Fr r OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY DECEMBER 13 1909 H ROBINSON President LaIi BLITCII Manager J C BOOZFR Asst Homage GEO J TILl Ton Te- llerCOMMERCIAL BANKOC- ALA FLAM M M M MBB MM THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK- Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful enterprises- We solicit a share of your business SPOT CASH PRICEST- hough our Special Money Raising Sale is over we have decided to continue selling at the Sale I Prices on the A Little Now and Then plan We are in a position to sell I you goods at Spot Cash Prices and make Terms to Suit > You Call and let us Show Yo- uTheusZachry i 5 I Co 4 The Furniture Men 1 Fort Kino Ave and Ocala Fla Magnolia St f RIITff LANd 9 Leading Vehicle Dealers- of Central FloridaA- n I immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Carls I and Carriages carried at all times p Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items i carried by a firstclass house of this bind bonaht in quan titles from the factories and always in stock at the vr lowest prices- We tf l i I l can save you money on your purchases be 4T Z large or small i Whit Agents for most of he leading and best makes of wagons and bug- giesKNIGHT 1 LANGNo- rth I Side of Square OCALA FLORIDA 1 I FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES I Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage + Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets i Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W R EDWARE S Phcne 108 City Market L DAVID S WOODROW VM J SHERIDAN Phone 165 Ph ne 139 WOODMR SAND STONE COMPANYOF- FICE IN HOLDER BLOCK OCALA FLORIDA CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all kjpds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks Cement Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make Blocks tor Foundations for house work which look better than brick and the cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry- E C I > 1 ti I C Smith C V Rob- ertsRoberts SlTIith EMBALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Complete Line of Caskets and Burial Materials Graduated Embalmers and Uudertakers Day Phone 10 Night Phone 94 OCALA FLOR- IDACLAUDE J 1 I J < GATES Electrical Contractor if I Repair Work a Specialty All Work Is Guaranteed OCALA LEESBURG EUSTIS PHONE NO 355 OCALA FLORIDA j k z + OCALA OCCURRENCES K of P meet tonight Elks meet tomorrow evening- Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Eagles meet Wednesday evening Mr W M McLeod of Live Oak is at j the Ocala House- J J V ititae of Citra is at the j OtaJi House A new shipment of Hudnuts toilet I articles Just in at the Court Phar- macy Mr H C Fussell and Mrs W C Fussell of Wildwood are at the Ocala House Hand painted china at the Ocala- Netvs Co suitable for wedding and Christmas presents- Mr H D Bassett of Lakeland- a successful real estate agent was a j guest of the Ocala House yesterday Phone US for you prescriptions We call and deliver them The Court Pharmacy- I N Hewitt of the Marion Farms returned yesterday from a business trip to Jacksonville All kinds of holiday and presenta ¬ tion books at the Ocala News Co also the latest copyrights- Mr L J Knight returned yesterday from Jacksonville and Savannah where he had been on business FOR RENTOne nicely furnished- bed room on second floor Apply 34 Oklawaha avenue Mrs D S Woodrow and daughter Miss Annie Blair returned yesterday afternoon from Jacksonville where they have been visiting for severaJ days Bileine Cnni Tonic is a bitter dose but it does the work 25 cents per I bottle at the Postoffice Drugstore- Pot plants for sale Apply at 101 South Orange street at once M B Roed rennsylvanla Grit and other leading newspapers and magazines at Bal lards news stand Dont fall to try our famous oyster loaf at the Brick City Restaurant S A Moses Manager- Mr < I rind Mrs Walter Yonge went to Eustis this afternoon where they will remain for a week while Mr Yonge is doing some plumbing for R E Yonge Son OLD SANTA CLAUS Mail Box Now Ready AT THE BAZAAR Cherry Juice Cough Syrup one of the Rexall family 25 and 50 cent bot- tles ¬ to be had only at the Postoffice Drugstore Artist X I Gottlleb is again at his studio ready for Christmas work He I bens his friends and the public at large I to call at their earliest Hesure for any I photographic work they wish for the llday- sunda good place to buy cigars < kind that suits the particular smoker Troxlers yes thats the place- A bottle of Bileine Chill Tonic will cure the most stubborn case of chills I and fever 25 cents at the Postoffice I Drugstore Mr J C Wheeler of Atlanta for merly in charge of this territory for the