1 Platinean War 1942 1945 1942: August 30: At midnight without warning Argentina, at the request of Hitler, attack Brazil, which established close relationships with the Allies, especially the United States and the United Kingdom. Argentina under american blocus because of his good relations with Germany which helped militarist and fascist desire, with German military and technological assistance finally convinced Argentina to attack his Brazilian rival. This is an opportunity to conquer new territory for Argentina and Hitler hoped that the U.S. distracts a part of their war effort to help Brazil. At 9:00 am the 1 st Submarines Flotilla on patrol off the coast of Argentina while Brazilian surface ships are attacked by Argentine naval bombers (Consolidated P2Y-3A Ranger).

Platinean War 1942 1945

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Page 1: Platinean War 1942 1945


Platinean War 1942 – 1945


August 30: At midnight without warning Argentina, at the request of Hitler, attack Brazil, which established

close relationships with the Allies, especially the United States and the United Kingdom. Argentina under

american blocus because of his good relations with Germany which helped militarist and fascist desire, with

German military and technological assistance finally convinced Argentina to attack his Brazilian rival. This is an

opportunity to conquer new territory for Argentina and Hitler hoped that the U.S. distracts a part of their war

effort to help Brazil. At 9:00 am the 1st

Submarines Flotilla on patrol off the coast of Argentina while Brazilian

surface ships are attacked by Argentine naval bombers (Consolidated P2Y-3A Ranger).

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Between 12:00 and 15:00 on 1o Grupo de Caça (1st Fighter Group) (a squadron equipped with Republic P47

Santa) engages Argentinean bombers over Porto Alegre and succeed to push them.

Brazil decided to concentrate its limited military resources in battles against Argentina as Peru and Bolivia will

have to attack through the difficult terrain of Amazonia where there is no strategic objectives, and at its

maximum advanced Peruvian army will never reach Manaus.

September 1: Bolivia and Peru announced their alliance with Argentina and start throwing recon in Amazonia.

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September 2: At 13:00 the beginning of a naval battle between Brazil and Argentina in the waters of Blanca


September 3: At 1:00 pm the Brazilian fleet withdraws and leaves the Argentinean a tactical victory without

glory, neither fleet has suffered loss.

September 4: The German U-boats arrived in Mar del Plata, aboard: SS military advisors, 1500 tons of arms and

ammunition and plans and specimen of arms.

September 13: As Hitler had hoped the U.S. sends arms and ammunition in Brazil. Roosevelt secretly prepares

the sending of expeditionary forces.

September 17: Arrival in Brazil of U.S. Military Advisor. They are responsible for monitoring the training of the

Brazilian troops, the establishment of a war industry, establishment of facilities necessary for the war and

supervise the various Brazilians battle plans. Brehon Somervell is charge of the logistic operation on the west

front; Earle Wheeler is in charge of the south front logistic. Julian Larcombe Schley is in charge of the

construction operations (Industries and military facilities), Doyle Overton Hickey supervises the military

operations against Argentina and Daniel Isom Sultan is in charge of the operation in west. For political reason

the future US Expeditionary Force in Brazil will be placed under Brazilian command, but in the fact the five US

General takes all the important strategic decisions.

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September 19: Between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm the 1o Grupo de Caça engages Argentinean bombers over Porto

Alegre and manages to push again, but its offensive potential begins to get closer to its limits. Argentinean

bombers have been able to drop only one single bomb on Porto Alegre. Meanwhile the 1o Cuerpo del Ejercito

of the Argentine General Marquez is heading to Porto Alegre, the army corp is composed of the 1a Brigada

Blindada « Rodriquez » and 3a Brigada de Infanteria « Pellegrini », 2

a Brigada de Infanteria « San Martin » and

1a Brigada de Infanteria « Krausse » accompanied by two detachments of artillery and one engineer


September 21: Via the U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Ecuador secretly gives military access to Brazil and

prepares to receive military aid from the US. Hull promises to support the Ecuadorian territorial claims,

especially the territories claimed before the Rio Protocol signed few months ago.

