Obama 2012 - Strategy Update

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  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Campaign Update

    Jim MessinaCampaign Manager

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Our Mission


    Re-elect President Obama on November 6, 2012How we!ll run the campaign: Respect. Empower. Include. Win.

    How we win

    1. Expand the electorate

    2. Build something new

    3. Grow the grassroots in the states

    4. Measure our progress

    5. Work for every vote

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    How we win

    1. Expand the electorate

    2. Build something new

    3. Grow the grassroots in the states

    4. Measure our progress

    5. Work for every vote

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Electoral Map

    Keep the expanded map

    2004 Presidential Election Results


    Kerry Bush

    Electoral Votes

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Keep the expanded map



    Obama McCain

    Electoral Map

    2008 Presidential Election Results

    Electoral Votes

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Expand the electorate

    Democrats registered morevoters than GOP in #07-#08*

    *Partisan new registrants in states with party reg.Source: DNC Voter File

    Voter registration canchange the electorate

    New voters will turn out

    We must expand theelectorate to win in2012

    We could lose if wedon#t 2007 2008







    % of New Registrants

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Expand the electorate

    President Obama won first-timevoters by a large margin in #08

    Source: National Exit Poll

    Voter registration canchange the electorate

    New voters will turn out

    We must expand theelectorate to win in2012

    We could lose if wedon#t 2004 2008








    % of Support

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    How we win

    1. Expand the electorate

    2. Build something new

    3. Grow the grassroots in the states

    4. Measure our progress

    5. Work for every vote

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    2012 will be different from 2008

    Outside GOP GroupFundraising Example*

    $70 M

    $120 M

    $0 M

    Republican outside groupsplan to increase theirinfluence

    They can accept contributionsfrom anonymouscorporations, thanks toCitizens United ruling

    Republicans will push a rightwing agenda and seek to rollback the progress we#ve made

    *American CrossroadsSource: NYTimes 3/1/11

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    2012 will be different from 2008

    The President won 12 statesby less than 15 pts in 2008

    This is not 2008

    Electoral landscapewill be morechallenging in 2012

    Republicans will befired up to take onPresident Obama

    Republicans willengage in competitiveprimary process

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    2012 will be different from 2008

    GOP won a statewide race in10 of these states in 2010*

    This is not 2008

    Electoral landscapewill be morechallenging in 2012

    Republicans will befired up to take onPresident Obama

    Republicans willengage in competitiveprimary process

    * Gubernatorial or Senate race

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    2012 will be different from 2008

    Just as President Obama isfocused on winning the future,we must look forward, not back

    We have made historic changethese past two years

    o Economic Recovery +

    Job Creation#

    o Health Insurance Reform#

    oWall Street Reform


    o Don$t Ask, Don$t Tell Repeal#

    There is more work left to do







    President remains focusedon winning the future#

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    To win, we have to build something new

    Facing new challenges, we will have to build agrassroots organization that#s farther reaching, morefocused, and more innovative than anything we#vebuilt before

    We must re-connect with long-time supporters andinspire new ones to join the cause, so that they canshape our national and state plans for victory

    We know that the campaign will only be as strong asour grassroots organization in communities acrossthe country

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    How we win

    1. Expand the electorate

    2. Build something new

    3. Grow the grassroots in the states

    4. Measure our progress

    5. Work for every vote

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Grassroots org will power our campaign

    In the face of historic challenges, the President muststay focused on the American people. That#s why heneeds us to lay the foundation for the campaign,starting now

    Campaign will be fueled by commitment of folks in all50 states who lend their time, talent, networks, andideas. We will win this campaign in the states

    We believe in organizing block by block, withneighbors talking to neighbors, co-workers talking toco-workers, and friends talking to friends

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    How we win

    Organization will grow throughout campaign

    1. Launch Campaign Declare I#M IN for 2012 Talk to old and new

    supporters, hold one-on-ones

    2. Listen and Plan Engage key stakeholders Hold local planning sessions Gather input for national,

    state, and local plans

    3. Build Teams Organize local house meetings Recruit + train volunteer

    neighborhood teams

    4. Contact Voters Register, persuade, and turn

    out voters

    Engage key constituencies


    Grassroots will build to the election

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    How we win

    1. Expand the electorate

    2. Build something new

    3. Grow the grassroots in the states

    4. Measure our progress

    5. Work for every vote

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Track our progress with metrics

    Campaign will be metrics-driven

    Everyone will set goals and track their progress

    Campaign manager looks at reports every morningon grassroots metrics such as calls, conversations,and supporters who declared I#m In

    We will learn together by spreading best practicesand adapting what could work better

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    How we win

    1. Expand the electorate

    2. Build something new

    3. Grow the grassroots in the states

    4. Measure our progress

    5. Work for every vote

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    Work for every vote

    This campaign could be won or lost by a singlevote

    We have seen elections decided by the narrowestof margins, so we will work hard for every vote

    Complacency loses campaigns. We won#t take

    anything for granted. The stakes are too high todo less

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    How we win

    1. Expand the electorate

    2. Build something new

    3. Grow the grassroots in the states

    4. Measure our progress

    5. Work for every vote

  • 8/3/2019 Obama 2012 - Strategy Update


    What you can do now

    Hold conversations to re-engage supporters,recruit new ones

    Go to barackobama.com to get involved

    Sign Up to Volunteer orFind a Local Event

    Declare I#M IN!

    Make a Donation