Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English Weekends Saturday Vigils 5pm English 7pm Spanish Sunday 7am English 8:45am English 10:45am English 12:30pm Spanish 6pm English (Youth Mass) Video Mass Sunday Video Homily Weekdays Reconciliation Saturday 8am October 24, 2021 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 24, 2021 Liturgical Schedule Ordinary Time

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Page 1: October 24, 2021 Liturgical Schedule Ordinary Time

Liturgical Schedule


Monday - Friday 9am English


Saturday Vigils 5pm English 7pm Spanish

Sunday 7am English 8:45am English 10:45am English 12:30pm Spanish 6pm English (Youth Mass)

Video Mass


Video Homily Weekdays


Saturday 8am

October 24, 2021 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: October 24, 2021 Liturgical Schedule Ordinary Time

2 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church


Rev. Chad Wahl, Pastor

Rev. Gilbert Arango,

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Madhu Appanapalle, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Mr. Jeff Vierra,

Deacon Pastoral Care & Senior Ministry

Rev. Mr. Ha Ngoc Nguyen,


Rev. Mr. Fidel Carillo, Deacon

Mrs. Susie Dickert,

School Principal

Mary Ferreira, Office Manager

Dave Corder,

Faith Formation Director

Laura Perez, Coordinator of Religious Formation

Athena Rodriguez,

Director of Youth Ministry

Guillermo Garcia Jr., Director of Liturgical Music

Lynn Poncini

Director of Liturgy

Richard Sepulveda, Facilities Manager


Celso Doria, Martin Espinoza, Allan Rodriguez, Lois Wiedenhoeft,

Jose Martinez, Erica Campos, Jessica Campos, Jory Kusy,

Monica Poncini, & Barbara Graham


We covenant to give ourselves to Christ as He gives Himself

to us in the Eucharist, so every per-son might be a full, active,

& conscious participant in His Church, empowered to share & live

the Gospel.

Bishop’s Reflection- October 2021 Let us - Kneel before the Lord! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In our present time, as missionary disciples, we are called to be a people of prayer. Throughout our Diocese of Stockton, I ask that all families, prayer groups, adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, those participating in the Divine Mercy devotion, Rosary groups, etc. to join me in an intercessory prayer outreach as we- Kneel before the Lord. As we come before Him, let us pray for the following: Our country; a greater appreciation for the respect and sanctity of life; an end to the lawlessness and violence in our society; for all who are suffering due to natural disasters; an end to the wildfires; an end to the unrelenting and life-threatening effects of the pandemic; for abundant rain and snow and an end to the drought. Brothers and sisters in Christ, during this month of the Rosary, let us kneel before the Lord and offer all the present suffering in the world in reparation for sin and its repercussions. We pray for mercy, divine mercy, during these challenging and uncertain times. As a diocese, let us be united in prayer as we entrust these special intentions to God, Our Father. In the Peace of Christ, Bishop Cotta Lord Jesus, have mercy. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us.

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"Are you new to the parish? To obtain a registration form, please visit our

website, email, or call the parish office. Have you moved?

Had an information change? Let us know by contacting our parish office by

phone or by email.

Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

[email protected] 209-823-7197

We respect your privacy!

This information is for St. Anthony’s Parish use only.

