November ISLN Meeting • These slides are meant to provide information before the meeting occurs. This powerpoint presentation, as it exists here, will not be used at the meeting. • Your preview of the information presented here is appreciated by the ISLN planning team. Thank you!

November ISLN Meeting

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November ISLN Meeting. These slides are meant to provide information before the meeting occurs. This powerpoint presentation, as it exists here, will not be used at the meeting. Your preview of the information presented here is appreciated by the ISLN planning team. Thank you!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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November ISLN Meeting

• These slides are meant to provide information before the meeting occurs. This powerpoint presentation, as it exists here, will not be used at the meeting.

• Your preview of the information presented here is appreciated by the ISLN planning team.

Thank you!

Please take a moment to write questions or concerns (or requests for support) that you have about TPGES, PPGES, and/or Professional Learning on the template provided (see next slide). Before the meeting, review the information and video clips on the next several slides and note if your questions are answered.

ISLN Tab, choose November 2013

TPGES Implementation


ConferenceMaking the Most of


TPGES Mid-Year ConferenceWill occur mid-way through the year

–May take place in December if you are doing your Peer Observations in the 3rd Window

–May take place in January if you are doing your Peer Observations in the 2nd Window

What should you talk about?Overall Reflection regarding TPGES

Teacher shares what was learned through the implementation of the effectiveness system up to this point.

What should you talk about?PGP Goal/Plan and Professional Responsibilities (Domain 4) Teacher shares data/evidence toward Professional Growth Plan Goal attainment. Principal asks questions and provides feedback through sharing evidence considering the following:

How has this goal caused you to change professional practice?

How has this change impacted student learning? Principal and teacher collaborate together to aid teacher in progress towards the goal.

What should you talk about?Review evidence collected regarding Student Growth Goal/Plan

Teacher shares data/evidence toward Student Growth Goal attainment.

Principal asks questions and provides feedback on evidence by considering the following:

– How are students meeting or showing progress toward growth goal and proficiency targets?

– What patterns do you see in special populations of students? – How do the activities, materials, and resources in the student growth plan

align to the needs of the students now that you have the new data?– What support do you need?

Principal and teacher collaborate together to aid teacher in progress towards the goal.

What should you talk about?Review Evidence from Pre and Post Observation Conferences and Observations (Domains 1, 2, 3)

Teacher reviews communication notes from pre and post conference and formal observations and responds to the following prompts during discussion with principal:

How do you think you have shown improvement? What areas do you still need to grow, and what evidence can you show or provide? What professional practices and decisions in your work have had the most influence on your ability to support your students to achieve growth?

What should you talk about?Identify supports needed and next steps (Domains


What are our (teacher & principal) next steps?What supports does the teacher need?

Think About:How can I support the teacher in his/her professional learning and efforts to increase student learning?What do I (principal) need to help me implement TPGES with fidelity?

Graffiti ThoughtsIn the meeting, participants will espond with:

– Another quotation from the article

– An example that you have experienced related to the topic

– A question for further understanding

– A thought or further elaboration on the statement

ISLN Tab, choose November 2013

Peer Observation• Sample Questions from the Teacher Module

are on the next 7 slides. These are for the purpose of introducing you to the types of questions that your peer observers will encounter during the module.

• We will not be reviewing these during the meeting.

Peer Observation Training

• The two video clips that follow are part of the Peer Observation Training modules. If you have not had a chance to preview these short clips, it is encouraged that you do so.

• We will NOT be viewing these videos at our meeting, but will reference them in discussions.

Introduction to Peer Observation


Collegiality and Trust


Peer Observation

If your district has already completed a round of peer observations, please be prepared to share any comments you have heard about this part of the TPGES implementation process as it relates to teacher effectiveness.

TPGES Table-TalkFor your contemplation…

• How are we going to support our teachers in the process?

• How are we going to make the professional learning meaningful?

• How are we going to foster a collegial culture of inquiry?

• What structures do we need in place to facilitate the peer observations?

