40 000 COPIES WEEKLY PORT ELIZABETH WEDNESDAY, January 14, 2015 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee 39 Hart Street, Sidwell, TEL 041 453 3226 ENGINE RECONDITIONERS WE RECONDITION: • CON-RODS • CYLINDER HEADS • CYLINDER BLOCKS • CRANKSHAFTS • TO ALL MAKES OF ENGINES • STATIONARY ENGINES WE WISH OUR CUSTOMERS A PROSPEROUS 2015 X1PKJ05D-140115-XT-eblmty-wsquare [email protected] T: 041 503 6025 C: 083 563 5111 Lindie Mtyatyeni Advertising Representative For all your indaba advertising, please contact: X1PLM67R-140115-XT-eblmty-vuller NCEBA DLADLA S HE is well-known for taking care of other people’s needs, but on Satur- day it was Pamela Rubushe’s turn to be taken care of. Family, colleagues and friends of Dora Ngin- za Hospital’s well-loved principal social worker Pamela Rubushe, gathered at St Stephen’s Church Hall in New Brighton for a surprise par- ty to celebrate her 60th birthday. The party, to celebrate the eventful and illus- trious life of this children’s rights activist, was organised by her siblings Ondla, Makhaka, Mzo- dumo, Nondumiso and Luxolo. Pam, as Rubushe is affectionately known was celebrated by family including her mother Nosizwe Rubushe (86), invited guests, friends, colleagues, former classmates of Mzomhle High School in Mdantsane as well as her alma mater, the University of Fort Hare in Alice where she graduated with a BA, Social Work and Honours in Psychology. Described as an uncompromising perfection- ist who worships education, Rubushe furthered her studies to obtaining Honours and Masters Degrees in Labour Relations at the then UPE. She was hailed by all as a caring and loving civil servant and professional who would go out of her way to fight for abandoned and abused children at the hospital. Working with the relevant government de- partments including the SAPS, Rubushe has helped a number of deserving mothers get prop- er official documents like birth certificates and IDs in order to access the necessary support grants and for children to attend school. “As her siblings we felt the date (her birthday) was important for us to celebrate, especially for the type of a person that she is.” said Makhaka, adding that his selfless sister always did things for others and that no party was ever held in her name. Rubushe’s party attracted the attention of her cousin Themba Rubushe, SA’s ambassador to Palestine in the Middle East as well as former classmate Dr Nolitha Vukuza who is working for UNESCO. The duo, who could not be present, both sent messages of support. Dr Vukuza wrote: “To a woman of my time; a woman of my heart; a woman of my genera- tion. To the one so smart and so loving. Through- out your life you have displayed integrity and loyalty to your convictions and beliefs. You nev- er forget to pray and you never forget to love. Continued on page 6 Happy 60th for Dora’s Pamela Solomon Mahlangu High sets shining example for success Unbridled joy and relief can be seen on the faces of Solomon Mahlangu High pupils Siphosethu Marwana and Nomtha Sijila after receiving their matric results. Despite a difficult year for the school, the matric class of 2014 managed to increase the school’s matric pass rate from 48% to 72% in only one year through the sheer dedication and relentless team work amomg the school’s teachers, pupils and parents. Read the full story on page 4. PHOTO:CARA-LEE SCHEUN Social worker and children’s rights activist Pamela Rubushe turned 60 last Saturday. Celebrating with her is her mother Nosizwe Rubushe (87) from Twecu near King William’s Town. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA

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WEDNESDAY, January 14, 2015 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee

39 Hart Street,


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T: 041 503 6025 C: 083 563 5111

Lindie MtyatyeniAdvertising Representative

For all your indaba advertising,please contact:



SHE is well-known for taking care ofother people’s needs, but on Satur-day it was Pamela Rubushe’s turnto be taken care of.

Family, colleagues and friends of Dora Ngin-za Hospital’s well-loved principal social workerPamela Rubushe, gathered at St Stephen’sChurchHall inNewBrighton for a surprise par-ty to celebrate her 60th birthday.The party, to celebrate the eventful and illus-

trious life of this children’s rights activist, wasorganisedbyher siblingsOndla,Makhaka,Mzo-dumo, Nondumiso and Luxolo.

Pam, asRubushe is affectionately known wascelebrated by family including her motherNosizwe Rubushe (86), invited guests, friends,colleagues, former classmates of Mzomhle HighSchool inMdantsane as well as her almamater,the University of Fort Hare in Alice where shegraduated with a BA, Social Work and Honoursin Psychology.Described as an uncompromising perfection-

ist who worships education, Rubushe furtheredher studies to obtaining Honours and MastersDegrees in Labour Relations at the then UPE.She was hailed by all as a caring and loving

civil servant and professional whowould go outof her way to fight for abandoned and abusedchildren at the hospital.Working with the relevant government de-

partments including the SAPS, Rubushe hashelped a number of deservingmothers get prop-er official documents like birth certificates andIDs in order to access the necessary supportgrants and for children to attend school.“Ashersiblingswe felt thedate (herbirthday)

was important for us to celebrate, especially forthe type of a person that she is.” saidMakhaka,adding that his selfless sister always did thingsfor others and thatnopartywas everheld inhername.Rubushe’s party attracted the attention of her

cousin Themba Rubushe, SA’s ambassador toPalestine in the Middle East as well as formerclassmate Dr Nolitha Vukuza who is workingforUNESCO.Theduo,whocouldnotbepresent,both sent messages of support.Dr Vukuza wrote: “To a woman of my time;

a woman of my heart; a woman of my genera-tion.Totheonesosmartandso loving.Through-out your life you have displayed integrity andloyalty to your convictions andbeliefs. Younev-er forget to pray and you never forget to love.

Continued on page 6


SolomonMahlanguHigh setsshining example for successUnbridled joy and relief can be seen on the faces of Solomon Mahlangu High pupilsSiphosethu Marwana and Nomtha Sijila after receiving their matric results. Despite a difficultyear for the school, the matric class of 2014 managed to increase the school’s matric passrate from 48% to 72% in only one year through the sheer dedication and relentless teamwork amomg the school’s teachers, pupils and parents. Read the full story on page 4.


