19 SAL -ffOUWR Va saas-s t cm1T W:NET1m"a aSp mtus-e: em - i ae 6 th a W. 0th , * aa me u 13-se batek ape 3 W. im 0 . 6 n o 1p s1. 6 O, -1 , am m "e or.... . 1 af, A b b. F d.P a t. r ME ........ 8e4m or...... ....... 4, 3 0 t h 3311 m INS m W. or ..............4,to b b. or- am&h..... 8W 6Me ksW% b 290 To se, J, Tr-G,30 n 1, W ...........32 m3u IT3 L l. r. 1" b. S , .3r US ~ 3 209b 16Or U3Yoen a.1 s' 3M L* s. h.8.2m 6 , s. 23 A -m...... f- b. mu 4Va OL Na.A SOM h.&.J. 31110k ~ 13 malLblalskns- a SIR m W45 L , Or h.O. E-....... 440 44g.t g k.. a but obs d ser. @lef' same ". f r, L sml U a at. 3333-35 NaO 111?N 3i . r.......4.X a. .30 aml 9 r. S. inwbat em TI, TCas sad dwg. -e L90U I G atdee ad. ar- m ..........,m 6 tmb . dr..4 19 bb.11 hI =. m t er....... .3jt Aley beS etb aml 7Th. -W eb s uf iG amIN2 b hSr..1.000 T s r.......3 M 0th st. f h.Ir.Iji M E& i L £ h, Ir. .imW sa, 1561 ml no0 K m S.f b. or .me-...1.2 0tR. 4.........3f1 414 at, r b. r... 1.,0 L, g ........ M'T Hope ae, b h, 4r.2 Ih to = a Partion e the se heas he a"e 15th. -1 T. f. WAGfAMAN. em gggg-WT AUGUSF DONATH. 41 'TH Br. A dg.*..md brick Iu. - an X s. nmar =32 mams; stable; let 26.la to a- by; gifs OTI3 'hi pwparty te werth A We bath bte 1 t st. a.., two eISDd p sueb; bet I"aae: Prias. geai at thb lme e =m= to the ber. esta ear V;90 smm eM almost Ut. jas gnm umanis lEW 6-1OON 310 N ad ba:k; ah st. mntr T mw.; a.m.L; Sobp Aw . an e wt.n URmm a MoouE. 3m UAZ-3.L., MEAR LL6 PAV*. NEW T-m sam. m batik; eIematly Mished; his eer ml di a; fS; am tarmm 484m - & KuME. m It. mw. OM SAI-61 T=E fr. S.., OM ANU oam ea ean; S-mm name d. am asmiu;m- of lot 114 to W-ft. alley: gerim .w. em eni amd sPr me; am. stanm to hor a bom. . AIRTINPROCEOR. on a st. m1W. j13 B SALS-M AND = 4T ST. N.L-AU- bach mauya elemetie3 S-sa y - lift 3 feet de to gaved allay; sab =g s~ to ame as : on er both of thsee mm.e VI be ACM in) to an tme- 1te meetusassmbl team. E-AjgmMC r. NORXENT. = Rme 3_Cme. N-em-- ub. bv--su- NVA SALE-W Atama ~ 3hAINA th-a.t.y .ml baee.at beet ... on martb 21d. t N st. asr 14th at., eatalm11 seams mad bath, al is parlmet eder; bt 21u JIt to as anvy: a deshmle bsse ta aVy evenSt lete. Price 2S6 Me, em favea term It sail at me. ,1-. You & mawN. wa7-A 346 G st. aw. oRM XAZr-A MAgAN-W3 - AND AUTDM . bad to se a must drab ad a peamety. now mare rest at a prie muhla It a Ae Im, vestmeat. The POPetY 18 O CrneCtteet 'vM. Is a muset angeay meau.. md Is a y 9 pe slus. Val particulars on a -FMR. ME & NOWN. 1404 0 st. mjw. Vmr M OriY $1.m0-ERYCNAP-HOLIN AND IMr (la$%6 014 3 ST. 1ET. IIll AND SITU 83 S.IL; GOOD TENANT. CHAI. A. OnE'IMK 140 P yr. N.W. -. jr17-St VOIR BAL-A BARGALN 1~I sALD AT ONCgZ 7-mm. bath and ellar. all mL. mew hamme; bet 311; "amtod far WO .: 2115 N at. amw.: ==at *iat. ALX.LDE & LUcALLWr, jall-tt 617 r St. asw. VO SAL T-MID NEAR 1 .E. 2-STORT AND hay-wadow brth. 7 roam anO bath: all mel. Imp.; lot mls So 13-feet alley; #4,.; tormiL 230D W. WALRM A 3SM. tONl V s. P , jal7-st PmR ALZ-ON LEETERM1 ST. N.W., NEW bay-w.. prem-brick. 6 roai and bath, e~tar. fue. ee grate, cabiet matels: haUm :al m.L: mear ears; 17z65 to alley; ROM W"cask, sa pe.. j17-3k* JAM11 0. JETER. 60 r St. aIw. foinlTia9-Duiii DOCU OBIZ . DOt= on 4th st. "~.. ear. . C. a"e.; orn; a.mL. r. Si.se: $Me cash and $50 per a.l 6 a.m..L, on . C. ae. wear 4th a. a...; Wr.e $*,3M: $No eCm ad s5m Par sma co J. a. GAaNT. 314 B mt. w. - 5OB SALE- YOU OWN nOCs And vant to Give no the prIhegm at gattig them SO sur bseb. Plamportive per-n evark- bly einsmlt 21AL ZtATE AGENT. Derm.s it As their mis51 . ad what tha heistemar want. EhVELY & FENLET R10 an Fr st. sLw. J~g aALE-THAmE-1E'01 AND 5af bateh bo-rn. 213 North aira st-.. Alezamir$a, Va.; 27 et. frt ;6 raime; gS water, bath; im ig am a; mkinb lihe three idass; at - ms-hal Waslim la; term .sp. Q. C. D&ePIT1ON , liaa ave.. Wam - D. C. jaw- AM YOU LOOKNG IM A RO8? vm ote " s Wbot ya wat and we Will get it Ow ya. Cematiag m will be so amp he ftrv. but em the cetrary. will aseamt b a gWelive ving at time and my-y& im ZE-TEL a FINLET. PP 62 F at. 3.W. IO SALP-TD00B BANDUME 5 AND O-RwM km.. at the car. of 12th and c sta. mw. tor F.0, .2 and .500 eaeb; pric to early at $30 to s" redietiam itrem regular Theme hums bar* exceptlomally ha Ia- terter decarat Me. elertrie a etc. Watekma eana=tlmry pressa. OW. Seam 4 31 M T. se.- alS3m NUE lAL-We CASH AND BALANCB ONLY SM per mouth. wil bay a desiable 4 rooms. stoe ald bro- dwfell at Le Drest Park; maly three squarea framath at. ears; km.. has all mndra caveale-aen Price. snly P$8.. W~mptr., Wirx a gIErIUN. jal34, 19Ia7 l'. ave. and sib ad La. ate. Enit SALP-MVFRAL HAN-ISOME NEW DWELT- bei withia three, qrs f Dhleat Cfrete. Pr'-e-a frae 110.500 to 5000. (Ne. 142 to 147.) fa1-6t* TVL2R a RUTHIERORD. 1211 V at. amw. iit sal2 -- HA.'41EONg YE Tyr~t brick deetra. 1813 19th at. amw.: thirteem reons and bath room; all laset improvemsnta; enr.-tully built madr -a peremal superrbetoa ami firet-class be every respect; kem. aa for tnmpatiom. For thrther areasaas price .-.i to TYLE a RUTHu 3my P at. &>N SIE,-ON 00LUIIR1A HUENNEAR THU l/w-e and Hasrlss reaidencesa aml aee laga- tio. line lot. 50:130, with twe esttagus; sated en :e to mahe good bevame=ma Pia aubead, as ewer be l-mlar cIty. d.-Two Ti2r &izm- a unu'i- USr V st. D0:a SALE-FINE NEW ColNE DWELLING; dl.-sgistruly lorated morthwest; 14 emm; all the Li test coaveemece; ,te.6513 qNo.. 4., TYLER & 1-r80wmD IS? a. IUR SAIE 1233 G ST. N.E.; A NEW 6-ROON p.r.-aaed betek and ensr; mewly gmpered: amised waie- pime;: eteetrie haes; stylisbh ash; beat of lostiom, mear uchools ald cars. Se,4S1; Pf00 *:M: aud 325 ..nmibay. Appl~y be FLANK L. IIA NCuCK A CO., ca. 13th anO a ts. NORTHU- Et-.r. k lst: SALE-I3th LINDEN UT. N.E, NEW SR. prse -btk emd bay wiadera; mewly pere; eletrebl; receptism baD. @ eahanl3 monthly. Keys at LEN . KP..-T U~ee spem to S p.m.j3 POR EAE-AN OP1r~fly TODU A NICE bennec at a low ptIe a sinsp term; a st at. tractive, nell-baIt. Well-arraopad mew house. 17 ll at. a.w.; 1 sma b-ecellar. bath, paa try: stame and pee-brich ir; tiled Wstibele; lmished Is astral weod aml seely papersd. Key scest dnor. H. L. RUi?. 4 14th at. aw. fa2-tl SifR SALE-13OS ND. ATE. N.E. A CORNER ho'mme: all med. Iemps.;pie brick bay-win- dow; 6 roams am bath. 6.3very little esah resqulred. A~l to FRAN£ u.ANCOCK a CO).. car. an - e. NOTUEAST. jaS jOR ~ AL-aaasi TO PMMPTr PUcuasE; baa mew he.e 1913 1sth a.; speeh~ =&g5a far ea r y 3 fat frost; ro; 2 bath; amd1,decorated; am.L.; grice. 514,ma; me offer refusal. Ap- ply at sm eate smee. 136 16th at. jet-tf 90m AL.-o weaUS...-3s u. L. AVE. N.W.; Lan ssme kmme; a.m.L.; "M eih 55(301 ~ et to go-foot alley; will seul $s pu-r 5geaent alim. and tlahmen hbe to homeente perehaaer. Daart misths 3m. I. 1ast Pa. avaee-a SUR SALE-4.UOOM BRICK: NORTH SIDE R ST. bet. 9th a 10th s~w.; elegant homme be 20z be alney; S6.5b: term.e amp. di-3m ITURGES a NOORiE. V F staw. 303 SALE-To IRPILD A: ERTATr3-THNE 4. pseusbete heese teFraikIla Part; T3 1 ~mbehIe em I st. 14 ft.: atablag an smar et Apyt s. M OGDEN. Eu- erster. 1-8 P at. asw. =-= IOUESLE-lW g gr. Y.W.; DROWN-STONU aml gaed-bateh ham: 30 peem; beautIful eab- - *~; Ied bath isa, and vestlbule; elechta aa; stean heat; graotte sie- wa~e erg. aad; very desirable property for bighsament~ se-etae er Cmr OWNE. RDae 5. 1211 Pu. ave. DENTISTRY 36 GRAEA3~~ ff7 77 T . ENTltcrl.g an 11gpeltvely witlaoant pain. Extra.-ting. r- WIt E3serbcsel amesthetic. 50e. Silr.-r, piatlm sr asnlgm alng. 75e. Very 1,ear full Set ot teeth, $7. See ad. else'where. ja13-10t* 0N'0 D WrrAl~ rARLONtN. Eer% it. 15-IT 300 14th e3W. Astincial Te.-th Iwsrted. S7 to 3J, iJpem all bears Aminin: .DL- ts. inW el ana.'-. tie use ber gaaalesa estraction at twth. -. 5- Dit'TWinuj 'IA~Tt PNT!il LEArit; TIITUTY at mod'erat. preen by expei.rt oly. 4.i -11 See e.,ard in anoI'her erliumn. 'a T FREE DENTAL INFI1:3fARYa.-TEEThI rfY.LUt and 2:-l21n ree-tb *in.-**l wirimeOi enm, t!dpasia'eut .- ina= VfieV..iT Otisa3. Ia.r eye-a Irern Oc.tob.-r 3 to POSAOWA TM .-4e1 heaar at t310 Gein of the h e trte hia Disim ;U~i. en m bosin ftg et at Mazz. 6 411ma the bend at amd MUM 0h400 m em e u 'Ie it rommi 71 anee 11u bids 2 a51 a-ke at Ehba 14 PBOFESSIONAL .EEA L*A. WOYANT AgIs0ra- 110110bw to b ndm e lery aie as Ime. b do r beao; r bliart tiee ti a, 1*.0 '"* i** .mo ..a t.- PROW. .AT, -Miin iIamMaIn. ON. tale a"e antsrel-been eaireeaat awtnd~w h ibl city. tons som =d*WN kdomI 11". lreft . m - "am;s hsb P . -mmes -- e. - ...t Otsmit Mus glees bmumes to aren Idob. Caumee eMatcal; ate ll to e matie; a--m- bmw Iia. sotaa cets Room = Nt 3 Oes fdy. 41" ML. bet. 4rsi MAISAGE ?yMM3 L AL GORDON. 1446 3H90E id ave. maw.. to laies ad ehbsem at their vustidenes: se eateo amds by Dr. Weir leftete.gg~g l~of=AND MAGNMO TMEATMENT; eabimet vaper bathe ad md as - er rhemmtbm Szen 56% 13th us. aw. Dr. SAAA &M AtT.AXi 4110 M3M FRMA3I CARIi a RADM AND TRANCE meIm.-LIAS frm erD. to grave. CIreles mby. a" Wedys at 8 p.m. Otttiga ail.1 is. &S 4 . IL = . (CIM.OA 35C TVaNie i0e. Is. the w mMMthe. d2S-4w* MAMAanl AND CABINET V3APO BATHS FOR rhmttam mud iervees 4gAm--- 6 13th at. mw.. 2 ksme abe. F at. jmb13t* PROP. JOONON B THE GERATMMI MIND ender; was .wen. fear jedsf of e- tells an the ita; cewpok kee; i.'i back separated- eamoing 3edy eemsm re huah doer ot m m. 11meusi. 9 am. to 9 pm. Pi e. S1T Stb mw- jeS-12t* MME. PR25N, THE TRUMT DMINT XEMADI ; at the wo- minretism givet with pbmmam" armerny; ,es Me.. $1; beara, 1 to 9pw. 1141 athmt..w.. bet. R amd ta. ft=* 22111 acMAMUD MCATR ET VAR bath. bir hammetiom and aut mereen tauMi.; ae li tuvato1nt matarn mebhy tea. 414-b m g a ma H at. a.w. 533. 2ROOKE TIeLLS ALL THE EVENT or life. All buIea coesedentil. Ladles and gem- tma. lt. each Homa. 9 am. to 9m. 9 M NewYork ae. m aw.. near th at. 1m* M .D THE ONLY eMBRAT1 321. .nkb . am.strol.gi t. the city. T.is ae f l.. Oev.. im, 9 em. to .. .m.; s3by. iD am. to 5 pm. 1 14th st. sw. MIN CORElNE LOWE. 11 ame Mr. N.W. : heed an fe a upeieft; pnenm Maeeteptsa at thel romddeambe or at my rusm. as they nay prefer. 44-2=* PIANOS AND ORGANS. The Best Testimonial We bes of the isperiNrity at the se leaNng ambes .dft PANOd for whieh were mt, is the Umese ambre of t them te host hote ti the ceatry. The pmbie are the bist jmdem, therefore you can rely on th.ir jaiment and feel erfeetly 2afe in be either a Weber. er Brs.. Fisher. Iers and leed, or as Mtey Plam. Fir sale bere Me easy term. Sanders& Stayman, 934 F1 AlDi 1 N. CRAMER O- BALTIME. MD. 18 (D TO GE J. ECKER AN HAVE TOUR pno tamed; ae work; sped attention to stweetef b tow terms mdrte. NOIlt at. w. Aeucyfor the colebuated vmew maele llelekamphpuana. 2-1 9DBMSR PIANOS GAIN E-N VALUE ifiy DAY. but we do et charge a ~est mere for thes mor netesM. the La=tallmet term; we hate a ge - s rat-chlim pians at a- med Priee la the f t03mtaa a o rie and lob fundatHUGO WORAH & C.1Ilk st. mw.