AK ORIGINAL PACJUGE COMlKO r»H of the ch tceet ip'nt» et f»a .*« rr»uc- aMattiaal laW *0B,J .Lf.k'm«. whole rt'»i ere fold, ia b»'1u*f eu'* ».<«. wen'd make aa,, J.JT^L ., ,w ttln b-e t-- I* . errwod Nothing lit* tne** ,7?«Mi - <.'" b«fo p»b ir«1 Ii ra* ik*»t That learned (<*o"»»or. da-key tod aJr/sgeth«r dt«tlTif:i»h»d ».wer ve tc totinck ki-ic* km baU-fetter* Prüf. Ja ia* £r**r Hterlbel wl tVaHrn the New-Yet^e eddreta eereeotv tho»**nd w*Ji k'pib lii-d tntheiOh dar of S*w*m- Rar aa thoee wbo ordrr b at trial b* erat eupplied Pnee «J ceat* aevt by mail po-tM- Iba* t* any part or the l_'nit«d Sa'.»*. RO»8. JOf ES A TOLSEY. Ho. Neettu et. N. Y . and No. SS Clark et, CtUagi. SEVASTOPOL HAS FALLEN.Now ready, anew aad REVISED EDITION (with new cut*, of oar GREAT PICTORIAL WaR SHEET, ahowiug th» moet cxrect ^'SEVASTOPOL. ITS PORTS, SHIPPING, Ac. BALA 1 LAVA AND THE ALL!»D FLEETS. Blrd'r eye View of .^veetopoi and It* Cime* TERRIFIC IXTLoSION IN SEVASTOPOL durlag tbe Cannrid «ding. PANORAMIC VIEW of SEVASTOPOL, thowitg wbara tbe pttatAai a wer* driven to by the allied armia*. AleoaW the Pott*6r«tb«a. aa ibe Mal»* off, Mame-oa, Redaa, Ac Correct Pobvbait» of NarotaoB, At r.xttnit Ptutaica, aad tbe Kueetan ( ommarder Mr*. Hitorr Alan Vi«we of tbe GREAT FORTRESS OF S WE A BORO. Rlo ttie Towna of lI*l»in|fo?*, Rtineof Inkermana, and a'! tbe .romlneet locaiilitea indrd to daring the War. Alto a fail ac¬ count of The Orea* Conflict that recalled in tbe DOWNFALL OF SEVASTOPOL Miking th-: moot b**u'<fn] trd tnuhfu1 nctobial wit tHtcr Pobilab».'. S u> & by HI inch-.*, f rice 10 cent* by mail r )ir rate, on tecaipt of nnce. ROSS, ION 18 k TOt'SEY, Pab'.lahert. No. 1'3 Nteiao a . N Y., and No 25 Clark it Chicago. LrWt) diacounl to Dm e «. " Ot t the Bat* PARKS8 WASHINGTON.. Niw Pditidn.Ja*t Pub iabed. THK LIFE OF WASHINGTON. By Jaeti fPaaai I vol., llmo. »VI 25. For rale by ail Bm k>e bra and N«»i Agent*. Single roi if a eert bymail.poa' p'id ot recei of of price. ROLLER. ORTON at MI'LLfGAN, Pabiiebere. No Z'j Park-row, New York, aad No. 107 Geoeaae lAVa Aobora T A R 7 L I N Ö ~D I S C 8 Ü RES'. TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION! AN INSIDE VIEW OF SLAVERY; Oa A TOUR AMONG THE PLANTERS, ay C O. f.a.s. M. D. fklj U a*/, a romance bnt t tree reco-d of facta, eeen aad learned daring an extenalre tour throagb tbe 9on'-hern Staret by aa iotelligeit pbytician. It la traly an extraordinary volume. Taote who believe '»et the et item of S.every hu been carioe- tared la the. neat la of the day. woull de well to lit down to a aalm tcr! diapaeelonate peruaal of tbeae FACTS fr x real lifav Jntt pot.llebed by JOHN P. JEWETT A Co. s F u n n Y-C o m i C-l a u 0 h abl E We ab all lease In a fear dare a large, aplendidiy got ap riCTORI AL for the HOLIDAYS, entit ad THE COMIC PICrrOBIAIij Containlni a great number r.f highly COMIC CI TS, and t aroadeiful rarlett of SQi IBS, JOKES, ANECDOTES end rUNNT THINGS tor Pun-loaing retdere. Price 61 oentt, mailed pott free, oa receipt of one*. ROSS, JONES A TOt'SEY. No. Ntteau a'., and No. SA Clark et.. Chicago. LOOR FOR THE COMIC PICTORIAL Dont PAY TEN MI ILLINGS for THE OLD HOMESTEAD, wheo |ou can get It et No 99 Nemu-rt Hon Building, for One Dnlltr. AN F.W SP i K i t U AL BOOK . SCENES IN T»K BP1RIT WORLD; Or. Lira the Sphere*: Ry Hndaou Tattle, Writing Mediem. Thi» he ok coBtaitia intereatiag aarrttiret of BpHta* expar, .acee aad obaeivttii.ua dellneaiiag the affectt certain oecupa- palieaia tnd erreneoaa Iheotle* here no the apirit la the life i.». jond Ife grave. Publlahed by PARTRIDGE A BRITTAN, Ivo. M2 Broadway. Pri. e,'« r-nta, poatage, 1 eenta Cora and the duc'i or! Or, REVELATIONS OF A PHYSICIAN'S WIPE. Agreaah'y to promiae we opened " a new vela " on the 18th Of Heptamber, and i.'O pounda of the ricoeat o'e were takea from it on tbe Brat day eine* which time we have foond it lm- poaatUe to eopply tbe demand. OORA AND THK DOC.T >R will be, ea vae predicted, a bo-.k of mark The fourth tbooaaad la now ready The reviewere .re eeligt ted with iL Read «hat they ety: " A ttory whiah ditplayt great aklll and good ttata In tbe arrlter." (Telly Adreititer, Bottom " It haa rarely bean oar lot to perate l more intenttly tntai- eetini book than thie A ealeyan Journal. " tJai heart bet bar* made to throb wilh Ittdrtmatio iorl dee la and oar eyeeto well up with the pa'hot of ita heart re- aeallega." (McMUiii't Courier Pblla " One of the moet Internatini eolumee thtt hat lately b*ea lamed frwn the American preee |R.atna Herald " A elaraalngly written volume whirb wll< amp'v repay a V< ' (Itail) Bntiah W'hlg, Canada. " The fragrance It leavea behind po'e ted refreabiag." ICbriatian Mirror, Portland. II oui jutt>»*>< I* net greatly at fault.' Cort tnd the DjC- tor' wtli prove to he on» of the moet popa.tr aU.rf?s the .*»*oi'1" IN. E Farmer. " It u Indeed a Kick of power, poetry, elegance, tnd ohritttaa aoctimectt.one aim ng tbcuaende." (Evening TranaeHi.t. Boatoo, PublUbedby JOHN P. JE tVETT A Co., No. IP Weening eon at, Botton. 18 O r A 8 child. The f«ortb rditi n of thie rbttimog new novel It now ready, üava The ( bxail ntti I lin.i an Jonrnti and Meeaaagar: ' It ia above the oi.noaiy < tea of actione. The plot le inge. aioaa, lit d-relopment la e*>* irhn.i, and ita denou-m»nl, with one or tvro rxrevtlone, p etet' g and happy Th* character* are duttbctive well drawn and at. it log.portrait* of pereont aome- tlmet eeen In mixed ecclety. The Ulaal for fetcriptioa, and tor err..tn.ii painting, I* of a high ana refined oidei. Exquliitt aou- Sil'illty guehea out on every page." Haje tbe Rocheat.r Dan; I) tnoeitt: " leora'a Child' la a well written, intere*ting and at'rtctlve Uxk. It will aUrt.t Ike Bailee tud aWtb tbt attention of d any who are aatlated wi h ih* preieol race of Bctiona, fur it ia exeeuird in that free, e.jiia' and utiexaggerated atyletoahlrh un*t of tbet brood tie airaugert Wo predict lor it t tacceea Comu.eneurale with ii* u.aui met ita One large Ifti.o. Price +1 3A. _J- C DERBY, Pablieber, No 119 Naaeau eh. CHEAFfdition ot tawUFE of BAHNUlf . By a tpecial trrtugerneot with the authoi. the under- will pnbllab ot ti aTl'RHAY FIFTY CENTS, a new edition of T1<E 1,1 EU OF V. T. DAHN UM. Writ'to by Hiia» II (Itoifonn with one publiebed ai fl 25.) Id aMatar ta hi* pabliahai III Haruarn atye: " I wuh to have five uii'liona or more of be inhabitant* of the Vnlteo n>et-e reed'tut b«, k for th unelvee, tud am ready to puaiai iee tbal more thin ntueteen-twentie h* of the whole nutnbei wi t>*<d* tatv I' teeaaai uniy a go .d mottl l***on>" Diacour' to the trade ttnie a* on fjrm-r edition*. J i R> D'lF.LD, NoK4 rieekmta-rt. ViKVASlOPOL. CKIMh.A. GREAT RLDAN. 0 MAJtXLON at d M al.AKOFF TOW ERS, \\ l.r-t-rence etaoaof ihe BLACK. H»l "if auf kZOPF 8r*tS: AH New VI1 vi and it lahed on one large ah*et. P.lf« J'ic't. Akta, tVIIW ,t ( l:i>s>ril>T-ehoe|o*anlde«rlbni( I 1 ¦ii' .an ia, wth r.-.1*1.a of tbe artaalpal CRO (/NC . I I AHS, tlao. BUSMAN, FtifVH Tl RKI-H a-ii EN- (II It'll (UHl IKs, wi h ya.uable Meat Al.kl.M.s aaitei. A. H JOSEi.YV, PuVUher, No. 6'» Fulton tu. Ntw \ ork. Memoir of AMOS lawrence.Secoud > dittos Thte Bai pubHabeo. Fxtracta from the Dura ate Corretpceiden 1* of Ihe let* Ami* Lawrence, with a brief account o' acm* inctrl nt* in hi* life. 1 Bated t'v r ia a n, Hi Ita R Lawrence M. D. W ith eletaut portitl * of Arno* tr d Ab'sott Ltwreace. Re..., e'oth. 01 50. A lane por nI it the it rditiia Wat laktn up by Boeton MNaanta t,.i g.fte t.. i> el r it* Ii« prtaaaf tl.twirk i* mach lower than any other of the kind ex-cu e.l In the aan.r auf»rior *ttla l'ep-ra .eel b) mail Met paid, to perenn* remitting tht pri e H iha \ GOULD A LINCOLN. _ No M Waahlngfnti at, Boaton. T)IB tiROTIO EXPEDITIÖN\.MAP~of NORTH AMERICA, I NlTED STATES, and CI BA, rvatatattg aäaMeTata, p«.pu.ati.>r a/CMea, Rent*t<o Callton.U. Ac Alan 1): Kanr'. Hoot to the A'ctic Reg-tot*, aad Cap'. Met'lnrrt In b.V> tl.-oi.ls Ni itk weat Pttaaga ever mtde from the Atlantic to Ihe Pacific Oo-e* Sie of th* Map. 28 bv ii luehea, beaattfullv col-led Pr e-2* cent* oeei by mill 'or'ooe ^iTwVi WtitlV^1"'^ «OFulum-et.N Y. N B-Ne»ai.aj»r. .- pi ng the »b v-tod aendint the tame to the oftice v .1 rec- hrt threi p..pie* Aho t h e r~~~ne w thin *5l. We aba'l ieetie earlv In th* eeaa-n a large, »plendidUv *jt tip PlCTt'RIAl f,: the b '1 IPi\> e tüea 'IUI- OOMIO PIOTOtUAl*, Cottt'nlrg a gr- at runl»r of hithly COMI CUTS and t wiide/iu vane.* tat RQUI AS .lOKkS ANkXDOTKdl aad FINNY TlilSGSf.it fui-lcviig leauert. Pnct erne uitüe« peet tiee, oa raccipt of price. hO>S .»NFS A TOISFY. _No 1<A Neaeau-et., N. Y.. and No 2»Ctart at , Chicago. ett1- k~ than "äll-^cheäpeb than ANY .If you want plenty of grwd reading with BEAl- T1FI L ILcl SIRATIONS g-t th* Notember oumberof THK NEW-YORK JOURNAL, The cheti**t ar j he*: af tat* ataalbRti File* Trtia Buppliedby R >SS JONFS A TiU SET. ha 103 Nttetn et N Y tad No. Clark at., Caicago. Jaet Pa Ikibad.Frtee, Rl 25: G0p8ill ' JEatSST city dikkctory" for IkV&aad IAS6-For taV bv SL >TE A JANES. Btatioaera. Ac, No. Mi Fa."ton at , near Wi.liam-at., N. Y*. THE old hom k8tead..bj Mr*. AuiTe. Stephen*, author of » Feehion aad Faatlne." Por ta e Vy K1QOINS A KELtOGU No » Job* «. \Y^ILL be Pablitbtxl on M0NDA7.wells'* »TiowNr-Ww?,il.r "f faiMEA SEA of tZ.lt F tnd EC- ROPR con bin. d with a P* NOR A Mil Vir W of NORTH aid tiOflH b«Va>«TOPOL, .how eg tbe ,^*ot \f "1 «rtoieuolagarmiea: By an artiat eight meatba ia tbt Crimea. Tbe ae bolenaku* eeaparb ebeet »r by 33 btchea. erloted oafioe, ¥*n **9**> Bfi "*°7? . vP,itaL * !?Ä!S. *a*oM will had thie U, beat eei.trg mar iha' baa been pabhabed Aadreea O. F PARSONS. Pobliah*r, Na 14U Naaaeu at Paper* giving thai oaa raeertien will tecale* a copy. N" ATURE,» DIVINE REVELATIONS: Bj An- dtew JecAaoa Devi*. Twent.etb Editloa j**t pubtiabal. Tag pejaa Price »2, »>^*t*e» AS oeat* irfcF.AT HaRMONIA or (he RRPORMP.R RraVJ. Devit; 4 volamea, Jaat poMl.Kad. 44» page*- P - * , poatag« - (viola. SpLIiatl VaMiaA'ng Hoata. FARTRIDOE A BRIT . AN aVwaedaaty, (reel of the Taewtaee*a. t*i. ¥. Booksellers' aoenct. We act ee Ar-r fcr the p-_r-:.*«r of Bo- l., Maat, hi ear «. lot h tee >r» in til parte of tar- Union. Wt wti furakth th* faMletviot* of* ail the Px ili.htt» of tttti City at mat* patea\ (***nct rate ) Will ahw patk ana forward" pircait fron the Trade, wt« the* i inttn I by at or othsrarwo- AI ta/h o dare prorrrptlj tiled and prcpariy d»ckeeL Reeg* k* lha pab.iaban of thle paper. _ ROSS, JOVF.S A TOUSET, ICC Nataaa-et.. N. Y.. and II C.arkat. Chictra. HE PEOPLE** BOOK AOENCY. We tntf! Po»v »tri til the Booat. Vam. Metre, he., edrertieed la thit or tar other piper. fead the adeertited pnoe of the Book ton want and the ret am mall trill briar the thing ordere.!. Refer to the poUieber of thU pea«r. ROSS. JONES A TOUJrRT, Niaiia-*C. N. T., aad 25 Clark-et., CMcaat V EWSVENDERB' AGENCY.. 1* We are AtrkTi far all th* lei.Ua« Niartptrrat. (Daily aad Weekly,) Macallan. Ac., and forward them earlier mmi at lea* price* then other dealer*, f ataJogne* eent on reqaeat. Refer to the pnhliabert of thit paper. ross. JONES A tousttt, 1W Naeeao-et W. Y. aad 2t Clark -et, Chirac*. SEMI-W'TeKLT TRIBUNE. The foUowir.t i* th* TABLE of CONTENTS of THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. N*. 1.0A5: [Srng'e Corte* can he rbtaloed tt the eotnter in the Pab.ict- tion Oftoe THIS MORNINO. Price 6 een:i. | I..EDITORIALS: Th* " Free-Lore" Moremeit; Onr Straight Whig*; Ttoune with Japan: A Judicial Jonah: Hear the Enemy; The Ree*]] cf Mr Crimp- tcn; The Prwpeet: Aeeoun't frjm Ktr.m: The State o'the Wir; D rem the Crimea Ahoat Sbelli; M:nneit>ta; Lout and Otin; Hjw to Can ran the Vote*. II..ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE: Arrirtl of the it'ttr.ahip A lao lc; Sertatopol to be Blown Up; Movement« of the Allied and Hawan Armlet; Ctvalry Barle, and Defeat of the R'lanani reir Eopitorit; Departure of the A lied Fieet on . Se¬ cret Ex;edition. III. .AMERICAN PRI7.FS AT THE PAR"* EX1IM- TION: Letter from Oar Specitl Correependent at Perm. IV. .MONUMENT TO THE OSSOL1 FAMILY. V..MAROARET FULLER. VI..LETTER FROM WASHINGTON HI NT. VII..AN IMPORTANT LETTÄR FKOM TUE nON. JAMES 8. WADS WORTH. VIII..LETTERS FROM PRESTON KINO AND GEO. GEDDES. IX..AB1JAH MANN ON PROHIBITION. X..JIM BROOKS'S WHIO STATE CONVENTION. XI..CRANBERRY HARVEST on CAPE COD: Let¬ ter from a Correepindent it Ctpe Cod. XII..WESTERN VIRGINIA: Lattei from t Corretpoo dent at Perkertharg, Va. XIII. .THE CALIFORNIA MAILS: Arrivx! of the itearn- .hip Empire City. XIV. .ENLISTMENTS FOR ENOLAND. XV. .KANSAS: Letter from McCret to hie Ptther-in-!ew. XVI..POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: Ohio; Pennryl vtnlt: Kiriaa; Minnetott. XVII..CITY POLITICS: The Republican Pirty; The Par- tiee end the CindViiee. XTI1I..BTABBINO AFFRAY. XIX..THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. The Reported Murder of Oov. Reeder: The Cte* of Ptae- more W lliamaon: The Yellow Fever in Virtlnia; E ee'ion Rid In Baltimore; Trouble on the Brant- ford Railroad; Mtn Drowned; The Colored Net oa- tl Contention; Lt-er from Texu; John Yin Barea m St. Lewretce; Exploaion of a iteim Towbott; From Wtahingt'in. XX..THE FRFE-LOVE MEETING: Immeote At end- arc-, Interference and Arrem. XXI..FIRE IN STATE-STREET: Womtn and two ChU dr*n Burned. XXII..FREF-I.OVE IN NEW-YORK: Individual Sov¬ ereignty Realized; Secret Society of iba Letaae; Iti Origin. Ilntnrr tni Organisation; Princplee and Practise of the Free. Love;*, XXIII. .FROM CANADA WEST: Letter froj i Cam* epondent a* Cobourg, C. W. XXIV. .CURIOSITIES of A RAINY DAY: Letter from a Cnrreapondent it Hirtford. XXV..FISHING AMONG THE KAATSKILL8: Lettr from a Co-renpandeot In Delaware Countr. XXVI..AN INDIAN EXEC TION IN KIOBIOAJf, XX\ IL A DREADF1 L Mt'RDER AT CUMBERLAND. XXVIII..FROM TEXAS. XXIX..MISCELLANEOUS; Tornado it Oloaceet..r-H..a^.. and Treei Blown Down; Stenbati Coantr Another Know-Nothing Lodge Ditbanded; The Yellow Fe ver In Virginia; Ouiyaqui. XXX..MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. XXX I.. WHALERS. XXXII..COMMERCIAL MATTERS: Pull Report* of tht Stork. M oney, Cotton. Grain,Cattle an t other Mar- kefa, iperiniiy reporter! for The Tribune, THt Sgati-WtiKKLV TKiautr la ruruiahed to eubaerikert at thee* ratee: Out ropy for One Year, A i, Two copiet, A Fite copiet. Ill ^ TREATISE ON SEXUAL DISEASES.By E. H. Dixon. M. D. 2M ptgei; price ft]. Thil edi¬ tion contain! fjur new chapter", vi*..The new Treatment of Btriatarai Opcjatirn* for \ erleocele Clreumeltioa, t cure for D*M ity andSpermatonbei; Low of Virility In the newly max ried, an u rum pec ted cauae. For aale by O. A. Roorhach. jua., No It Ann-et; Bbermaa A Co., No. < Veeey-et; Stringer TrwrleTii. No. eiz Broadway f ol H. Ring. No. 192 Broadway. I/A M1LY K.\ I UN SFJ~BOÖk7.Joat publubevd by th* tobacrlber, an entirely new etyle of EXPENSE BOOK for keeping tn tcecrtta account of a the expentee of e Family, monthly and yearly Price 18| cent*. For a tie by all Bnokeellert N. B. PARKHURST. Bcokee'ier and Stationer, No Nruiean-et. NI W~8ECTIONAL MAPS of WISCONSIN'. MINNESOTA, ILLINOIS tod MICHIGAN. Alto TOWNS n IP MAPS of INDIAN A WllroNrJlN.ILLINOIS, IO-VA.Ac Juat publiahed and t ir ialt hy A. R ANNE Y, No. IM Broadway. aP h Ü IV Ö Ö D ; KM Or, THF PARISH BOY. Will be pnbliibed oa WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24, ia 1 ToL, ItrtM 42* pp. Price tj-i zy BBEPARD, CLARK A C-v, Pobliahera and Boikaellen. No. 110 Waahintton at., Boat in. jpEEAP LI BP-RAE llOÖKS^Pai nci Arje of \J Rraiea. Rf a I VataaV* Run», l7ic ; Rigiitarl Man.V'c. C' mo.on tSrnaeand Crieii f >r 'TC, 25. fuat iiub.iahed, Phi'o- tophletl Prater BqtR, Wi'h Rational Kip'anatijn of Sp'r.tua.'- i»m Ac, M'c. to 75c, by O. VALE, No. 1 Bowary, N. Y., np attirt. I^O PIIYSKTANS .A TREATISE ON THE I u»F OF IODIDE oF BTBTTL*. AND OTilE". BTDB i \I.BON COMPOUNDS IN PULMONARY CJNsUktP. TION. By Henry Fiaher M D. For tale by STRINGER A TOWNSKND. Pti:e tSaeaia SCHUBERTR A CO'1 MUSIC DEPOT, No dcs Brt'tdwtt..Pu'luhiDt Houae f >anded SO yeara in t: 11 an burg and Leipefr. ar d keepu g the arg wt it >ek in the V. S. ol 0* ii 111 ion Wmkr i f Foreign end American MI'SI J fror* I rrn' rleectto w-»Jr> ac -ret. Our o en publication!, ti.OCO. VVo'ka, r k k ia heat \\ ho want* good Muaic it inrilad to aeleet ia our aprrlriti itrra. Our cliru tting lihrtry contaim 30,' ft) Work* T- in* f t one yeai $12, lai-h #<. Muaic gratia); fix montli* t)r, \LW MlSlC.-The> PRIZE-BABY P1LKA, X. * * Ith t betnltful likrcrt* of Maa'er Scott, on the title-page, mi » may ind fot tale at til Muaic Store*. J EYV Ml'SIC.Spexitnen ('opiee ffratia to Music- * Teacher* end Semioariea. Juat la«ued: Th* ruilowmt n. y beautiful piece*, co'iipeaed by Jalbaa Met*: "TliK GOLDEN DROP" SCHOTTISCHE. IA* "THK RIVER- DALE' SCHOTTISCHE, 2'«. " SPARE MY HEIRT I ROM GROWING OLD" (Song), 21c The ab>te three piece* nil be mailed free for tic Sepe'b Piano« alwart on hand it .he **jreet poaeil.le nricee. COOK A BROTH I R. _No *41 Hr..»'war. ßtotiüticm aiib fancn ©oobi. is DRiyCCISTS' FANCY GOODS EXCLUSIYE- Li..Tooth, Nt and Hair Btuahea; Comb*, Pimtia*. o. a. Lchiu't Extiectt, Soap*. Pari* Toilet Araicle* and erery article *old by Drtugia a, except drux., ufTiirad on m»at reaxm- tbl* trrmt by RUKUS K. M. H.VRG A Co., Importer* tad k .alt ...¦»'.« r*, No 153 Broadway. JO s B I'll GILLOTT'8 STEEL PENsT. A fitab tupi-ly i f the** POPULAR PENS, (:r c'rditg two new ..'le*l, will be reuiy finde on Tl'ESP \ Y Oct. lb, at the Wtreiuute, No. 91 Jol.D *. New Y rk _HENRY OWEN. Ageat, A I AKKINO INK.For marking boxe«, balea, a." I tc D-y Ooo.l. Jobber» and vXbert will find thia article h.-tter. m< re permaLOni. and at half ehe <vw of rurpeniue and laapbtck. THADDEI'S DAVIDS A Co.. Manufacturing Mtationen. Ne. > 1 «._ Mucilage.SRMrior to any other yet manu- :.d In new ind cotitenient Kittlee. wi'h moribii N u.h aitacbed to met* lie corera f * eale br TH ADDEL'd DA- »II S A Co.. Muufarturlag hte Inaei», No. 2B CliaT-at jTmt <3lrto. ENGRAVTNG and PRINTING..The m-aVel ax I ¦ oat rta^iootbie try lee of Card*, Seal». Cireuiana, Ea <.» I aad Ma*** Order* reoeired by mail for Ca.-, la and .ar.t variety of Kbgrttitt and Printing. Specimen* ar nt kj roti. WM n DUN NELL. No-ikW Broadway, corner Dey-ai ("JOUPIL aV Co. hkve on exhibition, for thia R we-rk nely the ce ehra'ed Pamtirg bv Arv JbeaVr D4NTÄ and BK4.TBICE. * F1M. ART GtLLERY, No 3BS Broadway. New-York. STÖTF A JAN>a8.'8iraVn ^ and LITHOGRAPHERS, 18 Fu.tao-at..BLANK BOOKS u'e* and t>ound to aty pattern. Ore*reexec»t*4 with aj»p*rah.. tTJants. AYOUNG Lady, pottwaiin«; a Rood and well raltiv ed Soprano voice, aad tble to euattie t tret part, »übet an ENGAGEMENT lo SING in »CBL'RCbl it at aetr thi* ritv ; aleo to give leaaan* la the Modern Lingua*«* aai Mule in t acbool a* vantiog Octeraee*. Apply at No. is R ige- at. ottr Oraad. AN a\coompliahedyouiigGa>rTrian Ladr it deairoai ti bed t aitoation m the capacity of GaJVKRNESS or . FACHFR in » eckooi. Her prtacipal bran-be* are Mt*c. Germaa and Franeh. Retereeeat, SCMCBiLR t A Co., No. iO Broadway. ALADY, r- .*.>«.¦<.ids. m thon-aah MaaieaJ Educa- tka aad tpeakieg tetaral I aagaite*. woaid daeota . few aiKocapted h.-urv to ititnv'i, n ta PktaaPerta. Hiebest my refaaeace giv*w. Addreee GODONE, Maate»! Store, No. TTS atuaaway. COACÄLAN..Wanted, t litaatiofjMCOlCH- MAN kr» . KWiiru u< eobev ea4 indu* ri e«i htbuw, who Lu i .fl m«i > ». er* rxpert*B e et eoeh 'o ev-ry »rti h ¦>' «ti I rep**r>Tiva tkoreaghly acquainted with -nit rtty m4 trlcroity foribepeet t«* iNn; eta product the b-«t ef tlty refiroBM . legatee reeebü ty am! cooou t Add>ow F. P., Trlbem OjCi«. HOUSEKEEPER* SITUATION WANTED. Bt » u;: dl* Bfed L«*T eipeb'e of Uklrtf tat et ¦» f hart« <f t hr-oea for a amall feoai-y or «tat rf geat eaiea. Adcrre* Mr* B..K*. 15» Colombia it.. nVwklya. SITUATIONWANTED..A steady yono* Man Ö of good character wi.h'e tn obtain t eituttiiu at rLE Ri lo a who* aale of retail eetabliehm'ot. II« tu no obj-r a M n ak« himeeif ftrneraJj oeeUl. Ader*** X. Y. Z . B.x So. '. ¦ Tribene OwSoa._ SITUATIONS WANTEI».In the city or eonn- try hv tw. very «gnerleaotat'>ir!a, wf i t ol city refereetei ort ta goöd COOK ltd ti WA4U an! ir.'lN 10 tpnrate fan Erl ta« other aa CHAM HF RM AI D and f n or t< CrlAMBFRktAlP and FINE LAUNDRESS. CaUtt.Sj.7i 6th it.. in tbe Booka'ore. CITUÄYlÖNS WANTED.By three PraD-t-ant kr t nr Women; on* ta COOK; oat to do OKNERkL HOl'BEVt-ORK- tleotberee CHAM »ERMAID aad WUT- ER. or NT'RSE and SEAMTRESS Ai*o. an orphan O.rl. M yeeii old, wto'i a piece Apply at 1 lltb-et. n»ar Bread*«y. VvÄNTI.D.Bf a competent young-Woman, a " titoation u NTRSF. tnd SAF.MSTRESS, orCHlM- BERMA'D and SEAMSTRESS No ob)v-tioo to pi Soith with a faruilj, or board in t hotel with a ltd* Tb» b»-t e ty reterence ran bt procured. Appiy thi* day at No. 233 Spring-ft oppoeite Clark._ A^EI-iCAN, Entlieh. Scotch and Jrith SER¬ VANTS, in treat variety, ran new be had at N >. 