Priya Kundal Floriculture has now made its place in commercial world. Rose has a great commercial importance as there is great demand for fresh roses, petals and by products like rose water, rose jam etc. not only in domestic market but also in export market. One of the important prod- ucts of rose is GULKAND. Gulkand, also known as Gulqand, is a sweet preserve of rose petals from the Indian subcon- tinent. "Gul” means "flower" in both Persian and Urdu language whereas "Qand" means "sweet" in Persian. In Turkish it is known as Gul Receli. However, Gulkand can be prepared from any of rose variety or species. Almost all have similar medici- nal value and uses. Rosa centifolia and Rosa damascena is best for mak- ing Gulkand. Benefits of Gulkand *Gulkand is an ayurvedic tonic. The national institute of ayurvedic medi- cines provides a list of benefits obtained from eating Gulkand. *Gulkand has cooling properties; thus it is beneficial in alleviating all heat related problems like tiredness, lethargy, itching, aches and pains. *Gulkand is a powerful antioxidant and a very good rejuvenator. *Consuming 1-2 teaspoon of Gulkand help to reduce acidity and stomach ulcer. *Gulkand helps to treat mouth ulcer, strengthens teeth and gums. *It can be used to treat dysmenor- rhoea and is effec- tive in relieving menstrual pain in women. *It is very good digestive tonic - helps to improve appetite, improves digestion and cor- rect digestive problems. *Gulkand helps to remove toxins from the body and purifies blood. Thus it helps in giving a clear com- plexion and pre- vent the occur- rence of various skin problems like acne, boils, white- heads etc. *Helps to reduce excessive perspi- ration and foul body odour. *Having two teaspoon of Gulkand before venturing outdoor can help to prevent sunstroke and controls nos- trils - bleeding. *It has a calming effect on the nerv- ous system, thus helps in reducing stress. Caution: since it contain sugar, those with diabetes should consult their doctor before consuming it. Sukreet Gupta I want to be a doctor. No-No I will become an engineer because my Rahul Bhaiya (Assumed) is a Com- puter Engineer. Or shall I become an Army Officer because my friend Ashu ( Assumed ) is joining NDA or shall I join my Dad's Business. Oh God!! I am so confused, what should I do? Every student faces the question of 'what next' after class 12th and 10th. First- ly, to decide a stream, and then, to decide the graduation course! A helpless 16 year old is faced with the choice of three streams - Humanities, Sci- ence and Commerce, and the only Career Guidance he has is the opinion of his par- ents, his teachers judgment based on his marks and the comments of his friends and neighbors. But is that much help sufficient for a child to base the foundation of his entire career? All of us know that school days are the most important days of any student's edu- cational development and during this phase, a student requires maximum ori- entation and guidance to understand his/her abilities to pursue career in his/her area of interest. The most prelevant system now a day is that a student chooses a course under many factors like parents and peer pres- sure, social status, percentage, herd men- tality then he/she chooses a college then job and then he/she thinks about his/her career. Due to which they found complaining. I don't have a job I don't enjoy my work I don't seem to be in right career. But the ideal way is to choose a career is to analyse Track Record + Ability + Marketing opportunity, then eligible course, then eligible college and then job, it will surely lead to a successful career. So this is the reason that there is a dire need for Career Counseling. But question is who need this? When to do it? How to do it? Career counsellors assist in discover- ing a student's potential and aptitude, and accordingly suggest the right course of study to enhance the student's career prospects. They usually test students for 3 three key factors - aptitude, interest and personality. These aspects help them in deciding the right career path for a stu- dent. Why is Career Counselling Important? Choosing a suitable career option influences a student's course of life. Tak- ing informed decisions at the right time could bring in wonderful opportunities as opposed to wrong ones, which could ruin a student's future as these decisions are often irreversible. In such a situation, approaching a career counsellor would be a step in the right direction. With an increase in the number and diversity of openings in the market, the importance of career counselling has also increased manifold. People realize the fact that not all can become engineers or doctors and have now started exploring other fields depending on their talent and interest in alternate domains. Benefits of Career Counselling Career Counselling helps in determin- ing a student's true potential. Students are often confused about their career preferences. Aptitude tests and coun- selling sessions would help identify their field of specialization. This would indeed help a student in following the right course of study for accomplishing his career goal. Secondly, despite having a clear idea of their choice of career, students do not have the requisite knowledge to plan their higher course of specialized study in order to fulfill the eligibility for their chosen field. In such a scenario, career coun- selling can help clear these doubts by giv- ing them clarity and vision regarding what they can expect from various educa- tional courses. Sometimes, students have pre-conceived ideas about certain fields. Counselling would help build in aware- ness by putting things in the right per- spective. Importance of Career Coun- selling Students are often overwhelmed by the prospect of change and the chain of events that lead to their eventual admis- sion for higher studies. At such times, the essential support provided by the coun- sellor throughout the admission process can boost their morale and give them the confidence to face all odds. Counsellors play a crucial role in building the motiva- tional level of students, which is necessary for long term success. Career counselling also teaches students ways and means to expand their network, which in turn enhances emotional support during their course of higher study. Importance of Career Counselling