40 000 COPIES WEEKLY WEDNESDAY, March 4, 2015 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee FREE – MAHALA NO. 4 KHAMA STREET, Nu2 (041) 469 1036 WE DELIVER FOR YOU NEW RANGE OF FLOOR TILES AVAILABLE NEW RANGE OF MERANTI FANCY DOORS NEW RANGE OF MERANTI FANCY DOORS JUST ARRIVED! JUST ARRIVED! X1PTNE45-040315-XT-mgspad-motherwell Capital Consulting financial debt specialist Your First Step to Financial Freedom Starts Here! DEBT PROBLEMS?? TOO MUCH DEBT? TOO MUCH WORRY? CAN’T EAT? CAN’T SLEEP? EASY PAYMENTS CALL NOW Tel 041 484 4629 / Cell 079 465 7261 Ground floor, Africa House Graham street, Northend, PE (Behind The New Law Courts) FREE CONSULTATION - NO UPFRONT FEES BRING: ID, PAYSLIP, 2 MONTHS BANK STATEMENT AND ALL STATEMENTS FROM CREDITORS Live Make 1 payment back in your pocket!! DEBT FREE and be happy again!! R30 000 R60 000 R100 000 Only Only Only R500,00 R1 000,00 R1 300,00 p.m. p.m. p.m. X1PTDY49-040315-XT-ebspad-capital3 REPORTER T HE Nelson Mandela Bay Munici- pality is planning to expropriate land, as a matter of urgency, from two property owners whose refus- al to sell their property has stalled the R286 million Njoli Square Redevelop- ment for years. In a media statement the municipality said it has been dealing with a long and drawn out stalemate to acquire the land since 2008 dur- ing its land acquisition negotiations with the land owners in the Njoli area. The municipality said the proposed devel- opment affects 75 private properties and only two of those owners, namely Dr Bongani Nqini and Ms Mose, have refused the sale. Mayoral Spokesperson Kupido Baron said during a sitting of the full council last week, recommendations were approved that the City Manager, Mpilo Mbambisa, establish a team of officials to facilitate the expropria- tion of erven 3024 and 4353 as a matter of ur- gency to conclude the land acquisition proc- ess that started as far back as 2008. When approached for comment yesterday by Express Indaba, both Mose and Nqini were not available for comment. A neighbour of both Mose and Nqina who wanted to remain anonymous said Mose wanted more money than the municipality had offered. “She wanted more because she isn’t the one who wants to move. They want her land so she wants them to pay more than the of- fer.” In an earlier interview with Express Inda- ba Doctor Nqini, who owns a surgery in the middle of Njoli Square said he had no inten- tion of leaving. Development has taken place around his surgery. Nqini, is a well-respected doctor in the ar- ea, consulting in over 200 cases daily accord- ing to him. Baron said, contrary to human rights abus- es and dispossession during expropriation prior to 1994 by the Apartheid government, “current day expropriation means the pay- ment of market related prices determined by an independent valuer allowing the land owners to benefit appropriately from the transaction”. Baron said the team approved by council was already intensively involved in the project that will change the face of Kwaza- khele for the better and act as a catalyst for further investment in the area. Baron said when completed the project will include: )A civic centre, supported by public trans- port and formal and informal commercial fa- cilities will be established in the heart of one of the oldest suburbs in Port Elizabeth. Community facilities and municipal func- tions will be accessible in the heart of the township. One of the key components of the development is a state-of-the-art library and research centre. It will be available for use by students and scholars. )It creates a major Integrated Public Transport System (one of the key systems in Nelson Mandela Bay) within a mixed user de- velopment corridor and supports the long- term public transport strategy of the city. )It will contribute towards the creation of a dignified space within a previously margin- alised community. )During construction of the public facili- ties it is estimated that approximately 2 000 jobs will be created; )After construction of the public facilities, approximately 200 permanent jobs will be created. In addition to this, the new facility will house approximately 200 informal trad- ers, as well as the entire public transport fra- ternity operating to and from Njoli Square; )The proposed development will also act as an SMME development hub – therefore, through training and mentoring, many jobs will be created outside of this development. Njoli owners kicked out MUNICIPALITY PLANS TO EXPROPRIATE LAND FROM TWO HOMEOWNERS IN MIDDLE OF SQUARE DEVELOPMENT Doctor Bongani Nqini, who owns a surgery in the middle of the Njoli Square development and who has refused to sell his property to the municipality, now faces expropriation of the property. Development has started on both sides of his surgery. PHOTOS: LIZEKA TANDWA Doctor Bongani Nqini. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Stuck in the middle Stuck in the middle

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WEDNESDAY, March 4, 2015 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee

FREE – MAHALANO. 4 KHAMA STREET, Nu2 (041) 469 1036









Capital Consultingfinancial debt specialist

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Tel 041 484 4629 / Cell 079 465 7261Ground floor, Africa House

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R30 000

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THE Nelson Mandela Bay Munici-pality is planning to expropriateland, as amatter of urgency, fromtwoproperty ownerswhose refus-al to sell their propertyhas stalled

the R286 million Njoli Square Redevelop-ment for years.

In amedia statement themunicipality saidit has beendealingwith a longanddrawnoutstalemate to acquire the land since 2008 dur-ing its land acquisition negotiationswith theland owners in the Njoli area.

The municipality said the proposed devel-opment affects 75 private properties and onlytwo of those owners, namely Dr BonganiNqini and Ms Mose, have refused the sale.

Mayoral Spokesperson Kupido Baron saidduring a sitting of the full council last week,recommendations were approved that theCity Manager, Mpilo Mbambisa, establish a

team of officials to facilitate the expropria-tion of erven 3024 and 4353 as a matter of ur-gency to conclude the land acquisition proc-ess that started as far back as 2008.

When approached for comment yesterdayby Express Indaba, both Mose and Nqiniwere not available for comment.

A neighbour of both Mose and Nqina whowanted to remain anonymous said Mosewanted more money than the municipalityhad offered.

“She wanted more because she isn’t theone who wants to move. They want her landso she wants them to pay more than the of-fer.”

In an earlier interview with Express Inda-ba Doctor Nqini, who owns a surgery in themiddle of Njoli Square said he had no inten-tion of leaving. Development has taken placearound his surgery.

Nqini, is a well-respected doctor in the ar-ea, consulting in over 200 cases daily accord-ing to him.