International Harvester Co is a guest of the Ocala House- A I large and elegant line of solid sil- ver ¬ goods for the table Jn every con ¬ ceivable article the best makes of guaranteed goods at A E Burnett- the jewelers FOR SALEroom house corner of North Third and Main streets Inquire ot Isaac Stevens 136 South 3rd street Ocala Fla FOR SALETwo beautiful collie dog pups male and female of finest strain three months old and possess- ed ¬ of splendid sable coat of hair I They will be sold reasonable Call or address for paiticulars S H Camp OkUwaha Fla Laurie Benjamin came ihome Satur- day ¬ from Lorotto where he has been attending school to spend the holldl ° s- and have his eyes treated by Dr Boney Remember our stock of Edison phon- ographs ¬ and records is tho best and largest in the country Several thou- sand ¬ different records to select from and we receive each week the latest selections just as they are put out A E Burnett exclusive agent for this city Let us no your prescription work Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly The Court Pharmacy Major Izlar reports a marvelous I find in the way of hen fruit We all know how scarce It Is and how the i price is soaring Mrs Izlar had a hen that did a world of cackling and It aroused her curiosity She noted the i fact that her hen passed under the house daily and after adding her I weath of product to the hens credit j returned Mrs Izlar sent a servant- in search of eggs but she always re ¬ ported none in sight Sunday Mrs Izlar acte l as guard and after the usual barnyard proclamation she i went under the house and after dili- gent search was about to retire un j rewarded when she noticed a dis- carded I foot tub She critically look- ed ¬ it over finally finding a hole In the bottom and peeping down dis ¬ cerned a white object that might be I an egg She turned the tub over and there she found a nest of 15 fresh j eggs In consequence of this re ¬ markable find there is Christmas joy bubbling In the Major Izlar house ¬ hold FURNISHED ROOMSFor light housekeeping bath and all conven- iences ¬ Apply at SI North Magnolia street I The Ocala Fertilizer company will be ready to sell you their superior fer ¬ tilizers by the first of December Give us a trial We can save you money I I THEY ARE HERE MAKE YOUR SELECTION THE TEAPOT GROCERY- SWISS CHEESE LIMBERGER CHEESE ROQUEFORT CHEESE- 1NEUFCHATEL CHEESE- PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE NEW MACKEREL DUTCH HERRING HALIBUT CHUNKS SMOKED OX TONGUE LAMBS TONGUE IN JARS PICKLED MESS BEEF SHELLED WALNUTS SHELLED PECANS SHELLED ALMONDS ROYAL SCARLET STRAWBERRY ROYAL SCARLET RASPBERRY ROYAL SCARLET BLACKBERRY PEELED IMPORTED PEACHES PICKLES OF ALL KINDS CITY ELECTION TOMORROW- The city election takes place tomor- row ¬ There is to be elected a mayor- a councilman at large and one alder ¬ man from each ward SALES LADIES WANTED I I Several sales ladies who leave had some experience wanted at once through the holidays Apply at Jake Kleins dry goods store DELIGHTFUL RECEPTION- AND DANCE- On Friday evening at Yonges Hall Mr and Mrs R E Yonge and their daughter Miss Erin Yonge gave a large and most delightful reception- and dance In compliment to Mr and Mrs Yonges son Mr Walter Yonge and his pretty bride Over a hundred invitations were issued and most of I those who were invited were present Those who cared to do so danced dur ¬ ing tile evening The music was sup ¬ plied by Mr and Mrs Walter Tucker- on the piano and cornet Mrs Yonge- Sr assisted by Mrs Perry Mrs B F Condon and Miss Yonge serveti de- licious punch Coffee chocolate and several kinds of cake The young peo- ple ¬ who danced and the ones who looked on as well as the older ones present spent a most pleasant even- ing ¬ and will often recall the occasion with pleasure There were many very handsome costumes worn by the la- dies ¬ in attendance Mrs Yonge is a very pretty and exceedingly bright young woman and will soon gather around tier a wide circle of friends in her new home I SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE People who send news items and I orders for work by phone to itlie Star I will please take notice that no atten- tion I can be paid to their messages un less they give their names Messrs Marcus Frank P V Leav engood and Ri R Carroll returned yesterday afternoon from Jacksonville where they were witnesses before the grand jury in the United States court for the prosecution in the case of the United States vs Harry Glckstein L D Joel and Herzog who conducted- the Railroad Wreck Stile In Ocala Mr Goldman and i + several others returned Saturday night The grand jury iir dieted the men for fraud ROOMS FOR RI2X3C No 32 