APPRENTICESHIPS Everything you need to know about apprenticeships — page 8 COLLEGE WORTH MILLIONS TO WEST LONDONERS Report shows College contributes half a billion pounds each year to the west London economy — page 5 “GRAB THE OPPORTUNITY, TAKE THE RISK” Tim Campbell MBE talks about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur P B Achieve your Personal Best January 2015 SEE PAGE 16 FOR COURSES STARTING FROM JANUARY 2015 The magazine from Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall Read on the go

Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

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The launch issue of Personal Best, the magazine from Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College. In each issue you will find news and views from our colleges in Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith and Southall, along with details of a wide range of courses starting soon. We'll also be sharing with you tips and ideas on how you can achieve your own personal best in your education and career.

Citation preview

Page 1: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

ApprenticeshipsEverything you need to know about apprenticeships — page 8

college worth millions to west londonersReport shows College contributes half a billion pounds each year to the west London economy — page 5

“grAb the opportunity, tAke the risk”Tim Campbell MBE talks about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur

p bAchieve your Personal BestJanuary 2015

see pAge 16 For courses stArting From JAnuAry 2015

The magazine from Ealing, Hammersmith & West London CollegeActon, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall

read on the go

Page 2: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Achieve your

personAl best

with your local college Acton, Ealing,

Hammersmith, Southall

A Levels • Vocational • Technical Higher Education • Apprenticeships

See page 16 for courses

starting from January

Page 3: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


Welcome to Personal Best, the magazine from Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College.

In each issue, you’ll find news and views from our colleges in Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith and Southall, along with details of a wide range of courses starting soon. We’ll also be sharing with you tips and ideas on how you can achieve your own personal best in your education and career.

p bAchieve your Personal Best

January 2015

Find out more

news.........................1—6FeAtureEverything you need to know about apprenticeships

............................8interviewTim Campbell MBE, first winner of “The Apprentice”

...........................10spring open dAys...........................12FeAture 3 ways a short or part time course can help your career

...........................13interviewTony Alderman, new Chair of Governors

...........................14courses....................16—28how to Apply..........................29

get in touch

We’d love to hear your views on our new magazine and any ideas you have for future articles.

[email protected]

This magazine was produced by the College’s Marketing and Communications Department.

mArket mAker FinAlists present liFe sAving weArAble device At skills londonSee page 5




Page 4: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall2 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

college lAunches experimentAl event spAce At hAmmersmith

The College has opened an experimental event space to encourage creative and active student, college, local community and business-based activities.

Based at the centre of Hammersmith College, ThingLab was launched in December 2014 as a 3D printing drop-in centre to showcase the technology’s potential.

Throughout the launch week, students and staff dropped in for 3D printing advice where they could research and print their own items. A number of design students used their 3D modelling skills to design their own objects.

IT projects technician Darren Smart, who led the creation of the space, said: “It’s great that we now have such a high profile space to showcase the innovation and creativity of students. During its launch, we showcased 3D printing with lots of genuine interest as well as positive feedback from both students and staff — we almost couldn’t meet the demand for printed objects. Hopefully, this will continue with future projects.”

cooking up new courses At southAll

Last November, Southall College saw the launch of three new programmes aimed at young people currently out of employment, education or training.

The ‘Cookery School’, ‘Beauty School’ and ‘Football Education Academy’ provide practical introductions to the different fields, while giving students the chance to gain up to five qualifications.

During full time 20 week courses, provided by specialist youth training provider Let Me Play Education, students work in Southall’s industry standard facilities which include a training kitchen and a fully equipped salon.

Speaking at the launch, Let Me Play Ltd. Director, Matthew Lord, said: “The courses are delivered with regular student incentives and a huge amount of effort goes into making the programmes fun and

engaging. The launch has been a huge success – 50 young people now have a better future. We look forward to developing this partnership with the College.”

Since its launch, ThingLab has already hosted a range of activities including a design software training session led by students with autism, a student programming advice session with industry experts in the Netherlands by video conference and an art exhibition hosted by HND art and design students.

There are plans to use the space for student business projects and to host guest speakers to present talks in the spirit of the popular TED lectures, and activities involving local community groups, partners and businesses.

To catch up with the latest College news from the ThingLab visit wlc.ac.uk/thinglab


Keep in shape at one of our fitness centres.Available across all campuses and free for students to use during college hours*.

*Times vary according to campus



For further information visit: wlc.ac.uk


“50 youNg PEoPLE NoW


Objects made with 3D printer

Page 5: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


news Turn to page 16 for courses starting from January 2015

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, and Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Stephen greenhalgh, visited Ealing College recently where they met students taking part in the Metropolitan Police Service Community Ambassador Programme.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor talked to the students as they worked on their ‘Big Idea’ project as part of the i-CAN (Community Ambassador Network) programme, in which students were challenged to come up with ways to use their digital, social and media skills to keep themselves, friends and local community safe during the festive period.

The Community Ambassador Programme (CAP) aims to strengthen ties between the police force and the communities they serve. High achieving and ambitious students have been given the opportunity to act as ambassadors for the police service and will receive mentoring

and access to work experience opportunities.

Speaking at the College, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Stephen greenhalgh, said: “It was great to meet these young Ambassadors and hear their ideas for keeping safe in Ealing. Building bridges between the police and local people is vital if we want to boost confidence and create a police force that is respected and loved.”

Sonia Brown MBE, who leads the programme on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Service, added: “This is an exciting initiative designed to work with energetic, savvy students looking to connect and encourage female and diverse individuals to pursue

a career in the Metropolitan Police Service. We will be looking for Community Ambassadors to unleash their creativity to better engage, collaborate and advocate around recruitment issues and by using their local knowledge, skills, networks and

contacts they will raise awareness, encourage action and increase applications to the Metropolitan Police Service from the wider community.”

The College’s Principal and

Chief Executive, garry Phillips said: “It was great to welcome the Mayor of London and Deputy Mayor to Ealing to showcase the work we’re doing with our community partners such as the Met Police. The Community Ambassador Programme is one of

many of our community enterprise initiatives that takes learning out of the classroom and into the wider world, preparing students for the world of work. The College is a really good example of a social enterprise in action.”

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor concluded their visit by joining in with a game of netball taking place between a team representing the College and a team from the Metropolitan Police.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson visits Ealing College

Above: The Mayor talking to students Right: The Mayor playing netball



Page 6: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall4 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

The College has announced it will be holding its second annual Apprenticeship Fair backed by Ealing Central and Acton MP Angie Bray. This year’s fair will take place on Friday 20th March at Ealing College.

Last year’s fair, which was held at Acton College, was a resounding success with over 350 young people from across London attending on the day.

over 30 businesses and organisations, including Lloyds TSB, Cultivate London, Ealing Council and the Army, were on hand to talk about their different school leaver and apprenticeship schemes. It is hoped this year even more employers will exhibit at the fair.

Careers Manager Nancy van Den Broeck, who organises the event, said the fair was a good opportunity to find out about the types of apprenticeships on offer: “Many of the students we welcomed at last year’s event came along because they’d heard about apprenticeships, but didn’t really know much else about them. They really valued the opportunity to speak face to face with employers to find out about the

options available and how to apply. Hopefully, we’ll see even more aspiring apprentices this year.”

With the government recently celebrating success at fulfilling its commitment of starting two million apprenticeships in this Parliament, the momentum is set to continue with this type of training. Speaking at last year’s fair, Angie Bray said the growing emphasis on apprenticeships “was a win-win situation” for both students and business: “Businesses are hungry for good, well-trained people who are going to take up a career and contribute to the long-term success of the company. I think it’s very much in the interest of business to take on apprentices and this just so coincides with the interests of lots of young people.”

