Ph.D ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2021 Subject: Medical ____________________________________________________________________________ Note: All questions carry equal marks. 1. Which of the following is NOT derived from the ectoderm? a. CNS b. Connective tissues c. Epidermis d. PNS 2. Shape of an individual trapezius muscle is a. Diamond shaped b. Multipennate c. Fusiform d. Triangular 3. A 15-year-old male patient presented to the OPD with pain in calf muscles on exercise. On biopsy an excessive amount of glycogen was found in the muscle. What is the most likely enzyme deficiency? a. Muscle debranching enzyme b. Glucose 6 phosphatase c. Phosphofructokinase d. Muscle glycogen phosphorylase 4. A 45-year-old female patient was found to be diabetic after screening and confirmatory tests. Which of the following would constitute appropriate first-line management for this patient? a. Metformin b. Dobutamine c. IV Insulin d. Propylthiouracil

Ph.D ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2021 Subject: Medical

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Ph.D ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2021 Subject: Medical


Note: All questions carry equal marks.

1. Which of the following is NOT derived from the ectoderm?

a. CNS

b. Connective tissues

c. Epidermis

d. PNS

2. Shape of an individual trapezius muscle is

a. Diamond shaped

b. Multipennate

c. Fusiform

d. Triangular

3. A 15-year-old male patient presented to the OPD with pain in calf muscles on exercise.

On biopsy an excessive amount of glycogen was found in the muscle. What is the most

likely enzyme deficiency?

a. Muscle debranching enzyme

b. Glucose 6 phosphatase

c. Phosphofructokinase

d. Muscle glycogen phosphorylase

4. A 45-year-old female patient was found to be diabetic after screening and confirmatory

tests. Which of the following would constitute appropriate first-line management for this


a. Metformin

b. Dobutamine

c. IV Insulin

d. Propylthiouracil

Page 2: Ph.D ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2021 Subject: Medical

5. When amyloid is stained with congo red and visualised under polarising microscope,

which colour does it impart?

a. Pink

b. Red

c. Apple green birefringence

d. Dark brown

6. A 55 year old HIV/AIDS patient was brought to the hospital by a family member.

According to the attendant, he had stopped his medication without consulting the doctor

months ago. He had small plain purple patches on his legs, feet and face. They were

painless in nature. What is your diagnosis?

a. Herpes Zoster

b. Pneumonia

c. Kaposi Sarcoma

d. None of the above

7. Copper acetoarsenite is the chemical name for which of the following insecticides?

a. Malathion

b. Paris Green

c. DDT

d. Permethrin

8. What is the cutoff point for anemia in a non-pregnant woman of reproductive age group?

a. 10 g/dL

b. 11 g/dL

c. 12 g/dL

d. 13 g/dL

9. The deficiency of Vitamin B1 is known as

a. Burning feet syndrome

b. Pellagra

c. Anemia

d. Beriberi

Page 3: Ph.D ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2021 Subject: Medical

10. Which of the following systems of medicine is of Indian origin?

a. Ayurveda

b. Unani-Tibb

c. Homeopathy

d. Acupuncture

11. A lady has family history of asthma. She presents with itching in cubital fossa and

popliteal fossa. What is the most probable diagnosis?

a. Pemphigus vulgaris

b. Atopic dermatitis

c. Xeroderma pigmentosum

d. Psoriasis

12. The most common cause of cell injury is

a. Hypoxia

b. Radiation

c. Toxins

d. Infection

13. UNICEF stands for

a. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

b. United Nations Indian Children's Emergency Fund

c. United Nations International Cultural & Educational Forum

d. United Nations Indian Cultural & Educational Forum

14. A patient is brought to the Psychiatry OPD in a state of euphoria. He was smiling and

talking softly when he came in, then he was quiet for a while, but then he suddenly

seemed to be excited and started laughing for no reason. What is the most probable

diagnosis for this patient?

a. Depressive episode

b. Amnesia

c. Manic episode

d. None of the above

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15. A small child was playing with his maid where she rotated him by holding his arms. The

child started crying immediately after. On examination, his arm was pronated. What is

the most likely diagnosis?

