MEDICINAL. SLEEPI.ESSN1 wa Nervous De¬ bility, Nerv¬ ous Eshaust- __tion, Neural- ' sLs Loccmo tor Ataxia, Melancholia, B-j kir.lred ailment?, whether resulting- ffO. r anxiety, overwork or study, or f- ¦'. u:.::atural "habits or excesses, are J- .-. ::s a specialty, with great success, by , i Staff of Specialists attached to the j -,' ilotel and Surgical Instituto ut ]. .. N. Y. Personal examinations not r.;ä its niHvssary. Jinny cases are success¬ ful i created at'o distance » n rn TT IT A A new and wonderfully JiD I ilMÄ.successful treatment has I.. [iso »vered for Asthma and Hay Fever, ,7 !«f sent by Mail or Express. !: :..>t <iaiply a'palliativo but a radical cure I .- pamphlets, question blanks, refer¬ ences and particulars, in relation to any 0( above mentioned diseases, address, n cents in sr.-i-rsps, WorldVDispens- Association, Ct>3 Main, Street, N. Y. MKf-H ;. - i : \u,-. »it>T WM. MURRAY, HfUßrU i \IT T A U AP NO. 517 KfNG STREET Alerid ria. Vs.. I 'oms his customers that he has received a supply of FALL AND'WINTJEB GOODS. Audis now prepared to furnish suits in all the latest styles fsnd on rearonsblo terms OXSTEIIS. GEO.E.PRICE&GEO'ffKICEAllDS Wholesa^O and Retail OYSTER . DEALERS, 113 NORTH FAIEFAX STREET, Near Adam Express Office. The beut oysters always on hand. Delivered in. all parts of the city. Country orders solicited. - tisfaction guaranteed. sep242m IAS. E. McKINNEY & CO., Wholesale und Retail Dealers in OYSTERS, N. W. cot. Prince a"d Royal sts , Alexandria. Country and »¦ it v orders solicited and promptly filled Bep24 t.janl j AM DAILY IS R CEIPTOFTHE FINEST . OYSTERS, Direct from the Chesapeake beds. Tb very t't-^t stock and the finest ll »vor« always ou hind. Orders from the country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. ANDREW DELLA, sep!7 :107 PRINCE STREET. BUILDING ^TJBKIAL. V^M'>UT & CO., Successors to J. Rector Smooi a ... STEAM FE00R1SG & PUlNING MILL, Manufacturers of DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES MOULD INGS. Ac. DEALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLES LATHS. NAILS, LI.ME. CALCINED PLASTER an." CRM] NT No. 25 north Cnion street Alexandria, Va. Tanhbor delivered free in ti-. [ Establish.i> 182:.'. yosiAH n. D.SMOOT. T>~AL2R IS LUMBER. Shingles, Laths, Nails, Cement, Calci'¦.»<.. Plaster, See. ai_NrK\(.TtTREBs or FLOORING, DOORS, SASH. BLINDS FRAMES, MOULDINGS. MANTEL^ AND ILL KJ SDS OF WOOD WORK Otfieo Mid yard No. 21 north Union Street Fa-tory Nos." I'1 and 15 north Loe st.. Alex- hndris, Va. No charge for neliveiy in city. AGRICULTURAL HERBERT BRYANT, A LEX A.VI »RIA. VIRGINIA. Manufacturer of FERTILIZERS FINE GROUND RAW BONE (wananted strictly pure). FINE GROUND NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER. ^Circulars of our regular brands mailed on application. Special formulas skilfully and accurately prepared. Also dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLE¬ MENTS and MACHINERY, GARDEN, FIELD and GRASS SEEDS. Fertilizer factory and w harf foot Duko st. Agricultural and seed ware house 117 King st. 3S-Correspondonce solicited. fcb22 ly COOL FALL MORNINGS and evening! a little fire is almost indisnensable for health and comfort. A MILLER HEATER fills this want exactly. The coh of the fuel lc an hour. Keeps your dining room com¬ fortable during meals, and then you can take it to your parlor or sitting room. Can have httle or much heat as required. No dirt, sshes, smoke or odor. Do not let dealers dc- |1 yon by telling you some other make is ist as t").d." but get the genuiue MILLER HE \Tt_i' at he sole agents for'Alexandria, Va. E. J. MILLER & SON. Note -Call and see a Heater in operation M 1 let ih show you its advantage. C<ALICOS, fast colors, light and dark col- J ors. 5c a yard up. at _ AMOS B. SLAY MAKER''. ALOT OF CHEVIOT NEQLIGEE SHIRTS, two collars with each, just re- by AMQS B. SLA VM \KF.R. 1HOICE LOUDOUN FAMILY PACKED RUTTER just received by ._J. C. MILBTTRV j ^LANKETS, best valuo for the mouov, at AMOS B. SLAYMAKF.R'S. c Alexandria (razetfe 4: Virginia Advertiser purlisukd daily and tbi-weekly at Gazette Building,310 & 312 Prince 6t. Daily ono year, $U; six months ; oi:e mouth 50 cents. Tri-Wcekly ono year $4; rix months $2; three months Si. A:! tran-ient advertisements must l.e paid .'or in Hit vaix-c. C.mtractadvertisers will not he allowed to cx- eed their space unless tho excess is paid for t tr*nsi..nt rates, and under no dream- anccswill they be allowed to advcnisi .:her than their legitimate business in the ¦pace contracted for. Marriage and death notices must, bo "paid for advance. i: olutiousin memoriam, of thanks, tributes respect resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless of public >:oiicerii, wflJ «.i;:y lie printed in this paper as advertise¬ ments. T Gazette office i? connected with the elephono Exchange. Advertisements, or- dors tor the paper, news or any information business can be sent by telephone. " itered at the Postofficc Alexandria, Virgin« ms second-class matter.] A RÄT IX AN OPERA BOX. Tiir-r was a large and elegantly «...-(. thron» present to see "Made- lei, .i or, the Magic Ki-s,"ai the P.trfc T11., ii Dr > >klyn, Tuesday evening. Til* first anil second acts of the opera I h:i i !>. n finished without accident or mishap, und the heroine. Madeleine,-! ivh< di !.! progr imtne calls an unkisscd maid-, h <i received her third kiss from h ro. Phe audience were delighted s-ttln icro's hick in getting this third kiss, aod as the curtain was let down they settled themselves back in their sc \ s to chut about it. The few rüde men who go oui between the acts't o get ;t drink of wafer had already left, an i the air w as filled with low conver¬ sation. Suddenly there arose above this buz zing not one but a succession ofshrieks. These shrieks came and continued to come from the li ft-hand balcony box nearest to the stage. All eyes were directed to this box. In it was a man and a woman. The mäh sat with blanched chicks staring at the woman, while she stood upon » chair screaming ami shaking her skirts. The audience did not know what to make of (lie .-trance sight. Finally the cause ofi' all appeared in the shape ol a rot. The poor creature was mote frightened than the woman. It jump- id upon the railing of the box and run up and down several times, while the woruau kept up her screams. The face of her companion, when he. saw the rat, changed from white to a deep red, and, taking hold of the wo¬ man's arm, he tried gently to lift her from the chair. She.'