\<r \««"IJV.IV0- 17,331. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 2**, 1894 -TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. GREECE AGAIN SHAKEN. MAXY HO rs ES IN RUINS. (jREAT DAMAGE WROUGHT THROUGHOUT TUB LAND BY ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE. . PAN''" NARROWLY AVERTED IN" THK ATHENS ¦sjv-THEDRAL VTALANTA NEARLY LCVELLED ¦fO THE GROUND -THE DEtTT/RUCTION OF THERES COMPLETED- :-ixty Cl *.- VICTS BURIED IN THB RUINS CV THE PRISON -THE ISL¬ ANDS d' SVHV a NI> XANTE DEVAS- TATF.P athens April ff. A h»avjr shock of earth" quake waa felt I* ck this evening, It last'-'¦ fifteen seconds. The weekly epltaphlon annasst was In progress, end the Cathedral wa, cr wd' I. The windows «.f the Cathedral ratf.rt.1 omli i several objects fell t.. th.- ft00T v screamed and somebody shouted that the ill Ung vs-.n-. falling;. A terrible panic ras ,-.- i-v Premier TrisTOupls's |sre«;- enr-e ot " ', i;- addressed the congregation cain!*.', saj :- that there would be no danger ii th*"- nly leave thi Cathedral slowly. jj. he*-- -chi all Io be calm, .1.= they valued the mmaa | and thi*ii ordered that the doors be tl ngn gatton dls- pen-t*! I rj*spal up tn n :"" o'clock Indlcati thatt! ike was f lt thr.,null',nt Greece, The town aa '.) Inhabit¬ ants, v I !.> the ground. Two n du 'ed to heaps vnlTtt in :.¦ bad '.. The de- c-" ted. Nol a !. uso jn th" Lamia suffered ]f<tr, alti v ere damaged so bsd ¦ 'e. Pan of the prison coila] sixty convicts were .aught In tl number of Injured ls i Ihe prisoners.' howes- Lu ri ssa Volo. Chalets an! I more severel; and roofs were rani In hi the four I iwns. T-v ls ot Syra and Z I: :-i. thi re In the lani tvs-, : h.nve 1 cen );::V ruined s***] nundi been drl»"i ¦ve .. rf..]. The towna no! a. l nga in each ¦a Althoui i quakes wi r tw ¦ daya ae ", Mo fi ss-, r th in ' of thi the r arty hal In Zante last v..,- . ng for aid fi a">r vd re for 1 en! will be espe lally seven :' I ls torn and th.* streets are ar.- af mi I to si ¦ ihe old awl areltvtnglri the '-is raining ev-fninp, and, as on ! f th*- *A-e<*k. the li of thr* weather haa done n u h to Increase the misery Of th w f. mt.. THE ATLAS LINER AN!'l's DISABLED aTOHTBD NEAR B"ORTL"NE ISLAND BT THF, ATI- ROITDACX IHE I.INF.. K'r.c^-, Jan The British steamer Adirondack, Captain flanaorrn. fr ira New-Tork April rT for Kma-ston ,* arrived hero lo- (isy. She report* .*- Ihe British steamer A" lea, Cai¦. . -.. .York Marci SI for Port au Pr I etc., n»*ir Fnrnine Islar. I disabled condition. Th* Arl*' ,.n,.r the Atlas lin" nnl ragtatara w iona She sailed from Naw-Tork a momh ago in- Wei Indlasa and porta of tr.- She waa on her r< "irn trir. attn lack. Ti-" Adiron l icfc *^hr .Ii'] nW e.',. a* wanted DA GAMA PAH- To HAVE ESCAPED, KRTV i ¦-. IND TH IH IENT1NE AT ODDS OVEB RIA REMOVAL FROM THE Ql'NnOAT I "'NATO Lt 7..A d bp nen for Monl \ "Th- ho were aboar the Port-;.- have " "As Por¬ tia! Una * as rearards th( !:r.i> I Thc ' I Cable ('ompany resti aenl oui tbe illowlnf" notice: "Referrina (" the state rn<*n' :. ra, tl;.- telegraph com- I irazll havi nol been ;i i that cl] -«. CHOLERA ON THK CONTINENT. nUTVAILlNQ IN AUSTRIA, RI SSIA. rRANCE AND I DAL Wi following cable dis¬ patch ii n I at thi Marina Hi apltal Bu rea fi .-. Burgs m Irwin at Vienna: "('i |*ai . *""V" Koona, In Russia, flfty-flve and thirty-three deaths In one month, and »t Block. md Ave deaths Cholera IS (-'rance " List,on. A;.ri! 27 Elghty-si of cholera Jtf-ri; report* : to ii,* health authorities yesterday. Th* thal ih* re lia'i bei n 122 recover nd that -HO pal *r° atilt under treat mei ith wan reported to-day. A medical comn laalon haa been created by royal ..cree .; .vernor In the B'i'-'iw heck tl "..il 'i? '-h..I- jra ] a the city, jut thi ithortties say lhere la n*. lor ala Han; Steamers plying between j South Ai irta will until fum.- n illina '¦'' Llabon, owing to tay prevalence ol cholera in the Portuguese capl- Ul. LOCAL GOVERNMENT WOW SCOTLAND. TIIR mu. PROVIDINa FOR IT INTRODUCED IH THE COMMONS . FEATURES OF THE MEASURE AS AMENDED, London. A; rll 27 In !'. HouM of Common* to- Bay tb< rnmenl bill waa intro¬ duced by Bli O, Trevelyan, Becretarj for aaoUaj" t rea ling Ti... (; vernmenl accepted an am*til'ncnt to the JO, fl iw, Conaervatlve, JSlch provl foi thi '"(-tlon of fifteen non- ¦wtfh memben ol ¦;-.. >mmittoe, m.- aim being to *»»t>. g aa ely aa poa- ¦W» il b li of til- nh li lr G -i in t*s in,;:.'. ail he t fee w Jjth Mr. Hi nt, which waa adopted .Ja. "h* .. present occaalonal ^lttinK !* th* Roai : "f Supi rs i.-si-.n In **c»l fl ttlng in Edinburgh, T »hl. ri i-irv for H ' he pn "I- *M lt the parochial boarda Into Jjf'1-'1 m Hs a mllar t . those and ¦njaagi kin ! the ""'.. b td to th. provlalon nivirix the J?*1*!,* r the | the ,-it,."fni¦* rf1'"' '* lon lix1.:,/ tic ,linn to tha powers .,f th* w'Joci,« to ( ii borrow rn rn y .*. R'irviK]. HEADS THE BUDGET COMMIT¬ TEE. P*a."l*. April ITT.- Thr. ballots were niCBBSary to- **y lo aleci a president of tha Budget Commute* Of ,k. .. elect ckroj. ^TWOONTHE ITALIAN MILITART BUDGET. hom*. April ti. Qeneral Moeanni War Minister. JW th* ltu.u-.-t CoaamlMaai t..-.iu> lhal .'.nui'ier- '* aavlna in ii,-- military t.udK-t vt ns* j...r-Hji,i*-. Byjjtsaatnt eauaed much aurprlse/aa hui.."ri*. Ilsa *h* "ot_b**"n explained, and lt la not known amt* "aneral Slooennl expeota io eoonomlia, y Just EMILE HENRY DEFIANT, TilK ANARCHIST'S EFFRONTERY ON li:* TRIAL IN PARIS FOR BOMB- THROWING. CHARGED Willi lt win,; CAUSED THB EX¬ PLOSIONS AT THE POLICE BTATION IN l-:c AND IN THE CAFE OF THE hotel terminus the prisoner requently interrupts thu examining: jud Parla, April 27..The trial of Emile Henry, th Anarcblal who exploded th" bomb In th.- catt r>: ih.* Hotel Terminus <m the evening of Febru¬ ary 12, was begun before Judge Poller In Die Seine Assisi - to-day. The prl ri and vigorous, waa brought liva the court-room bj Bve memben of the Republican Guard. '*' the Indictment agalnat Mm was being read li" laughed scornfully, Th< Indictment chargeahlm svlth exploding a bomb at the police station In t.e Rue des Hons Enfanta in November, i892; ss i: having caused the explosion al the Cafe Ter¬ minus, and with the shooting of Policeman P f"n. who was endeavoring to arrest him as te¬ ran from th.- rafe. The court-room was crowd, i with spectators, am mg whom wera iiAiyy women, In answer to questions l>v Judge Potl< r, Henry said that mi the evening of the explosion In the catt of the li*,!, Termlnua h.* had visited two "ther restaurants Neither of them being clently filled w i;h guests : suit hi purp decided not to waste his ammunltl m. He finally went to the Hotel Terminus, the.restaurant r which he found crowded. !!.. entered thi p i and order d a glass er, which hi il mi li Meanwhile a steady strea w.ta flowing in, *--., he drank another plans nf l.c»r while ;,,. waited until the crowd sh-ml 1 Ix li- Ight. He had the bomb undi - hi ii ni j 'a an ivers were v ilubl ii 'i- Judge Potter, In the the i, said "Yi ir very ' "i le." M'hereup .;: ll ins I'. ].;;¦¦ i. pr if und bow: "Thank you; you 1 Hie." lu referring tn the vhltei hands as pr -. lng I hal h< had done no hard w ... il,.- Ju [ge sal I: "Your whll To thia Henn "Yes; as ¦¦ >. ur rob. ." Tl first witt ed for the w Hoi Cafe Ti "in the trial to-d Hei \ th.-e les v vi pori Iii errupl .1 iidge to corri icu .. Anal hts) \ ea alw ng toni \ ii I. The :: i. a , h j to¬ ri sv. A GO-BETWEEN FOR ANARCHISTS .VM AWN'. I'lSO IVEIUE8 AIIOCT ii I PREN* II W vi: OFFICE CLERK POLT1 AND IRNOT iMMITl IL i"i: ", RIAL I' irs. April 27, lt hs Fem n, the Ai an hlai War un ho n . led j est. ria*.. w.. ., .- < tlon h. twei n Ansi ind an .er- many and their fri* ii He i Inn.'' number of letta ra ea re enrtea 11 i Ina to traci I heir oi London, April > "The l>ally N. ni In Tar's -as*, th.it Feneon, upon li lila papera and explosives had I. sa i tensed that he waa connected with tl. li .fro.ii) ef whl-h Yalllnnt, i'auwela and Henry v ri menih'-r!" The Anarchist Francla Poltl and Guieeppa r..-- narii. alla* Emlla Carnot, were again i,r- raign'«1 In the H..st- Sir.et Police yesterday and were oninltte] f*.r trial. A frl»nd of raitt named I'lastt. te*tlfl**d that Poltl rpr-nt Ina leisure hours in iiiiihk ctmybooka arttl maxims taken from un Italian ;..,¦ r pru.t.i In New-York Experts testified ihat ihe powders found In Poltl's lodgings wera poa nnd diniwrosis explosives. Budapest, April lt a lestructlve (ire oecurre i in the I'lae.. de l.iKne lact night. Involving a loaa of 505.000 florina lt Ik asserted that the Are v,,.h the vt'.rk of Bodalla! Incendtartea. PREPARING FOR TROUBLE ON MAY DAY. MUTATORS IN HOME OVERAWEli A< "ION THE AUSTRIAN OOV1 K.N Rome, April lt. The strengthening of (hi in the pr. para! he for I 'Da t ovi 11'. r i.-ad. ra an fl Th*- agll arranging for oj th.-ir pla -i apparently, and i .. ible ou 'i hi li pi ...¦',. m.. t- Ing In ihe p..rta I v ;. nna, April li May Day i pioyei I.cu notice to tl abs( -a. ¦*¦ from duty on , a*, ill I- .'.:-..:.! a .,.' r- ,. the -'¦'.