Overview of Overview of Changes to Title Changes to Title 5 Regulations 5 Regulations Audrey Yamagata-Noji Vice President, Student Services Mt. San Antonio College

Overview of Changes to Title 5 Regulations Audrey Yamagata-Noji Vice President, Student Services Mt. San Antonio College

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Overview of Overview of Changes to Title 5 Changes to Title 5


Audrey Yamagata-NojiVice President, Student Services

Mt. San Antonio College

Part 1 – Act 1Part 1 – Act 1Approved by Board of Governors with Approved by Board of Governors with

effective date of August 16, 2007effective date of August 16, 2007180 days for implementation – 180 days for implementation –

February, 16, 2008February, 16, 2008Some regulations not effective until Some regulations not effective until

Fall of 2008 or Fall of 2009Fall of 2008 or Fall of 2009Majority of regulations effective with Majority of regulations effective with

current year 2007-08current year 2007-08Some regs unchanged, just clarifiedSome regs unchanged, just clarified

Effective Immediately (2/16/08)Effective Immediately (2/16/08) 55007: Multiple and Overlapping 55007: Multiple and Overlapping

Enrollments – Enrollments – a student can not a student can not take the same course during the take the same course during the same term, including activity same term, including activity courses.courses.

55033: Standards for Dismissal –55033: Standards for Dismissal –

calculating academic and progress calculating academic and progress probation and subject to dismissal probation and subject to dismissal is based on consecutive terms. A is based on consecutive terms. A break in attendance for 1 primary break in attendance for 1 primary term starts the clock over.term starts the clock over.

Effective Immediately (2/16/08)Effective Immediately (2/16/08)

55002.5—Definition of Credit Hour 55002.5—Definition of Credit Hour (Carnegie): 1unit course = 48 hours; 2 (Carnegie): 1unit course = 48 hours; 2 unit course = 96 hours for lecture, unit course = 96 hours for lecture, study or lab workstudy or lab work

55025—Grade Changes (Grievances): 55025—Grade Changes (Grievances): another faculty member may sub if another faculty member may sub if instructor is not available instructor is not available

55130—Approval of Credit Programs 55130—Approval of Credit Programs 55521(c)—Prohibited Practice: Entry to 55521(c)—Prohibited Practice: Entry to

Nursing Programs—may use approved Nursing Programs—may use approved assessment testsassessment tests

Effective Immediately (2/16/08)Effective Immediately (2/16/08) 55041(55042)—Course Repetition 55041(55042)—Course Repetition

in Activity Courses: limits in Activity Courses: limits repetition in activity courses where repetition in activity courses where there are several levels involving a there are several levels involving a similar primary educational similar primary educational activity. activity. 55042 in Part 1 becomes 55042 in Part 1 becomes 55041 in Part 255041 in Part 2

55062—Courses Appropriate for 55062—Courses Appropriate for Associate Degree: English Associate Degree: English composition and reading courses composition and reading courses must be only one level below the must be only one level below the first transfer level (not ESL)first transfer level (not ESL)

Effective 6/30/08Effective 6/30/08

55152: Short-term vocational 55152: Short-term vocational programs 288+ hours of programs 288+ hours of instructioninstruction

55153: Non-credit programs 55153: Non-credit programs >288 hours that aren’t eligible >288 hours that aren’t eligible for enhanced fundingfor enhanced funding

55154: Adult H.S. Diploma 55154: Adult H.S. Diploma Programs: approval process; not Programs: approval process; not eligible for enhanced fundingeligible for enhanced funding

Effective Fall 2008Effective Fall 2008

55070—Credit Certificates: 18 or 55070—Credit Certificates: 18 or more units=“Certificate of more units=“Certificate of Achievement.” Certificates less Achievement.” Certificates less than 18 units can not appear on than 18 units can not appear on transcripts and must be called transcripts and must be called something different.something different.

55155—Non Credit Certificates: 55155—Non Credit Certificates: must be called “Certificate of must be called “Certificate of Completion” or “Certificate of Completion” or “Certificate of Competency.”Competency.”

Effective July 1, 2009Effective July 1, 2009

55024(a)(9)—Limitation on the 55024(a)(9)—Limitation on the number of withdrawalsnumber of withdrawals– Inherent problem with this Inherent problem with this

implementation date is that implementation date is that 58161.5 in Part 1 limits 58161.5 in Part 1 limits apportionment to only 4 W’s.apportionment to only 4 W’s.