14 Sitth avenue or No. 115 Bo eery. Good reference* wi I be ill _'_C. MAS )N. AGENTS for NEW COPrER UGOTMNG- RODS, perfectly baenltted.OTIS PATENT. r>reet in- dueomertt offeree.. Acrtrrte LYON MAML'FACl L RJNO COMPANT. No. II Coli et._ A_SrrUAliiD¥_WANTf:L>.By a rentable vutg Man. a German, n M1LLFR tn a floor Mill or Saw Mil.; uoderetano* tbe care of any machine iu t'ui* bori- aae*. Beat reference can be tiveo. Aldieet C MXIsTEK, Hutingi. Wettcheate? County, N. T. ASMART. activTPORTER wanted, who ctn cm* we recommended from bii iaat emp'.. yer; one who L»> been in the broh batman preferred. Ap*'j at Mo. »51 Broadway, between the hoara of 3 and S o'c'oe* r. at. CHRISTIAN HOME for FEMALE SERVANTS .3».b et. between 4th tr.d Latin ft mart O rverneeeee and I! >.a.«eepera. a * Servant* la irery capacity, topp i»d from thii Inttitution. IT WLLL ITAPPEN in the bent ree-ilated faini- liea. that a change of SERVANTS it needed. Tben tpp'y to the Pioteotant Employment Sotiety't office, No. 7 Ca,- june- it., near Bleecker-it JOHN YOUNG, Afot._ PRÖÖT-READER..Wanted, an experienced READFR; maat be e practical printer. Alao. two 9'three firar rate Joli COM Pf M'TORS.m« ptrticiUriy fir P er W erk. Apply to BaKER k GODWIN, Tnbaae Baildkafa CEBVANTS' OFFICE, UNION-SQUARE . IO COOKS, NURSES, WAITERS and other DOMESTIC-l provided 'or roareetabie fami'iee, pracipt'ty up-town. Apoly at the EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OFFICE. No 60Ea»tlCh- at. Tbote of good character only received tt thl* otfi:e. O PI.hS.-iMEN'-Oood Adama" Proitmen w tnt- ed et JOHN A. GRAY'S, No*. »5 end 97 Cliff at. r TO STEREOTYPE RS.Two firtt rate Joarney- u.en Stereotypen vran'ed. None otben oeed tpp'y. At JONES L DEN'YSE'S S.-erenrype Foundery, No. 113 WUliam-tt , New-Tork. 1TITION..A yountr Lady, experienced in teaefc- int the Englieh braocbei. Frtnch. Latin, Ac. d»air«a E v(- PLO> MENT Ii i family or School In New- fork or Brooklyn. Ad., re .a ORADUATE, Scbrotder't Bookttori, No. 12 Bible Monte, Attor-p.ece. S. SCHOOL AGENCY and TEACHERS' * UNION, (ltH) by E. H. WILCOX k SONS, No 291 Brotdwty..A prrj nutii lntrnduttr at I per cent.ihtring labor, expente and ptoßta withCAeclr A VdVrt, *!>, * 1". »>1 S. **>, Ac, fi ling all ordert, racanciea aoichaogea, ren*wtr.t the Checkt until every dollar procnrei .100. No chirr* to pupil*. Trtcn- ii-' Mri.ri\c and Coaatir-oii.'gxci d*i v. i-ntiag nearly tvtry tcboot end fto lly, reqalrlng the beit ftfjrti of tlL X\7 ANTED.For the in and out-door bunineig of II art ' tt re, t ( LEB K of Intftrl7, ctptcity ind energy. The i'tuation pennenent tnd detlrtble. Addreei BMI Til. etre of \. B. Palmer1! AdrertitiDg Aeer-ey, Trl-mae Offic), giriag ntme, qntliccatlont, former pnnuiu, f.lerj required ani fill perticuliri. \\'.\N 1 ED THIS DAY.Experienced DRY TT GOODS SAL--.SMEN-tho*e acquainted trl'.li the city Retail T ale. _O. M. BOD I NE, No. 323 Grind tu WANTED.A BOY in a BOOKSTORE. Ap- TT jvy it No. tit Broidwty. Cost anb SoanO. I \ I MM I REWARD-On the 17th of <iP X'ß,\J\ß\f September iaet two BOXES were de¬ livered at tbe Office of ibe America i Etpr*ei Company in Da baqe, Iowa, hy a cartman from the Cnitexi State* Land Orfi-ta. f>a'd B. tea, oo th -Ir arriral at Die Suh Treatury la Nee-York, were found to con'aio bnck-ahnt of tbe tire of 140 to tbe pound, and preaaed belli of the eue of !0t> to the pound, f> the amount of 174 pound* In weight, and .ei pound* of theet lead. No. 4. The bete* were mar'e of white pine, one ineh thick, dovt-tai.ed it'.ho corner*, about 1"| Inchea Iod*.»I Im»-» wide, ana tj In. h«* deep|lnalde mm« i nil. The b ttotn of One of ttgg bot«* wa*W bemiock. They were atrepped once erouod the middle with one ln*b boop lion. It Ii c'eim*. by the AaiUtant-Ttoain- rera'Dubuge tint the böte* etch contained go d e 00 to the . b.oui.' tf + 2.5,110. They were marked with ca.da t iJreaaedto the " Ai-nat^nt-Treeiurer, U. 8., New-Tork." which cud* are ad] i.'t. il by the Deputy Aaaiatant-Trewurer lo he aaaalBO. Now, tberefire, t- r tbe parpote of ditee-reriDg where tad bow thia fr»ud wie cnnmitted and bringing to jeitice the perpe- (ratort thereof, the American Etpreae Company wll pay #lt,- the recorery of »he m ney, or in that proportion for any part ot It, and w5,U)0 for the arreet ant coaticrion of the olfenf- er> and Ibey will pey HSeraliy for Information relative to the making of *ald boiee, and lurnuhlniofitcb lead, ba.lv tho: fco. Ail con.monii atiou* ihoald be tddreoted to the * -.». Mh-ra. WELLE, BD TER RlELD A Co.. New-York, LIVINOSTllN, KAROO fc Ca. Bull Jo. Pnn i-tvr* of the American Ex pre** Cenptry. Bnffalo, Oct. 3, I&5Ä. BEWARD.Stolen on the loth or 10th inet-, a pocket-ctae of i»de by Cbtitler, I'trii: .' IX Th'tbi e reward w and inatnimenta to Dr J. ton. corner of Uarri»oo-at.. Brojtlyo. {jorofo, (Carriages, cv'c. FOR 8ALE..A very enperior thorou^h-bretd eeddle HOUSE; eound. kiad ana tentlii. Price «150. Aim iCALASrl.and SETS of HARNESS. App.y at No. 22 Botid-»t. tto CDijora il fllarj CtTnccni. BlTtYING-OROl-ND NOTICE.-The proper eu horltiee of Willtamihrtrib, L. I., a few yea.a iin>e paeeed an or.-intnce pr.venting ill oeraon* from New-Tork be¬ ing buried In the W liiinatrargh Barying Oroundt. Tbe taxee end Aeaeaamen'* hiv ing amounted to two or three thoutn l >.- len, ana! no income to meet them, the Supreme Court of trvi* Sta'i have granted an order toremivetll the remaini of de- ce»*ed peracte to the Cypreet Hill« t le jie'ery from the bWytafl (ironnd b-und k] 41twlle L- rimer atid Power-eta., in toe City of Brroklyn, late *U'itmabargb, notke le hereby tiveo 'hit auch removal will commence on or about the fifteenth dtv of October nett. New-York, Sept. 2s*. 1b5S \\ \ W IFE, CAROLINE NORDLISOER^Tieh ^.v 1 n,y bed end hoin* withoot lay provo**tiom I t ier f ,re warn evert one tot to Itutt her on mv account at I thai oty n< .ettiaoaatokntoa hv her. S. J. NORDLI N'GER. New-York. Oct. 17, 1855. 1WE OLD ESTABLISHED HOI SE.-INDB- PCJfDBMT POLICE AND PRIVATE lNQCIRT OF¬ FICE. -G LBF RT E H ATS end CHARLES W. MERRIPT rafomi their friend* and the nubile that they have m >ved their C'tficiato RoomiN.a in and 11 No. £2 H road wey, where they will be happy to attend promptly and faithfully to any battneai ti.trurtee to th. ir care. They pootew peculiar tdvaatage* to collect claim* eithe» in the tnited State* Canal* or Ejrjp-a. Tbey rei|-rctfullv refer to the Banki In the City of Ne e-Y at* or to iny cf the Merctatile Houaee of ataadiag tn tha city, a* to their cbarae'er tar prrenptneai and 6delity. Chancfs Cot liasinrea iÜUn. intt., e pockeC<t*e of S'.'H'IICAL INSTKt AiE.NTS, made by Cbtitler, I'trii: a'to a loot «booy PORTE CAl'STIUUE. Th'tb e reward wi i paid for tbe reton of the e**e and inateumen:* to Dr J. E. CLAttK No. 2>v2Cun A FOUNDERY doint a Rood home and New- AT» York City bu.iuea* for SALE cheap the owner haviag other rai* npoo hi* time. Apply to L. M ARNOLD, at tha Focadery. Ne. 374 Matt.-at. P iughkeepe'e. ARARE CHANCE.For any pergon oriehLDir 11 rr rege in'he FLUI Rand FEED BUSINESS. A large ¦Oaae fir ate; a'ao tbe Wagooiand wixraree wi'l be told chivp I- -'.:n*-ed ua ose of tbe bet*, baeir.ee* evenett in thi cry, E r i art cu era inquire at No. P7 lit tv corner 12-.b tf. -t*t tl I: '~R~SAL E.A BARGAIN.THE~NEW- YORK PEOPLE'S OR'lAt. i l-tig eettbUahed T-mper- arre a: a Family Jou-nal, w.th ta a tual weekly eirreleeion of Six Tbocittd. which mty by j idle oaa efful be largely la- created. Eo- renne, tc apply hv lerer to _J AMES .51 fcCREAN. B. x Na WV7 N Y. P. O. FOR SALE.An old ettablithed nOTEL and I \TING SALOON, now dring a Urge aad p'ohiahle buo- e*a ji iocateu in one of the met ceeireoia aitaa'Jooa m the : « jch| tui-nra* Tha puce l .w and the leraaa eaay Tbe e u a lot i :«aee oo the premw«*. por fur her ptrtumiart ¦¦ejedre of_C. E BUTTON, No. 173 South » FOR SALE.A firtt rate I'ANORAMA, on a tobjeet at ietly Nfloaal. The maehin«ry it nee- ani c im- plet«. ltwtlltetold cheap. To eay y>ung man baring the iteana acd a dealra to travel. thiaU arireurau ehaaca. Ap>ly or iddreet F. ti. WO JD, No .' l'iae »treot. ander MefiopaLtoa Beak, N.Y. FURNITURE and LEASE of a larje BOARD- INO-llOt-SE for SALE .For aale la the vtaaity of the Harenn river Railroad Depot a Board ng-boave or Hotel, cape- Mo of ac«ooBB<oiating from 10* to 150 boarder*, bow t ied with Ortt rieae boarden. d int an et-ellent bueiaeea FURNITURE tod THREE YEARS' LEASE for aale for «jt ago eavh to re- apuaeit i* partie* Beat of tbe pr«tn<**e about At rat pet an- »^^»PPly to HOMER MORGAN, No.t MojopoutatTbaah. TO MAMTACTÜRERS and OTHERS.-Any m vr ufacrerer of a reo* aruelo of eaJo. or eay men of ktrv aee< requu-tn* the aid of aa active portaer, who boa eoaae eapi- hal I* of goad eredii.and having thehiahaat reference* wdlaa'. htm by a.wraeamg the adveruaer. He newt hattaaaa weil w e very ecUve end peeeevwrloa aiaaim of aaaaafeotarad geodt, t c mpetect accouataa aad hike* had a van .-;a etpeneo-e .* the bnainea* of New Yoek. Coexuwaw! wlow* etncllr eeeAie* eleA Ado^VhAJaJLEN.Tn*«^t>e^ net y eoaaoeo *g KB AT 0 H iK C K..PBEMIUM DKUG ^ 8TOHE for SALE.eABINOrlAkirON.V V -Pa***1! t \r-.t btrt aal» . rawwrch of r>rut,t whi-h wi 1 n prrv * t eatetM ».*' «JA, aearly «II pa -cb a*» erttVta t > lor -tuta *. eayie 'ht place, w ta . fid* d*w e u| iA*aaaiu It'l nf th* beat I! >t*i. iV*u a* the pnar pa' »<r-* baurf tbenciy pr"!-c»la| froatin -oa. taro door* fr* :vTc*t Office. A boat ay**- -ine» reft a*d .l.#J» ">oa*» t . .I cut. «rfetrd on tee.a' nf location, baas -v axe Th* b«a h j tea of UM firm h»ting "ailed «-akee "h-m de*+.n* of vi tal « rear.Teblt ten: a- Bi**htm'.n i* ;*at a c 'i**»*»ad \j t »e h. nd- rtrtat u<i M'rit rea*iatta-p]>c* *a the New York and EH* .Ui'.rotvi.ti uaied at'h* teimtLui of 'b* tiri-a** aid B ap i lint, n Rai road At tb* laat BMM Fair th« ander.ig ied 11 * tb« btghcat p-emina for " H tt par* Medicine* and Pet- fumeiy" »»"rh l.«* V extenrve'.v aJrer: »»4. a 1 Ireet MOORE Ac. WEBaTER.CKy Drug-ata**. Bt*ghitn> on, N. Y- IRON FOUNDER! for SALE, including . good r*e)lin| tnd Ou'-Koate*. P an in* Macbta*, itaehei to Foundery. Mach pa new. trad in aacoeaafa! ..perrion. a rare chance for baeineaa. Damer baa other banne»* en***' men'*. Por fan her p*rtieal**t, adireaa ih- «'iheerirj*r at BATH. Steajben Coantj N. Y._T. WH TIS.a NEW INVENTION.Sp»»cuUtors And buiine** men of enterpriee ere invitee to call an" l***n parte» art ot a Bear isves'tcn which w! yie d t fortut* at t eorapartxiee'y mal' 'nrettment, at No. S.6 Brotdwty room N*. 4. frr>. 9 to 12 A.M._SPRING dt fx RFALE STATE or VERCH ANT USE WASTE D in eschar »e for STOCKS by a party whs If about Idtriaf the t try. Pmpertt ecctmk*r*d for m ire thai ce-htlf the r->tt telue will not n-s coaafdered. Apply for ace week to CLEMENT FLINT No 1 Naeeau-at nev We let, Bret floor. f PHE Advertiser, who hAi resided the lut fifteen l i'WTt la the citv of N-» Orle«na. and haa to et eriaire tcoaarn'tere tniOFf the pl»n'er» and rt»rehtnt» of th* State* if Lcukrana, Muaiwippt, A ahemt. Texaa, Ar kante.«, and re a neetee. w'thet 'o obtain AOENC'ES for the atle ltd Introduc¬ tion of »»FW 1N\ F.NTIONS or tpprored i»LO OSES; wi.l a'ao attend to th* porehtt* and atle of M«rch»nd|ee n New Orlrana. An intr mew can be had tt any time pre vi ju* to the 25th of October, by »ddreeeing IL L S ctr* of Box No. Mat, Boaten PorOrr.c*._ IV'ANTED.In an etUbliehod isOAP and C aN- T T DLK MANUFACTURING boaineet, t PARTNER a ho bit a «horough kt owlee'ge of the ha>inew and e Capi el of # 1 MO or t 1.500. Tbl»'a a food chaoee for one of the .-fit atarnp. Aodreee B. d. O., Bex No. 112 Midiletowa, Oraage County, N Y._ I OA. -PARTNER Wante.1 in an tfjtlv kjf J %-m\J\J, ajkai mani. f*( TtTRlNfJ hcs'n ii in tt.ia arxy. Una wtrh the khore aotouat and who la willing t* derolc bit tlm» to batinea* ran fir..I an otp.r'u'i't to ret I/" #3 fff) per annum by addreaa!n( C M., B.x 187 Tribune Office, a.th the name and where to be #<en. t^rfUi .FOR SALE, a LEASE of ROOM, *4V *J* w\ *. with ateady Steam Power, having Lathe*. C r- cmerSew, l>*w-BeBch. Forte, Anrll. Vice*. W .rk B*nc::-e. and a variety nf email tool*, all in working order A rareeiauee for t mechanic to rind a chop and tot!« cheap for each Ami if de- tired, a uteful Paten', now oi eiaibitinn tt the Cryr.al Palt-e tnd uriTtratlly admired, w.ll be *o!d with tt. Apply to iL BROWN, No. 121 Nttttu-tt., N. Y., room No. 6, from 10 to 12 A. M. _ Soarb ant) Boome. ACOUPLE of excellent ROOMS, with BOARD in t FIRST-CLASS MU SE in BROOKLYN, can be htd by two tingle Oentlrmen. Inquire a No. 79Sandt-*t. Ref ec.ee* exchanged. APÄETMENTS, 4, :> and 7 ROOMS eaeh. with every convenience for nice fami iee. to b* let ch*ap In brick boueet No*. 137 tnd 135 West 3Atb-*t. cetr7th-av. In¬ quire on the pretm*tt.or tot H AS. PATHIUOE, No 342 tl .: k«y-_;_ AGENTLEMAN and WIFE can be acoru. modeled with » third ttory PAKL )R tnd BF.ORO )M tfjoicisg. wirb BO »RD. Alao t few ROOMS for *mgla Oea- tlemea, at No*. 82 and A4 E*tt 23d-rt. BOARD..Select familiei or «ingle Oentlemen trty teenre ple**tct ROOMS ea tune, or *iogle, with HOARD for tl e teaa-n at No. KS Etat 14 hit. Tnehoucit Lewly 6r i*h>il and fumi*hed with all the modern improrem-it*, Ac , rtqnitite for firtt-clatt retldencet. Reference etchings I. BOARD.Two or three Gentlemen or a nniall ftnrtly. can be tec mm dited in t timi' wi h modern Im- ¥¦ vemeot«, where the comfort* of a to.-i >. home mty b I t > .u '.. hit It a cr'vtte reiigica* ftmily. tnd da«ite only tirf. c-a<* boarder*. Icqi:l;e at No. '.3 Hammond *t. OAR DING..A front PARLOR and BED- ROOM on tecond floor, unfufciahed, to LET with BüARH. at No 72 2d-tr._ OARDin CATILARINE-ST..Several Gentle- men can he accommodated with BOARD a: No. 1 Mouroe- (corner cf Catbirlue-M.) Term* moderate. B BOARD in BROOKLYN..Two Ur^e, gquare Ki KIMS, with C:o*et« and Clothe* Pre**** »ttacheH, to LET with ROARD. ralrable f r ose or two gentlemen and tatAf aive*. The location iaplea*«nt, and near the ferne*. Term* I. w. Apply et No. 46 Send»-«t. BOARD..A front PARLOR and BEDROOM on the tecond floor can be obtaiued with ptrtitl BOAUD tt No 21 Bond-et. BOARDING..4 Jentleinen and their Wivei can oh'tin fleetest Room* on the (econd door et No. Pi St. Mark'*-pltce, Rihat. Stage* paw the door. BOARDING .To Let, a FRONT ROOM, with grate and pantry, neatly rurnifbed, rul ahle fir i lleiili man and Wife or two Gentlemen; *J*o two SI .NO LaE ROOMS, ». he plea#*nllj »ituaied houae No. T> North M^ore-au Batht in the nouae. B(>Al.'l UNO.At Nun t?, niul 17 E«*t B mad way. for Gentlemen and their Wivei and Single Gentlemen; a Dty Betrdert. ROOK LYN HIGHTS..Pleasant ROOMS with BOARD for Gentleman and W ire* or tin*'a Oent>emeu. N "i ( rv 1,. rry-*U 3 minute* from Fultou tnl Wtl'-tt. ferriet, ONE or two young men can be accommodAti'd with ROOMS with or w th uf KO\RO, in a deairthle l.canot. in St. Marb'e piece. Referenca* exchanged. Aldreie Box 3 Vi Port Office. VRIYATE BOARDING .A GenMeman ami hit W ife, aid cne oi taro Gentlemen can be tcommodated m h BOOMJ. aith full or partial ttOARD. la t pritat«feexily| de».,-able ItK-ati. o, in the Immedia'e v cir.ity of Watblagtia- innere tnd 5 h-ef.; reference* exchanged. ApMy at No. tibi- I R OOMS to LET, with BREAK EAST, in a pri- te ftmily. Bath room, Ac No. 13 Bond *t. I^HE FRONT PARLOR of a new tint-clasn Engliah baaement II. uae, furuiahec with Sofa, Bel- rear!, Wardrolie Ac to LET 11 ore or two tentiemeo at No. 17 Wr*4 I3th at., between 5«h and P'h-ava Ain a UtfOLI ROOM. Fetrily private. Hefer-cc* eichanged. Qoneee to Cel. AT CARMANSVILLE and FORT WASHING- TON-To LET.Several new and wel: built DWELL IMJS. with modtrn improttmenta (oi abe for merchaat*. clerk* end other*. Apply to INO. C. GRAFF, Ctrmtnifli.e, or W. T. OKAFK. No*. 119 tnd 121 N.a»a-«t. FUBNIpHED HOUSE to RENT.-A modern, four tdry, . ne-'ront DWELLING ia 21»t*t,, betwe»n 4th end Mh-tv.. to RENT, furr i-bed. for I v-art Raat. f.'.'.*» peranaom. Inquire of HOMKR MORGAN, tlJbt) No. 3 .Vetropoli'an BanA, Piae tf. FFICE to LET .The well lighted" and eligi- bly ntatted front corner eSce In the tecond door of No. l<2Nataautt .corner of Ann (bemg one of the beat in the etree'.) wi.l be rrtt'd to a ro.^ tenant oa very reason ihle tennt. Apply to GEO. C. THOMPSON, et S. M. Pettingiii A Co.'t, No 119 Nawau-tt. STEADY S'lEAM POWER.-Lar«.-RO JM>, well lighted, running rhromh from Water to totith-vt. Ap- p.y tt Nc. ISM Warertt , between f'ke tnd Rutg-ra -lip. For Stue-A 12-föot TURNING LAI HE 22- neb Swing. STORE to LFT .The old-eitabliihed Clothing- Btote No. 104 Fnl'or tt tnd the FIXTURES hi - ^ Lai i'neeeteioo givea immediatel*, tt required, inquire of IriOM AS SMITH, jr.. No. 122 Fulton at. TO LEI'.Several firitrclaiu live story BUILD¬ INGS, with S'ore* on the firat floor, wi-h or without Lofit, Ml tl g to: the who ett e bu>inea*. well »1 uated; two oa W*t> r- n. tare* on Pe*rl, twn ' c Greenwich, tad one on Liberty at Alao one five eto y MARBLE-PROIfT STORE, Wt*i the whole upper par-, in the Bowery, in t fiae loet too for n«tln*«i. i : t«rm* and full panic ilat, apply to CHARLES IL MiL- Irr. A Co.. Aaetioneen, R*. Ub Broadway. I'O LET.The Stone andlwo^Brick^Firevpro if STORES or BL'II DISOS, Noa .(,» and 95 Purraan tt., Prtok'yn. Theit it * Weil in e of the ta Idiot*, and » .one¬ rier flEAM-FNGlNE en the premi»»a. and their near vidoity to Fulton ant Wa'l at*. I'em-i r*a ier th-n vary d*tirth'e fir irttuftctuiicg pa;po*e«. Icqoire of JOHN J. MEBRiTP. No. 7b Colimbu-rt, Brjokl>n, or No. 200 Fu.tin at, New t ort. TO LET BT for SALE.A STORE an! DWELL INO In Etttcberer. Ih mnee from New-York. Old eataV iiabed attnd. coo minding t go d ratine** tor a gea-rt Ciuatry Siore. Ir.q.ireof F. E. .-Ml TU, No. 7/7 Broaiwty. THi RENT or LEASE.The HOUSE No. 915 Broadway can be had . a a leaae with immedia'e po«« -a . u. C*a be eaailf altered intoa*'nr« arid made very profi't- l>. App.y loonedietely hl R G. PIERCE, P:ae-tr_, coruer of Broe ».¦.. Toners anb /armo tDanteö. W'ANT! I) D. I'l Ki HASE-A moderate lized f" FARM n the Huiene PoUimee, >*Tie* or caber river -Hndeoe pr»f*n«d-fi« which firat claa* MA'THINERY, en¬ tirely r ew wi. be exchugrd at the loweet caah pnee, App y at the MANHATTAN LAND OFFICE, No. 4M 4th it.,or it Sc. IM Breadwty, from 11 to 12 A. M. KETE4 A HO4OLAN0. Et-a! ggtate tor Salt. BPIaEHDID FARM for SALE.GRIST- MILL. SAW-MILL, CIDER -PRESS, Ac.In U*r-.ng- N. J tbou' three mile* from Ttppta Town end twenty a «t from New i ork It coneiat* of taventy tcrea (tea heavy timbered I two Dwelliag-Hovue*. Store, Berne. Ac. Tha Milfi are in fine working order, and the water power the beet on tb* Hacker^», River. Apply to WILLIAM T. ORAFF. Noa. 119 and 121 Nattaa-et. AGREAT BARGAIN in BROOKLYN LOTS. -For ee'e FIFTEEN LOTS la out parcel, aewattfally lo¬ cated on BaafawicA-**., wtli be to. t much beiow their tea* If applied for wit hm tea day*. Addntaa J. A. N., Ttihaaa OtRca. COTTAGE at IlAfiI_a£lFvi^ LOTS of LAND vwry pleaaanty «1tailed *n 12*th*t, weet of 4th av FoaaatM. eaa b* had i-.medn »i v Ala* aii LO IBM «t . IS h-eta batwaea Ath and Ith-av*. Apply at W. N SEYMOUB A C-> . Nv |Catah«t.»-,»ae,. AFA KM and a HOME W.THIM tt« KRA ?H of everi man-hukiu *r r«%*J. A »urt'Lru- AL Bed LOA Li COHf »S I -Cm .evle-oie /'«ad . F*»a t ..?re T^oieeA Acv«**f Lend the Me, avv-ioi % -'i . ./ fo amtt.r $.10». toy IlTki«» Metier- hr<e tee'«Ieitvui. Of »*l- !.¦ pee H'eak, ^r Barnsof *V 75 ten tee aere* to p-o,n- mi Tie » k 14 «n tee .. "<¦.! ht 'h« tU> «et ..»'«.. <a Ool lvrgia MB Craety mr Raleooe* «ule4*Mi , K, -,«- eeted e. no c'hee tr by a 'twoer t nonin n wirb M.« f a. PbiUnrlphie Boston Pvi.birth Et*, th . 'id « ofth« L«ke» e-d ell ibe ereeeem RrtJe forum the ;r<nAw nvf-.c-jiiM of Rails ted* is (be Situ ere (be Istes; atp of I'eunayiva- ate (Bmaaai T>- Itvrfl* and fl uriehint t.iwu of Sf. Mtry't ia in th* reefer of »re '-te'. numbering n>me ? 5re> I htHtaeti. It b«« H ¦rl / lap ar <. «r a tea S ere*. »»d every ib'-ig de- ?IreH. Iks Sitxkhole re a r rtntOL in h* nn tad aS*wM;il Tbelvol te*r ti»a* i»» imJtQTfitif n < Ts» T"o- bet is o' lb* b*tt kind contorting of cheery, che* aat, atb. oek . i pteo TreO'Al. epoa tile lead fi rera' v irwrAisaft*»«. b-iig t ronttaoco* hed. It tsih«rwiy Cotl l.ant 'n Met pert o'the Met» having a tntt cotna:anu-t'i ^ wuh tbe difte.ec t i n It n nit »h rt y oerome lmm«ute.y vtlutbl* on tltt ooe ace<iv. l-» location pom t it* Joriicy lo btccm» tte Pottsvi le of tea- ec-antry. Tbit le a tart erppertanity present-.! to the bit seat rat*, ehe worlisg mtn ot 'at mechanic It place* t Aita* ttnm*.: . - t wJtkir h > reach; It treu*» treu t > provide t >r th- preset; at the future, again* m'tfn-teae. riiht* mr bimeeif or chud.