News of Interest to Women of Schenectady and Vicinity Caps for 1948 Pre-Clinical Ellis Class The Ellis Hospital Sch6ol of Nursing- pre-clinica! class of March, 1948, will be capped at outdoor ceremonies on the school campus 8 o'clock Saturday evening, June 30, Mrs. Genevieve Y. Clark, school principal, announced yesterday. The class of 20 students which began; its nurses training March 1 "will tje capped by Mrs. Clark to whom* the class will be presented by Mias Mary A. Campriello, assist- ant to\ the principal. Mrs. Clark also N^ill administer the cadet pledge to the cadet members of the class. Miss Jerrtne Warner, a senior student, and president of the stu- dent-faculty co-operative govern- ment will present each student capped an American flag, officially admitting her to the school. The flags are being presented instead of the traditional candle because the ceremony will be held outside. In the event of rain it will be held in the auditorium of the nurses' residence and candles will be given. The students will march from trie Whit mo re .home, to the scene of the capping while the .orchestra plays the cadet march. The students will sing the cadet hymn before the capping program begins. Music will be by a stringed quin- tet under the leadership of Miss Jane Norton. Playing will be Miss Luba Diakoff, Miss Carolyn Niles. Miss Frances Linton. Miss Adelle Alberti and Miss Ellen Knowlton. Refreshments will be served at the close of trie exercises. Navy Wives Complete Home Nursing Course Broods-Clark . Wedding Held The marriage of Miss Ann Glen- dinning Clark, daughter of Capt. Stuart Benson Clark, USNR, now overseas, and Mrs. Clark of River- ton, NJ, to Lt. (jg) Gordon Vail Brooks, USNR, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanford Brooks of Ardsley on Hudson, was held in Riverton at Christ Episcopal church, June 9. The bride is an alumna of Agnes Irwin school and made her debut in Philadelphia in 1938. She is' a member of the Philadelphia Junior lr ue. Lieutenant Brooks, who re arned from the Pacific recently, attended Yale university and was graduated from Middlebury college. He was formerly in the aviation division of the General Electric Co. Wives of navy men employed at the Scotia Naval Supply depot have completed this week the "Six Lessons in Ca 1 ** of the Sick," a home nursing course sponsored by the Schenectady chapter of the American Red Cross. Shown at the instruction headquarters, room 304, Patton and Hall building, are, left to right, seated, Mrs. Ethel H. Norcross, Mrs. Geraldine E. McHenry, Mrs. Betty Burke and Mrs. Maxine Sinks. Standing in the same order are' Mrs. Elizabeth E. Menzl, Mrs. Thelma W. Spannbauer, Mrs. Dorothy H. Fagal Jr., Mrs. Edna W. Lee and Mrs. Bertha A. Weaver, Valedictorian Glenville VFW Auxiliary Has June Meeting Glenville auxiliary to Post 3234, VFW, met Thursday evening in lOOP hall, Scotia. wTlh Miss Bertha Brouillette. president, presiding. Mrs: Kathryn Fancher, welfare chair- man, reported on recent visits made to Saratoga Veterans' facilities. Mrs. Fancher announced plans under way for a game party to be held at the facilities under the au- spices of Glenville. Clinton-Ramsey, Hilderbrand-Davis and Schenectady auxiliaries. She requested all mem- bers attending to bring a gift to be used as donations for the games, and announced that a piano will also be officially presented to the •patients at this time from mem- bers of the auxiliaries. Mrs. Fan- cher also reported receipts of 40 pounds of paper to be sent to hospi- tals. She requested all members to assist at the hospital booth at the field day to be held June 24 at Pete and Sally's park. Mrs. Winifred Tranter, chairman of the recent Buddy Poppy drive, gave a report. A check for half the proceeds was presented the auxili- ary by the post, to be used to aid ex-service men and their depend- ents, for maintenance and expan- sion of the VFW national home for orphans, hospital relief, individual relief for ex-service men, widows and orphans, hospital entertain- ment, special hospital equipment, service bureau work, military fu- nerals for deceased ex-service men, acquisition, improvement and main- tenance of burial plots and decora- tion of graves of ex-service men. Mrs. Gladys Schonsky, chairman of the recent birthday and past ; presidents' party held for the aux- Among Early June Brides LWV Favors Support for RTA Program The Schenectady County League of Women Voters has gone on rec« ord, through action of the board, as favoring the renewal of the reciprocal trade agreement pro- gram. Members have been asked to write to their senators urging support of the program with au- thorization to permit reduction up to 50 per cent of present tariff- rat es. Action was taken by the board upon receipt of a "call to Action" sent out by Miss Anna Lord Strauss, national president. The local league, which voted to "sup- port adoption of domestic policies which will facilitate the solution of international problems" at its re- cent program-planning meeting held at the YWCA, feels that trade agreements tie into the peace struc- ture and that reduction of trade "barriers helps bring economic peace and co-operation between nations. The bill for extension of the trade program passed the house of representatives, 293 to 153. and i» now in the senate, which is about to vote upon it. Through Us foreign policy chairman, Mrs. M. W. Shel- dorf, the Schenectady county league will answer the national president'* "call to action." MRS. RAYMOND VOIGT Miss Kathryn Vrooman of Union Mrs. John May. Mrs. William J. Ad- Dinner Honors Wedding Days A Dutch treat dinner was held. at Sleasman's haufbrau Saturday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Schcrer, who will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, June 26, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jesfer, whose 22nd wedding day was June 6, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sheridan Smith, who will observe their 16th wedding day June 29, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shapter, whose 11th anniversary Was June 4. