Our Town March 15, 1919

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 15, 1919





    Narberth Guard





    Elm Hall.

    St. Ma1'ga!'et's Auditorium.

    To hI' announced.

    Y. J\L C. A .

    High School.

    Y. .\1. C. A.

    1'.1\1. C. A.Xarherth H. S.

    (Continued on Page 4.)

    Annual Meeting andElection of Officers


    in th e Y. M. C. A.

    a t 8 . 3 0 P. M .

    "The Object of this Associations ha ll b e t o i mp ro ve a n d b e au t i fyth e Borough an d Vicinity; to asSistan d co-operate w it h t he authorit ies in e n fo r ci n g l a ws an d ordinances r e la t in g t h e re t o ; to promote any p ro je ct h av in g f or it spurpose th e b e t te r m e n t o f th e commtUlity as a whole; to provide am ea ns o f a cq ui ri ng an d disseminating i n fonna t ion on an y subjectof g e ne r al i n t er e s t; a n d to fostera n d m a in t ai n a f r at e rn a l s p i ri tamong th e people of ou r community." Dues for Voting Membership fo r one yea: :, $1 .00. Everyr e si d en t o f Narberth a n d v i ci n it yeligible.

    Thursday EveningMarch 20th

    Six hllndrL ', l a ,n ll t ll 'O shares werot ak e' n i n t h e t w e nt y s e \' e nt h series IIfth, ' );arlJl'J'th B ui l' li ng a ud L o an Assn,"iatioll on the o!ll'ning night, wlJiehJIIl'anS that h('foro th e series is closedit w il l h e at I"ast a thousand shurcs, andt he l ar g" st seril's t h e A s so c ia t io n ha "had.

    To shOll" " t h a t it pays to adver t i se . "a g -n ' at n la ll Y " ha l' l' s were t aken by ourXarlJl'rth n'sidents who ha ye n ot b ee n"to"kholders ill lhl' Association untilthe Ill'\\' s " r ie s , a l ld 0111' ' f own cer t ain lyis respollsihle for th,' large nllmber ofnew s lockholder s as \1,,,11 as fo r the oldstockholders who inl1r"ased their hold,i J l ~ s .

    \Y" wish to call your attl'lItion to th eannual 1'l'port of tlw Ass'H'iation, whieb\nIR pnhlislll'd last w e e k, s h ow in g tha.tthe r ate o f profit was e ig ht p er cent.fo r last. y"ar, a n i uc r ea s l' over t he p re"ions ) ' , ' a l ' . When it is eonsidered tha.t



    St. Pat r ick ' s Da':En tertailJ'JIlen t.

    Annual Elect ion.


    11luslratl'd Ll'l'1l1l'e Y. .\ [ C. A.and Sillg.

    " l us i ca ! E n te r ta i nmell t.


    'Suffrage Notes);al'hpl"th B ra nc h o f t he \\'unllll1 I:'uf

    frage l ' a r t ~ 'l l I t ' d " the second Friday ofeach month at 3 0 ' el oc k i n t he Y . .:\1:C. A.

    Lelllit'l', :-'Irs. Charles \V. )' oung.Yicl'"L"ad,'I', ~ I r s .\Villiam ll . Pugh.'l'riCasurer, .\ll's. E,lgal' H. Cockerill.Secret a 1':)', .\ris" Alllla :'IlatK"ag,

    Tho \Vol l len ' s Auxiliary lI"ill hol,l ibnex t m o n t h l ~ -I l lee t' ing on ; \ [on, !ay e\'ening, April 7th, at 8 0 'clock pl"tJlnptly.'J'his is a slight d"lJarture frolll the reg,ular routine, hu t it is plannl',l to holdthis nll'etillg sinlultancously lI"ith thatof tho Board of D i r e c t ~ ) r sof the Y. :'II.C. A., to :1l1jol1rn both sL'"ions at asnearly !J 0 'cloek as possihl".. allll th"lIto ha\"e a social hour, lI"ith incidl'ntalmusic ani! refreshments.

    A ll w il 'e s of m em ], ,' rs o f th l' Boai' l lwho a re n ot Auxiliary 1I"011\l'n alld hilS'bands of the IIleIlllH'rs of til l ' AllxilitlrJ'ar c cordially invited t o j oi n liS. It isl ' al ' l le s tl y hopei ! that thl 'n ' will he alarge attendallee. , r l ' al'(' plallllillg 10l 'ntl ' r tain at l e as t f if ty.

    As it s e em s a l mo s t i l l lpo"s ihl e to S("cure proper conveyanees for collectingncwspupers, it ha s heell s u gg e st e d t ha ial l members a nd f ri en ds o f thl' Y. :'I[C. A. s el l t h ei r p a pe r s aJlll eilhl ' r plan'

    Ihe money rl ' .teil'c(l ' in t he l ui t" hoxl's\I'hich the 'Voml'n's Auxiliar,l' ha\"() Llis't rih ut ed o r h an d i t to an y nJe1ll1,,'r ofI he A u xi li a ry. Ph'ase I'l'nll'mher thatno a mo un t i s to o s ma ll to h l' lp t. h' :\I-orle we are undertaking-, and 11"1' shallIll' 1 l I 0 ~ tg ra te fu l f or e\'l'ry IwnllY of,I'l'rl'd us.


    The Women's Auxiliary



    Calendar of Coming Events

    Organization , . ' , - , . , .. ' . ' . _, , .