September 23: At the dawn of the 3o Cuerpo del Ejercito of General Martinez (1

a Brigada de Caballeria and the

13a Brigada de Infanteria backed by an artillery brigade and engineers) attempt a breakthrough towards

Curitiba to take a position on the flank of the Brazilian troops defending Porto Alegre and surroundings them.

Curitiba is defended by the 1a and 2

a Divisao de Infanteria and an artillery brigade under the command of

General de Assis. Porto Alegre is defended by the 4o Corpo do Brasil of the General Dennys composed of the

197a Divisao de Tanque and the 8

a, 14

a and 15

a Divisao de Infanteria supported each by artillery brigades.

September 26 : Opposed to an heroic defence of the troops of General de Assis, General Martinez’s 3o Cuerpo

stop its offensive on Curitiba from 1:00 pm and begins to retreat after suffering heavy losses without great

progress: 758 dead and over 2200 injured on the Brazilian side against 1452 killed and 4300 wounded on the

Argentinean side. Defenders of Porto Alegre begin a strategic withdrawal because they are running out of

supplies; they will fall back inspired by the French example of the summer of 1940 and will pay dearly for every

meter of land to Argentina.

October 2: The 1o Cuerpo of General Marquez reached Porto Alegre downtown but continues to suffer losses in

various ambushes.

October 3: In Washington; ambassadors of Paraguay, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil are received by President

Roosevelt and Secretaries Stimson and Hull to negotiate an alliance against Argentina, Peru and Bolivia.

October 5: Paraguay, Ecuador and Chile declare war on the side of Brazil and will also receive weapons and

ammunition from the United States. Brazil gives the U.S. the right to establish a naval base in Recife to deliver

aid more effectively and possible military expeditionary forces. At the same time the 12a

Divisao de Infanteria

of the Brazilian General Leite de Castro attempted an attack against Bolivian positions Perseverancia.

Ocotober 6: Shortly before sunrise, the 3o Cuerpo of General Martinez reiterates its attack on Curitiba, Brazilian

General de Assis retreated at 11:00 am and launch counterattack at 1:00 pm before retreating again at 5:00

pm. In Porto Alegre 1o Cuerpo of General Marquez continues to be harassed by retardation groups and

regularly fall into an ambush.

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October 7: End of the Battle of Perseverancia with a severe defeat to the Brazilians. The ratio of loss is 1 to 10

in favour of Bolivia either 65 Bolivians dead against 623 Brazilians dead.

October 8: The 199a Divisao do Tanque of General Castelo Branca attack the flanks of the Argentinean army

attacking Curitiba.

October 10: While facing fierce resistance and supply lines are undermined General Marquez decides to stop

the offensive of the 1o Cuerpo and fight back. Near Curitiba the 3o Cuerpo of General Martinez fall back facing

the 1o Exército and the 199

a Divisao do Tanque. This day ends the Battle of Rio Grande. Fighting between 8 and

10 October done 671 dead and about 2,000 injured on Brazilian side against 1373 dead and more than 4,000

injured on Argentinean side. The Argentinean troops will withdraw to Concordia and Corrientes for the winter

to be reconstituted and resupplied.

October 17: US admiral Richmond K. Turner receives the order to prepare an attack against the Peruvian ports.

The Staff fear that the Peruvian let the Japanese used their ports to attack the West Coast.

October 21 : Admiral Turner arrived in La Libertad with is his Task Force (Galapagos Task Force) composed the

USS Chicago (Admiral ship of the fleet), USS St Louis, USS Pensylvania, the 33rd

Destroyer Division, the 18th



Transport Divisions. This two transports division unload weapons and ammunitions for the Ecuadorian


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USS Chicago

October 24: Admiral Turner begin is strike on all useful Peruvian ports.