In recent months, the College’s apprenticeship programmes were

given a stamp of approval by Skills Minister Nick Boles MP during a visit to the College. It has also been announced that the College will be one of a handful of providers in the united kingdom to offer higher level apprenticeships.

If you are interested in attending or exhibiting at the Apprenticeship Fair, visit wlc.ac.uk/appfair

More information on apprentices can also be found on pages 8 and 9.

College to hold second annual Apprenticeship Fair


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Page 7: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


A report has shown that Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College contributes £549.4 million to the west London economy each year.

The detailed report, undertaken by uS economic modelling experts EMSI, demonstrates the significant impact the College makes not only on its students’ future earning potential but on the surrounding economy.

Based on data taken from 2012/13, the report states that for every one pound invested in the College, four pounds is returned to the west London economy.

mArket mAker FinAlists present liFe sAving weArAble device At skills london

A team of HND computing students, who recently made the finals of the gazelle Colleges’ Market Maker competition, presented their potentially life saving wearable device on the European Commission’s stage at the Skills London event.

Ahmed raya, 22, who presented the prototype on behalf of the team, said developing the Heart Buddy had been a “special experience” and that he had gained a wide range of skills to use throughout his career.

The Heart Buddy connects to a person’s smartphone and sends an alert if it detects abnormal heart rhythms.

college contributes £549.4 million to west londonCommenting on the report, garry

Phillips, Principal and CEo, said: “This report illustrates how deeply connected the College is to the local community. It is therefore absolutely vital that we continue to work with our partners in the region to ensure we can continue to provide the

responsive college that west London needs.”

Among the report’s highlights, it is revealed that the College’s students will see their earning potential grow considerably over their working lives, while local businesses see a direct benefit of £43.6 million thanks to College expenditures.

£549.4 million

garry Phillips added that the value of a highly skilled workforce could not be underestimated: “The region gains a great deal from a skilled workforce. Not only can workers develop in their careers, they bolster the output of their employers with their abilities. This benefits everyone by increasing regional income creating a more robust economy. We are firmly committed to our role in facilitating the growth and prosperity of west London.”

For more information, visit wlc.ac.uk/eis



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HND students at the Market Maker competition

Turn to page 16 for courses starting from January 2015

Page 8: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall6 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

students work with Acton residents to revAmp communAl spAce

Students from the College’s Prince’s Trust team programme have helped residents in Acton revamp a public space that had fallen into neglect. The gardens had become a target for fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour.

The Mill Hill gardens, located behind Acton College, has been given a makeover thanks to the collaboration between students and resident volunteers.

As part of the team programme, the students chose to support the resident’s garden regeneration project.

Szymon Tusting, 23, a participant on the programme, said the group chose the project because of its potential positive impact on the community: “Before the regeneration, the gardens had become quite run down. We wanted to have a big impact on the community and helping to regenerate the gardens would bring the community together and give people a sense of pride. Hopefully the gardens will stay like this for everybody to enjoy in the future.”

Tatiana Collins, from the Mill Hill Park residents’ Association, praised the input of the students: “The volunteers’ work ethic, enthusiasm and excellent quality of work was very impressive. The result is a transformed

space, open to everyone to enjoy and admire on the way to work, home or weekend shopping. We are very pleased to find such a fantastic partner for our initiative and are extremely hopeful to collaborate together again on other community projects.”


prince’s trust The project was part of the Prince’s Trust team

programme during which students develop their team working and project management skills while making a contribution to the community. For over ten years, the College has helped over 2,000 young people transform their lives. Last year, the College’s team programme was ranked outstanding in the Trust’s Annual Quality review, making it the south east’s leading programme and setting the standard for other providers in the region.

For more information on Prince’s Trust courses, see page 27 or visit wlc.ac.uk/princestrust

Three students represented the College in the WorldSkills uk finals, the country’s leading training and skills show.

The event, held at Birmingham’s NEC, attracts the country’s most talented young technicians, each of whom earned their place at the final following success in a regional heat.

Two carpenters from Acton College, James godman and Jack Dunne, competed in the site carpentry competition. They were the only London-based carpenters to have made the finals.

Their tutor, Noel Hall, who nominated the students for the competition, said: “over the years, our apprentices have done well at skills competitions. As the only college in London to have finalists in the carpentry competition, it shows

the level of talent we attract here. They have done themselves and everyone at the College proud.”

The College’s other competitor, yasin kultur, an HND in computing student, put his skills to the test in the advanced web development category. He said he wouldn’t have made the finals without the skills he gained on his course: “The College taught me a lot of things such as time management and planning. I am confident because I have good technical knowledge, but even if you know the coding, you will not be successful without those skills.”

WorldSkills uk, managed by the Skills Funding Agency in partnership with organisations from industry and education, is a leading skills competition that gives young technicians the opportunity to showcase their talents on a national stage.

students compete At country’s leAding skills show

James Godman and Jack Dunne WorldSkills UK Finalist


Page 9: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


Four Colleges and Enterprise Hubs within west London. We are well placed to help you and your business grow.

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Page 10: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall8 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

Apprenticeships are a great way to get your career started. Today, thousands of employers across London are looking to take on apprentices and there are new apprenticeship opportunities being announced every day. What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are on-the-job training that lead to nationally recognised qualifications. Basically, an apprenticeship gives you the chance to earn as you learn. What’s more, apprenticeships are developed in partnerships between colleges and employers, which means you get the skills and training that’s right for your career.

What types of apprenticeships are there?There are more than 250 different types of

apprenticeships available offering over 1,400 job roles. Want to be an accountant? you can do an accountancy apprenticeship. got the ideas and drive to be the next richard Branson? Start your career with a business administration apprenticeship.

Apprenticeships fall into one of three categories: Intermediate Level, Advanced Level and Higher Apprenticeships. If you’re unsure about what level would be right for you, get in touch with our course advisers who will put you on the right track.

What makes an apprenticeship different to other jobs?What makes an apprenticeship different to another job

is that you will also be working towards a qualification alongside your job. These qualifications will be directly relevant to the job that you are doing, whatever role you are working in.

How will I know an apprenticeship is right for me?

If you’re looking to gain a qualification, but like the idea of earning a wage and learning in the workplace, an apprenticeship might just be the opportunity you are looking for. Apprenticeships are a great option to get your career moving, but it’s not the only option. That’s why our course advisers help thousands of students each year find the path that’s right for them.

Everything you need to know about apprenticeships

We’ve put together this quick guide to help you decide whether an apprenticeship would be right for you.


How do I apply for an apprenticeship?your first step to becoming an apprentice is to

register with the National Apprenticeships Service at apprenticeships.gov.uk. once you’ve registered and found an employer looking for an apprentice, your next step is find a college that offers the right course.

Will the College find me an employer?unfortunately, the College does not find employers for

students. This is why we recommend you register with the National Apprenticeships Service, which has thousands of opportunities. you may also be interested in joining the College as an apprentice and work in one of our support departments. Head over to wlc.ac.uk/jobs for details.

Can I go to university after completing my apprenticeship?

While many apprentices gain full time work, there are some who want to continue their studies after their apprenticeship. you can apply to university if you have studied an advanced apprenticeship and have the necessary qualifications.