-ea. Karat eta t . b. .th » mc £... luttu m nr. /uJiea ran bi d aba et In 'hoir own rieht, without Tr tatet«. Tit.* UECjues'lrrehty g.*od. belog the H jtland it I . Apelyto C M. HAbTWICK. No. M Butlern» oroer of Peltou a Re m No. I. wbere mepe end peaphl«t* mtt He had (ran* an I a' ii.fi/nnaiion choerftii't ii. en. (lIBit aaoo fioin I .1. M to I P At CH ARLE IK. L tNDlS. Pt**\. StML IT, CiTTILL, Sec'T. T'HE 1LLLN0I8 CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPAN» i.t aow rtf.PkacD to tiLL avia two milliois op teat* or *kLi.rr*D PBAIBIEt FAHM'AND WOOD TiANDS, IN TRACTS OK 10 A< RrS ASU CP WAR*). To aai: purehaarrt, oa ioof erediu and a low rate* of intereet. Th't werf (ranted by toe Government to enc 'u *<. the bot'dini of thu Railroad, which tont from lb* extreme north to the exlr»n e eouth of the Stete of 1 liool*. It ptt.e«. fro-n end to ft a, throtifh the nchett and moet fertile Praiiiee of tae Bovo, do ted here end there wl h mteotticeot Oak G-"tee. Tie re> mm t ootnlof of nearly ttoO dun of *hi* i «ad throw* op-o the Itndt for ciiltiraiioo. Tbey are ecarteted from oae : :. *>o n tie* on each ai.te of it, tbroaf b It* eotir* leoeih. The roil it a dark itch moid, from one to ate fee* in depth, I* aenfiy rol.ine. erd peea iarly 6: ed for »tti», etttle and *heep. ami the cnitiration o> wheat, Ii dien coro, Ac. The first crop of Iiidiaa corn p an ed oa the newly broken a t . e u-u-l * paye the co«t of pioeio* and eew n-< *N beet eowa oa new turned ted i* nu* to yte'd ttry larae ¦: I .. (>ne n an with a plow and two yoke of jiea will bieak on* and e ha'f to teo acree per day. Contract* eta be made f»t hreik- Ing, reedy for corn or wheat, at to At So per acr«. Hr i Ii- ciova mantgement fermi may be broken and fenced the tint, aid ander a high ttate f cultivation the eeeoed tear. The larier yield on th* mean line* "f lllinoit, over big5-pric*d lande in the Keetein and Middle State», I* kaowa tob* much more then »nmetent to p«y the difference of tramport itun kg the Keattru market. '1 he rtt .d la.'rraee and growth of doiriih- Ing town* and «liege« elcr.g tse line of thu roed erl rd e grow¬ ing borne demai d ft r farm pr Vuce. Coal end wood are delivered along the rood et different pointt, at f'. m +. I 5M to the cord cr tun. Partit» hating m view Iowa, Ken»«», Nebruke, or Miaaeeote I r rhtli future botnetthould take into cootlderati >n that the counlr* we»t of the MUeitetppl it deeri'ute of rt lr vl«, mat the couTeni-nceooHrtoeportiog gr-io and produce f -m ftrru» on the line of the Tllinol* Cntrai riailtoad di'eer tothirrett rattern mirk et le ruticient of it**.! to pty the larwtmeni tt from * IC to ? 15 per acte hither than in givro-neo* Ito leia lowe. In other vt thtt :t e r«'« «o much mor- to re' pr id oce frcm the iLie.ior of the coinrry wet' of the Muaietippi kg the ttaatero xa.rket. that the tarn er will fird it mach more pro- Slab, e to locale on the 'ine of thia raiirotd. raict aid TtaM» of m mi vt The pnee will vary from 4)5 to »>-'>, ac»r ting to Inett. m, qialtly. Ac. Ci-ntracu for deeoa may be made during roe year V'S. »tipulatint the perchtee m iney to he ptid in tire anjatl lr»t»l mtrt*.tne firtt to become due to twi ynart from dtto of contract the othen innuall) thereafter Tbe aat pat meat will ben me due et the etd of the tix'h year frm date of ggafreer. By th* 22d aectinn of tbe Act of tbe Legialeture, approved Ith Prbruarv, 1851, the** lard* ar- free from tax.turn until they are paid fer and a deed cf conveyance granted to the purcheoei. ikTiartT will at (.macro at out two rea ce*t rga anoitm. At l tecurlty for the petf Tn a nee of tbe eon'reet, the tir.; two year*' intereet iruiit be paid in advance hat It meat he um- drrttiod that roe-ten'h ot tbe land purchase * aaal< yearly oe bronght urder eoltivt'lon. Longer credits at sit pereeotp-r I'tinm mey be neiotla'ed by apeci*' arpiK«tinn Tw»o'y per cent from the credit price wil be deducted f,r ee»h. In weich care the Ccmpenv'i Con-t-ucioo bond* wfl. be received esreen. It It be ieved'thtt th* price, lor* ere In, end low rtte* o'ij- tentt charged for ibees ltn"», wvl entM» e men with etw hundred doilert n cteb, ted orcinery tnduit-y. to mike Weotolf ledeper dent before a 1 the purchase m met bee >mea duo. Mean¬ time tbe rapid sertlemeut t (be roontrv will p.o itbly have lo created their value four or five fold. When require!, en noe riecced pemon will acci-mpeny tpplicxntt to give informal!>a and i id In te ertmg ltnca. Large Plat 4, aho wing rhe precUe ll Mttoa of the lan.lt through¬ out (he S'.tte tray be e»en tt ibe offi -e. Snail pocket Plate, at a guide totnyput of the cnmpuiy'e Ian la, and Ptmoh eta. coutamir.t Intereal ng trformrt'ion. a comparoed by numerouv libers fu ro respectable farmer* rhrougnout 'he Stt a. ravv be b««! on application at tbe office of the Co-npanv No 52 Miohi- gtn-tv., Chicago. CHARLES M DU PUT, Ja., Land Agent Illinois Central Railroad C imoauy. VOR SALE or EXCHANGE for IMPROVED I CITY PROPERTY.A drair.Me C 11' N f R i' rtKtl- DKNCP, beautiful ». every and »Ire. litaWmt. reoeoy boaeo. gm d sprier well ard tain water, shace fruit and oroemeotal tries of ail k cot, carri-ge and granary tod other ootbousea, til nearly oew. large hams, with tttlit graot y tnd eel r aid wi'erinytrd. with seventy or e'toty ecr*-s ilch term'end, twelve in epple oichtrda, in' fu'l pe-ring, s z or eigV in woo Is. r. n.tinder it. meadow paata.e and to let-; also, a ynoug pevih end pear orchard. It U hk Wo»t*wOatef CeaeUT, ?i miles from Birg B Iii. whore the »xpreeeea tnd all olh-c trains stop, and II to in nr. I om Nee-li oik bv Hud-on Alrar Ra lrotd. laoatTQ furthevofK.il. BROV'.N, Re*,, No. 71 A'al'*( ,fr im I ta o'cid k a'ao .f Hi, rut, »tage pr iprMtot at Blaa Blaeo tepot, who will direct or send jou to tbe farm of GEORGE B. THORN E. Teiniteaty._ FOR SALE or EXCHANGE for unimproTexi City I^.fe, » oew four sinrv. baaemaot and counter-.If lar HOUSE. No. ir? Eaat if th »t ,'oear t'-av. I,.>t JO by 9ft, H tat* vi ly 4t ballt in tbe beat manner, wirb ell ibe modern improve¬ ments. Apply to R. TI NSTALL, on tbe premi>ea FOB SALE, in one undivided parcel, two valua¬ ble Bl'ILDINO LOTS kno en a* No 147 Cuatnam . . and No. 3 j»me*-*t., adjoining being th« »ou'h-we.t c um Iron' ng cn Chatham aqaere. the wh .le prneeutieg * front on two a're*t« of tbout !*.¦ f.-e'. For term*, Ac., apply in bxeemeat No. 50 IVall it. to H. A 8PAFARD._ FOR SALE.An elegant tint-class live-ttoiy Ergl ab baeeoient HOI'SK, site 20 Oy 60, eon'aiai'.g every i rv et lence, tnd boot iu tbesiery beet mmaer and just BOW comp e ed. App.y to H. O P'ErU E, Pine-at our Broadway FARM ami COUNTRY SEAT for SALE, 19 mile* from tbe city »rd 15 intnut-.' walk from the depor About 70 acres of LAND In 'he very highest state af cultivation, well snl'ed for ajniik dairy, market gtrdea or farming; plen-y ot fruit l f all blade ; gooo bouse end ou -hui diuga; stanl.ng r 2.5cowa, location bitU anil unaurpaased lor htaith. Apply ti HOPPOCR a i-KErNvVOOD, No. n7 Dey a ., ot lo L. C. t ROST. Rthwty. N. J._ I~7ÖR SALE.THIRTY DOTS in BROOKLYN, lata VViliiamebargh. in the block bounded by Cnioa-av Behr lee, Lerm«r snd 8 acg at*. The* L ta are on a go d grade, strei t* paved and flagged and are offered low 'o close an net it* App.y to U B. SCHULES, Bedford tv .e r It as st. FOR SALE.A large parcel of~\Vfi»TER.V L AND «in IOWA and I'.LINOIS. Also a pa'ee ofLOTS in OMAHA CiTi will be exchanged f .r property in to a c >y. Apply to RLSWELL G. PIERCE Puint ,c,r. Broadway. PROPERTY in the COUNTRY for SALE.-The enbecriher cdfert for ta'e the p-eruiseo occapt-d by him te i private r>sid.-t.ee, situated In the tnutherly ptrt of rue VJ- lege ot N> wbnrgb. The lot ll 75 feet froot end rear by ^56 feet duep. web supp led with obmbbeiy end fruit treea The heute is * two-story cortege, well end tnb-itan'ially bout of brick, 5' a 1 furnished with ga* and w* er. The location m a very toearahta one, oonunanding a boautifiii view of the river and Bigblanda A.an a FARM of aboat 41 aoroe of land ta said VUltgt of New- faaiigb, upon wi ict. are hoe building site* lor country retitleuceo, with views of the river and earronadins country Also a namber of first rate Yillsg^ LOTS. JAMES W. FOWLER. Newborgh, N. T. all. .Ulli -HOUSE and FURNITURE f.r e^tjra^FVFVP. SALE.-A very genteel new Ujoee, with twelve icemt, ticusted near the Atlentle Rviroad ten milee In m Brr> k'>n. will be so d a'the abovt prii», or LET an*il the .f May arxt. The Hnute bat ail of he asOtlora im- pr- vements, bt* been newly papered, and it geuleell v tmtuUkmi t- d' The pr.a eoottin one end a iitf acre* of Gr und neatly inclosed auf embellished, a new carritge-boate, exd every convenience for a cottt'orttbie borne. a poly to M L. SHELDON, No 8 > Nteatu »f. |3iuno-J"orire anD Ifin&u. AT VERY LOW PRICES to suit theTIMES.- No Broadway -BENNETT k Co., Manufaerurera * the, itteetstvlet of PIANOS, also the muck-ad mired HaU'e'CK- LESTIAL* ElANO-EOHTE.ackxvnwiawtaed by amtieur« to te* tune nor ro all others In sweetae**, beanry, and brilliancy >.ftona ORGAN AlF.IrODEONS. Wl'AIC, eno NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT..The ORGAN H ARMOk II'M. con aioina the Diapaaoo, OiJ- ciant. Hautboy, Bourdon. Principal. Pluto and Coupler, with two banks of K»)» made bv MASON AH AM LIN, ia acknow'- e*ged by all to be tbe beet inetrument ever tavern id for email Churches or fur lb* Parlor. Price *>v50; equal ia 00wer and variety loan t) SCO organ. Great Bargain* in Sew ana Seeon 1- Hand Mo. el Melodeoae Reed-Orgaoe with Pipea Donbat Lank and Double Reed. Freuen Harmonion«. Prince A Carh .rt Melodevnt; the moat extensive tea rtm-n' con*tt< tly 00 hand by 8. T. OORD JN, »t Broadway Successnv to Ber'y A O rdorx. ALARGE stock of PIA>:0-FORTES (new eod second band) for SALE tod tor HIRE, at WALKER'S W i ernoma. No. 6 Attor place and 8tbet- AI«o. several fine t( l> d PIANOS, be the best New. Vork and Boatoo axeker*. et- clutlvely for 8ALE. C~ÖLBÜBB tt NASH.PIANOS and MELO- DEONS. ta Broadway. Ptaoot and Meiodoooe to let. (^REAT THROVEMENT8 b PLAJVO- ß FORTES.-Meeara. LIOHTE NEWTON A BRAlk- RCRiS.No. 421 BrooaneaL. rtepertfully invite atteotioo to their PIANO FORTES >oo*tructed with the patent ARCH WBEST PLANE, which It todoah-odly the most tnlwtaotiaJ htLprovement ever Introduced ,oto thia popular inatrvunonL HAINFS BROTllERS.HAvinaTrix»ntIy~^ laiaail their fteilitlea for n anufectano* their tl'PERIOR PIANO FORTES, ere bow prepared to meet til ordere fir thel' lostromenta With prempenrse snd dispatch. Onr price* range frjm mit» la tvn. SECOND-HAND PIANOS taten in exchange and fjr tale at crteeefrom Bftto »LifL Manufactory Empire Work*. Silk and I5tb-eu. _,_ II AI N ES SROTHKRS. w. artrroom* cor. Sd ev. tr.d 1 (th «r_ New York. HAZLETOIt BlatOfl., PL1N0-F0RT>:_MÄ^ LFACTtJRERAJ, Hm. Cowtroeg.LwW *>.. be found tficeaaaortm-ct of their celebrtred PlajboS.lr Ttlt toiUp atme eta. Ceaoe, warraaved to bo lniarttm ' it et.-eegth tad aan-j eftoao, »wl hotid Pi«M teAeai bj e-ichk |e7 PREMIUM PIANO-PORTES.-Cr \ IT _T_ I NOHK, Mo. IM BleevAer-«,.htvitaj Uta .-tJL, * (^nl»'«iij;Mri,>f r . larr «... -».», ., .~'kW (ta N< »S »< 'h* lowee* «e»M. «*te*. ||__r~*~*l r'-'ct«^ im ¦ j - «/ pi**« ivi, ui ji t*ll ptrtlealar Xim.i1. of pare A*-art. ~1 PIANO«..A ' f.vt*Tr> roäawood f*Tava.. n«tvHw »'» R*J tltS| aW0tt#| iVI f*«!«'>«.t^ tare tHrly eaiFtH, »1 h rarve-1 h>«i asI rialla» , _.' _>_.¦*" - Oral bairairj ra p,ar «. . * ». ___l » t»».*KY. Sav 411 ..^.-a* PIANO-FORTFö ead M d< Wantpi, " I vi pfH »v pajj f r ervetel New aoi *-it l.al~ ro.r.a.ni v.u.« AjtsTt* r.t*.,, .4 M Dl MSI)*,, T-*ei.. »fMe*» M .^'if.^at-.^IaTlTV. piANO-fY^RTFaH.R. GLENN A Co i_r.rä> Na IP kaUon-at. W Ho. « l*»r,n» «*. t. loora aga* a** wap ^* ¦ _ Danring ^raörtnic«. A D0D~OBTB« DANCING ACADKMTRi J"* ""ii No. tf« «roadwtv >PPv(_.# rieveath «. kiftuv» Na lJ?V,,|...;.:,r. ee.rCj**»*. Mr DODWonTH bat ihe *. nur ol enaoeaatua that rha Ceaere tor Udo« m. O-eHam«« a> hi» Acadamiai u tJujjZ 1 . IM nicotian are ooar open fox th« »eetoa l e in em.iaibltft rmv Ac etc be ol. .«.ml et ettbaref th Ata emie«. Mi DO DU ORTH ha« th« pieeaanof iot.>rr.u»* hu frttatM ih-t. igireeMv to ihelr repeated aulUrltalk.TM *> aatahiath Daonri »rvmi an Brwklvg na tt* plaa in "in liatfü 1_ B.J. Y."k hat hl» ere«t«d a epa.i bui tiaj tvaaaWalag «verv «**> Wlttatai that couil auigeeted by mal) "ytrliaat. Ii .1 In e»ery *|. a'apt-.i t.i th» awaatbfa «i»rc<at tu wVekB » i. Irr, Th» iiftrlon la or« f th« m at ec -a. S,. ¦ Rroo» tr -be Courtar Knit n and Mi t ea». Kt. p<at»rne.4- i't ar th». heal of Montague-piaee. nut » b-w tttpt treat th* Academy. t".i »ea eic uair. » f,<r Pari a »*d Parefiti HROi »KLYN.WILSON7*"\)\NC ISO ACAI)- KMY. No. t v> C i-'. n t«. . ;-p a: .. :ae Atherurtra; a tat*, tlvt Ken uy School.The i ,aa«ea aitll on TCSDaY^ aal Pili: A\S for >outg La.liea tr 1 I'L .Jrea at if o'dock aal t.toteu.eD at I o'clikP. M. The tttau ion of parret« u rt> tpeatfVa ÜKitad. \\HS. A. LANNAi'* DAM'lNw fCHOO^ a-* » at Moniattte HtH. ('oa t it. Hr"»ito, la a i«r oj>»a.- L *aa na b *l I'M- MIAN S a id SVTI KU U S ein u-eactjaj t' He ci.ek kor t-to a, Ac »ppt to M-a I. VtNAYat lit! 6* wi'lo igbby at., B.ooAiyn, or at the ha on the at ate! dan and houit. Jnotrnction. ALADY t,An Arcompliahed PiAnitt, who Rita* tlreadt Moan- leatna.i aur eat Und tome mere puatit Addreae ST.* B.. boi No. lto Trbuoe Office. HOARItING school-for" moys at Grrjta> . I., ( on LKH'IS HOIVE, A. M Pru.clpaL Ntat, ber limited to teenty T>» Winter Seaaioo e»ill eoetaaac* MONIMY Not A, and rounnoe ti weeta. Clrvultra coatal»aaj tu. iufoimatioi. tu»y b'obleiuedon »pt !U ati <u t th« PiiaaupeT BOYS^SCHOOL.-Mr TYNO'» SCIRK)L, at No. »I leih r.. will reopen oa the SAMXMfD TU ksoay bj Senten.ter Teratt ITinr par tUf Nomher MtrHed ta tt CMNTOX-PLACE INSTrTFTFe.A D»j aa. Boardmt S-bo-i for Youat l.adlee. Par. at* whe artah thorongb D rnii dtarlp'ioe to be aeqa'red by rh«ir daaaht-.. acc. .. ai.ee with the law« of I eal:b an.1 alreogth.aa et" atM I »; fteab air proper "i-ruie p.wi i-n i'i atu It, ummI-i of br-tlhlna, .V. wit i cue »-lei'iion o mani.era aatd moral eu late.ara.«. \ .fed to patron'te ihia acbool. '..r tifoi era end >>lher Infeeota* tion tpp y, peraonahy ot bt ititer, at (he luatitut* No %t lie* piecaa. J BI.ArKMV.lt. A. M.. Pet0e«p*L CLASSICAL. FRENCH «nd KNOLBl SCHOOL.No. 872 Broadway, corner ->i at, _Ot-. ANTHOS. DAN RUR Y SCIKlvriFI and ~MILITA1T INSTITUTE. CONN, on the Trim r Hatje* | Ph« Ae». ELIAS 8. 9CHEMCK, 4 M. aat) taa t*v. H YAW COURT, A. M., leeociete Principal«, ia ful'y a||üla*A lijriinaataj and Pencil f .'ally The «hole or any part i f a co leg« coarse U laithtullv taucht The aee-iman..datlout for the VVlatei ar* tea A .rift Me. and »ery »»iperor. Clrmitr«. or an inierr ew, maT he bad hr tp-lying at W M. HALL d( SOh'S n.natretore, Wo, t>1 Ur.a.lwia Ter.n« «Iii f r the \V inter Term, commtnelug oa the EIRST MONDAY in Nctetnber. DANCING ACADFMIKS.-GRAND OANOlNO 8 iIRk K M'| ,.. CAROLINE \K/IK.sS r-epeotf i Ii li forma her f'irnda and pupi!- lAei lb* will |<T*a DRAW! DANCINO fcOIaRE aa RATURDaV k.Vi-siNi i. ii, from B t-> 11 'taoel at her Dimmg Academy. Ra .t H iward- tt Ai'taleti. a SO cent*._ HAVi INO flD.l PAlNtTM. CLRMKNT V t I.l.r H iiaa he honor ol aagjatat tAag ba tw* pubi g aad to the Hchreda of New i o'k, that he wl au I.IttataMtta t»* tarii'iia >.'«nrbea of Art am h aaPIOIHE L 4 N HA47API aad H.nWKH PAIN1IN0 PEES »El IVA" INK -KKIIIK*. hiNVMih Olli I'am r I. and H aTKR-Ci »1.1 hi a. Diawlug fiom f»uin'e and the a vi ppaa ereiy d*y from 9 »o 4 o'cloek. No rttl t h tr N. B. Separate rla««e«for LaMr» Refereacti: Meten. La "aVgjl Ooapil. Williamt A S'ewa I7,NGLISMandCLA,'Nl(ML FAMILY SCHOOL J fo B 'YS tt HE 'Kol! D, vt , .i,, i N. Y -a. WILLIAM0ON. A. M I'no. Ip.il -Near ae.a'ou will C*w tteaiie Ocl ji Two or ik.» >iru. w wl ea mg CafHhka . kahteloi li BEIRJER, Raa., No :i.i |v.,i.i.,Ni». York, or by adilreaaug tbe Pilriclp*!. 17BENCH and CLASSICAL INSTITUTK (ft I I'd Nu I.] NTI.EMEN No. It fa..t .1 -t .( r.naelf II. Peotnr t |at.) El.IK. CH4HI.IK.R V BMAN BOARDING $ai DAT 8CH30L fur VOI NO LAOIES a> No. JO 4t la II it. Hr aeklyt, b> Mra II. and Via. A I EMU of Heril... F'ruaa.a. Ia tha* ii ¦llallta are lenght ill th' ktaathae of a in Iota K-ru « a KaV u. at lor.. Priframmea nay be hti of Mr H Wf. a TEH VI | Nl N .- Ilioa.w-v aid Mr s.'Ml dk.K II, N .. SJtl d'oeA wir. New-York. Rafarataee In New fa i: rh .. a aa-da, Leon. Rie'arlr'b. W lelln thaut, I' P mneuhateo, I Sch*. Seith, H Vt.trermanp In BiaaAltai lir Kraenaleh, tit Bit llrrtn Oirlich*, tbe Ree. L. W. Hut. Dr Kalt. Dr. Pek- medo. D G I RVING INSTITUTE, T»rrvtown. N. Y .A as- J ler- tami'y R ardli g School foi Boy«. The aeit tteaal > aaaa at No* i. Ctrealate ma? oe aVahwl tt I H. kVJLC X A SON'S I' s {eft .... A«ea*| Ko .-»I Bi*tda*r, or by »ridrra-lng DAVID a. R'»WK. Pltaalpal. \1Rrv. MACAl I.KY'' DAY and HOAKmäi 1*1 -t i.i. for YOCNO LA Ii I ES. No At Katt ratal, will re .pen on THL'RSOAY Hep. 13. All's M \l. WILTSK'" lMM:i'A«»töky A*I BOARDIRO and DAY HiiUDI, t , lt.Ort r>aiw*a* the eg.-a of live and ten tearv, will .p-n on he I'i et MUNDtT in November. Th« Priucipal gtv«« her uudivid-d at aalt»» M the ona.fort and improvemeu» of bar ptpil* The meet eeaaw- tei it 1.1 era only ar* eo ploted. Terma lor P.ar leafraai *!..> to +l'»i p»r ai iniin AppIatataOa B*J bi uiada »J latttc or oth^rwiae to the PiindpaJ at Slot I t. acrr.atkctii Nrw Y»aa.The Rev » m BrrHto, D D., The Ree. C. w. Hickley Dr. R*4*tl 'he II n. Oakley. e.|*i, Siau.Tbe Rev. W. f. Ma "t, "r I'.ranir«'b, C«L P. Van Catt ardt. Col Merlbnr..etb I'bereh'M. f>en. Aar n Ward. M oim Washington collegiarii B- STITUTE. No. Il»4tb «t on Waahiugi. n aiitrt Jas- .raric. No. I.» Macdougal-et.i. f)PRNS l't THIRTKENT1 S. HOI ASTIC YEAR on MONDAY, Sept I*. Pupila froal Jeara of age and upward ire received In the Junior Mid Be gal aaatt li.p,rimen'* CLARKE a PANNISO P^ind»»la_ \10INT prfOSpECT IN ST ITI ,TE rYK/ff U I H Lt ii M M 11 Ii. N. J.. in . deluntful, he*ltbr loeallea, pri ptret young grntlemec for boaineea i* «v-.ll ge A new ae.aica coo mence« on New. I. for ci/cu »ra, A W.at.rmauA Co No »OBrtedwij. L W Schml t^ N*.1« V\ Uitam-at; or the Piincoel, ADO. *. NIT' .IT Til USIC.WauM a ft>w younK LADIES to f>A«fc rU on tee PIANO, by a vouog Lady lb .roethly v»r»»4 ¦ the oe* of that inerrameat. Orea- ear» laien to t rue. ptpj* in tbe moat'borough manner Trrme. AU per «».t*r ra rrnraalahlrgth'irdaMhfra fauglit could awl_Aw \Mm%Wajtl tcdrrtt OINEVRA. Bog No. M4 rrOune O«o». for fririA*? parii:ultri. L. DEZARNAULD. lat* an Editor of tR « impor ant Journal la franca eueoiaca* that h> hat aümed hia LK.sd INS in the KRENC 4 LASUCaO« eed LI rKR ati Kf-Evealng Ha-.ea. Pr.vaU paput ttlatied !*. App'y at bit te«i**oc». No.la^ Broadway._ M_ BS. J. T. BENEDICT » HOARDING Aad DAY SCHOOL for VOURO LADIf.*, reoptaad tmp. 17 a: No 4 ^eat S7Ui-ai., etc nd do«jr from Mit-ce. M PARENTS will find a J^mmlmtm BOARDING SCHO/IL for BOYS at the OCTAOON, SCHOOL for YOUNG IADIEt^Codar 0U«, . Stag hing N Y..MISS fOSTKR ''^^*f^It. t ten. Rr'ernee. b P. BAtON Ktq. No 4<h*t. B. a. lHoMA>< SML'LL Eaq.,No. 5 Kerrj at ti. 1. TAI.'I.'YTOWN INSTH LTE-Th« VVTNTEE TEatM wil, comrnaoo. N .vewle-r L Clrc« «n »TTT* Tenna Reference* Ac can be obtained of C. S'wpartI« No 142 Eulum-r. | E. U. W Ucoa, N* »^''l^LT by «cdreeaipg_ A. KE^M^W, r^^P»- _ 1~HE MISSES ROHR reiirfctfullj J"fc"B*hf,j fiUrdtand the pabl c that their DA* '±1,S~tHUIA b BOOL, No. I SI Weat 34;bat, wm rvpeoed ^J.^" DAY, 8;pt 11. Clreulara cm be obtained ». :>»¦' r.»*»"-*.._ TDK CLASSICAL OYMNASIl'M, B'^""^ Artorptee J p. RINGHAM E*C*of. T.' Gywaajn^w le t D*y U gh School of the Slit ei**». ^'^-^Vta-wte WarM menu aad receiving h*t twenty beyt '"V, la~artAa* aiti the elmpieet elemenu tad em' . r^M^jree*. Kngliah ttudie*. a etiorao of Mifhemi' ct. f ''"nJZwmmea***» B. k leejtna I'r.win« icd Man* ai of Armti¦ ^ a.i^.11 .aC.ki.a. i.-.. k^.. mal rrvt* gre«a «-"» ._ riceJ.ofle the Conn ting-room frt m the age of teveo ***»»,»_, . «>. ter begin* Septen.b*t 10. CIren lira t*t, be "^TLkwaaw k Jtnltor of the L nlverity, end et lb* eVwAttort* of tew Sot,, fre^al*. Crow«. A fa^C^RJ^ER^^ W~NANT'130ARDiNO SCH^L^JeOjj^ At Little l -rrr aiae mikej fr-- ^a. IJa-» too ta th« «itj a-lw ¦»! detUS M »HmlW. at

