more or lese injured. II«, hope* a *tx>p will be put to taob t-eckie-aa driving, for he t. ink* that if it hal n>t tKi for the in'erpoeition of th«* special coal-cart, he huntelf tnight have been ta'*-'> i: -.ry. CoBBif tios..A citizen, who rJooe not wi*h to be known, »rite« ot that onr paragraph about the Blab¬ bing tfTrey in Puane-at. ootw iojuatioe to oue of the women, Mis. Lalane. who the writer »täte* is a virtu¬ ous and estimable lady, ami not an abandoned woman, aa aU.texl; and that "he baa always main¬ tained an ¦ sullied character aa a wife and in >tb«r of an inte-r» stieg family. The writer Lnows the house where tbe difficulty occurred has formerly been of qaeationable character; but the firmer proprietor, ¦ow deceased, left her husband and his children heirs to the property, and they have been ocupying the bouse since it carne into their poeaaasion, at tbe re queet of tbe edminiMralion, and to aave ex,>ense to themselves, until the house is seid. Toe history of tha affray is this. Mr*. L had sent her dorn-stic to the .tore, and recollecting she needed something else, went to the area gate to call her back, when an aban- doted won an, whom she had never seen, stabbed ber, aa itated. lsrsaots Assaclt cros a Fxmalz..A man caned Jobo Lyon was vee'erday arrested, charged with the commission of a groe* outrage upoo the .person ot a girl II years of age named Sarah A. Johnson. It is alleged that he went to the hjuae So. 54 Orchard *t , where tbe girl lived, and asked if her mother waa in, and on reo-iv'mg a reply in the neg¬ ative, be committed the assault. He waa taken be¬ fore Justice Walsh and committed for examination. Arkivai s .Among the recent arrivals In town we .jsotice the- following: At the IWfaaaa*Waaaa Horst..Col J C Horaa. Han frorlsco; H<>n av 01 fasti, Ohio; Lleat I C. Barney and ran l)y. w>a*aSafS*w C; Dr Jackson N Y ; Hod. S Wood- t*S. H»- ¦- l.'-r- Knot eni family. Anttfu*: ö Jotut*. Alberta; K Korr Co T J (Hioof do J P*. "ox rt Bel d* J B Eroit. Hra't'eboro'. Vt U. 1) It a '. Btltlmor«, Mi AD v», (,..,. , Alban?, 11 W. Kaadall and lady. Bey- moor, Ct.; (ieo. W Carpen.rr Rye, Ct At trr atCTKoroi.iTaN Hotkl /too Pierre Bon'* late Mia- Ptrrto "rait lira, * Briodie. p..-.-,» Col K M. Wj kotp. u. 8 at ,.- i'* .fa, v W. Roorman, Boston; CapL t. Steele. (' s. ArojT, Cent Hamas] Keooody ahlp Msaaencr. i Harn oa v'.»., K. r John* Newourjh; Juba Ali sa ataa.artu.slia, Cay. tano Oonier, Meiico; m. Alvar**, do i Manuel Eacai.ilot.de; T m Rrewer. Button AI Iba «1 N.aa-Col I r Baa London; A. Woflver o A't.aoa; J A. White. Boatoo; J. K Ballsy, do : N II Twelf Buffalo; C p h.. . .<¦,,-.. eft Vernoii; A fret t \ i-',. -.-«'. Th-o Irw r. .-,. R m aaaaaaahatr, Cla ciri.aO. 0.| f. Burr. 8prin|field; John Araot, Kim ra; A. I » » . fl Baltimore. DISCHAROINO PIltOlBlt »> tv Hiitor of TK$ S. Y. Tribun* Sir In one of the evening papers, of day, I am ajniird for d»*ebar*in« *rver*> pi-raooa from tbe eighth Ward Ration Hrtiae wro were arreeted upon lattice O-to.-n'. war- nat, and Dot tbe order of the Mayor, as atatad. Ta'otlai that B- b '*bt "e Ird into the same error for yonr morolo* laaaa, i re to ate»e tbe fact* In brief : Ah'at It o'c'ock on Taurs Im aUht, 1 wa* reqnetted byae'tlxeo, to yialt the tttatlons Btese at. t InteatUate a matter t.«,.- a filandnf his abo Bat betn arrteted while ari'deatall* in a |amblln*-liouae. Ka arrlvia* at the Police Station, I la*n*d that tha nartle* bad bem lafcrn loto cnatiwly mi a pr.icaaa .-*u-d *iy Iu«tice Oa- Bara a*.d fvttkmrLh rtfuted to takt any aelitn in the matUr until Mali have an latarvlaw with tha SIsliatrate opoo whoa* .awraut Iba* ware erreated. I then wsui to tbe te-ISeoca of JaSics f'»( r. with the paraoa allutlad to, aud atatad to the ipa'tas that applitatiori had breo ftivl* to ma 'of the diacbar** at sr»n»a> clti/-os wbj bad h»sn i'r-----.l while in tbe faoaae of |a> Wl'Ji* and that i had declined doio* .* nol"** it w*< with bttroviedte at H cr>t,aen'. Juance Oaborn aw-nted ta the mefa't-e rf tl s pert -n* of »hon 1 bad spoken, to appear he- aw bim ar tbe May r'aOffirs at I" o'clock in the mornlnf; at eritbrut any idea ot thwtrtiox the codt of Jaitice, 1 «*d accorditiiy. In conrlu.lfin 1 would state that Jostles Oskrn afretd with me, tha* the fadl of jaat'ce have aot. la Bl least, been perverted by my action la tbit matter, at the early ehar*ed a'd he n<-.- uitv wi'neaaej apoeared aod slave Sa reoolrad botds to answer lam, drar Sir, very reapaot- ally, your obedient aervant. »'«. 8. DAVISON, Police Juatice. Inc York. March SS, 1855 _ lUBaALlBTBBMBn .About 19 o'clock, onThurs- iij nt»l-t »hl icfrr an Farley, af the Konrteenth Ward.de- acted two men named Patrick (Inuld aod Patrick Caatela in At tet of tbrowin* a hex c :. < tbe dead body of an In- feat Lcto tkt yatd of St PaUlck'a Calhadral. aalarreatel tkam. The lo'ant anbasquantra prived to have betio at ill bora, elf tbe prisoners were dlacbar*.el wltb a reprimand. Hic.HwaT KonnERY..Samuel Johnson, a gue«t at Ceanibrilalt'a Betel, BoHnaun at , while BaMBaj throutb Or aaard-at. on Thoraday eTeuli* waa met by one Michael Dtjle wbo pa-iauaHed bim tovieit tbe five Potate. and as they were wa kin* <ti H-« r »t Doyle raddenly aeli'd hits, and two of fe-a ron'ederete* named Domlniet "aters and Jamea Clark stepp-d np at d robbed him of a wallet etBtatnlnx #3 acaab, Baa t note for 92S wirb wblch tbev endeavored to ei ¦aa, »et werr captnrsd by (.rffleera Rtker anal QoIbb. of tbe Bath VlVd who had Ilten attra:'td to the «p it by the cries Bt tslp of Jotnson The ptlsocara were taken before loatire ¦tsstt aa* corumlttad, In default of *:,000 ball each, to taasrar 4k* chaig*. I Advertttement. I Lfary «V Co., Art-Hatter* and Venders to Gen- tlemea BtBVaB, Aator Uonae. Broadway, N. y. 1 Atverttaeecent-1 PfTriiVN A ItREtn, Importers, Manufacturer ard J.-t-'fs of Wall etpei*. at their new and apaeiou* ware- b'0*e. No. V 4 Broadway a-e now ree»ivinn and will contlnne to rtc'elve by vathsM ve**«l« airlvlnt throu»h the aeaaon, the latrtt »nf most aUractlve Boveltie* which European aklll etn rroCnce la tbe line of Plain, Hold and V. Wet IlscoaaTiv* TV*LL Pasaaa, TTOoao about to adorn the walla or the r dvirlilniia Mther neatly or cheaply, or wlta vary rich aad elaborate IlAScrKU», ad.pted to Cortaie. Hall or Palaoe, are iualled to < all and examine thle rich ard atUactWe atook. Priota aball 1* mad* low and all contreele sntared Intolehall k* sieauted it lib the atm< at ptompjte** and artlatlc *ktll. Mrrcbeot* auppii- n with American »ood* at lowest po«- aibla pricee. I Advertt»emenf. | Magnifircnt Photographs of all sires, Daguerre- r.ttpe* Breteraeope*, arid Crayons made In any weather at |tooT'*(Hllery. No 363 Broadway, cor. Kranklin *t , flr»t floir .p (taira I Advertlaement.) We advise such of our readers a* are interested intbe*flo( Photoftaphln* to cell at theeiallery-f BaaDV. ho Broadway over Thoii t-seri a Saloon. We have re¬ cently nan.ii.sd »pecln rn* of bi* production and hare nev.r aeae Ihf m rorp**»ea either in thi* country or fcaropa t win* to sitrairdinary fadlltie* for their piodnctlon hs en»a ed n frrodncethe nnsrt colored linpre-con*. at price. r.n*tn«ifro-n »«to*» Thry are tiul'ar In nnl*h and fn ly eqoal to the beat Ivory Mtnuture* This proc-a. I* invaluable in prodnc cople.of o'd D**nerreotype. or l'alutlnrt.. *.the "ctu" a-tV be eo.'erged tnreSnllely from tbe orl«lnal HU Uallery, ÖMMlBBa and Itraealn* Rooma. are open one flOJr. aid con¬ tain tha lar«s*t collection of diatloiuUhed Portra'ta lu Amerisa. Pereona reiBalidoi a ab^rt lUna in the city should not neg.ect to pay bim * vieit, radvertlaeaient | PHOTeKiRAPiuc Portrmts..Life and Cabinet eases to Oil aad Paatel Minletare aise*. rnperior to the Sntvat Ivorr Palntin*. Unaolored Photo*ranh«. equaled by no other aetakualunent in tta world. Farfect llkeaeaaea takaa, In any atale or aisa. from Daguerreotype* of daeeaaed peraona. Lire- aite Od PalutlnsS on caava*. by tht* proc***, at one .'«'''*. VaenasE i^y J Äaasv k C. D Eatntaica* No 4* Rue Baaae du R*mpai«. Fail*, aad No S49 Broadway, New-York. (Advertiaeroenr I Last Day..Let all New-York, Brooklyn and the Jeraei*. vlait fJaSBSStlfS tbt* d*y and mhacrlbe to the heap Warn**. CLstatt. via: »2 50 for the courae Ouivaa B. Oolo»S4ITH, No 362 Broadway. |Advertl-".ent I Window Shades nt Wholesale for Cash, by Wood»o*d A WSatfta, No 5* Cathatioe at. N Y.. M.nn- factuiria ol U ¦..'..» Sbadta aud Table Oil Covers, which tbey offer at p*loa* to nit Ike tim*« I Advertlaement ] Melodeoss Tbhmi'ii over ALL CoaiPETI- s d A H W Smith's Cri aaaayan Milodkon* 'Th. i,,.t Dienjifim ha* juat b»en aw«raed Meaara 8 ml tha' cele- SlS M X. a at tieOraart N.tk>-.*1 Pair held at Waah- «T fl. mim» at the eih.bit-on of tbe Mr chanlea- Cbari- SlaaBaats for the Bur. of Ma atikaiits» Jm »..« .». ~eetne** of tone rvenoe*** of tun*. *la*tlclty of tonth, bTanty an* ttnr.hillty of mUe. tb.y excel '.hoae of any other 2aemBMtaM the United Bute* Pcr*,a* deeiria« a .ape m!i i-on at a very low pice are Inviud to call at the »Y.ueney? Ho..» Wn»», No 3g Broadway. [Advertisement I The a»tounding curiosity of the day is the mam- at R.aaiM t Mlfas.lH. who wei«ha 600 poonda, diTtaaooB. [ Advsrtiaewent ] T)r .John BVLL'I jSaksaparim a the most affecta.1 pwriiSwr of the blood, aad all the a^retloe. of tb* ha milllB Onr moat eminent phy.ic.aoa (te- wbom tU corn- man . kpoavn) proaoanee It to be an une- t 4d»»riesement) WhooFINü Coitill can he instantly relieved by W.M..«ha ,h,c*r.^che- with J K*"''"0*^ ^a, do thU. .i*bi a-o mornlB*. aaS in ^wMSmtaU iJUaatsd Pnc* Me-»t. *W>ttl* Sold at No_ 4 N*»-.t SJTtr J MIHI AU Dn,Mi»t. No 1S3 Bretslw.y. f Ad v err teen.-rat » RidiclLoi b Report.Madam Rumor ha* re- «aatl* erearad aome Uttla eadtamaat la refereaea to xe**T- Caaa HaTrtC " to No M Or.ndet aad .!-»*»»".» odV.'v that tbe CeUeeter of tha Part of New York S3 o*5aa75reaaOool* Jtrattcoto Me*ar. C. U. A. Co wa axe ^ieaSeiuJ aa Tu.r. U not tt* alUhteet P«U<Ja of Uatk ar* Jl Hoetekeepera ,»,. they e»i :nr h*ee r«i» I iMta Ltora. in every variety M lew M j .,r fmM\ tb' fe" »f kwsoaala* er -e«ry .ru, tb. f«et *f .rn.* §mmy A Werthem-nt [ Tf.as..The beet assortment of Fine Trau will ¦««***>* at aVsCana-aw Tea bsSMSTTl ,..|, m.m,- .»* e'eg.r.. .torj-. Nr, IM Charhem .t lM>»i p-»,| ,.4 a*oee- veil .la tbe oldeet Tee eeubilahioent i, ,ba oltf WttMt M r.ade,. ih.y can do belter b.r.tl.aa elaVwÄer* «Hat? wboleeel. .'-'».. No breach eu.i*. .'"».' f.i.AKi. ¦ Patent Fire-Pkoof Paint. No. 119 reerl es.» nuder bead of ate lAdTertteernent | Those who UTI old Portraits, Da»Tiierreotypes, or Mielerar.-. ,,f deee«*ed Know, which the- rri.h reerodaced . nd renoered darable, »:.d pay Baad, a rlait. No. MS Broadway. r Adrertleement ] P.? smton's Con-Liver On. it particnlarly ."»fei to 7 v -. at tbta .tatea. To be genotae it moat have the el.oatere ef Vmr.Drt.ut V. R. ... .\ s, other pertiee are aathe rued to ate bi* aama. eitbar . . y or la conarctlen with any other*. At lit old aatiMlabmeat No It A»tor Hon»e, erne* of Barc.aj ... »-.d No. 417 Broadway or BirCaaalat. J Adrertteemaat.) Oas! Oas !.New styles of 0a« Fixtures, for tb- re-nri Trade, of both raedern And anttqrj* d*etgn*. Ja« oat. U'boleaaie hoy*n partlcalerty larited to call at tb* greet M.nafactoiiDt Oreot of AacHta. Wiuri Sr. Co. No. JIB Broadway. Alto, tha beat fortable Oat Work* forCantry DwclUnaa, Cborche* and Eectorvee to thie enoatry. I AdrerttMaeat I Croit Cnrnii ran be cured in one night by hetblng the throat and ehe« with J. r ST.rroen'i Oli»i Tab. Price, ;i> cent* a bottle. Bold at Na 4 Naw at, and by J. BUt**, Uioggiat, No. 183 Broadway. [ AdTertivernaDt. J Sei.e Improvement..A correct Analyti* of 'he rhreaolo*lcal OBBtBB »bowe eub iodlridoal to what par- .nlt or pr Iu life he I. beet edepted.la which be me* be rnoit aacce*»eal aod ko<* to calUrate or reatreio tboia fec- oltlea f.¦) to obtain a harmonious lntellactaal moral aad .octal diepoeitlon. ExaMtXATiosa with VViltien Deacilptioue Day er>d k.T»r,ir.g, by Mr Kovi.ra.N., «8 Broadway. EROOICLYN'JfEMS. Brooxi.tn School Sicirintendent JaTtot W. Bulkley, Esq , tbe newly-elected Hchool Superintend¬ ent of tlie consolidated city, hat entered upon hit new field of labor Mr. Bulkiey wa-, until rejen'Jy, the Principal of one cf the largest of the Wdliamsburgh Public Schools, and has for many years ranked high in his profession throughout the State. He bringt to his new position superior ability, undaunted energy, and long experience in school matters. It Is a source of congratulation, among teachers particularly, that men of tried experience in their profession are ap¬ pointed to such stations of honor and usefulness. Gtmnasth Exercises .Tbe fourth annual review of Jones's Gymnasium, on the corner of Fulton and Pineapplc-ft* was held on Thursday evening before a select audience of ladies and gontleinen. Various evolutiots were perfoimed and numerous feats of agility were displayed by tbe members, while, during the intervals, a band of music in attendance played a number of popular airs, which, with tbe exercises, made the proceedings of an exceedingly interesting character, both to participants and visitors. Cot'rt or Si' - - ions..Michael Tally, who was con¬ victed no ad indictment fur riot, was aenteoeed to tba Peniten¬ tiary fin fiO data Peter Ryan, eon tic ted of the tam« offenae, WSB aenteneed1 for a like tern); bnt. In cona-qneooe of eataan- atttg rlrenm*Unee*. arnterire waa suspended. Tha trial of Jehn k.r.e In ksBtpsrf la robbing as alleged, a dry goods atora la Willianiaburgb in September lait, was continntd. Fai.i. Down the Hi .in - .A laborer named Robt. Bfurpby. raildlng in (l.aeiBwlcbat New-Tork. in takina a " tborl cot " for tbe ktuutasa* Kerry on Lit reium bams on Ttinrtdor eaening ren down tbe elope of the Highta, and be- ina analila lo itop bia headway, wat precipitated over the well into Kiiru ar, ti a eiewuce of neatly M feet. He wot tetiouely injaiad. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NEW-JERSEY ITEMS. BOBOSBI Charter Vote.OrriCIAt Resclt.. Tbe vote cast in Hobokon at tho Charter election on Tsurrday, was H3: For the Charter.337 Opjeosed to the Charter.,...18.» Msj. for the Charter.153 The event will be celebrated with some tort of a demonstration on Tuesday next. The first Municipal election will be held on the loih of April.the second Tuesday of the mouth, and will occur upon the same day as tho Charter election in Jersey City. A sort of oyster and champagne jollification had boea planned by tho opponents of the Charter, but the result led to ita adjournment tine die. The Thorn Case.An Immrtant Decision..The long contested suit against Col Herman Thorn, of New-Yt rk. was brought to a close in tbe Court of Errors ana Appeals at Trenton, on Wednesday, by a fii>aJ decision in his favor, the vote being nine to one. The writ waa brought in the Court of Chancery to recover a very large sum of money, now amounting, it is 'aid. to half a million of dollars. Tbe allegation was tbat Mr. Herman Thorn bad, some twenty years ago, obtained an assignment of Elizabeth Hait's in tetest in the Jaurcey estate in a fraudulent manner, by threats and imposition, and for a wholly inade¬ quate consideration. The present Chancellor, hav¬ ing been one of tbe counsel in tbe cause before be came int.. office), could not sit, and it waa referred to Chief Justice Greets, who, after a careful hearing of the matter in February of last year, decided in fa¬ vor of the dtfendant, Thorn, on these ground*: 1st. That the assignment was not obtained by fraud or imposition, and is a logal and binding trans¬ fer of tbe property to Mr. Thom from Miss Hait, both in law and equity. 2d. That a former suit In New-York bad once settled the matters embraced in this suit, so that the Courts of this State cjuld not again take cognisance of the case. And 3d. That the lapse of time was so long since tbe transactions took place, that the claim, if any, was barred by tbe stat ute of l'mitations. From this opinion, the complain¬ ant appealed to the Court of Krrort and ApneaW, and brought the cause to a hearing at the last November teim. It waa elaborately argued, and the Court to >k till the succeeding term to prepare their minds for the decision, which was made on Wtdneeday, aßrmmtr the decree of the Court of Chancery, as settled by Chief Justice Green, in favor of the defendant, Her- man Thorn. In tbe Court of Appeals, the decision turned on the first ground, tha' there was no fraud or impoaition on the part of Mr. Thorn in obtaining the reit ase. . iU Archer OifTord, K«q., was prosecuting party on tbe record, being tbe representative of Miss Hait, but the real person in interest was Jonathan Edwards H>yt, of Connecticut Farma, in this County, who recently died, and who prosecuted the suit, be being the n«xt of kin and residuary legatee of M>ss HaiL This closes a long and very tedious controversy, whipb has been in our Courts since IMf. The counsel for the api ellant were Asa Whitehead, Wm L Dum of this State, and George Wood, of Now xork; for tbe defendant, Wm. Pennington, Abraham 0 Za- briakie, of this State, and Charles 0 Conner, of New- York. [Newark Daily Advertiser. FiRK .At 9 o'clock last evening, a stable on the premises of JohnConly,cartroan, in South Eighth st, near Mcnmouth, Jersey City, was burned. His horse was also burned to death in tbe Harnes, A tenement on tbe fr?nt and one on the rear of the same tot were scorched t.y the fire, aad rloodel with water. 1-oss about |t>00. LAW INTELLIGENCE. WK8TC HESTER CIRCUIT COURT-B.f.r* Jala- Bio»«. LIAA1LIT1 or railroad CM*Alii! for injirt to passenoers. William M. Habby va Tbe Hadeon Rleer Re iroad Co-opany. In this case, tried a', the last Westehester C ircuit, Jnsse Brown charged tb* Jary. In snbetane*. tt folljws: ..Tbli action waa brought to recover damage* fur ujunsa anAtAioed ha the plelntitTin October. ls«s by the defenlAüt. cAit ruLnti g off tbe treek at Teakera. It M roaceded thel lb* aTc dent mm from lbs careleaao*** of tb* switchman, who ectad to properly errang* the twitch so that lb* ejPr**a X*- thiowr«pon a .id. treck. aad dashed Into tb- rear of at^abttreia. And now. at the outset let aa 1*1! you that it it to natter -ha, SStJ of a BBSS} aa»ijHT J ¦ A" Ä. aar dk nSai Ttl a. Olf II C AD O T whs'Jl« ». Dfä* r>f»«"0 flygBeffa* SSmST The £as .f bto birth k a mm- SbbmbbSsS tM b*». no ngbt to e^MBdar. Tkwr. I* ao pr.«,f \^*7t tmot thallb* swltehmaa waa aa Itlakaaaa. aod tf there wairkTÄBTaS mm >>*Tas kwöB^Ja^ÄÄ .. ,,.: j.f-.AMif.' UaBllltW*. I em saravwad that coaneel ol SwfsaBaww^ to lay reeB ron^ereti^^^er » " "^J? Tbu asSa Is -sv^atsjtitwsW pÄ^d tt?l%^^.r ttsVwxJg C^allbfal^U 7*01*1.1 o*a«. ** IW as Ikasy raa. Ttaaf ffc.lr Urin' icu R ttetr eery'vye* at tod la It*, kg ,re- eawly lb* mi . !?.».. r. m year ow* If yaw hi yo«r a**. *r '»*».».«/ bore** I .-, :u. .(,-..i .-. lua awe> aad break . ., u a. , wee ¦ «... , ... MkVj it prec* » ra*M t< that of u>-** d-'*ed.au y,u t'» l..|.D«,k'» for .he .to,* r-.eoe ittu I bo «* is* -it*-,I atd mtoiherwiee The law bold. ).* reepooei > * o ih* .uf f-r.rto th. ntrrl of rbe Semes- oalr Y/. wo* d jiw.y Ihina trat Mam Hts.H'1 .hoald Ml b- pwae.-aoi tiratitrt 11.« imii tci ibiLt yonr»,?** oV<'a of peeie»<a.eut Yo* .roe a reel tmrni limply to nay tit Ibe acta il d image* ] r>a"#ence bed oee..mt..d 6e with three Sefenlssu Tb't bob) U »et fieth in y< or recollection, u| ] .hell aot *n lari« open !.. The pbjeteieae tell toe that thete iejer.ee snay e< atiaoe for a l-iaer or ehof.er tin.- Tbelr aroaeM* duration it a proper eo-.j-et for year eauaideratl,«. If fad that the, eie likely to b- n*rmto*ut yM BrlO *. n-tte the daaeae aeeordtnsfy The pltlatiff tteioeeti lad to rt niaaeratice for tbe lore of hie ttm- cooeevieeat upon thia aecideii eipeaeee of pl.)tlri«na. medieioee. ut-od.oca k- at d al.o r.r bit tafJeriB.. You e>» a * to tar «bat teg er o nd tatet to for bat to look et it aa one of th- in-»n*r,l* «,M ooence*of th* fuifl.la.nt aod enjatn.eut of tb-** treet ee'er ptwts Tbeee veal imprartmenu bring «-., h.o,,rh. whi-b isiiat be taken ttitb r o.reepoodioi iiatt aad IwS.l.r-e 4e-i- fentt like ibeee are to he iao.enfea.ao«' (hoe* cautioi taea th..»M be held to e it. id ii.bility to tbe rafferor. Ba' ta aaie-li- cetiat letareen tb* anderer end th* 4*liaq*-nt y-ia ehotld keep »ith r. thoee blande »hieb th* la* aiUwitdiaa Bet marked oat Toe moment job |o beyan 1 them tod uod*r'uk* tor.' ti ,0»« A fear atorda apea enotaw t «pve. aal I am inn* It ton eo". men in.pteeeion among Ja-ert tbat It react mUk them title eively lo decide apoe Ibe amoaat af temtgee to be aw.r led Thit kj a area' miateke If throutb feer or ferir. tbroeah p * .km or : f id.r. 10a abould bod e end ined*q..t* to com renter* tU plaintiff for tbe I.at he bet aaeuinod by bit iei in-e or berth or orjoat to tbe defendan'a the Co.,t la iucalia.de- lib< re'e col»leeret Ion, » e*t your ter« rt aatde R-m-ra-w tbat all the evidence yea hart beard hta .r taten oV»wn and ran and if neeeater t .ill. be . <t*ad oo' In petal and *tamie*d. In eoanectiee with joor ratalat, by tbe Goart perhaia loot after thia trial »Lea iu eaaiiem*ot aad kkt later*** are petted a»ey Yoa bare lleteBed at'entttvly aed ptn*a'ly tt the nm denre and the araenenU of Coateel and If yon ke*p tha few dlrtrtlor.t I bete tteee yoe la tie* ebtg tot retire for ecntelreiii b, I beee eo doubt yonrdeeunou will ba aetiftjtorr to tbe Court and to the parti**. COURT Of COMMON PLRA*.-«»*ct.L Ti tM-MtacH St Before Jad.- WooDtirr Jerr.raC Jolattonatid i.tiera aat Kraierlck F.. Redellf end Normen Cufer. Thii ctvre. wbith wm partially reported io yetter- day'a paper, ia Mill noderariament A large number of o Ser caaea depend anon the rtealt of thia The allr«arlon> nfK.n whirh tb* arreet la foundel er. »bar th* defrr.danu loimtd e apeclal ptrtnritbip on the illh of feoraa- ry. liM. it being edteuieed that Kr Cutter bat pat ia a cental of **».'" aa tj^cUl partner Tbat tb* capital wea not in feet paid in. bat that a credit waa obttioed fji lb* new con-ern with tbe k-rnptr* City Beak for a)M «' ,epoo e*car(iy furntebed by Mr Cutter Tnat on the ila- UM credit wea r leeei* t In antwer to Uli*, it iaahown that Mr. Cutter beioa the hold¬ er of Page A Becoii't peuera lo ibe amount of *)7S,- («I mir of which v «a da* in a few d»yt. male a temportry «Tanaemtet . Hb th* beak by which opon the aernrlty of thai oaner or a fort ion thereof, #M t<<i wea pieced to the credit of f E R«i clilf «hieb be waa autborired lo draw immediately A few daya afterward a new arrtntemint waa made, by wh.;b tb* whole of tb* p*per wea trantfeired to Radcliff and waa aaSa*. rjueLtlt collected by him. mak'ng a capital of .75,000 which . etoallT went into bia butir.ee» Anotler alleaaüon upon which tbe order of erreat waa found¬ ed, .*. that Mr Cutter eold ont to the new e >acern aattck of aood> and aaaeu for a laraer amount then they erer realued ttailrlift aeanmieg the habllitiet of the old hatin*te To thia defeodant* antwer tbtt the at.- ra taaa pi'chtted . ' re anfficlent to n,**l ail tb* lithllitiea. aad tbat Iber* waa no laee to the rrtdiiora of the new concern thereby. Payui«ot of l.ut.i ..« debit dating tbe rimtinnanee of the p»rt..er»hip .aa made lo tbe an.onot of about a>l*i.iiO0. T;,- I-. ¦<-,. parlterel ip allll reroaitiot urmoM amonnt to at...-.' .. i. TleaeteU to meat tbtwe ,:t Mwf> amoootloab.iittneta.ne turn tie capital baring beaa nmi up ia tr* ea>entea ofcanjintOB the butin. ttdJBlka aacrificee lncarr*d da-ior the heaej prettur* la the fk.1 lo ralae money There will, probably be a lott tu a large em .ant on the eeeeU. Tbe principal qu< e>l^n in the eaee i* w >e(her tbt manner of puttirg in tbe eepite) It to be deemed fieodalent Another netttir.n la whether the aetuming of tbe ontattnd- irg Habllitiet of Mr. Cutter in hit former baeiaeaa wta a friud apon the credltoia of the apeci.l patent rabin Tbt argument on tbe part of tbe pl.in'iffaa to tbe lttt i. a- tion la that tbe arranaement waa Intended mtrely to get rid of liabilities by aeltina np a apecial partnerabip. On ibe other aide, it ia inaiaied tbat lb* arrangement waa lawfal, t that m iLjuiy baa, la fact, r**u'ted from it to the rredito.a of ih* apecial partneiahip. An immer** matt of eaideace bat been taken in the cae*. ar d the aigumrat which was commenced * week tlnce, ia sol yet cuncluded. Ii Dana I.it been beard for de'endanu. An drew Bceidn.an for tbe plaintiff., and W. c Noya* einciudea tbe argument for dafendanU to day. V. B. DISTRICT COURT.Masch SP-Befor* Jadg* Hall. .aiNTKNCE. William Courtney, teaman of the ship Rosoiut, charged with aeaerely attbbina the mite during a difficulty, was teoteneed to pay a fine of C cenU, aad be imprlaoned nine nueiilbe. TRIAL FOR AlLBenn I.AItCINT. A German nanned Gueisee waa placed upon tria', I... red with larceny al aea. oo board th* thlp Metropolitan Tbe Jury relmned a reidiet of eot gollty. MARRIRD. CONRAD.ELWONORR.At Philadelphia by th* K-r H f3olrlster. Mr. Vail.ism H. Conrad of Pbrriitrille Peon., to Mist ChriAtitiiPa Flwrnger^ of I.yeomlng Connty, Pano PISH.MAI TLA ND.Oa Thnr«l*y. March ». »y the Ru R*r. Henry a*. Wbltthont*. lklhop of Illlooit at the resldeocs of bet in r i- Ctaile* J Tsylor, Eiq In th* Cl'y of Br jeklya, il iet Jnl'et E Maitland, daoghter of John M Maiilaad, rt, of Chicago, to Melanctkoa W. Pith, at D. recently appointed Ftiya clan to tbe Pioleatant Rpitcopel Mlaalon In Coin* JOHNSON- NEWTON.ACLIttla Rock Ark on Thurtday. Feb. 22, Biebard It Johneoa, E*q Editor of Tbe Tri De mo¬ dal toMiaaAnoaJ Newton, or thai place. NE AM AN.Ol I. MO RE.Oa leaf Tueeday ayeoisg Mareb 27, at tbe realdenca of tbe bride/a father, by the Rar Dr Mil lttt, of No S< 8 Broome at Mr Cbtrle* 8 Seaman, of Weet- port. Conn I* Mlaa Banb Abb* Ollmor*. of the eltj. s DIED. BIT AHE a Jetary City, oa Friday reoralng. March 30, ef irarlet f.*er. In the llth year of hU ege, Alfred WUUam, ald- eet too of Alfred W ar d Hanl«! Blraee, Hie f.ienda are rtepecifully Intiird to ettend bit faaeral ob Patniday Sltt Inet., al I o'clock P M., fiom No I South S:h at., Jeraej Clly. BtrfcK LEY- After a tkott illnata, of eonsampti-xi, F.ansla 8 Berkley, agid 44 year* Hit funeral will take place from hit late reaMeoce, No 187 Ma t en » tt il.it afternoon al I o'clo«k. Hit frleedt aod ac- uainlance are re*t«etfally loriled to attend bin funeral without irtber notice. Hi* remaina will be renaeyed to tbt New- Haven Depot,, aad from there to Oieeofield Hill, Conn for il termeot CORNWELL.Oa Friday rveaing. March SO, of t-arlet fever, Oforie. ten of Wiilleiu K. and Harriet Cornwall, ,n iba 7thy*ar of lit age The frienda of the family sre Invited I* attend tb* funeral oa Bncdey. April I, et 1 o'clock P M , et tha hone* of h'a peresu. No. 78 Pacific-al.. between Cllntoa and Henry tu Brooklyn. KERR.On Tbnradey morning. March 29 aoddenly.ol die rate of the heait, William Korr, Etq., In the Slat year of bit age. Tbe frietd* of the family, with tt. it* of hi* to John Morria Kerr aad of bit eeo la-lew Datll Letourett* Jr of hi* broth era. Oeorge. Tb. ma*, aid Morgan, are rrapectfally taeiied te attend hit funnel on Ralordey. Stet iatt. at || P. I from bit late reaideac*, No. 1ST Bildge-et BrooSlya. wltboat further uvltation MATTHEWS-la Brooklyn on Friday morning. March Jf) Albert Duy. eon ol A D. And Matilda Matthew*, aged 7 years Slid 8 moBth* ... Tbe fnen.it of Ibe family ate melted to attead tbe faaeral tbi* afternoon tSatuidayi at i o'clock, from tbe reetdence of hi* feth.r, No S2 Myitle er. , , . MONTGOMERY.On Tharaday. March 29 Samael, Infaat .on of Samuel and Elija Jaoe Montgomery, aged 11 months ard 29 data . . , Tb* funeral will take place oa Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from tbe reeidease of hi* reroute. No. 9" 6th av. Toe ecqutmttnce* and fittnd* of tbe family aie resvecttally .. -a to attend. _ H ai r. Maw ,and Oraoi* County N. Y paper* pltare eopy. PAOE-At L-Kkport. Erit County, P*un on Tbnrtdty. March 29, Andrew J Päse, e de.t ton of Eieklal and Sarah r^ui remaloa will be reaaovedti this city for Intenneat ia OteeBWcod Cemetery. The reletieee and friendtar» requatted to attend bia funeral ob Sabbefb lit proa at t o'clock from tbe Pint Freewill Barett Cborcb in Balllaaa-et neer Hone Unat without further inflation PACK-ln thie city cn Friday *fterr.ooo. March tw.SX coo tompt'oo, Alfred T. rsck sg'dll year*.