-wouldn't budge an inch but ki t*' screaming:, while the poor rat, half./righteued ti> death, stood still and stare« 1 ¦' her. This made the wo¬ man scream all the more, made the an lit c mgh, and turned the color on the escort's face to deeper red. The m in ßunily let yo the woman's arm, aud pulliug out his handkerchief advanced in a threatening attitude to¬ ward the rot, yelling "Shoo!" and wav¬ ing bis handkerchief at it. The poor rat let out a pitiable squeak, and made a movement as though to jump on the chair on which stood the Woman. No sooner had this motion been made than the woman gave a long-continued shriek, Even the rat couldu't stand it. So, quickly turning, it gave a farewell squeak and jumped down in among I he audience. The ta¬ bles were turned now and the women in the orchestra sudd< nly turned pale. The rat landed without harm to him¬ self on the soft foot of a fat middle- auctl. and jiiddily dressed woman, r^he leaped up and stood on the seat. For a few seconds she was perfectly still. Then she gave utterances to a scream equal to any that had come from the box. Someone yelled that that rat was dea f, while another man rudely yelled: "For God's ;-ake, don't let that wom¬ an scream auain." The fat woman wave him a withering look. Her escort assured her that the rat was really dead. Then, picking up h'T si.ii >, she pot down from the seat and walked out of the theatre, her es-1 corl following her and carrying her] wrapä. The box w here the rat had first appeared was now also empty. After the opera was over a couple of theatre al laches tried to find the body of the dead rat, but couldu't..N. Y. Sun. Diamond Wedding..The dia- rnond wedding at Chase City of .Mr. and .Mrs. John E. Boyd was one of tho most brilliant social affairs in the State this season. Sixty years ago they were married in Washington, Ohio. Mr. Boyd was'. !>. rti in Alexandria, in 1S12. He is now < ighty-lwo, and Mrs. Boyd seven¬ ty-seven years old. Their children are Judge George K. Boyd, of Wheeling, W. Va., Oscar Boyd, secretary of the Presbyterian mission hoard, of New York; Mrs. Woodruff, of Rahwav, X. and Mrs. C. W- Walker, of Bich- mond. On this occasion only the fam¬ ily and relatives were present. For a pain in the side or chest there is nothing so pood as a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlains Paia Balm and bound on over the seat of pain. It a fiords prompt aud perma¬ nent relief and if used in time will ofun prevent a cold from resulting in pneu¬ monia. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. For sale by L. Stabler & Co. Rndy's Pile Suppository is guaranteed to euro PILES and CONSTIPA¬ TION, or money refunded. 50 cents per box. Send stamp for circular and Free Sample to MARTIN EÜDY, Laucastcr, Pa. Forsale by ali first-dass druggists. E. S. LEADBEATEE & SONS, Wholesale Agents. myl6 lyr Alexandria Va. Tor Over Fifty Years. An- Old and Wki.l Tjukd Ekmkdy..Mrs. Winslow'eSoothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, i; soothes the child, softens the gums, Ii p in, cure- wind colic, and is the best ri medy fur Diarrhoea. Is pleasaut to tho taste S-.ld by Druggists in every part of the w.n ld. TweutA--five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure aud ask for Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. octl2 eod&wlyr MEDICINAL. The breath i i |j from the sea.the bracing I effects of a stay in the bj ^mountains.the toning up" P qualities of absolute rest. % that rest which is so neces- | sary to the weary wife, the jw overworked father.may I be found in Brown's Iron Bitters if taken faithfully. Men and women j from this pleasant fg remedy a renewal iwa" of life-fresh en- Dyspepsie I Poor Blood ^ :et'::'::rd the needed <*. strencth It !TV ^1*. . 3 ujL for it contains the § iiebillty o/ nature is craving! You know best whether you need it. If you are I ailing do not delay.sick- I ness may be at your door i ..^ Tie Genm'nc hns the Crossed lied Lines on Wrapper. £>! All Dmcftist and General Storekeepers m sell it. Hut get the genuine. Crown* Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md. ELY'S ^^(:ic;w'm s'iiV(- > SÄ^äSi. MAW" tZ/tv^^-; absorbed. GOLDHEAD HAilays Pain ana Jnllat>:Tii;i( ioi:. "Heals the Sores. Protects i he membrane (Vom addii tonal cold. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. It will cure Hay-fcVer. A j*i; ti. l< is applied in each iio.->tri! and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren street, New York. FRESH MEATS, Cut by Experienced Batchers, AT COST. FANCY NEW YORK BUR RANK POTA- TORS 75c per bushel. FANCY aud STAPLE GROCERIES cheap. j. WM. GOODS, nov 14 N. E. cor. Prince and St. Asaph st*. T7IRENGH DINNER WARE..We havo a Jlj cask oflmportcd French (Haviland) Din¬ ner Ware with the new ähape, and with Blue and Violet Decorations. Entirely new, and imported under the operation "f the new tar- iff. Call and see these beautiful goods. Solo agent» for C.'F. H. < hin« in Alexandria. _E. J. MILLER SON. VERY Handsome and Complete Assort¬ ment of DRESS and APRON GING¬ HAMS at verv low figures, at _AMOS K. SLAYMAKER'S. TF YOU want to havo your WATCH repair. JL ed properly, no to H.W. WILDT, !<><> north fioy-'.! street. JUST received a nice lot of MAINE (White Star; POTATO' S. HERBERT i:Y ANT. i17 R'hi; street /CRIMSON CLOVER SEED, new crop, just received, prices veiv iow. HERBRRT BRYANT, No Ij7 Kini? =a.vit. F>I KLES.Mixed, Sweet, ChOw-Cluw, X. Sweet Gherkins and < ucimibcr?, (very flue). H CWAtt CE, _DO King street 4CANS OF FAIRBANKS & CO.S POT¬ TED HAM or Ti >NGUE for 25c at H. C. WALLACE'8, !K>('» King street. ARM WAGONS, a car loa ; ot FARM WAGONS in storemid for sale bj HERBERT BRYAN No. 117 BTing Str ct F "VTEW YORK HAND-PICKED N A V Y .aN BEANS, Pearl Hominy and Hominy Gi iti for sale by II. C. WALLAr : " Kinjrst. TO UY ANEW AMERICAN SEWJ NG MA- l3 CHINE, guaranteed equal to any Ma¬ chine made. $Ki. .«liO. §22, $2U and $25. at_AMOS R. SLA Y.MAKRR'S. "VTEW MACKEREL, Potomac Family Roe xN Herring by tho cane!, half-barrel aud dozen. H C WALLACE, QQQ Kin? street MEN'S PERCALE COLLARiami CUFFS, a small lot slightly soiled : will sell for 15 cents a set; collars 5c, cuffs 10c. at _AMOS B. SLA YMA K SB'S. BEDUC HON IN FLOUR.