Social worker and children’s rights activistPamela Rubushe turned 60 last Saturday.Celebrating with her is her mother NosizweRubushe (87) from Twecu near King William’sTown. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA



THE Nelson Mandela Bay is to forfeit nearlyR9.5millionof itsNeighbourhoodDevelopmentPartnership Grant in terms of revised alloca-tions published by Finance Minister NhlanhlaNene in theGovernmentGazette in termsof theDivision of Revenue Act 2014.

Themetrowas initially allocatedR18.461mil-lion, but this has been cut to R9 million.The Njoli Square Development is being un-

dertaken through this grant, but theprojecthasbeenstalledasaresult of the refusal of twoown-ers to sell their properties.The properties are required before the devel-

opment, which includes a civic centre andtransport interchange, can take place but de-spite a number of efforts to persuade them tosell their properties they have refused to signany form of agreement.The possibility of expropriation has been

mooted but council has to date eschewed thiscourse of action.The project, initiated in 2003, has been on

holdsince2010becauseof therefusalof theown-ers to sell their properties.The metro has, however, been allocated an

additional R1.4 million for technical assistanceassociated with this grant taking the totalamount for the 2014/15 financial year toR2.5 million.Nene also states in the Gazette that Nelson

Mandela Bay has asked to convert its PublicTransport Network Operating Grant to thePublic Transport Infrastructure Grant. The ef-fect will be to transfer R100 million from onegrant to the other.Nenesays therequesthasbeenmade inorder

to allow themetro to “meet current-year finan-cial obligations in relation to infrastructureprojects required for the current year.”Nelson Mandela Bay is not the only govern-

ment entity in the Eastern Cape to forfeit fundsin terms of the amendments to the Division ofRevenue Act.The Eastern Cape is to forfeit R43.148million

of its the Health Facility Revitalisation compo-nent of its National Health Grant of R135.674million.Limpopo is the only other province to forfeit

funds in this area.Thepurposeof thegrant is“tohelpaccelerate

construction, maintenance, upgrading and re-habilitation of new and existing infrastructurein health.”

Metro to forfeit R9.5millionof conditionalgrant


DEVELOPERSof theR1.7bnBaywestMallin Port Elizabeth’s western suburbs sawout 2014 with a bang, celebrating newsthat they had exceeded their job creationtargets during the construction phase bymore than 40%.

Independent auditors BTKM have con-firmed that since construction kicked offin mid-2013, almost 4 300 people have beenemployed on site. This represents a 43.3%increase on the 3 000 direct jobs which de-velopers initially forecast for the con-struction phase of the project.“The Baywest development is amassive

economic driver for the region,” said Bay-west MD Gavin Blows. “Not only is theconstruction phase of the mall creatingmuchneeded jobs, but once themall opensin April, a further 1 500 permanent jobswill be created for the mall’s operationalphase.”Blows said project’s Community Liai-

son Officer had been inundated with CVsfromNelsonMandela Bay residents want-ing to be considered for employment oncethe mall opened.“We are using the CVs to compile a data-

base which we will pass on to our tenantswhen they look for employees for theirstores,” said Blows. “Although the deci-sion of whom to employ rests with thestores, we are doing what we can as devel-opers to assist in helping people in this re-gion find employment.”But the employmentwould not end once

the mall opened, he said.“Because Baywest Mall is kicking off

the development of the entire BaywestCity precinct, construction will continueonce the mall opens as other develop-ments get underway. Baywest City will beto the Eastern Cape what Century City isto the Western Cape,” said Blows.

SEEING OUT 2014Constructionmilestones beingwrapped

up at the end of last year included the com-pletion of the mall’s 65,000m² roof as well

as the completion of the latest bridge overthe N2 freeway which is part of the R300million Baywest Roads DevelopmentProject.Basil Read, which is responsible for the

roads development, is on course to com-plete the first phase of the project byMarch this year.This includes linking Port Elizabeth’s

western suburbs to the N2 freeway by ex-tending Walker Drive in Sherwood witha multi-lane road that will encircle themall.The entire roads projectwill be complet-

ed by September this year when CapeRoad in Bridgemeade/Rowallan Park islinked up with the N2 via a series of on-ramps and off-ramps which will lead toBaywest Mall.“The roads development is set to unlock

crucial economic growth in the westernsuburbs,” said Blows.

A BUMPER 2015With the fittings of many of the 250-plus

Baywest Mall stores already underway,Blows said everythingwas on track for thehandover to themajor tenants thismonth.This meant the likes of Edgars, Game,Pick n Pay and Woolworths – which willbe stationed at the four quadrants of themall – could begin fitting out their stores,he said.Landscaping – already underway with

the planting of Coral trees in front of themall – would continue in earnest and bewrapped up by March,” said Blows. Inkeeping with the mall’s focus on the envi-ronment, indigenous gardens would becreated around the mall, he said.“We have had a good year despite hav-

ing to deal with strikes which brought theindustry to a standstill. We are workinghard to create a destination which will be-come the pulse of Nelson Mandela Bay,”said Blows. “It is an exciting projectwhich is going to change the face of thecity, create jobs and boost tourism. Afteryears of meticulous planning and re-search, it is an honour to witness this de-velopment unfoldng.”

Baywest prepares for bumper 2015

HANDS ON: Nomsa Mde and her team (background) from Wozo General Trading havebeen hard at work on the Baywest Mall. Mde and her team are part of the 4,300 individu-als who have been employed to date on site. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


SPEEDING motorists in the Nelson Man-dela Baywill have to tread carefully as thetraffic prosecutions system isnow fully op-erational after several months and mil-lions of rands in revenues lost.

DA Spokesperson for Safety and Securi-ty Caucus Chief Whip, Gustav Rauten-bach, confirmed that a new service provid-er has been contracted from this month af-ter the service provider that wasappointed last year failed to meet its man-date.In April 2014 PE Express reported that

millions had been lost by themunicipalityafter the use of a computer system for cap-turing the data of the fines was suspendedowing to the municipality not paying theservice provider.The Traffic Prosecution System, named

the Cyprus system, was suspended in Feb-ruary 2014 for over 5months, when the Cy-prus service provider, Traffic Manage-ment Technologies (TMT), suspendedtheir service with the metro owing TMTR36 000.The suspension resulted in fines older

than 30 days having to be withdrawnwhich created a major loss of income forthe municipality.The municipality then appointed a new

service provider,Mavambo, but accordingto Rautenbach more than R10 million waslost during their tenure as the metro’s

service providers for a part of last year.Rautenbach said the metro has now re-

employed TMT as its service provider af-ter Mavambo’s contract was terminatedon December 31, owing to their failure tomeet the metro’s mandate.“Yes, we are fully operational. The cur-

rent status of the prosecution system isthat the old system was switched on andall the information can be retrieved. TMTservice provider was given the contract asit has all the information pertaining to ourtraffic prosecution system and nothingwas lost to Council,” said Rautenbach.Rautenbach said currently the Traffic

