OCTOBER 07 - OCTOBER 13, 2020 • VOL. 21 • NO. 40 … · 1 day ago · OCTOBER 07 - OCTOBER 13, 2020 • VOL. 21 • NO. 40 Y ODOS LOS MIERCOLES EL PERIODICO BILINGUE DEL NORTE

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N O R T H E R N M A N H A T T A N ’ S B I L I N G U A L N E W S P A P E ROCTOBER 07 - OCTOBER 13, 2020 • VOL. 21 • NO. 40








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2 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com

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OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com 3

Get right - and get registered.

So urged members of the healthcare worker union 1199SEIU to any community residents eligible to vote who had not yet registered.

October 9 is the registration deadline to be able to vote in the November election.

The union held a voter registration event outside of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in Washington Heights this past Wed., Oct. 7th.

It was part of a citywide day of action that saw union members volunteer to register voters throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn

and Queens.Outside NewYork-Presbyterian uptown, union members set up tables on Broadway as well as Fort Washington Avenue to hand out voter registration forms and encourage New Yorkers to participate in the November 3 election.

“It’s important for people to exercise their right to vote,” said Mike Ashby, an 119SEIU Vice President.

“It’s every one’s right and civic duty,” Ashby said. “We want to provide the tools for them to do it and that’s why we’re out here.”

With over 400,000 members, 1199SEIU is the largest healthcare union in the United States.

For more information, please visit www.elections.ny.gov.

Háganlo bien y regístrense.

Así instaron los miembros del sindicato de trabajadores de la salud 1199SEIU a cualquier residente de la comunidad elegible para votar que aún no se haya registrado.

El 9 de octubre es la fecha límite de inscripción para poder votar en las elecciones de noviembre.

El sindicato celebró un evento de registro de votantes afuera del Hospital NewYork-Presbyterian en Washington Heights el pasado miércoles 7 de octubre.

Fue parte de un día de acción en toda la ciudad en el que los miembros del sindicato se ofrecieron como voluntarios para registrar votantes en Manhattan, Brooklyn y Queens.

Afuera de la zona residencial de NewYork-Presbyterian, miembros del sindicato instalaron mesas en Broadway y la avenida Fort Washington para repartir formularios de registro de votantes y alentar a los neoyorquinos a participar en las elecciones del 3 de noviembre.

"Es importante que las

Uptown Uptown DriveDrive

Campaña Alta Campaña Alta personas ejerzan su derecho al voto", dijo Mike Ashby, vicepresidente de 119SEIU.

"Es el derecho y el deber cívico de todos", explicó. “Queremos brindarles las herramientas para que lo hagan y es por eso que estamos aquí”.

Con más de 400,000 miembros, 1199SEIU es el sindicato de atención médica

más grande de los Estados Unidos.

Para más información, por favor visite www.elections.ny.gov.

The deadline to register is this week.

"It's every one's civic duty," said Mike Ashby.

Los miembros ofrecieron ayuda con los formularios.

Los voluntarios instalaron mesas en Broadway.

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4 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com

They are public sector partners.

New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer and City University of New York (CUNY) Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez have announced a new partnership that will provide recent CUNY graduates with paid fellowships.

A group of 20 graduates has been selected for a six-month, paid fellowship program at various bureaus of the Office of the New York City Comptroller that began on October 5 and will conclude in April 2021.

Fellows will gain hands-on experience in core government functions, including law, policy, contracts, auditing, engineering, accountancy, communications and diversity initiatives.

The program is designed to help the next generation of New York City leaders enter the job market, Stringer said in a statement.

“Our young people are our future. We always need a strong bench of driven, talented civic leaders ready to step up

and shape the city of tomorrow — and it’s our responsibility to create pathways of opportunity for the next generation,” said Stringer. “That’s why I am proud to launch the first-ever fellowship program with the City University of New York at the Office of the Comptroller, so young people can attain first-hand knowledge and experience in public service and use these skills to push our city forward. I know this passionate cohort of fellows will be an invaluable asset to our city, and that this program will be a stepping stone for a lifetime of civic engagement.”

The Comptroller’s Fellows will be paid on an hourly basis at a rate of $21 an hour for up to 28 hours a week.

Fellows will also receive skill-building workshops, meetings with civic leaders, and content-based presentations on various aspects of city government.

“The City University of New York stands ready to help chart a course for a brighter and more inclusive future for all New Yorkers, regardless of income or zip code, and fulfill its role as an integral institution at the service of the state and city we proudly call home,” said Rodríguez. “Thanks to Comptroller Scott Stringer, these 20 CUNY students, whose academic interest range from the social sciences to the humanities to computer science and economics, will embark on six-

month paid fellowships, and in the process gain invaluable hands-on experience utilizing their skills in vital public sector offices, while laying the groundwork for a career of service.”

The Fellows will work in a variety of areas within the Comptroller’s Office, including the Office of the General Counsel, Contract Administration, Audit, Engineering, Accountancy, Asset Management, Diversity, Policy, Law and Adjustment, and

First FellowsFirst Fellows

Communications.The fellowship participants and their

respective bureaus are:• Jacqueline Aguilar (John Jay College) –

Office of the General Counsel• Taalat Ahmed (Baruch College) – Bureau

of Contract Administration • Zoya Ali (Brooklyn College) – Bureau of


Son socios del sector público.