-Potomac Flour, > which is unexcelled, §4.50 per barrel, and (>5c per sack at _J. C. MILBURN'S. T>ANQUET LAMPS. --An entirely new JLJ line of Lamps aud Silk Shades just re ceived, and at low prices at E. J. MILLER & SON'S. EW MAPLE SYRUP in quarts, half-gal- Ions and gallons. For saic by ROBERTSON & PRO. A COMPLETE Assortment of DRESS and APRON GINGHAMS, at AMOS li. SLAYMAKER'S. ONTICELLO CLARET $2.75 a dozen 25c a bottle. H. C. WALLACE, 900 King street "VTEW CODFISE, 1-lb bricks, 7c IM H.C.WALLACE, 900 KtDir street. A A FULL LINE OF COMFORTS at very low prices at _AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. FULL supply of Brooms, Buckets, Tubs aud Baskets lor sale low by J. C. MTLBTJRN. OUR STOCK ol' Canton Flaunels. Cottons Sheetings, etc.. is complete. Prices are the lowest. AMOS ß. SLAYMAKEE. GRANULATED SUGAR at 5c, _J.C. MILBURN'S. o LO BRAND CiNNED PEACHES, very fine, for sale by J. C. MILBUBN. FURNITURE. "n W, we're right in itt IIA? UFACTURERS OF CONSISTING I F DINING, LTBEAEY AND PARLOR SUITS. LOUNGE«, CöXJCBES; CONVERSATION CHAIRS, &&; &c, k<: Ecnpbolsteriug and Fnraitu.ro R< pairing in ge mat by F. Djdszoxfit it Sox, 71S-720 KING STREET. oct29 1m Tllf TL V. TR.U K NEAR ST. ISA PH'S, VA. [Rangural äiccting Octr 18 to Dcct I. FORTY DAYS OF HIGH CLASS RACING. BEiT HORSES IN TRAINING ENGAGED. Six Races Every Day. FIRST RACE AT 1:45. Trains direct tu Driving Park. Leave lo¬ cal depot at 1 K)0 aiid 2:15 p. in. Returning immediately afjcr last race. No Improper Characters Admitted. Coaches will icave Patterson's stables, com¬ mencing at 1 p. tu., direct to grand stand. H. D. McINTYBE, E. E. DOWN HAM, Secretary. President. STOVES, HEATERS, &c. THE DANGLER GAS RADIATORS. The immense demand last season fullv demonstrates that any room can be heated in fifteen minutes at small expense; dirt, ashes and coal avoided : few soiled onc3 at discount of 20 per cent. Send lor catalogues. NATU »NA L GAS RA DI 4.T0R CO., 317 Pennsylvania avenue, s. c. Washington, D. C Reference: Mr. John Donnelly, 119 Prince street. J. I). STANTON, 1110 King street, oct23 1 ni Agent for Alexandria. TiyTILLER HEATERS..Just received au- iyA. other lot of these heaters. Is youi dining room chilly and uncomfortable these raw mornings? It is too early to start up your furnace, so the very thiug to till this Want is one of these HEATERS. If you want to see what it can do, drop us a card, or call iu to seo us, and we will send you one on trial and if does not suit you can return it. We are >-o!o agents here for the "Miller," and it is the best, remember. E J. MILLER & SON. E DU CAT ION AI,. [0HABT£KE0 JiYTHKOK.V'L ASSEMBLY OFVA.] St. John's Academy, A MILITARY SCHOOL at Alexandria. Va The sixty-second year will l>e;<iu on MON¬ DAY, September 17th. For (autocue and further information apply to WM. H. SWEENEY. Principal, W. N. BROWN, Vice Principal. augl5 tf INSURANCE. LAURENCE STABLER.. NO. 701 KING STREET. Representing the following first-das.- fir insurance companies PHGSNIX. of London. NVESTCHESTEB, of New York. NEW Y RK FIRE ÜNDEEWETTSES. N< 'RTHERN, of London. PHOENIX, of Brooklyn. Soliciting tho patronage of the pnhlie, I promise tho most careful attention to any bus¬ iness entrusted to me. febl6 NUGGETS. We have so named them because of their purity and generil excellence. Tbey best the record for quality at the price, andjust fit the mouth nicely; They i-re an Ideal Lunch or Tea Table Bis¬ cuit, combining a confection with a fine bis¬ cuit. They are attractive in appearance, delicate and "rakinsr'" in flavor, and are made by Alexandria mechanics and machinery, in an Alexandria building, taxed insured and re¬ paired in Alexandria, with Alexandria capi¬ tal: delivered in an Alexandria-made wagon, by an Alexandria man, who drives Alexan¬ dria bought harness, fed and shod horses, and advertised in Alexandria newspapers. If by any chanco our representatives over¬ look you. a postal will insure your seeing these goods and prompt service. GEORGE E. HILL & CO.. fcbS tf_216 to 222 N. Lee Street /"VPEN STOCK CHINA..We have just im- \J ported two new OPEN STOCK PAT¬ TERNS in best English Porcelaine. (>ne a beautiful blue decoration. DINNER SETS, 112 pieces, at $12. TEA SETS, 56 pieces, at $-1.50. And a "tilled in" pattern of Blue and Yellow Flower. Gilt Knobs and Handles, on samo shape as the above iu full set only. DENKE« SETS, 114 pieces, at $16. TEA SETS. 56 pieces, at $6. These goods are selling fast and are at prices away down from former figures. See our east window and come in and see the qualitv. _E. J. MILLER & SON. "TUST received from the Manufacturers, the t) best CORSET in shape, quality and fit, ever offered for 50c; extra long waist at _AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. LADLES' WOOL UNDERWEAR, ribbed and piain, at AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. _BO.) K S ANT> STAT QAVEMONEY : BLANK* BOOKS of every description from liest Mem- fir.i »las to the largest Bank Li dgers and Journals, at FRENCH'S BOOKSTORE. Special LANK BO.0KS.made to order. Playiug ai s and Games in great variety. Poker Chips Game on liter', «v<:. He idqii ru-i- foi ever; iln.i. in tlii.-> line: WBITIN 1PAP It, Ink. Pens and Pencils. FINE JjE \TH KIC ÜÖD in Pockctbook$ D/essirig Cas< S. &<. Razors, Pock' i Knives and 1 iuo Cutlery. .Sporting Goods. Kcmember the place, French's Bookstore, 417 & 419 KING STF.ET._ School Books and School Supplies AT Dyson's Bookstore, G STREET, NEXT OPERA HOUSE. Wo have a larger stock of New and Second¬ hand School Books than ever, and more than ice many TabletSlats, Lock Boxes, School Bagx, .-uiii other School Supplies. They are :1 st in quality, the prettiest in design and the cheapest in price. Special attention is allied to our huge line of Second hand School Books. Yon <-an rave money on them as well as on supplies hy buying at s. V. DYSON & BRO, 503 King St. _/££r-Our Unexcelled Rook Covers on every Book. aug30 SILVER W J Ii B, ..* KAY ELR Y. STBIKES US QUEER. You have tie nerve when money is scarce, to pay fancy prices for your CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Caii on u?, look through our holiday display, get out prices, see if we can't help von somewint. R, C. ACTON & SON, 606 KING STREET. WHOLESALE A- RETAIL GROCERS J CM I LB URN, DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, 113 North Royal Street, Alexandria, Va. Proprietor of the Potou.ac Brand of Flour, which is unexcelled. ('i;!lvc- Fre.shlv Roasted at Store. STAND ESTABLISHED 1878. H T^OBEETSON & I (McBurncy's old stand) pure groceries Dcaicrs in FINE TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS and TABLE DELICACIES NO. 700 KING STREET. Telephone 75 B. Alexandria, Virginia. QH vRLES KING & SON, BOLESALE GROCERS, J17-1223 North Lee street Hill's <'racker Factory;. agents for LCCY flINTON TOBACCO ! HAZARD POWDER. \rr A JOHNSON & CO., WHOLESALE GEOCEES, ERALOC »MMISSION MERCHANTS, \nd Dealers in iLL KINDS OF LIQUORS. Save on hand Gibson's XX, XXX, XXXX uid pute old Rye. Old Cabinet and Monogram s; also Raker's and Thompson's Pure Rj .. Whiskies, to which they invite tho atten- ion of the trade. Orden from tho country for morcandise hall receive prompt attention. consignments of Flour, Grain and Country Produce solicited, for which they guarantee he highest market prices and prompt returns. N'. E. corner Cameron and Royal streets. TT C. WALLACE HL« (Successor to R. W. Avery), DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FINE WHISKIES, WINES, Ac 900 King street. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Teldehono No. 30 (private wire). ' Goops delivered anywhere in city and vi¬ cinity. my23_H. C. WALLACE. W. A. SMOOT. G. 8. FEENCH. 8MOOT & (XL W.i: COAL, SALT AND PLASTER, Alexandria, Va. Office.Smoot's wharf. Ins ciai attention jjaid to forwarding. BATISTE fine quality, beautiful styles and fast colors reduced to ö^c, at' AMOS B. SLAYMAKER. DRY GOODS. This space has been reservöfl lor the trus¬ tee of Pretzfelder & Co. I have just com¬ pleted an inventory, and find their stock complete" and well as¬ sorted with desirable and seasonable goods, which must be dis¬ posed of at once in order to carry out the trust assumed by me. To do this I will, be¬ ginning on Thursday next, offer these goods at less than half their value until disposed of. Our offerings will be from day to day, and it will pay you to read their future an¬ nouncements and at- tend the sale. M. STRAUSS, TRUSTEE for PRETZFELDER & Co OFFICIAL. Alexandria, Va., Nov. 20.1804. TMPORTANT NOTICE. Persons who have not paid their COR¬ PORATION TAXES for 1894 can save FIVE PER CENT, on their bills if paid at onee, as a penalty of Five Per Cent, is added to all hills remaining unpaid after DECEMBER 1ST, 1S94. The bills of the whole city are in my hands for collection. Otlico hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Room 9, City Hall. P. F. GORMAN, novgO tdcl_Collector of Taxes. statetaxes. NOTICE TO STATE TAX-PAYERS. City Tbeascbek's Office, ") Room ,\o. 1, City Hall >. Alexandria, Va., Nov, 10, 1894. J I am now prepared to receive State taxes for the year 1894. All persons paying their taxes beforo DECEMBER 1ST will save a penalty of live per cent., as.on thnt date the penalty of Jive per cent, will be added to all unpaid bills and their collection enforced, as the law directs. M. B.HABLOW, novlO tdcel City Treasu rer. MEETINGS. fTIHE RE iULAR annual meeting of the JL stockholders of tho NEW PEDRARA ONYX COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, in Alexandria, Va.. on the FIRST THURSDAY IN DECEMBER, 1891. at 4 o'clock p. m., at which time an election will bo held for Directors to serve for the en¬ suing year and such other business transacted as may come beforo tho meeting. S. F. EMMONS, nov5 2aw 2w President REAL ESTATE. &c. J^OBERT F. KNOX. real estate BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED No. 216 KixoStheet. Alexandria, Va. jy27tf_ Iebüilding sale. Both our STORES having been renovated on SATURDAY, November 10th, wo shali open our NEW DEPARTMENT OF CLOTH¬ ING for Men, Boys and Children. We bought them from N. Frank & Son's, Baltimore, who retired from the Manufacturing Busines?, at our own figures, and shall offer them to our patrons at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. Among them are 100 Men's Storm Coats from $10 to $15, our price will bo §6. Wo shall also pat in this sale every thing in the way of BOOTS and SHOES, and Ladies' and Gent's FURNISHING GOODS, 25. per cent, less than any other house iu the city. KAUFJ1ANN S COMBINATION STORES _ / DRY GOODS._____ You don't want TO 1'liT YOLK PURCHASES OFF TO THE LAST. Now is the time to buy your FALL AND WINTER GOODS. How to get the full value of your mouey is explained right here. Wo are better prepared than ever to show you a line of goods uusurpassed in styles and values. We have selected the latest things in the market aud feel that wo can please the most fastidious. We study our patrons' interest, as their interest is ours as well. The crowds that daily visit our establishment aro ample proof of that. Tho inducements offered are unparalleled. We aro giving our costumeis tho benefit of a (juiek sale system throughout our house. I. SCHWARZ & SON, 518 KING STREET. $4.50 Chenille Portiers, our price $'2.99. $5.50 Chenille Portiers. extra heavy, our price. $11.99. 3 2'iic Large Barnsley Towels, 8c. 75c White Bed Spreads, 48c. Sl ip White Bed Spreads, 75c. .l-'fOienille Covers, 48c. >>¦ I rheiiillo Covers, ijiSc. 35< <:;jdy Towels. 22c. 35cu9dies' Merino or Ribbed Vests, 22c. Ready-made Pillow Cases, good cotton, 10c. Reidy-mado Sheets, good cotton, 49c $1.00 Lidies' Bleached Gowns, (19c. 75c Ladies' Bleached Gowns, 49c. 35c Felt Table Covers, 24c $1.00 Ladies' Wrappers, blue, black and fancies, 69c 35c infants' All-silk Embroidered Caps, 24c Oc Bleached or Unbleached Crash, 4;*jc. 25c Changeable Dress Goods, 17c. 50c Serge, blue or black. 35c. 20e Double Width Skirting, 14c A Good Black Sateen, 7^0. 45c All-wool Fireman's red medicated Flannel, 25c. 25c Bed Medicated Twill Flannel, lGc. 10c Doll's Sun Ronncts, 5c. 25c Ginuham Aprons, 14c. CARPET DEPARTMENT. I2ifec Fancy Mattings, 8%c. 25c Fancy Mattings, jointless, 16c. 76c Velvet llassocks, 48c. 50c Cocoa Door Mats, 34c. 35c Home-made Rag Carpet, 24c. 50c Ingrain Carpets, 35c. <;5c Ingrain Carpets, over half wool, 49c. 75c Ingrain Carpets, guaranteed all-wool, 59c. 35c Good Floor Oilcloth, 25c. Don't fail to visit our CLOAK DEPART¬ MENT. Large Stock, new styles and low¬ est prices. You will uotico where wo could drop a price we have. Snap at those reduc¬ tions, they are bargains and buy. The others believing that you are getting the most your money can command. 518 KING STREET. J^rrAll Goods delivered free, daily, to We3t End, New Alexandria, Del Ray, and St Elmo. _FINAN^IAJL/._ SPECULATION. HAMMOND & CO., Stock & Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 PEARL STREET, New York City, N. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or carried on margin. P. S..Send for explanatory circular on speculation, also weekly market let- ter. (Free.)_nov!4 ly BURKE & HERBERT BANKEKS, ARD DEALERS OT INVESTMENT SECURITIES. A General Banking business transacted. Deposits received subject to check at sight. Collections made. Letters of Credit and Foreign Exchange furnished._ First National Bank, ALEXANDRIA, YA. Corner Lee and Prince streets. JOS. BEODERS. President. CHAS. E. HOOFF, Cashier. Promp attention given to all business, in« eluding collections throughout the United States and Europe._ BESONI WHEAT. I f ffJt H. LAMBERT President. J \ Cashier. Citizens' Nat'l. Bank. CAPITAL $100,000. SURPLUS $20,000 Collections made and promptly remitted. Ail kinds of investment securities a spo- .'clalty. Directors.B. Wheat, E. L. Datngerfleld, P. B. Hooe, W. B. Smoot, F. L. Smith,

Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1894-11-22.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1894-11-22/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · h'Tsi.ii >, she pot down from the seat and walkedout ofthe theatre,

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Nervous De¬bility, Nerv¬ous Eshaust-

__tion, Neural-' sLs Loccmotor Ataxia,Melancholia,

B-j kir.lred ailment?, whether resulting-ffO. r anxiety, overwork or study, or

f- ¦'. u:.::atural "habits or excesses, are

J- .-. ::s a specialty, with great success, by, i Staff of Specialists attached to thej -,' ilotel and Surgical Instituto ut]. .. N. Y. Personal examinations not

r.;ä its niHvssary. Jinny cases are success¬ful i created at'o distance» n rn TTIT A A new and wonderfullyJiD I ilMÄ.successful treatment hasI.. [iso »vered for Asthma and Hay Fever,,7 !«f sent by Mail or Express.

!: :..>t <iaiply a'palliativo but a radicalcure

I .- pamphlets, question blanks, refer¬ences and particulars, in relation to any0( above mentioned diseases, address,

n cents in sr.-i-rsps, WorldVDispens-Association, Ct>3 Main, Street,

N. Y.

MKf-H ;. - i : \u,-. »it>T



Alerid ria. Vs..

I 'oms his customers that he has received a

supply of

FALL AND'WINTJEB GOODS.Audis now prepared to furnish suits in all

the latest styles fsnd on rearonsblo terms


GEO.E.PRICE&GEO'ffKICEAllDSWholesa^O and Retail


Near Adam Express Office.

The beut oysters always on hand.Delivered in. all parts of the city.Country orders solicited.- tisfaction guaranteed. sep242m

IAS. E. McKINNEY & CO.,Wholesale und Retail Dealers in

OYSTERS,N. W. cot. Prince a"d Royal sts , Alexandria.Country and »¦ it v orders solicited and

promptly filled Bep24 t.janl



Direct from the Chesapeake beds.Tb very t't-^t stock and the finest ll »vor«

always ou hind. Orders from the countrypromptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.



Successors to J. Rector Smooi a ...

STEAM FE00R1SG & PUlNING MILL,Manufacturers of



No. 25 north Cnion street

Alexandria, Va.

Tanhbor delivered free in ti-.

[ Establish.i> 182:.'.

yosiAH n. D.SMOOT.


LUMBER.Shingles, Laths, Nails, Cement, Calci'¦.»<..

Plaster, See.

ai_NrK\(.TtTREBs or




Otfieo Mid yard No. 21 north Union StreetFa-tory Nos." I'1 and 15 north Loe st.. Alex-hndris, Va. No charge for neliveiy in city.



Manufacturer of



PLASTER.^Circulars of our regular brands mailed

on application.Special formulas skilfully and accurately

prepared.Also dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLE¬


Fertilizer factory and w harf foot Duko st.Agricultural and seed ware house 117 King st.

3S-Correspondonce solicited. fcb22 ly

COOL FALL MORNINGS and evening!a little fire is almost indisnensable for

health and comfort. A MILLER HEATERfills this want exactly. The coh of the fuel'ä lc an hour. Keeps your dining room com¬fortable during meals, and then you can takeit to your parlor or sitting room. Can havehttle or much heat as required. No dirt,sshes, smoke or odor. Do not let dealers dc-|1 yon by telling you some other make is

ist as t").d." but get the genuiue MILLERHE \Tt_i' at he sole agents for'Alexandria, Va.

E. J. MILLER& SON.Note -Call and see a Heater in operation

M 1 let ih show you its advantage.

C<ALICOS, fast colors, light and dark col-J ors. 5c a yard up. at



ALOT OF CHEVIOT NEQLIGEESHIRTS, two collars with each, just re-



j ^LANKETS, best valuo for the mouov, atAMOS B. SLAYMAKF.R'S.


Alexandria(razetfe 4: Virginia Advertiserpurlisukd daily and tbi-weekly at

Gazette Building,310 & 312 Prince 6t.

Daily ono year, $U; six months ; oi:e mouth50 cents.

Tri-Wcekly ono year $4; rix months $2;three months Si.

A:! tran-ient advertisements must l.e paid .'orin Hit vaix-c.

C.mtractadvertisers will not he allowed to cx-eed their space unless tho excess is paid fort tr*nsi..nt rates, and under no dream-anccswill they be allowed to advcnisi

.:her than their legitimate business in the¦pace contracted for.

Marriage and death notices must, bo "paid foradvance.

i: olutiousin memoriam, of thanks, tributesrespect resolutions adopted by societies

or persons, unless of public >:oiicerii, wflJ«.i;:y lie printed in this paper as advertise¬ments.

T Gazette office i? connected with theelephono Exchange. Advertisements, or-

dors tor the paper, news or any informationbusiness can be sent by telephone.

" itered at the Postofficc Alexandria, Virgin«ms second-class matter.]

