NUR NABILAH BINTI AHMAD NIZAM - Universiti Sultan Zainal

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This final year project documentation entitled as Accessible Car Parking System with IOT and

submitted by Nur Nabilah Binti Ahmad Nizam and matric number BTBL17046946 and has been

found satisfactory in term of scope, quality and presentation as partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Network Security) in Universiti Sultan Zainal

Abidin (UniSZA).

Signature : ………………………

Supervisor : ……………………..

Date : ……………………..

Page 3: NUR NABILAH BINTI AHMAD NIZAM - Universiti Sultan Zainal



I hereby declare that this thesis is produced based on my original work with the aid of obtaining

information from the sources. The work is a result of my own investigation. I would also declare

that this thesis has been previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at Universiti

Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) or other institutions.

Signature : ………………………

Name : ……………………..

Date : ……………………..

Page 4: NUR NABILAH BINTI AHMAD NIZAM - Universiti Sultan Zainal



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, all praise is only for Him, the

King of the whole universe. May His blessing is upon his beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

and all his family. A very great hamdalah I served to Him for giving me enough health, time and

maturity of mind to prepared this project and complete this thesis.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who have given me the opportunity

to complete this thesis. A special thank you to my supervisor Dr. Aznida Hayati Binti Zakaria for

her guidance, ideas, help, criticism and advice from the start to the end, which is helpful to me

in completing this final year project.

Last but not least, I was proud to thank my parents and friends for giving moral support and

encouragement throughout my life, whenever I feel like giving up. I also take this opportunity to

thank all the lecturers at the Faculty of Informatics and Computing and my colleagues for their

attention, guidance and advice during my final year project. To all panels that participate in the

assessment session and provide useful comments and tips. I express my heartfelt gratitude to

their guide.

May Allah S.W.T bless all effort for completing this final year project.

Thank you.

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People nowadays mostly have their cars and it will cause a high demand for more

parking slots. The double parking everywhere parking because the driver won’t take the risk of

going elsewhere to park their car and this can lead to worsts traffic problems and accidents.

The car parking system will be proposed in this project to alleviate the aforementioned

problems. By using the system, it will help civilian to find an empty park space and reserve it

through the system. It will reduce the time and prevent the waste of fuel consumption. Moreover,

the civilian also can choose the parking slot nearest to their house. Also, if the civilian forgot

where they park their car they will check it through the system. Meanwhile to accomplish this

project, the method that been used to develop the project are microcontroller, Wi-Fi module,

and wireless communication used as to inform the information about availability of free slot

parking and Infrared (IR) sensor has been used to help identify the free of parking slot. The

result that going to be yielded in this project is a convenient application that can help the users

problem in finding car parking.

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Orang ramai kebanyakannya mempunyai kereta mereka dan ia akan menyebabkan

permintaan yang tinggi untuk lebih banyak slot letak kereta. Tempat letak kereta berganda di

tempat letak kereta kerana pemandu tidak akan mengambil risiko pergi ke tempat lain untuk

meletak kereta mereka dan ini boleh membawa kepada masalah lalu lintas yang paling buruk

dan kemalangan. Sistem letak kereta akan dicadangkan dalam projek ini untuk mengurangkan

masalah yang disebutkan di atas. Dengan menggunakan sistem ini, ia akan membantu orang

awam mencari ruang taman kosong dan menempahnya melalui sistem. Ia akan mengurangkan

masa dan menghalang pembaziran penggunaan bahan api. Selain itu, orang awam juga boleh

memilih slot letak kereta yang terdekat dengan rumah mereka. Juga, jika orang awam lupa di

mana mereka meletak kereta mereka, mereka akan memeriksa melalui sistem. Sementara itu

untuk melaksanakan projek ini, kaedah yang digunakan untuk membangunkan projek ini ialah

mikrokontroller, modul Wi-Fi, dan komunikasi tanpa wayar yang digunakan untuk

memaklumkan maklumat mengenai ketersediaan tempat letak slot percuma dan sensor

Inframerah (IR) telah digunakan untuk mengenal pasti percuma slot letak kereta. Hasil yang

akan dihasilkan dalam projek ini adalah aplikasi mudah yang dapat membantu masalah

pengguna dalam mencari tempat letak kereta.