« nuootba and 8 daya Paiticolara of tb* fonsral wüi be gtvea la Monday moraiag a TB1«URK-Oa Friday, Mai oh 30. Llaai* Suobary, ag-d M years, I mootb and 4 daja. aecond daogbler of J. Newtoa aod Elli.btthC Squire. Notice of tha funeral will be siren in tbe evening paper. SPRAOUE-On Friday asarataS, March M.M »carlet tevtr, Maria LuuWj* infait denghter of John H. aad UenrleiU P. Spregue, aged 1 year an* 7 m. ntbe. _ Thereattvea and frieed* of tbe family ar* retpectfully In¬ vited to attend tbe funerel from tho reeideBce of bor ptrenr«, Nc. 17* MrDoegel tt_ oa Saoday, AptU l.at 2 o'clock P. M with- ut further taeitetion. ._. _ bTEv ENS.Id Eeat Mootpeller. on Wedaeedey. March M, Mary Sreveoe r*!icl of ibe late j. bo Stereo*, and titter of tb* late wall knowo the Iloo Triatram Burgee* of R I ag-d » year*. Mrs . and her boabead were aaaoag tha Sret aetllera of Moatpelier. _^^^^^^^ Niw Tola, Fob IT ISM AT a MEETING of tbe stockholder* of tbe FULTON MINING COMPANY.A*ld at tb* oafc* of tbe Cosaaor IN*. 2S «* illlam *L, New York.) oa th* Ith alt ey a vote of over two third* of tbe ehare. of tb- wtoek ut the tern aany, (tbe auaabar required by tb* law I th* Coanpaay waa du- ""ll'lew Com,.a; ealltd tb* FULTON COPPER COM¬ PANY was formed oo th* i'-th alt. cod-t the !*». of th* Stare ef Michigan, with *..«« ahexe* ef Stock a*aaaa.b.s. aad an aa eesemect of »1 per aber* ba« Mg day been celled ap .a BS Capital Stock payable at tbe ««r* ol th* Traaaorer, IM.W wTrlaan-st ta.» York oa Ue 1Mb day of Ma.*h aa»t. fh* .tockholdersof the late Faltoa MiniBg Company apoa p.' moot S the abwee aawee.rn.Bt of M, aod tb. MtedM acrip will be eatilled to reeelv. lb* Stock of the FL LTO.* COPf EK COMPANY, ia th* proportioa of oo* ehare to See A d«*oB*t of Ihre» per seat. wUl be allowad oa all eeee. mtBU paid oc or before the Is* ol March n*iL_ ^ Byaeaerof th* Dtreartw* JOHN SIMPRINB. Ja Ba*. aad Tr^ *t lb* F. C. C*. Sir Norwitkatend lag »k* siptratioai*f tb* thtaa llwltad ba th* Abote aotir* .1 b*i beea d*.med adritabi* to pea-aut aay of « lllliTn'r^^ Stock and evmply wuh t»* i^^^r^ tsV^Td .LbUth^rd.,. fr.« «U^fUr tb^siT After ta-Txparatloti W aaid thirty daar the txotk wkVhmey aot W pt.ated wiU b. worth!. »**^»*\**; hot M, ISS »»^ialaC'ek^^ ' ^O^S.MPE.NVÄ^CT^tb* F C. Ota Mew York. March 1*. IBM THE COUPONS tallinsT due oa the 1st of April aeat.ef the CaasaBatttM BeaaAa »f the I in«oaa&a^p Dnj ©cnoa. ToTT b i o i) i e~s iq" IO«J»», OPENING an.V'faCEsa'E.Mr luJJ, OEOIO! MODU, Wo» Si Caaal tad 61 Lltnnvtl ec. Will bo prepare* toaakibu la tae Ledta* of n-w Yrrfc. BruwAoa. J*r»-t City, aal lb* narr. an lia* ceigbborh -od. oa tl'UDAT 3d DAT Or APRIL acd tha following lav*, tb* la.-*eet fcaeet «cd Boat «ttvasiv- ac.xi af ladies' Mantillas. P >l t. aad ^oaaa mala, eaer cfT-r»d for aa.'» la tkie coaatry. Manafacta'ed from fairies of ita l..ab«at tic* 'too* eoJ oaoat faafci « - kiad Pia ac.«-a '^oaia-a of FMBROIli.Rm SI ,K MAVTILLAS Aa ..-<«. « . »..} a i' ee.-r-i.x, n-»i aad >f ..j ova well kre»e mana^eca-* n* **. a tmagiaery deaign. ars the eew.ec end most re ebe-ee* .t»l«e a rre*ovDe»ni aw ort t,«Mt of PLAIN BILR ar* HOIKS. AMTIQUI maht'LXA*.. R 'L j tttmoi<* web tb* mot f<an o»*e r -. n of ba rie nwre ti p.Tta- oa ai d fre*a*aet«rtl dpreeeiv 'or ha «p-m« aad saaiiaer Betet! Trad«. aal at tha »-«. poaeth* ffkas CHANTILLY lace MANTLES. Of ?c'.:.-r j sew and crlg na1 deetgn*. aad maas/actartd la Faroe* eipeasly 'o' tba aibacrlbar APPLIQUE L a " E MANTLES, a large aa'iett a' tb» leteet Ixp rtattoaa. El .H (j1mpure LICE MA STL* I Jnet reeelaed for tha sr. el , to\ af art lea axrla*i*«!y am. Seed u> f tha leadleg aaaufac iar»ra or Kur. pe. THE ^'BtfURrs. .< parti aar If ram od bla rrlaaAt atvd the public >a gei.erel that the aV.ve a «rk c>mprt**e tha 0*>LT IRl'F. FA4HIO««* p<)R THU SEAaOa-. aad a'ao that . e-yle* cueat he aeee at any other ee.aa.ieh meat is New-York Lad e* a»b« *r'*H »o n-ehea* r~>da af the LafEaTaad MOST PAMHIf>S.AHLE M JOE a * aery najpectMlly ea* Uonet* «gaio*rmak l| aeiretVaw tiM they nave examine* ail oew aad *p.ens:l aaaortmant, on r:V(i v AprJ. UE'IRUE SROuIE Na. 51 Can* a*, aad «ia tJ Lwpeaanl tC N KMIHt NEW slirC'R ot ÖlL,KH~änd MILLINERY iKVOl*. Sw gpats'tj SALES l*.W. NICOLSOS k WH,JUT A No Liberty-at ire.' Broadway buj»r» ar* Ca*h and ahctt nui* buj-re a.-* i*» lad to axania* thali lock of F*»hior*ble Dree* Trlmni'Bf*. Lace Oooc* and fcmhro'derle*, ¦US*. Oiov-i acd White Oa**. Riboon* Htiaii, Mitltaery Araal**. k*. RICH PlOl'REO AND PLAIN u.'ls.aS v..a< Black or de K. and Watered alike Oreat InducmeD'a will he off-red to ,r BtTta*. B~Y R I) A H A L L7~ MANUPACTUREKS aad WHOLESALE DEALERS It UMBRELLAS AND I'AKASOLS WAJLEHOl'SE, No* I d aid 14 WARRf N-ST:tEJ£T. aear Sroad^aa wrw-voss BLANKETS..$00 casts rihhon-bound family Blanket*, fn m rrb raa to 14 4. «n1 af dilf«p»ot qntlitte* will be eold low. NK tat ITH k Cn No 71 Sroalway. BATTS..Acencr t>l tte Masnic Falls Battini; Compaay. NESMITH A Co No 1| Broadeay CASH SILK and FANCY OOfJDS HOUSE.. MERRITT k NM' HÜLS. No Lih*r»y .. New York, In-rlte tbe atteatioa of caah hai?r*toa lar«e and new f.ook of *ood* in their line *oeb a* BILKS, RIBBONS DRESS TRI V MIN ja. La<'r?«. LM BROIDERIES WHITE OOODd. HOSIERY. OlaOVIt, CRAPE*. Ac *e AH of whlah Uei will (ell at Immen** redaction* to cast, par «haatr* onlj. GBEAT .BÄRÖADfB iss EMUKOIDEUIh.s. HOSIERY. Ac Tb* anbariibria baa* juet rec.iard and If*awar«sTwIaf * aery large a-, ek of tbe tUeet Paria «od Scotch NEEDLE WUK&. t MBROI OERIES. Orrtran and Eng SjB M <1 <f. % H being tbe entire alotk of an Impnr er aafonanat* in btiaineaa, they ar* enabled to off. r at ao prrctdented low trice*. Tha abote cnaalat of beaarlfol Preach Needlework Cellar*. Che ml rette* aid Sire***; French and S:eteb Needlework Bändeln great variety, Ladlre* Eohroider*! Skirt* Iriah and Preach Linn llandketct itfa, Cambric* Engluk TbreaJ. Malteteand llociton Lace*. Children'* and Oentlemtn'a H . --y in every vailery, tbe vhole of which they ar* now offering kt price*, which mual inanre a *peady cleaianca. RKMSEN li POWERS lata OBRIES k DISOEP., No*. Sf4 and 2f« 8tb *v oae dtor bel .w lllh *t_ INENS^-IRfSH Hkl SCOTCH LINENS.. We will opee on THURSDAY March 29 llvi a large lane of Iriik and Scotch Linen*,of Ni*Be*e*Sra*B*1 o'her aaate, at full 'ib fe cent leae than ever b*for* ottered la the city. Aa early call I* retpcctfalij reaa-ttad «KM4EN A PJWER4. _No*. JM and 306 6 hav ooa d.or below II h r!_ )V EW SPRING MAKTILLA8 .E. S. MILLS A.a haa sow la eroek a laraa aad aaaatifdl aa. irunaat ol SPBINO MANTILLAS MANTELCTi fce *aabr*cie* evary vvtety of a yle arid pattern Mrtcbauta '.. >ui avary «actioe are partiealarly invited to call aad ittmlt* tn* vatloa* kind* a* It compri*** Ih* largeet ***ortaea'to he f iuod io thi* mar k*t. and rhea ». ba offeted at the loweat oaoafaclurin* .rleea; t.,aethM wits the naaal *toch of HPRINO SH *W|J and EMBKtHDKRtES.mostly perrhaMd at «actioe at very low price* »t No* at.'an* >ttt:h*n>ber* *t up»t»lr* .Stew Y a-k. iPINING of SPKINO^TYLES in MAN- TILLAB .Owing la tb* d.lay la the atrivej n'the atea ner Atlantic arairber of ibe m»t recent *od deal.able BBaWMBa* of MOLYNPUX BELL. wMbj Pa>ia. ware .aalevea La let* loahnw at oar opeaing l>*t Tuewlay, hut Ladles may rely upon .eemg them together, aattk rupi-a frotn lha original, oe TI'ESD*V NEXT, ap'il J. Ladira ar* reap»ctfu'l/ «"Ii it.d to call *ad -nap*" them oa tb*td*y. MOLYNEL'X BELL. N* S* Canal at. Peremptöbt SALE of EMHROIDEKIE3. IRISH, SCOTCH A>D ClNTINENTAL MAMPACTURE THE P.NTIR£ 8PR1NO IMPORTATIONS J N O II I () (1 I N 1 A Co WU1 be on Balte-fur ibe enaaing ft-r day*.at aiuucgo SBICBS, much leaa ibaa iBtSSBBUBB vaLt *. Tbe rtock coaaiat* of Large and c.e'ly Line* of Eu.bruiaVne* Large and BSatn Linea of Liteo Handk»rchiefa Large and cowly Lto«* of lri*h Li sen Shirt Proata. Large exd coetly L'nca of Cotton Sbtrt Front* La ge aal eo»tly Lint s of Printet Htndkerrhitoj Large aad cat . Llo>* *| La« n Sc., Aod mnat eold. within tb* above tpacined time oa tba tunal credit- Snori Time or Caah " _Na* M and ST Vaaay at. and We t Charcbat. BINTS.Light and dark styles. Steams and Madder* la groat eerier*, tncladina Shirting Printe, a-4 Prtrch, let reale by cE'aSIIT'l A Co a9 and 71 Broad way. PHINTS. Steam* and Madder*, new style*, re¬ ceived from ibe work* daily, f^r*a> by NK SMITH A Co No* and 71 Bioadaray SBAWLS and MANTILLAS..The «ubscrileer» ar* aow exhikiiiag * very l*n* aUck of laa . ..». (J jodt. .uitable for Ike aeaaoa. af tbe neweet atyla* *aallty aad prica. Dot to he tat p«**ed la tb* city Aa *ellf call U aollcit«d by P REeaES A POAER4, No* SM and 2ft Sth av oae door below 14th «C SILKS.PLÄilTaud FANCY SILKS..We are a. ar offarlB* * iarge Ur.e of Plain. Black, Colored Fancy Btriee* P.aid* and Brocade* *. .' |> cent, leaa than aaoa. w^pe*. r.aio. ana « RfcMSEN A POWERS No* »4 andJOSörbav ose duer k*low 14th «t_ TICK^^KNIM.,Ta¥d_<:HECKS.A good a*- aortmeLt ju*r received For aal; by NESM1TH A Co No* 69 and Tl Broadway. JET (1 OO D 8! WET (JOOD3 WET OODB -fire* bargain* la WEV LINEN OOODI, aon*l*ting af^ DtM4gK AND SkPXlH3, a a. i Itri* lot of »aas>r(t049 WEfLINEN sTölRTtNii AND SHEETING AJto. a large lot of enpetfire «VLT LINEN HANDEERCHIEPS. beeide* a large lrt of very beery UET UVCL TOWELING. A so a larg* lot of sape.hae Al*0.*i»rge o mtw. ß( ACR gfLf. Alee cast* *od hale*of superior qaaltty WET COTTON SHIRTING aNÖ BHEEtINC beside* . lot of rich ISAM ^ All <cod* warrsBtad »nd sec: free to all Bart* of the elty toe vteir.it». ANDREW O. O)L*_YJle. JT JAev. I*7Tim:B(>CK SHIBTINOS.. The\vniterock f T Mill* sapertlB* S7 lack Bleaibad Cotton*: ei*o extra *ap*rw»t»rtwl.tCottcoi, oneoualad for finaaaa* perfecUoe. usTdar^tlty JgrnUko^ Co ptn. Wt^T, Bro.aCTy, W O O L E N I.1,600 packages, compriaing ff Cl.^bs C***lmtr»* Satinet*, Jeer.. Kerasy*. Lla*ey., Shaal*. Bl»tkei*. Ac. For **1* by NESM1TH A Co Nj* 63 aad 71 Brealwty. o Clothing. G ENTLEMEN - THKEE PI.Y LINEN COL LARS -AI. lb* plaia and faahi JBaole *J »*no» retdf. a .BM iortn,«.r ot^er.ry *Ue Alao By.-.B t»Sa*W c.», i, Ac praoartd .1 r.aaly for true araaoo vt h .l««a.a er .Jta* 1 R A PERE .0 k SQI.f lJtUM* OU SPRING FASHION..-Hist finished, the most at'Iecdld aniel* ever otf*red to ">."..,»«¦ PtP** rt*f BttJg once of S». BRQW«1. 421 Hadaoa fk YOITHS' and CHILI»REN"* CLOTHING.. JOB B. CLOSI, BAILEY A Co No. I Park r>**e. o««ioaiu the City Hall he*, oow on haa* the beet aaaortad rZrWand I ««* and at,lea to be (oend * the Lnlt-d Statra aad **l'*kla for all tfo from tbr-e to tweaty year* old, at WBcieaai* aad for grea-iy redaeed pneea. ÄiilintTf, Gt._ ThJEW SILK and MILUNERY (JOOrjS- i> HOUSE KR OST A MAILOST. _}rtf"J/ftfJ SILRS. RIBBONS TAIW*?*. I CRAPES LAi ES WHITEfJ4X)»S. GBaSrt^LoTriS Aw lacLtieiie a V«*y ArraacTi«* ava Esrra* Si* awova »v MILLlNKkT oooaa. I mm in* Baotrcvsni raaa Ttw* Paica* TO CA«i P«CHAB1RS Tax WawiiT ar* wo*v fataieaa**.* tsewo*. STBAW I . I I IT I, ****** so* cm At i a HAtiRrs He. M 'eaaet. financial. jyV 11 'FND N«»TkE.-Tfc.- SEMI-ANNTAl. *T BIT***** fel.iag da-is taiacttv oa iB> Fl»*r «>4i' "'*'*'!. r*xt.r. ih» ' iioolri ouaec ae^atiue* will 6* P»«i oa . i tftaa A4, SD4Y tb- »«..Bd proioo at tee otü-* .anee?»?e?JS9' '* B"«-tt«rj»« th. pr>o*r*o«»»**. «u THK ulm «n:. PAf»,>\iLII! AVDA,HraSfL4 ; R a I L*> >au COMl'A.N i * 8ECON0 MO IT * AGE BO.IDi . B»r a> b'a BAatf i!,N«A«*»Pn^ A,,n BE.I.EPOVTkfTE BAIL RO.aD fi'WMNV, IHC lall Ho»JDt-7 »-re-ote .a! F fr. i-'.?^L2f*T>H£^_IT O* COLL'aftVt .OflOi. J^riTJ. -r> E ""-I »»«71 AEDXEsita RAILROAD (i'*'*NT- per -etna THE «tj^O« Uf TtF COCrfTTII Matt ANr» -HM.IT HHlft|>Md fj »»., HELLEFO1fAI NC AND INDIANA «AILRO«D COMP4»Y-7p»,eeat* .S*L"* I. ANfER A Co.. No. J3 V*'»U Ü _t>-w V r*. M.rxh ff '.»4_|_ Grrui ur tmi Ohio od »kaeati.»»*!» BaiLaoao Co. / .._ _ PiTT-at aca Marco » kvs ( I NTELEST N»»TICE .The SEMl-ANMVI. * 1*1 ? kr <T «V irg rfnr on rh- FIR4T DAY OF APRiL Beat or tbe H.aae of that Co-r^aay trt'l k* pit* on aRkC^*vl0."Daf.I-.t^ r-^B'*- at the oeV* of ; *SIER tt' o N. tV»i,-g: «,,. » oril.oa ateeerar.a'.'en oftha proper Coapjne _ H"iH * FLEMlSO.Treaear**-.. Baaa or TBi Cowatoawnire I TtlL- n _j t ft* Till, \1 - ZS, iBM { HE Hiard of Directors of th:t IUnk b»ve this a aii*T » ."'...'*-nd.'t T a RE F. A ail A HALF *tt\ '?M on- «'in, pert,.. b,,., ,,, to ^ _. fc. homer* ec MONDAY, the M of April aegi the Tre-e'-.r ¦»-»». wUi b( clje-J from the feth mat tM tha «ie'Aprü. Uilarae. _«.E ikwe E LLH «hi»r THK DMTI Rr>l do. S this rltv. ». the BONDa le-ned a, he MILWAUKEE and et'l Wiaiispi RAILROAD COMPANY...! he .jl, « ..,;i n. ' el tut ffte N.i t *-'»U et AT S/Q iq k * OSFSSB OF aBBBSB*. 1XJBCSB -Ht>«ia> tt C* Seaae<a ( '¦.» v.i. Mifh». ISTIREST due April 1 on the followinaT Secu- riti.a arO he ptM al that a#*S B.'ta» o'tcr Si Ma't . Fail< Shin Caaal Cj. laassi of 'he Cl-a at P-aia lütoois R. .1. ' -i . Pur»,:, »,.,) rft.re Line Railmat p ., ... the City of SaeraaMBt-i- 10 per cant _Botd.ol ihe Ovtrott and 'on iae Ral'rwsl Co. Oiini raa.aii BaiLaoao t oatraae T.._ _ »'» Von, Mere* 19 m J HE ANM. AL ELECTION for Thirteen I)i- r»«ti r* of the *»>..»» <*. .. .... «rlil *. held at th« öftre* No IS Bio-daaey on MONDaY. ta* td da> o' April neat ttt fa ks>ill ep*'. a' II, aa« ci"*a i ..< P M rhetraa* fer bxl* ariii ha ei"*ed r>a tee SSih nf March antt< il ol April Ine nti.e _HENRY SMITH, Secretary, pro teta. "Vf'TICE is hereby drei that the AWl'AL Al El E TIONf.i UIREiTORB oftha ST NICiDLaS RBtXI»N( E COMPANY oil! he held at the e ..f aaid ( niakj coiB't of Ath a* aad lakh at oo TTCSOaY the 1Mb dee of April. 1*V> between the B**jtB*4 If **ljlist A M> tad 12 re* ck tt.. ai d alao aa aleciioa f *) three loapectora for treaeit.'. co eg -....r -t. V\" a 8LO. I'M. Sevr»tary. <) ..> h.sa M* cS X <tvC THE ANNUAL ELECTION for DIRECT jßs, aid *lea for TU REF. IHIPSCT IRS taf the a»t< -aaaiog llBBtevB Brill BS brlJ kl the Rankiei Hoaee. no TL'KtOAT, lie 1< ih (ay v< Apni ue»t Poll* open t'iuai >i M to 1 P. M. _By oreer,_CHU PALME i, A Oiiui Kkktiiiwtii Lirs IssBBaici CoktraiY, > No. 17 VVHliwn at ( |hJ0TICl..Al ELECTION for THIRTEEN II rrSfCTOR* ant for THREE INS 'f, TOR t o' f LECTION, aiii be be'.l at tbia iffir-.on Tt'EtDaY Apnl H *s ».