¦ ii ler !., dlsm Parla, April 27. Two ,'...',' ¦ii :.! vt -k- In Toul Marseilles on May 5 and various '..j- '.:'"' lea of a rmi * Fi an e. The ¦".¦ ni .viii a companle 1 by a 11 GARRISONS IN RUSSIAN POLAND IN"'Ci Bl Petersburg, April 27..In coi ,.-¦¦ of the frequent and serious ra.in growing ,, .t ,. flukes in the te lory towna of Russian Poland, ii,*- (lovernmeni being Ivlsed disorders ari ng, an Imm ti*,a of the garrlaona In Poland i t* ordered and ii already on Ihe was. Thc iJuvem .* has al*-" orderer) the erection of several new military .amps In Poland. . ... . THE KAISER'S VIEWS REGARDING SAMOA. Herlln, April 27 In tba coursa of Har..!, -.1 ¦. set.ail von Bleberateln'a recent audience -.*. tl Emperor at Carlsruhe, the Kaiser lid thal many would In- willing to share with England protectorate over San,.a; Lui he declar* ina! ihe iw .M ol German Bailors had paid Sam i, ai I thal therefore Germany would net ri In spite of tha apathy of the Relchsl the matter of colonial questions. HEAVY FIRE LOSS IN MONTREAL Montreal, April 27. -The premla.f Laporte, Mar iln A Co., wholesale grocers, sad the agency Merchants' Hank of Halifax, tv-. t. ':¦." ¦.¦. by fire early this morning The total kiaa la estimated I llfjO.000 on the l,miling and Block; Insured for $121,- FRAGMENTS OF FOREIGN NFWS. Coburg April tl. Two offlcera ol tha reglm Prussian Hussars (the First Westphalia), of which thi ('sarewltcti I-' Premier '''.I nel, arrived herc yesterday They had ridden on horseback from Paderboon Westphalia, h distance of 200 miles, In t ,rty a hi h 'ur:-. The purpose "f their ride s congratulate the Csarewlteh, in tha name of na¬ ri ii... <e ca lon of 1 al Ki pi ino. sa Allx "f Heaae. 1 of t,\tl H..na lasal. Ar rll 27. The North German Lloyd - Krna, wi,: n wai >w< this Tl on April 2 with her propeller frame broken, lefi l. April 2n in tow of two Berlin, April tl. Tha Emperor will sall for Nor¬ way "ii !'.n- ¦"¦ "" will perform the laying the cornerstone of the new Relchatag build¬ ing on October ll Parla Kori] 27 The Princess of Sagan haa of- fe,, j !¦', lend her husband a sufficient im of i to furnish ball far their i >n, mat Ella da 1 rand-Perlgord. __^_ TELEGEAPHIC NOTES Worcester Mass., April ff..Burglars eaten 1 tha .".,, at Wini hc.-i.r (arly this morning and es- caped with Mot .st Louis. April tl. <'<t account <>t the praj of amallpox al the Madleon racetrack. Cl rone- Harrison ha-* Inatructed the police explains o',,-.!, -.ll ferry landings, bridges and other ap- ,.,, 'hes to the city and pr.-v.-iii the sadlng of horace or their attendants from the MsdlsJn track i,,o tl,r.'-i's a detail -f police guards ihe river .rom an.l each Incomer I- Irtspsctefl. Hucvrua Ohio, April tl. Barij Ibla mon dl-ioatroua wreck occurred on lha P jiTiii.i I .-a.ise.1 by th.- breaking In two ol a weat. i, '* k>i The train carried a Uosen tramps. tem,., ilikiu. I johnson, of I'lndnnatJ. wiri 'uijiTreHnte^y and a..I th. skull, and H.iif.ni ''"m.. April tl. In Hi- Police Court ,, i.V Ti.",!,*!, t. Fisk, fifty-fan yean old, of N ¦¦w'-Vork.' WM held 21, Mer^m,nmY«tearday h aaavias mu mst J. man numod Francla. FRANTIC HORSES PERISHED. FIRE SWEPT THROUGH A STABLE IN WEST XINETEENTH-8T. LAST EVENING. SEVENTY-FIVE ANIM vi.s Bt'STOCATED 'di ROASTEIJ ';.. DEATH THEIR ssn.n BTRL'O- c.'.a:.- iv. ESCAPE THE LOSS A!..,' 1' .L'' .¦"¦". I -iif. tated and their roaated in a Hr.- which gutted the a*.¦.-.,!. thlr: ii .ora, ,, ss.- i aa a ortlon of th- first Boor, ot ree-atory Prl. k atable, No. 4.',.' Weal Nine- ntl So au Idenly did the sm ike WI ti'-- e thal th-Tc was no ch mee M N'o Luman llvea were loat, although John Fltspatrick, I., wife and Bis ehlldr n, who lived In rooms ,,n the third Moor over the stable bad to ftes .lohn Fltspatrica is a brother of Richard FltspaL rick, who ".m. the atable. The bu ii I ll stands a -:--i-.i ii- a. Te nth-ave. li baa a frontage of fl ty feet on Wost N'lneteenth-at and extends h.o-k too f et The n u of tenements in Weal i. numb r of the horses '.v,-r* In talla on ti ,* aei ond Boor. They in ii l. 1 seventy. thr.Iraught and tsv., llght-carrlags norse*. Aa Immena. loft contained about MK bales of hay, In- balea that ha l ba en plac there yester- la>. J" ob Kai'. a atabl man, st I tl ¦:. i ., night watchman, ss ;, ,.:..- the h ii on tha second Hoot al * 10 "'. loch laal night, he lld, when he .'. :'¦¦' hoot up near th fi bull l fl* Ile at hla family, who slain and "ii"- "i ic ir. !,. an . hi ss.:.- fol. Har! il onci aaa ih. aa i. get th< m The liberated rove the hack ntl ve to . ap. from the wan n 'T ... Ile ..a. I' man Pail the WeM Hell lier, \ ¦¦ wept acm ihe ht hoi were 11.11 I. *vl III tl Brooke After ra nd I I Ita wai and th" np Rral floor Tb* I IV,.-!, amok* .! it pr* .1-1 the flam*s snfT ii,.' hom . fir. under " hard - .rk mer of all 1 - ihr** were . li irlem .... I nol rae waa taken oul hi t. Unrl I TItGBtlVGII III i I ol TttlllE. c\ \ I ri rm i \<ii Ul l: ADIIKIS I' l< A IIOTEI lil R's! 1' ,i i. ¦. '. Another Adlroi ii,. k Hie third vi Ithln len lats, i, u big I li. ¦. li whlc! an ! a Herc* st In :. -.*. ll -i pr li I w,, ri e. A prompt alarm a ea *h n ib|. *.. it ¦- from the they rould, hui in ..ll" i.. ive ih' hotel, lt I by cltj in . .in the hotel, tnt non **f them wi i Th* M ''ir.(aili View l!"'i .s ia the prap riv *.f nwtier of the Hiawatha iii. ipi. i Barana Lake Ta- wind I,,, u itime, .ml for aev* ral :i look. a - ti,., nd ii.ntlre village « I..- coi I. Hui e. Wi ihe c ¦¦'ii.ee from Sara- nae I.... and othei pla .* arri ihe heroic err..ns ,,f three or lom hundred men, f'-rmiriK ;i bucket ihi prett] i Hage . a saver] The loss I * llmated nt IJB.Ono lo lin/ii' v r«-i .a ai I'latuburg 1 ' !!i° Iwo New-Yorkers, guesta ,,f the Moun¬ tain Vi ¦.'. ll ... burned w-l... are dead fr mi . I \ newspaper ma:'. |usl returned fi. .ru in.... maa.- iai.-, denies the report, mid says a few ba ¦. tl..- chief Injuries. WHOLESALE LYNCHING IS LOUISIANA. I,Will- Niall.- i'l MM SHH. V IlEALT WITH BT Mon . '.N OTHERS IN' .Mil.. Meas Orient] *.;. riI -7 Nine men have mel vio- lenl deatha in Madl Parl h in the last week, and of i'm-- Lav been lynched by Infuriated ettl- gena, Tw la I four were hanged la t night, the news Just /. Ithe Boyes In i wen .. ¦:.' down by bl ¦-¦ Ihoun 11 and local. In the Hui ki,.,rn wo i- Sheriff Mo¬ bla and a flnall) found thi !,, ., , Th., fuglttvea were Just pn i,, cross . r to Mli Ippl, whi re th* ¦¦ would have I., ,, comparatively if* Tie- pooae aurround. th house and called for Ihe owner lo make hla appear : ;'hi po ie then tired lin * thi negro owner to th* Hi ii. il the fugltlvi a were In his but the poi m."!' a as survey *,f the . on j cr the four darkles hud- ip :n the loft of a emili crib In the nar of the cabin Tha four wen "Pomp" claxton, tha ,,- tha pamai Clastoa, Booti Harvey and 'I'*.ry M'-i'os Thej were promptly placed un¬ der arr.**! and Sheriff Mcclelland detailed a party of twelve I** wk.- ii.-iii p. Tallulah, while rn- Sheriff and the r< il ol thi pass, started onl i*i in lo c,i|,uiic "Tom" Griffin, wbo had separated from the Aa the deputies with Ihe four fugltlvea k*>'. near Millik, an liena, they were mel bj. a mob who made aa ellon to Uke the pr!-.,!:.! a fr..In Hiern. I... (..ini i. -isi. i. .md succeeded In holding on to ihi rn, guard pressed on win. the fuglttvea until they n c-hed Ih. Shelbj place, two miler, from Tallulah. Here ihej st-r.- met b) a crowd of 9 I, v.:. overpowered h.*- guard and captured the f.,ur laonera w.t. escorted lo the Oras- ceni i e. ss hei.- their fiendish murder had beam committed, and lhere strum; in. to th* limbs of Bev¬ el,¦! ti..- Their bodies were round this mornlnar. If chi n i- caught ba will also i»- lynched. There are wenteen nesroes In loll, all of whom svill get r,. |jH| lea ni,.-( of wh.,m lt la thongnt still !,. lt ba been many yeara since there had been auch a wholesale lynching In thr South aa that in Mad leon Parish, la which tlgbt mun have bean hangeal COXEY NEAR WASHINGTON. HIS "ARMY" EXPECTED TO flFACII THBRE TO-MORROW. THB "OEXERAL" CONFIDENT OF THE BUCCESS OF THE EXPEDITION.THE DAT'B MARCH AN'H ARRIVAL AT OAITHERSBt*Ra TVt'ENTT- FIVE milks Fl'.. iM THE CAPITAL. Qa'.thersburg, Md., April tl. -Coxey'a "army" reached thia pis -. which la ahout twenty-five miles from Washington, al ? p. m. to-day, after ."ii 1 'lusty inar.-h. I'nder the '!..¦¦ i citizens' committee, li bamped a quarter of a mile cast of the l To-morrow afternoon will (inl the army at Rockville where the men srlll atay nly a Bingle nlj,'ht, breaking camp at 7 o'clock Bunday morn¬ ing fir the innr-h to Washing ,n. Ii is under- i thu- tha Brlghtwwd Driving park, the main camp, win t.o reached by 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Coxey still mainiains hlsr attitude of conviction ns to the aim and ultima! BUCCeSS of the pedttlon. He declares lils belief In th" Infalli¬ bility of tu** irre.it money scheme, and professes Ueva that Congreaa win only need a little iit**ln(c to paaa both Mils-. In speaking of the st ny in Washington, he said: "We lins-,- come f ir ii purpose and we are k-*'!iii* to slay nil that purpose ls accomplished. Con- ¦.ii1! pass ..ur bills and give the country relief In half an Ii air. but if they do n.t, and persist In running the country on tn financial ruin, sv-.