FIRESIDE ITEMS WANTED FOR OUR TOWN SUPPORT THE Narberth Base Ball Club VOLUME V, NUMBER 28 NARBERTH, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1919 PRI<;:E TWO CENTS MUSICAL PROGRAM Everybody Invited-Members and Non-Me mbe rs 13ring a friend bJith you! Date·-Next Thursday Evening, April 2 4 Time an d place-.8.15 sharp a t Y. M. C. A. FOR SALE-Fresh eggs. 'Call 32 6 W o od b in e A ve . Write Box 312, Nar berth. (30-11) )Trs. T. B. Strillgl'eIlO1\'. of Gains dllt'. Florida, is th l' gu es t of :II r. an d )11'5. B_ T. White, -lZ2 D u d l l ' ~ ' a ,'enue. SPECIAL MISSIONARY MEETING. High. Low. Barometer ,. " __ , . ,,::O.:lO ~ O . S O Thl'rJnometer _ ',.,." ii ,10 Ihuui(lity, pe r ttIIlt....... fl7 43 NARBERTH WEATHER REPORT FO R WEEK ENDING APRIL 13. WANTED-Three or f ou l' unfurnishe(l r oo m s; r of e re ne e s. Box 158, N ar - berth. (28-p), FO R SALE-Pnrlor a nd d in in g room f u rn it u re . M us t b e s ol d at once. 221 Price Aye., Narberth, Pa . (28-p) WANTED-Furnished rooms fo r house keeping, 1\\'0 hedrooms kitchen f or f am il y of t hr ee . P e rm a ne n t. G iv e partieulars. Box 2 i 7 , N a r tl l ·r t h . (28-c) CLASSIFIED ADVERTJSEMD 'J',,! Dr. Reed B. 'rietrirk, Deputy ::>ujler' intendent of Pub1i,· Jnstruction, will a dd re ss t he citizl'lls of Xarberth on the needs of the Xal'lH'rth sl'hoo1s. Th e meeting will he 0I'en fo r discus sion f ro m th e floor. This is an o p p o r t u n i t ~ - f or h usy m cn to ge t in direct t ou eh w i th sehool prob lems. Don't forgett the m i ss i on a ry m e c ti n g to he held in the Xarberth P r e s by t e r i an C hu rc h on tho e y el li n g of \Vednesday, April 23rd, at 8 0 'clock, ::Ifiss Anna Belle Stewart w il l t e ll of th e splenlli.1 work that is being lH'complishell among tho m o u nt a in g i rl s of Kentucky by th e Langdon ::I1emorial Sehool, "onducte'] u nd er t hc auspi"es of t he \ Vo ma ll 's Home Board. Thp ::I[issionary So"jl'ly of th e :\'ar lH'rth e hu n' h h as n " l ' e n t l ~ ' decided to support a sl'1101nrs hip at this school in eonjunetion "'ith the ~ 1 p n ' s Bihle Class. )Iiss )faryCraig .l'eaco(·k, )[ission ary S e cr et ar y f or Y ou ng People's So I'ietips an d an i l l t p n s e l ~ ' interesting s!lPaker, will tPlI of the work that ;5 b ei ng d on c hy o ur m is si on ar ie s i n th e foroign field. \Ve wunt to fill th e ( ·h ur ch on this night. Come an d hring y o ur f ri en ds . At the regular 1 l 1 0 n t h l ~ " Illel'ting of the \Vomen '5 )[is"ioll:lry S oc ie ty on Tuesday aftel'l1oon, ~ 1 r " . Will. 'r. ?-1el , ' hi or w il l talk 011 the ,uhjl'l'! of "The :\lIlerican Xegro," te ll in g of the wo rk of th e Home BoaI'll amollg th e free,l lIlen, \ Ve a sk a f u ll a t tt ' !H l a nc e at this Illl'l'ting in order to I'onelll'll' sOllle \'l'ry i lI'1J()rtan I husiness. Two c en ts p er word each In.ertioD. ca..Jk In advance. No advertisement a c ce p le d UD 'eae casb accompanlea copy. FOR SALE-Black w al nu t b ed ro om s ui tO ', 3 ' p ie c es ; bwby's folding s u l k ~ - ; bahy pen and h igh ch air ; very cheap., 100 W o o d si d e Ave. , Narberth 606-J. (28-(') Th e \Volllen's Auxiliar.," indte yo u to t ll l' ir H om " Bake on S a tu r da y . A pr il Z 6 th , f ro ll 1 .l.l to I 0 'cloek. Th e prices wiII interest you. Precipitation. Total fo r week" ,.,_,,_,,, ,. 1.,1 i inch Total fo r 1Il0nth to datl'_ .... , .l.sa inch EGGS fo r h a t c hi n g , R h o de Island Reds, l.Oc. each. A. E. Wohlert, Montgom- e r y a v en u e, N a r be r th . (c ) L OO K OU T F OR THE BREAD MAN Ho will cull' at your home on or about ,April 21st, with hread, rolls, etc. Y o ur p a tr o n ag e is solicited in view of opening a pel1nllueut Bakery in ou r town. NARBERTH BAKING CO. 'School Meeting M ay 2, 8 P. M. Friday Evening, May 2 Deputy S u p er i nt e n de n t Teitriclr. of Harriabur8'. will anawu tbeae queationa. The H'lInl' Guards w ho ) '( 's po ul le ll to the orlfl'rs of Captain lIart]l'y to aSSI'UI hIe at t hl ' h el lt lq ua rt er s in E lm Hall \Vednesday e,'pning \1"1'1'1' surprise,l to find u h om e t a1 l' nt o r ch es t. r a on th,' s ta ge r en d er in g patriotit' musil'. as t1ll'y t'nterl'll tlll' drill room, Things thl'n f ol lO \\ 'e ll in I 'l lp ld succession, so I': tpi ,l. in fact. that th e Guard;; were con t in ua ll y k e pt . 'o n toes" as to w h at m i gh t happl'n lIext. A short regular h m d n es s nll'eting was conllul·te,l hy t hp C ap ta iu . This de nloped t h e i n f o rm a t i on ,that the Guard i s s ti ll g oi ng t o r ou ti nu e as t he H om e G ua rd s o f Xarherth, m e et i ng o n re eaeh month fo r Ilrill au d husinesspurposl's. a nd t he y will at a ll t im es be a \" ai la b] e fo r s u ch I lu ti e s as may he required of thl'm in p ol ic in g tlie tO\l"n or in pre s en - in g o rd er in eases of emergency; thnt a c c or d i n g t o T r l' a s ur t 'l ' H a ws t h e re is $27.44 iu t h e t r pa sn r y, anll that oue of their p r i m a r ~ - ohjeets as an organ ization is to SI'I' to it that t hl ' m en w ho w l' rl ' ill t Ill ' sl'rdrl' of their country Iluring the \Val '. r('('ciyc proper re('ogni tiol1 in the way of a permanent Jlle morial. TO BE HELD IN TH E OL D POST OFFICE 11 A. M. TO 3 P. M. lIon, FIl'tdll'r Stites paid a splP-1I11i'] trilmte to th e IIII'll for tl 1t ' u n "l ' lf i sh spirit they had sllOWII. an d llll' patriotic impulse whirh ha d inspired thl'm to take thl'ir positions f or t he past two ~ - ( ' a r " . in thl' front, line t ren {' hl 's at. h Olll 1'. whit'h '\'Cl'(' o l l l ~ ' s l' l, onll in importallce to thl' frollt linl' trenl'1lPs "o,-er there.' , )[1'. Stitl's ,,'as 1',,11,,11"'.1 1 1 ~ ' :III'''. G. )[ , Da\'is in a humorous rl'lIlling'. "Thl' r,001l Jhlllt." w hi" h w as rl'llllercd so \\'ell as to pro,hlf'r .-'ontilluous spasms of Illughtl'r. ., Bill" :\'I'wloorg a l mo s t h a ll II "fit." Othl'r s]1Pa kel's were Re\"_ A_ j ) l' l nuIY. H I "- . . lohll Ynn X ess an d Re\". Frank )L Gray, all of whom spoke fo r thl' org'anizations t 1 1 P ~ ' rl'prl'sented as 11'1'11 as for thl'll1sl'l\",'s. und h i g h l ~ " p ra is in g the Xar!,Prth Guartl for its \'I'''y eommel ltlahle work. The 2 '\ nr be rt h QUlIl'tl'!tl'. ::ITrs. Stlll' II')' an d ::ITrs, 13n 11l'l' . :\11'' 'SI ''' , 11owl'n an d 8 t a n l e ~ " , r cn ll l' r pd " ' ,' c 'r al spIed iOlls. Th e c n t il ' p asspmblapl' " 'a s b ro u gh t to if s fl'pt whl'n ) Tr s_ F I' I" l. C. Pa t It'n <'1osPtl tIle entertaillmpllt. program p l a ~ ' i n g "T1H' S t a r- S pa u g -kll BannN" on the COI"I](,t. A gl'nl'l'al 1I11-I'IIUllll goo,l lime f o ll n WPll whplI thl' rl'a] party be gan all ,1 ir c crcam. cake antl pretzels ,,'prl' passl',l aronl1l1 to e\"crybody. Home Bake and Cake Sale Today In your home school.? Ar e they Up.to.date? Wherein ar e they Weak? Come to the School on Tribute to Home Guards Are You Interested A Home Rake nn<lClIk() S n le w i ll be conduete,l lly th e la<liel< of th e Cidc Association ,to-day. April 10. from .11 A. ::If. to l P. ::IL, ia the Old Post Office B ui ld in g. T he proceeds will go to help f ur ni sh t he Old Post Office B ui lw in g, w h ic h has r e ce n tl y b e en r e n t 1<1 hy the C i \' i c A s s oc i a ti o n, w h i ch will he used as a meeting room. Donations will lop a c cl 'p te d of hOIllI'! made bread, rolls, h i se u it s , r u sk , c a k es , pies an d candy. lIfrs. Charles W. Young is c ha ir ma n of tho eOlllmittee, an d plans h av e b ee n made to make thp a ft 'a ir as eompleto a success as possible. Xazimovu, suprellll' star of the s ta ge , has' a l 'h i en 'd an a dd ed t ri ul ll ph in he r latest s c r e en produ c t io n , "Out of th e Pog," to 'be shown al tbe Palaee The at 1'1', A rd mo re , on \ Ve dn es da y. This play i s u n a do pt io n {)f her' great st:lgc s u ec e ss , " ' C ep ti o n S h oa ls , " w hi eh I' I ' < ~ - ated gl'l'al eOlllment ho th he re alltl ahroad alll! w us n o te d f or t he i n tc n si ty o f i ts d r am a ti c s i tu a ti o ns . A beginners' c ou rs e of ten l e c t u r ' ~ 8 in praetical pluyground work will be started next week at t ho C om m un it y C e nt ro i n the B r yn M a wr P u bl ic School on Luncaster P ik e. T he idea is to train assistants to local playground directors. Th e e ou rs e w il l i nc lu do p ap er a nd eardhoard constl'llction, s l o yd , modclli ng a nd w at cr co lo r. T hc re will bc p re p ar ation in gallles, "ueh as ring gamcs, f in ge r g a me s , g a me s o f imi ta t iou, count· ing a ud tos sin g ba ll a nd g ym na st ic gallles, memory gallles an d rhymes. S t o ry - t el l in g , s o ng s an d r id dl es will be taken up, an d t \\ 'o l 'e ct ul 'e s w il l deal with c h i l d p s y c ho l o g y. M is s l If ar y P. Compton, Children's W o rk er and P la yg ro un d Supervisor at B l J' n l \f a wr an d Preston, is g iv in g t he course, fo r which II c h ar g e o f $3.00 will be llIade, th e proceeds to bo used by tho B ry n M aw r 'Community C e n tr e . Enrollment an d t he f ir st lecture wi!! take plac e on Friday, A p ri l 2 5t h, at 4.30. T he course is open to anyone, und will 'be continued on Tuesday an d Fri d a y a f te r no o n s at th e same hour (4.30) until completed on May 27th. :\'ext to the hUlllan , 'o j" c t he "iolin is U los t dhinc. Heal' ~ T i s s Annie E. .JI",kson play" Largo, ,. Ily Handel, an d thl' "Adoration," h,v n l ll ' ol l 's k i . in th e B:qJi i" t C hu l "( ·h Eastel' :-;ullllay, morn jllg alld p\" ('J lin g'. : \ l i : - : ~ Jackson is an Ixpert vio1iuiste. An at t met i" e Easter exercise of lIIusic, s ke tc h and i ll us tr at ed serlllon wilL he gi,'en in the Baptist Chur..I1 Sunuay evening. You an ' in"ited to join in this service. THE FIRESIDE Helllemher the Honle Bake a nd C ak e Sale to-oay in the Old Post Ol1ice Build i ng, from 11 A. to 3 P. 1'1. 'rhc Senior P l a ~ - was ('lIjO.'"('l] hy every o ne w ho s aw i t, alld afler having heard reports of it, those who missed it a ! " . ~ gTeatIy disappuillted. Fo r thpse un f o r tu l l at e o n es :\Iu! also for those \\'ho \ \ " i ~ h it tl\(\ Spnior ClaHs hml'hy puhlicly nskl'd to l'I'I)('at "Tho Kt l'<' nUOIiS l ~ i f c " \'idory Loan Cll I l I pa i g n , , ' i ll opcn 01. April 21. At the 1'lpthodisl C hu l' <' h sl" , , 'i a 1 Easter music will hi' SUIlj.\ thc ehil· dren's vestl'd "hoi I' at 11 A. ~ [ , . unll a beautiful an d i n sp i ri l l g ( ' a ll t a ta suug hy t he s en io r c ho ir at 7.45 P. ;\L l'l'ocl'cds of M il l sf r pl :-;how gi ven by B oy S co ut s i s to go 101 one \I'l'ek's in stl'llction in S co ut IWlrk at Ca mp Del lIIont this SUIllIll('r. H('II' the h o ~ ' s cal'll this i n s tr u c ti o n hy huyin;! tick('ts fo r th('ir )[instrel Show )11'. anl! .Mrs. C. T. )Ioore und Dor o th y h av e Il'f't : \ 'a r lH ' rt h t e m p or a r il y a nd fo thc IHl's,'nt arc l i, -i ng at th e :lloutgolllery lnu, Bryn Mawr. Beautifully colored laatt'rn slidcs will i l lu s tr a tc the serlllon Oll " Thc ~ I e n of To-monow" at the Baptist 'Church Sunday eveninlg. An indtation an d "'t'lcollle to all. Thc property :\'0. lOti .lluIl!ey a,'enue has h ee n p ur eh as (, ll h.,- C a pt a in G e ra l d Tamhlyn, of \Vilkt's-Barn', .1'a. C ap tain und lIfrs. T a 1 l l ' h l ~ - n an ' now n'sid iug in their ne\\' hOllle. Help the Boy Scouts a lo ng h y buying t ic k et s f or t he ir M in st n' ! ::>11011', to be gh'en :It Elm Hall Friday evcning, April 25, 1!!1!!. , Miss S ch ub el Fay Fosler so non't to A ux il ia ry H om e Bake on Saturday, April 26t h, in th e Old P. O. Building. Th e p r ic e s w i l l pleaso you. The High School Annnal--Stn dents of Narberth High School to Pnt Out Big Year Book Following se,'eral b u s in e s s m e e t in g s , and after muc c a rp f ul p r e p ar a t io n , t h c ScniorClass of the High School ha s be I gu n p re pa ra ti on s f or a large class reeord a nd y ea r book. In order that the book lIIay he eare f ull y p rin tc d a nd lIlay be i ss ue d by commencement, it will go to press at once. T he p ri ce will be onc dollar per I or by advance subscriptions re cei'-ed by April 30, seventy-five cents pe r copy. T he b oo k will consist of at least 48 pagcs, of large size, with an attractive c ov er h ou nd wi th conI. It will con tain addHion to the class r Ul 'o nl , a redew of the High School athletics for' the year, th e c o m me n c em e n t p r o gr a m , I short stories, an d a joke department. S U hs c r ip t io n s s h o ul d ho scnt at once to George Rose or an y memher of the Senior Class. A d v er t is i ng r a te s fur nished on application. A few leather bound copies h e i ss ue d b y a dv an ce subscription only at $3.00 each. This w or k w il l bo of great i nt er es t, no t only to the parents of s cho ol pu p il s, ' b ut t o e ve ry f am il y in Narberth. l\Illy we havo your supponU PIANO SOLO. . . , . . Miss Fanny H. laos ( a) P ol ic hi ne ll e, Rachminino.ff (b) Romance. . Schumann TENOR SOLO, , . , Mr. S, A. Rudolph O h S le ep I Why dost thou leave me? . Handel CONTRALTO SOLO. , . . . ., Miss Frieda Schubel The Call of t he Trail, . . . , . . . Fay Foster TENOR and CONTRALTO SOLO Mr. Rudolph and Miss Sc hu b el Oh that we two were Maying I. . . . . Nevin TENOR SOLO. . , . . . . .. . . Mr. Rudolph Caro mio ben ( 13th entury) , Giordani CONTRALTO SOLO. . My Menagerie .. ROUND T A BL E L U NC H EO N T H UR S DAY, APRIL 24TH. WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB Let's Finish the Job Narberth's Big Night E. J. Cattell to Speak In th e Y. M. C. A. next Thursday Evening at 8.15, Narberth will be afforded. a treat, when E. J. Cattell, th e well known Speaker of P hi la de lp hi a, will address the Civic Association at its Annual Meet ing, at which time th e election of officers for th e en suing year will take place. Th e Committee ha s also arranged for a special musical program, an d quite a surprise is in store for ou r townspeople. Everybody is invited to auend,-members, or non-members, an d everything is free. Remember th e date, next Thursday Evening at 8.15 at th e Y. M. C. A. Sioaenof Woman'. Victory Loan of Narberth One of thO' best minstrel shows ever produced in N a rb e r th i s b e in g p r e pa r ed by thO' Boy Scouts, who ar e zealously g o t ti n g r e ad y to stage it the 25th of this 1I10nth. All of thO' nlcmlbcrs of this show are strictly homO' t al en t, and ex pect y ou to back them up. Invitations ha vo been issued to mem b er s a nd g ues ts of M on tg om e ry an d Delaware Counties for the "Round Table" l un ch eo n on Thursday, April 24th, at 1 P. l\L 'l'herc wiII be an American Day program. :Members ma y invite one guest. T i ck e ts f o r luncheon, 60 cents. All r e s er v a ti o n s m u s t be in the hands of th e Corresponding S e < ' r e t a r ~ ' , ~ 1 r s . 'E. C. Batchelor, Box 315, no t later than April 21st.

