using exclusive access to previously confidential sources, Eveline Lubbers shows how companies such as Nestlé, Shell and McDonalds use covert methods to evade accountability. She argues that corporate intelligence gathering has shifted from being reactive to pro-active, with important implications for democracy itself.

Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark will be vital reading for activists, investigative and citizen journalists, and all who care about freedom and democracy in the 21st century.

eVeliNe lUbbers  is a Research Fellow at the University of Bath and Professor of Investigative Journalism at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. She is a member of the editorial collective of the Spinwatch website and author of Battling Big Business: Countering Greenwash, Front Groups and Other Forms of Corporate Bullying (2001).


A century of spinHow Public Relations Became the Cutting Edge of Corporate Power

David Miller and William DinanPb 978-0-7453-2688-7 £16.99

Thinker, faker, spinner, spyCorporate PR and the Assault on Democracy

Edited by David Miller and William DinanPb 978-0-7453-2444-9 £17.99

Is The Man at your meeting?

febrUAry 2012 237pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3185-0 £19.99hb 978-0-7453-3186-7 £70epub 978-1-8496-4641-3 £19.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4642-0 £19.99

“In the recent frenzy over media phone

hacking, the shadow warriors of corporate espionage have escaped scrutiny, until now. Eveline Lubbers’ book shines a timely and sharp light on the dark arts of serving and retired cops, spooks and squaddies who are spying, bugging and lying for big business with impunity. michael gillard Journalist, The Sunday Times

“In this eye-opening volume Evelyn Lubbers

opens up a new field of research. A must-read for anyone interested in grey policing, social movements, social reform and corporate intelligence behaviour. garY t. marx author of Undercover: Police Surveillance in America

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The failure of capitalist ProductionUnderlying Causes of the Great Recession

Andrew KlimanThe recent financial crisis and Great Recession have been analysed endlessly in the mainstream and academia, but this is the first book to conclude, on the basis of in-depth analyses of official US data, that Marx’s crisis theory can explain these events.

Marx believed that the rate of profit has a tendency to fall, leading to economic crises and recessions. Many economists, Marxists among them, have dismissed this theory out of hand, but Andrew Kliman’s careful data analysis shows that the rate of profit did indeed decline after the post-World War II boom and that free-market policies failed to reverse the decline. The fall in profitability led to sluggish investment and economic growth, mounting debt problems, desperate attempts of governments to fight these problems by piling up even more debt – and ultimately to the Great Recession.

Kliman’s conclusion is simple but shocking: short of socialist transformation, the only way to escape the ‘new normal’ of a stagnant, crisis-prone economy is to restore profitability through full-scale destruction of existing wealth, something not seen since the Depression of the 1930s.

ANdreW KlimAN  is Professor of Economics at Pace University, New York. He is the author of Reclaiming Marx’s ‘Capital’: A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency and many writings on crisis theory, value theory and other topics.


marx’s ‘capital’Ben Fine and Alfredo Saad-FilhoPb 978-0-7453-3016-7 £12.99

economics TransformedDiscovering the Brilliance of Marx

Robert AlbrittonPb 978-0-7453-2657-3 £17.99

Beware the falling rate of profit

NoVember 2011 256pp 215mm x 135mm 59 graphs and 14 tables Pb 978-0-7453-3239-0 £17.99hb 978-0-7453-3240-6 £60epub 978-1-8496-4620-8 £17.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4619-2 £17.99

“One of the very best of the rapidly growing

series of works seeking to explain our economic crisis. ... The scholarship is exemplary and the writing is crystal clear. Highly recommended! Professor Bertell ollman New York University, author of Dance of the Dialectic

“Clear, rigorous and combative. Kliman

demonstrates that the current economic crisis is a consequence of the fundamental dynamic of capitalism, unlike the vast bulk of superficial contemporary commentary that passes for economic analysis. rick kuhn Deutscher Prize winner, Reader in Politics at the Australian National University

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The fall of the Us empireGlobal Fault-Lines and the Shifting Imperial Order

Vassilis K. fouskas and bülent gökayWhither the US empire? Despite Washington’s military supremacy, its economic foundations have been weakening since the Vietnam war – accelerated by the great recession and credit-rating downgrade – and its global authority dented by the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In this accessible, punchy text, Vassilis K. Fouskas and Bülent Gökay intervene in the debates that surround the US’s status as an Empire. They survey the arguments amongst Marxist and critical scholars, from Immanuel Wallerstein and others who argue that the US is in decline, to those who maintain that it remains a robust superpower. By explaining how America’s neo-imperial system of governance has been working since WWII, Fouskas and Gökay link the US’s domestic and foreign vulnerabilities.

The Fall of the US Empire argues that the time has come to understand the US empire not by its power but by its systemic vulnerabilities of financialisation, resource depletion and environmental degradation. Its informed and accessible style will have wide appeal to students looking for an introduction to these issues.

VAssilis K. foUsKAs  is Professor of International Relations at Richmond University London and the founding editor of the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. He is the author of The New American Imperialism (with Bülent Gökay, 2005), The Politics of Conflict (editor, 2007, 2010) and Zones of Conflict (Pluto, 2003). He is an editor of globalfaultlines.com and a member of the editorial board of Debatte.

büleNT göKAy  is Professor of International Relations and Head of the School of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy at Keele University. He is the author of Eastern Europe Since 1970 (2005, 2006) and Muslims and Communists in Post-Transition States (with Ben Fowkes, 2011). He is the founder of globalfaultlines.com.


The crimes of empireRogue Superpower and World Domination

Carl Boggs. Foreword by Peter McLarenPb 978-0-7453-2945-1 £18.99

zones of conflictUS Foreign Policy in the Balkans and the Greater Middle East

Vassilis K. FouskasPb 978-0-7453-2029-8 £18.99

Is the US empire in decline?

APril 2012 176pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2643-6 £16.99hb 978-0-7453-2644-3 £60epub 978-1-8496-4659-8 £16.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4660-4 £16.99

“A major addition to the literature on the

decline of US hegemony. Avoids cheap polemics and shows balanced, even prudent, judgement. In addition, it offers a sophisticated survey of grand theories of capitalism including those of Fernand Braudel, Immanuel Wallerstein, Giovanni Arrighi, and Robert Brenner. Professor donald sassoon Comparative European History, Queen Mary University of London

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state Violence, collusion and the TroublesCounter Insurgency, Government Deviance and Northern Ireland

maurice PunchThe period in Northern Ireland known as ‘the Troubles’ (1968-98) seemed to have been conclusively ended by the official peace process. But recent violence from dissident Republicans shows that tensions from the past remain unresolved.

State Violence, Collusion and the Troubles reveals disturbing unanswered questions about the use of state violence during this period. Maurice Punch documents in chilling detail how the British government turned to desperate, illegal measures in a time of crisis, disregarding domestic and international law. He broadens out his analysis to consider other cases of state violence against ‘insurgent groups’ in Spain and South Africa.