- will stay as a contlnuoua visible pro- ag iln il the pres. ni <. vi nmei t's The army will hold l gotl ¦¦. and we will see H '. h. ld ' gother a i a c mtlnuous Wc may have to sta) two tv iths, If ni r-ssarj we will The fi n Hyattstown to nh . in tw .hour . .',|, prajt made there for rest. In Clarksburg .mmi nweal could noi even get cd, so the to depen I on I li cir- IS"S hu k . :' rs ii' - wi bmughl to the i Ilya! II. April 27. Tia Coi irv nweal an eva ntful ni ist i in the I cold and wa fer idv.ti I sv ii; around it was 1 rn, and the allowed i" ss rap " "In Ihe can*, There were two Ag ... of the In the latti ¦' the LESS ANXIF.TY FELT IN WASHINGTON. : *. si. ,. sw H A '¦' IK -'. *F. ITU - Tne fee Ingh* re over the,.p; main "arn fident Monday Ila i f any sta. have w Ma arrival In Maryland, and th" likelihood thal '.:¦- mall llumn" when lt reaches the I il.*: ri-" l*.rd.-r wlli !:¦. iraak* over MO men, hav.* had a Quieting effect ..n aenttment iiere, ard '.-. av ll! ".- i>->j>l'ls .. a: :.¦( Beriottf ii or ure nfl '¦¦ ¦¦ can ,.¦ Ka) in-, seders east ly In wi kl). the m iln "arm)" will dlsapl Fi- paratlons fai I to be however v.' llcemen \. f t wei vi ' Hive M Tries are dl- I. st¬ all ; n patrol '!' l i he rn i- try. Thc i' Woodley I INVI i'l' WITH I '!.!. k ii .-.s, ll tu of Rn gi i\ lng and Printing ai his. police p '.*...'¦. T-.s hui M in- day morning to a r nu ii will ? Mon lay evei ., it is ii ./ Maj r Moore large!) i in -,"ii" i of men n d ity In the nunn \ .,-. i ; . where the hal f Cos are llkelj to ann > iii" n li nts In the ssa;, r iring al their houses and begging t ir i od \ correspondenl In "The Evening Btar" u graph - fr..in i: '"*-..¦>. ej presses bimi I with Hi, c,.ri.uti..ii ,,f the Commonweal ai present, and expects t" '.any through hla plans without al¬ li -, Hon "Certainly," thc "Oeneral" quoted as saying, .¦ss-,- i ii fe nd to march up to an I hold mi ig ---.\ the step* of the Capl:,,i. if ore can'1 meei and petition for redress of grievances it is ai m.,si time f..r another revolution. Wc will keep off the gra i around the Capitol Of course l appn late ta well as any one else the fad thal the preserva¬ tion of the grass around the Capitol ls of mon* Importance than the Baring of thousands from starvation, Any laws tending to prevent >>ur meeting are unconstitutional and void, and we has." got plenty *>f time to tesl the matter. I feel assured that every mun «.f the thousands of unemployed who will be in Washington ssill i ill In line lu advocac) ..f my bill They nre all de mandlng the same thing, thad ls, employment; bul differ mt tn the specific employment, My bond bill, however, bi general and the) can iii! '¦"iii*- In under li." THK -''-[TI/.I'S'' 'lulls AWAY IN !'W'','.:!' Oeorge Francla Train, who came here from New-Tork to aid the Coxey movement, has gone h "in*- in disgust. Tl*- was arrested for lecturing without a license, and after some difficulty ssas discharged in the police ...un this morning, mi being arrested, Mr, Train assum -l all re- ,i.nits- in th" matter of the entertainment, bul al the court he changed hla mind and said that a iii-iii named J. W. Searle had charge **f ih.- affair. Judi:.. Kimball asked Mr, Train to stand up for arraignment, bul this he would not do, evidently desiring i" !>.¦ senl down for * rn- tempt of court. Bul Judge Kimball said that he i.. "Kiii/a-d th.- defendant's peculiarities, and would "oi require him to stand up. At this hs of the C 'mi the "Wilsen" stood up, and pleaded nol guilt) to the char.r conducting il,. uteri .illili-; t, and he a as reli . I Before leaving the city Mr. Train made the statement that he would probably never lecture again "There's no ns.- for me to stay bera any long- ..." In- wud. "l's-,' geared tl." wita oul of the Oovernment, which han made an aaa of Itself, ns ll alsvavs does The*/*!* afraid for BM to Ko to N.'ss-v.rk, but Pm going .ii: the i ime "How did I kii'.v. whai the lawa of thia picayune I Hstrtet srere; carne here anyhow tu be arrested I'm never happy unless Pm In juli. Hut Ihej woiidn't pul me la Juli Catch on? "\Vhen i araa called downstairs here to meei the policeman. 1 said tn my'ielf: 'Now, I'll put out my pnychlc-fon >. and make him arrest me, and ni bs blanked if he dldn'1 al thal very in "in.'nt hav.- a warrant for me In his p ..-k. t "I'm tired of Washington Tha'-. wh) I sal doss'ii In thc police court, and do you kn.sv that i Cnatlnaaai en Seventh Pago. THE CHEAT STRIKE SPREADS. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND MINERS SAID TO HT. OTT. PRESIDENT If'BRIDE'S ESTIMATES Mf:n" STop. PING WORK IN WEST VIBOINIA.THE s. ak* ITV OF Ft'EL Columbus, April 87..The following astimate prof miners now on str-ik** in th" bl- tumlnoua coal region for .1 uniform ra;.* of 70 -i. niven oul by President McBride this morning, showed thal the minara are gaining rigth: Alabama, 1,000; Tennessee ind Ken¬ tucky, J.0OO; Indiana, 1,000; i »hl >, 74,000; West Vlr- '. 4,600; Illinois, 28,000; Iowa, 1,300; Indian Territory, 1,000; Missouri, 4.". ); Pennsylvania, a 1..'." i; Michigan, WO; t .tal, 152.000 in this estimate Pre.iid.Tit McBridadoea no: In¬ clude --'.ons in ih" indiana block fields In illinois Indicated in th.* morning '\i»- patrhea The prlnelpal addition ls made in Pi nnsylvanla, where he estimates thal 05.000 men ar.- ii .ss- idle. J. A. Crawford telegraphs from Illinois that "not a wheel ls moving from st. Louis io Cairo." and from this President McBrld predicts that illinois win h.* ..ni solidly hy May l. That 250 men weni to w-.,ik ai Renwood, W, Va.. >. aterday ha d >ea not regard a.-i slr<- iiili' int. They mitie cd ...Wv for a Steel plant there, still, they would try to prevent the local settlements, on the ss-h .w, President M Bride thought ih- altuatlon to-day very encouraging to ihe ii. A telegr a received b) President McBride fr 'tn Thomas Fairy, an orgai w.-si Virginia, tates l have at the Ni w River mlnera will >- " ll'!'. 'I' ' w ' ind le >. ..ails 30,0D i In il. pi ductlon of produced by mini ri for worklni ai. Thi omparison with the whi li pn thai it will nol ".'.*¦' thi strike and there ssiii be a general coal I In less th in three -.', .-ks. Rca Penn Aprl It ssas learnt d thia a s ih this valley du noi gi a within the next week .,.- ten days th sm.! have to bank their Hoot t n wi na. c ss hi ii ha a capacity of 950 tons <t Bessi mer w -ly., b' supply, iva less and no rived. It I that the Rending Company, which recently changed a number of the fire-b -s. nf lt. loci moth *¦-, I., burn - Pt o al, will i inly ai. i coal have p Wi thia wi k a*, thu! w hi ii .s : asl! Tin: GREAT NORTHERN FIGHT GOES >N. N THE EN- TIKE 8V81 HM CALLED "IT. Bl April .7 it noon t i- w Nor! ¦'¦¦ et at Si '¦( .! and M nm apo! ta on the line from this city to the L'oaat The Ea Within tise n after ii" committee had arrived al tha decision i' !".¦:! out the order ha l t.n now n ni lead irneai " The company says ihat n haa a now .:. Ita service who will remain al work, st hu., the Amer! an Railway inion aa- t ;t.ntl "The committee takes tbs ground.*' aald Mr. Debs, "that having appealed against a wron*; that waa Inflict upon them, the men shall not be risked to arbitrate, A positive and detinue injustice has been done them, and they a*k to have this rectified, lt ' ki nf aThttratlon." President Hid waa ilted on linnie iii'..iv after the or i r for a general atrtke had i.c.-n prom ip..:,'. propose 1 !.. oner it. Its rna Indi pendent erl an Kallwa) "I do i." s.u i Mr. H.ll. "that any (imp rtlon nt ihe men will obe) the order, and i trains i Intel thal evei y wh ii1 !.. running in .. shon a time .is the com- rlkers I Sta ti :-. , the strikers I ll Infantry al lo any r train f*>r tl ft St. bag- Al the Si I'ttill w tl ihe 1 nlti States in di- ni I for I far \* it, Th.*. rahal on h...ira b il .t la t ihe ti would be mel .s., In idi 1 u .iii i for a ilia at 9:13 il ,m U nt th. \- undrr a Ik.iv. strain, and all were hi ONLY ONE COKE PLANT AT WORK r A COMPLETE SHUTDOWN OF TUC. EN- TIRE BEOION "POINT* SV.'N hy Tilla STRIKERS .- nnellsvllle, Penn., April tl The atrikera have | everal points li tl last twenty-four boura ini ire now sufficiently encouraged to make a de- fight, even though starvation atarea them In the face. Tivy have gained their polni of a .mplete shutdown In th" region. Mount Brad- d '¦).. Ii isl loon, Tyroi nd P lui ss. nt out morning, leaving cnrlng No. ". of the Frick Company, the only pl.ur In operation In thia aec« To hasten the shutdown .!"hn Nevatslcl, th** new ilan.:..!ian organiser, was sent Into iii" Dick- n Run region this morning to i-'.-t tha men *>ut. The aecond and strongea) point gained by tl-.** strik¬ ers la the ac *ptance of their scala by aevi ral small operators Thia haa encouraged them, and ss Hi have the effect of bringing oul ih*' few men now il s*. ,rk ¦Hie shutttng-down of the Hill Kami mine will make neeeaaary the closing oul of tbs Dunbar furnace The strik. irs have set out to win by peaceable means. Thos* who refuse to J.'in and w nt to work svill ii"! I* molested, The operators will nol iii'mi'! to operate their works. None ex¬ cept thoa ss: have wages due them still *..! f.1 al tl.. inlesa the) pay cash. The foreign element now realise thal they ar., not wan ti In th.k. regions Reports of wholesale emlgrai ,in heard "n every sid.