Baronsaid, contrary tohumanrightsabus-es and dispossession during expropriationprior to 1994 by the Apartheid government,“current day expropriation means the pay-ment of market related prices determined byan independent valuer allowing the landowners to benefit appropriately from thetransaction”.

Baron said the team approved by councilwas already intensively involved in theproject that will change the face of Kwaza-khele for the better and act as a catalyst forfurther investment in the area.

Baronsaidwhencompleted theprojectwillinclude:

)Acivic centre, supportedbypublic trans-port and formal and informal commercial fa-cilities will be established in the heart of oneof the oldest suburbs in Port Elizabeth.

Community facilities and municipal func-tions will be accessible in the heart of thetownship. One of the key components of thedevelopment is a state-of-the-art library and

research centre. It will be available for useby students and scholars.

)It creates a major Integrated PublicTransport System (one of the key systems inNelsonMandelaBay)withinamixeduserde-velopment corridor and supports the long-term public transport strategy of the city.

)It will contribute towards the creation ofadignifiedspacewithinapreviouslymargin-alised community.

)During construction of the public facili-ties it is estimated that approximately 2 000jobs will be created;

)Afterconstructionof thepublic facilities,approximately 200 permanent jobs will becreated. In addition to this, the new facilitywill house approximately 200 informal trad-ers, as well as the entire public transport fra-ternity operating to and from Njoli Square;

)The proposed development will also actas an SMME development hub – therefore,through training and mentoring, many jobswill be created outside of this development.


Doctor Bongani Nqini, who owns a surgery in the middle of the Njoli Square development and who has refused to sell his property to the municipality, now faces expropriation of the property.Development has started on both sides of his surgery. PHOTOS: LIZEKA TANDWA

Doctor Bongani Nqini.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Stuck in the middleStuck in the middle

Page 2: Pe indaba 04 03 2015



ANGRY parents of Cebelihle High School inKwazakhele, Port Elizabeth locked teachersand the learners out of the school on Thurs-day 26 February demanding an urgent re-sponse from the Department of Education totheir complaints.

According to the parents, their children’seducation was being compromised owing toa shortage of teachers and furniture at theschool.Parents also complained that the school

principal was not there to lead the school.“More than 500 learners struggle to get

proper education because of the shortage ofthree teachers at the school,” said BusisiweMbewu, a parent, adding that the affectedclasses were Grades 12, 11 and 8.Parents also feared that the school’smatric

results, thatwere already down to 55% in 2014from the 70% of the previous year, would beadversely affected.The school, that was built in 2007 after pla-

tooning since 1995, was without adequate fur-niture and learners were taught while stand-ing.“Learners have to kneel down when writ-

ing. How will they succeed in their educationin a situation like that?” asked Mbewu.Parents accuse thedepartment of poorplan-

ning. They argue that whilst the Departmentof education increased the classes, deskswerenot increased to cater for the increased num-bers of learners.For a new school, parents said they wanted

new furniture. They believe that a new schoolshould have new furniture.“Our children are now fighting each other

about furniture. From time to time we arecalled to school to stop children fighting fordesks. Some even carry knives to school,”

said Gladman Mbelekane.The parents said the school’s principal Tho-

bile Ntola, who is the expelled Sadtu presi-dent, was last seen at the school in 2006.“Since he is no longer Sadtu president,

we’ve been told he was supposed to have re-ported at the school in February 2015 but hasnot done so. The school’s deputy principal,Mrs Skosana, is holding the fort, without be-ing paid for it. We want Ntola to resign andSkosana to take the position officially. She is

the one taking care of our children’s inter-ests,” said School Governing Body (SGB)member Nomlindo Ndwanya, adding thatthey had written many letters of complaintto the Department of Education without suc-cess.“We are giving the department seven days

to respond. If there was no satisfactory an-swer by March 5, we’ll close the school, saidthe parents.Provincial Education spokesperson Mali

Mtima said his department was aware of theshortage of furniture in many of the prov-ince’s schools.He said, “ThenationalDepartment ofBasic

Education and the provincial Department ofEducation have a partnership to offset thecurrent backlog in school furniture. It is inphases. We’ll ultimately come to CebelihleHigh and sort out their problem.” said Mti-ma.Mtima said for all the seconded educators

who had to work as shopstewards at provin-cial and national level, an opportunity wascreated for someone to act in their position.“MEC for Education, Honourable Mandla

Makupula has, however, issued an instruc-tion to deal with all the deseconded officialsof the department as part of an agreementsignedwith social partners - to report for dutyin their respective schools in March 2015,”said Mtima.

CebelihleHighparents lock teachers, learnersout

Kwazakhele’s angry Chubekile High School parents temporarily close school. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA


PEOPLE from all walks of life – fromVIPs to teachers, elderly people toMK soldiers – were at the opening ofVM Kwinana Senior SecondarySchool in KwaNobuhle.

Hundreds of people, most of whomwere clad in traditional gear, bravedthe rain to attend the official openingon Friday, February 27.Dignitaries from government, ter-

tiary institutions, VMKwinana fam-ily andprincipals, teachers fromvar-ious schools across KwaNobuhle at-tended.Prof.MzobanziMboya, father of ac-

tor and celebrity Hlubi Mboya, wasthe guest speaker.He said schools needed to start

having evening classes and spendextra time on studying.“We must use time effectively and

not waste it. We must invest in edu-cation for it is the key to our future.Take for instance a country such asJapan. They don’t waste time in thatcountry. They have no minerals, butthey are amongst the top industrialcountries in theworld! That is educa-tion.”He also proposed the establish-

ment of a V M Kwinana Foundation.“I do not want to prescribe to peo-

ple to form a foundation, but if it

were possible, I would give out R10000 towards it.”PrincipalMawongaBlou said: “We

have never heard cases of break- insat this school, or attempts at break-ins. The community is watching thisschool by itself 24 hours a day! Ourschool has 950 learners, and wasbuiltwith abudget ofR43millionandhas 35 classrooms. It was occupied in2012, after we were platooning atMa-jombozi Street in a prefab building.”“We don’t allow hair styles here

and we work hand in hand with par-ents to make sure that our code ofconduct is adhered to. When thereare challenges, we always overcomethem.”

VMKwinana honoursMK soldiers

Professor Mboya hands over a potrait of V.M Kwinana to currentprincipal, Mawonga Blou. PHOTO:THAMSANQA MBOVANE


KWANOBUHLEmembers of the SouthAfri-can Police Service (SAPS) in conjunctionwith the Community Police Forum (CPF)had a successful Operation Fundisa at highschools in the township last week.