Peer Observer Technical Information• Teachers should NOT click “Submit Final”

button on the peer observation• Teachers should register for the training

modules in EDS and through KET (see PGES tab on www.jennyray.net)

• Peer observations are not evaluative, and they should take place during the 2nd or 3rd window

• A pre- and post-conference should occur during the pilot to ease apprehension and encourage collegiality

Principal Professional Growth and

Effectiveness System


Principal Performance Standards

1. Instructional Leadership

2. School Climate

3. Human Resources Management

4. Organizational Management

5. Communication and Community Relations

6. Professionalism

7. Student Growth

Terms Used in Performance Levels

Ineffective The principal consistently performs below the established standards or in a manner that is inconsistent with the school’s missions and goals.

Unacceptable Performance• Does not meet requirements contained in job

description as expressed in evaluation criteria• Results in minimal student progress• May contribute to a recommendation for employee

not to be considered for continued employment

Category Description Definition

Developing The principal often performs below the established standard or in a manner that is inconsistent with the school’s missions and goals.

Below Acceptable Performance• Requires support in meeting the standards• Results in less than quality work performance• Requires professional growth being jointly identified

and planned between principal and evaluator

Accomplished The principal meets the standard in a manner that is consistent with the school’s mission and goals.

Proficient Performance• Meets the requirements contained in job description

as expressed in evaluation criteria• Behaviors have positive impact on learners and

school climate• Willing to learn and apply new skills

Exemplary The principal maintains performance, accomplishments, and behaviors that consistently and considerably surpass the established standard.

Exceptional Performance• Sustains high performance over period of time• Empowers teachers and students• Serves as role model to others

Data Sources for Principals

Observations/ School Site


• Ranges from watching how principals interact with others, to observing programs and shadowing

• Should include formal interview or less structured discussion of job• Two per year; minimum duration of one hour

Surveys • Provide information about perceptions of job performance• Include VAL-ED or TELL Kentucky and additional surveys as desired• Part of Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

Documentation • Provides principals with key voice in evaluation • 1-3 artifacts per performance standard• Annotations as needed for clarification

Goal Setting for Student


• Principal student growth goals are comprised of a state and local contribution from their school CSIP.

• Evaluator and principal review and agree on local goal trajectory for the year. • Goals also reviewed at middle and end of year to determine progress

Self-Reflection • Reveals principals’ perceptions of their job performance• Principals share self-reflection with supervisors• Part of Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

Professional Growth Plan

• Helps translate growth needs into practical activities and experiences• Professional goals developed collaboratively with evaluator • Part of Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

Multiple Data Sources




Student GrowthGoal Setting


Professional Growth Plan

Observations/ School Site Visits



• Provides feedback for professional growth and development; helps principals set goals for continuous improvement (formative evaluation)

• VAL-ED and Tell Kentucky will be administered during alternating years

• Principals may administer additional surveys

• Principals fill out Reflection on Survey Results portion of the Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

• Survey results should inform the Professional Growth Plan

Gathers client data regarding perceptions of the principal’s performance.

The VAL-Ed ReportSome questions to consider

1. Who participated in the assessment of the principal’s leadership behavior?2. What evidence did the respondents report using to make their effectiveness ratings of the principal?3. How effective is the principal’s leadership behavior judged in comparison to a national sample of principals?4. How effective is the principal’s leadership behavior judged in comparison to the VAL- ED proficiency standards?5. To what degree did the three respondent groups-teachers, supervisors, and principals-agree with regard to these effectiveness ratings?6. Which areas of leadership behavior represent areas of relative strength and which represent areas of possible improvement?

TELL Kentucky• Statewide survey of certified school-based educators to assess teaching

conditions at the school, district, and state level

• Questions are about the school environment, not about any one person or individual; no questions refer to a principal, rather questions refer to “leadership” at the school

• Administrators receive many of the same questions as teachers, but have additional types of questions to asses how the district and state support them

• Responses for administrators are only reported at the state level

Survey Summary Resultsxx High School

All KY High Schools County KY

Timea. Class sizes are reasonable such that the teachers have the time

available to meet the needs of all students.b. Teachers have time available to collaborate with colleagues.c. Teachers are allowed to focus on educating students with minimal

interruptions.d. The non-instructional time provided for teachers in my school is sufficient.e. Efforts are made to minimize the amount of routine paperwork teachers

are required to do.f. Teachers have sufficient instructional time to meet the needs of all

students.g. Teachers are protected from duties that interfere with their essential role

of educating students.