-. One transportation agency h.-ie i IR s,,'i ver fifty tlcketa for Hungary ri iring tli week, and t.i- prepared to send fifty families to North Dakota next week. These peo¬ ple havi on inlsed a society, and will found a in) near the South 11 ikota line. THE BITUATION IN' INDIANA Ti "I- H mte, Ind., April 27 (Special). At the joint meeting of tbe Mock coal operatora and mlnera held at lira/ii to-day, the proposition >*f tha I to pas n cents a t m up t.i the time that th.- bitu¬ minous strike shall have been settled ssa- rejected by a v..i.. .,, i,xi p. UT. Tins throws the 1,000 block coal miners of Indians o it also, and makes the strike a moat complete one in thia Stats, Preat- denl "ii,Uah said to-ntght: "There ara MM mt- ners out on sink.- in Indians to-nlghC" Petersburg, Ind., April 17, The .strike anions the cai miners of Pike County Li*- a sumed an alarm¬ ing attitude, and lt I* thought blood ssill be abed to-day, Ail the min. rs in th,- county went out on th.- general order of Bavturda) except those ployed th.- Little mine, six ratlea sv.*st of thi* (own, numbering 110. Overturea were ma li sirtkiiiK mlnera. bul the men refused to stop w..rk Three hundred mlnera from Davteaa and Greene .-*.linties poa* .! through here stim writs, provlalona and three braaa ban.is on Heir way i" Little's and NOVA SCOTIA Ml Milts STRIKE. Amherst, N. ri., April il. The ooal adnera at Spring HUI stru.-k to-day. The miners at Jogging who' want out last Monday resumed work to-day. THE REPUBLICAN RECORIX WORK OK ECONOMY ACCOMPLISHED BT Till: MAJORITY AT ALBANY. APPROPRIATIOKI Ol' ISAMJM ll LESS THAW THOSE M.vin-: hy thi: m.mij<-k.vts in 1803. IP'MU RULE AM' lllll-i.UlM Mi;.vsrnE» PASSIM) IN THB TEETH OK THE minority oppoarrioK. jtrosi liiK ni .ni i.c coaanrosoasT oi-tiie TRiBrsni Albany, April tt. Thc people of this State Indeed reason to i "joice that they elected a lt.-pub¬ lican "Legislature In November, IMO. its contraat svlth the lasi "Democratic Legislature ls vividly shossai in th. reduction of th" State tax rate, with the people of the State suffering intensely from Democratic hard times tbs Demo ratio Legislature of UM t..va' th :.: a tn\ rat" of IM Bailie. Coming to Ail,.ms-, th Republican Legislature of li*?! has sm the tax rat.- to IMS mills, a most material reduction in State taxation. The mill rate of State taxation, however, does not show as clearly aa th* amount stated In dollars the proportions of a reduc¬ tion in taxation. Th,- table prapared ny Contr-.iler Roberta, given below, polnta th** difference between th.* work of the Republican Lemslature and that of its Democratic predecessor of l's'!: IMI UjH General .Sin IM.5H6 Ul 21- 702 4T *,ni.!a . 1.U23.2&O00 1 4.',*l T.'Hl(X) - . 3 *..;-.'.,v«i " 8.MJ is. i«a . 1.344,010SI 1 .SSH i«»iix> T.iai* .ItT.aJaJMM |U,MaXaSlg| Th.. Republican Legislature, therefore, has appro- L leas than the Legislature of ISC}. Tn- Republican Benatora and Assemblymen, with the hearty sup;, rt and vigorous ssslstsnee of tha chief tiri,: r, have brought about lt wss a poll ay, de- early In .lat-...arv- by Benator Bax* temi ore of the s.*n;'.ie; by .--. nor Mullln, chairman of I Senate fl nance y. by Mr. Ainsworth, ilrman of th. A tenthly Commlttei v\ .ya Iii ans, and by C r Roberta wbo kept -.'..¦ Legislature Informed of the appropriations lt making. Thia policy svas rigorously toUowef up during ,i.mu.irv. February, March anl April, and haa be. n cai n. THE si IPI.V BILL. RepiibMCBB Legislature will si,,.ss- Ita nature. The total amount of the Supply bill, for li Ooveraar Plower by the Demo il Legii il UM, was Of thia ai P. ia i "fun u l to seo. 1 making the by sagas' int in both tha Supply the Buppl< I Sui ply bill this year which l by taxation is H.HMl*, making a favor ( tba B pub in Legislature of l«H I :-, ia Bl if- taxes is ea-.lally credftV owing to *-he circumstance that the State revenues from Indln il tai a, tbs ln- ... rporatl, a tax and th- ors*anraatlosi ff to 1 With .- ite Treasury ihe RepubHcana I State taxa m. Moreover, the ra'.:.- merni rs of tba 1 Oov¬ ernor Fl iwer plainly made efforta, despite the suf- fering reaaa the wx rata Many billa wera Introduced by ra n A lemblymen making ex- travagant appropriatlona, Whenever BppropriatloB iciis wera before the Legislature tba I'-mocratlc l .ml Assemblymen almost Invariably of- n imendmenta Increasing their amounts. Thus th.- Democratic Senators .ind Assemblymen fought to increase the appropriation for the Si.ne Capitol from 1600,000 to td,000,000, The Republicans showed their economy hy raducUlg th*r Capitol .-ipproprla- ti.m fpnui Its amount In ISM, namely, 1m...»i, to O',-.-, ra a- Flow his spirit toward ai proprtatloi . fl by tba Re- .. de number of Stats coaaaa|a> ria hii a-" r t wa shown before a committee of the Legislature that tha Sh ba* r*a ss-,rk is s rj a by the L'nited .' tea J.* Ml for '¦¦'¦- .n State la i Ut ire ..f in ii bul (rov- aervlng an office ..eral l' n .eratic officeholders, tim-* perpetaa* *;¦¦-.- .;n In the ;. ni Approprial tha entire ippr pr.ni.,ns vernment, over The Att irney-G. te and a leet all ¦' >unse| !,¦ .. ;. *ri:n* al "f :,!!-¦. or io the Factor) Inspector, Commta- nmlaslona I'r.'Si I. l t '.. of laws ted with an: lents or commto- an l shan (ix and ih- Con- troller shall not a inset fees or ta or i-'.'iiiiii' lons, exe pi those of counsel designs! 1 v ne) a; riei Lanes \s ra hid tn Inserting this paragraph In the Appropriation hill w.s to diminish the nae* of th" State roo. cuting lat*. n -.* by work In "ti" rn m's han la the y-Oeneral, who u the bead of the Law De- in b intr.. Inc. ,1 prac! .*. tbe Attorney-Oeneral In would n*u think lt necesi irv io hire Hate nmlsstona, i.-ii wouM either do the wi rk himself or las-.- ¦ ats three leputles *lo it. Bul Oovernor Flower thought that some Democratic lawyera would los.* employment by th*, stat., if ha should approvi of the par.iirrn.ph, and according!) vetoed it on the ground that lt w is a "rider" to the Appropriation Mil, despite the fact that h.- ippr >.. ! similar "riders" In his own favor hu I suggested by bim s n placed In the Supply MU FOREIdN r*ORPOBATIOM TAX. The Republican Legislature has alao tak-n Fteps to increase the State income from ita indirect taxea an I th.-r.-hy t.. relti ve the t ix; ayers of direct taxa-' tlon A Mil ama paaoed taxing foreign corporatlona 'loini; business In this State one-eighth of one per .¦.¦nt. It is believed ihat this act arin bring into the Stats Treasury during the coming tiscal year the large sum of *.'"'."."". This was the hill draw .rf i.s Oeorge R. Milby, then a RepubUcaa As- semblyman from St. Lawiauua County and tha leader of th.* Ri publican minority in the Assembly. Mr. Malby van.ly endeavored to iaus the MU tliat year, bul th,* 11. rn"i-rals. under the Influence of e.ri,lin corp .ri- na, lefeated the measure. Mr. Malby this year had Mr. Fuller, of .Jeff rs .n ("ninty. Introduce tha measure, since it is the custom of the Speakers of th,- Assembly aol to introduce any res of their ,.ssn The measure naturally bli ins aealouB support, and In every Ugttlmata way I. forwarded Ita pasaage. Another taxation bm of general interest ss indi th.. Republican I i lariat ure pasaed Int] sea i I ix upon all the receipts of th.* incorporated raring assoctatl -ns ,,f this state. In past years this tax h. is brou ht 190,001 annu¬ ally Into the State Tr. urary, The ness- law, it la believed, will Increase tha Btate'a recelpta nearly jj,.ii,.i. it is proposed in continue u*inir a large proportion of thia money In paying the premiums and other expenses of tn** agricultural fairs of the stat.*, but lt i-.-.s al o been a that a part of this money ba used In th e"ii.-truetlon of State roads. Th.* farmers .,f the s-¦.*,¦ will thus be largely benentad hy this H.-publican hit of legialo- tlon. WHERE Tin: KOKET WILL 0K> The extent of the extravagance of the liemocratlo membara af tba Lagislatura caa he appreciated s.I'.-n lt is known that Mr. Ainsworth, the chair¬ man of ihe Assembly Committee on Ways and Means, diocovered when the Legislature adjourned that he yt had In his (.ossa-ssion appropriation billa introduced by Democratic Assemblymen amounting t.. .'i'.'..W',«»i in this sUm IU.MHMI In one bill pro- vi led for cscsil improvements Tin* other |7,coo,ooo .'(insisted of miscellaneous appropriation**, for alt possit,1- ol.j,".is. lg .. y.ar of puhlle calamity the Democratic minority had no compassion upon tha taxpayers of the State. The Kepiibllcans, while economical, .11.1 not pursue a niggardly policy. They gave ample appropriations for the support of the State's Institutions. For Instance, ihose for tha. .ar.- of tin* Slaw b spitiils for the Insane wera increased from ll. IKm. nod to $l,38o,00u. The canala Nware more generously treated than by tha pta*

NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 2**, THREE CENTS. GREECE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1894-04-28/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · \

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Page 1: NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 2**, THREE CENTS. GREECE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1894-04-28/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · \
















athens April ff. A h»avjr shock of earth"quake waa felt I* ck this evening,It last'-'¦ fifteen seconds. The weekly epltaphlonannasst was In progress, end the Cathedralwa, cr wd' I. The windows «.f the Cathedralratf.rt.1 omli i several objects fell t.. th.-

ft00T v screamed and somebody shoutedthat the ill Ung vs-.n-. falling;. A terrible panicras ,-.-

.¦ i-v Premier TrisTOupls's |sre«;-

enr-e ot " ', i;- addressed the congregationcain!*.', saj :- that there would be no dangerii th*"- nly leave thi Cathedral slowly.jj. he*-- -chi all Io be calm, .1.= they valued themmaa | and thi*ii ordered that thedoors be tl ngn gatton dls-

pen-t*! I

rj*spal up tn n :"" o'clock Indlcatithatt! ike was f lt thr.,null',nt Greece,The town aa '.) Inhabit¬ants, v I !.> the ground. Two

n du 'ed to heapsvnlTtt in :.¦ bad '.. The de-

c-" ted. Nol a !. uso

jn th" Lamia suffered]f<tr, alti v ere damagedsobsd ¦ 'e. Pan of theprison coila] sixty convicts were

.aught In tl number ofInjuredls i Ihe prisoners.'howes- Lu rissa Volo. Chaletsan! I more severel;

and roofs were

rani In hi the four I iwns.T-v ls ot Syra and Z

I: :-i. thi re In the lanitvs-, : h.nve 1 cen );::V ruineds***] nundi been drl»"i

¦ve .. rf..]. Thetowna no!a. l nga in each¦a

Althoui i

quakes wi r tw ¦ dayaae ", Mo fi ss-, r th in


of thithe r

arty hal In Zante lastv..,-


ng for aid fia">r vd re for 1en!will be espe lally seven :' I ls torn andth.* streets are .¦ ar.-afmi I to si ¦ ihe oldawl areltvtnglri the '-is rainingev-fninp, and, as on ! f th*-*A-e<*k. the liof thr* weather haa done n u h to Increase themisery Of th w

f. mt..


ROITDACX IHE I.INF..K'r.c^-, Jan The British steamer

Adirondack, Captain flanaorrn. fr ira New-TorkApril rT for Kma-ston ,* arrived hero lo-(isy. She report* .*- Ihe British steamerA" lea, Cai¦. .

-.. .York Marci SI forPort au Pr I etc., n»*ir Fnrnine

Islar. I disabled condition.

Th* Arl*' ,.n,.r 0» the Atlas lin" nnlragtatara w iona She sailed from Naw-Tork amomh ago in- Wei Indlasa and portaof tr.- She waa on her r< "irn trir.

attn lack. Ti-" Adiron l icfc*^hr .Ii'] nW e.',.

a* wanted



Lt 7..A d bp nen for Monl \

"Th- ho were aboar thePort-;.-have

" "As Por¬tia!Una* as rearards th( !:r.i>IThc ' I Cable ('ompany resti aenl

oui tbe illowlnf" notice: "Referrina (" the statern<*n' :. ra, tl;.- telegraph com-

I irazll havi nol been ;i ithat cl]



I DALWi following cable dis¬

patch ii n I at thi Marina Hi apltalBu rea fi .-. Burgs m Irwin at Vienna: "('i

|*ai .

*""V" Koona, In Russia, flfty-flveand thirty-three deaths In one month, and »tBlock. md Ave deaths Cholera

IS (-'rance "

List,on. A;.ri! 27 Elghty-si of choleraJtf-ri; report* : to ii,* health authorities yesterday.

Th* !¦ thal ih* re lia'i bei n 122recover nd that -HO pal*r° atilt under treatmei ith wan reportedto-day.A medical comn laalon haa been created by royal

..cree .; .vernor In theB'i'-'iwheck tl "..il 'i? '-h..I-

jra ] a the city,jut thi ithortties say lhere la n*.lor ala

Han; Steamers plying betweenjSouth Ai ;¦ irta will until

fum.- n illina '¦'' Llabon, owing totay prevalence ol cholera in the Portuguese capl-Ul.



London. A; rll 27 In !'. HouM of Common* to-Bay tb< rnmenl bill waa intro¬duced by Bli O, Trevelyan, Becretarj for

aaoUaj" t rea lingTi... (; vernmenl accepted an am*til'ncnt to the

JO, fl iw, Conaervatlve,JSlch provl foi thi '"(-tlon of fifteen non-¦wtfh memben ol ¦;-.. >mmittoe, m.- aim being to*»»t>. g aa ely aa poa-¦W»il b li of til- nh *¦ li

lr G -i in t*s in,;:.'. ail het fee w

Jjth Mr. Hi nt, which waa adopted.Ja."h* .. present occaalonal ^lttinK

!* th* Roai : "f Supi rs i.-si-.n In**c»l fl ttlng in Edinburgh,T »hl. ri i-irv for H ' he pn "I-*M lt the parochial boarda IntoJjf'1-'1 m Hs a mllar t . those and¦njaagi

kin ! the""'.. b td to th. provlalon nivirix theJ?*1*!,* r the | the ,-it,."fni¦*rf1'"' '* lon lix1.:,/ tic ,linn to tha powers .,f th*w'Joci,« to ( ii borrow rn rn y


P*a."l*. April ITT.- Thr. ballots were niCBBSary to-**y lo aleci a president of tha Budget Commute*Of ,k. ..


^TWOONTHE ITALIAN MILITART BUDGET.hom*. April ti. Qeneral Moeanni War Minister.

JW th* ltu.u-.-t CoaamlMaai t..-.iu> lhal ;» .'.nui'ier-'* aavlna in ii,-- military t.udK-t vt ns* j...r-Hji,i*-.

Byjjtsaatnt eauaed much aurprlse/aa hui.."ri*. Ilsa

*h* "ot_b**"n explained, and lt la not knownamt* "aneral Slooennl expeota io eoonomlia,






hotel terminus the prisonerrequently interrupts thu

examining: judParla, April 27..The trial of Emile Henry, th

Anarcblal who exploded th" bomb In th.- cattr>: ih.* Hotel Terminus <m the evening of Febru¬ary 12, was begun before Judge Poller In DieSeine Assisi - to-day. The prl ri andvigorous, waa brought liva the court-room bjBve memben of the Republican Guard. '*'

the Indictment agalnat Mm was being read li"laughed scornfully, Th< Indictment chargeahlmsvlth exploding a bomb at the police station Int.e Rue des Hons Enfanta in November, i892; ss i:

having caused the explosion al the Cafe Ter¬minus, and with the shooting of Policeman Pf"n. who was endeavoring to arrest him as te¬ran from th.- rafe. The court-room was crowd, iwith spectators, am mg whom wera iiAiyywomen,In answer to questions l>v Judge Potl< r, Henry

said that mi the evening of the explosion In thecatt of the li*,!, Termlnua h.* had visited two"ther restaurants Neither of them beingclently filled w i;h guests : suit hi purpdecided not to waste his ammunltl m. He finallywent to the Hotel Terminus, the.restaurant rwhich he found crowded. !!.. entered thi p iand order d a glass er, which hi ilmi liMeanwhile a steady strea w.taflowing in, *--., he drank another plans nf l.c»rwhile ;,,. waited until the crowd sh-ml 1 Ixli- Ight. He had the bomb undi - hi

ii ni j 'a an ivers were v ilubl ii'i- Judge Potter, In the

the i, said "Yi ir very'"i le." M'hereup .;: ll ins I'. ].;;¦¦ i.

pr if und bow: "Thank you; you 1Hie."

lu referring tn the vhlteihands as pr -. lng I hal h< had done no hard w ...

il,.- Ju [ge sal I: "Your whllTo thia Henn "Yes; as ¦¦

>. ur rob. ."Tl first witt ed for the w Hoi

Cafe Ti"in the trial to-d Hei \th.-e les v vi pori Iii

errupl .1 iidge to corri icu.. Anal hts) \ ea alw

ng toni\

ii I. The :: i. a , h j to¬ri sv.



IRNOT iMMITl IL i"i: ", RIALI' irs. April 27, lt hs

Fem n, the Ai an hlai War un .¦ ho n .

led j est. ria*.. w.. ., .- <

tlon h. twei n Ansi ind an .er-

many and their fri* ii He i

Inn.'' number of letta ra ea reenrtea 11 i Ina to traci I heir oiLondon, April > "The l>ally N.

ni In Tar's -as*, th.it Feneon, upon lilila papera and explosives had I. sa i

tensed that he waa connected with tl. li.fro.ii) ef whl-h Yalllnnt, i'auwela and Henry v rimenih'-r!"The Anarchist Francla Poltl and Guieeppa r..--

narii. alla* Emlla Carnot, were again i,r-

raign'«1 In the H..st- Sir.et Policeyesterday and were oninltte] f*.r trial. A frl»ndof raitt named I'lastt. te*tlfl**d that Poltl rpr-nt Inaleisure hours in iiiiihk ctmybooka arttlmaxims taken from un Italian ;..,¦ rpru.t.i In New-York Experts testified ihat ihepowders found In Poltl's lodgings wera poannd diniwrosis explosives.Budapest, April lt a lestructlve (ire oecurre i in

the I'lae.. de l.iKne lact night. Involving a loaa of505.000 florina lt Ik asserted that the Are v,,.h thevt'.rk of Bodalla! Incendtartea.