While college truly is about overall development of a student's personality, counselling at an early stage could help one gain the right perspective, especially with the number of new career options coming up every day, which would other- wise not be considered by students. Ear- ly counselling assists students in reflect- ing on their personalities and abilities, likes and dislikes, and how these would align with various career paths. This would help students have a focused approach in their search for a suitable University for continuing their higher education and realizing their career aspi- rations. Choosing Right Career Career counselling helps students dis- cover their true potential and interest in various subjects in order to help them choose the right career. Several institutes, including schools and colleges, today offer career counselling through a series of aptitude and IQ tests. The tests usual- ly have multiple-choice questions, which don't need to be prepared for in any way. Guidance to students Career counselling is the guidance giv- en to a student on the road he/she should take to achieve his/her goals. The advice and counselling provided is based on three deciding factors - personality, apti- tude and interest. RIGHT TIME Different stages of life of a student demands different guidance * When Student is in 8th Stan- dard, he/she needs to know about the * Core potential of a child and improvement area * Study Habit Improvement * Career Guidance 2. When student is in 10th Stan- dard, He /She needs to know about the * Recommended stream with Sub- ject Group * Aspiration fitment analysis * Core Potential of a child and improvement Area * Study Habit Improvement * Career Guidance 3. When student is in 12th Stan- dard, He /She needs to know about the * Recommended Career, Course and College * Aspiration fitment analysis * Core Potential of a child and improvement Area * Study Habit Improvement * Career Guidance (The author is a Career Counsellor) SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017 (PAGE-2) 1. To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ A square have four ends a triangle has three ends, a like has two ends put a good relation has no ends”. 2. From Rishab Raina to all: “Falling down is not defeat. Defeat is when you refuse to get up”. 3. To all from Kiran Kanchan: “ Sorrow and silence are strong and patient endurance is God like”. 4. From Komal Mengi to all: “ Truth cannot be understood through proof. Anything that can be proven can be disproven also. Truth is beyond proof or disproof”. 5. To all from K K Gupta: “ The life without liberty is like a body without spirit”. 6. From Heena Bhat to all: “ Every man has a wild animal in him”. 7. To all from Gurivander Singh: “ Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things ”. 8. From Shyam Lal Mehra to all: “ No man is rich whose expenditure exceeds his means and no one is poor whose in-coming exceed his outgoings”. 9. To all from Neelam Mehra: “ words are the leaves of the tree of language of wind, if some- one fall away, a new succession values their place ”. 10. From Sharda Gupta to all: “ Knowing is not enough, we must apply; Willing is not enough, we must do”. 11. To all from Dr Poonam Nanda: “Truth is lost when we argue”. 12. From Imran Raja to all: “ Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expec- tations in advance of the event”. 13. To all from Abhi Jandial: “ Confidence is better than perfection because perfection means doing the best but confidence means knowing how to handle the worst”. OUR MESSAGE Please do mention pin code number of areas while sending your mes- sage to EXCELSIOR. Your message must reach us by Friday evening. To send your message, use CIPHER-DECIPHER message chit. Your entries should be brief and original. We use those messages devoid of hurting the sentiments of the people. Out of the messages we receive, one of the message is selected for the award. HARESH SINGH CIPHER—DECIPHER MESSAGE CHIT Name....................................................................................... Address................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Message................................................................................ ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Cut it Here Cut it Here Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us. BEST MESSAGE The award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to MADDASSAR NAWAZ SHEIKH R/o TOHEED NAGAR, W-NO: 1, NEAR DIET KHEORA, P/O GOVT. P G COLLEGE, RAJOURI for the mes- sage “ Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. Congrats. The prize money would be sent to you through money order The Contestants are requested to send their mobile numbers, as the winner will be intimated through SMS THIS WEEK FOR YOU 11th June to 17th June 2017 ARIES : Moon gets placed in sincere Capricorn, the 10th House from your Sign, as the week begins. This will prod you to re-align your work strategies and plan for future. You will also try and organize some stuff. Influence of Mars will keep you busier with work related activities for most part of the week, foresees Ganesha. With Jupiter direct in motion now, you can be assured of positive vibes coming your way. However, Jupiter's placement in the 7th House from your Sign may not do much for your work/ trade success. Nonetheless, this is a great boon for your long-term romantic relationship or marital bond and busi- ness partnerships. Stuck issues on these fronts may move towards resolution. People planning to conceive and start a family shall have Jupiter's blessings. However, retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, 9th House from your Sign may keep harping on your fortune. Things may be slower than you would like. Saturn will keep reminding you of ground reali- ties and your limitations. Presence of Venus in its own Sign Taurus, though, will make your financial position stronger. With regard to health, you must guard against lifestyle dis- eases. Diabetics and obese people need to take great care. TAURUS: Stress decreases, thanks to Jupiter's direct stance. You will get more opportunities, and things shall definitively get better on the work front, assures Ganesha. Look for bigger platforms to showcase your inherent abilities. There will be challenges, but nothing