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-10-20 [p 2]. · Sil'illty gueheaout onevery page." Hajetbe Rocheat.r Dan; I) tnoeitt: " leora'a Child' la a well written, intere*ting and

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-10-20 [p 2]. · Sil'illty gueheaout onevery page." Hajetbe Rocheat.r Dan; I) tnoeitt: " leora'a Child' la a well written, intere*ting and

AK ORIGINAL PACJUGE COMlKOr»H of the ch tceet ip'nt» et f»a .*« rr»uc-

aMattiaal laW *0B,J .Lf.k'm«.

whole rt'»i ere fold, ia b»'1u*f eu'* ».<«. wen'd make

aa,, J.JT^L ., ,w ttln b-e t-- I* . errwod Nothing lit* tne**

,7?«Mi - <.'" b«fo p»b ir«1 Ii ra* ik*»tThat learned (<*o"»»or. da-key tod aJr/sgeth«r dt«tlTif:i»h»d».wer ve tc totinck ki-ic* km baU-fetter* Prüf. Ja ia*

£r**r Hterlbel wl tVaHrn the New-Yet^e eddretaeereeotv tho»**nd w*Ji k'pib lii-d tntheiOh dar of S*w*m-

Rar aa thoee wbo ordrr b at trial b* erat eupplied Pnee «Jceat* aevt by mail po-tM- Iba* t* any part or the l_'nit«d Sa'.»*.

