llt p rj 7 c v- ffWO W Jf7WY- r I THE OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY FEBRUARY 29 1908 I CEFOY T s REAL ESTATE AGENTO- ffice W in Gary Building I Over Martin and Cams Seed Store PAID Agent in Ocala and Marion County- for the- y Jacksonville Development kJ- t if Following are a few or my specials toe tills month FOR SALEThe residence No 50 64 Main rreet 2250 half cash bal- ance ¬ t nap fear now rented for 20 per cnoith For Sale or Rent on Reasonable Terms The two residences NOM 250 and 252 West Exposition Street Both are desirable property and in exce- llent ¬ condition For terms etc apply Numerous other properties for sale- S farm residence grove and turpentine tracts List your property with me If 4 you want to sell it or call on me if r you want to buy I will give careful attention to the collection of rents and ij paying of taxes for any nonresident property owners CE FOY I f Plnmbing and r Plumbers Supplies 3 < f RE Yonge Son the original and reliable plumbers having gone entire- ly ¬ out of the bicycle business are now i devoting all of their time with a com- e petent force of men to the plumbing L aad tinning business and are better I prepared than ever to do firstclass work in quick time and at living prices The company has Just receiv- ed ¬ t e If a big shipment of the Standard goods in enameled bath tubs one piece rh inks lavatories toilet sets etc and ir have also a big line of medium priced t gOfdft as well as a cheaper line in tin and galvanized iron for customers who desire them The company has a complete stock of fittings faucetsand Jjctwres of all kinds and will be pleas jed to show the stock to you and give you an estimate on the cost of your 1 work An experience of a quarter of a century gives this company many advantages See R E Yonge Son I- tt Ni need their services I y R E YONGE SON 1 r Plumbers Ocala Fla I IP 4 AU PRESSIK8 CLUB 14 J F WILLIAMSON Prop a yt- y Rates FMtonabU All Goods pressed r MtsT Clsansd on Short Notive and De- livered ¬ r Promptly f Alt transient work not criled for within 30 days will be sold for charges F cl BV IcIVER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN I f Undertaxers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes t All Work Done by Licensed ET- baimvrs and Fully Guaranteed t t I eJceIcei- F I QUALITY IGHT- DELIVERY RIGHT PRICE RIGHT Y 5 Y > FIMIDA PACKING ICE CO 5 BENJAMIN IN CHARGE L A LEX AN DEN Practical CAiPENTER AND BUILDER E areluU estimates made on all contraci rock Gives more and better work tot ney than any other contractor t a I p tf 4 GANDERBONES FORECAST- FOR MONTH OF MARCH The irlous of March will come again When Caesars blood uses lot The foes of Bryan will hid out Behind tilt panipot And uhfn he se f s them lurking there Hell guess their r1I intent And rin jtiot lily hLs friends all hope Hell run for president i The candidates Republican viil pass the stand again and the port- ly ¬ form of Mr Taft will show a- handoine gain the whiskerlets of Mr Hughes will float upon tile breeze the fleet that sailed > lr gi lans Straits will cruise the ve st- ern ¬ seas the infant boom of Cor telyou will grimly yield the ghost and the licet will run the banquets on the other Latin coast I Another lot of foreign counts I and busted sports and old will come across to marry more of our dead easy pfold a count wiil marry a million cool and a riis count two or three and gold an1 girl and horse laugh loud theyll all put out to sea and while the Goulds give Honi onelust one more chance alack well all steal off and kick ourselves quite low down on the back The country papers will ge used To Uncle Sams mandate That they may not hold readers h- Are not paid up to date But the government will not assist- At squaring things somehow Vith old subscribers made so mad They never will pay now March was the first month of the Roman year and was named from Mars the god of war Mars look t- ed like a twin brother to Richmond I Pearson Hobson and he was the I I regular Roman delegate to the Peace Conference at The Hague He was supposed to be tne father- of Romulus the founder of Rome I but he was not he was only the ypung mans godfather In an ¬ I cient warfare it was customary to place a good bronze bust of Mars I on the field and then fight for it The comedy of life will be about I what it has beenthe men will la- bor day and night and the wives- of I men will spin Theyll have a I club for every day and never cease to go theyll learn to talk of many themes their husbands do not know theyll hear a lecturer from I Greece another on Japan another- on the Renaissance and several on man theyll hire a lot of long- haired ¬ freaks to make them eru ¬ dite theyll work on papers every morn and look up things at night I and their husbands will get supper J cold and suffer pdicule and the I children will grow up like wolves while Mamma goes to school The money indiscreetly loaned I Will faithfully keep Lent And a lady teacher will sit on I The pin when it Is bent l But when the principal responds i- To screams heard through the house I Shell not tell him what happened but Will say she saw a mouse I Until the 21st March will be un- der ¬ the influence of the zodiacal sign known as Pisces the Fish Pisces will induce his relative Stuyvesant Fish to take the Illi- nois ¬ Central fight into the U S Supreme Court where E H Har- riman will be ditched with two bum lamps a derailed backbone- and a swift kick in the caboose After the 2ist March will be under the influence of Aries the sign of the Head Under this sign old heads will come to the front in the presidential race and Uncle Joe Cannon