M , O 25 9:00am - Fr. Gilbert † Charlie & Debbie Rivas (Lilly Family) † Ernesto Perez (Frances Sia) † Eufemia Jacob (Norma Orozco) T , O 26 9:00am - Fr. Gilbert † Charlie & Debbie Rivas (Pellegrino Family) † William Be Beau (Knights of Columbus) (Special Intention) Warren Hikuroa ( Arlene Takai) W , O 27 9:00am - Fr. Chad † Doris Silva (Yvonne Rodrigues) † Janina Haberstock (John Emery) † Ronald Eugene Mendoza (Deborah A. Orosco) T , O 28 9:00am - Fr. Chad † Joseph Kusy Sr. (Knights of Columbus) † K. J. Abraham (Tom Family) (Special Intention) Jess Pangelinan (Rose Pangelinan) F , O 29 9:00am - Fr. Madhu † Russell Fadeff (Diana Fadeff) (Special Intention) Marianito Gascon (Corazon F. Gascon) (Special Intention) Rockie Gascon (Corazon F. Gascon) S , O 30 5:00pm - Fr. Chad † Diane Rasor (Jeff & Cecilia Vierra) † Eufemia Jacob (Belinda Jacob) † Gloria Costa (Terry Costa) † Mary Kottinger (Jeff & Cecilia Vierra) 7:00pm - Fr. Gilbert † Abigail Arias (Maria Espinoza) † Ramon Rios (Lupita Rios) S , O 31 7:00am - Fr. Madhu † Eufemia Jacob (Norma Orozco) † Ike Fargan (Rose Pangelinan) † Rita & Rosie Lizama (Rose Pangelinan) † William Be Beau (Knights of Columbus) 8:45am - Fr. Madhu † Charlie & Debbie Rivas (Knights of Columbus) † Robert Dunaway (Mary Dunaway) † Stephanie Longstreth (John & Susan Morrisette) 10:45am - Fr. Chad For the People of the Parish 12:30pm - Fr. Gilbert † Las Benditas Almas del Purgatorio (Maria Marmolejo) † Pedro Ramirez Esparza (Maria Marmolejo) † Rosario Ramirez Carrillo (Maria Marmolejo) 6:00pm - Fr. Gilbert † Betty Perez (Joseph & Kathleen Gomes) † Charlie & Debbie Rivas (Joseph & Kathleen Gomes) † Mary Kottinger (Joseph & Kathleen Gomes)


for your continued support

Week of October 17th $ 27,753

Page 4: October 24, 2021 Liturgical Schedule Ordinary Time

4 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church If you are ill or in the hospital, please call 823-7197 to let us know, we can arrange a visit from a Priest, or Deacon Jeff

Lifting up to God for healing those in need of our prayers: Christopher Rowen

Joe Rowen Elizabeth Cantu

Duane & Irene Golliher Judy Simmons

Jorge Dias Patricia Meyers

Griselda Hernandez Juan Gonzalez

Brody Kasinger Gilbert Diaz

Sharon Ryder Rosalina Gurrola

Frank Castro David Daneau

Sarah McCarthy Vince Cestra

Louis George III Macy Hekl

Enrigue Rios Paul Rebelo

Emilia Sanfilippo Anthony Figueroa

Edmundo Damasco Jean Damasco Walter Frey Bob Neeley Michele Day

Maria Amador Joan Cowan Paz Galvan

Mary Ann Silva Celestina Manuta

Nemesio Domingo Rodrigo Acosta Abel Ramirez Amanda Rosa

Jim Fields Dahlia Cano Marc Pella

Victoria Richie Susie Dickert Serina Horn Julie Ferreira

Michael Relloque Tara Jones

Maria Cigarra Edward Cordoza III

Faye Escovedo Jocelyn San Juan Athena Sequiera Maria Castanon Peter Pimentel

Ricardo Velasco Joselito Guerero Munoz

Gladys Munoz Delarine Barut

Daisie Bagarino Ramona & George Phelps

Judy Wahl Cathy Valente

Mia Grace Christian Llames Victor Alejandro

Arsenio Pino James Stroup

Jim Knipptenberg Chricea Guillen

Silvita Alvia Gilbert Camarillo

Maria Amador Daniel A. Fernandez

June Torres Elizabeth Alvarez Linda Silverman

Mary Catherine Martinez Maria Medeiros

Pablo & Aldo Merlos John Gilmore

Mike & Nancy Hogle Joseph Pita

Cheridyn Daos Laura Bender Ernesto Perez Jared Costa

Dave Dineros Jesus Zambrano

Stacey Hutchingson Barbara Cardiel-Jagar

Ida Teicheira Adelina Serna

Dianne Brewer Donnelly John Nussbaumer

Kaylee Justine Saldivar Annette Telles Vangie Perez Yovi Murillo

Becky Mercado Raquel Taylor

Daniel Isiah Navarro Nellie Navarro

Danny Rea Michael & Maria Kelly

Anthony & Kristin Salinas Diane Rasor

Theresa Mozqueda Chris Lyane

Barbara Pinto-Choate Richard Gallardo

Michael Joseph Marshall Florentino Santos

Jim Ennis James & Alice Doyle

Warren Hikuroa Anthony Trusso Manuel Danna

Joan Kregar David Palameno Chuck Nowak Sr. Jesus Pangelinan

Lisa D. Barba Frank Velasco Liz Parkkoen

Elenora Joy Davis Rafael Portillo Jr.