Aimed at addressing the dangers of drugand liquor abuse, the police and the CPFmembers had already arrived at TinarhaHigh School in Kwanobuhle at 7.45am – on-ly to find a handful of learners on the schoolpremises, said police spokesperson Ser-geant Majola Nkohli.He said they were disappointed as they

wanted to close Operation Fundisa Cam-paign on high note.“The aim of the campaign was two-fold.

It had a theme of discouraging late-comingas well as educating learners about the dan-gers of experimenting with drugs and li-quor,” said Nkohli, adding that drug and li-

quor abuse was still a huge problem facingKwaNobuhle high schools.CPF Treasurer, Siphokazi Tyatya, who is

also a student at Eastcape Midlands Col-lege, gave a motivational talk to learnersand expressed her disappointment overlearners arriving late at school and in theprocess missing out on teaching.Visible Policing Commander, Lieuten-

ant-Colonel Patrick Goeda, delivered aspeech that would be remembered with acatch-line, “Yes, we can!”Lt Col Goeda drove home a message on

the dangers of drugs. He also cited the chal-lenge of liquor abuse, as this was one of thereasons rape victims could not easily giveaccount of the incidents when they wantedto report cases.A Grade 12 learner, Siliziwe Matata, be-

came a star of the campaign when she reca-piculated, and thanked visitors proficient-ly in English, which is her second lan-guage.

SAPSandCPFpartner inOperationFundisaat schools

= Participating in Operation Fundisa are the Head: VisiblePolicing, Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Goeda (left) and CPF Chair-person, Monica Mbatsha (right) with learners. PHOTOS:SUPPLIED

;Eloquent speaker and Grade 12 learner Siliziwe Matata (19)was a star of the Operation Fundisa Campaign.


IF construction of the new tank farm by Oil-tanking Grindrod Calulo (OTGC) starts thisyear, the first phase should be completed by2018.

Engineering News reports Grindrod CEO,Alan Olivier, as saying the project had beendelayed“Owing to the fact that the tariffmod-

el of the National Energy Regulator of SouthAfrica (Nersa) did not work for projects re-quiring new capital outlay.”He said there were “New tariff regulations

in theworks forMay this year, which shouldallow for the construction of this facility.”The new 230 000 cubic metre facility will

cost R2.9 billion “And will be used for thestorage of all petroleumproductswith the ex-ception of crude oil and liquefied natural

gas.”Olivier said land was available to expand

the facility to 700 000 cubicmetres if required.Construction of the new facility will pave

theway for the eventual decommissioning ofthe existing one in the Port Elizabeth Har-bour.An environmental impact assessment

(EIA) is underway for the decommissioningof the existing facility. The Coega Develop-

ment Corporation has issued a request forproposals for the supply, installation andcommissioning of the technical security in-frastructure in support of the Customs Con-trolled area (CCA) in the IDZ.The CDC has also issued a request for pro-

posals for the roll out of core customs and lo-gistics solutions in support of the CCA thatis “currently in the process of establish-ment.”

First phase of oil tank farm could be completed by 2018

Page 3: Pe indaba 04 03 2015


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A 14 year-old girl from KwaNobuhle is be-ing kept in a place of safety after she wasallegedly raped by her brother-in-law (40).

The Grade 8 learner is said to be four-months pregnant after her older sister’shusband allegedly raped her on several oc-casions.“According to the girl, the man would do

this when her unemployed elder sister,who suffers from epilepsy and a stress dis-order was asleep,” said a concerned neigh-

bour.According to the neighbour, they saw the

girl’s tummy rising and suspected that shewas pregnant. They, as elderly women, be-came concerned and asked the child aboutit,“She first told a lie about a certain boy

whose name and address she did notknow,” said the neighbour,“She, however, later confessed to us and

in the presence of Phaphani Rape Crisis of-ficials said that it was her brother-in-law(ngubhuti) that did this to her, adding thatshe was told not to tell anyone about it.

According to the girl, he would wake herup in the middle of the night and take herto the kitchen where he would rape her.This happened on more than one occa-

sion. She said she told ubhuti each time,that what he was doing was wrong, but hewould not stop.When neighbours alerted the man’s wife

about her sister’s allegations, she wouldnot listen.The woman instead became angry with

the neighbours and accused them of tryingto cause friction in her marriage.The neighbour said the last straw was

when they heard that the girl was asked byher sister to terminate the pregnancythrough illegal means.“The girl was forced to drink Stameta but

unfortunately it was too late to abort thebaby,” the concerned neighbour said, add-ing that they decided to report the matterto the police.Police spokesperson Sergeant Majola

Nkohli, confirmed that a case of rape in-volving a minor has been opened for inves-tigation.No arrest has, however, been made as

they are still investigating.

Minor inplaceof safetyafter rape claim


THE late Umhlobo Wenene FM presenterand multiple-award winner Saba Mbixa-ne (54) will be laid to rest at his Mandilenihome in Mount Frere this Sunday, March8.

Mbixane, who made the SATMAAwards his own since winning The BestTraditional Radio Award for Best DJ andBest Radio Programme (for Lavuth’ib-hayi) in 2008, died last week in the NelsonMandela Academic hospital.Mbixane spent 17 days in hospital after

he was involved in a motorbike accidentin his home town of Mount Frere. He was

in a coma since.Station Manager Phumzile Mnci stated

how deep the loss was with the demise ofthe man popularly known as “Zaw Zaw”or “DJManapkin” among other aliases onthe airwaves.Messages of condolence from politi-

cians, chiefs, the clergy and ordinary menand women have been pouring in.Mbixane was a practising farmer. The

MEC for Rural Development and Agrari-an Reform Mlibo Qoboshiyane said, “Sa-ba’s unexpected death has robbed us of askilled, committed broadcaster, whoplayed an important role in encouragingpeople of this country to take agricultureseriously and who proved to many thatthere was a bright future in agriculture.”Born,Saba Reginald Mbixane on 23

June, 1960 in the rural Mandileni Village,Mbixane fell in love with traditional mu-sic at an early age. But it was into farming

and shepperding his father’s livestockthat Saba channeled his energy.Armedwith aNational Diploma inAgri-

culture fromTsolo College, Mbixane audi-tioned to be a presenter for an Agricultur-al Programme at the then Radio Transkeiin 1984 and officially joined that stationin 1985 where he would prove his versatil-ity behind the mic.When Radio Transkei merged with ra-

dio Xhosa, Mbixane joined and shone ina number of diverse programmes that in-cluded the Breakfast Show.The South African Communist Party in

the Eastern Cape joined millions of SouthAfrican in sending heartfelt condolencesto the Mbixane family, Umhlobo WeneneFM, SABC and the people of South Africa.“Saba Mbixane played an ernomous

role in uplifting cultural performancesand social cohesion,” said SACP EC, in astatement.