El contralor de la ciudad de Nueva York, Scott Stringer, y el canciller de la City University de Nueva York (CUNY, por sus siglas en inglés), Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, han anunciado una nueva asociación que brindará a los recién graduados de CUNY becas



Primeros becarios

pagadas. Se seleccionó a un grupo de 20 graduados

para un programa de becas remuneradas de seis meses en varios departamentos de la oficina del contralor de la ciudad de Nueva York que comenzó el 5 de octubre y concluirá en abril de 2021.

Los becarios obtendrán experiencia práctica en funciones gubernamentales básicas, como leyes, políticas, contratos, auditoría, ingeniería, contabilidad, comunicaciones e iniciativas de diversidad.

El programa está diseñado para ayudar a la próxima generación de líderes de la ciudad de Nueva York a ingresar al mercado laboral, dijo Stringer en un comunicado.

"Nuestros jóvenes son nuestro futuro. Siempre necesitamos una banca fuerte de líderes cívicos motivados y talentosos, listos para dar un paso al frente y dar forma a la ciudad del mañana, y es nuestra responsabilidad crear caminos de

New program announced by CUNY and NYC Comptroller

The new program will last through April 2021.

Nuevo programa anunciado por CUNY y el contralor de NYC

Los graduados de CUNY trabajarán como becarios remunerados.

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OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com 5

In true third world dictator fashion, he made a big show of his return to the White House, but all was not well. In the close up, you could see him gasping for air like a fish out of water. The Emperor not only has no clothes, he also has Covid.

Congressman Ro Khanna’s tweet put the whole sordid affair in its proper perspective. “There are now more recorded cases of COVID-19 in the White House than in New Zealand, Taiwan, and Vietnam combined, and they have 124 million people. Let that sink in.”

But schadenfreude aside, the fact that the White House is a coronavirus hotspot is an ominous sign that we ignore at our peril. We will not defeat the virus until we defeat the tyrant. The two are inextricably linked. The tyrant must go, or all is lost.

Pa’lante, Siempre Pa’lante!

Keep checking us out at www.uptowncollective.com.

Led BlackEditor-in-ChiefThe Uptown Collective

The UC’s mission is to become “the” definitive, transformative and community-based force impacting the arts, culture, business and New York City’s overall perception of Upper Manhattan. Its objective is to reset, reboot and positively redefine Uptown’s artistic, political, cultural and business spheres via the online space as well the collective’s initiatives and functions.

Uptown Love in the Time of Coronavirus: Plot Twist - #TrumpHasCovid

Did not see that coming. In retrospect, it makes perfect sense that the biggest source of Covid-19 misinformation, who eschews masks as unmanly and prefers snake oil to science and has been traveling the country campaigning like the pandemic was behind us, has contracted the coronavirus.

I also did not expect to be so elated to find out that the tyrant had been inflicted by the very malady that he in his negligence had inflicted on us. If I am being honest, the day the news broke was the best day I have had since we went into quarantine back in March. I felt lighter, effervescent even, almost wanting to jump and click my heels the way you see people do in car commercials.

True to form, instead of being chastened by the experience, the tyrant quickly pivoted to campaign mode and took a reckless joyride while still at Walter Reed, blithely compromising the health of the Secret Service team who are there to protect the president. But who protects them from the president? He claimed that he did it for the folks (I mean fools) that congregated outside the hospital to wish him well. But that is just another lie. He did it because he is nothing without their adoration. It is his oxygen, pun intended. Like I have said before, he is a BPON (Bottomless Pit of Need).

September 28 – October 3

The AGs are going after the "gag rule."

New York Attorney General Letitia James is leading a coalition of 22 attorneys general asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a circuit court decision upholding the Trump Administration’s Title X family planning rule.

Also known as the “gag rule,” the mandate reduces access to reproductive health care services, including birth control and referrals for abortions.

“Since day one, the Trump Administration has done everything in its power to deny women access to reproductive health coverage,” said James in a statement. “By removing so many of the vital and essential services funded by Title X, President Trump and his administration are essentially holding women’s reproductive freedoms captive. These rules are baseless, dangerous, and will prevent millions of women from accessing quality, safe reproductive health care, which is why we are asking the Supreme Court to intervene and protect women’s reproductive

Los fiscales generales van tras la "ley mordaza".

La fiscal general de Nueva York, Letitia James, encabeza una coalición de 22 fiscales generales que solicitan a la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos que revise una decisión de la corte de circuito que defiende la regla de planificación familiar del Título X de la Administración Trump.

También conocida como la "ley mordaza", el mandato reduce el acceso a los servicios de salud reproductiva, incluidos el control de la natalidad y las referencias para abortos. "Desde el primer día, la Administración Trump ha hecho todo lo posible para negar a las mujeres el acceso a la cobertura de salud reproductiva", dijo James en un comunicado. "Al eliminar tantos de los servicios vitales y esenciales financiados por el Título X, el presidente Trump y su administración esencialmente mantienen cautivas las libertades reproductivas de las mujeres. Estas reglas carecen de fundamento, son peligrosas e impedirán que millones de mujeres tengan acceso a una atención de salud reproductiva segura y de calidad, por lo que pedimos a la Corte Suprema que intervenga y proteja los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres".