    Place . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Purpose . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . , . ' .

    Use This Blank in Sending in Announcements of Coming Events.

    ' fhe Sulfr:l).!;" eal'll par ly hpld Oil :'lIond ay , t he anI, al' th e O\' ' ' rhrook Club,was It gl'l'al , U C ( ' ( ' ' ' ' both socially an dfillancially. EH'r,\' UUI' pl'l'sellr se('llIed10 t hOl"llugh 1.\- "lIjoy th " aft,'rlloon alldO\"l'r a huudrL'([ ,lollars w('r(' made. Th em('mhers of thl' suffrage p a rt y a ga inw is h to thauk th e fol1owin!!:. \I'ho couI rihuted to ils Slll"'l'''': St. :'Ilargarl'l.'sChllrch, fo r tlw l"!lair,,; : 'Ill ', G,'orge Supph''', who gm'e th e USL' of h i s au to l ll ohi lefor Imnling tlwmi the COln:llllllity Cluban d t he I ' : ll l i, ' s ' Anxiliar.\. f or t he uscof the chilla, allll th e omeers of theO\'erhrook G ol f C lu b. who allml"l ' ,l rholise of t he i r c l ub h ou se .

    Th e Penllsyh'an'ia, State SIIO'l'ag-e As.soeiatioll will h ol d' a e on \" (' .n ti on 011April ntlt and 10th a t th e Belle\"lIeS t. ra tf on l H o te l, t u w hi eh t hl ' p ub li c isinvitpd.. A d il ln l' r wi ll h e gin)Jl onA pr il n th at th e B"l](on!p. Th , ' t i eke t s ,which ar c $:1.00, ma y he ohtaine,l fro III:'III'S. Cha rles 'V. Young.

    ~ l a1'.28,8.1:31'.1\1. Ha \"erford College:'IfusiealClub.

    Date. Time. Organization.

    :'lIar.17 ,Vomen's Com. Club.

    Mar. 17 ,8.15 1'.:-'1.S1. :'Ilarglm't's H. C.Church.

    :lIar. 20. 8.30 P. M. Civic Association.

    Mal'. 28, 8.151'. .\1. Ha Yerforl l College:i\fusical Cluh.

    : 'l Iar . 2 8. 8 P.::'If. Y.:'I1. C. A.

    Apr. 7, 8 P. . \ f . W O l l l P l l ' ~ Auxiliary.

    Apr. 11, Delta Sigma Soror i ty.

    Apr. 25. 8 P.l\f . Y. l\ [ C. A.

    A II af t ('I'JlOOII " :n i l I ' a r t ~ -fo r tl\(, hell"fit o f I h" COllllllnnity Cluh w il l h e h"I ,1Oil : 'I Ia re h 25 at 3 Ellllwood a\enu".I'i"lepts. :15 cents.

    Th e Por tn igh t ly Cluh met at th e 110meof ~ l r s .A. P. RCllifer last. Priday.

    Some interesting qu,'stion" ahoutti thing wiH lw disellss"d at. the S t u d ~ ('lass ill th e Presb)"l.erian Chnrch nextWl'dnl'sday en'nillg-. Come an d expresR~ O l l l 'ylews.

    Do yOIl know how much you ove?

    Yo u e al l secure son\(' \"aluable info!'mation on the subjeet i n t he P r es b yt l' l' ia l l(,hllreh at tllO honr of lIIornillg \\"o1'ship1I,'xt Sund'ay.

    :'Ill', an,l ~ l r s .Frank P. Eyer werel"isitillg friends in N a rh e rt h t h i s \reek.:Ill'. an a l\Irs. Ey"r 1m\"(' purchased ahome in Gleu Roek. ~ .. T., neur KewYork City.

    'fh, ' re will be a brief organ r e ei t al b y:'III'S. LallI' in t h e P r es b yt e ri a n ChurchIIl'Xt S n n d a ~ -afternooll at th e YespersP1"vice.

    ~ l r s .G,;org-I' Banip. of );arherth, an ,IHJlIJleeS thc engngC' l l l f ' l l t of hp1' dunp-htl'!". Rl'lll'l', and :'III'. Olin'r \Y. Pe1'l 'in,of this l'ity.

    \YilIiam S . . \I lu ]d ox ha s returnedf1"01II a month ' s \ 'i si t : in Florida.

    A j o l ly good t ime f or a ll who c ar e t o,lance or to watch othe1's d an ce . E xh ihition dancers, elimination d a nc in g f o r"\"l'I'Y onl', lIe,IV oam,'s. o ld dances , goorlmusic. :'Ilonday, . \ farch 17, at 8.30 P.~ 1 . Tiekets, $1.00.

    ~ ! r . alld :'III'S. R. T. Troutman ha\-c1"I"'l'ntly returne,l from a "'eek's tr ip toB os to n a nl l o th l' r p o i n j ~in New Englano,


    COlll(' (IanI'\ ' at Elm Hall :'lIon daynight.

    Ollp of the higgest sOl'ial e\ 'ents ofXarherth is th e ,lance to be g i\' en atEltu Hall on St. Patrick's night.

    b y th e

    ~ l i s s~ l a , i z i eSimpson alill :'Ilis;; Bl'rthaPig!!:ott spent S a h J J ' l l a ~ 'in AtlanticCi t ~ ' .

