National Planning Conference 2015 Delegate mailer

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Message From The Organizing Committee


Yeay….. We are excited as you should be. AIESEC in ETHIOPIA Nationalplanning conference is happening on June 30 - July 4. This is the time weshare the last moments of Gen 2014/15 success and failures and the start ofan amazing Gen 2015/16 to achieve more and create more leaders. GEN20115/2016 Is a special because this generation is the one who will finalizethe 2015 Goals and ambitious and kick off the 2020 Goals and ambitious.We are excited and ready to give you an amazing experience through thisconference your first journey as Gen 2015/16 , Your start up point as Gen2015/ 16 your collaboration space as Gen 2015/16 and the importance andessential part for your Goals and vision.the last but not the least planning never been an option it's a must and thistime we are kicking it off to the next level. whoop whoop !!


CoP Delegates Logistics Finance ER

AIESEC is a French acronym that means

“Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales”.

We envision “peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential” and we believe we are our own powerful tools

and channels in achieving this. We share in Margo Strom’s saying that, "young people who are not allowed to be

part of the solution will always be part of the problem."

AIESEC has 66 years of experience in developing high-potential youth

into globally minded responsible leaders.

What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experiences that

it offers for its members.

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization. Active in over 2400 universities across more than 125

countries and territories, with over 100,000 active members.

Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for

them to have a positive impact in society.

Every year AIESEC in Ethiopia is organize two (2) national conferences throughout the year towards building leadership skills and empowering the

young leaders with cross cutting skills, The two conference we are organizing this year are Fired up of conference on March 2015 which is already held In

university of Mekele and National planning conference on June 2015.

NPC is a five (5) days conference that brings together AIESEC in Ethiopia members, leaders and trainees from local committees in Ethiopia to explore

and discuss the global, national and local focus plans. The facilitators are distinguished AIESEC members from Africa and the growth network that are

passionate in seeing their fellow AIESECers in Ethiopia and Africa. Companies Participate towards capacity building and the program launches towards

the youth,

July 2nd – 6th


• All Delegates should arrive to the venue on July 2nd.

• Any alcohol and drugs are prohibited.• Any delegates who do not act sustainably

will be kicked out from the venue. • All delegates expected to come with their

own blanket.• All delegates must attend all the sessions.

Delegate Fee : 500 ETB



Special EventsGala Dinner and Award Night:Award nightThe Gala Dinner is a joyous andimportant event that brings

together all members, alumni's. Incelebration of our achievementsover the years .this night of celebration of ourcommitment to youth leadershipand driving positive impact in theSociety.It’s a night for reward andrecognition. those who work hardand achieve better will berewarded. In this night everybodyexpected to wear normal closes.Like dinner close for ladies andgentleman suit for men.

Special AwardsVery Interesting and enjoyableAward program given to SpecialPeople in AIESEC in Ethiopia, thatwill appreciate their specialtalents and gifts.

Amazing RaceA challenging and inspirationalcomputations. The delegates willbe part of a serious of challengesthat will give them hard time tofinalize and win it. Delegates noneed special cloths for this event.

The GamePlays, funs, sportic programs :Delegates should and prepareSport cloths for this event.

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