a. Fracture wrist joint

b. Pulled elbow

c. Fracture head of radius

d. Fracture coronoid process

16. A newborn with respiratory distress was given suction and tactile stimulation. The

neonate had heart rate <60/minute. He was given ventilation with chest compression

and his heart rate improved. What algorithm is the paediatrician following in the above



b. Neonatal resuscitation

c. Heimlich manoeuvre

d. Mouth to mouth breathing

17. The duration of puerperium is

a. 6 weeks

b. 8 weeks

c. 10 weeks

d. 12 weeks

18. All are used for diagnosing breast carcinoma except?

a. Self breast examination (SBE)

b. Chest X-ray

c. Mammography

d. Tissue biopsy

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19. A patient came to the hospital with complaints of lethargy, increased sleep and weight

gain. On investigation, patient's TSH level was found to be increased. What is the most

common diagnosis?

a. Hyperthyroidism

b. Hyperpituitarism

c. Hypothyroidism

d. Adrenal hypoplasia

20. Which of the following is the longest and most complex cranial nerve which extends from

the brainstem to the abdomen-

a. Facial nerve

b. Trochlear nerve

c. Vagus nerve

d. Hypoglossal nerve

21. The investigational drug for COVID-19, Tocilizumab acts by

a. Interleukin 1 inhibition

b. Interleukin 6 inhibition

c. TNF alpha inhibition

d. Janus kinase inhibition

22. True regarding mitochondrial DNA is

a. One set from each parent

b. Has maternal inheritance only

c. Codes for more than 25% oxidative phosphorylation proteins

d. Has 3 billion base pairs

23. Stepladder pattern of fever is most commonly associated with

a. Cholera

b. Tuberculosis

c. Enteric fever

d. Pneumonia

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24. Which of the following is not a surgical intervention for cataract?


b. Conventional ECCE

c. Manual SICS

d. Phacoemulsification

25. Which of the following is a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer?

a. Cervarix and Gardasil

b. Covaxin and Sinovac

c. BCG

d. None of the above

26. The age of viability of a fetus in India is

a. 24 weeks

b. 26 weeks

c. 28 weeks

d. 30 weeks

27. What is the adolescent age group, as defined by W.H.O.?

a. 12-16 years

b. 13- 17 years

c. 10-19 years

d. 18 - 24 years

28. Yoke muscle for Right lateral rectus in dextroversion is

a. Right superior rectus

b. Left medial rectus

c. Left superior oblique

d. Right inferior oblique

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29. A 3 year old child presents to the PHC with fever. He has chest indrawing and

respiratory rate of 38/min. Next step in management is

a. Only antipyretics are given

b. Refer to tertiary care

c. Give antibiotics and refer to tertiary care centre

d. Not an emergency, give oral antibiotics and follow up

30. All are true about anatomic structure of skin except

a. Accounts for 15% of total body weight

b. Epidermis is derived from ectoderm and dermis is derived from mesoderm

c. 90% of cells in epidermis are keratinocytes and are derived from ectoderm

d. Epidermis contains 2 layers and dermis contains 5 layers

31. Which of the following methods is the most definitive treatment for managing a case of

obstructive sleep apnoea?

a. Positive Airway Pressure device b. Pharyngeal exercises

c. Medical treatment d. Gargling

32. In mitral stenosis, barium swallow will show indentation on esophagus due to

a. Left atrium enlargement

b. Costal shadow

c. Adrenal gland hypertrophy

d. Spleen

33. Confusion Assessment Method is used for identification of which of the following?

a. Dementia

b. Alcohol withdrawal

c. Panic Attack

d. Autism

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34. Involvement of Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joint, Distal Interphalangeal (DIP) joint

and 1st Carpometacarpal (CMC) joint with sparing of wrist and metacarpophalangeal (

MCP) joint is seen in?