Funeral for SabaMbixane atMandileni on Sunday

< Award-winning radio DJ Saba Mbixanewill be laid to rest at his Mandileni home inMount Frere this Sunday. PHOTO:JABULANI LANGA


THE SA Police are looking for informationon the whereabouts of Aphelele NoBhobsTyovo Mzembe, of Gxiya Street in NU 8Motherwell, who is missing.

According topolice reportsAphelele,whowas popularly knownasNoBhobs or Tyovo,was last seen on 18 January 2015. She wassleepingatherhomewithher grandmother,but when her grandmother woke up the fol-lowing day, Aphelele was not there.Aphelele disappeared withouth saying

anything to anyone and she has not re-turned home since then.Anyone who has information on her

whereabouts must please contact DetectiveConstable Siyabonga Magenuka of Mother-well Detectives at: 0 082 388 5221.

Where isApheleleakaNobhobsor Tyovo?

; Aphelele NoBhobs Tyovo Mzembe has beenmissing since January 18 this year.


In accordance with the editorialpolicy of the Express Indaba,we invite readers to commenton mistakes in the newspaperand shall correct significanterrors as soon as possible.

Send info to the Ombudsman ofMedia24’s Local Press, George

Claassen, at [email protected] or call himat 0 021 851 3232. Readerscan also contact the SA Press

Ombudsman at0 011 484 3612/8 or e-mail

[email protected].


Page 4: Pe indaba 04 03 2015






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IT’s time for the people of Mandela Bay tounite through music at the annual OneBloodMusic Festival, which will be held onSaturday, March 21, at the Grand Hotel inCentral.

The 6th edition of the Festival is head-

lined by Johannesburg based Hip Hop art-ist Reason and Jamaican reggae artist, Iqu-lah.

The festival will see both local and inter-national artists on stage from 1:00 in the aft-ernoon until 10:30pm.

Some of the local artists that will be per-forming include, Lefa Mosea from well-known Jazz band Take Note, Catalyst and

Hidden Prospect, to mention just a few.Tickets can be purchased from Compu-

ticket at R80 per person or for R100 at thedoor.

Port Elizabeth’s creative talent will be ondisplay at the annual Festival, which haslimited space left for stall holders “whohave something creative and unique to addto the mix,” said festival director, Nomak-

homazi Dyosopu.Dyosopu said she is looking for those stall

holders that have proudly South Africanand African goods.

“If you have art pieces, crafts, clothingmade from traditional materials or paint-ings with a distinct African feel we wantyou at the festival,” she said.

Dyosopu can be contacted on 078 964 8908.

One BloodMusic Festival - it’s time to unite throughmusic


THROUGH the assistance of MasifundeLearner Development, Manelisi Billy (20) andSarah Fina (18), who passed their matric ex-

aminations at the end of last year, will beheading off to Germany next weekMonday toparticipate in the weltwärts reciprocal pro-gramme, which gives youth from developingcountries the opportunity to do volunteerwork in organisations in Germany.

“It’s ahuge success that theyhavebeencho-sen asmost of the other applicants (more than50) are older and much more experienced,”said Laura Klapper, sponsorship administra-tor, at Masifunde Learner Development.

Billy will work in Bonn at Lebenshilfe e.V.,ahome fordisabledpeopleandstay inhisownapartment on the premises. He will supportthem with their day-to-day activities such asgrocery shopping, cooking and general assist-ance. Billy volunteered at the Cheshire Homein Summerstrand last year, in order to pre-pare himself for his duties at Lebenshilfe. Hewill also be taking his supporters through hislife changing journey on his blog, “Life inBonn- Restoring the quality of living”, onwww.betterplace.org.

Fina will live in Oldenburg andwork at Ju-gendkulturarbeit Oldenburg e.V., a youth de-velopment organisation and share a flat withother volunteers from countries across Eu-rope. Jugendkulturarbeit runs Drama andMusic programmes in schools,which comple-mentsFina’s love for the performing arts. Shetook Drama and Music as school subjects at

Victoria Park High and was a prominentmember of Masifunde’s Drama and YouthChoir Group. Fina will be assisting with theorganising and running of the programmes,while improving her script writing and pro-duction skills

When askedhow she felt about being select-ed, Fina answered, “I’m so amazed becauseI never thought I’d stand a chance, eventhough I know I have so much to offer. I amso excited and a bit nervous because I will begoing into a newworld.All Iwant to do is helpout and challenge myself so I will learn moreand grow into a better person. I believe I amready for all that will be thrown at me. Itwon’t be easy but I’m ready.”

Billy believes this opportunity is one of thegreatest platforms he has ever been given, “Ifeel blessed and excited yet nervous becausethere’s a lot of responsibility. I want to workhard and represent where I come from. Thisadventure came at the right time. I am sograteful for what Masifunde and weltwärtshas done for me and also my family for theirsupport.”

“Cultural exchange programmes have theinvaluable gift of exposing our youth to peo-ple from different religious, geographic andsocio-economic backgrounds. The world is aglobal village and it is vital for our youth tobe able to participate successfully in that en-vironment and within a multicultural socie-

ty. Wewish them all the best for their journeyand encourage them to learn asmuchas possi-ble when they are abroad,” said Edem Foli,Head of Communications and Fundraising atMasifunde Learner Development.

Twomatricsoff toGermany inexchangeprogramme


Page 5: Pe indaba 04 03 2015



THOUGH she chose maths and science as herhigh school subjects, Transkei-born BaneleNdarala soon knew that was not the field forher, and she was destined instead to become“something big in business one day”.