This is the story of how the British state collaborated with violent groups and directly participated in illegal violence. It also raises urgent questions about why states around the world continue to deploy such violence rather than seeking durable political settlements.

mAUrice PUNch  is Visiting Professor at the Mannheim Centre for Criminology, LSE, and Visiting Professor at the Law School, King’s College London. He is the author of Shoot to Kill: Exploring Police Use of Firearms (2010) and Police Corruption: Deviance, Accountability and Reform in Policing (2009).


belfastSegregation, Violence and the City

Peter Shirlow and Brendan MurtaghPb 978-0-7453-2480-7 £22.99

state crimeGovernments, Violence and Corruption

Penny Green and Tony WardPb 978-0-7453-1784-7 £23.99

When governments shoot to kill

febrUAry 2012 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3147-8 £18.99hb 978-0-7453-3143-0 £65epub 978-1-8496-4638-3 £18.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4639-0 £18.99

“State Violence, Collusion and the Troubles brings

to bear a mature, discerning and knowledgeable mind on a vexed area and the results are disquieting, fascinating and provocative. Paul rock Professor of Social Institutions, Mannheim Centre for the Study of Criminology and Criminal Justice, London School of Economics and Political Science

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When the state failsStudies on Intervention in the Sierra Leone Civil War

edited by Tunde zack-WilliamsCompared with Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, the recent western intervention in Sierra Leone has been largely forgotten. When the State Fails rectifies this, providing a comprehensive and critical analysis of the intervention.

The civil war in Sierra Leone began in 1991 and was declared officially over in 2002 after UK, UN and regional African military intervention. Some claimed it as a case of successful humanitarian intervention. The authors in this collection provide an informed analysis of the impact of the intervention on democracy, development and society in Sierra Leone. The authors take a particularly critical view of the imposition of neoliberalism after the conflict.

As NATO intervention in Libya shows the continued use of external force in internal conflicts, When the State Fails is a timely book for all students and scholars interested in Africa and the question of ‘humanitarian intervention’.

TUNde zAcK-WilliAms  is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Central Lancashire. He was President of the UK African Studies Association from 2006 to 2008. He is the author of Tributors, Supporters and Merchant Capital: Mining and Underdevelopment in Sierra Leone (1995), The Quest for Sustainable Peace: The 2007 Sierra Leone Elections (2008), co-author of Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts (2000), co-editor of Africa in Crisis: New Challenges and Possibilities (Pluto, 2002) and African Mosaic: Political, Social, Economic and Technological Development in the New Millenium (2009). He is a handling editor of the Review of African Political Economy and a member of the Africa Panel of the British Academy.


reclaiming the NationThe Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Edited by Sam Moyo and Paris YerosPb 978-0-7453-3082-2 £24.99

Understanding the somalia conflagrationIdentity, Political Islam and Peacebuilding

Afyare Abdi ElmiPb 978-0-7453-2974-1 £17.99

The Western legacy in Sierra Leone

december 2011 288pp 215mm x 135mm 6 figures, 1 map Pb 978-0-7453-3220-8 £19.99hb 978-0-7453-3221-5 £65epub 978-1-8496-4621-5 £19.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4622-2 £19.99

“This volume by Sierra Leonean academics

offers wide-ranging insights on the causes and dynamics of the Sierra Leone conflict. It provides valuable information on security sector reform and the role of external actors in peace building. Yusuf Bangura United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

“This work fills a very important niche in

our perception of the era of the civil war in Sierra Leone and its aftermath. Policy makers, those interested in development studies and scholars in general should pay keen attention to it. magBailY fYle Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University

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rethinking the UN global compactedited by catia gregoratti and bart slobThe UN Global Compact is the most renowned corporate social responsibility initiative in the world. Rethinking the UN Global Compact brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners who have theorised, studied and articulated critiques against the UN Global Compact’s soft approach to corporate regulation.

The contributors critically interrogate facets of the UN Global Compact’s history, politics and practices within and beyond the United Nations.

This edited book provides theoretically informed and empirically rich perspectives on the UN Global Compact politics and contemporary debates on corporate social responsibility and corporate accountability

cATiA gregorATTi  is a post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Political Science, Lund University. She has published a number of articles and book chapters on the UN Global Compact and public-private partnerships in the developing world, and the wider discourse of corporate social responsibility for development and poverty reduction.

bArT slob  is a Senior Researcher at the Dutch NGO SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations) where he coordinates research activities and gives advice to governments and civil society organisations about responsible business practices in various industrial sectors. He has also been involved in setting up and coordinating several civil society networks, such as Red Puentes, OECD Watch and Global Compact Critics.


The Political economy of developmentThe World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research

Edited by Kate Bayliss, Ben Fine and Elisa Van WaeyenbergePb 978-0-7453-3103-4 £24.99

NeoliberalismA Critical Reader

Edited by Alfredo Saad-Filho and Deborah JohnstonPb 978-0-7453-2298-8 £22.99

Do we want a corporate-friendly UN?

JUNe 2012 298pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3157-7 £24.99hb 978-0-7453-3158-4 £75epub 978-1-8496-4683-3 £24.99Kindle 978-1-8496-4684-0 £24.99

“I welcome this important book. The UN’s troubling

marriage with multinational companies needs to be better known. Here, at last, is the information and analysis we need. James Paul Executive Director, Global Policy Forum

“The Global Compact is one of the many ways

the transnational corporations try to show a smiley face to the world. An irresponsible UN helps them get away with it, and the good showcase project here or there doesn’t change that reality. The scholars in this book explain as nowhere else why the Global Compact should be abolished forthwith. susan george Board President, The Transnational Institute

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The Palestinian strategic report 2010/11edited by mohsen salehThe Palestinian Strategic Report 2010/11 is the sixth in a series of comprehensive annual studies of the Palestinian issue published by the Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations in Beirut and distributed by Pluto Press.

The book covers the internal politics of Palestine, Israeli politics and policy, and Israeli–Palestinian relations. Also covered are the Arab, Muslim and international stances toward the Palestinian issue. Along with economic and demographic indicators, the report has a special focus on Jerusalem and the holy sites. The 14 distinguished contributors not only survey the situation but also analyse events in the region, identifying trends and predicting likely future developments.

The Palestinian Strategic Report is an essential reference book for scholars, university libraries, Middle East studies centres, NGOs and activists working on or in the Middle East.

mohseN sAleh  is an Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Arab History, the general manager of al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations since 2004, former head of Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), and former executive manager of Middle East Studies Centre in Amman. He was granted the Bait al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) award for Young Muslims Scholars in 1997 and the Excellent Teaching Award (College level), given by IIUM in 2002. He has edited or co-edited more than 30 books.


The Palestinian strategic report 2009/2010Edited by Mohsen SalehPb 978-0-7453-3093-8 £17.99

The Politics of change in PalestineState-Building and Non-Violent Resistance

Michael Bröninghb 978-9-9535-0069-0 £25.00

An essential annual of Palestinian analysis

APril 2012 490pp 240mm x 170mm 65 tables, 60 charts, 2 maps, 7 photos hb 978-9-9535-0070-6 £25


Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations

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The New Arab revolutions That shook the Worldfarhad KhosrokhavarFrom Libya in the east to the Gulf peninsula in the west, the ‘Arab Spring’ has shaken entrenched regimes. Decades-old dictatorships have fallen after mass protests. Whilst the final outcome is unclear, the historical importance of these events is beyond doubt.

Farhad Khosrokavar contextualizes the demands of the protesters. He looks beyond the Arab world to show how the movements are leaving a deep imprint on countries like Iran and how a new conception of democracy is emerging in the region, challenging traditional ideas.

Looking to the future, Khosrokavar discusses how the new movements may change the world.

fArhAd KhosroKhAVAr  is Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and author of 14 books translated in 10 languages. Khosrokhavar continues his travels and work on Islam, Muslim radicalisation, and postrevolutionary Iranian society. His most recent books in English include Suicide Bombers: Allah’s New Martyrs (Pluto 2005).