insurmountable. Jupiter's influence will prompt you to think bigger. However, Saturn's retrogres- sion in the 8th House from your Sign may continue to cause uncertainties and anxiety. You may also be unhappy or unsatisfied with a certain aspect of your life. Tendency to think back in time may be blocking you from getting ahead. So, try and shun such defeatist feelings, and move ahead. Take care of your health. And, direct any discontent you may be feeling now - towards more positive things. GEMINI : Debilitated Mars posited in the House linked with finances will be in opposition to Moon stationed in the 8th House from your Sign - as the week begins. Keeping this in view, you are advised to handle matters related to finances and money very carefully. Unless planned earlier, refrain from making any fresh investments, says Ganesha. Retrograde Saturn, posit- ed in the 7th House does not spell well smooth day-to-day functioning at work and home. There may be confusions and conflicts in married life or among business partners/ associates. Some past issues may also come to the fore, reminds Ganesha. Stay disciplined in your approach. Determination and focus will be must on the work and aca- demics front, otherwise don't expect much. Your seniors and elders will rally for your support, so take advantage. Jupiter posited in the 5th House signals gainful times for creative professionals, business persons and ones involved in creative activities like dance, acting, writing etc. Unmarried folks may receive an interesting marriage pro- posal - maybe from a wealthy person. CANCER : Jupiter pushes your material and work pur- suits now, bringing you opportunities and success. You will be heading towards bet- ter times, on the work front. Your sense of high commitment shall earn you apprecia- tion from your seniors. Business persons too shall feel happy on getting good deals and more cus- tomers. The happy effects of the work sphere shall trans- late to your married life, making you more understanding and adjusting. You may be keen to resolve differences, if any, with your spouse as well as family members. Respect the views of your loved ones, in order to maintain peace and harmony. Unmarried folks, however, may feel angry or hurt by the unbecoming behavior of their beloved. Keep your wits about you, says Ganesha. Refrain from losing your cool. Towards the weekend, you may incur some major domestic expenses. Health too needs care at this time. Guard against respiratory infections. LEO : Moon gets posited in responsible Sign Capricorn, as the week opens. This will help you look inwards and re-assess some of your strategies. You may also take a long and hard look at some of your plans for progress. The ongoing influence of debilitated and combust Mars over Moon, however, may not let you work to the best of your abilities. The slow pace of progress may frustrate you, making you anxious and restless. Relax, as this is just a passing phase, says Ganesha. Important planets seem well positioned largely, and there isn't really anything to worry about the material realm. In personal life, however, you may have issues to handle. Married folks may remain unhappy, owing to lack of harmony in their mar- riage. The best way to resolve a tricky situation would be keep a calm and tactful stance. Avoid entering verbal squab- bles. Health may not bother you much, unless you have already been suffering from chronic issues. VIRGO : Most planets shall be aligned favourably for you, as the week begins. However, you may be frustrated by delays and setbacks in everything, despite everything seem- ingly going well. Blame it on Saturn, influ- encing your Sign, the 10th House as well as the 6th House from your Sign. This cosmic aspect will cause hurdles in your professional as well as routine affairs. Don't worry much. Instead take this time to reflect and analyze. Assess your shortcomings, and commit to cor- rect them, says Ganesha. Saturn, the mighty teacher, wants you to do just that! Mercury will help you to think analyti- cally, and Venus will keep you mind free of other worries. Financial stars remain stable. Keep your head cool and mind balanced. Matters of love and heart may not attract you much, this week. Bone related deficiencies, injuries, muscle weaknesses, aches may assail you, if you fail to care well for your health. LIBRA : Over the last weekend, Jupiter became direct in motion. This will ease pressure on many fronts. You will be able to beat your rivals and competitors. Ones looking to change their job may now start looking for fresh avenues. Stars will be supportive, assures Ganesha. However, if you are fresh out of college, you may still have to bide your time. Financial stars shine brightly. Any new venture or plan may be envisaged now. You will have enough funds to undertake developmental activities in business or renovation at home. Well placed Mercury shall inspire you, boosting your communication and analytical abilities. Writers, orators, computer net- working professionals, teachers, and communication & advertising professionals will get new opportunities for growth. Health remains fine. However, if you suffer from a chronic ailment, remain careful. SCORPIO : Planning to travel? Plan well, down to every single detail, especially if this concerns work or business. Retrograde Saturn in the 2nd House from your Sign - is placed in opposi- tion to the mighty Sun and strong Mercury. This planetary construction does not paint a rosy picture for many aspects, especially finances and fam- ily affairs. Be careful, and tread cautiously. Refrain from taking any decision related to a major financial involve- ment or investment. While speaking to your elders, be tactful and diplomatic. Steer clear of conflicts and dis- agreements with your father at home and boss at work- place. Domestic expenses will register an increase. This battle between planets of starkly contradictory natures - Sun and Saturn - can also have an adverse effect on your health. Be on guard, says Ganesha! SAGITTARIUS: Finance and family related things shall be your main concern, at the week's begin- ning. Saturn is ruler of the 2nd House from your Sign, affecting your finances and fam- ily. Saturn's retrogression in your Sign will now remind you of the importance of both these aspects in life. You may feel a cash crunch, or may have