    TIll' C o m m u n i t ~ Clnh \ r i ll h a\ "e a larges to ck o f seeds on sale at the 01,1 Pos'\.omep Bllillling" Satunlay from ::.:W 10 5o'elock.

    Auspices of Clan of '19, N. H. S.

    Hi,h School AuditoriumFriday, March 28th B.iS P.M.

    Havcrford Collcge MusicalClubs


    Better than m o n e ~ -because they carnmoney. Bu y a ,Val' Stamp to-day.

    :'Ill'. an d .\Irs, .T. B. Di\'en an d family,

    of Grayling a\ ' l 'nue, sl ' l 'nt th,' wl','k ('11(1ill Atlantic City .

    County Commission"!'s R o y H a tf ie l d,\ Ym . \ Y. Harpel ' an d Ha1'lIlon Y. Brad)"ha d a eonference with S t at n H i gh w a yCommissioner Sadlpr 011 , Ved n es d ay i u

    the interest o f s e cu r in g hetter roads inDur c o u n ~ y .

    (Continued on Page 4.)

    King's Daughters HoldImportant Meeting

    ]11 their allnual r"l 'ort t h L ' ~ ',,'ho\\, anexpcnditure of $G4T.-15. T h i" s o ti e ty isallnl,\'s 011 hall(l to an"'II"er the call ofth e nl'('dy alld the ap!Jl'al of the helpI l' ss . O ll e o f t ho f am il ie s t ha t thl'Y ar e('speeiall,I' illter('stl'd ill at present is awido\I' an d tel l , I Ji ld1' l'n. ag-"s f rol l ' l i I' emonths to 14 yl'ars. th., h u ~ b a l l dan dfathel' haYing' di"d of i ll fl ne ll za . A nother c as e i s a little g ir l o f 7 years entil'l'l,\' llplpll'''s, If anyo l le has a wJll '( ' lilJg- ( h ai r o r :I g o ( l l l ~ i z l l dgo('art thatcoul,l Ill ' used for this child, it would beappre(iated. 'I'h",\' ! Ja ye a ls o just dolI :t ted 12 she"'ls til Bryn :'IIIlll"I' Hospital ,sl'nr a 1>:11"1(1 of jlro\'isiolls to SOIllCneedy fo lies a t, Christlllas, a nd a re makiug h ed s ac ks for It he lp l es s woman .

    Th e following an ' th c ol licers ; :Mrs.Frl''(l D l ' r h ~ - ,I'rl'"itl,'n t; :'III'S. N. EoSmelll"y, Viee,President; ~ l r s , 'I'. E.,Valker, Secretary; nIl'S. S a mu e l B owman, Corresponding- S"c re t a r. v i Mrs .. T.Phill ips 'Vitherow, 'I'reaRurer; ~ l r s .Geo,::Ilerritt. Davis, Press Correspondent.

    T h " Vis it in g Comllrittel' eonsists ofMrs. Georg(' Merr i t t DaYi", ::I11's. W. ['I'rotter, :i\frs. Horton Will i amson, Mrs .S a mu e l B o wm a n. '

    t'h" memhcrs a most pleasing afternoon with hpr \"( '1 ' . \ ' g-raphie all , l inter( ' ~ t i l l g '1 1 1 ~ : - ' ( ' r i p t i ( ) 1 1of h p J ' tr ip " .:\rro:-'s:-;ih,'rin. Alone."

    'I'h,' last llll'cting I nl S h ,' ], ] ILL thos,hool hous

    O n one of the other club days Mrs.Clareneo Lee, of PlJi ladclplJia, afforded

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 15, 1919


    - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -. _ - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~.. - - - ~ - - - .-" - - - - - - - - - - - ~


    Da y an d Night

    Of cour se , wedeliver - an yp l a c e - an y



    P h on e . A r dm o re 9 6 7 W

    S o u t h ~ id eA t l h c S t a t i o u


    R e a lE s t a ' t e

    I n s u r a n c eNARBERTH,PA.




    WM.D. & H. T. SMEDLEY




    45th and Parr i sh Sts.


    P a s t e u r i z e d M i l k \ DELIVERIESD r y n c l o ~ ~ l k c e r t l l l e dW E S T P H I LA .

    ( P e d r l a l l c Soclel :v) O V E R B R O O K

    S p e c i a l .. G u e r n s e y " M E R I O NM i l k W Y N N E F I E L D

    ( R o b e r t s ' &: S h a r p l e s s ' DALA-CYNWYD a i r i e s ) N A R B E RT H

    C r e a m B u t t e r m i l k A R D M O R E

    T a b' e a n d W h i p p i n g W Y N N E W O O D, ICreaRl . :

    High Grade ButterTelephone-Narber th 644 A.

    GARAnteed Roofs

    r a r a ' : ' M ~ G i n l U r23 South IT!'!S!. Phiiadeliiilia'J~

    Y . M . C . A. . B U I L D I N G

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    H. C. FRITSCHP " J l f ' r " e ~For Ueut alld ~ . l .

    Fi re Ing,uraueeBell Phone 852 W.

    we,nRulldJug. Narberth, P ..


    T. lephone Narberth 1633

    In the fol lowing up-to date homes:

    14 Elmwood Avenue20 5 Grayl ing Avenue5 Woods ide Avenue14 Avon Road16 Avo n R oa d

    - - - - ' -- - - - - - , - - - -

    JOHN MARMORAHauling and Moving

    A N Y W H E R E

    Rates Reasonab le ARDMORE, PA.

