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Oct. 2011 Cascade Courier

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Newsletter for the Cascade Bicycle Club. Volume 41, Issue # 10.

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In This IssueHelp elect pro-bike leaders ...........................2Bylaws update faq ..........................................22011 Proposed bylaw revisions .....................3Club board elections and bylaw revisions ...3Letters to the editor ......................................4Take a kid mountain biking day .................5Pedal-driven a bikeumentary .........................5Free classes at the library ............................5Board candidate profiles ............................ 6-7

Consider a gift to cascade ............................8October rides .............................................8-10Rides chatter ...................................................9Cyclist of the month ....................................10October violunteers needed .........................11Cascade contacts ...........................................11Membership form ..........................................11Welcome new members ...............................12White center tunes and tune-ups ..............12

OCTOBER 2011 / Vol. 41, No. 10

Vote pro-bike this November!

Ballots are mailed on Oct. 21. Review our endorsements

at www.cascade.org.

Cascade Bicycle Club’s Annual Membership MeetingREI Seattle, 222 Yale Ave. NTuesday, Oct. 117 to 8:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30 p.m.)

Whether you are new to Cascade or a long-time member, there is always something to learn about your Club. Cascade staff and board members will give a “state of the Club” address and be on hand to answer your

questions. We’ll also hold the second of two board candidate forums. Board candi-dates will introduce themselves, talk about why they want to be on the board and answer questions. This is also your last opportunity to cast your ballot. The member-ship meeting is a great way to get to know your Club, its staff and its leaders, and to meet your fellow members. The meeting is open to non-members – come and learn why Cascade is the largest and most effective bicycle club in the country.

The Edmonds Bicycle Advocacy Group (EBAG) has played a key role in establishing Cascade’s

Basics of Bicycling in the Edmonds School District. Basics of Bicycling, Cascade’s signature elementary school program, ex-panded to the Edmonds District last school year, and served 2,000 students in nine schools in its pilot year. Bikes are deliv-ered to schools for three-week periods and physical education teachers teach Cascade’s curriculum to the third to fifth grade stu-dents. Cascade trains teachers and assists in administering the program. The Edmonds District is providing two part-time teachers to help administer and run the program from the district end. Recent grants and sponsorships (mentioned in last month’s Courier) will help expand the program to all elementary schools in the district and also add an advanced component for middle school students.

Hank Landau, one of the Edmonds Bicy-cle Advocacy Group members who played a large role in getting the program started, says, “When we began this work, we never expected everything to come together so quickly and so well. Thanks to the enthusi-asm of the Edmonds School District staff, the endorsements of local municipalities, the leadership from Cascade, the financial support from local institutions, and the support of volunteers, we have been privi-leged to witness the smiles on children’s

Advocacy group plays key role in founding Basics of Bicycling in Edmondsby Julie Salathé, Education Director

faces as they ride on shiny new bikes.”Hank, along with long-time Cascade ride

leader Peter Hallson, and Peter Block were crucial in many ways for starting and help-ing implement the program, from lining up funding sources, and meeting with Jenny Hershey, Tony Byrd, and many others at the Edmonds School District, Swedish/Ed-monds Hospital’s Steve Kaiser, city officials in the Edmonds district, and of course, Cascade, to discuss their vision for starting a program in Edmonds.

Additionally, five members in EBAG attended the build-a-bike evening at Cas-cade, to assemble the first 30 bikes when they arrived last fall (John Larpenteur and Jan Niemi, in addition to the three listed above). Also, two members of EBAG (Roy Chapel & Fred Bonello) have been loading/hauling the bicycles from school to school during the past school year. Other active EBAG members have expressed a desire to become more involved.

Jan Niemi says, “The BOB program has been a joy to all of us in EBAG...to see it come together after a lot of effort of nu-merous members, and finally to be imple-mented to help our local children learn safe bicycling habits. We also were very happy to hear that more than $100,000 of additional funding has been awarded that will help to expand this program in the Edmonds School District this school year.”

This year, we’ve lost friends, family and co-workers needlessly on the roadways. More than a few have

been bicyclists and important members of our community. Many of us are still griev-ing.

Instead of accepting death on the road as part of our inevitable reality, Cascade has called for the community, our leaders and all road users to take a stand: Enough is enough. No fatality is acceptable. We can – and must – do better.

On Thursday, Sept. 15, we held a press conference in Seattle’s University District, where Robert Townsend was killed on his bike as a result of a collision with a vehicle. With about 60 people in attendance and all the major television networks with cam-eras and recorders rolling, we brought five compelling speakers to call for immediate change.

Seattle Councilmember and Transporta-tion Chair Tom Rasmussen talked about the need for better infrastructure. Feet First Executive Director Lisa Quinn spoke about her own recent bicycle/car collision, and the need for critical pedestrian safety improve-ments. King County Councilmember and Board of Health Chair Joe McDermott spoke about the threat of unsafe roads to an active lifestyle and healthy citizens. Ser-geant Sean Whitcomb of the Seattle Police Department assured SPD’s commitment to enforcement to protect all road users. And our own M.J. Kelly stole the show with a touching personal story and a powerful call to action.

To close the press conference, I laid out Cascade’s four immediate outcomes:

Zero fatalities. We want to see a recom-mitment from our cities and our state toward the vision of zero traffic fatalities.

Safe streets for everyone starts nowby John Mauro, Director of Policy, Planning and Government Affairs

M.J. Kelly, of the Cascade staff, spoke about how it feels to lose a family member to a preventable traffic fatality. She called on the community and our leaders to do better for roadway safety. (Photo: Marshall Brown)

An informed, engaged public. We want more people who thought they were on the sidelines to come together and realize that they can do something to make our city better and safer.

Less rhetoric. We want to tone down the divisive, inflammatory rhetoric so that we can engage in a civil and responsible conversation about how to make our city streets safer and better.

Leadership. We want action from our elected officials to make protecting our most vulnerable roadway users a top prior-ity.

As a Cascade member and friend of cycling, we invite you to join us in making progress today and in the coming months to create a safer, better community for ev-eryone. It means supporting the BikePAC, so that true champions for bicycling are elected. This means helping in our efforts with Streets for All Seattle to pass Seattle Proposition 1 in November, which will fund much-needed repairs to our deterio-rating roadways and construction of better bicycling infrastructure. It means working with us in the legislature to pass HR 1700, the Complete Streets bill.

And last but not least, it means taking a close look at your own conduct on the road as a driver, pedestrian and cyclist. We are all in a hurry at one point or another in our day. But let’s remember to make sure that we’re always setting the best examples of safety over speed, and courtesy over velocity.

We can – and we will – do better.

Do your part to make this the last ghost bike we ever see.

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October 2011

The contents of this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of the Club or any of its members. The views expressed are those of the individual contributors.

Submissions guidelines: Article ideas should be discussed with the Editor in advance as the publication calendar is planned two months prior to publication. Final materials are due the first Tuesday of the month, though earlier is appreciated. Articles submitted after that will be considered on a space-available basis. Items can be emailed to. [email protected]. If you send text attachments, please format files as native MS Word files or .RTF. For line art please use an .eps format and for photos please use .jpg or .tiff format. The Courier is printed at 300 dpi, so a small 72 dpi photo will not reproduce. If you attach your name and phone number, I will do my best (conditions permitting) to discuss any major changes with you. All submissions are subject to editing for comprehension, grammar or space requirements. Please be concise!

M.J. Kelly, Editor

Diane English, Editorial Assistant; Susan Hiles, Photography; October Contributors: John Mauro, Erica Meurk,

Robin Randels, Julie Salathé, Jim Shedd, Michael Snyder, Kat Sweet

We know not all of you could make it out to our BikePAC Trivia Night on Sept. 27, but

fear not, there is still a chance for you to join the more than 50 staff, volunteers, and supporters who have already pledged their support to BikePAC this year.

Your gift to BikePAC helps elect bike-friendly candidates running for office this election season, candidates who will decide on billions of dollars in transportation infrastructure in communities throughout our region in the coming year. Most importantly, your gift through BikePAC signals to these candidates the potent power of the biking community in Washington.

All the work we do throughout the year is made easier with the right people in office. Help us elect bike champions with your gift today.

Online at www.cascade.org/bikepac Or send your check (please include your contact information) to:BikePACPO Box 66591Seattle, WA 98166We can do better! Safer streets now! And with the right people in office we will!

Classified ads are free to Cascade members. See the Classifieds section for further details about submitting a classified ad.

Inserts: We have room for 6 single sheet qualifying inserts in each issue. The minimum fee is $300 per insert. Please contact Erica Meurk, 206-522-7517, for a copy of our insert policy and request form. The request and fee are due by the first of the month prior to the desired month.

Advertising: Advertising: Display ads can be placed in the Courier. Prices range from $125-$300 per month. Discounts available for multiple ads. Contact Erica Meurk, 206-522-7517, [email protected].

Reprints: Articles may be reprinted or abstracted in publications of nonprofit groups provided that the author and Club are credited. Please send us a copy of the reprinted material.

Membership Information: Club records and finances are available to members upon request from the club office at 206-522-3222.

Help elect Pro-bike leaders

Bylaws Update FAQby Michael Snyder, Chair, Bylaws Review Committee

The club has proposed bylaw changes for approval by the membership. This FAQ explains the reasoning behind

these changes.

What was the motivation for the proposed updates?

The motivation was to make the bylaws work better for the membership and to make the club more responsive to the membership. First, with the huge increase in membership, the processes laid out in the bylaws no longer ensure a fully participatory democratic process. When the bylaws were created, the membership could fit into a large room to conduct club business; this is no longer the case. This update is the first step toward maximizing membership participation in club business by using balloting instead of a proxy system, where possible, for issues decided by the membership. Second, the club wants to give the membership more power over the composition of the board of directors by limiting the term of board-appointed interim and fill-in directors to one year.

The bylaws don’t ensure full participation in club business?

Except for the election of directors, the bylaws do not require club-wide balloting for important votes, such as recalls. They only allow for proxies at club meetings and do not require the club to aid in the proxy process. At any club meeting (whether the annual meeting or one called by the board or membership), club business is conducted by majority vote of those present and eligible to vote. Because the club is not required to ballot important issues or help in providing proxies, your voice could be easily lost, allowing a small number of

people at a meeting to decide the outcome. In particular, the proposed bylaw changes require balloting for recalling directors. This change not only makes the process more democratic, because it ensures that all club members have a voice; it also makes it fairer: since ballots are required to elect a director, they should also be required to un-elect (recall) a director.

Other than balloting, what’s the biggest change being made to the director recall process?

The recall process has two phases. During the first phase, signatures are collected to trigger a Special Meeting of the membership. The second phase occurs between the certification of that that petition and the Special Meeting. During this phase, members vote on recalling the director named in the recall petition. The bylaws currently place no time limit on signature gathering, which puts a cloud over the director being recalled for an indefinite period of time. The time limit is necessary to ensure that the board member(s) facing recall are not under that threat for an undetermined amount of time, as it is very difficult to conduct business with an uncertain future. Proper and efficient governance requires a closed-ended process. The proposed bylaws make two changes that give more power to the petitioners and limit the time for gathering signatures. To give the petitioners more power and a stronger voice, once a petition has 100 valid signatures, the club must announce the petition effort to the membership and provide hyperlinks to relevant websites so that the membership can learn more about the pros and con arguments for the petition. The proposed changes also put a time limit of eight weeks on the signature-gathering process. Given the requirement that the recall petition be announced to

the membership, the ubiquity and reach of social media, and other avenues for reaching the membership (such as advertisements and inserts in the Cascade Courier), eight weeks should be more than adequate for collecting signatures (at today’s membership numbers, that’s about 90 signatures a week, or less than 13 signatures a day). Because a recall undoes an election, which should happen only under extraordinary circumstances, the cause for recall should be obvious and gathering the required signatures should pose no hardship. The proposed bylaws changes do not prevent a failed petition effort from being attempted anew, so a dedicated effort could immediately launch a second petition to gather the necessary signatures.

Are there any other changes to the process to make it more democratic and give the membership more voice?

Yes, the proposed bylaw changes require a quorum on the number of votes in a recall to prevent a small number of votes from removing a director. A recall undoes an election, thereby removing the voice of those who initially elected that director. It would be unfair and undemocratic if a few tens of votes were all that it took to remove a director elected with hundreds or thousands of votes. The proposed changes require that at least half as many people vote in a recall as voted in the prior election. This guarantees that a recall is truly the choice of the membership at large.

Isn’t the club just trying to make the recall process harder?

No, the club is trying to make the process more open, democratic, and fair and to involve the entire membership. But democracy is hard. Undoing an election via recall must be as democratic and open as possible. The proposed changes explicitly attempt to balance the extra burden of a time

limit with guaranteed inclusion of the entire membership, which makes conducting a recall easier.Why does the club want to prevent recalling the entire board of directors at once?