October 26: The Galapagos Task Force strikes the port of Lima. After 16 hours of bombardments, the port is

totally destroyed, the harbour is encumbered with wrecks, docks and warehouses are destroyed, lean Peruvian

navy cease to exist.

November 1 : U.S. base in Recife the 4th

USN Cruiser Squadron commanded by Admiral Harold Rainnsford Stark,

the fleet is composed by USS Augusta, USS Tuscaloosa, USS Wichita, USS Nashville, USS Cleveland, the 13th



, 17th

, 18th

and 58th

Destroyer Divisions and 17th

, 19th

, 21th

, 29th

Transport Division. American freighters

unload enough Republic P-47 D to equip the new 2o Grupo de Caça. It’s also the arrival of the 1

st U.S.

Expeditionary Force composed of 13th

« Blackcats » Armored Division, 92th

« Buffalo Soldiers » Motorised

Infantry Division, 93th

« Colored » Motorised Infantry Division supported by artillery and engineering brigade.

This will be the 1st

expeditionary force under the command of General Costa è Silva.

November 2: Hitler announces to Argentina President Ramon Castillo that he will send the Kriegsmarine’s U-

Boot to protect Argentinean coast.

November 11: The United States based the 412th

Fighter Group in Quito; the Fighter Group used Bell P-39


November 19: The Argentine Staff meets to discuss the opportunity to attack the Falklands. After six hours of

discussion they decided to not attacked yet. Although the British don’t have the means to defend the Falklands,

but the war on the continent didn’t goes very well, it would be stupid to divide its resources for the moment. In

addition the 4th Cruiser Squadron is always a danger on the Argentinean east coast.

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November 25: The modest Argentinean navy succeeds to sink or damage the entire skinny Brazilian submarines


December 14: The eastern Paraguay is again fully under the control of the Paraguayan army and Brazil regained

full control of the territories invaded by Argentina.

December 17: Massive arrival of US air units in South America. The 88th

Bombardment Group (B-25 Mitchell)

reach is position in Paraguay. Porto Alegre receives 10th

Fighter Group (Bell P-39), 21st

and 309th


Group (B-25 Mitchell) and the 85th

Bombardment Group (Vultee A-31 Vengeance) for Close-Air-Support. Even if

these air units will be useful, there will be underuse because priority will be given to land units for supplies and

fuel. Indeed, the United States should already support the war effort in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific and

can’t provide arms and ammunition to the entire world.

Brazil receives M4 Sherman tanks to reequip the 197a and 199

a Divisao do Tanque and a lot of M8 Gayhound to

support the infantry.

December 21: The Galapagos Task Force intercepts a little Colombian Fleet which tries to give supplies to Peru.

The ships are seized with their loads and given to Ecuador.

December 23: The Colombian ambassador in Washington Alberto Vargas Nariño protest against the seizure of

Colombian ships. Cordell Hull explains politely that if Colombia is again taken to provide assistance to a nation

of the Axis, it’s exposed Colombia to harsh reprisals.


January 1: Arrival in Recife of the 2nd

U.S. Expeditionary Force composed of the 103th

“Cactus” Mechanised

Division and the 104th

« Timberwolves » Mechanised Division and an engineer brigade. This expeditionary

force will be placed under the command of General Plinio Pitaluza.

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January 3: Arrival of the 3rd

U.S. Expeditionary Force composed of the 106th

“Golden Lions” Mechanised Division

and 108th

“Griffons” Mechanized Division and an engineer brigade. This expeditionary force will be placed

under the command of General Barata de Azevedo.

January 9: Bolivia, beginning of the formation of the "Cuerpo Bolivar," an infantry division to be placed under

the command of General Franco Rafel which should be operational in Santa Cruz by the summer.

