Peter Newmar Final Summery

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  • 7/24/2019 Peter Newmar Final Summery



  • 7/24/2019 Peter Newmar Final Summery


    Peter Newmark developed translation theory in striking and sometimes

    controversial ways, describing the conversion o a te!t rom one lang"age to another

    as both a science and an art #e developed translation theory in striking and

    sometimes controversial ways, describing the conversion o a te!t rom one lang"age

    to another as both a science and an art$

    #e deines translation as a way o rendering the meaning o a te!t into another

    lang"age in the way that the a"thor intended the te!t$ Translation is an instr"ment o

    ed"cation as well as o tr"th precisely beca"se it has to reach readers whose

    c"lt"ral and ed"cational level is dierent rom, and oten %lower% or earlier, than, that

    o the readers o the original $

    #e says that & translation theory is concerned with the translation method

    appropriately "sed or a certain type o te!t, and it is thereore dependent on a

    "nctional theory o lang"age$ #owever, in a wider sense, translation theory is the

    body o knowledge that we have abo"t translating, e!tending rom general principlesto g"idelines, s"ggestions and hints $ 't is concerned with min"tiae (the meanings o

    semi)colons, italics, misprints* as well as generalities (presentation, the thread o

    tho"ght "nderlying a piece*, and both may be e+"ally important in the conte!t$

    Translation theory is pointless and sterile i it does not arise rom the problems o

    translation practice, rom the need to stand back and relect, to consider all the

    actors, within the te!t and o"tside it, beore coming to a decisin$-

    't is important to know.

    T#E 'NTENT'/N /0 T#E TE1T

    T#E 'NTENT'/N /0 T#E TRAN23AT/R

    TE1T 2T43E2. 0ollowing Nida, we disting"ish o"r types o (literary or

    non)literary* te!t.

    Narrative. a dynamic se+"ence o events

    5escription. which is static, with emphasis on linking verbs, ad6ectives,

    ad6ectival no"ns$

    5ialog"e, with emphasis on collo+"ialisms and phaticisms$

    2ETT'N7 .4o" have to make several ass"mptions abo"t the 23

    3eadership$ $ The three typical reader types are perhaps the e!pert, the ed"catedlayman, and the "ninormed$

  • 7/24/2019 Peter Newmar Final Summery


    T#E 89A3'T4 /0 T#E WR'T'N7. ' the te!t is well written, i, e$ the

    manner is as important as the matter, the right words arc in the right places, with a

    minim"m o red"ndancy, yo" have to regard every n"ance o the a"thor%s

    meaning (partic"larly i it is s"btle and diic"lt* as having precedence over the

    reader%s response ) ass"ming they are not re+"ired to act or react promptly: on the

    contrary, ass"ming hope"lly that they will read yo"r translation at least twice $

    ;/NN/TAT'/N2 AN5 5EN/TAT'/N2 . in a non)literary te!t the

    denotations o a word normally come beore its connotations$

  • 7/24/2019 Peter Newmar Final Summery


    e!pressive, the inormative ) he called it %representation% ) and the vocative

    (%appeal%* "nctions.

    T#E E1PRE22'BE 09N;T'/N.The core o the e!pressive "nction is

    the mind o the speaker, the writer, the originator o the "tterance$ #e "ses

    the "tterance to e!press his eelings irrespective o any response$ 'N0/RMAT'BE 09N;T'/N . The core o the inormative "nction o

    lang"age is e!ternal sit"ation, the acts o a topic, reality o"tside lang"age,

    incl"ding reported ideas or theories$

    T#E B/;AT'BE 09N;T'/N. The core o the vocative "nction o lang"age

    is the readership, the addressee$ The irst actor in all vocative te!ts is the

    relationship between the writer and the readership, which is realised in

    vario"s types o socially or personally determined grammatical relations

    or orms o address$ The second actor is that these te!ts m"st be written in

    a lang"age that is immediately comprehensible to the readership$

    T#E AE2T#ET'; 09N;T'/N. This is lang"age designed to please thesenses, irstly thro"gh its act"al or imagined so"nd, and secondly thro"gh its


    T#E P#AT'; 09N;T'/N. The phatic "nction o lang"age is "sed or

    maintaining riendly contact with the addressee rather than or imparting

    oreign inormation$

    T#E META3'N79A3 09N;T'/N. 3astly, the metaling"al "nction o

    lang"age indicates a lang"age%s ability to e!plain, name, and criticise its own


  • 7/24/2019 Peter Newmar Final Summery


    0inally, Newmark en"merates the dierent translation methods$ They are.

    Word-for-word translation. The 23 word)order is preserved and the words

    translated singly by their most common meanings, o"t o conte!t$ ;"lt"ral

    words are translated literally$

    Literal translation.The 23 grammatical constr"ctions are converted to

    their nearest T3 e+"ivalents b"t the le!ical words are again translated

    singly, o"t o conte!t$ Faithful translation. A aith"l Translation attempts to reprod"ce the precise

    conte!t"al meaning o the original within the constraints o the T3

    grammatical str"ct"res$

    Semantic translation.2emantic translation diers rom %aith"l translation%

    only in as ar as it m"st take more acco"nt o the aesthetic val"e$

    Adaptation:This is the %reest% orm o translation$

    Free translation. 't reprod"ces the matter witho"t the manner, or the content

    witho"t the orm o the original$

    Idiomatic translation.'diomatic translation reprod"ces the %message% o

    the original b"t tends to distort n"ances o meaning by preerringcollo+"ialisms and idioms where these do not e!ist in the original$

  • 7/24/2019 Peter Newmar Final Summery


    Communicative translation. 't attempts to render the e!act conte!t"al

    meaning o the original in s"ch a wav that both content and lang"age

    are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the 3eadership$

    Newmark considers that only semantic and comm"nicative translation "lil

    the two main aims o translation, which are irst, acc"racy, and second, economy$2emantic translation is "sed or %e!pressive% te!ts, comm"nicative or %inormative% and

    %vocative% te!ts$

  • 7/24/2019 Peter Newmar Final Summery



    A Textbook of Translation,