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Table of Contents

APPROVAL..................................................................................................................... 2

DECLARATION .............................................................................................................. 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. 4

ABSTARCT ..................................................................................................................... 5

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................................... 6

List of figures ............................................................................................................... 10

List of tables ................................................................................................................ 12

CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................. 13

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 13

1.0 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................... 13

1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................. 15

1.2 OBJECTIVE ......................................................................................................... 15

1.3 SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 16

1.4 LIMITATION OF WORK ...................................................................................... 16

1.5 EXPECTED RESULT ........................................................................................... 16

1.6 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................. 18

LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................. 18

2.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 18

2.1 TECHNOLOGIES INVOLVED ............................................................................. 18

2.2 Infrared Sensor ................................................................................................... 19

2.2.1 Types of IR sensors ..................................................................................... 20

2.2.2 Working of IR sensors ................................................................................. 20

2.2.3 FC51 Infrared Sensor ................................................................................... 21

2.3 ESP8266 .............................................................................................................. 22

2.3.1 ESP8266 Pin Configuration ......................................................................... 23

2.3.2 NodeMCU ...................................................................................................... 23

2.3.3 NodeMCU Pin Configuration ....................................................................... 24

2.4 RELATED WORKS ............................................................................................. 25

2.4.1 Authenticated IoT Based Online Smart Parking System with Cloud ....... 25

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2.4.2 Smart Car Parking System .......................................................................... 26

2.4.3 Smart Parking System based on Global Positioning System (GPS) ....... 27

2.4.4 Smart Parking System ................................................................................. 28

2.4.5 IOT based Smart Parking Management System ........................................ 29

2.5 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................. 31

METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 31

3.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 31

3.1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 32

3.2 Agile Development ............................................................................................. 33

3.2.1 Initial Phase .................................................................................................. 34

3.2.2 Planning Phase ............................................................................................ 34

3.2.3 Analysis Phase ............................................................................................. 34

3.2.4 Design Phase ............................................................................................... 35

3.2.5 Implementation Phase ................................................................................. 35

3.2.6 Testing Phase ............................................................................................... 36

3.2.7 Evaluation Phase ......................................................................................... 36

3.2.8 Deployment Phase ....................................................................................... 36

3.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ................................................................................... 37

3.3.1 Hardware requirement ................................................................................. 37

3.3.2 Software requirement .................................................................................. 38

3.4 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 39

CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................. 40

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................... 40

4.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 40

4.1 Implementation of Mobile Application system ................................................ 40

4.1.1 Blynk Application ......................................................................................... 40

4.1.2 Detailed process .......................................................................................... 41

4.1.3 Blynk ............................................................................................................. 42

4.2 Implementation of NodeMCU ESP8266 and FC51 Infrared Sensor ................ 45

4.3 Summary ............................................................................................................. 48

CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................. 49

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RESULT ........................................................................................................................ 49

5.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 49

5.1 Expected Result ................................................................................................ 49

CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................................................. 51

CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 51

6.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 51

6.1 Project Constraints ............................................................................................ 51

6.2 Project Contributions ......................................................................................... 52

6.3 Future Work ........................................................................................................ 53

6.4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 53

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 54

Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 55

A. Project Timeline ................................................................................................... 55

A.1. Gantt Charts of FYP1 .................................................................................... 55

A.2. Gantt Charts of FYP2 .................................................................................... 56

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List of figures

Chapter 2

Figure 2.2.2: working of IR sensor 20

Figure 2.2.3: FC51 21

Figure 2.3: ESP8266 chip 22

Figure 2.3.1: ESP8266 Pin Configuration 23

Figure 2.3.2: NodeMCU 23

Figure 2.3.3: NodeMCU Pin Configuration 24

Chapter 3

Figure 3.1: Flowchart of the Accessible Car Parking System with IOT 32

Figure 3.2: Flow of Agile Development (Iterative and Incremental model) 33

Chapter 4

Figure 4.1.3: Creating Project 42

Figure Project Details 43

Figure Widget Box 44

Figure 4.2: Implementation of NodeMCU ESP8266 and FC51 46

Infrared Sensor

Figure 4.2.1: Setup Code 47

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Figure 4.2.2: Loop Code 47

Chapter 5

Figure 5.1: Result of Accessible Car Parking System with IoT 50

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List of tables

Chapter 3

Table 3.3.1: Hardware Requirement 38

Table 3.3.2: Software Requirement 39

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Internet of Things, this term has become popular over the last few years, but its existence

was discovered in the early 2000s. IOT consists mainly of two words: internet which covers the

global collection of connected servers, computers and mobile devices using protocols that are

used internationally. You may email, receive, or reveal information via the internet. A physical

entity, an action, an concept, a circumstance or an operation may have various meanings.

