I t

Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

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Page 1: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation



Page 2: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

1 of 18East (front) elevation

ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ^flowing, ihe. c&rdxaJi ponch. (1^12) wLth. ±he. bnadietA of. ±h& onJigJLnaJL ponc/i. £ac/i wincLou) ^^4 pedLmeruted tjnack&tA ALippoxting- a f£cd. window hood. u)i±h. a fjiLe.z& paneJi betivejen each. Tlie. poJLggjotwJL bay window Lt> Aeen at youx.

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 3: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 4: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

2 of 18South and east elevation fromNo. Third Street

Another view of. the. east elevation. TfiL& view AhotDA the. eJtabonate. save. bxffcke±A and mane, of. the. window bnach&Lb*

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 5: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation


Page 6: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

3 of 18South elevation

The. Aaidh. &&e.vatLon thawing. £he. bay. window of. ihe. JLibnaxjj.. The. etase. one. mane. vLtable. in JJtJLf> view. The. panzJi above &OC/L window Jit, v

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 7: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 8: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

4 of 18West (rear) elevation

The. to&&t eJtexatLon, looking, dawn, at the. venandah. and. the. A&warvtt> bednoom. at the. neon, of. the. hou^e.. The. baHding- at tlie. max. UXJL& added. 04 paxt of. the. ganage. ajwund.

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 9: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 10: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

5 of 18North elevation

ThLf, iA the. noxth. eJjzvation. drawing, mom. toindowA and save. bnacketA. The. ^hip-tap Aiding. iA vLubJL& and. the. ptie^e. pan&t in. the. eavsA»

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 11: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 12: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

6 of 18Entry stairhall

way. with. onJLgJinaJL chandtieJi,waJinAcoi and chain naJUL,

doon. molding., poxc/i bnack&kt> ihnu. &tanAam taindoa). AJLta the. beginning. of. ihe.

Andrew Wenchel Photo 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 13: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 14: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

7 of 18Staircase view showing vasiform newelpost with turnings

S&udgkt Abzin. cautne. fium entxy. way. ±o 2nd £tooJi» NeweJUL po&t, wajjtt>co£t and doon. moldings am

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 15: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 16: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

8 of 18Detail of major newel post

ThLs> Lt> a visa) of the. bvJULtusjje. on the. hexagonal, newest po&L and. the. 5" heant of. pine. fAooning. in the.

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 17: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 18: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

9 of 18View of ground story stairhallshowing stair railing with turnedbalusters

Second fJLoon. cenixaJL haJUboay. with. continuin, io ihind

The. vertical, beaded. uxujuco£t and chain. staLting. continues ihwa. the. second jLtoon. haJLtuxiy al^o* The. continues up and anound the. open jtdabweJLL of- ihe. 3xd fjLoon. w/iic/i oniqin aJLLy. OXLI> intended to be. a. bcJJbtoom,

Andrew Wenchel Photo 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 19: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation


Page 20: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

10 of 18Detail of staircase showing wainscot

Anathex. view of. the. Atajjuoatf. piam. the. 2nd. fJLoon. ta the. 3^d. fJLooti. The. vexticaJL axtin&cott. with, chain. naJUL ejvLd at. ihe. 3nd fjLoon. doorway., finoihex. anaJUL Acate. nzweJUL po#L LA at th& end, of- the. (xtnnL&tex. . The. 2nd. fitoon. ceJULLng. faa& moJtdJing. a& in pictwte. $2, The. 3nd. JLtoort ceiMsig. Lt> finished t&Lth. the. wood molding. aL&o.

Andrew Wenchel Photo 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 21: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 22: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

11 Of 18Detail of ceiling paneling ofentry stairhall

View pum en&uy. haJU. looking. up A&usvo&tJL ±a 2nd fitaon. and. AtabwoeJUL uppex. cenXeJi, &L&o maided ceLtingA that one. throughout the. home.

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 23: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation




Page 24: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

12 of 18View of "livingroom showing pine flooring and baseboards with ogee molding cap

12. The. heaxt of. pine, footling., 5w" in ihe. Jib/ing, noam.. AUo note. the.

doon. knob and. hey. fw-te.»

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 25: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 26: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

13 of 18Detail of livingroom ceilingpaneling with coved cornice

view of. i!i& caved ceiJULng. and. meda^tion, The. bxack&ted c&LLLng. divide*. 0104 JLefit when. the. pawLLtLon. be&veen the. fartmat and UXL& nemaved.,

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 27: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 28: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

14 of 18Detail of livingroom ceilingpaneling with coved cornice

noon covea wooajzn maicung. on. ceJULing. taUJi cincu&vi maided mediaUJLon* ThLb ceJULinq. Lt> found in. boih. JJi& fonnuzt and infanmat panJtotiA (noua one. Living, noomj ihe. Jiibnaxy and ih& ma&t&n. bednoom.

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 29: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 30: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

15 of 18View of triangular-arched passage between living and dining rooms dating from the remodeling of 1912

View foam living. Koom into dining, noom. Anotuing. the. pedimented anchojag. tuvth. bui£t-in china cabinet and djwwettA» In. the. dining, noom, the. plate naJUL w&6

in. ihe. 1^12 n&nodeJi.

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 31: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation


Page 32: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

16 of 18Library fireplace, cast iron withmarbelized enamel finish

The. lihnan^A original fineptece. UXL& necentJLg. uncavexed. It. Lb ca/ft <utan wUk a tiao tane. enameled finuh* it. i& dank aneen in &ec±ion& and black on the. ne*t. The. gold pcuuvt *J> done. fan. a. manbeZLged a#ac£. SmaU £toa>esu> wexe. ajLt>o painted on. The. mantel. Lt> in many. piece/>»

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 33: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation
Page 34: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

17 of 18View of second story stairhall showingbeaded tongue and groove wainscot

The. 2nd fjLooft cervtnal haJLtway. wJJJi the. vexticat beaded. axuLn&co£L mJLth. chaJbi

. AjUa the. 2 oven. 2 vejvticaJL paneJL and the. doon. moldings,

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402

Page 35: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation



7- > .<•

Page 36: Nasburg-Lockhart House ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation ...Nasburg-Lockhart House 687 N. Third Street Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon 1 of 18 East (front) elevation ThLt> iA ihe. ea&t elevation

Nasburg-Lockhart House687 N. Third StreetCoos Bay, Coos County, Oregon

18 of 18Linen closet door, showing original wood-graining treatment. Knothole is illusory

The. in&uLe. of- ike. linen cJLoAei. doon. off. the. baihnaom. wJjJt the. only nemaining. laoodgjicunlng. Jtefi. <Lrvtac£» The. kiwi. hoJte. Lt> wood gxalned on.

Andrew Wenchel Photo, 1984 871 Cheshire St. Eugene, OR 97402