' PAUL M cNUTT 1934 - 1941 ••

PAUL McNUTT 1934 - 1941 · c 0 p y B-215-M Shute, (lluliD) Bliu beth Cl .. rwnoo 1n the Booi al S.rvioe biobaup revealed Ul&t the Shute teail,y 11 lalown to tho Fwl,y Woltare Sootety

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1934 - 1941



Door COYaJ'DOr:

I.,. aAOloains: herowtth a l etter t'r"<D ltra. ·r. 0. -fll• of ll.t& ~ ... wanue, ¥'nln.wW•, ID41aaa., • btoll 1 -!Jo.wt Ccnpnnion. I tbtnk tht.a ~n n.leoa a Ycry (.,"00<1

polllt. It • ._ to 1110 t.bat the - ebould ban roro­

Gloeed IUld tokOD lbo lot.

I mo,y bo a grent nuieanoe in wrtt1nr. t o you

about thla but little tbtDp, litter aU, arc b t g 'C.hlnga

t o tbe P«ttPl• • bo are gotns throueh tbOtA, o.n.d I 4o hope

you oill try t o do -thl~ to help hoi' out,

I 'NI')' .. oh oj07*1 your epe .. b, ..nd ouh I

ha4 had an oppo"unUy to ·~ to you ot that t11110.

V•r'T oorcUall:r JO"Qn1

HoDOnble Pe.ul. v. : tcr;utt, C~mor or lDd i&M, la41aapol1a, 1D41eaa •

r""'O.U:O(P"OAM He. UA ......... ., .. ,.._, ........... TELEGRAM


J , l'oul v. llc~tt \ l;ernor or lnd14ne

lndl llllapollo, lnd11Wl

•• pr1l 2:> , 1934

Deeply eppreo1ute 1nv1~tion. Could not be e~uy frorn

Wool\lnr~ton. i.:un,y thonka ror 1m ttl~ mo.

l r D ~s


Rleenor Uooacvol t

... f/

();""' "! . ,, "" A--' ~ ~ 1'' k~~ v·

~~e ~~ite ~se )f ,vJ J/ 6? DL 8 Kx ~~~&~inufon ) /J

Indianapofu Ind Apr Uh-1934. f I I f·~ ' ~

I ~ t •' • ,. , (. f , ) ~ ; •J I

'l'bo White House . JP 1 :. • ~ " , ·"'


CB 5 4? PO Oil

' ~lr&. Franklin D Roosevelt ,

- u•"' · " -./. ,. c we take ploos\ll'O in extead!.na to you our most cordial 1nvito~on to , addres s tba Indiana State Taaobore .t.eaooution in tho City of •, , • • Indianopolia on Ootobar oishteentb or nineteenth, nineteen thirty four. This organization consists of s i xteen thousand teachers . The addrese may be one of your own choice. we ainco rely hope that l /[, you will f ind it convenient to wire ooc optance. ~ , ~

) ', ·""'1 Paul V l.!oH'u t t C<>vr of Indiana . , Floyd I !.!cLlurray State Supt of Publ1o Instruction . /, f' -"

v-·"1 I •

/ · t'" ' ' ~ '-~ 800 P!J

Tllt.tuo. :/UI.I vo,·y lloUCh l'llr your

.J.ett.a.t.· o...OOi;t tilC ~Soe Ol' .:.i.rtl . 7 . Q.

liOrl . PbU . .I. V • .ilcNutt Oovaruor of Indiow"


.. Alii. V, M oNGTT 0..0••;-

STAT£ OP ll'ji)JAN A ~ll'T'IY• DaJOAtrno~elfl'


'• v \ . ~ _, /

lb-3. Eleanor aoo .. Tolt The llbito Hou .. w._~o.c. o. c.

Dear Wra. Rooeevolt1


r, ! he cue ot atra. T. 0 . Bt.ue , 1126 Loctso Avenue, Evansville, Indiana, roterred to in your letter of April 17, wac pretented to =e in a lettor tr~ her husband dated W.roh 1&.

Practically t ho o~o taoto woro aet out and at

' L


that time r wrote to t ho tirm. ot attorneys bring­ing t he action •&•1ott wr. Blue. If I ac oor~ootly 1nton::.ed the obli&ation waa on ._ promluory nota and was uot secured by • .ortaA£• on the lot re­ferred to in Wre. Uluo'e letter.

Very oordially yours.

Paul V. Uoliutt


. - . ...

~ uv~•· Uvvvt·uor loC.\U tt:

'lJlh!~ yoc ll .... l.'Y wue.. J.'or LhU rc~.,u.t·t ou tu.e ~~~b ~t .&J.·•· t..L.l.~UvUJ. u. . t.t..u t.tt. I C tttt.,J.)' Gr~l'tiCl.'" t.e tr•e ~,..ecJ..U.! Ol'!'ortll t...uol bf u ... ;,tQto ~t.i->t•·-wt' ' ll 1){1.&.4.:8 1n l.uVe;;..t.i.;at..i.u,a tl.l:i ~&.sc:.

Hon. PhuJ. V· ~utt Tile Gov ernor In<i.l.>u>h!)O.l.ls, Ind.


P•uc. v . HcNJn. oo ..... -




tf -Y-~Y ~\IT1ve: Dr:li'.urnu::n

Mre. Fru~kUn D. Roosevelt Tho White Kouee l'le.ahington,. o. c.

Dear ltre. RooeeYelt•

. ·yl \~J I

.lur;uat 26, 19M

Your letter ot Auguet 8, enolostnu a letter trom l&re. Elizabeth H. Shut., lndi&U.polla • h&a been i:ovoetigated by the oftiae ot the state Admin.htrator ot the Federal ilme~enoy R<oliot Mainiatration. For your intoi'Wltion I am enoloein« a oopy ot the reFOTt on the Shute tamily. I tltil>lc the report an.swere in dett.il her letter to you. I an returning herowith ltre. Shute' • l etter addre.saed to you.

Cordially youre .

EnD . Pt.l.ll V. lololl\ttt

~-) d ! . .r

' ' /


" . -. /

, )



.... . . , ,

• /

-t' " ) - '

c 0 p y B-215-M Shute, (lluliD) Bliu beth Cl .. rwnoo 1n the Booi al S.rvioe biobaup revealed Ul&t the Shute teail,y 11 lalown to tho Fwl,y Woltare Sootety. Conteot with that e.genoy wu aocor<lingl,y •do. Sinoe the co.ae 1o active, lliu Kierated, oue conaultant, e;ave into"l""'tion 1n the abeenoe of l.lha Reed, the ree;ular rlaitor.

I The Fomil,y Wolt&N Rocor<l oontaina the •- history given by lire . Shute 1n her letter, In Ootober ot 1933, the Fomil,y l'lelf&N verified the legal Indi&Dapolb reoidenoe of the fomil,y for a Kanaae City agency from whom the Shutes sought o.eehtance. on route to %lldiont.polb tram Texas, NothU,g was hurd tram the ft.mil,y themoelvea until j"'•• Shute appeared at r .w.s. on J~ 4 , 19M. · 1 l.lra . Shute did not aek for relief, i1n taot, refueed to accept thie whm i t wu offered , but diecueeod her finonoial dittioultioe in eomo detail, Prior to thie time , ehe had obtained o. 1!oiDII Loan, on whieh her oe11tract wae to be $18.00 per month, She had had on t B500 equity 1n her 11 room homo at 1144 N, Ala~ St., which the famil,y had undertaken to purohase 1n 1917, The family had a regular $12 . 00 monthly ina"""' from """"' garages , and additional inoamo tram liD apou-tm..nt building at Ogden anti Walnut Sta. The latter barol,y cover ed the oxponeo ot operating the building, The family awned a lS 29 ton e.nd a halt truok (alee not mentioned) and a 1929 Chandlor nutamobilo, either of which Kro. Shute offerod for sale,

F, W, S, contnote were mde on 6-4, 6- 14,, 6· 181 6-27 and 6-29. !Irs, $hute wae put in t ouch with a possibl e purohaee:r for the t ruok and it 1a not known haw t his plo.n worked out, As ehe wna so inaistent upon not accepting relief, it was difficult to plan with her. OM or two small utility billa wore paid and no:o-;.;ayn.ent of a personal tax return waa arranged, The agenoy offered further service nnd relief if necessary, but lire . Shute mo.de no effort to oontinua the ccnt..ct, F .Vf. S. plan according to Mise Kierstod would probably not have inoluded application for public relief as 16ra. Shute wue felt to be the type of parson for ·•,hom it would hove been difficult, In her lut two convereatione wit h the visitor, Lfts, Shute stated ohe felt atron&ly she should be given a mother'• pension, F,W. ~. visitor did not dia­ouse thi s with her and it ia not known •mether aha took my a tepa t o secure a pen~ a ion.

