Surya Bangsa Newsletter October 2013 VOL. 2 ISSUE 3 Principal’s Desk Dear Parents/Guardians, As this year comes to go, I can’t help but look back at all the wonderful happenings at Sekolah Surya Bangsa last year. In 2012, the Elementary school of Sekolah Surya Bangsa Puri Beta was accredited by the Goverment and was achieved “A” for its excellent performance during the past six years. Before that, the Elementary and Secondary school of Surya Bangsa Palem Semi had got the same score “A”. I feel so fortunate to be a part of a community that works together as a family to provide enrichment and support to all of our children. Our PTA/Komite Sekolah in Puri Beta worked hard hand in hand to make every body had the same responsibility and commitment towards the progress that the school made. I was happy that our elementary school graduates passed with excellent UN scores and were accepted in excellent SMP. Once again, we have demonstrated that “Together Everyone Achieves More”. That year was filled with many challenges. As we review the past year, we can see that our efforts have been extremely productive. I commend our staff, parents and families for doing an outstanding job in providing all of our children with so much in the way of academic support, encouragement and love. I look forward to our continued partnership in making Sekolah Surya Bangsa a place where all children meet with success. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with happiness, lots of love and good health. Sincerely yours, Maksum Zakaria From 20 – 22 September 2013, SD Surya Bangsa Puri Beta and Palem Semi sent some students to join the Junior Science Competition held in ECO PARK, ANCOL. These competitions present wonderful opportunities for our children to apply their skills and to learn more. The competition consists of Science, Math, and Computer. It was conducted by KALBE. We sent 2 students of every class from SD 3 to SD 6. These contests offered prizes and awards for the students and the schools, as well as the chance to travel for national or international competitions. Thank you Mr. Hermanto for the continuous support for this program, thank you also to our guidance teachers, Mr. Maksum, Mr. Samlani , pak Adi and all parents. JUNIOR SCIENCE COMPETITION BERSINAR BAGI BANGSA October 2013

Newsletter Oktober 2013

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Surya Bangsa Newsletter

October 2013 VOL. 2 ISSUE 3

Principal’s Desk Dear Parents/Guardians,

As this year comes to go, I can’t help but look back at all the wonderful happenings at Sekolah Surya Bangsa last year. In 2012, the Elementary school of Sekolah Surya Bangsa Puri Beta was accredited by the Goverment and was achieved “A” for its excellent performance during the past six years. Before that, the Elementary and Secondary school of Surya Bangsa Palem Semi had got the same score “A”. I feel so fortunate to be a part of a community that works together as a family to provide enrichment and support to all of our children. Our PTA/Komite Sekolah in Puri Beta worked hard hand in hand to make every body had the same responsibility and commitment towards the progress that the school made. I was happy that our elementary school graduates passed with excellent UN scores and were accepted in excellent SMP. Once again, we have demonstrated that “Together Everyone Achieves More”. That year was filled with many challenges. As we review the past year, we can see that our efforts have been extremely productive. I commend our staff, parents and families for doing an outstanding job in providing all of our children with so much in the way of academic support, encouragement and love. I look forward to our continued partnership in making Sekolah Surya Bangsa a place where all children meet with success. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with happiness, lots of love and good health. Sincerely yours, Maksum Zakaria

From 20 – 22 September 2013, SD Surya Bangsa Puri Beta and Palem Semi sent some students to join the Junior Science Competition

held in ECO PARK, ANCOL. These competitions present wonderful opportunities for our children to apply their skills and to learn more.

The competition consists of Science, Math, and Computer. It was conducted by KALBE. We sent 2 students of every class from SD 3 to

SD 6. These contests offered prizes and awards for the students and the schools, as well as the chance to travel for national or

international competitions. Thank you Mr. Hermanto for the continuous support for this program, thank you also to our guidance

teachers, Mr. Maksum, Mr. Samlani , pak Adi and all parents.



A school assembly is a gathering of all or part of a school in order to communicate information and share learning experiences. On September the 23rd SD 5 students performed various activities reflecting what they were doing in the class room. We invited parents from SD 5 and other students to give support and congratulate them for their succes during their learning process. The first session was by Amanda and Chiara. They explained to audiences about how to keep our environment healthy. Both told us the way of washing hands before eating and how to keep our body remain free of bad bacteria. At last Amanda and Chiara gave questions to all students and parents, those whose answers were correct got special presents. The next session was Ale and Nathan who discussed about Human Blood Circulation. After that, SD 5 presented a mini drama. It was about eating healthy food. Later on, in turn Vania and Ana delivered a speech about Respiratory System and the function of Heart in general. Andika and Devi read the poetry “Mom” following Vania and Ana. The next was Jeje and Joya presented about Human Digestive System. They all used English to present the material. The ending of this school assembly was, all students of SD 5 were dancing Caesar together on stage to entertain the audiences. That is it what SD 5 students organized the school assembly. Thank you Ms. Susi, SDS 5 Parents who came and saw the presentation. (By Chiara, SD 5 student)