Ndarala, 22, completed her diploma in Hu-manResourceManagement atNelsonMandelaMetropolitan University (NMMU) last year,and was mentally preparing herself to join thejobmarket,whena long-termdreamcame true.She received a R15 000 Businesswomen’s Asso-ciation (BWA) bursary, which has enabled herto register for an additional year of study,which will effectively convert her diploma toa BTech degree.“If it hadn’t been for the BWA bursary, I

wouldn’t have been able to register this year,”she said.“It was so important for me to get a degree

qualification. It willmean that I amnot limited

to entry-level positions when I enter the jobmarket… This bursary means I am able to ad-vancemy qualification – to take a step forward– allowingme to be closer towhat Iwant to be.”Though she is not the first in her family to

pursue tertiary studies, she will be the first toattain a degree.Looking to the future, she hopes to pursue

further postgraduate courses in Business Ad-ministration. “I definitely seemyself in the cor-porate world – that’s where I’ll be able to flour-ish.”Ndarala said her “secret to success” was in-

spired by a speech NMMU Vice-ChancellorProf. Derrick Swartz had given, when she wasin firstyear. “Hesaid inorder tomakeit inyourstudies, you have to align yourself with smartpeople. If Ialignmyselfwith likemindedpeople,who have the same drive to do what I’m doing,it motivates me and this becomes my drivingforce.”She said another significant factor in her

journey to success had been her awareness of

the sacrifices others had made for her, notleast her mother Nondumiso Ndarala, a Mag-istrate’s Court clerk, who had contributed to-wards her financial needs. “So many peoplehave been involved in my success.”And now BWA is one of them. Michelle

Brown, who chairs BWA’s Port Elizabethbranch, said, “We are very proud of our latestbursary recipient, Banele. Not only did sheobtain a number of distinctions in her under-graduate studies, but she also fulfilled vari-ous leadership roles.“As Prof Swartz said: ‘Align with like-

minded people’ – and we trust that Banelefeels thiswayaboutBWA!She is determinedto succeed – and we are looking forward towatching her grow into a great South Afri-can businesswoman,” she said.The Businesswomen’s Association

(BWA) awards bursaries to deserving post-graduate students pursuing business-relat-ed studies, across South Africa. For moreinformation, go to: www.bwasa.co.za/burseries.

BWAbursaryboost forbusiness-focusedBanele

Banele Ndarala. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

THE much anticipated application processfor engineering bursaries by the NelsonMandela Bay Municipality is now officiallyopen.Councillor Andile Mfunda, Standing

Committee Chairperson for Infrastructure,Engineering, Electricity and Energy, ad-vised prospective candidates to apply be-fore the closing date on March 6.“The municipality in its commitment to

address the skills shortage in the South Af-rican economy, is offering bursaries to stu-dents who wish to study towards an Engi-neering qualification at a tertiary institu-tion.

“Bursaries will be awarded only to stu-dents who have already been accepted bythe institution of their choice to studyB.Sc./Civil, B.Sc./B. Eng. Mechanical andB.Sc. Electrical Engineering.“The Bursary Programme aims to pro-

vide access tohighquality and relevant edu-cation and training, and skills developmentopportunities, including workplace learn-ing and experience, to prospective learnerswho wish to study and gain technicalskills,”Councillor Mfunda said.

Who can apply:•Grade 12 learnerswith SA ID numbers,who are per-

manent residents in NMB.•Must haveMatric exemptionwith Level 6 inMathe-

matics and Science.•Current students at a university already studying

B.Sc./Civil, B.Sc./B.Eng. Mechanical and B.Sc. Electri-cal Engineering.

The bursary will cover the following:Tuition fees, residenceandmeal fees,monthlyallow-

anceThe successful candidates will be re-

quired to enter into a binding contract withtheMunicipality after graduation for a peri-od equal to the tenure of the bursary.Where bursars are required to undertake

experiential training, as prescribed by the

course,with theMunicipality, an allowancewill be paid to the bursar during this period.

How to apply:Applicants must submit a detailed CV, accompanied

by a certified ID copy.If currently inGrade12, a copyof theapplicant’sGrade

11 final results, as well as Grade 12 June results mustbe attached. If, however, an applicant has completedGrade 12, a copy of the Grade 12 Certificate or a state-ment of results must be attached.Applicationsmust bemarked for the attention of the

Executive Director: Corporate Services, PO Box 116,Port Elizabeth 6000 or handed in at the eighth floor, Lil-lianDiedericksBuilding,GovanMbekiAvenue,PortEliz-abeth. For more info, contact the Human Resource Of-fice at 041 506 3259. No faxed, e-mailed or late applica-tions will be accepted. – REPORTER

NelsonMandela BayMunicipality calls for engineering bursary applications

Page 6: Pe indaba 04 03 2015


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) The Department of Social Developmentand Special Programmes in the NelsonMan-dela Bay district, Zwide office, is requestinganyone with information with regard to thewhereabouts of themother of Athenkosi Njobeborn 1/12/1997 to contact social worker, XMaseti at 041 406 5756 fax 041 406 5933. Thebiological father of the child MthetheleliHeadman Njobe is deceased. The Depart-ment is looking for themother who is NancyLuke. She is believed to be somewhere inGe-orge.

) The Department of Social Developmentand Special Programmes is requesting any-one with information with regard to the bio-logical father of children, Aphelele Nelana,born on 23/07/2005 and Yonela Nelana, bornon 22/09/2002 to contact social worker, N.Mcako at 041 406 5805 or 041 406 5905 or fax:041 4065946. The mother, Sylvia NtomboxoloNelana, is deceased.

) The Department of Social Developmentand Special Programmes is requesting any-one with information with regard to the bio-logical father of the child, Linathi Speelman,born on 13/06/2005 to contact social worker,N. Mcako at 041 406 5805 or 041 406 5905 orfax: 041 4065946. The mother, NzinyelwaSpeelman, is deceased.

) Uviwe Child and Youth services, previ-ously known as Port ElizabethChildline andFamily Centre, are looking for the motherofDeidre Williams. The biologicalmother gavebirth to her on 16/09/2003. The biologicalmother’s name is Sonja Valencia Williamsand her date of birth is 19/11/1975. Thechild’s mother or any other person whomight know her whereabouts is asked tocontact Dohne Geel at 041-4530441.

) The Department of Social Developmentin theNelsonMandelaMetropolitanDistrict(Zwide Service Office) is requesting anyonewith informationwith regard to the paternalfamily of the child Thandile Patience Ngcesheborn 30/10/2004 to contact the social worker,V. Gaxela at 041 406 5931 during office hoursor fax 041 406 5752. The biological mother ofthe child is Vuyokazi Edith Ngceshe and isdeceased. The biological father of the childis Thandile Patience Ngceshe. It is reportedthat his whereabouts were last in Germis-ton.