Party on!Political Parties from Hamilton and Jefferson to Today’s Networked Age

John Kenneth White and matthew r. KerbelFrom Democrats to Republicans, from the Green Party to the Tea Party, American parties and their politics are continuously adapting, renewing, and evolving to meet the challenges of the times.

Party On! captures these nuances with a cohesive theme, hard data, and a spotlight on new media and the netroots. John White and Matt Kerbel guide readers on a journey from the origins of American political parties through a multitude of reorganisations, technological developments, and financial woes.

With finesse and insight, the book brings a sweeping view of political parties up to the eve of the 2012 elections.

JohN KeNNeTh WhiTe  is Professor of Political Science at the Catholic University of America and the author of The New Century: Social Change and Political Response.mATTheW r. Kerbel  is Professor of Political Science at Villanova University and author or editor of six books on politics, the mass media, and the presidency, including If It Bleeds, It Leads: An Anatomy of Television News and Get This Party Started: How Progressives Can Fight Back and Win.

Paradigm Publishers

mAy 2012 256pp 216mm x 140mm hb 978-1-6120-5083-6 £18.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

mArch 2012 288pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1802-7 £32.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

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The New Arab revolutions That shook the Worldfarhad KhosrokhavarFrom Libya in the east to the Gulf peninsula in the west, the ‘Arab Spring’ has shaken entrenched regimes. Decades-old dictatorships have fallen after mass protests. Whilst the final outcome is unclear, the historical importance of these events is beyond doubt.

Farhad Khosrokavar contextualizes the demands of the protesters. He looks beyond the Arab world to show how the movements are leaving a deep imprint on countries like Iran and how a new conception of democracy is emerging in the region, challenging traditional ideas.

Looking to the future, Khosrokavar discusses how the new movements may change the world.

fArhAd KhosroKhAVAr  is Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and author of 14 books translated in 10 languages. Khosrokhavar continues his travels and work on Islam, Muslim radicalisation, and postrevolutionary Iranian society. His most recent books in English include Suicide Bombers: Allah’s New Martyrs (Pluto 2005).

Party on!Political Parties from Hamilton and Jefferson to Today’s Networked Age

John Kenneth White and matthew r. KerbelFrom Democrats to Republicans, from the Green Party to the Tea Party, American parties and their politics are continuously adapting, renewing, and evolving to meet the challenges of the times.

Party On! captures these nuances with a cohesive theme, hard data, and a spotlight on new media and the netroots. John White and Matt Kerbel guide readers on a journey from the origins of American political parties through a multitude of reorganisations, technological developments, and financial woes.

With finesse and insight, the book brings a sweeping view of political parties up to the eve of the 2012 elections.

JohN KeNNeTh WhiTe  is Professor of Political Science at the Catholic University of America and the author of The New Century: Social Change and Political Response.mATTheW r. Kerbel  is Professor of Political Science at Villanova University and author or editor of six books on politics, the mass media, and the presidency, including If It Bleeds, It Leads: An Anatomy of Television News and Get This Party Started: How Progressives Can Fight Back and Win.

The gatekeeper60 Years of Economics According to the New York Times

robert chernomas and ian hudsonThe New York Times is possibly the most influential newspaper in the world. Because of this, it has become the topic of much debate about media bias, with some claiming that it is liberal and others that it is conservative.

The Gatekeeper argues that this debate is misleading and that the paper can more accurately be characterised as supporting the interests of US corporations, which involves both liberal and conservative positions. Through examining the paper’s coverage of key issues, including the 2008-2009 economic crisis, The Gatekeeper reframes the debate about the most venerable institution in US journalism.

roberT cherNomAs  is Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba. He is internationally renowned for his research in the area of health economics. He is currently a Board member of the Council of Canadians and is on the Board of International Journal of Health Services.iAN hUdsoN  is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba. He is a research associate for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and is on the steering committees of Fair Trade Manitoba and the Progressive Economics Forum.

Parties, interest groups, and Political campaignsmatthew J. burbank, ronald J. hrebenar and robert c. benedictJust in time for the 2012 US Presidential elections, this book shows how political parties and interest groups have become highly interdependent in the era of candidate-centred elections and media-driven campaigns.

With up-to-date data including 2008 and 2010 mid-term results, this book looks ahead to 2012 illustrating important developments such as the Tea Party movement, social media, controversies over healthcare and financial sector reform and the impact of the Supreme Court decision on campaign finance reform.

Parties, Interest Groups, and Political Campaigns is the essential guide for understanding the new style of American politics.

mATTheW J. bUrbANK  is Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Utah.roNAld J. hrebeNAr  is Professor of Political Science at the University of Utah.roberT c. beNedicT  is Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Utah.

Paradigm Publishers

febrUAry 2012 256pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1683-2 £18.99hb 978-1-5945-1682-5 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

febrUAry 2012 288pp 254mm x 178mm Pb 978-1-6120-5095-9 £37.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

secoNd ediTioN

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Theory from the southOr, How Euro-America is Evolving Toward Africa

Jean comaroff and John l. comaroff

Series: The Radical Imagination

As nation-states in the Northern Hemisphere experience economic crisis, political corruption and racial tension, it seems as though they might be ‘evolving’ into the kind of societies normally associated with the ‘Global South’.

Anthropologists Jean and John Comaroff draw on their long experience of living in Africa to address a range of familiar themes – democracy, national borders, labour and capital and multiculturalism. They consider how we might understand these issues by using theory developed in the Global South.

Challenging our ideas about ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ nations, Theory from the South provides new insights into key problems of our time.

JeAN comAroff  is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. She is co-editor of Law and Disorder in the Postcolony (2006).JohN l. comAroff  is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. He is co-editor of Law and Disorder in the Postcolony (2006).

As i run Toward AfricaA Memoir

molefi Kete AsanteAs I Run Toward Africa is Molefi Kete Asante’s memoir of his extraordinary life.

He takes the reader on a journey from the American South to the homes of kings in Africa. Born into a family of 16 children living in a two bedroom shack, Asante rose to become director of UCLA’s Centre for Afro American Studies, editor of the Journal of Black Studies and university professor by the age of 30. The government of Ghana designated Asante as a traditional king in 1996.

Asante recounts his meetings with personalities such as Wole Soyinka, Cornel West and others. This is an uplifting real-life story about hope and empowerment.

molefi KeTe AsANTe  is Professor at the Department of African American Studies at Temple University. He is a distinguished author of 70 previous books, among the most recent are Maulana Karenga: An Intellectual Portrait (2009), Afrocentric Manifesto (2008), and The History of Africa: The Quest for Eternal Harmony (2007).

Paradigm Publishers

febrUAry 2012 272pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1765-5 £15.99hb 978-1-5945-1764-8 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

JANUAry 2012 336pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5076-8 £17.99hb 978-1-6120-5075-1 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

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speaking Up for AnimalsAn Anthology of Women’s Voices

edited by lisa Kemmerer. foreword by carol J. AdamsSpeaking Up for Animals highlights eighteen courageous members of a growing international animal advocacy movement that is overwhelmingly powered by women.

These remarkable activists take us with them as they lift factory farmed chickens and cows from quagmires of filth, free gigantic sea lions caught in fishing gear and secure undercover footage of dogs crying for mercy on stainless steel vivisection tables.