to spend some time away from your beloved family. Don't worry, though, as these time tests will make you a better, stronger and more evolved person. You will learn to handle your finances better, and will come to value the love and support of your family members, says Ganesha. At this time, don't get angry or irritated by your loved ones' demands or needs. Be careful, as to not hurt someone who matters. Your Sign Lord Jupiter is direct now - this will translate to positive effects in your life. You will come across gainful opportunities. However, you must remain disciplined and strategic to take advantage of these. CAPRICORN: Moon moves through your Sign in opposition to the debilitated Mars. You shall critically access your strategies. Looking for practi- cal ways to move ahead will remain your priority. Refrain from getting tempera- mental. Remain level-headed, while han- dling difficult situations, says Ganesha. Opposition of Sun and retrograde Saturn will further make things challenging on the work front. Employed ones shall be keen on getting right exposure and opportunities. Have patience and do not push unnecessarily. Be diplomatic, while dealing with authority figures. You will need to keep communication alive with potential customers and associ- ates. Opposition of Sun and Saturn on 6/12 House from your Sign's axis also makes you prone to illnesses. Be extremely careful about your health and wellbeing, thus. AQUARIUS : Retrograde Saturn posited in the 11th House from your Sign now comes in an opposition aspect to Sun. This planetary position can put cracks in an important relationship or partnership. This applies to your work domain as much as it does to your personal one. Be careful, thus, while expressing your opinions. Better still, keep quiet, and let this pass. Conflicting exchanges are likely with financial benefactors, financiers, bosses, authority figures, father or uncles. Try to keep the whole deal as calm as possible. While dealing with a subordinate or a junior, take care to not hurt his/her sen- timents. Venus posited in its own Sign, traversing through the 4th House from your Sign, will induce you to work towards a home renovation project. You may also buy a gadget or an art-work. Mercury transiting through the 5th House from your Sign will inspire you to strengthen your position on the financial front. Go ahead, says Ganesha! PISCES : With Mercury joining Sun posited in opposi- tion to the retrograde Saturn, you shall be able to think intelligently. Analytical and smart resourceful solutions will let you ease the pressure at work. There may be a one-time sort of monetary gain coming your way, early in the week. Enjoy! Just be sharp and quick in responding to any such fleeting oppor- tunity, tips Ganesha. Professionals shall feel better, as Jupiter's support will lift off uncertainty and anxiousness of the past few weeks. You may be offered a better designa- tion or a new job. Weigh the pros and cons carefully, though. However, There shall be no escape from a busy routine that may compel you to work for long hours. Focus on enhancing your efficiency and cultivate self discipline to meet the demands of work and home. Fitness matters too, so keep up with regular work-outs. Well placed Mercury and Venus will boost romance, pleasure and creativity. Creative hobbies will be rejuvenating, and performing arts professionals shall be benefitted. CIPHER DECIPHER CIPHER DECIPHER e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] CAREER COUNSELLING Edited by: Neeraj Rohmetra, E-mail: [email protected] INNER VOICE Need of the Hour My down cast sunken eyes enough to tell her, Where and where exactly lay my pain. Despite my repeated assurances that I was fine, She could still discern my agony and all My excuses went in vain. I came back from school in the afternoon, She was waiting for me to have her meal. Weariness invaded every corner of her eyes But she kept awake just to express her feelings. That my craziest ways were appreciated, and The silliest queries embraced. She told me,'grow up and be a lady'. She made my roads clear and shady. Ailment has intruded her body but her Soul remains as strong as ever. Seeing me helpless and blue, her heart sobs as ever. All my troubles and travails are known to Her and none other. No one in this whole world can take the place of my sweet mother. Liza Bhatti MY SWEET MOTHER When things seem difficult miserable Life is turning away from you Intimidated and worn out you remain In darkness at a corner you examine Watching the sky as it disappears Reminding the lost beloved ones How beautiful and caring they were Vanishing without saying goodbye Shortening your long life span And leaving you destitute and lonely Deeply you wonder How life can really be unfair To honest and good people like you But all you let go off And focus to mend your life And strengthen your heart With good and caring friends on your side Opening the picture of brightness Knowing GOD holds your hand Leading you to your success Stars embracing the whole sky And you know your journey has started In pursuit of your purpose Slowly matching from dusk to dawn With smiles and determination In whispers you read your heart ALWAYS STAND STRONG Lokesh Dhar BE (CSE_Dachhan Kishtwar STAND STRONG e-mail: [email protected] Who I was and who I am It is nothing less than a big scam; Those uncontrollable laughters, Of which we were the masters; Those endless talkings, That we kept stalking; The twinkinling eyes, the endless smile All has lost its charm in the while; Each little thing made me excited Now there is nothing about which I am delighted; It is me or the world which has changed, There is nothing to which i am engaged; Change is inevitable I know, It is a necessity as we grow; I strech my arms to accept the reality, Because to me this is the real beauty; One thought can enlighten the day, One mind can have its say; One flower can define beauty , One struggle can remind your duty; One candle can enlighten the room, One downfall can bring the gloom; One child can become an inspiration, One word can give the motivation; So love the change in you, Because how you take it, its up to you.. Surbhi Arora CA student ITS UP TO YOU Gulkand is an ayurvedic tonic. The national institute of ayurvedic medicines provides a list of benefits obtained from eating Gulkand.