Our Town April 19, 1919

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Narberth Base Ball Club



Everybody Invited-Members and Non-Members

13ring a friend bJith you!

Date·-Next Thursday Evening, April 24Time and place-.8.15 sharp atY.M. C. A.

FOR SALE-Fresh eggs. 'Call 32 6

Woodb ine Ave. Write Box 312, Nar

berth. (30-11)

)Trs. T. B. Strillgl'eIlO1\'. of Gains

dllt'. Florida, i s th l' gu es t of :II r. and

)11'5. B_ T. White, -lZ2 D u d l l ' ~ ' a ,'enue.


High. Low.

Barometer ,. " __ , . ,,::O.:lO ~ O . S OThl'rJnometer _ ' , . , . " i i ,10

Ihuui(lity, pe r ttIIlt....... fl7 43



WANTED-Three o r f ou l' unfurnishe(l

rooms; roferenees. Box 158, N ar -

berth. (28-p),

FOR SALE-Pnr lo r a nd d in in g room

f u rn it u re . Mus t b e s ol d at once. 221

Price Aye., Narberth, Pa . (28-p)

WANTED-Furnished rooms fo r housekeeping, 1\\'0 hedrooms and kitchen

f or f am il y o f t hr ee . Pe rmanen t. G ive

partieulars. Box 2i7, Nartl l ·rth. (28-c)


Dr. Reed B. 'rietrirk, Deputy ::>ujler'

intendent of Pub1i,· Jnstruction, will

a dd re ss t he citizl'lls of Xarberth on

t he needs of the Xal'lH'rth sl'hoo1s.

The meeting will he 0I'en fo r discus

sion f rom th e floor.

This is an o p p o r t u n i t ~ - f or h usy m cn

to ge t in direct t oueh wi th sehool prob


Don't forgett t he miss ionary mec ting

to he held in the Xarberth Presbyter ian

Chu rch o n tho eyel li ng o f \Vednesday,

April 23rd, at 8 0 'clock, ::Ifiss Anna

Belle Stewart wil l t e ll of th e splenlli.1

work that is being lH'complishell among

tho mounta in gi rl s of Kentucky by th e

Langdon ::I1emorial Sehool, "onducte']

u nd er t hc auspi"es of t he \Voma ll 's

Home Board.

Thp ::I[issionary So"jl'ly of th e :\'ar

lH'rth e hu n' h h as n " l ' e n t l ~ ' decided to

support a sl'1101nrship at this school in

eonjunetion "'ith the ~ 1 p n ' s Bihle Class.

)Iiss )faryCraig .l'eaco(·k, )[ission

a r y S e cr et ar y f or Y ou ng People's So

I'ietips an d an i l l t p n s e l ~ ' interesting

s!lPaker, will tPlI of the work that ;5b ei ng d on c h y o ur m is si on ar ie s i n th e

foroign field.

\Ve wunt to fill th e ( ·h ur ch o n this

night. Come and hring your f ri ends .

At the regular 1 l 1 0 n t h l ~ " Illel'ting of

the \Vomen '5 )[is"ioll:lry S oc ie ty o n

Tuesday aftel'l1oon, ~ 1 r " . Will. 'r. ?-1el

, ' hi or wil l talk 011 the ,uhjl 'l '! of "The

:\lIlerican Xegro," te ll in g o f t he wo rk

of th e Home BoaI'll amollg th e free,l

lIlen, \ Ve a sk a full at tt '!Hlance at this

Illl'l'ting in order to I'onelll'll' sOllle \'l'ry

i lI'1J()rtan I husiness.

Two c en ts p er word each In.ertioD. ca..JkIn advance. No advert i sement accepled UD'eae casb accompanlea copy.