* PisrAm for rest. tuaed. moved. sigped and repaired at a roau-mble J&13 16 YEAMS KRAKAURK PIANOS HAVE Their superfor M aT Iuma brt. . KU WI - 219 G. Fle two an aeag. & DATER PIANOS AM TIMTS O te. ask toe, tomeh. artistie imb; a fe Ir~t; IWtutu" and amtug eeopJs, t bey Sot. r.w. KNJABE Gra... Uwelht PianO e ama lum. PIANOS 13 EENT. 111r0rsam AUn PgAtg hmI smme ft our esm mabe. ht a f inud. WM. ENAME& M.MT Pfm. ave, aM STat. des mad tr hm MM, ; e mare yrot. PFEFFE & C00toLI. Ip-t1 411th Sar. 81'ENWAY. CHAE araggggy~t OrasaeW=ls A Wjfte Nile TMl LADIES' GOODS. MADAM E. . EDION. FORMERLY OF 142 N at., wishee to laform her pattro that uhe im now located at 24 N at. s.w.. where ahe is prepared to do dream ..mhia ha all the lateat etyles. ja19-2t* MAI1IE. MiOD15TE. OF BALTIORE. 12M5 1dTH st. amw. Rteceptiom and evetg gewms a speellt at abort retiee. Alke remudeltag. ja17-t* SCHOOL POR lmEn3tAKING. SBWIO. CUT- tlm and attiag. taught by the elmuluat methub, oIfuor masesures; meamless walata. bla. darts ad dartlem primecum; I etin re mimute; $t.;io; drafts urn es me LOKE,. 1228% F at. 42Z-1m I WMHi 'TO INFORM THlE LADIE THAT I hare the latest Parts deas is eamlees Waists ami Newest Siloevesh market. Can be mo 'at my palor. La .', Misme andil I at. mw. fal312t* ACWDEDION PLAITING (FRENCH PROmm: akirt.. 25e; harrow rules. 10c. per yd.; the only uatiag etablaemt I. Washtsgtom; pluk- ia~ttee. 0. W. L.UCAE. 1 5th at. amw. ANtTON ANIJ CAROLINE LERCE. 135 12TH AND 1206-1M8 I s. a.w. French dyeing and elasaene et er desert les eveniget part droiu the most fashenble circes.. 412 LADIEB SZal SEIN GARMENTS RETE AND ai El,.U.'NINOHAMI. aN-3m 1306 3th rt. amw.. ser N at. HOTELS VARNUM HOTEL. CORNER N. I. AVE. AND 0 at. s.c.. ene ast outh of U.S. Capitol; deir.- able and baekomly furmished rooms; table a aeetalty; terme reusnomhle. BRITTON A MEAN- 1:EL. Proprieters. >17-3** 24 eve, an 14th ml., aen W..mblapkm. 3. 4 ER RITT mOUSE . WaantIGTON. DA @ COAL AND WOOD. NOM'aRmm'' PEA COAL. $-4.80 PER 'TON. A good feel at a low price. George L. 5heriff (Establhed 1851). DEAL.E'R IN ISUPERIIOR QUAL1IU OF Coal and Wo. Family trade a specialty. Prompt delivery and lowest prices. Orders by mall or telephome. 1714. MI OFFICE. 38 PA. AVENUE NORTUWEST. dl..m UNDERTAKERS. W. R. Speare, Undertaker & Embalmer, 540 F Street Northwemt. EverythIng strictly rt-luass anuS ma the most reamble terma. Telepheme call. 840. Jel-tr AUGUSTU'S BURtni~MRF, VURNISUING UNDER1TAKER AND EIEAr3Um 1334 NE.W YORK AVE. N.W. Telephime. 2Mkbe-t The Beauty of a Dress - - A- -ra~. tie ~erso. ris~mets ..d .ba.,... * * * ar.-l retaned'. when the dres. is cleaned * h .r NEWV FRiENCH PROCES. I partic- *** nlry solicit costly end expensive dlresse * * * aL''ures as the vnte of rmy muetbods are * * I*thn sown best. P'rier 'ame aa elsewhere, * * *1but work better than elsewhere. Mmne. Tauielle, 13K (1 St. &MXXSLRUaDBOA *a=W coax= Or a raDUsa 111301 A.J. V106FYl -414-MUN Dialff ad State Book to0-rifmm V hT 1 h lto E s ar esst T: .1Lb 80 m .ANWW g om t and, 10 a 4.M. PA em -P las Esqi T: A. ar .. an B-li-e- ram I: Mv. fte Williaesort. odehaster. suNW6 ant 1 Fal. ft, -N WE . .th slo Wahntnto abodeO. axed" "Me dAily,2" det aily. eitxcept witheing Car foa PMU.AMPIU1iW TORK AND T"3 4 I. *ONORPONAL LDUT." an Pui. Ie 4La With film Car beut bealtiaes, fur 5:911:00 A.. 1321, 126 220tia IV 10it aiy iy .M. W k :49 7:5 A. m k0 A yM 2:14 5f 10-0, 1 T:as 110 ....M.. Pil 's, theLie Tzin 1:50 AM. weak P.m EW == T2:91 a 5:0 A.M. In 4: PRM. a.e, ....., 1:W,.: Al*a.m td A15 P.. daily. W Bltimre. 4 :0, 7:, T50 410, 9:4W, 11:0% U1111 a" 12110 A.M. I2-01:iaj 2:K, 2:15 an1 .Ql .Wk, O4a%611 A.4., Lii 43 6:1,4IS02 a 0:14 P:.M 4 -e A a Pe .h e 9.1:1 11:11 .12 : 2:1. 1:3L :18 ." : 1-4.:4.I1 l9e a reek Line, a*3 thL sa 4M PAM lidot TITa~"L WA5 ILU: .. a 4:10 . . da l. e e t - . me l .m .y .er A . . deny. MRapel. lP.M. Wekday RichmEL snAtant. 10:57 LU. daP. Rich- m ea or a. ae ay s a mWh. Ti for Ite mAS A.. and tote AacemeatlMam r fea tamerg, daily eLeU. dalys 4: P.M. week days. War Alexanduia. 4:00, 4:36. T:45. 8:40, 0:451. 11:50 L 2:11 3:28. 4:2k .f 54-015 S.0 10145 11:30 I'M.r Oo t hoe A.M., 2:42. 6:15. 8-2=10:5 P.-Ar. Easn. Ale ia fer Wa irioa gM 6:45. t-5 ft .:10. 10:15. 11:4 AbM.. 1:20. 2. 5:30. A 7t. M :20. 9:15, 10:52 sal a-TaP. O - -- at 9 :1 e t. ., 1:0. 5:30,. Al o 9: A t0:15 Atanh Mu NeYotA Tumga ns. nDeeal t coreer of 12th e atd Pameylav veme sa at the statinth sal 3 st whetr aes be left for t eh of beggage to dsstlmtion .m bote al nIN dvees J. 1. momD. L. M. FERVOr. faesl Pasager Ageh. General -.nem. ande RIOSUONIVAND IIAXVILL RAILROAD. SAMUEL KP3NCRR. F. W. H UiDKOPUR ANID .:0 a. i e r"t December 2k 18& All m he srive Al leave at F0 s INe StbtW. Wahingt.. D. I."5 sLm daily.-ca for Danville and iter.w mediaste stations, taa cam at Lyec Neg with the Norfolkt &&I Westoe ralroad westward. daily. ad a Uame &or Stramberg, daily, except Nma. dyi*8l am.. THa.BZAT SW.RE3 PANE New York ad Wsigtom ever the NXW SHO WM3 via odumbia to savanneb and jacks"o.e mtng at DaNmil with the manl Charleton via Woumble, aat resoowt = for A gpsts. an d e riwe tb ea g h P1 : lma . et:1 eei: New York to Atlanta. Where d- 4et mefte m ti.n , =a 2: Birmingham. Mst. romery in& New Ones... 4.0 pmT-Daly tor Cha .1ttesvi:le and inter PrMte stations. al through :1a, fo he:M Roa: aa *. a s 1. em. UNVESTIBULI)D L1311TW1, composed entirely Of ahlman Vestinled Sleepr sat DiM *1a Enever the .V SHORT LD13 via Cplumbto Aut. l2:vmi Jackanville and Tam:00 a. Di a O: Carlett the bsebavglle. Alm eaft e: Pllan =55! Few York to *4ew Orleans via AtlsAt .ad X0:00 Y.rk to Asheville vin bliafty, cc" meg empis via 111frl Gem. Dining G .r eehoo to Mat N WAHINGTO AND OHIO DIS . 1rN leave Was ac. ft 9:10 am. 4:5B.a daily& for maill.s-al 6:25 pm..exptIa day. He ad imsteiato star.. Be. te weatrrive Washigtn :0 am. 2:45 pm. 2rePm aIYl a 6: am. aaiy. meept and01 ft . 4~ ma tey-ret fsehI e hes south arrive Wee- I5 :3 a m. Id0p p3m a 5:20 p.m. Masnh. m Dlvielam 8:40 mam. daily. exerW Sunday. ald 4:40 m. daily from farlotsevill". Tikets. Sleepin thr reervaios ain cratnd furmished at er 511 a 1200 e n 4701al adtastioD n L r OW d. Pothraw umpe. e Virgata paltdaie tets daye. of New 3e. mw avenue and a stet. Cu@ GienralPalN ttwrA V ent . Um DAe and AT30DAYa 7 am Em., for N eree. Leoadtow and Lws.V Clm' 1749a . n C.. W.i IbmDLE. . swal &=aveh*sMmx dawi50p San-wetfa Gen smanager EW P AaA W A y A Rtis A D0 A L ae r wharf. s e. Nadtae aht' n"ya ~c a l e Moas. Mednesasand F ris.. 11 p.m. Caresae egh ecla daily mepn '16 beah ae LnrP-pm:r"."?m.'daer. her Baltimore,.ek as z2:25. am, 4:W5 27:15 6 40. 4 m e. Is. 921, 29: 0 .,0,, 45 new and pe f12. 12:15. 2:15 424. w e . :4:2. 4-81 35:0, 5k 5:1 32t and St st0:. : X:30 al 11.50pm. 14Ys, 3: (Si4 0 mite).2:S 5Ma: r:o0 m. d12t :12pW 10 a2:15 0:rt5 5 t: 11.. 1r35 p W.t he Amapsias, 7:15 ad 3:50 am.. 12:15 al 4:28 pm a. 5:30 am., 4 .m. hePr6e8L h 111:80 sm, 41:1% 14:314 115:10 per te 1111ch1t .- thed new lip Per so" a" way point*, 07-0 pm. Te Galtheib. ad way n 1W60.. !20, 010*0 n.M.. 112:45, 12:=5 4-33. 55:5. 0T.45, 3:40N C11:2Apm. he Washinmue netis a wyplte 0 n-m.. ?1:15 pum. ". triss ingx at prim. A14-e s Gn.80 eppt MANCUYR H. MADAME A D MANIUEADLRP PA~iICKH. . HtENAm. PULI AOn.DNT- anit a e auitr. os2 aF a t. ns.:hksadt. 3ge toal fa r b e r hced fo rm , -ee a FOR SA-LoMi rm ALE a An W-TISB On= OW A aae St dshMe benlag less bet. am ad 18th and mart . Lago. ma en a ast b potes ul w U eew eedo 11916 aell wd wouat hous .i t er"l AO m Awv S., t IVe dim al n- SALE-TUm I No 9M an A V th n the et theasth 9 f I cmt ana at a e jmlla DAm 1%. on""1 Nestaiemp ba. FmE 0A-A.AL 81IWM WOULD CAIL atteum to that Vpme at the &w. me* so 14th S. am NOW Yak aft, em of theol 61-411=Uu ind fterm m Fanpabtst. .--h -""3"a.e 1160 ates ort Ia-aerle bufsm "eur pec 69 lmtyt h he , St t it. cc c -1. e 16 lete 4ih @L. ad 17feet am New YaI '. with Se ou tatot me 12 Jet. It eab metta at a vweammae On 6""r= give ~= term& ul~ik Iim lox & aw. FOR SIAL-A DANIAIN-OXSS IJI AND1 14OX 05 ft. to IS-&t paw"d alley. bet. mad Q mLw.; "S ar etf 1 " ta ....'".rK"X lost 5AL3.-agumN 0611,41 COtNK I1 ami 0m ;%Y.... ataheeb.Appy t.1AN and Pmmelvi ae. jl.am loR aAL-41ae WL UY A OFr IN TE Dieftret. amw aieat; SW em A a12-lat. IOU 5~L-..a~ Wed.. J.; r 16 hot; iabe). mm IsN at1,a:paBaim 0em. LA 3C rN adre P al el a 3r T. WAS, t St.atw.h a t SUTBURBANI PROPERTY. TITILE INSU3am TrrLE INsUUEn. To Make Money raw w ! them the will oah gi.Nal ther eme adm swam prNry.TmIN h Fort Myer Heights, tam. Here arebt.-OL ItM Vom Iel t e a ka bahme. b a am elevatm . 3a bet per elyhealthy, ama the best St water. On the G. fate tme i GJeoeg0etwn. Fals I h electric raila (to hobu mlt meat seriag) has me- em aaa .. depot a Emly toh c - t th Sestea n. R. aey tg the a kedvieM on. Imarst t oe " r the ratr tn aaw.e...fat.mie. S m.im:, ::rg:i A *f aet Laima.me. baes lately but. fey. bdr e su t ar as. a eaay ternas. Title as he- latey ~ oure bythe SUBURBAN 3stta s Ateak pti s prpety an e bea.. Oldcest ghr O eargest Cheapest! Best! The Evening Star 13 THE OLDEST AND MOST FIRMLY ESTA.EDtan NEWSPAPER PUBLISH- ED IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMB A, HAVING WON THE HIGH POSITION IT HOLDS IN THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF WASHINGTON BY MORE THAN FORTY YEARS OF FAITHFUL AND UNSWERVING DEVOTION TO THEIR INTEREeS, WITHOUT RE- GARD TO ANY OTHER INFLUENCE OR CONSIDERATION WHIATU0EVER. THE STAR IS THE LARGEST PAIPER PUBISH-ED IN WAItNGTON, WITH A GENERAL EQUIPMENT AND PRINT- ING FACILITIES THREE-FOLD GREAT- ER AND BETTER THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER WASHINGTON PAPER; AND, HAVING THE FULL DAY RE- PORTS OF THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND COMPLETE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS OR- GANIZATION IN THE WORLD, SUP- PLEMENTED BY AN UNEQUALED SERVICE OF EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL DIS- PATCHES FROM ALL PROMINENT POINTS IN BOTH HEMISPHERES, IT PRINTS MORE AND FRESHER TELE- GRAPHIC NEWS THAN ANY OTHER WASHINGTON PAPER CAN POSSIBLY SUPPLY, FURNISHING AT THE SAME TIME A GREATER AhOUNT AND) BET- TER QUALITY OF LOCAL, DOMESTIC AND GENERAL INTEL.T.GENCE, AND A LARGER QUANTITY AND HIGHER GRADE OF ORIGINAL AND SELECTED LITERARY MISCEL.TANt THAN ANY PAPER IN THE DISTRICT. NOTE THIS POINT. THE STAR GIVES THE EXACT FIG1- URES OF ITS CIRCULATION EVERY WEEK. AND CHEERFULLY OPENS ITS BOOKS AND ITS PRESS AND DE- LIVERY ROOMS TO ANY PERSON HAV- ING INTEREST IN THE CORRECTNESS OF ITS STATEMENTS, SO THAT ITS PATRONS KNOW PRECISELY HOW MUCH AND WHAT KIND OF PUB- LICITY THEY ARE GETTING WHEN THEY BTUY SPACE IN ITTS COLUMNS. T. LY THROUGH THE AR, Pumsiss is go" to Nams AuW Nwv- tyth Prudedk Sal wsts ste, a ly~ag s ee Ie MAvnntass of a Cap- tine mnin... WasaM Sr sho Eselft star. noe. -ittle time ago in th. columns O The Uvening Sur I noticed an artiele en a