Rome, April lt. The strengthening of (hiin the pr. para! he for I

'Dat ovi 11'. r

i.-ad. ra an fl Th*- agllarranging for oj

th.-ir pla -i apparently, andi .. ible ou

'i hi li pi ...¦',. m.. t-Ing In ihe p..rta I

v ;. nna, April liMay Day ipioyei I.cu notice to tlabs( -a. ¦*¦ from duty on ,

a*, ill I- .'.:-..:.! a .,.' r- ,.

the -'¦'.¦ ii ler !., dlsmParla, April 27. Two

,'...','¦ii :.! vt -k- In Toul

Marseilles on May 5 andvarious '..j- '.:'"' lea of armi

* Fi an e. The ¦".¦ ni .viii acompanle 1 by a 11


Bl Petersburg, April 27..In coi ,.-¦¦ of thefrequent and serious ra.in growing ,, .t ,.

flukes in the te lory towna of Russian Poland, ii,*-(lovernmeni being Ivlseddisorders ari ng, an Immti*,a of the garrlaona In Poland i t* orderedand ii already on Ihe was. Thc iJuvem

.* has al*-" orderer) the erection of several new

military .amps In Poland.. ... .

THE KAISER'S VIEWS REGARDING SAMOA.Herlln, April 27 In tba coursa of Har..!, -.1 ¦.

set.ail von Bleberateln'a recent audience -.*. tl

Emperor at Carlsruhe, the Kaiser lid thalmany would In- willing to share with Englandprotectorate over San,.a; Lui he declar* ina! iheiw .M ol German Bailors had paid Sam i, ai Ithal therefore Germany would net ri

In spite of tha apathy of the Relchslthe matter of colonial questions.

HEAVY FIRE LOSS IN MONTREALMontreal, April 27. -The premla.f Laporte, Mar

iln A Co., wholesale grocers, sad the agencyMerchants' Hank of Halifax, tv-. t. ':¦." ¦.¦. by fireearly this morning The total kiaa la estimated I

llfjO.000 on the l,miling and Block; Insured for $121,-


Coburg April tl. Two offlcera ol tha reglmPrussian Hussars (the First Westphalia), of whichthi ('sarewltcti I-' Premier '''.I nel, arrived hercyesterday They had ridden on horseback fromPaderboon Westphalia, h distance of 200 miles, Int ,rty a hi h 'ur:-. The purpose "f their ride s

congratulate the Csarewlteh, in tha name of na¬ri ii... <e ca lon of 1 al Ki

pi ino. sa Allx "f Heaae. 1of t,\tlH..na lasal. Ar rll 27. The North German Lloyd

- Krna, wi,: n wai >w< this Tl on April2 with her propeller frame broken, lefi l.

April 2n in tow of two

Berlin, April tl. Tha Emperor will sall for Nor¬way "ii !'.n- ¦"¦ "" will perform thelaying the cornerstone of the new Relchatag build¬

ing on October llParla Kori] 27 The Princess of Sagan haa of-

fe,, j !¦', lend her husband a sufficient .¦ im of i

to furnish ball far their i >n, mat Ella da 1rand-Perlgord. __^_


Worcester Mass., April ff..Burglars eaten 1 tha.".,, at Wini hc.-i.r (arly this morning and es-

caped with Mot.st Louis. April tl. <'<t account <>t the praj

of amallpox al the Madleon racetrack. Clrone- Harrison ha-* Inatructed the police explainso',,-.!, -.ll ferry landings, bridges and other ap-,.,, 'hes to the city and pr.-v.-iii the sadlng of

horace or their attendants from the MsdlsJn tracki,,o tl,r.'-i's a detail -f police guards ihe river.rom an.l each Incomer I- Irtspsctefl.Hucvrua Ohio, April tl. Barij Ibla mon

dl-ioatroua wreck occurred on lha PjiTiii.i I .-a.ise.1 by th.- breaking In two ol a weat.

i, '* k>i The train carried a Uosen tramps.tem,., ilikiu. I

johnson, of I'lndnnatJ.wiri 'uijiTreHnte^y and a..I th. skull, and

H.iif.ni ''"m.. April tl. In Hi- Police Court

,, i.V Ti.",!,*!, t. Fisk, fifty-fan yean old, of

N ¦¦w'-Vork.' WM held 21, Mer^m,nmY«tearday h

aaaviasmu mst J.man numod Francla.







A!..,' 1'

.L'' .¦"¦". I -iif. tated and theirroaated in a Hr.- which gutted the a*.¦.-.,!.

thlr: ii .ora, ,, ss.- i aa a ortlon of th- first Boor, otree-atory Prl. k atable, No. 4.',.' Weal Nine-

ntl So au Idenly did the sm ikeWI ti'-- e thal th-Tc was no ch meeM N'o Luman llvea were loat, although John

Fltspatrick, I., wife and Bis ehlldr n, who lived Inrooms ,,n the third Moor over the stable bad to ftes

.lohn Fltspatrica is a brother of Richard FltspaLrick, who ".m. the atable. The bu ii

I ll stands a -:--i-.i ii- a.

Tenth-ave. li baa a frontage of fl ty feet on WostN'lneteenth-at and extends h.o-k too f et The n u

of tenements in Weal i.

numb r of the horses '.v,-r*

In talla on ti ,* aei ond Boor. They in ii l. 1 seventy.thr.Iraught and tsv., llght-carrlags norse*. AaImmena. loft contained about MK bales of hay, In-

balea that ha l ba en plac there yester-la>.J" ob Kai'. a atabl man, st I tl ¦:. i ., night

watchman, ss ;, ,.:..- the h ii on tha secondHoot al * 10 "'. loch laal night, he lld, when he

.'. :'¦¦' hoot up near th fi bull l

fl* Ile athla family, who

slain and"ii"- "i ic ir. !,. an . hi ss.:.- fol.

Har! il onci aaa ih.aa i.

get th< mThe liberated

rove the hack ntl

ve to . ap. from thewann 'T


Ile ..a.

I' man Pail the WeM


lier, \

¦¦ wept acm ihe

ht hoi were


I. *vlIII tl Brooke

After ra nd I

I Ita waiand th" np

Rral floor Tb* I

IV,.-!, amok* .! it pr* .1-1 the flam*s snfTii,.' hom

.¦ . fir. under "

hard - .rkmer of all 1

- ihr** were. li irlem

.... I nolrae waa taken oul hi



I TItGBtlVGII III i I ol TttlllE.


\ I ri


i \<ii Ul l: ADIIKIS I' l< A IIOTEI lil R's! 1'

,i i.

¦. '. Another Adlroi

ii,. k Hie third vi Ithln len lats, i, u

big Ili. ¦. li

whlc!an ! a Herc* st In

:. -.*. ll -i pr li

Iw,, ri

e. A prompt alarm a ea *hn ib|. *.. it

¦- from thethey rould, hui

in ..ll" i.. ive ih' hotel, lt Iby cltj in

. .in the hotel, tnt non **f them wi

iTh* M ''ir.(aili View l!"'i .s ia the prap riv *.f

nwtier of the Hiawatha'¦ iii. ipi. i Barana Lake Ta- wind

I,,, u itime, .ml for aev* ral:i look. a - ti,., nd ii.ntlre village «

I..- coi I. Hui e. Wi ihe c ¦¦'ii.ee from Sara-nae I.... and othei pla .* arri ihe heroic err..ns,,f three or lom hundred men, f'-rmiriK ;i bucket

ihi prett] i Hage . a saver]The loss I * llmated nt IJB.Ono lo lin/ii'

vr«-i .a ai I'latuburg 1 ' !!i°Iwo New-Yorkers, guesta ,,f the Moun¬

tain Vi ¦.'. ll ... burned w-l... are dead fr mi. I \ newspaper ma:'. |usl returned

fi. .ru in.... maa.- iai.-, denies the report, mid says a

few ba ¦. tl..- chief Injuries.


I,Will- Niall.- i'l MM SHH. V IlEALT WITH BT

Mon . '.N OTHERS IN' .Mil..

Meas Orient] *.;. riI -7 Nine men have mel vio-

lenl deatha in Madl Parl h in the last week, and

of i'm-- Lav been lynched by Infuriated ettl-

gena, Tw la I four were hanged la t night, the

news Just /. Ithe BoyesIn i wen .. ¦:.' down by bl ¦-¦ Ihoun 11 andlocal. In the Hui ki,.,rn wo i- Sheriff Mo¬

blaand a flnall) found thi

!,,., , Th., fuglttvea were Just pni,, cross . r to Mli Ippl, whi re th* ¦¦ would haveI., ,, comparatively if* Tie- pooae aurround. th

house and called for Ihe owner lo make hla appear: ;'hi po ie then tired lin * thi

negro owner to th*

Hi ii. il the fugltlvi a were In his

but the poi m."!' a as survey *,f the. on j cr the four darkles hud-

ip :n the loft of a emili crib In the nar of the

cabin Tha four wen "Pomp" claxton, tha,,- tha pamai Clastoa, Booti Harveyand 'I'*.ry M'-i'os Thej were promptly placed un¬

der arr.**! and Sheriff Mcclelland detailed a partyof twelve I** wk.- ii.-iii p. Tallulah, while rn- Sheriffand the r< il ol thi pass, started onl i*i in loc,i|,uiic "Tom" Griffin, wbo had separated from the

Aa the deputies with Ihe four fugltlvea k*>'. near

Millik, an liena, they were mel bj. a mob who madeaa ellon to Uke the pr!-.,!:.! a fr..In Hiern. I...

(..ini i. -isi. i. .md succeeded In holding on to ihirn, guard pressed on win. the fuglttvea

until they n c-hed Ih. Shelbj place, two miler, fromTallulah. Here ihej st-r.- met b) a crowd of 9 I,v.:. overpowered h.*- guard and captured the f.,ur

laonera w.t. escorted lo the Oras-ceni i e. ss hei.- their fiendish murder had beamcommitted, and lhere strum; in. to th* limbs of Bev¬el,¦! ti..- Their bodies were round this mornlnar.

If chi n i- caught ba will also i»- lynched. Thereare wenteen nesroes In loll, all of whom svill getr,. |jH| lea ni,.-( of wh.,m lt la thongnt still!,. lt ba been many yeara since there

had been auch a wholesale lynching In thr South aa

that in Madleon Parish, la which tlgbt mun havebean hangeal






FIVE milks Fl'.. iM THE CAPITAL.