Ana Maria Gonzalez

FIRST READING: I will gather them from the ends of the world, with the blind and the lame in

their midst. (Jer 31:8)

PSALM: The Lord has done great things for us;

we are filled with joy. (Ps 126)

SECOND READING: No one takes this honor upon himself but only when called by God, just as Aaron

was. (Heb 5:4)

GOSPEL: The blind man replied to him, “Master, I want to see.” Jesus told him, “Go your

way; your faith has saved you.” (Mk 10:46-52)

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English

in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ©LPi

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Jer 31:7-9/Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 Monday: Rom 8:12-17/Ps 68:2 and 4, 6- 7ab, 20-21 [21a]/Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25/Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6 [3a]/Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Rom 8:26-30/Ps 13:4-5, 6 [6a]/Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 2:19-22/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5a]/Lk 6:12-16 Friday: Rom 9:1-5/Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20/Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29/Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18 [14a]/ Lk 14:1, 7-11 Next Sunday: Dt 6:2-6/Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51 [2]/Heb 7:23-28/Mk 12:28b-34

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GOSPEL MEDITATION ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time When we see God with true sincerity of heart and God passes us along our way, it is only then that we will be able to cry out, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me!” We have to truly want to be healed by, and in union with, God in order for us to reach out to him. If God is only an abstract idea, theory, or someone found in the pages of a book, there is no motivation for a relationship and no desire to seek him. God needs to be real in order for faith to be real. It’s all about the journey. St. Augustine reminds us that “to fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him the greatest adventure; to find Him the greatest human achievement.” We strive after many things and mercy is not always one of them. We think that we can find fulfillment and healing in other things only to discover that we are still short and empty. From the moment human beings were created, God has been calling us and seeking us. He has been walking right beside the human story from the minute He first breathed life into the first human soul. Are we able to recognize God as He walks with us? At some point we have to realize that there is only one way to satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart and that is in relationship with our Creator. We are called to this. However, we make the huge error of thinking that what we are hearing is coming from somewhere else. We become confused. Every human being would certainly profit with wisdom if they realized Who calls them and to Whom they belong. Then and only then will we realize that it is only our Divine Master who can give us true vision and heal us. Once we recognize and reach out for the merciful presence of our loving Maker, we will be able to see with our soul, understanding the true nature and depth of all things. God’s mercy is always available. It doesn’t matter how far we have strayed or how blind we become, God patiently waits to console us, guide us and heal us. All we need to do is desire Him. Once we reach out, we also realize that there is no greater love to be found than God’s, no human adventure that comes even close to the thrill of a spiritual search, and no human achievement even remotely as satisfying as union with Him. This is where we belong. This is salvation. ©LPi

SAINT OF THE WEEK St. Peter of Alcantara was born in Alcantara, Spain in 1499. His father was the Governor of the province and his mother came from a noble family. He was privately tutored and attended the University of Salamanca. After he returned home from university, he was accepted as a Franciscan Friar of the Stricter Observance in 1515. He was ordained as a priest in 1524 and in 1525 he became Guardian of the friary of St. Mary of the Angels. Throughout his life, St. Peter of Alcantara took up his spiritual cross and preached with great success to the poor, but also spend much of his

time in solitude. From 1553 to early 1555, he spent this time alone in meditation and prayer. Soon following, St. Peter made a pilgrimage to Rome, barefoot the entire way. While in Rome he obtained permission from Pope Julius III to establish friaries. St. Peter was known for frequently experiencing ecstasy, a state where he was entirely consumed with the warmth and light of the Holy Spirit. These euphoric moments were common during his prayer and meditation. When he was near death, St. Peter took to his knees and prayed. When he was offered water, he refused it, saying, "Even my Lord Jesus Christ thirsted on the Cross." He died while in prayer on October 18, 1562. On April 18, 1622, he was declared blessed by Pope Gregory XV and later canonized by Pope Clement IX on April 28, 1669. ©LPi