The club is able to enter into contracts, hire employees, obtain insurance, and collect revenue, etc., because it is a Washington state corporation. The state laws that govern corporations put the legal power of the corporation in the board. The board is the legal entity that conducts club business by delegating its powers to the staff that it hires. Recent events have shown that the board member recall provisions of the bylaws, which were never intended to be used to recall the entire board, can be used to do just that. If there is no legally constituted board, the club’s corporate status is at risk: it can no longer enter into contracts, hire employees, make insurance claims, etc. Any actions taken by the club could later be declared null and void. To avoid this jeopardy to the club, the proposed changes do not allow the number of board members to be reduced below the quorum required to conduct club business.

But then how do we keep the directors accountable?

Attend the board meetings that are announced in the club calendar, held at the club office, and open to the public. Read the minutes that are published on the website for all members to read. Vote when board members stand for re-election at the end of each three-year term. Volunteer to serve on committees and task forces. Attend the annual meeting. And most importantly, vote!

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“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling” 3

Vol. 41, No. 10

Meet the candidatesBoard Candidate ForumThursday, Oct. 6, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.Mountaineers Office, Magnuson Park7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle

Recent tragic fatalities throughout the state of Washington prove that we have much work to do to make our

communities bikable for everyone. From personal conduct regarding how all travelers behave when using our transportation and recreational infrastructure to massive improve-ments in the infrastructure itself. We can do better! We have to do better!

At Cascade, we literally reach tens of thou-sands of cyclists and hundreds of thousands of others. We have a tremendous opportunity to encourage more and more people to bicycle; to have bicycling contribute to a lighter hu-man footprint; and to improve the health and well-being of our communities—in short, to build communities that bicycle. Communities where bicycling is recognized and appreciated as an important contributor to living a healthy, connected and fun life for everyone and where bicycling is a key indicator of a livable com-munity. And where bicycling is safe!

Over the last several months, the Club’s Nominations Committee was busy searching for board candidates who share this vision and who have the drive to help build com-munities that bicycle—and communities where bicycling is safe. At the same time, the Club’s Bylaw Review Committee took a look at several key bylaws that seemed out-of-date and/or particularly problematic for governing a 40-year-old club in the age of the internet.

During our current election, our members have the opportunity to vote on the outcome of the work of these committees.

BOARD ELECTIONIn searching for board candidates, the

Nominations Committee emphasized past Club service, diversity, and ability to carry out key board responsibilities in terms of Club governance. After several months of recruiting and several weeks of interviewing, nine great candidates were found. The Committee was delighted to present this slate of candidates to the Club’s board of directors and to have the full slate approved.

These nine candidates are running for four open 2012 to 2014 board positions as the board expands to 12 members from the cur-rent nine (one current board member will be stepping down). Candidate statements appear on pages six and seven and can be found on the Club’s website, www.cascade.org. A Board Candidate Forum will be held on Thursday, Oct. 6, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Mountaineers Office (Magnuson Park 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle). We encourage you to participate: read the statements; attend the Forum; attend the Annual Membership meeting Oct. 11, 7

to 8:30 p.m. at REI in Seattle, where candi-dates will also be introduced. And vote!

BYLAW REVISION VOTE In early 2012, Cascade will convene a

task force to review our bylaws. If you are interested in being a member of this group, please call the office at (206) 522-3222. In the meantime, several contentious and perhaps outdated bylaws were reviewed by a commit-tee appointed by the board of directors. The committee’s recommended changes appear on the October ballot along with the board candidates.

The board is proposing bylaw revisions in three areas: a) the process for director recall; (b) the terms of board-appointed interim directors; and(c) the quorum required for the board to conduct Club business. The full text of each recommended change is on page three and can also be found on the Club’s web-site. An FAQ is also provided on page two. Ratifying the proposed changes will require a two-thirds majority of all votes cast.

CASTING YOUR BALLOTAll current Cascade Bicycle Club members

are eligible to vote, and your membership number must be provided on the ballot. Your membership number can be found on your account at http://shop.cascade.org or by calling the office at 206-522-3222.. Ballots are available in this copy of your Courier and may be downloaded from the Club’s web-site at www.cascade.org. Blank ballots may be reproduced. To mail your ballot, place it in an envelope with sufficient postage and mail it with a postmark dated no later than Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011, to: Cascade Bicycle Club, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 101S, Seattle, WA 98115.

To deliver your ballot in person, take it to the Cascade Bicycle Club office at 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg #138, Seattle, during Club business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.), or bring it to the Club’s Annual Membership Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Seattle REI Store.

Club board elections and bylaw revisions

Candidates for the 2012 Board of DirectorsSee pages 6 and 7 for candidate statements.

Nick BrownCandy CastellanosJessica EmersonEverett FruehlingJon GouldDr. Rayburn LewisMo McBroomCharles RuthfordEd Yoshida

Proposal No. 1: Should the Cascade Bicycle Club change the process for director recall to make it more democratic and guarantee the continuous governance of the club?

The current process for director recall does not proscribe a time limit for collecting signatures, uses a physical meeting with a quorum of 25 members for deciding a recall (giving voice to only the most dedicated activists out of a club of 14,000+), and can reduce the size of the board below a quorum, thereby putting the legal status of the club at jeopardy. The proposed changes fix each of these problems. First, they establish a strict time limit for collecting petition signatures. Second, they require club wide balloting and a quorum requirement on the number of votes. Third, they disallow any recall petition that could reduce the size of the board below the quo-rum required to conduct club business. (Changes Article VI, Section 5 and Article IX, Section 1)

Proposal No. 2: Should the quorum requirement on the board for conducting club business be updated to account for increased board sizes?

The current quorum requirement is 6 regardless of board size. This requirement is clearly inad-equate for boards with 12 or more directors. The proposed change creates a quorum requirement of a majority of the board or 6 directors, whichever is greater. (Changes Article X, Section 4)

Proposal No. 3: Should the term for direc-tors serving board appointed interim terms be limited to one year?

The bylaws provide for board-appointed direc-tors that can serve on the board for a period before putting themselves up for election. This mechanism allows candidates to experience being a director before they make a three year commitment to be an elected member of the board, and thereby helps in recruitment of great directors. The current wording of the term limits on such directors allows them to serve for more than a year. The proposed changes limit the term to a year, and require such directors run for elected office at the first opportunity if they wish to remain on the board. They also require that filling vacancies of interim terms meets the same standards as establishing interim terms. (Changes Article VIII, Section 3 and Article X, Section 2)

Text of Proposed Bylaw Revisions

Article VI – Voting Rights, Elections, and Amendments

section 5. All actions at Business, Special, and Board meetings shall be passed by simple majority, except for elections, recalls, and amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws.

Article VIII - Directors

section 3. In the event of the resignation, demise, or removal of a Director not serving a board appointed interim term, the Board shall appoint a Cascade Bicycle Club member in good standing to fill that vacancy until the end of the current calendar year. At the next Annual Business Meeting the membership shall elect a person to complete the unexpired term of office. The newly elected director shall assume office on January 1st following the election.

Article IX - Removal of Officers or Directors

section 1. An Officer or Director may be recalled by the membership in the following manner: A petition stating the grounds for

Proposed revisions to the bylaws of the Cascade Bicycle ClubVote on these proposed bylaws changes using the ballot inserted in this newsletter

the recall and signed by at least one hundred (100) members or five percent (5%) of the membership, whichever is greater, shall be presented to the Board. Grounds to support a recall include dereliction of duty, negligence, or actions not in accordance with the pur-poses of the Club. The Secretary (or President if the Secretary is the one so charged) shall certify the petition within 10 days of its delivery to the Office. The Board will, at its next meeting, schedule a Special Meeting as prescribed in Article V to conduct the recall election and the duties of the named Officer or Director will be assumed by other Board members pending the outcome of the recall election.

Grounds to support a recall include derelic-tion of duty, negligence, or actions not in accordance with the purposes of the Club. A board member may be recalled by the mem-bership in the following manner. The board is notified that a petition of recall is about to be circulated and the name of the board member to be recalled. Once the petition-ers provide 100 post-notification names, dated signatures, and membership numbers (to be verified within 2 business days by the secretary or president) the club shall elec-tronically announce that a recall is in process, along with a link to the petitioner’s website, and other relevant websites, if any. No more than 8 weeks from the date of notification, a petition stating the grounds for the recall and signed by at least one hundred (100) mem-bers or five percent (5%) of the membership in good standing at the time the petition is filed, whichever is greater, shall be presented to the Board. Each signature shall be accom-panied by the signatory’s printed name and club membership number, and shall be dated. The Secretary (or President if the Secretary is the one so charged) shall certify the petition within 10 days of its delivery to the Office. The Board will, at its next meeting, schedule a Special Meeting as prescribed in Article V to conduct the recall election. Absentee ballots for the recall shall be sent along with notice of the Special Meeting. The ballot may include an argument for the recall and an argument against the recall. Ballots shall be available online when the meeting notice is sent. The club will also provide an electronic forum for members to discuss the pro and con sides of the case. Votes may be cast: a) by mailing an absentee ballot to the address specified on the ballot postmarked no later than the date of the Special Meeting or b) by delivery of the ballot to the Special Meeting. The votes shall be tabulated and certified ten (10) business days after the Special Meeting. The Club reserves the right to establish policies and procedures to ensure that each person voting is a member in good standing and has cast only one vote. For a recall to succeed, at least half as many people must vote in it as voted in the most recent board election. For purposes of continuity and governance, any petition that could reduce the board below a quorum (Article X, Section 4) shall not be certified. 2007 Amendment

Any board member may be removed from the Board if their conduct is deemed to be con-tinually antagonistic or counter-productive, or if the board deems the Board Member’s conduct to be inconsistent with the mission of Cascade. A Board Member may be removed at any time by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board at large or by unanimous agreement of the Executive Committee (comprised of the four officers: President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer).

Article X – The Board of Directors

section 2. The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds majority, may appoint a Club member in good standing to serve an interim term of up to one year with a two-thirds major-ity vote of the standing Board. The 1-year interim term shall begin to run from the time of the Annual Business Meeting, although the appointed director may serve in full capac-ity from the date of appointment by the Board if the appointment is made prior to the Annual Business Meeting appointment vote. The interim term runs until the end of the calendar year. No person can serve more than one interim term. No more than 3 board members appointed via this section can serve

at the same time. These interim appointments are allowed to raise the maximum number of board members set in Section 1 of this article. Thereafter, for a board-appointed director to remain on the Board, he or she would need to be placed on the slate of candidates for elec-tion by the Nominating Committee and duly elected to a full 3-year term by a plurality of votes of Club members at the Annual Business Meeting.

section 4 The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be six (6) members present or a majority of the board present, whichever is greater. No official business may be conducted in the absence of a quorum.

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October 2011

Dear Editor,We have concerns about the proposed

bylaws changes and are urging members to VOTE NO on the Cascade Board’s proposal to limit the rights of the members to recall the Board of Directors. The changes would remove a majority of the board from any accountability to the members, and severely restrict the ability of the members to recall any board members.

The current bylaws give members the right to remove all of the directors at one time, and they do not set a time limit for the recall campaign. The board proposes to limit the number of board members that could be re-called, requiring that any recall effort retain a minimum of six current board members. The board also wishes to set a strict timeline of 8 weeks to gather the necessary 700 signatures.

No Need To Maintain a Quorum. The board has argued that they need to main-tain a quorum at all times in order to have “continuity” for the Club. This change would shield half of the board members from being recalled.

There appears to be no legal reason for this additional restriction. We believe that concerns regarding the number of minimum required directors for the Club to maintain its non-profit incorporation are misunder-stood. Indeed, the Club recently replaced all but one of its directors using the current bylaws.

If the membership desired to petition to recall all but the required number of board members permitted under this amendment, thus leaving only six directors remaining (quorum), those remaining directors have the power to set the maximum number of direc-tors to serve on the board in the subsequent year to the minimum of 9 directors, as out-lined in the bylaws This allows the remain-ing 6 directors, as constituting quorum, to maintain an active majority and potentially fails to provide for a balanced voice of the membership.

As a membership organization, the right to petition to recall directors as the membership desires is in the spirit of self-governance. The addition of this language places an unreason-able restriction on the power of the member-ship to petition to recall directors; effectively allowing the directors to continue governing the organization without any accountability to the membership.

No Need for 8 Week Deadline.The board is proposing an arbitrary 8 week deadline for the recall campaign As leaders of the recent recall campaign, we can testify that this length of time is unreasonable and likely to ensure the failure of future recalls. Indeed, it may discourage recalls entirely. And as the club grows, so will the number of signatures required, yet the timeline will remain fixed at only 8 weeks.