North t Second street two doors from hos- pital ¬ R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of seoondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired New stock of the latest designs of pins bracelets hair ornaments belt pins rings etc at A E Burnetts Something to be remembered when Troxler serves you with y drink you get the best RECEIVERS NOTICE Notice Is given to the creditors of the J B Martin Hardware company that the undersigned was on the 6th day of December JilOs appointed re- ceiver ¬ for aSd J B Martin Hardware companv and all of its assets turned over to me All creditors are request- ed ¬ to send to me HI once itemized statements of their claims against said company It is believed by the parties In interest that tho assets will- fully pay all creditor and that final settlement will be made within thirty days For further information call on or write me at Ocala Florida Emmett E Robinson Receiver w A FEW GOOD THINGS TOJEAT Raisins Currants Orange Peel Lemon Peel Citron Figs Dates Ginger Chins Pineapple Cubes Potted Bloater Bengal Chutney Chili Sauce Plum Pudding Pluto Pudding Sauce Curry Powder Parmesan Cheese Salted Shelled Nuts Canned Gooseberries Canned Blueberries Canned Blackberries Canned Strawberries Cranberry Sauce Shelled Almonds Florida Pecans All other nuts- Evaporated Apples Peaches Apricots Raspberries Cherries Huckleberries Blackberries MARTIN GARN FUN ERAI SERVICES OF CAPTAIN DITTO The funeral services of the late Capt W L Ditto were held this aft- ernoon ¬ from the undertaking rooms- of Marcus Conant in Jacksonville All the members of the family were present The body was laid to rest followed by a number of deeply sym- pathetic ¬ friends and the camp of Confederate Veterans of that city ATTiiATlOX ELKS All members of the Ocala lodge of Elks are requested to meet at the club rooms at 3 oclock sharp to- morrow ¬ Tuesday afternoon to pro ¬ ceed to the residence of the late Col O T Green and attend the funeral o the debarted brother FOR AL1En lAX AT LARGE After numerous solicitations from friends from various parts of the city Mr Will P Edwards of the city market has consented to the use of his name for said position Mr Ed ¬ wards is so well known as a success- ful ¬ business man that he needs no introduction to the people and if elected promises his best efforts to ¬ wards maintaining the integrity and honor of the city and its improve ¬ ments and adding to them as funds and circumstances will admit CHRISTMAS ORANGES- For the next ten days r shall be packing Presentation Boxes compos- ed ¬ of Tangerines Grapefruit and Choice Oranges Price 225 per box i o b Auburndale- E M Howard Phone 101 GOOD THINGS TO EAT At the new Busy Bee Restaurant in the Arcade building Our spec- ialty ¬ is sea foods prepared to create- an appetite Oysters in any style panned escalloped baked oyster roll fried etc Steaks chops chicken and almost anything one wishes We deliver to all parts of the city and all orders are served with careful atten ¬ tion We respectfully solicit your patronage Busy Bee Restaurant Phone 293 Chas Rodoff Proprietor I Mr T B Snyder was elected fore- man ¬ of the grand jury and Mi Will lam DeHon of the Blitchton secton clerk A venire was Issued by the judge to complete the petit jury- A negro was walking the S A L truck east of the crossing Saturday night when ay engine struck him and fractured his skull A package he had under his arm purchased at Jake Kleins store was found on the track the engine wheels cuttng off the cov- er ¬ Dr Dozier the railroad surgeon- was called and dressed ihis wounds I The man was living ut last accounts- Mr s R F Williams and family from Dehli Louisiana arrived yesterday- and will occupy the J L Smoak place several miles northwest of town The Star extends a cordial welcome to Mr Williams and family and trusts they will never have occasion to regret their coming to Marion county to reside Messrsf Geo K Robinson and Frank Wetherbee went to Silver Springs yesterday to witness Herbert Jones wonderful somersault into the springs As a dead sure diver Herbert is a success but as he for- got his suit case he returned home in tits bathing suit- J C Geiger connect with the Ocala Steam Laundry spent Sunday with his friend D F Simmons east of Citra He said the farmers up tnere were busy grinding cane Messrs Pedrick and Windrum of the New South Farm and Home Co of Ijurbank spent Sunday in Ocala and reported great activity at that place among new comers Prepara- tions ¬ are being made to erect com- pany ¬ buildings for the transaction of business of the company MessrsE L Wartmann and J W Crosby of Citra drove down this fore ¬ noon being called here nt