Open water swimmers information pack Please read through this pack before you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records and one for ours.

Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

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Page 1: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 2: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 3: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 4: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 5: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 6: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 7: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 8: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 9: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 10: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 11: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 12: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 13: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 14: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 15: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 16: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 17: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 18: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 19: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 20: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 21: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 22: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 23: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 24: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 25: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 26: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 27: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 28: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 29: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 30: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 31: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 32: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 33: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 34: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 35: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 36: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 37: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 38: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 39: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 40: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 41: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 42: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 43: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 44: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 45: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 46: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 47: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 48: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 49: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 50: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 51: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 52: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 53: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 54: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 55: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 56: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 57: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 58: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 59: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 60: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 61: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 62: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 63: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 64: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 65: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 66: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 67: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 68: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 69: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 70: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 71: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 72: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 73: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 74: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 75: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 76: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 77: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 78: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 79: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 80: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 81: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 82: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 83: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 84: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 85: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 86: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 87: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 88: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 89: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 90: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 91: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 92: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 93: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 94: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 95: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 96: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 97: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 98: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 99: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 100: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 101: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 102: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 103: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 104: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 105: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 106: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 107: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 108: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 109: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 110: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 111: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 112: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 113: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 114: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 115: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 116: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 117: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 118: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 119: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 120: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 121: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 122: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 123: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 124: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 125: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 126: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 127: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 128: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 129: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 130: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 131: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 132: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 133: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 134: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 135: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 136: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 137: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 138: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 139: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 140: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 141: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 142: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 143: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 144: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 145: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 146: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 147: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 148: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 149: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 150: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 151: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 152: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 153: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 154: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 155: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 156: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 157: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 158: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 159: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 160: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 161: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 162: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 163: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 164: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 165: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 166: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 167: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 168: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 169: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 170: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 171: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 172: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 173: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 174: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 175: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 176: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 177: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 178: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 179: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 180: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 181: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 182: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 183: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 184: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 185: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 186: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 187: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 188: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 189: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 190: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 191: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 192: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 193: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 194: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 195: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 196: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 197: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 198: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 199: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 200: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 201: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 202: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 203: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 204: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 205: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 206: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 207: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 208: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 209: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 210: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open water swimmers information pack

Please read through this pack before

you start swimming. There are two forms at the back of the pack which will need to be returned to us before you start swimming. These are in duplicate, one for your records

and one for ours.

Page 211: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Rules, Terms & Conditions For Open Water Swimming At Talkin Tarn 2016

1. The Course is approximately 450m long in one direction and 900m long in total to return back to the start.

2. Swimmers should only enter the water directly to the left of the Alex Boathouse (as you look at the

water). From here swimmers should swim to the smaller boathouse on the opposite shore and then return back to the Alex Boathouse. Swimming parallel to the Tarn edge can only be done heading left towards the Tearoom within the no fishing zone to avoid entanglement with fishing lines. This zone is marked on the map on the notice board in the car park and the stone plinth by the water entry area and will be pointed out to you as part of your induction.

3. Swimming can only take place at specified times as given below to avoid the main sailing and

rowing club usage for the safety of all water users. However this time is not exclusive use and other boats may still be on the water and it is up to the individual to ensure that other water users are aware of your presence before entering the water. Swimming Times (not exclusive use)

a. Mon 8am – 10pm b. Tues 8am – 4pm c. Weds 8am – 11am d. Thursday 8am – 11am e. Fridays 4pm -10pm f. Sat 4.30pm until 10pm g. Sun 4pm until 10pm

No Swimming can take place on the 1st Saturday in July each year until after 7pm as this is the rowing club regatta. Other events happen on the water during the year and the events page on the website should be checked. During the school summer holidays, rowing boats are hired on the Tarn between 11am – 5pm daily and swimmers should watch out for these inexperienced rowers! Please make sure you adhere to the swimming times, they are for your safety and that of other water users.

4. Talkin Tarn staff reserve the right at any time to refuse entry into the water of any swimmer who is

deemed unfit to take part.

5. There will be no swimming if weather conditions are severe.

6. Whilst extremely unlikely, swimming will not be permitted if the water quality falls below the recommended EEC levels for bathing.

7. Swimmers must at all times wear their Talkin Tarn swimming cap in the 2016 colour, whilst

swimming at the Tarn to enable identification.

8. Swimming is only permitted between 1st April and 30th September each year. At temperatures less than 11ºc no swimming will take place. Please also take into consideration air temperature and wind strength.

9. Wetsuits are mandatory and must be worn at all times. They must fit correctly and be suitable for

the purpose of swimming.

10. Guidance on water temperatures can be sought from the Talkin Tarn website www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn. This will be updated every Friday.

Page 212: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

11. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide

written parental consent.

12. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

13. All swimmers must swim with at least one other adult swimmer.

14. All swimmers must be accompanied by at least one buddy swimmer.

15. No safety boat or lifeguard cover is provided and swimmers do so entirely at their own risk.

16. Four Life rings are provided around the Tarn (see map for their location) No first aid cover is

provided. If you need assistance please raise the alarm with the tearoom. There are first aid kits contained in the tearoom and takeaway/shop areas. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the coastguard if the person is still in the water. In the case of an emergency throw lines are also available from the takeaway area between 10.30am – 4pm daily.