Inadequate Access to the Membership. The proposed changes leave much ambiguity as to how the recall information will be com-municated to the members and implies that those decisions will be made by the Board of Directors and/or the Cascade Staff. We be-lieve that the provision for a recall campaign must include the right of the petitioners to reach each and every member of the Club, on several occasions, in an unedited manner.

Lack of Member Input and Reasonable Com-ment Period. Though the board announced these proposed revisions exactly 60 days prior to the election, we are disappointed that the membership has not been provided a reason-able or meaningful comment period, effec-tively disallowing any discussion or modifica-tion to these proposals prior to the vote, and forcing the membership into an up or down vote. Indeed, the members were notified of the formation of the Bylaws Task Force only a week before nominations were closed. The only other announcement came three weeks later when the members were informed of

LETTERS TO THE EDITORthe October vote on the changes. We asked the board to withdraw these proposals from the October election, so there could be more member input, but they refused.

Lack of Revisions to Election Procedures. Throughout the challenges of the previous year, many members have continually called for an overall revision to the elections process. Members are still being allowed to vote only for candidates hand-picked by the Board of Directors. As a long-time member, Eric Shalit noted in his August 21 letter to the Board of Directors, numerous concerns with the election procedures, including the holding of a candidate forum on the last day of the elec-tion, when most members have already voted.

Members are still being allowed to vote only for candidates hand-picked by the Board of Directors. It is the Board who chooses the Nominating Committee that chooses the criteria and recommends candidates to the Board, who then decides which candidates to put on the ballot. As Eric Shalit has said, the Board is “holding new elections in a way that would not even pass muster in a third-world nation.”

In brief, the new bylaws would set an 8-week timeline to collect 700 signatures (5% of the current 14,000 members); they may not allow the recall campaign adequate access to the list of members; and it would entirely prevent the recall of a board majority. The bylaws shield the board from the recall process, thereby removing any accountability to the membership.

These bylaw changes would entirely prevent the members from holding half of the board of directors accountable for their actions, and would severely restrict the ability of the members to recall the other half of the board. They take power out of the hands of the members and place it in the Board of Directors.

If you want Cascade to remain a member-driven non-profit club, with the board accountable to the membership, you will VOTE NO on these changes.

Renee Barton, ride leaderKelli Currie

Keith Hoeller

Dear Editor,Last spring the so-called “Rescue Squad”

was able to force out the entire Cascade Bi-cycle Club board of directors after an intermi-nable campaign characterized by rumors and vicious personal attacks. Think what you will about the validity of their cause, the Squad’s actions cast the Club in a questionable light both in the eyes of the cycling community and in the eyes of Cascade’s supporters. The Squad wants to retain the right to force out another entire board anytime the board does something the Squad disagrees with, and they want no restriction on the amount of time they’re allowed to spend gathering the number of signatures necessary to mandate a recall election.

The Cascade Bicycle Club is a $3.5 million-a-year operation with a staff of 25 and four AmeriCorps volunteers supporting 14,000+ members. An operation of this size and complexity needs a board of directors who are empowered to guide and govern it. A campaign to gather recall signatures is a public vote of no confidence that hinders the ability of board members to do the work we elected them to do. Moreover, if a group like the Squad is allowed to recall enough board members that the board no longer has enough members for a valid vote, the Club is thrown into legal limbo for months, until a new board can be elected. Limiting the amount of time for gathering signatures prevents board members from being under permanent threat of recall, and limiting the number of board members who can be recalled at one time ensures that the Club can still function if the recall is successful.

Do we want to control the Cascade Bicycle Club through a democratic process in which the entire Club membership elects and, if appropriate, recalls the members of the board, or do we want a small group of vocal bullies to treat the board like their personal puppets?

I’ll be voting for the proposed changes to the bylaws.

Scott Kralik, ride leader

Dear Editor,This year the membership of the CBC

elected an entirely new Board (except for one continuing member). Candidates for the Board were selected by a nominations com-mittee in a open process. The new Board set off to work diligently on many issues before CBC including re-writing the bylaws. In the process of rewriting the bylaws, the Board requested help from any member of CBC. None showed up.

Now we find that the Bike Rescue Squad is opposed to these changes for a variety of reasons. But they have failed to participate in the committee. They have failed to run for the Board.

While feedback on board activity is good and helps to keep the membership engaged, to be effective the board needs more than just criticism, or a thumbs down. It’s a volunteer organization with people trying to do the best that they can. With that in mind, what they really need is active engagement, members voted for change, now as members we need to step up and drive the change or agree that what is being done is a reasonable improve-ment and support the changes that they are proposing. We have read a lot of the feedback in Bike Talk and on the CBC message board and agree that some tweaks would improve the process to be better yet, but we also think that this is a great first step and we should support the board as they make these changes and then help them update the changes over the next year, so that 2011 is better and 2012 is darn near perfect.

As for the specifics of the proposed bylaws changes, they are quite simple. Eight weeks is more than sufficient for a group to organize and collect signatures. The clock starts any time the petitioners like – after they have had numerous public meetings, chat rooms, or anything else they desire – but begins once they start to collect signatures. A long drawn out process, like last year’s Board process – doesn’t benefit the Club. And the Club is required to announce to its membership the recall effort and provide hyperlinks to their web site – what other club does that? The quorum requirement also seems reasonably thought out and protects the Club. Go read the changes yourself and make your own decision.

The Club has much more important busi-ness at hand. Cyclists in Seattle have died at an alarming rate in the recent weeks. A strong board, staff, and membership participation is essential to the functioning of Cascade. This proposal significantly improves member participation in the Board selection process and allows the Club to focus on important cycling issues.

We urge you to vote yes on the bylaw changes.

Saul Kinderis, ride leaderGary Prince, former board member

and ride leaderErik Nilsson, member, board nominating

committee, 2010

Dear Editor,The bylaws change has an aroma. I have

become aware that there is a “ground swell” of talk going around about the impending bylaws changes that will soon be voted on. Besides the fact that some feel this is being rushed into a vote with little time for review and with no ability to submit suggestions for improvement, there are some who now

have the impression that the primary agenda of the board is to further insulate themselves from another recall situation, which the Club recently experienced. They see the impend-ing changes as obviously favorable to the board in that respect. Also, it appears that the entire package of these changes is included in one up or down vote. The Board knows very well that the vast majority of the many thousands of Club members are apathetic in their voting, based on past history, but it is those “concerned active members” (the ones who do care about the Club) who can make a real “stink” if their sense of correctness and fairness is ignored. They are the ones who are at the heart of the organization and who participate and make the Club what it is, contrary to the many who are just a name on a database. I have talked with many of those people who do care, including some of the staff, and the consensus I’ve received is that the vote should be delayed for further review. The advantage to the board here is that they will gain the confidence of those caring mem-bers and create the impression that they really do want to get it right, and that they also care. I would rather smell the stink of roses. How about you?

Dave Schindele, ride leader

Dear Editor,I would like to make a few comments from

the wisdom (or senility) of old age concern-ing the current food fight over the bylaws. I joined Cascade somewhere in the late 1970s and had been a very active rider until an encounter with a car five years ago, includ-ing completing the STP at age 70 in 2005. I also was an active bicycle commuter from the 1970s until retiring from the practice of law 12 years ago (Gary Strauss was one of my partners in law and cycling).

All of us joined Cascade because we like to ride, want to make riding safe for us and others, and want to support the bicycling community. We did not join to have Cascade become as dysfunctional as the US Congress

Cascade was a very small organization in the 1970s. In fact, I can’t even remember if we had a paid staff at all. As is common with most organizations, Cascade developed with little, if any, attention paid to the bylaws. I have drafted bylaws for many groups over the years, and found that in most cases, the mem-bers paid little attention to them and went on with their business, rarely dusting off the legalize in the lawyer-drafted organizational documents. Then, when a major problem arises, people often will look at the bylaws, and realize they no longer fit so well as the organization has changed

In my experience, extended fights over by-law changes, especially in non-profit groups, take on a life of their own and sap the energy from the heart of the group. Cascade is in danger of following this path. The bylaws and the proposed changes are not perfect, but additional bickering over bylaws will debilitate this organization. We have elected a new board out of a long list of candidates, and it is time to approve these bylaws and let the board get back to running Cascade for the benefit of all.

Most of the criticisms focus on the recall provisions. Recall is a WMD in the organi-zational and political world. It should only be used for the most egregious of misdeeds. Short of that, the remedy is the ballot box. We have an improved method for electing directors, and people dissatisfied with specific board members or the board as a whole, have the option to make their case at the periodi-cally held elections

Let’s approve the bylaws and get back to doing what Cascade does best - working for the benefit of its members and the cycling community.

Donald P. Swisher, ride leader

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“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling” 5

Vol. 41, No. 10

Friday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m.Doors open at 6:15 p.m.REI Seattle, 222 Yale Ave. NTickets are available in advance through Brown Paper Tickets Cascade members: $10General public: $12

In the pristine forests above Leavenworth, Wash., there exists a world of hidden trail-heads and clandestine trails. Here, a sect of

outdoor enthusiasts, extreme mountain bikers called “freeriders,” has gone underground. They are the skate punks of the forest, unwelcome and under pressure to leave. The locations of their trails are carefully guarded secrets and the riders who ride them keep constant vigil, on the lookout for US Forest Service rangers.

But they won’t leave. Each time one of their trails or jumps is destroyed they sneak back in and rebuild, believing that they have a right to ride through these landscapes. And now, in an effort to combat the problem, local district rangers have been given heightened authority to put any freeriders caught on undesignated trails directly into jail.

Ironically, it can be argued that both sides are fighting for the same thing – the rights of Americans to play in the woods. The freeriders

want the freedom to ride through the natural sanctuaries that are our public forestlands. The U.S. Forest Service is acting to fulfill its legal obligation to administer those same lands, “for the use and enjoyment of the American people.”

The documentary Pedal-Driven will take you behind both sides of this confrontation – riding with the freeriders and chasing them down with the rangers – in an exploration of issues increasingly important to all Americans. With an ever-increasing population and a finite sup-ply of unspoiled wildlands, the sense of urgency around protecting and preserving these national treasures only grows. Pedal-Driven examines the shared philosophies of stewardship and sustainability from both sides and, ultimately, offers examples of the ways in which opposing factions can find common ground in defense of our common grounds.

Following the film we will host a moderated discussion on the state of local trails featuring Mike Westra from Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance and Kat Sweet from Trips for Kids, Dirt Corps and Cascade Bicycle Club.

Brought to you by the Cascade Bicycle Club in partnership with the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance.

Bring some kids and come join us for the annual Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day on Saturday, Oct. 1, at

Duthie Hill Park in Issaquah. Enjoy trail rides through the park, a free BBQ lunch, and enter to win a brand new Specialized Hard Rock bike, thanks to Gregg’s Cycles. Watch local riders and pros including Team Dirt Corps and Team 529, catch huge air in the Jump Jam. Festivities begin at 10 a.m., finishing up around 3 p.m. Register on the Evergreen website. If you would like to make a donation to Trips for Kids to help inner city kids go on more mountain bike trips, please visit www.cascade.org/donate.

This event is recommended for kids 6 and older. Please bring a two-wheel bike for yourself and each child and be sure it’s in good working order. Bicycles West will have mechanics on-site to do light maintenance work. Riding groups will be organized by ability level and age groups. Parents are ex-pected to ride with their kids. Parking will be available at the LDS church next door. Take a

Kid Mountain Biking Day is brought to you by Trips for Kids Seattle, a Cascade Bicycle Club program, and the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. Thanks to King County Parks, IMBA Gregg’s Cycles, and Bicycles West for their support. Contact Kat if you have ques-tions [email protected].

Schedule9 - 10 a.m. ................................ Registration

10 a.m. - noon 12 p.m. ............... Trail Rides

Noon - 1 p.m. ..........................BBQ Lunch

1 - 2 p.m. ..................................... Jump Jam

2 - 3 p.m. .......................Drawing for Prizes

Take a Kid Mountain Biking DaySaturday, Oct. 1by Kat Sweet, Youth Program Manager

Join us for Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day!

Pedal-Driven a bikeumentary

capitol hill .....................................................................Oct 1, 2 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.Greenwood Library .....................................................Oct 4, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.Ballard Library ...............................................................Oct 8, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.high Point Branch ........................................................Oct 15, 11 a.m.to 12:30 p.m.Lake city Library ..........................................................Oct. 20, 6 p.m.to 7:30 p.m.

Get down to the library for free classesby Robin Randels, Classes Coordinator

The Seattle Public Library has teamed up with various organizations to bring you the FREE Urban Self-Reliance Series and Cascade Bicycle Club is one of them! Join us at various branches during the month of October to learn what you need to know

about riding a bike to and from work, school or around town. Discover answers to those burning questions such as – “How do I carry my stuff?” and “What about my hair?”

Learn everything from how to lock your bike, where to ride in the road, how to use the bike infrastructure to asking your employer to create a bike-friendly workplace. Free yourself from traffic-jams, enjoy better health and see your city up close from the seat of your bike.