FOR SALE-Black wal nu t b ed ro om

suitO', 3 'pieces ; bwby's folding s u l k ~ - ;b ah y p en and h igh ch air ; very cheap.,

100 Woodside Ave., Narberth 606-J.

(28-(' )

The \Volllen's Auxiliar.," ind te you to

t ll l' ir Hom" Bake on Sa tu r day . Apr il

Z6th, froll1 .l.l to I 0 'cloek. Th e prices

wiII interest you.


Total fo r week" , . , _, , _ , , , ,. 1.,1 i inch

Total fo r 1Il0nth to datl '_ . . . . , .l.sa inch

EGGS fo r hatching, Rhode Island Reds,

l.Oc. each. A. E. Wohlert, Montgom-

ery avenue, Narber th . (c )


Ho will cull' at your home on or about

,April 21st, with hread, rolls, etc.

Your pa tronage is solicited in view

of opening a pel1nllueut Bakery in ou r



E. J. Hartzell & Son.

'School MeetingMay 2, 8 P. M.

Friday Evening, May 2Deputy Superintendent Teitriclr.of Harriabur8'. will anawu tbeaequeationa.

The H'lInl' Guards who ) '( 's poul le ll t o

the orlfl'rs of Captain lIart]l'y to aSSI'UI

hIe at t hl ' h el lt lq ua rt er s in E lm Hall

\Vednesday e,'pning \1"1'1'1' surprise,l to

find u home t a1 l'nt orches t. r a on th,'

s ta ge r ender ing patriotit' musil'. as

t1ll'y t'nterl'll tlll' drill room, Things

thl'n fol lO \\ 'e ll i n I 'l lp ld succession, so

I':tpi,l. in fact. that th e Guard;; were con

t inua ll y kept . 'o n thl'ir toes" as to

what might happl'n lIext.

A short regular hmdness nll 'eting was

conllul·te,l hy t hp C ap ta iu . This de

nloped the information ,that the Guard

i s s ti ll goi ng t o r ou ti nue as t he H ome

Gua rd s o f Xarherth, meet ing onre eaeh

month fo r Ilrill au d husiness purposl's .

a nd t he y will at a ll t imes b e a \" ai la b] e

fo r such I lu ti es as may he required of

thl'm i n pol ic ing tlie tO\l"n or in pre

s en - ing o rder in eases of emergency;

thnt according to Trl'asur t 'l ' Haws there

is $27.44 iu t he t rpasnry, anll that oue

of their p r i m a r ~ - ohjeets as an organ

ization is to SI'I' to it that t hl ' m en w ho

w l' rl ' ill t Ill ' sl ' rdr l ' of their country

Iluring the \Val'. r('('ciyc proper re('ogni

tiol1 in the way of a permanent Jlle



OFFICE 11 A. M. TO 3 P. M.

lIon, FIl'tdll'r Stites paid a splP-1I11i']

trilmte to th e IIII'll for t l1t' un"l ' lf ish

spirit they had sllOWII. and llll' patriotic

impulse whirh had inspired thl'm to take

thl'ir positions f or t he past two ~ - ( ' a r " .in thl' front, line t ren {' hl 's at. hOlll 1'.

whit'h ' \ 'Cl'( ' o l l l ~ ' s l' l,onll in importallce

to thl' frollt linl' trenl'1lPs "o,-er

there.' ,

)[1' . Stitl 's ,,'as 1',,11,,11"'.1 1 1 ~ ' :III'''. G.

)[ , Da\'is in a humorous rl'lIlling'. "Thl '

r,001l Jhlllt." w hi" h w as rl'llllercd so

\\'ell as to pro,hlf'r .-'ontilluous spasms o f

Illughtl'r. ., Bill" :\'I'wloorg a lmos t ha ll

II " f i t . " Othl'r s]1Pa kel's were Re\"_ A_

~ j)l'lnuIY. HI"-. .lohll Ynn X ess an d

Re\". Frank )L Gray, all of whom spoke

fo r thl' org'anizations t 1 1 P ~ ' rl'prl'sented

as 11'1'11 as for thl'll1sl'l\",'s. und h i g h l ~ "p ra is ing t he Xar!,Prth Guartl for its

\'I'''y eommelltlahle work.

The 2 '\ nrbert h QUlIl'tl'!tl'. ::ITrs. Stlll'

I I ' ) ' an d ::ITrs, 13n11l'l'. :\11'''SI''', 11owl'n and

8 t a n l e ~ " , r cn ll l' r pd " ' ,' c 'r al spIed iOlls.

The cntil 'p asspmblapl' " 'a s b rough t to

if s fl'pt whl'n )Trs_ FI'I"l. C. Pa t It'n

<'1osPtl tIle entertaillmpllt. program h ~ p l a ~ ' i n g "T1H' Star-Spaug-kl l BannN"

on the COI"I](,t. A gl'nl'l'al 1I11-I'IIUllll goo,l

lime follnWPll whplI thl' rl'a] party be

gan all ,1 ir c crcam. cake antl pretzels

,,'prl' passl',l aronl1l1 to e\"crybody.

Home Bake and Cake Sale Today

In your home school.?Are they Up.to.date?Wherein are theyWeak?

Come to the School on

Tribute to HomeGuards

Are You Interested

A Home Rake nn<lClIk() Sn le wi ll be

conduete,l lly th e la<liel< of th e Cidc

Association ,to-day. April 10. from

.11 A. ::If. to :l P. ::IL, ia the Old Post

Office Bui ld in g. T he proceeds will go

to help f ur ni sh t he Old Post Office

Bui lwing, wh ich has recently been rent

1<1 hy the Ci\' ic Association, which will

he used as a meeting room.

Donations will lop accl 'p ted o f hOIllI'!

made bread, rolls, h i seu it s , r u sk , cakes ,

pies and candy.

lIfrs. Charles W. Young i s c ha irman

of tho eOlllmittee, and plans have been

made to make thp aft 'a ir as eompleto a

success as possible.

Xazimovu, suprellll' star o f t he s ta ge ,

has' a l 'h i en 'd a n add ed t ri ul ll ph i n he r

latest screen product ion, "Out of th e

Pog," to 'be shown al t be Pa laee The

at 1'1', Ardmo re , o n \Vedn es day. This

play i s u n ado pt io n {)f her' great st:lgc

suecess , " 'Cep ti on Shoals , " whi eh I' I ' < ~ -ated gl'l'al eOlllment ho th he re alltl

ahroad alll! wus no ted f or t he i n tc n si ty

of i ts dramati c s i tua tions .

A beginners' cou rs e o f ten l e c t u r ' ~ 8in praetical pluyground work will be

started next week at t ho Commun it y

Cent ro i n the Bryn Mawr Publ ic School

on Luncaster P ik e. T he idea is to tra in

assistants to local playground directors.

The eou rs e w il l i nc lu do p ap er a nd

eardhoard constl 'l lction, sloyd, modclling

a nd w at cr co lo r. T hc re will bc p repar

ation in gallles, "ueh as ring gamcs,

f inger games , games o f imi ta t iou, count·

ing a ud tos sin g ba ll and gymna st ic

gallles, memory gallles and rhymes.

Story-tel l ing, songs an d r id dl es w il l b etaken up, and t \\ 'o l 'e ctul 'e s w il l deal

with child psychology.

M is s l If ar y P. Compton, Children's

Worker a nd P la yg round Supervisor at

Bl J'n l \f awr an d Preston, is g iv ing t he

course, fo r which II charge of $3.00 will

be llIade, th e proceeds to bo used by tho

B ry n Maw r 'Communi ty Centre.

Enrollment and t he f ir st lecture wi!!

take plac e on Friday, Apri l 25t h, at


T he course is open to anyone, und

will 'be continued on Tuesday an d Fri

day af te rnoons at th e same hour (4.30)

until completed on May 27th.

:\'ext to the hUlllan , 'o j" c t he "iolin

i s U los t dhinc. Heal' ~ T i s s Annie E.

.JI",kson p lay " Largo, ,. Ily Handel, and

thl' "Adorat ion," h,v nlll 'ol l 'ski. in th e

B:qJi i"t Chul"(·h Eastel ' :-;ullllay, morn

j l lg alld p\"('Jling'. : \ l i : - : ~ Jackson is an

Ixpert vio1iuiste.

An at t met i" e Easter exercise of

lIIusic, s ke tc h and i ll us tr at ed serlllon

wilL he gi,'en in the Baptist Chur..I1

Sunuay evening. You an ' in"ited to

j oi n i n this service.


Helllemher the Honle Bake a nd C ak e

Sale to-oay in the Old Post Ol1ice Build

ing, from 11 A. ~ L to 3 P. 1'1.

'rhc Senior P l a ~ - was ('lIjO.'"('l] hy every

one who s aw i t, alld afler having heard

reports o f it, those who missed it a ! " . ~gTeatIy disappuillted. Fo r thpse un

for tul late ones :\Iu! also for those \\'ho

\ \ " i ~ h to spe it again., tl\(\ Spnior ClaHs i hml 'hy puhlicly nskl'd to l'I'I)('at "Tho

Kt l'<'nUOIiS l ~ i f c "

\ ' idory Loan CllIlIpaign ,, 'ill opcn 01.

April 21.

At the 1'lpthodisl Chul'<'h sl",, 'ia1

Easter music will hi' SUIlj.\ h ~ thc ehil·

dren's vestl 'd "hoi I' at 11 A. ~ [ , . u nl l a

beautiful an d inspi ri l lg ( 'all tata suug hy

t he s en io r cho ir at 7.45 P. ;\L

l'l'ocl'cds of Millsf rpl :-;how given by

Boy Sco ut s i s to go 101 one \I'l'ek's in

stl'llction in S co ut IWlrk a t Camp Del

lIIont this SUIllIll('r. H('II' the h o ~ ' s cal'll

this instruction hy huyin;! tick('ts fo r

th('ir )[instrel Show

)11'. anl! .Mrs. C. T. )Ioore und Dor

o th y h av e Il'f't : \ 'ar lH'rth temporar ily

a nd f or thc IHl's,'nt arc l i, -i ng at th e

:lloutgolllery lnu, Bryn Mawr.

Beautifully colored laatt'rn sl idcs wi ll

i l lus tra tc the serlllon Oll " Thc ~ I e n of

To-monow" at the Baptist 'Church

Sunday eveninlg. An indtation an d

"'t'lcollle t o a ll .

Thc property :\'0. lOti .lluIl!ey a,'enue

has heen purehas (, ll h.,- Capt a in Gera l d

Tamhlyn, of \Vilkt's-Barn', .1'a. C ap

tain und lIfrs. T a 1 l l ' h l ~ - n an ' now n'sid

iug in their ne\\' hOllle.

Help t he Boy Scout s a lo ng h y buying

t ic ket s f or t he ir M in st n' ! ::>11011', to be

gh'en :It Elm Hall Friday evcning,

April 25, 1!!1!!.

, Miss SchubelFay Fosler

Pleaso non't forget to pa tronizo the

Aux il ia ry Home Bake on Saturday,

Apri l 26th, in th e Old P. O. Building.

The prices wi l l pleaso you.

The High School Annnal--Stn

dents of Narberth High School

to Pnt Out B ig Y ear B ookFollowing se,'eral business meet ings,

and a f te r much carp ful preparat ion, thc

ScniorClass o f t he H ig h School ha s be

I gu n p repa ra ti on s f or a large class

reeord a nd y ea r book.