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hargrave, Mr. and Mrs. George Geary, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Eng- lert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollen- beck, Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Behrens and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woodruff. street will entertain at a tea on Sunday at her home in honor of Miss Nancy Morison of Short Hills, NJ, who will be her guest for the j week end. Miss Morison will be married to Lt. Peter Paul Miller, Jr., on June 30. Assisting at the tea will be Mrs. James Lake Elrod, Mrs. Orson Hammond, Mrs. Charles Clowe, Miss Amy Lang, Miss Jane Pearson. Miss Nancy Crowley. Mrs. Harold D. Fox, Miss Marion Martin, Miss Eleanor Waller, Miss Carolyn Thomson, Miss Jeanne Lowe, Miss Nancy Allen Bradshaw and Miss Jeffrey Ferguson. Invited to attend are Miss Hazel Love, Phyllis Maier. Miss Holly Rice. Miss Susan McNaughton, Miss ; Allyn McKain, Mrs. Rexford G : Moon Jr., Miss Frances Merrick, i Miss Grace Ten Eyck, Miss Audrey McKnight. Miss Lavinia Shanklin, ; Miss Marjorie Pearson. Miss Dey Erben, Miss Beverly Lentz, Miss Dorothea Magner, Mrs. Bayard Coggeshall, Miss Denise Jahn, Mrs. Wallace MacFarland, Miss Betty Miller, Mrs. Walter Shaw, Mrs. Henry Carl Anderson Jr., Mrs. D. Glen Smith Jr., Miss Dorothea God- frey, Miss Sally Lpring Wirt, Miss Lydia Fuller, Mrs. Charles Clark, Mrs. Charles Francis Choate, Miss Eva Reiche, Miss Winifred Prince, Miss Penelope Sayre, Miss Con- stance Poersch, Miss Lucy Coffin and Mrs. Joseph G. Stuart. ams Jr., Mrs. Garrett A. Cook and Mrs. Frank Andrix". Mrs. Charles Clowe of Wendell j avenue entertained at a bridge ] party and tea on Thursday after- noon in honor of Mrs. Nelson Tal- bott of Regent street. Guests were Miss Beverly Lentz, Miss Dorothea Magner, Miss Carolyn Thomson, Miss Jeanne Lowe, Miss Nancy Al- len Bradshaw and Mrs. Rexford G. Moon Jr. Service Unit to Meet .With Mrs. Coleman Members of Rotterdam Service tinit three will meet Monday for a covered dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. Rem Coleman on the Duanesburg road. A business meeting will follow the luncheon, at which members have been asked to report on books. Th« organization will hold a rummage sale at the , Clinton street store the week of June 25- 30. Those wishing to donate articles may leave them at the home of Mrs. Charles Preston, 761 Curry road, or telephone her, 3-6242, and they will be called for. Mrs. Louis G. Chesky of 725 Curry road will also receive articles for the sale at her home, or may be called, phone 6-6909. CHANGE MEETrNG; DATE The meeting of the Glenrldge unit of Schenectady County Home bu- reau, originally scheduled for Wednesday, will be held Tuesday at 30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Richard F. Wyre, Bradt road, Rexford. Mrs. Claud Ferris will give the final les- son on rush seats. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon. Mrs. Harold Bibber was elected president of the Faculty Women's club of Union college yesterday afternoon at the picnic meeting held in Jackson's gardens. Mrs. Augustus H. Fox served as chair- man of the event. Other officers named for the coming year were first vice president, Mrs. Franklin Chillrud. second vice president, Mrs. Harrison C. Coffin, secretary, Mrs. Melvin Hein, and treasurer, Mrs. Gilbert Harlow. The group voted to donate $75 to the Dixon Ryan Fox scholarship fund. Others attending were Mrs. Leon- ard B. Clark, Mrs. Ernest M. Ligon, Mrs. Peter I. Wold. Mrs. Charles T. Male, Mrs. Wiliord H. Ketz, Mrs. F. B. Andreen, Mrs. Raymond H. Herrick, Mrs. Charles B. Hurd, Mrs. James W. Mavor, Mrs. John C. Taylor, Mrs. Everett W. Thatcher, Mrs. Robert W. Crowell. Mrs. Frank J." Studer, Mrs. Benjamin P. Whltaker, Mrs. James M. Cllne, Mrs. Kingsley W. Given, Mrs. George D. Kellogg. Miss Mildred March. Mrs. Vladimir Rojansky, Mrs. Burgas Johnson, Mrs. Harold W. Blodgett. Mrs.- Hartley F. Dewey, Mrs. Charles F. F. Garis, Mrs. Wilson B Miller. Mrs. Leon- ard C. Jones, Mrs. Anthony Hoad- ley! Mrs. Frederick Schmidt, Mrs. Warren C. Taylor, Mrs. Dixon Ryan Fox, Mrs. W. W. Bennett, Mrs. Orin J. Farrell. Mrs. Allan C. Scott. Mrs. Henry Tulloch. Mrs. G. C. Hall Jr. and Mrs. B. W. Mayer. Mr. iand Mra. Guy S. Hyatt of Ardsley road will have as their guests at the dinner and dance to be held at the Mohawk Golf club this evening, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Lacock, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gor- don Goodloe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bahr. Mr. and Mrs. William Eve- leth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler. Mr. and [ Mrs. Harold Bibber and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Young. | Mrs. Thomas Wallace and Mrs, ! William Ellis were winners of the i two ball foursome held by thej Women of the Mohawk Golf club I last week. Second winners were ' Mrs. Ralph Rue and Mrs. Leland | Brandhorst. Others playing were j Mrs. Joseph S. Hayden Jr., Mrs. Glen Quick, Mrs. Kilgore Macfar- lane, Mrs. Ralph Robinson, Miss Katherine Whitehead, Mrs. Howard Bennett, Mrs. Charles Ford arid Mrs, Jessie Gardinier. Mrs. Theo- philus Johnson was- winner of t h e nine hole event. » Others playing were Mrs. Paul Cushing, Mrs. Louis Dahm, Mrs. Thomas T. Hambleton, Mrs. Gilbert Wolfe, Mrs. Charles Leader, Mrs. Lester Means, Mrs. L. Dale Coffman and Mrs. Charles Ad- ams. The group will play the qualify- ing round for the governor's cup from Wednesday through Saturday next week. Mrs. Joseph S. Hayden Jr., will be In charge. The marriage of Miss Marion Rowledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Rowledge of Burnt Hills, to Raymond iliary and post, gave a report and j y 0 jg t s o n 0 f ^hs. Lillian Voigt of Jackson avenue, was held Mrs. Anne Ring, chairman of the! ^ . rr- • •> -»r .i _r- , \_ i •rr- n TT J on June 3 at Trinity Methodist church with Rev. Howard Acklev officiating. Miss Jane Goodwin sang "Because" and Salutatorian For Proms, Formalt and Weddings .White or Black Tnxedot and Fall I>resn Suit*. KvenltiR Wrap* end (limn* for Jlent or Made to Ordpr. 8*quJn Cnpn, Kvcnlno Jlnsr*. All KlmU <il II Air Ornn- Intnl.* for Salt. Cosmm** lor All Oceanian* J o r Hnle or n*tit I>T Mrs. H. V. Gulick of Morgan ave- nue will entertain at a tea today in honor of her daughters, Joann Gulick and Nancy Gulick. Serving will be Marion Joyce, Ruth Albers, Audrey Chrlstenson, Helen Ken- nedy, Carol Krueger, Mary Lou MacElhose, Joan Morton and Wendy Nogorka. Mrs. Joseph G. Stuart of Wash- ington has been visiting her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Chadwick of Burnt Hills. Mrs. Herbert C. Towle and her son, David, of Valencia road and Mrs. Eugene Hunsaker and her daughter, Janna, of Union -street, will leave tomorrow to spend two weeks in SwampscoftT Mass. DOROTHY VONSTETINA Marie W.