For more information on apprenticeships at Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College visit wlc.ac.uk/apprenticeships

Page 11: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


snApshot• eArn while you


• gAin A nAtionAlly recognised quAliFicAtion

• on the Job trAining

• get the skills employers wAnt

Turn to page 16 for courses starting from January 2015

Page 12: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall10 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

He has set up a highly successful entrepreneurial social enterprise that has raised millions for aspiring business owners; he co-authored a best selling business book; he became the government’s enterprise ambassador; he was awarded an MBE for Enterprise Culture; and he achieved it all while being hailed as the human face of business by the press.

As the College’s graduation commencement speaker, Tim’s honest and highly entertaining account of his path to success went down very well with new graduates. On the evening, Tim also became the College’s first ever honorary fellow. We spoke to Tim to find out more about his path to success.

How did you start off in business? I fell into business. I followed the normal path and

went through education up to postgraduate level before I got the opportunity to appear on The Apprentice. It was following this real life MBA with Lord Sugar that I launched my entrepreneurial endeavours.

Being inspired by Lord Sugar’s success was critical in the path I have taken and helped me to create the Bright Ideas Trust, which has successfully been supporting start up entrepreneurs for over seven years now.

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

Challenges in business are inevitable but it’s learning from them that I find most valuable. My first business failing due to lack of marketing and too much ego have been invaluable lessons that have stood me in good stead today. Never be afraid to ask for help and get a mentor – a good one is worth their weight in excellent clarity diamonds!

How important has education been in your career? Education in all its forms has been very important for

me in my career. The formal education elements have provided knowledge and individual technical elements which have been complemented with ‘hard knocks’

Interview with Tim Campbell MBESince coming to public attention as the first winner of the BBC’s “The

Apprentice”, Tim Campbell’s career has gone from strength to strength.


education in the real world. Sometimes too much focus is on knowledge and not enough on experience — both are equally important in business.

What skills do you need to be a success in business? Tenacity, confidence and sales are critical for me

but you also need a deep insight into the product or service you are selling. know your onions is a saying that springs to mind!

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?All the above with a nice side dish of luck! you still have

to grab the opportunity, take the risk — to be successful you should take the narrow path that few others will.

How can we encourage more entrepreneurship in young people?

Start early and try to balance the risks of failure with the opportunities for success. So many people have great ideas but do not have the confidence or knowledge

on how to do the most important business skill – execute!

Programmes like young enterprise are brilliant as they get young people to start early when fear and risk are seen in a different light.

Who is the most inspiring person you’ve worked with in your career and what did you learn from them?

Lord Sugar and partners on the Bright Ideas Trust like Paul Humphries and richard Morris are obvious ones

but Damon Buffini, karen Blackett oBE, rosaleen Blair and Wol kolade are the most inspiring business people I have had the honour of working with to different degrees.

Wol and Damon really showed me what was truly possible, where the sky is really the limit and they taught me the power of knowing your audience and money.

karen is a leader who truly inspires and is an embodiment of authentic leadership and rosaleen is the most dynamic entrepreneur I have met. All of these people have inspired me. I can’t just do one as I know some really amazing people.



Page 13: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


What is the achievement you are most proud of in your career?

Launching the Bright Ideas Trust enterprise as it was the first and it has gone on to change the lives of many other people. I think business is about legacy and BIT is a great vehicle which has started over 200 businesses, raised millions and trained thousands of people. I am definitely proud of what the team and I have created and continue to push forward.

What was your biggest career disappointment and what did you learn from it?

The failure of the first business I started. Failing hurt but I realised once the embarrassment dissipated I could focus on two things. Firstly I wasn’t dead (!) and secondly that I could use the experience for the positive development of what I went on to do. Silver linings are brilliant.

Tim Campbell with graduates at the College’s 2014 Graduation Ceremony

What is the one piece of advice you’d give to somebody aspiring to set up their own business?

get as much advice early on as possible. It’s like learning to drive — at first you don’t know anything so find someone who does who can pass on information and guidance. once you know the basics how you ‘drive’ is up to you, but get a good teacher early to create the best platform possible.

Finally, how do you feel about being awarded an honorary fellowship for the College?

I was so honoured to be awarded the honorary fellowship at the College’s graduation ceremony. I felt inadequate to some of the amazing students who had worked hard to make it to their graduation ceremony but I know all about the effort they have put in to get the results they wanted and I hope the relationship with the College will continue for years now as a result of the gratefully received fellowship.


Page 14: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall12 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

sAturdAy 28 FebruAry Acton College 11.30am—2.30pm

sAturdAy 14 mArch Ealing College 11.30am—2.30pm

sAturdAy 21 mArch Hammersmith College 11.30am—2.30pm

sAturdAy 7 mArch Southall College 11.30am—2.30pm

Find out more & register: wlc.ac.uk/opendays

spring open dAys 2015• Meet College tutors and advisers

• Find out about course and career options

• Tour the campuses

Page 15: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


1. moving up the lAdder If you are keen to move up the career ladder,

a short or part time course relevant to your

industry will help you stand out from other

candidates when applying for a job at the next

level. It may help you to keep your professional

knowledge up-to-date or add to the skill set

required for a particular role in your company.

2. expAnd your networkShort and part time courses are a great way

of getting out of your work place and meeting

new people. They give you a chance to expand

your network of contacts as you will be studying

alongside others from across industry. This

will be an invaluable part of the experience as

you will get to know like-minded people and

learn from them by debating good practice and

sharing experiences from other work places.

3. chAnging cAreersFor those wishing to switch careers or sector, a

professional qualification in the area in which you

are interested, e.g. accounting, marketing, Hr or

web design, could be very useful. They have the

benefit of helping you acquire the knowledge and

skill set required by employers whilst underlining

your commitment to a change in direction. The

course will also give you a chance to test the water

and ensure you are making the right decision.

Each issue of Personal Best contains a huge number of part time and short courses, which could help you take the next step in your career or find the job you’ve always wanted. We spoke to our careers advisers to find out more about how a short or part time course can help you.

“A part time or short course is a sound investment.Part time and short courses can usually be combined with paid employment and/or benefits so you don’t need to worry about putting your current source of income at risk. Many of our current students combine their studies with other full time commitments. However, it is absolutely essential that you do your research first to ensure the course you do will help you to realise your goal. If you have any queries about a short or part time course, our Learner Information Service staff are available to offer advice about course and funding options.”

3 Ways a Short or Part Time Course Can Help Your Career



kNoWLEDgE uP-To-DATE or ADD To your SkILL SET“



Turn to page 16 for courses starting from January 2015

Page 16: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall14 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

Tell us about your background. I was born and bred in Ealing — I went to Northfields and

Fielding Primary and later Walpole grammar School — sadly, both Northfields and Walpole are no longer around today. I was vice chair of Association of Colleges London and occasionally we would meet on the Hammersmith site. I was a governor at Barnet College for 25 years, chair for 15 years, and I hope I can bring that experience to the College. one thing I will make clear is that the students must be the centre of all activity, because it’s all about the students. It’s skilling the people of the locality.

What were your first impressions about the College?The College has a great reputation and it has a great

history, and history will be repeated — it has a great future. I’ve been impressed with what I’ve seen so far. The recent graduation ceremony at Ealing Town Hall was an example of an achievement — we saw a community there that is skilling itself to serve the community. Particularly in health and care but also hospitality — this college is producing highly skilled people.

Why is this college important for the community?