a. Carpal tunnel syndrome

b. Osteoarthritis

c. Psoriasis

d. Gout

35. A thick and thin part is present in which part of nephron?

a. Proximal tubule

b. Glomerulus

c. Ascending limb of loop of Henle

d. Collecting Duct

36. During labour, shoulder dystocia is corrected by?

a. Rotating posterior shoulder 90°

b. Fundus pressure

c. Immediate caesarean section

d. Acute flexion of thighs over abdomen

37. All these can be done to transport a polytrauma patient who is conscious except?

a. Strap his thorax, abdomen and lower limbs on a stretcher

b. In prone position to prevent aspiration

c. Put patient on lateral position and shift him soon

d. Roll the patient and put on a head board

38. A 33 year old post laparotomy patient came to the hospital with complaint of a gradually

increasing swelling on the site of incision. The swelling reduced spontaneously on lying

down. The diagnosis may be?

a. Incisional hernia

b. Lipoma

c. Hydrocoele

d. Hodgkin's Lymphoma

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39. A 25 year old female patient comes to the OPD with complaint of facial paralysis. On

examination, there was droopy appearance on one side of the face and inability to close

eye on the affected side. Patient also complained of dribbling of saliva on the affected

side. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?

a. Bell's Palsy

b. Cerebral palsy

c. Horner's syndrome

d. Trigeminal neuralgia

40. Lathyrism is seen on consumption of which of the following food stuffs?

a. Cannabis sativa

b. Lathyrus sativus

c. Coriandrum sativum

d. Brassica oleracea

41. Which of the following diseases have autosomal dominant inheritance?

a. Cystic fibrosis


c. Hemophilia B

d. Colour blindness

42. A 56 year old male patient came to the OPD with complaints of difficulty in walking and

feeling of burning sensation in both feet. He had a history of chain smoking for the past

30 years. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?

a. Peripheral neuritis

b. Buerger's disease

c. Diabetic neuropathy

d. Raynaud's phenomenon

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43. All of the following are danger signs of cancer except

a. Unexplained weight loss

b. Non-healing ulcer

c. Altered bowel habits

d. Continuous tremors in hand

44. All of the following are primary lesions of the skin except

a. Scar

b. Nodule

c. Vesicle

d. Plaque

45. Which of the following is used to determine the percentage of total body surface area

involved in a case of burns?

a. Rule of halves

b. McNaughten's Rule

c. Wallace's Rule of 9

d. Alexander's Law

46. White lesion in oral cavity is seen in all of the following except

a. Erythroplakia

b. Lichen planus

c. Spongy nevus

d. Candidiasis

47. First-line agent used in the treatment of generalised tonic clonic seizures

a. Lithium

b. Valproate

c. Progesterone

d. Vincristine

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48. The epidemiological triad consists of

a. Air, water, fire

b. Agent, host, environment

c. Surveillance, monitoring, evaluation

d. Time, place, person

49. Mucormycosis is due to

a. Bacterial infection

b. Diabetic complication

c. Fungal opportunistic infection

d. Sensitivity of skin to UV rays

50. Which of the following 2nd generation intrauterine contraceptive devices is used in the

National Family Welfare Programme?

a. Cu-T 380A

b. Lippes Loop

c. Mirena

d. LNG-20

51. Which of the following employ the use of barium swallow?

a. Coronary angiography

b. CT Scan

c. Reflux Esophagitis

d. Benign hyperplasia of prostrate

52. Which of the following diseases is caused by adulteration of oil with Argemone


a. Goitre

b. Epidemic dropsy

c. Brown mottling of teeth

d. Cirrhosis of liver

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53. A person presented to the OPD with complaints of fever, breathlessness, cough and

weakness. His HRCT revealed ground glass opacities in both lungs, and his SpO2 level

was 92%. What is the most probable diagnosis?

a. Swine flu

b. COVID 19

c. Bronchiectasis

d. Emphysema

54. You are sent for active field surveillance of malnourished children to a rural district in

central India. Which of the following specific findings would prompt you to make a

diagnosis of marasmus?

a. Hypoalbuminemia

b. Moon face

c. Voracious appetite

d. Edema

55. Which of the following is not a type of fibroid?

a. Submucosal

b. Subserosal

c. Partial mole

d. Intramural

56. Colour of 22 G IV needle is?

a. Pink

b. Green

c. Blue

d. Yellow

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57. When the switch from trivalent Oral Polio Vaccine to bivalent OPV was made, which of

the following strains was removed?