-i. il. B**J>*eritB*d la '.bark rheS'o.kbod.ra*re leqiieeted 'n meet at 11 A M on that day. (o appoiat ihr»* la- BBBBBBtBtd aaio Elrrii«n By nrder STPSHFN C WHEEf.PR, Srereury. On.) If TIB MtaiaBBSTA atlBIt* CtrigSÄSI t Nkta r«MU March H 8 ^ ( NOTICE is hereby siveu that the TRANSFER BOOKS,.! lb* MlMSt'OTA MINING U.'AN", arill BaCLO'ED«B TTJtRDAT the tb.-.a. *:- pr-p*ta'ory totl.e pa.n«ei,l of the Dividend of s'lFTEES DOLLAR* PFRSliARF lue tn the v..h April, and will remain clo**d nntil <he latter data, ierluaita One notice will he giv-n of Hm>Saal«laaaagat tha B".mt preparatory to the di**oiu'too .>r th» prreeat t .none -ortaoiratloo ander the Oea eraiMlr-irg 1 aw of ih« Kuie ,.i aticniaao a* reaoieed a> th- late At aoat Me.up,, at which Hme. alao, the ''ompaay'a S;np will be wru-d for the d'rtdeod payable aa the lota Jaty next. DJ oroer rl the Director* _BAMUEL J W. BARRY Bearetary. COLUIIBUsTPIQUA BEd INDIANA RAIL- ROAD -Tbe April latereet oo the Third Mortgage B.ied* at lit* Coa.paay will ha paid at tbe ofllce of the Ohio Life Io »nr«pce and Ttnat Company NOTICE .An aasessHitut of FOUR DOL- LAKS on each ikar* ol th* PORT AUE ALBION M in IN' i COM Pa N t haa been lea ted. and mad* payable on tht Kith of Apiil next, at tbe office of the Coupeny No t* Metcbanla' Kxcbai.e New Vit March 23 . By or&er of ae Dlrectora BF. R BL'TTKll A'ORTH, Secretary and Treaeurei, P. A. M Co. COMMERCIAL MA TTBB8. ¦alra at tha Stock Ktrhatigr_MaRCH 30 .fCOSD BO*ll/ T.ICO Virginia 6*. »7 l(u Cumherl*t.l"oal Co.** tr, I UtO Mlaaciul fa*. 9I| »D do.S3 ISfCl Eiia Bcndaof-73... 100 do.Mull IJ.tfO do. SPa 10S do. 3»l so ton do.s»| loo do.at 4o0t 111 Ca* SR Bda .... «I ICO do .alO St 1 fff f He *R 1 R R Bd* aij V* New Y rk Cea. R. R.. St I It- Pa ten Bd*. lea i. fro Raiiroad. <J ISCornE« Bank. H«« do..MB SJ BS* feetae Oa.3s jiin do.vt IAS NicamruaTrao* Co *30 let 0B do.HI BJ Ml do. Ie|' M do.b7 l<o do. hj.. rSS Readiog Railroad.It 3* do. th' lh| VOHtid. Bit RR.41 It renn Coal Co.W\ |t> Mich Bon'h. Cocstrua. S8 St* Camb«rlard 0. Co...*a M||l do. «9 V Mich Soarh RR.9t Salse of Storks at PkJladalphla.MARrH 30. IRepo-ted for Th« N. Y. T. i. by F«T fc TBBMH I *»iVrf Maard I <. ii t'amd-n ar,d A-nnoy Railroad U't'»1. 91; 1 <.*»< *tne-» fit»*'.. »a ¦«'; I n. o Kit'a Coep tj'a »1 loot) Cl'y l'i icad 6'a. ')': 6 faa do H. tit; I 0> o do 9H i coo Allrg. Co. b*. AH a1- : t .' Sutq. 'ana 6'* aoj.'liX) tk'ilmlngroo Railroads'* ff; 1 '**) do, (1 90, I.OOOCiry d'a Pili 1 K0 Beading Raitraad *'. BS, **t\ .' v.. rrä 'Vi 64.15. Iii L'tion Canal. In laSS, »|. I As , Sil 1.140 Lehlgh /mc, M .ii V Reacing Railroad, caab 4.'. I<4) do b-'i 4M It*, da ,1 I. « Proaa Rail a.: . ü. !4do in ». - « Nar W| l.oMchuyl N*a Pref rr d ». 31;; h , read..'-«. Mi Moirl* C*nal. CAP c*.h 144; SO Lon* lalaad Railroad, c-ah If}. ION. Baak of Reotucky. aowa. I'*J< go TTllllia Bank t>6 Retvaea /..,. a. Uo K i.i a \ 6* 30 year*. I At: ^1 Union Canal «t: 2S do »4, 4 Baak of Peuoa ca»k, 1»; 104) Mar. fc Man. Baob Pittaburgh ra»h. AT <..... i ... BeadteiHR to '70, BA4; Bearer Mead. RR ta 'it. .«"«' Pet*a ."o 8-; 'a V e-kabsrg RR bi, 1, HI do *; lit Kaioa C*ital leg; t Penn*. RR 44i; Lahlgb N*r ,7«; Mi North An. Iranriac* 4 Little Beb. RR «, i''"l ¦»< I.im RR e* l"i, DX) Lahkjh o*. »4; «I da 94«: Bj Head lag RR aowa it FairiAT, March .10.P. M There wss a fair bosioesa done at the Stock Bind this tnornioar, withuut iuiptirtant change in price* At tbe SecoDt] Board, after e foreign new* wa* made public, the market wa* bauyant, and a general although not lartje improvement waa reali/tcd. Erie dosed at t:<|, an imprvvement of j f cent The preposition to ieaoe Certirtrate* of St<x-k with Coa- poii* attached for foreign in vettr.ee: baa not ben officially considered by the Board, bat may be adopted. 1 t,ere appear* no objection to it, and It would materially facilitate the sa'e of the Stock abroad. Head'tDg is reported tobedoinp; an nn'n .nse businers. The closing pries i* ^li, an improvtuaoat of J ¥ cert Hudacn Riveris stron, N V. Central i* well »u*iained at | 47 ,. i.r advaoce. Cauibex'.and took a new *t*rt and »old to ronsiderable estent at I ¥ cent itnprovemtnt. Tbe dividend question ap- peart tn hare been drop>ed. Ni axa#jua ia firm, closing at tff. Delaware and Iludioo aold at l it, aiid Ptiuiylvania Coal at 10'J. The sale* of Rail- read Bood* reached iisoooo. Sorna order* for for¬ eign acccunt were on the market; and I43.00O Erie*, *.'d at the Second Board at -- t--t- Illinois Central improved to kl; Eriea, 1S71, 84; Patvatna, 104; Central Ts, KOJ. State 8tocki are (Inn, with lunited rupply on the market. The amount to come from liquidating YVe*t«rn Bank*, we nnderatand, is now quite moderate. Virginia* sold a' '7; M'uwoori 6«, 94]. Louisiana bbVH|| Indiana 3*, "Ii; Ohio .*. 1-60, IDS, Ac. In Kxt'hantre the baiineaa ha* not yet opened for tbe Wednesday steamer aud the demand will, it is Iht iinl't not be large. bl*tea are withoat change, kflt heavy. Stirling 11 f>i ¥ cent; Fran'* 5.13j o*i UJ Freight* are qukt To Liverpool 3oo bale* Cotton 5 J'.d -*o bbl*. Pork 19; 500 bis Baooo 13/. To Lllif*. 2i0 bbl* Pork I To Olaagow. to tun* Fu»tic, '0 hhd* Bacon, on private term*. A eh»*rtey was made for Bnenoe Ajre* at |U for Lvthm. and il to Bivcr Platte at %H. Another charte* wa* made from tb*r!e*ton to Norway at :*i f* paddy. An- oiber to Hamborg, with St. I^aiinju Logwood, at 40 or if to St. Peterabnrg at «,«. Tie Payment* at the Sub Trerka*wy to-day wera .U'3.>T; receivtd. ^4. Bakanca, *k3,aOO,lOL Paid from Away Office, 17,223. Paid on a^borakof chexk*. «2«,«09. The cuupen* on the Mobile Cay Boade, payabla on the 1st of April in New-York, will he paid oa Moa- day, the 2d of that month, at the haak;ng-h.a*e of Ketchtrm, Rofer* it Keakeat, No. 45 Wili'.am-st. Meaar*. Attwoed A Co., of No » Wall-st.. wül pay at tltetr office, oa tha 3d of April, tha internet oa tha bottd* issned hy tha Mil wankea aad M***ia*ipp* Railroad Co. taalanng oa that day. It has bee* trs^aefitly arged by thaae Rafriatvlly ta tha Illinois Central Railroad Co. that that Company womid find it rmpoaathle to saB their land* at the sciaedal* rates, beoaaas tha 0 u i btbmb« had sstiüoaa ei'actts of el'crnate se\ !pm for sale at $1 50 #> rr*. Tie " ¦'.>.:«. ; su-.phlet put this argument fsr- w«jd prominently, and even qraewtioned tha corre li¬ ne** of tbe official report from the Lud Comatiaaiotj- er at Washington showing large tale* of Ian-Is. Il order to »bow the .'». v » of thia statement, sTatLstioa bete been obtained from the rariooa Land-OtSee* mm the lire of the Rosd. which show tbat out of 510 township*, covering 1\.v0(*» acres, there ren or sold of Government lands only 351,700 ae equal to about la, towsship* oat ef over .' . - astd these land* barren and refuse the residasr» altar millions of arrws had been selscted. Of tbv.se a-rea, st6 too are sritbin six miles of the road, ani 79,30* within fifteen Bailee. The Imports of Pry G »vis continue to show a decline a* compared with last year. The auotsit mr the rtxk is: tS.,4, ISM. Filtered. 01.**«'« .'** J** Throw* apo* lb* marker. I iTS.S «44 17s.its raoM lar jtat-aav lAbti Eatered.»!:"»«* 01S.W.7 » TVowo ipoo the market. 2S,«*4>0 1T.IJS.41T The details are ssrrnoroa cossmrTto*. recke««*. Veloatiaav ¦ enarV-tareeof Wool. JM *ll* lal Muafacraree of C*ottoa.. Ui SVB4 Msaaaawtsaaws of s.:t. w ni M *faaur"».-:«ree of 1 m. ttS Jl aw at a-'.-. .4411 15T.SIS Total.VT* #S I' SJS iu.tsjs sBi.tta.at» WITHOaiW*. Meaafaetaree of Wo..l. 17* *> -.' »t Matiafeerurre of i'octoa.394 S3BBS M urn'art a re* of M. ITS *1 JM Maautacier-a of Flea. im ST at a Btiace laoeoeia.isc* JJ tat *raBBB*»SBB> Mar. a he tare* of Woo!. S3 Ml Btt Haaafaerarea of Critoa. 6.S t 4M Maoufacrurve of s.Ik. 4tl 47 MS Meau/attaree of FaBB. 4 a t'^at ktleceUaueoas. 4VJ XS.tjS Total. 975 0 l«S 174 '»>*«. Ml *\u,tm The busiress of the I'learing-Honae was small to- dsj.lu.j.'o.ooo In rep ard to Western Hanking, Th npt -a « Bank Sole Btporter says: " We have repea edly spoken in hi.-h terms Bf th* Ratkaar.d Hankie:.-law* of Illinois ami Wisvonsitv, Ibe Indiana law. which was the ctu«*of all the em¬ barrassments aud dircreaiit at the West, was, as ww have ever said, tiio iniui'itg to mere cir^nJatinaj Bai ks. This law has been amended, and is now a sale and available law. "In Wisconsin two Ranks have been wound op, snd tbe Rank Controller pays par for their notes. Ira Illinois tire are in proccaa of winding up, aad that Auditor will redeem their ieaue* at par. t'hi* is a) very pra:if> itg result. The Controller of Wiscooaist, aLd'tbe Auditor of Illitoi« are entitled to high cotn- menc'atinn for the ability shorn in the discharge of their tutics as Rank Suj>«rintendents during the past trying time* ' The Auditor of Indiana is, we beliere, doing al tbat fje can to bring system out of chaos. His task is a difficult one, but wo predict a good and popular result.' Tbe Harrisburg Railroad Company has made a semi annual -'end of 5 cent. Tbe (jaincy Stone Rank, 4| » cent.; Wottirn, 4; I! n.;li.am. 4|; Mt. Wollaston, y 1.. > 4; I a)well and Appletos, of IstMswO, 5 b> ceut. each. Tbe Hadley Kails Rank (lolyokei pays a semi- annual dividend of t f cent next M mday. Thia bank has never lost a dollar, and has no " doubtfal " psjer The October coupons of tbe Ordensburg First Mortgage Bom's will be paid on Monday, April J, by tbe Trustees ot Second Mortga^re, who have pos¬ session of the Read. The rapid increase of Chicago as a monetary Oes¬ ter is shown in a very stt iking manner by the folio wing facts from The Chtrigo Dittlf Brett, in regard to th* business of Mr. K O Adams, Exchange Broker, of tbat city, who commenced basinets there within three) years. The Ptett says, speaking of the amount of funds sent by Kapretsby that gentleman: The to'-al amount waa 93,494 lt>2 37; on which tha rogalar Rxprets charges were . *..' t.-. The amount receives] and sent by Kxpress, we teara, embraces only about a thiid of the business of tbe boose, making the total amount of money handled the snug sam of 110,1 uo.Oto. The produce markets are without mo h change or m t. v ify, but prices are generally well sustained Ths> stiiply of Hreadefoffs is limited, and will continues* until tbe Wee'ern Lakes are open. Cotton is inact- ive. waiting for the letter mail of tho Asia. Provla- iocs are In fair demand, and steady. Ia Dry Goods, pri< «* are firm for desirable sty lea, especially of drew* goods, aod In first bands tbe stocks are light. Tho jobbers ate not busy, but a bettt>r trade is expect**! is April In Wall-st ontaido of the Stock circle*, therw is a general complaint of dulloe**. Koine of the leading house* in Monetary and Kx.'hange trarts- actions express (he opinion that there has sot hints, Its* activity in many years. The general oaatloas which prevails In regard to new nnternriees prevents important negotiations, and the gerjeral business of the eom'ry is so much con'racted that it ia difficult to employ capital profitably. Is th* Mccey markot we hare no change to note.. Some of the Banks are exhibiting wore pradssow lb loans, but the offering* of first class paper are still below the ahklity of most of these institutions to dis> t ount. Is the street the supply of paper is moderate, and there is no liiftsnslty in pausing de«irable signa¬ ture* at ; »' cent. A favorite name, occaslosally, goes'at 5s ?/ ceat. Oa call, money Is in large ex¬ cess of the demand at . f cent, but with this plethora of capital there is little or no dispositioka to ge into tcesely speculative operatien*. Tbe csatv tion eagendereil by the disasters of last year atil exists. Tbe Legislarnre of New Jersey has passed the btl to charter tho Newark City Bask, a^twith*tan-ling the objections of the Governor. Two of tb* rwcbaa7- t<r», the Monnt Holly and Cumberland Basks, haves bec« me lsw by lap*e, the froventor havinat kept th* bil's beyecd the time allowed by law if it is bat Lnf*s- tion tw avail himself of the veto power. Fnnr or five millions have already basso added a* the kwakina; capital of Paoaayivaaia by the preaeaA Lejglslatare. Nina Bank bill*, with a capital oaf Aa,leo,Ota), have already beoa preassDtwdl to How. I'ollock. One of them he baa tigsed, 00s »utoaal, aad the other* --mam n bis po*sea*k>B At Bct'.oB, Monay is quoted at antibasged rates. gtrietry nrat-class names hare been done at «| a? ceat Good Notes, MAX At Cineinnati the Money market is rather saaior. and good nsjue* can be negotiated without mar* dif¬ ficulty. Eastf m Sight Excbange wa* | »1 ?* eetvf- prcaaiom. 7*1« Baltimore /..-.¦ state* that th* City f'.<r;.-.r»>. tion has aetifitd th* Freaides' of th* Baltimora and Ohio Railroad Compaay of their rewolutioo to sell th* ttoek held by the city is their road. A raaaBttng of th* Saoekkoldrrs of the Company la to he hwl.l oat MoaJay Bext to consider the matter. The CmnnatU. (itutt* gives tbe annexad stats- metrl of ike prsjaent conditioa of tb* Ohio and Mktsia- tippi Ra.::osd " It it well knows that this road ha* bees in op*ira> tioa for rsverai sioaths past, as far as foyinour, . obtanee of eighty eight milts frosa Cincinnati, an4 that the trams new ran into tbe city a* tar as Wood sc Westward of Seytaoar, the dkttSaBc* to Vitaeamea is «.et hand red and five miles, and on thia part at that road the work is steevlUy adwaiieing. In tdk* Etat (Jeatrai Diviakos, aa it ¦ teraaad, wast of mjmoQt, there are forty fivs aad a tvaif miles, wnkb> am ¦jrao* tbe hear ;e»t rsilts beyond S*l«m road, at ¦sues from barymonr to Browmstswn * so (as cota~ pletod that an additiosaJ expsraditxar* of lass thask 110.000 will prepare the road for the iros, which, betrw eofspkied, will open nearl j ess* hsavsawwd mils* of the rtaad from CrnrajBBti, ajBt, a ksrfS ixacreaBBoA? bosmesj sruT be derived, Uah La traight a«4 raaa> seogera, without much Banalarto-ai iTpssaa, aa th* asant* trains would ras tv.s berasssd dirtanr*» with taw taasa* c*ikdactors. stw'^asjrs, ate. The balance of thai djTiaios. thirtT-txrajf kmLVm, raquiros an UawMairotw of about 9*Tl,000 to nropar* it for th* Iros, and bbbsA .rtly ly* th* B to bo laaikil, as m%mm twfa i ty Ova asa a bau bxixbs, wnsn» «aairac* work on th* road, and eiterJlng lasts d the crossing of the N^w okatsany and at Mitt-bell- Tbe first A»mat\ aod a half