The College has a real part to play in ensuring London continues to build, whether it’s construction, healthcare or general education. This college has given people the opportunity to shine for those who didn’t at school. But it shouldn’t be seen as the Cinderella of education. FE (further education) colleges have more A Level passes than schools. you find there’s no great affinity for FE in politics, but if you look at the facts, FE colleges are supplying what the country needs. Policy makers need to think about it — most FE students live in a community of four people, so more than 100,000 people have a direct connection to this college. Politicians, for instance, should realise that many of their constituents are therefore involved in FE and should really take notice of their students and their staff and all their families as they are a major part of their constituency.

Interview with Chair of Governors Tony Alderman

With over 30 years of experience in further education, Tony joins the College at an exciting moment in its history.


What will you bring to your role as Chair? Working with the management team, I know the

difference between strategy and operations, and governors while they should be interested in operations, don’t interfere. They ensure that the targets that they have set, are met. If they are not met, they should take appropriate action. It’s setting an education stance that is fit for purpose, because it’s what the community needs.

What are the main priorities for the College in the coming years?

We must find out what the business community requires, then educate our students with the relevant

skill sets. Essentially we have products to sell and so we must carry out marketing research and find out what the customer wants. Apprenticeships are flavour of the month with both the current government and the opposition, so we should be looking to provide more apprenticeships. Learning your trade in both a practical and an academic way — this is what apprenticeships were like in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with old fashioned ideas that have been

modernised to fit the 21st century.

How do you see the College working with partners?I don’t think we should be frightened of working in

collaboration with private training providers and other colleges. With local authorities, for instance, perhaps providing courses when a school hasn’t been able to. Working with schools for the 14+ cohort is extremely valuable, both academically and also in the skill set. It’s all about finding out from industry what they require and putting on those courses. Working with London First and Chambers of Commerce, meeting up with them and finding out. Working with trade groups and unions such as the TuC, CBI — a number of individual trade unions are interested in training their members. Working in collaboration with true partners. Working




Page 17: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


closely with other universities too in delivering higher level qualifications — it was great to see our partners Middlesex and Westminster at the recent graduation.

What makes this college special?What makes this college special is that it is here for

anyone in the community, it provides education at a very basic and a very advanced level, so it is there for everybody. First and foremost, it is a college that serves its local community.

Tony Alderman at Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College

Graduation Ceremony 2014

What are you looking forward to seeing at the College in the near future?

To see the success rates improve, to find out that what you are doing is actually helping the community. When you see the genuine love from the students for college staff at, say, graduation, it makes you think yes, we are doing something right. Also seeing where students aren’t successful and following that up, building up a full picture. It’s really important to spend time with students during enrolment to ensure they join the correct course, a course that is appropriate for their talents. Everyone’s got talent; it’s about maximising the talent that an individual has on a programme that’s right for them.


Page 18: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall16 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

study A short or pArt time course At Acton, eAling, hAmmersmith, southAll

Whether you’re looking to accelerate your career, get back into employment or simply learn a new skill, a short or part time course is the ideal option for anyone looking for immediate results.

With courses in everything from work skills to learning a new language, you can gain knowledge and improve your employability this year.

Why study with us?As one of London’s most responsive colleges to

the growing needs of employers, we offer the right skills, qualifications and training to aid you in the competitive job market.

By focussing on your individual needs with the best possible support, we help you get the most out of your time studying with us.

With more than 100 languages and nationalities represented at our colleges, we offer a truly international learning environment. Each of our colleges has a distinct identity informed by its surrounding community, and we take pride in being one of the safest colleges in London.


course indexAccounting ...........................................................17

British Sign Language (BSL) .............................17

Business ...............................................................18

Childcare ..............................................................18

Computing & ICT .................................................18

English as a Foreign Language ..........................19

English for Speakers of Other Languages ........19

Health & Social Care ...........................................19

Hospitality & Catering ........................................19

Getting into Work ...............................................20

IELTS ....................................................................21

Languages ..........................................................22

Teaching English as a Foreign Language .........24

Improve your English & Maths .........................25

Literacy & Numeracy Skills ..............................26

Personnel ............................................................26

Photography .......................................................27

Prince’s Trust .....................................................27

Sport & Fitness ..................................................27

Teaching ..............................................................28

Travel & Tourism ................................................28

other inFormAtionSpring Open Days ................................................12

24+ Loans ...........................................................20

How to Apply ......................................................29

Students may be eligible for a concession or a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan on certain courses. Please see footnotes on the listings pages or contact the College for details.

Page 19: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


study A short or pArt time course At Acton, eAling, hAmmersmith, southAll

AccountingIf you’re interested in a career in Accountancy or Finance, then an AAT qualification can really help you get on the ladder. Having an AAT qualification means you’re joining a highly respected international professional accountancy body with over 120,000 members worldwide. With various levels of AAT qualifications and specialisms at Level 4, you’ll easily be able to find an AAT course that’s exactly right for you.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

14S001 AAT Level 1 S 1 24/2/15 23/6/15 Day Tues £225

14H004 AAT Level 1 H 1 26/2/15 24/6/15 Day Thur £225

14H003 AAT Level 1 H 1 26/2/15 24/6/15 Eve Thur £225

14H010 AAT Level 2 H 2 12/1/15 17/12/15 Eve Mon £1,000

14H009 AAT Level 2 H 2 13/1/15 15/12/15 Day Tues £1,000

14A005 AAT Level 2 A 2 26/1/15 18/1/16 Day Mon £1,000

14A011 AAT Level 3 † A 3 9/2/15 25/6/16 Day Mon £1,200

14H018 AAT Level 3 † H 3 10/2/15 23/6/16 Eve Tues £1,200

14H017 AAT Level 3 † H 3 11/2/15 22/6/16 Day Wed £1,200

14A018 AAT Level 4 Budgeting ▲ A 4 26/2/15 4/6/15 Day Thur £275

14H019 AAT Level 4 Business Taxation ▲ H 4 26/2/15 25/6/15 Day Thur £320

14H020 AAT Level 4 Business Taxation ▲ H 4 26/2/15 25/6/15 Eve Thur £320

14H024 AAT Level 4 Financial Statements ▲ H 4 13/1/15 23/6/15 Eve Tues £395

14A014 AAT Level 4 Financial Statements ▲ A 4 15/1/15 26/6/15 Day Thur £395

14H023 AAT Level 4 Financial Statements ▲ H 4 15/1/15 25/6/15 Day Thur £395

british sign lAnguAge (bsl)This course will enable you to communicate confidently and in great detail with deaf people using BSL.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

61E002 Level 2 British Sign Language E 2 7/1/15 8/7/15 Eve Wed £360

DID YOU KNOW UNIVERSITY GRADUATES CAN EARN TWICE AS MUCH AS NON-GRADUATES?Study a university level course and double your earning

potential. Call 020 8741 1688 for more information.


DID YOU KNOW UNIVERSITY GRADUATES CAN EARN TWICE AS MUCH AS NON-GRADUATES?Study a university level course and double your earning

potential. Call 0800 980 2175 for more information.


Key: † = 24+ Loan applicable ▲ = No concessions A = Acton E = Ealing H = Hammersmith S = Southall

ehwlcFor details of how to apply, see page 29 020 8741 1688 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime

Page 20: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall18 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

businessThis qualification is suitable for students interested in furthering their career in a wide range of business and management related areas or progressing with their academic studies to Degree Level.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

13H004 HND Business (Management) ▲ H 5 26/1/15 27/1/17 Day Mon £4,600

childcAreThis course provides an introduction to the necessary skills and knowledge to work in the childcare sector.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

63A006 Introduction to Childcare A E 19/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £375

63A007 Introduction to Childcare A E 20/4/15 15/5/15 Day Mon £375

computing & ict This course is for those with no previous IT experience who would like to become confident using the latest office applications.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

32H030 Start IT H E 23/2/15 1/4/15 Day Mon £360

32H032 Start IT H E 8/6/15 10/7/15 Day Mon £360

Develop your confidence and ability using the latest office, Web and google Apps. No formal qualifications required, but a basic knowledge of computing would be an advantage.