Through IoT, inter-network is essentially possible objects can collect data at remote locations

and communicate to various units. devices and physical objects. With IoT various wearable

items, watch, home devices can work intelligently and collaborate with sensing, computing. IoT

has made progress in a number of areas such as transport, health care, smart parking,

agricultural sectors, irrigation, environmental sensing.

As the population continues to grow, there has been an increase in personal and public

vehicles. Easy transport is a basic need in today's world, where time is most precious. It is

therefore essential that transport be carried out smoothly with people's fast-moving lives. Traffic

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congestion is a major problem leading to delays in transport and increasing pollution. Therefore,

Smart City: Accessible Car Parking System is one of innovative thing to help citizens to

overcome the problem in reducing traffic congestion. Almost every cosmopolitan city in the

world suffers from traffic congestion, which causes drivers frustration especially when searching

for a vacant parking slot during peak hour.

Thus, to alleviate the problems the car parking system be proposed in this project. This

system must be more systematic than the manual system and reliable to the users. By using

the system, it will help citizen to find an empty park space. In order, to develop the system, the

Internet of Things (IoT) is applied. This project used NodeMCU as a microcontroller and Infrared

(IR) sensor used to help identify the vacant parking slot. This project will make people life easier

in finding vacant parking slot and save their time. When the project completed, the drivers will

no more frustrated to look up the vacant parking slot as they can see and reserve the parking

slot through the system.

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Nowadays the rate of people have their own cars are increased from time to time so it cause

high demand for more parking slots and to build the parking slots may take time. Therefore

there are several problems that have been identify which are :

I. With increase in the population, number of vehicles increase and due to unmanaged

parking it leads to many problems such as traffic congestion

II. The double parking everywhere parking because the driver won’t take the risk of

going elsewhere to park their car

III. Driver need to loop in circles looking for a spot. Although smarter display show how

many spaces are available, the driver still have to look for it.


The goals of this project is basically to streamline the car parking system. The project will

mainly focus on the following objectives :

• To study and design Accessible Car Parking System with IoT

• To implement the Accessible Car Parking System with IoT

• To test and evaluate the effectiveness of Accessible Car Parking System with IoT

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This project system needs special coordinated scope of work. These scopes help us to be

focused on this project.

i. User scopes

a. to all people that have car

ii. Technology scope

a. the technology use Raspberry Pi


I. This project only work in parking lot

II. The devices used in real life and demo is different

III. High cost for more accurate data


• ACarPark System is fully developed, installed and functioned for user to use

• Real-time notification to the user

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This chapter discuss about the introduction part that also include the problem statement,

objective, scope, limitation of work and expected result.

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The objective of this project is to implement the Accessible Car Parking System with IoT.

Reviewing the previous research is carried out in order to improve the quality and developed a

quality project compared to the previous project..


In order to build this project, studies on major technologies is important to ensure the

project will develop and work functionally. The technologies that has been focused on are

Infrared Sensor Proximity and NodeMCU ESP8266.

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2.2 Infrared Sensor

Infrared technology are used for wireless applications. The infrared part is split into three

electromagnetic areas, namely the near, mid and far infrared regions[1]. These regions have

varying wavelengths. The near-infrared region operates at 700-1400 nm, the mid-infrared

region operates at 1400-3000 nm and the far-off infrared region operates at 300 nm to 1 mm

[1]. Microwave frequency is lower than infrared, but the visible light frequency is higher than the

infrared frequency.

In order to detect obstacles and surroundings, IR sensors are responsible for emitting

and detecting infrared radiation. The principle for the operation of IR sensors is laid down in

three laws. The basic idea of an infrared sensor used in the event of an obstacle detection is to

transmit an infrared signal, which rebounds or is reflected from the surface of the object, which

is then obtained by the infrared receiver.

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2.2.1 Types of IR sensors

There may be two types of passive and active infrared sensors. Passive IR sensors are

used as infrared detectors. It does not use an infrared source, and it detects any energy coming

from obstacles. Quantum and thermal, these are the two kinds of passive infrared sensors.