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-03-31 [p 7]. · 2017-12-17 · Sa reoolrad botds to answer lam, drarSir, very reapaot-ally, your obedientaervant. »'«. 8. DAVISON, Police

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-03-31 [p 7]. · 2017-12-17 · Sa reoolrad botds to answer lam, drarSir, very reapaot-ally, your obedientaervant. »'«. 8. DAVISON, Police

more or lese injured. II«, hope* a *tx>p will be put totaob t-eckie-aa driving, for he t. ink* that if it hal n>ttKi for the in'erpoeition of th«* special coal-cart, hehuntelf tnight have been ta'*-'> i: -.ry.

CoBBiftios..A citizen, who rJooe not wi*h to beknown, »rite« ot that onr paragraph about the Blab¬bing tfTrey in Puane-at. ootw iojuatioe to oue of thewomen, Mis. Lalane. who the writer »täte* is a virtu¬ous and estimable lady, ami not an abandonedwoman, aa aU.texl; and that "he baa always main¬tained an ¦ sullied character aa a wife and in >tb«r ofan inte-r» stieg family. The writer Lnows the housewhere tbe difficulty occurred has formerly been ofqaeationable character; but the firmer proprietor,¦ow deceased, left her husband and his children heirsto the property, and they have been ocupying thebouse since it carne into their poeaaasion, at tbe re

queet of tbe edminiMralion, and to aave ex,>ense tothemselves, until the house is seid. Toe history of thaaffray is this.Mr*. L had sent her dorn-stic to the.tore, and recollecting she needed something else,went to the area gate to call her back, when an aban-doted won an, whom she had never seen, stabbedber, aa itated.

lsrsaots Assaclt cros a Fxmalz..A mancaned Jobo Lyon was vee'erday arrested, chargedwith the commission of a groe* outrage upoo the.person ot a girl II years of age named Sarah A.Johnson. It is alleged that he went to the hjuae So.54 Orchard *t , where tbe girl lived, and asked if hermother waa in, and on reo-iv'mg a reply in the neg¬ative, be committed the assault. He waa taken be¬fore Justice Walsh and committed for examination.

Arkivai s .Among the recent arrivals In town we

.jsotice the- following:At the IWfaaaa*Waaaa Horst..Col J C Horaa. Han

frorlsco; H<>n av 01 fasti, Ohio; Lleat I C. Barney and ranl)y. w>a*aSafS*w I» C; Dr Jackson N Y ; Hod. S Wood-t*S. H»- ¦- l.'-r- Knot eni family. Anttfu*: ö Jotut*.Alberta; K Korr Co T J (Hioof do J P*. "ox rt Bel d*J B Eroit. Hra't'eboro'. Vt U. 1) It a '. Btltlmor«, MiA D v», (,..,. , Alban?, 11 W. Kaadall and lady. Bey-moor, Ct.; (ieo. W Carpen.rr Rye, CtAt trr atCTKoroi.iTaN Hotkl /too Pierre Bon'* late Mia-

Ptrrto "rait lira, * Briodie. p..-.-,» Col K M. Wjkotp. u. 8 at ,.- i'* .fa, v W. Roorman, Boston; CapLt. Steele. (' s. ArojT, Cent Hamas] Keooody ahlp Msaaencr.i Harn oa v'.»., K. r John* Newourjh; JubaAli sa ataa.artu.slia, Cay. tano Oonier, Meiico; m. Alvar**,do i Manuel Eacai.ilot.de; T m Rrewer. Button

AI Iba «1 N.aa-Col I r Baa London; A.Woflver o A't.aoa; J A. White. Boatoo; J. K Ballsy, do :N II Twelf Buffalo; C p h.. . .<¦,,-.. eft Vernoii; A frett \ i-',. -.-«'. Th-o Irw r. >¦ .-,. R m aaaaaaahatr, Claciri.aO. 0.| f. Burr. 8prin|field; John Araot, Kim ra; A.I <¦ » » . fl Baltimore.

DISCHAROINO PIltOlBlt»> tv Hiitor of TK$ S. Y. Tribun*Sir In one of the evening papers, of tö day, I am

ajniird for d»*ebar*in« *rver*> pi-raooa from tbe eighth WardRation Hrtiae wro were arreeted upon lattice O-to.-n'. war-nat, and Dot tbe order of the Mayor, as atatad. Ta'otlai that

B- b '*bt "e Ird into the same error for yonr morolo* laaaa, ire to ate»e tbe fact* In brief : Ah'at It o'c'ock on Taurs

Im aUht, 1 wa* reqnetted byae'tlxeo, to yialt the tttatlonsBtese at. t InteatUate a matter t.«,.- a filandnf his aboBat betn arrteted while ari'deatall* in a |amblln*-liouae.Ka arrlvia* at the Police Station, I la*n*d that tha nartle*bad bem lafcrn loto cnatiwly mi a pr.icaaa .-*u-d *iy Iu«tice Oa-Bara a*.d fvttkmrLh rtfuted to takt any aelitn in the matUr untilMali have an latarvlaw with tha SIsliatrate opoo whoa*.awraut Iba* ware erreated. I then wsui to tbe te-ISeoca ofJaSics f'»( r. with the paraoa allutlad to, aud atatad to theipa'tas that applitatiori had breo ftivl* to ma 'of the diacbar**at sr»n»a> clti/-os wbj bad h»sn i'r-----.l while in tbe faoaae of|a> Wl'Ji* and that i had declined doio* .* nol"** it w*< withbttroviedte at H cr>t,aen'. Juance Oaborn aw-nted ta themefa't-e rf tl s pert -n* of »hon 1 bad spoken, to appear he-aw bim ar tbe May r'aOffirs at I" o'clock in the mornlnf;at eritbrut any idea ot thwtrtiox the codt of Jaitice, 1«*d accorditiiy. In conrlu.lfin 1 would state that JostlesOskrn afretd with me, tha* the fadl of jaat'ce have aot. laBl least, been perverted by my action la tbit matter, at theearly ehar*ed a'd he n<-.- uitv wi'neaaej apoeared aod slaveSa reoolrad botds to answer lam, drar Sir, very reapaot-ally, your obedient aervant.

»'«. 8. DAVISON, Police Juatice.Inc York. March SS, 1855


lUBaALlBTBBMBn .About 19 o'clock, onThurs-iij nt»l-t »hl icfrr an Farley, af the Konrteenth Ward.de-acted two men named Patrick (Inuld aod Patrick Caatela inAt tet of tbrowin* a hex c :. < tbe dead body of an In-feat Lcto tkt yatd of St PaUlck'a Calhadral. aalarreateltkam. The lo'ant anbasquantra prived to have betio at ill bora,elf tbe prisoners were dlacbar*.el wltb a reprimand.

Hic.HwaT KonnERY..Samuel Johnson, a gue«t atCeanibrilalt'a Betel, BoHnaun at , while BaMBaj throutb Oraaard-at. on Thoraday eTeuli* waa met by one MichaelDtjle wbo pa-iauaHed bim tovieit tbe five Potate. and as theywere wa kin* <ti H-« r »t Doyle raddenly aeli'd hits, andtwo of fe-a ron'ederete* named Domlniet "aters and JameaClark stepp-d np at d robbed him of a wallet etBtatnlnx #3acaab, Baa t note for 92S wirb wblch tbev endeavored to ei

¦aa, »et werr captnrsd by (.rffleera Rtker anal QoIbb. of tbeBath VlVd who had Ilten attra:'td to the «p it by the criesBt tslp of Jotnson The ptlsocara were taken before loatire¦tsstt aa* corumlttad, In default of *:,000 ball each, to taasrar4k* chaig*.

I Advertttement. ILfary «V Co., Art-Hatter* and Venders to Gen-

tlemea BtBVaB, Aator Uonae. Broadway, N. y.

1 Atverttaeecent-1PfTriiVN A ItREtn, Importers, Manufacturer

ard J.-t-'fs of Wall etpei*. at their new and apaeiou* ware-

b'0*e. No. V 4 Broadway a-e now ree»ivinn and will contlnneto rtc'elve by vathsM ve**«l« airlvlnt throu»h the aeaaon, thelatrtt »nf most aUractlve Boveltie* which European aklll etn

rroCnce la tbe line of Plain, Hold and V. Wet IlscoaaTiv*TV*LL Pasaaa, TTOoao about to adorn the walla or the r

dvirlilniia Mther neatly or cheaply, or wlta vary rich aadelaborate IlAScrKU», ad.pted to Cortaie. Hall or Palaoe, are

iualled to < all and examine thle rich ard atUactWe atook.Priota aball 1* mad* low and all contreele sntared Intolehallk* sieauted it lib the atm< at ptompjte** and artlatlc *ktll.Mrrcbeot* auppii- n with American »ood* at lowest po«-

aibla pricee.I Advertt»emenf. |

Magnifircnt Photographs of all sires, Daguerre-r.ttpe* Breteraeope*, arid Crayons made In any weather at

|tooT'*(Hllery. No 363 Broadway, cor. Kranklin *t , flr»t floir

.p (taira

I Advertlaement.)We advise such of our readers a* are interested

intbe*flo( Photoftaphln* to cell at theeiallery-f BaaDV.ho a» Broadway over Thoii t-seri a Saloon. We have re¬

cently nan.ii.sd »pecln rn* of bi* production and hare nev.r

aeae Ihfm rorp**»ea either in thi* country or fcaropa t win*to sitrairdinary fadlltie* for their piodnctlon hs 1« en»a ed n

frrodncethe nnsrt colored linpre-con*. at price. r.n*tn«ifro-n»«to*» Thry are tiul'ar In nnl*h and fn ly eqoal to thebeat Ivory Mtnuture* This proc-a. I* invaluable in prodnc d«

cople.of o'd D**nerreotype. or l'alutlnrt.. *.the "ctu" a-tV

be eo.'erged tnreSnllely from tbe orl«lnal HU Uallery,ÖMMlBBa and Itraealn* Rooma. are open one flOJr. aid con¬

tain tha lar«s*t collection of diatloiuUhed Portra'ta lu Amerisa.Pereona reiBalidoi a ab^rt lUna in the city should not neg.ectto pay bim * vieit,

radvertlaeaient |PHOTeKiRAPiuc Portrmts..Life and Cabinet

eases to Oil aad Paatel Minletare aise*. rnperior to the SntvatIvorr Palntin*. Unaolored Photo*ranh«. equaled by no other

aetakualunent in tta world. Farfect llkeaeaaea takaa, In anyatale or aisa. from Daguerreotype* of daeeaaed peraona. Lire-

aite Od PalutlnsS on caava*. by tht* proc***, at one .'«'''*.

VaenasE i^y J Äaasv k C. D Eatntaica* No 4* RueBaaae du R*mpai«. Fail*, aad No S49 Broadway, New-York.

(Advertiaeroenr ILast Day..Let all New-York, Brooklyn and

the Jeraei*. vlait fJaSBSStlfS tbt* d*y and mhacrlbe to the

heap Warn**. CLstatt. via: »2 50 for the couraeOuivaa B. Oolo»S4ITH, No 362 Broadway.

|Advertl-".ent IWindow Shades nt Wholesale for Cash, by

Wood»o*d A WSatfta, No 5* Cathatioe at. N Y.. M.nn-factuiria ol U ¦..'..» Sbadta aud Table Oil Covers, which tbeyoffer at p*loa* to nit Ike tim*«

I Advertlaement ]Melodeoss Tbhmi'ii over ALL CoaiPETI-

s d A H W Smith's Cri aaaayan Milodkon*'Th. i,,.t Dienjifim ha* juat b»en aw«raed Meaara 8ml tha' cele-SlS M X. a at tieOraart N.tk>-.*1 Pair held at Waah-

«T fl. mim» at the eih.bit-on of tbe Mr chanlea- Cbari-

SlaaBaats for the Bur. of Ma atikaiits» Jm »..« .».

~eetne** of tone rvenoe*** of tun*. *la*tlclty of tonth,bTanty an* ttnr.hillty of mUe. tb.y excel '.hoae of any other

2aemBMtaM 1» the United Bute* Pcr*,a* deeiria« a .apem!i i-on at a very low pice are Inviud to call at the

»Y.ueney? Ho..» Wn»», No 3g Broadway.

[Advertisement I

The a»tounding curiosity of the day is the mam-at R.aaiM t Mlfas.lH. who wei«ha 600 poonda,


[ Advsrtiaewent ]T)r .John BVLL'I jSaksaparim a i« the most

affecta.1 pwriiSwr of the blood, aad all the a^retloe. of tb* ha

milllB Onr moat eminent phy.ic.aoa (te- wbom tU corn-man . kpoavn) proaoanee It to be an une-

t 4d»»riesement)WhooFINü Coitill can he instantly relieved by

W.M..«ha ,h,c*r.^che- with J K*"''"0*^^a, do thU. .i*bi a-o mornlB*. aaS in^wMSmtaUiJUaatsd Pnc* Me-»t. *W>ttl* Sold at No_ 4 N*»-.t

SJTtr J MIHI AU Dn,Mi»t. No 1S3 Bretslw.y.

f Ad v err teen.-rat »RidiclLoi b Report.Madam Rumor ha* re-

«aatl* erearad aome Uttla eadtamaat la refereaea to xe**T-

Caaa HaTrtC"

to No M Or.ndet aad .!-»*»»".»odV.'v that tbe CeUeeter of tha Part of New York

S3 o*5aa75reaaOool* I» Jtrattcoto Me*ar. C. U. A. Co wa axe

^ieaSeiuJ aa Tu.r. U not tt* alUhteet P«U<Ja of Uatk

ar* Jl Hoetekeepera ,»,. they e»i :nrh*ee r«i» I iMta Ltora. in every variety M lew M j .,r fmM\tb' fe" »f kwsoaala* er -e«ry .ru, tb. f«et *f .rn.*§mmy

A Werthem-nt [Tf.as..The beet assortment of Fine Trau will¦««***>* at aVsCana-aw Tea bsSMSTTl ,..|, m.m,- .»*e'eg.r.. .torj-. Nr, IM Charhem .t lM>»i p-»,| ,.4 a*oee-veil .la tbe oldeet Tee eeubilahioent i, ,ba oltf WttMtM r.ade,. ih.y can do belter b.r.tl.aa elaVwÄer* «Hat?wboleeel. .'-'».. No breach eu.i*..'"».'

f.i.AKi. ¦ Patent Fire-Pkoof Paint. No. 119reerl es.» nuder bead of f» ate

lAdTertteernent |Those who UTI old Portraits, Da»Tiierreotypes,or Mielerar.-. ,,f deee«*ed Know, which the- rri.h reerodaced

. nd renoered darable, »:.d pay Baad, a rlait. No. MSBroadway.

r Adrertleement ]P.? smton's Con-Liver On. it particnlarly

."»fei to 7 v -. at tbta .tatea. To be genotae itmoat have the el.oatere ef Vmr.Drt.ut V. R. ... .\ s,other pertiee are aatherued to ate bi* aama. eitbar . . y or laconarctlen with any other*. At lit old aatiMlabmeat No ItA»tor Hon»e, erne* of Barc.aj ... »-.d No. 417 Broadway orBirCaaalat.

J Adrertteemaat.)Oas! Oas !.New styles of 0a« Fixtures,for tb- re-nri Trade, of both raedern And anttqrj* d*etgn*. Ja«oat. U'boleaaie hoy*n partlcalerty larited to call at tb* greetM.nafactoiiDt Oreot of AacHta. Wiuri Sr. Co. No. JIBBroadway. Alto, tha beat fortable Oat Work* forCantryDwclUnaa, Cborche* and Eectorvee to thie enoatry.

I AdrerttMaeat ICroit Cnrnii ran be cured in one night byhetblng the throat and ehe« with J. r ST.rroen'i Oli»i

Tab. Price, ;i> cent* a bottle. Bold at Na 4 Naw at, and byJ. BUt**, Uioggiat, No. 183 Broadway.

[ AdTertivernaDt. JSei.e Improvement..A correct Analyti* of

'he rhreaolo*lcal OBBtBB »bowe eub iodlridoal to what par-.nlt or pr Iu life he I. beet edepted.la which be me*be rnoit aacce*»eal aod ko<* to calUrate or reatreio tboia fec-oltlea f.¦) to obtain a harmonious lntellactaal moral aad.octal diepoeitlon. ExaMtXATiosa with VViltien DeacilptioueDay er>d k.T»r,ir.g, by Mr Kovi.ra.N., «8 Broadway.

EROOICLYN'JfEMS.Brooxi.tn School Sicirintendent JaTtot W.

Bulkley, Esq , tbe newly-elected Hchool Superintend¬ent of tlie consolidated city, hat entered upon hit newfield of labor Mr. Bulkiey wa-, until rejen'Jy, thePrincipal of one cf the largest of the WdliamsburghPublic Schools, and has for many years ranked highin his profession throughout the State. He bringt tohis new position superior ability, undaunted energy,and long experience in school matters. It Is a sourceof congratulation, among teachers particularly, thatmen of tried experience in their profession are ap¬pointed to such stations of honor and usefulness.

Gtmnasth Exercises .Tbe fourth annual reviewof Jones's Gymnasium, on the corner of Fulton andPineapplc-ft* was held on Thursday evening beforea select audience of ladies and gontleinen. Variousevolutiots were perfoimed and numerous feats ofagility were displayed by tbe members, while, duringthe intervals, a band of music in attendance playeda number of popular airs, which, with tbe exercises,made the proceedings of an exceedingly interestingcharacter, both to participants and visitors.

Cot'rt or Si' - - ions..Michael Tally, who was con¬victed no ad indictment fur riot, was aenteoeed to tba Peniten¬tiary fin fiO data Peter Ryan, eon ticted of the tam« offenae,WSB aenteneed1 for a like tern); bnt. In cona-qneooe of eataan-atttg rlrenm*Unee*. arnterire waa suspended. Tha trial ofJehn k.r.e In ksBtpsrf la robbing as alleged, a dry goods atorala Willianiaburgb in September lait, was continntd.

Fai.i. Down the Hi .in - .A laborer named Robt.Bfurpby. raildlng in (l.aeiBwlcbat New-Tork. in takina a" tborl cot " for tbe ktuutasa* Kerry on Lit reium bams on

Ttinrtdor eaening ren down tbe elope of the Highta, and be-ina analila lo itop bia headway, wat precipitated over the wellinto Kiiru ar, ti a eiewuce of neatly M feet. He wot tetiouelyinjaiad. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Tbe vote cast in Hobokon at tho Charter election on

Tsurrday, was H3:For the Charter.337Opjeosed to the Charter.,...18.»