The Shute holll8 ie an attractive one, Vre , Shute' o fioo arte training 1B reflected 1n rather good pict ures , somo of th8JO her own worlc. 'lhe furniture ie good, IOJDfl

of it having poui ble value for antique blnoiera , Ura, Sbute had worked out a e>csmetic formula 1n whioh L.S, Ayroe & Co, were interested. llothlng h known

"' of the outoom:e ot thia aituaticm. Fram ree.di~ the rcoord, cno foela that ~a. Shute ia a poraOD' of wide interests and oopabilitios. She has tried eo ~ plana, one wonders whether it would not have been wiser for her to oonoentrate rother t han aoatter her energioa , She is e=tional end evidently inoli.nod to reaot excitably to her oituation.

!lias ltierated a.aka that the Famil,y Welfare be given o copy of the letter addressed to Lira , P.ooaevelt, since it oovere the situation muoh more fully than l.!ra , Shute did 1n her converaatione with the agency, F, W, S, will mo.ke no effort to oontaot the famil,y beoauee ot the letter, einoe lire. Shute haa boon urged eevernl timea to ocammicate with the agency 1f aha finda heraelf in diftioultiea,

llart I/



C:UT A ND lltOCK·PAC.I: •roN I: ___ ,_ -..-.-···~--­,.._ .. _.., .. ,. INDIANA~L.Ie, IND.

1144 ll .. l.l~~•Ol¥ Street

Yre.rrankl l n D. Rooeevelt ,

ilhl t e Houe o ,

.l~ebington,D . C.

De• r L!Aidam:

1 shall make tbls • • short • e poselble, but l ' m deeper • t •

and the re Je muob to t e ll eo you mcy underet¥nd our~, you

s ee Wt a r t f a.t becoming t hat i nstead of per s ona with on l ad1-

viduolli t 7 of our owa.

!Jy hue"and d 1ed In July 1930 ,•nd f ollowl nl" his do11 th I

o• rrled on h ie bue l neee euooeeetully untll- - -1 m.de ·~out

$3, 600 clear ! r om July until Hoveaber 6,o! th~t yoar , but

el•o• then ther e h¥8 boon nothtn~. Tho olaar re~l est ¥tt we

owned had to be sold to pay our t axes •nd inheritance t•x.

d1th interest ~nd t•xee,a~ptlee,~nd rente ln 4rreara our

Situ• t!OA boO&QO dt 8porkt o,¥nd 1 traded & pieOo Of ~rOperty

!or • grapefruit grove In southern Tex•e. Tb•t, l l ke my own

pl• O• wa a mortgaged---true• f • rmlng In the v~lley was • t a

l ow t bb, end some o! the fruit would only bring t~ per pouna1

eo we O.d • struggle Ia tbt tl ret p•rt ot '3&. Tho promise

ot • t !Ao orop ot f ruit i n tho i'¥11 of t h•t yoQr w•e very

enoour•glng----- tho hurrlo• no took it.

1 tried to ~eoure a loan from t ho Gov t . to r~ise a fall

~nd Wint er orop- - - no auooeee . Tho only thing l oft to do w~e

r otura to lnd i unapol1e and t r7 to euve 1111 home. I hud enough


CUT AND ROCK·P'ACil8TONil .. , ... I,M .... , ... . '"'"' ......... , ... , ... ., .. ~. .. .

MOIOIL •n.•l' •11•


new hatuhets to tr..de for ~"s <lll'i oil on the wa y, for our truok

a nd c"r--- some one etole them. You eee we went to m...ke our

home the r e,•nd took our furniture with ue. I ~.new~f I 'd sell

it I ' d not be able to buy enough to furn i eh our

eidee the people there ~>ft.er the storm wouldn't

home here , l:e-1 buy ---I could

not aff ord to give it .. wliy. A tire blew out ne .. r San Antonio

~nd I ha d to a ppelil to the Red Croee for .. id--- -my first ec­

pori enco .. t tbkt end of the line. I've recorde her r shO\Ylnp;

whore my hue~ .. nd h•e given hundreds, oven ~t one time, to others .

They r-"ve mt u tl re ~ond :;5.00 doll11re to mc.ke the t rip

from Sun Antonio with 11 truck ,two children ... nd u rrllln 'o tho wae

driving the truck thru for me, but it wo•tl dn't 't>uy oil -.n /1 ~~:•e

fo r thtt two, ( he o• r .. nd truck. I bud Lnother l:>lowout· ut ".71icO,

'l'exua ... nd the y boup:ht a nother -t•re tor me,hut l!n ld I' d h. ve t o

get v.long without furth er hel·p from the"t ' I boYrowcd uor.ey from

friends, .. nd \: egged " long the """'Y. It took JJ!e f our ,·;~ ek~ to come

fro•n l4crc edes !l'ux .. e to ludhn .. polls---soroe duya bagFiHI': <~ae not

very proflt .. l:le ,~:ad the RFC in m...py to11ns refused to help ue .

:J;; sl.,pt i n 0 1u · o .. r -ny oi tho n1gllts ,l uouldn't t~t .. nd to

go to the S" lv• tion A~ tor t he only time we h~d ta ~o there

the sheet ho.d been used ~ud the towe l too--•no the quilt ~e h~d

to cover with had seen much uervlce . I'm" Rrudu~te nuree,•nd

yJu oan re .. dily e ee why I'd r¥ ther keep my children i n the o .. r

t luan sleep on UJlW..Shod sheets .

"lhen we re~&ohed Ind h.napolis .. nd we r e settled iu our home,

my children were born here, I then went to the IndJ~onu E!.lploy-



•o,IO'n M l oe .. 11'•UI un .....0. -oNa, •n.n 1110 1


ment Bure~u to s eek eornethlnf'( to qo, I ha.ve h"d e everul ye.,re ex-

' perience in art work,unll my pictures lulVe hung i n el'hi bits wi tl ; the

beat of the Indhu" 11.rtists. I huye been a 8~cia.l 1.orker in Louie­

ville Ky., with t he Medical !lchool there , .. nd the Inf .. nt •Velft.·re I I 1

dep:.rtment,r•m :.n expert seamstress---- I know the p: irl in oh~<rge '

of the profeeainna l dept.---hQVe for mMny yek r B ~nd exp1 .. laed the

f •ot t~t we'd b&en eating our f uru iture,our mules, lumber ilnd

~ny t h ings to keep from begging . There h"e been not hing for me.

One of the fore~•rt on C,/.i. :~>rojecte knew of our plight o. nd gave

my sixteon-yeur-old s on .a pic k ~ond shovel jo!l - --- SOJUe w~eke he u

made ~12 .00 more frequent ly 1t was $4,00 or ~a .uo •nd there was

on9week he could111't work at .. n. It was too heuvj for him,but h e

llnd h is twin sister preferred to be " bit hnng ry i n place of

begging. 3he h~o.d to shy ut home .. 11 winter bec~use we couldn' t lat

buy • winter coat for het ~o~nd she had outgrown her old one, I I'IMS

unable to aettd ber --- them, to firtiBh high eohool,oouldn't buy I

books for them. I um almost ine11ne from worry,•md now I' m afraid

r shall h&ve to lose our nome---- I haven' t been kble to secure II

thing ~o do- hoove art hritis in ttl¥ entire body ttnd its r. .. rd to

do bouse to house cloinv\lssing . 'tec,.us e of thllt, t here seems to be

no plooce for us.

c I hllTe wished th•t I ooul.,d tn1.de our p1uoe here for a s mall r .. r ra - ne11r iill8hilllgton where we could raise ohiokens,ll gardan,flowere,

a11d epecl\lllze in laTendar for a~oohets ur1d its oil. If we oou1d

hllve ¥bout ten aoree in apple orohurd,llnd the other , l~n~ thoot we ..

could oultiveh,l feel that with pllinting .. nd, 11 poam ooo_:aionally

HAMUN L. aHUT& ..... ., ...... CUT AHO ..OC.w'AC& 8TON& ... ·- -·--h .... _ . .... .... ....... -.. - " .. ..


a nd oni okone, we ehllll be • blo to tt nien v•Yi"g •n;.tthinl! wo ""T I '

h~T• to ¥&aume on such¥ pl¥ao .