It’s not necessary to teach kids to brush their teeth correctly on our own – get help from our dentist. Like adults, children need to visit the dentist every six months for regular cleanings and checkups. Take children to the dentist when they’re two or three years old to get them used to the friendly staff, the office, the chair, and the unusual lights and sounds. The initial dental visit help our children get used to the new environment, and the second visit will include the visual exam and cleaning. Many dental professionals make kids’ visits fun by offering special treats, like balloons, pencils, erasers, and special tooth brushes and floss products to make brushing teeth more fun. This is what Pre-school students of Surya Bangsa Puri Beta did recently, congratulation every body, you are all owesome!!

School Assembly in Puri BetaConducted and organized by SD 5 students

Kepada Yth, para orang tua siswa-siswi SD Surya

Bangsa Puri Beta. Pelaksana- an imunisasi sekolah akan dilak- sanakan pada sekitar Nopember

2013. Harap para orang tua bersungguh-sungguh

memperhatikan putra-putrinya untuk mendapatkan imunisa-

si ini, Sekolah kita akan terus mendukung pro-

gram ini.

Get Help from the Dentist As We Teach Kids To Brush Their Teeth

October 2013

October 2013

Generally worms are very common in children. Our doctor may give us medicine if he suspects that our child may be having worms in the intestine. This medicine will remove the worms from the intestine and we will be able to see them in our stools next day. The medicine may have to be repeated after 3 months to ensure that no eggs remain in the intestine. Stomach worm is very common in children as worms enter through their hands when they play outdoors. Children put toys into mud and put back into their mouths. This makes them vulnerable to stomach worms. Parents however do not understand that their children are affected by intestinal worms. Sometimes affected children do not show any symptoms. Sometimes loosing weight may be the only sign. Parents may feel that children are loosing weight as they refuse to eat properly. Intestinal worms may be the culprit behind the weight loss of children. You can however note for certain symptoms in children. Luckily, our Puskesmas Larangan has given Sekolah Surya Bangsa Puri Beta worm tablets for SD 1 students to prevent and control threadworms in the body. On Monday 30 September, SD 1 students consumed worm tablets together helped by Ms. Febry, Ms. Tina and Mr. Maksum. The tablets tasted like a candy and no wonder all students liked it. Thank you every body. We love you all!!


Worming Treatment

We make our students succeed

If your child is having problems with learning, the class teacher will give extra lesson and it takes place in the afternoon when the school is over. The teacher might be able to provide accommodations for your child in class concerning the problems which is mostly in math and reading, ussualy it is for SD 1 or SD 2. It is the school responsibility to find out your child has a learning disability, he/she can receive extra help. Sometimes, children just need more time. But sometimes they need extra help from an expert. Please parents feel free to have a consult with your son/daughter’s class teacher. If you think your child needs extra help, don't give up. Try not to assume — or let others assume — that your child is having difficulty only because he or she is learning two or three languages. We try our best to make your childreen succeed. Thanks a million to our primary teachers in Puri Beta who dedicate your time to your students.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." = When someone has done something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things worse. "The pen is mightier than the sword." = Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." = You can get better service if you complain about something. If you wait patiently, no one's going to help you.

October 2013

October 2013 VOL. 2 ISSUE 3

Online Bussiness Seminar On August, the 27th SMP-SMA Surya Bangsa Palm Semi students had an online business seminar conducted by “Dunia Website” from Dandy Kurniawan, SE and friends, the founder of takotaki.com. We learnt about how to make a step by step online shopping and how to take an action if we love the business world. Based on globalism and technology growth nowadays, all students seemed happy and they would apply it into practice. Students have a lot of other things going on in their lives; they’re working jobs, some of them have families, they’re part-time or full-time. So the flexibility that online learning gives them is tremendous and make good experience.


On September 10, 2013 SMP-SMA Surya Bangsa students had a seminar with a topic “drugs”. We invited an expert and specialist from Eka Hospital dr. Guntara Hari, S.Pkj. His presentation and explanation was going into detailed when students and teachers made a dialogue with dr. Guntara. This prevention strategy incorporates programs, policies and strategies that encourage positive relationships, assist with effective behaviour management, maximise learning and prepare children for the transition between schools; that is, the transitions into secondary school and later into high school or college.

From 27-28 September, SMP and SMA students had an outbound activity in Villa Ratu, Caringin, Bogor. We were developing our mental and refresh our body and mind from the school activity, also the grand opening of student council. The program ran well and our student showed motivation and spirit to face a one week preparation for the mid semester test in October.