    NARBERTHGARAGERaymond Weiss, Proprietor


    S A L E - N l ' w, 1ll""'1'

    A,!t]I'l'sS Box 1;3t fol'( ~ ; l s )

    HOWARD'Se l ephones ,

    12671268 '

    M A ND OL IN F O R

    uspd, roasollahll'.pnrt i l 'ulars .

    ( T i l .



    Oil Frid:,.\" 1\ ' l ' l l j l ~ ; " ; '\11', : l l l d ~ l l ' : - 'FI't\d (', Path ' t} , uf I:,,:,j \ r ( l l H ; ~ i d ( ':1'"(',

    111\(', g::I"P a \ P l ' , ' ~I l r , t i : . ~pa r ty iIi L I I ! l l . ! 'lit' t h .. i I' daug'h t "I', E".,I."II's, t'''I: 11"'1< 111bil'th,I:I,'" Th, ' houS! ' \ I' a s ,','!'." 1'1','11 il."d t ' l ' o l ' : t t t'd ill yel lo w. T he ('\"1'11 i I l ~ ' \\ :1:"::-,-pt'1l1 il l ~ . ! : : I l t l l ' Sa l l d d:t 11ti 11;.:: : l l I d IIi 'f'()UI':';;(' r l ' f l ' t ' ~ 1 I 1 1 1 t ' l l t : . ;"apll.'nt;'o"',

    Tll(' following'" \\"t ' l ' l ' p r l ' ~ l ' l I t :"LOlli,..:"1111t'th 1':l

    Ill ' ('="l'0ll:-Ol-'d o r ,!.!.:llllPl'tlU:-: pr:li:--t ' :teconl"Il? "'\,\'1', ( ' [ I l l , i l ' ~111' l ' l ' y l i l l IH'loll;.!, :l1!11f l l l ' s t l 'H l1g t l l l d I l ~ ' ; - ;\n ' I l l ' : ! ) ' a h o u t ~ ' O l 1 l '

    dl':-'l 'nillg" lis I 1 l t I ~ tI ! { J ~11\ t n ! t ' a1 : l I I ~forI I ll1 ' 10:- : s \\"Cllild 1)\1 a :--urr,\' IIllt ' if 1 1 I c ~ ~

    \\"1 ' 1'(\ a1ld ii \Yo111dll'1 lit, l ik l l you :It allto ll'a\'t ' I1s t' l ~ l l i r ti 'or ( J l . i l ~ l ' h I Sno r t",Il'lpg'alp tilossi],):," n ot t h, ' 1,'asl, was Ihl' s t a t e ,111"1:1 tllal thl ' ",\11 :-:;la1's" Ilad 10SII 'ull l ll t ' g a l l ll ' thi:-:. : - : l ' : l ~ o J l .'fIJi:; \\":1:-; ] I t ' r f l \ ( t1,Y I n I P, b1lt 1il 1':l:-'t 1 hi s l O l l : - ; ( ' i c ' l l ( t ' ~ifn o t h i " . ~"];;", hi' should ha\'I'l'"iation \\'hieh is due the HomeGllards 1'01' t he i m ml 'n ,e s pi ri t o f rl'alf'l 'l ' \ ' i( 'l ' \\ 'hi{'h t h l ' ~ ~ar c l Iu l I l i feHt ing ' in

    thpir nig-htly patrols of' this Inan ' sI t "" n. ' fh l' sl ' fine f('llllws, all of' thl'lll,h a n ' tlu'ir ,Ia,\"'s wOl'k to d o, a l l tht ' cust O ll l ar y j ' (' a s on s 101 avoiding a task ofthis kinrl, hn t t hey ' r e on the jo h j u s tIhe same, nnll , d t h g l 'l ' at g o od w i ll , au di t ' s ,1u' them to know t ha t t h e r t ' s i tl en t sof ~ a r h ( , l ' t hjoin in hear ty aCl'ord in:ll'l'1ailll of tIl

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 15, 1919



    Plenty of exercise, fresh air,regular hours- is al l th e prescription you'need to avoidInfluenza-unless throughneglect or otherwise, a coldgets you . Then t a k e - a tonce

    Standard cold remedy f o r 2 0 y e a r s - i n tabletform-safe , sure. no opiates-breaks up a coldin 24 hours- re l ieves g r ip i n 3 days. Moneyb a c k i f i t rail. The genuine box ha s a Red topwith Mr. Hil l' s p ic ture . At All Drug Stores.

    A R C A D I ACIIESTNUT. Be l . 16th StF i n e s t Pho top l ay Th ea t r e o l l i s S i ze i n t h eEn t i r eW or ld .

    WEEK OF MARCH 18th

    - I N -

    D e l i c i n u s M e a t sA l H i g h G r ad e C h ic k en s

    Eggs a n d B u t t e r

    2 2 8 H a v er f or d A v e n ue



    T. B. SMITH

    P b " ' o p l a v 8 - C o n t l n u o u s lOA. M . t o 11.38P.M.

    P h l l a . P o .

    ~ I A I : \ 'I'HOIlCCTlO;; : sT AH TS A S NEABAS I'OSSIUI,E TO 1/1 15 A. M ., 1 2. 00 , 2 ,0 0.

    3.45, r..'\;1, 7.,1,1, 9.30 P. 1Il.