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Ministries and Activities


The Adoration Chapel remains closed at this time. Adoration & Private Prayer will take place

inside the church as scheduled:

Monday - Friday 6:00am to 9:00am Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Adora on is suspended, if a funeral is scheduled)

Could you not watchone hour with me?” “MT. 26:40”

St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Food and Clothing Pantry is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:00-3:30 pm. New members are welcome. Please call our office at 209-823-8099 and leave a message. VOLUNTEERS: We are in great need of help for: 1. Daily Bread Pick-up at Raleys and SaveMart any time between 10:00 and Noon. It takes about an hour of time. Volunteers are assigned a day or as a sub to fill in when needed. Please call Ron Kackley @ 209-470-2851 if you are able to help. DONATIONS: If you are able to help, please drop off donations on Wednesdays and Fridays during our open hours of 2:00-3:30 pm. We are in need of: 1. Children's Clothing and Shoes 2. Blankets for the winter Through your generosity we continue to help local people with rent, utilities, and other necessities. If you know of someone in need, please have them call our dedicated line for this outreach program only at (209)302-5702.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY If someone would like to request a shawl (for ladies)

or lap robe (for men), please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Shawls and lap robes are not just for those who are ill; they are also given out to celebrate a special occasion such as an anniversary. A message of love and caring comes with each

shawl or lap robe and the giving of the shawl or lap robe enriches the giver as well as the recipient.

SECOND COLLECTION ON OCTOBER 24TH World Mission Sunday TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We celebrate this day by remembering our baptismal call - to bring the Gospel to all! The collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith supports the work and witness of the Mission Church, as it provides for priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions. Thank for your generosity.

Sunday Family Rosary

The Knights of Columbus and Legion of Mary invite all

parish families to our 5th Sunday Family Rosary to be

held on Sunday, October 31st at 3:00pm

in the Church.

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7 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church

Infant Baptism: Minimum of three months

notice & pre-baptismal instruction required.

First Holy Communion For school age children

(2nd grade or higher) this is a two year preparation.


For students 6th grade or above who desire to become a

fully initiated Catholic: this is a two year preparation.


Following an appointment a minimum of six months preparation is required.

Christian Initiation

This process provides adults and children over the age of 7

the opportunity to explore their calling to Baptism,

Confirmation and Communion to become a fully initiated

Catholic Christian.

If you have a question or would like more information please contact the following:

For more information

about Baptism, Matrimony, and Christian Initiation

please contact:

David Corder 209-823-7197 ext. 230 [email protected]

For more information

about First Communion & Confirmation please contact:

Faith Formation: (209) 239-4302

[email protected]

Christmas time is coming soon and we are preparing for our annual Giving Tree. St. Anthony’s Giving Tree is a heartwarm-ing ministry that involves our entire parish. During the month of November and December leading up to Christmas, the Giving Tree Ministry acts as a vehicle so that members of our parish can share their blessings with those who are less fortunate in our community.

Thanks to your generosity in 2020, St Anthony’s Giving Tree received 571 gifts. Thank you to the donors that contributed to our Ministry with a cash or check donation. Due to Covid-19 and in order to keep everyone safe, we are asking if you can please donate gift cards, small gift bags, and Christmas cards. They can be dropped off in the mail slot at the parish office. Gift cards can be dropped off any time prior to December 17th. We will not be accepting gifts this year. Sign-up dates for the Christmas Dinner and Gifts for Kids will be: December 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 10th from 10am to Noon at St Vincent De Paul. We will be handing out the dinner and the gifts at St. Vincent De Paul on Wednesday, December 22nd starting at 9:00AM until about 11:30AM. If you have any questions regarding St. Anthony’s Giving Tree Please call Carol Jimenez at (209) 518-8059. If you have questions regarding Christmas Dinner Food Baskets, please call St Vincent De Paul Society at (209) 823-8099.