January 14: The Brazilian armies march on Concordia to open the road of Buenos Aires. Brazil lines up: the 4o

Corpo General Dennys, the 1st

U.S. Expeditionary Force of General Costa è Silva and the 2nd

U.S. Expeditionary

Force of General Barata de Azevedo. Concordia is defended by the 1o Cuerpo of General Marquez and 7o

Cuerpo of General Lugones (2a Divission de Infanteria "San Martin" and the 3

a Divission de Infanteria

"Pellegrini" not to be confused with the brigades of the same name). During this time, Brazil is preparing an

offensive to Corrientes with General de Assis 1o Exército, the 199

a Divisao do Tanque of General Castelo Branca

and 2o Exército of General Mascarenhas de Morais (3

a Divisao de Infanteria and 92

a Divisao de Cavaleria).

Corrientes is defended by the 3o Cuerpo of General Martinez and the 2

o Cuerpo of General Florit (6

a Brigada de

Montana "Villega" and 4a Brigada de Montana).

January 15: Beginning of the Battle of Concordia.

February 4: Tefé in Amazonia fell to the Peruvian army without a fight. As predicted by the Brazilian Chief of

Staff Gaspar Dutra, Peruvians have needed several months to cross the rainforest where the climate and fauna

have killed many soldiers. The Bolivian army crossed the border towards Rio Branco.

February 7: Rio Branco falls into the hands of the Bolivian army without fighting.

February 16: The Bolivian army reached the gates of Porto Velho defended by the 10a Divisao de Infanteria of

General Teixeira Lott and the 11a Divisao de Infanteria of General Segadas Viana both supported by two

artillery brigades. Bolivians inadequately supplied and depleted by weather retreated out of Brazilian artillery

range after a recon mission. The Battle of Porto Velho will make no dead on both sides.

February 22: After a month and a half of fighting Brazil provides complete control of Concordia and its

surroundings. Brazilians count 708 deads and over 2100 woundeds in their ranks, the Argentinean deplore 3

times more casualties with 2080 deads and over 6200 injureds. Consequently Argentina will struggle to replace

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its losses and ensure full supply of its troops because the IIIrd

Reich will have more and more difficulty to

provide aid to Argentina.

February 24: The 3nd

U.S. Expeditionary Force of General Barata de Azevedo make the junction with the

garrison of Porto Velho to prepare the counterattack towards Bolivia.

February 27: Without any supplies Bolivian troops retreated towards their border in order to shorten their

supply lines.

March 1: Juan José Amézaga becomes President of Uruguay.

March 15: Bolivian troops arrived few days earlier in Persverancia still don’t have resupply and entrench

themselves because the Brazilians are close behind.

March 16: 3nd

U.S. Expeditionary Force, 10a and 11

a Divisao de Infanteria attack Perseverancia. Bolivians

running out of ammo begin a retreat to Riberalta in the evening after losing 251 soldiers and abandoned some

of their 800 wounded behind them. Brazilian troops only count 61 dead and less than 200 injured.

May 3: Peruvian troops run along the Rio Solimoes towards Manaus are attacked by a reconnaissance group of

the 9a Divisao de Infanteria who will urge to inform the Manacaparu’s garrisons of the Peruvian advance. There

are 11 Brazilians dead and 13 on Peruvian sides. It is also the first time that an Amazonian Indian is

photographed while serving in a recon group of the Brazilian Army.

June 4: Military coup in Argentina ending the "infamous decade". Ramón Castillo was overthrown by the GOU

(Grupo Unidos of Oficiales or United Officers Group). Arturo Rawson takes power.

June 5: Beginning of the battle Corrientes that pits the 1o Exército, 199

a Divisao do Tanque and the 1

o Exercito

against 3o Cuerpo and the 2

o Cuerpo de Montana.

June 6: The 3o Corpo, the 13

a and the 9

a Divisao de infanteria entrenched in Manacapuru to receive curtly the

single Peruvian division, already exhausted by his journey in Amazonia decides to return to its borders

disobeying a Staff unable to provide supplies and reinforcements. Brazilians deplore 91 dead and 300

wounded, while the Peruvian lose 251 soldiers and count more than 1200 wounded.