I w•o born in tho oountr:r • ud lOTo it ,would like ~ plaoo

where my son ¥nd dauahter c• n t~k• ug the th1nfis they •re in­

t ereeted 1n--- the daughter, muelo and »rt . tho aon ,automot1 To

ong!noerlog,or l andscape garden ing. I ao reaaon~bly lucky with

oh1okona,produoed eno~~h egga from t en hone in ~exae to proTide

• f amll7 ot e o•en with all they ne eded . I loYo ~rowing flowere,

•~4 b» Yo bMd • dream of a l a•on4er plantation tor m.n7 7eura.

I'm not bogging for .un;rtnlnf< but a cn•.nco t o f!et back on

~Y feet and become onoe more a useful citiz en- --- ~ ehuno e to

l ot my onildron finieb tboir oduo•t1on . I ' d like • comtorta~lo place

ntor a etroalll, l do landscape puintlnr~ , witn cultured· lloignbcre

eo we •<l not 'bo lonel;r . lie • r e w. lono in tho world eo far fll8 help

ie oonoor•od,obar 1t1 from rolat1To8 !e eomet1meo more bitter thQn

trom etrangore . Je huve been uao;\ to the l:lett er th1nftB ot lifo,

uaod to koo p two eerTente,~t we'll oaob glKdly work Ter1 n~rd to

s•t back on tho road to plont7---- 8 eitbor ~ daughter nor I hoTo o

etool&:ht_ge, our und erwear le 1D r•~t•. the g·roat or p..!rt ot it ¥nd we

wouldn ' t hlo.TO " d ocent d .. aa to put on but t or tho obari t :r at our


Ia thoro ~n;rth1np: ;rou aro ~blo to ougf(oet tlult " " ~ do ll.Ql1

tor my c.:'h ildren • ro seventeen now ,u.nd we lllre eu~h so tired ot won ­

dering if wo ehall haTe enouyn to oat---encURh c lothes to wo&r f

•••usn ooa l to keep uo w• rm thia winter without bt~ging tor it.

It tnero wor e oul7 a obono o to toke up m7 hueb0n4e bueinoee ·~•in

HAMLIN L • • HUT• ,. ,...,...,..or CUT ANO ROCK•trAC& 8TOftrt&

.. uaL.Mo•U •••• 1\ll"f• ... . . .. . , ••• l,lft --· --LII!~'t .. le


I oa n tnallll.go It , 'but a ny killd of COilBtruction work seom8 to 'be out I

ot t ho question . Ie thoro no p lalJ o in the u.s . for us? U..V f"<ui l y

O&llle to this country when it -a a \11ldorness and fo~ht atop l-y

to !Dkko it 11 plac e to 'be proud of, for t h ey wore &mons the first

s ettlers of Virgin ia, 'but it eeeme tnat we h"To no l'la oc left,

t here ls only trouble for the wo~n left with children of hl~h

aohool a go wbea she ie fifty .

\Ylll or oan you h elp ue to ~ret somethlnl"---- It ''becomes e.

tragedy ---we a imply oren• t able to see a funny side when .re

s ay t hat we bu.ve oaten our furniture,our mulos,phmo etc.

ForgiTe the l ong l otter,it m"y 'be lnooherent, 'but so has

m:r lifo been fo r the put three and o half ye .. rs . -I can giTe

any kind of reference yo u mJ;.y like if you wieh to know whetaar

we •ro deeonlne; of 11. chance •• 1o ' d rather et11rvo thun "Ilk the county to help ue •

.i' - 3 -1 notice th•t In ;1rltir•" t;tlu I've f~llotl t.:l tel l you t

tn.t &r . l! .. rr ls torooloeed on t4y torm ln ::ex .. a---dldn ' t f!'l ve

o:e .. ol'l>onue to e ecure .. lO• n tlon lt. I'd ~t k for~ lo~n to

repuruh•ee it' l-ut I' m • l' tuid of' the etorm8 ·t~ere • • e' <l J:a:llr

r..ther ~to to V1r., i n1 ... 11 nd "rwdtt• llY htlld up" l-,ueln11 ee In

E. !I .~.


L:rs . :: .2 . Shute



Jlllluary 29, 1936

~Y dour OoYernor UcJutt:

I aa -..clo•tn& t •o letters fl'o:a a • o.an in I rul.lana and I gcant to Mpeak to you ~bout the ca•e when ,ou • ere h ere . Do you t h .lnl< there 1o w>y ny 111 "111ch t .111 WOIIAH could be helped?

Yor7 a.lncerely yours,

\ • \

( Bon. Paul V. llcNutt \ ..-IncliariilpoUs- · ·


lira . Baas P• lla:t!J,all to JDJDes Roosevelt ¥ was aut-:""to manager or Clark and Reed ca.rnpa1gn 1o havin& difficulty rurutln& paper in Rep. section •we want to coae out full tilt for Roosevelt but it would be ruination to us UIUess there is some way to have assurance or not losing our business and hoae• - etc.

I •



. .




Deeres t J.l\laq 1

January 28, 1936

D>clo .. d 1e another letter troa lira. l!"7bal.l w!Ucb I t !11nk you will find 1nter­••t1n&l aloo oow of "'I Hl'lY to her.

With .. ch lon,

llrs. Fronklin c. R The lbite lloueo llaohington, c. C.

......,,10, liN

1111r tNr lira, lllllln•• 1 _. 'Mwtn.,-. • ..._. ..

111M f at n.e=v• 1110- 1 praat ... \ o apealat liND V.l'flft"' La 1- oa tile , •l&MIIo 1 .. \Me ••lac to atop t or • .. ,

or t .. •UIII ~~rw, .. la at on,...ulo, IUlaolo , lilt, lt ,.... __.., M t o , 1 oo..U pro'MIIlr ,., to ,.... oa nuetar, hM u, 114 '"•• tea t'M tftla tlllat u•• to ... J on, Or, u I IM•• wrtttoa to Ill', llllott, I e oul4 atop .. Pv« .. oa ., .. , ... t 1811 .. oa \1 ... J on tile toUowU. .. ,. 1 111_.. aot .... • P n. trala ..Wil• "'' 1t roo.~ ..... u IU. tllat •"ller ol .lleH tbU.a 101.1~ 'M ftlu'lllo, 1 wUl 'be •114 \0 trr \ o work 'Ilea 0"' •

It JCM .aat M •o opoall _.\be ~1'&11, l\ ..n 'M • aoa-puil- .,. .. 111 ... l . .. 14 llko • • • II to MYI J OII ...... I ooaJHto

Wre. Paul ~cNutt Tho t:xecutive ~lOneton In41anupol1s, I nd iana







~ ~ ~ ~~~·1•00~ AlYt. t.. ._Q A•d J) I ~

~b ~~ ~ aa o~ ~~ t-(}~ ·~ r -"(\. .l. CC\... ~ ~

~ o-J ""1.J ~Q_ D; ~ ~"9f" -oJ t--~


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~~~a:.:~ .~ b 0(«1

t :;Qq 0 ~ - (t;j--(~\ia .. JL)

~~( '7 ~

~/ ' ... ro ...... x. fr t 11117 2&, 1115. ' j /

117 Cear ... llel•"t .... 1 aa Ul<iiii&J~a ... l.Qfta \o

co to 7ou • lUI aa 14ea n1oll aile ll&a pre-

... t .. "' ... I \bl.Jit U 1• aoa \ 1.11\erea Ung

aa4 I be ... U to J011r Juap .. , nenar 70ur

Cepu ... nt, or U1 gro•p UJI4er 1011, oolll4

-para\& wi\lt Ur, OJ' wlle\llel" 70U feel ahe

llllo•l• co to ..,.. o-.. c..,u\ .. nt .

I feel .are 7ou w111 -e 1.atereate4.

'•1"1 alneerel7 70Wl"a,

I July 27, 1?)9

.Doar Mr. llclutto

Will you ploaM loolt toto t bt o to •••

tt It !a a tblor. io wh! dl ,you """ and &bould


~ Hon . Paul V. llcliutt Paderol Securl~y Adm. li'uhlnrton, D. c .


' .

Vet.ren& Educottonal ProgrAa UontgoMry Coutlty ~ Ohio

....,(_ R.lt'.Biddlc 1 AdairaSatrator

J c (


The Veteran's Educational Program AJUIY MARIN IS Veterans Aclminiatration 'Committee NAVY





PINAHCB Du .,_bony

or Montgomery County, Ohio

P. 0 . Box 623, V. A. F.



EDUCATION a. W. Blddlo

~a . J.DJRoooevelt White Rouee, r.aeh1ngton, u.c .