Department was working on the backlogcaused by the issuing of manual receipts.“In the past the same service provider

(TMT) delivered an excellent service toCouncil for many years and the same canbe expected for time to come. The problemwith outdated computers was sorted asnew computers were purchased,” he add-ed.Rautenbach said, however, that the mu-

nicipality was still struggling with staffshortage and over R40 million back paystill owed to traffic officials since 1997.“The vacancies that do exist should be

filled without further delay. It would alsoassist if properly qualified staff could beappointed in key positions as this is moreoften than not where everything fails ow-ing to incompetence. Negotiations are,however, taking place to account for theback pay,” he said.

Traffic fine system operational again


IN the spirit of being the brother’s keeper,Kwanobuhle residents were united in not on-ly seeing a murder suspect arrested, but alsourging the family of the suspect to contributetowards funeral arrangements for the de-ceased.

Lindela Zinto (47) of Hini Street,KwaNobuhle was stabbed to death on thenight of January 2. An eyewitness led resi-dents towards the alleged suspect and it wasreported to the police.At time of going to print the suspect could

not be named as he had not yet pleaded incourt.“At that stage Lindelawas in a coma inhos-

pital.Wewere concerned that the eye-witnesswho was on holiday from Cape Town wouldleave,” said one resident.According to the resident, who did not

want to divulge too many details because thematterwas under investigation by the police,the suspect allegedly attacked the deceasedwithout being provoked.

When the suspect was seen roaming thestreets a few days after the incident, the resi-dents facilitated a citizens’ arrest.“Police arrested the suspect. He appeared

in court last Wednesday but was not asked toplead. We (the residents) marched to courtand demanded that he did not get bail,” saidNokuzola Sesanti, a neighbour.The residents visited the family of the de-

ceased,whowas a domesticworker andmoth-er of three, and saw the need for help with fu-neral arrangements.They thenasked the fam-ily of the suspect to contribute towards thefuneral. Lindela was buried at the weekend.Her auntMamaNombuleloMjaco said, “We

did not force the family to support us. Weknow they did not send their child to murderLindela.“We accepted her passing as God’s will. It’s

only that residents came in peace and askedthat that family put themselves in our shoes,”she said.The suspectwas expected to appear in court

yesterday (Tuesday) January 13.At timeof go-ing to print no details of the court appearancewere available

K’Nobuhle residentsunite tohavemurder suspectarrestedandvictimburied

Hini Street, KwaNobuhle residents discussing funeral arrangements with family members of murdervictim Lindela Zinto. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA









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REIGNING Miss SA and former PortElizabethmodel,ZiphozakheZokufa (23),is currently inMiami, Florida to partici-

pateinthe63rdMissUniversePag-eant on January 25.

Zokufa, who is a TVproduction student in

Cape Town, wascrowned the newMiss SA in De-cember afterRolene Strauss

won the MissWorld title in Lon-

don. Zokufa was herfirst princess.Among the first of her

beauty pageant achievementswas being crowned as PortElizabeth Express Teen MissPE in 2009.Organiser of the pageant,

JuanitaSmitofRolemodelsSA,said she believed that Zukofahad the characteristics to winthe Miss Universe title, “notonly because she is strikinglybeautiful, but also because sheis a confident, graceful, well-

spoken ambassador for women acrossthe world.”

“When Zipho entered the PE ExpressTeen Miss Port Elizabeth in 2009, beingher first pageant, she did not for a mo-ment think that she would win.

“After attending rehearsals withRolemodels SA, she competed in the pag-eant. Just before goingout on to stage, Zi-phowas distraughtwhen she discoveredthat the zip of her pageant dresswas bro-ken. I quickly pinned the zip togetherbackstage, as best I could, and then toldher to walk as if it was not broken, andthat people would only notice it if shedrew attention to it. Zipho positivelyfloated across the stage as a regal queen,and was subsequently announced as thePE Express Teen Miss PE,” said Smit.

According to Smit, one of her mostbeautiful characteristics is her humbleyet strong nature. “Zipho has the mak-ings of a leader for the community, forSouth Africa and indeed for the world.Win or not, we know that Ziphowill con-tinue to shine as a beacon of hope forwomen and to use her leadership abilityfor the greater good of humanity,” saidSmit. When she was chosen as a semi-fi-nalist for the Miss SA title, Zokufa saidithadbeenher lifelongdreamtoenter forand become Miss South Africa.

“IlovegrabbingopportunitiesthatcomemywayandtheabilitytoinspiretheyouthofSouthAfricaandthecountryasawholehasalwaysbeensomethingIhavestrivedfor. The Miss South Africa brand wouldthereforebe theperfectplatformtobeanagent for change,” said Zokufa.

Zokufa said she was inspired by herparents’ work ethic and determina-tion to achieve. “My parents havealways been my ultimate rolemodels. Together they workedand studied hard, proving thatyour circumstances donot definewhoyouare.Theirsuccesshasal-ways inspiredme to achieve andnever to limit myself,” she said.

She will be representing SAagainst 90 other countries inthe competition which iswatched worldwide by morethan one-billion people. At thepageant, she will wear twogowns – the national costume de-signed by Gregg Maragelis fromthe CTCFD and the finale gown –created by top SA designer Gert

dela Bay 2009, New Face International winner2009, Miss Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Uni-versity2011andMissMamelodiSundownsEast-ern Cape 2012.

Port Elizabeth beauty ZiphozakheZokufa is the reigning Miss SA andis currently in Miami, Florida, torepresent her country in the MissUniverse pageant. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

PEbeautyoff toMiami to conquer theuniverseZiphozakheZokufa whenshe won her

first beauty titleas PE ExpressMiss Teen PE2009. PHOTO:PRO­DESIGNPHOTOGRA­


THE search is on for Miss Port Elizabeth andTeen Mr and Miss Port Elizabeth.