Facilities and Resources

Professional Development

Instructional Practices and Support

Community Support and Involvement

Managing Student Conduct

Teacher Leadership

School Leadership

New Teacher Support

Shows the percent of respondents that agreed with the statement

Each major category has specific questions beneath

Crosswalk between TELL Kentucky and Performance Standards

TELL Kentucky Categories Performance Standards

Time Instructional LeadershipSchool Climate

Facilities and Resources Instructional LeadershipOrganizational Management

Professional Development Instructional Leadership

Instructional Practices and Support Instructional LeadershipHuman Resources Management

Community Support and Involvement Communication & Community Relations

Managing Student Conduct School Climate

Teacher Leadership Human Resources ManagementOrganizational Management

School LeadershipInstructional LeadershipHuman Resources Management Organizational Management

New Teacher Support Human Resources Management



The State Contribution is derived from the

school’s Accountability score and requires no goal development by the


The Local Contribution is

derived from Growth Goals developed

around one of the interim targets housed


Required Kentucky Board of Education Goals for CSIP

Decreasing achievement gaps (E-M-H)

Increase average combined reading and math K-PREP scores (E-M-H)

Increasing percentage of College and Career Ready students (M-H) Increase average freshman graduation rate(M-H)


• Achievement Gap• K-PREP Combined

Reading and Math• College and Career

Ready• Freshman Graduation



• Increase or decrease in goal percentage for the current school year


•Best Practice•Professional Development•Progress Monitoring•Consolidated Planning•ILP Addendum• Other

The goal statement, found

in the School Report Card, is

already set by KBE with a 2017 trajectory.

The annual objective % is

determined by the Principal in

collaboration with the


The strategies are specific to what the PRINCIPAL will do to meet the stated goal and objective.

One Year Lag• Write LOCAL CONTRIBUTION goal in

September• Place goal into ASSIST• Superintendent conducts formative mid-year

review• Superintendent conducts end- of-year review the following September

Principal Self-ReflectionHelps a principal judge the effectiveness and adequacy of

his/her knowledge and performance for the purpose of self-improvement; helps target areas for professional development.

• Principals reflect on survey results and on performance standards

• Principals fill out Reflection on the Standards portion of the Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

• Principals should select an area of growth identified in self-reflection upon which to focus professional growth goals

• Principals share self-reflection with supervisor as they collaboratively develop the Professional Growth Plan

• Principals refer to self-reflection throughout the year to see if strategies for improvement are effective

What did teachers/staff perceive as major strengths?

What did teachers/staff perceive as major weaknesses?

List factors that might have influenced the results.

How will you use this information for continuous professional growth?

Reflection on Survey Results

Abbreviated for training purposes

Number of Surveys Distributed

Number of Completed Surveys Returned

Percentage of Completed Surveys


Part of the Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

Reflection on the StandardsStandard Self-

Assessment Strengths and areas for growth

1. Instructional LeadershipThe principal fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to student academic growth and school improvement.


2. School ClimateThe principal fosters the success of all students by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe school climate for all stakeholders.


3. Human Resource ManagementThe principal fosters effective human resources management by assisting with selection and induction, and by supporting, evaluating, and retaining quality instructional and support personnel.


Abbreviated for training purposes

Part of the Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

Professional Growth PlanHelps facilitate the translation of growth needs into practical activities

and experiences to strengthen the principal’s competencies.

• Principals select an area of growth identified in self-reflection upon which to focus professional growth goals

• Developed collaboratively with the evaluator

• Goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, appropriate, rigorous--but realistic, and time-limited)

• Should use data from multiple sources

• Goals become the focus of professional growth activities, support, and on-going reflection

• Principals fill out Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning portion of the Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

Professional Growth Goal: Specific Measurable Appropriate Rigorous, but Realistic Time limited

Action PlanProfessional Learning

What do I want to change about my leadership or role that will effectively impact student learning?

What is my personal learning necessary to make that change?

Strategies/Actions What will I need to do in order to learn my

identified skill or content?How will I apply what I have learned?

How will I accomplish my goal?

Resources/SupportWhat resources will I need to

complete my plan?What support will I need?

Targeted Completion

DateWhen will I

complete each identified strategy/ action?