Find us at:

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October 2011


Nicholas BrownI am a life-long

cyclist who joined Cascade Bicycle Club to both participate in and support a club whose mission I really believe in. My own cycling spans racing, touring, and

commuting and I realize the benefit of the Club’s hard work every time I saddle up. The Club’s comprehensive approach to pursuing its mission motivates me to volunteer to run for a seat on the Board of Directors.

I would bring a lot of energy to the board and to the Club’s programs. I want to get involved in the Club’s advocacy efforts. I live in Kirkland, and with the Club’s help, we were the first city to pass a Complete Streets ordinance. I want to work on identifying the next communities where the Complete Streets model will succeed as it’s a crucial step for making our commutes safer and riding more fun. I also want to build great partnerships with other cycling clubs so we can leverage the work they’re doing. Our advocacy efforts are effective, but we cannot be everywhere at once. We can accomplish a lot through mentoring and supporting the efforts of other groups.

The Club’s education programs are a tre-mendous asset, and I would like to find ways of expanding our catalogue of classes either through partnering with other organizations, or tapping into our tremendous volunteer network. Growing the membership is im-portant, and we need to keep exploring new ways to attract and keep members. I’m well-connected with Seattle’s racing community, and I want to understand how we can bring more of these motivated, active cyclists into the Club to lead rides and volunteer at many of our events they already attend.

Professionally, I’m a business consultant with a background in change management, communication strategy, and operations. I bring a lot of practical experience in helping groups work smoothly together and creating work plans everyone can agree on. My past local clients include Cascade Bicycle Club supporters Microsoft and Starbucks. I have volunteered for the Club in the past, doing maintenance on the fleet of bikes we use for kids classes, and I am always excited by the passion of the people that make the Club work.

The Cascade Bicycle Club does so much good work on behalf of so many people that I would be honored if you would vote for me to serve on the Board of Directors. If having a well-run club that works hard to make cycling safe and accessible to more people is important to you, please vote for me.

Candy CastellanosCycling,

whether for transportation, recreation or sport is one of the most visceral and tactile ways to experience the crossroads of the urban and natural environments. The role that

cycling can play in improving the health, sus-tainability, accessibility and vitality of a com-munity is unmatched by any other modality: cycling brings a community together.

The vision and mission of the Cascade Bicycle Club is, at heart, an exercise in community building. I am thrilled at the op-

portunity to serve the club as an experienced and passionate advocate.

I am a cycling enthusiast and a long-time environmental policy advocate in the Wash-ington community. As a volunteer I have served on boards for the past thirteen years: ten years for the Snohomish chapter of the Washington Conservation Voters board (five as chair), three years on the WCV state board as part of the executive cabinet, and the past two years as a Snohomish Trustee for the Cascade Land Conservancy.

As a professional, I have spent the last 14 years as a project and program manager for many local non-profit organizations, includ-ing the National Audubon Society, the NW Burn Foundation and the Little Red School House. I have also contracted as a consultant, development specialist, event planner and strategic planning facilitator.

In 2009 I joined the CleanScapes’ team as a Waste Diversion Project Manager, and focus my work on teaching sustainability and zero waste strategies to neighborhood, com-mercial and school communities. Internally, I serve as the Sustainability Committee Chair and have partnered with the HR staff to pro-mote trip reduction and bicycle commuting.

I have a particular interest in safe bicycle commuting, but have experience and interest in many issues including outreach, educa-tion, public speaking, events, fundraising, collateral development, business writing and community relations.

It would be an honor to serve as a board member for the Cascade Bicycle Club.

Jessica EmersonI moved to

Seattle by way of Wisconsin seven years ago. I quick-ly fell in love with the landscape and culture of the Pa-cific Northwest. I have always spent time outdoors, and nine times

out of ten I spend my weekends hiking and bicycling. (Girls got to do laundry some-times!)

I work with King County Parks which operates 200 parks and 175 miles of regional trails including Burke-Gilman Trail, Sam-mamish River Trail and other regional bicy-cling treasures. I am on point to help Parks be an entrepreneurial, performance-driven governmental organization. This allows parks to generate non-tax revenue and ensure green space remains open, even during tight fiscal times. I serve on the Parks management team with operating revenue of more than $20 million. I directly oversee Parks business revenue target encompassing 25% of overall operating revenues. Blending my passion for the outdoors with my professional life is something I am very proud of and couldn’t imagine it any other way.

I am an avid cyclist, a budding bike com-muter and a new mom. I am excited to share with my son Oscar the bliss and freedom that riding brings. I worry about the future he will inherit. I have real concerns about clean air, clean water and our urban quality of life. I imagine a world where my son grows up having unlimited access to the adventures and joys of bicycling, where people are richer, happier and breathing fresher air because more people choose their bikes over their cars. Being a board member for Cascade will allow me to help build on this vision for our region.

An effective board will take on many responsibilities including strategic plan-ning, developing the annual budget, being an advocate for the organization, recruiting new board members and ensuring that we

are staying mission focused. I see the board’s foremost responsibility to secure robust resources for Cascade Bicycle Club to grow programs, events and advocacy.

I have more than 13 years of non-profit leadership, business development and fund-raising experience with proven results. Over the course of my nonprofit career I have successfully raised more than $20 million for causes I care about including education, labor unions, health care and parks. I first got involved with Cascade Bicycle Club two years ago as a fundraising consultant. I worked with Cascade’s executive leadership to build a plan to grow Cascade’s major gifts program. As a board member I hope to con-tinue this work to help Cascade to become a more financially sustainable organization.

Everett E. Fruehling“Why am I

running for the Cascade Bicycle Club Board?” The answer is simple, “I have a passion for cycling and I want to contrib-ute to the com-munity.” A good answer, but why does that make

me a good choice to serve on the Board?Passion means I love cycling; all aspects of

it, including the business, racing, recreation, commuting, for fun, for exercise, as an excel-lent means of transportation, and a political force for positive change in the transporta-tion policies for our region and the nation. With this passion I will work to shape the direction and policies of the CBC.

I joined the CBC in 1988, and have been a continuous member since 1997. In that time the CBC expanded from a few thousand to more than 14,000 members. This growth is phenomenal but not without growing pains. A large membership, however, provides the CBC with financial and political clout that can be instruments for promoting the inter-ests of all cyclists.

One challenge facing the CBC is working with and coordinating the different interests of its membership. If elected I will work hard to build consensus as the Board charts a course forward. This means listening to the membership I serve and working with my fellow Board members in developing a clear and cohesive mission statement with set objectives and milestones for reaching them. The process requires healthy debate and flex-ibility, but at the end of the day, the Board, the staff, and the membership need to work together to reach those goals.

I hope one of those goals will be to change the general public perception about cycling and cyclists. We are a diverse group of people of all ages, races, socio-economic and politi-cal backgrounds. Cyclists are not just people on fancy bikes wearing Lycra (guilty as charged!) or red-light running rebels, but also people committed to making a difference by choosing not to drive or to drive a car less often. Cycling is not “alternative” transpor-tation — a challenge to acceptable norms. Instead, cycling should be viewed as a real transportation alternative — another way for people to get from one point to another with equal access to the roads.

Please vote for me; I am excited to serve and will bring a fresh and thoughtful per-spective to the Board!

Jon GouldI am a passion-

ate bicyclist and, if elected to the Cascade Bicycle Club Board of Directors, I would bring that passion and re-spect for all riders to my service on the board.

From my first paid job as a paper boy to my current commute, bicycling has had a special place in my life. I enjoy recreational rides with friends, touring, and the seren-ity of an early morning commute. Riding brings me joy, exploration, and connections to people and places. I am most passionate about the integration of bicycling into daily life. I value how bicycling improves our community, from increasing use of public spaces, to the many recreational, health, and environmental benefits.

I am inspired to serve because I value the Club’s commitment to improving the com-munity through cycling—more people rid-ing, more safely, and more often are goals I look forward to furthering. Cycling needs to be a safe recreational activity for all riders. I am committed to helping advance the social change that is in progress, and badly needed, so that bicycling is a mainstream transporta-tion option, with the necessary resources and public support.

My lobbying, advocacy, and organizational development skills will be assets to the Club. In my 14 years at the Children’s Alliance, I have led successful policy change campaigns that have improved the lives of children. I know how public policy gets formed and changed. I bring strong relationships with elected officials, community leaders, and existing and potential allies to the mission of the Club—including youth organizations as well as racially and economically diverse communities.

The board can best contribute to the suc-cess of the organization by representing the Club’s membership, providing strategic direc-tion, and strong oversight and support to the Executive Director. I enjoy working with others and would bring a commitment to the issues, active listening, non-profit board experience, and reliability.

When Chuck Ayers asked me to run for the board, I began a series of conversations with staff and members to ensure that the Club and me are a good fit. Over the past few months, I have become increasingly excited about contributing to the Club’s mis-sion by serving on the board.

I would be grateful for your vote. Please feel free to contact me at 206.683.2674 or [email protected] if you would like to chat about my candidacy.

See http://childrensalliance.org/about-us/staff/jon-gould for a more detailed biography.

Rayburn Lewis, MDOver my 33

years as physician, and 40+ years as a serious cyclist, I have come to ap-preciate the club’s strong advocacy for the design, building, operat-ing, and policing of safe bicycle

byways. Helmet campaigns, safe cycling courses, driver awareness initiatives, lighting and clothing improvements, new laws and regulations, and many other safety initiatives, will keep cyclists on the road, and not in the emergency room of my hospital.

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“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling” 7

Vol. 41, No. 10


Recently, the club has actively worked to improve cycling access to non-traditional communities and communities of color. For over 20 years, the King County Urban 4H program has afforded Southeast Seattle youths the opportunity to practice leader-ship development, teamwork, and get to the great outdoors. I am proud to have been a 4H leader during that time, helping to organize and lead young men and women on the cycling portion of the outdoor program at Franklin High School. Coach Slye and an ethnically and racially diverse cadre of teach-ers, coaches and volunteers led mountaineer-ing and cycling programs for 8 months of the year. Major Taylor Project is a wonderful, if indirect, legacy of that effort. There are other groups already cycling, such as the Soul Sistas (http://soulsistas.net/), a group of African American Women who have exercised and competed in triathlons, and ridden several STPs. With all the emphasis and news on the negative effects of obesity and inactivity on health, promoting the club’s interest in engaging new communities is “just what the doctor ordered.”

The business community and the club have not been in agreement on a number of issues. Efforts by the organized cycling community to improve and extend trails, establish bike lanes, and manage auto and truck traffic have at times been interpreted as anti business. It is unfortunate that we are in a time in history when compromise, collabo-ration, and consensus building are derided as signs of weakness and indecision, and not considered legitimate tools of progress in a pluralistic society. In my current experi-ence as the executive director of the Ballard campus of Swedish, I have had the opportu-nity to interact with the business community on many levels. We have several owners and proprietors on our medical center advisory council. Most businesses recognize the growing preference of cycling for commut-ers, shoppers, as well as recreation. It is my goal, with the board and executive staff, to encourage prospective engagement with re-tail, manufacturing, and service industries as much as we already work with government, regional transportation, and educational facilities. Enhancing the perceived value of cycling to business, and improving the image of business to cycling are desirable outcomes. Safety and the growth of cycling as a major transportation mode are dependent on both sides pursuing win-win solutions, not win-lose.

Mo McBroomCascade

Bicycle Club has grown into an in-fluential change agent, and I be-lieve it’s poised to accomplish even greater things in the coming years. I was honored to be recruited by

current board members to run, and if elected will bring my commitment, experience and vision to support Cascade’s mission.

COMMITMENT: I’ve never been much of a recreational biker or gearhead, but I am an intrepid bike commuter: rain or shine, I bike to and from work, bike my son to preschool, bike to the grocery store. I bike because I’m lazy – for me, living in south central Seattle, biking is often the fastest, most convenient and cheapest way to get to the places I need to go. But for many, biking is too dangerous or too inaccessible to be a real transportation alternative. I believe that our cities must be made to evolve so that bik-ing becomes a legitimate option for everyone. For that reason, I am committed in both my

personal and professional life to advocating for policies that make biking accessible to all, and where people of all ages, races and incomes can choose to bike as a way to get around.

EXPERIENCE: If elected, I would bring the policy, legal and political expertise to maximize the effectiveness of the board and the organization. I’m currently the policy director for the Washington Environmen-tal Council (WEC), overseeing efforts to advance strategic priorities in the state legislature. Much of my work focusses on clean water and green infrastructure – pro-moting low impact development, vibrant communities and funding for transportation choices. I’m a lawyer and manage WEC’s litigation, determining when and how to use legal action as a tactical tool. I also serve on the board of directors for King County Conservation Voters, a political organization that endorses pro-environment candidates and then hold them accountable through the political process.

