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  • 8/4/2019 One Step More


    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

    Assets and Liabilities

    Pacing towards the door of the Silliman Hall, I saw my

    co-CWTS members. I saw an environment of noisy people.

    Negative? Isnt it? This is a liability that one should change.

    The way how the scene worked and went made me realize

    that having the initiative to do the right thing should be

    done. So I went to my chair, sat down, and kept my mouth


    When a bud develops and becomes a rose, a perfect

    example of a magnificent scene. A colorful picture to

    imagine, this is an asset. The most positive values we

    commit and share to the world. Why am I talking about

    assets and liabilities? Well, what I have learned from this

    sessions activity is that I should have more assets than my

    liabilities and exert more effort to lesson or deplete my

    liabilities. A persons positive asset can be determined not

    by the first impression, but by seeing and witnessing him as

    a person. We cant judge a person who we do not know. We

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    cant just make friends directly without saying a friendly

    greet like hello. Have the asset to make a brighter world a

    brighter future.

    To end this reflection, all I ever wanted to say is that a

    person is not perfect. He may commit the worst mistakes but

    with a perfect attitude, he can be 100% sure to succeed

    his/her dreams and goals.

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

    Coastal/Sidewalk Clean Up

    Our environmentdestroyed, battered, polluted. What

    are the people doing? How much pain do we have to give to

    our beloved Mother Earth? Arent you sad to see

    malnourished children passing by the streets that were

    affected by our wrong doings? Havent you seen the dead

    marine life slowly drifting away, going with the flow of

    current of the sea? Humans, arent you fair enough?

    A bright sunny day on the 17th of September, 2011 and

    we were assigned to clean/pick-up the trash scattered from

    Looc. All I could see are trashes, people and more trashes!

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    Whats going on here? Were too irresponsible! Trash bags

    open! There you go I picked and picked and slowly, the

    trashes went from 100% to 75% well disposed to 60%.

    With hands of an angel and teamwork done by me and my

    group mates, I knew we could do it! We could change the

    earth for I believe that the smallest things done can make a

    big difference.

    Finally, I could see the sun rays illuminating, reflecting

    the trash bag. About 85kg of trash collected! We also did an

    activity that deals our critical minds to work. And I quote and

    quote, A cleaner environment, a safer world.

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

    9 DOTS

    Have you ever tried thinking beyond the box? Or being

    open-minded to solve something? Like a line, we stay

    connected and go beyond to the ends of no ending. The

    reason of connecting is due to the external and internal

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    forces that make a hard work easy. Connecting without a

    pause, going over the dreams we wish to take. Critical

    thinking and being imaginative, we can grab anythingour

    dreams, our hopes, our future.

    9 dots Havent heard of this before? Well, It was a

    fine Saturday where we were assigned to do an activity

    called 9 dots. To be honest, I already knew that game. So I

    went to the stage, showed Dr. Elman the process and waited

    for my other CWTS members to accomplish the activity. I

    learned the activity from a friend. At first, it was really hard

    to solve. But after thinking outside the box, I really made it. I

    accomplished the activity.

    Realization is that we should not only stay on what we

    only can do but pave way for criticisms that help us more to

    grow and develop into a fine citizen. Patience and critical

    thinking is all we need to think beyond what is given. For

    there is that song entitled, No Boundaries every step we

    climb another mountain, every breath is harder to believe

    There are no boundaries!

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

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    Sucked in by the marvelous entrance, what a wonderful

    way to start a show! From the Echos to the voice of a

    songbird, KABSI was superbly amazing!

    I sat down on the left side of the Luce Auditorium facing

    the stage. I relaxed myself as I felt the peer pressure of a

    relaxing atmosphere inside the auditorium. The shows

    theme was about the life of a Sillimanian. From the Miss

    Silliman to the way of life in a dorm to P.E. classes, to the

    pastoral services, it really showed how a true Sillimanian

    acts and interacts with other people.

    It was a show of laughter and learning and somewhat

    like a compilation of my favorite comedy films. What I

    learned from the show is that every person is unique in

    his/her own ways. No matter how he/she changes herself, we

    are all equal in the eyes of God.

    A true Sillimanian, I am. I follow what the vision and

    mission states. From the white sands to the palm trees, Oh

    loyal we will be to Silliman! As a first year college student, I

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    should be proud of where I am taught and developed. From

    the show of KABSI to the realization of applying it, I know I

    can be a true blooded Sillimanian!

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

    Drug Education

    Was it more painful than here? Whispers I hear

    whispers! Oh no, is this a drug? Am I an addict? Yes, in fact,

    it was drugs over me. Can you hear those whispers? Help

    me! Help me!

    Drug addicts! Have you seen them on television? Have

    you noticed there faces shift from their gorgeous before to

    their deformed after? Like the witch in Snow White, from a

    beautiful queen into an old hag! Do you want to have those

    weird faces?

    Drugs are really a murderer, a rapist and a thief to

    someones life! We should get high on our life and not on

    drugs. For we remember how we walked and were raised

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    explicitly well by our parents, we should never try drugs.