James dijo que la "ley mordaza" impone una restricción ilegal y poco ética a la capacidad de los proveedores de atención médica en las clínicas que reciben fondos del Título X para informar completamente a las pacientes sobre

rights.”James said that the "gag rule" places an

unlawful and unethical restriction on the ability of health care providers at clinics receiving Title X funds to fully inform patients of the reproductive health services available to them by disallowing referrals for abortions and restricting counseling related to abortions.

The Title X family planning program is considered instrumental in the delivery of preventive and reproductive health care to low-income and underserved women and families.

The "gag rule," implemented in March 2019, challenged imposed major changes

on this program, including: limiting the information that can be shared with a patient at a Title X clinic; prohibiting referrals for abortion, even when a patient specifically requests one; mandating prenatal care for all pregnant

women, even if this care is not requested; and requiring physical separation of clinics for Title X funded services from abortion care.

Before 2019, the Title X program funded a wide array of critical public health services, including family planning counseling, access to FDA-approved contraceptive methods,

los servicios de salud reproductiva disponibles para ellas al rechazar las referencias para abortos y restringir la asesoría relacionada con los abortos.

El programa de planificación familiar del Título X se considera fundamental en la prestación de atención de salud preventiva y reproductiva para mujeres y familias de bajos ingresos y desatendidas.

La "ley mordaza", implementada en marzo de 2019, impugnó cambios importantes impuestos en este programa, que incluyen: limitar la información que se puede compartir con un paciente en una clínica del Título X; prohibir las

pelvic exams, and crucial screenings for high blood pressure, anemia, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and cervical and breast cancer.

Critics have denounced efforts on the part of the Trump administration to undercut the Title X rule, which they say has severely reduced and, in some cases, caused a total loss of access to many of the services provided by Title X nationwide.

In May, Attorney General James and a coalition of attorneys general filed an amicus brief in a similar case brought by the city of Baltimore in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. That court struck down the rule.

Joining Attorney General James in filing the petition to the Supreme Court are the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut,

Coalition seeks Supreme Coalition seeks Supreme Court review of "gag rule"Court review of "gag rule"

Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia.

Also joining the coalition in seeking review are the American Medical Association, Essential Access Health, National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, the Oregon Medical Association, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America. These organizations all filed separate, similar lawsuits that were decided together with the states’ lawsuit in the Ninth Circuit.

For more, please visit ag.ny.gov.

Vea JAMES p14

Coalición busca que la Corte Coalición busca que la Corte Suprema revise la "ley mordaza"Suprema revise la "ley mordaza"

The challenge centers on the Title X program.

"Trump y su la administración esencialmente mantienen cautivas las libertades reproductivas de las mujeres ", dijo AG Letitia James.

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6 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com

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Roberto Ramírez Sr.Luís A. Miranda Jr. Chamber of Commerce of

Washington Heights and Inwood

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EDITORDebralee Santos

EDITORIAL STAFFGregg McQueenAdrian Cabreja

PRODUCTION Ramon PeraltaErik Febrillet

OFFICE MANAGERKassandra Montes

TRANSLATORSYamilla MirandaVerónica Cruz

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8 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com

By Gregg McQueen

It's all up in the air.

A Washington Heights school building with chronic ventilation issues has welcomed students back to the classroom, but staffers there have taken their own steps to protect children from COVID-19.

Over the summer, teachers at MS 324 - Patria Mirabal Middle School sounded the alarm about the condition of the building’s HVAC system, which they said had been malfunctioning for nearly a decade.Citing a building inspection report from 2019 that found 11 of the building’s exhaust fans to be defective, they questioned whether it was safe to return to the building in the fall with coronavirus still a lingering threat.“We always just dealt with it as a discomfort issue but in a pandemic, it poses a severe health risk,” said Sarah Kuhner, a special education teacher at MS 324. “If the air doesn’t circulate properly, it puts people at risk for the virus.”

Located at 21 Jumel Place, the building is home to MS 324 as well as three other schools, serving about 1,400 students.

As the city prepared for the start of the school year, the Department of Education (DOE) inspected over 64,000 classrooms and said that 95 percent of them are ready to use.

“We pledged that our classrooms will be safe by the first day of school or they will not be used – period. Professional engineers identified work that must be done at MS 324 and those repairs were made in all rooms being used by students

Fear in the FallFear in the Falland staff,” said DOE spokesperson Nathaniel Steyer in an email. “A working ventilation system is only one part of our layered approach to safety, and we are able to significantly lower the risk of transmission when it is combined with social distancing, universal mask usage, proper hand hygiene, and staying home when you are sick.”

The DOE released results of ventilation inspections for all the buildings in its system, noting how many had windows and functioning exhaust fans. However, the agency did not specify its criteria for what it considers sufficient airflow inside classrooms.

According to a DOE building ventilation report for the 21 Jumel Place campus, 142 of the building’s rooms have exhaust fans, with 29 of the fans deemed “not operational.”

The report indicated the majority of the rooms with broken fans were repaired as of September 17.

“They maintained that it’s still safe enough, that we can also open windows in the classroom to circulate air,” Kuhner said. “To us, that’s not sufficient.”