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June 7: Argentinean retreat out of Corrientes, out of ammunition Argentineans withdrew in the direction of

Rosario. There are 492 dead and 1200 injured on Brazilian side against 1500 killed 566 injured for Argentina.

Arturo Rawson is removed from power by the rest of the GOU, Pedro Pablo Ramírez seized power.

June 10: Massive endowment of U.S. M1 rifles in the Brazilian Army.

June 14: The 3o Corpo of General Carvalho Leite and 3

rd U.S. Expeditionary Force of General Barata de Azevedo

attacking Riberalta in Bolivia.

June 19: Riberalta fell to the Brazilian troops who paid dearly for their victory with 1221 dead and 3600

wounded, defenders have "only" 929 deaths, but more than 4600 injured.

July 14: The 3o Corpo do Brazil crosses the Rio Solimoes and prepares to regain Tefê.

August 3: The 3o Corpo attack Tefe.

August 5: Beginning of the Battle of Loreto. Ecuadorian, Brazilian and U.S. troops will combine their efforts to

conquer the northern region of Peru; this battle will run until 19 February 1945 because Peruvian troops will

conduct a guerilla tactics. At the same time the Peruvian garrison of Tefê surrenders to the 3o Corpo do Brazil,

losses were 91 dead and about 300 injured for Brazil against 236 dead and 800 wounded for Peru.

August 27: Argentina, the city of Santa Fe falls without fighting.

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September 17: Beginning of the Battle of Pando in northern Bolivia.

October 21: Beginning of the Brazilian offensive on the city of Rosario. Brazil engages the 1o Exército (General

de Assis), the 2o Exército (General Mascarenhas de Morais) and 199

a Divisao do Tanque (General Castelo

Branca) against the 3o Cuerpo (General Martinez), the 2

o Cuerpo de Montana (General Florit) and militias

trained on the job.

November 27: Colonel Juan Perón was appointed Minister of Labour and Forecast in Argentina.

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December 5: Reorganization of the Brazilian government: Pedro Leao Veloso was appointed Minister of the

Interior, Filinto Muller takes the head of the intelligence services and Mario Silva Camargo became head of the

General Staff of the Army.

December 7: End of the Battle of Pando. There are 498 dead and over 1200 injured on Allied side against 5706

dead and 19,000 wounded for the Axis.


January 17: U.S. Navy lands the 4th

U.S. Expeditionary Force composed by 97th

“Trident” Motorised Infantry Division and 86

th “Blackhawks” Motorised Infantry Division and an engineer’s brigade. This force will be

commanded by General Aurélio de Monteiro and join Concordia to prepare the offensive on Buenos Aires. January 26: Argentine President Pedro Pablo Ramírez began secret negotiations with the Allies to try to put an end to war.

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February 24: General Edelmiro Julián Farrell overthrows President Pedro Pablo Ramírez and put an end to negotiations with the Allies. March: Colombian President Alfonso López Pumarejo resigns for family reasons. A civic strike organized by the

working class to express its support for forces him to pursue its mandate.

May 2: Brazilian troops attack Rio Branco where a Peruvian division is entrenched. May 7: Peruvians in Rio Branco surrenders. Losses are 139 killed and 400 wounded for Brazilians against 322 deaths and 1,000 wounded for the Peruvians.

May 28: Chilean and Brazilian troops attack the province of Cordoba, which is defended only by some militias.

May 28 to 31: “Revolución del 28 de mayo”. A popular rebellion brings back to power in Ecuador populist leader

exiled José María Velasco Ibarra. It will attempt to democratize the regime (Constitution and elections in 1945).

It will also take advantage of the war to prevail Ecuadorian dominion over the Peruvian territories of Tumbes,

Jaen and Maynas.

June 2: The essential part of the province of Cordoba is controlled by the Allies who deplore 735 dead and 1700 injured. Argentine has 1852 dead and 5500 injured.