(PAGE-2) THIS WEEK FOR YOU 11th June to 17th June 2017 ...epaper.dailyexcelsior.com/epaperpdf/2017/jun/17jun11/page18.pdf · Career Counselling While college truly is about overall

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Page 1: (PAGE-2) THIS WEEK FOR YOU 11th June to 17th June 2017 ...epaper.dailyexcelsior.com/epaperpdf/2017/jun/17jun11/page18.pdf · Career Counselling While college truly is about overall

Priya Kundal

Floriculture has now made its placein commercial world. Rose has a greatcommercial importance as there isgreat demand for fresh roses, petalsand by products like rose water, rosejam etc. not only in domestic marketbut also in exportmarket.

One of theimportant prod-ucts of rose isGULKAND.

Gulkand, alsoknown as Gulqand,is a sweet preserveof rose petals fromthe Indian subcon-tinent. "Gul”means "flower" inboth Persian andUrdu languagewhereas "Qand"means "sweet" inPersian. In Turkishit is known as GulReceli.

H o w e v e r ,Gulkand can beprepared from anyof rose variety orspecies. Almost allhave similar medici-nal value and uses. Rosa centifoliaand Rosa damascena is best for mak-ing Gulkand.

Benefits of Gulkand*Gulkand is an ayurvedic tonic. The

national institute of ayurvedic medi-cines provides a list of benefitsobtained from eating Gulkand.

*Gulkand has cooling properties;thus it is beneficial in alleviating allheat related problems like tiredness,

lethargy, itching, aches and pains.*Gulkand is a powerful antioxidant

and a very good rejuvenator.*Consuming 1-2 teaspoon of

Gulkand help to reduce acidity andstomach ulcer.

*Gulkand helps to treat mouthulcer, strengthens teeth and gums.

*It can be usedto treat dysmenor-rhoea and is effec-tive in relievingmenstrual pain inwomen.

*It is very gooddigestive tonic -helps to improveappetite, improvesdigestion and cor-rect digestiveproblems.

*Gulkand helpsto remove toxinsfrom the body andpurifies blood.Thus it helps ingiving a clear com-plexion and pre-vent the occur-rence of variousskin problems likeacne, boils, white-

heads etc.*Helps to reduce excessive perspi-

ration and foul body odour.*Having two teaspoon of Gulkand

before venturing outdoor can help toprevent sunstroke and controls nos-trils - bleeding.

*It has a calming effect on the nerv-ous system, thus helps in reducingstress.

Caution: since it contain sugar,those with diabetes should consulttheir doctor before consuming it.

Sukreet Gupta

Iwant to be a doctor. No-No I willbecome an engineer because myRahul Bhaiya (Assumed) is a Com-

puter Engineer. Or shall I become anArmy Officer because my friend Ashu( Assumed ) is joining NDA or shall I joinmy Dad's Business.

Oh God!! I am so confused, whatshould I do?

Every student faces the question of'what next' after class 12th and 10th. First-ly, to decide a stream, and then, to decidethe graduation course!

A helpless 16 year old is faced with thechoice of three streams - Humanities, Sci-ence and Commerce, and the only CareerGuidance he has is the opinion of his par-ents, his teachers judgment based on hismarks and the comments of his friendsand neighbors.

But is that much help sufficient for achild to base the foundation of his entirecareer?

All of us know that school days are themost important days of any student's edu-cational development and during thisphase, a student requires maximum ori-entation and guidance to understandhis/her abilities to pursue career inhis/her area of interest.

The most prelevant system now a dayis that a student chooses a course undermany factors like parents and peer pres-sure, social status, percentage, herd men-tality then he/she chooses a college thenjob and then he/she thinks about his/hercareer.

Due to which they found complaining.I don't have a jobI don't enjoy my workI don't seem to be in right career.But the ideal way is to choose a career

is to analyse Track Record + Ability +Marketing opportunity, then eligiblecourse, then eligible college and then job,it will surely lead to a successful career.

So this is the reason that there is a direneed for Career Counseling. But questionis who need this? When to do it? How todo it?

Career counsellors assist in discover-ing a student's potential and aptitude, andaccordingly suggest the right course ofstudy to enhance the student's careerprospects. They usually test students for3 three key factors - aptitude, interest andpersonality. These aspects help them indeciding the right career path for a stu-dent.

Why is Career Counselling Important?

Choosing a suitable career optioninfluences a student's course of life. Tak-ing informed decisions at the right timecould bring in wonderful opportunities asopposed to wrong ones, which could ruina student's future as these decisions areoften irreversible. In such a situation,

approaching a career counsellor would bea step in the right direction.

With an increase in the number anddiversity of openings in the market, theimportance of career counselling has alsoincreased manifold. People realize thefact that not all can become engineers ordoctors and have now started exploringother fields depending on their talent andinterest in alternate domains.

Benefits of Career CounsellingCareer Counselling helps in determin-

ing a student's true potential. Studentsare often confused about their careerpreferences. Aptitude tests and coun-selling sessions would help identify theirfield of specialization. This would indeedhelp a student in following the rightcourse of study for accomplishing hiscareer goal.