torm of ial naviteos. I am much interested in the suMeet and have been so fer tears. While in resso at the worlds engness of serW navigation I heard a paper read by an old friend of miMe. The ideas em- bodied therein seem to me to be about the manost practical approach to all forms of serw navigation yet contemplated. Mr. Charles L Duryea, formerly of Wash- ington. new of Peersa Ill.. is the gentleman In question, He is a well-known e1pert in Cycling mecanics and to him ts due the Man of the following form of a "hying sebeoL. In the paper above mentioned he says: *There need be mo longer a question as to our having within our reach an the neoemary mechanical features required for 'i The Seheel. Sight. We can build machines light enough. equip them with motors powerful enough. and can safely say that they will fy it property directed. "The proper way to solve this question is to build a machine and use it. Use. and use alone, can fully show its good and bad features and point out the way to property remedy them. * * Suppose, for an In- stant, that we had the most perfect flying machine of the next century right here be- fore us. Could we use it? No. It would be as useless to us as our crudest experiment of today. We would succeed in breaking it. and, In all probability, our necks with it at the first trial. But If we had such a machine what would be our Arst duty toward It? Simply to learn to use it." Al around us we see pursuits requiring various degrees of skhill to properly follow them, and among them is one, cycle rdn. which calls for skil very similar to that required 4r flying. , The expert can rde a single wheel where he chese, even up or down a flight of steps. Practice and practice alone enables him to do this. I cannot believe that the fy- ing machine wil prove as dicult as the ingle wheel, nor do I see why it should be more diacult than the two wheeled vehicle (bicycle) now so common. Those who have attempted (lying) have Fnied with disaster to themselves and to the machitne. before they had acquired skiM enough to property manage their creation. We contemplate powerful motors as ne- esary to drive us through the air at a rate that will cause the air to support us, while the gull and the bussard by their skill take advantage of the air qarents and mar e3' hours without any appreciable work 9t all. It Is skiM rather than the motor that we need. This is the one thing iweking and to this we should direct our attention. Just as would-be riders and swimmers go to schools for their instruc- tion, so we must go to a fltg school for .Ms. The frst rider had to take his falls as best he could, the frst swimmer avoided deep water until he learned enough to ven- ture safely; in this respect they were on terra arma and had an advantage over the would-be flyer. If It were not so we should in all probability have no swimmers or riders. The flyer must make his frst at- tempt in mid air, and as this Is sulidal without protection of some kind, he must be proved with a fling school. In other words the key to flying As the "Flying eool." I would suggest the use of a captive bal- loon held by several widely divergent guy ropes, and, preferably, over a body of water. so there would- be fewer gusts to the air currents and a poesible fall would not be so risky. From this balloon, by a single rope, suspend the machine and rider, so that they would be as free to swing as a plum bob. If the mnachine is provided with a propeller a means of guiding It the rider can eratice in circles and figure eights until he is thoroughly familiar with every detail of the machine and until he manages It almost instinctively. If he finds defects in the do- The Flyer. sign or construction they are not even dan- gerous, but can be remedied at once and the result noted. A spring scale set In the sus- pending rope would show at a glance what the rider is doing toward suseaminns himself and whether any change Improves the re- suit or not. There is no guesswork about It, and positive progress may be relied upon. A different rider may try his ability as fast as the one practicing gets tired, and notes and experiences can be compared. Improve the machine as seems bpst and continue the experiments with those riders who are most apt and a short while will find them going it alone. This device (captive balloon) is superior to others In many respects. It gives the be- ginner ample room to awing around In. and room is an abeolute necessity. He must move at good speed, If he Is to fly at all, and he requires time to think hew to act until action becomes a sort of second na- ture. The atmnospheric conditions are better up high, because we thus avoid the gusts and eddies at the surface of the earth. Any cycle teacher can tell you how greatly the effort of teaching is Increased If the surface of the yard is in poor shape. Bad condi- tions will be much more detrimental In the air, because the rider can see beforehand the rough places In the ground, but the flyer cannot in the air. A captive balloon would cost probably 3100 each ascenalon, which would give sev- eral persons one or more short lessons each. On this basis a thousand dollars might suf- fice to secure actual flight. On the other hand, if many changes should be found nec- essary in the machine, and a motor prove necessary, five or ten times that amount might be required. It matters not, however, If twice ten thousand dollars he required. The solution of the problem is worth maany times that amount. Years age I talked the matter over with Mr. Duryea, and though my attention and time have been otherwise engaged, I have lost none of my interest in the subject. Of late I have been taking Into serious thought the trial of Mr. Duryeas plan for a flying school, and should be glad to be put in communication with any one who is inter.- ested in the same direction. I believe that flying will be an accom- plished fact In the near future, that it is as Mr. Duryea thinks, merely a matter of ac- quiring the skill by practice, and I am extremely desirous of hastening the day by the pract ig trial of Mr. Duryee's fly- ing school. A ralnavigation is looked up- on by the general public as a subject han- dled and dwelt upon and dreamed about by "cranks." It is time that such an idea should be eliminated from the abblic mind. That such representative sentinec and mechanical minds as Octave Chanute, pres- ident of the American 8&lety of civil E~n- gineers: Prof. 0. T. Zahm of Notre Dame University, Indiana: Prof. S. P. L~angley of the Smithsonian Institute, Win. Hargreawee of New South Wales. M. Hastings of Eng- land, Hearr TJlenth=l at German==y and N. Uamemme et & t mufy en--iu- with the mewument whe be ae nt to redeem an" a&Y @ and sial navigation be saby thaughiea sag rorive maat Be ae as a near at ha and aheet hi- portant eter in the einlatMes es- rilement of the we U. H. . @WMI SUAVER ;Z A WAM Poety Men Seeine ta Wtteen kmao ad Plitoem genmm. hUm the pa Me Ossetia. It was the list Mht at the 4aw mn- tat between -T~y" Wiek ot Chelsea. a" Wil~am IAW &t Pthaa, san strang hepes were entertained by the s=entOrs tha the ontest would nt be a bioess e-e. The eurtaft o the Imperial theater In the ea- niam was down, and as the .pectators Med lato their seats the am torm" up the ad- las of their easts and the woman sivere. The refere, a short and nomI-bete Ieas- tiesea. heeked grave but- cale. **T es- test." he sant to "The Pamai'' repssa- tative, tabtlg the beish-wM*s artihes et agreement fto the iside peeadt ot lis coat. '1s for M a Ote a" the champlem- ship. Iloyd is the ebhnar. ad I uiner- stand that If Lloyd is deteated Wisk wil e to America to meet ail Comet a Is&s meGs combat. The referee is to be the sets Sote et points, an there is hut e setipuabties t the articles at agremest-samelt. that I shall 'ake a difference betwes. eO" artstg from tuedlemey an these whik may be due to iausenities et the ernfce. It is time for the dow to ba, and I most take my pisee." The v.res cimhed the staps leang to the stage, ebel the eurtais to ne sie, and was lest t0 vtw. The ocupsats at the back seats and at the ganery began to stamp their ost by way at Informig the managemst that the proper time had arrived for the invi g at he stage. The @lgna was gives and the ew- lti was rake. The spectatnr eeked upos a row of tes barboarr cehair.. B i these, at a man table, sat the referes. At his right hand, s the tabfe. was a step watch. In treat t hi was Som paper. He was badly engaged t wrtig. T)e ee- cupants ot the bask seats and the sanery appms..ed but to the appiense the referee paid no attention. evideatly beestg Bet he was entitled to it. The applase hawVg CaMN to am e04 the referee stepped to the footiih. twtc were on a vacation. and red the articees at agreement. flablmg with the hope that the best man might win. As the =psetat r ad hea:4 this before at prime, dW and perhaps cock aghts, they appla-ed. The referee said that the men were to above againt each other for an hour each alght =tB De- cember 1, by which tie, is his opinieM, the question at superiority would be esab- lished beyond the ghost of a doubt. The referee retired had ma down at hMs table. Then the orchestra. cousetimg of a pat. fell to. The strains were IOw and aours- tal-the'sort et MUS.C that is upseMd to denote the immedstme premimity at the vU- lain ad the extrem peri ot the herete. There was a tramp of many fet. a" a boly of fifty or sixtymen sett O an irregular MaNOW apes the stage. They formed a semi-circle hehini the etINue, a" almost Oied such part. et the stage as were not ocpied by the Tyremi aips, the referees table and the reeree, in tam bar- bers' cbairs. fludduy the arChestra berst forth into a Uveuer air. and Mr. Wick and Mr. Lyod strade upon the gtagc To be eectly accurate,Mr. Uyd steand Mr. W rippcd. The campl. as Mr. Wick describes himsel, is rather sheet. hat met at all pormy. His cheeks an as smoeth as a m~r= = 'ftb, awlupon his upea p INtht ustebe whik usly pase..c.,.prsver.., time..G heifl.....e can develop tte that -omlet-s et rehest- moe which would withisan a single t&. To defaee its contour by an absmt-mned chew would be Imposle. Mr. Wick was supple In his movemustA, and dINILved nothing that ceuld be sail to ldme. vomes- Mr. LiYd is much tiler am stranger looking than he advermary. If the ma were opposed to each other. armed with axes, no sae peren wold back Mr. Wick. The latters -ppemt wears o hIr upon his Coca, tho he leeks as if. wer t the interest o h ccupatem. he audI raise both whbuhrer, bout and mpsloehe. He di not seem so meh at homs mer the pubic goes as is Opponent. 