In order that the book lIIay he eare

f ull y p rin tc d a nd lIlay b e i ss ue d by

commencement, it will go to press at

once. The p ri ce will be onc doll a r pe r

I copy, or by advance subscript ions re

cei'-ed by April 30, seventy-five cents

pe r copy.

The b oo k will consist of at least 48

pagcs , o f large size, with an attractive

cov er h ou nd wi th conI. It will con

tain in addHion to the class rUl 'onl , a

redew of the High School athletics for '

the year, th e commencement program,


short stories, and a joke department.SUhscript ions should ho scnt at once

to George Rose or an y memher of the

Senior Class. Adver t is ing ra tes fur

nished on application. A few leather

bound copies wiII h e i ss ued by advance

subscription only at $3.00 each.

This wor k w il l b o o f g re at i nt er es t,

no t only to the parents o f s cho ol p u

p il s, 'but t o e ve ry f am il y in Narberth.

l\Illy we havo your supponU

PIANO SOLO. . . , . . Miss Fanny H. laos(a) Polichinelle, Rachminino.ff

(b) Romance. . Schumann

TENOR SOLO, , . , Mr. S, A. RudolphOh Sleep I Why dos t thou leave me? . Handel

CONTRALTO SOLO. , . . . ., Miss Frieda SchubelThe Call of the Trail, . . . , . . . Fay Foster

TENOR and CONTRALTO SOLOMr. Rudolph and Miss Schubel

Oh that we two were Maying I. . . . . Nevin

TENOR SOLO. . , . . . . . . . . Mr. RudolphCaro mio ben (13th Century) , Giordani

CONTRALTO SOLO. .My Menagerie ..




Let's Finish

the Job

Narberth's Big NightE. J. Cattell to Speak

In the Y. M. C. A. next Thursday Evening at

8. 15, Narberth will be afforded. a treat, when E. J.Cattell, the well known Speaker of Philadelphia,

will address the Civic Association at its Annual Meet

ing, at which time the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place.

The Committee has also arranged for a specialmusical program, and quite a surprise is in storefor our townspeople.

Everybody is invited to auend,-members, or

non-members, and everything is free.

Remember the date, next Thursday Evening at8.15 at the Y. M. C. A.

Sioaen of Woman'. Victory

Loan of Narberth

One of thO' best minstrel shows ever

produced in Narber th i s be ing prepared

by thO' Boy Scouts, who ar e zealously

got ting ready to stage it the 25th of

this 1I10nth. A ll o f thO' nlcmlbcrs o f t hi s

show are s t ri c tly homO' t al en t, a nd ex

pect y ou t o back them up.

Invitations ha vo been i s sued to mem

b er s a nd g ues ts o f Mon tg ome ry and

Delaware Counties for the "Round

Table" l un ch eo n o n Thursday, April

24th, at 1 P. l\L 'l'herc wiII be an

American Day program. :Members may

invite one guest . Ticke ts for luncheon,

60 cents.

All reservations must be in t he hands

of th e Corresponding S e < ' r e t a r ~ ' , ~ 1 r s .'E. C. Batchelor, Box 315, no t later than

April 21st.

8/7/2019 Our Town April 19, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-april-19-1919 2/4

* * •



Da y .n d Night

Of course. w.deliver - an yp I a ce - an y




House for SaleModern 3.story. IO·room

dwelling. 50 7 Haverford

Avenue, lot 60x125; hot

water heating, electric light,gas; 5 bed rooms, 2 bath

rooms, laundry in basement.

Key at 41 7 Haverford Ave.


r a l " a ' : M ~ G i n l e ~ 1 QU [23 South 17!l! S!. PhiladclPbld



Pas teu r ized Milk \ . DELIVERIES

B r y n C I 0 ' f . \ ~ l k C e r t l l l e d WEST PH ILA .

IPedr lallc Society) OVERBROOK

Spec ia l ••Guern sey" MERION


(Rober ts '&: Sbarp les s ' BALA-CYNWY


Cr e amBu l l e rm l lk ARDMORE

' ra b le a n d WhIpping WYNNEWOODtCream.

45th and Parrish Sts.


Phone . Ardmore 967 W

GARAnteed Roofs


Y . M . C . A . B U IL D IN G



-------- ....__ .._ - - - - - - - -

H. C. FRITSCHPuperUes Fo r Rent and Sal.

Fire Insurance

Bell Phone ail! w.

'f.all BuDding. Narberth. P . .


CALDWELL& CO.Re a l Es ta ' t e

I n s u r a n c es o u " : ~ t ~ ~ S t a l i o n NARBERTH. PA.



T alephone Narberth 1633

GOOD VALUEI n t he following up-to date homes:

20 5 Grayling Avenue

5 Woodside Avenue

14 Avon Road

16 Avon Road

Colonial House, Anthyn Road


Hauling and MovingAl'lYWHERE

Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA .

NARBERTH GARAGERaymond Weils. Proprietor





LEE'S GARAGE Essex Ave. abo HaverfordAvenue Narber th



L . C . S H A H A N

The deellra t ions in t h(' l 'reshyt('rian

Cll1lreh for East('r S l l l l d a ~ ' will be fur

nislll'd by ~ I r s , Isabel l ' . HUlllphril's,

the \Vestmillster Cire!l', an d othl·rs. and

wilJ he a1'l'anl!('11 by a eOll lmitte t' from

thl' Ladies ' Aicl SOl'iety.

The Brightest Spot in Narberth

A DrugStore in theMost Modern Sense of the Term

There \ l' iI l 'he s p e e i a ~ Illusic in the

I ' resbyter ianChureh n ( ' ~ t Sunday in

ee lcb ra t ion o f th e glad festival of ou r

L o r d ' ~ Re sur re ction, Th e ch orus, in

('harge of ;\[rs. Tillman O. Lane, orgal ! '

ist andl'hoir Jplu1cr, consists o f th e fol


S0l'ranos-:\[rs. ~ I a r y F:. W('hs«'r.

~ [ r s , j>('ad Husling, ;\[is.' August'!


A J . t o s - ~ [ r s . William McKinstry, :Mr:;.

Arthur ,C. Staples, Mrs, Earle T. Wilson.

Tenor-:\Ir . Ben,iamin ;\[cLoughlin,

B a s s - ~ I r . C. H. Chat,field, :\[1'. W. Gar-

r('t t Hogers.

Yiolin-: \[rs . Ben,ialllin ~ I e L o u g h l i u ,·Cello-l.lr. \Villi:lln 1'. Nash.

In t he mor ni ng t he musi('al s(']l 'etillll;

1\'i1J 1)(': Double quartette, "A nj ~ a s t e r

Hallelu,iah;" woml"n's \,(licl's. "Ha rk '

The Easter Bells Are Hingiu;!;" an

them, "And Jt B (' ga n t o Dawn;" an·

them, "Y e Bel ls o f Easter Day."

In th e e\ 'ening thPl'e will be a fuller

musical program, in e luding the folJo\\,

in g: A nth em , "Hosanna;" women's

voices, "Sih 'er Starlight CI'Il\l'IIS T h ~ 'Lonl;" :l1Ithl'nl, "AIIl'lu,iah;" antheill.

"Oh, Day of Christ," and soprano,

alto, t('nor. a nd b as s solos, with organ,

violin and '('ello a ( ~ c o m p a n i l l l e n t s .



A v e r ~ ' prl 'l ty I\'(,tltling was S(l!l'llIn

iZl'd la"t W l ' d n l ' s ( l a ~ ' aftl'1'1l00n at th ..hOllle (If Louis F. ::3mith, 011 Hi.!!ht('rs

~ [ i 1 l HOI\ll, :\ar1>('I'th. 'l 'hl' eonlr:\l,till,J;

pal'ti,'s \l'1'\'(' : \ [i"s (;( 'r t rnt l l ' K. Smith

allil ~ I r . Arthnr ,I, Yunker. Thl' 01'

f il ' iat illg' l · l ( ) r ; . ! ~ · l l l n J l w a Hll\"••1ohn \Tan

Xc"s. of the 1 ' 1 ' l ' ~ b y t e r i a l l Chureh. ,)1

Il'hil'h 1>oth 1>ricJp an d g'roolll ar c IllC'III





Friday Evening, April 25, 1919

ELM HALL, 8.15 Sharp



A Real Old Fashioned Minstrel Show

EveryBoy in the Performance a Narberth Scout

Minstrel Sbow and Dance

Pupils taught from the beginning 10 preparation for

CONCERT RECITAL ORATORIOAnnual SprinjZ interviewsfor prospectivepupils will be held du r ing t heweekApril 21st to 26th inclusive. Only a l im it ed numbe r o f pupils accepted.

Fo r appointment write or phone Narberth Studio.

STUDIOS: -5 l 1 P re s . e r Building. 1 7 1 2 Ches tnu t ~ t r e e t . Phila .2 0 9 Ehn T e r ra c e, N a r be r th . P e n n a.

Bell Telephone. Narbnth 1608



.Tohn Schaffer 110r a good hearty luughh.

I t isn't so easy to ,bc reany funny when

y ou k now j 'o u ar c supposed: to be. As

a paternal guide, Gilbert Ford is a

splendid example t o fol low. His he ar ty

I ' Jus t l ik e h is father," will be long

remembered. Philip LiYingston's 'cl('\'er

i nt er pr et at io n o f th e professor WllS

wor thy o f p rai se. His part , as also that

taken by Jess i e Ball ingal l, showed a

g re ll t d ea l of th ou gh t. To sa y F re d

Harsch p roved a typical Westerner is to

say he succeeded. Dorothy Wilson \\'on

out by sh'owing SO c le ar ly t he lights

a nd s ha de s o f t he landlady 's characte r.

John \Vilson 111'0\'('11 himself master of

a difficult situation, \l'hile Elizabl 'th

l.[iesen's ading showed there was a

reason fo r t he col le ge b oy s l ik il lg the

w id ow . L a; ;t , hu t no t le ast, w as th e

part p la ye d b y Florenee Haaf. Ou r

q ui et F lo rence showecl she ('ould' he

firlll whcn th e occasion demanded.

~ [ a r y IChal fon t. E I( ' ano r E ~ ' r e l\IIcl

Elizabeth :l\Iiller were just the right

girls fo r their p ar ts , P eo ple fel'l that

EI('anor would lJCs to \\ ' a gr pM , honor

on t he puhl ic if shl' would freqlH'nt th e

sta!"e more o ft en . : \[ an y 'otl]('rs, beside

a ('('rtain y ou ng man . w er e flaid to b':l

justly p ro ud o f E li za lw th :\[illpJ'. AntI

no on( ' \\'ill bdil'\ '" that : \ [ a r ~ ' 'Chalfant

has not had muc'h I'Xperil 'lH'l ' as all


Thanks ar(' due t o : \ [i s s ~ [ L. Boyn·

tOil for so \\ '('11 gl l idiug the talent.