VISION: The board must respond to the needs of the members by overseeing the implementation of a strategic plan, ensur-ing the financial health of the organization, and empowering the executive director to succeed. If elected, I would work with fellow board members to implement the vision of a robust and well-functioning club, setting a trajectory for membership growth, an ampli-fied political voice and increased ridership across the state.

I would be honored to have your vote.

Charles RuthfordMy first experi-

ence with the Club, riding the 2004 Chilly Hilly with my son who convinced me to ride with him, was eye-opening. I had a fabulous experience and found the ride’s

organization and the volunteers’ enthusiasm impressive. I was hooked. The hook sunk even deeper when we participated in the 2005 Ride Around Washington. The club seamlessly and flawlessly managed the 6 day logistics of getting 200 riders, 20 sup-port personnel, all their camping gear and clothing, food, and that wonderful shower truck from Bellingham to Ilwaco. I started volunteering and got more involved with this community-minded organization.

I have been a key member of the Ride Around Washington organizing committee since 2006, and the ride is now a family af-fair for us. This last August we had six family members involved both as riders and vol-unteers. We have also participated in Chilly Hilly, STP, and the High Pass Challenge. I have volunteered to support the Bike Expo a number of times. Prior to my retirement from Boeing, I was a regular commuter, 44 mile round trip, from Maple Valley to Boe-ing Field.

As the proud owner of one metal knee and one creaky knee, cycling is very important to me as it remains the one exercise that gets me outdoors and keeps me fit and healthy. I believe it’s my key to a longer and healthy life. I try to repay the multiple benefits I’ve gotten from the club by being involved and volunteering to help continue and increase the club’s successes.

I’m running for a board seat to continue the process of helping and strengthening the club. I bring to the board 15 years of man-agement, financial and consulting experience that has included helping for-profit and not-for-profit organizations establish meaningful goals and strategies and solve hard and press-

ing problems. I understand how non-profits function. I have the connections and respect to be an ambassador, bringing the club’s message to the community and business leaders while seeking their commitment and financial support for club programs. I have the financial acumen to verify that the club’s spending is in line with its strategic goals. I want the club’s advocacy to create a world where bicycling is supported by residents, cyclist, drivers, transportation planners and public officials as a valuable element of a healthy community.

But most importantly, as someone who has benefited from Cascade’s rides, I will do my best as a board member to increase your opportunities to participate in organized rides, whether in the daily rides program or larger, more structured rides. I also appreci-ate the desires of riders who may not live in Seattle to have easier access to daily rides. I will work to increase the number of daily rides throughout the Western Washington region. As an active cyclist and event volun-teer, I will bring the riders’ perspective and the operational aspects of the club to board discussions and planning.

I’m asking for your vote. If you joined the club because of STP or some other ride and believe the value of the club is in the rides it provides, then you want me represent-ing your interests on the board. I have the knowledge, skills, expertise and most of all the long-term commitment to serve the club in the interest of all the members, but my priority will be you, the riders.

Ed YoshidaEd Yoshida

is an attorney recently retired from Merck. For the past 13 years, he headed up the legal group at Rosetta Inpharmatics, which in 2001 was acquired by

Merck and was a basic research site in Seattle for Merck until it was closed in 2009. Prior to heading up the legal group at Rosetta, Ed was a founder of Scius Corporation, a start-up software company, and before that he was an attorney at IMRE Corporation, a biotech company that made and sold a therapeutic medical device.

Ed lives in Normandy Park, south of Burien, with his wife, daughter, and son. Ed has been cycling in the Seattle area since the mid ’70s. This has included commuting by bike from the southend into Seattle, partici-pating in organized rides, and cycle touring in both the U.S. and abroad. His first love is cycling, both riding and wrenching, but he also enjoys climbing and backpacking. Ed is on the board of directors of the New Hope Health Center, a free medical clinic located in Tukwila that treats individuals who don’t have medical insurance. He is also active in his church and assists with his son’s high

school robotics team.Ed has a juris doctor degree in law from

the University of San Francisco and a bach-elor of science degree in mechanical engi-neering from the University of Washington. He is a named inventor on two issued U.S. patents.

What brought you to the organization and what has inspired you to serve on the Cascade board?

My first exposure to CBC was riding the STP back in the early ’90s. Since that time, I’ve enjoyed many of the organized events promoted by the club such as the Chilly Hilly, the Commute Challenge, the Bike-to-Work breakfast, Flying Wheels, the High Pass Challenge, and RSVP.

I want to serve on the board, because I strongly believe in the mission, vision, and goals of the CBC. We know that cycling can change people’s lives for the better through improved health for both individuals and our environment. In more than 30 years of riding in the region, I’ve seen remarkable changes: an increase in the number of bike trails and bike lanes, bike racks on buses, and increased workplace support for cycle commuting. Effective advocacy is a key contributor to this success and the CBC is one of the most effective advocates for improving the cycling infrastructure in the Puget Sound region. I want to give to the community in a mean-ingful manner through supporting the work of the CBC.

How do you see the Cascade board best contributing to the success of the Club?

The board is responsible for helping to determine the mission and vision for the organization as well as setting policy. Given the strength of the club’s programs, I see the board best contributing to the success of the club through energetic support of those programs as well as providing long range strategic planning to ensure the viability of the club in the future. In short, the board needs to listen to and seek input from club members, understand the environment in which the club operates, and help the club to accomplish its stated goals.

In addition, the board should represent the various constituents of the club by program area as well as geographically. Each board member should provide this representation with commitment and enthusiasm in an ethical manner, and be willing to listen and contribute to a diversity of ideas.

Why should members vote for you?As a board member, I would bring a deep

appreciation and enthusiasm for cycling and the desire to help improve the cycling infrastructure for all cyclists. I have the time and willingness to advocate for those improvements with elected officials as well as with business leaders who can be our allies in making the Puget Sound region more bike friendly. The CBC rides, events, educational programs, outreach, and advocacy are all very important. I would contribute my legal, technical, organizational, and com-munication skills in addition to my passion for cycling to support the current work and mission of the CBC.

Vote for up to four board candidates using the ballot inserted in

this newsletter.

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October 2011

Consider a gift to Cascade when planning your estate

Leaving a will ensures that you, not the government, decide how and to whom your estate will be distributed. You can designate your estate to go to your heirs, a charity, or both. A will that includes contributions to a charity can possibly

lower the taxes your heirs will pay.When planning your estate, please consider a gift to Cascade. Bequeathing part of

your estate to our tax-deductible organization not only offers tax relief to your heirs, it is also a great way to make sure that an organization you care about will thrive well into the future.

For more information and sample bequest language, please contact Tarrell Wright, Development Director at [email protected] or 206.240.223.

Cascade Bicycle Club Ride ClassificationFOR MORE RIDES SEE WWW.CASCADE.ORG AND CLICK ON FREE DAILY RIDES CALENDAR. LOOK FOR WEB-ONLY LISTINGS.In order to pick the rides that suit your skills and energy level, use the following guidelines:• PACE: The speed on level ground without breaks:

Easy: Under 10 mph Leisurely: 10-12 mph Steady: 12-14 mph Moderate: 14-16 mph Brisk: 16-18 mph Strenuous: 18-21 mph Super Strenuous: 22+ mph

• TERRAIN: These descriptions should be considered in the context of the pace and length of the ride:

Mostly Flat: Trails and/or mostly flat roads with a possible gentle upgradeRolling: Climbs are short and easy, not too numerous.Some Hills: A few short steep hills, some moderate upgrades and/or longer gentle climbs.

Hilly: Many true hills, but none outrageous.Extremely Hilly: Steep & long climbs with grades >9% and/or mountain passesUnlimited: “Out of category”; only for those very sure of their ability to climb any grade, any length at the advertised pace. Off Road: Significant unpaved sections.

• MAP: Whether a map or cue sheet is provided.

• REGROUP: None and Occasional regroup categories expect experienced riders who can fix their own mechanical problems and follow a map/cue sheet if they are separated.

• RAIN: Weather conditions that cancel the ride.

Helmets are required on all rides. When using a cell phone you must pull off the road/trail and STOP. Put away all earbuds/headphones/music devices before the ride starts.

All riders are required to sign a waiver form. Rides are cancelled or are no longer considered Cascade rides in the event that the ride leader does not show up or does not provide a waiver form for signatures of riders. Riders are expected to be ready to ride at the time listed (i.e. that’s not the time to drive

into the parking lot with a full bladder and empty tires) and to ride in a safe, courteous, legal manner. Riders are expected to cooperate with the leader(s) and ride within the advertised pace. If unsure of your ability to keep up, try a slower level ride to get an idea of ride paces. For “Hilly” rides, consider choosing a pace down from your usual level. Unless indicated, it is not necessary to RSVP the ride leader to participate in a ride.

Riders should: be able to ride at a strenuous effort level on the flats and in the hills; possess the endurance to ride more than 50 miles; be comfortable with, or have desire to, master paceline riding techniques.

Youth riders may also join regular club rides. Permission must be obtained from the ride leader at least 24 hours in advance for youth to join a regular club ride. Children 15 and under must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian OR must have parent/legal guardian sign a consent form designating a guardian for them on the ride; youth ages 16-17 may ride without a parent or guardian

with advance permission of the ride leader AND a signed parental consent form (available at www.cascade.org) which must be given to the ride leader at the start of the ride.

Cascade does not sponsor or endorse any non-bicycling activities that people may participate in while on these rides. Each cyclist is responsible for his/her conduct and decisions while on a Cascade ride.

Cascade membership and activities are open to anyone able and willing to participate in a safe, courteous and cooperative manner and in support of the purposes of the club. Ride information is also available at: www.cascade.org. Only Cascade certified ride leaders may post and lead Cascade Daily Rides. See Ride Leader Information on our website or email the Rides Chair at [email protected].


Saturday, Oct 1

Newport Loop48 mi • Brisk • Hilly • Map • 9 a.m. • Old Renton City Hall, 200 Mill Ave S • Showers cancel • Jake Wright, 206-271-6703, [email protected] • Brad Coston, 206-414-8851, [email protected]

We start at 200 Mill Ave South, follow Park Ave N to Gene Coulon Pk, then on into Bellevue and Lake Hills Blvd for a short break at Lake Hills Pk then return via Lake Sammamish, Newport Way and Mercer Island. Come enjoy a fun but challenging Eastside romp. Restrooms located near start.

Cascade Singles Cyclists Last Hurrah30-35 mi • Moderate • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Stay together • 9:30 a.m. • Tully’s Coffee on Alki • Showers cancel • Crystal Vaarvik, 253-961-5443, [email protected] • Mary Remoaldo, 425-260-4177, [email protected]

Probably our last Singles ride this season! We’ll depart from Tully’s on Alki to ride about 30-35 miles through scenic urban streets. We’ll be going a moderate pace (14-16mph). Expect some hills, but we will re-group at the top. Allow time for parking as Alki can be busy. We’ll plan on a pub and grub following the ride. Pub location TBA. You don’t have to be single, but bring a single friend if you can! Showers cancel.

Gas Works Saturday Bakery Ride15-20 mi • Leisurely • Hilly • Map • Stay together • 9:30 a.m. • East end of the Gas Works Park parking lot • Ice/snow cancels • Scott Kralik, 206-523-6042, [email protected]

Explore Seattle’s backstreets at a comfortable pace with a sociable crowd, and stop for donuts and other baked delights along the way. (Expect chocolate.) We’ll venture places seldom seen via routes seldom taken and, though we won’t go looking for a challenge (we won’t ride the Counterbalance), neither will we avoid one (we’ll top a hill or two and wait for the sightseers among us). Heavy rain means we skip the drenching and go straight to the Essential Baking Company for a late breakfast.

SPOKESPEOPLE rides!8 mi • Easy • Rolling • Map • Stay together • 2p.m. • 4219 Wallingford Ave N. at the south end of Wallingford Playfield • Steady rain cancels • Cathy Tuttle, 206-547-9569, 206-713-6269, [email protected] • Michael Snyder, 206-781-7221, [email protected]

Please join SPOKESPEOPLE, www.spokespeople.us/ride.php, on the first Saturday of every month for a fun, low-carbon, community ride. All Spokespeople rides meet at the south end of Wallingford Playfield at 42nd & Densmore and ride on the road to an adjacent urban center. New riders welcome! Please come by 1:45 if you are new to riding in groups or if you need help with adjusting your helmet or bike. All ages and skill levels welcome! All rides are on the road with traffic, and include expert commuters who accompany us to offer encouragement and model good road riding techniques for new, returning and reluctant cyclists. Please join us! This is a Bike Smart Seattle ride. All are welcome!