    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

    an d HeatingN A R B E R T H . PA

    Your Pat ronage Solicited

    'William Reed

    I have purchaser!the DRUG STOREformerly owned

    by W. F. FIEDLER

    P R O G R A M

    "Alias Mike Moran"

    N a r b e r t h C u t P r i c eF r u i t a n d P r o d u c e Co.

    Friday, February 7, 1 91 9\Ve will open with a full line of

    Fancy Fruits and VegetablesFresh Fish and OystersEvery Friday

    Grell:! s r1tlin:nd a l ly wh er e F r eeCOllie in an d let l l S t r Io to convince

    yo u that we lW\'e :' Fruit::; an d\ rege tnhles t l ta t YO U c an e at , Pricesan d q l la l it l ' y o u c nl10 t bea t . "


    2 0 5 H a v e r f o r d Av e .

    Grand Opening\Ve wish to announce that on

    THE WAR IS OVERThe Narberth Tailoring Co.Will give Good R ed uc ti on s o nMade-to-Order Ladies' and Gentlemen 's Su it s, a lso r ed uc ed p ri ce son R ep ai ri ng an d C le an in g a ndDyeing of your clothes. WorkAt. Don't lo se t im e in callingup Narberth 305.

    234 Woodbine Ave. NARBERTH, PA.R. D . LOUIS, P r o p .




    n [ u ,r t in - " D r a g 'e m out."SchaITel ' -" \Vo c a n ' t all he \Valtons."I . J id l lgs ton-"Whpre is Il ly l ~ n g l i s h


    ; \ [ i s s r lOyn ton-" ' l ' he re is n. l i t t le Jill'11101' in t h a t . "

    :'III'. E l l l l l l d t - " :1[1'. :\ll'lchior ha s gonoWl 'M." ,

    Gill)('rt F o n l - " W e will repeat th o

    L o rd ' s l ' r a ~ ' e r . "

    : \ I a r t i n - " G e t a l i t t le 11i,l;i, ha s :J!Il11(' :"'o)'l'd )J1I,n' l'lJillt" tlran

    all Iii" 1":1111'" "1'l'"IIl ' III: ' , IIr. . tal ly. i : l l l t i i l lg ; ;} /; I t I ;;1;;. lIt, It: l : ; 1 1 1 : 1 ( 1 ( ~,J. ti t' !d ; .!oaL" a n':-'[llTl;lide 1'1Il'1illll til' till '1::-1 }loillt:-; H'gi:--ll'l 'l d ill :Ill II,\" : \ a r -Ill'rl h.

    l'lIa"li. 1';ullucll h" s I , r i l li""l . pro"1 ' ''d , ;r i l l ' lti;--; t l 'a l l l during" 1111' Ill'SI f(, \ \" yl'ar:-": I ~ t l t l ' l ' l ' of thi;-; Yl':d';-; IIlIIIl 1i ~ l r i . ill l h . ~. J l l l l i l l l ' l I igh ~ ( ' l l ( ) H l .~ I : i r i i l l j ~l l I t ~

    I l I ll y I l I' : lr g l " : ld l l a t l ' ,

    J{:I,,'],all 1 ' la , y, r , \ \ il l ,1I111l I,l' .::t1ll'dl l l l l , J i l ' : l ! ' l , ' " all uf lao'! . \ l ' a l " ~Hil le I J l . ~ i l l g

    ill ,:irlllli. lilli, \ \ 'ar l l \\ill 1'1',,!J;t1>1y a' ,~ ' I I I ' "Ih, "l i i"f l ' i t l ' ! l i l l ~Illlrd\'11 , r i thI: ' u 1',,\\,,[1 10 III'[]! iii '" 1I11t. -"olall,c;,Ir"Il,I' . . I ' l lki l l ' , \ \ 'ard a l ld H i c ld i ll aI',)t ' l h l ' r \ " ( ' t ( ' r a l ~ : - - ,

    Tlll';-.:clay. :\1 an1i 1 "\, i-o L ( , . ~ o i s l at i " l)l:IY 1'01' IiiI' \ \ " " I I " I I ' , 1' ' ' '"I1I1I:' 'iy CIIII,lIJ' 'xarhl1J"th, al l l l :1 1 I ! \ ) ~ . ti l l l { , I ' l ~ : - i liu g pro, ~ I ' a l l lha s ]"'1'11 l ' ] 'ol ' i lkJ.

    Th e s ! " ' a l , , ~ I "" i i i be ,\11". , ~ ' r : ' l l k,\1 iiI'sJ)ay', Vi(:p('lIainllall l , i l 'gislat ir l ' Cow

    "litt,1' ~ I a l , 'Jo\"kl'alioll "I' 1"'11 II",I'!, aI li a \ \' Ol ll l' ll , a ll el l I Ol l . j"it'I"hl'l' : - ; t i l l ' ~ !

    t 'Ol'lIll ' l ' l:t'pn';,,;'u1ati\'l ' froIll .\routg-olll

    1'1',\. COllllty. ~ [ r s . Day " i l l lalk Oll( ' ( ' l I t l jug ' ll'g-is!atioll, wllile .\11', t'tilt'-s'"uh j "c t will hI', "Th , HOllgh H"ad ofa' L p ~ i s l a t ' i \ ' e1\[casul 'c ."

    : ' II"lIlh, ' l 's IIf th , ' 811n'ra;,\'e AS'tlciatioll.. I : \al 'bpl ' lh a 1'

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 15, 1919



    LIGHTING FIXTURES~ I c n o n a l dJohn. Narberth phone. 1288.