Administrator’s Signature: Date:

Superintendent’s Signature: Date:

Part C: Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning1) Initial Reflection: Based on the areas of growth identified in Part B, complete this section at the beginning of the school year.

Professional Growth Goal:• What do I want to change about my practices that

will effectively impact student learning?• How can I develop a plan of action to address my

professional learning?• How will I know if I accomplish my objective?

Reflection on the Standards

Abbreviated for training purposes

Date Status of Professional Growth Goal Revisions/Modifications  


2) On-going Reflection: Complete this section at mid-year to identify progress toward each Professional Growth Goal.

Date: End of Year Reflection:   


Next Steps:     

3) Summative Reflection: Complete this section at the end of the year to describe the level of attainment for each Professional Growth Goal.

PPGES Site Visits

Superintendent School Site Visits

Provides information on a wide variety of contributions made by principals.

• Applied in a variety of settings

• May range from watching principal’s interactions with others to observing programs and shadowing the principal

• Evaluators discuss various aspects of the job via formal interview or less structured discussion

Allows principal opportunity to discuss successes and challenges Provides insight into how principal is addressing standards; provide

further areas for evaluators to explore Helps principals think through potential artifacts

• At least two observations/site visits per year of at least one hour duration

• Evaluator provides feedback to principal

Methods for collecting evidence might include:

• maintaining an ongoing narrative/script of the principal’s interactions.

documenting specific critical behaviors that support effectiveness in the performance standards.

cross-referencing observed behaviors with support documents.

Day-to-day snapshot

Recommended Practice

• Superintendent and Principal, together, schedule at least two site visits per year.– a minimum duration of one hour each

• The first visit should occur prior to the mid-year review.

Observation/Site Visit FormPerformance Standard 1. Instructional LeadershipThe principal fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to student academic growth and school improvement. Suggested Guiding Questions/Prompts:

• Please describe any innovative and effective leadership strategies that you have used this year.

• What opportunities have you created this year for collaboration among teachers?• How have you strived this year to improve the teachers’ effective instructional

practices associated with different subject areas?• How do you make sure curriculum standards are taught by the teachers and mastered

by the students?• How do you monitor teachers’ performance and provide constructive feedback to

them?• What types of teacher learning and development activities or programs have

participated in this year? What have you learned?• How do you involve the expertise of teacher leaders?


Abbreviated for training purposes


• Provides evidence of performance related to specific standards – principal’s voice in evaluation

• Provides opportunity for self-reflection, demonstration of quality work, and is a basis for two-way communication with evaluator

• Identification of artifacts collaborative effort between principal and evaluator

• Principal provides one to three artifacts in each standard

• Annotations as needed for clarification

• Reviewed at mid-year and end of year

Demonstrates a principal’s skills, talents, and accomplishments through an organized collection of work.


The Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System require that at least 3 conferences will take place throughout the year.

Beginning of the Year Conference

1. Purpose of the Meeting

2. Discuss reflections of data

3. Discuss and come to agreement on the Student Growth Goal and Action Plan

4. Discuss reflections of the Seven Performance Standards

5. Discuss and come to agreement on the Professional Growth Goal and Action Plan

6. Questions/Concerns/Comments

7. Set tentative dates for first semester site visit and Mid-Year Review

Mid-Year Review1. Purpose of the Meeting

2. Discuss evidences gathered at first site visit and provide feedback

3. Share progress toward Student Growth Goal

4. Share progress toward Professional Growth Goal

5. Discuss documentation of each standard – determine if any other documentation is needed

6. Questions/Concerns/Comments

7. Set tentative dates for 2nd semester site visit and end-of-year review

End of Year Review1. Purpose of the Meeting

2. Discuss evidences gathered at second site visit and provide feedback

3. Share progress toward Student Growth Goal

4. Share progress toward Professional Growth Goal

5. Discuss progress of each standard – determine if any other documentation is needed

6. Discuss the evaluation based on 1) VAL-ED; 2) Student Growth local and state contribution; 3) Working Conditions Goal

7. Questions/Concerns/Comments

Performance Portrait



Professional Growth Plan

Observations/ School Site



Goal Setting

Revisit your questions or concerns (or requests for support) that you have about TPGES, PPGES, and/or Professional Learning. Now that you’ve reviewed these presentation slides, highlight the questions/concerns that you want to discuss at ISLN.