Sunday, Oct 2

Crepe Cruise25-35 mi • Leisurely • Some hills • No Map • Stay together • 9 a.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle • Steady rain cancels • Don Martin, 206-363-9964

Come and join us with an empty stomach and $9.00, and head immediately to the nearby Swedish Club for their Sunday pancake breakfast. We’ll spend the rest of the day cruising the City working off all the Ham & Crepes we ate. If weather is questionable check with leader.

West Seattle to Kent and back45 mi • Leisurely • Some hills • No Map • Stay together • Showers cancel • Ron Evans, 206-938-2247, [email protected] • Marge Evans, 206-938-2247, [email protected]’ll go to Three Friends Fishing Hole via urban streets and return via the Interurban, Green River and Duwamish trails. Bring lunch or lunch money. We’ll make two short food stops near the beginning and middle of the ride. This is a very doable ride even for beginners.

Renton to Black Diamond Coffee Run40 mi • Moderate • Some hills • No Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Ron Regis Park, Renton • Steady rain cancels • Jeffrey Silbaugh, 206-399-3221 cell

A friendly ride out to Black Diamond with a midpoint break for coffee at the Black Diamond Bakery. From I-405 South: • Take Exit 4 (Renton/Enumclaw).• Go east on Maple Valley Hwy past the Maplewood Golf Course.• Turn left (north) on 149th Ave SE/Orcas Ave.• The entrance to park is on left (Orcas Ave). From I-405 North:• Take Exit 4A (Maple Valley/Enumclaw)

• Go east on Maple Valley Hwy past the Maplewood Golf Course.• Turn left (north) on 149th Ave SE/Orcas Ave.• The entrance to park is on left (Orcas Ave). Warning! The park is misnamed in Yahoo.

Hill Climbing 101: West Seattle12 mi • Easy • Hilly • No Map • Stay together • 11 a.m. • Alki Bike and Board, 2606 California Ave SW, West Seattle • Ice/snow cancels • Stu Hennessey, 206-938-3322, [email protected] • John Reardon, 206-762-2411

The best way to get better at climbing hills is by climbing hills. Of course there is a lot of technique involved, so this ride is being offered to share some hill climbing techniques. We will ride varying degrees of West Seattle inclines and work on individual pacing, gear selection and technique. Ride leaves from Alki Bike and Board, 2606 California Ave SW in West Seattle at 11 a.m. sharp.

MOnday, Oct 3

MUMPS: Head Up North40-65 mi • Moderate • Hilly • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Tracy Owen Station/Logboom Park, Kenmore • Steady rain cancels • Craig Mohn, 425-890-5234 cell, 425-313-3669

NOTE: A fun loop ride in south Snohomish County with a food stop en route. Distance and pace may vary to suit weather conditions and group. The pace will be a fast Moderate; a Brisk pace group may be added if certified ride leader volunteers are available for both paces. Check with leader if weather appears questionable.

tueSday, Oct 4

TREATS: Kenmore to Redmond30+/- mi • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Occasional regroup • 9 a.m. • Logboom Park in Kenmore (Tracy Owen Station) • Steady rain cancels • Gail Wentworth, 425-823-1606

NOTE THE EARLIER START. A fun ride starting in Kenmore, going along the Burke-Gilman Trail to the golf course, taking 100th Ave NE/Market Street through Kirkland to Northup Way, and via the 520 Bike Trail to Redmond. The first half of the ride is hilly. There will be a food stop at a grocery store in Redmond. Routing on the return trip will be on the Sammamish River Trail and Woodinville roads. See you there!

Afternoon with light12-18 mi • Leisurely • Mostly flat • No Map • Stay together • 1:15 p.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle • Showers cancel • Bill Lemke, 206-284-2843

Pedal through neighborhoods within an eight-mile vicinity of Gas Works Park and stop at points of interest. Ride will return to Gas Works by or before 4 p.m. If we do ride hills, we’ll do it slowly. Seniors and new riders welcome.

Cycle Tuesdays25-35 mi • Super strenuous • Some hills • No Map • Occasional regroup • 5:45 p.m. • Gene Coulon Park, next to Kidd Valley, Renton • Ice/snow cancels • Russell Moul, 206-200-7314, 253-657-9568 • Pete Grey, 425-558-0451, [email protected]

Year-round training rides for one day STP riders. Rides stress safety, cooperation and group riding skills. Fast pacelines with regroups from Renton to surrounding areas. Large turnout splits into multiple

groups. No parking in Coulon parking lot.

WedneSday, Oct 5

WRUMPS: Marymoor-Carnation46 mi • Steady • Hilly • Map • Frequent regroup10 a.m. • Marymoor Park, Redmond • Showers cancel • Loretta Goetsch, 206-525-4714, [email protected] at east end of Marymoor Park in free parking lot. Ride takes us over the ridge via 133rd St. to Trilogy, down to Carnation, south on W Snoqualmie River Rd, and back over the ridge on SE Issaquah-Fall City Rd-Beaver Lk, and Louis Thompson Rd. Lunch in Carnation.

thurSday, Oct 6

More Cycle Tuesdays25-35 mi • Super strenuous • Some hills • No Map • Occasional regroup • 5:45 p.m. • Gene Coulon Park/Next to Kidd Valley, Renton • Ice/snow cancels • Tom Baker, 425-221-0631, [email protected] • Brian Ohlemeier, • 425-985-6980 cell

Year-round training rides for one day STP riders. Rides stress safety, cooperation and group riding skills. Fast pacelines with regroups from Renton to surrounding areas. Large turnout splits into multiple groups. ** No parking in Coulon parking lot. Lights required.

Newcastle Park-Mercer Island Loop20 mi • Moderate • Rolling • Map • Occasional regroup • 6 p.m. • Newcastle Beach Park, So. Bellevue • Steady rain cancels • Alan Lawrence, 425-891-7079, [email protected] about a nice friendly post-work unwinding ride around Mercer Island. We’ll start at Newcastle Beach Park (Exit 9 from I-405). We will regroup at the top of hills.

Friday, Oct 7

FRUMPS: N. King & Snohomish Counties

48 mi • Moderate • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 9:30 a.m. • QFC Parking lot/9999 Holman Rd NW/Seattle • Steady rain cancels • Ralph and Carol Nussbaum, 206-783-6450

We will meet in the parking lot BEHIND the QFC on the NW 100th Pl side, not Holman Road. Although an urban/suburban ride, we will find ourselves on some very quiet roads! Do bring your low gears - we have a few steep pitches. We’ll have a lunch stop at Mile 42 - then just an easy cruise back to the start. If you want a Garmin-friendly map/directions email us at: [email protected]. For more information about the QFC location, try http://services.qfc.com/store locator/store direction.

FRIDAY RIDERS: Go to and Around Mercer Island~30 mi • Leisurely • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle • Steady rain cancels • Bill Lemke, 206-284-2843There will be a lunch stop on Mercer Island. Senior and new/slower-paced riders welcome. We take the hills slowly. Hopefully there will still be a start of fall colors.

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“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling” 9

Vol. 41, No. 10

OCTOBER RIDESSaturday, Oct 8

Tukwila to Alki Coffee Run35 mi • Moderate • Mostly flat • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Bicentennial Park, Tukwila • Showers cancel • Jeffrey Silbaugh, 206-399-3221 cell

NOTE: New Starting Time! We start at Bicentennial Park in Tukwila and follow the Green River/Duwamish River Trail to South Park and on to Alki. There will be a coffee and pastry break at Tully’s at Alki before returning to Tukwila. Arrive early enough to ready your bike and sign the ride waiver. The pace of this ride is based on having no wind. If we have a headwind, the pace will be lower, if we have a tailwind, the pace may be higher. Keep this in mind when deciding to do this ride. Take Exit 1 from I-405; turn south on W. Valley Hwy and turn right again at Strander Blvd; go over the small bridge and immediately turn right into the park.

Sunday, Oct 9

A Brisk Lark To Madison Park40 mi • Brisk • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 9 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave S, RentonSteady rain cancels • Jake Wright, 206-271-6703, [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE START TIME. We start at 200 Mill Ave South (old Renton City Hall), then follow Park Ave North to Gene Coulon Park, around Mercer Island and on to Madison Park. There will be a coffee and pastry break at Tully’s in Madison Park before returning to Renton via Rainier Ave. Come enjoy a morning ride with some pastry & coffee thrown in; afterwards enjoy brunch in a downtown Renton restaurant. Restrooms located near start.

A Moderate Lark to Madison Park40 mi • Moderate • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 9 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave S, Renton • Steady rain cancels • Alan Lawrence, 425-891-7079, [email protected]

Please note early start time. We start at 200 Mill Ave South (old Renton City Hall) then follow Park Ave North to Gene Coulon Park, ride across or around Mercer Island and on to Madison Park. There will be a coffee and pastry break at Tully’s in Madison Park before returning to Renton via Rainier Ave. Come enjoy a morning ride with some pastry & coffee thrown in; afterwards enjoy brunch in a downtown Renton restaurant. Restrooms located near start.

Port of Seattle bicycle tour25+ mi • Leisurely • Some hills • No Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Jack Block Park, West Seattle Terminal 5, 2130 Harbor Ave S (take the Harbor Ave exit) • Showers cancel • Ron Evans, 206-938-2247, [email protected] • Marge Evans, 206938-2247, [email protected]

The Port of Seattle maintains 19 recreational sites, such as marinas, bike paths, parks, shoreline access, & fishing piers. We will ride by 12 of them, stopping at some to provide interesting details & just noting the others as we pass. This is a slow recreational ride with frequent stops. Bring lunch or money for a stop at an eatery half way.

Page’s Pedal Pusher (Fall City)27-32 mi • Steady • Mostly flat • No Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Fall City Park (across from Fall City Grill on 203) • Showers cancelPage Temple, 425-576-8667, [email protected]

Note the later start this month. If you’ve been off your bike for whatever reason (or are looking for a “butt miles” ride just to keep you going!), join me on this Goldilocks ride! It’s not too hilly, not too long, not too fast—it’s JUST RIGHT! We’ll high-steady pace (13-14 mph) in the Snoqualmie Valley with a coffee/snack stop in Carnation. All paved roads, mostly low traffic. Arrive by 9:45 to sign waiver. From I-90, take Exit 22, Preston Fall City Rd, to Fall City; cross Snoqualmie River Bridge; go around the rotary and bear left on SR-203 toward Carnation, then immediate left into gravel parking lot on north side of river. Parking lot is across from Fall City Grill. (Porta-potty at start, I hope!)

MOnday, Oct 10

MUMPS: Head Up NorthSee MUMPS: Head Up North, 10/3.

tueSday, Oct 11

TREATS: Snohomish to Lake Cassidy25-30 mi • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • City of Snohomish

Restrooms • Showers cancel • Jan Johnson, 425-672-0617

For experienced adult cyclists. A country ride with a few steep hills and sections of traffic and a lunch stop in Snohomish at the end. The restrooms are on the south side of First St in the middle of old town Snohomish. Bring a snack to eat mid-way.

Cycle TuesdaysSee Cycle Tuesdays, 10/4.

WedneSday, Oct 12

WRUMPS: Monroe, Ebey Island, Snohomish

42 mi • Moderate • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Lewis St Park, Monroe • Showers cancel • Saul Snatsky, 425-485-7896, 425-273-4156 cell, [email protected]

A clockwise route from Monroe to Lowell, Ebey Island and Snohomish. There are some moderate hills in the first half of the ride, mostly flat after that. Bringing snacks suggested as lunch isn’t until 30 miles into the ride. Going north on Hwy 522, exit W Main, turn right, go about 2 miles, turn right on Lewis St; meet in the parking lot on the left just before the bridge; restrooms available.

City Lakes & Trails32 mi • Leisurely • Rolling • No Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Magnuson Park, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle • Showers cancelDon Martin, 206-363-9964 •Dottie Smith, 425-483-6586

An in-city loop ride on city streets and trails with rest/food stops. Includes a short (wide shoulder) section on Bothell Way NE and a short, steep downhill section of road. Meet and park in large parking lot at east end of NE 74th St. Please do not use parking near CBC offices. Leaders will be arriving by bike.

thurSday, Oct 13

THUMPS: Home for Lunch20-35 mi • Moderate • Some hills • No Map • Stay together • 9:30 a.m. • Leschi Starbucks, Seattle • Steady rain cancels • Mike Nelson, 206-325-9068

Be home in time for lunch after some urban exploration. Fixies and single speed bikes welcome. Ride leader will be riding a single speed.

More Cycle TuesdaysSee More Cycle Tuesdays, 10/6.

Friday, Oct 14

Friday Morning Coffee21 mi • Steady • Hilly • No Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • CBC Office, Magnuson Park, 7400 Sand Point Way NE • Showers cancel • Margaret Moore, 206-522-7152, [email protected]

A short, HILLY ride across North Seattle to Ballard and back. This week will take us uphill at the Woodland Park Zoo and to Golden Gardens for another climb. There will be a coffee break along the way. Bring the usual necessities: money, ID, tools for fixing a flat, helmet, bike in good repair. The ride will start at the Cascade office just inside the entrance to Magnuson Park at 7400 Sand Point Way NE. Please do not park in front of the office but along the road, or in an alcove, to the south.