- Treutler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Treutler of Rose street, is valedictorian of the senior class of St. Joseph's academy. Com- mencement exercises for the class of 21 members will be held June 24 at 8 p.m. at St. Joseph's church. Dorothy A. Von Stetina, daughter of John Von Stetina of Schenec- tady street, has been chosen salu- tatorian. The class recently held Its senior banquet at the Hotel Van Curler. Miss Treutler spoke on "Ut Liberi Simus," the class motto and Miss Von Stetina on the significance of the class colors, green and silver. ng card party held in Ten-O-One American Legion rooms, also re- ported. The membership report was given by Mrs. Irene Lewis. Mrs. Cecelia Farnham gave a resume of the meeting of Hudson- Mohawk Counties' council auxili- ary, held in Saratoga Springs, and of the meeting of district three, De- partment of New York, Ladies' aux- iliary to the VFW, held in Troy. The auxiliary extended fraternal honors to Mrs. Farnham on her recent election to the otfice-of jun--j- ior vice president of the Ladies' j auxiliary to Hudson-Mohawk Coun- j ties' council and the appointment of Miss Brouillette as county musi- cian and Mrs. Ann Wilson as coun- cil secretary. Elected to represent the auxiliary to the national encampment of VFW and its auxiliaries as dele- gates were Mrs. Anne Willis and Mrs. Wilson; alternates, Mrs. Fan- cher and Mrs. Lewis. Donations were voted for the sinking fund of the national home, children's fund and department hospital fund. The auxiliary voted to hold one meeting a month for the summer, on July 12 and Aug. 9. It was announced that members desiring to donate to the fund for the new nursery cottage at the national home, Eaton Rapids, Mich., may send their donations to Mrs. Gladys Schonsky, RFD, Sche- nectady, NY. 4 _— Church School Depts. Hold Indian Festival The Primary and Junior children of the church school of the First Methodist church held a supper and Indian festival last evening in the church. The American Indian, from the Christian point of view, has been the special study of t h e departments since Easter ,time. Corn bread was one of the fea- tures of the supper menu, which was planned around the foods which the Indian originally intro- duced in this country. During the evening the program included an Indian drama, movies on the life of the Indian and a council fire. Miss Lucille Bovet, Miss Phyllis Black and Miss Ruth Disbrow were in charge of the event. TO MEET MONDAY The Mother's auxiliary of Boy Scout troop 28 of the Bellevue Re- formed church will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Guevin, 2130 Hugh street. The meet- ing has been called by the incom- ing president. Mrs. Kenneth Martin. A schedule will be made for the activities for the coming new year. All members have been asked to attend. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr/ and Mrs. Benjamin Cieszyn- ski of Webster street have an- nounced the birth of a daughter. Sheila Catherine, at the Ellis hos- pital on June 7. "1 Love You Truly." Attendants Miss Edna Rowledge, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Harold Hines was best man. Ushers included Clifton Wagner and James Black. A reception followed in the church parlors. Following a wedding trip to At- lantic City, the couple will reside on Jackson avenue. The bride is a graduate of Burnt Hills High school and is employed at the General Electric Co, The bridegroom is a graduate of Pittston, Pa., High school and of Pennsylvania Ex- tension college in WiLkes-Barre, Pa. He is employed in the marine division of the General Electric Co. In Navy Nurse Corps ENS. ROBERTA MAE WILLSEY • —(U.S. Navy Official photos) ENS. RUTH E. SEAMANS Ensign Roberta Mae Willsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willsey of Fehr avenue, and Ensign Ruth E. Seamans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus J. Seamans of Palmer avenue, are stationed at the United States Naval hospital, Sampson. Ensign Willsey is a graduate o* Nott Terrace High school and the Ellis Hospital Train- ing School for Nurses. Prior to entering service she was a nurse at Ellis. Ensign Seamans, a graduate of Mont Pleasant High school and of the Samaritan Hospital Training school, Troy, took a course in public health nursing at Syracuse university prior to entering service. Legion Auxiliary Has Picnic Supper Wiltse, second. Mrs. Parker was elected delegate to attend the Tup- per Lake conference. Present were Mrs. Parker, MrB. Legion auxiliary unit Elmer Barber, Mrs. Bumstead. Min Jennie Herzog. Mrs. Wiltse, Mrs. Charles Maehle, Mrs. Fred Jones, Mrs. Siler. MrB. E. S. Nichols, Mrs. Alfred Lyon, Mrs. Sory, Mrs. Michael Lekac, Mrs. Parkis, Mrs. James Hoose, Mrs. Margaret Mc- Connell. Mrs. Charlotte White. Mrs. W. H. McGonegal, Mrs. Gladys Becker. Mrs. McPartlon. Mrs. C. H. Crawford and Mrs. John Dodge. The auxiliary to the Schenectady County Medical society will meet for luncheon Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the^ Shaker Ridge Country club. Election of officers will be held and this will be the final meeting of the season. Mrs. Leslie Pir.rson of Sumner avenue will entertain at a dessert bridge party this evening*' at her home. Present will bo Mrs. Henry Brunelle Jr., Mrs. Charles Jones. Mrs. Clarence Thrasher, Mrs. Don- . aid R. Webb, Mrs. Ivyle Eaton. 338 Slate St. Ph. 4-7442 Mrs. Artro Swingle, Mrs. Richard Upstair* Or«r OotflmafT* I Christie, Mrs. Robert Harkness, THE COSTUMER •PICKET FENCE Olving can be exciting . . . when you choose gifts from our gala collection! Crystal stemware, color- Tul china, quaint pottery, arfl charming gifte. You'll have fun browsing, fun buying here! PICKET FENCE GIFT SHOP 3010 CON5AUL ROAD Neat Balttawn Road '• FWtONE 4-M41 Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Bumelle Jr., of Regal avenue, have as their" guest, Mrs. Clarence Thrasher of North Bend, Wash. Mrs. Joseph Quill of Jackson avenue will leave tomorrow to visit In Beverly, Mass. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence T. Nealon of East- ern parkway, was christened, Marry Donna, on Sunday at St, Helen's church. Rev. Francis McNamara offlclnted. Godparents are Miss Ixnilse D. Dinardo and Dr. Joseph Dinardo. A reception followed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Dinardo of Wright avenue. Miss Frieda Belptt of Bradford road, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belott, recently completed the secretarial course at Mildred Elley secretarial school. Miss Belott had honors in all subject* during the entire course and was an active member of the Newman club. She has accepted a position with the American Locomotive Co. She Is a grnduat* of Nott Terrace High school. Mrs. E. R. Hadady, Mrs. Bruce Wells. Mrs. Everett Fuller, Mrs. Donald Schutt. Mrs. John Howe English, Mrs. Richard Chadwick Sogge. Mrs. James Fanning, Mrs. Edith English Clark, Mrs. Jack Marshall, Mrs. James McNaughton, Mrs. J. A. Stevens, Mrs. Edward Stanton, Mrs. J. A. Rlckard, Miss Lenore Anderson, Miss Patricia Crawford, Miss Jean Marlon Wil- liams*, Miss Virginia Maxon. Miss Virginia Stoddard, Miss Phyllis Lang and Miss Mary Hoffman. Mrs. Rickard and Mrs. Stevens will preside nt the tea tables and Miss Apnea Buck will serve. OUTING TO WAY The Young People's group of the State Street Presbyterian church is holding Its annual outing at Cut- ler's grove at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. If it rains members will meet at the church. Annual Summer Fete, Social h Planned The Jewish Social Service or- ganization will hold its annual summer card party and ice cream social Wednesday night In the gymnasium of the Jew- ish Community center. Mrs. Emanuel Abramowitz will serve aa chairman, assisted by Mrs. Louis Shapiro, Mra. Mor- ris Flax. Mrs. Louis Kaplan, Mrs. Joseph Wasserman, Mrs. Samuel WolTe. Mrs. Abe Find- er and Mrs. Isadore Davis. The final meeting of the sea- son of the organization will he held Monday night, June 25, when annual reports will be re- ceived and newly elected of- ficers will be Installed. Mrs. Joseph Zlffer la president of the group. American 1001 met at Ten-O-One Memorial hall Tuesday evening for a picnic supper on the lawn, followed by a business meeting. It was announced that the aux- iliary will assist Post 1001 of t h e American Legion with its program for the Saratoga Veterans' Facili- ties on June 21. Cookies will be donated and refreshments will be served by Mrs. Henry Sory and her committee. All members have been invited to attend. Cars will leave the hall at 7 p m. Mrs James Parker, president, appointed Mrs. I. J. Siler as chair- man of the nominating committee for the fall election of offlceis. Other members on the committee are Mrs. Kenneth Parkis and Mrs. Thomas McPartlon. Delegates were elected for the state confer- ence as follows: Mrs. Parker, first delegate; Mrs. Sory. second; Mrs. Raymond Bum- stead, first alternate; Mrs. George Fall Program For HB Units Is Planned Miss Clarice Cookingham, county home demonstration agent of th« home bureau, together with th« state leaders of the extension serv- ice at Cornell university, specialist* from the home economic college, have been at work for the past Ave months preparing a program for the work of next fall and win- ter in the various units of t h e county. To provide a program that will suit the needs and interests of women of Schenectady county has been the aim of these workers. What the women of Schenectady county want to know to help them with their homemaking is the basis upon which the program has been planned. Through this program, Miss Cookingham has pointed out, the members of the Home Bureau units and their friends and neighbors may receive help on child guidance, family relationships, management of time, energy and other re- sources, meal planning and prepa- ration, nutrition and the making and care of clothing. A highlight of the year's pro- gram, according to Miss Cooking- ham, will be a series of radio les- sons entitled "Let's Make a Dress", to be broadcast by Helen Powell Smith, clothing specialist of t h s Cornell Home Economics' college. Each homemaker who enrolls for the radio sewing school, will make a dress during the seven and one- half weeks which the school will run. Printed lesson a i d s «H11 bs provided to help with details of sewing hot included in the broad- casts. The school will begin Sept. 23, and will be broadcast over WGY from 1:15 to 1:30 Wednesdays and Fridays. Miss Cookingham has urged women Interested in ths home bureau work to plan to maks a dress, whether they are experi- enced or beginners in sewing. 1 ; LINCOLN HB The Lincoln unit of the Horns bureau held its annual -picnis Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harry D. Coombs on Stanford ave- nue. Mrs. John T. Graves, newly elected chairman, presided. U was decided to discontinue ths meetings until September. Attend- ing the picnic were Mrs. Georgs E. Clark, Mra Charles N. Mallory, Mrs. Archie Swart, Mrs. Elmer Thomas, Mrs. Ernest C. Britton, Mrs. Raymond Bixby and Mri. Ethel Gador. Wedding Invitations MODERN ARTS PRESS 331 HULETT ST. it* HODB SEKVICEi Miss Julia G. Putnam of Union street Is visiting friends In Phil- adelphia, Silver Springs, Maryland, and Washington. 1<<W?£^?^!,^^ Mr*. Donald Rlckard of Union street will entertain at tea this afternoon at her hbme from i to 6 o'clock for her guest, Miss Dorothy Filley of Lincoln, Nebraska. Miss Fllley will leave later to be a counselor at Hidden Lake camp, the Schencctadjr Girl Scout established camp at take George. Guests invited to the tea Include Smart for S ummer •.. Versatile "Shortie" one of summer's favorite hairdo's. We Feature ESKA-KOLW WAVE D I'M II CUADr. BEAUTY DUUIsCf MaM SALON 28 ERIE BLVD — 6-64M — Next to Greyhound Station LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE Day or Evening Classes Full or Part Time Counei for Men and Women ROYAL ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE Phone 6-2286 308 STATE ST. . OPPOSITE'WAMi ST. Transform a long bob into this cool, easy-to-care-for upsweep Refr. ** CROQUIGNOLE WAVE. RinRlet S' Ends. Soft Waves < 1.50 Refr. S6.50 E M P I R E OIL CroqulRnole Permanent, For Grey and Fine Hair i not. m COLD For Difficult Hair WAVE •7 M RCR. SIB K M P R E 3 8 OIL Machin^lcsa. For Real llflj Hair Beauty •!* Soft Water Used Exelunlvety F,YV« BEAUTY We Take Appointment* •* t*t« M 7 P.M. Thltf 428 STATE ST. TILL » P.M. TEL 6-9318 ADORIA * Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