RO»8. JOf ES A TOLSEY. Ho. I« Neettu et. N. Y .

and No. SS Clark et, CtUagi.

SEVASTOPOL HAS FALLEN.Now ready,anew aad REVISED EDITION (with new cut*, of oar

GREAT PICTORIAL WaR SHEET, ahowiug th» moet cxrect


Blrd'r eye View of .^veetopoi and It* Cime*TERRIFIC IXTLoSION IN SEVASTOPOL durlag tbe

Cannrid «ding.PANORAMIC VIEW of SEVASTOPOL, thowitg wbara

tbe pttatAai a wer* driven to by the allied armia*. AleoaW thePott*6r«tb«a. aa ibe Mal»* off, Mame-oa, Redaa, Ac CorrectPobvbait» of NarotaoB, At r.xttnit Ptutaica, aad tbeKueetan ( ommarder Mr*. Hitorr Alan Vi«we of tbe

GREAT FORTRESS OF SWEA BORO.Rlo ttie Towna of lI*l»in|fo?*, Rtineof Inkermana, and a'! tbe.romlneet locaiilitea indrd to daring the War. Alto a fail ac¬count of

The Orea* Conflict that recalled in tbeDOWNFALL OF SEVASTOPOL

Miking th-: moot b**u'<fn] trd tnuhfu1nctobial wit tHtcr

Pobilab».'. S u> & by HI inch-.*, f rice 10 cent* by mail r )ir

rate, on tecaipt of nnce.ROSS, ION 18 k TOt'SEY, Pab'.lahert.

No. 1'3 Nteiao a . N Y., and No 25 Clark it Chicago.LrWt) diacounl to Dm e «.

" Ot t the Bat*PARKS8 WASHINGTON..

Niw Pditidn.Ja*t Pub iabed.THK LIFE OF WASHINGTON.

By Jaeti fPaaai I vol., llmo. »VI 25.For rale by ail Bm k>e bra and N«»i Agent*.Single roi if a eert bymail.poa' p'id ot recei of of price.

ROLLER. ORTON at MI'LLfGAN, Pabiiebere.No Z'j Park-row, New York, aad No. 107 Geoeaae lAVa Aobora




fklj U a*/, a romance bnt t tree reco-d of facta, eeen aadlearned daring an extenalre tour throagb tbe 9on'-hern Staretby aa iotelligeit pbytician. It la traly an extraordinary volume.Taote who believe '»et the et item of S.every hu been carioe-tared la the. neat la of the day. woull de well to lit down to aaalm tcr! diapaeelonate peruaal of tbeae FACTS fr x real lifav

Jntt pot.llebed by JOHN P. JEWETT A Co.


F u n n Y-C o m i C-l a u 0 h abl EWe ab all lease In a fear dare a large, aplendidiy got ap

riCTORI AL for the HOLIDAYS, entit ad

THE COMIC PICrrOBIAIijContainlni a great number r.f highly COMIC CI TS, and t

aroadeiful rarlett of SQi IBS, JOKES, ANECDOTES endrUNNT THINGS tor Pun-loaing retdere. Price 61 oentt,mailed pott free, oa receipt of one*.

ROSS, JONES A TOt'SEY.No. Ntteau a'., and No. SA Clark et.. Chicago.


Dont PAY TEN MIILLINGS for THE OLDHOMESTEAD, wheo |ou can get It et No 99 Nemu-rt

Hon Building, for One Dnlltr.

AN F.W SP i K i t U A L BOOK .

SCENES IN T»K BP1RIT WORLD;Or. Lira t« the Sphere*:

Ry Hndaou Tattle, Writing Mediem.Thi» he ok coBtaitia intereatiag aarrttiret of BpHta* expar,

.acee aad obaeivttii.ua dellneaiiag the affectt certain oecupa-palieaia tnd erreneoaa Iheotle* here no the apirit la the life i.».

jond Ife grave. Publlahed by PARTRIDGE A BRITTAN,Ivo. M2 Broadway. Pri. e,'« r-nta, poatage, 1 eenta

Cora and the duc'i or!Or,

REVELATIONS OF A PHYSICIAN'S WIPE.Agreaah'y to promiae we opened " a new vela " on the 18th

Of Heptamber, and i.'O pounda of the ricoeat o'e were takeafrom it on tbe Brat day eine* which time we have foond it lm-poaatUe to eopply tbe demand.OORA AND THK DOC.T >R will be, ea vae predicted, a bo-.k

of mark The fourth tbooaaad la now ready The reviewere.re eeligt ted with iL Read «hat they ety:" A ttory whiah ditplayt great aklll and good ttata In tbe

arrlter." (Telly Adreititer, Bottom" It haa rarely bean oar lot to perate l more intenttly tntai-

eetini book than thie A ealeyan Journal." tJai heart bet bar* made to throb wilh Ittdrtmatio iorl

dee la and oar eyeeto well up with the pa'hot of ita heart re-aeallega." (McMUiii't Courier Pblla

" One of the moet Internatini eolumee thtt hat lately b*ealamed frwn the American preee |R.atna Herald" A elaraalngly written volume whirb wll< amp'v repay a

V<' (Itail) Bntiah W'hlg, Canada.

" The fragrance It leavea behind I« po'e ted refreabiag."ICbriatian Mirror, Portland.

II oui jutt>»*>< I* net greatly at fault.' Cort tnd the DjC-tor' wtli prove to he on» of the moet popa.tr aU.rf?s the

.*»*oi'1"IN. E Farmer." It u Indeed a Kick of power, poetry, elegance, tnd ohritttaa

aoctimectt.one aim ng tbcuaende."(Evening TranaeHi.t. Boatoo,

PublUbedby JOHN P. JE tVETT A Co.,No. IP Weeningeon at, Botton.

18 O r A 8 child.The f«ortb rditi n of thie rbttimog new novel It now ready,

üava The ( bxail ntti I lin.i an Jonrnti and Meeaaagar:' It ia above the oi.noaiy < tea of actione. The plot le inge.

aioaa, lit d-relopment la e*>* irhn.i, and ita denou-m»nl, withone or tvro rxrevtlone, p etet' g and happy Th* character* areduttbctive well drawn and at. it log.portrait* of pereont aome-tlmet eeen In mixed ecclety. The Ulaal for fetcriptioa, and torerr..tn.ii painting, I* of a high ana refined oidei. Exquliitt aou-

Sil'illty guehea out on every page."Haje tbe Rocheat.r Dan; I) tnoeitt:" leora'a Child' la a well written, intere*ting and at'rtctlve

Uxk. It will aUrt.t Ike Bailee tud aWtb tbt attention ofd any who are aatlated wi h ih* preieol race of Bctiona, fur it iaexeeuird in that free, e.jiia' and utiexaggerated atyletoahlrhun*t of tbet brood tie airaugert Wo predict lor it t tacceeaComu.eneurale with ii* u.aui met itaOne large Ifti.o. Price +1 3A.

_J- C DERBY, Pablieber, No 119 Naaeau eh.

CHEAFfdition ottawUFE of BAHNUlf. By a tpecial trrtugerneot with the authoi. the under-

will pnbllab ot ti aTl'RHAYFIFTY CENTS, a new edition of

T1<E 1,1 EU OF V. T. DAHNUM.Writ'to by Hiia» II

(Itoifonn with one publiebed ai fl 25.)Id aMatar ta hi* pabliahai III Haruarn atye:" I wuh to have five uii'liona or more of be inhabitant* of the

Vnlteo n>et-e reed'tut b«, k for th unelvee, tud am ready to

puaiai iee tbal more thin ntueteen-twentie h* of the wholenutnbei wi t>*<d* tatv I' teeaaai uniy a go .d mottl l***on>"

Diacour' to the trade ttnie a* on fjrm-r edition*.J i R> D'lF.LD, NoK4 rieekmta-rt.


\\ l.r-t-rence etaoaof iheBLACK. H»l "if auf kZOPF 8r*tS:

AH New VI1 vi and it lahed on one large ah*et. P.lf« J'ic't.Akta, tVIIW ,t ( l:i>s>ril>T-ehoe|o*anlde«rlbni( I

1 ¦ii' .an ia, wth r.-.1*1.a of tbe artaalpal CRO (/NC .

I I AHS, tlao. BUSMAN, FtifVH Tl RKI-H a-ii EN-(II It'll (UHl IKs, wi h ya.uable Meat

Al.kl.M.s aaitei. A. H JOSEi.YV, PuVUher,No. 6'» Fulton tu. Ntw \ ork.

Memoir of AMOS lawrence.Secoud> dittos Thte Bai pubHabeo.

Fxtracta from the Dura ate Corretpceiden 1* of Ihe let* Ami*Lawrence, with a brief account o' acm* inctrl nt* in hi* life.1 Bated t'v r ia a n, Hi Ita R Lawrence M. D. W ith eletautportitl * of Arno* tr d Ab'sott Ltwreace. Re..., e'oth. 01 50.A lane por nI it the it rditiia Wat laktn up by Boeton

MNaanta t,.i g.fte t.. i> el r it*Ii« prtaaaf tl.twirk i* mach lower than any other of the

kind ex-cu e.l In the aan.r auf»rior *ttlal'ep-ra .eel b) mail Met paid, to perenn* remitting tht pri e


No M Waahlngfnti at, Boaton.


rvatatattg aäaMeTata, p«.pu.ati.>r a/CMea, Rent*t<o Callton.U.Ac Alan 1): Kanr'. Hoot to the A'ctic Reg-tot*, aad Cap'.Met'lnrrt In b.V> tl.-oi.ls Ni itk weat Pttaaga ever mtde fromthe Atlantic to Ihe Pacific Oo-e* Sie of th* Map. 28 bv iiluehea, beaattfullv col-led Pr e-2* cent* oeei by mill 'or'ooe

^iTwVi WtitlV^1"'^ «OFulum-et.N Y.

N B-Ne»ai.aj»r. .- pi ng the »b v-tod aendint the tameto the oftice v .1 rec- hrt threi p..pie*

Aho t h e r~~~ne w thin *5l.We aba'l ieetie earlv In th* eeaa-n a large, »plendidUv *jt

tip PlCTt'RIAl f,: the b '1 IPi\> e tüea'IUI- OOMIO PIOTOtUAl*,

Cottt'nlrg a gr- at runl»r of hithly COMI CUTS and t

wiide/iu vane.* tat RQUI AS .lOKkS ANkXDOTKdl aadFINNY TlilSGSf.it fui-lcviig leauert. Pnct 6» erne

uitüe« peet tiee, oa raccipt of price.hO>S .»NFS A TOISFY.

_No 1<A Neaeau-et., N. Y.. and No 2»Ctart at , Chicago.ett1- k~ than "äll-^cheäpeb thanANY .If you want plenty of grwd reading with BEAl-

T1FI L ILcl SIRATIONS g-t th* Notember oumberofTHK NEW-YORK JOURNAL,

The cheti**t ar j he*: af tat* ataalbRti File* c« TrtiaBuppliedby R >SS JONFS A TiU SET.

ha 103 Nttetn et N Y tad No. 2» Clark at., Caicago.Jaet Pa Ikibad.Frtee, Rl 25:

G0p8ill ' JEatSST city dikkctory" forIkV&aad IAS6-For taV bv SL >TE A JANES.

Btatioaera. Ac, No. Mi Fa."ton at , near Wi.liam-at., N. Y*.

THE old hom k8tead..bj Mr*. AuiTe.Stephen*, author of » Feehion aad Faatlne." Por ta e Vy

K1QOINS A KELtOGU No » Job* «.

\Y^ILL be Pablitbtxl on M0NDA7.wells'*»TiowNr-Ww?,il.r "f faiMEA SEA of tZ.lt F tnd EC-ROPR con bin. d with a P* NOR A Mil VirW of NORTH aidtiOflH b«Va>«TOPOL, .how eg tbe ,^*ot \f "1«rtoieuolagarmiea: By an artiat eight meatba ia tbt Crimea. Tbeae bolenaku* eeaparb ebeet »r by 33 btchea. erloted oafioe,¥*n **9**> Bfi "*°7? . vP,itaL * !?Ä!S. *a*oM will hadthie U, beat eei.trg mar iha' baa been pabhabed Aadreea

O. F PARSONS. Pobliah*r, Na 14U Naaaeu at

Paper* giving thai oaa raeertien will tecale* a copy.

N"ATURE,» DIVINE REVELATIONS: Bj An-dtew JecAaoa Devi*. Twent.etb Editloa j**t pubtiabal. Tag

pejaa Price »2, »>^*t*e» AS oeat*irfcF.AT HaRMONIA or (he RRPORMP.R RraVJ. Devit;

4 volamea, Jaat poMl.Kad. 44» page*- P - * , poatag« -

(viola. SpLIiatl VaMiaA'ng Hoata. FARTRIDOE A BRIT. AN aVwaedaaty, (reel of the Taewtaee*a. t*i. ¥.

Booksellers' aoenct.We act ee Ar-r fcr the p-_r-:.*«r of Bo- l., Maat, hiear

«. lot h tee >r» in til parte of tar- Union. Wt wti furakthth* faMletviot* of* ail the Px ili.htt» of tttti City at mat*

patea\ (***nct rate ) Will ahw patk ana forward" pircaitfron the Trade, wt« the* i inttn I by at or othsrarwo- AIta/h o dare prorrrptlj tiled and prcpariy d»ckeeL Reeg* k* lha

pab.iaban of thle paper. _

ROSS, JOVF.S A TOUSET,ICC Nataaa-et.. N. Y.. and II C.arkat. Chictra.

HE PEOPLE** BOOK AOENCY.We tntf! Po»v »tri til the Booat. Vam. Metre, he.,

edrertieed la thit or tar other piper. fead the adeertited pnoeof the Book ton want and the retam mall trill briar the thingordere.!. Refer to the poUieber of thU pea«r.

ROSS. JONES A TOUJrRT,1« Niaiia-*C. N. T., aad 25 Clark-et., CMcaat

V EWSVENDERB' AGENCY..1* We are AtrkTi far all th* lei.Ua« Niartptrrat. (Dailyaad Weekly,) Macallan. Ac., and forward them earlier mmi at

lea* price* then other dealer*, f ataJogne* eent on reqaeat.Refer to the pnhliabert of thit paper.

ross. JONES A tousttt,1W Naeeao-et W. Y. aad 2t Clark -et, Chirac*.


SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. N*. 1.0A5:[Srng'e Corte* can he rbtaloed tt the eotnter in the Pab.ict-

tion Oftoe THIS MORNINO. Price 6 een:i. |I..EDITORIALS: Th* " Free-Lore" Moremeit; Onr

Straight Whig*; Ttoune with Japan: A JudicialJonah: Hear the Enemy; The Ree*]] cf Mr Crimp-tcn; The Prwpeet: Aeeoun't frjm Ktr.m: TheState o'the Wir; D rem the Crimea Ahoat Sbelli;M:nneit>ta; Lout and Otin; Hjw to Can ran the


the it'ttr.ahip A lao lc; Sertatopol to be BlownUp; Movement« of the Allied and Hawan Armlet;Ctvalry Barle, and Defeat of the R'lanani reir

Eopitorit; Departure of the A lied Fieet on . Se¬cret Ex;edition.

III. .AMERICAN PRI7.FS AT THE PAR"* EX1IM-TION: Letter from Oar Specitl Correependent atPerm.





ter from a Correepindent it Ctpe Cod.XII..WESTERN VIRGINIA: Lattei from t Corretpoo

dent at Perkertharg, Va.XIII. .THE CALIFORNIA MAILS: Arrivx! of the itearn-

.hip Empire City.XIV. .ENLISTMENTS FOR ENOLAND.XV. .KANSAS: Letter from McCret to hie Ptther-in-!ew.XVI..POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: Ohio; Pennryl

vtnlt: Kiriaa; Minnetott.XVII..CITY POLITICS: The Republican Pirty; The Par-


Reported Murder of Oov. Reeder: The Cte* of Ptae-more W lliamaon: The Yellow Fever in Virtlnia;E ee'ion Rid In Baltimore; Trouble on the Brant-ford Railroad; Mtn Drowned; The Colored Net oa-tl Contention; Lt-er from Texu; John Yin Baream St. Lewretce; Exploaion of a iteim Towbott;From Wtahingt'in.

XX..THE FRFE-LOVE MEETING: Immeote At end-arc-, Interference and Arrem.

XXI..FIRE IN STATE-STREET: Womtn and two ChUdr*n Burned.

XXII..FREF-I.OVE IN NEW-YORK: Individual Sov¬ereignty Realized; Secret Society of iba Letaae;Iti Origin. Ilntnrr tni Organisation; Princpleeand Practise of the Free. Love;*,

XXIII. .FROM CANADA WEST: Letter froj i Cam*epondent a* Cobourg, C. W.

XXIV. .CURIOSITIES of A RAINY DAY: Letter froma Cnrreapondent it Hirtford.

XXV..FISHING AMONG THE KAATSKILL8: Lettrfrom a Co-renpandeot In Delaware Countr.


and Treei Blown Down; Stenbati Coantr AnotherKnow-Nothing Lodge Ditbanded; The Yellow Fever In Virginia; Ouiyaqui.


XXXII..COMMERCIAL MATTERS: Pull Report* of thtStork. M oney, Cotton. Grain,Cattle an t other Mar-kefa, iperiniiy reporter! for The Tribune,

THt Sgati-WtiKKLV TKiautr la ruruiahed to eubaerikert atthee* ratee: Out ropy for One Year, A i, Two copiet, AFite copiet. Ill ^

TREATISE ON SEXUAL DISEASES.ByE. H. Dixon. M. D. 2M ptgei; price ft]. Thil edi¬

tion contain! fjur new chapter", vi*..The new Treatment ofBtriatarai Opcjatirn* for \ erleocele Clreumeltioa, t cure forD*M ity andSpermatonbei; Low of Virility In the newly maxried, an urumpec ted cauae. For aale by O. A. Roorhach. jua.,No It Ann-et; Bbermaa A Co., No. < Veeey-et; Stringer e»TrwrleTii. No. eiz Broadway f ol H. Ring. No. 192 Broadway.

I/AM1LY K.\ IUN SFJ~BOÖk7.Joat publubevdby th* tobacrlber, an entirely new etyle of EXPENSE

BOOK for keeping tn tcecrtta account of a the expentee of e

Family, monthly and yearly Price 18| cent*. For a tie by allBnokeellert N. B. PARKHURST. Bcokee'ier and Stationer,No Nruiean-et.


TOWNS n IP MAPS of INDIAN A WllroNrJlN.ILLINOIS,IO-VA.Ac Juat publiahed and t ir ialt hy

A. RANNE Y, No. IM Broadway.

aP h Ü IV Ö Ö D ;KM Or, THF PARISH BOY.Will be pnbliibed oa WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24, ia 1 ToL,

ItrtM 42* pp. Price tj-i zyBBEPARD, CLARK A C-v, Pobliahera and Boikaellen.

No. 110 Waahintton at., Boat in.

jpEEAP LI BP-RAE llOÖKS^Painci Arje of\J Rraiea. Rfa I VataaV* Run», l7ic ; Rigiitarl Man.V'c.C' mo.on tSrnaeand Crieii f >r 'TC, 25. fuat iiub.iahed, Phi'o-tophletl Prater BqtR, Wi'h Rational Kip'anatijn of Sp'r.tua.'-i»m Ac, M'c. to 75c, by O. VALE, No. 1 Bowary, N. Y., npattirt.