Active sensors are made up of two parts: infrared source and infrared detectors. LED or infrared

laser diode is used in infrared sources and photodiodes / photo transistors are used in IR

detectors. The object reflects the power emitted by the infrared source and falls to the infrared


2.2.2 Working of IR sensors

Figure 2.2.2: Working of IR sensor

The IR transmitter or source uses LEDs. Radiation is emitted by LEDs that are not visible to the

naked eye as their frequency range is in the infrared range. The IR LED is very easy to operate

and uses 3V DC and 20mA current consumption. The IR receiver is much like the LED, but it

will show up in black on the external transmitter. The IR transmitter will emit an IR signal, so the

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radio waves that is reflected on the surface ( e.g. white color) will move in several directions,

along with the direction of the IR receiver, which is able to detect the signal from the IR source,

will capture it and thus detect the object.

2.2.3 FC51 Infrared Sensor

Figure 2.2.3: FC51

It's basically got three pins. VCC is connected to a 3-5V DC connection. GND is connected to

the ground and Out is a signal output. Output of D0 is high if there is no object and low if there

is an object. It can work between 2 cm and 30 cm[1].

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2.3 ESP8266

The ESP8266 was launched in August 2004. This enables microcontrollers to easily

connect to the WIFI network and to establish TCP / IP connections. It's quite affordable WIFI

microchip that comes with 1 MiB of built-in flash. Briefly, the documentation was written in

Chinese, but due to its low cost and compactness, it was translated into English.

Figure 2.3: ESP8266 chip

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2.3.1 ESP8266 Pin Configuration

Figure 2.3.1: ESP8266 Pin Configuration

2.3.2 NodeMCU

It is a free and open - source firmware (hardware manufacturers use integrated firmware

to control the operation of different hardware devices and systems) that includes an ESP8266

chip enabled Wi-Fi development kit. It can be directly linked to serial devices via serial

communication protocols such as UART, SPI, I2C, etc.

Figure 2.3.2: NodeMCU

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2.3.3 NodeMCU Pin Configuration

Figure 2.3.3: NodeMCU Pin Configuration

NodeMCU Development board pins should be labeled in a variety of ways than the internal

GPIO notations of ESP8266 as shown in the figure. ESP8266 chip has offered 16 GPIO pins,

but there are 11 GPIO pins available in NodeMCU, two of which are used for Rx and Tx, so

pins from D0 to D8 are used for general input / output. Pins 1,3,9,10 should not be used for

general input / output purposes.

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2.4.1 Authenticated IoT Based Online Smart Parking System with Cloud

In this article [2], they build an online parking slot booking and secure it with various

security algorithms to protect it from intruders. The hardware components used are Node

MCU, IR sensors and software components Cloud access and also Cryptographic techniques

are used in this work. They use Cloud because Cloud is a technology through that we are free

to access computers, information technology (IT), software applications and data centers

through a wide area network or internet connectivity. Most IT resources, software programs or

applications , services, or infrastructure can live in the cloud. For example , if a business

wants to develop an IT infrastructure, it usually needs to install servers, software, and

networking resources, but almost all of these services and resources are now available from

third-party servers that offer them in the cloud. Moreover, they use Cryptographic technique to

make their system more secure. Cryptography is a study of data protection techniques.

Encryption is important because it protects data from unauthorized access and maintains

confidentiality. Cryptography is divided into two categories: one is Symmetric Key

Cryptography and the other is Asymmetric Key Cryptography. Symmetric key cryptography is

an encryption method in which a common key is communicated between the sender and the

receiver of a message. The key is used to encrypt the sender side message and the same

key is used on the receiver side to decrypt it. Asymmetric key cryptography means that a

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different key is used on the sender and receiver side to encrypt and decrypt the data. The

keys are different, but they are mathematically related. This project enables us to improve our

comfort and to achieve efficiency in all sectors. It reduces human efforts to make our lives

easier. One of them is the current smart parking system project. Smart Parking system

ensures the availability of slots in busy areas and reduces the time needed to search for an

empty parking slot in rush hours. The current project provides access to the cloud and also

required security to protect it from intruders. A mobile app to check the vehicle's empty slots is

being developed in this project. This will provide flexible service to customers to check slots in

the parking area.

2.4.2 Smart Car Parking System

In this article [3], it tells us that technological advancement have led advancement in

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). It can be set up in a variety of environments to track and

gather information. The WSN consists of various low-cost sensor nodes that are organized to

develop an ad hoc network via a wireless communication model that is equipped with nodes.