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June 7: Juan Perón became vice-president of Argentina.

June 24: Beginning of the Battle of Buenos Aires, the city is defended by the 1o Cuerpo, 2

o Cuerpo de Montana,


Cuerpo and 7o Cuerpo. The Allies attacked with the 1

st, 2nd and 4

th U.S. Expeditionary Forces and the 4


Corpo do Brasil. July 4: End of the first Brazilian offensive against Buenos Aires. There are 4902 dead and 13,000 injured for the Brazilians against 6697 dead 21,000 wounded for the Argentineans. The latter decide to start evacuating the city. October 19: 1

o Cuerpo de paracaidistas of General Ibarra ready to fight. These units trained by instructors from

German SS have the size of a division. This elite division entrained during one year will never take part in an airborne operation during this war. November 11: Brazilian and United States air forces launch the operation “Night Raptor”. They will engage a hundreds fighters and bombers to destroy the Axis air forces and strategic locations (especially around Buenos Aires).

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November 14: Beginning of the second offensive on Buenos Aires which is defended only by the 1

o Cuerpo de

paracaidistas, Agrupacion 4o de la Gendarmeria Nacional “Missiones” and Agrupacion 6

o de la Gendarmeria

Nacional “Formosa”. The rest of the Argentine army starts a long journey to establish a line of defense on the Rio Negro to try to definitely stop Allies. November 22: Fall of Buenos Aires, the remnants of the 1

o Cuerpo de paracaidistas were destroyed, the

Gendarmerie troop’s surrenders. Argentine losses during this second offensive are 16,026 dead and over 80,000 wounded against 3,062 dead and 10,000 wounded on the Allies forces.

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January 5: The Argentinean Staff understand that the war will be lost; they decided to practice the technic of

Scorched Earth and to make the Allies pay the price of blood for every inch of ground.

January 9 : Arrival of the 5th U.S. Expeditionary Force (116th

“Hellcats” Mecanised Division and 42th


Mecanised Division and an Engineer brigade) under the command of General Perdra Pires and go to the East to

fight Peru and Bolivia. 30 T34 Calliope are also disembarked to join the Argentinean front.

January 29: Beginning of the Battle of La Paz. The last troops defending Bolivia are entrenched in the city and

its surroundings.

February 19: End of the Battle of Loreto, Peruvian troops unable to retreat surrenders after a year and a half

battle made of ambush and harassment. The Allies will have lost 1846 men and over 9,000 injured, the strong

Peruvians defense cost those 3417 deaths and more than 17,000 injured.

February 20: The Ecuadorian army tries a breakthrough towards Trujillo in Peru.

February 23: Ecuadorians stop their attack to Trujillo, which is still strongly defended.

February 26: Surrender of Bolivia and the end of the Battle of La Paz which has made 6,613 dead 20,000

wounded in Allies ranks against 14,100 dead and 70,000 injured for the Axis.

February 28: Fall of Rosario. On the Argentinean sides the 1a Brigada de Caballeria of the 3

o Cuerpo del Ejercito

is annihilated as well as the 4a Brigada de Montana of the 2

o Cuerpo del Ejercito, losses were 16,818 dead and

50,000 wounded in the ranks of Argentina for 8499 dead and 25,000 wounded for the Allies. Argentinean

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survivors flee to Rio Negro pursued by the Brazilian who wants to secure Mar del Plata and Bahia Blanca on the

east coast.

March 5: Fall of Mar del Plata, with 228 dead and 600 wounded for the Allies against 1002 dead and 3000

injured for Argentina.

April 10: Fall of Bahia Blanca with 1317 dead and 4000 injured for the Allies against 4219 dead and 13,000

injured for Argentina.

May 9: The Ecuadorian army attack Trujillo again, this time the troops are better prepared and supplied.

May 12: Defenders of Trujillo surrender after three days of fierce fighting facing the Ecuadorians 1a Brigada de

Infanteria and the 1a División de Infanteria.

