www.peacehaventowncouncil.gov.uk 01273 585493 Making Peacehaven a better place to live,work and visit Remembrance Service and Cry for Peace — Page 2 We remember No 48 November 2018

No 48 November 2018 - Peacehaven · 2018-11-06 · Sunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car park at 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am. The first

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Page 1: No 48 November 2018 - Peacehaven · 2018-11-06 · Sunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car park at 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am. The first

www.peacehaventowncouncil.gov.uk 01273 585493

Making Peacehaven a better place to live,work and visit

Remembrance Serviceand Cry for Peace — Page 2

We remember

No 48 November 2018

Page 2: No 48 November 2018 - Peacehaven · 2018-11-06 · Sunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car park at 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am. The first

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November 2018

This year’s Remembrance Service, marking the centenary of theend of the First World War, will take place at Meridian Park onSunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car parkat 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am.

The first part of the service will start with the welcome when theparade arrives followed by the reading of the war heroes’ namesand then the Exhortation.

At 11am a bugler will sound Last Postand the Royal British Legion standardswill dip. As the notes fade away, thetown will join the rest of the nation inpaying respects in silence as a maroonis launched. After two minutes thebugler will sound Reveille and thestandards will raise.

The Kohima Epitaph — When You GoHome Tell Them of Us — will be read byJohan Janse van Vuuren followed by thetraditional laying of wreaths by councils andlocal organisations. The Rev Tim Mills willlead the service in prayer.

This Remembrance Service is open to everyone. After theceremony Peacehaven Town Council will open its doors forrefreshments at Community House with an option to stay towatch a compilation of film and photos taken when Town CrierJon Borthwick visited Passchendaele during August.

A further event, A Nation’s Tribute, a Cry for Peace, will be aspecial and meaningful part of the day’s commemoration of the100th anniversary. It will take place from 6.30pm with the TSZealous nautical band and singer Sara Jones joining the Mayorand residents at the war memorial site for a short ceremony. TheMayor will light a beacon at 7pm followed by the Town Crierproclaiming the Cry for Peace.

����The public may attendany council orcommittee meeting.Each meeting isnormally held at theMeridian Centre andstarts at 7.30pm unlessstated.November 6 Leisure and Amenities13 Planning and Highways20 Policy and Finance

����Peacehaven’scouncillors on LewesDistrict Council:North ward: AndyLoraine, 01273580919, and ElayneMerry, 01273 580732.East ward: NigelEnever, 01273 580399,and Jackie Harrison-Hicks, 01273 589430.West ward: DaveNeave, 01273 586381,and Robert Robertson,01273 517069.Peacehaven’scouncillor on EastSussex CountyCouncil: Nigel Enever,01273 580399. Forsome North wardresidents the countycouncillor is AndySmith, 01273 584483.

����The next generalknowledge quiz nightwill be at the MeridianCentre on Friday,November 2, at 7pm.Max eight to a team at£2 a head. Book on01273 585493. In aidof the Mayor’sfundraising.

����Bingo will be at theMeridian Centre onFriday, November 23,at 7pm.AR




Page 3: No 48 November 2018 - Peacehaven · 2018-11-06 · Sunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car park at 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am. The first

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November 2018

By Claire Lacey,Town Manager

The town council has madesignificant progress this year,with the continuation of theNeighbourhood Plan,presenting at conferencesand reaping the successesof its partnership work withLewes District Council andSussex Police.

There are plans to reviewaccess arrangements at theCommunity Garden at TheOval, where residents haveenjoyed working during thesummer.

They have plantedstunning arrays of flowersand fruit trees which will yieldbeautiful crops in future.

The Mayor continues to raisefunds for her chosencommunity organisation, witha book fair, a quiz and bingo.

The Remembrance paradeon Sunday, November 11,will be in two parts this year— at 11am at the warmemorial in Meridian Parkand there again at 6.30pmwhere a beacon will be lit.More details on Page Two.

With the interim audit due,council officers have beenreviewing policies andproviding new ones to thecouncil, all showing on thewebsite information boards.

We believed after the lastfinancial year that ourproblems with water leakswere over although we

recently had an unexpectedfountain appear in the rearcar park at the MeridianCentre. Fortunately therewas no cost to residents torepair this. Further positivenews, we are expectingsome reimbursement fromthe water providers for ourloss last year.

Revenue income streamsare being prepared for theupcoming budget, foyerimprovements at CommunityHouse are beingimplemented and, with thesupport of our wonderfulvolunteer youths, a bike“pump track” is about to beinstalled for youngerresidents at The Jumps inNorth Peacehaven.

Historically, solicitors’firms have attractedtheir clients by word ofmouth. Thirty years agothey were not allowedto advertise but theworld has moved on.

However, did youknow some solicitorsnow attract clients bypaying “referral fees” ofhundreds of pounds foreach instruction? Thesepayments are made tointroducers such asestate agents, financialadvisers and claimscompanies.