witnesses before the court Messrs Tompkins S Cobb sold seven head of equines Saturday six mules and a horso The churches were slimly attended last night owing to the downfall of rain It almost caused the spiritual light to go out Rev R H Barnett- did not preach a regular farewell sermon but handed out good old wholesome Biblical doctrine- Col J H Livingston made a short busjnoss trip to Board and Mclntosh yesterday afternoon and returned- last night He said the low price of fruit was checking the shipment and Mr Frank Sampson who is the larg- est ¬ grower in that section would let his fruit ang on the trees to rot or freeze before he would further glut the market at present prices Officer Geo W Baisden of the po- lice ¬ force returned this afternoon from a visit to his wife who has boon spending a few weeks at her former home in Starke A fine little daughter was born Friday morning- to 1 Mr and Mrs Baisden The special venire added the fol- lowing ¬ petit jurors to the list ac ¬ cepted this morning namely A P Townsend W H Scarborough J W Gates O B Fort W H Whetstone and Joe Shuford FINE LEATHER GOODS- We have undoubtedly the finest line of leather goods that has ever been brought to this city purchased with the iiolday trade esp caliy in yew The Court Pharmacy- The best pill is DeWitts Little Early Riserthe safe easy pleasant and sure little liver pills DeWitts Car bolized Witch Hazel Salve is the orig ¬ inal Good for cuts burns or bruises and cjjpft ially for piles Sold by all druggists Regular mealr w served at the I Brick City p urant Breakfast I from 5 to 7 nner from 12 to 2 Supper from 6 to S S A Moses manager I Fbleys Orino Laxative is best for women and children Its mild action and pleasant taste make it preferable- to violent purgatives such as pills tablets etc Cures constipation Sold by all druggists- J M Douglass late of Shady but now a merchant of Weirsdale came up this morning to attend court He I said his business was doing nicely I Ocala News Company- G W MARTIN Proprietor Established 30 Years r a We have always had a good stock of Holiday Goods but this year we have a better stock than ever To convince yourselves come in and see for yourselves 4n For Toys we have a lot of new ones that have never Yil been shown in Ocala Mechanical Friction Wooden Iron r and in fact anything you want in that line Our line of Dolls is also complete dressed and undressed large and small Toilet Sets at your own price We can suit you for prices all along the line Comb and Brush Sets Manicure- Sets Writing Sets Smokers in Silver Ebony and all kinds of Fancy Mountings We can furnish you with articles suitable for anyone either young or old j We can say without contradiction that we have the largest line of Books ever carried in Ocala we can fur ¬ nish you any kind ot book you want our line of copy rights is complete poem books books for boys girls and babies and in fact the whole family We have the only line of Bibles and Testaments in town Our line of Fancy China is ahead of anything we have had before Hand Painted Old Dutch Donatella Ware something entirely new Staple 10 and 12 piece Toilet Seta and Glassware of all kinds When it comes to Fountain Pens we have a f1 line of the Ideal Waterman Pens Parkers Lucky Curve + besides others Dont buy Fountain Pens until you look ours over I- To sum it all up we can come nearer fitting you out for presents than any house in town Our line of stationery i s complete in every detail and we are the only stationery house in town other p ople carry a little as a side line but Stationery is our business > OCALA NEWS COMPANY Y Ocala Florida 8 PARK HOTEL H Jacksonville Fla European Plan i Rates 1 per day and up Rathskeller and Cafe in Connection k EPTHAGARD MANA- GERTHEFURNITURE I 1- II 11 r- J1J HOUSEO- F McIVER MacKAY I CARRIES A LARGE 9- i MODERN MB COMPLETESTOO OF i FURNITUREA- ND l HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KINDST- he only House in Central Florida that Completely Furnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest ail Best in Furntlure Keeping np with the times wind Jest What the People Want Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Sal hardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc Look over our Stock and get our prices before YN make your purchases v Yours Respec- lfiJllyMciVER MAcKAYO- cala Florida 1 A NEW ENTERPRISE- OCALA a h r FOR THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENT COMPANY will sell you a home in Ocala Will sell you a lot and build a house planned by you Will guarantee the title and carry the insurance You pay little more than rent Now ready for a business SEE J J FORT UNION BLOCK I 1- r J I