TION. By Henry Fiaher M D. For tale by STRINGER ATOWNSKND. Pti:e tSaeaia

SCHUBERTR A CO'1 MUSIC DEPOT, NodcsBrt'tdwtt..Pu'luhiDt Houae f >anded SO yeara in t:

11 an burg and Leipefr. ar d keepu g the arg wt it >ek in the V. S.ol 0* ii 111 ion Wmkr i f Foreign end American MI'SI J fror* Irrn' rleectto w-»Jr> ac -ret. Our o en publication!, ti.OCO. VVo'ka,r k k ia heat \\ ho want* good Muaic it inrilad to aeleet ia our

aprrlriti itrra. Our cliru tting lihrtry contaim 30,' ft) Work*T- in* f t one yeai $12, lai-h #<. Muaic gratia); fix montli* t)r,

\LW MlSlC.-The> PRIZE-BABY P1LKA,X. * * Ith t betnltful likrcrt* of Maa'er Scott, on the title-page,mi » may ind fot tale at til Muaic Store*.

J EYV Ml'SIC.Spexitnen ('opiee ffratia to Music-* Teacher* end Semioariea.Juat la«ued: Th* ruilowmt

n. y beautiful piece*, co'iipeaed by Jalbaa Met*: "TliKGOLDEN DROP" SCHOTTISCHE. IA* "THK RIVER-DALE' SCHOTTISCHE, 2'«. " SPARE MY HEIRTI ROM GROWING OLD" (Song), 21c The ab>te three piece*nil be mailed free for tic Sepe'b Piano« alwart on hand it.he **jreet poaeil.le nricee. COOK A BROTH I R.

_No *41 Hr..»'war.

ßtotiüticm aiib fancn ©oobi.


DRiyCCISTS' FANCY GOODS EXCLUSIYE-Li..Tooth, Nt and Hair Btuahea; Comb*, Pimtia*.

o. a. Lchiu't Extiectt, Soap*. Pari* Toilet Araicle* and ereryarticle *old by Drtugia a, except drux., ufTiirad on m»at reaxm-

tbl* trrmt by RUKUS K. M. H.VRG A Co., Importer* tadk .alt ...¦»'.« r*, No 153 Broadway.

JO s B I'll GILLOTT'8 STEEL PENsT.A fitab tupi-ly i f the**

POPULAR PENS,(:r c'rditg two new ..'le*l, will be reuiy finde on Tl'ESP \ YOct. lb, at the Wtreiuute,

No. 91 Jol.D *. New Y rk


A I AKKINO INK.For marking boxe«, balea,a." I tc D-y Ooo.l. Jobber» and vXbert will find thia articleh.-tter. m< re permaLOni. and at half ehe <vw of rurpeniue andlaapbtck. THADDEI'S DAVIDS A Co..

Manufacturing Mtationen. Ne. > 1 «._

Mucilage.SRMrior to any other yet manu-:.d In new ind cotitenient Kittlee. wi'h moribii

N u.h aitacbed to met* lie corera f * eale br TH ADDEL'd DA-»II S A Co.. Muufarturlag hte Inaei», No. 2B CliaT-at

jTmt <3lrto.

ENGRAVTNG and PRINTING..The m-aVelax I ¦ oat rta^iootbie try lee of Card*, Seal». Cireuiana, Ea

<.» I aad Ma*** Order* reoeired by mail for Ca.-, la and.ar.t variety of Kbgrttitt and Printing. Specimen* ar nt kjroti. WM n DUN NELL. No-ikW Broadway, corner Dey-ai

("JOUPIL aV Co. hkve on exhibition, for thiaR we-rk nely the ce ehra'ed Pamtirg bv Arv JbeaVr

D4NTÄ and BK4.TBICE. *

F1M. ART GtLLERY, No 3BS Broadway. New-York.

STÖTF A JAN>a8.'8iraVn^ and LITHOGRAPHERS, 18 Fu.tao-at..BLANK BOOKSu'e* and t>ound to aty pattern. Ore*reexec»t*4 with aj»p*rah..

tTJants.AYOUNG Lady, pottwaiin«; a Rood and well

raltiv ed Soprano voice, aad tble to euattie t tret part,»übet an ENGAGEMENT lo SING in »CBL'RCbl it at aetrthi* ritv ; aleo to give leaaan* la the Modern Lingua*«* aaiMule in t acbool a* vantiog Octeraee*. Apply at No. is R ige-at. ottr Oraad.

AN a\coompliahedyouiigGa>rTrian Ladr it deairoaiti bed t aitoation m the capacity of GaJVKRNESS or

. FACHFR in » eckooi. Her prtacipal bran-be* are Mt*c.Germaa and Franeh. Retereeeat, SCMCBiLR t A Co., No. iOBroadway.

ALADY, r- .*.>«.¦<.ids. m thon-aah MaaieaJ Educa-tka aad tpeakieg tetaral I aagaite*. woaid daeota .

few aiKocapted h.-urv to ititnv'i, n ta PktaaPerta. Hiebestmy refaaeace giv*w. Addreee GODONE, Maate»! Store, No. TTSatuaaway.

COACÄLAN..Wanted, t litaatiofjMCOlCH-MAN kr» . KWiiru u< eobev ea4 indu* ri e«i htbuw, who

Lu i .fl m«i > ». er* rxpert*B e et eoeh 'o ev-ry »rti h ¦>' «ti I

rep**r>Tiva tkoreaghly acquainted with -nit rtty m4 trlcroityforibepeet t«* iNn; eta product the b-«t ef tlty refiroBM .legatee reeebü ty am! cooou t Add>ow F. P., Trlbem OjCi«.

HOUSEKEEPER* SITUATION WANTED.Bt » u;: dl* Bfed .» L«*T eipeb'e of Uklrtf tat

et ¦» f hart« <f t hr-oea for a amall feoai-y or «tat rf geat eaiea.

Adcrre* Mr* B..K*. 15» Colombia it.. nVwklya.SITUATIONWANTED..A steady yono* ManÖ of good character wi.h'e tn obtain t eituttiiu at rLE Ri loa who* aale of retail eetabliehm'ot. II« tu no obj-r a Mn ak« himeeif ftrneraJj oeeUl. Ader*** X. Y. Z . B.x So. '. ¦Tribene OwSoa._SITUATIONS WANTEI».In the city or eonn-

try hv tw. very «gnerleaotat'>ir!a, wf i t ol city refereeteiort ta goöd COOK ltd ti WA4U an! ir.'lN 10 tpnrate fanErl ta« other aa CHAM HF RM AI D and v» f n or t<CrlAMBFRktAlP and FINE LAUNDRESS. CaUtt.Sj.7i6th it.. in tbe Booka'ore.

CITUÄYlÖNS WANTED.By three PraD-t-antkr t nr Women; on* ta COOK; oat to do OKNERkLHOl'BEVt-ORK- tleotberee CHAM »ERMAID aad WUT-ER. or NT'RSE and SEAMTRESS Ai*o. an orphan O.rl. Myeeii old, wto'i a piece Apply at 1 lltb-et. n»ar Bread*«y.

VvÄNTI.D.Bf a competent young-Woman, a"

titoation u NTRSF. tnd SAF.MSTRESS, orCHlM-BERMA'D and SEAMSTRESS No ob)v-tioo to pi Soithwith a faruilj, or board in t hotel with a ltd* Tb» b»-t e tyreterence ran bt procured. Appiy thi* day at No. 233 Spring-ftoppoeite Clark._

A^EI-iCAN, Entlieh. Scotch and Jrith SER¬VANTS, in treat variety, ran new be had at N >. 14 Sitth

avenue or No. 115 Bo eery. Good reference* wi I be ill

_'_C. MAS )N.

AGENTS for NEW COPrER UGOTMNG-RODS, perfectly baenltted.OTIS PATENT. r>reet in-

dueomertt offeree.. Acrtrrte LYON MAML'FACl L RJNOCOMPANT. No. II Coli et._

A_SrrUAliiD¥_WANTf:L>.By a rentablevutg Man. a German, n M1LLFR tn a floor Mill or

Saw Mil.; uoderetano* tbe care of any machine iu t'ui* bori-aae*. Beat reference can be tiveo. Aldieet C MXIsTEK,Hutingi. Wettcheate? County, N. T.

ASMART. activTPORTER wanted, who ctncm* we recommended from bii iaat emp'.. yer; one who

L»> been in the broh batman preferred. Ap*'j at Mo. »51

Broadway, between the hoara of 3 and S o'c'oe* r. at.

CHRISTIAN HOME for FEMALE SERVANTS.3».b et. between 4th tr.d Latin ft mart O rverneeeee

and I! >.a.«eepera. a * Servant* la irery capacity, topp i»dfrom thii Inttitution.

IT WLLL ITAPPEN in the bent ree-ilated faini-liea. that a change of SERVANTS it needed. Tben tpp'y

to the Pioteotant Employment Sotiety't office, No. 7 Ca,- june-it., near Bleecker-it JOHN YOUNG, Afot._PRÖÖT-READER..Wanted, an experienced

READFR; maat be e practical printer. Alao. two 9'threefirar rate Joli COM Pf M'TORS.m« ptrticiUriy fir P >» er

W erk. Apply to BaKER k GODWIN, Tnbaae Baildkafa

CEBVANTS' OFFICE, UNION-SQUARE.IO COOKS, NURSES, WAITERS and other DOMESTIC-lprovided 'or roareetabie fami'iee, pracipt'ty up-town. Apolyat the EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OFFICE. No 60Ea»tlCh-at. Tbote of good character only received tt thl* otfi:e.

O PI.hS.-iMEN'-Oood Adama" Proitmen w tnt-ed et JOHN A. GRAY'S, No*. »5 end 97 Cliff at.


TO STEREOTYPERS.Two firtt rate Joarney-u.en Stereotypen vran'ed. None otben oeed tpp'y. At

JONES L DEN'YSE'S S.-erenrype Foundery,No. 113 WUliam-tt , New-Tork.

1TITION..A yountr Lady, experienced in teaefc-int the Englieh braocbei. Frtnch. Latin, Ac. d»air«a E v(-

PLO> MENT Ii i family or School In New- fork or Brooklyn.Ad., re .a ORADUATE, Scbrotder't Bookttori, No. 12 BibleMonte, Attor-p.ece.


Brotdwty..A prrj nutii lntrnduttr at I per cent.ihtring labor,expente and ptoßta withCAeclr A VdVrt, *!>, * 1". »>1 S. **>, Ac,fi ling all ordert, racanciea aoichaogea, ren*wtr.t the Checktuntil every dollar procnrei .100. No chirr* to pupil*. Trtcn-ii-' Mri.ri\c and Coaatir-oii.'gxci d*i v. i-ntiag nearlytvtry tcboot end fto lly, reqalrlng the beit ftfjrti of tlL

X\7ANTED.For the in and out-door bunineig ofII art ' tt re, t ( LEB K of Intftrl7, ctptcity ind energy.The i'tuation pennenent tnd detlrtble. Addreei BMI Til. etreof \. B. Palmer1! AdrertitiDg Aeer-ey, Trl-mae Offic), giriagntme, qntliccatlont, former pnnuiu, f.lerj required ani fillperticuliri.\\'.\N 1 ED THIS DAY.Experienced DRYTT GOODS SAL--.SMEN-tho*e acquainted trl'.li the city

Retail T ale. _O. M. BOD I NE, No. 323 Grind tu

WANTED.A BOY in a BOOKSTORE. Ap-TT jvy it No. tit Broidwty.

Cost anb SoanO.

I \ I MM I REWARD-On the 17th of<iP X'ß,\J\ß\f September iaet two BOXES were de¬livered at tbe Office of ibe America i Etpr*ei Company in Dabaqe, Iowa, hy a cartman from the Cnitexi State* Land Orfi-ta.

f>a'd B. tea, oo th -Ir arriral at Die Suh Treatury la Nee-York,were found to con'aio bnck-ahnt of tbe tire of 140 to tbe pound,and preaaed belli of the eue of !0t> to the pound, f> the amountof 174 pound* In weight, and .ei pound* of theet lead. No. 4. Thebete* were mar'e of white pine, one ineh thick, dovt-tai.ed it'.hocorner*, about 1"| Inchea Iod*.»I Im»-» wide, ana tj In. h«*deep|lnalde mm« i nil. The b ttotn of One of ttgg bot«*wa*W bemiock. They were atrepped once erouod the middlewith one ln*b boop lion. It Ii c'eim*. by the AaiUtant-Ttoain-rera'Dubuge tint the böte* etch contained go d e 00 to the. b.oui.' tf + 2.5,110. They were marked with ca.da t iJreaaedtothe " Ai-nat^nt-Treeiurer, U. 8., New-Tork." which cud* aread] i.'t. il by the Deputy Aaaiatant-Trewurer lo he aaaalBO.Now, tberefire, t- r tbe parpote of ditee-reriDg where tad

bow thia fr»ud wie cnnmitted and bringing to jeitice the perpe-(ratort thereof, the American Etpreae Company wll pay #lt,-

the recorery of »he m ney, or in that proportion for anypart ot It, and w5,U)0 for the arreet ant coaticrion of the olfenf-er> and Ibey will pey HSeraliy for Information relative to themaking of *ald boiee, and lurnuhlniofitcb lead, ba.lv tho: fco.

Ail con.monii atiou* ihoald be tddreoted to the * -.». Mh-ra.

WELLE, BD TER RlELD A Co.. New-York,LIVINOSTllN, KAROO fc Ca. Bull Jo.

Pnn i-tvr* of the American Expre** Cenptry.Bnffalo, Oct. 3, I&5Ä.

BEWARD.Stolen on the loth or 10thinet-, a pocket-ctae ofi»de by Cbtitler, I'trii: .'IX Th'tbi e reward wand inatnimenta to Dr J.

ton. corner of Uarri»oo-at.. Brojtlyo.

{jorofo, (Carriages, cv'c.

FOR 8ALE..A very enperior thorou^h-bretdeeddle HOUSE; eound. kiad ana tentlii. Price «150.

Aim iCALASrl.and SETS of HARNESS. App.y at No. 22Botid-»t.

tto CDijora il fllarj CtTnccni.

BlTtYING-OROl-ND NOTICE.-The propereu horltiee of Willtamihrtrib, L. I., a few yea.a iin>e

paeeed an or.-intnce pr.venting ill oeraon* from New-Tork be¬ing buried In the W liiinatrargh Barying Oroundt. Tbe taxeeend Aeaeaamen'* hiv ing amounted to two or three thoutn l >.-

len, ana! no income to meet them, the Supreme Court of trvi*Sta'i have granted an order toremivetll the remaini of de-ce»*ed peracte to the Cypreet Hill« t le jie'ery from the bWytafl(ironnd b-und k] 41twlle L- rimer atid Power-eta., in toe Cityof Brroklyn, late *U'itmabargb, notke le hereby tiveo 'hitauch removal will commence on or about the fifteenth dtv ofOctober nett. New-York, Sept. 2s*. 1b5S

\\ \ W IFE, CAROLINE NORDLISOER^Tieh^.v 1 n,y bed end hoin* withoot lay provo**tiom I t ier f ,re

warn evert one tot to Itutt her on mv account at I thai otyn< .ettiaoaatokntoa hv her. S. J. NORDLI N'GER.New-York. Oct. 17, 1855.


FICE.-G LBF RT E H ATS end CHARLES W. MERRIPTrafomi their friend* and the nubile that they have m >ved theirC'tficiato RoomiN.a in and 11 No. £2 H roadwey, where theywill be happy to attend promptly and faithfully to any battneaiti.trurtee to th. ir care. They pootew peculiar tdvaatage* tocollect claim* eithe» in the tnited State* Canal* or Ejrjp-a.Tbey rei|-rctfullv refer to the Banki In the City of Ne e-Y at*or to iny cf the Merctatile Houaee of ataadiag tn tha city, a* totheir cbarae'er tar prrenptneai and 6delity.

Chancfs Cot liasinrea iÜUn.

intt., e pockeC<t*e of S'.'H'IICAL INSTKtAiE.NTS, made by Cbtitler, I'trii: a'to a loot «booy PORTECAl'STIUUE. Th'tb e reward wi i h« paid for tbe retonof the e**e and inateumen:* to Dr J. E. CLAttK No. 2>v2Cun

A FOUNDERY doint a Rood home and New-AT» York City bu.iuea* for SALE cheap the owner haviagother rai* npoo hi* time. Apply to L. M ARNOLD, at thaFocadery. Ne. 374 Matt.-at. P iughkeepe'e.

ARARE CHANCE.For any pergon oriehLDir 11rr rege in'he FLUI Rand FEED BUSINESS. A large

¦Oaae fir ate; a'ao tbe Wagooiand wixraree wi'l be told chivpI- -'.:n*-ed ua ose of tbe bet*, baeir.ee* evenett in thi cry,E r i art cu era inquire at No. P7 lit tv corner 12-.b tf. -t*t tl

I: '~R~SAL E.A BARGAIN.THE~NEW-YORK PEOPLE'S OR'lAt. i l-tig eettbUahed T-mper-

arre a: a Family Jou-nal, w.th ta a tual weekly eirreleeion ofSix Tbocittd. which mty by j idle oaa efful be largely la-created. Eo- renne, tc apply hv lerer to

_J AMES .51 fcCREAN. B. x Na WV7 N Y. P. O.

FOR SALE.An old ettablithed nOTEL andI \TING SALOON, now dring a Urge aad p'ohiahle buo-

e*a ji iocateu in one of the met ceeireoia aitaa'Jooa m the: « jch| tui-nra* Tha puce l .w and the leraaa eaay

Tbe e u a lot i :«aee oo the premw«*. por fur her ptrtumiart¦¦ejedre of_C. E BUTTON, No. 173 South »

FOR SALE.A firtt rate I'ANORAMA, on atobjeet at ietly Nfloaal. The maehin«ry it nee- ani c im-

plet«. ltwtlltetold cheap. To eay y>ung man baring theiteana acd a dealra to travel. thiaU arireurau ehaaca. Ap>lyor iddreet F. ti. WO JD, No .' l'iae »treot. ander MefiopaLtoaBeak, N.Y.

FURNITURE and LEASE of a larje BOARD-INO-llOt-SE for SALE .For aale la the vtaaity of the

Harenn river Railroad Depot a Board ng-boave or Hotel, cape-Mo of ac«ooBB<oiating from 10* to 150 boarder*, bow t ied withOrtt rieae boarden. d int an et-ellent bueiaeea FURNITUREtod THREE YEARS' LEASE for aale for «jt ago eavh to re-apuaeit i* partie* Beat of tbe pr«tn<**e about At rat pet an-

»^^»PPly to HOMER MORGAN, No.t MojopoutatTbaah.