Single ladies between 20-29 years of age, livingin Nelson Mandela Bay can enter the Miss PEcontest.TeenMrandMissPEaretitleswithvari-ous categories for the youth between 4 and 19years of age. This pageant has groomed and de-velopedphenomenal individualsover thepast22years. Recently crowned Miss SA, Ziphozakhe

Zokufa was Teen Miss PE 2009.Both these pageants are charity fundraisers

for the ImfundoEducare Projects of RolemodelsFoundation.

To enter the following must be submitted:)Aheadandshouldersandafull lengthphoto

with a signed registration form.) Proof of payment of deposit of R300 entry

fee into the Rolemodels Foundation bank ac-

count (no refunds).Entries close on January 31.Pick up points for entry forms are: Curves

Gym (Fig Tree Shopping Complex), Anew YouHair & Beauty (47A Worraker Street, NewtonPark),Malinda’sHairStudio (34ErasmusDrive,Summerstrand), Manati’s Hair & Beauty Salon(6694Daku Rd Kwazakhele)andSummerstrandVillage from January 26 to 31. It can also be

downloaded from the website www.re-vents.co.za.

Interviews will take place on February 28from 10am and the semi-finals at 2pm. Onlysemi-finals for Teen Miss and Mr PE will takeplaceat 2pm.Thegalaeveningwhere thecrown-ing will take place will be on May 2.

Formore information contact Juanita Smit [email protected] or 079 253 3434.

Entries open forMiss PE and TeenMiss/Mr PE

Johan Coetzee..Apart frombeingPEExpress

TeenMissPortElizabeth 2009 shealsoheldthetitlesofMissEasternCapeTeen2009,MissNelsonMan-


OFFICIALS from theSouthAfricanSocial Se-curity Agency (SASSA) recently visitedKwaNobuhle to address about 300 residentsat the old SisonkeHigh School about their op-erations.“The Mother’s Gift invited SASSA officials

to come and address the residents after ourHome-based Carers discovered that therewere many problems encountered by espe-cially needy communities as a result of lackof information,” said Mother’s Gift head andfounder Mama Sheila Isaacs.TheMother’s Gift is a non-profitmaking or-

ganisation (NPO) looking after the interestsof mostly unemployed women, children, sickand vulnerable members of this township.Thosewhoare able to travel, visit theMoth-

er’s Gift for a meal while the senior citizensand the bedridden depend on the mercies ofthe Homebased-carers for food before takingmedication.Some of the beneficiaries are school chil-

dren from poor families. Many suffer fromdifferent diseases including malnutrition.

Hundreds of TB, High Blood pressure, Dia-betes, and HIV/Aids patients get a warmmeal at the Mother’s Gift premises on a dailybasis.“Most of these people must get social relief

from government but without informationthey struggle,” said Mama Sheila.According to Fatima Magwa, a community

leader supporting the Mother’s Gift, duringthe SASSA visit residents were warnedagainst unscrupulous deals coming from fakeSASSA officials.Residents were warned against scams by

money launderers and loan sharks who false-ly make people with SASSA cards apply forloans and insurance policies - as though theywere the bona fide SASSA officials.“SASSA officials announce their visit

through the legitimate community struc-tures and the media. They drive SASSAbranded vehicles when they come. This wasexplained,” said Magwa.Residents were given an opportunity to ask

questions. – NCEBA DLADLA

SASSAwarn residentsagainst loan-sharks


THE matric class of Solomon MahlanguHigh started their year two weeks early,sacrificed their vacations and evencamped at the school before the exam tostudy for it.

And the result - in only one year theymanaged to increase the school’s matricpass rate from 48% to 72%.“To increase from a mere 48% to a 72%

pass rate amid a difficult year is definitelysomething to boast about!” said principalMncedi Mtengwana.“For many years we had let the commu-

nity of KwaNobuhle down with the poorpass rate. Our school must be a beacon ofhope that living conditions can improve.“With our leap to 72% we are no longer

in the non-performing group. It has beenachieved. Now I can again wear a tie andjacket with pride,” said Mtengwana.The relentless team effort of the stu-

dents, teachers and parents for improve-ment triumphedover problems thatwouldhave let some throw in the towel.For the most part of the year teaching

took place in the dangerous dilapidatedVM Kwinana school. This was due to thefact that the brand-new school buildingright next door could not be used as theEastern Cape Department of Educationdid not supply the furniture.Irate parents locked the school gates and

evenheld education officials hostage to de-mand delivery of the furniture. This ac-

tion achieved their goal but resulted inmany precious hours of teaching beinglost.This occured while the matrics and

their teachers started the 2014 school yearearly to get a head start on their matricwork.In June, only amonthafter the furniture

saga, Solomon Mahlangu’s matrics wrotetheir June exams. Ghosts of 2012’s 29% re-turned when the June pass rate was stuckat 48%.Emergency measures were put into

place – extra classes during the holidaysand over weekends and a study camp atthe school.Classrooms were turned into dormito-

ries and study halls and the “matric drill”with a fixed study, exercise and eatingroutine started. Teachers camped out andsat hunched over the books with them.And on January 6, when the matric re-

sults were released, they reaped their re-wards.“The extra time and effort that we had

to put in under the watchful eyes of ourteachers, made me feel negative at times.But today, and certainly for the rest of mylife, I do not regret that I did it,” saidSandisile Mazegwana, who this year willbe studying megatronics.Chumani Maku, one of the school’s top

achievers who this year will be studyingmechanical engineering said, “Thanks tothe dedication of parents and teachers,most of our matric group have a futurethat beckons brightly.”

SolomonMahlanguHigh ashining star for education

Joyful matriculants from Solomon Mahlangu Senior Secondary School celebrating theirresults. In front are some of the top matriculants Chumani Maku, Malibongwe Buzani andSandisile Maxegwana together with fellow matriculants at the back. PHOTO:CARA­LEE SCHEUN


HIS many obligations as dedicated teacher,husband and father of three, does nothingto deter award-winning PE Express Indabacolumnist Selby Madikane to work for thepromotion of one of his other big passions,sport.