Th( ' l ' as t ofc·haral'f('rs followfl:

'l'o II I lIarrillgtoll, a y ie ti m o f cir·

( ' l lI l1stancl 'S G ~ o l ' g - e Hol-'c

Reginald B laek, h is (,hUIll,

Thomas ~ [ a r t in

Byron Hurringtou, 'l'onl's father,

Gilhert Ford

Jal lles Hoberts, a frcflhman,

,John SI'IHllrer

\Villiam E\ ' ( ' ) ' ( ' t t .Ialll<'s, ne\\' mathe

matics prof"ss"r from Stunfonl,

Phi lip Li \ ' ingston

DUll Davenant, from th " hills,

Fred II a rsl'll

l'rof('ssor :\[agee, d i!'l"t',t'or of the

"gym,. , ".,. ,.John Wilson

~ [ r s . Wigg ins , t he l and l ady ,

Dorothy Wilsoll

~ r a r i a n Dav('nant. of whom Tom is

more than passingly fond,

Eleanor Eyre

Buth Thol'lltoll, Begl-!ie's girl.

~ l a l ' , I 'Cltalfollt

J)n]eie lfarringtoll. ' rOl l l ' S :-:ister,

from lIi!"h S,'hool, .I,:lizahl'1h :\[iJ]('r

Wido\\' : \Iag-uil 'e".", Elizahl'th ~ [ i ( ' s ( ' n~ [ r s . ]):111'1(',\-. a c'"I1('('!or,PI"r(,ll('e Haaf

Chia, "lIon('st. Intl'lIigl'lIt, ,Japan('s('

Sehool-girJ" , ' . , , .Jes,iL' Balling-a!]

Beatty. 1I0ustoll, ntlll \ \ 'a1toll us Fresh


1111 wOlll!L'l 'ing ho\\' lIlany 11101( 01'

g a l l j z a t i o l l ~ hayp l 'h 'c tl 'l l B oh E ll ga l'

::3eerl'tary sinn' I stal 'te (1 to write this.

* * *

' l 'hose who \1'('1'<' fo rt n ll a te e ll ough to

Ill' pa rt o f thL' enlhnsia",til' andieJl('L' in

our High School anc li to ri nl ll on last

S a t n n l a ~ ' l'\'l'ning'. han' n ot hi ng h ut

p ra is e f or t he ('ntirL' ('nst of "A Stren

nons Life ." Frolll thl' t ime t lw eurtain

partl'el und thL' tI'illl forlll of the Japll

llcse maid bel'aml' vi s ib il '. t o the tillll'

when the salll(' lIIaicl lll 'eiLlecl tl1l' fnte

of s(1\'el'lll of the jwoph' in\'ol\'l'u, the

Sellior 'Class pro\-iel('c! no Ilnll 1I10lllents,

bu t illst('ad a s l' ri (' s of ele\ 'erly acted

,(·enes. whieh sati,.;fil'Ll h ot h t he l ov er

of g'ood fun llnel thl' l'ritie o f d ramat ic


Eal'h a('tor llnd aetress desl'l'\'es spe·

"ial eOIllIll(,lldatioll. Th e hero. George

HOSl" pmYCel a \ ' C 1 ' ~ ' l ' len'r, \ 'ersatile

ac to r , succeeding both in his lo\'e

Sl'cnl'S und in o th er s w he rc a n entirely

(lifferent type of skill wus required.

No w on de r th o a ud ie nc e had only

words of praise fo r him! In th e scenes

betweell him and his ChUIlI, 'rom Mar·

t in , ' bot h u ct or s w er e s uc ce ss fu l i n b e·

ing Ilatura], Tom's enthusiasm helped

in many u. seene. l\Iany a 11ersol1 ex

t en de d h is heartfelt appreciation to

wus forthcoming, bu t it 's u business

proposition that :rou huve to spend

moner to m ake m on er , and it is alto'

gether prolmble thut t he Borough might

huve stimulated' tile Park's progress,

and incidental ly furthered it s ow n ex·

chequer, by doing a mite more tban It

was oh li ged to do, an d if the question

is u sk ed u s to whe re t he mon ey n eces ·

sar.r to do these thin,gs could be pro·

cur ed, th e a ns we r m ig ht b e that th e

exc('lIent execu ti \' e qual it i es an d re·

sources of our go\'e rning hody will

sll1'('ly devise th e ways an d means, an d

ye t not hurt an)-body no r a n)' other

town utility. I t 's a fi ne index of char

a ct er , i s livin!" in th e P ar k, f or onlya soher man, stridly so, ( 'ould find his

hous(' at n ig ht , a nd a trouhled con

seielH'c \I'ould he ill at ocrds there wilh

the trcmclllious darkness that hefalls

t hc p la ce when the sun goes down.

\\'e're not so b a d l ~ ' ofl', ar(' WI', that \ve

('IIII't put up a f ew l ig ht s, a ny how, i n

this sph'lHlid addition to the town, and

herl' 's hoping th at a t least that much

\ l' il l be done real SOIlI!,


Aud speaking of th e fa ct that you

usual ly ha\'e to spend l l I o n e ~ ' to m ake

m o n l ' ~ - , and also c'onsiderin!" that th e

hanhnlre man has (le('ided to stay i n o ur

lIlicIst, ha l' ing learned apparently that

Xarb('rth is a prelty good p la ee in

\ \' hi (' h t o clo busines" people coming

i l lt o h is stOl'(' th:lt \1'('1'1' 11l'\'er t he re b e·

fol'(', y und('rstand, th(' S"eetator rl'



m('rehants t


that has bel'n nllHl(' that more than

$100,OUO annually is spl 'n t ou ts i de flf

Xal'ber th by resi den ts o f X ar be rt h f or

food an d household necess it i( 's . P r ~ eious l it tl (' , o r nothing'. dol'S h e k no \\ '

about retail husines,. l\IIcl i t ' , a foolish

f el lo \\ ' \ I' ho will ('ssa,\' to teaeh hi,;

grandlllother hO\I' to sUI 'k l 'ggs. bu t it

wou ld be a great pity if this fine busi

IIl'SS is 'beillg' lost on a t' l' ou n t of a

II'I'0ng c'one('ptioll of :\arlll 'rth's faeili

t il 'S t o supply it, as not o n J ~ ' do th')

merchants lose by th e p re se nt s ta t( ' of

atrairs. bu t thl' to\\'1I its('lf is obviously

handi('apped when so mueh Illonl'y lea n ~ it. I t s eems t o be \\'orth Illore than :l

passing- thought. :\11' :\I('rl'hallt. allcl if

YOll think Our TO\ l' n i s the \ll'",t plaee

to exploi t your 1\'areS, to l 'oned the

t ITollPOl1:--; notton:- , f o l l { ~ I l l a ~ - h ay e a bou t

yOllr s t ll l 'ks al ld fa('iJitil's, \l'h,\'. I thinl,


.I:\('ohsIlill think

so.too. an d

it ':-; a ;!l 'IU'I'()l1:-' spar't' 11( n-ill allow you

on a >\,;;1111 allnu,:! 11>11111"1. I lon'l say

t ha t o ur l it ti l' ":'I1l' I' is nOI l'trec·ti\'("

that it 11'I'II't do Ihl' tl ' id" for it \ \' ill I f

~ ' l I U do YIlllt' part . II." :-,uyill;!.' yOlll ' ; - ; a ~ 'in an attrlll'til'l' \l'ay, \l'ith fads and

fig-un's, Il 'ith th,' killd of 'l'l'I'iel' the

10\1'11 must ha VI', hy kl'l'ping' I'H'rlast·

inr:-1y at it, H\'uillill:! a;-; ,,"on woul<1 t-h('

"lag-Ill' thl' tOlllbstone \ ' a r i p t ~ , of "ad

\ '('rtising" ill ",hi('h small p1:lel's like

i li i:-: :-iOIlH'l illlt' :-: iJldulgp. If yu u ar c en

titll'd to YOllr shan' of thi, outgoing

trad(' you ought t o gl't it, an d if you

a 1'\' not I ' lI t il il ' ll to it you ollg'ht to ar

range so that you s ha ll hc', An d th e

i l iOn ' : - : ( ' r \ ' i ( ~ p a h l e Ou r T'o,,"JI is llJ:llle, th e

11101'\' 1'11'1'('( in ' it is going- to b(' fo r all

of us, buyers and sellers,

The Senior Play

Henry Rose,

A. J. Loos,




To tlll' Edi to r o f Our TOII'Il:

"Oil', III a,\"I II ' I shouldll't I", sayillg :.

\\'ord abollt it at all, t'lIb, 1!\1l i t l I'ol lld

apl'l 'ar to HlP, hl ' twl ' l '1I ol1l ' :"elYl' s. of

eOlll'Sl', you kilOII'. that thi" :'\otiolls 11 '1'

;;(JI\ ollly l'OIIl('S to eOlll 't I I'hl 'l I i t ' " 1 l I 0 1 ' \ ~than a O l 1 t ~ · : . . ; i ( l t \ d argulllent. you St't ' , a

lIlt of n tilt. )lerh:lj'''' alld II'h"1l thut ' ,

J lo t t l\ (' ease pel'fol'<'" hI' III1Ist la y hi,.;

qlll'1'1l1ollSII('SS un thc ' shl'lf a l ld hic '" the

fur th l' l' ache l lt of t he' ( 'I ,, 't or the

Boosll'l'. or if YOIl'I'l' :twa)". nlll)'hap tho

BOOllll'r:lllg. YOIl will , ,( 'c . t he ll . t h: lt

"" .. tiolls has 110 pIne l' iu this eollllllll, as

l'Oul,lu't it he a pJ'(·tt." thillg. UOII'. for

'you t o fiJl(l whell ~ ' O l l e:IIIlI' bn('k frOll1

the la,I'-ol],s whieh an ' l'nfol'eed on )'ou

hy thl ' t l 'l ' r ihle vexatiolls of t hl ' i n"oml '

tax. or by ~ ' u l l r i n\ ' es t iga ti ol ls o f t he

]'ust H,('ol'll of thl' g-al'dl'IH'r. a filll' l,ra\l'l

on ,\'OUI' han (Is, alld yOIl Ilot start i ll !" i t

nt all Wl,'l1 kel'p : \ot iol l s out 01' hel'l',

Cub. ,lL'peIlLl Oil thut. bUI Wlll'lI you're

mukiug' steady tillle again i t 's alto'

g('th,'1' likely he'll liud sOllll'lhin!" to he

eantalllH'rons abont. And i f you 'l l be

f i sk ing h i s wifL' , l lIa)"hl' sh l"l1 sa." that

I'Oll't bL' hard for h im n t ni l,

'Vith the constrUelioll un(\f'rwuy, an d

that whic' h i s said to be eOlltelllplatl'll

for early COlllpldioll. :\lIrbrook Park ISlikely to soon he the fin(' plac e i t w as

lliculated to b e, a ll d we'll all b e g la d

o f t ha t. H 's a ('urious l'olH]ition there,

dtl l th e Borough ( ~ o l l e l ' 1 i l l g its full

quota of t ax es f rom t h( ' hous e !lnd lo t

ownCrs. an d ye t regarding the Park as

epamte an d II t hi ng apar t from the

cst. of the tow n, a pos tu re o f a ff ai rs

\\'e could hardly ge t by with if we di']

n ot h av c a ,real Philadelphia 'barrister

at the helm of our l eg al dClpartment.