In the process, these dedicated women expose the many ways that most of us are complicit in the suffering and exploitation of animals, and creatively suggest a variety of ways in which we might help bring change.

lisA Kemmerer  is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religions at Montana State University Billings. She is the author of In Search of Consistency: Ethics and Animals (2006) and Religion and Animals: Rightful Relations (2011).

save the humans?Common Preservation in Action

Jeremy brecherSave the Humans? argues that individual self-interest depends on common preservation – cooperation to provide for mutual well-being.

As world leaders fail to cooperate to address climate change, nuclear proliferation, economic meltdown and other threats to our survival, increasing numbers of people experience a pervasive sense of denial and despair.

But Jeremy Brecher has seen common preservation in action, and in Save the Humans? he shows how it works. From Gandhi’s civil disobedience campaigns in India, to the 2011 uprisings throughout the Middle East, Brecher shows what we can learn from past social movements to help us confront today’s global threats.

Jeremy brecher  is the author of 10 books on labour and social movements, including Global Visions and Global Village or Global Pillage.

Paradigm Publishers

JANUAry 2012 224pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5088-1 £16.99hb 978-1-6120-5087-4 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

JANUAry 2012 256pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5097-3 £15.99hb 978-1-6120-5096-6 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

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Trafficking and Prostitution reconsideredNew Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights

edited by Kamala Kempadoo, Jyoti sanghera and bandana PattanaikSince the 2005 publication of the highly acclaimed first edition of Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered, human trafficking has become virtually a household phrase. This new edition adds vitally important updates related to recent developments.

A new introduction considers the term ‘sex trafficking’ and its growing use amongst feminist researchers. In a new chapter Ratna Kapur looks at changes in anti-trafficking legislation especially under the Obama administration. Jyoti Sanghera reports from her experience as a UN Human Rights commissioner and Bandana Pattanaik examines feminist participatory research on ‘trafficking’.

KAmAlA KemPAdoo  is Associate Professor in Social Science at York University, Canada. She is the author of Sexing the Caribbean: Gender, Race and Sexual Labor (2004) and Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance, and Redefinition (1998).

saving societyBreaking Out of Our Bureaucratic Way of Life

bernard Phillips and david christner

Series: The Sociological Imagination

Why do many problems throughout the world seem to be getting worse? Saving Society argues that a dramatic change in our mode of thinking is required.

The authors show how many of our fundamental assumptions lead to an overly bureaucratic approach, blocking solutions to many of our problems. They contrast our present emotional repression and conforming behaviour with a more liberated form of perception, thought and emotional expression, which could allow us to break out of these bureaucratic routines.

Saving Society shows how this alternative approach might lay the basis for more effective and democratic institutions.

berNArd PhilliPs  was a student of C. Wright Mills. He taught at the Universities of North Carolina, Illinois and Boston.dAVid chrisTNer  has worked closely with Bernard Phillips for a decade in an effort to help fulfill the aims of the Sociological Imagination Group.

Paradigm Publishers

mArch 2012 304pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1989-5 £19.99hb 978-1-5945-1988-8 £70

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

secoNd ediTioN

febrUAry 2012 286pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1777-8 £26.99hb 978-1-5945-1776-1 £70

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

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creative ParticipationResponsibility-Taking in the Political World

edited by michele micheletti and Andrew s. mcfarlandCreative Participation presents the theory and practice of new innovative forms of political participation.

Examples covered in the book include consumers engaging in political shopping, capitalists building green developments, UK Muslim youth campaigning on the internet, Sicilian housewives taking on the Mafia, young evangelical ministers becoming concerned with social change and vegetarians making political statements.

The authors show how in these new campaigns individuals swarm like honeybees around particular issues, causing those in power to sit up and take notice. This is the essential guide to the new politics of participation.

michele micheleTTi  is the Lars Hierta Professor of Political Science at Stockholm University in Sweden. She is the author of Political Virtue and Shopping: Individuals, Consumerism, and Collective Action (2003).ANdreW s. mcfArlANd  is Professor of Political Science and a Fellow of The Institute for the Humanities at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is the author of Common Cause: Lobbying in the Public Interest (1984), Neopluralism: The Evolution of Political Process Theory (2004), and co-editor of Social Movements and American Political Institutions (1998).

The structural lieSmall Clues to Global Things

charles lemert

Series: Great Barrington Books

The Structural Lie tackles one of social science’s most mysterious problems. How is it possible to derive statements about the grand structures of social life from their effects in the small movements of everyday life?

Prominent sociologist Charles Lemert shows how Marx and Freud provide some answers to this question. Marx derived from the commodity his picture of the capitalist system, Freud diagnosed the character of psyches from the details of dreams, slips and jokes.

This wonderfully readable and engaging book lays the foundation for a new social science in an age where a microchip can convey a world of information.

chArles lemerT  is Andrus Professor of Sociology at Wesleyan University, Connecticut. He is the author of Durkeim’s Ghosts (2006).

Paradigm Publishers

febrUAry 2012 224pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1719-8 £19.99hb 978-1-5945-1718-1 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

JANUAry 2012 256pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1533-0 £16.99hb 978-1-5945-1532-3 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

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Veterans’ Journeys homeLife After Afghanistan and Iraq

lori holyfieldVeterans’ Journeys Home is a vivid portrayal of military life and its aftermath for US troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Highlighting the challenges US veterans face in today’s changing military culture, the book depicts the haunting and visceral memories of returning soldiers, conversations with mental health providers, and offers an alternative approach to healing the emotional wounds of war.

For anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the human costs of recent wars this book is invaluable. It combines a moving narrative with a penetrating analysis of the welfare and post-conflict treatment of veterans.

lori holyfield  is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Arkansas. She is the author of Moving Up and Out: Poverty, Education and the Single Parent Family.

Why men rebelFortieth Anniversary Edition

Ted robert gurrWhy Men Rebel was first published in 1970 after a decade of political violence across the world. Forty years later, serious conflicts continue in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Ted Robert Gurr reintroduces us to his landmark work, putting it in context with the research it influenced as well as world events. Why Men Rebel remains highly relevant to today’s violent and unstable world with its holistic, people-based understanding of the causes of political protest and rebellion.

With its close eye on the politics of group identity, this book provides new insight into contemporary security challenges.

Ted roberT gUrr  is former Director of the Minorities at Risk Project and Emeritus Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Government & Politics at the University of Maryland. He is author of numerous books and articles including Peoples vs. States: Minorities at Risk in the New Century (2000).

Paradigm Publishers

JANUAry 2012 208pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5052-2 £15.99hb 978-1-6120-5051-5 £60

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

febrUAry 2012 440pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1914-7 £21.99hb 978-1-5945-1913-0 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

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Paulo freire in the 21st centuryEducation, Dialogue, and Transformation

Peter roberts

Series: Interventions: Education, Philosophy, and Culture

This book explores the implications of world renowned educationalist Paulo Freire’s theories for educational practice and how his ideas can help in bridging different genres and traditions.

It addresses themes, questions and issues that have received little attention to date, including Freire’s conception of the critical intellectual, the problem of defining literacy, and the possibility of a Freirean response to debates over political correctness. Roberts also relates Freire’s ideas to those of other writers: Israel Scheffler, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Hermann Hesse, among others.

Paulo Freire in the 21st Century makes a distinctive contribution to the international literature on Freire’s work.