Effective Fall 2009Effective Fall 2009 55022—Pass/No Pass Grading Option55022—Pass/No Pass Grading Option 55063—Minimum Requirements for 55063—Minimum Requirements for

Associate Degree: Associate Degree:

English=Freshman Comp level English=Freshman Comp level

Math=Intermediate Algebra levelMath=Intermediate Algebra level

Major Area of Emphasis=Minimum 18/27 Major Area of Emphasis=Minimum 18/27 units in a single or related disciplines units in a single or related disciplines based on TOP codes or field of based on TOP codes or field of study/major for UC/CSUstudy/major for UC/CSU

Grade=Pass or C or higher requiredGrade=Pass or C or higher required

Apportionment ConcernsApportionment ConcernsAPPORTIONMENT: even though the APPORTIONMENT: even though the

‘counting’ or course repetitions is ‘counting’ or course repetitions is confusing—pay attention to the bottom confusing—pay attention to the bottom line – what counts for fundingline – what counts for funding

58161.5: Apportionment may not be 58161.5: Apportionment may not be claimed beyond 4 withdrawals from the claimed beyond 4 withdrawals from the same course.same course.

56161: Apportionment can only be 56161: Apportionment can only be claimed 3 times for the same course—1 claimed 3 times for the same course—1 original enrollment + 2 repeatsoriginal enrollment + 2 repeats

Part 2 – Act 2Part 2 – Act 2

Review began in September, 2007Review began in September, 2007Areas to be reviewed:Areas to be reviewed:

Withdrawal limitsWithdrawal limitsAcceptance of noncredit courses for Acceptance of noncredit courses for

creditcreditH.S. Diploma programH.S. Diploma programLimitation of Work Experience creditsLimitation of Work Experience creditsMatriculation clarification on prereq Matriculation clarification on prereq

challengeschallengesProhibited practices re: Special AdmitsProhibited practices re: Special Admits

Where We Are With Part Where We Are With Part 2?2?• Consultation Council, SACC Consultation Council, SACC

(Systemwide Advisory Committee (Systemwide Advisory Committee on Curriculum) have been working on Curriculum) have been working on revisions to Part 2on revisions to Part 2

• Considerable discussion about Considerable discussion about confusing language related to confusing language related to course repetitions and withdrawalscourse repetitions and withdrawals

• Part 2 regulations will go to Board Part 2 regulations will go to Board of Governors at their May 6 of Governors at their May 6 meeting with guidelines to followmeeting with guidelines to follow

Course Repetitions—Part 2 55040: “District Policy for Course Repetition”

expanded to list all types of allowable course repetitionLapse of TimeVariable unit open entry/open exit coursesRepeatable coursesOccupational work experienceSpecial classes for students with disabilitiesExtenuating circumstancesAlleviate substandard academic work

Change in Title 5 section numbers 55041: Was “Course Repetition Absent

Substandard Academic Work”; now is “Repeatable Courses”

55042: “Course Repetition in Activity Courses” removed and included in 55041

55043: “Repetition of Variable Unit Courses” is now 55044

55044: “Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition” is now 55046

55042: Now “Course Repetition to Alleviate Substandard Academic Work”

55043: Now “Course Repetition Due to Significant Lapse of Time”

55044: Now “Repetition of Variable Unit Courses”

55045: New “Course Repetition Due to Extenuating Circumstances”

55046: New “Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition”

Credit Course Repetition Substandard Grades

Limitation on number of repeats for substandard grades: 2 repeats; 3 total times student can enroll in the class=original enrollment + 2 repeats

Extenuating CircumstancesAllows a course repetition for a prior substandard grade OR a passing grade if student’s petition for extenuating circumstances is approved

Repeatable CoursesA course can be designated as repeatable if the course content differs each time it is offered or it is an activity class (p.e., visual or performing arts but NOT ESL, foreign language, nondegree applicable basic skills courses)

Time LapseAllows a student to repeat a class in which a passing grade was previous received but the District has established a recency prerequisite

Repeats After Withdrawals 55024 (a)(9) was added to place a limit on

the number of times (not to exceed 4 times) a student may withdraw from a class and receive a “W” symbol for enrollment in the same class.

Additional withdrawals can be allowed due to exceptional circumstance, but apportionment will NOT be received.

How do you count the repeats? Repeat and withdrawal policies can interact Once the student receives a substandard

grade, that policy takes precedence over the withdrawal policy. Any subsequent withdrawals count under the maximum of substandard grade repeats

“Once a student gets a grade, the student moves off the ‘W’ track and can not get back on it.”

First Mark a Substandard Grade The substandard grade policy is followed,

regardless of whether the student then gets a W.

Once the substandard grade is received, the student can repeat the class two more times, if substandard grades are received.

If the student receives a W, it is counted as a substandard grade repeat under the substandard grade policy

# Attempt

Mark or Grade


1 D Can repeat to alleviate substandard grade

2 W The W counts as a substandard grade; can repeat one more time under substandard grade policy

3 D Final enrollment; student has exhausted all attempts—first attempt was a D and second and third attempts were counted as repeats to alleviate the first substandard grade of D

First Mark a “W” The student can enroll again and continue to

reenroll and receive “W”s up to 4. However, if the student’s next enrollment

results in a substandard grade, the substandard grade repetition policy “kicks in.”