32A011 Level 1 IT Applications A 1 5/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £360

32A012 Level 1 IT Applications A 1 23/2/15 3/4/15 Day Mon £360

32A013 Level 1 IT Applications A 1 27/4/15 5/6/15 Day Mon £360

32A014 Level 1 IT Applications A 1 8/6/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £360

32H029 Level 1 office Apps H 1 5/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £360

32H031 Level 1 office Apps H 1 27/4/15 5/6/15 Day Mon £360

32H037 Level 1 office Apps with Computer Maintenance

H 1 23/2/15 1/4/15 Day Mon £360

32H039 Level 1 office Apps with Computer Maintenance

H 1 8/6/15 17/7/15 Day Mon £360

32A023 Level 1 Web & google Apps A 1 5/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £360

32H006 Level 1 Web & google Apps H 1 5/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £360

32A024 Level 1 Web & google Apps A 1 23/2/15 3/4/15 Day Mon £360

32H007 Level 1 Web & google Apps H 1 23/2/15 3/4/15 Day Mon £360

32A025 Level 1 Web & google Apps A 1 27/4/15 5/6/15 Day Mon £360

32H008 Level 1 Web & google Apps H 1 27/4/15 5/6/15 Day Mon £360

32A026 Level 1 Web & google Apps A 1 8/6/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £360

32H009 Level 1 Web & google Apps H 1 8/6/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £360

Increase your ability even further with the use of the latest office, Web and google Apps.

32A017 Level 2 IT Applications A 2 5/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £360

32A018 Level 2 IT Applications A 2 23/2/15 3/4/15 Day Mon £360

32A019 Level 2 IT Applications A 2 27/4/15 5/6/15 Day Mon £360

32A020 Level 2 IT Applications A 2 8/6/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £360

32A002 Level 2 ITQ Certificate A 2 9/2/15 3/7/15 Eve Mon £360

Page 21: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


computing & ict (continued)

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

32H036 Level 2 office Apps with Computer Maintenance

H 2 5/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £360

32H038 Level 2 office Apps with Computer Maintenance

H 2 27/4/15 5/6/15 Day Mon £360

32H018 Level 2 Web & google Apps H 2 5/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £360

32H019 Level 2 Web & google Apps H 2 23/2/15 3/4/15 Day Mon £360

32H020 Level 2 Web & google Apps H 2 27/4/15 5/6/15 Day Mon £360

32H021 Level 2 Web & google Apps H 2 8/6/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £360

This course is designed for IT enthusiasts who wish to gain the relevant skills to work in the world of professional web design or system maintenance.

32H041 Level 3 ITQ with CIW † H 3 9/2/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £660

english As A Foreign lAnguAge (eFl)English Language skills for personal, professional, social or academic purposes for Eu and overseas students over the age of 16.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

TBC EFL at all levels ▲ E & H TBC 5/1/15 TBC Day & Eve

Mon various

english For speAkers oF other lAnguAges (esol)Pre-entry level English Language course for learners whose English is not their first language.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

TBC ESoL Pre Entry — Level 1 A & E TBC 26/1/15 TBC Day & Eve

Mon various

heAlth & sociAl cAreThis qualification is suitable for students interested in furthering their career in a wide range of health and social care related areas or progressing with their academic studies to Degree Level.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

13H019 HND Health & Social Care (Management) ▲

H 5 26/1/15 27/1/17 Day Mon £4,600

hospitAlity & cAteringThis qualification is suitable for students interested in furthering their career in a wide range of hospitality related areas or progressing with their academic studies to Degree Level.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

13H008 HND Hospitality Management ▲ H 5 26/1/15 27/1/17 Day Mon £4,600

If you’re interested in becoming a barista, then this introductory course is perfect for you. Suitable for those working in hospitality or with no previous experience.

54H032 Barista Skills H E 20/1/15 22/1/15 Day Tues £50

54H033 Barista Skills H E 10/3/15 12/3/15 Day Tues £50

54H034 Barista Skills H E 12/5/15 14/5/15 Day Tues £50

54H035 Barista Skills H E 16/6/15 18/6/15 Day Tues £50

Key: † = 24+ Loan applicable ▲ = No concessions A = Acton E = Ealing H = Hammersmith S = Southall

ehwlcFor details of how to apply, see page 29 020 8741 1688 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime

Page 22: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall20 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

15For details of how to apply, see page 23 0800 980 2175 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime ehwlc

THE LANGUAGE SCHOOLWe have been offering English language and English language teacher-

training courses for over 50 years. The Language School includes an IELTS

test centre, testing over 20,000 candidates per year, bespoke language and

literacy programmes for employers and an extensive portfolio of foreign

language courses via its partnership with the Ealing School of Languages.



*You will be required to self-declare that you are actively looking for employment and skills/training undertaken are a planned part of improving your employment options when you enrol.

Training courses designed specifically for the unemployed

We offer courses for job seekers who want to gain the skills to get back into work.

Job seekers can gain recognised and accredited qualifications in various fields and take part in workshops to develop CV and interview skills.

You are eligible for these courses free of charge if:

• You are 19+ • Actively looking for work • On Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA),

Employment Support Allowance ESA (WRAG)

• On Universal Credit*, Income Support* or Lone Parent* benefit or other state benefits*

Subjects and courses include:

• CSCS (Construction) Card• Business Administration Skills• Retail Skills• Customer Service Skills• Web Design• IT Office Applications • IT for Beginners• Computer Maintenance• Food Safety Certificates• Hospitality and Catering • Barista Skills• Health and Social Care• Childcare• A range of short, professional

and graduate support courses

How to Enrol:

Tuesdays at 11:00am in room 316 at Acton College, Gunnersbury Lane, Acton W3 8UX.

If you are receiving benefits, we recommend that you inform your Job Centre Adviser/Work Programme Adviser of your wish to take the course. (Please bring evidence of your benefits).

If you are not on benefits and wish to take the course, normal fees will apply.

For details of how to enrol on this course call 020 8741 1688

A 24+ loAn could bridge the gAp between where you Are now And where you wAnt to be...Do you want to learn new skills to advance your career or get the job you’ve always wanted? Perhaps you have decided to go to university or maybe you just want to make a new start.

If you’re over 24 and interested in a further education course you can apply for a 24+ loan. Check course eligibility at wlc.ac.uk/24loanThere’s no credit check and nothing to pay until you’re earning over £21,000 a year — so you have nothing to lose.

key FActs:• There is no credit check• No need to repay until you are

earning over £21,000• Minimum loan is £300• Income-based repayments• you are eligible if you are over 24 and

about to enrol on a Level 3 or 4 course• you must get a ‘Learning and funding

information’ letter before you apply• you can apply for a loan without

a National Insurance number but you must have one before the loan can be paid


0300 100 0619 (Student Loans)


020 8741 1688


Page 23: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


hospitAlity & cAtering (continued)If you’re looking to enter the Hospitality industry, but have little or no previous industry knowledge or experience, this is the ideal course for you.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

54H014 Introduction to Hospitality H E 12/1/15 6/2/15 Day Mon £150

54S007 Introduction to Hospitality S E 19/1/15 13/2/15 Day Mon £150

54H015 Introduction to Hospitality H E 23/2/15 20/3/15 Day Mon £150

54S008 Introduction to Hospitality S E 2/3/15 27/3/15 Day Mon £150

54H016 Introduction to Hospitality H E 20/4/15 15/5/15 Day Mon £150

54S009 Introduction to Hospitality S E 1/6/15 26/6/15 Day Mon £150

This course is designed for anyone interested in developing skills in cake decoration and sugar craft as either vocational study or personal interest.