News of Interest to Women of Schenectady and Vicinity 8... · News of Interest to Women of Schenectady and Vicinity Caps for 1948 Pre-Clinical Ellis Class The Ellis Hospital Sch6ol

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Page 1: News of Interest to Women of Schenectady and Vicinity 8... · News of Interest to Women of Schenectady and Vicinity Caps for 1948 Pre-Clinical Ellis Class The Ellis Hospital Sch6ol

News of Interest to Women of Schenectady and Vicinity Caps for 1948 Pre-Clinical Ellis Class

The Ellis Hospital Sch6ol of Nursing- pre-clinica! class of March, 1948, will be capped at outdoor ceremonies on the school campus 8 o'clock Sa tu rday evening, June 30, Mrs. Genevieve Y. Clark, school principal, announced yesterday.

The class of 20 s tudents which began; its nurses t ra in ing March 1 "will tje capped by Mrs. Clark to whom* the c lass will be presented by Mias Mary A. Campriello, assist­ant to \ the principal . Mrs. Clark also N ill adminis te r the cadet pledge to the cadet members of the class.

Miss Je r r tne Warner , a senior s tudent , and president of the stu­dent-facul ty co-operative govern­men t will present each s tudent capped an American flag, officially admi t t ing her to the school. The flags are being presented instead of the t radi t ional candle because the ceremony will be held outside. In the event of rain it will be held in the aud i to r ium of the nurses ' residence and candles will be given.

The s tuden t s will march from trie Whit mo re .home, to the scene of the capping while the .orchestra plays the cadet march . The s tudents will s ing the cadet hymn before the capping p rog ram begins.

Music will be by a str inged quin­tet under the leadership of Miss J ane Norton. P lay ing will be Miss Luba Diakoff, Miss Carolyn Niles. Miss F rances Linton. Miss Adelle Alberti and Miss Ellen Knowlton.

Ref reshments will be served at the close of trie exercises.

Navy Wives Complete Home Nursing Course

Broods-Clark . Wedding Held

The m a r r i a g e of Miss Ann Glen-dinning Clark, daugh te r of Capt. S tua r t Benson Clark, USNR, now overseas, and Mrs. Clark of River-ton, NJ , to Lt. (jg) Gordon Vail Brooks , USNR, son of the late Mr. and Mrs . H e n r y Stanford Brooks of Ardsley on Hudson, was held in River ton a t Christ Episcopal church, J u n e 9.

The bride is an a lumna of Agnes I rwin school and made her debut in Phi ladelphia in 1938. She i s ' a member of the Phi ladelphia Jun io r lr ue. L ieu tenan t Brooks, who re arned from the Pacific recently, a t tended Yale universi ty and was gradua ted from Middlebury college. He was formerly in the aviation division of the General Electr ic Co.

Wives of navy men employed at the Scotia Naval Supply depot have completed this week the "Six Lessons in Ca1** of the Sick," a home nurs ing course sponsored by the Schenectady chapter of the American Red Cross. Shown at the instruct ion headquar t e r s , room 304, Pa t ton and Hall building, a re , left to r ight , seated, Mrs. Ethel H . Norcross , Mrs. Geraldine E. McHenry, Mrs. Bet ty Burke and Mrs. Maxine Sinks. Standing in the same order are' Mrs. El izabeth E. Menzl, Mrs. Thelma W. Spannbauer ,

Mrs. Dorothy H. Faga l Jr., Mrs. E d n a W. Lee and Mrs. Ber tha A. Weaver,


Glenville VFW Auxiliary Has June Meeting

Glenville auxi l iary to Post 3234, VFW, met T h u r s d a y evening in l O O P hall, Scotia. wTlh Miss Ber tha Brouil let te. president , presiding. Mrs: K a t h r y n Fanche r , welfare chair­man, repor ted on recent visits made to Sara toga Veterans ' facilities.

Mrs. Fanche r announced plans under way for a game party to be held a t the facilities under the au­spices of Glenville. Clinton-Ramsey, Hi lderbrand-Davis and Schenectady auxiliaries. She requested all mem­bers a t tending to bring a gift to be used as donat ions for the games, and announced tha t a piano will also be officially presented to the

•patients at this t ime from mem­bers of the auxiliaries. Mrs. Fan­cher also reported receipts of 40 pounds of paper to be sent to hospi­tals. She requested all members to assist at the hospital booth at the field day to be held June 24 at Pe te and Sally's park.

Mrs. Winifred Tranter , c h a i r m a n of the recent Buddy Poppy drive, gave a report . A check for half the proceeds was presented the auxili­ary by the post, to be used to aid ex-service men and their depend­ents, for main tenance and expan­sion of the V F W national home for orphans , hospital relief, individual relief for ex-service men, widows and orphans , hospital enter ta in­ment , special hospital equipment, service bureau work, mil i tary fu­nerals for deceased ex-service men, acquisit ion, improvement and main­tenance of burial plots and decora­tion of graves of ex-service men.

Mrs. Gladys Schonsky, cha i rman of the recent b i r thday and past ; pres idents ' par ty held for the aux-

Among Early June Brides LWV Favors Support for RTA Program

The Schenectady County L e a g u e of Women Voters has gone on rec« ord, through action of the board , a s favoring the renewal of t h e reciprocal t rade agreement p ro ­g ram. Members have been a sked to wri te to their senators u rg ing support of the program with au­thorizat ion to permit reduction u p to 50 per cent of present tariff-ra t es.

Action was taken by the board upon receipt of a "call to Action" sent out by Miss Anna Lord St rauss , nat ional president. T h e local league, which voted to "sup­port adoption of domestic policies which will facilitate the solution of in terna t iona l problems" at its r e ­cent p rogram-plann ing m e e t i n g held at the YWCA, feels t h a t t r a d e agreements t ie into the peace s t r u c ­ture and t h a t reduction of t r a d e "barriers helps br ing economic peace a n d co-operation between na t ions .

The bill for extension of t he t rade p rogram passed the house of representat ives , 293 to 153. and i» now in the senate, which is a b o u t to vote upon it. Through Us foreign policy cha i rman, Mrs. M. W. Shel-dorf, the Schenectady county league will answer the national pres ident '* "call to action."


Miss K a t h r y n Vrooman of Union Mrs. John May. Mrs. Wil l iam J. Ad-

Dinner Honors Wedding Days

A Dutch t rea t dinner was held. a t S leasman 's haufbrau Sa turday evening honor ing Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Schcrer , who will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary , J u n e 26, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jesfer, whose 22nd wedding day was J u n e 6, Mr. and Mrs. P . Sher idan Smith, who will observe their 16th wedding day J une 29, and Mr. and Mrs. Pau l Shapter , whose 11th ann iversa ry Was J u n e 4.

At tend ing were Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Harg rave , Mr. a n d Mrs. George Geary, Mr. a n d Mrs. John J . Eng-lert, Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Hollen-beck, Mr, and Mrs . Freder ick B e h r e n s a n d Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woodruff.

s t reet will en ter ta in at a tea on Sunday at her home in honor of Miss Nancy Morison of Short Hills, NJ, who will be her guest for the j week end. Miss Morison will be marr ied to Lt. Pe te r Paul Miller, Jr., on J u n e 30. Assisting at the tea will be Mrs . J a m e s Lake Elrod, Mrs. Orson Hammond , Mrs. Char les Clowe, Miss Amy Lang, Miss J ane Pearson. Miss Nancy Crowley. Mrs. Harold D. Fox, Miss Marion Mart in , Miss Eleanor Waller , Miss Carolyn Thomson, Miss Jeanne Lowe, Miss Nancy Allen Bradshaw and Miss Jeffrey Ferguson.