FRUMPS: Monroe/Lake Roesigner/Snohomish

35-45 mi • Steady • Some hills • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Lewis St Park/Monroe • Steady rain cancels • Sue Matthews, 206-687-9338

We’ll start in Monroe and head toward Lake Roesiger before turning toward Snohomish and our return to Monroe. Lunch in Snohomish. Depending on weather and participants, pace will range from high-steady to moderate (13-15mph) and route options can include extra mileage and hills in an effort to maintain summer fitness.

Saturday, Oct 15

Saddletime I132 mi • Strenuous • Hilly • Map • Stay together • 6:30 a.m. • NE 65th St Park & Ride under I-5, Seattle • Ice/snow cancels • Gil Flanagan, 206-524-9428, [email protected]

Come enjoy a double metric. The route has some great hilly, low traffic roads along Puget Sound. See

Three Tree Point, Redondo, and Dash Point. In the afternoon we’ll have a couple of good downhills with no stop at the bottom. Highest elevation 680 ft. Elevation gain 6700 ft. I have 10-minute rest stops planned at grocery stores or gas stations. Two in the morning and two in the afternoon. There will also be a 45-minute stop for lunch at Don’s Drive In. Homemade soup and pie and inside seating. We’ll pick up aditional riders at Leschi and Bicentennial Park. The pace will be a flat effort level of 18-19 mph with regroups after hills. We will stop for flats. Cue sheets provided. I expect to be back at NE 65th St P&R by 6:45 p.m. Sunrise and sunset are 7:27 a.m. and 5:24 p.m. so lights are required. We’ll leave promptly at 6:30 a.m.

Saddletime II118 mi • Strenuous • Hilly • Map • Stay together • 7:15 a.m. • Leschi Starbucks/121 Lakeside Ave/Seattle • Ice/snow cancels • Gil Flanagan, 206-524-9428, [email protected]

I will ride even if it’s raining. As long as it’s not raining and blowing too hard I find the rain tolerable. Pacelining or trying to draft may be very wet. The better your fenders the better it is for you and the riders behind you, but no fenders will keep you dry. This ride is quite hilly with less than half the distance being flat enough to want to draft, so if you want to ride in the rain without fenders that is OK. The important thing is having layers that are warm eaven when wet: wool or polyester. The vertical from Leschi is 6200 ft. I plan to be back by 6 p.m. Lights are not required. See Saddletime I and III for more route description. I have been getting riders that like the early start but want a shorter ride. This is a good ride to cut short with plenty of possible exits. If you email me about how many miles you want to do, I can give you a cut off point and return route. We leave promply at 7:15 a.m.

Saddletime III91 mi • Strenuous • Hilly Map Stay together • 8:30 a.m. • Bicentennial Park/Tukwila • Ice/snow cancels • Gil Flanagan, 206-524-9428, [email protected]

We’ll ride west to Seahurst, then south along Puget Sound to Brown’s Pt. After that we’ll go up McMurray Rd, ride through Fife Heights, and then cross the Puyallup Valley to lunch at Don’s Drive In (homemade pie and soup). After lunch we’ll climb South Hill, do some of the Foothills Trail and climb Sky Island Dr. We’ll descend Kersey Way, climb up Peasley Canyon and finish on Lk Fenwick Rd, Frager Rd and the Interurban Trail. We’ll climb about 5000 ft. Pace a flat effort level of 18-19 mph with regroups after hills. We stop for flats. Cue sheet provided. Bicentennial Pk is on the Green River Trail, just east of Southcenter. Take Exit 1 off I-405 and go south

on Interurban Ave/West Valley Hwy, then right on Strander Blvd. The park is on the right, right after the bridge. I expect to be back at 4:45 p.m. We leave promply at 8:30 a.m.

Wandering West Seattle47 mi • Moderate • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 9 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave So., RentonShowers cancel • Jake Wright, 206-271-6703, [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE RIDE START: Ride starts at old Renton City Hall, 200 Mill Ave So, then follows the Green River Trail out to South Park and on to Alki. We’ll have a quick stop at the Beachside Café before climbing to West Seattle and a stop at a local deli before heading back to Kent where riders can relax over lunch.

Sunday, Oct 16

Renton/Lake Sammamish Coffee Run50 mi • Moderate • Hilly • Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Ron Regis Park, Maple Valley Hwy, Renton • Showers cancel • Jeffrey Silbaugh, 206-399-3221 cell

To avoid the new 10-mph speed limit on the Renton portion of the Cedar River Trail, we will start this ride at Ron Regis Park. We will ride out to Cedar Grove Rd, take it to Issaquah-Hobart Rd, on to Issaquah, then up East Lake Sammamish Pkwy to Marymoor. We’ll stop for lunch at the Subway in Marymoor before returning via West Lake Sammamish, Newport Way, Newcastle, and finish with a 1-mile descent back to Maple Valley Hwy. From I-405 South take Exit #4 (Renton/Enumclaw); drive east on Maple Valley Highway past the Maplewood Golf Course and turn left on 149th Ave SE/Orcas Ave; the entrance to the sports park is on your left. From I-405 North: Take Exit #4A (Maple Valley/Enumclaw); drive east on Maple Valley Highway past the Maplewood Golf Course and turn left on 149th Ave SE/Orcas Ave; the entrance to the sports park is on your left.

MOnday, Oct 17

MUMPS: Head Up NorthSee MUMPS: Head Up North, 10/3.

tueSday, Oct 18

TREATS: Lake Ballinger to Everett28-32 mi • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Ball fields by Ballinger Lake Golf Course, 23000 Lakeview Drive, Mountlake Terrace • Showers cancel • Jan Johnson, 425-672-0617

A recreational Tuesday ride FOR EXPERIENCED ADULT CYCLISTS with many turns, back roads

Another year is screaming by, and yes, it’s already time to collect your nominations for our 2011 Ride Leader of the Year. As we have more than 200 Ride Leaders who volunteer their time to lead in excess of 1300 rides a year (including CTS),

some definitely go the extra mile and deserve special recognition. The Rides Committee announces the recipient at Cascade’s annual Volunteer

Recognition Party, to be held on Thursday, Dec. 8. This award was created in 2005 to specially recognize extraordinary contributions to our Rides Program, and over the years our honorees have included Per and Shana Sunde, Norm Tjaden, Mike Kelly, Gary Strauss, Scott Kralik, and Craig Mohn -- all outstanding contributors to Cascade’s Daily Rides Program. Now, for 2011, we need your help.

Whether you are a Ride Leader or a riding member, if you know a Ride Leader you believe deserves this recognition we need to hear from you. Look back and ask yourself; did anyone go the extra mile in terms of cue sheets and maps, and really great routes? Was anyone particularly friendly, welcoming, and helpful? Did the leader keep to the advertised pace, start on time, and advocate good safety practices? All these factors add up, so if anyone stands out to you, please let us know. For each nominee, the Rides Committee will consider the number of rides led, if s/he answered the call when leaders or sweeps were needed, did s/he assist on CTS, and were waiver forms turned in on time (yes, these are important), as well as other factors. This is a significant honor, so please give it some thought and get back to us no later than Nov. 20.

All nominations are confidential. Further, Rides Committee members are ineligible for this award. All nominees must have demonstrated their outstanding performance for more than two years. To be a repeat winner you must wait five years. Nominations can be made by email to [email protected]. or by card/letter to Allyson Welsh, Rides Chair, Cascade Bicycle Club Office, 7400 Sand Point Way NE Ste 101S, Seattle WA. 98115.


“Ride Leader of the Year” Recognitionby Jim Shedd, Rides Committee

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October 2011


WILLIAM GERDESby Erica Meurk, Staff Writer

Age: 38Occupation: School Bus Driver, Adult ESL Teacher, Autistic Spectrum Program Paraprofessional & Cascade Bicycle Club InstructorWheels: he last of the vorpal-plated, monocoque, cyclocross bikes (with a few commuter modifications)

I don’t want you to think that I don’t like my job, but I like my job because I get to ride my bike.” William Gerdes

is a bike believer. And he’s lucky to have several day jobs, all to which it’s conve-nient for him to commute by bike, and one of which allows him to share the joy of bicycling with others. Primarily, he’s school bus driver for the Mercer Island School District, a gig that’s within easy biking distance of his Redmond home (and where no one will mind if he shows up sweaty or doused in rain). He also teaches camps and classes for Cascade.

Indeed, William teaches so many classes for Cascade that whether you’re dropping off a four-year-old at one of our Wheelie Fun camps, honing your urban riding skills in our Urban Cycling Techniques class or learning to ride for the first time, you’re more likely to run into him than not. He has a wide smile, a mop of red hair and an obvious love for sharing tips and tricks that will keep you riding safely and comfortably all year long.

He particularly enjoys teaching learn-to-ride classes to 10- to 13-year-olds. “They feel like they’re behind the curve, that they haven’t learned yet.” These kids are usually nervous, and, William says, it’s often obvi-ous that their self-esteem is low. But they really want to learn, so they’re attentive, hanging on his every word.

With obvious excitement, he tells me, “Once they get it, the look on their faces is fantastic. They’re getting that euphoric feeling of just biking along. And they also have that weight lifted from their shoul-ders.” He likes to say to them, “You just did something better than riding your bike – you gave yourself the chance to work on something.” The best thing? It happens every time.

I questioned him on this – every time? Really? Yes indeed, William has enough tricks up the sleeves of his bike grease-stained jacket to get every one of those kids riding. But he did let me in on a secret: “After the first lesson, the kids are always so happy, and their parents are happy, too. So they want another lesson.” But the truth is, “in that second lesson, we’re working on hand signals.” The magic of that first ride doesn’t happen again.

How did he become a teacher of all things bicycle? William’s pedal-powered journey began in Austria, where he lived for a year during 1999-2000. He got an old, beat-up three-speed bike, finding that rid-ing was the easiest (and cheapest) way to get around. He moved from Austria to Atlanta, Ga. and wanted to keep up that lifestyle. “Riding a bike means that you’re taking time for fitness, and you have time to your-self. You can be in touch with the environ-ment, and the sounds of the neighborhood and the road.”

“Within a couple of years, you’re an ex-pert,” he says. But he enjoys helping others learn more quickly than he did – showing them, for example, that contrary to your intuition, you’re safer taking up space on the road than you are if you try to be polite by hugging the curb. According to William, one of the challenges to bicycling is that it’s a fairly solitary sport. “Most other things you can figure out on your own, but riding is harder. You need the confidence you get from talking to people.”

What tips does he have to share with his fellow bike commuters? “I drink coffee. No one knows what smell is coming from me because so many smells are coming from me.”

All kidding aside, though, staying safe on the road has become increasingly impor-tant to him. While he lived in Atlanta, he worked in a bike shop, and, he says, “There was a guy who came in all the time whom no one really liked to deal with because he was kind of high-maintenance.” William chuckles. “He kept attaching more and more flags to his bike until he was biking in a column of flags. And he had dozens of lights.”

William is embarrassed to say that he’s gradually becoming more and more like that guy. He’s not riding in a column of flags yet, but he does have lots of lights. “And back-up lights,” he tells me.

Learn more about Cascade’s classes for new and experienced riders alike at www.cbcef.org.Nominate a cyclist of the month! Send nominations to [email protected]

OCTOBER RIDESand some hills, to lunch at the food court at the Everett Mall. From I-5 take Exit 177 (Hwy 104/Ballinger Way); go west (as if to Edmonds); turn north on 76th at the light and then east on 228th which curves and the parking is on the right. (Note: there are many ways to get here; you may choose yours from the Internet.) Park in the parking lot at the ball fields adjoining the Ballinger Lake Golf Course, 23000 Lakeview Drive, Mountlake Terrace, or along the street if there is a game going on.

Afternoon with lightSee Afternoon with light, 10/4.

Cycle TuesdaysSee Cycle Tuesdays, 10/4.

WedneSday, Oct 19Please check the Cascade Internet Daily Rides Calendar for WEB-ONLY ride listings.

thurSday, Oct 20

More Cycle TuesdaysSee More Cycle Tuesdays, 10/6.

Friday, Oct 21

FRUMPS: Ride Around North Lake Washington40 mi • Moderate • Some hills • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • South Bellevue Park & RideSteady rain cancels • Alan Lawrence, 425-891-7079, [email protected]’ll take a fun ride around the north part of Lake Washington with a stop for lunch in Juanita. We’ll ride through Medina on our way back to the P&R. There will be a restroom stop at Enatai Beach near the start. Pace will be moderate, sticking close to 15 mph on the flats and noticeably slower on the hills. We’ll regroup at the top of hills.