3th man were deld t large white aspes. Aessmoa- sring thewog were tp yo om. W won she dad t White swrene. They Carried towels, soup oap banes a" -a- brhef- s. Half so the coatingent were to act as latherers for M?. Wick, the other half for Mr. Loyd. The two pr c leka at the row of chairs ad sai they wete he ctese together. Two rows were mslee ot the chalrs. The army of victima looked at the chais, the anstants. the priaepais, the settoes and at each other. game of them grinned, but most ot them preserveI a grave d- meanor. as If they tharevaby unIersed the gravity of their situatoa. AN ot he victime were young. Name or them seme to have passed the thrtieth miemse. while the cheeks ot not a few sIem been caressed by a resr. It transpired that most ot the men were ea- tossers of the cembesat . al were iot as deeply Interesete as the latter in the annt. Baadaumy one af the iatherew sheAtel, "Now, step up, ts. Thne ehairs were instantly filed. were thrust amler the chins of the first ten, a thsey were well and truly latherqd, the tam wee "Go" shouted the referee ta a tame devuil of a sainge truo. Two rane's were 8m- robhed aloft. Each smemne ua the left chek~ a vietime. Th1e erchsestra dashml theme== that breathel aeme sals mater. The spectatrs s-ame their feet upon the floor, ad the hattie ragel with unexampled ferocity. Wick quaic-ly desett=ated that his touch was the more delieate, ad the rapidity of his mvew-ets threw his namirers into saems of eattha- da=. IUoyd was mnore deilberate. al showed that he pommel- a down-cut that was certain to save time if there were no protuberances tn the way. Wisk 1mheel his first man while Lloyd was scraping the chin of his. Wick spraang to thie meat eksr and attackad his secoad subject with a celerity that promised gore. No e-a Sew, however. Llyod shaved his tigma to thirty seconds. Wiek polished off his fifthe in fifteen seconds, hut the chteeks of the subject were doway. The moment a ma was shaved he' was toll to leave thme chair, and lose no time shout It. The towel that had rested upon his chest was takes away. and another was thnast tat his hand. With the latter he was expected to wip the soap sway. No water was need. One a Objected to wiling his face with a towei, ad used a andkerchief. Another leaked at the towelina==picio**may as if be had never seen one before, and was waihing away with his soaeated fae whnen It was wiped for himn. 'One down smothner esmes on." was the word. The contestants scraped at top speed for ten mimutee, and were never kept waiting. The orehestma did not stop to take breath. Several of the spectators mounted the stage. ad excite- ment was running high. when 'the ree cled "Halt!" The contestants held their The referee camne to the trout and maid that Mr. Wick ha~d more amen thtan ML Lloyd, and that unless both maamihed a supply there could be no contest. Tihe spec- tators said. "Hear! hear!" and the referee added. "I mnove that the men whoe are htere to be shaved be divided evesly." Thnis was carried by the spectators. Mr. Wilck said he was satisfied. and the battle was renew- ed. The pianist pulled himmelf together end thumped out a warlike strain. Rot mome worked with terrific earnestme-a, and the stock of subjects was getting low., whn a latherer shouted: "Ainy lady or gent want a shave' To this appeal thme-e was no response, and there being a-. mtore men to shave the reftree said lbht th- entst~was ended for the evening. The contestants, he said, had been shaving for fifteen inlautes and fifteen seconds. In tat timne Mr. WI-:k had shaved forty an-I Mr. U~oy-j thirty..one men. He would deeset one froma Mr. Wicks score as a bad ihave. and two from Mr. Lloyds score, on thi grouind ot euts. "Did you deduct me?' utouted a young maan In the back seate. "What iwppened to you' asked the refe-ee. "Tisere was s piece cut out ot my etna" was the suswer. The other spectators reared. -*Wie cut you' asked the referee. "Lloyd." was thme reply. The referee said be thought that his score was corrct, ad that bae wenji stisk to It. He added that if the costest was to last for two weekcs that lee, Wish 6nd Lloyd woald probanty lbe abin to shave Los- don before the fleish. Hie "oguested that somne coal heavers should he see-aed. a wtee suggestion on his part, as withi tend~er sube- jects the e-ratestante hard-/ gave him tiecs for breathi'2it purpoes. Mr. Wiek l.'.ed profusely; Mr. Lloyd unbent once: the og Cc- tators la'aghed gentally: the eretaestia v'.est on strike; and the purformeance was at an end. Pure food esposittan ovary afternoon and evening at Conveation Hail. Doore opan at 2 p.m. aznd clos at 10:3 p.m. Cook lectures at 3:30.-Advt. Free thcket food moiisu a 4vt THEY ARE NOr PRETTY Unedi os oe Mow Qe e w as C-mewed Wwkmat e A 4w-mmss asueaper a who has ame t taa an e laws: "Whats I a asmm?'* 1%t del a mman. Y. eity tha has hesm 1 MAt Iblnt d emiftl the 'ew ft SNm after GI mest ane stAglaugi -WMt MI PatUUet. The sement dest e smi IS Ier t the great msveer et dh wessM - who dbeseei dd nw Med. Tb feseam Ule mew berrewed a asme . ready reaer" tembm with mnh 0rY bOr the bemWe Datk am beane 0 UNIted State of Ammete. The gWI Ome- oefgae, desthesi e be the omeft go wet. le appropetefty mMi ~e U thm reat of the stame. AE Rhes eme ae booh himereM ad .s .eL Tw aa -md It Might have -oaW a nam* Ueut s Fer s he e m vay 6 beest man" A; the aerta estt. ; so eOint COty. C. a Pnams4tM sft &, Uvm User strat ean dh Mnery vedi bosse bkm ocnedes by wtg shem d b. tus that et t the --a s ---- o , Rue N. 1. Ne. . No. a adm N. 4. o one ot the senlatu bas dht sm at tolpa the awther eie et a esa rny osue over he.. being was hw by a an. bar. which he or she were, lo co, hd adem sthe oerhead. su who wedi E a dwfiatlm where tolvlimlby wa= s,"N Dy Iet ad the pe-g were mmnesait bb. stnd of mom? Thee redeedm are osmsma IV a el dima.e a afnh hmeay istreet omm toe ot WadahgesM. L t we dam. a besot has benes. a Uvetg geaey. The dty le emerged frnm e ts meseif ie brunes are balt amod e lesempe been. The d toesed Peum -as-- Mai poghbige Sh hbe vsa or the capital cy, amn so h we Gwe ah artal semsaan thalt eser gh Ied diagmus amees or On aea a egmau a" ereim, wk thae n ind e hIs In. agiestbe esaf. sheM be mmai fer 1 states In the Ubsa. Tem we have Olso bamatl read ther bfee ammed b the oememwealthm. We have thu em and Circes mand after tam n Anseut s*Name ad staemN, wh k ef gises as hnteresting and altresiv a ew .eTre names ma ae sede.d.gmlanst adpe appropetate ter the - m-a-l WbeS Earemd bO 9OeVse. BIt whoe a" that rst io so dlwed em of labe a s the other eseem h Washontem wIth e -eat She 41k het ad the S-e-si-m et Arnbe -..ads? me eM tomebee aMd a em tsem as feitre of miner. L'Ra..e san g gave hie famartmed onsmetai seea hag bhe mme s enseie asmat e~al Ser his basamntad. of hew saLet. The la woner et the A. K, C and em, to Om eWAtem h km b ewomtaa. a he desems to be. It S ftmate that he am oet omw he plan to tegtmi -- = endo Neas the great avenen br Remu en . IL L IV. V. &.. ad 1h ke caluts after the twelve mehs 9s4gm The oaly argue thate hehod Oer Ou es et the alphahet (wk Ih wes Moem tivis the sember," ise aKegi enmwe aven were he eenventamm ncs ee Our as @a"e of aigumei. weets nt " eny as iibeft mam...Meal a btae, however aepegtee K I uso to be fEr a bamiee. metresenam mm sic the o r citie of the eentry ve m et mamerai nmes hes bm adepond of advatage, but an dIm=" ah bet benev% Not been feit Is. an ehe is te Ctah. ies Chae Named er emat nu b Ua& mte the -and NeorWork Oh m outS en members eil her march u a sh.saft Islad wpm we bage. The ebed al-a- m -e"-- =abw soup Slaatlot oft a iet undo e seaem to ILn, whoer sammoig fse For- sml he he am ah aeoth of the City -has It m-.MMM.y s gas. coed. at I met in he 1 ref1 t th d aeime smmsm .41 the "iIemume a even f Weaesigamt shud ow em fa Rautit. ad RIbmed AN Rut he to be deame I he bei over agat weM A. IS, 2; 3, Ne. 2; C. No. 2. etc. Theme n are Just is prett s the at ot ad So Imiase pedm et bt te --m. Assesee, at see i===e- It 1%, St Cases, aft Probable that dons aben4 street mas wN ever be eg. Rut It we4i bsequ pentde fer thum t be alteret wis--t beg very km -s For intace, lot the abhabt eson be 6- .waimm mwehetamey m es, flo. *ervahg the .-eadm of the Itte oru alhabet. Thee S Net a seem e Ameuisa i the "ae . My .=Mm . Ve at the, sweet ad. I thk be a am Se eaperse A strest wedS6 he a en stat Eow memli see Mbhm us nDmanhet, n....d. Musw.uuNed tree, r-~-- m. rL~ea. as... Pre-a-m gs.e e....... Valley lhuge. Whee 144 adt Teae meemi? Emh street euet kmn hee mach-lavd hetter. but the bee wedS ese grew he mam ...ay Thmere are us meme msere amda Mm the nemm ems.b e d ae abba- bes estreets after the depasemde aws of the sd.et th epe weett kea poema trmbute hr the ~empa. Uew m e ade hi-r weelt .-eemi eerpsem ept lemem recleltem it we hed iein AM- tawa--P-w-aTam.essman U entTmt Wyamdstte. Tam ade ased. The ahyhbe-mi semeta mdig he mmdg imewbsa after great streman that -ses through ear mihty empie, or tages 41 that det he wIes area. or after eame-m. uasier er peetsnwhoe bave m seri tiu Ameatesm mem. But she u md ot the writer She roeosteamsy beenes would hrabm ammn with mmr asmi and felladty them amy ethese. The numercal streets are met Pa the., eaMy grafted us the ilbteet map hbeag Rockr ereek. There have kme twenty..ku ffeewt Preduesta. Thneme maambemes sesen eseul each he made he r3am'ent the pi et the repubite "thegm eme dma... tlon." Thete mseJ twesty-taeammaere streets marthwrest ehe b erder. ef uasem Georetoewn. 3m us other dure 4he memberei stresta een s E. t wedS he a Runpee heme s he preesathel mesan If 1st he.- Wasiaiet tost.t as he. emme Jetbm Adam street and 3d Je street. and s em through 3*41m. Meer Jo Qucy Adams, Juarks.. Van Bekm WUNiam Heary Harres.. Tyler. Pek. Tlap her. Pllmore. Plerce. Rucuam.a Imsb Je-m--- Greant and aln theoeher Preteam to Grover Clevetand ad 3imy.a 3ere- se. The -oc--elsmaiat hestruee top h friidamnes flum the VtePo who served under the Presteees bee when the preceding street was named. 'nM. he tar emens he carry .r--aalu about the matter. There semi he ......nem. made thot would -st .igmmatm and aepriatse ms ber 'th streets et the greatest casie us earth. N..e ecou be made that wed tt met a eetise. etW hegs who wesld met he gtad he be moved ues of a lettered or sumbhered street hr s aphee a proesa. A street~ any other nme wmdi seud wseter. evy mwdi m- lagly spare hes arithmsdc. WmagaWu bustliag bene-- hMe. Tth earest. wenst teet am added eg1nty as ack-. et. 'aIbe Evemlag ltar could Itself mev wma out disadvamtqge thie 1k rserf etim Rtust and S'emaylwana avemme. The a~m- with he ==a." Wadingene etrees, - It eam he premted with seuseMm they would he ,swapt. enhemerei aussg." There will he mavenes at the ~dt .41k United States Naval Ame.-y at Anapem meat Sumday meretag a memoria wedes|, metributei by oewe oet temway ade othere thr'eagh 1ks Naval Gwaemi As ettem. he amemery et the o== ade -e who lest their Sees at Apha. heths. mmn years ago, whem twe veetsele wee ote and several offier.. hteub (4I lee- maker ade Paymaster Ama of the Yeme- II.. were drewed. Thme Harvard athlete emitee has. proved the esectss of Wiggie as m ads pitcer for time anverutty hums .amb 1he oie nmum