Msj. for the Charter.153The event will be celebrated with some tort of a

demonstration on Tuesday next. The first Municipalelection will be held on the loih of April.the secondTuesday of the mouth, and will occur upon the same

day as tho Charter election in Jersey City. A sort of

oyster and champagne jollification had boea plannedby tho opponents of the Charter, but the result led toita adjournment tine die.

The Thorn Case.An Immrtant Decision..Thelong contested suit against Col Herman Thorn, ofNew-Yt rk. was brought to a close in tbe Court ofErrors ana Appeals at Trenton, on Wednesday, by a

fii>aJ decision in his favor, the vote being nine to one.The writ waa brought in the Court of Chancery torecover a very large sum of money, now amounting,it is 'aid. to half a million of dollars. Tbe allegationwas tbat Mr. Herman Thorn bad, some twenty yearsago, obtained an assignment of Elizabeth Hait's intetest in the Jaurcey estate in a fraudulent manner,by threats and imposition, and for a wholly inade¬quate consideration. The present Chancellor, hav¬ing been one of tbe counsel in tbe cause before became int.. office), could not sit, and it waa referred toChief Justice Greets, who, after a careful hearing ofthe matter in February of last year, decided in fa¬vor of the dtfendant, Thorn, on these ground*:1st. That the assignment was not obtained byfraud or imposition, and is a logal and binding trans¬fer of tbe property to Mr. Thom from Miss Hait,both in law and equity. 2d. That a former suit InNew-York bad once settled the matters embraced inthis suit, so that the Courts of this State cjuld not

again take cognisance of the case. And 3d. That thelapse of time was so long since tbe transactions tookplace, that the claim, if any, was barred by tbe stat

ute of l'mitations. From this opinion, the complain¬ant appealed to the Court of Krrort and ApneaW, andbrought the cause to a hearing at the last Novemberteim. It waa elaborately argued, and the Court to >ktill the succeeding term to prepare their minds for thedecision, which was made on Wtdneeday, aßrmmtrthe decree of the Court of Chancery, as settled byChief Justice Green, in favor of the defendant, Her-man Thorn. In tbe Court of Appeals, the decisionturned on the first ground, tha' there was no fraud or

impoaition on the part of Mr. Thorn in obtaining thereit ase. . iU

Archer OifTord, K«q., was prosecuting party on tbe

record, being tbe representative of Miss Hait, but thereal person in interest was Jonathan Edwards H>yt,of Connecticut Farma, in this County, who recentlydied, and who prosecuted the suit, be being the n«xtof kin and residuary legatee of M>ss HaiL Thiscloses a long and very tedious controversy, whipbhas been in our Courts since IMf. The counsel forthe api ellant were Asa Whitehead, Wm L Dumof this State, and George Wood, of Now xork; fortbe defendant, Wm. Pennington, Abraham 0 Za-briakie, of this State, and Charles 0 Conner, of New-

York. [Newark Daily Advertiser.

FiRK .At 9 o'clock last evening, a stable on thepremises of JohnConly,cartroan, in South Eighth st,near Mcnmouth, Jersey City, was burned. His horsewas also burned to death in tbe Harnes, A tenementon tbe fr?nt and one on the rear of the same tot were

scorched t.y the fire, aad rloodel with water. 1-ossabout |t>00.


LIAA1LIT1 or railroad CM*Alii! for injirtto passenoers.

William M. Habby va Tbe Hadeon Rleer Re iroad Co-opany.In this case, tried a', the last Westehester C ircuit,

Jnsse Brown charged tb* Jary. In snbetane*. tt folljws:..Tbli action waa brought to recover damage* fur ujunsa

anAtAioed ha the plelntitTin October. ls«s by the defenlAüt.cAit ruLnti g off tbe treek at Teakera. It M roaceded thel lb*

aTc dent mm from lbs careleaao*** of tb* switchman, who

n« ectad to properly errang* the twitch so that lb* ejPr**aX*- thiowr«pon a .id. treck. aad dashed Into tb- rear of

at^abttreia. And now. at the outset let aa 1*1! you that it

it to natter -ha, SStJ of a BBSS} aa»ijHT J ¦A"Ä. aar dk nSai Ttl a. Olf II C AD O T whs'Jl« ». Dfä* r>f»«"0

flygBeffa* SSmST The £as .f bto birth k a mm-SbbmbbSsS tM b*». no ngbt to e^MBdar. Tkwr. I* ao pr.«,f\^*7t tmot thallb* swltehmaa waa aa Itlakaaaa. aod tf there

wairkTÄBTaS mm >>*Tas kwöB^Ja^ÄÄ.. ,,.: j.f-.AMif.' UaBllltW*. I em saravwad that coaneel ol

SwfsaBaww^to lay reeB ron^ereti^^^er » ""^J?

Tbu asSa Is -sv^atsjtitwsWpÄ^d tt?l%^^.r ttsVwxJgC^allbfal^U 7*01*1.1 o*a«. ** IW as Ikasy raa. Ttaaf

ffc.lr Urin' icu R ttetr eery'vye* at tod la It*, kg ,re-eawly lb* mi . !?.».. r. m year ow* If yaw hi yo«r a**. *r

'»*».».«/ bore** I .-, :u. .(,-..i .-.

lua awe> aad break . ., u a. , wee ¦ «... , ...

MkVj it prec* » ra*M t< that of u>-** d-'*ed.au y,ut'» l..|.D«,k'» for .he .to,* r-.eoe ittu Ibo «* is* -it*-, Iatd mtoiherwiee The law bold. ).* reepooei > * o ih* .uff-r.rto th. ntrrl of rbe Semes- oalr Y/. wo* d jiw.yIhina trat Mam Hts.H'1 .hoald Ml b- pwae.-aoi tiratitrt11.« imii tci ibiLt yonr»,?** oV<'a of peeie»<a.eut Yo*.roe a reel tmrni limply to nay tit Ibe acta il d image* ]r>a"#ence bed oee..mt..d 6e with three Sefenlssu Tb't

bob) U »et fieth in y< or recollection, u| ] .hell aot *nlari« open !.. The pbjeteieae tell toe that thete iejer.eesnay e< atiaoe for a l-iaer or ehof.er tin.- Tbelr aroaeM*duration it a proper eo-.j-et for year eauaideratl,«. Iffad that the, eie likely to b- n*rmto*ut yM BrlO *.n-tte the daaeae aeeordtnsfy The pltlatiff tteioeeti ladto rt niaaeratice for tbe lore of hie ttm- cooeevieeat upon thiaaecideii eipeaeee of pl.)tlri«na. medieioee. ut-od.oca k-at d al.o r.r bit tafJeriB.. You e>» a * to tar «bat teg er o ndtatet to for bat to look et it aa one of th- in-»n*r,l* «,Mooence*of th* fuifl.la.nt aod enjatn.eut of tb-** treet ee'erptwts Tbeee veal imprartmenu bring «-., h.o,,rh. whi-bisiiat be taken ttitb r o.reepoodioi iiatt aad IwS.l.r-e 4e-i-fentt like ibeee are to he iao.enfea.ao«' (hoe* cautioi taeath..»M be held to e it. id ii.bility to tbe rafferor. Ba' ta aaie-li-cetiat letareen tb* anderer end th* 4*liaq*-nt y-ia ehotldkeep »ith r. thoee blande »hieb th* la* aiUwitdiaa Betmarked oat Toe moment job |o beyan 1 them tod uod*r'uk*tor.'ti,0»«A fear atorda apea enotaw t «pve. aal I am inn* It ton eo".men in.pteeeion among Ja-ert tbat It react mUk them titleeively lo decide apoe Ibe amoaat af temtgee to be aw.r ledThit kj a area' miateke If throutb feer or ferir. tbroeah p *.km or : f id.r. 10a abould bod e end ined*q..t* to comrenter* tU plaintiff for tbe I.at he bet aaeuinod by bit iei in-eor berth or orjoat to tbe defendan'a the Co.,t la iucalia.de-lib< re'e col»leeret Ion, » e*t your ter« rt aatde R-m-ra-wtbat all the evidence yea hart beard hta .r taten oV»wn andran and if neeeater t .ill. be . <t*ad oo' In petal and *tamie*d.In eoanectiee with joor ratalat, by tbe Goart perhaia lootafter thia trial »Lea iu eaaiiem*ot aad kkt later*** arepetted a»ey Yoa bare lleteBed at'entttvly aed ptn*a'ly ttthe nm denre and the araenenU of Coateel and If yon ke*p thafew dlrtrtlor.t I bete tteee yoe la tie* ebtg tot retire forecntelreiii b, I beee eo doubt yonrdeeunou will ba aetiftjtorrto tbe Court and to the parti**.

COURT Of COMMON PLRA*.-«»*ct.L Ti tM-MtacH StBefore Jad.- WooDtirr

Jerr.raC Jolattonatid i.tiera aat Kraierlck F.. Redellf endNormen Cufer.

Thii ctvre. wbith wm partially reported io yetter-day'a paper, ia Mill noderariament A large number of o Sercaaea depend anon the rtealt of thiaThe allr«arlon> nfK.n whirh tb* arreet la foundel er. »bar th*

defrr.danu loimtd e apeclal ptrtnritbip on the illh of feoraa-ry. liM. it being edteuieed that Kr Cutter bat pat ia a centalof **».'" aa tj^cUl partner Tbat tb* capital wea not in feetpaid in. bat that a credit waa obttioed fji lb* new con-ernwith tbe k-rnptr* City Beak for a)M «' ,epoo e*car(iy furntebedby Mr Cutter Tnat on the ila- UM credit wea r leeei* t

In antwer to Uli*, it iaahown that Mr. Cutter beioa the hold¬er of Page A Becoii't peuera lo ibe amount of *)7S,- («I mir ofwhich v «a da* in a few d»yt. male a temportry «Tanaemtet. Hb th* beak by which opon the aernrlty of thai oaner or afort ion thereof, #M t<<i wea pieced to the credit of f E R«iclilf «hieb be waa autborired lo draw immediately A fewdaya afterward a new arrtntemint waa made, by wh.;b tb*whole of tb* p*per wea trantfeired to Radcliff and waa aaSa*.rjueLtlt collected by him. mak'ng a capital of .75,000 which. etoallT went into bia butir.ee»Anotler alleaaüon upon which tbe order of erreat waa found¬

ed, .*. that Mr Cutter eold ont to the new e >acern aattck ofaood> and aaaeu for a laraer amount then they erer realuedttailrlift aeanmieg the habllitiet of the old hatin*teTo thia defeodant* antwer tbtt the at.- ra taaa pi'chtted

. ' re anfficlent to n,**l ail tb* lithllitiea. aad tbat Iber* waano laee to the rrtdiiora of the new concern thereby. Payui«otof l.ut.i ..« debit dating tbe rimtinnanee of the p»rt..er»hip.aa made lo tbe an.onot of about a>l*i.iiO0. T;,- I-. ¦<-,.

parlterel ip allll reroaitiot urmoM amonnt to at...-.' .. i.TleaeteU to meat tbtwe ,:t Mwf> amoootloab.iittneta.neturn tie capital baring beaa nmi up ia tr* ea>enteaofcanjintOB the butin. ttdJBlka aacrificee lncarr*d da-iorthe heaej prettur* la the fk.1 lo ralae money There will,probably be a lott tu a large em .ant on the eeeeU.Tbe principal qu< e>l^n in the eaee i* w >e(her tbt manner of

puttirg in tbe eepite) It to be deemed fieodalentAnother netttir.n la whether the aetuming of tbe ontattnd-

irg Habllitiet of Mr. Cutter in hit former baeiaeaa wta a friudapon the credltoia of the apeci.l patent rabinTbt argument on tbe part of tbe pl.in'iffaa to tbe lttt i. a-

tion la that tbe arranaement waa Intended mtrely to get rid ofliabilities by aeltina np a apecial partnerabip. On ibe otheraide, it ia inaiaied tbat lb* arrangement waa lawfal, t i« thatm iLjuiy baa, la fact, r**u'ted from it to the rredito.a of ih*apecial partneiahip.An immer** matt of eaideace bat been taken in the cae*.

ar d the aigumrat which was commenced * week tlnce, ia solyet cuncluded. Ii Dana I.it been beard for de'endanu. Andrew Bceidn.an for tbe plaintiff., and W. c Noya* einciudeatbe argument for dafendanU to day.

V. B. DISTRICT COURT.Masch SP-Befor* Jadg* Hall..aiNTKNCE.

William Courtney, teaman of the ship Rosoiut,charged with aeaerely attbbina the mite during a difficulty,was teoteneed to pay a fine of C cenU, aad be imprlaoned ninenueiilbe.

TRIAL FOR AlLBenn I.AItCINT.A German nanned Gueisee waa placed upon tria',

I... red with larceny al aea. oo board th* thlp MetropolitanTbe Jury relmned a reidiet of eot gollty.

MARRIRD.CONRAD.ELWONORR.At Philadelphia by th* K-r

H f3olrlster. Mr. Vail.ism H. Conrad of Pbrriitrille Peon.,to Mist ChriAtitiiPa Flwrnger^ of I.yeomlng Connty, PanoPISH.MAI TLAND.Oa Thnr«l*y. March ». »y the Ru

R*r. Henry a*. Wbltthont*. lklhop of Illlooit at the resldeocsof bet in r i- Ctaile* J Tsylor, Eiq In th* Cl'y of Br jeklya,il iet Jnl'et E Maitland, daoghter of John M Maiilaad, rt,of Chicago, to Melanctkoa W. Pith, at D. recently appointedFtiya clan to tbe Pioleatant Rpitcopel Mlaalon In Coin*JOHNSON- NEWTON.ACLIttla Rock Ark on Thurtday.

Feb. 22, Biebard It Johneoa, E*q Editor of Tbe Tri De mo¬dal toMiaaAnoaJ Newton, or thai place.NEAM AN.Ol I.MORE.Oa leaf Tueeday ayeoisg Mareb

27, at tbe realdenca of tbe bride/a father, by the Rar Dr Millttt, of No S< 8 Broome at Mr Cbtrle* 8 Seaman, of Weet-port. Conn I* Mlaa Banb Abb* Ollmor*. of the eltj.


DIED.BITAHE a Jetary City, oa Friday reoralng. March 30, ef

irarlet f.*er. In the llth year of hU ege, Alfred WUUam, ald-eet too of Alfred W ar d Hanl«! Blraee,Hie f.ienda are rtepecifully Intiird to ettend bit faaeral ob

Patniday Sltt Inet., al I o'clock P M., fiom No I South S:h at.,Jeraej Clly.BtrfcK LEY- After a tkott illnata, of eonsampti-xi, F.ansla8 Berkley, agid 44 year*Hit funeral will take place from hit late reaMeoce, No 187

Ma t en » tt il.it afternoon al I o'clo«k. Hit frleedt aod ac-

uainlance are re*t«etfally loriled to attend bin funeral withoutirtber notice. Hi* remaina will be renaeyed to tbt New-Haven Depot,, aad from there to Oieeofield Hill, Conn foril termeotCORNWELL.Oa Friday rveaing. March SO, of t-arlet

fever, Oforie. ten of Wiilleiu K. and Harriet Cornwall, ,n iba7thy*ar of lit ageThe frienda of the family sre Invited I* attend tb* funeral oa

Bncdey. April I, et 1 o'clock P M , et tha hone* of h'a peresu.No. 78 Pacific-al.. between Cllntoa and Henry tu Brooklyn.KERR.On Tbnradey morning. March 29 aoddenly.ol die

rate of the heait, William Korr, Etq., In the Slat year of bit

age.Tbe frietd* of the family, with tt. it* of hi* to John Morria

Kerr aad of bit eeo la-lew Datll Letourett* Jr of hi* brothera. Oeorge. Tb. ma*, aid Morgan, are rrapectfally taeiied te

attend hit funnel on Ralordey. Stet iatt. at || P. I from bitlate reaideac*, No. 1ST Bildge-et BrooSlya. wltboat furtheruvltationMATTHEWS-la Brooklyn on Friday morning. March Jf)

Albert Duy. eon ol A D. And Matilda Matthew*, aged 7 yearsSlid 8 moBth* ...

Tbe fnen.it of Ibe family ate melted to attead tbe faaeraltbi* afternoon tSatuidayi at i o'clock, from tbe reetdence ofhi* feth.r, No S2 Myitle er. , , .

MONTGOMERY.On Tharaday. March 29 Samael, Infaat.on of Samuel and Elija Jaoe Montgomery, aged 11 months

ard 29 data . . ,

Tb* funeral will take place oa Saturday afternoon, at 1

o'clock, from tbe reeidease of hi* reroute. No. 9" 6th av. Toe

ecqutmttnce* and fittnd* of tbe family aie resvecttally .. -a

to attend. _

H ai r. Maw ,and Oraoi* County N. Y paper* pltare eopy.PAOE-At L-Kkport. Erit County, P*un on Tbnrtdty.

March 29, Andrew J Päse, e de.t ton of Eieklal and Sarah

r^ui remaloa will be reaaovedti this city for Intenneat iaOteeBWcod Cemetery. The reletieee and friendtar» requattedto attend bia funeral ob Sabbefb lit proa at t o'clock from

tbe Pint Freewill Barett Cborcb in Balllaaa-et neer HoneUnat without further inflationPACK-ln thie city cn Friday *fterr.ooo. March tw.SX coo

tompt'oo, Alfred T. rsck sg'dll year*.« nuootba and 8 dayaPaiticolara of tb* fonsral wüi be gtvea la Monday moraiag a

TB1«URK-Oa Friday, Maioh 30. Llaai* Suobary, ag-d Myears, I mootb and 4 daja. aecond daogbler of J. Newtoa aod

Elli.btthC Squire.Notice of tha funeral will be siren in tbe evening paper.SPRAOUE-On Friday asarataS, March M.M »carlet tevtr,

Maria LuuWj* infait denghter of John H. aad UenrleiU P.