17. Use of the changing rooms is provided and we recommend showering to remove any weed or blue

green algae from skin and swim clothing before leaving the site.

18. Talkin Tarn often contains blue green algae. This situation is monitored by site staff who carry out regular water sampling. Swimmers should check the current warning level on the car park or changing room notice boards on arrival. Green means there is no algae, amber means there is some and you should make a personal judgement, red means no swimming as the algae levels are too high. Be aware that algae levels tend to be higher on the lake margins where scum forms. Please keep out of these areas where possible. A full information sheet on blue green algae is attached.

19. Be aware that the Tarn has various types of weed that grow under and on the waters surface and

could pose a risk to swimmers from entanglement.

20. Many wild birds use Talkin Tarn and swimmers should be aware of the potential risk from some of these particularly the swans during breeding season when they can become very territorial and potentially aggressive. Avoid the birds where possible.

21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers.

Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions will result in you being asked to no longer go swimming in Talkin Tarn. Hygiene Advice Minor cuts and abrasions must be covered with a plaster. If you have any deep cuts it is recommended that you do not swim. Likewise, do not swim if unwell or taking medication which affects you adversely and please do not endanger yourself and others if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Try not to ingest any water and after swimming it is good practice not to eat until you have washed hands in fresh water, and take a shower at the earliest opportunity. Rinse out swimming kit after use. If you are unwell after open water swimming and suffering with flu-like symptoms/severe headaches, see your GP as soon as possible and state that you have been swimming in open water. You could be suffering from Leptospirosis (or weil’s disease) and early diagnosis and treatment is paramount. These conditions are rare but can be picked up from open water swimming. Likewise please see your GP if you develop any skin rash which may be caused by blue green algae.

Page 213: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water swimming

Frequently asked Questions

Can we receive postal payments?

Yes as long as they have downloaded and read the documents on the website

and include their signed registration form and declaration form with their

payment. Cheques should be made payable to Carlisle City Council

Can someone have a kayaker with them instead of a swimming buddy?

Yes this is fine as it is in fact much safer. No payment required by the kayaker

as long as they are there to solely support the swimmer. The kayaker must

abide by normal rules for using the tarn (see normal boat launch conditions)

Questions about open water swimming or training.

Please refer them to Barry Jameson 01434 344284 www.tri4u.co.uk

Page 214: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions
Page 215: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 216: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 217: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature


Page 218: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Open Water Swimming Registration 2016

Swimmers Details Name


Postcode Tel (day) Tel (evening) Email Child(under 16)

Young Swimmer (16/17yrs ) Adult 18yrs or over (please circle as appropriate)

Are you a member of a triathlon or swim club? YES/NO

If yes which one?

Emergency Contact Name Relationship Tel (mobile) Tel (day/eve)

I have received and signed copies of the Acknowledgement Of Risk Declaration and the Rules, Terms & Conditions for open water Swimming At Talkin Tarn. YES/NO I enclose payment for one season 1st April – 30th September 2016 at a cost of £10.50 For this cost I receive use of Talkin Tarn at the times stated, use of changing and shower facilities, and a swim cap that must be worn at all times while swimming at Talkin Tarn.

Signed Date

Page 219: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Acknowledgement Of Risk 2016 Open Water Swimming at Talkin Tarn

You are required to sign this declaration annually upon payment of membership.

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the Open Water Swimming Rules for

Talkin Tarn Country Park

2. I completely understand and appreciate the inherent risks involved in unsupervised open water swimming

including the possibility of serious injury or death.

3. I understand that Talkin Tarn is an unsupervised Open Water Swimming venue and as such, swim entirely

at my own risk.

4. I hearby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in any such training and events and that I do

not know of any medical condition which would make it inadvisable for me to swim in the Tarn.

Furthermore I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the

state of my health.

5. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavours to train in a safe manner and not to do anything which

would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

6. I hearby declare that within the last 12 months I have swum 750m in Open water and have swum 16

lengths (400m) without stopping in a standard sized (at least 25m long) swimming pool.

By signing this document you are stating that you acknowledge, understand and will comply with the relevant

points outlined.

First Name:




Todays Date:


Page 220: Open water swimmers information pack - City of Carlisle · 21. A map of Tarn water depths will be issued to all swimmers. Any failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions

Parental Consent Form I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions including those for swimmers under 18 years old. The sections that apply specifically to persons under 18

1. Young swimmers aged 16 or 17 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer and provide written parental consent.

2. Children under the age of 16 may only swim as part of organised

club sessions or formal training courses unless proof of ability and written parental consent can be given to the site managers satisfaction. They must be accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’ (2 children max/adult). The children and the ‘responsible adult’ must swim together.

I declare that my child is suitably experienced to undertake open water swimming and will abide by the terms and conditions. Name of Adult (print) Name of Child (print) Relationship to child Signature