Teachers at MS 324 decided to take matters into their own hands.

The school’s science teacher brought in an anemometer, a device used to measure wind speed, in an attempt to determine

airflow coming in and out of the vents.Teachers also received outside

guidance from mechanical engineers, who recommended that classrooms experience no fewer than 6 air changes per hour (ACH), with 12 to 16 being ideal, Kuhner said.

“We did a walkthrough, going room by room, including the offices, to determine the air speed coming out the vents,” she said.

“Most classrooms were fine, but we had three rooms that didn’t meet that mark of six air changes per hour. We were planning on having students in there but we rearranged our setup so we could avoid those rooms,” Kuhner explained.

The teachers’ air flow tests also revealed two staff offices that had

low ACH readings.“It definitely validated what

we were thinking, that some of these rooms were not safe. Unfortunately, it took a pandemic

for us to be able to learn that,” said teacher Shawn Hindes.

Kuhner expressed frustration that the teachers spent several years appealing to the DOE to complete repairs on the building’s HVAC system.

“We felt the things we were bringing attention to were being pushed aside by the DOE,” Kuhner remarked. “We were told ‘you’re being alarmist.’ We got to the point where we’re just tired of fighting

for this and decided to do what’s best to protect students and teachers."

Students returned to MS 324 classrooms on October 1, the first day of in-person learning for the city’s public middle schools.

The maximum number of students MS 324 school is putting in one classroom is 10. Some in-person classes only have seven children.

“We have more and more kids opting to go fully remote. That number is growing,” Hindes said.

“This pandemic shed a light on the fact that a school building really needs to be one of the cleaner public facilities because of how communicable viruses are,” he said.

While teachers were happy to see students in person, Kuhner acknowledged that being in the classroom during a pandemic had a different feel.

“The energy was hesitant – the students seemed almost timid,” said Kuhner. “I think they’re glad to be back but because of Covid, they’re overwhelmed with safety policies. They seemed very unsure.”

With the city now closing down public schools in COVID-19 hotspots, Hindes opined that it could only be a matter of time before all public schools are forced to close again.

“I think they’ll maintain that system of closing schools in hotspots. If they’re looking to prolong kids being in classrooms, it’s not a terrible strategy,” he said. “But eventually I think this could all close down if the number of cases continues to grow.”

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en español

The school is located at 21 Jumel Place.

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OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com 9

By Kathleen M. Pike

Lose hope, game over.

The words of a dear friend ring in my ears these days. But it's hard to stay hopeful. Just when it seems like things cannot get worse, they do. The events of these days feel like a deluge that is distressing and disturbing. They feel like a darkness that poses real threats to our mental health.

Now more than ever, we need to find the cracks in this night and turn to the light.

Now more than ever, we cannot lose hope. I promise you.

Hope matters. We can cultivate it. We can teach it.

1. What is hope? It is a word we all know and use. For some of us, it has a sweeping positive valence. For others, hope is nice but optional. And then there are those who think cynicism is wise and hope is naïve. According to Kathryn Goetzke, iFred Founder, "Hope is a positive feeling and inspired action.

It is not a wish. Hope is a proven strategy that impacts all life outcomes." Science concurs. The late C. R. Snyder, a central figure in hope research, defines three key

Por Kathleen M. Pike

Se pierde la esperanza, se acaba el juego.

Las palabras de un querido amigo resuenan en mis oídos estos días. Pero es difícil mantener la esperanza. Justo cuando parece que las cosas no pueden empeorar, lo hacen. Los acontecimientos de estos días se sienten como un diluvio angustioso y perturbador. Se sienten como una oscuridad que representa una amenaza real para nuestra salud mental.

Ahora más que nunca, necesitamos encontrar las grietas en esta noche y regresar hacia la luz.

Ahora más que nunca, no podemos perder la esperanza. Se los prometo.

La esperanza importa. Podemos cultivarla. Podemos enseñarla.

1. ¿Qué es la esperanza? Es una palabra que todos conocemos y usamos. Para algunos de nosotros, tiene una valencia positiva arrolladora. Para otros, la esperanza es agradable pero opcional. Y luego están los que piensan que el cinismo es sabio y la esperanza es ingenua. Según Kathryn Goetzke, fundadora de iFred: "la esperanza es un sentimiento positivo y una acción inspirada. No es un deseo. La esperanza es una estrategia comprobada que impacta todos los resultados de la vida". La ciencia está de acuerdo. El difunto C. R. Snyder, una figura central en la investigación de la esperanza, define tres componentes clave de la esperanza: meta, agencia y camino. Cuando tenemos esperanzas, nos sentimos capaces y motivados para desarrollar y seguir caminos

components of hope: goal, agency and pathway. When we are hopeful, we feel capable and motivated to develop and pursue pathways to desired goals.

2. Hope is the bedrock of mental health and well-being. The data are quite clear. Hope impacts virtually all dimensions of life, including academic outcomes, athletic performance, health prognosis, and resilience. Higher hope is associated with higher grades, improved attention in class, better sports performance, better quality relationships, and less likelihood of violence, risky behaviors, addiction, and loneliness.