The sensor nodes are equipped with a variety of sensors, computing units and storage parts

used for collaborative collection , processing and provision of sensory data for localization and

surveillance. The aim of this article is to develop a smart parking system that is more cost-

effective and user-friendly compared to the existing system. The platform of this system consists

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of two phases which, in the first phase, make the car detectable in the parking lot by means of

a sensor while in the second phase, it is intended to communicate the data collected to the user

remotely. It also describes the design and implementation of WSN used to create an intelligent

car park management system based on a low-cost wireless sensor. Motivation for this project ,

based on those components used by the XBee Zigbee (series 2) protocol, to communicate the

data collected to the server and act as a sensor for detecting and communicating with the router

that a car has been parked in a parking space, Ultrasonic sensor used as it very cost effective

and has better accuracy, next Arduino Mega work as server and has large store capacity while

Arduino Uno act as router and has better memory management and LED light can be visible

from every direction and power efficient.

2.4.3 Smart Parking System based on Global Positioning System (GPS)

In this article [4], Global Positioning System (GPS) is used to determine and track a

vehicle’s precisely. It offer information about the location and availability of parking spaces at

destination. In order to detect the available parking slot, the Haversine formula has been used.

The Haversine formula is an equation important in navigation, giving great-circle distances

between two points on a sphere from their longitudes and latitudes. By using the formula, the

distance between two coordinates can be calculated which will help user to look up nearest

available parking and also can save time and fuel consumption. Moreover, using the Google

API’s navigation also help in provide a way to the parking slot. In order to develop an effective

parking, sensor have been used to detect the occupancy parking. The sensor need to be

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installed in every parking area to enable in detect occupancy parking precisely. The GPS

parking is cost effective and very easy to use. The system will improve the scalability by using

the coordinates for parking. Moreover, to ensure the system work smoothly the drivers need to

installed the GPS applications and turned it on so the GPS can trace the current location of

users and send coordinates of current location to the communication module. The coordinates

already presented in database. The distance can be found by communication module. The

server will compare the current coordinates of the driver with the existing coordinates of the

parking system. Thus the purpose of this article is to demonstrates the development of GPS

based parking system which can be used to determine the location of occupancy parking and

alert user about the current parking occupied or not. This system has simple design, reliability

level is high and system accuracy is excellent.

2.4.4 Smart Parking System

In this article [5], the proposed system consist of IR (infrared) sensors using LM358N,

ESP8266 NodeMCU as wireless communication and Raspberry Pi 3 as computation device

and LCD displays.IR sensors are deployed at the every parking place. Those sensors will feel

the parking space, and the data will be sent to esp8266. The data will now be transmitted to

the raspberry pi3, which is connected to the Internet by hard wire, and the actual data will be

displayed. Whenever the parking space is vacant, the LCD will be marked as green and the

parking space is occupied by red. This reduces the time and traffic outside the mall. The most

efficient thing is that we do not need to modify anything that is needed to deploy the sensors

in the existing parking lot and to form a data transmission network. The overall performance of

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the system depends on the accurate reading of the sensor, the speed of data transmission,

the valid data, the time delay between consecutive readings. The network must be

established between the sensors and esp8266. An important issue must also be taken into

account is that whenever data is transmitted over Wi-Fi between two esp8266, the data must

either be transmitted in encrypted format or the entire network must be transmitted in stealth

mode. Thus, the proposed system is one forward step towards the smart city. As it will be fully

automated so no human interference will needed.


2.4.5 IOT based Smart Parking Management System

In this article [6], it tell us about the widespread presence of smart phone encourages

user to prefer mobile application based solution in finding vacant parking slot. Mobile

application is more easier and user-friendly so everyone can find it very convenient. The growth

of Internet of Things (IoT) have led an advancement in mobile device, wireless communication

technologies and mobile application. This article proposes that an IoT based Smart Parking

Management System will integrates with mobile application. It provide an overall parking

solution for both user and owner of parking space. It give benefits for both parties. The features

in mobile application provided for reserving a parking space, authenticating a reserved user,

identify nearest vacant space depending on size of vehicle, navigate to the parking slot and

compute account information on daily, weekly and monthly basis. The components in develop

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IOT based Smart Parking Management System are Infrared (IR) sensors, Wi-Fi module,

microcontroller, RFID technology and mobile application. This mobile application is designed to

provide rich cost experience. It is a classic example demonstrates how IoT will be effectively

and efficiently used to make life easier for citizen.