POUClBS A.. A.. llmltlahlaler



Arlllu-r Zeller

~r Progr.<D; A Veterana School in every 'l'ownahip. An accredited UniYeraity 1n the Soldiera Rome.

Dear iirat Lady, \, a thbnlc you tor tho interest you are showing 1n our pr06J'Aill.

We are keeping our''hands ott" ~. ~oNutt . You are the only parson 1n ueehington, 1 0 ter , to actually act in our bahalt, Any thing you would have ua do, you n&ed but to commend.

~.o bave our own paper. and have

Tllel ve Thoueand V eterane and thoir t81Diliaa,learning to live.

e. circulation or 6,000, mby we print en account ot what you ore doing tor WI . I believe the "boye" · would apunk up a bit it they knew OOID&one, beaidea a bunch or aleepy 1 congraa81Dan, were int erea t ad in J their oauoe. I ,

...rt ,__,, l t


loe thank you again , and pny that you are oucoeaatul 1n aeouring the much needed tunda tor our progr&ID,

Raapacttully youra,

1CJ o-r Kr. llllllltt:

Willy._. plo- bl'ine tbe -!Mod lo\tor \o the hod o! tho U. s. -~t s..rrto• ar.4 ba~• h1a repoT\. to •• tt b6e ~OJ' - ND4 o Job tor thU ..., l'orbepo ho oOO>l4 a_.at aaae wq tl>t.t I o<W4 holp. J\ .. _. a pathetic ouo owl t boro abollld bo ..... 1<1n4 ot .or k t.he aan could t -".

Jull uJ z,;ut . .-.;- , 36-{1~ ~O lh .t<..u·l , ,..Jt.t~riu , l . J. ., ... .. .

non . Pt.ul v 0 uc:tutt ?~blbl Jeeurtt ~etC/ ·.:ra.;~~ ;. n . ..;.

I I {




Oc~obor 27, 1939,

Mite ~lvl~ C. Tho~toD, Secret.e..rJ t o Mrt. Rootnelt, the 'lhl te Bouee , Y&tbin&ton. D. C.

Dear Mite ~~aon:

You C81 re:e:ber that Mrt. Rooeevel t tent over a l etter vhich tU had rect1Tt4 troa JU.Hua Dubak, A.etor1a, ••v Yorjc, in tbe ho~ that the Ocrnrnor could help find. h1a ec.e vork thrOU&h the »:rplOYII4Dt Service.

Yt h&Ye been tol\oviftC the caae up contlnuoualy an:4 tboU£bt you al&bt be tntereeted tn bavtnc the enclosed report fro• tht aan vbo 1t b&ndlln& lt locally .

Ve hope that ve ~ be able to report soon that either Mr. Duhak hl•eel/ or hi• 4auahter hat been placed 1n remuneratiTe eaplor-ent. Ve knov of Mra . Rooaevelt •t deep tntereet in caut of thh tort e.nd aro alwqe pleated to haYe her br ing them to our attention •o that ve can btlp vhere•er poetlble.

Very tlncorely yourt, /

~ • . ;-l. A ~ S.cretary.

hclonre .

' I




SOCIAL SIOU!Il!T BC.IJ>J) lnteroftSce Co..umleatloo

Mr. o. D. Bolltnbtc.)c, Attoclat e Oblet lxecutlYt Oftlctr, Bur, of Zllplo)'lle•~ SecurHy, SociAl Security Board, Vaohlngto•, D. C.

7rom: Wr. Geort• V. C&rptnttr,


.luht-.nt. Vettrant 1 PlACtll!ltn t Represent.·athe tor New Yorlc State t

JU11 ua Du.bak, 36-06 20th !load' J...atorla, N.Y •

October 18, 1939

I &R attachtca hereto copy of A oeoorAnd~ vhlch I Have Jutt t ent Mr. Uevcoaor res&rdlf\6 your letter o! October 13th ln r~ferenee t o tho above appllcont.

At thit it only A prellml~r/ report, you~ ex~ect to hee..r further troa ut in t.ho fiLC\tter.

(Signed) Geo. W. Carpenter

SOOUL SZ01llll'l'l' .B01IID

Vaohington, D. 0.

Kr. F. G. Novcoaor

Mr. Oeo. V. Carpenter", Auhtant Veteran•' Placement ~preaentat1Te tpr Nov York State

Juliua Dubak, 26-09 20th Road, Ae~oria

October 18, 1939

During your aboonco from the office on Monday, October 16th, due to your trlp upotate, the office received a letter from l~r. Hollenbeck vith copioa of corroopondence attached, which had been re­ceived from tho office of Kr. KeButt and Mro. Roooevelt. All thio corres­pondence, aa you will nota, refore to the unemployoent of Mr. Dubak.

Since tho receipt of thia letter I have lived continuoualy with thio caae and, for your information, thia memorandum is to be con­aidorod ae a preliminary report on my activities resarding this special situation.

On Monday I contacted Mr. Howe, manager of the U.Y. State Em­ployment Office 1545 (29-20 41 Avenue, Lone Island City) for the purpoae of makinG a check up of their regiatration filea for any posaiblo record of a person with ouch name at the above or any other addreoa within their local office Jurisdiction. Thla check up vas made on inatructiono of Nr. Howe vho phoned our off ice that no record vas found either in the activo or inactive !ilea .

I illllllediately vroto a letter to Mr. Dubak wherein I made note I would be in the Long Ioland City Office the following afternoon at 2 o'clock and requooted him to bo on hand if poooible 10 that we mlfht diocuea bio ai t uatiqp. On Tueaday morning I called at tho local office and in confidence dioeuaoed vi th both Mr. Hove and the local Veteran•' Rorreeontative, Mr. Angue, tho efforta of the local office to give every avail­able opportunity" and aoolatanco to Mr. Dubak in securing employment if be would become rogietered wl t b tho local office. Up to the ~our of 3:30 yootorday afternoon, Mr. Dubak had not called at the office duo to t he fact that he vae out eeeking employment. Be had not received~ letter prior to leaving home at 9:00 o 'clock yeetorday aorning and did not re­turn bomo until 6:00 o'clock laot night. Ae eoon As I returned to the ottiae I oont .a telogr&lll to Mr. Dubak edvloing him I would call at hlo home thio morning no later than 10:30. 'l'ble vleit roeultod in the

I .

I Mr. 0. D. Hollenbeck - 2- 10/18/39

following accompliahmento: I

Hr. Dub&k had regiatered with tbe State~ployment Service on September 22 , 1937 and thereafter had never called at &AY local office of tho State Employment Service for aeoietance in aecuring employment. I therefore had him return with me to local office #545 where I had him reg1otered b)! Hr. A. C. Syerup, former Local VeterMa 1 Repreaento.t1ve for local office 1540. While waiting for th!a rag!atrat!on. I ~ael! oade out the attached copy o! hie regiatration for our ovn recorda, Due to tho !act that thia rRgiatration vas not on hand at the local office unt il about 2:00 o'clock today, ve have been unable to do anything for Hr. Dubak prior to thie data but ve have the definite O.IBurl\llce of not only the manager of the office but the .head of the Placement Section and the Local Veterans ' Repr esentative to tl~ effect that everything that can be done will be dona in aecur!ng employment for Mr. Dubak. They have gone over hio employment r ecord with him for the purpose of securing every bit of informat ion that would be helpful In placing him.

Hr . Dubak makea a very good appearance, ahove neatneaa in dreaa, !a quite thin due to the !act he baa had a long siege of unemployment and !a conoiderably excitable and s ervoua, He baa a very diatinct feel­ing that the world ia more or laao oga!nat him at hia age and that nothing or no one could be of aaa!atance ~o him,

I met Mre. Dubalc who ia a victim of pernicioua anemia and !a continually un.der clinical care at the J...,.!ca Hoepi tal. Tho boy, who vaa alao home, !e a aenior a t Fordham Un!vere! ty. One daughter grad­uated from high school laat February and baa had ten weeks' work a!nce that t!~ aa typiat-elerk In a real eatate office. She ia registered at the Lone Island City office and I feel there may be a poaeibil ity of at leaat doing aoooth!ng In the way of employment f or h•r before ve could aecure auitabla employment for Hr. Dubak. The only income in the family ia from an older daughter who earna $22.00 a veelc and vho, Mr. Dubalc claime, paye $8.CO a week for room and board. Thio daughter is engaged and expect& to be married sometime next month . This , aa 70u can eee , would lea.ve the family without &AY !neoN if ·a placement 18 not made before tbat time. Mr. Dubak 1a home ia very nea.t and clean . He l ivee in a two-family brick home in a fair resident ial section a.nd ia paying about $40.CO a month for four rooma.