3. Without hope, the lights go out. Hope is a known protective factor, and conversely,

hopelessness is a known risk factor for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thinking.

Some studies find that hopelessness (but not depression) predict suicide in both clinical and community groups. Some studies find that hopelessness

is a stronger predictor of repeat suicide attempts than depression. Other studies find the opposite. Of course, all mental health outcomes are multi-determined, and diverse combinations of factors can confer risk.

hacia las metas deseadas.

2. La esperanza es la base de la salud mental y el bienestar. La información es bastante clara. La esperanza impacta prácticamente en todas las dimensiones de la vida, incluidos los resultados académicos, el rendimiento deportivo, el pronóstico de salud y la capacidad de recuperación. Una mayor esperanza se asocia con calificaciones más altas, mejor atención en clase, mejor rendimiento

This nuance is important for researchers to study further to improve care. But we can confidently say that hopelessness has never been found to predict positive mental health, and it is frequently associated with poor mental health.

4. Cultivating hope. The activities that help us cope in difficult times also have the potential to help us cultivate hope. When we feel we are running low on hope, some things we can do include: focusing on what we can change, meditating, journaling, serving a larger cause, reading, learning from role models, laughing, exercising, engaging socially, taking time for self-care, focusing on gratitude and more. The list is nearly infinite

deportivo, relaciones de mejor calidad y menos probabilidades de violencia, conductas de riesgo, adicción y soledad.

3. Sin esperanza, la luz se apaga. La esperanza es un factor protector conocido y, a la inversa, la desesperanza es un factor de riesgo conocido de ansiedad, depresión, abuso de sustancias y pensamientos suicidas. Algunos estudios encuentran que la desesperanza (pero no la depresión) predice el suicidio tanto en

Hope MattersHope Matters

and will vary from person to person. These strategies help us refine our goals, refuel our sense of agency, and recommit to our path - the essential features of hope.

5. Hope can be taught. Hopeful Minds is a project developed by the International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (iFred). Hopeful Minds is based on research that suggests hope is a measurable and teachable skill. Hopeful Minds aims to equip children, educators, and parents with the tools they need to create, maintain, and grow hope even during the most trying times. The program reinforces

grupos clínicos como comunitarios. Algunos estudios encuentran que la desesperanza es un indicador más fuerte de repetidos intentos de suicidio que la depresión. Otros estudios encuentran lo contrario. Por supuesto, todos los resultados de la salud mental son múltiples y diversas combinaciones de factores pueden otorgar riesgo. Este matiz es importante para que los investigadores sigan estudiando para mejorar la atención. Pero podemos decir con seguridad que nunca se ha encontrado que la desesperanza prediga una salud mental positiva y que con frecuencia se asocia con una mala salud mental.

4. Cultivar la esperanza. Las actividades que nos ayudan a afrontar tiempos difíciles también tienen el potencial de ayudarnos a cultivar la

La esperanza importa La esperanza importa

Can be cultivated.

See HOPE p15

Vea HOPE p15

Concéntrese en servir a una causa mayor.

El ingenio es un valor vital.

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OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com 11

Hay una nueva línea de ayuda.

El Centro de Servicios Comunitarios Urbanos (CUCS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha lanzado CUCS Connects, un centro de beneficios virtuales diseñado para ayudar a los neoyorquinos vulnerables a tener acceso a recursos durante la pandemia.

Financiado por la Fundación Robin Hood, CUCS Connects es un servicio basado en la web y el teléfono que ofrece chats en vivo que brindan orientación personalizada con servicios sociales.

La asistencia se ofrece en inglés y español y está disponible para el público en general, independientemente del estatus migratorio.

Entre los servicios prestados se encuentran:

Apoyo a los ingresos, incluidas las solicitudes de desempleo y la inscripción a cupones de alimentos (SNAP);

Seguro de salud, como el Health Exchange del estado de Nueva York, las inscripciones de Medicaid y Medicare y la navegación de las

There's a new helpline.

The Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS) has launched CUCS Connects, a virtual benefits center designed to help vulnerable New Yorkers access resources during the pandemic.

Funded by the Robin Hood Foundation, CUCS Connects is a web- and phone-based service offering live chats providing one-on-one guidance with social services.

Assistance is offered in English and Spanish and available to the general public, regardless of immigration status.

Among the services provided:• Income support, including unemployment

applications and food stamp (SNAP) enrollment;

• Health insurance, such as New York State

solicitudes del Seguro Social; • Apoyo legal como: prevención de desalojos,

empleo, inmigración, asuntos de derecho familiar, manutención de niños, custodia y otros asuntos legales civiles;

• Asesoría financiera para ayudar a evaluar la salud financiera, informes de crédito y desarrollar un plan para alcanzar metas personales.

Fundado en 1979 en la Universidad Columbia, CUCS ayuda a más de 50,000 clientes anualmente con asuntos de vivienda, bienestar, empleo y otras preocupaciones. La organización también trabaja para reducir el número de personas que viven en la calle por falta de vivienda

y fundó uno de los primeros centros de acogida para personas sin hogar de Manhattan en 1981.

Para más información, por favor visite www.cucs.org/connects o llame al 855.932.CUCS.

reach personal goals.Founded in 1979 at Columbia University,

CUCS assists more than 50,000 clients annually with housing, wellness, employment and other concerns. The organization also works to reduce street homelessness and founded one of Manhattan’s first drop-in centers for homeless individuals in 1981.