54H039 Level 1 Cakes & Biscuit Decorating H 1 6/3/15 19/6/15 Day Fri £225

This course is the basic requirement for all food handlers and is aimed at anyone working in catering or hospitality whether employed or self-employed.

54H019 Level 2 Food Safety H 2 9/2/15 9/2/15 Day Mon £25

54H020 Level 2 Food Safety H 2 23/3/15 23/3/15 Day Mon £25

54S012 Level 2 Food Safety S 2 30/3/15 30/3/15 Day Mon £25

54S013 Level 2 Food Safety S 2 18/5/15 18/5/15 Day Mon £25

54H021 Level 2 Food Safety H 2 1/6/15 1/6/15 Day Mon £25

54S014 Level 2 Food Safety S 2 15/6/15 15/6/15 Day Mon £25

Ideal for those looking to become professional pastry chefs or for those looking to further their knowledge and skills in this area. Also suitable for those who enjoy this area of cookery as a hobby.

54H010 Level 2 Patisserie & Confectionary H 2 23/2/15 10/7/15 Day Mon £770

Want to work or study in the UK? Take your IELTS test at Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College.

For more information and to book a place visit: wlc.ac.uk/ielts

n WeareoneofthelargestIELTS(theInternationalEnglishLanguageTestingSystem)testcentresinEurope.

n OurexperiencedandqualifiedteachershaveallcompletedanIELTSteacher-trainingprogramme.

n Teachingcoversthefourkeyskillareasoflistening,reading,writingandspeaking.

n Prepareforthetestinoneday,oneweek,two,fourortwelveweeks.

n CoursesareavailableMondaytoSaturday,morning,afternoonandevening.

n ProgresstoAccess,Foundation,GraduateorPostgraduatelevelstudieswithintheUK.

Key: † = 24+ Loan applicable ▲ = No concessions A = Acton E = Ealing H = Hammersmith S = Southall

ehwlcFor details of how to apply, see page 29 020 8741 1688 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime

Page 24: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall22 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

lAnguAges — see also ealingschooloflanguages.comPractical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to an Arabic speaking country.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

82E043 Arabic Beginners ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

82E044 Arabic Beginners ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to a French speaking country.

82E047 French Beginners ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

82E046 French Beginners ▲ E 1 15/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Thur £140

82E049 French Beginners ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

82E048 French Beginners ▲ E 1 16/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Thur £120

Engage with the locals and make more of your next trip to a French speaking country.

82E050 French For Holidays ▲ E 1 21/4/15 12/6/15 Eve Tues £140

Want to develop your French further? This is the course for you.

82E055 French Post Beginners ▲ E 1 13/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Tues £120

82E056 French Post Beginners ▲ E 1 14/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Tues £110

Ideal course for those wishing to communicate in French in a variety of situations.

82E052 French Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 12/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Mon £120

82E053 French Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 13/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Mon £110

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to germany.

82E058 german Beginners ▲ E 1 12/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Mon £120

82E059 german Beginners ▲ E 1 13/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Mon £110

Want to develop your german further? This is the course for you.

82E061 german Post Beginners ▲ E 1 13/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Tues £120

82E062 german Post Beginners ▲ E 1 14/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Tues £110

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to a Hindi speaking country.

82E064 Hindi Beginners ▲ E 1 15/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Thur £120

82E065 Hindi Beginners ▲ E 1 16/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Thur £110

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to Italy.

82E067 Italian Beginners ▲ E 1 15/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Thur £140

82E068 Italian Beginners ▲ E 1 15/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Thur £120

82E069 Italian Beginners ▲ E 1 16/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Thur £120

82E070 Italian Beginners ▲ E 1 16/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Thur £110

Engage with the locals and make more of your next trip to Italy.

82E071 Italian For Holidays ▲ E 1 22/4/15 12/6/15 Eve Wed £140

Want to develop your Italian further? This is the course for you.

82E077 Italian Post Beginners ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

82E080 Italian Post Beginners ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

Page 25: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


lAnguAges (continued) — see also ealingschooloflanguages.comIdeal course for those wishing to communicate in Italian in a variety of situations.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

82E076 Italian Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 13/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Tues £120

82E077 Italian Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 14/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Tues £110

Learn to speak Italian at a higher level.

82E073 Italian Higher Intermediate ▲ E 1 12/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Mon £120

82E074 Italian Higher Intermediate ▲ E 1 13/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Mon £110

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to Japan.

82E083 Japanese Beginners ▲ E 1 12/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Mon £120

82E084 Japanese Beginners ▲ E 1 13/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Mon £110

Ideal course for those wishing to communicate in Japanese in a variety of situations.

82E086 Japanese Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

82E081 Japanese Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to a Mandarin speaking country.

82E088 Mandarin Beginners ▲ E 1 15/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Thur £120

82E089 Mandarin Beginners ▲ E 1 16/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Thur £110

Want to develop your Mandarin further? This is the course for you.

82E091 Mandarin Post Beginners ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

82E092 Mandarin Post Beginners ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to Poland.

82E094 Polish Beginners ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

82E095 Polish Beginners ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

Want to develop your Polish further? This is the course for you.

82E100 Polish Post Beginners ▲ E 1 15/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Thur £120

82E101 Polish Post Beginners ▲ E 1 16/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Thur £110

Ideal course for those wishing to communicate in Polish in a variety of situations.

82E097 Polish Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 12/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Mon £120

82E098 Polish Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 13/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Mon £110

Engage with the locals and make more of your next trip to Portugal or Brazil.

82E105 Portuguese For Holidays ▲ E 1 21/4/15 12/6/15 Eve Tues £140

Practical language to enable you to communicate on a visit to a Spanish speaking country.

820E113 Spanish Beginners ▲ E 1 13/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Tues £120

820E114 Spanish Beginners ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

820E109 Spanish Beginners ▲ E 1 15/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Thur £140

820E115 Spanish Beginners ▲ E 1 14/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Tues £110

820E116 Spanish Beginners ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

820E112 Spanish Beginners ▲ E 1 16/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Thur £120

Key: † = 24+ Loan applicable ▲ = No concessions A = Acton E = Ealing H = Hammersmith S = Southall

ehwlcFor details of how to apply, see page 29 020 8741 1688 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime

Page 26: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall24 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGEWe have been offering English language teacher training courses for over 35 years.

Cambridge CELTACELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) initial English language teacher training courses:

Full Time 4 weeks

19 January—13 February 2015 02 March—27 March 2015

Part Time (11/12 weeks: Tuesday & Thursday or Monday & Wednesday evenings and Saturdays)

07 January—01 April 2015 28 April—09 July 2015

Fees: £1150 (including Cambridge exam fee)

For more information contact: [email protected]

DeltaDelta (Diploma in English Language teaching to adults) for practising English language teachers:

Full Time 8 weeks

28 September—27 November 2015

Fees: £2350

For more information contact: [email protected]

IELTS Teacher Training

For more information contact: [email protected]

FOR MORE INFORMATION:wlc.ac.uk/ celtadelta

Page 27: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


lAnguAges (continued) — see also ealingschooloflanguages.comEngage with the locals and make more of your next trip to a Spanish speaking country.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

820E117 Spanish For Holidays ▲ E 1 23/4/15 12/6/15 Eve Thur £140

Want to move beyond basic Spanish? This is the course for you.