PeTer roberTs  is Professor of Education at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.

marx’s ghostMidnight Conversations on Changing the World

charles derberRenowned American sociologist Charles Derber imagines a surprise encounter with Karl Marx’s ghost in London’s Highgate cemetery, leading to a night-long conversation about the problems plaguing the world. The economic crisis, climate change, war, the future of capitalism and the ‘Arab Spring’ are all discussed.

The ghost reconsiders his theories as he speaks eloquently about American labour, environmental, gender and anti-racist struggles.

The engrossing, funny and provocative conversation, with appearances from other ghosts such as John Maynard Keynes, offers new insights into the relevance and flaws of Marx’s thought, indicating how we can get to a better world.

chArles derber  is Professor of Sociology at Boston College. He is the author of Corporation Nation, Hidden Power and Greed to Green. He has written for the Boston Globe, Newsday, and appears frequently on television and radio talk shows.

Paradigm Publishers

JANUAry 2012 192pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-5945-1681-8 £22.99hb 978-1-5945-1680-1 £65

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

JANUAry 2012 176pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5066-9 £12.99hb 978-1-6120-5065-2 £60

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

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good education in an Age of measurementEthics, Politics, Democracy

gert J.J. biesta

Argues that the focus on the measurement of educational outcomes has displaced questions about educational purpose.

Whither the child?Causes and Consequences of Low Fertility

edited by eric P. Kaufmann and W. bradford Wilcox

Two high-profile authors investigate the political, economic and cultural causes and consequences of falling birth and fertility rates in the West.

The Twilight of the socialResurgent Politics in an Age of Disposability?

henry A. giroux

Compelling account of the decline of ‘the social’ and rise of atomisation under neo-liberalism, and how we can recreate a vibrant public realm.

global capitalism and the future of Agrarian societyedited by Arif dirlik and Alexander Woodside

Historical and comparative analysis of how globalisation has affected agrarian societies. Includes contributors from the UN, China and India.

Virtual epidemicsEmerging Diseases and the Politics of Global Health

monica Achitoff-gray

The past, present and possible future of epidemic disease. Considers the impact of predictive mapping and new surveillance technologies.

Neoliberalism, education, TerrorismContemporary Dialogues

Jeffrey r. di leo, henry A. giroux, sophia mcclennen and Kenneth J. saltman

Four leading US public intellectuals come together to analyse education and society under the twin shadows of neoliberalism and terrorism.

Paradigm Publishers

JANUAry 2011 160pp 216mm x 140mm Pb 978-1-5945-1791-4 £17.99 hb 978-1-5945-1790-7 £65

mArch 2012 256pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5093-5 £65

febrUAry 2012 128pp 216mm x 140mm hb 978-1-6120-5055-3 £60

mArch 2012 304pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5037-9 £75

mArch 2012 176pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-5945-1953-6 £60

mArch 2012 144pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5039-3 £60

Jihadist ideologyAn Introduction

farhad Khosrokhavar

Distinctive analysis of contemporary radical Islam – arguing that ideology, rather than socio-economic factors, is key to motivating groups.

“New Jews”Race and American Jewish Identity in 21st-Century Film

david l. reznik

Comprehensive study of the portrayal of American Jews in films over the last decade, from Hollywood blockbusters to indie favourites.

American slavery, Atlantic slavery, and beyondThe U.S. “Peculiar Institution” in International Perspective

enrico dal lago

A new international perspective on American slavery, placing it as part of a wider Atlantic and Euro-American world.

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good education in an Age of measurementEthics, Politics, Democracy

gert J.J. biesta

Argues that the focus on the measurement of educational outcomes has displaced questions about educational purpose.

Whither the child?Causes and Consequences of Low Fertility

edited by eric P. Kaufmann and W. bradford Wilcox

Two high-profile authors investigate the political, economic and cultural causes and consequences of falling birth and fertility rates in the West.

The Twilight of the socialResurgent Politics in an Age of Disposability?

henry A. giroux

Compelling account of the decline of ‘the social’ and rise of atomisation under neo-liberalism, and how we can recreate a vibrant public realm.

Jihadist ideologyAn Introduction

farhad Khosrokhavar

Distinctive analysis of contemporary radical Islam – arguing that ideology, rather than socio-economic factors, is key to motivating groups.

“New Jews”Race and American Jewish Identity in 21st-Century Film

david l. reznik

Comprehensive study of the portrayal of American Jews in films over the last decade, from Hollywood blockbusters to indie favourites.

American slavery, Atlantic slavery, and beyondThe U.S. “Peculiar Institution” in International Perspective

enrico dal lago

A new international perspective on American slavery, placing it as part of a wider Atlantic and Euro-American world.

mythologizing black WomenUnveiling White Men’s Racist and Sexist Deep Frame

brittany c. slatton

Using first-hand research, a shocking account revealing widespread racist and sexist attitudes amongst white men towards black women in the US.

American indians and the American imaginaryPauline Turner strong

Shows how Native Americans have been represented in American public culture - from the colonial era to modern films, sports arenas and museums.

diverse Administrators in PerilThe New Indentured Class in Higher Education

edna chun and Alvin evans

Examination of the experiences of minority, female, and LGBT workers in higher education. Written by award-winning practitioners in higher education.

Paradigm Publishers

mArch 2012 288pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5061-4 £65

mArch 2012 208pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5071-3 £60

mArch 2012 256pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-5945-1584-2 £65

mArch 2012 176pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5049-2 £60

febrUAry 2012 272pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5047-8 £65

JANUAry 2012 192pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-5945-1964-2 £65

Page 42: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress40

global health in the 21st centuryThe Globalization of Disease and Wellness

debra l. delaet and david e. delaet

Essential guide to global health issues in the 21st century, with contributions from respected scholars and front-line practitioners.

studies in ethno-methodologyharold garfinkel and Anne rawls

Expanded and updated edition of Harold Garfinkel’s seminal text on ethnomethodology. Includes additional papers that laid the basis for the book.

in and out of each others’ bodiesTheory of Mind, Evolution, Truth, and the Nature of the Social

maurice bloch

Fascinating and deep exploration into the nature of the social. How humans relate to each other psychologically, symbolically and culturally.

context and Pretext in conflict resolutionCulture, Identity, Power, and Practice

Kevin Avruch

Practical guide to conflict resolution and peace-building from a distinguished scholar in the field. Explores the vital prerequisites for peace.

selves, societies, and emotionsUnderstanding the Pathways of Experience

Thomas s. henricks

Thought-provoking meditation on how people discover and reproduce the ‘meaning’ of their social life - includes the impact of electronic media.

explaining explanationdavid-hillel ruben

Fully updated and expanded edition of the influential book on the philosophy of explanation, including ideas from Plato, Aristotle and JS Mill.

Paradigm Publishers

mArch 2012 352pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-5945-1732-7 £70

mAy 2012 368pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-5945-1392-3 £70

mArch 2012 160pp 216mm x 140mm hb 978-1-6120-5101-7 £60

mArch 2012 256pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-6120-5059-1 £65

mArch 2012 224pp 229mm x 152mm hb 978-1-5945-1956-7 £65

mArch 2012 240pp 216mm x 140mm hb 978-1-6120-5067-6 £65

secoNd ediTioN

inside Al-Qaeda and the TalibanBeyond Bin Laden and 9/11

syed saleem shahzad

A unique insight into the post-Osama bin Laden generation of Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders from a journalist who interviewed many of them.

from Palestine to israelA Photographic Record of Destruction and State Formation, 1947-1950

Ariella Azoulay. Translated by charles s Kamen

Beautifully presented photobook, featuring 200 rarely seen photographs from the Palestinian Nakba (1947-50). Includes original text from the author.