For more information, please visit www.cucs.org/connects or call 855.932.CUCS.

Live Aid Live Aid Organización lanza

centro virtual de beneficios gratuito

Nonprofit launches free virtual

benefits center

Health Exchange, Medicaid and Medicare enrollments and navigating Social Security applications;

• Legal support such as eviction prevention, employment, immigration, family law issues, child

support, custody and other civil legal issues;

• Financial coaching to help assess financial health, credit reports and develop a plan to

Live AidLive Aid The organization has continued offering services during the pandemic.

El centro está diseñado para ayudar a los residentes vulnerables.

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12 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com


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OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com 13

Fact Sheet The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has

received an application for a major amendment to a Brownfield Cleanup Agreement (Agreement No. C231107-02-08) and a Draft Remedial Action Work Plan for a site known as West 29th Street, site ID #C231107 to reduce the size of the site by 0.287 acres. The overall site will decrease in size from 1.420 acres to 1.33 acres. This site is located in the Borough of Manhattan, within the County of New York, and is located at 601 West 29th Street. Comments regarding this application must be submitted no later than November 20, 2020. Access the application and other relevant documents online through the DECinfo Locator: https://www.dec.ny.gov/data/DecDocs/C231107/. The documents also are available at the document repository located at the New York Public Library Muhlenberg Library, 209 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011; and at the Manhattan Community Board District 4, 330 West 42nd Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY, 10036. Information regarding the site and how to submit comments can be found at

http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/60058.html or send comments to Steven Walsh, Project Manager, 625 Broadway, 12th Floor, Albany, NY, 12233-7014;

[email protected]; or call (518) 402-9767.

To have information such as this notice sent right to your email, sign up with

county email listservs available at www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/61092.html.

derivaciones para un aborto, incluso cuando una paciente lo solicita específicamente; exigir atención prenatal para todas las mujeres embarazadas, incluso si esta atención no se solicita; y exigir la separación física de las clínicas para los servicios financiados por el Título X de la atención del aborto.

Antes de 2019, el programa Título X financiaba una amplia gama de servicios críticos de salud pública, incluyendo asesoría sobre planificación familiar, acceso a métodos anticonceptivos aprobados por la FDA, exámenes pélvicos y exámenes de detección cruciales para la presión arterial alta, anemia, diabetes, enfermedades e infecciones de transmisión sexual y de cáncer de mama y cervicouterino.

Los críticos han denunciado los esfuerzos de la administración Trump para socavar la regla del Título X, que dicen que ha reducido drásticamente y, en algunos casos, ha causado una pérdida total de acceso a muchos de los servicios proporcionados por el Título X en todo el país. En mayo, la fiscal general James y una

coalición de fiscales generales presentaron un escrito amicus en un caso similar presentado por la ciudad de Baltimore en la Corte de Apelaciones del Cuarto Circuito de los Estados Unidos. Ese tribunal anuló la ley.

Junto a la fiscal general James presentan la petición ante la Corte Suprema los fiscales generales de: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawái, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Nuevo México, Carolina del Norte, Oregón, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, y el Distrito de Columbia.

También se unen a la coalición en busca de revisión la Asociación Médica Estadounidense, Essential Access Health, la Asociación Nacional de Planificación Familiar y Salud Reproductiva, la Asociación Médica de Oregón y la Federación Estadounidense de Planificación Familiar. Todas estas organizaciones presentaron demandas similares separadas que se decidieron junto con la demanda de los estados en el Noveno Circuito.

Para más información, por favor visite ag.ny.gov.

JAMES de p5

La "regla mordaza" ha afectado el acceso a los servicios de salud reproductiva.

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OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com 15

the eight National Health Education Standards set forth by the CDC, and meets the Social Emotional Learning Guidelines. It is informed by extensive research on Adverse Childhood Experiences. iFred Founder Goetze says, "Hopeful Minds gives children a roadmap to create, sustain, and grow their hopeful mindset."

The Hopeful Minds Curricula for school aged children was just launched. It was designed to be used and adapted remotely. You can download your free Hopeful Minds Curricula, Parent Guide and Supplemental Resources at bit.ly/3no7PzD.

To be sure, and to be honest, sometimes I feel flattened with dread and despair these days. And then I am reminded of the poetic

reference that the darkest hour of all is the hour before dawn. Let's hope so.

Kathleen M. Pike, PhD is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Global Mental Health Program at the Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC). For more information, please visit cugmhp.org.

HOPE from p9

esperanza. Cuando sentimos que nos estamos quedando sin esperanza, algunas cosas que podemos hacer incluyen: enfocarnos en lo que podemos cambiar, meditar, escribir un diario, servir a una causa más grande, leer, aprender de modelos a seguir, reír, hacer ejercicio, participar socialmente, tomar tiempo para el autocuidado, enfocándose en la gratitud y más. La lista es casi infinita y variará de persona a persona. Estas estrategias nos ayudan a perfeccionar nuestras metas, reabastecer nuestro sentido de agencia y renovar nuestro compromiso con nuestro camino, las características esenciales de la esperanza.