Qa'.thersburg, Md., April tl. -Coxey'a "army"reached thia pis -. which la ahout twenty-fivemiles from Washington, al ? p. m. to-day, after

."ii 1 'lusty inar.-h. I'nder the '!..¦¦ i

citizens' committee, li bamped a quarter of a

mile cast of the lTo-morrow afternoon will (inl the army at

Rockville where the men srlll atay nly a Binglenlj,'ht, breaking camp at 7 o'clock Bunday morn¬

ing fir the innr-h to Washing ,n. Ii is under-i thu- tha Brlghtwwd Driving park, the

main camp, win t.o reached by 1 o'clock Sundayafternoon.Coxey still mainiains hlsr attitude of conviction

ns to the aim and ultima! BUCCeSS of thepedttlon. He declares lils belief In th" Infalli¬bility of tu** irre.it money scheme, and professes

Ueva that Congreaa win only need a littleiit**ln(c to paaa both Mils-. In speaking of thest ny in Washington, he said:

"We lins-,- come f ir ii purpose and we are k-*'!iii*

to slay nil that purpose ls accomplished. Con-¦.ii1! pass ..ur bills and give the country

relief In half an Ii air. but if they do n.t, andpersist In running the country on tn financialruin, sv-.- will stay as a contlnuoua visible pro-.¦ ag iln il the pres. ni <. vi nmei t's

The army will hold l gotl ¦¦. and we will see

H '. h. ld ' gother a i a c mtlnuousWc may have to sta) two tv iths, If

ni r-ssarj we willThe fi n Hyattstown to

nh . in tw .hour .

.',|, prajt made there for rest. In Clarksburg.mmi nweal could noi even get

cd, so the

to depen I on Ili cir-

.¦ IS"S

hu k . :' rs ii' - wi '¦ bmughl to the i

Ilya! II. April 27. Tia Coi irv nwealan eva ntful ni ist i

inthe I cold andwa fer idv.ti I

sv ii; around it was 1 rn, and theallowed i" ss rap " "In Ihe can*, Therewere two Ag...

of theIn the latti ¦' the

LESS ANXIF.TY FELT IN WASHINGTON.: *. si. ,. sw H A '¦' '¦ IK -'. *F.

"¦ ITU

- Tne fee Ingh* re

over the,.p; main "arn .¦

fident-¦ Monday

Ila i f any sta. have w

Ma arrival In Maryland, and th" likelihoodthal '.:¦- mall llumn" when lt reaches theI il.*: ri-" l*.rd.-r wlli !:¦. iraak* over MO men, hav.*

had a Quieting effect ..n aenttment iiere, ard

'.-. av ll! ".- i>->j>l'ls .. a: :.¦( Beriottfii or ure nfl '¦¦ ¦¦ can

,.¦ :¦ Ka) in-, seders east ly Inwi kl). the m iln "arm)" will

dlsaplFi- paratlons fai Ito be

however v.' .¦ llcemen \.

f twei vi' Hive M Tries are dl-

I. st¬

all ;



l i he rni-

try. Thc i'

Woodley IINVI i'l' WITH I '!.!. k ii .-.s, ll

tu of Rngi i\ lng and Printing aihis. police p '.*...'¦. T-.s hui

M in-

day morning to a rnu ii will ? Mon lay evei ., it is

ii ./ Maj r Moore large!) i in-,"ii" i of men n d ity In the nunn \ .,-. i

; . where the hal f Cosare llkelj to ann > iii" n li nts In the ssa;, r

iring al their houses and begging t ir i od\ correspondenl In "The Evening Btar" u

graph - fr..in i:'"*-..¦>. ej presses bimi I with

Hi, c,.ri.uti..ii ,,f the Commonweal ai present, and

expects t" '.any through hla plans without al¬

li -, Hon"Certainly," thc "Oeneral" quoted as saying,

.¦ss-,- i ii fe nd to march up to an I hold mi ig ---.\

the step* of the Capl:,,i. if ore can'1 meei and

petition for redress of grievances it is ai m.,si timef..r another revolution. Wc will keep off the gra i

around the Capitol Of course l appn late ta

well as any one else the fad thal the preserva¬tion of the grass around the Capitol ls of mon*

Importance than the Baring of thousands fromstarvation, Any laws tending to prevent >>ur

meeting are unconstitutional and void, and wehas." got plenty *>f time to tesl the matter. I

feel assured that every mun «.f the thousands ofunemployed who will be in Washington ssill i ill

In line lu advocac) ..f my bill They nre all demandlng the same thing, thad ls, employment;bul differ mt tn the specific employment, Mybond bill, however, bi general and the) can iii!'¦"iii*- In under li."

THK -''-[TI/.I'S'' 'lulls AWAY IN !'W'','.:!'

Oeorge Francla Train, who came here from

New-Tork to aid the Coxey movement, has gone

h "in*- in disgust. Tl*- was arrested for lecturingwithout a license, and after some difficulty ssas

discharged in the police ...un this morning,mi being arrested, Mr, Train assum -l all re-

,i.nits- in th" matter of the entertainment,bul al the court he changed hla mind and saidthat a iii-iii named J. W. Searle had charge **f

ih.- affair. Judi:.. Kimball asked Mr, Train to

stand up for arraignment, bul this he would not

do, evidently desiring i" !>.¦ senl down for * rn-

tempt of court. Bul Judge Kimball said that

he i.. "Kiii/a-d th.- defendant's peculiarities, and

would "oi require him to stand up. At thishs of the C 'mi the "Wilsen" stood up, and

pleaded nol guilt) to the char.r conductingil,. uteri .illili-; t, and he a as reli . IBefore leaving the city Mr. Train made the

statement that he would probably never lectureagain

"There's no ns.- for me to stay bera any long-..." In- wud. "l's-,' geared tl." wita oul of theOovernment, which han made an aaa of Itself,ns ll alsvavs does The*/*!* afraid for BM to Ko

to N.'ss-v.rk, but Pm going .ii: the i ime

"How did I kii'.v. whai the lawa of thiapicayune I Hstrtet srere; carne here anyhow tu bearrested I'm never happy unless Pm In juli. Hut

Ihej woiidn't pul me la Juli Catch on?"\Vhen i araa called downstairs here to meei

the policeman. 1 said tn my'ielf: 'Now, I'll putout my pnychlc-fon >. and make him arrest me,

and ni bs blanked if he dldn'1 al thal veryin "in.'nt hav.- a warrant for me In his p ..-k. t

"I'm tired of Washington Tha'-. wh) I saldoss'ii In thc police court, and do you kn.sv that

i Cnatlnaaai en Seventh Pago.





Columbus, April 87..The following astimateprof miners now on str-ik** in th" bl-

tumlnoua coal region for .1 uniform ra;.* of 70-i. niven oul by President McBride

this morning, showed thal the minara are gainingrigth: Alabama, 1,000; Tennessee ind Ken¬

tucky, J.0OO; Indiana, 1,000; i »hl >, 74,000; West Vlr-'. 4,600; Illinois, 28,000; Iowa, 1,300; Indian

Territory, 1,000; Missouri, 4.". ); Pennsylvania,a 1..'." i; Michigan, WO; t .tal,

152.000in this estimate Pre.iid.Tit McBridadoea no: In¬

clude --'.ons in ih" indiana block fieldsIn illinois Indicated in th.* morning '\i»-

patrhea The prlnelpal addition ls made in

Pi nnsylvanla, where he estimates thal 05.000 men

ar.- ii .ss- idle. J. A. Crawford telegraphs from

Illinois that "not a wheel ls moving from st.

Louis io Cairo." and from this President McBrldpredicts that illinois win h.* ..ni solidly hy Mayl. That 250 men weni to w-.,ik ai Renwood,W, Va.. >. aterday ha d >ea not regard a.-i slr<-

iiili' int. They mitie cd ...Wv for a Steel plantthere, still, they would try to prevent the localsettlements, on the ss-h .w, President M Bridethought ih- altuatlon to-day very encouragingto ihe ii.

A telegr a received b) President McBride fr 'tn

Thomas Fairy, an orgai w.-si Virginia,tates l have

at the Ni w River mlnera will >-" ll'!'. 'I'

' w ' ind le >. ..ails 30,0D iIn il. pi ductlon of

produced bymini ri for worklni

ai. Thiomparison with the whi li pn

thai it will nol ".'.*¦' thi strike and there ssiii

be a general coal I In less th in three-.', .-ks.Rca Penn Aprl It ssas learnt d

thia a s ih this valleydu noi gi a within the nextweek .,.- ten days th sm.! have to bank their

Hoot t n wi na. c ss hi ii ha a

capacity of 950 tons <t Bessi mer w-ly., b' supply, iva less and no

rived. It I that theRending Company, which recently changed anumber of the fire-b -s. nf lt. loci moth *¦-,

I., burn - Pt o al, will i inlyai. i coal have p

Wi thia wi k a*, thu! w hi ii .s :




Bl April .7 it noon t i-

wNor! ¦'¦¦ et at

Si '¦( .! and M nm apo! ta on theline from this city to the L'oaat The Ea

Within tise n

after ii" committee had arrived al tha decisioni' !".¦:! out the order ha l t.n

now n ni

lead irneai " The company says ihat n haaa now .:. Ita service who will remain

al work, st hu., the Amer! an Railway inion aa-

t ;t.ntl"The committee takes tbs ground.*' aald Mr.

Debs, "that having appealed against a wron*; that

waa Inflict upon them, the men shall not be risked

to arbitrate, A positive and detinue injustice hasbeen done them, and they a*k to have this rectified,lt ' ki nf aThttratlon."President Hid waa ilted on linnie iii'..iv after

the or i r for a general atrtke had i.c.-n promip..:,'. propose 1 !.. oner it. Its

rna Indi pendent erl an Kallwa)"I do i." s.u i Mr. H.ll. "that any(imp rtlon nt ihe men will obe) the order, and i

trains i Intel thal evei y whii1 !.. running in .. shon a time

.is the com-


I Sta ti :-.

, the strikers I

ll Infantry al

lo any


train f*>r tl ft St.

bag-Al the Si I'ttill w

tl ihe 1 nlti Statesin

di- ni

I for I far \* it,Th.*. rahal on h...ira b il .t la

t ihe ti would be mel.s., In idi 1 u .iii

r« i for a

ilia at 9:13

il ,m U nt th. \-

undrr a Ik.iv. strain, and all were hi


TIRE BEOION "POINT* SV.'N hy Tilla STRIKERS.- nnellsvllle, Penn., April tl The atrikera have

| everal points li tl last twenty-four bouraini ire now sufficiently encouraged to make a de-

fight, even though starvation atarea them

In the face. Tivy have gained their polni of a

.mplete shutdown In th" region. Mount Brad-d '¦).. Ii isl loon, Tyroi nd P lui ss. nt outmorning, leaving cnrlng No. ". of the FrickCompany, the only pl.ur In operation In thia aec«

To hasten the shutdown .!"hn Nevatslcl, th**

new ilan.:..!ian organiser, was sent Into iii" Dick-n Run region this morning to i-'.-t tha men *>ut.