    1533 Che.t . t ., Phlla . Phone. Spruce 1138.IIIILK

    Scott-Powell nalrles. Phone. Pre.ton 2398.See display advertisement In thl . Ius

    IIIUSICT. Stuart Cowin. 206 Merion ave.

    See display advertisement In thl. I.sueLoos, }'anny H. Plano teacher. .

    S tu di o, A rc ad e B ld g. P ho ne , 316 -J.SJobohn, Miss Ebba. Music Teacher and Ac

    companist, 228 Iona ave .. Narberth.NOTARY rUBLIC

    Jdrcrles, 01. II. 111 Narberth ave,Phone. 666'1\1.

    T)'son, "'arren R. 200 Woodbine avs.

    Phone, l202W.Ol'TIClAlOS}'cnton. Carl I". 506 mssex ave. Phone. 618-W

    Phlla. address. 1806 Chestnutst. Locust 518.Zcntntn;)'cr, ,JO!"i('I)h. : ! : ! : - o : ~ .lath st., Pll i la .

    PAINTERSCole, Jame8 R.

    246 Havertord ave, Phone, Spruce 1618.Walzer, I'rcd.

    117 Winsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.PAPER IIANGERS

    Witte. Goo. A. FairviewI've.Phone. Cynwyd 778-J. First-cia . .. work.

    PHOTO I'LAYS"Arcadia." 16th a nd C he .t nu t .t ., Phlla

    See display advertisement In thl . I.sue_PLUMBING, ETC.

    Wal l, U. n. Phone. 319-J.See displaY advertisement In thl. I u.

    REAL ESTATECaldwell & Co. Phone. 1271-W.

    See display advertisement In thl . I.su.Fr it sch , I I . C. Phone. 262-W.

    See dlslllaY advertl.ement In thl. I ue.Godfrey, Wm. B.

    114 Woodside ave. Phone, 686W.Nash, Robert J. Phone, 605.

    Money for First and Second Mortgages.SlmIlson, JnmCH C. 232 Essex ave.

    Phone. 636. or 1420 Che.tnut .t..uOOFlNG. ETC.

    Gam-McGinley Co. Phone, 1268-W.See display advertisement In thl. I ue.

    IlIl11er. John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone. 661-JShop, 246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1226-JSUOEMAKERS

    Good We ar S bo e Repair Shop,Constantine, B. G. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.

    TAII,OUSPremoRt, H. Phone, 12(H-.J.

    St'e display lIdvel'tlsemeut In this Issue.The above department . ho ul ll be or tn .

    "reatest uss t o t he community. the lI.t cantaln. the name ot every profell8lonal maD.t r a de s m an , m e ch a n ic , ehopkeeper. e tc ., w h odoes or can In any way .erve hi. fellowtownsman, and who Is progre lve enougbto add name to list of Regl.ter.

    As It I. difficult for tho.e contributingtheir time and elTort. to the productioD of"Our Town" to personally either kDOW orI nt er vl sw a ll lIuch, I t w ou ld be mo.t helpful If those n ot now found In the prlDtedU.t would .end In a memo of their name.,addre , p ho ne number. and bu.lne..... orprofe l on . f or l I. tl ng . T hi s w il l co.t a. follow.: 10 c en te e ao h I ue f or 2 I In s. ; 6 ceDt,f or e ac h a dd it io na l l in e.

    23 4 Haverford AvenueL ad ie s' a nd G e nt s' G a rm e nt s Dyed,

    Cleaned, P r e ss e d a n d RemodeledWo rk C al le d f or a nd Delivered

    F re nc h D r y C le an in g a Specialty

    Bell ' P h o n e 1 2 8 4 J

    F o r Good - Work - SeeH. PREMOST



    c. P.Narberth 3 0 2 W

    Sec d l s l J l l l ~nIhertiseUlent In tbls Issue.

    ACCOUNTANTSKehn, II . C. Certllied Public Accountant.

    202 Dudley ave. Phone. Narbsrth 300-W.ADVEltTISING

    Cole, \V. Arthur. Phone. Spruce 1638.Ideas. Plans. Copy. Art. Typography.

    AllT())IOIHLESLce.' Garage-Repairing. Etc. Phone, 1605.

    See dIsplay advert isement 1n this iS8ue.:-;" ..I>crth G"mge. Pholle NarlJertll 163:!.

    :-1'1' (llsplay uuvertlsellll'lIt In tllis iSSUe.BANKS

    Merloll Title & Trust Co. Phone. Ardmore 3.See display advertisement In thl . Is.ue_

    .BUILDERSSlnt'lllt'3", \Ym. n. & II . 'r. Phone, tiOO.

    Se e display advert isement In this 1I!U5ue.CANDY, ETC.

    D..vls, II . E. Phone, 1254-W.See display advertisement In thl. Is.ue.CAIU'.;NTEUS AND BUILDERS

    "enklns, Cb.... L.103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M.

    CONTltACTOIt OJ,' PLASTEIUNGI ' ~ r l l t n n t o n i ,Jl101CS. .

    23!l Hnmpdeu nve., Narbertll. Box 270.DENTISTS

    orr, Dr.A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Pbone, 393-W.Phlla. Pbone. Filbert u n. Keith Bldg.

    DRUGGISTSlIow.. rd'.. Phone, 1267.