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May 23: Arrival of the 6th

U.S. Expeditionary Force which landed directly in Bahia Blanca. The Force is composed

by the 14th

Ranger Division, 22th

Ranger Division, 7th

Marine Division, 8th

Marine Division, 170th


Infantry Division and an engineer brigade. The whole force is under the command of General Fiuza de Castro.

June 6: All the Argentine troops are entrenched behind the Rio Negro, this defence is formed by the scattered

6a Brigada de Montana “Villega”, Agrupacion 6

o de la Gendarmeria Nacional “Formosa”, 2

a Divission de

Infanteria “San Martin”, 3a Divission de Infanteria “Pellegrini”, the 13

a Brigada de Infanteria and the 4

a Divission

de Infanteria. The defence is commanded by General Marquez. Across the Allies line up: 4o Corpo, 1

o Exército,

200a Divisao do Tanque, the 5

th U.S. Expeditionary Force in the East and 2

o Exército, the 1

st, 4

th and 6


Expeditionary Forces in the West. Consequently the Argentines will undergo constant artillery barrage include

T34 Calliope with incendiary rockets.

June 11: Beginning of the Battle of Cuzco conducted by the 3rd

U.S. Expeditionary Force, 10o and 11

o Divisao de


July 1: Brazilian and American troops complete the conquest of the province of Cuzco which has cost 1,713

dead and 4,000 wounded to the Allies against 2971 dead and 14,000 wounded for Peru.

July 8: The 3o Corpo, the 12

a and 13

a Divisao de Infanteria attack the province of Erequipa in southern Peru.

July 14: The allies - with the 3rd

U.S. Expeditionary Force, 10a and 11

a Divisao de Infanteria, 3

o Corpo, the 12


Divisao de Infanteria, 13a Divisao de Infanteria and the 1

o Brigada de Infanteria and 1

a Ecuadorian división de

Infanteria - encircle the Lima area defended by the 1a Brigada Bolivar, 1

st división Bolivar, 1

a división

"Bolognes", the división de reserva de infantería, the 2a, 3

a, 4

a, 6

a and 7

a división de Infanteria and 1

a Brigada di

"Fuerza Special".

July 16: The province of Erequipa is conquered. All the troops defending Peru fall back towards Lima after

suffering 1188 dead and 6000 injured. When the Allies have 734 dead and 1700 injured.

July 27: Following the recommendations of his Staff, the Peruvian President announces capitulation of his


August 11: The General Marquez announces capitulation of his defence troops and arrested the government

members to constrain them to accept the defeat of Argentina.

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August 12: General Marquez is recognized by the Allies as holder of political authority in Argentina and signs

the Treaty of Viedma on a U.S. artificial bridge that spans the Rio Negro. The signatory are Eurico Gaspar Dutra

for Brazil and Doyle Hickey for the United States.


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After the signing of the Treaty of Viedma, the South American countries of the Axis dismantle their

governments and pledge to hold democratic elections and to pay war reparations. Creation of a DMZ on the

Argentinean side of Brazil-Argentina border. Chile takes control of “la Tierra del Fuego”. Equator gains the

Peruvian territories of Tumbes, Jaen and Maynas which were claimed before the Rio Protocol.

This war will not prevent the establishment of the populist and / or military dictatorships.

There will be many polemics about the many exactions committed against civilians by the belligerents.


Estimation, that many thinks far from reality. For example, the injured died after the Treaty of Viedma are not

counted as combat deaths. Losses among Amazonian Indians are not included, even if they serves as a guide

for the Brazilian troops, died in battle or attacked by invaders who pillaged their villages to find food and

potable water.

Type Allies Axis

Killed in Action 40 000 64 000

Wounded in Action 112 000 305 000

Civilian losses 67 000 130 000

Plans 54 150

Trucks 7600 13000

Armored 153 224

Surface ships 3 3

Submarines 1 0

Cargo 9 20

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