A RÄT IX AN OPERA BOX.Tiir-r was a large and elegantly«...-(. thron» present to see "Made-

lei, .i or, the Magic Ki-s,"ai the P.trfcT11., ii Dr > >klyn, Tuesday evening.Til* first anil second acts of the opera Ih:i i !>. n finished without accident or

mishap, und the heroine. Madeleine,-!ivh< di !.! progr imtne calls an unkisscdmaid-, h <i received her third kiss from

h ro. Phe audience were delighteds-ttln icro's hick in getting this thirdkiss, aod as the curtain was let downthey settled themselves back in theirsc \ s to chut about it. The few rüdemen who go oui between the acts'toget ;t drink of wafer had already left,an i the air w as filled with low conver¬sation.Suddenly there arose above this buz

zing not one but a succession ofshrieks.These shrieks came and continued tocome from the li ft-hand balcony boxnearest to the stage. All eyes were

directed to this box. In it was a man

and a woman. The mäh sat withblanched chicks staring at the woman,while she stood upon » chair screamingami shaking her skirts.The audience did not know what to

make of (lie .-trance sight. Finally thecause ofi' all appeared in the shape ola rot. The poor creature was mote

frightened than the woman. It jump-id upon the railing of the box and run

up and down several times, while theworuau kept up her screams.The face of her companion, when he.

saw the rat, changed from white to a

deep red, and, taking hold of the wo¬man's arm, he tried gently to lift herfrom the chair. She.'-wouldn't budge aninch but ki t*' screaming:, while the poorrat, half./righteued ti> death, stood stilland stare« 1 ¦' her. This made the wo¬man scream all the more, made the anlit c mgh, and turned the color onthe escort's face to deeper red.The m in ßunily let yo the woman's

arm, aud pulliug out his handkerchiefadvanced in a threatening attitude to¬ward the rot, yelling "Shoo!" and wav¬

ing bis handkerchief at it. The poorrat let out a pitiable squeak, andmade a movement as though to jumpon the chair on which stood theWoman. No sooner had this motionbeen made than the woman gave a

long-continued shriek, Even the ratcouldu't stand it. So, quickly turning,it gave a farewell squeak and jumpeddown in among I he audience. The ta¬bles were turned now and the womenin the orchestra sudd< nly turned pale.The rat landed without harm to him¬self on the soft foot of a fat middle-auctl. and jiiddily dressed woman, r^heleaped up and stood on the seat. Fora few seconds she was perfectly still.Then she gave utterances to a scream

equal to any that had come from thebox.Someone yelled that that rat was

dea f, while another man rudely yelled:"For God's ;-ake, don't let that wom¬

an scream auain."The fat woman wave him a withering

look. Her escort assured her that therat was really dead. Then, picking uph'T si.ii >, she pot down from the seatand walked out of the theatre, her es-1corl following her and carrying her]wrapä. The box w here the rat had firstappeared was now also empty. Afterthe opera was over a couple of theatreal laches tried to find the body of thedead rat, but couldu't..N. Y. Sun.

Diamond Wedding..The dia-rnond wedding at Chase City of.Mr. and .Mrs. John E. Boyd was

one of tho most brilliant socialaffairs in the State this season.

Sixty years ago they were married inWashington, Ohio. Mr. Boyd was'.!>. rti in Alexandria, in 1S12. He isnow < ighty-lwo, and Mrs. Boyd seven¬

ty-seven years old. Their children are

Judge George K. Boyd, of Wheeling,W. Va., Oscar Boyd, secretary of thePresbyterian mission hoard, of NewYork; Mrs. Woodruff, of Rahwav, X.

and Mrs. C. W- Walker, of Bich-mond. On this occasion only the fam¬ily and relatives were present.

For a pain in the side or chest thereis nothing so pood as a piece of flanneldampened with Chamberlains PaiaBalm and bound on over the seat ofpain. It a fiords prompt aud perma¬nent relief and if used in time will ofun

prevent a cold from resulting in pneu¬monia. This same treatment is a sure

cure for lame back. For sale by L.Stabler & Co.

Rndy's Pile Suppositoryis guaranteed to euro PILES and CONSTIPA¬TION, or money refunded. 50 cents per box.

Send stamp for circular and Free Sample to

MARTIN EÜDY, Laucastcr, Pa. Forsale byali first-dass druggists.

E. S. LEADBEATEE & SONS,Wholesale Agents.

myl6 lyr Alexandria Va.

Tor Over Fifty Years.An- Old and Wki.l Tjukd Ekmkdy..Mrs.

Winslow'eSoothing Syrup has been used forover fifty years by millions of mothers fortheir children while teething, with perfectsuccess, i; soothes the child, softens the gums,

Ii p in, cure- wind colic, and is thebest ri medy fur Diarrhoea. Is pleasaut to thotaste S-.ld by Druggists in every part of thew.n ld. TweutA--five cents a bottle. Its valueis incalculable. Be sure aud ask forMrs. Wins-low's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind.octl2 eod&wlyr



ii|j from the sea.the bracingI effects of a stay in the bj^mountains.the toning up"P qualities of absolute rest.% that rest which is so neces-

| sary to the weary wife, thejw overworked father.mayI be found in

Brown's Iron Bittersif taken faithfully. Men and women

j from this pleasantfg remedy a renewaliwa" of life-fresh en-

DyspepsieI Poor Blood :̂et'::'::rd

the needed<*. strencth It

!TV ^1*. . 3 ujL for it contains the §iiebilltyo/ nature is craving!You know best whetheryou need it. If you are

I ailing do not delay.sick-I ness may be at your door i..^ Tie Genm'nc hns the Crossed

lied Lines on Wrapper.£>! All Dmcftist and General Storekeepersm sell it. Hut get the genuine.

Crown* Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md.


^^(:ic;w'm s'iiV(- >

SÄ^äSi. MAW"tZ/tv^^-; absorbed.


HAilays Pain anaJnllat>:Tii;i( ioi:.

"Heals the Sores.Protects i he

membrane (Vomaddii tonal cold.

Restoresthe Senses of Taste and Smell. Itwill cure Hay-fcVer. A j*i; ti. l< is applied ineach iio.->tri! and is agreeable. Price 50 centsat Druggists or by mail.ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren street, New


FRESH MEATS,Cut by Experienced Batchers,


TORS 75c per bushel.FANCY aud STAPLE GROCERIES cheap.

j. WM. GOODS,nov 14 N. E. cor. Prince and St. Asaph st*.


Jlj cask oflmportcd French (Haviland) Din¬ner Ware with the new ähape, and with Blueand Violet Decorations. Entirely new, andimported under the operation "f the new tar-iff. Call and see these beautiful goods. Soloagent» for C.'F. H. < hin« in Alexandria.


VERY Handsome and Complete Assort¬ment of DRESS and APRON GING¬

HAMS at verv low figures, at

_AMOS K. SLAYMAKER'S.TF YOU want to havo your WATCH repair.JL ed properly, no to

H.W. WILDT,!<><> north fioy-'.! street.

JUST received a nice lot of MAINE (WhiteStar; POTATO' S.

HERBERT i:YANT.i17 R'hi; street

/CRIMSON CLOVER SEED, new crop, justreceived, prices veiv iow.

HERBRRTBRYANT,No Ij7 Kini? =a.vit.