Madikane, who is a teacher at Mbasa Pri-mary School, has been a columnist for PEExpress Indaba almost since the start of thenewspaper more than five years ago. In thistime he has received various awards fromsporting bodies NAFA, ZAFA and SAFA.He himself is a dedicated sportsman who

is rooted in grassroots development.He has played rugby, soccer, volley ball

and done athletics.“Iwas born into a sports loving family.My

uncles and older brothers and sister playedrugby and netball. The family teams wereAfrican Bombers and Collegians RFCs. Iplayed as a lock-forward for Collegians aftergraduating as a player for Yellow WoodsFarm School,” saidMadikanewhowas borninThornhill, the sixth child of the late Jama-ni and Lizzy Madikane.Madikane played rugby for Sithembile

Primary School and Loyiso High, both inZwide township. He played volleyball forAl-

goa College of Education, his alma mater.In addition he also participated in athlet-

ics and running the 1 500m. He also shoneas a 10 000m athlete during his days atLoyiso High School.“Teachers like JamesNjenje andMrGeza,

the principal, taught us that sports keep theyouth in positive living,” said MadikaneMadikane ventured into football and

played for City Professionals FC and laterCity Royals FC where he was baptised intoadministration at the tender age of 15.“I was 16 when I played for the first team.

Johnson Langman taught me more aboutsport and discipline,” said Madikane wholater joined Black Pirates as the utility play-er and then left to join SOLA Stars FCaround 1986.Madikane admits that it is here that his

love for sports administration was height-ened. He mentions the late Solomon Vani asthe man who encouraged him.“When Vani left the club I took over man-

agement and led the club to winning manyleague trophies. This is still one of the strongteams in Veeplaas,” said Madikane.He thanked his wife Nomangesi for her

support and said he enjoyed writing for PEExpress Indaba “because it helps me informcommunities of what is happening in theircommunities.”

Meetouraward-winning columnist, SelbyMadikane

Selby Madikane and his wife Nomangesi flank children Bulelani and Sinothando. Not in thepicture is Xoli. Madikane shows the award received from Dr Nomathemba Gum for EditorialSupport. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA


KWANOBUHLE members of the South Af-ricanPoliceService (SAPS)haveapplaudedthe residents and visitors of the area for analmost crime free Festive Season.

“KwaNobuhle police have a reason to cel-ebrate the success of operation Festive Sea-son Duty Calls that kept the area ofKwanobuhle relatively quiet,” said policespokesperson, Sergeant Majola Nkohli.According toNkohli, themenandwomen

in blue manned roadblocks on certainroads as did the regular police patrols dur-ing the operation.Speaking toPEExpress Indaba thisweek,

Nkohli applauded members of the commu-nity as well as visitors who were well be-haved during the festivities. He said theyco-operated with the police during the thestop-and-searches held from time to time.“Only five motorists were arrested for

driving motor vehicles while under influ-ence of alcohol the whole of December,”Nkohli said, attributing the success to highpolice visibility, the support of CommunityPolice Forum (CPF) who he said, decided toforsake festivitiesandrenderedavoluntaryservice to the community.

The deployment of police and reservistsin hot-spot areas, including monitoring oftaverns, according to Nkohli, contributedimmensely in achieving their targets.“We also urged people going on vacations

who were to leave their houses vacant tomake it a habit to inform their nearest po-lice stations that their houses would be leftvacant for a specified period,” said Nkohli,adding that police then intensified patrolsin those vicinities.

) In another police success, Sgt Nkohlimentioned that police, in a joint operationwith the CPF and social workers from thelocal Non-governmental Organisation(NGO), Self-help and Resource Centre(SHARE) visited and closed eight illegalshebeens and outlets brewing concoctionsin the KwaNobuhle area.In this operation, Nkohli said they ended

up destroying 1 800 litres of concoction. Headdedthat in two of the outlets they foundchildren among the patrons who weredrinking inside the premises.“This matter (of children among the

drinking patrons) will be investigated bythe socialworkers,” saidSgtNkohli, addingthat police issued fines of over R8000 for thecontravening of the Eastern Cape LiquorAct.

Police applaudK’Nobuhle for acrime-free festive season


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eTHE Coega Development Corporation (CDC),an enabling agent for socio-economic develop-ment growth in the province, believes that onlythrough developmental initiatives running ad-jacent to higher education can the pass rate ofmatriculants in the Eastern Cape be improved.

Matric results released by the Eastern CapeDepartment of Education stated that the prov-ince recorded a slight improvement in the passrate which increased by a marginal 0.5% pointsto 65.4% this year.

Dr Ayanda Vilakazi, CDC head of marketingand communications, said even though therehad been an increase in the matric pass rate itwas evident that there was a dire need to im-provemathsandsciencemarks in theprovince.

One solution which he believes that can im-prove the situation is CDC’s Maths and Scienceprogramme which is offered through Coega’sMaths and Science Academy (MSA).

Maths and science participants are offeredfree tuition in its Maths and Physical Scienceprogramme.

TheCDCistheoperatorof theCoegaIndustri-al Development Zone (IDZ). The Academy,which was established in 2013, already has seenexcellentresultsandreturnswhichare empow-

ering learners to receive university admissionto study and become scientists, engineers andtechnologists.

“Last year (2014) learners in our programmeachievedapass rateof 87%formathsand80.8%for physical science,” said Dr Vilakazi.

Mpumezo Ndabeni, CDC Maths and ScienceManager, said the criteria for learners whowant tomakeuseof theMathsandPhysicalSci-ence Programme include that learners musthave written matric and pass all other subjectsexcept mathematics and physical science.

Ndabenialsosaidtheprogrammeisavailableto those learners who want to improve theirmaths and physical science grades.

“Even the learners who have passed theirmathsandscience subjects butneed to improvetheir grades in order to gain admission to cer-tain qualifications are also welcome to attendthe programmes,” Ndabeni said.

About 4 000 learners, between grades 10 and12, aswell as juniorgrades, arebenefitting fromthe programme which has a footprint in the ed-ucation districts of Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage,Fort Beaufort, Mdantsane and Mthatha in theEastern Cape.

For more info on Coega’s Maths and PhysicalScience Programme, contactNondyebo Ntshobodi at041 404 7300 or email:[email protected]. – REPORTER

Coegahelps learnersimprove inmathsandscience

Mathematics and physicalscience facilitator Washing-ton Mushwana helpedSinothando Menze (middle)and Anelisa Mzini (right )during a maths class held atthe Coega DevelopmentCorporation’s (CDC) HumanCapital Solutions (HCS)division last year.



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SOME of the country’s favourite entertain-ers will be in Port Elizabeth on Saturday,March 7, for the first Algoa FM “Algoa Live”concert.