820E126 Spanish Post Beginners ▲ E 1 13/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Tues £120

820E127 Spanish Post Beginners ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

820E128 Spanish Post Beginners ▲ E 1 14/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Tues £110

820E129 Spanish Post Beginners ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

Ideal course for those wishing to communicate in Spanish in a variety of situations.

820E122 Spanish Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 13/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Tues £120

820E123 Spanish Lower Intermediate ▲ E 1 14/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Tues £110

Develop your confidence and ability to speak Spanish further with this course.

820E119 Spanish Higher Intermediate ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

820E120 Spanish Higher Intermediate ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

Take your ability to speak Spanish to an advanced level with this course.

820E107 Spanish Advanced ▲ E 1 14/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Wed £120

820E108 Spanish Advanced ▲ E 1 15/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Wed £110

IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH & MATHSImprove your English and maths skills with a flexible combination of English and maths modules. Study as a package or as individual courses. You will also have the opportunity to study a wide range of personal, social and development modules.

For more information call 020 8741 1688 or email [email protected]

What qualifications or experience do I need to start this course (entry requirements)?

You will take an entry test in English and/or maths. This will include some writing and/or some maths questions. You will also have an interview with one of the lecturers.

When will I learn?

Part time day and evening classes are available.

What other opportunities will I have?

When you have finished the course you could continue your studies to gain further qualifications. This will enhance your employment opportunities.

Where will I learn?

You will learn in classrooms, some will have access to computers for self-study, project work and class work.

Learners who completed this course went on to...

Progress to the next level of the course, further study and employment.

Key: † = 24+ Loan applicable ▲ = No concessions A = Acton E = Ealing H = Hammersmith S = Southall

ehwlcFor details of how to apply, see page 29 020 8741 1688 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime

Page 28: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015

Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall26 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

literAcy & numerAcy skillsIntroductory course to increase your literacy and numeracy skills in the work place or for study.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

TBC English & Maths for Work & Study A, H & S TBC 5/1/15 TBC Day & Eve

Mon Free

personnelThis qualification is designed for practising or aspiring team leaders responsible for the activities and performance of others in achieving company objectives.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

14H063 CMI Level 2 Team Leading H 2 9/1/15 8/5/15 Day Fri £360

14H064 CMI Level 2 Team Leading H 2 14/3/15 26/6/15 Day Sat £360

This practical work based qualification is designed for supervisors and first line managers to support the development of effective management skills.

14H067 CMI Level 3 Certificate First Line Management †

H 3 27/2/15 5/6/15 Day Fri £850

The CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in L&D Practice (CLDP) uses a highly practical approach, to provide an in-depth and thorough grounding in the training cycle and the fundamentals of learning and development.

14H045 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in L&D † H 3 21/1/15 25/6/15 Day Wed £1,850

14H046 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in L&D † H 3 24/1/15 25/6/15 Wek Sat £1,850

14H044 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in L&D † H 3 27/1/15 3/11/15 Eve Tues £1,850

This foundation-level certificate is ideal if you’re looking to acquire a wide range of relevant, practical skills in Human resources, and a professional qualification to help you develop your career.

14E003 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Hr Practice † E 3 20/1/15 13/10/15 Eve Tues £1,850

14S003 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Hr Practice † S 3 20/1/15 13/10/15 Eve Tues £1,850

14H042 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Hr Practice † H 3 21/1/15 25/6/15 Day Wed £1,850

14A016 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Hr Practice † A 3 22/1/15 15/10/15 Eve Thur £1,850

14H043 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Hr Practice † H 3 24/1/15 25/6/15 Wek Sat £1,850

14H041 CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Hr Practice † H 3 27/1/15 20/10/15 Eve Tues £1,850

These programmes provide the perfect platform to further develop your Hr career, and the knowledge needed to work towards professional membership of the CIPD. Whilst building expertise in key Hr subjects, you’ll also develop your planning, analytical and problem solving skills.

14H062 CIPD Level 5 Diploma in HrD ▲ H 5 24/1/15 15/11/15 Wek Sat £2,450

14H058 CIPD Level 5 Diploma in HrD ▲ H 5 27/1/15 1/12/15 Eve Tues £2,450

14H061 CIPD Level 5 Diploma in HrM ▲ H 5 24/1/15 15/11/15 Wek Sat £2,450

14A017 CIPD Level 5 Diploma in HrM ▲ A 5 27/1/15 30/11/15 Eve Tues £2,450

14H057 CIPD Level 5 Diploma in HrM ▲ H 5 27/1/15 1/12/15 Eve Tues £2,450

14S005 CIPD Level 5 Diploma in HrM ▲ S 5 27/1/15 30/11/15 Eve Tues £2,450

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photogrAphyDevelop basic photography skills and gain an understanding of photographic processes. Suitable for those who have not previously studied photography.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

34E011 Level 1 Photography E 1 5/1/15 1/4/15 Eve Mon £360

This course is for those wishing to pursue employment in photography or to further develop skills for personal pleasure.

34E007 Level 2 Photography ▲ E 2 5/1/15 1/4/15 Eve Mon £360

34E008 Level 2 Photography ▲ E 2 20/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Mon £360

prince’s trustIf you’re aged 16—25 and not currently in education, employment or training, this course could be just what you’re looking for. It’s a free 12-week programme designed to help people find a fresh direction by developing key skills needed for success at work or in education.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

61A002 Prince’s Trust Level 1 Employment Award

A 1 19/1/15 15/4/15 FT Mon £0

61S002 Prince’s Trust Level 1 Employment Award

S 1 26/1/15 23/4/15 FT Mon £0

61A003 Prince’s Trust Level 1 Employment Award

A 1 11/5/15 5/8/15 FT Mon £0

61S003 Prince’s Trust Level 1 Employment Award

S 1 18/5/15 12/8/15 FT Mon £0

sport & FitnessThis course provides a great foundation for those wanting to pursue a career in the health & fitness industry.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

51H022 E3 Health & Fitness H E3 19/1/15 3/4/15 Day Mon £150

Continue your health and fitness study and specialise in this Circuit Training qualification to make you more employable.

51H015 Level 2 Circuit Training H 2 16/2/15 20/2/15 Day Mon £100

51H016 Level 2 Circuit Training H 2 13/4/15 17/4/15 Day Mon £100

This qualification enables you to continue your professional development as a Fitness Instructor.

51H014 Level 2 Fitness Instruction H 2 16/3/15 18/5/15 Day Mon £575

Continue your health and fitness study and specialise in this kettle Bells qualification to make you more employable.

51H017 Level 2 kettle Bells ▲ H 2 23/2/15 27/2/15 Day Mon £100

51H018 Level 2 kettle Bells ▲ H 2 29/6/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £100

Take your qualification to the next level and continue your professional development as a Personal Trainer.