a. Type 2

b. Type 3

c. Inaba

d. Ogawa

58. Which of the following is a hinge joint?

a. Shoulder joint

b. Elbow joint

c. Costochondral joint

d. Hip joint

59. Reflex responsible for tachycardia during right atrial distension is

a. J reflex

b. Bainbridge reflex

c. Cushing reflex

d. Bezold-Jarisch reflex

60. True about vitamin K

a. Water soluble vitamin

b. Helps in synthesis of factor XIII

c. Vitamin K can be taken in excessive quantities

d. Vitamin K deficiency causes haemorrhagic disease of newborn

61. A 9 month old infant is given ___ dose of Vitamin A solution along with 1st dose of MR


a. 1 lakh IU

b. 2 lakhs IU

c. 3 lakhs IU

d. 4 lakhs IU

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62. Pap smear is used for the screening of?

a. Diphtheria

b. Cervical Carcinoma

c. Uterine fibroid

d. Syphilis

63. How is delayed hypersensitivity in skin tests assessed?

a. Erythema

b. Bulla

c. Necrosis

d. Induration

64. What is bullet wipe?

a. Residue from barrel of gun

b. Blackening

c. Gutter fracture of skull

d. Tattooing

65. Which of the following diseases is '100% fatal but 100% preventable'?

a. Malaria

b. Sickle cell disease

c. Rabies

d. Tuberculosis

66. Innermost layer of eyeball?

a. Sclera

b. Uvea

c. Retina

d. Vitreous

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67. Probability of having a disease when the test results positive is represented by

a. Sensitivity

b. Specificity

c. Positive predictive value

d. Negative predictive value

68. ' Rule of Halves' is depicts in which of the following diseases?

a. Stroke

b. Hypertension

c. Diabetes

d. Blindness

69. APGAR score is taken at

a. 10 minutes after birth

b. 1 minute after birth

c. 1 year after birth

d. 1 month after birth

70. Oral contraceptive pills have protective role against all of the following except

a. Osteoporosis

b. Ovarian tumours

c. Ovarian cyst

d. Thromboembolic events

71. A 9 year old child came with complaints of pain in the abdomen starting around the

umbilicus and then moving to lower right quadrant of abdomen, with increase in

intensity. What is the most probable diagnosis?

a. Pyelonephritis

b. Appendicitis

c. Renal stone

d. Ileitis

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72. Which of the following drugs is teratogenic?

a. Acetaminophen

a. Chloroquine

b. Thalidomide

c. Azithromycin

73. Hyperkinetic tremors of hand are a feature of

a. Hyperthyroidism

b. Hypothyroidism

c. Hepatitis

d. Dengue

74. Which of the following is an irreversible extrapyramidal side effect of antipsychotic


a. Tardive dyskinesia

b. Myalgia

c. Nausea

d. Vertigo

75. Which of the following is not a type of uterine developmental anomaly?

a. Ectopic pregnancy

b. Unicornuate uterus

c. Bicornuate uterus

d. Uterus didelphys

76. Which of the following are included in the classical triad of congenital rubella syndrome

a. Hepatosplenomegaly, deafness, retardation

b. Cataract, deafness, patent ductus arteriosus

c. Chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, pneumonia

d. Uveitis, otosclerosis, lymphadenopathy

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77. Multifocal non-suppurative osteomyelitis is characterized by

a. Inflammation with purulent discharge

b. No inflammation with purulent discharge

c. Inflammation without purulent discharge

d. No inflammation, no purulent discharge

78. 100 women were on some contraceptive for 2 years. 10 of them conceived during that

period. What is the Pearl Index?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

79. Which of the following is not a pregnancy related mood disorder?

a. Parkinsonism

b. Postpartum blues

c. Postpartum depression

d. Postpartum psychosis

80. A school going child presents with scanty, foul-smelling purulent ear discharge.

Otologic examination shows marginal perforation. Which of the following is most

probable diagnosis of the disease?