Saturday, Oct 22

A Moderate Lark to Madison ParkSee Moderate Lark, 10/9.

A Brisk Lark to Madison ParkSee Brisk Lark, 10/9.

Sunday, Oct 23

Tukwila to Alki Coffee RunSee Tukwila to Alki, 10/8.

MOnday, Oct 24

MUMPS: Head Up NorthSee MUMPS: Head Up North, 10/3.

tueSday, Oct 25

TREATS: In and Out of Kirkland30+/- mi • Steady • Hilly • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Juanita Beach Park, Kirkland • Showers cancel • Don and Jane Volta, 425-828-0138

A HILLY ride in and out of Kirkland with a lunch stop. Ride distance and route are weather dependent.

Cycle TuesdaysSee Cycle Tuesdays, 10/4.

WedneSday, Oct 26

City Lakes & TrailsSee City Lakes & Trails, 10/12.

thurSday, Oct 27

More Cycle TuesdaysSee More Cycle Tuesdays, 10/6.

Friday, Oct 28

FRUMPS: Licton Springs to Alki45-50 mi • Moderate • Some hills • No Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Licton Springs Park, N. Seattle • Showers cancel • Dan Garretson, 425-985-8570

We will ride from Licton Springs to Discovery Park and then on to Alki for lunch. Licton Springs Park is at 9536 Ashworth Ave N in Seattle. Meet by the play ground.

Saturday, Oct 29

Wandering West Seattle (Kent)45 mi • Brisk • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 9 a.m. • Kent Station Transit Center (301 Railroad Ave. N) • Showers cancel • Jake Wright, 206-271-6703, [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE RIDE START: Ride starts at Kent Station Transit Center (301 Railroad Ave. N) follows the Green River Trail out to South Park and on to Alki where we have a quick stop at the Beachside Café before climbing to West Seattle where we’ll stop at a local deli so riders can relax over lunch before heading back to Kent.

Sunday, Oct 30

Renton to Black Diamond Coffee RunSee Renton to Black Diamond, 10/2.

SPOKES: Bones to Bones Halloween Ride

20 mi • Leisurely • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • Noon • Sammamish River Park, Bothell • Steady rain cancels • Michelle Burton, 425-890-4936 cell • Jim Hunt, 425-823-6701, 425-681-4640 cell

SPOKES will start at the Sammamish River Park in Bothell. We will check a couple of cemeteries in Bothell and Woodinville to get the Halloween ghoulish feel. Maybe toast bygones at a local coffee shop. To reach Sammamish River Park, located off 102nd Ave NE, take SR-522 to 102nd Ave NE and cross the small bridge over the Sammamish River. Turn into the unpaved parking area on the right just after crossing the bridge. Please NOTE steady rain cancels. For more info, please see the SPOKES web site: http://www.cbcspokes.org

MOnday, Oct 31

MUMPS: Head Up NorthSee MUMPS: Head Up North, 10/3.

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“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling” 11

Vol. 41, No. 10


www.cascade.orgOffice phone: 206-522-3222 or 206-522-BIKE

Fax: 206-522-2407 Email: [email protected]

CBC Office7400 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 101S

Seattle, WA 98115

STAFF Note: All email address are @cascadebicycleclub.orgJennifer Almgren Americorps Member, Youth Programs (206) 861-9875 ypa@…Chuck Ayers, Executive Director

(206) 523-9495 chuck.ayers@…Craig Benjamin, Policy & Government Affairs Manager

(206) 713-6204 [email protected] Cantor, Americorps Member, Community Program.

(206) 204-1168 cmpa@…Dave Douglas, Event Producer

(206) 522-BIKE david.douglas@…Diane English, Office & Member Services Manager

(206) 957-7944 diane.english@…Ed Ewing, Major Taylor Project Manager

(206) 778-4671 ed.ewing@…Stephanie Frans, Manager of Commute Programs

(206) 522-9479 stephanie.frans@…Tessa Greegor, Principal Planner

(206) 204-0913 tessa.greegor@…Chris Hanger, Individual Giving Officer

(206) 226-1774 chris.hanger@…Luke Harris, Americorps Member, Commute

(206) 861-9890 cpa@…Max Hepp-Buchanan, Advocacy Campaigns Manager

(206) 226-1040 MaxHB@…Michael Housten, Commute Intern

(206) 694-9148 [email protected] Inocencio, Corporate Development Director

(206) 522-2403 mikei@…M.J. Kelly, Director of Communications & Marketing

(206) 853-2188 m.j.kelly@…Diana Larson, Volunteer Coordinator

(206) 852-6827 diana.larson@…Sander Lazar, Rides Program Coordinator

(206) 694-9108 sander.lazar@…Serena Lehman, Outreach Coordinator

(206) 957-4439 serena.lehman@…Kathy Mania, Finance Director

(206) 522-4639 kathy.mania@…John Mauro, Director of Policy, Planning & Government Affairs

(206) 446-3688 john.mauro@…

Kathy McCabe, Deputy Director

(206) 204-0587 kathy.mccabe@…Erica Meurk, Staff Writer

(206) 522-7517 erica.meurk@…Darcy Mullen, Americorps Member, Outreach

(206) 957-6960 opa@…Robin Randels, Classes Coordinator

(206) 446-7457 robin.randels@…Chris Rule, Political Program Manager

(206) 371-1242 chris.rule@…Julie Salathé, Education Director

(206) 523-1952 julies@…Kat Sweet, Youth Program Manager

(206) 957-0651 kat.sweet@…Anna Telensky, Events and Sponsorship Coordinator

(206) 778-6099 annat@…Kim Thompson, Operations Coordinator

(206) 526-1677 kim.thompson@…Peter Verbrugge, Event Producer

(206) 517-4826 peterv@…Alan Van Vlack, Accounting and Database Coordinator

(206) 226-1858 alan.vanvlack@c…Tarrell Wright, Development Director

(206) 240-2235 tarrell.wright@...

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Note: All email address are @cascadebicycleclub.org


George Durham • [email protected] President

Daniel Weise • [email protected]

Michael Snyder • [email protected]

Don Volta • [email protected] Committee Member-at-large

Emily Moran • [email protected]

Ron Sher • [email protected] Carrabine • [email protected] Gray • [email protected] Ptacek • bill.ptacek@...

Please detach form and return to: Cascade Bicycle Club •7400 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 101S • Seattle, WA 98115o New member o Renewal





To help promote cycling, we occasionally share names with other organizations. We never share telephone numbers or email addresses, only postal addresses. May we share your name? ◊ Yes ◊ No


Individual o $ 35 o $ 65

Household/Family* o $ 60 o $ 115

Supporter* o $ 100 o $ 195 Cycling socks S M L XL

Advocate* o $ 250 o $ 495 Cycling socks S M L XL

Champion* o $ 500 o $ 995 Cycling socks S M L XL

Student/limited income (e-news only) o $ 15 o $ 25

Tax-deductible donation to the CBC Education Foundation**


o A check payable to the Cascade Bicycle Club is enclosed. ($20 fee for returned checks.)

o Please charge my VISA/MASTERCARD: — — —

Cardholder’s name (Please print): Exp. date /

Cardholder’s signature:

*Contributing members may include household and family members on their membership. **The Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation (CBCEF) is an IRS 501(c)(3) charity. Donations to the CBCEF are tax-deductible. Membership contributions or gifts to the Cascade Bicycle Club 501(c)(4) are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


• Help others in the community,• Support something believed in,• Share skills and learn new ones,• Meet new friends and make contacts,• Have fun!

We are looking for a volunteer reception-ist, Monday through Friday, from 3 to 5 p.m. Duties include answering phone; tak-ing messages if necessary, greeting the public and other clerical chores as needed. Special requirements are good communication skills,

clear speaking voice and a pleasant personal-ity. This position is ideal for a reliable volun-teer who can maintain a steady schedule.

Office VolunteersDate and Time: Wednesday, Oct 12, 10 a.m. (2-4 volunteers). Task or Event: Membership renewal forms.Where: CBC Office.How Long: 3 to 4 hours.Doing What: Stuffing, labeling, and posting renewal forms.

Make your connectionOur volunteers come from all walks of life, and they volunteer for all kinds of reasons. What’s yours?

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Page 12: Oct. 2011 Cascade Courier

www.cascade.org12 The Cascade Courier is printed on recycled paper. We support recycling. Please recycle this paper when you are finished with it.

Welcome New Members Linda AdamsDenise AhoTim AmbreLinda AmbreKermit AndersonAlfredo ArreolaJim AstleBetty AstleLaurie BarronIvan BerriosJohn BlodnickElaine BradtkeApril CaballeroTom CaswellChris CharlotLaura ClappDavid CodyJoseph CondonFrederick CorbitRob CrittendenChristina CunninghamBabette DavisDonald DillAnne DionisioElizabeth DrakeRobert DrakeMichael DrummondKim DumoreCharlie EdwardsCharles EhlertChris EllisNancy EvansJeffrey EverhartApril Fenton

Robert FentonMarissa FentonAlexa FentonJutta FeroMichelle FeroAnna FeroMichael GlasgoVenessa GoldbergIsaac GoldbergAaron GoldbergLillia GoldbergChristopher GottliebChris GrahamGabriel GrantShannon GrantAdam GrayMark GringleAshley HammacRick HasselbackMary Lynn Higginbo-thamMitch HillCherie HillMitchell HillMatthew HillBarbara HodgesAlex HolmanAlex HolmanAriel HolmanPam HolmanHolly HolmanRobert HouzeJulia HustlerJanaki Jeyabalan

Dave JohnsonAmmen JordanCathy KarlsonJohn KayKarin KilmerDouglas KingstonKhris KlineTrystan Larey-WilliamsJoyce LarsonMarjorie LaughlinBill LaughlinBella LedesmaAudunn LudvikssonJose MaldonadoJessica MallettShirley MartinPam MasseyCynthia MatuszekMo McBroomDonna McCullochScott McDonaldRick MegeeChris MervinThomas MillerPamela MorganStephanie MurphyKevin MurphyErin MurphyKerry MurphyKyle MurphyAlex MurrayKerry OldenburgAlicia OssenkopDaniel Pica

Karen PoveyKirk RasmussenKarren RasmussenElta RatliffWarren RatliffHayden RatliffOwen RatliffEvan RatliffKay RawlingsWilson RawlingsCameron RawlingsCharles ReedRuth ReedScott RossickMichele RoyerMark RunyanScott SagorFloyd SagorOtis SagorRobin SeilerTerry SimmonsLeo SpizzirriJo-Anne StamerjohnAlan SwaneSusie ThornessLewis TurnerDustin VenegasPaula WhiteChad WilliamsSamantha WilliamsChris WilliamsStephen WilliamsHayden WilliamsMarietta Zintak

Fifty bicyclists of all ages converged with their bicycles at White Center’s Greenbridge Plaza for the “Music in

the Plaza” Tunes and Tune-ups event on Aug. 24. They received free bike tune-ups and helmets, courtesy of Cascade Bicycle Club, other community groups, bicycling organiza-tions and multiple volunteers. Participants could also try putting their bike on a bus, courtesy of a Metro bus stationed at the event. This maintenance event is part of a growing community effort to establish more support and services for bicycling in White Center.

Cascade’s staff, maintenance instructor, helmet volunteer and students from the Major Taylor Project helped do tune-ups and helmet fittings, along with King County Food and Fitness Initiative staff, Alki Bike and Board, and Bike Works. Additional sponsors of the event included White Center In Motion, Proletariat Pizza, Sustainable West Seattle, and YES! Foundation. Special thanks go to Greenbridge, King County Housing Authority and the White Center Community Development Association for organizing and promoting the concerts in the plaza.

Ellie Weiss, a community member, had noticed that there was no bike shop in White Center and wanted to promote more

White Center tunes and tune-ups were a success More events plannedby Julie Salathé, Education Director

bicycling there. Although there seem to be many people who bike or want to bike in the area, there is no retail outlet or maintenance shop to serve those who live in White Center or surrounding neighborhoods. She called together a variety of groups and individuals from the area interested in bicycling to figure out what could be done. The group thought that by holding public bicycle maintenance events they could draw attention to their cause and perhaps get some donated space to start regular maintenance workshops. The White Center Tunes and Tune-ups event was the first, while additional maintenance events are planned for the second Sundays of each month, at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center (9629 16th Ave SW, between SW Roxbury St & SW 98th St, Seattle, WA 98106). The next event is Sunday, Oct. 9 from 2 to 4 p.m.

The community’s dream goes beyond maintenance, and extends to more bike racks, bike lanes, facilities for bicyclists, and of course, working bikes for all those who want to ride. Still undecided is whether the goal is a full retail bike shop or a mainte-nance coop. But for the moment, holding some monthly gatherings is a way to start generating interest, excitement and volunteers.

The White Center community came together to hold a public bicycle maintenance day in August.

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