The Assault on UniversitiesA Manifesto for Resistance

edited by michael bailey and des freedman

Sharp essays take on the government’s agenda of university cuts and fee increases, and outline an alternative manifesto for higher education.

Page 43: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 41

global health in the 21st centuryThe Globalization of Disease and Wellness

debra l. delaet and david e. delaet

Essential guide to global health issues in the 21st century, with contributions from respected scholars and front-line practitioners.

studies in ethno-methodologyharold garfinkel and Anne rawls

Expanded and updated edition of Harold Garfinkel’s seminal text on ethnomethodology. Includes additional papers that laid the basis for the book.

in and out of each others’ bodiesTheory of Mind, Evolution, Truth, and the Nature of the Social

maurice bloch

Fascinating and deep exploration into the nature of the social. How humans relate to each other psychologically, symbolically and culturally.

inside Al-Qaeda and the TalibanBeyond Bin Laden and 9/11

syed saleem shahzad

A unique insight into the post-Osama bin Laden generation of Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders from a journalist who interviewed many of them.

from Palestine to israelA Photographic Record of Destruction and State Formation, 1947-1950

Ariella Azoulay. Translated by charles s Kamen

Beautifully presented photobook, featuring 200 rarely seen photographs from the Palestinian Nakba (1947-50). Includes original text from the author.

The Assault on UniversitiesA Manifesto for Resistance

edited by michael bailey and des freedman

Sharp essays take on the government’s agenda of university cuts and fee increases, and outline an alternative manifesto for higher education.

Understanding Al QaedaChanging War and Global Politics

mohammad-mahmoud ould mohamedou

Updated edition of the controversial book which argues that the only way to defeat Al Qaeda it is to engage with its arguments in a serious way.

corporate complicity in israel’s occupationEvidence from the London Session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine

edited by Asa Winstanley and frank barat. foreword by Alice Walker

Damning exposé of corporate complicity in Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land. A vital legal resource on this pressing issue.

life Without moneyBuilding Fair and Sustainable Economies

edited by Anitra Nelson and frans Timmerman

Examines the failure of the money-based global economy and how we might live in more sustainable, equitable ways. A textbook and manifesto for change.

Recent Highlights

mAy 2011 280pp 215mm x 135mm 7 maps Pb 978-0-7453-3101-0 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3102-7 £60

ocTober 2011 256pp 205mm x 150mm 214 black and white photos Pb 978-0-7453-3169-0 £17.99

AUgUsT 2011 200pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3191-1 £14.99 hb 978-0-7453-3192-8 £50

JUNe 2011 192pp 215mm x 135mm 2 figures Pb 978-0-7453-3167-6 £16.99 hb 978-0-7453-3168-3 £55

secoNd ediTioN

ocTober 2011 232pp 215mm x 135mm 6 photos Pb 978-0-7453-3159-1 £19.99 hb 978-0-7453-3160-7 £65

NoVember 2011 256pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3165-2 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3316-8 £60

Page 44: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress42

The lure of the cityFrom Slums to Suburbs

edited by Austin Williams and Alastair donald

Short, accessibly written essays make the case for cities, arguing that the metropolitan mindset is essential to the struggle for human liberation.

crisis in KoreaAmerica, China and the Risk of War

Tim beal

Balanced and deeply informed study of the increasingly volatile relations between North and South Korea and US concern about the rise of China.

how to read foucault’s discipline and PunishAnne schwan and stephen shapiro

An accessible, step-by-step guide to reading Foucault’s hugely influential text.

hope Amidst despairHIV/AIDS-Affected Children in Sub-Saharan Africa

susanna W. grannis

Gives voice to HIV/AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan African, allowing them to tell their own stories. Moving insights from the heart of the global south.

Kings to comradesNepal’s Maoist Movement and the Democratic Transition

Nishchal basnyat

Unique insight into the recent Nepalese Maoist revolution. Includes rare interviews with its leaders and newly discovered documentary evidence.

A ‘Toxic genre’The Iraq War Films

martin barker

Analyses the production and reception of recent Iraq war films, asking why they have become known as a ‘Toxic Genre’.

Recent Highlights

sePTember 2011 224pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3177-5 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3178-2 £60

AUgUsT 2011 288pp 215mm x 135mm 13 figures, 6 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3162-1 £19.99 hb 978-0-7453-3161-4 £60

JUly 2011 192pp 177mm x 125mm Pb 978-0-7453-2980-2 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-2981-9 £45

ocTober 2011 200pp 215mm x 135mm 3 figures, 1 photograph Pb 978-0-7453-3153-9 £14.99 hb 978-0-7453-3154-6 £45

NoVember 2011 360pp 215mm x 135mm 10 figures, 4 maps Pb 978-0-7453-3097-6 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3098-3 £60

JUNe 2011 216pp 215mm x 135mm 16 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3129-4 £18.99 hb 978-0-7453-3130-0 £60

ireland’s economic historyCrisis and Development in the North and South

gerard mccann

History of the Irish economy from the famine to the neo-liberal ‘celtic tiger’ model. Concludes with proposals to end Ireland’s current economic woes.

The birth of capitalismA 21st Century Perspective

henry heller

Fresh intervention into the historical debate over the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Considers the past and possible future of capitalism.

herbert marcuseAn Aesthetics of Liberation

malcolm miles

A new introduction to the ideas of a thinker who greatly influenced the 1960s protest movements. Part of the ‘Modern European Thinkers’ series.

Page 45: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 43

The lure of the cityFrom Slums to Suburbs

edited by Austin Williams and Alastair donald

Short, accessibly written essays make the case for cities, arguing that the metropolitan mindset is essential to the struggle for human liberation.

crisis in KoreaAmerica, China and the Risk of War

Tim beal

Balanced and deeply informed study of the increasingly volatile relations between North and South Korea and US concern about the rise of China.

how to read foucault’s discipline and PunishAnne schwan and stephen shapiro

An accessible, step-by-step guide to reading Foucault’s hugely influential text.

ireland’s economic historyCrisis and Development in the North and South

gerard mccann

History of the Irish economy from the famine to the neo-liberal ‘celtic tiger’ model. Concludes with proposals to end Ireland’s current economic woes.

The birth of capitalismA 21st Century Perspective

henry heller

Fresh intervention into the historical debate over the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Considers the past and possible future of capitalism.

herbert marcuseAn Aesthetics of Liberation

malcolm miles

A new introduction to the ideas of a thinker who greatly influenced the 1960s protest movements. Part of the ‘Modern European Thinkers’ series.

Towards a second republicIrish Politics after the Celtic Tiger

Peadar Kirby and mary P. murphy

Analyses Ireland’s economics, politics and society, drawing lessons from its cycles of boom and bust. Proposes new institutions for a fairer Ireland.

remaking scarcityFrom Capitalist Inefficiency to Economic Democracy

costas Panayotakis. foreword by Joel Kovel

Powerful challenge to the current neoliberal economic orthodoxy. Asserts that economic democracy should be the new guiding principle for humanity.

hannah ArendtA Critical Introduction

finn bowring

A careful and comprehensive study introducing the ideas of Hannah Arendt to students in the social sciences.