F>I KLES.Mixed, Sweet, ChOw-Cluw,X. Sweet Gherkins and < ucimibcr?, (veryflue). H CWAtt CE,

_DO King street


H. C. WALLACE'8,!K>('» King street.

ARM WAGONS, a car loa ; ot FARMWAGONS in storemid for sale bj

HERBERTBRYANNo. 117 BTing Str ct

F"VTEW YORK HAND-PICKED N A V Y.aN BEANS, Pearl Hominy and HominyGi iti for sale by

II. C. WALLAr : " Kinjrst.TO UY ANEW AMERICAN SEWJ NG MA-l3 CHINE, guaranteed equal to any Ma¬chine made. $Ki. .«liO. §22, $2U and $25.


"VTEW MACKEREL, Potomac Family RoexN Herring by tho cane!, half-barrel auddozen. H C WALLACE,

QQQ Kin? street

MEN'S PERCALE COLLARiami CUFFS,a small lot slightly soiled : will sell for

15 cents a set; collars 5c, cuffs 10c. at


BEDUC HON IN FLOUR.-Potomac Flour,> which is unexcelled, §4.50 per barrel,

and (>5c per sack at


T>ANQUET LAMPS. --An entirely new

JLJ line of Lamps aud Silk Shades just re

ceived, and at low prices atE. J. MILLER & SON'S.

EW MAPLE SYRUP in quarts, half-gal-Ions and gallons. For saic by



AMOS li. SLAYMAKER'S.ONTICELLO CLARET $2.75 a dozen25c a bottle. H. C. WALLACE,

900 King street

"VTEW CODFISE, 1-lb bricks, 7cIM H.C.WALLACE,

900 KtDir street.


FULL LINE OF COMFORTS at verylow prices at_AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.FULL supply of Brooms, Buckets, Tubsaud Baskets lor sale low by


OUR STOCK ol' Canton Flaunels. CottonsSheetings, etc.. is complete. Prices are

the lowest. AMOS ß. SLAYMAKEE.



oLO BRAND CiNNED PEACHES, veryfine, for sale by J. C. MILBUBN.


"n W, we're right in ittIIA? UFACTURERS OF




Ecnpbolsteriug and Fnraitu.ro R< pairing in

ge mat by

F. Djdszoxfit it Sox,71S-720 KING STREET.

oct29 1m

Tllf TL V.


[Rangural äiccting Octr 18 to Dcct I.FORTY DAYS OF HIGH CLASS RACING.


Six Races Every Day.


Trains direct tu Driving Park. Leave lo¬cal depot at 1 K)0 aiid 2:15 p. in. Returningimmediately afjcr last race.

No Improper Characters Admitted.

Coaches will icave Patterson's stables, com¬

mencing at 1 p. tu., direct to grand stand.

H. D. McINTYBE, E. E. DOWNHAM,Secretary. President.


THE DANGLER GAS RADIATORS.The immense demand last season fullv

demonstrates that any room can be heated infifteen minutes at small expense; dirt, ashesand coal avoided : few soiled onc3 at discountof 20 per cent. Send lor catalogues.

NATU »NA L GAS RA DI 4.T0R CO.,317 Pennsylvania avenue, s. c.

Washington, D. CReference: Mr. John Donnelly, 119

Prince street.J. I). STANTON,

1110 King street,oct23 1 ni Agent for Alexandria.

TiyTILLER HEATERS..Just received au-iyA. other lot of these heaters. Is youidining room chilly and uncomfortable theseraw mornings? It is too early to start upyour furnace, so the very thiug to till thisWant is one of these HEATERS. If you wantto see what it can do, drop us a card, or calliu to seo us, and we will send you one on trialand ifdoes not suit you can return it. Weare >-o!o agents here for the "Miller," and it isthe best, remember.




A MILITARY SCHOOLat Alexandria. Va

The sixty-second year will l>e;<iu on MON¬DAY, September 17th. For (autocue andfurther information apply to

WM. H. SWEENEY. Principal,W. N. BROWN, Vice Principal.

augl5 tf



Representing the following first-das.- fir

insurance companiesPHGSNIX. of London.NVESTCHESTEB, of New York.NEW Y RK FIRE ÜNDEEWETTSES.N< 'RTHERN, of London.PHOENIX, of Brooklyn.Soliciting tho patronage of the pnhlie, I

promise tho most careful attention to any bus¬iness entrusted to me. febl6

NUGGETS.We have so named them because of their

purity and generil excellence. Tbey bestthe record for quality at the price, andjustfit the mouth nicely;They i-re an Ideal Lunch or Tea Table Bis¬

cuit, combining a confection with a fine bis¬cuit. They are attractive in appearance,delicate and "rakinsr'" in flavor, and are madeby Alexandria mechanics and machinery, inan Alexandria building, taxed insured and re¬

paired in Alexandria, with Alexandria capi¬tal: delivered in an Alexandria-made wagon,by an Alexandria man, who drives Alexan¬dria bought harness, fed and shod horses,and advertised in Alexandria newspapers.If by any chanco our representatives over¬look you. a postal will insure your seeingthese goods and prompt service.

GEORGE E. HILL & CO..fcbS tf_216 to 222 N. Lee Street

/"VPEN STOCK CHINA..We have just im-\J ported two new OPEN STOCK PAT¬TERNS in best English Porcelaine. (>ne abeautiful blue decoration. DINNER SETS,112 pieces, at $12. TEA SETS, 56 pieces,at $-1.50. And a "tilled in" pattern of Blueand Yellow Flower. Gilt Knobs and Handles,on samo shape as the above iu full set only.DENKE« SETS, 114 pieces, at $16. TEASETS. 56 pieces, at $6. These goods areselling fast and are at prices away down fromformer figures. See our east window andcome in and see the qualitv.

_E. J. MILLER & SON."TUST received from the Manufacturers, thet) best CORSET in shape, quality and fit,ever offered for 50c; extra long waist at


LADLES' WOOL UNDERWEAR, ribbedand piain, at



:BLANK* BOOKSofevery description from liest Mem-fir.i »las to the largest Bank Li dgers andJournals, at

FRENCH'S BOOKSTORE.Special LANK BO.0KS.made to order.Playiug ai s and Games in great variety.Poker Chips Game on liter', «v<:.

He idqii ru-i- foi ever; iln.i. in tlii.-> line:WBITIN 1PAP It, Ink. Pens and Pencils.FINE JjE \TH KIC ÜÖD in Pockctbook$

D/essirig Cas< S. &<.Razors, Pock' i Knives and 1 iuo Cutlery.

.Sporting Goods.Kcmember the place,

French's Bookstore,417 & 419 KING STF.ET._

School Books and School SuppliesAT


Wo have a larger stock of New and Second¬hand School Books than ever, and more than

ice many TabletSlats, Lock Boxes, SchoolBagx, .-uiii other School Supplies. They are:1 st in quality, the prettiest in design andthe cheapest in price. Special attention isallied to our huge line of Second hand SchoolBooks. Yon <-an rave money on them as wellas on supplies hy buying at

s. V. DYSON & BRO, 503 King St._/££r-Our Unexcelled Rook Covers on every

Book. aug30SILVERW J Ii B, ..* KAY ELR Y.