TO MAMTACTÜRERS and OTHERS.-Anym vr ufacrerer of a reo* aruelo of eaJo. or eay men of ktrv

aee< requu-tn* the aid of aa active portaer, who boa eoaae eapi-hal I* of goad eredii.and having thehiahaat reference* wdlaa'.htm by a.wraeamg the adveruaer. He newt hattaaaa weil w every ecUve end peeeevwrloa aiaaim of aaaaafeotarad geodt, tc mpetect accouataa aad hike* had a van .-;a etpeneo-e .*the bnainea* of New Yoek. Coexuwaw! wlow* etncllr eeeAie*eleA Ado^VhAJaJLEN.Tn*«^t>e^

net y eoaaoeo

*g KB AT 0 H iK C K..PBEMIUM DKUG^ 8TOHE for SALE.eABINOrlAkirON.V V -Pa***1!t \r-.t btrt f» aal» . rawwrch of r>rut,t whi-h wi 1 n >¦ prrv* t eatetM ».*' «JA, aearly «II pa -cb a*» erttVta t > r»

lor -tuta *. eayie 'ht place, w ta . fid* d*w e

u| iA*aaaiu It'l nf th* beat I! >t*i. iV*u a* the pnar pa' »<r-*

baurf tbenciy pr"!-c»la| froatin -oa. taro door* fr*:vTc*t Office. A boat ay**- -ine» reft a*d .l.#J» ">oa*» t . .I

cut. «rfetrd on tee.a' nf location, baas -v axe Th* b«a h j

tea of UM firm h»ting "ailed «-akee "h-m de*+.n* of vi tal «rear.Teblt ten: a- Bi**htm'.n i* ;*at a c 'i**»*»ad \j t»e h.nd-rtrtat u<i M'rit rea*iatta-p]>c* *a the New York and EH*.Ui'.rotvi.ti uaied at'h* teimtLui of 'b* tiri-a** aid B api lint, n Rai road At tb* laat BMM Fair th« ander.ig ied 11 *

tb« btghcat p-emina for " H tt par* Medicine* and Pet-fumeiy" »»"rh l.«* V e» extenrve'.v aJrer: »»4. a 1 IreetMOORE Ac. WEBaTER.CKy Drug-ata**. Bt*ghitn> on, N. Y-

IRON FOUNDER! for SALE, including . goodr*e)lin| tnd Ou'-Koate*. P anin* Macbta*, itaehei

to Foundery. Mach pa new. trad in aacoeaafa! ..perrion. arare chance for baeineaa. Damer baa other banne»* en***'

men'*. Por fan her p*rtieal**t, adireaa ih- «'iheerirj*r at

BATH. Steajben Coantj N.Y._T. WH TIS.a

NEW INVENTION.Sp»»cuUtors And buiine**men of enterpriee ere invitee to call an" l***n parte» art

ot a Bear isves'tcn which w! yie d t fortut* at t eorapartxiee'ymal' 'nrettment, at No. S.6 Brotdwty room N*. 4. frr>. 9 to

12 A.M._SPRING dt fx

RFALESTATE or VERCH ANTUSE WASTEDin eschar »e for STOCKS by a party whs If about Idtriaf

the t try. Pmpertt ecctmk*r*d for m ire thai ce-htlf the r->tt

telue will not n-s coaafdered. Apply for ace week to

CLEMENT FLINT No 1 Naeeau-at nev We let, Bret floor.

fPHE Advertiser, who hAi resided the lut fifteenl i'WTt la the citv of N-» Orle«na. and haa to et eriairetcoaarn'tere tniOFf the pl»n'er» and rt»rehtnt» of th* State*if Lcukrana, Muaiwippt, A ahemt. Texaa, Ar kante.«, and re a

neetee. w'thet 'o obtain AOENC'ES for the atle ltd Introduc¬tion of »»FW 1N\ F.NTIONS or tpprored i»LO OSES; wi.la'ao attend to th* porehtt* and atle of M«rch»nd|ee n NewOrlrana. An intr mew can be had tt any time pre vi ju* to the25th of October, by »ddreeeing IL L S ctr* of Box No. Mat,Boaten PorOrr.c*._IV'ANTED.In an etUbliehod isOAP and C aN-T T DLK MANUFACTURING boaineet, t PARTNERa ho bit a «horough kt owlee'ge of the ha>inew and e Capi el of# 1 MO or t 1.500. Tbl»'a a food chaoee for one of the .-fitatarnp. Aodreee B. d. O., Bex No. 112 Midiletowa, OraageCounty, N Y._

I OA. -PARTNER Wante.1 in an tfjtlvkjf J %-m\J\J, ajkai mani. f*( TtTRlNfJ hcs'n iiin tt.ia arxy. Una wtrh the khore aotouat and who la willing t*derolc bit tlm» to batinea* ran fir..I an otp.r'u'i't to ret I/"#3 fff) per annum by addreaa!n( C M., B.x 187 Tribune Office,a.th the name and where to be #<en.

t^rfUi .FOR SALE, a LEASE of ROOM,*4V *J* w\ *. with ateady Steam Power, having Lathe*. C r-

cmerSew, l>*w-BeBch. Forte, Anrll. Vice*. W .rk B*nc::-e. anda variety nf email tool*, all in working order A rareeiauee fort mechanic to rind a chop and tot!« cheap for each Ami if de-tired, a uteful Paten', now oi eiaibitinn tt the Cryr.al Palt-etnd uriTtratlly admired, w.ll be *o!d with tt. Apply to iLBROWN, No. 121 Nttttu-tt., N. Y., room No. 6, from 10 to12 A. M.


Soarb ant) Boome.

ACOUPLE of excellent ROOMS, with BOARDin t FIRST-CLASS MU SE in BROOKLYN, can be

htd by two tingle Oentlrmen. Inquire a No. 79Sandt-*t. Refec.ee* exchanged.

APÄETMENTS, 4, :> and 7 ROOMS eaeh. withevery convenience for nice fami iee. to b* let ch*ap In

brick boueet No*. 137 tnd 135 West 3Atb-*t. cetr7th-av. In¬quire on the pretm*tt.or tot H AS. PATHIUOE, No 342 tl .:

k«y-_;_AGENTLEMAN and WIFE can be acoru.

modeled with » third ttory PAKL )R tnd BF.ORO )Mtfjoicisg. wirb BO »RD. Alao t few ROOMS for *mgla Oea-tlemea, at No*. 82 and A4 E*tt 23d-rt.

BOARD..Select familiei or «ingle Oentlementrty teenre ple**tct ROOMS ea tune, or *iogle, with

HOARD for tl e teaa-n at No. KS Etat 14 hit. TnehoucitLewly 6r i*h>il and fumi*hed with all the modern improrem-it*,Ac , rtqnitite for firtt-clatt retldencet. Reference etchings I.

BOARD.Two or three Gentlemen or a nniallftnrtly. can be tec mm dited in t timi' wi h modern Im-

¥¦ vemeot«, where the comfort* of a to.-i >. home mty b I t > .u '..hit It a cr'vtte reiigica* ftmily. tnd da«ite only tirf. c-a<*

boarder*. Icqi:l;e at No. '.3 Hammond *t.

OARDING..A front PARLOR and BED-ROOM on tecond floor, unfufciahed, to LET with BüARH.

at No 72 2d-tr._OARDin CATILARINE-ST..Several Gentle-men can he accommodated with BOARD a: No. 1 Mouroe-

(corner cf Catbirlue-M.) Term* moderate.BBOARD in BROOKLYN..Two Ur^e, gquare

Ki KIMS, with C:o*et« and Clothe* Pre**** »ttacheH, to

LET with ROARD. ralrable f r ose or two gentlemen and tatAfaive*. The location iaplea*«nt, and near the ferne*. Term*I. w. Apply et No. 46 Send»-«t.

BOARD..A front PARLOR and BEDROOMon the tecond floor can be obtaiued with ptrtitl BOAUD

tt No 21 Bond-et.

BOARDING..4 Jentleinen and their Wivei canoh'tin fleetest Room* on the (econd door et No. Pi St.

Mark'*-pltce, Rihat. Stage* paw the door.

BOARDING .To Let, a FRONT ROOM, withgrate and pantry, neatly rurnifbed, rul ahle fir i lleiili

man and Wife or two Gentlemen; *J*o two SI .NO LaE ROOMS,». he plea#*nllj »ituaied houae No. T> North M^ore-au Bathtin the nouae.

B(>Al.'l UNO.At Nun t?, niul 17 E«*t Bmad way.for Gentlemen and their Wivei and Single Gentlemen;

a Dty Betrdert.

ROOK LYN HIGHTS..Pleasant ROOMS withBOARD for Gentleman and W ire* or tin*'a Oent>emeu.

N "i ( rv 1,. rry-*U 3 minute* from Fultou tnl Wtl'-tt. ferriet,

ONE or two young men can be accommodAti'dwith ROOMS with or w th uf KO\RO, in a deairthle

l.canot. in St. Marb'e piece. Referenca* exchanged. AldreieBox 3 Vi Port Office.

VRIYATE BOARDING .A GenMeman ami hitW ife, aid cne oi taro Gentlemen can be tcommodated

m h BOOMJ. aith full or partial ttOARD. la t pritat«feexily|de».,-able ItK-ati. o, in the Immedia'e v cir.ity of Watblagtia-innere tnd 5 h-ef.; reference* exchanged. ApMy at No. I»tibi-


ROOMS to LET, with BREAK EAST, in a pri-te ftmily. Bath room, Ac No. 13 Bond *t.

I^HE FRONT PARLOR of a new tint-clasnEngliah baaement II. uae, furuiahec with Sofa, Bel-

rear!, Wardrolie Ac to LET 11 ore or two tentiemeo at No. 17Wr*4 I3th at., between 5«h and P'h-ava Ain a UtfOLIROOM. Fetrily private. Hefer-cc* eichanged.

Qoneee to Cel.

AT CARMANSVILLE and FORT WASHING-TON-To LET.Several new and wel: built DWELL

IMJS. with modtrn improttmenta (oi abe for merchaat*.clerk* end other*. Apply to INO. C. GRAFF, Ctrmtnifli.e,or W. T. OKAFK. No*. 119 tnd 121 N.a»a-«t.

FUBNIpHED HOUSE to RENT.-A modern,four tdry, . ne-'ront DWELLING ia 21»t*t,, betwe»n

4th end Mh-tv.. to RENT, furr i-bed. for I v-art Raat. f.'.'.*»peranaom. Inquire of HOMKR MORGAN,

tlJbt) No. 3 .Vetropoli'an BanA, Piae tf.

FFICE to LET .The well lighted" and eligi-bly ntatted front corner eSce In the tecond door of No.

l<2Nataautt .corner of Ann (bemg one of the beat in theetree'.) wi.l be rrtt'd to a ro.^ tenant oa very reason ihle tennt.Apply to GEO. C. THOMPSON, et S. M. Pettingiii A Co.'t,No 119 Nawau-tt.

STEADY S'lEAM POWER.-Lar«.-RO JM>,well lighted, running rhromh from Water to totith-vt. Ap-

p.y tt Nc. ISM Warertt , between f'ke tnd Rutg-ra -lip.For Stue-A 12-föot TURNING LAI HE 22- neb Swing.

STORE to LFT .The old-eitabliihed Clothing-Btote No. 104 Fnl'or tt tnd the FIXTURES hi - ^ Lai

i'neeeteioo givea immediatel*, tt required, inquire of IriOM ASSMITH, jr.. No. 122 Fulton at.

TO LEI'.Several firitrclaiu live story BUILD¬INGS, with S'ore* on the firat floor, wi-h or without Lofit,

Ml tl g to: the who ett e bu>inea*. well »1 uated; two oa W*t>r- n. tare* on Pe*rl, twn ' c Greenwich, tad one on Liberty atAlao one five eto y MARBLE-PROIfT STORE, Wt*i thewhole upper par-, in the Bowery, in t fiae loet too for n«tln*«i.i : t«rm* and full panic ilat, apply to CHARLES IL MiL-Irr. A Co.. Aaetioneen, R*. Ub Broadway.

I'O LET.The Stone andlwo^Brick^Firevpro ifSTORES or BL'II DISOS, Noa .(,» and 95 Purraan tt.,

Prtok'yn. Theit it * Weil in o« e of the ta Idiot*, and » .one¬rier flEAM-FNGlNE en the premi»»a. and their near vidoityto Fulton ant Wa'l at*. I'em-i r*a ier th-n vary d*tirth'e firirttuftctuiicg pa;po*e«. Icqoire of JOHN J. MEBRiTP.No. 7b Colimbu-rt, Brjokl>n, or No. 200 Fu.tin at, New t ort.

TO LET BT for SALE.A STORE an! DWELLINO In Etttcberer. Ih mnee from New-York. Old eataV

iiabed attnd. coo minding t go d ratine** tor a gea-rt CiuatrySiore. Ir.q.ireof F. E. .-Ml TU, No. 7/7 Broaiwty.

THi RENT or LEASE.The HOUSE No. 915Broadway can be had . a a leaae with immedia'e po«« -a

. u. C*a be eaailf altered intoa*'nr« arid made very profi't-l>. App.y loonedietely hl R G. PIERCE, P:ae-tr_, coruer ofBroe ».¦..

Toners anb /armo tDanteö.

W'ANT! I) D. I'l Ki HASE-A moderate lizedf" FARM n the Huiene PoUimee, >*Tie* or caber river-Hndeoe pr»f*n«d-fi« which firat claa* MA'THINERY, en¬tirely r ew wi. be exchugrd at the loweet caah pnee, App yat the MANHATTAN LAND OFFICE, No. 4M 4th it.,or itSc. IM Breadwty, from 11 to 12 A. M.


Et-a! ggtate tor Salt.BPIaEHDID FARM for SALE.GRIST-MILL. SAW-MILL, CIDER -PRESS, Ac.In U*r-.ng-

N. J tbou' three mile* from Ttppta Town end twentya «t from New i ork It coneiat* of taventy tcrea (tea heavytimbered I two Dwelliag-Hovue*. Store, Berne. Ac. Tha Milfiare in fine working order, and the water power the beet on tb*Hacker^», River. Apply to WILLIAM T. ORAFF. Noa.119 and 121 Nattaa-et.

AGREAT BARGAIN in BROOKLYN LOTS.-For ee'e FIFTEEN LOTS la out parcel, aewattfally lo¬

cated on BaafawicA-**., wtli be to. t much beiow their tea* Ifapplied for withm tea day*. Addntaa J. A. N., Ttihaaa OtRca.

COTTAGE at IlAfiI_a£lFvi^LOTS of LAND vwry pleaaanty «1tailed *n 12*th*t, weet

of 4th av FoaaatM. eaa b* had i-.medn »i v Ala* aii LO r«o« IBM «t . IS h-eta batwaea Ath and Ith-av*. Apply at

W. N SEYMOUB A C-> . Nv |Catah«t.»-,»ae,.

AFAKM and a HOME W.THIM tt« KRA ?Hof everi man-hukiu *r r«%*J. A »urt'Lru-

AL Bed LOA Li COHf »S I -Cm .evle-oie /'«ad .F*»a t

..?re T^oieeA Acv«**f Lend the Me, avv-ioi % -'i . ./ foamtt.r $.10». toy IlTki«» Metier- hr<e tee'«Ieitvui. Of »*l-!.¦ pee H'eak, ^r Barnsof *V 75 ten tee aere* to p-o,n- mi

Tie » k 14 «n tee .. "<¦.! ht 'h« tU> «et ..»'«.. <aOol lvrgia MB Craety *¦ mr Raleooe* «ule4*Mi , K, -,«-

eeted e. no c'hee tr by a 'twoer t nonin n wirb M.« f a.

PbiUnrlphie Boston Pvi.birth Et*, th . 'id « ofth« L«ke»e-d ell ibe ereeeem RrtJe forum the ;r<nAw nvf-.c-jiiM

of Rails ted* is (be Situ ere (be Istes; atp of I'eunayiva-ate (BmaaaiT>- Itvrfl* and fl uriehint t.iwu of Sf. Mtry't ia in th* reefer

of »re '-te'. numbering n>me ? 5re> I htHtaeti. It b«« H¦rl / lap ar <. «r a tea S ere*. »»d every ib'-ig de-?IreH. Iks Sitxkhole re a r rtntOL t« in h* nn tadaS*wM;il Tbelvol te*r ti»a* i»» imJtQTfitifn < Ts» T"o-bet is o' lb* b*tt kind contorting of cheery, che* aat, atb. oek. i pteoTreO'Al. epoa tile lead fi rera' v irwrAisaft*»«. b-iig t

ronttaoco* hed. It tsih«rwiy Cotl l.ant 'n Met pert o'theMet» having a tntt cotna:anu-t'i^ wuh tbe difte.ec t i n Itn nit »h rt y oerome lmm«ute.y vtlutbl* on tltt ooe ace<iv.

l-» location pom t it* Joriicy lo btccm» tte Pottsvi le of tea-

ec-antry.Tbit le a tart erppertanity present-.! to the bit seat rat*, ehe

worlisg mtn ot 'at mechanic It place* t Aita* ttnm*.: . - t

wJtkir h > reach; It treu*» treu t > provide t >r th- preset; at

the future, again* m'tfn-teae. riiht* mr bimeeif or chud.-ea.Karat eta t . b. .th » mc £... luttu m nr.

/uJiea ran bi d aba et In 'hoir own rieht, without Tr tatet«.

Tit.* UECjues'lrrehty g.*od. belog the H jtland it I . ApelytoC M. HAbTWICK. No. M Butlern» oroer of Peltou a

Re m No. I. wbere mepe end peaphl«t* mtt He had (ran* an Ia' ii.fi/nnaiion choerftii't ii. en. (lIBit aaoo fioin I .1. M to I

P At CH ARLE IK. L tNDlS. Pt**\.StML IT, CiTTILL, Sec'T.


i.t aow rtf.PkacD to tiLL avia two milliois op teat*or *kLi.rr*D


To aai: purehaarrt, oa ioof erediu and a low rate* of intereet.Th't werf (ranted by toe Government to enc 'u *<. the

bot'dini of thu Railroad, which tont from lb* extreme north tothe exlr»n e eouth of the Stete of 1 liool*. It ptt.e«. fro-n endto ft a, throtifh the nchett and moet fertile Praiiiee of tae Bovo,do ted here end there wl h mteotticeot Oak G-"tee. Tie re>mm t ootnlof of nearly ttoO dun of *hi* i «ad throw* op-o theItndt for ciiltiraiioo. Tbey are ecarteted from oae : :. *>o

n tie* on each ai.te of it, tbroafb It* eotir* leoeih.The roil it a dark itch moid, from one to ate fee* in depth, I*

aenfiy rol.ine. erd peea iarly 6: ed for »tti», etttle and *heep.ami the cnitiration o> wheat, Ii dien coro, Ac.The first crop of Iiidiaa corn p an ed oa the newly broken

a t . e u-u-l * paye the co«t of pioeio* and eew n-<

*N beet eowa oa new turned ted i* nu* to yte'd ttry larae ¦: I ..

(>ne n an with a plow and two yoke of jiea will bieak on* ande ha'f to teo acree per day. Contract* eta be made f»t hreik-Ing, reedy for corn or wheat, at to At So per acr«. Hr i Ii-ciova mantgement fermi may be broken and fenced the tint,aid ander a high ttate f cultivation the eeeoed tear.

The larier yield on th* mean line* "f lllinoit, over big5-pric*dlande in the Keetein and Middle State», I* kaowa tob* muchmore then »nmetent to p«y the difference of tramport itun kgthe Keattru market. '1 he rtt .d la.'rraee and growth of doiriih-Ing town* and «liege« elcr.g tse line of thu roed erl rd e grow¬ing borne demai d ft r farm pr Vuce.Coal end wood are delivered along the rood et different pointt,

at f'. m +. I 5M to *« the cord cr tun.Partit» hating m view Iowa, Ken»«», Nebruke, or Miaaeeote

I r rhtli future botnetthould take into cootlderati >n that thecounlr* we»t of the MUeitetppl it deeri'ute of rt lr vl«, matthe couTeni-nceooHrtoeportiog gr-io and produce f -m ftrru»on the line of the Tllinol* Cntrai riailtoad di'eer tothirrettrattern mirk et le ruticient of it**.! to pty the larwtmeni ttfrom * IC to ? 15 per acte hither than in givro-neo* Ito leialowe. In other vt i» thtt :t e r«'« «o much mor- to re' pr idoce frcm the iLie.ior of the coinrry wet' of the Muaietippi kgthe ttaatero xa.rket. that the tarn er will fird it mach more pro-Slab, e to locale on the 'ine of thia raiirotd.

raict aid TtaM» of m mi vt

The pnee will vary from 4)5 to »>-'>, ac»r ting to Inett. m,qialtly. Ac. Ci-ntracu for deeoa may be made during roe yearV'S. »tipulatint the perchtee m iney to he ptid in tire anjatllr»t»l mtrt*.tne firtt to become due to twi ynart from dtto ofcontract the othen innuall) thereafter Tbe aat pat meat willben me due et the etd of the tix'h year frm date of ggafreer.By th* 22d aectinn of tbe Act of tbe Legialeture, approved Ith

Prbruarv, 1851, the** lard* ar- free from tax.turn until they are

paid fer and a deed cf conveyance granted to the purcheoei.ikTiartT will at (.macro at out two rea ce*t rga

anoitm.At l tecurlty for the petf Tn a nee of tbe eon'reet, the tir.;

two year*' intereet iruiit be paid in advance hat It meat he um-

drrttiod that roe-ten'h ot tbe land purchase * aaal< yearly oe

bronght urder eoltivt'lon. Longer credits at sit pereeotp-rI'tinm mey be neiotla'ed by apeci*' arpiK«tinn Tw»o'y percent from the credit price wil be deducted f,r ee»h. In weichcare the Ccmpenv'i Con-t-ucioo bond* wfl. be received esreen.

It It be ieved'thtt th* price, lor* ere In, end low rtte* o'ij-tentt charged for ibees ltn"», wvl entM» e men with etwhundred doilert n cteb, ted orcinery tnduit-y. to mike Weotolfledeper dent before a 1 the purchase m met bee >mea duo. Mean¬time tbe rapid sertlemeut t (be roontrv will p.o itbly have locreated their value four or five fold. When require!, en noeriecced pemon will acci-mpeny tpplicxntt to give informal!>aand i id In te ertmg ltnca.Large Plat 4, aho wing rhe precUe ll Mttoa of the lan.lt through¬

out (he S'.tte tray be e»en tt ibe offi -e. Snail pocket Plate, at

a guide totnyput of the cnmpuiy'e Ian la, and Ptmoh eta.

coutamir.t Intereal ng trformrt'ion. a comparoed by numerouvlibers fu ro respectable farmer* rhrougnout 'he Stt a. ravv beb««! on application at tbe office of the Co-npanv No 52 Miohi-gtn-tv., Chicago. CHARLES M DU PUT, Ja.,

Land Agent Illinois Central Railroad C imoauy.