Hr. Dubak apeaka aomevhnt brokenly and you will notice on hit regiatration card that he apeake three foreign languages . He io a. ea.lea­man by type . Moot of hia aell!ng experience baa been with the Columbia Phonograph Company. 55 Fifth Avenue, llev York, li .Y. llecauae of hia deaporate need of employment he baa continuously atatod he will teko any­thing but he baa a limitation in that he conaidera he cannot accept a



Mr. 0. D. Hollenbeck -3- 10/18/39

' w~ lou tlw> $22.00 weekly ao be clab11 1t would talce tbet uaount ot •oDay to ope r&to bio holM. Howner an &p&rW.nt houoe poo1Uon would be conoidtrod tor ao low at $65.00 & aontb with tour rooao including heat and 411. It auot bt reall1ed that po1l tion1 tor the l&tter type of work p&rticul&rly &l.wa,y1 ccao throU£b tor coupleo and ln ~(r. Dubak '• par­ticular ca1e lt 11 net po11ible tor Kro. Dubak t o do ~ vork vhateoever.

I hAve reque1ted Mr. Dubak to have hll daughter call ot our of­flea on her next Ylait to t he City. lie advi1od"" ohe vao com104: to Hev York toaorrov •ornlng at vhlch tl~, I 1hall &lcertaln vhat aa,y be done tor her 11 vall aa !or her !ather.

I 1hall continue to eta,y vlth thl l caee and ohall make ev•ry poo­olble contact. I not only realize the oerlcu1ne1o of Mr. Dubak'e peroon&l. situation but All very auch impre11ed by Hr. llollenb~k'e dealra to have our o!!lce do everything po1tible ln thll partlcul&r caoe. A1 you v!ll note, th1t io a prellalnary report to· you and I hope~ final report in tho aatter will be one of an early oucceoe. I am oendlng a copy or thlo ae::orandua to Mr. Hollenbeck 10 that he 11A,7 be lntomec! or vhat ha1 trane­plred to date.



Nove:.ber 7, 1939.

Mht 14AlV1ntL C. Tho!llpaon, Secretary t o Mre . Roosevelt, The W111 t e Uouu , Waeh1naton, D. 0.

DeAr Mitt Thompaon:

I Ra ten4lng to you for Yra. Rooenvelt 1 t lnto~~

tloD, the final report ln the cat e ot Julius Dubak.

lie are e.ll •ery glad that !-ir. Dubalc vna able t o

g·e t lnto tho work tho.t he enJoyed to much a.ncl for v hlch

hit pnat oxporlenee ao voll fltte4 him.

Very tincerely youre,






SOCUL Sl!OURITY llOI.JUl Interoffice CollllliUIIlcation

Mr . 0. D. Hollenbeck Aaaiotnnt Chief of Division for Veteran&' and Fa-rm Placement

I Mr . F. 0. Newcomer, Veterans ' Placement Representative for l1ew York State

342 Kadieqn Ave. New York, li.Y. I Uov. 2, 1939.

Subject: Report of Action on tho Dube.k Case.

Of course, you realize that yours of October 25th crossed in the mails with oure of the eame date. Since our re~ort of the 2Stb, bot h Mr. Carpenter ond I have been consistently in touch with this case. We have been somewhat disturbed, hovever, that neither ' ~~. Dube.k nor hia daughter made contact with the l ocal office in Long Ialand City, or with our office olnce we reminded Mr. Dube.k on October 25th that auch should bo dono .

Although we had aomewllAt made up our minds thnt the Dube.k family were not cooperating by f ollowine our suggestions, nevertheleso, we were conStantly on tha lookout for opportunities . Yesterday we located the first good break for hi~. whAo ve founO two separate apart­ment house superintendent jobs, either or both of which he could ha.ve filled . We imcediately contacted his locel office, roquest1ne them to locate Mr . Dubak and maks a referral to the office in t~e Bronx which held both orders. The Local Ve terans• Repreoentat1ve unsuccess­fully tried to reach Mr. Dubak 1 a aon by ' phone at hie place of buai­neaa, which is the only telephone contact we have. They also tele­graphed Mr . Dubak at hia ho~o. Up t o c l oaine laat aveni ne no rea~onse had been received from either the ' phone call or the telegram.

~ This morning ~fr. Duba:C reported to the LocAl Veteranfl' Rel)-reeentative in response to t~.e telecrM>. He hnppily rejected both openings and reported that this morni n1: he \'las to s tart wor~ing for tho Ti~e• Appliance Co . , 23S West 52nd St ., a subsidiary of the Col umbia Phonograph Co., with whom he wea formerly employed. ge 1a to work as a salesmnn at $25 per week. Apparently he dug up this work for himself o·n the very day that .,,.e loce.ted two other openings for hi m. Of course, the Times Appliance Co. job ia more in keeping with hla fo m er experience. inasmuch a.a i t is in his own lines of wo'rk and at a sal ary coneiotent with that desired by him. This report cM>o to uo not frOJ:l Mr. Dube.k, but from the Local Veterans' Repre­sentative who further adviaed ua that Mr. Dube.k purposel y delayed goine t o hla new job ao that ho coul d report to the l oct\l office in reponoe to the t olegram and at the s~e tioe to thank them and in­directly ua for our efforto in hie behnlf .

Hl". Hollenbeck -2- 11- 2-39

It vould ~ppear t~t t hlt thould clott t~A caee r~ther

tt\Utta.ctor -U.y , prov1d1nt; ot couree hlt nov Job reaina permanent. It wat revorted t o ue tha~ Mr. Dub~ tt~ted thnt tho job ehould be l\1 p.er.anent &I t he tyOJilAl)hOnt ltldUt try. Of COUJ'IO , 1f hll d.c\U&ht or doea call on ut , we wlll Jtlvo her tlll t.he information ADd •••1atance poaaible.

Both Mr. Carpent er and I vould like to obeorve at this point t~~ to t he be t t ot ~ recollec\ 1on. no cnte in severAl yeart ~ received more concentrated a~ten tion Rnd effort tt~ hat tbit. or course, t hlt effort vat .olely due to your reQuest and the tource of the requeat. Ve c~not help but vlth that ve could ~•port Aa euccettfullY on a number of veteran ceeea. in vh1~~ ve aro J)AJ'tieularl) 1nt.fl reate4 .

It C.bere b a.eyc.hil'l& t'urther you vo\:.1.4 like us to do in thlt caee, k1~.dly &4vlte.

1•1 P. G. llevco=er


00"''*' 1.1, 19~9

1"but 1~ YVJ auob tar your 1<1\hr or 00\obor t ,

3 0•"' ... \\1 -) 1 bopo 7"" 414 110\ 40 Ul7\bllll!

t o:r atr, 9 -a.u. vb l o.b JCI.l WCN14 not ba'Ye doaa tn n.,alar .sa.t.otatrwUoD ot bual.Maa. I III'Yel' ..nt )IOU to r .. l I a • lclJls 807 apeo Ulo nq,u.a \a. All I e1'er 4o la to refer req'-l•t8 aade to ae.

Vvy elooar~ your•.

Honorable Peu.l v. V:cNu.t.t 7tde.ral Securt t.y Agency Waab., o c

I. ' I I





TNt f'tOt~'- aCCU.IfY A OM UflaUtAfOJt ,....._.,.IM010M

C·· ....

October 9, 1939

ll;y <lear lire. Roooevelto

S....ral do;yo qo I reeoivoo yaur · _

note 1n behaU ot llr. J.,.,. '111.l.lim Sotr.erville .

I be.Uevo ;you will bo int.oroated to know that

llr. Sca:lorvillo baa been t ranaterroo to tha

Stott ot tho General Collneel ot tho Fe<leral

Security Apney and 1o world.ng under b1o il>­

madiate ouporv1o1on.

Adm1n1o trator

llro. Franlclln D. RooaavaU The 11hite llouoo W&ah.ington1 D. C •

I •

I "'


IQ- deo.r lir' • llclluU I

I aa .. odinc 7011 a leLt.er wb.1dl haa ccx. to •· I .olll.d appnoS&Le lt. "V'I ...ch 1t rou .o..W. lave the MUer l.D­-l&at.ed Oihich lira. Hone,_.. .... u.oea &Dd l et. her know wllat, U anrthine, can be done.