will conic out of last place and make the President put I two more burrs in the spacious bosom of Mr Tafts pants Persons born under Pisces drink like a fish and vote wet They make excellent subordinates like Friday and Loc They can say no and it is fitiK to expose them- to more life insurance for they I wen1 take it They arc very cau- tious ¬ and nlway > take scats near the fire escape Persons horn trulcr Aries al- ways ¬ think before speakintr ail then never say anything They are good organizers and generally bo- 1onnr to the AntiSaloon League They make good lawyers and gen- erally get the case continued until they can elect the prosecuting at- torney ¬ The Venal Equinox will come I And the Irish will parade I The booming bullfrog will resume His music in the glade The mole will burrow in the lawn And the rash duck hunter toot His caller while pneumonia drills- A leakhole in his boot And then the gentle spring will Iit fA fifyedrwLL q WIJ 3 i come and the poet will essay with I swelling breast and bliss his hum I and Museattended lay the rtes1- ter will announce the dawn and I the hen will scratch the dirt and j I everybody will put on a thinner i I undershirt The sassafras will I brew again to tone the system i rank and the washout will onset the train and throw it down the bank the gander and the g ose will nip th the meadow will be j yet and tile s ringir tcxic ted cot wiil turn a sirrrper 1 F The souse will be cleaned un airain the i robins come in drove and the hus jbnnd will cat bread and cheese be hind the kitchen stove The younir j mans heart will beat fr love and I the widow in her weeds will find I a man and seize him where Fstella I wore the beads And then sweet April will return I And John D g n in line And pay his months installment on I That thirty million fin- eCOXGRESSMAX I LAMAR Will Meet the Voters of Marion County- in I Ocala Saturday March 7th Hon W L > Lamar representa- tive ¬ I in Congress of the Third Flor- ida ¬ I I District will be in Ocala Sat- urday ¬ March 7 and will address- the voters on the public questions- of the day at 11 a m Mr Lamar is a candidate for the United I States Senate and is one of the I strongest men in the race He is a fluent and logical speaker and those who fail to hear him will miss an oratorical treat MEDICINE THAT IS MEDICINE I have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints but have now found a remedy that keeps me well and that remedy is Electric Bitters a medicine that is medicine- for stomach and liver troubles and for run down conditions says W C Kiestler of Halliday Ark Electric Bitters purify and enrich the blood tone up the nerves and impart vigor and energy to the weak Your money will be refunded if it fails to help you Fifty cents at Tydings Cos r Pike TaIlorlllj Q One of the lLk gt our particular f repute is founded O- QUNLINED ie f COATS Yry THAT ACTUALLY- KEEP THEIR SHAPE rk 1 CJ There is only one tailor in these entire Umked Stales that has after netts 4 of patient effort succeeded in accoa pI hiDe this and his tame u i FRED KAUFFMANN Tk AaMricma Taller CHICAGO q He calls this fannent The TIDYCOOL SACK Q It B cut and proportioned to haag and balance just right q The facing is interlined with vety flue grade of hair cloth of alauMC impercepti- ble ¬ weight imported exclusively by him Q The teams are encased with material which holds all parts firmly yet flex ¬ ibly in place I q The pockets and all vital parts are sdentofically bridged and held in place by stays r The Raault is an IDEAL SUMMER GARME- NTTIDYCOOL SACK Nve SeeHflfv isaitatd BOSTON STORE A Fruk MaitferSfr- kUeal The TIDY COOL SACK The omly niiln il coat ever designed that Rgrwt tin fir Frei laslfaspositive- ly retain its strap Tks As sdua Tiisr Okas I DAVID S WOODROW J W AKIN GEORGE H FORD OCALA PLUMBING i AND ELECTRIC CODE- ALERS IN Standard Makes of Plumbing Goods Gus Engines Pumps Irrigating Plants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimates promptly sub- mitted ¬ on any Work in our line P 0 Box No 944 OCALA FLORIDA Phone No 371 ST JOSEPHS ACADEMYLOR- ETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA i Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimming- Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hail and Recreation Rooms Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR- ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LORETTO FLA CLOSE MESH AMERICAN FENCES- ee How Close These Meshes 58 INCH Are They Will Turn Little Pigs S IM Heavy Wire 7 Close Mesh Pig- Tight 6 6 II 4 t 6 I L 1 I Top and Bottom Bars Xo 10 6 galvanized wire Intermediate bars 6 2a 24 No i galvanized wire Stays No 5 12 galzanized wire 12 inches apart 3 lt4 i fJftl ft I Ne are Also Exclusive Age > ts for ELLVOOD Fence t t M I 5Ii LARGE STOCK QUICK SHIPMENTS fJtf 1 t i The lar ct stock cf hcavv and light harrhvarc sash doors and I- ttf n blinds fat in mill and miners supplies paint oils tc etc carried I l t m Control Florida l i Ir I I I BOYDS PORT A BUI- s 11i T r1CE I II especially adapted for tin pr iii in e men sawmill ircn or any one lliiI- I Pj t JI where a temporary fireplace is needed Tiie cut herewith chives a I t > wont view of this invention and shows how same can he attached to I l J ry frame bnildini eilher 1vhere fireplace would be built or can bet f set in 11 l1l < low NS Vi It is made of the best alvanied steel is light strong and dura- ble ¬ I This portable fireplace can b mowed from place to place and ex1ns- e I which would incur in mak mg a chimney of sticks and mortar 1 or brick i I I Marion Hardware Co br 4 HARRY B ClARKSON General Manager 1J I j I u + VLL F fie w c r I I