The line-up includes eight topnational actsincluding Mi Casa, Jimmy Nevis, Kurt Dar-ren, Prime Circle, Lloyd Cele, Goldfish andStuart Reece.“As the leading music station in the East-

ern Cape and Garden Route we see the need– and the opportunity – to give fans thechance to see their favourite South Africanartists live on stage,” said Dave Tiltmann,managing director of Algoa FM.The seven hour concert is being staged in

Prince Alfred Park at the Nelson MandelaBay Stadium.“It is seldom that you will find so many

national acts of this calibre appearing in asingle concert. This is a real coup for PortElizabeth,” said Tiltmann.There are plans to stage the concert annu-

ally. “We know it will grow to become a pop-ular sought-after event both locally and na-tionally”.Concert tickets are being sold at R150 for

adults and R80 for children (under 18).Tickets will be available online via Tick-

etpros on www.ticketpros.co.za or purchased atparticipating PostNet outletswithin the sta-tion’s broadcast area; including BeaconBay, Vincent, Grahamstown, Uitenhage , inPort Elizabeth at Metlife Plaza, Moffett onMain, PEWaterfront Express, SunridgeVil-

lage, The Acres, The Bridge and Walmer.Visit www.algoafm.co.za for further de-

tails on the concert.

Win! Win! Win!Two readers can each win double tickets to the AlgoaLive concert onMarch 7. To stand a chance of winninga double ticket (worth R300), SMS the keyword “Con-cert”, followed by your name to 45527. Each SMScosts R1.50. You can enter as many times as you like.The competition closes on Friday, February 20, 2015at noon.


Bignames for firstAlgoaFMMusicConcert

Mi Casa will be performing at the first everAlgoa Live concert. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Continued from page 1

“You have always been curious abouteducation and you have always been com-mitted to development. You were like thisthen, you still continue to be the womanof substance and significance,” wrote DrVukuza.

Themba Rubushe wrote, “Pam, fromunknown beginnings at Twecu, you’vegrown to be a national figure. Your self-less deeds in helping the needy and thehelpless haven’t gone unnoticed. Not onlythe family, but the nation is grateful foryour commitment to your profession.”Rubushe was also praised by her sis-

ters-in-law. They took turns speaking

about the loving and caring person thatshe is to her family as well as their fami-lies.Rubushe thanked all for the “surprise

party” and added that she appreciated get-ting flowers while she was still alive.Rubushe pointed out that she was not

retiring. She said shewould like to contin-ue with her advocacy work and being thevoice of the voiceless.“I enjoy my work and am happy with

the kind of support I am getting from anumber of people and government depart-ments especially the SAPS.She was quick to add that “medical so-

cial work is not for the faint-hearted. Youneed God’s support to succeed.”

Happy 60th for Dora’s Pamela

Pamela Rubushe (centre) and relativesNothoko Ndyawe (left) and NombuleloRubushe. PHOTO: NCEBA DLADLA

Pamela'sister-in-law Yolisa Rubushe andfriends Susheila and Mike Naran.


)Uviwe Child and Youth Services are look-ing for the biological parents of Anslyn Ay-men. The biological mother’s name is Mary-Jane Aymen, born 19/10/1975 and the bio-logical father’s name is Ricardo Ferndale,born 08/01/1976. Anyone who might haveinformation pertaining to the whereaboutsof Mary-Jane Aymen and Ricardo Ferndalecan contact the social worker, CorinneKoetaan, on 041 453 0441 as soon as possible.

) Social Worker Nkevu-Langbooi at theDepartment Of Social development (IbhayiService Office) is looking for anyone whohas information on a baby girl who is

around 12 months who was found inBuyambo Street in Kwa Zakhele, Port Eliz-abeth on Wednesday, December 17 2014.The baby was found wearing pink tightsand top. A baby bag filled with baby clothesand blankets were found with her. ContactMrs Nkevu – Langbooi, on 041 406 5721 withinformation.

)Christian Social Services (CMR) islooking for Amanda Davane who is the bio-logical mother of Philasande Davane born04/05/2003. Anyone with information is re-quested to contact the social worker, N.Mqingwana or A van der Merwe at0414843554

Help find thesepeople



ITWAS joy and ecstasy when Stokes Unitedwere crowned as the NODEFA PremierLeague Top 8 trophy winners after beatingJamaican Stars 2-1 in the finals played atJabavu Stadium, in KwaNobuhle on Sun-day.

The Jabavu Stadiumwas full up to its raft-ers with supporters singing for their sides.Stars threw everything into the game and

they were the side to break the ice withXolamzi Mdepa bagging his side’s goal.Stokes piled on more pressure and Lula-

ma Baatjies came up with a goal late in thefirst half to level the scores. In the secondhalf the tempoof the gamewashighandbothsides were searching for a winner.The long-awaitedwinninggoalwas scored

by Xolisa Makhapela when he rounded

three defenders of Stars to make the finalscore 2-1. Stokes went home with a floatingtrophy plus gold medals with Stars settlingfor silver medals.In the NODEFA First Division Top 8 fi-

nals Temptations tempted Fearnots whenthey beat them 1-0.Temptations striker Nelani Nkosinathi

scored the only goal of the game.Temptations wing Nkosinathi Kona was

very instrumental in his side’s victory. Thewinners were awarded the floating trophyand gold medals while the runners-up wenthome with silver medals.

Other NODEFA Top 8 results:Premier League Top 8 Semi-finals:*Jamaican Stars 4(1)-2(1) KUBS*Stokes United 4(2)-1(2) Manchester United

First Division Top Semi-finals:*Fearnots 1-0 Highland Spurs*Temptations 6-o Young Culture

Stokes lift NODEFA Premier Top 8 trophy

Temptations skipper Luxolo Zinto receives the trophy from SAFA NMB President Monde Mhle-tywa. They are flanked by NODEFA President Mncedisi Hote (left) and Temptations managerXola Songwiqi. PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE


FORMER SAFA Nelson Mandela Bay Presi-dent Mzimkhulu Fina is currently visitingRussia with the SAFA U/20 squad.

The squad is participating in the Interna-tional Football Tournament CommonwealthCup 2015 in St Petersburg.Fina said, “The tournamentwill start off on

January 15 and end on January 26. The tour-nament will be played by 12 countries. It willcommence with round robin matches andend in a knockout stage. I am definitely surethat our boys will do us proud as the spiritin the camp is extremely high.”According to Fina the tournament is man-

aged and staged by the Russia SportMinistryand Football Union of Russia.The primary objectives are to prepare the

top Russian National team while strengthen-ing international football relationships andpromoting football in Russia.According to Fina the facilities are top

class but the weather conditions are verychilly as it is winter in Russia.“We are in Group C and are likely to be the

group leaders.Wewill be taking onLithuaniaon the 17th, Tajikistan on the 18th and Kaza-khstan on the 20th January.“I think this tournament is our proper plat-

form tounearth talent inpreparations for the2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar,” said Fina.