Very dncerel.)t youre,


I()) v

lAtter CroC>llrs. llavid T, li90'IYI!!!!!'• ~l728 S •. 7. Prospect Urivo, • Portland, oregon ~ about a aituation in connection with tho

U. S . El::p).oyment ~ervlce.

Honorable Paul V. ltclhtLl Federal Security Agency



' '


W A SHINGTON . \ . .. i

Dear Mrs. Roo6evel t a

......... 1~

In responOS<! to your request I bavo written to

lire, Rooeycan on tho aubjoct w!l1cb abe out.Unod 1n her l etter

to you.

A copy of rq letter to lire , !tono.)'IIM is enclosed for

your 1ofo~t1on .


lire, l"ronltlln D. Roosevo1t, Tbe loh ito House , 'rlaabi.njltoo, D. c.



Dear 1lr a • llo4oJ11&11t

l'ltDitftA\. ICCUftiTV AOENCY


> I

~t~ 19 1941

llro. RooaovoJ.t l>ao aabd that I ropl7 to your l etter ot 1 ... 11&%'1 u. 1941.

llecOilt dovolopaOilta 111 tbo o&tloaoJ. lobor o.arket brOIICht abo11t b)' tbe dotoo10 proar .. hovo toc.,.ed tho a tt..,tiOD ot tbo liDJ.tod 6totoo laployaont 8er.1ea OD aaplo7•ont problOill or WO.OD. Altbo\llh tba Voi\.ed State• laploYJient krvice doe• not bave a apecl&l. woao• • d.1v1-a1oo, the uoa-•xiateoce ot auch a •eg&rate d1v1M1oa 1D laeb1Datoa or 1D tb.e Stat.a Nlpl.oyae.ot 1er'Tice heaclquartera ha l not, 1n 10 tar •• •• can datonoltl.o, attaetocl ltc ortorto 111 cop111g with tbo probl ... allr­rounding the ••ployaent or 8 03iSil •

.le you mow, tbo la~r-Peyoor .le t (1.8 Stat. 113), w>dor tbo toru of which tbo United Stat"" lloplo,Yiletlt S.r.lco le orgoniaod, pro­•H•• in" 5act10D .)(a) •rt ol>all bo tbo prov111eo and duty ot tbo buroa11 to pro•ot,a and davtJlop a natiaoal ay11toa ot e:a.,loyaent ofticea tor oaa, • ouo, &Del j111>loro wbo are locoll1 qllo.l.itled to ooc•1• 111 ralntlll oocl1-pat1CGa •••• • In keep1D& • 1tb that UAdate, • 011c J.n search of work through tbe p11bl1o .. pl o,a011t ottlooo aro aoeorcled tbo .... cODo1dara­t101ll ._ ....

At praa.nt there are about l,JOO,OOO woeea r.rlatered tor •~r& 1.o tbo vo.rlOUif p11bl1c oaplor-ant ort1e81 . Tb1• ruw-a reprooonta a llttlo over 28 par o..,t of tha toto.l. a110bor ot 1Ao1Y1dllo.l.o ropotered for work. l>u.rJ..oc tba flrat ole•.., aoatbo ot ~940 tbo ottlooa tilled approaiato.l.7 1 , 3'-4, 000 Joba wltb • .....,. fhaoo ploeo• onto ooaot1\11tod al.Jooot 40 par coot of tbo totoJ. n110bar of plac....,to l*lo b1 tba otrieao .

!be above tiiUJ'"III are preaeDted tor the re&voo tbat I teal tbe7 1Ad1oate that. a aJ.•bl• gro"" or WOIUG are beiDg ••rved by the otticaa. I ai&ht ototo at tbia po111t that tho actin fila one! plaeOJNDt tii"J'OO ora o1cn1t1oant 1.o tba llgbt of tbo totoJ. a110bor or ftoaon ga1Dtl1ll7 aa­plo;red. In orcii.A&r;y tiaao tba oanaua f11W'•• &bow that wo!IOil eonotituta a little ovar 20 par coot or tbo ontiro ga1Dtl1lly oceu;>1od popl1latioo •

• It M1 ba ot J..otareot to 1011 to kDo• tbat &lraed1 tba otricoo are r eport1A1 t.b&t aore &Dd .are •plo7er1 are ut.U1•1D.C tbe aervicee ot woaea u aborta1•• ot .._ lrl.le 1n nr1oua typee ot occupatioaa.


- 2-

lin. l=opsn -r 2/ / U

Tke 111a1U. 1\a\aa a.,l~\ knl.ae LD _,. ... u .. d~ ~ •-•• ._._ et u.. 111a1W ltawe o.,..n..t or w"-r, aatt u.. un...., c:­aS.Hl• \e U.. o-.u el laUIUl Del- h preaaaiJ.T ....... La a et.IIQ et -.J,~\ pNA111lUUae tor - u \U uUIUl •.r­prqna. .t. eanl'lll ~U 1a Mlq .... el tM tae\ln ·~u La the paa\ blft Ual\M U.. _,, pmt. of - noll u ~el.ul. Caet.ore, atU.Wdel or c .. , lepl lluri.ara, •-uo d.Uae, ud VMit~ pnltl&l- ..U\alald 19-'"- .aploJen • ..,.. ap~~Uie&ll¥ tae lllple,-.\ MniM 11 011\l!•lol t.lle Mllll'&t1•e U. tll1ela - aip\ be .... eneltl., •..,.C ... LD wldelt U..u ""ieee aipt M etthL•UT u\Uiaed t.o all.e'f!aw u.. lbOI'\ecH or ronara oceaa101101d 117 u;wulded l.adut.rl.al aeUT1\¥ &ad lJid\IOUoa ot ,.._ illto U.. er...S foJ'oee.

Ia 'IfNI lett.er 7W epealc oC \be UaltM 11\IIIMr of ooo~Uooa tor "lllt.iell- an Mlq eoealdared. 11'1 ud larae t.bia Haitet1n ble ..,... lnrlllT .!\11, •• tar •• " - det.enoue, \e pr•J\1111o .. &ad VMiU_. DOt w1\lt.La U.. a,peoU1o nala el •IJilol-t. aerTice aol..­ua. !U .,.a,-.t aen1 .. 1e lt.opetv.l tl!at wi~ tbe coo)JIHUoe or u.. ._ •• ..,... et u.. lla1tM ''-'" Depana.t or wbot all4 ~ un_,. eo-tu1ea \e ~ C:O.o11 of laU.IUl o.r- - of ~ ... l!uT1en .q M a!tet••U., .&a I 1.1141uW preYioael7 - or tlt.o Mrr1ara are l!..l.a1 ell.aiaa\ed net\lreJ..l7 thro\1111 ~ preaeure of auort.­

•11• or - 1Jo "'\aiD OOO!li)IUQIIa, ~1-e pjaed Glll"iDI ~~ l ut •&r ea4 a e~&rYe7 or tbe prea•t eat1oo beua telttlll b7 lllclud ill t.be .. p1e7-\ el ·- llu ,.....*' ae a \lletl&l. 'llaok1rolll!d tor t1t.o •uclle­u .. ell1oll are aolq Conan! t o tbe Stet.e ••pl oyeell\ a&rT1oee w1t.b111 tile Tfl77 .....- 1\rt\ll'a,

Ill -pa.raU= e1t.b t.be •-•• lllhau t.lt.o •p.lo:r-t eii'Tiae 1a up.lortJJC ~~ poaaUilU.t1ea of reo......S1Dl! U!e nt.aaal.oe of •nr1ou deC- t.ra1a1e1 p ......... to -· M 'fW lraoe, aae oC U!e raa-e tv tile 11e1W .....,aU.U r•c• tor - laae beae c1. ... t.o •-'• 1ae1t ot tre.l.auc tor Jo"- 1e, tor -.,le, t.111 ... ohalliul. trecl.ae, Ia o\lae.r WOI'de, tor t.raci.1U.U r-&Oile •- lui•• eot ..._ acuorcl.ed t.ra.l.a­UI ~Uee 1D a 'ftr1e\7 et ooeupa\1011a _. u a reeult U!aee

eoo~u. .. lui .. -~ l!.• tlloll&lt' el ae ooo~U.oaa bel-.Laa

te -· .t.l~ t.lle 111a1W itete• m.,le,_, lern.oe axpeete U!e\ •

creet ~- •1ll o- uta u.. law .,..llet c1111'1e& t.bie del••• ~u., u..n ...... ..._ •• pJ.aD• t.o ••cre11'- rrea ~ ..u a\nM el eapl._..t etta. copen\1=& t.11e plee-t of -· la t1u1 1e\ereet el elt1o1•t ftde•••atraU• M4 l!elwaiou apereUec relaUao­all1po La \be 'ftrl- .rn-, u h tau \!tat 1\ •HlA 11a •1M w ••UaM \1M pl.M-t wn • u.. p 'llu1o, -11', t.lul\ of , pl .. '•• all a,.,U-\e La jaM •ll1oll ere n.l.tellie ill \eJ'U of \~leu a,..U1e olllUU.ea ... apart-.