I t 's t ru e t he owner s bough t with full

k nowl ed ge o f th e fucts, that a ll tho

t own faci l it i es eould 110t be assured

them unless a certain taxable amount

Here and Hereabouts

OUR TOWN w il l gladly print

an y news i tem abou t a ny sUbject

that is of i nt er es t t o N ar be rt h

folks, bu t i n o rd er to meet th e

print ing schedule, all " co py"

-manuscr ip t s -mus t reach th e

editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each


Subscrip tion pr ice onc dollar per

y ea r i n advance.



Owned and Publi shed every Saturday

by t h e Na rbe rt h Civic Association.


An Experiment in Co-operative

Journalism-No Paid Workers.



Send al l advertis ing and ne\\'s items to

P. O. Box 966.

Our Town is on sale at the depot

newsstand, an d at t he s to re of H. Eo


Entered a s s ec on d- cla ss m a t t ~ rOctober 15, 1914, at. t he P os t Office at

Narber th, Pennsylvania, under the ac t

of March, 1879.


Fire, 350

Police, 1250

Mrs. Roy E. Clark,

W. T. Melchior


Prcs iden t -Jo seph H . Nash.

Viee-prcsidents-A. C. Shand, James

Artman, A. J. Loos.

Secretary.'1'reasurer-Robert J. Ed

g ar , P . O. Box 601.

Dircetors-J . J'. Oubrcy, Mrs. C. P.

Fowler, W. R. D. Ha ll , G eo rg e M.

Henry, H. R. H ille ga s, C ha rle s E .

Humphreys, F. A. Lanahan, Daniel

Le it ch , E . A. Muschamp, Mrs. A. Perry

&edi fer , Mrs . A. B. Ross, Fletcher W.

Stites, Walton l\f. Wentz, A. E . Woh·

l er t, M rs . C ha rl es W. Young .

8/7/2019 Our Town April 19, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-april-19-1919 3/4



of your Local

mail your sub.



The Victory Loan quota of the Main Line will be raised

in 48 hours-Monday and Tuesday.

Subscriptions on any Bank or Trust Company go to the

credit of your Home District.

On Monday and Tuesday a

Tearn will call. If he misses you,

scriptions to us.

MAIN LINEVictory Liberty Loan CODlmittee

Merion Title Building, ARDMORE


Statement Close of Bu.ine 8, March 31, 1919


Don't wait until your

co I d develops Spanish

Influenza or pneumonia.

Kill i t quick.

Standard cold remedy for 20 years -in tabletform-safe , sure, no opiates-breaks up a coldin 24 hours-relieves g ri p i n 3 d ay s. Mone yback i f i t fails. Th e genuinebox has n Re d topwith Mr . Hill 'spicture. At All Drug Stores.


- IN-

"Roaring Road"


Wallace Reid

ARCADIACHESTNUT.Bel. 16th StF ines t PhotoptllY Theatre ot It .. S ize In th e

Entire World .

Pbr toplavs-ContlnuoWi 10 A. M. to 11.38


Phi la . . Po .


AS PossmLE TO 10.15 A. H ., 12.00, 1.00,3 .45. 5 .45, 7 .45. 9 .30 P. M.

The anlll1al hanl)u('t of thl' :\[l'l1 's

Assol'jalion I\'illhe ht'ltI ?lIontlay el'en

ing at. 6.:;0 o 'do ..k i n the Y . : \f . C. A.

Our f r iends and nl'ighhul's art' invitl'll

to join with us in this Victory Dinner.

SI't' l1lel1lht'rs of the club fo r r ( 'sen' a

t ions.

,AG P. :\I.-East,·r ex,'r.. ises and illus

t ratl'(l Sl'rlllon. Spl'l'ial IIIIISil' h,Y thi)

( 'hoi I' . : \I i ss .1:l t'ksOII I ri ll play thl'

"A,loratioll," hy BOl'oll 's l, i. Th(' lirst

pari of the s l' r\ ,i l' l' w il l ( 'ons is t of

";astl ' r I 'xl ' rci ,es , ('horlls and skl'! eh.

'rh" pastor will f ol low with II hrit'!' .st'r

Ilion illustratt,d with hl'au! iful!,\ ' , 'oloft',l

lallt 1'1'11 slilll 's on t i l l ' su h,jee!, "The :\[t'u

of'l'o,:\[ol"1'l1\\'." Tl'xt, Lul lt ' 2 : ; '2 .

(Continued on Page 4.)

, 1'. : \L.-Youllg 1"'01'1,' 's ~ [ c l ' ! i n g .S uh j" d, , .Life." LI'a t ll ' r. : :\ [iss Alit ' l'

:\[altby. The o!'<'ht'stra will play and

Ih" pastor will assist \I'ith an ohj l' l' l

ksson Oil thl' Heslll"1'l'l 'tion. '1'he 1'00111

was crowtled last Sunday,

Church Notes.

The quarterly husiuess nwC'ting will

he h ,' lr l in connection with the prayer

sen'iee Wedn('s<Iay enming'. Suh.ieet

for prayer anti med 'itatiou , "Prayer as

C'ollln\Union \\'ith God."

The Baptist Union of Philadel1phia

anll vidnity will hold a lIleeting in the

l'!ul[lel of the First Baptist 'Churell,

~ e v e n t e l ' n t h and Sansom streets, Thurs

day el ' t'n ing , April 24th, at 8 P, 1\L

Aside f rom t he r egul ar husiness, two

~ ' O I J J l g lIlen 'rill 1'01110 he fo rt ' t h( ' Union

to 1)(' ('xall1ined for the Gospel ministry.

HeIlI'l 's(,lllatil 'l 's frolll t hi s church will


123S. Sixteenth St.


I ' ! h ~ } - 1 ' ! ! T ~ ! R ~ , ~ 2 ~ ~ ·7rariJJ7lQ"£

~ c ' J $ o . I 6 ~ ~ ' 0/ We make clothes..... SUPERIOR

cloth9s TO ORD E R

As you want them-

So low In price that it will not pay

you to buy them ready made.

Th,'I'(, 11't'I'l' ~ S pl'('Sl'nt last ~ u n d a J 'HI0I 'lI i l lg ' .

~ ' \ \ ' t \ l \ ' o 11('\\ ' I l J ( \ J I l h L \ I ' ~ were W l \ l t ~ o I l l e t lillto th e ('hurch last SUllday morning'.

The Easler otl'pring, both morn ing awl

, 'I 'l 'n il lg , w il l h t' fur lhe nell' parish

1 J O l 1 ~ ( \ .'1'hl' l l I l ' e t i n ~ 11IX! \Vetlnl'stlay t'I'pn,

ing- wil l b l' 1111111'1' the auspic l' s of thI'

WOlllen's Miss ionary Su( ' ie ty. ?lIiss

A lina B . Stl'wart , Prinl 'ipal of th e Lang

cion Melllorial ::'i.·hool in K,'ntucky, will

t('11 of thl' \\'ork of tht' school. and Miss

?I[lIr)' U. P('a('ol'k, onl' o f t he BOllnl S('l'

retaries. wi ll t l' ll of mis'sion wo rk in

fort'ign lands.

On the e\'l'ning' of Sunday, April 2"this l'hl1l'l'h will join in the Union :\[eet

ing to h(' h el d i n thl' Baptist Church.

' l 'he l lIol lthly all,day mee ti ng o f th.! ;

l a, li es of the congft'gation will he h el d

nt'xt Tu('stlay. The Ladies' Aid Society

will "ol l\ 'eno at HUO A. ?lL 11l1l1 th"ir

mee ti ng wm he fol lowed hy luncheon

at 12.:10, At 2 P, ~ I there wm he :t

meeting of thl' \Vonll, 'n's :\[issionary S<;,

ciety. All are cordially invit('d,

IIl'xl~ u l i d a y

h,l' g lad s to ry au d song.In the Illoming ?III'. \'an ; ' \ess \I' il l

I""'ach on "The l 'romi se of Life," and

in the el'cning' the' thelil" of th" sermon

wil l he, ., Conll', Sl'e th" pla"(' wh,,\'(' th"

Lo\'(l lay." At hoth S1'I'\'iel'S 1111 I'''gu,

l a r qual 't et t e will Ill' llug'lllented hy a

I1IlIlIh,'r of t l' ai n( 'd I 'o i, "' s, a ll d in Ih"

e\"PJliJlg' the ,-jo}jtl and '('plIo \rill a ~ : " i s tt he o rg an in th(' ucconIj1anil\lenh'.

At , 1'. ;\1. !ht'\,(' will Ill ' II joi nI Inl'I't,

ing- of the .Iunior and ~ " I J i , , 1 ' I':nd"al'or

SOI·i l' li l' s. '1'h, 'I '( ' I l il l h ,' spl ,.. ial 1':ast,,1'

ulusic, :l!ltl the sl"'al,,'r will 1)(' tht' II Oil,

F I , ~ t e h t ' 1 ' W. Stit('s.

Church Notes.



Avery S . Demmy, Pastor.

Easter Sunday:

11 A. 1f.-Morning wor sh ip. Spccia l

music l1Y the choir. Miss Annic E.

.Jackson will Illay "Largo," hy Han

del, on the violin. Sermon subjec t ,

, ' Tlw E as te r Pilgrims." Text, Heb.

11: 1:1,

2.:30 P. 1\f.-Easter program of the

B i b l ~ School. E x c r c i s ~ s und songs by

the children. An invitation a ll lI wel

come to ull.






. 2,209,193.29


Capital Stock


Undivided Profits

Bills Payable

Deposits. ,


Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.

Easter ha s hel 'n "uNed t h ., Crown

of all F ~ s t i v a l s , " This blessed day

wil l b e f i tt ing ly obsel '\ ' ed i n thi s church

F ri da ys , t he H ol y Comlllunion at !l

_\.. 11:.Children '8 service at 5 P. M.

Holy Week (Apri l 14th to l ! lth, inc lu·

sive) :

Monday , Tuesday , Wedne sd ay a nd

Saturday-The Holy Communion at !l

A. M. Evening p raye r and Penitential

Office 4.30 P. M.

Maunrlay ThursdaJ--Holy 'Commun·

ion 9 A. M.

Good Fr iday-11 A. M., morning

prayer, Litany and address; 5 P. 1\1.,

children's service.

Easter Duy:

8.00A. ~ I . - H o l y Communion.

11.00 A, 1I.-Morning prayer, sermon

and Holy Communion.

4.00 P. 1\L-ChildTen's Festival .

Tho Church ' busses l eave Narberth

and Wynnewood S ta ti on s a t 10.40 on

Sunuay mornings.









Loans on Collateral .

Mortgages and Judgmen ts .

Commercial Paper.

Bonds .

Docull1entary & War Stamps

Real Estate, Furniture Bnd

Fixtures ..

Cash on Hand and in Banks


Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa .


Merion Meeling is open fo r worship

every First-day morning at 11 0 'clock.

We cordial ly welcome any visitors who

des ir e t o worship with us.


Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector.

'I'he services at All Saints' P. E.

Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood

avenues , fo r next Sun day arc as fol·


8.00 A. ~ I . - H o l y Communion.

9.45 A. M.--Sunday School.

11.00 A. ~ L - : M o r n i n g prayer, Litanyand sermon.

The Lenten serviccs arc as fol lows:

W e d n ~ s d a y s and F r idays until Holy


W e d n ~ s d a y s , tho Holy 'Collllllunion at

9 A. M .

Evening prayer, Litany llnd Peniten·

tial Ollice, 4.30 P. M.