5. La esperanza se puede enseñar. Hopeful Minds es un proyecto desarrollado por la Fundación Internacional para la Investigación y Educación sobre la Depresión (iFred, por sus siglas en inglés). Hopeful Minds se basa en investigaciones que sugieren que la esperanza es una habilidad que se puede medir y enseñar. Hopeful Minds tiene como objetivo equipar a los niños, educadores y padres con las herramientas que necesitan para crear, mantener y hacer crecer la esperanza, incluso durante los momentos más difíciles. El programa refuerza

los ocho Estándares Nacionales de Educación para la Salud establecidos por los CDC y cumple con las Pautas de Aprendizaje Socioemocional. Se basa en una amplia investigación sobre las experiencias adversas de la infancia. La fundadora de iFred,

Goetzke, dice: "Hopeful Minds les da a los niños un mapa para crear, mantener y hacer crecer su mentalidad esperanzada".

Se acaba de lanzar el plan de estudios de Hopeful Minds para niños en edad escolar.

Fue diseñado para ser utilizado y adaptado de forma remota. Puede descargar su

currículo, la guía para padres y los recursos complementarios gratuitos de Hopeful Minds en bit.ly/3no7PzD.

Sin duda, y para ser honesta, a veces me siento abrumada por el

miedo y la desesperación en estos días. Y entonces me acuerdo de la

referencia poética de que la hora más oscura de todas es la hora antes del amanecer. Ojalá.

Kathleen M. Pike, PhD, es profesora de Psicología y directora del Programa Mundial de Salud Mental en el Centro Médico de la Universidad Columbia (CUMC, por

sus siglas en inglés). Para más información, por favor visite cugmhp.org.

Hope is the bedrock of mental health.

Snyder is well-versed in hope research.

HOPE de p9

“[Esto] da un mapa [a una] mentalidad esperanzada”, dice Kathryn Goetzke, fundadora de iFred.

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16 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com


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18 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com

• Manoor Azim (City College) – Bureau of Engineering

• Reema Doleh (Baruch College) – Bureau of Asset Management

• Shanequa Gowins (John Jay College) – Bureau of Audit

• Mohammed Hashif (Baruch College) – Bureau of Asset Management

• Sumaiya Jamal (Queens College) – Bureau of Asset Management

• Ian Kessler (Baruch College) – Bureau of Asset Management

• Kavon Lee (John Jay College) – Office of Diversity Initiatives

• Steffi Milfort (Hunter College) – Bureau of Public Policy

• Minh Nguyen (City College) – Bureau of Law and Adjustment

• Uche Olunoye (John Jay College) – Bureau of Law and Adjustment

• Daliza Peralta (Baruch College) – Bureau of Administration

• Giovanne Quezada (Lehman College) – Bureau of Accountancy

• Jessica Rosenthal (Hunter College) – Bureau of Law and Adjustment

• Allison Stillerman (Hunter College) – Bureau of Public Policy

• Amina Stone-Taylor (Brooklyn College) – Bureau of Law and Adjustment

• Jose Suarez (Hunter College) – Press Office• Julissa Valerio (Hunter College) – Bureau

of Contract Administration For more information, please visit comptroller.nyc.gov or visit cuny.edu.

oportunidades para la próxima generación", dijo Stringer. "Es por eso que me enorgullece lanzar el primer programa de becas con la City University de Nueva York en la oficina del contralor, para que los jóvenes puedan adquirir conocimientos y experiencia de primera mano en el servicio público y utilizar estas habilidades para impulsar a nuestra ciudad. Sé que este grupo apasionado de becarios será un activo invaluable para nuestra ciudad y que este programa será un trampolín para toda una vida de compromiso cívico".

A los becarios de la Contraloría se les pagará por horas a razón de $21 dólares la hora hasta por 28 horas a la semana.

Los becarios también recibirán talleres de desarrollo de habilidades, reuniones con líderes cívicos y presentaciones con contenido sobre varios aspectos del gobierno de la ciudad.

"La City University de Nueva York está lista para ayudar a trazar un rumbo hacia un futuro más brillante e inclusivo para todos los neoyorquinos, sin importar ingresos ni código postal, y cumplir con su rol de institución integral al servicio del estado y la ciudad que con orgullo llamamos hogar”, dijo Rodríguez. “Gracias al contralor Scott Stringer, estos 20 estudiantes de CUNY, cuyo interés académico va desde las ciencias sociales hasta las humanidades, las ciencias de la computación y la economía, se embarcarán en becas pagadas de seis meses y, en el proceso, obtendrán una valiosa experiencia práctica utilizando habilidades en oficinas vitales del sector público, mientras se sientan las bases para una carrera de servicio ". Los becarios trabajarán en una variedad de áreas dentro de la oficina del contralor, como la oficina del asesor general, administración de contratos, auditoría, ingeniería, contabilidad, gestión de activos, diversidad, políticas, leyes y ajustes, y comunicaciones.