Secondly, despite having a clear ideaof their choice of career, students do nothave the requisite knowledge to plan theirhigher course of specialized study in orderto fulfill the eligibility for their chosenfield. In such a scenario, career coun-selling can help clear these doubts by giv-ing them clarity and vision regardingwhat they can expect from various educa-tional courses. Sometimes, students havepre-conceived ideas about certain fields.Counselling would help build in aware-ness by putting things in the right per-spective. Importance of Career Coun-selling

Students are often overwhelmed bythe prospect of change and the chain ofevents that lead to their eventual admis-

sion for higher studies. At such times, theessential support provided by the coun-sellor throughout the admission processcan boost their morale and give them theconfidence to face all odds. Counsellorsplay a crucial role in building the motiva-tional level of students, which is necessaryfor long term success. Career counsellingalso teaches students ways and means toexpand their network, which in turnenhances emotional support during theircourse of higher study. Importance ofCareer Counselling

While college truly is about overalldevelopment of a student's personality,counselling at an early stage could helpone gain the right perspective, especiallywith the number of new career optionscoming up every day, which would other-wise not be considered by students. Ear-ly counselling assists students in reflect-ing on their personalities and abilities,likes and dislikes, and how these wouldalign with various career paths. Thiswould help students have a focusedapproach in their search for a suitableUniversity for continuing their highereducation and realizing their career aspi-rations.

Choosing Right CareerCareer counselling helps students dis-

cover their true potential and interest invarious subjects in order to help themchoose the right career. Several institutes,including schools and colleges, todayoffer career counselling through a seriesof aptitude and IQ tests. The tests usual-ly have multiple-choice questions, which

don't need to be prepared for in any way.Guidance to students

Career counselling is the guidance giv-en to a student on the road he/she shouldtake to achieve his/her goals. The adviceand counselling provided is based onthree deciding factors - personality, apti-tude and interest.

RIGHT TIMEDifferent stages of life of a student

demands different guidance * When Student is in 8th Stan-

dard, he/she needs to know about the * Core potential of a child and

improvement area* Study Habit Improvement * Career Guidance

2. When student is in 10th Stan-dard, He /She needs to know about the

* Recommended stream with Sub-ject Group

* Aspiration fitment analysis* Core Potential of a child and

improvement Area* Study Habit Improvement * Career Guidance

3. When student is in 12th Stan-dard, He /She needs to know about the

* Recommended Career, Course andCollege

* Aspiration fitment analysis* Core Potential of a child and

improvement Area* Study Habit Improvement * Career Guidance

(The author is a Career Counsellor)

SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017 (PAGE-2)

1. To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ A square have four ends a triangle has three ends, a like has twoends put a good relation has no ends”.

2. From Rishab Raina to all: “Falling down is not defeat. Defeat is when you refuse to get up”.3. To all from Kiran Kanchan: “ Sorrow and silence are strong and patient endurance is God

like”.4. From Komal Mengi to all: “ Truth cannot be understood through proof. Anything that can

be proven can be disproven also. Truth is beyond proof or disproof”.5. To all from K K Gupta: “ The life without liberty is like a body without spirit”.6. From Heena Bhat to all: “ Every man has a wild animal in him”. 7. To all from Gurivander Singh: “ Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things ”. 8. From Shyam Lal Mehra to all: “ No man is rich whose expenditure exceeds his means and

no one is poor whose in-coming exceed his outgoings”.9. To all from Neelam Mehra: “ words are the leaves of the tree of language of wind, if some-

one fall away, a new succession values their place ”.10. From Sharda Gupta to all: “ Knowing is not enough, we must apply; Willing is not enough,

we must do”.11. To all from Dr Poonam Nanda: “Truth is lost when we argue”.12. From Imran Raja to all: “ Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expec-

tations in advance of the event”.13. To all from Abhi Jandial: “ Confidence is better than perfection because perfection means

doing the best but confidence means knowing how to handle the worst”.

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BEST MESSAGEThe award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to MADDASSAR NAWAZ SHEIKHR/o TOHEED NAGAR, W-NO: 1, NEAR DIET KHEORA, P/O GOVT. P G COLLEGE, RAJOURI for the mes-sage “ Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”.Congrats. The prize money would be sent to you through money order

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THIS WEEK FOR YOU11th June to 17th June 2017

ARIES : Moon gets placed in sincere Capricorn, the

10th House from your Sign, as the weekbegins. This will prod you to re-alignyour work strategies and plan forfuture. You will also try and organize

some stuff. Influence of Mars will keepyou busier with work related activities for

most part of the week, foresees Ganesha. With Jupiterdirect in motion now, you can be assured of positive vibescoming your way. However, Jupiter's placement in the 7thHouse from your Sign may not do much for your work/trade success. Nonetheless, this is a great boon for yourlong-term romantic relationship or marital bond and busi-ness partnerships. Stuck issues on these fronts may movetowards resolution. People planning to conceive and starta family shall have Jupiter's blessings. However, retrogradeSaturn in Sagittarius, 9th House from your Sign may keepharping on your fortune. Things may be slower than youwould like. Saturn will keep reminding you of ground reali-ties and your limitations. Presence of Venus in its own SignTaurus, though, will make your financial position stronger.With regard to health, you must guard against lifestyle dis-eases. Diabetics and obese people need to take great care. TAURUS:

Stress decreases, thanks to Jupiter's directstance. You will get more opportunities,and things shall definitively get better onthe work front, assures Ganesha. Look

for bigger platforms to showcase yourinherent abilities. There will be challenges,

but nothing insurmountable. Jupiter's influence willprompt you to think bigger. However, Saturn's retrogres-sion in the 8th House from your Sign may continue to causeuncertainties and anxiety. You may also be unhappy orunsatisfied with a certain aspect of your life. Tendency tothink back in time may be blocking you from getting ahead.So, try and shun such defeatist feelings, and move ahead.Take care of your health. And, direct any discontent youmay be feeling now - towards more positive things. GEMINI :