The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1894-01-19 [p 11].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1894-01-19/ed...Si.se: $Me cash and $50 per a.l 6 a.m..L, on . C. ae. wear 4th a. a...;

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Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1894-01-19 [p 11].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1894-01-19/ed...Si.se: $Me cash and $50 per a.l 6 a.m..L, on . C. ae. wear 4th a. a...;

19 SAL -ffOUWRVa saas-s tcm1TW:NET1m"aaSp mtus-e: em - i ae 6 th a W. 0th ,

* aa me u 13-se batek ape

3 W. im 0 . 6

n o 1p s1. 6 O, -1 , am m "eor.... . 1 af, A b b.

F d.P a t. r ME ........ 8e4m

or...... ....... 4, 3 0 t h

3311 m INS m W. or ..............4,tob b. or- am&h..... 8W 6Me ksW%b

290 To se, J, Tr-G,30 n 1, W ...........32

m3u IT3 L l. r. 1" b. S , .3rUS ~3209b 16OrU3Yoen a.1 s' 3M L* s. h.8.2m

6 , s. 23 A -m...... f-b.

mu 4Va OL Na.A SOM h.&.J.31110k ~ 13 malLblalskns- a SIRm

W45 L , Or h.O. E-....... 440 44g.t g k..

a but obs d ser. @lef' same ". f r,

L sml U a at. 3333-35 NaO 111?N3i . r.......4.X a. .30 aml 9 r. S.

inwbat em TI, TCas sad dwg. -eL90U IG atdee ad. ar-

m ..........,m 6 tmb . dr..419bb.11 hI =. m

t er....... .3jt Aley beS etb aml 7Th.-W eb s uf iG amIN2 b hSr..1.000

T s r.......3 M 0th st. f h.Ir.IjiM E& i L £ h, Ir. .imW sa, 1561 ml no0 K

m S.f b. or .me-...1.20tR. 4.........3f1 414 at, r b. r...1.,0

L, g ........ M'T Hope ae, b h, 4r.2

Ih to = a Partion e the se

heas he a"e 15th.-1 T. f. WAGfAMAN.em gggg-WT AUGUSF DONATH. 41 'TH Br.A dg.*..md brick Iu. - an X s.

nmar =32 mams; stable; let 26.la to a-by; gifs OTI3 'hi pwparty te werthA We bath bte 1 t st. a.., two

eISDd p sueb; bet I"aae: Prias.geai at thb lme e =m=to the ber. esta ear

V;90 smm eM almost Ut. jasgnm umanis lEW 6-1OON 310N

ad ba:k; ah st. mntr T mw.; a.m.L; SobpAw.

ane wt.nURmm a MoouE.

3m UAZ-3.L., MEAR LL6 PAV*. NEWT-m sam. m batik; eIematly Mished; hiseer ml di a; fS; am tarmm484m - & KuME. m It. mw.OM SAI-61 T=E fr. S.., OM ANUoam ea ean; S-mm name d. amasmiu;m- of lot 114 to W-ft. alley:gerim .w. em eni amd sPr me; am.stanm to hor a bom. . AIRTINPROCEOR.

on a st. m1W. j13


bach mauya elemetie3S-say - lift 3 feet de to gaved allay; sab=g s~ to ame as : on er both of

thsee mm.e VI be ACM in) to an tme-1te meetusassmbl team.

E-AjgmMC r. NORXENT.= Rme 3_Cme. N-em-- ub. bv--su-

NVA SALE-W Atama ~ 3hAINAth-a.t.y .ml baee.at beet ... on martb21d. t N st. asr 14th at., eatalm11 seams

mad bath, al is parlmet eder; bt 21u JIt toas anvy: a deshmle bsse ta aVy evenSt

lete. Price 2S6 Me, em favea term Itsail at me. ,1-. You & mawN.wa7-A 346 G st. aw.

oRM XAZr-A MAgAN-W3- AND AUTDM .bad to se a must drab ad a peamety.now mare rest at a prie muhla It a Ae Im,vestmeat. The POPetY 18 O CrneCtteet 'vM.Is a muset angeay meau.. md Is ay

9 pe slus. Val particulars on a

-FMR. ME & NOWN. 1404 0 st. mjw.Vmr M OriY $1.m0-ERYCNAP-HOLIN

AND IMr (la$%6 014 3 ST. 1ET. IIll ANDSITU 83S.IL; GOOD TENANT. CHAI. A.OnE'IMK 140 P yr. N.W. -. jr17-St

VOIR BAL-A BARGALN 1~I sALD AT ONCgZ7-mm. bath and ellar. all mL. mew hamme; bet

311; "amtod far WO .: 2115 N at. amw.: ==at

*iat. ALX.LDE & LUcALLWr,jall-tt 617 r St. asw.VO SAL T-MID NEAR 1 .E. 2-STORT AND

hay-wadow brth. 7 roam anO bath:all mel. Imp.; lot mls So 13-feet alley; #4,.;

tormiL230D W. WALRM A 3SM. tONl V s. P ,


PmR ALZ-ON LEETERM1 ST. N.W., NEWbay-w.. prem-brick. 6 roai and bath, e~tar.fue. ee grate, cabiet matels: haUm

:al m.L: mear ears; 17z65 to alley; ROMW"cask, sa pe..j17-3k* JAM11 0. JETER. 60 r St. aIw.

foinlTia9-Duiii DOCU OBIZ . DOt=on 4th st. "~.. ear. . C. a"e.; orn; a.mL.

r. Si.se: $Me cash and $50 per a.l 6a.m..L, on . C. ae. wear 4th a. a...;

Wr.e $*,3M: $No eCm ad s5m Par smaco J. a. GAaNT. 314 B mt. w. -


And vant toGive no the prIhegm at gattig them SO

sur bseb. Plamportive per-n evark-bly einsmlt

21AL ZtATE AGENT.Derm.s it As their mis51 . ad what

tha heistemar want.EhVELY & FENLET

R10 an Fr st. sLw.

J~g aALE-THAmE-1E'01 AND 5afbateh bo-rn. 213 North aira st-.. Alezamir$a,Va.; 27 et. frt ;6 raime; gS water, bath;

im ig am a; mkinb lihe threeidass; at - ms-hal Waslim la; term.sp. Q. C. D&ePIT1ON , liaa ave..Wam - D. C. jaw-


vm ote " s Wbot ya wat and we Willget it Ow ya. Cematiag m will be soamp he ftrv. but em the cetrary. will

aseamt b a gWelive ving at time andmy-y& imZE-TEL a FINLET.

PP 62 F at. 3.W.

IO SALP-TD00B BANDUME 5 AND O-RwMkm.. at the car. of 12th and c sta. mw. torF.0, .2 and .500 eaeb; pric to early

at $30 to s" redietiam itrem regularTheme hums bar* exceptlomally ha Ia-terter decarat Me. elertrie a etc.Watekma eana=tlmry pressa. OW. Seam 431 M T. se.- alS3mNUE lAL-We CASH ANDBALANCB ONLY

SM per mouth. wil bay a desiable 4 rooms.stoe ald bro- dwfell at Le Drest Park;maly three squarea framath at. ears; km.. hasall mndra caveale-aen Price. snly P$8..W~mptr., Wirx a gIErIUN.jal34, 19Ia7 l'. ave. and sib ad La. ate.

Enit SALP-MVFRAL HAN-ISOME NEW DWELT-bei withia three, qrs f Dhleat Cfrete.Pr'-e-a frae 110.500 to 5000. (Ne. 142 to 147.)

fa1-6t* TVL2R a RUTHIERORD. 1211 V at. amw.iit sal2 -- HA.'41EONg YE Tyr~tbrick deetra. 1813 19th at. amw.: thirteemreons and bath room; all laset improvemsnta;enr.-tully built madr -a peremal superrbetoaami firet-class be every respect; kem. aa fortnmpatiom. For thrther areasaas price.-.i to TYLE a RUTHu 3my P at.

&>N SIE,-ON 00LUIIR1A HUENNEAR THUl/w-e and Hasrlss reaidencesa aml aee laga-tio. line lot. 50:130, with twe esttagus; sateden :e to mahe good bevame=ma Pia aubead,asewer be l-mlar cIty.d.-Two Ti2r &izm- a unu'i- USr V st.

D0:a SALE-FINE NEW ColNE DWELLING;dl.-sgistruly lorated morthwest; 14 emm; all theLi test coaveemece; ,te.6513qNo.. 4., TYLER & 1-r80wmD IS?a.

IUR SAIE 1233 G ST. N.E.; A NEW 6-ROONp.r.-aaed betek and ensr; mewly gmpered: amisedwaie- pime;: eteetrie haes; stylisbh ash; beat of

lostiom, mear uchools ald cars. Se,4S1; Pf00*:M: aud 325 ..nmibay. Appl~y be FLANK L.IIA NCuCK A CO., ca. 13th anO a ts.NORTHU-Et-.r. k

lst: SALE-I3th LINDEN UT. N.E, NEW SR.prse -btk emd bay wiadera; mewly

pere; eletrebl; receptism baD. @eahanl3 monthly. Keys atLEN.KP..-T U~ee spem to S p.m.j3

POR EAE-AN OP1r~fly TODU A NICEbennec at a low ptIe a sinsp term; a st at.tractive, nell-baIt. Well-arraopad mew house. 17ll at. a.w.; 1 sma b-ecellar. bath, paatry: stame and pee-brich ir; tiled Wstibele;lmished Is astral weod aml seely papersd. Key

scest dnor. H. L. RUi?. 4 14th at. aw. fa2-tlSifR SALE-13OS ND. ATE. N.E. A CORNERho'mme: all med. Iemps.;pie brick bay-win-dow; 6 roams am bath. 6.3very little esahresqulred. A~l to FRAN£ u.ANCOCK a

CO).. car. an - e. NOTUEAST. jaSjOR ~ AL-aaasi TO PMMPTr PUcuasE;baa mew he.e 1913 1sth a.; speeh~=&g5a far ea r y 3 fat frost;

ro; 2 bath; amd1,decorated; am.L.;grice. 514,ma; me offer refusal. Ap-ply at sm eate smee. 136 16th at. jet-tf90m AL.-o weaUS...-3s u. L. AVE. N.W.;

Lan ssme kmme; a.m.L.; "M eih55(301 ~ et to go-foot alley; will seul$s pu-r 5geaent alim. and tlahmen hbe to

homeente perehaaer. Daart misths 3m.I. 1ast Pa. avaee-a

SUR SALE-4.UOOM BRICK: NORTH SIDE R ST.bet. 9th a 10th s~w.; elegant homme be 20zbe alney; S6.5b: term.e amp.di-3m ITURGES a NOORiE. V F staw.

303 SALE-To IRPILD A: ERTATr3-THNE 4.pseusbete heese teFraikIla Part;T3 1 ~mbehIe em I st. 14 ft.: atablag an

smar et Apyt s. M OGDEN. Eu-erster. 1-8 P at. asw. =-=IOUESLE-lW g gr. Y.W.; DROWN-STONUaml gaed-bateh ham: 30 peem; beautIful eab-

- *~; Ied bath isa, and vestlbule;elechta aa; stean heat; graotte sie-wa~e erg. aad; very desirable property forbighsament~ se-etae er Cmr

OWNE. RDae 5. 1211 Pu. ave.

DENTISTRY36 GRAEA3~~ ff7 77 T . ENTltcrl.g

an 11gpeltvely witlaoant pain. Extra.-ting.r-WIt E3serbcsel amesthetic. 50e. Silr.-r,piatlm sr asnlgm alng. 75e. Very 1,ear full

Set ot teeth, $7. See ad. else'where. ja13-10t*0N'0 D WrrAl~ rARLONtN. Eer% it. 15-IT300 14th e3W. Astincial Te.-th Iwsrted. S7 to 3J,

iJpem all bears Aminin: .DL- ts. inW el ana.'-.tie use ber gaaalesa estraction at twth.