This chapter provide an overview about the concept of the project. Literature review is

very important part in research or study of new thing. Literature review also help in determining

the idea and technology that will be used in this project to develop a better project compare to

the previous one.

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This chapter will discuss about the methods and project flow from the beginning until the

end of the project. The development of this project is carried out by applying the methodology

of Agile Development. Among the sub-methodologies of Agile Development, Iterative and

Incremental model is used to develop the project. This model is used because the project can

be developed through repeated cycle which is iterative. The project can be proceeds if there

are any changes in the middle of the project.

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Figure 3.1: Flowchart of the Accessible Car Parking System with IOT

The figure show the flowchart of the Accessible Car Parking with IOT. ESP8266 is the

brain for the whole system. It controls and watches over all the components. The Infrared

Sensors will be placed in the parking slots that will detect the presence of the cars inside the

parking slots. One Infrared Sensor will be placed at the main entrance of the parking lot.

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As soon as the sensors get the presence of a car in front of the entrance, it will send

signal to the ESP8266 to check if there is an empty slot inside the parking lot. When ESP8266

acknowledges that there is an empty slot or more then it will send signal to the servo motor

which will open the main entrance. On the other hand if ESP8266 detect no empty slots at the

time of a car trying to make entrance, the gate will just not open. In addition, there will be a

mobile application linked with the ESP8266 board to show the number of parking slots

remaining empty.

3.2 Agile Development

Iterative and Incremental model is used because the project can be developed through

repeated cycle which is iterative. The project can be proceeds if there are any changes in the

middle of the project.

Figure 3.2: Flow of Agile Development (Iterative and Incremental model)

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3.2.1 Initial Phase

In the initial phase, reference is made to the timeframe given to complete this project on

time. Starting with the brainstorming idea and abstract on the Accessible Car Parking System

with the project supervisor. The outline of this project needed to be taken into account in order

to ensure that the project was fully on schedule.

3.2.2 Planning Phase

The information needed to know about this project was discussed with the supervisor

during the planning phase. The statement of problems, objectives and scope of the project have

been identified. The problem statement needed to be understood by making research on the

related project, in particular, on the need for this project to be successful. The objectives must

be clearly stated in the problem statement where the objective is to solve the problem

statement. In the meantime, the scope of the project has to work on the functionality to complete

the project.

3.2.3 Analysis Phase

During the analysis phase, the details of the requirements of this project were analyzed

by conducting research on the related works. The understanding of the previous project

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concluded by distinguishing between the aspects of the proposed project and the technology

used. The feasibility study helps the developer to give ideas about the project being


3.2.4 Design Phase

The design phase details the interface of the mobile system and the project flow. The

interface and project flow have been developed on the basis of the required requirements. The

prototype and flow chart are designed to provide details about the flow of the project to help

develop the system.

3.2.5 Implementation Phase

The implementation phase known as code phase. In implementation phase details about

the implemented process for ESP8266, Infrared Sensor Proximity to detect car in parking slot.

In this project, it consists two parts of the implementation which are car parking detection on

devices part and mobile application. There are programming tools are used which Blynk is a

platform designed to help you build an Android app very easily by clicking a few buttons. This

android app can be used to retrieve some values from the microcontroller or to send some

commands to the microcontroller. Blynk supports various hardware platforms, such as different

versions of Arduino, Raspberry-pi, etc. It also supports connection types such as Ethernet, Wi-

Fi , Bluetooth, Serial and Cellular, moreover, Arduino IDE used to update coding for

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microcontroller and sensors. This phase is challenging phase where the user part need to

ensure the objectives meet.

3.2.6 Testing Phase

The test phase is performed to test for error and to ensure that the system is

functioning well. During the testing phase, any errors or bugs will be fixed and repeated

testing of the system until the system efficiency function is completed. Infrared Sensor and

ESP8266 are used in the Accessible Car Parking System. The key part of this project is the

microcontroller, which controls and monitors all the sensors. The test phase is performed

when the sensors are programmed and function correctly.

3.2.7 Evaluation Phase

In the evaluation phase , the system is tested before the end-user is shown. This phase

proves that the success of the system and the system has been fully developed in accordance

with the requirements and meets the objectives.