Fina inRussiawithnational team

SAFA National HOD Mzimkhulu Fina is inRussia with the SA u/20 team.


ONEofNelsonMandelaBay’smost popular cor-porate sport events, theVodacomCorporateTri-athlon Challenge powered by Algoa FM, will bebackonMarch28,2015andentriesarenowopen.TheVodacomCTChasbecomeoneof themost

anticipated events of the year with companiesbig and small fromaroundNelsonMandela Baygetting in on the action every year along withindividual participants.The 2014 event soldout ina record 29daysand

saw458 teamsand451 individualscompeting, to-talling 1 900 athletes. This makes the VodacomCTC the biggest short course triathlon in SouthAfricaand the thirdbiggest in termsofnumbers

behindonly Ironman70.3SouthAfricaand Iron-man South Africa.The event is 10% of the full IRONMAN dis-

tance consisting of a 380metre swim, 18 kmbikeride and 4.2 kilometre run. There will be greatprizes up for grabs for the winning teams andindividuals aswell as luckydrawprizes.All cor-porate team entries will also go into a draw towin R20 000 worth of radio airtime.Normal entries run until February 16 or until

entries sell out and areR610 for corporate teamsand R370 for individuals.For more info and to register visit www.corpo-

ratechallenge.co.za. – REPORTER

VodacomCorporate Triathlon entries open

KUYASA United, affectionately known asGerber, humiliated their neighbours RealDodgers 7-2 in their ZWIFA Ntando ToursPremier League game that was played at GalCity Grounds on Saturday.ZWIFA Ntando Premier League title con-

tenders Gerber looked as if they were in apractice session.Dodgers suffered a series of defeats last

yearandshouldbegoingback to thedrawingboard if they are serious about campaigningin the ZWIFA topflight league.

Golden Aces played to a 2-2 draw againstShining Stars while Gal City maintainedtheir position of winning the league titlewhen they defeated Strikers United 2-0.Sophakama Stars trounced the beleagueredCamper United 4-0.Zwide Pirates earned a 2-1 win over Man-

chester City with Major Chiefs edging outMorning Stars 2-1. Zwide Celtics slipped 2-1to the buoyant Swartkops United while RealCrusaders had a bye. – SELBY MADIKANE



THE total economic impact of the IRB7s forNelson Mandela Bay in 2012 was R154 mil-lion with 500 temporary and permanent jobscreated.

In 2013 the figures had risen to R217 mil-lion with 700 temporary and permanent jobscreated.And Stadium Operator Access Manage-

ment says it is “confident” that the figureswill have increased “along a similar growth

trajectory” in 2014.Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium Chief exec-

utive Chantal du Pisani said the final fig-ures for 2014 will be released later by SARU,adding that she believed the metro was “ina good position” for a possible renewal ofthe contract to host the event.She said that global sponsor of the IRB7s

HSBC and national sponsor Cell C had beenpleased with the operational support of-fered by the stadium this year.Du Pisani said that the unaudited foot

traffic figures showed that continued year-

on-year growth had been recorded.She said attendance in 2014 had increased

by 8% compared with the previous year,adding that on the Saturday of the event,26 537 spectators attendedwhile the figure

for Sunday was 36 504.The total number of spectators was 63 041,

up from 58 369 the previous year, she said,ensuring that the 2014 event was “the big-gest yet and a resounding success.Du Pisani said the stadium “continues to

be aworld-class destination for global sport-ing events and an income-generating asset

for residents and business owners of NelsonMandela Bay.She also points out that together with the

41% year-on-year cost reduction in its annu-al operating deficit, Nelson Mandela BayStadium “is on track in terms of its businessstrategy”.Stadium revenues have also been boosted

by the relocation of Chippa United fromCape Town to Nelson Mandela Bay, al-though the team has announced that it isnow planning to play some matches in Buf-falo City.

IRB7sasignificantdriverof economicgrowth inNMB


SOME of South Africa’s most loved sportsstars are putting their athletic abilities to thetest by trying somethingcompletelydifferent- they’re taking on the Standard Bank IRON-MAN 70.3 South Africa in East London thismonth.

The East London crowds can be on thelookout forrugbystarssuchasJoelStranksy,Ashwin Willemse and Warren Brosnihan.The ’95 RugbyWorld Cuphero is no strangerto endurance events and has completed bothIRONMAN70.3 SouthAfrica and IRONMANSouth Africa.

Ashwin Willemse will be doing his secondIRONMAN 70.3 South Africa after the bug bitlast year, while Warren Brosnihan will be get-ting his feet wet for the first time.Willemse hadto learn to swim in order to compete in 2014.Another newcomer is South African pole

vault star, Okkert Brits who will be doing hisfirst IRONMAN 70.3 South Africa after he waschallenged by his good friend and IRONMANfinisher, Ollie Le Roux.South African media personality, Liezel van

der Westhuizen, is also in line to make her sec-ond appearance at the Standard Bank IRON-MAN 70.3 South Africa. She missed the cut-offin 2010, so she’ll be looking forward to gettingover the line in 2015.

Well known stars headed toIRONMAN70.3 in East London

Rugby stars Warren Brosnihan (right) with Ollie Le Roux at the Ekurhuleni 5150 AfricanChampionship. Warren will be doing his first IRONMAN 70.3 race in East London.



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REAL Strikers caused a major upset whenthey thumped the on-form Motherwell Unit-ed 4-1 in their MOFA Build It Premier clashat Motherwell NU 9 Stadium on Sunday.

United started their game as if they weregoing to register a goal but Milani Senzescored Strikers’ first goal following a goodsolo run by Kaizer Quntu down the left side.United silenced their opponents’ noise

when United’s wing Lonwabo ‘Myeni’ Nyon-do came up with an equaliser. The first halfended with a score of 1-1.In the second half United were searching

for a goal to put them in the lead, but Strikers

wingQuntu delivered a nifty pass to Simphi-we Mtati who pulled a great goal.Strikers increased their lead to 3-1 when

their super substitute Zolani “Zane” Mofuunleashed a long range volley to beat Unit-ed’s goal. Before the fat lady sang, Strikerswere awarded a penaltywhichwas scored byAbongile “Pingpong” Nkohli.Shining Stars whacked the struggling

tame Young Tigers 3-1.