) The Department of Social Developmentand Special Programmes in the NelsonMan-dela Metro is requesting information withregard to the maternal family of Kabelo Hlu-lani born on April 3, 2005. They are also look-ing for information on the whereabouts ofhis biological father known as Phakiwe Pe-ter Mohapi, who used to stay in Walmer Lo-cation P.E. The biological mother, KhanyisaColline Mohapi, passed away in 2007. Any-one with information is asked to contact thesocial worker, S. Msauli at 041-406 5760, orfax 041- 406 5797.

)Christian Social Services (CMR) is look-ing forMzwandileNdobelewho is the biolog-ical father of Zimkhitha Nguwata. Mzwandileused to stay in New Brighton Area a longtime ago and his whereabouts are unknown.Any person with information about hiswhereabouts must contact V. Somana at 041484 3554.

)Christian Social Services (CMR) is look-ing forDerick Silangwewho is the biologicalfather of Silindokuhle Hiti. Derick used to stayin New Brighton Area. He was originallyfrom Lusikisiki and he relocated to Durban.Any person with information about hiswhereabouts must please contact, V. Som-ana at 041 484 3554.

)Christian Social Services (CMR) is look-ing for Thembinkosi Mtiywa who is the bio-logical father of Lusisipho and Lutho Hiti.Thembinkosi used to stay in New BrightonArea and his whereabouts are unknown.Any person with information about hiswhereabouts must please contact, V. Som-ana at 041 484 3554.

) ACVV PE NOORD is looking for infor-mation with regard to the biological fatherofNoqayi Mzolisi, born 2001/12/10. His biologi-cal mother is Noqayi Thandiwe. Anyone withinformation is asked please to contact the so-cial worker, BusisiweMelane on 041 451 1365or email at [email protected].

)ACVV PENOORD is requesting anyonewith information with regard to the biologi-cal father of Likamva Nondlwana whose biologi-cal mother is Zukiswa Nodlwana who diedin 2012. It is alleged that Zukiswa conceivedthe child while working in Cape Town. Con-tact the social worker, Busisiwe Melane on041 451 1365 or email at admin@acvvpeno-

ord.co.za.) The Department of Social Development

in Nelson Mandela Metro is requesting any-one with information regarding LuyandaThwashu who is the biological father of Bul-elwa Tamar Tshapile. He is reported to be inKing Williams Town. The child was born on18/04/2013. Her biological mother TshapileNosipiwo passed away on 16/04/2014. Shewas residing at New Brighton, in Port Eliza-beth. Contact the social worker, Mazamaneat 041-406 5775, or fax 041- 406 5797.

) The Department of Social Developmentand special programmes is requesting any-one with information with regard to thewhereabouts of Franklin Simmers to contactsocial worker, Yorganey Williams.0414065907

) The Department of Social Developmentand special programmes is requesting any-one with information with regard to thewhereabouts of Khuzekile Phinzi to contact so-cial worker, Yorganey Williams at 0414065907 during office hours.

) The Department of Social DevelopmentNelson Mandela District, Bethelsdorp Com-munity Development Centre (District of-fice), is requesting anyone with informationregarding the biological father of childBrooklyn Jack born on February 25, 2008, inPort Elizabeth, to contact social worker, C.Mjekula at 041 406 5868 / 5868, during officehours or fax 041 406 5946 / 086 581 8203. Thebiological mother of the child, Rolene ElizeJack, is deceased.

) Social worker, Samantha Sampson ofZwide Service Office at Social Developmentis looking for the biological mother BulelwaMengu whose whereabouts is unknown.Bulelwa Mengu is the biological mother ofBusisiwe Mengu born on July 28, 1999. If thereis any information available about BulelwaMengu, contact Sampson at 041 406 5867.

) CMR Port Elizabeth is requesting any-one with information with regard to thewhereabouts of Clyde Malgas to contact,Maasdorp at 041-4843554 in regard to fostercare placement for his daughter, born in2005.

) CMR Port Elizabeth is requesting any-one with information with regard to thewhereabouts of Gabriel van Rooyen to contact,Maasdorp at 041-4843554 in regard to fostercare placement for his son, born in 2001.

) The Christian Social Services (CMR) isrequesting anyone with information aboutthe whereabouts of Alisha Melozane Le Bron,born in 1988, to contact socialworker, ThildaStruwig at 041 452 2172 in connection withher children.

) The Department of Social Developmentin theNelsonMandelaMetropolitanDistrict[Zwide Service Office] is requesting anyonewith information with regards to the where-abouts of the mother of Jeremy Banda born30/07/2003 to contact the social worker,P.P.Feni at 041 406 5839 during office hoursor fax 041 406 5752.The biological father ofthe child Sthunywa Msongelwa was fromPort Elizabeth and is deceased. The Depart-ment is looking for the biological mother ofthe child who is known as Magdelene Koop-man/ Banda. She was known to be residingat 39Alwyn straat, Blokokeimoes, Upington.

) The Department of Social Developmentand Special Programmes is requesting any-onewith the information of the biological fa-ther of Luloyiso Tofu born 06/01/2009. Tofu iscurrently staying with his maternal grand-mother, Nomvana Tofu at Greenfields inBooysenpark. The biological mother of Lu-loyiso Tofu was the late Cwayita Tofu whopassed away in 08/07/2009. Anyone with theinformation must pleas contact, Mnyazi atBethelsdorp Service office at Ibhayi Com-plex in room 104 or preferably contact, Mny-azi on 0414065813/ 041 4065803 or fax to0414065946 or email at [email protected].

) The Department of Social Development,Nelson Mandela Metro office, is requestinganyonewith information of the biological fa-ther of Kanyiso Tshetshe (10) and SimamkeleTshetshe (15). Their biological father’swhere-abouts is unknown to the family. The biologi-cal father is known as Lawrence Jantjies. Heabandoned the childrenwith their latemoth-er Jacqueline Lineo Nomnikelo Tshetshe.Jantjies was last seen in Bloemfontein atMangaung. The children are currently in thecare of their maternal aunt. Anyone with in-formation can contact the social worker, S.B.Krawe at 041- 406 5898 during office hours orfax to (041)406 5797.

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Page 7: Pe indaba 04 03 2015



MOTHERWELL Community CyclingClub struck gold when Cycling SouthAfricaandSiyanqobaSportsDevelop-ment Club handed 10 bicycles withhelmets over to them during a glitter-ing function in Motherwell NU 30Community Hall last Thursday.