Debilitated Mars posited in the House linkedwith finances will be in opposition toMoon stationed in the 8th House fromyour Sign - as the week begins. Keepingthis in view, you are advised to handle

matters related to finances and money verycarefully. Unless planned earlier, refrain from making anyfresh investments, says Ganesha. Retrograde Saturn, posit-ed in the 7th House does not spell well smooth day-to-dayfunctioning at work and home. There may be confusionsand conflicts in married life or among business partners/associates. Some past issues may also come to the fore,reminds Ganesha. Stay disciplined in your approach.Determination and focus will be must on the work and aca-demics front, otherwise don't expect much. Your seniorsand elders will rally for your support, so take advantage.Jupiter posited in the 5th House signals gainful times forcreative professionals, business persons and ones involvedin creative activities like dance, acting, writing etc.Unmarried folks may receive an interesting marriage pro-posal - maybe from a wealthy person. CANCER :

Jupiter pushes your material and work pur-suits now, bringing you opportunities andsuccess. You will be heading towards bet-ter times, on the work front. Your sense of

high commitment shall earn you apprecia-tion from your seniors. Business persons too

shall feel happy on getting good deals and more cus-tomers. The happy effects of the work sphere shall trans-late to your married life, making you more understandingand adjusting. You may be keen to resolve differences, ifany, with your spouse as well as family members. Respectthe views of your loved ones, in order to maintain peaceand harmony. Unmarried folks, however, may feel angry orhurt by the unbecoming behavior of their beloved. Keepyour wits about you, says Ganesha. Refrain from losingyour cool. Towards the weekend, you may incur somemajor domestic expenses. Health too needs care at thistime. Guard against respiratory infections. LEO :

Moon gets posited in responsible SignCapricorn, as the week opens. This will helpyou look inwards and re-assess some ofyour strategies. You may also take a longand hard look at some of your plans for

progress. The ongoing influence of debilitatedand combust Mars over Moon, however, may not let youwork to the best of your abilities. The slow pace of progressmay frustrate you, making you anxious and restless. Relax,as this is just a passing phase, says Ganesha. Importantplanets seem well positioned largely, and there isn't reallyanything to worry about the material realm. In personal life,however, you may have issues to handle. Married folks mayremain unhappy, owing to lack of harmony in their mar-riage. The best way to resolve a tricky situation would bekeep a calm and tactful stance. Avoid entering verbal squab-bles. Health may not bother you much, unless you havealready been suffering from chronic issues. VIRGO :

Most planets shall be aligned favourably foryou, as the week begins. However, youmay be frustrated by delays and setbacksin everything, despite everything seem-ingly going well. Blame it on Saturn, influ-

encing your Sign, the 10th House as well asthe 6th House from your Sign. This cosmic aspect

will cause hurdles in your professional as well as routineaffairs. Don't worry much. Instead take this time to reflectand analyze. Assess your shortcomings, and commit to cor-rect them, says Ganesha. Saturn, the mighty teacher, wantsyou to do just that! Mercury will help you to think analyti-cally, and Venus will keep you mind free of other worries.Financial stars remain stable. Keep your head cool andmind balanced. Matters of love and heart may not attractyou much, this week. Bone related deficiencies, injuries,muscle weaknesses, aches may assail you, if you fail to carewell for your health.

LIBRA :Over the last weekend, Jupiter became direct

in motion. This will ease pressure on manyfronts. You will be able to beat your rivalsand competitors. Ones looking to changetheir job may now start looking for fresh

avenues. Stars will be supportive, assuresGanesha. However, if you are fresh out of college,

you may still have to bide your time. Financial stars shinebrightly. Any new venture or plan may be envisaged now.You will have enough funds to undertake developmentalactivities in business or renovation at home. Well placedMercury shall inspire you, boosting your communicationand analytical abilities. Writers, orators, computer net-working professionals, teachers, and communication &advertising professionals will get new opportunities forgrowth. Health remains fine. However, if you suffer from achronic ailment, remain careful. SCORPIO :

Planning to travel? Plan well, down to everysingle detail, especially if this concerns workor business. Retrograde Saturn in the 2ndHouse from your Sign - is placed in opposi-

tion to the mighty Sun and strong Mercury.This planetary construction does not paint a

rosy picture for many aspects, especially finances and fam-ily affairs. Be careful, and tread cautiously. Refrain fromtaking any decision related to a major financial involve-ment or investment. While speaking to your elders, betactful and diplomatic. Steer clear of conflicts and dis-agreements with your father at home and boss at work-place. Domestic expenses will register an increase. Thisbattle between planets of starkly contradictory natures -Sun and Saturn - can also have an adverse effect on yourhealth. Be on guard, says Ganesha! SAGITTARIUS:

Finance and family related things shall beyour main concern, at the week's begin-ning. Saturn is ruler of the 2nd House fromyour Sign, affecting your finances and fam-ily. Saturn's retrogression in your Sign will

now remind you of the importance of boththese aspects in life. You may feel a cash

crunch, or may have to spend some time away from yourbeloved family. Don't worry, though, as these time testswill make you a better, stronger and more evolved person.You will learn to handle your finances better, and will cometo value the love and support of your family members, saysGanesha. At this time, don't get angry or irritated by yourloved ones' demands or needs. Be careful, as to not hurtsomeone who matters. Your Sign Lord Jupiter is direct now- this will translate to positive effects in your life. You willcome across gainful opportunities. However, you mustremain disciplined and strategic to take advantage ofthese. CAPRICORN:

Moon moves through your Sign in oppositionto the debilitated Mars. You shall critically

access your strategies. Looking for practi-cal ways to move ahead will remain yourpriority. Refrain from getting tempera-

mental. Remain level-headed, while han-dling difficult situations, says Ganesha.