    See dl.play advertisement In thl. I ue.Smith, T. n. Ardl110re, Pa.

    See disl,lay advertIseIllent in this issue.ELECTRICIANS

    Pugh, Veri 226 lona avs..Nar. Phons . 650-W. A rd , P ho ne , 1 68- J.

    FISH AND OYSTERSIml.erial Groccry Co. Phone. Narberth 606.

    See display ad vsrtlsement In thl . I ue.1"ItUIT ANn P l t O n U C I ~

    NarlJcrth Cut Price I"ruit " l i d I'roduce Co.Sec lliSlllllY lll!vertiseUlellt In this issue.


    1\Iontgomsry ave. Phone. 696 Narberth.GROCERS

    Imperial Grocer)' Co. Phone, Narberth 606.See display advertisement In this Issue.

    IIAULING, ETC.l\Inrmomll, John. Al'(]lIlorc, Pa .

    See dlsplllY advertiseIllcnt In this issue.Walton Bros. Phone, 672.See display advertisement In thl. Is.ue.

    INSUUANCEBowman, Samuel P. (Life.)

    116 El mw oo d ave. P ho ne , 6 U- W.Jurl: 'S-iii zc3oS ';;E':: .. E::iii ~ Q)(JrY t!:Ui m:Sf>1 Labor Labor Yards Labor Material Labor Labor Material

    Jan. I $100 00I $9930 $1 081 $115 15 $144 8137 50 434 I$541'1 $53 191

    I$34 41 I $63 481

    I I$610 97

    .Feb. 10000 3960 80 11078 1 04 12554 365 7 68 1600 7047 471 91


    MonfgomeryAve., NarberthEverblooming Hybrid Te a Roses

    at from 50c. to $1.00 each fo rth e n ew es t v arie tie s. Onet h ou s an d p l a nt s o n sale.

    O r ie n ta l F lo w er i ng Trees. As kfo r catalog.

    G r ap e Vin es , Curran t s, Raspberries, Gooseberries.

    F n 1 it Tr ee s in fu l l assortment .Climbing Roses, 3 years, at 50c.

    each. Older plants, $1 to $1.50.Wiste r ia, Impor ted Chinese, t h a t

    wi l l b loom th e first season.Grass Seeds. F e rt i li z er s f o r l a wn

    an d garden.Frui t Tr ee s f r 0m -1.00 up. Bear,

    ing size trees, $6.00 each.

    (Continued f ro m P ag e 1.)

    this ratc of interest is earned on yourmoney, backcd by th e conservative inycstmellt of the funds of the Associat io n, y ou \\'ill agree tha t there is Ill)better i n ve s tm c nt y o u Ctln m a lw t ha lltaking out stol'.k in one of t h o s e ri es ofthe i \ a rher th B n il d in g a n d Loan Association. 1 Vh en \ \' e sa y "conserva t ivei n\ 'e st me nt ," w e m ea n that th e mortg ag es p la ce d t hr ou gh t he Associationha vo heen so carefully c o ns i de r ed b yth e Directors, that the Assoc ia t ion has

    n ey cr h ad t o t a l, , ' over a propert . '" , andif they should at some f ut ur e t im e inorller to savo thelllsel\-es t ak e o ve r apl'Operty, \,"e have no doul,t tha t it coulilIll' re-solcl fo r more than its c os t t o th e"\ ssociation.

    Th e fUIHls of the Assoe ia t ion ar c noto n ly c : ne f ul J y i n\ "t ' st ed ; all mortgageslwing Yote, l on b y the en t i r e B oa rd " fDirec to rs , passed on h ~ -. the Solicitor,Hon. Fletcher 1Y. S t it e s, a n d insuranceaud ta x matters follo\\'ecl lip carefullyby the S e r ' r c t a r ~ ' ,bu t both the Secretary an d 'l'rl'asurer of the Associational"" lIml,'r hond large e no ug h t o c ov er


    A. E. WOHLERTP h on e . N a rb e rt h 6 9 6

    MontllolTler;v Ave.

    Rev. Sam Small whospeak.s in the NarberthMettho,dist Esp icopa lChurch on Sunday evening, March 16, is one ofA me ri ca 's most uni quecharacters. He was aCon fe de ra te soldi er atthe age of fifteen. A t t heage of thi rty he was edito r of the Atlanta Cons ti tu tion. While holdingthat position he was converted under preaching ofSam Jones. He thereupon resigned the editorship and joined J ones inhis evangelistic com

    paigns. For more than a quarter of a centur y he hasbeen on the tr ai l of John Barleycorn and has spok.ento more people in the interests of prohit1ition than anyAmerican, living or dead. Those who are able to getinto the Methodist Church on Sunday evening will unde rs ta nd af te r they have heard him the secr et of hi sgreat popular it yas a publ ic speaker For the past yearhe has been on the force of the Pennsylvania Ant i-Saloon LeaRue, under whose auspices he will speak on 'thesubject : "Mopping up the U. S. A." (ADV.)

    Elizabeth :Miller to ~ f r .Frank Millang,.J 1'., o f F or re st H ills Gardens, Long]s!anu, X. Yo The h ou se w as beautif ul l y d e l' o ra t ed , t h o c ol or s c he m e beingg r ec n a n d white. '1'hose present included th e ?llisscs .Emilia ~ l u e l l e r ,FlorentillO ::'IIueHer, E li za he th H ar sc h, M ar yChalfant, Elizabl' th ~ I i e s e n ,Lillian Red('It'r, .Jcssie Ballingall , E le an o r E yr e,.:\lilurcd Chambl.'", ~ I a d o l c i n eMc;Coyan d .Junl't Bailey. ?lIr. ~ l i l l a n garriveddming tho festivities.

