Managing Motivation & Procrastination While doing everything from the comfort of home.

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Managing Motivation & Procrastination

While doing everything from the comfort of home.



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Not just during times of change and transition does

procrastination seem to be constantly lurking around the corner.

 “  I  have  to  write  this  paper,  but  my  bed  is  so  comfy!”  

“I’m  not  procrastinating,  I’m  just  too  depressed  to  focus,  mom!”  “I  need  to  do  chores  around  the  house  –  but  it’s  so  much  easier  to  just  keep  

letting  Netflix  run  through  the  next  season  of  Scandal!”  “  I  just  don’t  care.”  



One  of  many  things  that  might  run  through  your  mind  when  you  think  about  what  you  HAVE  to  do  –  which  is  usually  very  different  than  what  

you  WANT  to  do.    

You  might  even  be  thinking  –  at  the  same  time  –  “but  if  I  want  to  feel  better,  or  learn  how  to  “adult”  I  need  to  learn  how  to  make  myself  do  these  things.    

 This  is  where  you  may  experience  some  SHAME  or  GUILT  that  you  are  either:  

1. Falling  behind  in  life  2. Not  keeping  up  with  people  your  age  

3. Are  too  sick  or  depressed  to  do  anything  4. May  have  to  rely  on  someone  the  rest  of  your  life  

5. Can’t  do  “simple”  things  on  your  own.    

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Living with mental illness, a learning difficulty,

attention or executive functions issues means you

have to work a bit harder to find what works for

you – how to adapt the “usual way” of doing

things to something that fits your lifestyle, mood

patterns and focus strategies.      


A  little  bit  of  work  now,  for  long-­‐term  success!    


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Before  we  get  to  the  HOW-­‐TO’s,  it’s  important  for  you  to  figure  out  what  you’re  working  with…  


START  with  what  is  most  URGENT  à  time  sensitive/deadlines,  tasks  where  others  are  counting  on  you,  tasks  in  which  the  consequences  for  

not  doing  this  will  affect  your  short  and  long-­‐term  goals.    

v Job  Responsibilities  –  Showing  up  on  time,  responding  to  urgent  e-­‐mails,  scheduling,  etc.  

v Academic  Work  –  Assignments  with  due  dates,  group  project  work,  small  steps  of  long-­‐term  papers.  

v Home  Life  –  Paying  bills,  taking  your  dog  out,  feeding  pets.      

Then,  go  on  to  IMPORTANT  à  Maintaining  healthy  mind  &  body  by  creating  a  healthy  space  and  engaging  in  healthy  habits.      

v Job  Responsibilities  –  Showing  up  dressed  and  presentable,  learning  protocols  and  content.  

v Academic  Work  –  Assignments  that  are  more  than  1-­‐week  out  OR  have  1-­‐weekend  before  they  are  due.  

v Home  Life  –  Chores  (grocery  shopping,  cleaning,  picking  up  around  house)  exercise,  self-­‐care  activities    

 Lastly,  the  most  enjoyable  ones,  the  TIME-­‐WASTERS  AND  MOOD-­‐BASED  ACTIVITIES  àthese  are  the  ones  that  often  promote  a  sense  of  self-­‐soothing  but  when  over-­‐indulged  contribute  to  avoidance  and  


v Job  Responsibilities  –  Scrolling  through  social  media  at  work,  calling  in  sick  unnecessarily,  avoiding  URGENT  and  IMPORTANT  tasks  at  work.  

v Academic  Work  –  Asking  for  extensions  unnecessarily,  perfectionism-­‐based  behaviors,  skipping  classes  to  avoid  professor  because  don’t  have  homework  assignments  or  skipped  class  last  week.  

v Home  Life  –  Starting  to  watch  a  show  for  self-­‐soothe  and  end  up  binging  seasons  without  getting  URGENT  and  IMPORTANT  items  done,  scrolling  on  social  media  as  a  form  of  avoidance,  


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“But color-coding my clothes IS productive!”

Introducing….Productive Procrastination You may have a big paper, project or urgent deadline but can’t seem to find the

mental space to sit and do it. So, you decide to re-organize your pantry by expiration date AND color, clean-out your e-mail inbox or post clothing on


1. Recognize that you are procrastinating.

2. ASK yourself WHY you’re avoiding or procrastinating

v Do you not know where to start with it?

o Break-it Down § Start by writing down what the finished product looks

like § Either from beginning-to-end or end to beginning, write

out each step required for the task to look like that finished product.

§ Do step 1. § Re-evaluate.

o Ask for help § From family, friends or peers § YouTube offers many how-to’s and tips

v Are you having a hard time motivating to get it done?

o WIIFM mindset for change à see following page. o Create a reward system for yourself o Ask a friend or family member to sit with you while you do

the task. They can work on their own tasks.


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“WIIFM?”    When  you  can’t  peel  yourself  away  from  Netflix  or  your  bed  to  do  1  task  for  

15-­‐20  minutes,  ask  yourself:    

What’s  in  it  for  me?  Maybe  it  gets  you  closer  to  your  goals.  Maybe  it  relieves  some  guilt  or  anxiety  knowing  that  you  are  at  least  working  on  something  goal-­‐oriented.  Or  maybe  

it  provides  some  PURPOSE  in  your  day.    

             Steps  to  follow  when  not  motivated:    

1. Identify  the  task  2. Ask  yourself,  can  it  be  broken  down?    

     (Even  if  you  haven’t  committed  to  doing  it  yet.)  3. If  so,  how?  à    write  each  little  chunk  out.    

4. On  your  list  of  “chunked-­‐out”  steps,  cover  all  of  the  steps  up  except  the  first  one.  

5. Ask  YOURSELF  –  What’s  in  it  for  Me  to  do  this  NOW?  6. Write  out  all  of  your  responses  

7. Having  done  this  exercise  and  oriented  yourself  to  your  plan,  what  will  you  choose  to  do?    

Example:  WIIFM  if  I  do  NOW  

 WIIFM  if  I  do  LATER  

 I  will  finish  the  whole  thing  sooner  and  then  do  what  I  want  without  this  hanging  over  me    

   I  might  feel  _____that  I  haven’t  done  it  yet  which  could  lead  to  worsening  anxiety  

It  could  jumpstart  me  to  gain  momentum  on  the  whole  task  à  finish  sooner,  back  to  my  nap  sooner!  

 I  get  to  nap  first  and  then  HAVE  to  make  sure  I  do  the  whole  task  or  follow  these  steps  –  more  pressure  to  get  it  done.  

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Remember that Opposite Action (engaging in an activity that is the

opposite of your current emotion) has the ability to shift your emotion and mood

and contribute to momentum and motivation!



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Finding  ways  to  make  “adulting”  work  for  you  IS  possible.  Get  Creative  and  Stay  flexible!  



-­‐ Change  Over  Constant  –    

For  additional  information  or  extra  support  during  this  time,  reach  us  at  

[email protected]  Our  experienced  coach  is  available  for  virtual  consultations  to  help  find  ways  to  get  motivated  

and  identify  strategies  to  get  things  done!