-'-lro. lloao,-

I thoqllt thot ,..... 1IOlllAI bo iAter.oted 1A tho !orocoiAc acc01at of tho offorto 111Uch tho ~kited lt.otu DlploJbRt lenioo io apmftac 1o boll&lf of •-· I oa ,...... thot lr. llorUza P. carp.t.r, Cbl.ot ot tho Val ted lt.ot.o ~o,..t lonioo llirtoi""'t ooulcl bo ~ u­torooted 1o telklac.,..... with lr. ltoll, Dl.rootor of tho Oroc• ltoto laplo-t lorrloo, tho ... t.at. of lro. Tbaaoo' :roMU'Oh 011 tho ... ~ joct. I u ......, aloo thot ho oCNlA bo nrr o1Jch iAto.-ooted 1A roooi•• iDtl • ._,. ot 70ur OODYoroatiODo with lr. Stoll Oil tbio nrr ioport.aa t - t ......

..... Dortd '· .... _. 1721 •• '. Proqoct llriYO' PortlAod, Oro-

(S) I"AUL '/. l.~ctNTT



MR.S. DAVID T. HONEYMAN 1728 5. W. p,.,,..., D"•• Do~land, O,...qpn.

Wrs,Franklin D.Rooaev.lt Tho White Roues Waahin&ton, D. C.

lly door 1heonor :

JM. l3th, l 9 4 l

JAN 18 194t

Tbia ia to ask you to look into a situation that.e~iata horo but probably applies in ~ny other states in oonnoot ion vdt h t~o U. S. ~l~n•~ioe , For a lo~ time,beginning when I w~a io- Congreat we have tried to 1•t a department created for women that would be on the a.ame ata.tua or men.

Aa it it now they oooupy & pl.aoe ot very eeoonda ry irnportanoo aud i t aeeea t o me that with the defense program i n operation i t ia

, of all t he more tmporta.aoe to ta.ke ~tome action .

Mre,¥aude.B. Thamea has ohar go of tho wooena employment and 1 have a sked her to eend you her data on her re search on thia subject, She ba a ~de it froo tho handling of t his subject in ~land and gives a plan of whnt can be done here it given tbe opportunity.

I am asking you to look into it at this time booause Mr. L. C. ~ i s in Washington add I hope you oan give a little time to

talk1~ With him. He hae frequently approved this chango in t ho ooployment service whereby wo~n ar e &ivon independent and oq~al ooooidorat ion but nothing oomoe of it. It was tho eamo with mo .whon I took i t up With llr. Poraons(the service then bGint 1n tho Dopa_r-tment of Lt:bor•) but we never oould &ot -.nywhore . Mr . Stoll i s tho Director of t ho Creson State Scploymont Service.

Ro told Ura.1h~o• t hat he would take her roport,Mada at hie requeat,to Washington but I thought i t beet f or you tc .havo a oopy to look over i t you oan find tho time to do •o .l~.Stoll may bo aym~athatic to thi e idoa but th& State Commieaion ie defini tely not eo. WorAn in omploymont are only oonsidorod tor the =oat Minor positiona,typiate , eto. , and never given a preference or even an equal ohanoo.

I aeneo that Mre .Th~• mAY have aaid something about ~y being t ho Ste.t.e Director if a an indopOndont agonoy fOr W(Jt)OD h creat-6d but pl oaao ignore t his. She i a tho logical one to direct auch & progr~.

I am atill trying to b-& 1n Washington tor the Inauguration and may pos sib-le auoceod in l eaving tho end of the week. Thank you • o muoh tor the i~tation to the buffet lunoh that day. At present I am deep in the Celebration ot the Pr otident' s Birthday •rrAntements ,boing the State Dirootor ot Women•e Aotivitiea. I am torry not to bo thor& to­morrow tor the to• at t he t1hi te Uoue• e.nd tho dinner tor you tomorrow nisht but tho~t I had better fini•h tho prep•r •t1ons hero in c&ao I o&.D lee.n in 111. few day•.





Dle.r Kr ..... ,,, I

.a,rtl 10, lNl

I I ba.. 701lJ' w1 n ol April 8, 1Im t.l.li

.- to a\- \lw -tei'OJ\oo ol ......,.,l \7 l eadeN -cob •lll be hold ... 6pr1111.

1 u • orf7 that. 1 CIIW)t. •tt•nd. tb• -u..c, ,.. I oball be ... q on • luotu"' trip a\ U.a\ \lao,

Hen. Paul V. llcllut t

Coordinator, [email protected], Wd.!are .net Relat..d O.tense AotJ.rttles redaral Sec uri \7 ·-07 W..biJigtcn, D. C.



1-'w-• ltL

RC 1-38 11 5 NL 1 EX XU


















-'· 191.1

111 clear lir • l&allaL\ I

I M a-una J'OR ~· ~ed paper llbicb I ban recei...S hW lin. lllariaA W. s.u.. a...s eou .... PorU...s. Onibti· 1 iiiit"d ap)ll'llla\e 1\ 1t TO~ -.lei bawe U ~ ud 1t """ t.IUnlt t.b- 1e AQtblfll _.Lit dnelopiJ>c. parbape )'Oil could MDcl C~

Mre. a.ua.

YWJ aino..-.l,r 70Wr••

\..Honor&b}e _Paul_l:ctlutt \ Federal Secarity Agency Waah . , o.c.






l )il ... l v. Dear OoYernor MoMutt:

I l beYI been tr,1ng t o th1nk through

our d1tt1oult1ee on tb1a nutr1\1on obert. Plret or all, the obJect1Ye 11 t o get

before al aan7 people al poee1ble 1n tb11 oountrJ, tbe knowledce or t;. t oode whl ch •uet t or. a pa~ ot &nJ good dl e t.

Second, tbe polnt ••• t o be t ha t t hl e l a tbe work or tba lutr1tlon Co .. lttee, ot wb1oh Dr. M. L. ¥1leon la t he bead.

Yhlrd, tbat the oo .. lttee Me•e t o han baeo work1ng on t ble tor ao.a tlme, and not to ha Ye a chart readJ, bttcau:.e IIIYeral • ontba ago, Mr. r.u,. a eked . t hea t or a chart , t be theJ t cl 1 hl• t hey had nona, nnd aent ht. lnoteud a oonr a1derable aaouot ot aaterlol.

Mr. Kelly ga•e tbla aaterlal t o aoma eaperte 1n Phlladelphla, ull ot whoa aro people or good etHndlns, who ••4• up bla ohart . Thle obert tbut be bae la ettract1Ye, and no one, not •••o Dr. W1laon, IOJ B the~ 1o an7th l ng on lt wh1oh 1e oo t correct. the only obJect i on ee••• t o be t hat t he nutrlt1on people baYe a chart vhl cb l e eo .. what leoa colorful and that t h17 beYe aade errange•ente t or l t e d1etr1butlon tbroggb t helr uaual aYenuee, rood dlatrl butora, eatene1on egante, et o.

Mr. 11117 la •err auch upaat beoa uaa he hal \be obart alread7 aet up at the pr1ntera, and lt oan be out toaorrov. He 11 plannlng to d l et r lbute 1t through -.raga people and all

I r 1t )


klnda or other acenoloo t hat are vlll lnc to take 1 \'; oarrr tnc anr nAIIil t hn t .. e• adYh­a~lo , ~ut putt ing at the ~ottoa t ho na .. ot tbe 41atr1~utor , thero~r parlng t or the prtnttnc.

Mr . Kelly olalea1t ha t aeYoral caca&lne artloloo haYe ~en a ppr o'red ~Y t ho lutrltloa Coeolttoo vblqh practloallJ oa ld vbat ohoul4 ~~ eaton l n eucb t he . ... vor, tbouFb not a o well dono ao t he ohart dooa l t.