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-12-13 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03346/00168.pdf · Fr r OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY DECEMBER 13 1909 H ROBINSON President

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-12-13 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03346/00168.pdf · Fr r OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY DECEMBER 13 1909 H ROBINSON President



H ROBINSON PresidentLaIi BLITCII Manager J C BOOZFR Asst Homage

GEO J TILl Ton Te-




Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women ofthe city the farmers of the surrounding territory

We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men andwomen who have built and are still building successful enterprises-

We solicit a share of your business


hough our Special Money RaisingSale is over we have decided to

continue selling at the SaleI

Prices on the

A Little Now and Thenplan We are in a position to sellI

you goods at Spot Cash Pricesand make Terms to Suit

> You Call and let usShow Yo-

uTheusZachryi 5

I Co4 The Furniture Men


Fort Kino Ave and Ocala FlaMagnolia St f

RIITff LANd9 Leading Vehicle Dealers-

of Central FloridaA-


immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Carls I

and Carriages carried at all timesp

Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items i

carried by a firstclass house of this bind bonaht in quantitles from the factories and always in stock at the vrlowest prices-


tf li I

l can save you money on your purchases be 4T Z

large or small iWhit

Agents for most of he leading and best makes ofwagons and bug-




Side of Square OCALA FLORIDA1



I Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage + Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets

i Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

W R EDWARE SPhcne 108 City Market






We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do allkjpds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks CementBrick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We makeBlocks tor Foundations for house work which look better than brick andthe cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry-



> 1 ti I

C Smith C V Rob-


Complete Line of Caskets and Burial MaterialsGraduated Embalmers and Uudertakers

Day Phone 10 Night Phone 94




1 I J<

GATESElectrical Contractorif

I Repair Work a SpecialtyAll Work Is Guaranteed






K of P meet tonight

Elks meet tomorrow evening-

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening

Mr W M McLeod of Live Oak is at j

the Ocala House-

J J V ititae of Citra is at the j

OtaJi House

A new shipment of Hudnuts toilet I

articles Just in at the Court Phar-macy

Mr H C Fussell and Mrs W CFussell of Wildwood are at the OcalaHouse

Hand painted china at the Ocala-Netvs Co suitable for wedding andChristmas presents-

Mr H D Bassett of Lakeland-a successful real estate agent was a j

guest of the Ocala House yesterday

Phone US for you prescriptions Wecall and deliver them The CourtPharmacy-

I N Hewitt of the Marion Farmsreturned yesterday from a businesstrip to Jacksonville

All kinds of holiday and presenta ¬

tion books at the Ocala News Co alsothe latest copyrights-

Mr L J Knight returned yesterdayfrom Jacksonville and Savannahwhere he had been on business

FOR RENTOne nicely furnished-bed room on second floor Apply 34Oklawaha avenue

Mrs D S Woodrow and daughterMiss Annie Blair returned yesterdayafternoon from Jacksonville wherethey have been visiting for severaJdays

Bileine Cnni Tonic is a bitter dosebut it does the work 25 cents per I

bottle at the Postoffice Drugstore-

Pot plants for sale Apply at 101South Orange street at once M BRoed

rennsylvanla Grit and other leadingnewspapers and magazines at Ballards news stand

Dont fall to try our famous oysterloaf at the Brick City Restaurant SA Moses Manager-




rind Mrs Walter Yonge went toEustis this afternoon where they willremain for a week while Mr Yonge isdoing some plumbing for R E Yonge