ACCIDENT INSURANCE-$ 1 0 0 Monthly Indemnity $10 Annual Pnmium

MILLER BURKHARDTP. o. Bos: 104 NARBERTH, PA . Phone 6159 M

8/7/2019 Our Town April 19, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-april-19-1919 4/4



LIGIITING FL"i::TURESMcDonald John. Narberth phone, 1288.1533 l:he.t. st., Phil... Phons, Sprucs 1138.

1I11LIiScott-I'ow('11 Ualrles. Phone. Preston 23hSee dlspl..y ..dvertlsement In thl. Is.ue.

IIIUSJCJa"ksoJl, ~ I i S 8 Anne. Vio lin Instruction.Stuuio. Arcuue Building. Phone, 316-J.

Loos, Fanny H. Plano teacher.S tudio, Arcade B ldg. Phone . 316 ·J ,

SJobolm, IIl1ss Ebba. Music Teacher and AC

comp..nlst. 228 lana ave .. Narberth.NOTARl' t 'UBLIC

Jeft'erles, J. II . 111 ~ a r b e r t h ave.Phone. 666-M.

Tyson. Warren R. 200 Woodbins . .ve.

Phone, 1202-W.O P T I C l A ~ 1 ! lFenton. Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Phone. & lR · "

Phlla. addre.. . 1806 eheatnut at. Locuat US.Zentma)'er, Joseph. 228 So Uitll st., Pllila.

PAINTERSCole, James R.246 Haverford avs . Phone, Spruce 1111.

Walzer, Fred.117 Winsor ave. Pbons, 1247-J.

PAPER HAlSGERSWitte, Geo. A. Fairview ave.Phone, Cynwyd 778-oJ. Flr.t·cl.... work.

PIIOTO PLAYS"Areadla," 16t h a nd Chestnut at.. , Phil.See dl.play advertisement In tbl. l8lIue.

PLUMBING, STO.Wal l, H . B. Phone, 319·oJ.See display advsrtl.ement In tbls la.ue,

REAL ESTATECaldwell 81: Co. Phone, U71-W.

Sss display advertloement In tbls I.. u.,Frlt . .,h , I I . O. Phone, 152-W.See display advertisement In tbl. Is.ue,

Godfrey, W m. B .114 Woods ide avs . Phone , 885·W.

Naob, Roben J. Phone, 605.Money for F ir st and Becond Mortlr.lrs.,

Simpson, Jomes C. 232 E.sex ave.Phone, 636, or 1420 Chestnut .t.

HOOFING, ETO.Gara-McGlnley Co. Phone, 1258-W.See display advert loement In tbl. Ia.ue.

Miller, Jobn A. 243 lona ave. Phone, SU·JShcp, 246 Haverford ave. Pbone, lUI-J


Good Wear Shoe Repair Shop,Constantine, B. G. Y. M. C'. A.. Bldlr.TAILORS

I 'remost, H. Phone. 1254·J.See displaY advertisement in th!s issue.

TRUST ESTATES, ETC.I,onohon,l're,lerlck A . 2 05 l ~ o r r e s t avo Phon,'.344·R, Phlla.ndd., ProvIdent Life & '1'1'. Co.The above department should be or tb.

I'reatest us e t o the community, the list con,talns the name of every profe. . lonal man,tradellIman. mechanic. Ihopkoeper. e tc ., wbodoe. or ca n In any way serve bl. fellowtownsman, and who Is p ro l' re. .lve enoul 'bto add name to lI.t of Relrlster.As It I. d lmcu lt for those con tr lbut lna

t he ir t ime and etrort. t o the produotlon ot"Our Town" to pereona lly either know orInterview all sucb, It would be mOst helpful It tbose n ot now found In the prtnte4lI.t would send In a memo o f the ir n am.. .address, pbone Dumbere and bllJllne.... 01

profs.. lon. for l la tlnl '. Tbla wil l cOst .. fol·low.: 10 ceDta each luue for S line.: I oantef or ea ob a dd lt lo na l l in..

Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating



Delicioua MeatsA l High Grade Chickens

Eggs and But ter

L ad ie s' a nd Gents ' Garments Dyed,Cleaned, P re s se d a nd RemodeledWork Call ed for an d Delivered

F re nc h D ry Cleaning a Specialty

Bell ' Phone 121!4 .J

For - Good - Work - See


The Home Town Tailoring Parlor234 Haverford Avenue


205 Haver ford Ave.



ACCOUNT,\NTSKe lm , H . O. Certified PUblic Accountant.202 Dudley ave. Phone. Narberth 300·W.

ADVERTISISI;Cole, W. Arthur. Phone, Spruce 1638.Ideas, Plans. COpy. Art. Typography.

A U T O ~ I O l l I L E SLees' Gara&,e-Rep..lrlng. Elc. Phons, 1605.See display advertisement In this Is.ue .

Narberth Garage. Phone Nnrber th 1633.See d l s p l a ~ ' advertisement In t i lls Issue.

BANKSMerion Title &: Trust Co. Phone. Ardmore S.See display advertisement In this Issue.

BUILDERSSmedley, \Vm. D. &: I I. T . Phone, 600.

See display advertisement In tbls I.sue.CANDY, ETC.

Davis, II . E. Pbone, 1254-W.See display advertlsement In thl. Issus.

CARPENTEltS AND BUILDERS"enklns , Cbal . L.103 Dudley ave. Phone, 382-M.CONTRACTOR 01 ' PLASTERING

I 'ratantonl, James.23\J Hampden ave., Narberth. Box 2iO.

DENTISTSOrr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood aVo Phons, 3U-W.Phlla. Phone, Filbert 42U, Keith Bldl'.

DRUGGISTSHoward's. Phone, 1267.See dl.play advertl.sment In thl. I.sus.

Smith, T. B. Ardmore , Pn.Sec display advertisement In this Issue.

ELEOTRICIANSPUl'b, Veri 225 lona ave.N ar . Phone , 660-W. Ard, Pb on e, 168- J.

FISH AND OYSTERSimperial Grocery Co. Pbons, Narberth 606.See display advertlssment In this issue.

FItUIT AND PltODVCENarberth Cut Pr ice Fruit and Produce Co.See dlsplny advertisement In this Issue.

GARDEN NURSERIESWohle rt , A . E.Montgomery ave. Phone. 696 Narberth.

HAULING, ETC.lIlormoma, Jobn. Ardmore, Pa.

See display advertisement In this issue.Walton Bros. Phone, 672.See display advertisement In t hi s I••us.

INSURANCEDowman, SamuelI'. (Life.)116 Elmwood aVe. Phone, 6&S·W.

Jurkhardt, MUler. Osneral InsuraDce.100 Maple ave. Phons, SI9-M.

Jones . Chss. R.305 S. N..rberth ave. Phone, 682·oJ.

Jones, Wm. J. 103 S. Narberth avs. Phone,680.J. Phlla. add res.. Penn Mutu..1 Bldg.

Lonahan,Frederlck A. 205 Forrest nv. Phon!!,344-n, Phlln. ndd., Provident Life & 'J'r. Co.

!rrotter Bros. (Fi re , e tc .)209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R.

LAWYERSGilroy, Jobn 211 Euex ave. Pbone, 1246-R.Phl la . . .ddre. ., L lncolD Bldl' .

S tl te s, F 1e tc be r W. 4' 3 Havertord ave.Phone. sn .w Pblla . addre.. , Croler Bid&,.

1I1EATS, ETC.Cotter, Boward 11'. Phone, 1218.Bee display advertl.ement In this Isaue.

lIertzter, Jobn B. Narberth.See display advertisement In this Issue.

Narberth RegisterTwo Lines. lOc per issue; Sc for each additional line

Our thought is that th e Coal Business will be slow t hi s S pr in g a nd

SUIllmer, to be followed by a stampede in th e Fall. Take ou r a dv ic e a nd

order early, an d 1I0n't forget to o rd er f rom us, whe re you will ge t good coa l

a nd l ot s of appreciation fU1'llished f. o. b. w it b t he goods.

W e w il l b e g la d t o b oo k order fo r Jeddo Coal during th e m on th vf

April at pr ice s preya i li ng in Philildelphia an d vicinity.

l\fost of you know that this coal i s th e best that comes t o m ar ke t, a nd

to those o f y ou who don't, we have no hesitancy in proclaiming th e fact that

i f b e tt e r coal exists anywhere in t be w id e earth it h as n ot as ye t been dis·


Narberth 302W

Fancy Fruits 4VegetablesFresh Fish and Oysters Every Friday

We deliver anywhere in Narberthfree,Come in and let Us t ry to convince

you that we have

• 'Fruits and Vegetables that youcan ea t

Prices and Quali ty yo u canno tbeat . "

Narbe r t h Cut Price

Frui t and Produce Co.2 28 Haver fo rd Avenue


Th,' ~ c e d l l · w o r k Guild of Americll is

p l 'ep ar iug to ship in t he e ar ly part of

.\fay quanti tie,; of \\'orn gal'mcnts to our

a,lol'l,'d c it y, S t. Qucntin. Won't you

bring sl ight ly worn or outgrown clothes,

l's!,p"ially chi l< lr en 's s ho es , t o t he h ome

,,1' :\lrs. .John Ca!<1well, 1"" Elmwood

an'IIIll', bcfore : \[a; \' 1st '? Only gal"

II\pnt:! in goo,! cOlldition, please. .If th c

soles of th e shoe,; arc w or n o ut a nd the

uppcrs arc good, h r il lg them along , al1'l

we will ha ye them II\cllllod before ship

p in ;! . LCI ll l us you hellp in this good


"" bI if ..

u .. .. 0

" c ; .. u '.llc 'p :.at -5 § u.. £'"

u " .. s ~ c>:

.... ~ .c .. s'0 "

.. ~ e : ; '" '3o"'l

p..CI. ~ ' :C.S ..

u ... .>1 z8:s CI.l:2 "u .s"~ i : i i CI.::;!

, Labor Yards Labor Material Labor Labor MaterIal

$1 44 81S7 60 434 $541 $53 19 $3441 $53 48 $610 97

1 04 12554 386 768 1600 7047 471 91

10645 804 1238 100 80 20 33 13666 60203

Y o ~ r Patronage Solicited

On Tuoselay, April 22, at 3.:10 P. :\L,

a suff rage confcreuce will be helJ in

the COIII'prt Hall of the Prcsspr Buil,!

ing, 1i12Chestnut str<,p!.

"fnl]Jl 'p ,;s ions an ,l In ,;p iration , lIelp,

a nd H in! ,; f ro m t ho Xalional anll State

Con\-pnt iOIl';" will bc pl'<,,;ent,'d h)

spcalipl's who \\'('I'e I'n',;('nt at hoth ( '0 : \ -

\'ention,;. af tp l ' whieh t"a will he ,;ery

<,,1. Yilil an ' inyilt'd to ll e I'l'{',;"nt.