Opposition of Sun and retrograde Saturn will further makethings challenging on the work front. Employed ones shallbe keen on getting right exposure and opportunities. Havepatience and do not push unnecessarily. Be diplomatic,while dealing with authority figures. You will need to keepcommunication alive with potential customers and associ-ates. Opposition of Sun and Saturn on 6/12 House fromyour Sign's axis also makes you prone to illnesses. Beextremely careful about your health and wellbeing, thus. AQUARIUS :

Retrograde Saturn posited in the 11th Housefrom your Sign now comes in an oppositionaspect to Sun. This planetary position canput cracks in an important relationship orpartnership. This applies to your work

domain as much as it does to your personalone. Be careful, thus, while expressing your

opinions. Better still, keep quiet, and let this pass.Conflicting exchanges are likely with financial benefactors,financiers, bosses, authority figures, father or uncles. Try tokeep the whole deal as calm as possible. While dealing witha subordinate or a junior, take care to not hurt his/her sen-timents. Venus posited in its own Sign, traversing throughthe 4th House from your Sign, will induce you to worktowards a home renovation project. You may also buy agadget or an art-work. Mercury transiting through the 5thHouse from your Sign will inspire you to strengthen yourposition on the financial front. Go ahead, says Ganesha! PISCES :

With Mercury joining Sun posited in opposi-tion to the retrograde Saturn, you shall beable to think intelligently. Analytical andsmart resourceful solutions will let youease the pressure at work. There may be a

one-time sort of monetary gain comingyour way, early in the week. Enjoy! Just be

sharp and quick in responding to any such fleeting oppor-tunity, tips Ganesha. Professionals shall feel better, asJupiter's support will lift off uncertainty and anxiousness ofthe past few weeks. You may be offered a better designa-tion or a new job. Weigh the pros and cons carefully,though. However, There shall be no escape from a busyroutine that may compel you to work for long hours. Focuson enhancing your efficiency and cultivate self discipline tomeet the demands of work and home. Fitness matters too,so keep up with regular work-outs. Well placed Mercuryand Venus will boost romance, pleasure and creativity.Creative hobbies will be rejuvenating, and performing artsprofessionals shall be benefitted.

CIPHER DECIPHERCIPHER DECIPHERe-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]


Edited by: Neeraj Rohmetra, E-mail: [email protected]


Need of the Hour

My down cast sunken eyes enough to tell her, Where and where exactly lay my pain.Despite my repeated assurances that I was fine,She could still discern my agony and all My excuses went in vain.I came back from school in the afternoon,She was waiting for me to have her meal.Weariness invaded every corner of her eyesBut she kept awake just to express her feelings.That my craziest ways were appreciated, andThe silliest queries embraced.

She told me,'grow up and be a lady'.She made my roads clear and shady.Ailment has intruded her body but her Soul remainsas strong as ever.Seeing me helpless and blue, her heart sobs as ever.All my troubles and travails are known to Her and none other.No one in this whole world can take the place of my sweet mother.

Liza Bhatti


When things seem difficult miserableLife is turning away from youIntimidated and worn out you remainIn darkness at a corner you examineWatching the sky as it disappearsReminding the lost beloved onesHow beautiful and caring they wereVanishing without saying goodbyeShortening your long life spanAnd leaving you destitute and lonelyDeeply you wonderHow life can really be unfair To honest and good people like youBut all you let go offAnd focus to mend your lifeAnd strengthen your heart

With good and caring friends on your sideOpening the picture of brightnessKnowing GOD holds your handLeading you to your successStars embracing the whole skyAnd you know your journey has startedIn pursuit of your purposeSlowly matching from dusk to dawnWith smiles and determinationIn whispers you read your heartALWAYS STAND STRONG

Lokesh Dhar BE (CSE_Dachhan



e-mail: [email protected]

Who I was and who I amIt is nothing less than a big scam;Those uncontrollable laughters,Of which we were the masters;Those endless talkings,That we kept stalking;The twinkinling eyes, the endless smileAll has lost its charm in the while;Each little thing made me excitedNow there is nothing about which I am delighted;It is me or the world which has changed,There is nothing to which i am engaged;Change is inevitable I know,It is a necessity as we grow;

I strech my arms to accept the reality,Because to me this is the real beauty;One thought can enlighten the day,One mind can have its say;One flower can define beauty ,One struggle can remind your duty;One candle can enlighten the room,One downfall can bring the gloom;One child can become an inspiration,One word can give the motivation;So love the change in you,Because how you take it, its up to you..

Surbhi AroraCA student


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