Recent Highlights

sePTember 2011 256pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3030-3 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3031-0 £60

AUgUsT 2011 320pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2959-8 £19.99 hb 978-0-7453-2960-4 £65

december 2011 208pp 215mm x 135mm 3 black & white images Pb 978-0-7453-3038-9 £22.95 hb 978-0-7453-3039-6 £65

ocTober 2011 288pp 215mm x 135mm 2 figures Pb 978-0-7453-3055-6 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3056-3 £60

sePTember 2011 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3099-0 £18.99 hb 978-0-7453-3100-3 £60

AUgUsT 2011 312pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3141-6 £19.99 hb 978-0-7453-3142-3 £65

Page 46: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress44

The Universal Journalistdavid randall

New updated edition of the world’s leading handbook on journalism.

small Places, large issuesAn Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology

Thomas hylland eriksen

New edition of the classic introduction to anthropology, focusing on central topics such as kinship, ethnicity, ritual and political systems.

No Way to run an economyWhy the System Failed and How to Put It Right

graham Turner

Essential guide to understanding the roots of the economic crisis, and how to solve it.

dark matterArt and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture

gregory sholette

Shows that the elite of the art world are sustained by new forms and styles created by artists outside the mainstream.

ethnicity and NationalismAnthropological Perspectives

Thomas hylland eriksen

New edition of this core text for all students of social anthropology. Additions include cultural property rights and commercialisation of identity.

economics for everyoneA Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism

Jim stanford

Accessible, and critical, guide to key economic concepts, relating them to everyday experience. Text is complimented by educational cartoons.


APril 2011 264pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3076-1 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3077-8 £60

foUrTh ediTioN

JUNe 2010 376pp 215mm x 135mm 13 figures Pb 978-0-7453-3049-5 £18.99 hb 978-0-7453-3050-1 £65

Third ediTioN

sePTember 2009 240pp 215mm x 135mm 50 charts, 15 tables Pb 978-0-7453-2976-5 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-2977-2 £45

NoVember 2010 256pp 230mm x 150mm 41 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-2752-5 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-2753-2 £60

sePTember 2010 256pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3042-6 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3043-3 £60

Third ediTioN

mAy 2008 360pp 215mm x 135mm 25 cartoons Pb 978-0-7453-2750-1 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-2751-8 £45

The fair Trade revolutionedited by John bowes. foreword by mary robinson

A lively survey of Fair Trade and the challenges facing it, written by some of the leading lights in the Fair Trade movement.

human societiesAn Introduction to Macrosociology

Patrick Nolan and gerhard lenski

A supplemented edition of the popular textbook offering tools to assess future world developments in demography, culture, politics and economics.

crack capitalismJohn holloway

A groundbreaking guide to moving beyond capitalism, which shows that radical change can only come from exploiting ‘cracks’ in the system.

Page 47: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 45

The Universal Journalistdavid randall

New updated edition of the world’s leading handbook on journalism.

small Places, large issuesAn Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology

Thomas hylland eriksen

New edition of the classic introduction to anthropology, focusing on central topics such as kinship, ethnicity, ritual and political systems.

No Way to run an economyWhy the System Failed and How to Put It Right

graham Turner

Essential guide to understanding the roots of the economic crisis, and how to solve it.

The fair Trade revolutionedited by John bowes. foreword by mary robinson

A lively survey of Fair Trade and the challenges facing it, written by some of the leading lights in the Fair Trade movement.

human societiesAn Introduction to Macrosociology

Patrick Nolan and gerhard lenski

A supplemented edition of the popular textbook offering tools to assess future world developments in demography, culture, politics and economics.

crack capitalismJohn holloway

A groundbreaking guide to moving beyond capitalism, which shows that radical change can only come from exploiting ‘cracks’ in the system.

The critical development studies handbookTools for Change

edited by henry Veltmeyer

A clear and accessible introduction to the groundbreaking and interdisciplinary new field of critical development studies.

@ is for ActivismDissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital Culture

Joss hands

Examines the transformation of politics through digital media, including digital television, online social networking and mobile computing.

magical marxismSubversive Politics and the Imagination

Andy merrifield

Breathes new life into the Marxist tradition, applying previously unexplored approaches that reveal vital new modes of political activism and debate.


december 2010 288pp 198mm x 129mm 16 colour photos Pb 978-0-7453-3078-5 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-3079-2 £40

ocTober 2010 430pp 254mm x 178mm Pb 978-1-5945-1880-5 £35.95

eleVeNTh ediTioN

mAy 2010 320pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3008-2 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3009-9 £60

mArch 2011 320pp 230mm x 150mm Pb 978-0-7453-3123-2 £24.95 hb 978-0-7453-3124-9 £75

december 2010 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2700-6 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-2701-3 £60

febrUAry 2011 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3059-4 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3060-0 £60

Page 48: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress46

The Abcs of Political economyA Modern Approach

robin hahnel

‘Lucidly written, comprehensive in coverage, based on expert understanding and insight.’ - Noam Chomsky

ricin!The Inside Story of the Terror Plot That Never Was

lawrence Archer and fiona bawdon. foreword by michael mansfield Qc

The first book to uncover the full story behind the so-called Ricin terror plot, which exposes the extent of government spin around security.

europe’s Alliance with israelAiding the Occupation

david cronin

Shows that the EU’s close relationship with Israel has legitimised actions such as the ill-treatment of prisoners and the Gaza invasion.

marx and the Alternative to capitalismKieran Allen

An accessible and comprehensive overview of the ideas of Karl Marx that elucidates his theories and suggests crucial alternatives to capitalism.

more bad News from israelgreg Philo and mike berry

Large-scale examination of media coverage of the current conflict in the Middle East and the impact it has on public opinion.

Popular resistance in PalestineA History of Hope and Empowerment

mazin b. Qumsiyeh

A detailed yet engaging study showing that the vast majority of Palestinian resistance over the last 100 years has been peaceful and creative.

marx’s ‘capital’ben fine and Alfredo saad-filho

‘This expert guide to the political economy of Marx’s Capital has always been the very best available.’ - David Harvey

A contemporary introduction to sociologyCulture and Society in Transition

Jeffrey c. Alexander, Kenneth Thompson and laura d. edles

Updated edition of the cutting edge text which invites students to reflect on new forms of postmodern life, and the role of culture in society.

Against the WallThe Art of Resistance in Palestine

William Parry

A stunning book of photos capturing the graffiti and art that has transformed Israel’s wall into a living canvas of resistance and solidarity.


mAy 2011 248pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3002-0 £16.99 hb 978-0-7453-3003-7 £55

APril 2011 486pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2978-9 £16.99 hb 978-0-7453-2979-6 £50

NoVember 2010 304pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3069-3 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3070-9 £60

JUNe 2010 208pp 177mm x 125mm 6 figures Pb 978-0-7453-3016-7 £12.99 hb 978-0-7453-3017-4 £40

fifTh ediTioN

ocTober 2011 656pp 241mm x 184mm Pb 978-1-6120-5029-4 £29.95

secoNd ediTioN

JUNe 2010 192pp 260mm x 195mm Approx 120 pictures Pb 978-0-7453-2917-8 £15

Page 49: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 47

The Abcs of Political economyA Modern Approach

robin hahnel

‘Lucidly written, comprehensive in coverage, based on expert understanding and insight.’ - Noam Chomsky

ricin!The Inside Story of the Terror Plot That Never Was

lawrence Archer and fiona bawdon. foreword by michael mansfield Qc

The first book to uncover the full story behind the so-called Ricin terror plot, which exposes the extent of government spin around security.

europe’s Alliance with israelAiding the Occupation

david cronin

Shows that the EU’s close relationship with Israel has legitimised actions such as the ill-treatment of prisoners and the Gaza invasion.