Invited to a t t end a re Miss Hazel Love, Phyllis Maier. Miss Holly Rice. Miss Susan McNaughton, Miss ; Allyn McKain, Mrs. Rexford G :

Moon Jr., Miss F rances Merrick, i Miss Grace Ten Eyck, Miss Audrey McKnight . Miss Lavinia Shankl in , ; Miss Marjorie Pearson. Miss Dey Erben, Miss Beverly Lentz, Miss Doro thea Magner, Mrs. Bayard Coggeshall, Miss Denise J ahn , Mrs. Wallace MacFar land , Miss Bet ty Miller, Mrs. W a l t e r Shaw, Mrs. H e n r y Carl Anderson Jr. , Mrs . D. Glen Smith Jr . , Miss Dorothea God­frey, Miss Sally Lpring Wir t , Miss Lydia Fuller, Mrs. Charles Clark, Mrs. Charles F r a n c i s Choate, Miss E v a Reiche, Miss Winifred Pr ince , Miss Penelope Sayre, Miss Con­stance Poersch, Miss Lucy Coffin and Mrs. Joseph G. Stuar t .

ams Jr. , Mrs. G a r r e t t A. Cook and Mrs. F r a n k Andrix".

Mrs. Charles Clowe of Wendell j avenue enter ta ined a t a bridge ] pa r ty and tea on T h u r s d a y after­

noon in honor of Mrs. Nelson Tal-bot t of Regent street . Guests were Miss Beverly Lentz, Miss Dorothea Magner, Miss Carolyn Thomson, Miss J e a n n e Lowe, Miss Nancy Al­len Bradshaw and Mrs. Rexford G. Moon J r .

Service Unit to Meet .With Mrs. Coleman

Members of R o t t e r d a m Service tinit three will meet Monday for a covered dish luncheon a t the home of Mrs. Rem Coleman on the Duanesbu rg road. A business meet ing will follow the luncheon, at which member s have been asked to repor t on books.

Th« organizat ion will hold a r u m m a g e sale at the , Clinton s t reet s tore the week of J u n e 25-30. Those wishing to donate art icles m a y leave them at the home of Mrs. Charles Preston, 761 Curry road, or telephone her, 3-6242, and they will be called for. Mrs. Louis G. Chesky of 725 Curry road will also receive art icles for the sale at her home, or may be called, phone 6-6909.

C H A N G E MEETrNG; D A T E The meet ing of the Glenrldge unit

of Schenec tady County Home bu­reau, originally scheduled for Wednesday , will be held Tuesday at 30 a.m. a t the home of Mrs. Richard F . Wyre, B r a d t road, Rexford. Mrs. Claud F e r r i s will give the final les­son on rush seats . A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon.

Mrs. Ha ro ld Bibber was elected pres ident of t he Facul ty Women ' s club • of Union college yes terday afternoon at the picnic meet ing held in Jackson ' s gardens. Mrs. Augustus H. Fox served a s chair­man of the event. Other officers named for the coming year were first vice president, Mrs. F rank l in Chillrud. second vice president, Mrs. Harr i son C. Coffin, secretary, Mrs. Melvin Hein, and treasurer , Mrs. Gilbert Harlow. The group voted to donate $75 to the Dixon Ryan Fox scholarship fund.

Others a t t end ing were Mrs. Leon­ard B. Clark, Mrs. E rnes t M. Ligon, Mrs. P e t e r I. Wold. Mrs. Charles T. Male, Mrs. Wil iord H. Ketz, Mrs. F . B. Andreen, Mrs. Raymond H. Herr ick , Mrs. Charles B. Hurd, Mrs. J a m e s W. Mavor, Mrs. John C. Taylor, Mrs. Eve re t t W. Tha tche r , Mrs. Rober t W. Crowell. Mrs. F r a n k J." Studer, Mrs. Benjamin P . Whl take r , Mrs. J a m e s M. Cllne, Mrs. Kingsley W. Given, Mrs. George D. Kellogg. Miss Mildred March. Mrs. Vladimir Rojansky, Mrs. Burgas Johnson , Mrs. Harold W. Blodgett . Mrs.- Har t ley F . Dewey, Mrs. Char les F . F . Gar is , Mrs. Wilson B Miller. Mrs. Leon­ard C. Jones , Mrs. Anthony Hoad-ley! Mrs. Freder ick Schmidt, Mrs. War ren C. Taylor , Mrs. Dixon R y a n Fox, Mrs. W. W. Bennett , Mrs. Orin J. Fa r r e l l . Mrs . Allan C. Scott. Mrs. Henry Tulloch. Mrs. G. C. Hall J r . and Mrs. B. W. Mayer.

Mr. iand Mra. Guy S. Hya t t of Ardsley road will have as their gues ts at the d inner a n d dance to be held at the Mohawk Golf club this evening, Mr. and Mrs . Andrew J. Lacock, Mr. and Mrs . E. Gor­don Goodloe, Mr. and Mrs. Rober t J. Bahr . Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam Eve-leth, Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k E a s t m a n , Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Tyler. Mr. and [ Mrs. Harold Bibber and Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s M. Young. |

Mrs. Thomas Wallace and Mrs, ! Will iam Ellis were winner s of the i two ball foursome held by t h e j Women of the Mohawk Golf club I last week. Second w i n n e r s we re ' Mrs. Ra lph R u e and Mrs . Leland | Brandhors t . Others playing were j Mrs. Joseph S. Hayden Jr. , Mrs. Glen Quick, Mrs. Kilgore Macfar-lane, Mrs. Ralph Robinson, Miss K a t h e r i n e Whitehead, Mrs. Howard Bennet t , Mrs. Charles Fo rd arid Mrs, Jess ie Gardinier . Mrs. Theo-philus Johnson was- w i n n e r of the nine hole event. » Others p laying were Mrs. Pau l Cushing, Mrs . Louis Dahm, Mrs. Thomas T. Hamble ton , Mrs. Gilbert Wolfe, Mrs. Charles Leader , Mrs. Les te r Means, Mrs. L. Dale Coffman and Mrs. Charles Ad­ams.

The group will play the qualify­ing round for the governor ' s cup from Wednesday th rough Sa tu rday next week. Mrs. Joseph S. Hayden Jr., will be In charge .

The marriage of Miss Marion Rowledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Rowledge of Burnt Hills, to Raymond

iliary and post, gave a report and j y 0 j g t s o n 0f ^hs. Lillian Voigt of Jackson avenue, was held Mrs. Anne Ring, cha i rman of t h e ! ^ „ . rr- • •> -»r . i _r- , \_ i •rr- n TT J

on June 3 at Trinity Methodist church with Rev. Howard Acklev officiating. Miss Jane Goodwin sang "Because" and


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Mrs. H. V. Gulick of Morgan ave­nue will enter ta in at a tea today in honor of her daugh te r s , Joann Gulick and Nancy Gulick. Serving will be Marion Joyce, R u t h Albers, Audrey Chrls tenson, Helen Ken­nedy, Carol Krueger , Mary Lou MacElhose, J o a n Morton and Wendy Nogorka .