Congratulations to the children who received the Sacrament of Baptism this past Weekend on

October 16 & 17, 2021

Jenesis Jeanna Cedillo Sanchez Jose Jonathan Cervantes Chavez

Josiah Rene Carlbom Garcia Vincent Jesus Garcia Jacqueline Gutierrez

Maximilliano Guttierez Noah Anthony Haworth Aaron Jesus Hernandez

Scarlett Cory Ramirez Mahabali Natalie Mendez

Lennon Marie Ott Jesus Enrique Perez Guzman

Kingston Callo Rullan Lucas Sandoval

Irene Soto Francisco Gerardo Soto, Jr.

Aaron Velazauez Araujo


If you or someone you love has been impacted by abortions or miscarriage, please email us at: [email protected]

Healing for anyone impacted by pregnancy loss

Hope, Help, & Healing since 1981



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8 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church

Tacos NO Tequila

St. Anthony's Catholic School will hold a Drive Through Dinner on Friday, November 5th, from 5 to 7 pm in the school parking lot, courtesy of La Estrella Tacos and Seafood. Dinners are $15 each and include 3 tacos, rice, beans and chips. This year will also feature a mariachi band to tap your foot to as you are waiting for dinner. Call the school office at 209-823-4513, to order your tickets today.

St. Anthony’s Catholic School, in anticipation of the Governor’s vaccination order being instituted, is seeking a part time independent studies teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. This would be a great position for a retired teacher! The ideal candidate will have a working knowledge of online technology including Google Classroom, Zoom, Gmail, etc.; be able to work independently; and efficiently set and complete timelines for themselves and others. Pay is competitive and commensurate with years of service. Please apply on EdJoin.

St Anthony’s School

Employment Opportunity Part Time Independent Studies Teacher

Catholic Chari es Immigra on Legal Services offers the ESL/Ci zenship classes.

The classes are twice a week from 6:00 PM to 9:00 pm. Due to COVID classes are currently

by video conference call only. Classes are FREE

To be eligible for the class, you should be a Legal Permanent Resident.

Registra on cost is $30, Student book will be provided.

To register please contact Isabel Acosta at Cell phone 209-495-1132 (texts and messages accepted), land line

209- 593-6120 or email: [email protected]

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REFLEXIÓN DEL OBISPO- OCTUBRE 2021 ¡Permitámonos - “Arrodillarnos ante el Señor!” Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Como discípulos misioneros, en nuestro tiempo presente, estamos llamados a ser un pueblo de oración. Les pido a todas las familias, grupos de oración, adoradores del Santí-simo Sacramento, aquellos que participan en la devoción de la Divina Misericordia, grupos del Rosario, etc., de toda nuestra Diócesis de Stockton, que se unan a mi en una oración de intercesión nos arrodillamos ante el Señor. Al acercarnos a El, oremos por lo siguiente: Por nuestro país; para obtener un mayor aprecio por el respeto y la santidad de la vida; por el fin de la anarquía y la violencia en nuestra Sociedad; por todos los que sufren a causa de desastres naturales; por el fin de los incendios forestales; el fin de los afectos implacables y potencialmen-te mortales de la pandemia; para obtener lluvia y nieve abundantes y por el fin de la sequia. Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, durante este mes del Rosario, arrodillémonos ante el señor y ofrezcamos todo el sufrimiento presente en el mundo en reparación por el peca-do y sus consecuencias. Durante estos tiempos desafiantes e inciertos oremos por misericordia, misericordia divina. Como diócesis, unámonos en oración mientras confiamos estas intenciones especiales a Dios, nuestro Padre. En la Paz de Cristo, Obispo Cotta Señor Jesús, ten piedad. Nuestra Señora del Rosario, ruega por nosotros. San José, ruega por nosotros.

Caridades Católicas y sus Servicios Legales de Inmigración provee Clases de Inglés y Ciudadanía

Las clases son dos veces por semana de 6:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.

Debido al COVID-19, las clases se están ofreciendo por video llamada a conferencia unicamente.

Las clases son GRATUITAS

Para registrarse en estas clases, debe ser un Residente

Permanente Legal. El costo de la registración es de $30 y se provee el libro.

Para obtener más información y registrarse por favor llame a Isabel Acosta al 209-495-1132 (se aceptan textos y mensajes),

línea fija 209- 593-6120, o contáctenos a [email protected]

Page 10: October 24, 2021 Liturgical Schedule Ordinary Time

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