-. 5- Dit'TWinuj 'IA~Tt PNT!il LEArit;TIITUTY at mod'erat. preen by expei.rt oly. 4.i

-11 See e.,ard in anoI'her erliumn. 'aT

FREE DENTAL INFI1:3fARYa.-TEEThI rfY.LUtand 2:-l21n ree-tb *in.-**l wirimeOi enm,

t!dpasia'eut .- ina= VfieV..iT

Otisa3. Ia.r eye-a Irern Oc.tob.-r 3 to


.-4e1 heaar at t310Geinof the h e trte

hia Disim ;U~i. en m

bosin ftg et atMazz. 6 411ma

the bend at amd MUM 0h400m em e u 'Ie it rommi 71anee 11u bids 2

a51a-ke at Ehba 14


110110bw to b ndm e lery aie asIme. b do r beao; r bliart tiee tia, 1*.0 '"*i**.mo..at.-

PROW. .AT, -Miin iIamMaIn. ON.

tale a"e antsrel-been eaireeaatawtnd~w h ibl city. tons som=d*WN kdomI 11". lreft . m -

"am;s hsb P . -mmes-- e. - ...tOtsmitMus glees bmumes to

arenIdob. Caumee eMatcal;ate ll to e matie; a--m-bmw Iia. sotaa cets Room

= Nt 3 Oes fdy. 41" ML. bet. 4rsi

MAISAGE ?yMM3 L AL GORDON. 1446 3H90Eid ave. maw.. to laies ad ehbsem at theirvustidenes: se eateo amds by Dr. Weirleftete.gg~gl~of=AND MAGNMO TMEATMENT;eabimet vaper bathe ad md as - er rhemmtbmSzen 56% 13thus. aw. Dr. SAAA


meIm.-LIAS frm erD. to grave. CIrelesmby. a" Wedys at 8 p.m. Otttigaail.1 is. &S 4 .IL = . (CIM.OA 35CTVaNie

i0e. Is. the w mMMthe. d2S-4w*MAMAanl AND CABINET V3APO BATHS FORrhmttam mud iervees 4gAm--- 6 13th at.

mw.. 2 ksme abe.Fat. jmb13t*PROP. JOONON B THE GERATMMI MIND

ender; was .wen. fear jedsf of e-tells an the ita; cewpok kee; i.'iback separated- eamoing 3edy eemsm rehuah doer ot m m.11meusi. 9 am. to 9 pm. Pi e. S1T Stb

mw- jeS-12t*MME. PR25N, THE TRUMT DMINT XEMADI ;at the wo- minretism givet with pbmmam"

armerny; ,es Me.. $1; beara, 1 to 9pw. 1141athmt..w.. bet. R amd ta. ft=*

22111 acMAMUDMCATRET VARbath. bir hammetiom and aut mereen tauMi.;ae li tuvato1nt matarn mebhy tea.

414-b m g a ma H at. a.w.

533. 2ROOKE TIeLLSALL THE EVENT orlife. All buIea coesedentil. Ladles and gem-tma. lt. each Homa. 9 am. to 9m. 9M

NewYork ae. m aw.. near th at. 1m*M .D THE ONLY eMBRAT1 321.

.nkb . am.strol.gi t. the city. T.isae f l.. Oev.. im, 9 em. to .. .m.;

s3by. iD am. to 5 pm. 1 14th st. sw.

MIN CORElNE LOWE. 11 ame Mr. N.W.: heed an fe a upeieft;pnenm Maeeteptsa at thel romddeambe

or at my rusm. as they nay prefer. 44-2=*

PIANOS AND ORGANS.The Best Testimonial

We bes of the isperiNrity at the se leaNngambes .dft PANOd for whieh were mt,is the Umese ambre of t them tehost hote ti the ceatry. The pmbie arethe bist jmdem, therefore you can rely onth.ir jaiment and feel erfeetly 2afe in

be either a Weber. er Brs.. Fisher.Iers and leed, or as Mtey Plam. Fir salebere Me easy term.

Sanders& Stayman, 934 F1AlDi 1 N. CRAMER O- BALTIME. MD.


pno tamed; ae work; sped attention tostweetef b tow terms mdrte. NOIltat. w. Aeucyfor the colebuated vmew maelellelekamphpuana. 2-1

9DBMSR PIANOS GAIN E-N VALUE ifiy DAY.but we do et charge a ~est mere for thes mornetesM. the La=tallmet term; we hate a ge -

s rat-chlim pians at a- med Priee la thef t03mtaa a o rie andlob fundatHUGO WORAH & C.1Ilk

st. mw.* PisrAm for rest. tuaed. moved.sigped and repaired at a roau-mble


Their superfor M aT

Iuma brt. . KU WI -219 G. Fle two an aeag.

& DATER PIANOS AM TIMTS Ote. ask toe, tomeh. artistie imb; a fe

Ir~t; IWtutu" and amtugeeopJs, tbey Sot.r.w.

KNJABEGra... Uwelht PianO e ama lum.

PIANOS 13 EENT. 111r0rsam AUn PgAtghmI smme ft our esm mabe. ht a f

inud. WM. ENAME& M. MT Pfm. ave, aM

STat.des madtr hmMM, ; e mare

yrot. PFEFFE & C00toLI.Ip-t1 411th Sar.81'ENWAY. CHAE araggggy~t

OrasaeW=ls A Wjfte Nile TMl


at., wishee to laform her pattro that uhe im nowlocated at 24 N at. s.w.. where ahe is preparedto do dream ..mhia ha all the lateat etyles.ja19-2t*

MAI1IE. MiOD15TE. OF BALTIORE. 12M5 1dTHst. amw. Rteceptiom and evetg gewms a speelltat abort retiee. Alke remudeltag. ja17-t*

SCHOOL POR lmEn3tAKING. SBWIO. CUT-tlm and attiag. taught by the elmuluat methub,oIfuor masesures; meamless walata. bla. dartsad dartlem primecum; I etin re mimute;

$t.;io; drafts urn es me LOKE,.1228% F at. 42Z-1mI WMHi 'TO INFORM THlE LADIE THAT Ihare the latest Parts deas is eamleesWaists ami Newest Siloevesh market. Can bemo 'at my palor. La .', Misme andilI at. mw. fal312t*

ACWDEDION PLAITING (FRENCH PROmm:akirt.. 25e; harrow rules. 10c. per yd.; theonly uatiag etablaemt I. Washtsgtom; pluk-ia~ttee. 0. W. L.UCAE. 1 5th at. amw.

ANtTON ANIJ CAROLINE LERCE. 13512TH AND1206-1M8 I s. a.w. French dyeing and elasaene

et er desert les eveniget part droiuthe most fashenble circes.. 412


aN-3m 1306 3th rt. amw.. ser N at.


at. s.c.. ene ast outh of U.S. Capitol; deir.-able and baekomly furmished rooms; table aaeetalty; terme reusnomhle. BRITTON A MEAN-1:EL. Proprieters. >17-3**

24 eve, an 14th ml.,aen W..mblapkm. 3. 4


WaantIGTON. DA @


A good feel at a low price.

George L. 5heriff(Establhed 1851).


Family trade a specialty.Prompt delivery and lowest prices.Orders by mall or telephome. 1714.MI OFFICE. 38 PA. AVENUE NORTUWEST.



W. R. Speare,Undertaker & Embalmer,

540 F Street Northwemt.EverythIng strictly rt-luass anuS ma the most

reamble terma. Telepheme call. 840. Jel-trAUGUSTU'S BURtni~MRF,VURNISUINGUNDER1TAKER AND EIEAr3Um

1334 NE.W YORK AVE. N.W.Telephime. 2Mkbe-t

The Beauty of a Dress- - A- -ra~. tie ~erso. ris~mets ..d .ba.,...* * * ar.-l retaned'. when the dres. is cleaned

* h .r NEWV FRiENCH PROCES. I partic-*** nlry solicit costly end expensive dlresse

* * * aL''ures as the vnte of rmy muetbods are* * I*thn sown best. P'rier 'ame aa elsewhere,* * *1but work better than elsewhere.Mmne. Tauielle, 13K (1 St.

&MXXSLRUaDBOA*a=W coax= Or a raDUsa

111301 A.J. V106FYl -414-MUNDialff ad State Book


V hT 1 h lto E s

ar esst

T: .1Lb 80 m .ANWW g om t and,10 a4.M.PA em-P las EsqiT: A. ar .. an B-li-e-ram

I: Mv. fte Williaesort. odehaster. suNW6 ant

1 Fal. ft, -N WE . .thsloWahntnto abodeO.axed" "Me dAily,2" det aily. eitxcept

witheing Carfoa PMU.AMPIU1iW TORK AND T"3

4 I. *ONORPONALLDUT." an Pui.Ie 4La With film Car beut bealtiaes, fur

5:911:00 A.. 1321, 126 220tiaIV 10it aiy iy.M. W k:49 7:5A.m k0AyM2:14 5f 10-0, 1 T:as110 ....M..Pil 's, theLie Tzin 1:50 AM. weak P.m

EW == T2:91 a 5:0 A.M. In 4:PRM. a.e, ....., 1:W,.: Al*a.m

tdA15P.. daily.W Bltimre. 4 :0, 7:, T50 410, 9:4W, 11:0%

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. . da l. e e t - . me l .m .y .er A.. deny. MRapel. lP.M. Wekday

RichmEL snAtant. 10:57 LU. daP. Rich-

m ea ora. ae a ys

a mWh. Ti for Ite mAS A.. and toteAacemeatlMam r fea tamerg, daily eLeU. dalys

4: P.M. week days.War Alexanduia. 4:00, 4:36. T:45. 8:40, 0:451. 11:50

L 2:11 3:28. 4:2k.f 54-015 S.0 1014511:30 I'M.rOo t hoeA.M., 2:42. 6:15. 8-2=10:5 P.-Ar.

Easn. Ale ia fer Wa irioa gM 6:45. t-5ft .:10. 10:15. 11:4 AbM.. 1:20. 2.5:30.

A 7t. M :20. 9:15, 10:52 sala-TaP. O

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Atanh Mu NeYotA

Tumga ns. nDeeal t coreer of 12th e atdPameylav veme sa at the statinth sal 3st whetr aes be left for t ehof beggage to dsstlmtion .m bote al nINdvees J. 1. momD.

L. M. FERVOr. faesl Pasager Ageh.General -.nem. ande


All m he srive Al leave at F0 sINe StbtW. Wahingt.. D.

I."5 sLm daily.-ca for Danville and iter.wmediaste stations, taa cam at Lyec Neg withthe Norfolkt &&I Westoe ralroad westward. daily.ad aUame &or Stramberg, daily, except Nma.dyi*8l am.. THa.BZAT SW.RE3 PANENew Yorkad Wsigtom ever the NXW SHOWM3 via odumbia to savanneb and jacks"o.emtng at DaNmil with the manlCharleton via Woumble, aat resoowt

= for A gpsts. an d e riwe tb ea g h P1 : lma.et:1 eei: New York to Atlanta. Where d-4etmefte mti.n ,=a 2:Birmingham. Mst.romery in& New Ones...4.0 pmT-Daly tor Cha .1ttesvi:le andinter

PrMte stations. al through :1a, fo he:MRoa:aa *. a s1.em.

UNVESTIBULI)D L1311TW1, composed entirelyOf ahlman Vestinled Sleepr sat DiM *1aEnever the .V SHORT LD13 via CplumbtoAut. l2:vmi Jackanville and Tam:00 a. Dia O: Carlett the bsebavglle. Alm eaft e:Pllan =55! Few York to *4ew Orleans viaAtlsAt .ad X0:00 Y.rk to Ashevillevin bliafty, cc" meg empis via111frl Gem. Dining G .r eehoo to Mat

N WAHINGTO AND OHIO DIS .1rN leave Was ac. ft 9:10 am. 4:5B.adaily& for maill.s-al 6:25 pm..exptIaday. He ad imsteiato star.. Be.te weatrrive Washigtn :0 am. 2:45 pm.2rePm aIYl a 6: am. aaiy. meept

and01ft . 4~ ma tey-ret

fsehI e hes south arrive Wee-I5 :3 a m. Id0p p3m a 5:20 p.m. Masnh.

m Dlvielam 8:40 mam. daily. exerW Sunday. ald4:40 m. daily from farlotsevill".Tikets. Sleepin thr reervaios ain cratndfurmished at er 511 a 1200 en

4701al adtastioD n

L r OW d. Pothraw umpe.

e Virgata paltdaie tets daye. of New 3e.mw avenue and astet.Cu@ GienralPalN ttwrA V ent .Um

DAe and AT30DAYa 7 am Em., for N

eree. Leoadtow and Lws.V Clm' 1749a .nC.. W.i IbmDLE. .

swal &=aveh*sMmx dawi50pSan-wetfa Gensmanager


A y ARtis A D0 ALae r wharf. s

e. Nadtae

aht' n"ya ~c a le Moas. Mednesasand F ris.. 11 p.m.

