(Blake’s) ex,tension (my) in,tension between the in and the ex what lies inside, what lies outside the internal and the external –as in experience and reality? (and why would the most internal of perceptions, that which is experience not,yet,communicated, be named with a word that begins with ex(perience) instead of im(perience)? Etymologies of experience (expert), empiric >> per (forward, through, before) >>Persona/person/personare >> to sound thru = mask+sound (Etruscan phersu "mask”) also French “personne” is anybody instead of someone! Doomed to communicate? Is personhood characterized by the need and ability to communicate no matter what? Is then our solo walking on sand in fog a communicative act in and of itself, even if rid or void of any post,script, post,thought, post,talk? Ex,tensions are as well those things that hang from our core, the body reaching out, mainly legs and hands those appendices that apparently via evolution have allowed us to grow our brains. Such long story of walking and skilling And going back to that which is between the in, and the ex, is the membrane, the infra,thin what separates and communicates at once Etymology of tension>>tenet tenet (n.) "principle, opinion, or dogma maintained as true by a person, sect, school, etc.," properly "a thing held (to be true)," early 15c., from Latin tenet "he holds," third person singular present indicative of tenere "to hold, grasp, keep, have possession, maintain," also "reach, gain, acquire, obtain; hold back, repress, restrain;" figuratively "hold in mind, take in, understand." The Latin word is from PIE root *ten- "to stretch" (cognates: Sanskrit tantram "loom," tanoti "stretches, lasts;" Persian tar "string;" Lithuanian tankus "compact," i.e. "tightened;" Greek teinein "to stretch," tasis "a stretching, tension," tenos "sinew," tetanos "stiff, rigid," tonos "string," hence "sound, pitch;" Latin tendere "to stretch," tenuis "thin, rare, fine;" Old Church Slavonic tento "cord;" Old English þynne "thin"). Connecting notion between "stretch" and "hold" is "cause to maintain." The modern sense is probably because tenet was used in Medieval Latin to introduce a statement of doctrine.

Passing Thoughts

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Bibi Calderaro's passing thoughts on the Footwork walk in Hayle.

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  • (Blakes)*ex,tension* * * * * * * (my)*in,tension*between*the*in** * * * * * * * and*the*ex*what*lies*inside,*what*lies*outside**the*internal*and*the*external*as*in*experience*and*reality?*(and*why*would*the*most*internal*of*perceptions,*that*which*is*experience*not,yet,communicated,*be*named*with*a*word*that*begins*with*ex(perience)*instead*of*im(perience)?**Etymologies*of*experience*(expert),*empiric*>>*per*(forward,*through,*before)*>>Persona/person/personare*>>*to*sound*thru*=*mask+sound*(Etruscan*phersu*"mask)*also*French*personne*is*anybody*instead*of*someone!**Doomed*to*communicate?*Is*personhood*characterized*by*the*need*and*ability*to*communicate*no*matter*what?*Is*then*our*solo*walking*on*sand*in*fog*a*communicative*act*in*and*of*itself,*even*if*rid*or*void*of*any*post,script,*post,thought,*post,talk?**Ex,tensions*are*as*well*those*things*that*hang*from*our*core,*the*body*reaching*out,*mainly*legs*and*hands*those*appendices*that*apparently*via*evolution*have*allowed*us*to*grow*our*brains.*Such*long*story*of*walking*and*skilling**And*going*back*to*that*which*is*between*the*in,*and*the*ex,*is*the*membrane,*the*infra,thin*what*separates*and*communicates*at*once****Etymology*of*tension>>tenet**tenet (n.)

    "principle, opinion, or dogma maintained as true by a person, sect, school, etc.," properly "a thing held (to be true)," early 15c., from Latin tenet "he holds," third person singular present indicative of tenere "to hold, grasp, keep, have possession, maintain," also "reach, gain, acquire, obtain; hold back, repress, restrain;" figuratively "hold in mind, take in, understand." The Latin word is from PIE root *ten- "to stretch" (cognates: Sanskrit tantram "loom," tanoti "stretches, lasts;" Persian tar "string;" Lithuanian tankus "compact," i.e. "tightened;" Greek teinein "to stretch," tasis "a stretching, tension," tenos "sinew," tetanos "stiff, rigid," tonos "string," hence "sound, pitch;" Latin tendere "to stretch," tenuis "thin, rare, fine;" Old Church Slavonic tento "cord;" Old English ynne "thin"). Connecting notion between "stretch" and "hold" is "cause to maintain." The modern sense is probably because tenet was used in Medieval Latin to introduce a statement of doctrine. **********

  • the*membrane,*the*infra,thin,*is*that*which*holds*by*stretching,*that*holds*the*tonos*by*waving*in*and*out*of*pitch*as*in*sound,*maintaining*by*stretching*in*and*out***