Cherry Juice Cough Syrup one ofthe Rexall family 25 and 50 cent bot-tles


to be had only at the PostofficeDrugstore

Artist X I Gottlleb is again at hisstudio ready for Christmas work He I

bens his friends and the public at largeI

to call at their earliest Hesure for any I

photographic work they wish for thellday-

sunda good place to buy cigars< kind that suits the particularsmoker Troxlers yes thats theplace-

A bottle of Bileine Chill Tonic willcure the most stubborn case of chills I

and fever 25 cents at the Postoffice IDrugstore

Mr J C Wheeler of Atlanta formerly in charge of this territory forthe International Harvester Co is aguest of the Ocala House-



large and elegant line of solid sil-ver


goods for the table Jn every con ¬

ceivable article the best makes ofguaranteed goods at A E Burnett-the jewelers

FOR SALEroom house corner ofNorth Third and Main streets Inquireot Isaac Stevens 136 South 3rd streetOcala Fla

FOR SALETwo beautiful colliedog pups male and female of fineststrain three months old and possess-ed


of splendid sable coat of hair I

They will be sold reasonable Call oraddress for paiticulars S H CampOkUwaha Fla

Laurie Benjamin came ihome Satur-day


from Lorotto where he has beenattending school to spend the holldl ° s-

and have his eyes treated by DrBoney

Remember our stock of Edison phon-ographs


and records is tho best andlargest in the country Several thou-sand


different records to select fromand we receive each week the latestselections just as they are put out AE Burnett exclusive agent for thiscity

Let us no your prescription workPrescriptions called for and deliveredpromptly The Court Pharmacy

Major Izlar reports a marvelousI

find in the way of hen fruit We allknow how scarce It Is and how the i

price is soaring Mrs Izlar had a henthat did a world of cackling and Itaroused her curiosity She noted the i

fact that her hen passed under thehouse daily and after adding her I

weath of product to the hens credit j

returned Mrs Izlar sent a servant-in search of eggs but she always re¬

ported none in sight Sunday MrsIzlar acte l as guard and after theusual barnyard proclamation she i

went under the house and after dili-gent search was about to retire un j

rewarded when she noticed a dis-carded


foot tub She critically look-ed


it over finally finding a hole Inthe bottom and peeping down dis¬

cerned a white object that might be I

an egg She turned the tub over andthere she found a nest of 15 fresh j

eggs In consequence of this re¬

markable find there is Christmas joybubbling In the Major Izlar house ¬


FURNISHED ROOMSFor lighthousekeeping bath and all conven-iences


Apply at SI North Magnoliastreet


The Ocala Fertilizer company will beready to sell you their superior fer¬

tilizers by the first of December Giveus a trial We can save you money I

























The city election takes place tomor-row


There is to be elected a mayor-a councilman at large and one alder ¬

man from each ward



Several sales ladies who leave hadsome experience wanted at oncethrough the holidays Apply at JakeKleins dry goods store


On Friday evening at Yonges HallMr and Mrs R E Yonge and theirdaughter Miss Erin Yonge gave alarge and most delightful reception-and dance In compliment to Mr andMrs Yonges son Mr Walter Yongeand his pretty bride Over a hundredinvitations were issued and most of I

those who were invited were presentThose who cared to do so danced dur ¬

ing tile evening The music was sup ¬

plied by Mr and Mrs Walter Tucker-on the piano and cornet Mrs Yonge-Sr assisted by Mrs Perry Mrs B FCondon and Miss Yonge serveti de-

licious punch Coffee chocolate andseveral kinds of cake The young peo-ple


who danced and the ones wholooked on as well as the older onespresent spent a most pleasant even-ing


and will often recall the occasionwith pleasure There were many veryhandsome costumes worn by the la-dies


in attendance Mrs Yonge is avery pretty and exceedingly brightyoung woman and will soon gatheraround tier a wide circle of friends inher new home