If you think aboutthis — you are beingtreated as a tradablecommodity! Theimplications for you are:� Can you rely on“recommendations”from estate agents —are they based on meritor a referral fee?� Who is paying thereferral fee? The likelyanswer is that this willbe passed on to you.

We are local. We donot pay referral fees.We would be pleased toprovide you with a feeestimate and we will nottreat you like acommodity.

Our website www.lawsonlewisblakers.co.uk offershundreds of free factsheetson many legal issues.Telephone 01273 582680or email [email protected]

So, are you aclient or acommodity?

LEGALEAGLEwith Lawson Lewis Blakers

Successful year inour partnerships

The town council’s Giant Christmas Marketwill be held at Community House and in theMeridian Centre Mall on Saturday, December15, from 9am to 3pm with more than 65stalls, Santa’s grotto and live entertainment.

There are several quarter-, half- and full-page advertisement spaces available for theDecember edition of E-News magazine.

Or perhaps you would prefer othersponsorship options:� To sponsor Santa’s Grotto.� To provide the Christmas selection boxes

which Santa gives to his little visitors.� To donate bottle-shaped raffle prizes.

The Christmas market is completelybooked with a waiting list so the councilexpects more than 1,000 visitors throughoutthe day.

To secure sponsorship or to be added tothe waiting list for a stall, please email

[email protected] call 01273 585493, option 4.

The annual carol concert will take place atCommunity House on Friday, December 14,at 6pm. The event is organised by the towncouncil with local churches and is free toresidents. Music will be organised by theSalvation Army band and schools andsingers will be taking part. A collection will bemade during the concert.

Refreshments will be arranged by theEvangelical Free Church. Tickets will bereleased on Friday, November 30, from theInformation Office.

1,000 visitors expected at Christmas market

The town council’s cinemawill show Christopher Robin (PG)at the Meridian Centre on

Wednesday, November 21, at 7.30pm.

Page 4: No 48 November 2018 - Peacehaven · 2018-11-06 · Sunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car park at 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am. The first

Enjoy the party but do not tell the worldall about it. As the party season isfast approaching, many people’sthoughts turn to having a fun-fillednight with their friends and family. Allgood so far.

Imagine, though, if your “event” hasbeen posted on social media and 400uninvited guests have turned up.

That is not so far fetched, warnsPCSO Chris Marchant. It hashappened locally at least three times inrecent weeks.

This has resulted in considerabledamage to property, drunkenness,disorder and ultimately policeintervention and arrests.

Particularly if you have a teencoming-of-age party coming up, bemindful as you risk having your hometrashed.

Be aware of who is coming and theexpected numbers involved andmaybe invest in security to protect yourproperty. Consider hiring a venue.

Ensure that key details are not puton Facebook, Snapchat or otherplatforms unwittingly as you may endup with many more guests than youexpected along with a visit fromSussex Police. This does happen.

For further advice email PCSOMarchant at [email protected]

A debate evening with town councillorsorganised by Youth Mayor FatmaBacha and the School Council atPeacehaven Community Schoolscheduled for last month has beenrearranged to be held in the AnzacRoom at Community House onWednesday, November 21, at 6.30pm.Residents will be welcome but will notbe able to take part.

Turn again, Dick Whittington. It’s familypanto time again in Peacehaven andthe worthy Dick and his cat Thomashead for London to find fortune.

Peacehaven Players are promisingsong, dance and a massive helping oflaughter. Performances will be at theMeridian Centre on Friday, November30, at 7pm, Saturday, December 1, at2pm and 6pm and Saturday, December8, at 2pm and 6pm. Tickets fromwww.peacehavenplayers.co.uk or thetown council’s Information Office.

You will be Lord Mayor

New debate date

Enjoy your partybut keep mum!

www.peacehaventowncouncil.gov.uk 01273 585493 4

November 2018

Citizens Advice supports world mentalhealth. Are you concerned you orsomeone in your family is developinga mental health problem?

You should talk to your GP or, ifimmediate help is needed and you areunable to see a GP, go to your localA&E.

The following organisationsspecialise in helping to recognise,understand and deal with mentalhealth issues.

The Samaritans offers emotionalsupport 24 hours a day in fullconfidence. Free on 116 123 or [email protected]

Mind offers an information line on

0300 123 3393 and an email [email protected] that answersquestions on mental health problems,where to get help, drug andalternative treatments, and advocacy.It also offers Mind Legal AdviceService for legal information on 0300466 6463 or email [email protected]

Think on 0300 5000 927 offerscoping strategies such as talking to aGP, partner, relative, friend or tutor

about the problems. Do not think thatyou are alone.

You can talk about anything toChildline. No problem is too big or toosmall. Call free on 0800 1111 or get intouch online.

You choose to contact them, youare in control. It is confidential andyou do not have to give your name ifyou do not want to.