Speaking during the handover, Cy-cling SA President William Newmansaid the reason theymade such a gen-erous donation to Motherwell Com-munityCyclingClubwasthat theclubmembers were so enthusiastic aboutcycling but had no means to procurebicycles.“I am extremely delighted to note

that cycling is regarded as one of themost popular sporting codes,” saidNewman.“We decided to come to the rescue

of Motherwell Community CyclingClub because this is a club of the peo-ple with no financial means. And thecyclists of this club take cycling seri-ously. I want to commend the NelsonMandela Bay Department of Sport,Recreation,ArtsandCulture for theirefforts in supporting this club.”

Siyanqoba Sports DevelopmentClubPresidentYsterXatasi said thatcycling keeps people fit and healthy.Xatasi said, “Since this club com-

prisesmainly learners, we knew thatit was going to be impossible for all ofthem to buy a bicycle. We thereforedecidedto joinhandswithCyclingSAto lend a helping hand to theMother-well Community Cycling Club.”Motherwell Community Cycling

Club spokesperson Xolisa Konzathanked Cycling SA , DSRAC and Si-yanqoba Sports Development Club.Konza appealed to community

members who would like to join hisclub, to bring along their bicycles.

CyclingSA,SiyanqobagiveM’well CyclingClubwheels

Young Motherwell Community CyclingClub members are, front from left,Zikhona Kanana, Lisakhanya Ngqoza,Yonela Mdingi, Iviwe Mtyobeka andSandiswa Nzondo. In the back, fromleft, are Cycling SA President WilliamNewman, Motherwell CCC Spokesper-son Xolisa Konza, Siyanqoba SDCDevelopment Officer Sityebi Mankaza-na and Siyanqoba SDC PresidentYster Xatasi. PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE


FANS were treated to some enter-prising games when NODEFAVWCommunity Trust PremierLeague games took place at Jaba-vu Stadium on Saturday.

Khayelitsha Stars drew 1-1 withStokes United while ManchesterUnited shared the draw of 1-1 with

Young Callies.City Friends punished High-

land Spurs 2-0, with New CityStars overcoming Manchester Ba-bes.Following a gallant perform-

ance, Temptations went down 2-1to Jamaican Stars.Really Rangers lost 1-0 to KUBS,

Golden Chiefs beat City Style 2-0and Imbabala Young Stars defeat-

ed Black Aces 1-0.

First Division results:*Young Cosmos 2-1 Fearnots*Stokes B 2-3 Cango Chiefs*Young Pirates 0-1 Imbabala Young

Stars B*Moroka Stars 0-w/o Lion City*New City Stars 2-4 Reservoir Strikers*Young Brothers 8-1 Despatch Pioneers*All City Stars 3-3 Black Vultures*Flamingo 5-1 Young Culture

NODEFAVWCommunity Trust resultsYOUNG Teenagers kept their hopesalive of winning the PEEFA VWCommunity Trust Premier Leaguetitle when they played against Unit-ed Brothers at KwaDwesi groundson Saturday.AmaChina cruised to a hard-

fought 1-0 win despite Brothers put-ting in a brave effort. Fans saw atough battle when Real Lions werehunted down by Real Aces with a

score of 1-0.The bottom of the log side Young

Aces were dealt a severe blow whentheywere outclassed 3-0 byHillside.In a goal-thrilling game, Peace

Lovers accumulated three points intheir 3-2 win over All Stars. YoungIdols shared the draw 1-1with BlackChiefs, while Black Arrows inflict-ed pain on Pain Killers in their 2-1triumph. – SELBY MADIKANE

PEEFAVWCommunity Trust results

THREE teams – Young Ideas, Fair-view Rovers and Lion City – are incontention for the SAFA NelsonMandela Bay SAB Regional Leaguetitle.Two of these sides collected maxi-

mum three points in their recentgames on Saturday. Young Ideasthwarted Island City 4-0 and LionCity hammered Ikamva Movers 5-0withRovers settling for shared spoilsof 1-1 in their game against Showvil-

lage.Callies who were once favourites,

drubbed Despatch Pioneers 5-1. Theleague strugglers Hotspurs werewhacked 6-0 by Motherwell Acade-my.Another disappointmentwas feltby Royal Bucs supporterswhen theirside went down 2-1 to Ghetto Stars.CamperUnited registered their all-

important 1-0 victory over Acemates.Peace United defeated HighlandSpurs 1-0. – SELBY MADIKANE

Three teams in contention for league titleTHE ZAFA Njeya Investments Pre-mier League race is heating up withDynamos and Young Professionalshavingequal leaguepoints in their 20outings.Dynamos has, however, a better

goal difference. Dynamos collectedfour points after drawing 2-2withRe-al Stars and beating NUBS 2-1 overthe past weekend.Youngers accumulated six points

after winning their games of over

Fairway Stars and XI Angels with ascore of 1 -0 on both occasions. BUBSfans were very disappointed whentheir sidewas embarrassed 5-0 by theleague champions-in-waiting SevenUnited.Continental Express played into a

stalemate with Brazil Brothers.Ghetto XI went down 2-0 into thehands of XI Angels.Young Romans drew 1-1 with Ju-

ventus, while United Comrades

slipped 2-1 to NUBS. BUBS redeemedthemselves when they pipped Conti-nental Express 2-0. Brazil Brotherswhacked Juventus 5-0. Ghetto XI’sperformance deteriorates week inand week out. C onsequently theylost 7-1 to Leeds United.United Comrades drubbed Real

Stars 3-0. Seven United continuedwith their killing spree when theyoutclassed Young Romans 4-0.– SELBY MADIKANE

Dynamos,Youngershaveequal leaguepoints

THE Nelson Mandela MetropolitanUniversity’s netball team is aimingat anunprecedented seventh title ina row in the first SPAR NMMU net-ball tournament of the season onMarch 7.The tournament, taking place on