People who send news items and I

orders for work by phone to itlie StarI

will please take notice that no atten-tion


can be paid to their messages unless they give their names

Messrs Marcus Frank P V Leavengood and Ri R Carroll returnedyesterday afternoon from Jacksonvillewhere they were witnesses before thegrand jury in the United States courtfor the prosecution in the case of theUnited States vs Harry Glckstein LD Joel and Herzog who conducted-the Railroad Wreck Stile In Ocala MrGoldman and i+ several others returnedSaturday night The grand jury iirdieted the men for fraud

ROOMS FOR RI2X3C No 32 North t

Second street two doors from hos-pital


R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of seoondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired

New stock of the latest designs ofpins bracelets hair ornaments beltpins rings etc at A E Burnetts

Something to be remembered whenTroxler serves you with y drink youget the best


Notice Is given to the creditors ofthe J B Martin Hardware companythat the undersigned was on the 6thday of December JilOs appointed re-ceiver


for aSd J B Martin Hardwarecompanv and all of its assets turnedover to me All creditors are request-ed


to send to me HI once itemizedstatements of their claims againstsaid company It is believed by theparties In interest that tho assets will-fully pay all creditor and that finalsettlement will be made within thirtydays For further information callon or write me at Ocala Florida

Emmett E Robinson Receiverw



CurrantsOrange PeelLemon Peel


DatesGinger Chins

Pineapple CubesPotted Bloater

Bengal ChutneyChili Sauce

Plum PuddingPluto Pudding Sauce

Curry PowderParmesan Cheese

Salted Shelled NutsCanned GooseberriesCanned BlueberriesCanned BlackberriesCanned Strawberries

Cranberry SauceShelled AlmondsFlorida PecansAll other nuts-






The funeral services of the lateCapt W L Ditto were held this aft-ernoon


from the undertaking rooms-of Marcus Conant in Jacksonville Allthe members of the family werepresent The body was laid to restfollowed by a number of deeply sym-pathetic


friends and the camp ofConfederate Veterans of that city


All members of the Ocala lodge ofElks are requested to meet at theclub rooms at 3 oclock sharp to-morrow


Tuesday afternoon to pro ¬

ceed to the residence of the late ColO T Green and attend the funeralo the debarted brother


After numerous solicitations fromfriends from various parts of thecity Mr Will P Edwards of the citymarket has consented to the use ofhis name for said position Mr Ed ¬

wards is so well known as a success-ful


business man that he needs nointroduction to the people and ifelected promises his best efforts to ¬

wards maintaining the integrity andhonor of the city and its improve ¬

ments and adding to them as fundsand circumstances will admit


For the next ten days r shall bepacking Presentation Boxes compos-ed


of Tangerines Grapefruit andChoice Oranges Price 225 perbox i o b Auburndale-

E M Howard Phone 101


At the new Busy Bee Restaurantin the Arcade building Our spec-ialty


is sea foods prepared to create-an appetite Oysters in any stylepanned escalloped baked oyster rollfried etc Steaks chops chickenand almost anything one wishes Wedeliver to all parts of the city and allorders are served with careful atten ¬

tion We respectfully solicit yourpatronage Busy Bee RestaurantPhone 293 Chas Rodoff Proprietor I

Mr T B Snyder was elected fore-man


of the grand jury and Mi Willlam DeHon of the Blitchton sectonclerk A venire was Issued by thejudge to complete the petit jury-

A negro was walking the S A Ltruck east of the crossing Saturdaynight when ay engine struck him andfractured his skull A package he hadunder his arm purchased at JakeKleins store was found on the trackthe engine wheels cuttng off the cov-er


Dr Dozier the railroad surgeon-was called and dressed ihis wounds I

The man was living ut last accounts-


R F Williams and family fromDehli Louisiana arrived yesterday-and will occupy the J L Smoak placeseveral miles northwest of town TheStar extends a cordial welcome to MrWilliams and family and trusts theywill never have occasion to regret theircoming to Marion county to reside

Messrsf Geo K Robinson andFrank Wetherbee went to SilverSprings yesterday to witness HerbertJones wonderful somersault intothe springs As a dead sure diverHerbert is a success but as he for-got his suit case he returned home intits bathing suit-

J C Geiger connect with theOcala Steam Laundry spent Sundaywith his friend D F Simmons eastof Citra He said the farmers uptnere were busy grinding cane