Other MOFA Build It Premier League re-sults:*Lion Stars 1-4 Valencia*Crystal Palace 1-1 Highland Spurs*SUBS 3-0 Tottenham Spurs*Milan Stars 2-1 Real Aces*Tomorrow Stars 2-0 Manchester FC

Real Strikers upsetM’well United

Real Strikers defenderSeko Makambani isabout to clear the ballwhile LonwaboNyondo is chasinghim. PHOTO:



SAFA Nelson Mandela Bay side Young Ideascould not book themselves a berth in the SA-FA Nedbank Cup Knockout Competitionwhen they lost 3-2 toBEEStars in the quarter-finals atRotaryStadiuminMthatha recently.

The Nelson Mandela Bay side played welldespite failing to deliver positive results.According to IdeasHeadCoachBulelani Fi-

na his side showed character and determina-tion as they played as the best of the bestteams in the province.In the finals the University of Fort Hare

(UFH) lost 1-0 to Cloud 9.Then Cloud 9 had to face Tornado FC that

beat Real City 6-1 in the ABC Motsepe Ned-bank Cup KO finals. Unfortunately Cloud 9succumbed 2-0 to Tornado FC in the provin-cial finals.Tornado FC will represent SAFA Eastern

Cape in the national last 32 eliminations ata venue and date that still have to be an-nounced by SAFA Head Office.

The other results of Nedbank Cup KO:Quarter-finals: UFH 4-0 Lady Grey Juventus; United XI4(4)-5(4) Cloud 9; Valgas 3-2 City Lads.Semi-finals:BEE Stars 1-2 UFH; Cloud 9 3-1 Valgas

SAFANedbankCupKnockout results

Young Ideas striker Zukisani Benni Ngalo was abig threat to BEE Stars. PHOTO: SELBY MADIKANE


ROYAL Bucs drew 1-1 with SAFA NelsonMandela Bay SAB Regional League logleaders Young Ideas in a tough battle atMotherwell NU 9 Stadium on Saturday.

Ideas looked dangerous as they took thegame to Bucs. In some stages of the gameBucs looked nervous. As such their defend-er Siyabonga Chikoya Matwa headed anown goal in the halfway mark of the firsthalf.Bucs skipperAkhulile Eto’oDlilanga and

Mcebisi ‘Fire’ Gawulana combined well in

the centre of the park. However, before thestart of the second half, Kwanele Mnikinaheaded home an equalising goal for Bucs tomake the final score 1-1.Despite there being lots of positives from

both sides, the coaches went home frustrat-ed By not collecting maximum points. Bucsgoalkeeper Sibongile “Baron” Tsewanawasthe man of the match for pulling brilliantsaves at point blank range.One of Bucs’ defenders who stood his

ground was Thamsanqa Tsewana, with Ide-as skipper Asanda Makana, Freedom Funa-ni and Lizo Norushu having a good game.Camper United goalkeeper Mfundo Mo-

yikwa was key in their goalless drawagainst Lion City.City tried and tried but Camper were well

prepared for their game. Camper could notconvert their goal scoring opportunitywhen their striker failed to beat City’s goal-keeper in the referee’s optional time.

Other SAFA NMB Bay SAB Regionalgames results:*Highland Spurs 0-2 Ghetto Stars*Hotspurs 1-4 Fairview Rovers*Ikamva Movers 0-1 Despatch Pioneers*Island City 0-3 Central Acemates*Motherwell Academy 2-3 Callies*Peace United 3-1 Showvillage United

Bucs hold log leaders to a draw

Royal Bucs defender Qetelo Letsie is chased by Young Ideas wing Zukisani Ngalo while Luntu Boloti follows. PHOTO: SELBY MADIKANE


NELSON Mandela Bay boxing has opened2015 with the shocking news of the untimelypassing of former boxing promoter YusefAbubar Mtoba on Sunday morning.

Mtoba was buried in the afternoon of thesame day in accordance with the prescriptsof his Islamic faith, said regional BoxingSouthAfrica (BSA) ServiceProviderMthunziMapitiza.Mapitiza was talking to PE Express Indaba

Sport about what he thought was not a verybad 2014.“Compared to the previous year, 2014 had

only six tournaments while in 2013 we hadeight. Those were quality fights, however.They were Eastern Cape provincial title tour-naments including one national title fightwhich we won through NomampondomiseXotyeni - after a long drought without the na-tional title in themetro,” saidMapitiza proud-ly.

Explaining, Mapitiza said some of the tour-naments were cancelled owing to the govern-ing body BSA’s enforcement of the rules -something that has always been there butoverlooked.“This is concerning the payment by pro-

moters of purse-monies 14-days before thetournament,” said Mapitiza, adding that pro-moters were not very prompt with keepingthat rule.According toMapitiza, one of the cancelled

tournaments belonged to a new female box-ing promoter who wanted to engage certainfighters that were unfortunately alreadybilled in other tournaments at the time.Brighter prospects that emerged in 2014 in-

clude EC Junior flyweight champion Mzwa-bantu Dabaza.The surprise of the year came in the KO de-

feat of EC Heavyweight champion UnathiJacobs by Sthembele August, said Mapitiza.HementionedLouisPhillip andMzwandile

Sidina as trainers to take note of.“Win or lose, you can see that boxers be-

longing to the duo have worked hard in thegym,” said Mapitiza, adding that he stillhoped Nelson Mandela Bay could get morequality trainers to take the region back togreater heights.

Asked about the ring officials Mapitiza re-torted, “At this stage I’ve got enough as re-quired by BSA - nine for every tournament.They are doing a good job. I am satisfied withtheir work of refereeing and judging fights.”

Boxing fraternity inmourningoverdeathofformerpromotorYusefAbubarMtoba

BSA Service Provider Mthunzi Mapitiza.PHOTOS:NCEBA DLADLA

RING OFFICIALS...Standing from left, StephenSimon, Nkosinathi Zamela, Andiswa Nobazaand Sthembiso Kiti. Seated from left, PhindileNgingi, Lizo Jordan and Prince Mbambaza.