Spregue, aged 1 year an* 7 m. ntbe._

Thereattvea and frieed* of tbe family ar* retpectfully In¬

vited to attend tbe funerel from tho reeideBce of bor ptrenr«,Nc. 17* MrDoegel tt_ oa Saoday, AptU l.at 2 o'clock P. Mwith- ut further taeitetion. ._. _

bTEv ENS.Id Eeat Mootpeller. on Wedaeedey. March M,

Mary Sreveoe r*!icl of ibe late j. bo Stereo*, and titter of tb*

late wall knowo the Iloo Triatram Burgee* of R I ag-d »

year*. Mrs . and her boabead were aaaoag tha Sret aetlleraof Moatpelier. _^^^^^^^

Niw Tola, Fob IT ISM

AT a MEETING of tbe stockholder* of tbeFULTON MINING COMPANY.A*ld at tb* oafc* of tbe

Cosaaor IN*. 2S «* illlam *L, New York.) oa th* Ith alt ey a

vote of over two third* of tbe ehare. of tb- wtoek ut the tern

aany, (tbe auaabar required by tb* law I th* Coanpaay waa du-

""ll'lew Com,.a; ealltd tb* FULTON COPPER COM¬PANY was formed oo th* i'-th alt. cod-t the !*». of th* Stare

ef Michigan, with *..«« ahexe* ef Stock a*aaaa.b.s. aad an aa

eesemect of »1 per aber* ba« Mg day been celled ap .a BS

Capital Stock payable at tbe ««r* ol th* Traaaorer, IM.WwTrlaan-st ta.» York oa Ue 1Mb day of Ma.*h aa»t. fh*

.tockholdersof the late Faltoa MiniBg Company apoa p.'moot S the abwee aawee.rn.Bt of M, aod tb.MtedMacrip will be eatilled to reeelv. lb* Stock of the FL LTO.*

COPfEK COMPANY, ia th* proportioa of oo* ehare to See

A d«*oB*t of Ihre» per seat. wUl be allowad oa all eeee.

mtBU paid oc or before the Is* ol March n*iL_^Byaeaerof th* Dtreartw*JOHN SIMPRINB. Ja Ba*. aad Tr^ *t lb* F. C. C*.

Sir Norwitkatend lag »k* siptratioai*f tb* thtaa llwltad ba

th* Abote aotir* .1 b*i beea d*.med adritabi* to pea-aut aay of

« lllliTn'r^^ Stock and evmply wuh t»*

i^^^r^ tsV^Td .LbUth^rd.,. fr.« «U^fUrtb^siT After ta-Txparatloti W aaid thirty daar the txotk

wkVhmey aotW pt.ated wiU b. worth!. »**^»*\**;hot M, ISS »»^ialaC'ek^^'^O^S.MPE.NVÄ^CT^tb* F C. OtaMew York. March 1*. IBM

THE COUPONS tallinsT due oa the 1st of Aprilaeat.ef the CaasaBatttM BeaaAa »f the Iin«oaa&a^p

Dnj ©cnoa.ToTT b i o i) i e~s iq"IO«J»», OPENING an.V'faCEsa'E.Mr luJJ,

OEOIO! MODU,Wo» Si Caaal tad 61 Lltnnvtl ec.

Will bo prepare* toaakibu la tae Ledta* of n-w Yrrfc.BruwAoa. J*r»-t City, aal lb* narr. an lia*

ceigbborh -od. oatl'UDAT 3d DAT Or APRIL acd tha following lav*,

tb* la.-*eet fcaeet «cd Boat «ttvasiv- ac.xi afladies' Mantillas.

P >l t. aad ^oaaa mala,eaer cfT-r»d for aa.'» la tkie coaatry.Manafacta'ed from fairies of ita l..ab«at tic* 'too* eoJ oaoat

faafci « - kiadPia ac.«-a '^oaia-a of

FMBROIli.Rm SI ,K MAVTILLASAa ..-<«. « . »..} a i' ee.-r-i.x, n-»i aad >f ..j

ova well kre»e mana^eca-* n* **. a tmagiaerydeaign. ars the eew.ec end most

re ebe-ee* .t»l«ea rre*ovDe»ni aw ort t,«Mt of

PLAIN BILR ar* HOIKS. AMTIQUI maht'LXA*..R 'L j tttmoi<* web tb* mot f<an o»*e r -. n of

ba rie nwre ti p.Tta- oa ai d fre*a*aet«rtldpreeeiv 'or ha «p-m« aad saaiiaer

Betet! Trad«. aal at tha»-«. poaeth*


Of ?c'.:.-r j sew and crlg na1 deetgn*. aad maas/actartd laFaroe* eipeasly 'o' tba aibacrlbar

APPLIQUE L a " E MANTLES,a large aa'iett a' tb» leteet Ixp rtattoaa.

El .H (j1mpure LICE MASTL* IJnet reeelaed for tha sr. el , to\ af art lea axrla*i*«!y

am. Seed u> f *» tha leadleg aaaufaciar»ra or Kur. pe.

THE ^'BtfURrs. .< parti aar If ram od bla rrlaaAtatvd the public >a gei.erel that the aV.ve a «rk c>mprt**e tha

0*>LT IRl'F. FA4HIO««* p<)R THU SEAaOa-.aad a'ao that . e-yle* cueat he aeee at any other ee.aa.iehmeat is New-YorkLad e* a»b« *r'*H »o n-ehea* r~>da af the LafEaTaad

MOST PAMHIf>S.AHLE M JOE a * aery najpectMlly ea*Uonet* «gaio*rmak l| aeiretVaw tiM they nave examine* ailoew aad *p.ens:l aaaortmant, on r:V(i v o« AprJ.

UE'IRUE SROuIENa. 51 Can* a*, aad «ia tJ Lwpeaanl tC

N KMIHt NEW slirC'R ot ÖlL,KH~ändMILLINERY iKVOl*. Sw gpats'tj SALES l*.W.


No Liberty-at ire.' o» Broadwaybuj»r» ar*Ca*h and ahctt nui* buj-re a.-* i*» lad to axania* thali

lock ofF*»hior*ble Dree* Trlmni'Bf*.

Lace Oooc* and fcmhro'derle*,¦US*. Oiov-i acd White Oa**.

Riboon* Htiaii,Mitltaery Araal**. k*.

RICH PlOl'REO AND PLAIN u.'ls.aS v..a<Black or de K. and Watered alike

Oreat InducmeD'a will he off-red to ,r BtTta*.



No* I d aid 14 WARRf N-ST:tEJ£T. aear Sroad^aawrw-voss

BLANKETS..$00 casts rihhon-bound familyBlanket*, fn m rrb raa to 14 4. «n1 af dilf«p»ot qntlitte*

will be eold low. NK tat ITH k Cn No 71 Sroalway.

BATTS..Acencr t>l tte Masnic Falls Battini;Compaay. NESMITH A Co No 1| Broadeay


No 9» Lih*r»y .. New York,In-rlte tbe atteatioa of caah hai?r*toa lar«e and new f.ookof *ood* in their line *oeb a*BILKS, RIBBONS DRESS TRI V MIN ja. La<'r?«. LM


AH of whlah Uei will (ell at Immen** redaction* to cast, par«haatr* onlj.


Tb* anbariibria baa* juet rec.iard and If*awar«sTwIaf *

aery large a-, ek of tbe tUeet Paria «od Scotch NEEDLEWUK&. t MBROI OERIES. Orrtran and EngSjB M <1 <f. % H

being tbe entire alotk of an Impnr er aafonanat* in btiaineaa,they ar* enabled to off. r at ao prrctdented low trice*. Thaabote cnaalat of beaarlfol Preach Needlework Cellar*. Chemlrette* aid Sire***; French and S:eteb Needlework Bändelngreat variety, Ladlre* Eohroider*! Skirt* Iriah and PreachLinn llandketct itfa, Cambric* Engluk TbreaJ. Malteteandllociton Lace*. Children'* and Oentlemtn'a H . --y in everyvailery, tbe vhole of which they ar* now offering kt price*,which mual inanre a *peady cleaianca.


No*. Sf4 and 2f« 8tb *v oae dtor bel .w lllh *t_INENS^-IRfSH Hkl SCOTCH LINENS..We will opee on THURSDAY March 29 llvi a large

lane of Iriik and Scotch Linen*,of Ni*Be*e*Sra*B*1 o'her aaate,at full 'ib fe cent leae than ever b*for* ottered la the city. Aaearly call I* retpcctfalij reaa-ttad

«KM4EN A PJWER4._No*. JM and 306 6 hav ooa d.or below II h r!_

)V EW SPRING MAKTILLA8 .E. S. MILLSA.a haa sow la eroek a laraa aad aaaatifdl aa. irunaat olSPBINO MANTILLAS MANTELCTi fce *aabr*cie* evaryvvtety of a yle arid pattern Mrtcbauta '.. >ui avary «actioeare partiealarly invited to call aad ittmlt* tn* vatloa* kind*a* It compri*** Ih* largeet ***ortaea'to he f iuod io thi* mar

k*t. and rhea ». ba offeted at the loweat oaoafaclurin*.rleea; t.,aethM wits the naaal *toch of HPRINO SH *W|Jand EMBKtHDKRtES.mostly perrhaMd at «actioe at verylow price* »t No* at.'an* >ttt:h*n>ber* *t up»t»lr* .Stew Y a-k.

iPINING of SPKINO^TYLES in MAN-TILLAB .Owing la tb* d.lay la the atrivej n'the atea ner

Atlantic arairber of ibe m»t recent *od deal.able BBaWMBa*of MOLYNPUX BELL. wMbj Pa>ia. ware .aalevea La let*loahnw at oar opeaing l>*t Tuewlay, hut Ladles may rely upon.eemg them together, aattk rupi-a frotn lha original, oe

TI'ESD*V NEXT,ap'il J.

Ladira ar* reap»ctfu'l/ «"Ii it.d to call *ad -nap*" them oa

tb*td*y. MOLYNEL'X BELL. N* S* Canal at.



J N O II I () (1 I N 1 A CoWU1 be on Balte-fur ibe enaaing ft-r day*.at aiuucgo SBICBS,

much leaa ibaa iBtSSBBUBB vaLt *.Tbe rtock coaaiat* of

Large and c.e'ly Line* of Eu.bruiaVne*Large and BSatn Linea of Liteo Handk»rchiefaLarge and cowly Lto«* of lri*h Li sen Shirt Proata.Large exd coetly L'nca of Cotton Sbtrt Front*La ge aal eo»tly Lint s of Printet HtndkerrhitojLarge aad cat . Llo>* *| La« n Sc.,

Aod mnat s« eold. within tb* above tpacined time oa tba tunalcredit- Snori Time or Caah "

_Na* M and ST Vaaay at. and We t Charcbat.

BINTS.Light and dark styles. Steams andMadder* la groat eerier*, tncladina Shirting Printe, a-4

Prtrch, let reale by cE'aSIIT'l A Co a9 and 71 Broad way.

PHINTS. Steam* and Madder*, new style*, re¬ceived from ibe work* daily, f^r*a> by

NK SMITH A Co No* n» and 71 Bioadaray

SBAWLS and MANTILLAS..The «ubscrileer»ar* aow exhikiiiag * very l*n* aUck of laa . ..». (J jodt.

.uitable for Ike aeaaoa. af tbe neweet atyla* *aallty aad prica.Dot to he tat p«**ed la tb* city Aa *ellf call U aollcit«d byP REeaES A POAER4,

No* SM and 2ft Sth av oae door below 14th «C

SILKS.PLÄilTaud FANCY SILKS..We area. ar offarlB* * iarge Ur.e of Plain. Black, Colored Fancy

Btriee* P.aid* and Brocade* *. .' |> cent, leaa than aaoa.

w^pe*. r.aio. ana «RfcMSEN A POWERS

No* »4 andJOSörbav ose duer k*low 14th «t_

TICK^^KNIM.,Ta¥d_<:HECKS.A good a*-

aortmeLt ju*r received For aal; byNESM1TH A Co No* 69 and Tl Broadway.

JET (1 OO D 8! WET (JOOD3 WETOODB -fire* bargain* la WEV LINEN OOODI,

aon*l*ting af^ DtM4gK AND SkPXlH3,a a. i Itri* lot of »aas>r(t049

WEfLINEN sTölRTtNii AND SHEETINGAJto. a large lot of enpetfire

«VLT LINEN HANDEERCHIEPS.beeide* a large lrt of very beery

UET UVCL TOWELING.A so a larg* lot of sape.haeAl*0.*i»rge o mtw.

ß( ACR gfLf.Alee cast* *od hale*of superior qaalttyWET COTTON SHIRTING aNÖ BHEEtINC

beside* . lot of rich ISAM^All <cod* warrsBtad »nd sec: free to all Bart* of the elty toe

vteir.it». ANDREW O. O)L*_YJle. JT JAev.

I*7Tim:B(>CK SHIBTINOS..The\vniterockf T Mill* sapertlB* S7 lack Bleaibad Cotton*: ei*o extra

*ap*rw»t»rtwl.tCottcoi, oneoualad for finaaaa* perfecUoe.usTdar^tlty JgrnUko^ Co ptn. Wt^T, Bro.aCTy,

W O O L E N I.1,600 packages, compriaingff Cl.^bs C***lmtr»* Satinet*, Jeer.. Kerasy*. Lla*ey.,

Shaal*. Bl»tkei*. Ac. For **1* byNESM1TH A Co Nj* 63 aad 71 Brealwty.



LARS -AI. lb* plaia and faahi JBaole *J »*no» retdf.a .BM iortn,«.r ot^er.ry *Ue Alao By.-.B t»Sa*Wc.», i, Ac praoartd .1 r.aaly for true araaoo vt h .l««a.a

er .Jta* 1 R A PERE .0 k SQI.flJtUM* OU

SPRING FASHION..-Hist finished, the mostat'Iecdld aniel* ever otf*red to ">."..,»«¦ PtP** rt*f

BttJg once of S». BRQW«1. N» 421 Hadaoa fk


o««ioaiu the City Hall he*, oow on haa* the beet aaaortadrZrWand I ««* and at,lea to be (oend * the Lnlt-dStatra aad **l'*kla for all tfo from tbr-e to tweaty year*old, at WBcieaai* aad for grea-iy redaeed pneea.


lacLtieiie a V«*y ArraacTi«* ava Esrra* Si* awova »v

MILLlNKkT oooaa.I mm in* Baotrcvsni raaa Ttw* Paica*

TO CA«i P«CHAB1RSTax WawiiT ar* wo*v fataieaa**.* tsewo*.


****** so* cmAt i a HAtiRrs

He. M 'eaaet.


jyV 11 'FND N«»TkE.-Tfc.- SEMI-ANNTAl.*T BIT***** fel.iag da-is taiacttv oa iB> Fl»*r «>4i'"'*'*'!. r*xt.r. ih» ' iioolri ouaec ae^atiue* will 6*P»«i oa . i tftaa A4, SD4Y tb- »«..Bd proioo at tee otü-*.anee?»?e?JS9' '* B"«-tt«rj»« th. pr>o*r*o«»»**. «uTHK ulm «n:. PAf»,>\iLII! AVDA,HraSfL4

; R a I L*> >au COMl'A.N i * 8ECON0 MO IT *AGE BO.IDi. B»r a> b'a

BAatf i!,N«A«*»Pn^ A,,n BE.I.EPOVTkfTE BAILRO.aD fi'WMNV, IHC lall Ho»JDt-7 »-re-ote

.a!F fr. i-'.?^L2f*T>H£^_IT O* COLL'aftVt .OflOi.J^riTJ. -r> E ""-I »»«71 AEDXEsita RAILROAD(i'*'*NT- per -etnaTHE «tj^O« Uf TtF COCrfTTII O» Matt >¦ ANr»


"» .S*L"* I. ANfER A Co.. No. J3 V*'»U Ü_t>-w V r*. M.rxh ff '.»4_|_

Grrui ur tmi Ohio od »kaeati.»»*!» BaiLaoao Co. /

.._ _PiTT-at aca Marco » kvs (

I NTELEST N»»TICE .The SEMl-ANMVI.* 1*1 ? kr <T «V irg rfnr on rh- FIR4T DAY OF APRiLBeat or tbe H.aae of that Co-r^aay trt'l k* pit* on

aRkC^*vl0."Daf.I-.t^ r-^B'*- at the oeV* of; *SIER tt' o N. tV»i,-g: «,,. » oril.oa

ateeerar.a'.'en oftha proper Coapjne_H"iH * FLEMlSO.Treaear**-..

Baaa or TBi Cowatoawnire I

TtlL- n _j tft* Till, \1 - ZS, iBM {

HE Hiard of Directors of th:t IUnk b»ve thisa aii*T » ."'...'*-nd.'t T a RE F. A ail A HALF *tt\'?M on- «'in, pert,.. b,,., ,,, to ^ _. fc.homer* ec MONDAY, the M of April aegithe Tre-e'-.r ¦»-»». wUi b( clje-J from the feth mat tM tha

«ie'Aprü. Uilarae. _«.E ikwe E LLH «hi»r

THK DMTI Rr>l do. S this rltv. ». theBONDa le-ned a, he MILWAUKEE and et'l Wiaiispi

RAILROAD COMPANY...! he .jl, « ..,;in. ' el tut ffte N.i t *-'»U et AT S/Q iq k


OSFSSB OF aBBBSB*. 1XJBCSB -Ht>«ia> tt C* Seaae<a ('¦.» v.i. Mifh».

ISTIREST due April 1 on the followinaT Secu-riti.a arO he ptM al that a#*SB.'ta» o'tcr Si Ma't . Fail< Shin Caaal Cj.laassi of 'he Cl-a at P-aia lütooisR. .1. ' -i . Pur»,:, »,.,) rft.re Line Railmatp ., ... the City of SaeraaMBt-i- 10 per cant

_Botd.ol ihe Ovtrott and 'on iae Ral'rwsl Co.Oiini raa.aii BaiLaoao t oatraae

T.._ _»'» Von, Mere* 19 m J

HE ANM. AL ELECTION for Thirteen I)i-r»«ti r* of the *»>..»» <*. .. .... «rlil *. held at th« öftre*

No IS Bio-daaey on MONDaY. ta* td da> o' April neatttt fa ks>ill ep*'. a' II, aa« ci"*a i ..< P M rhetraa*fer bxl* ariii ha ei"*ed r>a tee SSih nf March antt< il ol AprilIne nti.e _HENRY SMITH, Secretary, pro teta.

"Vf'TICE is hereby drei that the AWl'ALAl El E TIONf.i UIREiTORB oftha ST NICiDLaSRBtXI»N( E COMPANY oil! he held at the o« e ..f aaid

( niakj coiB't of Ath a* aad lakh at oo TTCSOaY the1Mb dee of April. 1*V> between the B**jtB*4 If **ljlist A M>tad 12 re* ck tt.. ai d alao aa aleciioa f *) three loapectora fortreaeit.'. co eg -....r -t. V\" a 8LO. I'M. Sevr»tary.

<) ..> h.sa M* cS X <tvC

THE ANNUAL ELECTION for DIRECT jßs,aid *lea for TU REF. IHIPSCT IRS taf the a»t< -aaaiog

llBBtevB Brill BS brlJ kl the Rankiei Hoaee. no TL'KtOAT,lie 1< ih (ay v< Apni ue»t Poll* open t'iuai >i M to 1 P. M.