Messrs Pedrick and Windrum ofthe New South Farm and Home Coof Ijurbank spent Sunday in Ocalaand reported great activity at thatplace among new comers Prepara-tions


are being made to erect com-pany


buildings for the transaction ofbusiness of the company

MessrsE L Wartmann and J WCrosby of Citra drove down this fore ¬

noon being called here nt witnessesbefore the court

Messrs Tompkins S Cobb soldseven head of equines Saturday sixmules and a horso

The churches were slimly attendedlast night owing to the downfall ofrain It almost caused the spirituallight to go out Rev R H Barnett-did not preach a regular farewellsermon but handed out good oldwholesome Biblical doctrine-

Col J H Livingston made a shortbusjnoss trip to Board and Mclntoshyesterday afternoon and returned-last night He said the low price offruit was checking the shipment andMr Frank Sampson who is the larg-est


grower in that section would lethis fruit ang on the trees to rot orfreeze before he would further glutthe market at present prices

Officer Geo W Baisden of the po-lice


force returned this afternoonfrom a visit to his wife who hasboon spending a few weeks at herformer home in Starke A fine littledaughter was born Friday morning-to


Mr and Mrs Baisden

The special venire added the fol-lowing


petit jurors to the list ac ¬

cepted this morning namely A PTownsend W H Scarborough J WGates O B Fort W H Whetstoneand Joe Shuford


We have undoubtedly the finest lineof leather goods that has ever beenbrought to this city purchased withthe iiolday trade esp caliy in yew TheCourt Pharmacy-

The best pill is DeWitts Little EarlyRiserthe safe easy pleasant andsure little liver pills DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is the orig ¬

inal Good for cuts burns or bruisesand cjjpft ially for piles Sold by alldruggists

Regular mealr w served at theIBrick City p urant Breakfast I

from 5 to 7 nner from 12 to 2Supper from 6 to S S A Mosesmanager


Fbleys Orino Laxative is best forwomen and children Its mild actionand pleasant taste make it preferable-to violent purgatives such as pillstablets etc Cures constipation Soldby all druggists-

J M Douglass late of Shady butnow a merchant of Weirsdale cameup this morning to attend court He Isaid his business was doing nicely


Ocala News Company-G W MARTIN Proprietor

Established 30 Years r


We have always had a good stock of HolidayGoods but this year we have a better

stock than ever To convinceyourselves come in and

see for yourselves4n

For Toys we have a lot of new ones that have neverYil

been shown in Ocala Mechanical Friction Wooden Ironr

and in fact anything you want in that line Our line ofDolls is also complete dressed and undressed large andsmall

Toilet Sets at your own price We can suit you forprices all along the line Comb and Brush Sets Manicure-Sets Writing Sets Smokers in Silver Ebony and all kindsof Fancy Mountings We can furnish you with articlessuitable for anyone either young or old j

We can say without contradiction that we havethe largest line of Books ever carried in Ocala we can fur ¬

nish you any kind ot book you want our line of copyrights is complete poem books books for boys girls andbabies and in fact the whole family We have the onlyline of Bibles and Testaments in town

Our line of Fancy China is ahead of anything we havehad before Hand Painted Old Dutch Donatella Waresomething entirely new Staple 10 and 12 piece Toilet Seta

and Glassware of all kindsWhen it comes to Fountain Pens we have a f1 line of

the Ideal Waterman Pens Parkers Lucky Curve + besidesothers Dont buy Fountain Pens until you look oursover I-

To sum it all up we can come nearer fitting you out forpresents than any house in town Our line of stationery iscomplete in every detail and we are the only stationeryhouse in town other p ople carry a little as a side line butStationery is our business >


Ocala Florida8


Jacksonville Fla

European Plan i

Rates 1 per day and up Rathskellerand Cafe in Connection





II 11 r-











he only House in Central Florida that CompletelyFurnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest ailBest in Furntlure Keeping np with the times wind JestWhat the People Want

Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Salhardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc

Look over our Stock and get our prices before YNmake your purchases v Yours Respec-

lfiJllyMciVER MAcKAYO-

cala Florida 1






THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENTCOMPANY will sell you a home inOcala Will sell you a lot andbuild a house planned by youWill guarantee the title and carrythe insurance You pay littlemore than rent Now ready for a