The aecond and strongea) point gained by tl-.** strik¬ers la the ac *ptance of their scala by aevi ral small

operators Thia haa encouraged them, and ss Hihave the effect of bringing oul ih*' few men now

il s*. ,rk¦Hie shutttng-down of the Hill Kami mine will

make neeeaaary the closing oul of tbs Dunbarfurnace The strik. irs have set out to win bypeaceable means. Thos* who refuse to J.'in andw nt to work svill ii"! I* molested, The operatorswill nol iii'mi'! to operate their works. None ex¬

cept thoa ss: have wages due them still *..! f.1al tl.. inlesa the) pay cash. The foreignelement now realise thal they ar., not wan ti Inth.k. regions Reports of wholesale emlgrai

,in heard "n every sid.-. One transportationagency h.-ie i IR s,,'i ver fifty tlcketa for Hungaryri iring tli week, and t.i- prepared to send fiftyfamilies to North Dakota next week. These peo¬ple havi on inlsed a society, and will found a

in) near the South 11 ikota line.

THE BITUATION IN' INDIANATi "I- H mte, Ind., April 27 (Special). At the joint

meeting of tbe Mock coal operatora and mlneraheld at lira/ii to-day, the proposition >*f tha Ito pas n cents a t m up t.i the time that th.- bitu¬minous strike shall have been settled ssa- rejectedby a v..i.. .,, i,xi p. UT. Tins throws the 1,000 blockcoal miners of Indians o it also, and makes the

strike a moat complete one in thia Stats, Preat-denl "ii,Uah said to-ntght: "There ara MM mt-ners out on sink.- in Indians to-nlghC"Petersburg, Ind., April 17, The .strike anions the

cai miners of Pike County Li*- a sumed an alarm¬ing attitude, and lt I* thought blood ssill be abedto-day, Ail the min. rs in th,- county went out on

th.- general order of Bavturda) except thoseployed th.- Little mine, six ratlea sv.*st of thi*(own, numbering 110. Overturea were ma lisirtkiiiK mlnera. bul the men refused to stop w..rkThree hundred mlnera from Davteaa and Greene.-*.linties poa* .! through here stim writs, provlalonaand three braaa ban.is on Heir way i" Little's and


Amherst, N. ri., April il. The ooal adnera at

Spring HUI stru.-k to-day. The miners at Joggingwho' want out last Monday resumed work to-day.




THOSE M.vin-: hy thi: m.mij<-k.vts in 1803.

IP'MU RULE AM' lllll-i.UlM Mi;.vsrnE»


minority oppoarrioK.jtrosi liiK ni .ni i.c coaanrosoasT oi-tiie TRiBrsni

Albany, April tt. Thc people of this State Indeedreason to i "joice that they elected a lt.-pub¬

lican "Legislature In November, IMO. its contraatsvlth the lasi "Democratic Legislature ls vividlyshossai in th. reduction of th" State tax rate, with

the people of the State suffering intensely fromDemocratic hard times tbs Demo ratio Legislatureof UM t..va' th :.: a tn\ rat" of IM Bailie. Comingto Ail,.ms-, th Republican Legislature of li*?! has

sm the tax rat.- to IMS mills, a most materialreduction in State taxation. The mill rate of Statetaxation, however, does not show as clearly aa th*

amount stated In dollars the proportions of a reduc¬tion in taxation. Th,- table prapared ny Contr-.ilerRoberta, given below, polnta th** difference betweenth.* work of the Republican Lemslature and thatof its Democratic predecessor of l's'!:

IMI UjHGeneral .Sin IM.5H6 Ul |« 21- 702 4T*,ni.!a . 1.U23.2&O00 1 4.',*l T.'Hl(X)

- . 3 *..;-.'.,v«i " 8.MJ is. i«a

. 1.344,010SI 1 .SSH i«»iix>

T.iai* .ItT.aJaJMM |U,MaXaSlg|Th.. Republican Legislature, therefore, has appro-

L leas than the Legislature of ISC}.Tn- Republican Benatora and Assemblymen, with

the hearty sup;, rt and vigorous ssslstsnee of thachief tiri,: r, have brought about

lt wss a poll ay, de-

early In .lat-...arv- by Benator Bax*temi ore of the s.*n;'.ie; by

.--. nor Mullln, chairman of I Senate fl nancey. by Mr. Ainsworth,

ilrman of th. A tenthly Commlttei v\ .ya

Iii ans, and by C r Roberta wbo kept-.'..¦ Legislature Informed of the appropriations lt

making. Thia policy svas rigorously toUowefup during ,i.mu.irv. February, March anl April, and

haa be. n cai n.


Legislature will si,,.ss- Ita nature. The total amount

of the Supply bill, for li OoveraarPlower by the Demo il Legii il UM, was

Of thia ai P. ia i "fun u l toseo. 1 making the

by sagas'int in both tha Supply

the Buppl< I Sui ply bill this year which

l by taxation is H.HMl*, making a

favor ( tba B pub in Legislature of

l«H I:-, ia Bl if- taxes is ea-.lally credftV

owing to *-he circumstance

that the State revenues from Indln il tai a, tbs ln-... rporatl, a tax and th- ors*anraatlosi

ff to 1 With.- ite Treasury ihe RepubHcana

I State taxa m. Moreover, the

ra'.:.- merni rs of tba 1 Oov¬

ernor Fl iwer plainly made efforta, despite the suf-

fering reaaa thewx rata Many billa wera Introduced by

ra n A lemblymen making ex-

travagant appropriatlona, Whenever BppropriatloBiciis wera before the Legislature tba I'-mocratlc

l .ml Assemblymen almost Invariably of-:¦ n imendmenta Increasing their amounts. Thus

th.- Democratic Senators .ind Assemblymen foughtto increase the appropriation for the Si.ne Capitolfrom 1600,000 to td,000,000, The Republicans showedtheir economy hy raducUlg th*r Capitol .-ipproprla-ti.m fpnui Its amount In ISM, namely, 1m...»i, to

O',-.-, ra a- Flow his spirit toward

ai proprtatloi . fl by tba Re-.. de number of Stats coaaaa|a>

riahii a-" r t wa shown before a

committee of the Legislature that tha Sh ba*r*a ss-,rk is s rj a by the L'nited .' tea

J.* Ml for'¦¦'¦- .n State la

i Ut ire ..f in ii bul (rov-

aervlng an office..eral l' n .eratic officeholders, tim-* perpetaa*


.;n In the;. ni Approprial tha entire

ippr pr.ni.,nsvernment, over

The Att irney-G. te and a leetall ¦' >unse| !,¦ .. ;. *ri:n* al "f

:,!!-¦. or io the Factor) Inspector, Commta-nmlaslona

I'r.'Si I. l t '.. of lawsted with an: lents or commto-

an l shan (ixand ih- Con-

troller shall not a inset fees orta or

i-'.'iiiiii' lons, exe pi those of counsel designs! 1v ne) a; riei Lanes

'¦ \s

ra hid tnInserting this paragraph In the Appropriation hillw.s to diminish the nae* of th" State

roo. cuting lat*. n -.* bywork In "ti" rn m's han la the

y-Oeneral, who u the bead of the Law De-in b intr.. Inc. ,1

prac! .*. tbe Attorney-Oeneral Inwould n*u think lt necesi irv io hire

Hate nmlsstona, i.-ii wouM eitherdo the wi rk himself or las-.- ¦ ats three

leputles *lo it. Bul Oovernor Flower thought thatsome Democratic lawyera would los.* employmentby th*, stat., if ha should approvi of the par.iirrn.ph,and according!) vetoed it on the ground that ltw is a "rider" to the Appropriation Mil, despite thefact that h.- ippr >.. ! similar "riders" In his own

favor hu I suggested by bim s n placedIn the Supply MU


The Republican Legislature has alao tak-n Ftepsto increase the State income from ita indirect taxea

an I th.-r.-hy t.. relti ve the t ix; ayers of direct taxa-'tlon A Mil ama paaoed taxing foreign corporatlona'loini; business In this State one-eighth of one per.¦.¦nt. It is believed ihat this act arin bring into

the Stats Treasury during the coming tiscal yearthe large sum of *.'"'."."". This was the hill draw .rf

i.s Oeorge R. Milby, then a RepubUcaa As-

semblyman from St. Lawiauua County and thaleader of th.* Ri publican minority in the Assembly.Mr. Malby van.ly endeavored to iaus the MU tliatyear, bul th,* 11. rn"i-rals. under the Influence ofe.ri,lin corp .ri- na, lefeated the measure. Mr.Malby this year had Mr. Fuller, of .Jeff rs .n ("ninty.Introduce tha measure, since it is the custom ofthe Speakers of th,- Assembly aol to introduce any

res of their ,.ssn The measure naturally bliins aealouB support, and In every Ugttlmata wayI. forwarded Ita pasaage. Another taxation bmof general interest ss indi th.. Republican I i lariature pasaed Int] sea i I ix upon all the receipts ofth.* incorporated raring assoctatl -ns ,,f this state.In past years this tax h. is brou ht 190,001 annu¬

ally Into the State Tr. urary, The ness- law, it labelieved, will Increase tha Btate'a recelpta nearlyjj,.ii,.i. it is proposed in continue u*inir a largeproportion of thia money In paying the premiumsand other expenses of tn** agricultural fairs of thestat.*, but lt i-.-.s al o been a that a partof this money ba used In th e"ii.-truetlon of Stateroads. Th.* farmers .,f the s-¦.*,¦ will thus belargely benentad hy this H.-publican hit of legialo-tlon.


The extent of the extravagance of the liemocratlomembara af tba Lagislatura caa he appreciateds.I'.-n lt is known that Mr. Ainsworth, the chair¬man of ihe Assembly Committee on Ways andMeans, diocovered when the Legislature adjournedthat he yt had In his (.ossa-ssion appropriation billaintroduced by Democratic Assemblymen amountingt.. .'i'.'..W',«»i in this sUm IU.MHMI In one bill pro-vi led for cscsil improvements Tin* other |7,coo,ooo.'(insisted of miscellaneous appropriation**, for altpossit,1- ol.j,".is. lg .. y.ar of puhlle calamity theDemocratic minority had no compassion upon thataxpayers of the State. The Kepiibllcans, whileeconomical, .11.1 not pursue a niggardly policy.They gave ample appropriations for the support ofthe State's Institutions. For Instance, ihose fortha. .ar.- of tin* Slaw b spitiils for the Insane wera

increased from ll. IKm.nod to $l,38o,00u. The canalaNware more generously treated than by tha pta*