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-02-29 [p …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00784/0408.pdfllt p rj 7 c v- ffWO I r W Jf7WY- THE OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY FEBRUARY

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-02-29 [p …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00784/0408.pdfllt p rj 7 c v- ffWO I r W Jf7WY- THE OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY FEBRUARY

llt p rj 7 cv-







in Gary BuildingI

Over Martin and Cams Seed Store

PAIDAgent in Ocala and Marion County-

for the-

y Jacksonville Development kJ-t

ifFollowing are a few or my specials

toe tills monthFOR SALEThe residence No 50

64 Main rreet 2250 half cash bal-


t nap fear now rented for 20per cnoith

For Sale or Rent on ReasonableTerms The two residences NOM 250

and 252 West Exposition Street Bothare desirable property and in exce-



condition For terms etc apply

Numerous other properties for sale-S farm residence grove and turpentine

tracts List your property with me If4 you want to sell it or call on me if

r you want to buy I will give carefulattention to the collection of rents and

ij paying of taxes for any nonresidentproperty owners



Plnmbing andr

Plumbers Supplies3

<f R E Yonge Son the original andreliable plumbers having gone entire-ly


out of the bicycle business are nowi devoting all of their time with a com-

e petent force of men to the plumbingL aad tinning business and are better

I prepared than ever to do firstclasswork in quick time and at livingprices The company has Just receiv-ed


t eIf a big shipment of the Standard

goods in enameled bath tubs one piecerh inks lavatories toilet sets etc andir have also a big line of medium priced

t gOfdft as well as a cheaper line in tinand galvanized iron for customers whodesire them The company has acomplete stock of fittings faucetsandJjctwres of all kinds and will be pleasjed to show the stock to you and giveyou an estimate on the cost of your