The credit crunchHousing Bubbles, Globalisation and the Worldwide Economic Crisis

graham Turner

‘A timely analysis of the pressures on world money markets and the fundamental weaknesses in the global financial system.’ - Hamish McRae, Independent

military inc.Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy

Ayesha siddiqa

Looks inside Pakistan’s military state to show how it also controls Pakistan’s economy.

my father Was a freedom fighterGaza’s Untold Story

ramzy baroud

A deeply moving chronicle of the persisting Palestinian ordeal that pays tribute to the author’s father and the men and women of Gaza.



NoVember 2002 320pp 215mm x 135mm 7 figures Pb 978-0-7453-1857-8 £19.99 hb 978-0-7453-1858-5 £65

sePTember 2010 224pp 198mm x 129mm 11 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-2927-7 £14.99 hb 978-0-7453-2928-4 £45

NoVember 2010 208pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3065-5 £17.99 hb 978-0-7453-3066-2 £60

JUNe 2008 256pp 215mm x 135mm 70 charts and graphs Pb 978-0-7453-2810-2 £14.99 hb 978-0-7453-2811-9 £55

APril 2007 304pp 177mm x 125mm 1 map, 15 figures Pb 978-0-7453-2545-3 £21.99 hb 978-0-7453-2546-0 £65

december 2009 232pp 230mm x 150mm 1 photograph Pb 978-0-7453-2881-2 £13.99 hb 978-0-7453-2882-9 £50

marx and the Alternative to capitalismKieran Allen

An accessible and comprehensive overview of the ideas of Karl Marx that elucidates his theories and suggests crucial alternatives to capitalism.

more bad News from israelgreg Philo and mike berry

Large-scale examination of media coverage of the current conflict in the Middle East and the impact it has on public opinion.

Popular resistance in PalestineA History of Hope and Empowerment

mazin b. Qumsiyeh

A detailed yet engaging study showing that the vast majority of Palestinian resistance over the last 100 years has been peaceful and creative.

Page 50: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012


www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress48

Accidental Capitalist, The 5

Achitoff-Gray, Monica 38

Adams, Carol J. 33

Afghan Solution, The 1American Indians and the American Imaginary 39American Slavery, Atlantic Slavery,and Beyond 39

Artaraz, Kepa 19

Arthur, Dave 8

As I Run Toward Africa 32

Asante, Molefi Kete 32

Avruch, Kevin 40

Benedict, Robert C. 31

Bert 8

Best of Le Monde diplomatique 2012, The 16

Biesta, Gert J.J. 38

Bloch, Maurice 40

Bolivia 19

Brecher, Jeremy 33

Bricmont, Jean 6

Burbank, Matthew J. 31

Butt, Usama 18

Chattopadhyay, Kunal 20

Chernomas, Robert 31

Chomsky, Noam 6

Christner, David 34

Chun, Edna 39

Comaroff, Jean 32

Comaroff, John L. 32

Conner, Clifford D. 4

Context and Pretext in Conflict Resolution 40

Creative Participation 35

Dal Lago, Enrico 39

DeLaet, David E. 40

DeLaet, Debra L. 40

Derber, Charles 37

Di Leo, Jeffrey R. 38

Dirlik, Arif 38

Diverse Administrators in Peril 39

Doran, Christopher 17

Economics of Killing, The 14

Ellis, Warren 9

Eradicating Extreme Poverty 15

Evans, Alvin 39

Explaining Explanation 40

Failure of Capitalist Production, The 24

Fall of the US Empire, The 25

Ferry, Todd M. 11

Fouskas, Vassilis K. 25

Garfinkel, Harold 40

Gatekeeper, The 31

Gerrard Winstanley 3

Giroux, Henry A. 38

Giroux, Henry A. 38Global Capitalism and the Future of Agrarian Society 38

Global Health in the 21st Century 40

Global Sex Trade, The 12

Godinot, Xavier 15Gökay, Bülent 25

Good Education in an Age of Measurement 38

Gregoratti, Catia 28

Gubbins, Karie A. 12

Gurney, John 3

Gurr, Ted Robert 36

Harms, Gregory 11

Henricks, Thomas S. 40

Holyfield, Lori 36

Hrebenar, Ronald J. 31

Hudson, Ian 31

In and Out of Each Others’ Bodies 40

Irving, Sarah 2

Jean Paul Marat 4

Jihadist Ideology 39

Kaufmann, Eric P. 38

Kemmerer, Lisa 33

Kempadoo, Kamala 34

Kerbel, Matthew R. 30

Khosrokhavar, Farhad 30

Khosrokhavar, Farhad 39

Kliman, Andrew 24

Kristianasen, Wendy 16

Le Blanc, Paul 20

Leila Khaled 2

Lemert, Charles 35

Leon Trotsky 20

Lubbers, Eveline 23

Making the World Safe for Capitalism 17

Marx’s Ghost 37

McClennen, Sophia 38

McFarland, Andrew S. 35

Mehta, Vijay 14

Micheletti, Michele 35

Morgan Edwards, Lucy 1

Mythologizing Black Women 39

Neoliberalism, Education, Terrorism 38New Arab Revolutions That Shook the World, The 30

New Generation Draws the Line, A 6

“New Jews” 39

Obama’s Economy 7

Pakistan 18

Palestine-Israel Conflict, The 11

Palestinian Strategic Report 2010/11, The 29

Palestinians in Israel 10Parties, Interest Groups, and

Political Campaigns 31

Party On! 30

Pattanaik, Bandana 34

Paulo Freire in the 21st Century 37

Penny Red 9

Penny, Laurie 9

Phillips, Bernard 34

Punch, Maurice 26

Rasmus, Jack 7

Rawls, Anne 40

Renton, David 22

Rethinking the UN Global Compact 28

Reznik, David L. 39

Roberts, Peter 37

Ruben, David-Hillel 40

Saleh, Mohsen 29

Saltman, Kenneth J. 38

Sanghera, Jyoti 34

Save the Humans? 33

Saving Society 34

Schofield, Julian 18

Scramble for African Oil, The 13

Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark 23

Sedley, Lord Justice Stephen 8

Selves, Societies, and Emotions 40

Slatton, Brittany C. 39

Slob, Bart 28

Speaking Up for Animals 33

State Violence, Collusion and the Troubles 26

Strong, Pauline Turner 39

Struck Out 22

Structural Lie, The 35

Studies in Ethnomethodology 40

Theory from the South 32

Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered 34

Trotsky, Leon 20

Twilight of the Social, The 38

Veterans’ Journeys Home 36

Virtual Epidemics 38

When the State Fails 27

White, Ben 10

White, John Kenneth 30

Whither the Child? 38

Why Men Rebel 36

Wilcox, W. Bradford 38

Woodside, Alexander 38

Yaghmaian, Behzad 5

Yates, Douglas A. 13

Zack-Williams, Tunde 27

Zoabi, Haneen 10

Page 51: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012

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Page 52: Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2012