He la ••rr •uoh dapr e••ed ~cauoo be

totlo be vent t hrouch all t ba ra~$1' ohannola and they d1.1 not clYo hlll aoeothl nE vbl oh be

want ed, and vben bo uaod thalr oator 1Al nnd got eoootblng, they t hen t urned nr ound nnd put 0~1\&olel 1n hl l var.

l ou know Mr. l olly, Gnd knov t hnt he 1• tull ot 1deae and onthuataao, ~ut you alao know bow IR11ly d1Aoournge4 he 11 by whnt looka llke earo rod-tape.

I haYe I UI R••ted t o ble \ hht he ought to be pleued t h«t he eYldenUJ atllluln tad t ha rapl dlt7 vlth vhl oh the Dopartoent got tbalr own Obert reAdy and \ btl \ ha wlll be gl .. n a obanoo, I teal eure, t o help vlt b vlder dla­trlbutlon, ~ut the dll•Y ~blob 11 neoe1aa ry and t he taot t ha t be llkel blo ovn ohart bettor, de preaae• hla Yer7 auoh.

I aa vond~r lng lt l n 1\ondl ng l n hl l vay , ve are not really hl nderlac t ba dtooeolnt~Uon ot knowledce. Vould 1\ not ba bet ter to ~ow ble t o cet tbll o11t vlth the aoquleoonoe ot the

lutr1t1on CoaalSlee, oarrJlDI Dr. W1laon'a

n•••• or t he na .. of eo.- r9putabl e Nutrlt1onl at,

uolns b1a own •~nuee tl~t are nov read7 and

then taklng o••r the ela..latlac or tba ot he r

obart a• eoon a • l\ 11 readJ, and be1ns • • rr

oar9tul not t o 1ntertere V1tb tba plane ot

d1atr1but1on t no t they baYe l a1d down' In

\ be end lt we cl1<1 tb1e, vould wa not acbl•••

our obJect1•• on a vlder acal•'

I • • pu\t1nc t b1a ap to 7ou bloauoe

1\ bothera .. ••r7 • uch and I ba•• been 101nc

o••r t he vbole eltuat1on l n ., 1 l nd. It 11

so1nc ~ eatend t o ot her pbaaee ond I t h1nk

t he onlJ war to pre went 1\ 11 t or ue t o set

t oget her nov And l &J clown t he va71 1n Vbloh

ve are v1111ng t o oooperAte.

kr. lell7 1171 t hat t he clent l ete aaoce­

laUon baa of fered bla cooperation Vberabf

•••rJ dant1et vlll be aekod ~ t ate at leaet

one tree patlent a dAJ. fhe pat1ant vll l be

18nt the• b7 blo rt!pr eeentau... . I think t hat

a good 1dea , 1t 1noteed ot h11 repraaantat1ve

onl7 1 1\ vao all gowernaent aceno1ea. I t old

h1• t o do nothlnc about 1t unt11 we had a

chenoa t o t alk t o you one! oll thooe whoa 7ou

tbousht were l nwol•acl ,

Unt ortunatel7, I am go1n1 t o be a va7

•o•t or tb1e veet , but there 11 no reaoon t hat

t here aboulcl not ba a conteren 1r you v111

oall l\ and have Mro. Nor .. ntba there t o II< ep

.. 1ntor..d. I v1l l be baok on rodaJ

tbe l~th 1 end eoul~ b&we ewar,bod aaet t~t


afternoon ln •r ottloe 'roe three t o tour­thlr'7, 1t t he veatber 11 gooc! en4 I ou tlr to lew !ark CltJ. Otberwlee I could leaw. tbe MetllljS t o Mre. MorSII!tbau, Ill I have t o be ln Mew !ark OltJ t~ -.enlnr.

I vtab rou waul~ glve thle eerloue thOURht•

!he Bureau or the Buda~t la reoo~mend­lng t o the Preeldent t~tt Mr. lell1 be • ove4 o .. r to your Departaent. I vlll be enchanted tb have tble done, but I underetood t~t lt wae ooneldered vleeP t o keep hlm ln OCD. I aeeure you that I have no teellng whataoever lt rou tblnk lt woul~ work be tter t o have bla aotuellr ln :row- Depert .. nt and I hope :rou v1ll talk l t over vlth hl•, and perftuade hl• t -.at he wlll be better able t o get h1a 1deua aoroaa. At tbe •o•ent be le r"nl l t llke a naughty bo:r -detlant but heart-broken.

Ius t1r11, 1111

t..w • ,., .. • "17 s..nu-uaa la..,. trw IN._I!,i...,. .. t, .... J4r ot_

~u. ....... - - ··~ ot • - - ,...,.., tar old ..... cu an- in ,_ .,..._\ edft• -· D.eler and tete o•r tale l-t .. ,. .~,. ,_ .. ,

Hon. Paul V. llcltutt


I I 1 L-I/

• • -·· ...,.t-



llll--tcr ao. lNl

Dear :lr. ltollutt:

Y~~re. llol"o~ L1ebee teUft .. t he\ ebe bae t.ellced .. H.!t you ana >-itll :Jr. '!n t.eon 111 l ler ebout her ;>lM tor rehab111tet1on tllrooap

k OOC!!!f!!!Unal t.blrew · I • fuoorebly .\Jop,...o..S with .., \ I !mar o! lle r j)lM ond tll1nk it llu creat poae ihlUtiee.

I aa IIZ'iUQII to 1\>U C!!lrw apnee rq iat.Net Uld to aq VIa\ I llop. eca. of her ldeu MD be 1aa aparatled ill aa:r pr~~~:na for nbeb1Ute\1ca t.ba\ ~ t. Wider •-J.daratlOD,

Ve17 einoerel.y )'Oure0


lien. P1u l :.:en tt. t



The Gotham 5TH A VE • AT 55T H $~,1 NEW YORK CITY C:I RC I.C: 7 • aeoo

Deoera.ber 26, 1941

M,y dear Mi .. 1'hocp1on:

The Oothnrn O<t* ..... ",.

Th• Dro~• c ... c-.. ao

The Bf.,~~$t\1nt Coo•e~•o

T~e £11.anfhirt~

The! r::~~·~;u.u ... .. .,. .... ..... ...... , .... ... ~ .... ,_

'1ha.nk you tor your not. ot Dtoem"r Wentieth. In the JDtantt..mo 1 managed t.o get an appointaent with Mr. McNutt and told hta ot ar plan tor the oooupational therapy work, and al10 talked to Mr. Watton Miller in the therapy department. Therotore, I wil l not need to SlDpo~te on Mre. Rooeevelt to arrange the appointment, but 1 u IW"t it would be m.oet helptul it aM would add hor note ot o~ph&eie . I think Mr. Miller and Mr. MoNutt were t aYorably impre•eed with ay ldeae tor the rehabilitation program tor the wounded 100n but o.n t.dditiond inter .. t "ight holp them to to.ko my· plan eerloualy and do eomething &bout it.

It you think it would bo in order tor mo to traoo a eliQlt caM hietory ot my own qualitioatione ae well ae an outline ot -:y plan for tha rahab111ta~1on tor Mre . Roo.ovalt to glance o~er , I will be aore t:..hM gh.d to do eo.

M1u Kalvl.na 0 . Thcapeon Tho Vhllt HOUH Vaehingt.on, D.o.

Dorothy Liebot


"""'~ THt A.~NUU$1'UTOI

Jt. 'l :J n. 7

Wy dear Wre. Roosevelt:

Thank you for your note of Dececbe~ JO in regard to Wrs. Dorotl'Qr Liebel· J ~ve conferred with Wra. Liebes, aa har; al so kr. M111er., t he A8eJet.ant Adrainiatrat.or . We found her to be extreoely 1nter-eeted and int.e restin~ . "J{o had known 8<lffte th1ng about her work i n the paet., of ctmrse .

Bot.h Wat.!On 11.1lle r and I have retained ttere or the @raphio material .. hich Ill's . L!ebes broU£ht in, ond it 1• to be oubmitted to a m nll plnnnlng committee whtch wo havo at work on the ouUtnes .of a vocational rehabilitAtion progra. tor the consideration or the Presideot.. Prolllinent. 1.n this picture, of cour-se., is the proposition or the mob11.1zat1on of our l"'l.llpower.

Ur e. Eleanor Roosevel t The 1lhi to !louse Washington, D. C.

Cordially yours,

Adt:dntetro.to r