1 work An experience of a quarter ofa century gives this company manyadvantages See R E Yonge Son I-ttNi need their services

Iy R E YONGE SON1r Plumbers Ocala FlaI



J F WILLIAMSON Propa yt-y Rates FMtonabU All Goods pressed

r MtsT Clsansd on Short Notive and De-


r Promptly

f Alt transient work not criled forwithin 30 days will be sold for charges




FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers-


f Undertaxers

Fine Caskets and Burial Robes

t All Work Done by Licensed ET-

baimvrs and Fully Guaranteed

tt I eJceIcei-F






L A LEX AN DENPractical


areluU estimates made on all contracirock Gives more and better work tot

ney than any other contractortaI p

tf 4


The irlous of March will come againWhen Caesars blood uses lot

The foes of Bryan will hid outBehind tilt panipot

And uhfn he se f s them lurking thereHell guess their r1I intent

And rin jtiot lily hLs friends all hopeHell run for president

i The candidates Republican viilpass the stand again and the port-ly


form of Mr Taft will show a-

handoine gain the whiskerlets ofMr Hughes will float upon tilebreeze the fleet that sailed > lrgilans Straits will cruise the ve st-


seas the infant boom of Cortelyou will grimly yield the ghostand the licet will run the banquetson the other Latin coast

I Another lot of foreign countsI and busted sports and old willcome across to marry more of ourdead easy pfold a count wiil marrya million cool and a riis count twoor three and gold an1 girl andhorse laugh loud theyll all putout to sea and while the Gouldsgive Honi onelust one morechance alack well all steal offand kick ourselves quite low downon the backThe country papers will ge used

To Uncle Sams mandateThat they may not hold readers h-

Are not paid up to dateBut the government will not assist-

At squaring things somehowVith old subscribers made so mad

They never will pay now

March was the first month of theRoman year and was named fromMars the god of war Mars look


ed like a twin brother to Richmond I

Pearson Hobson and he was theI

Iregular Roman delegate to thePeace Conference at The HagueHe was supposed to be tne father-of Romulus the founder of Rome


but he was not he was only theypung mans godfather In an ¬


cient warfare it was customary toplace a good bronze bust of Mars I

on the field and then fight for itThe comedy of life will be about


what it has beenthe men will la-

bor day and night and the wives-of


men will spin Theyll have aI

club for every day and never ceaseto go theyll learn to talk of manythemes their husbands do notknow theyll hear a lecturer from


Greece another on Japan another-on the Renaissance and several onman theyll hire a lot of long-haired


freaks to make them eru ¬

dite theyll work on papers everymorn and look up things at night I

and their husbands will get supper J

cold and suffer pdicule and theI

children will grow up like wolveswhile Mamma goes to schoolThe money indiscreetly loaned I

Will faithfully keep LentAnd a lady teacher will sit on I

The pin when it Is bent l

But when the principal responds i-

To screams heard through the house I

Shell not tell him what happened butWill say she saw a mouse


Until the 21st March will be un-


the influence of the zodiacalsign known as Pisces the FishPisces will induce his relativeStuyvesant Fish to take the Illi-


Central fight into the U SSupreme Court where E H Har-riman will be ditched with twobum lamps a derailed backbone-and a swift kick in the caboose

After the 2ist March will beunder the influence of Aries thesign of the Head Under this signold heads will come to the front inthe presidential race and UncleJoe Cannon will conic out of lastplace and make the President put

I two more burrs in the spaciousbosom of Mr Tafts pants

Persons born under Pisces drinklike a fish and vote wet Theymake excellent subordinates likeFriday and Loc They can sayno and it is fitiK to expose them-to more life insurance for they

Iwen1 take it They arc very cau-


and nlway > take scats nearthe fire escape

Persons horn trulcr Aries al-


think before speakintr ailthen never say anything They aregood organizers and generally bo-

1onnr to the AntiSaloon LeagueThey make good lawyers and gen-erally get the case continued untilthey can elect the prosecuting at-


The Venal Equinox will comeI And the Irish will paradeI The booming bullfrog will resume