Mrs. Joseph G. S tua r t of Wash­ington has been vis i t ing her par­ents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Chadwick of Burn t Hil ls .

Mrs. He rbe r t C. Towle and her son, David, of Valencia road and Mrs. Eugene H u n s a k e r and her daugh te r , J anna , of Union -street, will leave tomorrow to spend two weeks in SwampscoftT Mass.


Marie W.- Treut ler , d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Fr i tz Treu t le r of Rose street, is valedictor ian of the senior class of St. Joseph ' s academy. Com­mencement exercises for the class of 21 members will be held J u n e 24 at 8 p.m. at St. Joseph ' s church. Dorothy A. Von Stet ina, daughte r of John Von Ste t ina of Schenec­tady street, has been chosen salu­ta tor ian.

The class recent ly held I ts senior banquet at the Hotel Van Curler. Miss Treut le r spoke on "Ut Liberi Simus," the class mot to and Miss Von Stet ina on the significance of the class colors, green and silver.

ng card par ty held in Ten-O-One American Legion rooms, also re­ported. The membership report was given by Mrs. I rene Lewis.

Mrs. Cecelia F a r n h a m gave a resume of the meet ing of Hudson-Mohawk Counties ' council auxili­ary, held in Sara toga Springs, and of the meet ing of distr ict three, De­p a r t m e n t of New York, Ladies ' aux­iliary to the VFW, held in Troy. The auxi l iary extended fra ternal honors to Mrs. F a r n h a m on her recent election to the otfice-of jun--j-ior vice pres ident of the Ladies ' j auxil iary to Hudson-Mohawk Coun- j ties' council and the appo in tmen t of Miss Brouil let te as county musi­cian and Mrs. Ann Wilson as coun­cil secretary.

Elected to represent the auxil iary to the nat ional encampmen t of V F W and its auxi l iar ies as dele­gates were Mrs. Anne Willis and Mrs. Wilson; a l te rna tes , Mrs. Fan­cher and Mrs. Lewis. Donat ions were voted for the s inking fund of the na t ional home, children's fund and d e p a r t m e n t hospital fund. The auxil iary voted to hold one meet ing a month for the summer , on Ju ly 12 and Aug. 9. I t was announced tha t members des i r ing to donate to the fund for t he new nurse ry cot tage a t the na t iona l home, Ea ton Rapids , Mich., may send the i r donat ions to Mrs. Gladys Schonsky, R F D , Sche­nectady, NY.

4 _ —

Church School Depts . Hold Indian Festival

The P r i m a r y and Jun io r children of the church school of the F i r s t Methodist church held a supper and Ind ian festival last evening in the church . The Amer ican Indian, from the Chris t ian point of view, has been the special s tudy of t he d e p a r t m e n t s since E a s t e r ,time.

Corn bread w a s one of the fea­tures of the supper menu, which was p lanned a round the foods which the Indian originally intro­duced in this country. Dur ing the evening the program included an Indian d rama, movies on the life of the Indian and a council fire.

Miss Lucille Bovet, Miss Phyll is Black and Miss R u t h Disbrow were in charge of the event.

TO M E E T MONDAY The Mother 's auxi l iary of Boy

Scout t roop 28 of the Bellevue Re­formed church will meet Monday at 8 p.m. a t t he home of Mrs. John Guevin, 2130 Hugh s t reet . The meet­ing has been called by the incom­ing president . Mrs. Kenne th Mart in . A schedule will be made for the activit ies for the coming new year. All members have been asked to at tend.

ANNOUNCE B I R T H Mr/ and Mrs. Benjamin Cieszyn-

ski of Webs te r s t reet have an­nounced the bir th of a daugh te r . Sheila Cather ine , a t the Ellis hos­pital on June 7.

"1 Love You Truly." At tendan t s

Miss E d n a Rowledge, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Harold Hines was best man. Ushers included Clifton W a g n e r and J a m e s Black. A reception followed in the church parlors .

Following a wedding t r ip to At­lantic City, the couple will reside

on J a c k s o n avenue. The bride is a g radua te of Burn t Hills High school and is employed at the General Electr ic Co, The bridegroom is a g r adua t e of Pi t ts ton, Pa. , High school and of Pennsylvania Ex­tension college in WiLkes-Barre, Pa . He is employed in the mar ine division of the General Electr ic Co.

In Navy Nurse Corps

ENS. R O B E R T A M A E W I L L S E Y • —(U.S. Navy Official photos)


Ens ign R o b e r t a Mae Willsey, d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t Willsey of F e h r avenue , and Ens ign R u t h E. Seamans, daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs. Angus J . Seamans of P a l m e r avenue, are s ta t ioned at the United Sta tes Naval hospital , Sampson . Ens ign Willsey is a gradua te o* Not t Ter race High school and the Ellis Hospital Tra in­ing School for Nurses . Pr io r to en te r ing service she was a nurse at Ellis. —

Ensign Seamans , a g radua te of Mont P leasan t High school and of the Samar i t an Hospital T ra in ing school, Troy, took a course in public heal th nurs ing a t Syracuse universi ty prior to enter ing service.

Legion Auxi l ia ry Has Picnic Supper

Wiltse, second. Mrs. P a r k e r was elected delegate to a t tend the Tup-per Lake conference.

Presen t were Mrs. Pa rke r , MrB. Legion auxi l iary unit E l m e r Barber , Mrs. Bumstead . M i n

Jennie Herzog. Mrs. Wiltse, Mrs. Char les Maehle, Mrs. F red Jones , Mrs. Siler. MrB. E . S. Nichols, Mrs. Alfred Lyon, Mrs. Sory, Mrs. Michael Lekac, Mrs. Park i s , Mrs. J a m e s Hoose, Mrs. Margare t Mc-Connell. Mrs. Charlot te Whi te . Mrs. W. H. McGonegal, Mrs. Gladys Becker . Mrs. McPart lon. Mrs. C. H. Crawford and Mrs. John Dodge.

The auxi l iary to the Schenectady County Medical society will meet for luncheon Tuesday a t 1 p.m. at the^ Shaker Ridge Country club. Elect ion of officers will be held and th is will be the final meeting of the season.