3.2.8 Deployment Phase

In the deployment phase, after the Accessible Car Parking System has been fully

achieved, the framework can be sent to the end-customer and the client can use the framework

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to decide whether or not the framework is effective. At a time when the framework is in a solid

state, it is inferred that the framework meets all the objectives and objectives.


In order to accomplish this project, it need the software and hardware to develop the

project. Without those requirements, the project may not be functioned well and fully developed.

3.3.1 Hardware requirement

Hardware Description

LED Light It is specifically designed to allow the

majority of the light to flow out of the

semiconductor. It protects the LED

semiconductor against the external


Infrared Sensor Proximity It is used to detect the presence of

nearby objects without any physical

contact. A proximity sensor often emits

an electromagnetic field or a beam of

electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for

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instance), and looks for changes in the

field or return signal

NodeMCU (ESP8266) A low-cost, WiFi Module chip that can

be configured to connect to the Internet

for Internet of Things(IoT)

100 ohm Resistor It is used for current limitation, current

distribution, voltage reduction, voltage

distribution or some other function.

Metal film resistance is low noise,

stabilized performance , low

temperature effect and high accuracy.

Mini Breadboard It is used to connect all input and output

of circuit

Table 3.3.1: Hardware Requirement

3.3.2 Software requirement

Software Description

Blynk Application A platform that helps develop an

Android app very easily by clicking a

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few buttons. This android app can be

used to retrieve some values from the

microcontroller or to send some

commands to the microcontroller.

Arduino IDE Basically, Arduino IDE is used for

uploading code in C language. Thus,

it is used to upload coding to

NodeMCU ESP8266.

Table 3.3.2: Software Requirement


This chapter has been discussed about the methodology is used to accomplish the project. The

Iterative and Incremental method is used to develop the Accessible Car Parking System with

IOT. The requirements of software and hardware for the development of the system are

generally describe.

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4.0 Introduction

In this chapter, it will describe the implementation process along the project

development. The implementation contained two main parts which are mobile application

system and the sensors that implement at the parking slot. All those two parts are shown step

by step for future development and innovation.

4.1 Implementation of Mobile Application system

4.1.1 Blynk Application

Blynk application builder comes with features to develop applications that can be used in our

project. The Blynk server is responsible for the communication between the application on our

phone and the project hardware. We can use either the Blynk cloud or the private cloud. Blynk

libraries help to communicate with the server, and all incoming and outgoing hardware

commands are interpreted. These parts communicate with each other to make a proper

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functional IoT application that can be controlled by a pre-configured form of connectivity from

anywhere. From the Blynk app that is running on your mobile device, you can control your

hardware via Blynk Cloud or Blynk's private server and send data from your hardware to your

application as well.

4.1.2 Detailed process

To begin with the system, first make connections as discussed in the next. Users need to

download the Blynk app on their phone. Create a new project with the widgets and functions

provided by Blynk. The app will have simple features. There will be a number of slots

corresponding to the number of parking spaces available. If the slot is occupied by a vehicle,

the apps will alert the user that the parking slot is not available at that time. So when the drivers

are on their way to the parking slot, they can open this application and find out how many slots

are available for parking. This solution will save their time to a large extent, as they will not have

to travel the entire space and can only decide at the entrance.

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4.1.3 Blynk

Following are the steps for designing interface for the user.

• Create a new project.

• Enter project name and set the connection to Wi-Fi.

• Click on create, an authentication code will be sent to the Gmail id.

Figure 4.1.3: Creating Project

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Figure Project Details

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igure Widget Box

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4.2 Implementation of NodeMCU ESP8266 and FC51 Infrared Sensor

In this project, infrared sensors are used to detect any vehicle coming or leaving the slot.

A number of sensors that can be connected to the digital pins available on the NodeMCU

board can also be used. There is a connection between the first sensor output pin and

the NodeMCU D7 digital pin. Ground sensor pins connected to the NodeMCU GND pin.

The Vcc sensor pin is connected to the 3.3V chip pin. NodeMCU will now read the sensor

data from these digital pins and send it to the Blynk application. The NodeMCU will be

powered by a USB cable connected to a laptop. The board shall be set to NodeMCU 1.0

(ESP-12E Module). The port is selected for COM4. Set the speed of upload to 115200.

Check for the same in serial monitor baud rate A custom application can also be

designed instead of using Blynk. Following are the connections.

