OU Educate: Implementation of a New WYSIWIG Tool for Maintenance of Personal Web Pages Mary Schoeler David McQuin Kathi Dutton Don Michaels May 25, 2005

OU Educate: Implementation of a New WYSIWIG Tool for Maintenance of Personal Web Pages Mary Schoeler David McQuin Kathi Dutton Don Michaels May 25, 2005

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OU Educate: Implementation of a New

WYSIWIG Tool for Maintenance of Personal

Web Pages

Mary Schoeler

David McQuin

Kathi Dutton

Don Michaels

May 25, 2005

OU Educate - Perspective


Redesign of Campus Web Site

Companion product

Previously needed unix commands and FTP

Hard to maintain department and personal web pages

OU Educate - Perspective

OU Educate Overview

OU Educate

•WYSIWIG editing tool for web pagessimilar to FrontPage or DreamWeaver

•Accounts automatically created for faculty and students

OU Educate

Browser basedavailable on any computeravailable at any time

•use IE 5.5 or higher in Windows

•other browsers and platforms work

OU Educate Compatible with other editors Saves files directly to your public-

html directoryno ftpno delay

OU Educate Skills and Tasks• Saving Backups

• Web Page Editor

• Inserting Text

• Inserting Links

• Inserting Images

• Spell Checking

• Editing Tables

• Pasting from MS Word

• Uploading Files, not drag and drop

• Editing in full HTML mode

OU EducateEasy to use

OU Educate

Faculty workshops

Training CD

Web based training


OU Educate Solution for Students

CSC 101 – Tools for Computing General Education course

Computer Literacy 6 – 100 student sessions per

semester Students also enroll in 1-hr lab/week 1,350 students annually

Lab#2Pico, HTML, IE

In this lab students learned how to create a simple web-page. Telnet into Rocky Using Unix commands

• Create public-html directory & set privileges• Copy html template into their account & set

privileges• Use Pico to edit template• Open IE to view newly created page

Problems Time consuming

Students confused & over-whelmed

Students find it difficult to maintain a web-presence in subsequent semesters



Web-based Tutorials

Training Workshops