The number of repeats switches to the substandard grade maximum of 2 repeats (3 total enrollments).

First 4 Marks are “W”s The student can enroll and receive a “W” a

total of 4 times If the student enrolls for a 5th time, 55024(a)

(9) states that the student will receive a grade or have a different nonevaluative symbol

There is no intent to develop a new nonevaluative symbol other than a W. The only other approved ones are: I, IP, RD, MW.

# Attempt

Mark or Grade


1 W Can repeat class based on W policy (up to 4 allowed)

2 D The D initiates the substandard grade policy, no further W’s can be counted under the W policy

3 W The W counts as a substandard grade, and therefore counts as the first repeat of the D

4 W The W on the fourth attempt counts as a substandard grade, and therefore is the second and final repeat of the D

# Attempt

Mark or Grade


1 W Can repeat class based on W policy (up to 4 allowed)

2 D The D initiates the substandard grade policy, no further W’s can be counted under the W policy

3 D The D on the 3rd attempt counts as the first repeat of the previous D

4 W The W on the fourth attempt counts as a substandard grade, and therefore is the second and final repeat

First 4 Marks are Withdrawals If the student somehow manages to enroll

and drop and receives 4 “W”s in a row, and if the student somehow enrolls a 5th time in the same class: The district will not receive apportionment for the

5th enrollment The student must receive a grade or a

nonevaluative symbol (I, IP, RD, or MW)

# Attempt

Mark or Grade


1 W Can repeat class based on W policy (up to 4 allowed)

2 W The second W is recorded (2 out of 4 allowed)

3 W The third W is recorded (3 out of 4 allowed)

4 W The W on the fourth attempt should count as the final enrollment

5 W ******(F)

If a fifth W were to take place, a W can not be recorded and would either need to revert to an F or another symbol if eligible

Repeatable Courses The limit of 4 repeats for activity courses

continues However, the grade or mark received does

not matter, the count remains at 4 repeats for activity courses (regardless of substandard grades or W’s)

You can not “mix and match” the repeat policies

# Attempt

Mark or Grade


1 B First enrollment of activity class (1 out of 4 allowed)

2 B Second enrollment (2 out of 4 allowed)

3 W The W counts as an enrollment, even if the course was not completed (3 out of 4 allowed)

4 D The D counts as the final enrollment and the substandard grade policy can NOT be used (4 out of 4 allowed)

Lapse of Time If the college/district adopts such a policy, the

student can repeat a course previously passed if there has been a “significant lapse of time.”

The student must have previously received a satisfactory grade.

Additional issues: Can there be more than 1 lapse of time for the same

course? If the repetition results in a substandard grade, can

the student then invoke the substandard grade repeat provision?

# Attempt

Mark or Grade


1 C First attempt is a satisfactory grade

LAPSE OF TIME (as defined in college policy)

2 D The D counts as a substandard grade but can be repeated using the substandard grade policy

3 W The W counts as a substandard grade

4 D This is the last attempt and counts as the second repeat of a substandard grade

Extenuating Circumstances A student can file a petition, and if approved,

can take the class an additional time. The prior grade can be satisfactory (passing) or

substandard or a “W” under this provision. However, if an additional enrollment is allowed

under this provision and the student receives a fifth “W”, the college/district will not receive apportionment.

If the first enrollment was passing, the second substandard, the student can then move to repeats due to substandard grades

# Attempt

Mark or Grade


1 C First grade is passing

EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCE (as approved by the college)

2 D The second enrollment is allowed but the grade is substandard. The student is allowed one more repetition

3 F The third enrollment counts as the second repetition—no further enrollments are allowed for apportionment

# Attempt Mark or Grade


1 W First attempt results in a withdrawal

2 W Second attempt results in a withdrawal

3 W Third attempt results in a withdrawal

4 W Fourth attempt results in a withdrawal—final withdrawal allowed


5 W The student was allowed to enroll a fifth time due to extenuating circumstances, but the 5th W means the district may not receive apportionment

Recording of Grades andUnits After Repetition

May disregard previous grade in GPA and may disregard units: Substandard Work Lapse of Time (prior passing grade)

May disregard previous grade in GPA each time course is repeated: Disabled students in special classes + may

disregard units Extenuating Circumstances (passing or

substandard) – silent on disregarding units

Grades shall be counted in GPA each time course is taken: Repeatable courses Occupational work experience

Remaining Issues Point forward implementation? Implementation of four “W” limits for current

year with regard to attendance accounting provisions when Part 2 regulations have not yet been approved.

Continued implementation questions and programming issues with college IT departments.

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