NMMU’s Second Avenue Campusin Summerstrand, will see morethan 50 teams from various localand provincial clubs competingacross six pools – including amen’sdivision.Although the SPAR Madibaz out-

fit have dominated the tournamentsince its inception in 2009, netballmanager Theresa le Roux saidFramesbyNetballClubhadexcelledin last year’s competition and coulddeliver a surprise.Shewashowever confident that it

would be one of the NMMU teamsthatwould claimvictory in the com-petitive A-section.“Our first teamdominated PoolA

last year and the university’s otherteams have also won several of theother pools. We are fortunateenough to havemost of the top play-ers in the province in our A andA-reserve teams.”Le Roux said the university was

able to call on the servicesof players

such as SPAR Proteas stars ZaneleMdodanaandZaneleVimbela,whoare both fresh from the nationaltraining camp.In addition to the more experi-

enced players, the Madibaz will beshowcasing fresh talent this year,she said.“OurNMMUstudent team is full

of youngsters and this will be agood start for themas they preparefor the toughUssa andVarsityNet-ball competitions later this year.”Besides the plethora of women’s

teams taking part, sixmen’s teamsare also included in the line-up, themost ever.“The rules for themen are exact-

ly the sameas for thewomen,” saidLe Roux.Apart fromlocal clubs likeFram-

esbyandParks that have signedupto challenge the Madibaz men,thereare several out-of-town teamsin the field.“We have entries from the Uni-

versity of Fort Hare and AliwalNorth,” said Le Roux.She said the tournament would

be a good opportunity for coachesto assess their teams ahead of thebig competitions of the season.Action starts at 8am. – REPORTER

Madibaz netballers aim to extendwinning runPictured are Zanele Vimbela (left) and Hlumisa Sithonga (centre)two of the SPAR Madibaz players. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Page 8: Pe indaba 04 03 2015






BOYS were separated from menduring the ABC Motsepe SecondDivision games on Saturday.

Real City earned a hard-fought3-2 win over Zimbane Killers atMotherwell NU 2 Stadium. Mthat-ha Bucks salvaged a 1-0 win fromSUBS.

FC Elliot United had the betterof Morning Stars in their 3-0 win.LaLigaalsodemolishedFCBuffa-lo 3-0. Matta Milan shared thegoallessdrawwithKokstadLiver-pool.

The most struggling side,Cacadu, settled for a 3-3 drawwhen they took on Tembu Royals.– SELBY MADIKANE

ABCMotsepeSecondDivisiongames resultsReal City FC. PHOTO:SELBY


HAVING started the season on a badnote, Camper United is pulling out allthe stops to avoid relegation fromZWIFA Ntando Transport and ToursPremier League.

United reminded their supportersthat it was not a fluke for them to bepromoted to the premier league withtheir 3-2 win over the high flyingShining Stars at Zwide Stadium onSunday.

United’s neighbours Real Dodgerswere unfortunate not to havesnatched a point or three when theylost to Gal City.

Dodgers should pull up their socksin order to avoid dropping to theZWIFAFirstDivision.Theirperform-ance so far this season has been verypoor.

Following their 4-1 drubbing ofKuyasa United last week, MajorChiefs continued with their winningways in their 1-0 victory over ZwidePirates.

This time around Kuyasa Uniteddid not disappoint their supportersand beat Morning Stars 2-0.

In a 2-2 drawn game, fans sawZwide Celtics and Strikers Unitedplaying their hearts out against eachother. Real Crusaders also played toa 1-1 draw against Golden Aces.

ZWIFANtando Transport and Tours FirstDivision results:Everton Aces 2-1 Manchester B, Shining

Stars B 2-3 Young Stars, Mighty Heroes 0-6Shooting Stars. – SELBY MADIKANE


IT WAS a crunch time when LionStars drew 2-2 with Shining Starsin their MOFA Build It PremierLeague clash at Motherwell NU 9Stadium on Sunday.

Since the start of the season Li-on Stars’ performance has beenunsatisfactory and their positionon the log table has raised someeyebrows. In their match againstShining Stars, Lion Stars camefrom behind - being 2-0 down - andclawed their way back to levelmatters.

Lion Stars’ goals were scoredby Thembalethu Stemele and Xo-lelani Ntamo while AfrikaTshomela and Thozamile Bojicame back with Shining Stars’goals.

Lion Stars’ goalkeeper XolisileMdoko was the man of the matchfollowing his brilliant saves.

Another game which stole theshow was when Crystal Palaceplayed to a 1-1 draw against To-morrow Stars.

Other MOFA Build It PremierLeague results:*Young Romans 0-1 Shining Stars*Valencia 2-0 Milan Stars*Young Romans 1-0 Real Strikers*Motherwell United 3-2 Young Madrid*Milan Stars 0-2 Manchester United*Real Strikers 1-1 Valencia

Camper fights tooth and nailto escape relegation axe

A Camper United player in actionduring their 3-2 win over ShiningStars at Zwide Stadium on Sunday.PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE

Battleof StarsatMotherwellNU9stadium

Crystal Palace wing Anele Majola takes on Tomorrow Stars midfielderPapeyi Mlatsha. PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE


FORMER Nelson Mandela Bay pro-fessional boxers are working hardto revive boxing in the metro.

This became evident when SiphoNogampula’s Team Nompumeleloof KwaNobuhle held a boxing tour-nament at the Kuyga CommunityHall featuring interesting boutsfrom male and female boxers - someweighing as little as 19 kg.

“The area of Kuyga is used to box-ing. We brought the sport here be-cause the idea was to take boxingto all parts of the metro municipali-ty,” said Nogampula, thanking Mu-nicipal Ward 40 Councillor Thoza-mile Qushani for supporting thetournament.

The tournament was held underthe auspices of the Nelson MandelaAmateur Boxing Organisation(NMBABO) which is under ECA-BO, the structure that governs openboxing in the province.

Referees and judges are qualifiedNMBABO Officials. “We want tosharpen the skills of our boxers sothat they do well in national and in-ternational competitions,” said No-gampula.

A number of former professionalboxers like Mzukisi Oliphant,

Thembinkosi Blou, China Koyana,Mlungisi Takane, Khuselikile Gadaand Mzikayise Matlala, to mentionbut a few, were in support with theirboxers.

They too have taken courses as of-ficials of this Olympic sport.

“I am so happy this boxing tour-nament was held here. This areaused to have boxing but it died downin the past. Being a former boxermyself I know what the sport can doin keeping the youth away from do-ing wrong things,” said Cllr Qus-

hani.He said his plans included mak-

ing sure that there was a boxingclub in the Kuyga/Greenbushes ar-ea.

“People of this community loveboxing. They proved it with their at-tendance. We know that not all ourchildren will be playing soccer.Maybe there are boxing championsin the waiting in this our Ward,”said Qushani.

He thanked the former boxers forlaying a solid foundation in Kuyga.

< Former boxers are working as trainers, ring officials,managers and developers of boxing with Sipho Nogampula(standing in red). PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA

= Young boxers weighing as little as 19kg started tradingblows in the ring at Kuyga Community Hall last Saturday at thestart of a journey that could see them being world champs oneday. PHOTO: NCEBA DLADLA

Success forKuygaDevelopmentboxing

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