TYPE November 01, 2014 @newhopefulton Worship at New Hope Community at Worship 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. | Kingdom Kids Worship (Oct. 25) 10:30 a.m. | Middle School Worship (Nov. 8) 10:30 a.m. Community Life 2 Festival of Hope 2014 3 Family Resources 4 connect. serve. grow. W RSHIP Welcome Pastor Ann Roda Worship Through Praise Pastor Jason Decena Message Pastor Mike Speegle Community Life Debra Gantman (First Service) Ed Garcia (Second Service) Closing Thought Pastor Mike Speegle Today's Message We think generosity is about having enough so we can give more. What if that’s not even close? Today we kick off a new series on living generally generously.

New Hope Bulletin 11.01.14

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New Hope Adventist Church. Fulton, Md.

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Page 1: New Hope Bulletin 11.01.14


November 01, 2014


Worship at New Hope Community at Worship 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. | Kingdom Kids Worship (Oct. 25) 10:30 a.m. | Middle School Worship (Nov. 8) 10:30 a.m.

Community Life 2

Festival of Hope 2014 3

Family Resources 4

connect. serve. grow.




Welcome Pastor Ann Roda

Worship Through Praise Pastor Jason Decena

Message Pastor Mike Speegle

Community Life Debra Gantman (First Service)

Ed Garcia (Second Service)

Closing Thought Pastor Mike Speegle

Today's MessageWe think generosity is about having enough so we can give more. What if that’s not even close? Today we kick off a new series on living generally generously.  

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Today: A Night of Prayer & Adoration Don't miss an evening of praise and worship, testimonies and prayer here at New Hope starting at 5 p.m.!

Prayer and Adoration Night is an opportunity to approach God’s throne through amazing worship and be inspired by His love through music and more.

CHURCH LIFE Welcome, guests! We’re glad to have you here today. You can find out more about New Hope in Seven Minutes or Less, a brief information session after today’s worship service by coming to the first two rows in the front left of the worship center. Our parents' room is on the second floor for you to hear and watch the service with your little one.

Watch the worship service rebroadcast Sundays (11 a.m.), Wednesdays and Fridays (7 p.m.) at lookingforachurch.org.

S.O.S. International is collecting NEW black dress shoes and socks, as well as Crocs-like sandals (all kid and youth sizes), to take to students during the Panama mission trip next month. A collection bin will be in the lobby this week. If you would like to make a financial contribution, write “Panama Thanksgiving” on your tithe envelope or select the "Panama Thanksgiving 2014” field if giving online. For more info about this opportunity, send an email [email protected].

Are you interested in serving on the church executive committee? If you'd like to be considered, email your name to [email protected].

Be a part of Operation Christmas Child, a ministry that involves filling a shoebox with gifts for children. Find out more at the information table in the hallway.

FAMILY MINISTRIES www.newhopelovesfamilies.com

The Kingdom Kids lesson is from Genesis 12:1-8, “Abram Follows God's Direction.” Children will learn that God is their guide.

The next family and child dedication is Dec. 6. Schedule yours by contacting Prithy at 301-854-1866. 

Want to be a better parent? Come to the Parenting Open Forum, Nov. 1, 8 and 15, 9:30 a.m. in Room 201. The forum is a safe place to ask questions about parenting. Facilitated by child and parenting experts Edwina and Bill Neely. More info at the Ask-Me Desk.

community life Welcome to New Hope! We're here to help you grow in your spiritual journey. This page highlights some exciting ways for you and your family to make meaningful connections and grow your relationship with God. 

If there is anything we can do to support you on your journey, let us know.

Church Office Hours Mon-Thu 9a-5p, Fri 10a-2p

Phone/Text Message 410-541-6394

Email [email protected]

november november november

5 Ignite your prayer life and deepen your relationship with God, 7:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Our theme: Do you know God’s will for your life?

15 Help serve a meal at Grassroots in Columbia, Md., 4:45-6:30 p.m. For more info, contact Lysa Shepard at 410-446-4728.

22 Young Adults Thanksgiving Potluck. Plan to join us for a meal in Room 206. For details, email [email protected] or visit www.facebook.com/newhopeyoungadults. 

11 Join the New Hope team staffing the prayer bank for the Hope Channel TV program Let’s Pray, 7:15 p.m. at the Adventist World Headquarters. To be part of the team, register at the Ask-Me Desk.

15 Do you enjoy meeting people? Do you want to serve in a ministry focused on guest relations and hospitality? Come to a special lunch meeting to find out how you can get involved! 12:30 p.m. For details, pick up an info card at the Ask-Me Desk.

26 Thanksgiving dinner to residents of Morningside Park Apartments in Jessup, Md. at 3 p.m. If you are willing to help with food preparation, setup, serving dinner, cleanup or making/donating dessert, contact Angie Bernard at 301-254-0300 by Nov. 22. All are welcome!

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Our annual Festival of Hope presents us with the opportunity to connect with our community and give to our neighbors during Thanksgiving.

Every year, we work with several area agencies to provide the necessary ingredients for a hearty Thanksgiving meal for a number of families in Howard and neighboring counties:

Grassroots, an emergency 24-hour walk-in crisis/resource center.