Mrs. Leslie Pir.rson of Sumner avenue will en ter ta in a t a dessert bridge par ty this evening*' at her home. P re sen t will bo Mrs. Henry Brunelle Jr., Mrs. Charles Jones . Mrs. Clarence Thrasher , Mrs. Don-

. aid R. Webb, Mrs. Ivyle Ea ton . 3 3 8 S l a t e S t . P h . 4 - 7 4 4 2 Mrs. Art ro Swingle, Mrs. Richard

Upstair* Or«r OotflmafT* I Christie, Mrs. Robert Ha rkness ,



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Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. B u m e l l e Jr., of Regal avenue, have as their" guest, Mrs. Clarence T h r a s h e r of Nor th Bend, Wash .

Mrs. Joseph Quill of Jackson avenue will leave t omor row to visit In Beverly, Mass.

The infant daugh te r of Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence T. Nealon of Eas t ­e r n pa rkway , was chr is tened, Mar ry Donna, on Sunday a t St, Helen 's church . Rev. F r a n c i s M c N a m a r a offlclnted. Godparen t s a r e Miss Ixnilse D. Dinardo and Dr. Joseph Dinardo . A reception followed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Dinardo of Wr igh t avenue.

Miss F r i e d a Belptt of Bradford road, daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Belott, recent ly completed the secre tar ia l course at Mildred Elley secretar ia l school. Miss Belott had honors in all subject* dur ing the en t i r e course and w a s an active m e m b e r of the N e w m a n club. She h a s accepted a position wi th the American Locomotive Co. She Is a grndua t* of N o t t T e r r a c e High school.

Mrs. E. R. Hadady , Mrs . Bruce Wells. Mrs. Eve re t t Ful ler , Mrs. Donald Schut t . Mrs. John Howe English, Mrs. Richard Chadwick Sogge. Mrs. J a m e s Fann ing , Mrs. Edi th English Clark, Mrs. J a c k Marshall , Mrs. J a m e s McNaughton , Mrs. J . A. Stevens, Mrs. E d w a r d Stanton, Mrs. J. A. Rlckard , Miss Lenore Anderson, Miss Pa t r i c i a Crawford, Miss J e a n Marlon Wil­liams*, Miss Virginia Maxon. Miss Virginia Stoddard , Miss Phyll is Lang and Miss Mary Hoffman.

Mrs. R ickard and Mrs. Stevens will preside nt the tea tables and Miss Apnea Buck will serve.


The Young People 's group of the Sta te Street P resby te r i an church is holding Its annua l out ing a t Cut­ler's grove a t 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. If it ra ins member s will meet a t t he church .

Annual Summer Fete, Social h Planned

The Jewish Social Service or­ganization will hold its annua l summer card par ty and ice cream social Wednesday n igh t In the gymnas ium of the Jew­ish Community center . Mrs. Emanue l Abramowitz will serve aa cha i rman , assis ted by Mrs. Louis Shapiro, Mra. Mor­ris Flax. Mrs. Louis Kaplan, Mrs. Joseph Wasserman , Mrs. Samuel WolTe. Mrs. Abe Find­er and Mrs. Isadore Davis.

The final meet ing of the sea­son of the organizat ion will he held Monday night, J u n e 25, when annual repor ts will be re­ceived and newly elected of­ficers will be Installed. Mrs. Joseph Zlffer la president of the group.

American 1001 met at Ten-O-One Memorial hall Tuesday evening for a picnic supper on the lawn, followed by a business meet ing.

It was announced tha t the aux­iliary will assist Post 1001 of the American Legion with its p rog ram for the Sara toga Ve te rans ' Facili­ties on June 21. Cookies will be donated and ref reshments will be served by Mrs. Henry Sory and her committee. All members have been invited to a t tend . Cars will leave the hall at 7 p m.

Mrs J a m e s P a r k e r , president, appointed Mrs. I. J. Siler as chair­man of the nominat ing commit tee for the fall election of offlceis. Other members on the commit tee are Mrs. Kenneth P a r k i s and Mrs. Thomas McPar t lon. Delegates were elected for the state confer­ence as follows:

Mrs. Pa rker , first delegate ; Mrs. Sory. second; Mrs. Raymond Bum-stead, first a l t e rna te ; Mrs. George

Fall Program For HB Units Is Planned

Miss Clarice Cookingham, coun ty home demonstra t ion agen t of t h« home bureau, together wi th t h« sta te leaders of the extension serv­ice at Cornell universi ty, special is t* from the home economic college, have been at work for the pas t Ave months p r epa r ing a p r o g r a m for the work of next fall and win ­ter in the various uni ts of t h e county. To provide a program t h a t will suit the needs a n d in teres ts of women of Schenectady county h a s been the a i m of these w o r k e r s . W h a t the women of Schenec tady county w a n t to know to help t h e m with their h o m e m a k i n g is the bas i s upon which the p rog ram h a s been planned.

Th rough th is program, Miss Cookingham h a s pointed out, t h e members of the Home Bureau u n i t s and the i r friends and ne ighbors may receive help on child guidance, family relat ionships, m a n a g e m e n t of t ime, energy and o ther r e ­sources, meal p lann ing and p repa ­ration, nu t r i t ion and the m a k i n g and care of clothing.

A highl ight of the year ' s p ro ­gram, according to Miss Cooking­ham, will be a series of rad io les­sons entit led "Let 's Make a Dress" , to be broadcas t by Helen Powell Smith, clothing specialist of t h s Cornell H o m e Economics ' college. Each h o m e m a k e r w h o enrolls for the radio sewing school, will m a k e a dress dur ing the seven and one-half weeks which the school will run. P r i n t e d lesson a id s «H11 b s provided to help with detai ls of sewing hot included in the broad­casts .

The school will begin Sept. 23, and will be b roadcas t over W G Y from 1:15 to 1:30 Wednesdays a n d Fr idays . Miss Cookingham h a s urged women Interested in t h s home bureau work to plan to m a k s a dress, w h e t h e r they a re experi­enced or beginners in sewing.

1 ; L I N C O L N H B

The Lincoln un i t of t he Horns bureau held i ts annua l -p icn i s Thursday at the home of Mrs . H a r r y D. Coombs on Stanford ave­nue. Mrs. John T. Graves, newly elected cha i rman , presided. U was decided to discontinue t h s meetings until September. At t end­ing the picnic were Mrs. Georgs E. Clark, M r a Charles N. Mallory, Mrs. Archie Swar t , Mrs. E l m e r Thomas, Mrs. E rnes t C. Br i t ton , Mrs. R a y m o n d Bixby and Mr i . Ethe l Gador.

Wedding Invitations


Miss Julia G. Putnam of Union street Is visiting friends In Phil­adelphia, Silver Springs, Maryland, and Washington.


Mr*. Donald Rlckard of Union street will entertain at tea this afternoon at her hbme from i to 6 o'clock for her guest, Miss Dorothy Filley of Lincoln, Nebraska. Miss Fllley will leave later to be a counselor at Hidden Lake camp, the Schencctadjr Girl Scout established camp at take George.

Guests invited to the tea Include


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