    They can only cause chaos to the community. Be a model,

    say NO to DRUGS! These can only lead you to addiction to

    more addiction and to death!

    What I learned from the lecture of Drug Education is

    that as a student, I should ignore drug pushers and sellers. I

    should try to make a big difference. I should find hope and

    security in order to change the world. Well, everybody just

    wants to get high, but do you want to get high on DRUGS or

    high on LIFE? The answers in your hands!

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

    Ballet Philippines Presents Crisostomo Ibarra

    Can you remember those stories we had learned and

    acted out during our 3rd year to 4th year days? Especially

    those stories of bravery and wisdom, like the Noli Me

    Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Well, to be honest, we have

    seen these novels of Rizal being dramatized on stage. But,

    have you ever wondered and imagined on a different way to

    portray it to the audience?

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    Heres the answer! The Ballet Philippines presented

    Crisostomo Ibarra. The graceful and magnificent ballet

    dances paved wave to the crowds applause. A wonderful

    and an explicit show it is! From the different flips and turns

    to the stylish bends made the show extravagant!

    What I learned from the show is that no matter how

    great a show is, without the audience, a show can never go

    on. I also learned the story of Crisostomo Ibarra, the Spanish

    civilization and about Maria Clara. To their Filipiniana attires,

    a perfect color combination, totally explicit!

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

    Angelo Rondellos Piano Concert

    Pressing the key, making a melodious tune, Angelo

    Rondello could never have been better. A piano concert it is.

    I could see how his audience focused on how he played

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    those galactic symphonies. The piece that made me amaze

    him was the Moonlight Sonata. He really plays the piano


    To be a good pianist needs determination and practice.

    Like a famous singer, you must need a voice of an angel.

    Like a guitarist, you must have a sense of strums in your


    Angelo Rondellos limited tutorials were fantastic and

    are straight forwardly to the point. How I wished I could play

    the piano that good! Music can never be taken away by

    people. Music is already a part of life. With music, we are

    bound to express our emotions more.

    Be serenaded and be drowned into the abyss of music!

    Let music take you to a different world. From the world of

    music, a representative in the person of Angelo Rondalla,

    may he bring forth and share his talent to the world! Cheers!

    And for his last piece, I salute him! It was a magnificent

    standing ovation!

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    Lim, Kim Louie Y.

    Hayag at 50

    Strike a pose! Land to the ground and feel the stage

    presence! Leap for your dreams, resist and balance! Be

    amazed and let the dancing take you to an another world!

    It was late at night when I went to the Luce Auditorium.

    The event there was Hayag at 50. From the Filipiniana attires

    worn by the Kahayag dancers to the brilliant lightings of the

    stagethe show was perfect! An emotional dance was

    presented last. It really brought out a striking point within

    me. That dance with the corresponding background music

    made me realize that a dance can really show how you feel.

    I knew that there were new members of the Kahayag

    Dance Troupe on that night. They really reached their

    dreams. I could sense their pride through their brilliant

    smiles. It was really a perfect show!

    What I learned from the show is that our dreams hit like

    a car crash, and cant be reversed. We cant forfeit now, but

    to go on, and move on! Dreaming is better than being on the

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    streets taking illegal drugs or smoking weeds behind narrow

    ways. Let the show inspire you, may it be a guide to

    achieving your dreams!

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.


    Have you ever felt that soothing feeling when you hear

    the strumming of the strings of a classical guitar? Have you

    ever wondered why we feel like this way? Have you ever

    been into a world of acoustics that you are now addicted to it

    and that you can not return or throw it away? Well, as a

    guitarist, I felt all of these.

    I started out playing the guitar when I was 2nd year high

    school. I really love plucking. It is really pleasing to my ears.

    Seeing LOGA, I was inspired by the young guitarists, on how

    they amazingly brought out the plucking sounds

    accompanied by the amazing strumming.

    Music has been a part of me already. Like those young

    guitarists, I also practiced in order to be consistent on how

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    my fingers go gracefully fast on plucking a string. I really

    appreciated the Tango piece. I was once a Tango dancer

    before, and I really appreciated it. Seeing those young

    fellows perform with pride, I know I, too, can be like them.

    Not physically, but on how they develop themselves to

    become great performers.

    Lim, Kim Louie Y.


    Laughter has always been the best medicine.

    I was really amazed by the impromptu dialogues

    foretold by the SPIT members. They were funny comedians!

    Never to think, they really did a good job bringing out

    laughter and smiles to the audience through their games

    and jokes!

    The best part was the three-headed oracle, giving

    random advices to some people in the audience.I really

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    laughed from start to finish. It was really clear that the show

    went well.

    I also laughed during the Magic Chalk story! They

    kept repeating and repeating until they were done! From

    their silly acts to their random speeches, great and well

    done! I couldnt ask for more!

    What I learned from the show is that if you dig and dig,

    you will never find a magic chalk. And kung magtataniong

    ka man kung sino ang true love mo e wala kang true love!

    Bahala ka na! Also, next to Jollibee is Jolli-C! What a fun and

    amazing show! I hope SPIT would come back again bringing

    more laughter and giggles to their audiences!