Caresae egh ecla

daily mepn '16 beah

ae LnrP-pm:r"."?m.'daer.

her Baltimore,.ek as z2:25. am, 4:W527:15 6 40. 4 m e. Is. 921, 29: 0 .,0,,45 new and pe f12. 12:15. 2:15 424.w e .:4:2. 4-81 35:0,5k 5:132t and St st0:. : X:30 al

11.50pm. 14Ys, 3: (Si4 0 mite).2:S5Ma: r:o0 m. d12t :12pW 10 a2:15 0:rt5

5 t: 11.. 1r35 p W.the Amapsias, 7:15 ad 3:50 am.. 12:15 al 4:28

pm a. 5:30 am., 4 .m.hePr6e8L h 111:80 sm, 41:1% 14:314 115:10per te 1111ch1t .- thed new lipPer so" a" way point*, 07-0 pm.

Te Galtheib. ad way n1W60.. !20,010*0 n.M.. 112:45, 12:=5 4-33. 55:5. 0T.45,3:40N C11:2Apm.he Washinmue netis a wyplte 0n-m.. ?1:15 pum. ". triss ingx at prim.A14-e s Gn.80eppt


PA~iICKH. . HtENAm.PULI AOn.DNT-anit a e auitr. os2 aF a t. ns.:hksadt.

3ge toal fa r b e r hced fo rm , -eea


aae St dshMe benlag less bet. am ad18th and mart . Lago. ma en a ast b potesul w U eew eedo 11916 aell wdwouathous .it er"l AO m Awv S., t IVe dim al

n- SALE-TUm I No 9M an AVth n the et theasth

9 f I cmt ana at a e

jmlla DAm 1%. on""1 Nestaiemp ba.FmE 0A-A.AL81IWM WOULD CAIL

atteum to that Vpme at the &w. me*so 14th S. am NOW Yak aft, em of theol

61-411=Uu ind fterm m Fanpabtst..--h -""3"a.e1160 atesortIa-aerlebufsm "eur pec 69 lmtyt hhe ,St t it. cc c -1.e

16 lete 4ih @L. ad 17feet am New YaI '.with Se ou tatot me 12 Jet. It eabmetta at a vweammae On 6""r=

give ~ = term& ul~ikIim lox & aw.

FOR SIAL-A DANIAIN-OXSSIJI AND1 14OX05 ft. to IS-&t paw"d alley. bet. mad Q mLw.;"S aretf1

"ta ....'".rK"Xlost 5AL3.-agumN 0611,41 COtNK I1ami 0m ;%Y.... ataheeb.Appy t.1ANand Pmmelvi ae. jl.am

loR aAL-41ae WL UY A OFr IN TEDieftret. amw aieat; SW em Aa12-lat.

IOU5~L-..a~ Wed..J.; r 16 hot;iabe).mm IsN at1,a:paBaim0em. LA3C rN

adre P al el a 3r T. WAS,

t St.atw.ha t


To Make Money

raw w ! them the will oah gi.Nalther eme adm swam prNry.TmINh

FortMyer Heights,tam.

Here arebt.-OL ItM Vom Iel t e a ka

bahme. b a am elevatm . 3a bet perelyhealthy, ama the best St water. On the

G. fate tme i GJeoeg0etwn. Fals I helectric raila (to hobu mlt meat seriag) has me-em aaa .. depot a Emly toh c -


th Sestea n. R. aeytg the a kedvieM on.Imarst t oe" r theratr tnaaw.e...fat.mie. S m.im:, ::rg:i

A *f aet Laima.me. baes lately but. fey.bdr e su t ar as. a eaay ternas. Title as he-latey ~ oure bythe SUBURBAN

3stta s Ateak pti s prpety an e bea..

Oldcest ghr

O eargest














































Pumsiss is go" to Nams AuW Nwv-

tyth Prudedk

Sal wsts ste, a ly~ag s ee

Ie MAvnntass of a Cap-tine mnin...

WasaM Sr sho Eselft star.

noe. -ittle time ago in th. columns OThe Uvening Sur I noticed an artiele ena torm of ial naviteos. I am muchinterested in the suMeet and have been sofer tears.While in resso at the worlds engness

of serW navigation I heard a paper readby an old friend of miMe. The ideas em-bodied therein seem to me to be about themanost practical approach to all forms ofserw navigation yet contemplated.Mr. Charles L Duryea, formerly of Wash-

ington. new of Peersa Ill.. is the gentlemanIn question, He is a well-known e1pertin Cycling mecanics and to him ts due theMan of the following form of a "hyingsebeoL.In the paper above mentioned he says:*There need be mo longer a question as

to our having within our reach an theneoemary mechanical features required for


The Seheel.Sight. We can build machines light enough.equip them with motors powerful enough.and can safely say that they will fy itproperty directed."The proper way to solve this question is

to build a machine and use it. Use. and usealone, can fully show its good and badfeatures and point out the way to propertyremedy them. * * Suppose, for an In-stant, that we had the most perfect flyingmachine of the next century right here be-fore us. Could we use it? No. It would be asuseless to us as our crudest experiment oftoday. We would succeed in breaking it.and, In all probability, our necks with itat the first trial. But If we had such amachine what would be our Arst dutytoward It? Simply to learn to use it."Al around us we see pursuits requiring

various degrees of skhill to properly followthem, and among them is one, cycle rdn.which calls for skil very similar to thatrequired 4r flying. ,

The expert can rde a single wheel wherehe chese, even up or down a flight of steps.Practice and practice alone enables him

to do this. I cannot believe that the fy-ing machine wil prove as dicult as theingle wheel, nor do I see why it should bemore diacult than the two wheeled vehicle(bicycle) now so common.Those who have attempted (lying) haveFnied with disaster to themselves and to

the machitne. before they had acquired skiMenough to property manage their creation.We contemplate powerful motors as ne-

esary to drive us through the air at arate that will cause the air to support us,while the gull and the bussard by theirskill take advantage of the air qarents andmar e3' hours without any appreciablework 9t all. It Is skiM rather than themotor that we need. This is the one thingiweking and to this we should direct ourattention. Just as would-be riders andswimmers go to schools for their instruc-tion, so we must go to a fltg school for.Ms. The frst rider had to take his fallsas best he could, the frst swimmer avoideddeep water until he learned enough to ven-ture safely; in this respect they were onterra arma and had an advantage over thewould-be flyer. If It were not so we shouldin all probability have no swimmers orriders. The flyer must make his frst at-tempt in mid air, and as this Is sulidalwithout protection of some kind, he must

beproved with a fling school. In otherwords the key to flying As the "Flyingeool."I would suggest the use of a captive bal-

loon held by several widely divergent guyropes, and, preferably, over a body of water.so there would- be fewer gusts to the aircurrents and a poesible fall would not be sorisky. From this balloon, by a single rope,suspend the machine and rider, so that theywould be as free to swing as a plum bob.If the mnachine is provided with a propeller

a means of guiding It the rider caneratice in circles and figure eights until he

is thoroughly familiar with every detail ofthe machine and until he manages It almostinstinctively. If he finds defects in the do-

The Flyer.sign or construction they are not even dan-gerous, but can be remedied at once and theresult noted. A spring scale set In the sus-pending rope would show at a glance whatthe rider is doing toward suseaminns himselfand whether any change Improves the re-suit or not. There is no guesswork aboutIt, and positive progress may be relied upon.A different rider may try his ability as fastas the one practicing gets tired, and notesand experiences can be compared. Improvethe machine as seems bpst and continue theexperiments with those riders who are mostapt and a short while will find them goingit alone.This device (captive balloon) is superior

to others In many respects. It gives the be-ginner ample room to awing around In. androom is an abeolute necessity. He mustmove at good speed, If he Is to fly at all,and he requires time to think hew to actuntil action becomes a sort of second na-ture.The atmnospheric conditions are better up

high, because we thus avoid the gusts andeddies at the surface of the earth. Anycycle teacher can tell you how greatly theeffort of teaching is Increased If the surfaceof the yard is in poor shape. Bad condi-tions will be much more detrimental In theair, because the rider can see beforehandthe rough places In the ground, but the flyercannot in the air.A captive balloon would cost probably

3100 each ascenalon, which would give sev-eral persons one or more short lessons each.On this basis a thousand dollars might suf-fice to secure actual flight. On the otherhand, if many changes should be found nec-essary in the machine, and a motor provenecessary, five or ten times that amountmight be required. It matters not, however,If twice ten thousand dollars he required.The solution of the problem is worth maanytimes that amount.Years age I talked the matter over with

Mr. Duryea, and though my attention andtime have been otherwise engaged, I havelost none of my interest in the subject. Oflate I have been taking Into serious thoughtthe trial of Mr. Duryeas plan for a flyingschool, and should be glad to be put incommunication with any one who is inter.-ested in the same direction.I believe that flying will be an accom-

plished fact In the near future, that it is asMr. Duryea thinks, merely a matter of ac-quiring the skill by practice, and I amextremely desirous of hastening the dayby the pract ig trial of Mr. Duryee's fly-ing school. A ralnavigation is looked up-on by the general public as a subject han-dled and dwelt upon and dreamed about by"cranks." It is time that such an ideashould be eliminated from the abblic mind.That such representative sentinec and

mechanical minds as Octave Chanute, pres-ident of the American 8&lety of civil E~n-gineers: Prof. 0. T. Zahm of Notre DameUniversity, Indiana: Prof. S. P. L~angley ofthe Smithsonian Institute, Win. Hargreaweeof New South Wales. M. Hastings of Eng-land, Hearr TJlenth=l at German==y and N.

Uamemme et & t mufy en--iu-with the mewument whe be ae nt toredeem an" a&Y @ and sialnavigation be sabythaughiea sag rorive maat Be aeas a near at ha and aheet hi-portant eter in the einlatMes es-rilement of the we U.H. . @WMI


Poety Men Seeine ta Wtteen kmaoad Plitoem genmm.

hUm the pa Me Ossetia.It was the list Mht at the 4aw mn-

tat between -T~y" Wiek ot Chelsea. a"Wil~am IAW&t Pthaa, sanstrang hepeswere entertained by the s=entOrs tha theontest would nt be a bioess e-e. The

eurtaft o the Imperial theater In the ea-niam was down, and as the .pectators Medlato their seats the am torm" up the ad-las of their easts and the woman sivere.The refere, a short and nomI-beteIeas-tiesea. heeked grave but- cale. **T es-test." he sant to "The Pamai'' repssa-tative, tabtlg the beish-wM*s artihes etagreement fto the iside peeadt ot liscoat. '1s for M a Ote a" the champlem-ship. Iloyd is the ebhnar. ad I uiner-stand that If Lloyd is deteated Wisk wil eto America to meet ail Comet aIs&s meGscombat. The referee is to be the sets Soteet points, an there is hut e setipuabtiest the articles at agremest-samelt. thatI shall 'ake a difference betwes. eO"artstg from tuedlemey an these whikmay be due to iausenities et the ernfce.It is time for the dow to ba, and Imost take my pisee." The v.res cimhedthe staps leang to the stage, ebel theeurtais to ne sie, and was lest t0 vtw.The ocupsats at the back seats and at theganery began to stamp their ost by way atInformig the managemst that the propertime had arrived for the invi g at hestage. The @lgna was gives and the ew-lti was rake. The spectatnr eekedupos a row of tes barboarr cehair.. B ithese, at a man table, sat the referes. Athis right hand, s the tabfe. was a stepwatch. In treat t hi was Som paper.He was badly engaged t wrtig. T)e ee-cupants ot the bask seats and the saneryappms..ed but to the appiense the refereepaid no attention. evideatly beestg Bethe was entitled to it.The applase hawVg CaMN to am e04 the

referee stepped to the footiih.twtc wereon a vacation. and red the articees atagreement. flablmg with the hope that thebest man might win. As the =psetat r adhea:4 this before at prime, dW and perhapscock aghts, they appla-ed. The refereesaid that the men were to above againteach other for an hour each alght =tB De-cember 1, by which tie, is his opinieM,the question at superiority would be esab-lished beyond the ghost of a doubt. Thereferee retired had ma down at hMs table.Then the orchestra. cousetimg of a pat.fell to. The strains were IOw and aours-tal-the'sort et MUS.C that is upseMd todenote the immedstme premimity at the vU-lain ad the extrem peri ot the herete.There was a tramp of many fet. a" aboly of fifty or sixtymen sett Oan irregular MaNOW apes the stage. Theyformed a semi-circle hehini the etINue, a"almost Oied such part. et the stage aswere not ocpied by the Tyremi aips, thereferees table and the reeree, in tam bar-bers' cbairs. fludduy the arChestra berstforth into a Uveuer air. and Mr. Wick andMr. Lyod strade upon the gtagc To be

eectly accurate,Mr. Uyd steand Mr.Wrippcd. The campl. as Mr. Wick

describes himsel, is rather sheet. hat metat all pormy. His cheeks an as smoeth as