STBIKESUSQUEER.You have tie nerve when money is scarce,

to pay fancy prices for your CHRISTMASGIFTS. Caii on u?, look through our holidaydisplay, get out prices, see if we can't helpvon somewint.






113 North Royal Street,

Alexandria, Va.

Proprietor of the Potou.ac Brand of Flour,which is unexcelled.

('i;!lvc- Fre.shlv Roasted at Store.


(McBurncy's old stand)pure groceries

Dcaicrs in



Telephone 75 B. Alexandria, Virginia.



J17-1223 North Lee street

Hill's <'racker Factory;.




\nd Dealers in

iLL KINDS OF LIQUORS.Save on hand Gibson's XX, XXX, XXXX

uid pute old Rye. Old Cabinetand Monograms; also Raker's and Thompson's Pure

Rj .. Whiskies, to which they invite tho atten-ion of the trade.Orden from tho country for morcandise

hall receive prompt attention.consignments of Flour, Grain and Country

Produce solicited, for which they guaranteehe highest market prices and prompt returns.N'. E. corner Cameron and Royal streets.


(Successor to R. W. Avery),



FINE WHISKIES, WINES, Ac900 King street.

Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest.Teldehono No. 30 (private wire). '

Goops delivered anywhere in city and vi¬

cinity.my23_H. C. WALLACE.W. A. SMOOT. G. 8. FEENCH.


Alexandria, Va.

Office.Smoot's wharf.

Ins ciai attention jjaid to forwarding.

BATISTE fine quality, beautiful stylesand fast colors reduced to ö^c, at'AMOS B. SLAYMAKER.


This space has beenreservöfl lor the trus¬

tee of Pretzfelder &Co. I have just com¬

pleted an inventory,and find their stock

complete" and well as¬

sorted with desirableand seasonable goods,which must be dis¬

posed of at once inorder to carry out thetrust assumed by me.

To do this I will, be¬

ginning on Thursdaynext, offer these goodsat less than half theirvalue until disposedof. Our offerings willbe from day to day,and it will pay you toread their future an¬

nouncements and at-tend the sale.



Alexandria, Va., Nov. 20.1804.TMPORTANT NOTICE.

Persons who have not paid their COR¬PORATION TAXES for 1894 can save FIVEPER CENT, on their bills if paid at onee, as

a penalty of Five Per Cent, is added to allhills remaining unpaid after DECEMBER1ST, 1S94. The bills of the whole city arein my hands for collection. Otlico hours from9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Room 9, City Hall.

P. F. GORMAN,novgO tdcl_Collector of Taxes.


City Tbeascbek's Office, ")Room ,\o. 1, City Hall >.Alexandria, Va., Nov, 10, 1894. J

I am now prepared to receive State taxesfor the year 1894. All persons paying theirtaxes beforo DECEMBER 1ST will save a

penalty of live per cent., as.on thnt date thepenalty of Jive per cent, will be added to allunpaid bills and their collection enforced, as

the law directs. M. B.HABLOW,novlO tdcel City Treasu rer.

MEETINGS.fTIHE RE iULAR annual meeting of theJL stockholders of tho NEW PEDRARAONYX COMPANY will be held at the officeof the Company, in Alexandria, Va.. on theFIRST THURSDAY IN DECEMBER, 1891.at 4 o'clock p. m., at which time an electionwill bo held for Directors to serve for the en¬

suing year and such other business transactedas may come beforo tho meeting.

S. F. EMMONS,nov5 2aw 2w President




No. 216 KixoStheet.

Alexandria, Va.

jy27tf_Iebüilding sale.Both our STORES having been renovated

on SATURDAY, November 10th, wo shaliopen our NEW DEPARTMENT OF CLOTH¬ING for Men, Boys and Children. We boughtthem from N. Frank & Son's, Baltimore, whoretired from the Manufacturing Busines?, atour own figures, and shall offer them to our

patrons at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES.Among them are 100 Men's Storm Coatsfrom $10 to $15, our price will bo §6. Woshall also pat in this sale every thing in theway of BOOTS and SHOES, and Ladies' andGent's FURNISHING GOODS, 25. per cent,less than any other house iu the city.


_ / DRY GOODS._____

You don't wantTO 1'liT YOLK PURCHASES OFF TO

THE LAST.Now is the time to buy your FALL AND

WINTER GOODS. How to get the full valueof your mouey is explained right here. Woare better prepared than ever to show you a

line of goods uusurpassed in styles and values.We have selected the latest things in themarket aud feel that wo can please the mostfastidious. We study our patrons' interest, as

their interest is ours as well. The crowdsthat daily visit our establishment aro ampleproof of that. Tho inducements offered are

unparalleled. We aro giving our costumeistho benefit of a (juiek sale system throughoutour house.


$4.50 Chenille Portiers, our price $'2.99.$5.50 Chenille Portiers. extra heavy, our

price. $11.99.3 2'iic Large Barnsley Towels, 8c.75c White Bed Spreads, 48c.Sl ip White Bed Spreads, 75c..l-'fOienille Covers, 48c.>>¦ I rheiiillo Covers, ijiSc.35< <:;jdy Towels. 22c.35cu9dies' Merino or Ribbed Vests, 22c.Ready-made Pillow Cases, good cotton, 10c.Reidy-mado Sheets, good cotton, 49c$1.00 Lidies' Bleached Gowns, (19c.75c Ladies' Bleached Gowns, 49c.35c Felt Table Covers, 24c$1.00 Ladies' Wrappers, blue, black and

fancies, 69c35c infants' All-silk Embroidered Caps, 24cOc Bleached or Unbleached Crash, 4;*jc.25c Changeable Dress Goods, 17c.50c Serge, blue or black. 35c.20e Double Width Skirting, 14cA Good Black Sateen, 7^0.45c All-wool Fireman's red medicated

Flannel, 25c.25c Bed Medicated Twill Flannel, lGc.10c Doll's Sun Ronncts, 5c.25c Ginuham Aprons, 14c.CARPET DEPARTMENT.I2ifec Fancy Mattings, 8%c.25c Fancy Mattings, jointless, 16c.76c Velvet llassocks, 48c.50c Cocoa Door Mats, 34c.35c Home-made Rag Carpet, 24c.50c Ingrain Carpets, 35c.<;5c Ingrain Carpets, over half wool, 49c.75c Ingrain Carpets, guaranteed all-wool,

59c.35c Good Floor Oilcloth, 25c.

Don't fail to visit our CLOAK DEPART¬MENT. Large Stock, new styles and low¬est prices. You will uotico where wo coulddrop a price we have. Snap at those reduc¬tions, they are bargains and buy. The othersbelieving that you are getting the most yourmoney can command.


J^rrAll Goods delivered free, daily, toWe3t End, New Alexandria, Del Ray, and StElmo.



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