_By oreer,_CHU PALME i, AOiiui Kkktiiiwtii Lirs IssBBaici CoktraiY, >

No. 17 VVHliwn at (

|hJ0TICl..Al ELECTION for THIRTEENII rrSfCTOR* ant for THREE INS 'f, TOR t o'f LECTION, aiii be be'.l at tbia iffir-.on Tt'EtDaY ApnlH *s ».-i. il. B**J>*eritB*d la '.bark rheS'o.kbod.ra*releqiieeted 'n meet at 11 A M on that day. (o appoiat ihr»* la-BBBBBBtBtd aaio Elrrii«n By nrder

STPSHFN C WHEEf.PR, Srereury.On.) If TIB MtaiaBBSTA atlBIt* CtrigSÄSI t

Nkta r«MU March H 8 ^ (

NOTICE is hereby siveu that the TRANSFERBOOKS,.! lb* MlMSt'OTA MINING U.'AN", arill

BaCLO'ED«B TTJtRDAT the tb.-.a. *:- pr-p*ta'orytotl.e pa.n«ei,l of the Dividend of s'lFTEES DOLLAR*PFRSliARF lue tn the v..h April, and will remain clo**dnntil <he latter data, ierluaita One notice will he giv-n ofHm>Saal«laaaagat tha B".mt preparatory to the di**oiu'too .>rth» prreeat t .none -ortaoiratloo ander the OeaeraiMlr-irg 1 aw of ih« Kuie ,.i aticniaao a* reaoieed a> th-late At aoat Me.up,, at which Hme. alao, the ''ompaay'a S;npwill be wru-d for the d'rtdeod payable aa the lota Jaty next.DJ oroer rl the Director*

_BAMUEL J W. BARRY Bearetary.

COLUIIBUsTPIQUA BEd INDIANA RAIL-ROAD -Tbe April latereet oo the Third Mortgage B.ied*

at lit* Coa.paay will ha paid at tbe ofllce of the Ohio Life Io»nr«pce and Ttnat Company

NOTICE .An aasessHitut of FOUR DOL-LAKS on each ikar* ol th* PORT AUE ALBION

M in IN' i COM Pa N t haa been lea ted. and mad* payable ontht Kith of Apiil next, at tbe office of the Coupeny No t*Metcbanla' Kxcbai.e New Vit March 23 .

By or&er of ae Dlrectora BF. R BL'TTKll A'ORTH,Secretary and Treaeurei, P. A. M Co.

COMMERCIAL MA TTBB8.¦alra at tha Stock Ktrhatigr_MaRCH 30

.fCOSD BO*ll/T.ICO Virginia 6*. »7 l(u Cumherl*t.l"oal Co.** tr,I UtO Mlaaciul fa*. 9I| »D do.S3

ISfCl Eiia Bcndaof-73... S« 100 do.MullIJ.tfO do. SPa 10S do. 3»lso ton do.s»| loo do.at4o0t 111 Ca* SR Bda .... «I ICO do .alO St1 fff fHe *R 1 R R Bd* aij V* New Y rk Cea. R. R.. StI It- Pa ten Bd*. lea i. fro Raiiroad. <JISCornE« Bank. H«« do..MB SJ

BS* feetaeOa.3s jiin do.vtIAS NicamruaTrao* Co *30 let 0B do.HI BJMl do. Ie|' M do.b7 4»l<o do. hj.. rSS Readiog Railroad.It3* do. th' lh| VOHtid. Bit RR.41It renn CoalCo.W\ |t> Mich Bon'h. Cocstrua. S8

St* Camb«rlard 0. Co...*a M||l do. «9V Mich Soarh RR.9t

Salse of Storks at PkJladalphla.MARrH 30.IRepo-ted for Th« N. Y. T. i. by F«T fc TBBMH I

*»iVrf Maard I <. ii t'amd-n ar,d A-nnoy Railroad U't'»1. 91;1 <.*»< *tne-» fit»*'.. »a ¦«'; I n. o Kit'a Coep tj'a »1 loot)Cl'y l'i icad 6'a. ')': 6 faa do H. tit; I 0> o do 9H i cooAllrg. Co. b*. A H a1- : t .' .¦ Sutq. 'ana 6'* aoj.'liX)tk'ilmlngroo Railroads'* ff; 1 '**) do, (1 90, I.OOOCiry d'aPili 1 K0 Beading Raitraad *'. BS, **t\ .' v.. rrä'Vi 64.15. Iii L'tion Canal. In laSS, »|. I As , Sil 1.140 Lehlgh/mc, M .ii V Reacing Railroad, caab 4.'. I<4) do b-'i 4MIt*, da ,1 I. « Proaa Rail a.: . ü. !4do in ». - «

Nar W| l.oMchuyl N*a Pref rr d ». 31;; h ,

read..'-«. Mi Moirl* C*nal. CAP c*.h 144; SO Lon* lalaadRailroad, c-ah If}. ION. Baak of Reotucky. aowa. I'*J< goTTllllia Bank t>6 H»Retvaea /..,. a. Uo K i.i a \ 6* 30 year*. I At: ^1 Union

Canal «t: 2S do »4, 4 Baak of Peuoa ca»k, 1»; 104) Mar. fcMan. Baob Pittaburgh ra»h. AT

<..... i ... BeadteiHR to '70, BA4; .» BearerMead. RR ta 'it. .«"«' Pet*a ."o 8-; 'a V e-kabsrg RR bi, 1,HI do *; lit Kaioa C*ital leg; t Penn*. RR 44i; '» LahlgbN*r ,7«; Mi North An. Iranriac* 4 Little Beb. RR «,

i''"l ¦»< I.im RR e* l"i, DX) Lahkjh o*. »4; «Ida 94«: Bj Headlag RR aowa it

FairiAT, March .10.P. MThere wss a fair bosioesa done at the Stock Bind

this tnornioar, withuut iuiptirtant change in price* Attbe SecoDt] Board, after t» e foreign new* wa* madepublic, the market wa* bauyant, and a generalalthough not lartje improvement waa reali/tcd. Eriedosed at t:<|, an imprvvement of j f cent Thepreposition to ieaoe Certirtrate* of St<x-k with Coa-poii* attached for foreign in vettr.ee: baa not benofficially considered by the Board, bat may beadopted. 1 t,ere appear* no objection to it, and Itwould materially facilitate the sa'e of the Stockabroad. Head'tDg is reported tobedoinp; an nn'n .nse

businers. The closing pries i* ^li, an improvtuaoatof J ¥ cert Hudacn Riveris stron, N V. Centrali* well »u*iained at | 47 ,. i.r advaoce. Cauibex'.andtook a new *t*rt and »old to ronsiderable estent at

I ¥ cent itnprovemtnt. Tbe dividend question ap-peart tn hare been drop>ed. Ni axa#jua ia firm,closing at tff. Delaware and Iludioo aold at l it,aiid Ptiuiylvania Coal at 10'J. The sale* of Rail-read Bood* reached iisoooo. Sorna order* for for¬

eign acccunt were on the market; and I43.00O Erie*,*.'d at the Second Board at -- t--t- Illinois

Central improved to kl; Eriea, 1S71, 84; Patvatna,104; Central Ts, KOJ. State 8tocki are (Inn, withlunited rupply on the market. The amount to come

from liquidating YVe*t«rn Bank*, we nnderatand, is

now quite moderate. Virginia* sold a' '7; M'uwoori6«, 94]. Louisiana bbVH|| Indiana 3*, "Ii; Ohio .*.

1-60, IDS, Ac.In Kxt'hantre the baiineaa ha* not yet opened for

tbe Wednesday steamer aud the demand will, it is

Iht iinl't not be large. bl*tea are withoat change, kflt

heavy. Stirling 11 f>i ¥ cent; Fran'* 5.13j o*i UJFreight* are qukt To Liverpool 3oo bale* Cotton

5 J'.d -*o bbl*. Pork 19; 500 bis Baooo 13/.

To Lllif*. 2i0 bbl* Pork I To Olaagow. to tun*

Fu»tic, '0 hhd* Bacon, on private term*. A eh»*rteywas made for Bnenoe Ajre* at |U for Lvthm. and

il to Bivcr Platte at %H. Another charte* wa* made

from tb*r!e*ton to Norway at :*i f* paddy. An-

oiber to Hamborg, with St. I^aiinju Logwood, at

40 or if to St. Peterabnrg at «,«.Tie Payment* at the Sub Trerka*wy to-day wera

.U'3.>T; receivtd. ^4. Bakanca, *k3,aOO,lOLPaid from Away Office, 17,223. Paid on a^borakofchexk*. «2«,«09.The cuupen* on the Mobile Cay Boade, payabla on

the 1st of April in New-York, will he paid oa Moa-

day, the 2d of that month, at the haak;ng-h.a*e ofKetchtrm, Rofer* it Keakeat, No. 45 Wili'.am-st.

Meaar*. Attwoed A Co., of No » Wall-st.. wül

pay at tltetr office, oa tha 3d of April, tha internet oatha bottd* issned hy tha Milwankea aad M***ia*ipp*Railroad Co. taalanng oa that day.

It has bee* trs^aefitly arged by thaae Rafriatvlly ta

tha Illinois Central Railroad Co. that that Companywomid find it rmpoaathle to saB their land* at thesciaedal* rates, beoaaas tha 0 u i btbmb« had sstiüoaa

ei'actts of el'crnate se\ !pm for sale at $1 50 #> rr*.

Tie " ¦'.>.:«. ; su-.phlet put this argument fsr-w«jd prominently, and even qraewtioned tha corre li¬ne** of tbe official report from the Lud Comatiaaiotj-er at Washington showing large tale* of Ian-Is. Ilorder to »bow the .'». v » of thia statement, sTatLstioabete been obtained from the rariooa Land-OtSee* mm

the lire of the Rosd. which show tbat out of 510

township*, covering 1\.v0(*» acres, there ren

or sold of Government lands only 351,700 ae

equal to about la, towsship* oat ef over .' . - astdthese land* barren and refuse the residasr» altarmillions of arrws had been selscted. Of tbv.se a-rea,st6 too are sritbin six miles of the road, ani 79,30*within fifteen Bailee.The Imports of Pry G »vis continue to show a

decline a* compared with last year. The auotsit mrthe rtxk is:

tS.,4, ISM.Filtered. 01.**«'« .'** J**Throw* apo* lb* marker. I iTS.S «44 17s.its

raoM lar jtat-aav lAbtiEatered.»!:"»«* 01S.W.7 »TVowo ipoo the market. 2S,«*4>0 1T.IJS.41T

The details aressrrnoroa cossmrTto*.

recke««*. Veloatiaav¦ enarV-tareeof Wool. JM *ll* lalMuafacraree of C*ottoa.. UiSVB4Msaaaawtsaaws of s.:t. w niM*faaur"».-:«ree of 1 m. ttSJlawata-'.-. .4411 15T.SIS

Total.VT* #S I' SJSiu.tsjs sBi.tta.at»

WITHOaiW*.Meaafaetaree of Wo..l. 17* *> -.' »tMatiafeerurre of i'octoa.394S3BBSM urn'art a re* of M. ITS *1 JMMaautacier-a of Flea. im ST at aBtiace laoeoeia.isc*JJtat

*raBBB*»SBB>Mar. ahe tare* of Woo!. S3 Ml BttHaaafaerarea of Critoa. 6.S t 4MMaoufacrurve of s.Ik. 4tl 47 MSMeau/attaree of FaBB. 4 a t'^atktleceUaueoas. 4VJ XS.tjS

Total. 975 0 l«S 174'»>*«.Ml *\u,tm

The busiress of the I'learing-Honae was small to-dsj.lu.j.'o.ooo

In rep ard to Western Hanking, Th npt -a « BankSole Btporter says:

" We have repea edly spoken in hi.-h terms Bf th*Ratkaar.d Hankie:.-law* of Illinois ami Wisvonsitv,Ibe Indiana law. which was the ctu«*of all the em¬barrassments aud dircreaiit at the West, was, as wwhave ever said, tiio iniui'itg to mere cir^nJatinajBai ks. This law has been amended, and is now asale and available law."In Wisconsin two Ranks have been wound op,

snd tbe Rank Controller pays par for their notes. IraIllinois tire are in proccaa of winding up, aad thatAuditor will redeem their ieaue* at par. t'hi* is a)

very pra:if> itg result. The Controller of Wiscooaist,aLd'tbe Auditor of Illitoi« are entitled to high cotn-

menc'atinn for the ability shorn in the discharge oftheir tutics as Rank Suj>«rintendents during the pasttrying time*

' The Auditor of Indiana is, we beliere, doing altbat fje can to bring system out of chaos. His taskis a difficult one, but wo predict a good and popularresult.'Tbe Harrisburg Railroad Company has made a

semi annual -'end of 5 t» cent. Tbe (jaincyStone Rank, 4| » cent.; Wottirn, 4; I! n.;li.am. 4|;Mt. Wollaston, y 1.. > 4; I a)well and Appletos,of IstMswO, 5 b> ceut. each.Tbe Hadley Kails Rank (lolyokei pays a semi-

annual dividend of t f cent next M mday. Thiabank has never lost a dollar, and has no " doubtfal "

psjerThe October coupons of tbe Ordensburg First

Mortgage Bom's will be paid on Monday, April J,by tbe Trustees ot Second Mortga^re, who have pos¬session of the Read.The rapid increase of Chicago as a monetary Oes¬

ter is shown in a very stt iking manner by the folio wingfacts from The Chtrigo Dittlf Brett, in regard to th*business of Mr. K O Adams, Exchange Broker, oftbat city, who commenced basinets there within three)

years. The Ptett says, speaking of the amount offunds sent by Kapretsby that gentleman: The to'-alamount waa 93,494 lt>2 37; on which tha rogalarRxprets charges were . *..' t.-. The amount receives]and sent by Kxpress, we teara, embraces only abouta thiid of the business of tbe boose, making the totalamount of money handled the snug sam of110,1 uo.Oto.The produce markets are without mo h change or

m t. v ify, but prices are generally well sustained Ths>stiiply of Hreadefoffs is limited, and will continues*until tbe Wee'ern Lakes are open. Cotton is inact-ive. waiting for the letter mail of tho Asia. Provla-iocs are In fair demand, and steady. Ia Dry Goods,pri< «* are firm for desirable sty lea, especially of drew*

goods, aod In first bands tbe stocks are light. Thojobbers ate not busy, but a bettt>r trade is expect**! isApril In Wall-st ontaido of the Stock circle*, therwis a general complaint of dulloe**. Koine of theleading house* in Monetary and Kx.'hange trarts-actions express (he opinion that there has sot hints,Its* activity in many years. The general oaatloaswhich prevails In regard to new nnternrieesprevents important negotiations, and the gerjeralbusiness of the eom'ry is so much con'racted thatit ia difficult to employ capital profitably. Is th*Mccey markot we hare no change to note..Some of the Banks are exhibiting wore pradssow lb

loans, but the offering* of first class paper are stillbelow the ahklity of most of these institutions to dis>t ount. Is the street the supply of paper is moderate,and there is no liiftsnslty in pausing de«irable signa¬ture* at ; »' cent. A favorite name, occaslosally,goes'at 5s ?/ ceat. Oa call, money Is in large ex¬

cess of the demand at . f cent, but with thisplethora of capital there is little or no dispositiokato ge into tcesely speculative operatien*. Tbe csatv

tion eagendereil by the disasters of last year atilexists.Tbe Legislarnre of New Jersey has passed the btl

to charter tho Newark City Bask, a^twith*tan-lingthe objections of the Governor. Two of tb* rwcbaa7-t<r», the Monnt Holly and Cumberland Basks, havesbec« me lsw by lap*e, the froventor havinat kept th*bil's beyecd the time allowed by law if it is bat Lnf*s-tion tw avail himself of the veto power.Fnnr or five millions have already basso added a*

the kwakina; capital of Paoaayivaaia by the preaeaALejglslatare. Nina Bank bill*, with a capital oafAa,leo,Ota), have already beoa preassDtwdl to How.I'ollock. One of them he baa tigsed, 00s »utoaal,aad the other* --mam n bis po*sea*k>BAt Bct'.oB, Monay is quoted at antibasged rates.

gtrietry nrat-class names hare been done at «| a? #»ceat Good Notes, MAXAt Cineinnati the Money market is rather saaior.

and good nsjue* can be negotiated without mar* dif¬

ficulty. Eastf m Sight Excbange wa* | »1 ?* eetvf-

prcaaiom.7*1« Baltimore /..-.¦ state* that th* City f'.<r;.-.r»>.

tion has aetifitd th* Freaides' of th* Baltimora andOhio Railroad Compaay of their rewolutioo to sell th*

ttoek held by the city is their road. A raaaBttng ofth* Saoekkoldrrs of the Company la to he hwl.l oat

MoaJay Bext to consider the matter.

The CmnnatU. (itutt* gives tbe annexad stats-

metrl of ike prsjaent conditioa of tb* Ohio and Mktsia-

tippi Ra.::osd" It it well knows that this road ha* bees in op*ira>

tioa for rsverai sioaths past, as far as foyinour, .

obtanee of eighty eight milts frosa Cincinnati, an4that the trams new ran into tbe city a* tar as Wood sc

Westward of Seytaoar, the dkttSaBc* to Vitaeamea is«.et hand red and five miles, and on thia part at thatroad the work is steevlUy adwaiieing. In tdk* Etat(Jeatrai Diviakos, aa it ¦ teraaad, wast of mjmoQt,there are forty fivs aad a tvaif miles, wnkb> am ¦jrao*

tbe hear ;e»trsilts beyondS*l«m road, at¦sues from barymonr to Browmstswn * so (as cota~

pletod that an additiosaJ expsraditxar* of lass thask110.000 will prepare the road for the iros, which,betrw eofspkied, will open nearl j ess* hsavsawwd mils*of the rtaad from CrnrajBBti, ajBt, a ksrfS ixacreaBBoA?bosmesj sruT be derived, Uah La traight a«4 raaa>

seogera, without much Banalarto-ai iTpssaa, aa th*asant* trains would ras tv.s berasssd dirtanr*» with tawtaasa* c*ikdactors. stw'^asjrs, ate. The balance of thaidjTiaios. thirtT-txrajf kmLVm, raquiros an UawMairotw ofabout 9*Tl,000 to nropar* it for th* Iros, and bbbsA.rtly ly* th*B to bo laaikil, as m%mm twfa


ty Ova asa a bau bxixbs, wnsn» «aairac*

work on th* road, and eiterJlng lastsd the crossing of the N^w okatsany andat Mitt-bell- Tbe first A»mat\ aod a half