Los participantes de la beca y sus respectivas oficinas son:

• Jacqueline Aguilar (John Jay College) – Oficina del Asesor General

• Taalat Ahmed (Baruch College) – Oficina de Administración de Contratos

• Zoya Ali (Brooklyn College) – Oficina de Auditoría

• Manoor Azim (City College) – Oficina de Ingeniería

• Reema Doleh (Baruch College) – Oficina de Gestión de Activos

• Shanequa Gowins (John Jay College) – Oficina de Auditoría

• Mohammed Hashif (Baruch College) – Oficina de Gestión de Activos

• Sumaiya Jamal (Queens College) – Oficina de Gestión de Activos

• Ian Kessler (Baruch College) – Oficina de Gestión de Activos

• Kavon Lee (John Jay College) – Oficina de Iniciativas de Diversidad

• Steffi Milfort (Hunter College) – Oficina de Políticas Públicas

• Minh Nguyen (City College) – Oficina de Ley y Ajuste

• Uche Olunoye (John Jay College) – Oficina de Ley y Ajuste

• Daliza Peralta (Baruch College) – Oficina de Administración

• Giovanne Quezada (Lehman College) – Oficina de contabilidad

• Jessica Rosenthal (Hunter College) – Oficina de Ley y Ajuste

• Allison Stillerman (Hunter College) – Oficina de Políticas Públicas

• Amina Stone-Taylor (Brooklyn College) – Oficina de Ley y Ajuste

• José Suárez (Hunter College) – Oficina de Prensa

• Julissa Valerio (Hunter College) – Oficina de Administración de Contratos Para más información, por favor visite

comptroller.nyc.gov o cuny.edu.

FELLOWS from p4

City Comptroller Scott Stringer.


El programa es la primera asociación

de este tipo.

Los becarios trabajarán en una variedad de oficinas.

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OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com 19

Slowly but surely, New York continues to reopen

with businesses and families adapting to new safety guidelines regarding COVID-19.

As the city gets back to business, there are new challenges and many are feeling anxious about getting around the city – whether commuting to work, school, or running daily errands.

At EmblemHealth, we are committed to keeping you safe and healthy during these uncertain times. With an 80-year legacy of serving New York families, we’ve stood by New Yorkers through The Great Depression, and we are here for you today.

Here are a few tips for moving around the city safely if you have to venture out:

Follow CDC Guidelines: A recent study indicated the rate of transmission during regular commuting is fairly low, as long as CDC guidelines are followed. That includes wearing a mask and maintaining a safe distance between yourself and other riders.

De manera lenta pero segura, Nueva York continúa reabriendo con los

negocios y las familias adaptándose a las nuevas pautas de seguridad con respecto a la COVID-19.

A medida que la ciudad vuelve a los negocios, hay nuevos desafíos y muchos se sienten ansiosos por moverse por la ciudad, ya sea para ir al trabajo, la escuela o hacer los mandados diarios.

En EmblemHealth, estamos comprometidos a mantenerlo

seguro y saludable durante estos momentos inciertos. Con un legado de 80 años de servicio a las familias de Nueva York, hemos apoyado a los neoyorquinos durante la Gran Depresión, y hoy estamos aquí para usted.

Aquí algunos consejos para moverse por la ciudad de manera segura si tiene que aventurarse a salir:

Siga las pautas de los CDC: Un estudio reciente indicó que la tasa de transmisión durante los viajes regulares al trabajo es bastante baja, siempre que se sigan las pautas de los CDC. Eso incluye usar una mascarilla y mantener una distancia segura entre usted y otros viajeros.

Make a Plan: Examine your planned commute route to find the ideal time to leave your home or office to ensure you can wait for a less crowded train or bus and will have enough space to maintain a safe distance from other commuters.

Be Prepared: Have any necessary items handy and available during your commute,

including your mask, hand sanitizer, and gloves. It might even be helpful to pack these and other items the night before so it’s one less thing to worry about in the morning.

Be Flexible: Consider being flexible on your mode of transportation. Before cold weather hits New York City, why not think about walking a portion of your commute if your schedule and route allow?

During these uncertain times, we encourage you to take advantage of everything EmblemHealth has to offer with additional COVID-19 resources.

For information about topics and resources that might be helpful to you and your family, please visit emblemhealth.com/healthyathome.

Getting Around Getting Around NYC SafelyNYC Safely

Moverse en NYC Moverse en NYC de forma segura de forma segura

Haga un plan: Examine su ruta de viaje planificada para encontrar el momento ideal para salir de su casa u oficina para asegurarse de que pueda esperar un tren o autobús menos concurrido y tenga suficiente espacio para mantener una distancia segura de otros pasajeros.

Esté preparado: Tenga todos los artículos necesarios a mano y disponibles durante su viaje, incluida la mascarilla, el desinfectante para manos y los guantes. Incluso podría ser útil empacar estos y otros artículos la noche anterior para tener una cosa menos de qué preocuparse por la mañana.

Sea flexible: Considere ser flexible en su modo de transporte. Antes de que el clima frío llegue a la ciudad de Nueva York, ¿por qué no pensar en caminar una parte de su viaje si su horario y ruta lo permiten?

Durante estos tiempos de incertidumbre, les alentamos a aprovechar todo lo que EmblemHealth tiene para ofrecer con recursos adicionales de COVID-19.

Para obtener información sobre temas y recursos que podrían ser útiles para usted y su familia, por favor visite emblemhealth.com/healthyathome.

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20 OCTOBER 07, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com