a. Otosclerosis

b. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

c. Glioblastoma

d. Lipoma

81. Which of the following muscles is responsible for elevation of the eyelid?

a. Inferior rectus muscle

b. Medial rectus muscles

c. Levator palpebrae superioris

d. Lateral rectus muscle

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82. Which of the following sterilization/disinfection agents works by liberating free hydroxy


a. Formaldehyde

b. Hydrogen peroxide

c. Heavy metals

d. Ethylene oxide

83. Which of the following is not a feature of rickets?

a. Scorbutic rosary

b. Rachitic rosary

c. Fraying of metaphysis

d. Bowing of diaphysis

84. What is the total duration of the cardiac cycle?

a. 0.3 second

b. 0.5 second

c. 0.8 second

d. 0.1 second

85. The artery of the lower limb which is a continuation of the external iliac artery

a. Aorta

b. Femoral artery

c. Radial artery

d. None

86. A multipara with 1 live issue presents to the hospital in labour at 39 weeks of pregnancy.

She has a history of previous full term vaginal breech delivery. On USG, current

pregnancy is found to be breech as well. Which of the following methods of delivery will

you prefer keeping in mind the advanced period of gestation as well as obstetric history?


b. External cephalic version

c. Forceps delivery

d. Normal vaginal delivery

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87. The immunoglobulin present in the most abundant quantity in humans

a. IgA

b. IgG

c. IgM

d. IgE

88. A woman presents to the OPD with a history of pain in the forearm after falling down the

stairs. On X-ray, a dinner fork deformity of the wrist is seen. Which of the following

named fractures is the woman suffering from?

a. Dancer's Fracture

b. Pott's fracture

c. Student's Elbow

d. Colles' Fracture

89. Which of the following vaccines is not administered after 1 year of birth?

a. DPT

b. Measles

c. HPV

d. BCG

90. When is World AIDS Day observed?

a. 24th March

b. 1st December

c. 31st May

d. 07th April

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91. A 46 year old obese male patient came to the hospital with complaints of increased

hunger and thirst, frequent urination and fatigue for the past 1 month. Patient has a high-

stress job with no fixed timings and has a sedentary lifestyle. On the basis of history,

which of the following statements is the most accurate?

a. The clinical picture points to an autoimmune disorder

b. Provisional diagnosis of Type 2 DM can be made

c. The patient is malingering

d. IV Insulin is started on the basis of history

92. Which of the following is the most commonly occuring renal stone?

a. Ammonium urate

b. Calcium oxalate

c. Uric acid

d. Mixed stone

93. A 24 year old mother with 7 weeks period of gestation presents to ANC OPD with

COVID19. What will you NOT advise her regarding pregnancy management?

a. Continue pregnancy

b. Continuous monitoring

c. Folic acid supplementation

d. Immediate termination of pregnancy

94. Transport of lipid soluble substances occurs across the cell membrane via

a. Phagocytosis

b. Aquaporins

c. Simple diffusion

d. Secondary Active transport

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95. A resident doctor gets pricked with a needle while attending to an HIV positive patient.

The regimen to be given is?

a. Remdesivir + Azithromycin

b. Tocilizumab + 2 DG

c. Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Indinavir

d. Meropenem + Cilastatin

96. Which of the following is true regarding medical termination of pregnancy?

a. Consent of both male and female partners is needed

b. It is illegal in India for any reason

c. Consent of guardian is needed if age of patient is less than 22 years

d. Only the adult female's consent is needed

97. The following features point to which pathology - Ventricular Septal Defect, Pulmonary

Stenosis, Overriding of Aorta, Right Ventricular hypertrophy

a. Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection

b. Coarctation of Aorta

c. Tetralogy of Fallot

d. Marfan's Syndrome

98. Immunization is which level of prevention?

a. Tertiary

b. Secondary

c. Not a level of prevention

d. Primary

99. Preconceptional use of ____ leads to reduced incidence of neural tube defects.

a. Iron

b. Folic acid

c. Calcium

d. Vitamin A

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100. Identify the wrong match between arthropod and disease transmitted by them

a. Anopheles mosquito - Malaria, filaria

b. Aedes mosquito - Dengue, Chikungunya

c. Tsetse fly - Kala-azar, oriental sore

d. Rat flea - Bubonic plague, endemic typhus