VOR SALE or EXCHANGE for IMPROVEDI CITY PROPERTY.A drair.Me C 11' N f R i' rtKtl-DKNCP, beautiful ». every and »Ire. litaWmt. reoeoy boaeo.gm d sprier well ard tain water, shace fruit and oroemeotaltries of ail k cot, carri-ge and granary tod other ootbousea, tilnearly oew. large hams, with tttlit graot y tnd eel r aidwi'erinytrd. with seventy or e'toty ecr*-s ilch term'end,twelve in epple oichtrda, in' fu'l pe-ring, s z or eigV in woo Is.r. n.tinder it. meadow paata.e and to let-; also, a ynoug pevihend pear orchard. It U hk Wo»t*wOatef CeaeUT, ?i miles fromBirg B Iii. whore the »xpreeeea tnd all olh-c trains stop, and IIto in nr. I om Nee-li oik bv Hud-on Alrar Ra lrotd. laoatTQfurthevofK.il. BROV'.N, Re*,, No. 71 A'al'*( ,fr im I ta

o'cid k a'ao .f Hi, rut, »tage pr iprMtot at Blaa Blaeo tepot,who will direct or send jou to tbe farm of GEORGE B.THORN E. Teiniteaty._

FOR SALE or EXCHANGE for unimproTexiCity I^.fe, » oew four sinrv. baaemaot and counter-.If lar

HOUSE. No. ir? Eaat if th »t ,'oear t'-av. I,.>t JO by 9ft, H tat*

vi ly 4t ballt in tbe beat manner, wirb ell ibe modern improve¬ments. Apply to R. TI NSTALL, on tbe premi>ea

FOB SALE, in one undivided parcel, two valua¬ble Bl'ILDINO LOTS kno en a* No 147 Cuatnam . . and

No. 3 j»me*-*t., adjoining being th« »ou'h-we.t cum Iron' ngcn Chatham aqaere. the wh .le prneeutieg * front on two a're*t«

of tbout !*.¦ f.-e'. For term*, Ac., apply in bxeemeat No. 50IVall it. to H. A 8PAFARD._FOR SALE.An elegant tint-class live-ttoiy

Ergl ab baeeoient HOI'SK, site 20 Oy 60, eon'aiai'.g everyi r v et lence, tnd boot iu tbesiery beet mmaer and just BOWcomp e ed. App.y to H. O P'ErU E, Pine-at our Broadway

FARM ami COUNTRY SEAT for SALE, 19mile* from tbe city »rd 15 intnut-.' walk from the depor

About 70 acres of LAND In 'he very highest state af cultivation,well snl'ed for ajniik dairy, market gtrdea or farming; plen-yot fruit l f all blade ; gooo bouse end ou -hui diuga; stanl.ng r

2.5cowa, location bitU anil unaurpaased lor htaith. Apply ti

HOPPOCR a i-KErNvVOOD, No. n7 Dey a ., ot lo L. C.t ROST. Rthwty. N. J._I~7ÖR SALE.THIRTY DOTS in BROOKLYN,

lata VViliiamebargh. in the block bounded by Cnioa-avBehr lee, Lerm«r snd 8 acg at*. The* L ta are on a go d grade,strei t* paved and flagged and are offered low 'o close an net it*

App.y to U B. SCHULES, Bedford tv .e r It as st.

FOR SALE.A large parcel of~\Vfi»TER.VLAND «in IOWA and I'.LINOIS. Also a pa'ee ofLOTS

in OMAHA CiTi will be exchanged f .r property in to a c >y.Apply to RLSWELL G. PIERCE Puint ,c,r. Broadway.

PROPERTY in the COUNTRY for SALE.-Theenbecriher cdfert for ta'e the p-eruiseo occapt-d by him te

i private r>sid.-t.ee, situated In the tnutherly ptrt of rue VJ-lege ot N> wbnrgb. The lot ll 75 feet froot end rear by ^56 feetduep. web supp led with obmbbeiy end fruit treea The heuteis * two-story cortege, well end tnb-itan'ially bout of brick,5' a 1 furnished with ga* and w* er. The location m a verytoearahta one, oonunanding a boautifiii view of the river andBigblandaA.an a FARM of aboat 41 aoroe of land ta said VUltgt of New-

faaiigb, upon wi ict. are hoe building site* lor country retitleuceo,with views of the river and earronadins country

Also a namber of first rate Yillsg^ LOTS.JAMES W. FOWLER. Newborgh, N. T.

all. .Ulli -HOUSE and FURNITURE f.re^tjra^FVFVP. SALE.-A very genteel new Ujoee, withtwelve icemt, ticusted near the Atlentle Rviroad ten mileeIn m Brr> k'>n. will be so d a'the abovt prii», or LET an*ilthe .f May arxt. The Hnute bat ail of he asOtlora im-pr- vements, bt* been newly papered, and it geuleell v tmtuUkmit- d' The pr.a eoottin one end a iitf acre* ofGr und neatly inclosed auf embellished, a new carritge-boate,exd every convenience for a cottt'orttbie borne. a poly to

M L. SHELDON, No 8 > Nteatu »f.

|3iuno-J"orire anD Ifin&u.

AT VERY LOW PRICES to suit theTIMES.-No Broadway -BENNETT k Co., Manufaerurera *

the, itteetstvlet of PIANOS, also the muck-ad mired HaU'e'CK-LESTIAL* ElANO-EOHTE.ackxvnwiawtaed by amtieur« to te*tunenor ro all others In sweetae**, beanry, and brilliancy >.ftonaORGAN AlF.IrODEONS. Wl'AIC, eno

NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT..TheORGAN H ARMOk II'M. con aioina the Diapaaoo, OiJ-

ciant. Hautboy, Bourdon. Principal. Pluto and Coupler, withtwo banks of K»)» made bv MASON A H AM LIN, ia acknow'-e*ged by all to be tbe beet inetrument ever tavern id for emailChurches or fur lb* Parlor. Price *>v50; equal ia 00wer andvariety loan t)SCO organ. Great Bargain* in Sew ana Seeon 1-Hand Mo. el Melodeoae Reed-Orgaoe with Pipea DonbatLank and Double Reed. Freuen Harmonion«. Prince A Carh .rtMelodevnt; the moat extensive tea rtm-n' con*tt< tly 00 hand

by 8. T. OORD JN, »t BroadwaySuccessnv to Ber'y A O rdorx.

ALARGE stock of PIA>:0-FORTES (neweod second band) for SALE tod tor HIRE, at WALKER'S

W i ernoma. No. 6 Attor place and 8tbet- AI«o. several finet( l> d PIANOS, be the best New. Vork and Boatoo axeker*. et-

clutlvely for 8ALE.

C~ÖLBÜBB tt NASH.PIANOS and MELO-DEONS. ta Broadway. Ptaoot and Meiodoooe to let.


RCRiS.No. 421 BrooaneaL. rtepertfully invite atteotioo totheir PIANO FORTES >oo*tructed with the patent ARCHWBEST PLANE, which It todoah-odly the most tnlwtaotiaJhtLprovement ever Introduced ,oto thia popular inatrvunonL

HAINFS BROTllERS.HAvinaTrix»ntIy~^laiaail their fteilitlea for n anufectano* their

tl'PERIOR PIANO FORTES,ere bow prepared to meet til ordere fir thel' lostromenta Withprempenrse snd dispatch. Onr price* range frjm mit» la tvn.SECOND-HAND PIANOS taten in exchange and fjr tale

at crteeefrom Bftto »LifLManufactory Empire Work*. Silk and I5tb-eu.


w. artrroom* cor. Sd ev. tr.d 1 (th «r_ New York.

HAZLETOIt BlatOfl., PL1N0-F0RT>:_MÄ^LFACTtJRERAJ, Hm. m» Cowtroeg.LwW *>.. be found

tficeaaaortm-ct of their celebrtred PlajboS.lr Ttlt toiUpatme eta. Ceaoe, warraaved to bo lniarttm ' it et.-eegth tadaan-j eftoao, »wl hotid Pi«M teAeai bj e-ichk |e7

PREMIUM PIANO-PORTES.-Cr \ IT _T_I NOHK, Mo. IM BleevAer-«,.htvitaj Uta .-tJL, *

(^nl»'«iij;Mri,>f r . larr «... -».», .,.~'kW (ta N< »S »< 'h* lowee* r» «e»M. «*te*. ||__r~*~*lr'-'ct«^ im ¦ j - «/ pi**« ivi, ui jit*ll ptrtlealar Xim.i1. of pareA*-art. ~1

PIANO«..A ' f.vt*Tr> roäawood f*Tava.. n«tvHw»'» R*J tltS| aW0tt#| iVI f*«!«'>«.t^

tare tHrly eaiFtH, »1 h rarve-1 h>«i asI rialla» , _.' _>_.¦*"*» - Oral bairairj ra p,ar «.

. * ».

___l » t»».*KY. Sav 411 ..^.-a*

PIANO-FORTFö ead M d< Wantpi,"

I vi pfH »v pajj f r ervetel New aoi *-it l.al~ro.r.a.ni v.u.« AjtsTt* r.t*.,, .4

M Dl MSI)*,, T-*ei.. »fMe*»M .^'if.^at-.^IaTlTV.piANO-fY^RTFaH.R. GLENN A Co i_r.rä>Na IP kaUon-at. W Ho. « l*»r,n» «*. t. loora aga* a**wap

^* ¦

_Danring ^raörtnic«.

A D0D~OBTB« DANCING ACADKMTRiJ"* ""ii No. tf« «roadwtv >PPv(_.# rieveath «.kiftuv» Na lJ?V,,|...;.:,r. ee.rCj**»*.

Mr DODWonTH bat ihe *. nur ol enaoeaatua that rhaCeaere tor Udo« m. O-eHam«« a> hi» Acadamiai u tJujjZ1 . IM nicotian are ooar open fox th« »eetoa

l e in em.iaibltft rmv Ac etc be ol. .«.ml et ettbarefth Ata emie«.

Mi DODU ORTH ha« th« pieeaanof iot.>rr.u»* hu frttatMih-t. igireeMv to ihelr repeated aulUrltalk.TM *> aatahiathDaonri »rvmi an Brwklvg na tt* plaa in "in liatfü 1_ B.J.Y."k hat hl» ere«t«d a epa.i n» bui tiaj tvaaaWalag «verv «**>Wlttatai that couil h« auigeeted by mal) "ytrliaat.Ii .1 In e»ery *|. a'apt-.i t.i th» awaatbfa «i»rc<at tu wVekB» i. Irr, Th» iiftrlon la or« f th« m at ec -a. S,. ¦

Rroo» tr -be Courtar Knit n and Mi t ea». Kt. p<at»rne.4-i't ar th». heal of Montague-piaee. nut » b-w tttpt treat th*Academy.

t".i »ea eic uair. » f,<r Pari a »*d Parefiti

HROi »KLYN.WILSON7*"\)\NCISO ACAI)-KMY. No. t v> C i-'. n t«. . ;-p a: .. :ae Atherurtra; a tat*,

tlvt Ken uy School.The i ,aa«ea aitll on TCSDaY^ aalPili: A\S for >outg La.liea tr 1 I'L .Jrea at if o'dock aalt.toteu.eD at I o'clikP. M. The tttau ion of parret« u rt>

tpeatfVa ÜKitad.

\\HS. A. LANNAi'* DAM'lNw fCHOO^a-* » at Moniattte HtH. ('oa t it. Hr"»ito, la a i«r oj>»a.-L *aa na b *l I'M- MIAN S a id SVTI KU U S ein u-eactjajt' He ci.ek kor t-to a, Ac »ppt to M-a I. VtNAYat lit!6* wi'lo igbby at., B.ooAiyn, or at the ha on the at ate! danand houit.


ALADY t,An Arcompliahed PiAnitt, who Rita*tlreadt Moan- leatna.i aur eat Und tome mere puatit

Addreae ST.* B.. boi No. lto Trbuoe Office.

HOARItING school-for" moys at Grrjta>. I., ( on LKH'IS HOIVE, A. M Pru.clpaL Ntat,

ber limited to teenty T>» Winter Seaaioo e»ill eoetaaac*MONIMY Not A, and rounnoe ti weeta. Clrvultra coatal»aajtu. iufoimatioi. tu»y b'obleiuedon »pt !U ati <u t th« PiiaaupeT

BOYS^SCHOOL.-Mr TYNO'» SCIRK)L, atNo. »I leih r.. will reopen oa the SAMXMfD TU ksoay bj

Senten.ter Teratt ITinr par tUf Nomher MtrHed ta tt

CMNTOX-PLACE INSTrTFTFe.A D»j aa.Boardmt S-bo-i for Youat l.adlee. Par. at* whe artah

thorongb D rnii dtarlp'ioe to be aeqa'red by rh«ir daaaht-.. <¦

acc. .. ai.ee with the law« of I eal:b an.1 alreogth.aa et" atM I »;fteab air proper "i-ruie p.wi i-n i'i atu It, ummI-i of br-tlhlna,.V. wit i cue »-lei'iion o mani.era aatd moral eu late.ara.«.\ .fed to patron'te ihia acbool. '..r tifoi era end >>lher Infeeota*tion tpp y, peraonahy ot bt ititer, at (he luatitut* No %t lie*U« piecaa. J BI.ArKMV.lt. A. M.. Pet0e«p*L

CLASSICAL. FRENCH «nd KNOLBlSCHOOL.No. 872 Broadway, corner ->i at,


DANRURY SCIKlvriFI and ~MILITA1TINSTITUTE. CONN, on the Trim r Hatje* | Ph« Ae».

ELIAS 8. 9CHEMCK, 4 M. aat) taa t*v. H YAW COURT,A. M., leeociete Principal«, ia ful'y a||üla*A lijriinaatajand Pencil f .'ally The «hole or any part i f a co leg« coarseU laithtullv taucht The aee-iman..datlout for the VVlatei ar*

tea A .rift Me. and »ery »»iperor.Clrmitr«. or an inierr ew, maT he bad hr tp-lying at W M.

HALL d( SOh'S n.natretore, Wo, t>1 Ur.a.lwia Ter.n« «Iiif r the \V inter Term, commtnelug oa the EIRST MONDAYin Nctetnber.


li forma her f'irnda and pupi!- lAei lb* will |<T*a DRAW!DANCINO fcOIaRE aa RATURDaV k.Vi-siNi i. ii,from B t-> 11 'taoel at her Dimmg Academy. Ra .t H iward-tt Ai'taleti. a SO cent*._

HAVi INO flD.l PAlNtTM. CLRMKNTV t I.l.r H iiaa he honor ol aagjatat tAag ba tw* pubi g aad

to the Hchreda of New i o'k, that he wl au I.IttataMtta t»*

tarii'iia >.'«nrbea of Art am h aaPIOIHE L 4 N HA47API aadH.nWKH PAIN1IN0 PEES »El IVA" INK -KKIIIK*.hiNVMih Olli I'am r I. and H aTKR-Ci »1.1 hi a.

Diawlug fiom f»uin'e and the a vi

ppaa ereiy d*y from 9 »o 4 o'cloek. No rttl t h tr

N. B. Separate rla««e«for LaMr» Refereacti: Meten. La"aVgjl Ooapil. Williamt A S'ewa

I7,NGLISMandCLA,'Nl(ML FAMILY SCHOOLJ fo B 'YS tt HE 'Kol! D, vt , .i,, i N. Y -a.WILLIAM0ON. A. M I'no. Ip.il -Near ae.a'ou will C*w

tteaiie Ocl ji Two or ik.» >iru.w wl ea mg CafHhka. kahteloi li BEIRJER, Raa., No :i.i |v.,i.i.,Ni».

York, or by adilreaaug tbe Pilriclp*!.

17BENCH and CLASSICAL INSTITUTK (ftI I'd Nu I.] NTI.EMEN No. It fa..t .1 -t .( r.naelfII. Peotnr t |at.) El.IK. CH4HI.IK.R

V BMAN BOARDING $ai DAT 8CH30Lfur VOI NO LAOIES a> No. JO 4t la II it. Hr aeklyt,

b> Mra II. and Via. A I EMU of Heril... F'ruaa.a. Ia tha*ii ¦llallta are lenght ill th' ktaathae of a in Iota K-ru « a KaVu. at lor.. Priframmea nay be hti of Mr H Wf. a TEH VI | NlN .- Ilioa.w-v aid Mr s.'Ml dk.K II, N .. SJtl d'oeAwir. New-York. Rafarataee In New fa i: rh .. aaa-da,Leon. Rie'arlr'b. W lelln thaut, I' P mneuhateo, I Sch*.Seith, H Vt.trermanp In BiaaAltai lir Kraenaleh, titBit llrrtn Oirlich*, tbe Ree. L. W. Hut. Dr Kalt. Dr. Pek-medo.



I RVING INSTITUTE, T»rrvtown. N. Y .A as-J ler- tami'y R ardli g School foi Boy«. The aeit tteaal> aaaa at No* i. Ctrealate ma? oe aVahwl tt I H.kVJLC X A SON'S I' s {eft .... A«ea*| Ko .-»I Bi*tda*r,or by »ridrra-lng DAVID a. R'»WK. Pltaalpal.\1Rrv. MACAl I.KY'' DAY and HOAKmäi1*1 -t i.i. for YOCNO LA Ii I ES. No At Katt ratal,will re .pen on THL'RSOAY Hep. 13.

All's M \l. WILTSK'" lMM:i'A«»tökyA*I BOARDIRO and DAY HiiUDI, t , lt.Ort r>aiw*a*

the eg.-a of live and ten tearv, will .p-n on he I'i et MUNDtTin November. Th« Priucipal gtv«« her uudivid-d at aalt»» M

the ona.fort and improvemeu» of bar ptpil* The meet eeaaw-tei it 1.1 era only ar* eo ploted. Terma lor P.ar leafraai*!..> to +l'»i p»r ai iniin AppIatataOa B*J bi uiada »J latttcor oth^rwiae to the PiindpaJ at Slot I t.

acrr.atkctiiNrw Y»aa.The Rev » m BrrHto, D D., The Ree. C. w.

Hickley Dr. R*4*tl 'he II n. Oakley.e.|*i, Siau.Tbe Rev. W. f. Ma "t, "r I'.ranir«'b, C«L P.

Van Catt ardt. Col Merlbnr..etb I'bereh'M. f>en. Aar n Ward.

M oim Washington collegiarii B-STITUTE. No. Il»4tb «t on Waahiugi. n aiitrt Jas-

.raric. No. I.» Macdougal-et.i. f)PRNS l't THIRTKENT1S. HOI ASTIC YEAR on MONDAY, Sept I*. Pupila froal

Jeara of age and upward ire received In the Junior Mid Be galaaatt li.p,rimen'* CLARKE a PANNISO P^ind»»la_\10INT prfOSpECT INSTITI ,TE rYK/ffU I H Lt ii M M 11 Ii. N. J.. in . deluntful, he*ltbr loeallea,pri ptret young grntlemec for boaineea i* «v-.ll ge A new

ae.aica coo mence« on New. I. for ci/cu »ra, AW.at.rmauA Co No »OBrtedwij. L W Schml t^ N*.1«V\ Uitam-at; or the Piincoel, ADO. *. NIT' .IT

Til USIC.WauM a ft>w younK LADIES to f>A«fcrU on tee PIANO, by a vouog Lady lb .roethly v»r»»4 ¦the oe* of that inerrameat. Orea- ear» laien to t rue. ptpj*in tbe moat'borough manner Trrme. AU per «».t*r ra

rrnraalahlrgth'irdaMhfra fauglit could awl_Aw \Mm%Wajtltcdrrtt OINEVRA. Bog No. M4 rrOune O«o». for fririA*?

parii:ultri.L. DEZARNAULD. lat* an Editor of tR

« impor ant Journal la franca eueoiaca* that h> hat .»

aümed hia LK.sd INS in the KRENC 4 LASUCaO« eedLI rKR ati Kf-Evealng Ha-.ea. Pr.vaU paput ttlatied !*.

App'y at bit te«i**oc». No.la^ Broadway._


17 a: No 4 ^eat S7Ui-ai., etc nd do«jr from Mit-ce.


PARENTS will find a J^mmlmtmBOARDING SCHO/IL for BOYS at the OCTAOON,

SCHOOL for YOUNG IADIEt^Codar 0U«,. Stag hing N Y..MISS fOSTKR ''^^*f^It.t ten. Rr'ernee. b P. BAtON Ktq. No 2» 4<h*t. B. a.

lHoMA>< SML'LL Eaq.,No. 5 Kerrj at ti. 1.

TAI.'I.'YTOWN INSTH LTE-Th« VVTNTEETEatM wil, comrnaoo. N .vewle-r L Clrc« «n »TTT*

Tenna Reference* Ac can be obtained of C. S'wpartI«No 142 Eulum-r. | E. U. W Ucoa, N* »^''l^LTby «cdreeaipg_ A. KE^M^W, r^^P»- _

1~HE MISSES ROHR reiirfctfullj J"fc"B*hf,jfiUrdtand the pabl c that their DA* '±1,S~tHUIA

b BOOL, No. I SI Weat 34;bat, wm rvpeoed^J.^"DAY, 8;pt 11. Clreulara cm be obtained ». :>»¦' r.»*»"-*.._

TDK CLASSICAL OYMNASIl'M, B'^""^Artorptee J p. RINGHAM E*C*of. T.' Gywaajn^w

le t D*y U gh School of the Slit ei**». ^'^-^Vta-wte WarMmenu aad receiving h*t twenty beyt '"V, la~artAa*aiti the elmpieet elemenu tad em' . r^M^jree*.Kngliah ttudie*. a etiorao of Mifhemi' ct. f''"nJZwmmea***»B. k leejtna I'r.win« icd Man* ai of Armti¦ .» ^a.i^.11 .aC.ki.a. i.-.. k^.. mal rrvt* gre«a «-"»


riceJ.oflethe Connting-room frt m the age of teveo ***»»,»_, . «>.

ter begin* Septen.b*t 10. CIren lira t*t, be "^TLkwaaw kJtnltor of the L nlverity, end et lb* eVwAttort* of tew

Sot,, fre^al*. Crow«. A fa^C^RJ^ER^^W~NANT'130ARDiNO SCH^L^JeOjj^At Little l -rrr aiae mikej fr-- ^a. IJa-»

too ta th« «itj a-lw ¦»! detUS M »HmlW.