    On tho e n n i n g of ?llarch ~ 8 ,at 8.15P. ::'IL, a musical en te r ta i1l1 ll cnt wi l l beg iy en h y t he Glee and ?lfandolin 'Clubsof th e lIa\"f'rford C ol le ge . ' Ph i s will lleh el d i n t he High School auditoriuJII, unde r t h e a us p ic e s of th o Scnior Class.Th e admission i s ;15 cents.

    Th e correct way to h ay e y ou r maildirected, if you liye in N"arherth andhaye a P. O. hox, is to y ou r h ox num

    ber. Thero arc any number of thep at ro ns " 'h o h:1\'e all their mail thusdirected. It ayoids errors an d delay.

    Legislativ,' 1lass nlet'1 ings arc hl'l,[e ve ry o th er 'l'hursdu,Y at the home of~ I r s .William Husst'll, ]6 Woods'ide avenue, Chaimlan of Legi,;la'tion of theWomen's .Community Cluh. Thesemeetings are o pe n t o all du h Illl'mhers.Th e n l c ( ' t i n g ~are at p r ( l ~ P l l theing' d l ~ -

    votl 'd to the s t 1 H I ~ -of the StateConstitutiou.

    T he Wo me n' s ' Co mm un it y C lu b w il lhold their danco in E lm H al l ::'Ifondaynight, Uarch 17th. Exhibitions w il l b egiven by profession:l1 dancers, ' Hogersan d Rogers, a nd o th er well-known artists.

    Tickets, $1.00, ma y b e o b ta i ne d fromMrs. C. P. Fowler or an y of the clul!members.

    I t is earnestly requested that allmembers will mako t h e ir t i c ke t returnsat t h e m e et in g Tues'day, if possible.

    :Mrs. :Moyer, of Chestnut avenuo. entertained at tea S a tu r d ay, M a rc h 81.11,t o a nn ou nc o t ho e ng ag em en t o f :Miss

    GEORGE K. YEAKELNORRISTOWN, PA .C a n d i d a t e fo r th e



    ?lfiss . i ' ; c l ~ - t l J ( 'HUlllphries entl'rtainl'oth e Alpha an d BctaChapters of theDelta Sigma on T n e S l l a ~ - .Man'h 4.T ho se p rc se n t \\"1'1'1': A lp ha C ha pt l'r,:Misses Sydine Boli"h, ?lfargaret l';yn',Ruth , Jones, ? l fadeli l ll ' ? Il l'Coy, .AgnesRose, ?lfarian Trotter, E1t':Jnor Wilson.Aug-mta Witherow; Beta Chapter, .1,'';sie B:dlingall, ?llilcln'd Ch:lIuhle.\, 1,leano r Byre, El izahe th Harseh . Elizaheth.:\tiller, Florentina ~ h l l ' l I l ' r ,a 1111 LillianHedifN.

    B ri ng y om f ri en ds f rom t ow n an,]from tho city to t he d an ce giYen hytheC01l1l11unity Cluh next ?lIonday night.All their dancl's hayo heel! a success,a n d t hi s is 'to he hetter t h an a n y f or me rone. Exhibition dances by Rodgersan d Rodgers ,,-ill ho a n e\ \- feature.

    (Continued from Page 1.)


    There is a grea t deal of no\-clty inCharlio Chaplin's funny comedy, " ANight in t h e S ho w, " to he shown att h e P a la c e TIlPatre, A n lm o re . o n Wednesday. T h e n u mh er i s on e of l he b es tCh..'lplin f e at u re s e v er released, an d real" f a n s " \l'i11 g et l ot s of fun out of it.In a dd it io u t he f h e: ac t l]rnllla, " T h eLa w of the Norih." with Sllir!"y ?lfason,is an adclt 'd a 1traction.


    Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight

    Ard1l10re has JIlore 1 ha n d ou bl ed i tspopulation in 11](' l as t t hr ee y ea rs from5,500 to 11,500. The huge in f lux of warw o rk e rs i n to Philadt'lphia an d yicinitycreated a demand for homes so greattha t within th i s period the whole stretchof e o uu tr y b e tw ee n P h il ad l '] p hi a an dArdmore , a long t h e t r ol l ey road beyondSixty-ninth st reet, is d o tt e d w i th handsome suburban residences.

    ?lfrs. Henry Kt'illl, '1'reasurt'r of thewa III en 's Auxiliary, w il l b e glad to 1'1'ceiYe at an early clatc lIIeHll)('rship fpesfo r 1fl] fl. She ab o rt'ports that thl'rearc JI n u mh e r o f snlall ha lance ,; duo for]fl]8. 1Vill the 1I1I'JIlbers l']l'a,;e note!

    O n t he e n n i n g of ?lfarch 28th, at 8.150'1'101'](, the HaY('rfonl Coll egc Glce and?lfandolin Clubs \d l l giYe nn entertainment in th e High School Allllitorinm.


    b e h el d u nu er t he a u sp ic e s o fthe Senior Clas,;, an,1 the puhlic ,;upportis solicited.