51H020 Level 3 Personal Training † H 3 5/1/15 3/7/15 Day Mon £860

Key: † = 24+ Loan applicable ▲ = No concessions A = Acton E = Ealing H = Hammersmith S = Southall

ehwlcFor details of how to apply, see page 29 020 8741 1688 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime

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Acton, Ealing, Hammersmith, Southall28 personAl best JAnuAry 2015

teAchingThis course is suitable if you work or want to work as a teacher/trainer/tutor in a further education college.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

84A003 Level 3 AET (Award in Education and Training)

A 3 6/1/15 31/3/15 Eve Tues £495

This course will enable you to produce high quality teaching resources from online information sources.

84A015 Level 3 Developing resources using the Web ▲

A 3 TBC 24/3/15 Eve TBC £495

This course is an intensive Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. See also page 24.

82E001 CELTA Intensive ▲ E TBC 13/7/15 7/8/15 Day Mon £1,150

This course will enable you to become qualified in observations of teaching and learning.

84H005 Level 6 observation of Teaching & Learning ▲

H 6 14/1/15 22/4/15 Eve Wed £550

The course has both academic weight and practical, vocational strength.

84A010 Level 7 Teaching HE in FE ▲ A 7 5/3/15 21/5/15 Eve Thur £620

trAvel & tourismThis course focuses on the gALILEo airline reservation system but it is also relevant for employment with companies who use alternative programmes. No previous reservations experience required.

Code Course Campus Level Start End Mode Day Fee

55H011 Level 1 Airline Computerised Flight reservations ▲

H 1 12/1/15 27/3/15 Eve Mon £395

55H012 Level 1 Airline Computerised Flight reservations ▲

H 1 20/4/15 26/6/15 Eve Mon £395

Work towards the C&g Level 2 Certificate Introduction to Cabin Crew and the IFS Level 1 Award Personal Finance.

55H007 Level 2 Air Cabin Crew H 2 23/2/15 26/6/15 Day Mon £585

15For details of how to apply, see page 23 0800 980 2175 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime ehwlc

THE LANGUAGE SCHOOLWe have been offering English language and English language teacher-

training courses for over 50 years. The Language School includes an IELTS

test centre, testing over 20,000 candidates per year, bespoke language and

literacy programmes for employers and an extensive portfolio of foreign

language courses via its partnership with the Ealing School of Languages.



*You will be required to self-declare that you are actively looking for employment and skills/training undertaken are a planned part of improving your employment options when you enrol.

Training courses designed specifically for the unemployed

We offer courses for job seekers who want to gain the skills to get back into work.

Job seekers can gain recognised and accredited qualifications in various fields and take part in workshops to develop CV and interview skills.

You are eligible for these courses free of charge if:

• You are 19+ • Actively looking for work • On Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA),

Employment Support Allowance ESA (WRAG)

• On Universal Credit*, Income Support* or Lone Parent* benefit or other state benefits*

Subjects and courses include:

• CSCS (Construction) Card• Business Administration Skills• Retail Skills• Customer Service Skills• Web Design• IT Office Applications • IT for Beginners• Computer Maintenance• Food Safety Certificates• Hospitality and Catering • Barista Skills• Health and Social Care• Childcare• A range of short, professional

and graduate support courses

How to Enrol:

Tuesdays at 11:00am in room 316 at Acton College, Gunnersbury Lane, Acton W3 8UX.

If you are receiving benefits, we recommend that you inform your Job Centre Adviser/Work Programme Adviser of your wish to take the course. (Please bring evidence of your benefits).

If you are not on benefits and wish to take the course, normal fees will apply.

For details of how to enrol on this course call 020 8741 1688

15For details of how to apply, see page 23 0800 980 2175 [email protected] wlc.ac.uk/parttime ehwlc

THE LANGUAGE SCHOOLWe have been offering English language and English language teacher-

training courses for over 50 years. The Language School includes an IELTS

test centre, testing over 20,000 candidates per year, bespoke language and

literacy programmes for employers and an extensive portfolio of foreign

language courses via its partnership with the Ealing School of Languages.



*You will be required to self-declare that you are actively looking for employment and skills/training undertaken are a planned part of improving your employment options when you enrol.

Training courses designed specifically for the unemployed

We offer courses for job seekers who want to gain the skills to get back into work.

Job seekers can gain recognised and accredited qualifications in various fields and take part in workshops to develop CV and interview skills.

You are eligible for these courses free of charge if:

• You are 19+ • Actively looking for work • On Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA),

Employment Support Allowance ESA (WRAG)

• On Universal Credit*, Income Support* or Lone Parent* benefit or other state benefits*

Subjects and courses include:

• CSCS (Construction) Card• Business Administration Skills• Retail Skills• Customer Service Skills• Web Design• IT Office Applications • IT for Beginners• Computer Maintenance• Food Safety Certificates• Hospitality and Catering • Barista Skills• Health and Social Care• Childcare• A range of short, professional

and graduate support courses

How to Enrol:

Tuesdays at 11:00am in room 316 at Acton College, Gunnersbury Lane, Acton W3 8UX.

If you are receiving benefits, we recommend that you inform your Job Centre Adviser/Work Programme Adviser of your wish to take the course. (Please bring evidence of your benefits).

If you are not on benefits and wish to take the course, normal fees will apply.

For details of how to enrol on this course call 020 8741 1688

Page 31: Personal Best | EHWLC January 2015


HOW TO APPLYApplying for

a course is a

really simple


If you require any more information, please contact the Learner Information Service. The College has trained, helpful and friendly advisers, who provide impartial support to students. You can email, telephone or drop in during College hours.




Whilst we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of information contained within this guide, information, including course details, is subject to change throughout the year. We endeavour to accommodate students at their preferred campus, however, depending on class sizes, students may be required to study at an alternative campus. Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College supports equal opportunities and diversity, and this guide has been produced in line with current disability legislation. On request, the College will produce this guide in other formats. For more information please contact the Learner Information Service at: Telephone: 020 8741 1688, Email: [email protected]

When you enrol with us, you will be required to read and sign a student contract that states you agree to follow the College’s Code of Practice.


Once payment has been received for any relevant fees,

you’ll receive your College ID card, which means you’re

ready to start learning.


You will be advised if you need to attend an interview

or assessment.


You can complete an online form via our website. (Please

note this is not an option for all courses*).


*Online application is not available for some courses including ESOL and Languages.

Course/College Enquiries: 020 8741 1688

Email: [email protected]

Website: wlc.ac.uk


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For course information and advice contact us on 020 8741 1688 or email [email protected]

Acton Collegegunnersbury Lane, Acton, London W3 8EA

Ealing CollegeThe green, Ealing, London W5 5EW

Hammersmith Collegegliddon road, Hammersmith, London W14 9BL

Southall CollegeBeaconsfield road, Southall, Middlesex uB1 1DP

020 8741 1688 [email protected]

With the support, guidance and encouragement that you need, we’ll make sure you gain the grades for further study or the skills for employment.

Advice and guidance to help you succeed

our fully qualified advisers have

years of experience helping people

across London move into the

jobs they want. We’ve assisted

thousands of students to make

an informed choice and we are

committed to providing the highest

quality service to our community.

Whether it is information about

your next course, a Cv that makes

you stand out from the crowd, tips

about how to best prepare for an

interview or a discussion about

a fresh start, we focus on your

ambitions to ensure you get to

where you want to be.

Start your career check today with Career Coach

Check your career is on track

with our Career Coach tool giving

you up-to-date local job market

information at your fingertips.

you'll find everything you need

to know about wages,

employment, job postings,

and the courses to help

make your career ambitions

a reality.

Want to talk to someone about

our courses? Contact us at

[email protected] or 020 8741 1688.