Citizens Advice is here to help youfind information and advice.

Call on 03444 111444, visit one ofthe offices in Newhaven, Lewes orSeaford or check out the websitewww.lewesdistrictcab.org.uk forfurther details.


Peacehaven & Telscombe FC fields 17 youth teams. At the club’s Youth Day, where members of the club’s first team squad helpedwith training and coaching, this picture of all the youngsters was taken by club photographer Steve Mills.

Page 5: No 48 November 2018 - Peacehaven · 2018-11-06 · Sunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car park at 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am. The first

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November 2018

Please circle the response most appropriate to your businessAre you a business owner? Are you a home worker?Yes No Yes No

For how long have you traded in Peacehaven/Telscombe/East Saltdean?Less than 6 mths Less than 1 yr 1-2 yrs 3-5 yrs 6-10 yrs Over 10 yrs

How do you trade?Ltd Co. PLC Partnership Sole Trader Community Interest Charity Other

How many employees do you have?1 2-5 6-10 11-19 20+

Why did you choose Peacehaven/Telscombe/East Saltdean?Location Available workforce Access to site Cost of wages Property rent

Which improvements would potentially benefit your business?Changes in planning Affordable office space Better broadband speed

Being part of business network Access to workforce

Do you think you will require additional premises in the next 15 / 30 years?Yes No

What sort of space will you need and when?Combined work space Small office up to 50m2 Medium office 51-500m2 Large office 501-700m2

Small retail/commercial Medium retail/commercial Large retail/commercial

The Neighbourhood Plan forPeacehaven, Telscombe and EastSaltdean is in full swing and thecouncils want businesses in the threetowns to get involved.

The community is working with thecouncils to devise policies for centralgovernment which will form the basisfor planning the vision for the future ofthe three towns.

Proposals at his stage are in threeoptions. You can see them onPeacehaven Town Council’s websiteat peacehaventowncouncil.gov.uk/neighbourhood-plan/

Residents have been supportingthis but the town council is awaremany of the 400-plus businesses inthe area have not yet had a say.

The council says it can supportfuture businesses and retail

employers only if it knows know whatthey want. Please take the time toread the proposals, fill in the relevantquestionnaires and return them assoon as you can.

The sooner the council receives theevidence it needs to proceed with itspolicies, the sooner it can moveforwards to a new and vibrant,modern and upgraded town.

Make a start to share in the futurevision for Peacehaven by printing thispage and completing thequestionnaire below. Please scanyour completed form and email itto [email protected] or post a hard copy toBusiness Questionnaire, PeacehavenTown Council, Town Council Office,Meridian Way, Peacehaven, EastSussex BN10 8BB.

Businessowner?Have yoursay inour future

Page 6: No 48 November 2018 - Peacehaven · 2018-11-06 · Sunday, November 11. A parade will muster at The Joff car park at 10am and march to the war memorial site at 10.40am. The first

PeacehavenTown Council @PTCinformation

PeacehavenTown Council

E-News email service by Madison SolutionsE-News is designed and edited by Chandler Editing & Writing

General Data Protection Regulations Personal information such as name, postal address,phone number and email address given to the council will be used only to provide a requestedservice, kept for as long as necessary to provide that service and will not be disclosed to anythird party without your prior permission or unless we are required to do so by law.

Contact us E-News is the online and non-politicalcommunity magazine produced byPeacehaven Town Council every month. Itcarries details about your council, activities inthe town and listings of future events.

E-News does not take a political stance andendeavours to take into consideration all theviews of the population of Peacehaven.

The town council does not endorse any ofthe advertisers in E-News nor does it acceptany responsibility for any default on the part ofadvertisers.

The editorial views and content are notnecessarily those of the town council.

If you are involved with a communitygroup or organisation and would like to befeatured in the next edition, send yourstories and pictures to Deborah Donovan [email protected]

To get E-News emailed directly to you everymonth log on to www.peacehaventowncouncil.gov.uk and follow the link.

Town councillors

Town Manager: Claire [email protected] & Marketing Officer: Deborah [email protected]:Town Council Office and Information OfficeMeridian Way, Peacehaven, East Sussex BN10 8BBTelephone: 01273 585493Email: [email protected]


Ian V Buchanan 07754 [email protected] Coles 07752 [email protected] Griffiths 07932 [email protected] Harrison 07505 [email protected] Loraine 01273 [email protected] Simmons 01273 [email protected]


Claude Cheta 07869 [email protected] Harrison-Hicks 01273 [email protected]

Ron Maskell 01273 [email protected] Milliner 07715 [email protected] Neave 01273 [email protected] Smith 01273 [email protected]


Wayne Botting 07804 [email protected] Brindley 07734 [email protected] Duhigg 01273 [email protected] Harris 01273 [email protected] Robertson 01273 [email protected]

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November 2018