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Figure 4.2: Implementation of NodeMCU ESP8266 and FC51 Infrared Sensor

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Figure 4.2.1: Setup Code

Figure 4.2.2: Loop Code

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4.3 Summary

This chapter contains the implementation of the system code and describes the

system interface with input and output results. Complete implementation of the Accessible Car

Parking System with IoT that can be used by all users who install this mobile application system.

This system will automatically switch on when the application for this smart home has been

downloaded by the user. The system has successfully achieved the objective of the system.

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5.0 Introduction

This chapter will present the efficiency of the mobile application system. The system

will be tested to determine whether or not the system can be used. It is also intended to ensure

that the operating system meets the quality standards.

5.1 Expected Result

After uploading the code to Arduino IDE and open the Blynk application. These scenario is

shown in the following figures.

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• When slot1 is occupied, LED1 will be on and Blynk will send a notification to the user

that the parking slot is not available at the moment.

Figure 5.1: Result of Accessible Car Parking System with IoT

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6.0 Introduction

Accessible Car Parking System with IoT (ACarPark) using ESP8266 and Infrared

Sensor is focused in reducing unmanaged parking that leads to many problems such as traffic

congestion. Besides that, ACarPark implementation is focused for reduce cost of

implementation which is we used NodeMCU (ESP8266) act as microcontroller, this sensor is

very reliable and low cost. Moreover, the ACarPark is not only focused on physical part but it is

also developed a mobile application which is very user friendly. It is easier for users and admin

to update information about the parking system since it is an mobile application.

6.1 Project Constraints

There are plenty of problems and limitations that have occurred throughout

development of the project in order to achieve the objectives. These problems and limitations

in the conduct of this study are the wired connection between all sensors and the ESP8266 that

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must be properly performed. That is because the wired connection for this prototype is not

secure and easy to disconnect. It is quite hard to set up all the sensors to their position and to

make sure that all the wire is well managed so that it is not removed easily. This is because if

the wire is incorrectly placed, the entire system will be affected and the sensor will not function

properly. Moreover, the expected performance of the system depends on the accurate reading

of the sensor, the speed of data transmission, the valid data, the time delay between

consecutive readings. The network should be established between the sensors and esp8266.

An important issue must also be taken into account is that whenever data is transmitted over

Wi-Fi between esp8266, the data must either be transmitted in encrypted format or the entire

network must be transmitted in defense mode. Last but not least, Wi-Fi connectivity also one of

my constraints as my place is hard to get the signal and my projects fully need to use the Wi-Fi


6.2 Project Contributions

The IoT Accessible Car Parking System is in a position to solve unmanaged parking

problems in our country so that we can avoid traffic congestion and double parking that

could lead to an unmanaged accident. This initiative would make it easier for people to locate

empty parking spaces and save their money. Drivers will no longer be annoyed to look up

the empty parking slot because they will see and book the parking slot through the program.

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6.3 Future Work

For future work, there is a little suggestion that can be made to upgrade the system

to be more efficient. The suggestions are :

• Users can reserve parking slot by using the system

• Parking fee can be added to our features in the system

• Use better sensor to provide more accurate data

6.4 Conclusion

Car use is growing rapidly every year, and the system of parking lots must be more

systematic and reliable for users. The IoT Accessible Car Parking System is designed to

minimize the time and energy of users in finding free parking space. In addition, to solve

unmanaged parking problems that may cause traffic congestion. Last but not least, this

system will be very useful for drivers looking for vacant parking lots.

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[3] Humaid Saif Alshamsi, Veton Z Kepuska (2016). Smart Car Parking System.

[4] Mamta Gahlan, Vinita Malik, Dheeraj Kaushik (2016). GPS based Parking System.

[5] Pritam Chaudhari, Rohit Kumar, Rajat Mistra, Priti Jorvekar(2018). Smart Parking System.

[6] J. Cynthia, C. Bharathi Priya, P. A. Gopinath (2018). IOT based Smart Parking

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[7] (IOT Design Pro, 2019)

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A. Project Timeline

A.1. Gantt Charts of FYP1



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Project title proposal


Proposal presentation

Development of methodology



8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Development of methodology

Report drafting of proposal

Presentation 1

Report submission

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A.2. Gantt Charts of FYP2

Task FYP 2 W

































Presentation 1


Added value

and Testing