a m~r== 'ftb, awlupon his upeap INtht ustebe whik usly

pase..c.,.prsver.., time..G heifl.....ecan develop tte that -omlet-s et rehest-moe which would withisan a single t&.To defaee its contour by an absmt-mnedchew would be Imposle. Mr. Wick wassupple In his movemustA,and dINILvednothing that ceuld be sail toldme.vomes- Mr. LiYd is much tiler amstranger looking than he advermary. If thema were opposed to each other. armedwith axes, no sae peren wold back Mr.Wick. The latters -ppemt wears o hIrupon his Coca, tho he leeks as if. wert the interest o h ccupatem. he audIraise both whbuhrer, bout and mpsloehe.He di not seem so meh at homs merthe pubic goes as is Opponent. 3th manwere deld t large white aspes. Aessmoa-sring thewogwere tp yo om. W wonshe dad t White swrene. They Carriedtowels, soup oap banes a" -a- brhef-s. Half sothe coatingent were to act aslatherers for M?. Wick, the other half forMr. Loyd. The two pr c leka at therow of chairs ad sai they wete he ctesetogether.Two rows were mslee ot the chalrs. The

army of victima looked at the chais, theanstants. the priaepais, the settoesand at each other. game of them grinned,but most ot them preserveI a grave d-meanor. as If they tharevaby unIersedthe gravity of their situatoa. AN ot hevictime were young. Name or them semeto have passed the thrtieth miemse.while the cheeks ot not a few sIembeen caressed by a resr. Ittranspired that most ot the men were ea-tossers of the cembesat . al were iot asdeeply Interesete as the latter in the annt.Baadaumy one af the iatherew sheAtel,"Now, step up, ts. Thne ehairs wereinstantly filed. were thrust amlerthe chins of the first ten, a thsey werewell and truly latherqd, the tam wee"Go" shouted the referee ta a tame devuilof a sainge truo. Two rane's were 8m-robhed aloft. Each smemne ua the leftchek~ a vietime. Th1e erchsestra dashmltheme== that breathel aeme salsmater. The spectatrs s-ame theirfeet upon the floor, ad the hattie ragelwith unexampled ferocity. Wick quaic-lydesett=ated that his touch was the moredelieate, ad the rapidity of his mvew-etsthrew his namirers into saems of eattha-da=. IUoyd was mnore deilberate. alshowed that he pommel- a down-cut thatwas certain to save time if there were noprotuberances tn the way. Wisk 1mheelhis first man while Lloyd was scraping thechin of his. Wick spraang to thie meat eksrand attackad his secoad subject with acelerity that promised gore. No e-a Sew,however. Llyod shaved his tigma tothirty seconds. Wiek polished off his fifthein fifteen seconds, hut the chteeks of thesubject were doway. The moment a mawas shaved he'was toll to leave thme chair,and lose no time shout It. The towel thathad rested upon his chest was takes away.and another was thnast tat his hand.With the latter he was expected to wip thesoap sway. No water was need. One aObjected to wiling his face with a towei,ad used a andkerchief. Another leakedat the towelina==picio**may as if be had neverseen one before, and was waihing awaywith his soaeated fae whnen It waswiped for himn. 'One down smothner esmeson." was the word. The contestantsscraped at top speed for ten mimutee, andwere never kept waiting. The orehestma didnot stop to take breath. Several of thespectators mounted the stage. ad excite-ment was running high. when 'the reecled "Halt!" The contestants held theirThe referee camne to the trout and maid

that Mr. Wick ha~d more amen thtan MLLloyd, and that unless both maamihed asupply there could be no contest. Tihe spec-tators said. "Hear! hear!" and the refereeadded. "I mnove that the men whoe are htereto be shaved be divided evesly." Thnis wascarried by the spectators. Mr. Wilck saidhe was satisfied. and the battle was renew-ed. The pianist pulled himmelf together endthumped out a warlike strain. Rot momeworked with terrific earnestme-a, and thestock of subjects was getting low., whn alatherer shouted: "Ainy lady or gent wanta shave' To this appeal thme-e was noresponse, and there being a-. mtore men toshave the reftree said lbht th- entst~wasended for the evening. The contestants, hesaid, had been shaving for fifteen inlautesand fifteen seconds. In tat timne Mr. WI-:khad shaved forty an-I Mr. U~oy-j thirty..onemen. He would deeset one froma Mr.Wicks score as a bad ihave. and two fromMr. Lloyds score, on thi grouind ot euts."Did you deduct me?' utouted a youngmaan In the back seate. "What iwppened toyou' asked the refe-ee. "Tisere was spiece cut out ot my etna" was the suswer.The other spectators reared. -*Wie cutyou' asked the referee. "Lloyd." was thmereply. The referee said be thought that hisscore was corrct, ad that bae wenji stiskto It. He added that if the costest was tolast for two weekcs that lee, Wish 6ndLloyd woald probanty lbe abin to shave Los-don before the fleish. Hie "oguested thatsomne coal heavers should he see-aed. a wteesuggestion on his part, as withi tend~er sube-jects the e-ratestante hard-/ gave him tiecsfor breathi'2it purpoes. Mr. Wiek l.'.edprofusely; Mr. Lloyd unbent once: the og Cc-tators la'aghed gentally: the eretaestia v'.eston strike; and the purformeance was at anend.

Pure food esposittan ovary afternoon andevening at Conveation Hail. Doore opan at2 p.m. aznd clos at 10:3 p.m. Cook lecturesat 3:30.-Advt.Free thcket food moiisu a 4vt


Unedi os oe Mow Qe e was C-mewed Wwkmat e

A 4w-mmss asueaper awho hasame t taa an e

laws:"Whats I a asmm?'* 1%t del a

mman. Y. eity tha has hesm 1MAt Iblnt d emiftl the 'ew ft SNmafter GI mest ane stAglaugi -WMt MI

PatUUet. The sement dest e smi ISIer t the great msveer et dh wessM

- who dbeseei dd nw Med. Tbfeseam Ule mew berrewed a asme .ready reaer" tembm with mnh

0rY bOr the bemWeDatk am beane 0UNIted State ofAmmete. The gWI Ome-

oefgae, desthesi e be the omeft gowet. le appropetefty mMi ~e Uthm reat of the stame. AE Rhes emeae booh himereM ad .s .eL Twaa -md It Might have -oaW a

nam* Ueut s Fer s he e m vay 6beest man" A; the aerta estt. ; soeOint COty. C. a Pnams4tMsft &,

Uvm User strat ean dh Mnery vedi bossebkm ocnedes by wtg shem d b.tus that et t the --a s ---- o ,Rue N. 1. Ne. . No. a adm N. 4. o oneot the senlatu bas dht sm attolpa the awther eie et a esa rnyosueover he.. being was hw by a an.bar. which he or she were, lo co,hdadem sthe oerhead.su who wedi E adwfiatlm where tolvlimlby wa= s,"NDy Iet ad the pe-g were mmnesait bb.stnd of mom?Thee redeedm are osmsma IV a eldima.e a afnh hmeay istreet ommtoe ot WadahgesM. L t we dam. abesot has benes. a Uvetg geaey. Thedty le emerged frnm e ts meseif ie

brunes are balt amod e lesempebeen. Thed toesed Peum -as-- Mai poghbige Shhbe vsa or the capital cy, amn soh weGwe ah artal semsaan thalt eser ghIed diagmus amees or On aeaaegmaua" ereim, wk thae n ind e hIs In.agiestbe esaf. sheM be mmai fer 1

states In the Ubsa. Tem we have Olsobamatl read ther bfee ammed b

the oememwealthm. We have thu emand Circes mand after tam n Anseuts*Name ad staemN, wh k efgises as hnteresting and altresiv aew

.eTre names maae sede.d.gmlanst adpe

appropetate ter the - m-a-lWbeS Earemd bO 9OeVse.

BIt whoe a" that rst io sodlwed em of labe a s the other eseem

h Washontem wIth e -eat She41khet ad the S-e-si-m et Arnbe -..ads?me eM tomebee aMd a em tsem asfeitre of miner. L'Ra..e sanggave hie famartmed onsmetai seea hag

bhe mme s enseie asmat e~alSer his basamntad. of hew saLet. The lawoner et the A. K, C and em, to OmeWAtem h km b ewomtaa. a he desemsto be. It S ftmate that he am oet omwhe plan to tegtmi -- = endoNeas the great avenen br Remuen

. IL L IV. V. &.. ad 1h kecaluts after the twelve mehs 9s4gmThe oaly argue thate hehod Oer Ou

es et the alphahet (wk Ih wes Moemtivis the sember,"ise aKegi enmweaven were he eenventamm ncs ee Our as@a"e of aigumei. weets nt "

eny as iibeft mam...Mealabtae, however aepegtee K I usoto be fEr a bamiee. metresenam mm

sic the o r citie of the eentry ve met mamerai nmes hes bm adepondofadvatage, but an dIm=" ah betbenev% Not been feit Is. an eheis te Ctah. ies Chae Named er

emat nu b Ua& mte the-and NeorWork Oh m outS

en members eil her march u a sh.saftIslad wpm we bage.The ebed al-a- m -e"-- =abw soup

Slaatlot oft a iet undoeseaem to ILn, whoer sammoig fse For-sml he he am ah aeoth ofthe City -has It m-.MMM.y s gas.coed. at I met in he 1 ref1 tthdaeime smmsm .41 the "iIemume aeven f Weaesigamt shud ow em faRautit. ad RIbmed AN Rut he tobe deame I he bei over agat weM A. IS,2; 3, Ne. 2; C. No. 2. etc. Theme nare Just is prett s the at ot ad SoImiase pedm et bt te --m.

Assesee, at see i===e-It 1%, St Cases, aft Probable that dons

aben4 street mas wN ever be eg.Rut It we4i bsequ pentde fer thum tbe alteret wis--t beg very km -sFor intace, lot the abhabt eson be

6- .waimm mwehetamey m es, flo.*ervahg the.-eadm of the Itte orualhabet. Thee S Net a seem eAmeuisa i the "ae . My .=Mm .Veat the, sweet ad. I thk be a amSe eaperse A strest wedS6he a enstat Eow memli see Mbhm usnDmanhet, n....d. Musw.uuNedtree, r-~-- m. rL~ea. as...Pre-a-m gs.e e.......Valley lhuge. Whee 144 adt Teaemeemi? Emh street euet kmn heemach-lavd hetter. but the bee wedS esegrew he mam ...ayThmere are us meme msere amda Mmthe nemm ems.b e d ae abba-bes estreets after the depasemde awsof the sd.et th epe weett kea poematrmbute hr the ~empa. Uew m e ade

hi-r weelt .-eemi eerpsem eptlemem recleltem it we hed iein AM-

tawa--P-w-aTam.essmanU entTmtWyamdstte. Tam ade ased.The ahyhbe-mi semeta mdig he mmdgimewbsa after great streman that -sesthrough ear mihty empie, or tages 41that det he wIes area. or after

eame-m. uasier er peetsnwhoe bave mseri tiu Ameatesm mem. But she u md

ot the writer She roeosteamsy beeneswould hrabm ammn with mmr asmiand felladty them amy ethese.

The numercal streets are met Pa the.,eaMy grafted us the ilbteet map hbeagRockr ereek. There have kme twenty..ku

ffeewt Preduesta. Thneme maambemes seseneseul each he made he r3am'ent the piet the repubite "thegm eme dma...tlon." Thete mseJ twesty-taeammaerestreets marthwrest ehe b erder. ef uasemGeoretoewn. 3m us other dure 4hememberei stresta een s E. t wedS hea Runpee heme s he preesathel mesanIf 1st he.- Wasiaiet tost.t as he.emme Jetbm Adam street and 3d Jestreet. and s em through 3*41m. MeerJo Qucy Adams,Juarks.. Van BekmWUNiam Heary Harres.. Tyler. Pek. Tlapher. Pllmore. Plerce. Rucuam.a ImsbJe-m--- Greant and aln theoeher Preteamto Grover Clevetand ad 3imy.a 3ere-se. The -oc--elsmaiat hestruee toph

friidamnes flum the VtePowho served under the Presteees bee whenthe preceding street was named.'nM. he tar emens he carry .r--aaluabout the matter. There semihe ......nem. made thot would-st .igmmatm and aepriatse ms ber'th streets et the greatest casie usearth. N..e ecou be made that wed

tt met a eetise. etW hegs whowesld met he gtad he be moved ues of alettered or sumbhered street hr s aphee aproesa. A street~ any other nme wmdiseud wseter. evy mwdi m-

lagly spare hes arithmsdc. WmagaWubustliag bene-- hMe. Tth earest. wenstteet am added eg1nty as ack-. et.

'aIbe Evemlag ltar could Itself mev wmaout disadvamtqge thie 1k rserfetimRtust and S'emaylwana avemme. The a~m-with he ==a." Wadingene etrees, -It eam he premted with seuseMmthey would he ,swapt. enhemereiaussg."

There will he mavenes at the ~dt .41kUnited States Naval Ame.-y at Anapemmeat Sumday meretag a memoria wedes|,metributei by oewe oettemway adeotherethr'eagh 1ksNaval Gwaemi Asettem. he amemery et the o== ade -ewho lest their Sees at Apha. heths. mmnyears ago, whem twe veetsele wee oteand several offier.. hteub (4I lee-maker ade Paymaster Ama of the Yeme-

II.. were drewed.

Thme Harvard athlete emitee has.proved the esectss of Wiggie as mads pitcer for time anverutty hums.amb 1he oie nmum