I have purchasedthe DRUG STORE

formerly owned



C a n d id a t e f o r th e





Th e Jif tip th annllal oonnwt ion of tho

Pl'nnsylnlJlitt 'Womun SIIfl'rago A ~ s o c i H tion o pe ned o n \Ve, lnesday cyon il lg

April !J, with a dinner in the Ho,;" Gar

den of th e BclleYlle-8tratfofl1. ;\;ar

herth was wl'H representell with ~ presl'n t am on g t he s ix hllllllred gllesb.

The after dinner speakers included : I [ r ~ .Carrit> Chapman ' Ca tt , M rs . Me, li l :\1,·

Cormick, )[rs. Richllfl] Aldrich, Lieu

tenant Colonel Frederick Palmer an d

Gifl'ord Pinchot.

On Thursday t he c on ve nt io n was

opelled -by llrayer l ly Dr. C. Edwanl ~ [ c Cartney. A w el co me t o l'hil:u]l'lphia

was extended by K ,J. Cat te ll a nd

g re et in gs f rom t he Phil:ulplphia su f

fl'llgists hy ~ r r 5 . George A. Piersol.

:III'S.. fohn 0. :\filler, t.he St.ate Prcsi

,ll'nt, and :\[1'5. Car ri e Chapman Ca tt ,

the Xationul Prl'si,knt, gave IlIost in

tcre:-;tillg a d l l r f l R ~ e ~ . !'rhe l ) n ~ l 1 l f l ~ Smecting was follo,,'cd hy a hufl ' l' t lUllohenn. The aftl'rlloon speakl'rs included

~ f r s . Grorge A. Pien,ol, who gaye a sum

mary of t he S t. lfiluis Convention: .John

H. :\[a,;oll, who s po ke fo r tlIC- Victory

Loan, allll Kenneth L. 1r. Pray gll\'e

a reyil'w of penllinl-{ legislatiye meth


Mrs. Bprtha Papazian' s sOlll·stirrillg

appeal fo r th e Arnlenian wom"11 was

followed hy a talk on th r health of the

coming g l' ne ra ti on b y D r. ? lf ar th a

T ra cy , D ea n o f tho \Voman's :\fl',li"al

Collegr. T he i nt cr cs t showlI in nileonvention by th e l ar ge a nd c nt hu si

astic attendanee at. t he d in ne r a nd thl'

meotings prove<l that the sutfrage Il IO\ ' "

ment is growing h l ' ~ ' o n d expeetatiolls

a nd t he re is n o , lo ll bt that the fight

f or d "mol 'r ac y i s a lmos t o ve r.

.s bI.. . j - G 8u

05 a..

i : t3c : a ...0 E ...

:a ill..

~ . ~ "!l II



J.D. 1100 00 59930 $108 $115 15

Feb. 100 00 3960 80 11078

M.rch 100 00 2500 10061




The Narberth Tailoring Co.Will give Good Reductions onMade-to-Order Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits, a lso reduced priceson Repairing and Cleaning andDyeing of your clothes. WorkAl. Don't lose time in callingup Narberth 305.

234Woodbine Ave. NARBERTH, PA.R. D. LOUIS, Prop.


MonfgomeryAve., Narberth

Everbloom!ng Hybr id Tea Roses

at from 75c. each fo r th e newes t varieties. One thousandp la nt s o n sale.

Grape Vines , Cu rr ants , Raspber·ries, Gooseberries.

Climbing Roses, 3 years, at 50c.e ac h. Ol de r plants, $1 to $1.50.

Wisteria , Imported Chinese, thatwill bloom th e first season.

Grass Seeds. Fertilizers f o r l awn

and garden.Fruit Trees from $1.00 up. Bear·

in g size trees, $6,00 each.

A. E. WOHLERTPhone . Narbe r th 6 9 6

Montaornery Ave .

A sale of home·m ad e c ak e, bread,

pies, etc., will he held on Saturday,

.<\pril 2llth, in tho yuoal lt s tor e , Y. M.

u. A. Bloek, on Haverford aYellUe, from

11 until 1 0 'clock. The p ri ce s a sk eu

fo r all dOllations will be popula r, and

a5 t he r ey enue from ithis sale will be

uspd ill opening a " ~ e l l ' Roof" fund,

we will be yery 1I\IIch gratified if th e

friend'S o f t he Y. ::\L 'C. A. will k eep u s

yery bllsy during t ho se two hOllrs.



Th e many fricn,j,; an<1 lIl'ighhors of

.Tcfl'crson Yowel l anl l family, of Wind

s or a venu e, sympa th iz e w it h t hem in

tho great loss which t.l)(,.\· ha H sus·


Mrs. Yowell died 011 :I[onday P\'en·

mg. Until the ]ll'cyiolls Satul'day ,;he

hall l)('ell in hel' l Isual h"alth. On Sat

urelay eyoning she ,;ufl"'l'l,,1 a ~ t l ' o k ~ ,\I'hi,·h rcndere'1 her IJIH:OllS"ious, allll

I"rolll whi"h she did not rally

PUG ="O. 1.

~ [ E R D A .


As it seems thut nl'arlJ' "\'NY house

wife is either prPlHlring to moYe or

l'1pan house during the ':'llning month,

the Auxiliary will bp \'('ry glad to re

IiCyo you af al l "white plel'hants" in

tho nall1re of wedding g i ft s tha t a rc not

heing used, second·h:lI)(l furniture, pic

tu res , ch in a , c l o t } l l ' ~ , or anything that

we c al l d is pos e o f in a sale to b e h el d

at a n e ar ly date.

\Vi1l yOIl kindly sa\'e a ll , ;ueh dona

tions fo r 115, un,l noti fy e i thpr ::\[rs. D.

D. Stickney, P l 'c s id en t , o r Mrs. 'C. E.

Kreamer, Vice-Pl'esident

The lIext. reglllar meeting will h e h el d

on M o n d ~ l Y , May 5th, at 8 1' .:lf . All

husba nd s o f III emhel's will he gl ad ly

wpleomed at !J 0 'clock.

Say, fellers, dill ynh e'Ver herc uv a".Jazz Band," that's it ? Wun will

fernish th e lifeliest. noise ~ a r b e r t h eycr

heprd at t h e " Skouts' Menstrel Show."

,Tess till' reel .Jazz Band. Hole' hunch

of black f a ice komcd ian s with yaller,

g re ll r, r ed , a l l' aHcul u re r l slltes on.

Den slim meduls an ' ill' hoys and gurls

1m \ ' in ' a danco afterwards. Rich, nin ' t

it'? :\ferda sez shl l t l iP , s o I g es d is is

all fe r dis weak .

The Women'sAuxiliary

8tarts S P. :\L, Elrn Hall, Friday, April

~ 5 t h .:Medals eurned by Scouts fo r pa t ri o ti c

sen-ices will bo aWllnled that night.

Como and be prouu of what your Scourts

ha YO done .One wor d, b uy your t idwts no\\'. Do

it to-day.


Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight


Easter Sunday, April 20, 1!J1!J:

Male Vo ice Choir.

High Mass at 9.30 A. M.A s p e r g e ~ , Vidi Aqllam, hy Webbe.

:Mass in B flat, hy Rey..J. E. Turner,

0. S. B.Offerlory, Regina Coeli, hy A. Werner.

Benediction, 10.30.

Ta n tum Ergo , hy HoSewig.

Organist, ::Iriss Geneyieyc Power.

During t h e " ""k ,,1' , \pril 2 0 - ~ 6 therp

will be 110 collt>etion of ashes.

Starting April ~ 8 a clpan-up week

an d ash col1eetion will ho ,'a rried on

joinl1y. Thp ';:IIUC se1",elul,' will be fol·

l owce l. A lI r uhhish to he rCnID\-"'] must

ho pJaeecl on sillcwalk .

Collections start at i 0 'clock A. 1\f.

an d collectors ,,-ill onl;\- ,'oyer the rout"


Ashes wi n again hc eollcct"cl l l u l ' i n ~t he w ee k of May 1 ~ - 1 i, and tIll'rea ft "I '

o nc e e ach mon th until October.

Seout News


••Th e Little Ohurch on th e Hill."


(Oontinued from Page 3.)

Rev . F . M. Gray, Pastor.

C. E. H U ~ I P l 1 R E Y S ,Street C O J l \ J l I i s ~ i o n ( ' l ' .

Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.

Th e Tllesday night s c s ~ i o l l wus de·

voted to rehp.l\rsal foJ' n)(' "ollling ~ [ i n strel Show. "B"tt, ,1' p:l"h time" i:! the

s lo ga n, a ll d t he Plld mPII \\'Pllt ., over

th e top" with the' Illost delightful imi

tation of th e South "befo ' de wah"

dialect you eyer hpard. New , f r esh , wit·

ty, spark li ng and effervescent al'o th e

jokes t l la t "'ou1'd turn a Georgia lIarkey

green wi th envy. So t ho work g oe s o n

to make tho Minst re l Show th e real

th in g of the season. ]f t he f ol ks of

Narberth only rea lized w ha t t he B oy

Seouts ar e going to pu t on, there would

b o n o q ue st io n about filling Elm Hnllto t ho doors w it h n n endless throng on

th e street struggling to ge t in.

Tho boys ar e all just as enthusinstic

o ye r th e show u.s t he y h av e always

been whenever t he re i s a duty t o p er ,

form. We have always loyally an d

cheerfully delivered th e goods fo r Nar·

berth, so n ow w o only ask you to buy

a tieket, pny your money and get

double it s cost in good cheer . The pro·

c ee ds a re fo r a good enuse, to help

make l if e more comfortable an d more

c he er fu l f o r th e Narlberth S co uts in

am p this summer. Remember th e time

an d place. Minst rel Show an d Dance.


Easter Sunday, April ~ O h:!J.45 A. M.-Easte r exer e is es in the

Sunday School'. Forty children last

Sunday made a puhlic decision fo r


11 A. ~ r . - S p e c i a l music by t he c hi l·

dren 's vested choir, uIlller t he l ea dl 'r ·

s hi p o f Mrs . Jo seph Bar cl ay . T he pas

to r will preach on th e subject, "The

First Day of th e Week."

3 P. )f .-Chihlrpn's ehurch with ob·

. ee! t a lkhy the pastor on "Easter" an d

music hy ehihh'en 's yp,;led • 'h oi r. A suI'

priso fo r eveTy child lll·psent.3.45 P. )L-:\[onthl,v m('('tillg of the

King's Heralds.

7.45 P. :\L-Eastcr rantata h,v senior

elloir, "Immortality," hy H. :\f. StllltS.

Prof. Clarrncc ="i"c, 1I'a<1('r, alld :\[1'. J"

W. Niekerson, orl-{ani,;t. So lo is t s: M iss

Rllth Eo Prescott, soprano: :Mrs. Dudley

\Viltse, rontralto; :\[1'. E,lwanl Stan1<'y,

te110r; ~ r r . IT. Z. GrilTIth, haritone. Th'3

pastor will gh'e a hril 'f 1I\essage on

"Thc Persena l Nol , . in the Hesunec-

tion." Eyeryhody cOl'lliaJly welcome.

Wednesday, 8 P. :\f .-Short prayN

meeting with solo hy :\Ir. Harold HI'e\-es.

At 8.:{0 P. ::\L nn importanteongreg:l

t iona l meet ing for all thl' mp1l\hers of

ou r chllrch to consider thp rontemplat'3d