His music in the gladeThe mole will burrow in the lawn

And the rash duck hunter tootHis caller while pneumonia drills-

A leakhole in his bootAnd then the gentle spring will

Iit fA fifyedrwLL q WIJ 3


come and the poet will essay with I

swelling breast and bliss his hum I

and Museattended lay the rtes1-ter will announce the dawn and I

the hen will scratch the dirt and j

I everybody will put on a thinner i

I undershirt The sassafras willI brew again to tone the systemi rank and the washout will onsetthe train and throw it down thebank the gander and the g osewill nipth the meadow will be

j yet and tile s ringir tcxic tedcot wiil turn a sirrrper 1 F Thesouse will be cleaned un airain the


robins come in drove and the husjbnnd will cat bread and cheese behind the kitchen stove The younirj mans heart will beat fr love andI the widow in her weeds will findI

a man and seize him where FstellaI wore the beadsAnd then sweet April will return

I And John D g n in lineAnd pay his months installment on


That thirty million fin-




Will Meet the Voters of Marion County-in


Ocala Saturday March 7th

Hon W L > Lamar representa-tive


I in Congress of the Third Flor-ida


I District will be in Ocala Sat-urday


March 7 and will address-the voters on the public questions-of the day at 11 a m Mr Lamaris a candidate for the United


States Senate and is one of theI

strongest men in the race He is afluent and logical speaker andthose who fail to hear him willmiss an oratorical treat


I have suffered a good deal withmalaria and stomach complaints but

have now found a remedy that keepsme well and that remedy is ElectricBitters a medicine that is medicine-for stomach and liver troubles andfor run down conditions says W CKiestler of Halliday Ark ElectricBitters purify and enrich the bloodtone up the nerves and impart vigorand energy to the weak Your moneywill be refunded if it fails to help youFifty cents at Tydings Cos


Pike TaIlorlllj

Q One of the lLk gt our particularf repute is founded O-




rk 1CJ There is only one tailor in theseentire Umked Stales that has after netts

4 of patient effort succeeded in accoapI hiDe this and his tame u

i FRED KAUFFMANNTk AaMricma Taller CHICAGOq He calls this fannent

The TIDYCOOL SACKQ It B cut and proportioned to haagand balance just rightq The facing is interlined with vety fluegrade of hair cloth of alauMC impercepti-ble


weight imported exclusively by himQ The teams are encased with materialwhich holds all parts firmly yet flex ¬

ibly in place I

q The pockets and all vital parts aresdentofically bridged and held in placeby stays r


Nve SeeHflfvisaitatd

BOSTON STOREA Fruk MaitferSfr-


The omly niiln il coat ever designed that Rgrwt tin fir Frei laslfaspositive-ly

retain its strap Tks As sdua Tiisr Okas






Standard Makes of Plumbing Goods Gus Engines Pumps Irrigating PlantsAcetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimates promptly sub-mitted


on any Work in our line

P 0 Box No 944 OCALA FLORIDA Phone No 371


Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph

Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along PhysicalIntellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimming-Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hail andRecreation Rooms

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR-



Are They Will Turn Little Pigs S IM

Heavy Wire 7 Close Mesh Pig-Tight 6

6 II 4 t6 I L 1 I

Top and Bottom Bars Xo 10 6galvanized wire Intermediate bars 6 2a

24No i galvanized wire Stays No 5

12 galzanized wire 12 inchesapart 3

lt4i fJftl ft

I Ne are Also Exclusive Age > ts for ELLVOOD Fencet t M


1 t i The lar ct stock cf hcavv and light harrhvarc sash doors and I-

ttf n blinds fat in mill and miners supplies paint oils tc etc carried

I l t m Control Floridali Ir





11i T r1CEI

II especially adapted for tin pr iii in e men sawmill ircn or any one lliiI-


Pjt JI where a temporary fireplace is needed Tiie cut herewith chives aI t > wont view of this invention and shows how same can he attached toI

l J ry frame bnildini eilher 1vhere fireplace would be built or can betf set in 11 l1l < low


It is made of the best alvanied steel is light strong and dura-



I This portable fireplace can b mowed from place to place andex1ns-eI which would incur in mak mg a chimney of sticks and mortar1 or bricki



Marion Hardware Cobr

4 HARRY B ClARKSON General Manager1J




VLL F fie w c r I I