HopeWorks (formerly the Domestic Violence Center of Howard County), a local nonprofit that supports individuals who’ve experienced intimate partner violence.

Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services, a nonprofit helping homeless and low-income individuals and families in the Laurel area.

Sarah’s House, an emergency and transitional housing program for homeless families in Anne Arundel County.

Our Pathfinders (co-ed scouting group) will join in this big effort next weekend, distributing empty grocery bags and a letter asking for donations in the surrounding community, then returning to pick up any filled bags, which we add to our contributions.

Bring a bag (or bags!) of food. You can drop them off at New Hope the

week of Nov. 17 or bring your bags to church Nov. 22. Please be sure to check the expiration date on any

donated food items before bringing them in.

Donate a turkey (Nov. 22 ONLY). We’re aiming for a whopping 140 this year. Consider adding your name to the sign-up sheet in the lobby and helping us meet our goal!

Help decorate the church. If you’ve got a creative flair, lend your skills to dress up the worship center before the big day.

Plan to stick around after second service Nov. 22. Once we’ve got all the goods, we need folks to help us sort and bag them to get them to the agencies and the families they serve. The more bodies we have, the more robust and fast our assembly line from the church to the vehicles will be.

Festival of Hope could not happen without the generous contributions of the congregation and surrounding community. So…take a look at that shopping list. Grab a bag — or two — and fill it up, or pick up a turkey, and help area families experience the kind of Thanksgiving feast many of us enjoy at this time of year.

Interested in volunteering? Questions about Festival of Hope? Email Grace Brown at [email protected].


New Hope’s holiday season of giving has officially begun. Festival of Hope 2014



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The toddler’s rules of possession go something like this:

• If I like it, it’s mine.• If it’s in my hand, it’s mine.• If I can take it from you, it’s mine.• If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine.• If it’s mine, it must NEVER appear to

be yours in any way.• If I’m doing or building something, all

the pieces are mine.• If it looks just like mine, it’s mine.• If I saw it first, it’s mine.• If you are playing with something and

you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.

• If it’s broken, it’s yours. But if you are having fun playing with the broken pieces, it’s mine again.

• If there is ANY doubt, it’s mine.

When Abram and his family returned to Canaan after their sojourn in Egypt, he and Lot were wealthy. It became apparent that a single area of land couldn’t support both families’ flocks and herds. One of them had to move. Abram and Lot were to choose which land they would claim.

In their day, culture and etiquette dictated that Lot allow Abram to take whatever he deemed rightfully his because Abram was the more powerful and wealthy, as well as the respected elder. So Abram’s offer to let Lot choose first probably shocked his nephew. Abram, to keep peace within his family, was willing to give up what was rightfully his. Lot, thinking only of himself, chose the unthinkable for his time: the area that was bigger and better.*

Lot got the land. But God’s plan for Abram was much greater than the land he could

see. God promised Abram descendants who would become a great nation, greatness of name and blessings. God promised to be Abram’s shield and very great reward. God put him in the Bible Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11).

We have a natural tendency to seek what’s best for ourselves. We want the biggest and best things, the most success. And we want it immediately. We want it all. Just like a toddler, “It’s mine!”

Jesus had it all and gave all, “making himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness” (Philippians 2:7). Why? Because we are worth it to God. The irony here is that Jesus showed us our worth even when we were least worthy. In Philippians 2:5, we are asked to have the same attitude that Jesus Christ had — a readiness to give it all for others.

With the same attitude that Christ had, the toddler’s rules should change into something like this: If I like it, it’s yours….If it’s in my hand, I’ll give it to you….If it’s mine, it’s yours….

Just think how different our world would be if that was our attitude.

*Paragraph adapted from Group Fall 2014 curriculum. Toddler’s rules by unknown author.

The Back Page follows the Bible lessons that children and youth are studying and serves to help kids and adults continue the spiritual discussion at home and establish patterns of a devotional life.

Thought for the Week God’s Daily WordUse the following passages to explore additional biblical insights on putting others first.




WEDNESDAY 1 PET. 4:10-11; ACTS 20:35


10:44-45; MATT. 20:28


Ann RodaPastor for Families

[email protected]

Weekly Challenge Examine your thoughts and motives. How much of your thoughts, words and actions flow from the attitude of putting others first; of being the last rather than the first; of genuinely serving others out of love?

For the Family As a family, discuss what it means to put others first. Make a list of ways in which each person can put someone else first. Encourage each other to live up to those challenges.

Find us: 12350 Hall Shop Road, Fulton, MD 20759 Call us/ send a text message: 410-541-NEWH (6394)

Email us: [email protected] Visit us online: www.lookingforachurch.org




Tithe 73,189.12 737,592.93

Church Budget38,851.25

32,182.3 303,879.52 349,661.25

Mortgage$13,623 5,741.07 74,693.36 122,607.00

September Giving Report

Online giving available at lookingforachurch.org


Don’t forget! Daylight savings time ends tonight. Clocks will “fall back” one hour.