-n•lt, · 2013. 11. 7. · tha Chamber hae been lncrBAeed ln illportance and 1lie o.nd plo.ced under the ehalraan•hip ot Jame• Madden, J'irat Vice Preeldent of the Metropol

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  • PNet&at ~ta D, -n•lt, tu 'lllHe -· llOlhta&"t-. D.O.

    - llr, hool4•0•

    la oao•'•tt wUll tu-·--· of ... - Mii wnn• • .,_ -''• • .,_ -ote17, .. ....,, •wta ........ l - ...sa ....,_tac ,_ - , .... _,_ rof .... o4 '° ta "11 _, .. _ ,. ,_ - ..... - .. u - "11 141\\0I' ,. ,_ l m'lft to th• prou- •• - ...sa -- l ~"'11 11ou .... a fortllrltl>t f..U. ot - ~awl1 )T \ho ..._dotratl• to tat-.i, 1&"'"1""' la tho flat'llff of \ho ,.._. ...... la'Dor __ , of - ·-"" _, \be ,. ... u. eitfootl•• 1_, tur..r -.., Jldl -._. b •• 91 llopo ~ ....,. toll ... • - l1 •• tol.4 ,_ .r _. -•.,.•att• .r

    ,..'""'-'• "'• l fall af\or ta11clac wUll 11111 - .n.. t.Clr•, -4amoo4 fla11r \llo 1-41..., - J>lll'llOM 'lloll114 SI -otO tO 11111, &4 thr ..... 1>1a to 7"° 11\11 tllo hN. o•tr..,., tlle la\orutlcaal .... -'r""' a4 8ID7 otlloro et.nae ,_ la tllo f-, - 441 ,_ t llllllt l'lall, aJ, n.o. of \ltjl &to W.-o, &4 \llo otban - _, 4- tu Uao for ,_ - 441 to - \ho .t.ortol .. t-• ot Joi. 1-t• -4 ldo •-l-.opt.ro4 "-°""" roforn4 to ta tu late 01'1 o41tl• of tllo J,T, ti.- )T 1-lo ft- e. tho fl'•t -~~ '?

    l ha're alao W two oca•lbrol>lA ta1lal •Ull loa4or Lallta co -· d tclalllac - po.lsliac -···- ,. - - - ...... - .. \!lat .,.., llU.. - llo Ila,. - ....,.,., - ot tllo -'"""'° 'llotoro •lier wro olpo4. tW \liq uaa~ - m7thtac a'llooat tllo 1ol'4 -'"""' atll after n - ---4 tW, •-"" - ~ofter tlMl1' •-o4 r.. Ootm, --• Dtroator of tllo 1'1alto4 .... lorbre, tMl tho latoruU&al ... ae.tl'aat W 11- -'"' \o laal.t.o prnl•l-oalli-c for •trlot -r•M to ,_ lal>er 4lrootln - tllo1 -o• eot a •-ot tllo ••'""" for \119 V.Uo4 .... 110t'bro, 'lllot, la Ilea,...•• -· - 1lo tllo fma\la tll law ropr•••taUa • tll• Dot•ao -lni• it u loa•t to ~ - .,_ la....,. Uroou-• lallo _,. '• • tllat llo tllllllta tl>9 U• llaa - tor '1to01 a4 ma to o- • - o ,. •r oplaot -- ta •llo.,. a4 ,.., • \1>9ao -111-. lt 11 oortolalT ao •- to oiv n• """'°" lloliz -•r oqw prooiooq \Ila - thtac lolPJl '"°' 4u'tac tllo 1""' _,.,

    b t1lo 010 ••OllH•o - -" la A&la\So 01\J' (Clb.hoo •tsl) • hllto'• 11111 oaaht to ha're - t.,.SUo ,,... ___ •\lie rm oatroot lllll a111o4 _ _,._ lloforo tW 4"*• 11 1lo i • to 'o \ 119 ~oll w all - 119 - 4o -_, Ida to 4o for - _,..,. .. ,_ ••' Ida pUUoq '• - tor \llooo ~ --· ,_ ... .,..,



    PIRSOllL DD com ILL

    Pre11.mit 1'rulc. I oent h1a a t;n>ewritten 00117 ot tlle nllppiac lut -1c and lw "'ponded 'litll a oall. I told h1a tllat Tea CUllon, Cballw.J> nr the -..ratio Count;)' c-itte• ot Ora:ae• Count;)', Jin Iorlt, had &inn • tll• nllpp1oe and Md u.4e 1Dqu1.J'1.tJa ot • ooD08rll1.ac 1 t. Ia the o.ou:r•• ot our comeraaUon be • eked - wb•tbe:r aJV"OU comaoted with the ~n11traUoa wu ia perU.(N].Q' cha.rs• ot 'th• •ittlatioA iA the 26th Diot.riot nr Jin York.

    I ra.i•ed. tbe .... qU11•Uoa with )h-. l'oreat&l who Mid that be did not lcnow ot _.. ... aoti .. ill wch capacit)' and tlloucbt that 1 t would be ..U.. to baT• --..one 11nn thO 1"81ponai'bi-llt)'.

    In od41t1011 to trociunt 1nq"1r1H troa T,. CUJJ.on, I ban receiTed Hpeated inquir1•• ~ Jt. Cau.aey who baa been. i utr-ntal 1A orc&Dl•hc a nonpe.rt.11&n ~t.We 1a the Diotriot. 'lhl.o c-ittoo 1o ol..reulaU.. nriouo •teri&l.1 at Pl'""°'· In u ettort to a1otriain &et.lier - d1!1nite pl&lll had been tolWllAted on th11 •ttcr or 1111•!.lwr - an llkll.1' to be tonulated ooo-. I telkod 'litll Don 111•11 thio note to 1"" 1o ti>• "INl.t ot tllat talk with o.n no ouau ted tllat ,_ wouJ.cl -1nq be illtcruted ill -inc ti.. nllppiJ>c h..-ita.

    ~ ol.nou"o~,

  • Reapec~tu.lly torw~rJttd t.u ~he Pr•oldent:

    ~.i... :i .

  • ,

    " ·

    # F {/f"/J ~· ~. ~l ~HIU HOUH


    October 8, 1942.

    KEllORA.~1JU1£ !'OR


    1 do 'W'


    Th.• Bonor•'l>l• 1ranlc11a !>. Rootn•lt !b• "hltt Hou.1

    Tttter4.t.T u 1ot1u.t• bu.sine•• fri•Dd of alee told. M ot • lone oonTtt'••tU>a he b.,.d the pr ectd.lq W vi.th Ltro7 Lincola, prttld.•nt of th• M•tropolltan Lltt ha\U'.ao• C.O~. In a44.1tlOG to mine b1-c~UAI' l&Ap&c• a'bov.t 7ou, acoord.ia,g to IQ' tri•ad, Mr. Litt:0ln d1tcloa9d. pWt M and. mott of \U le.n.r&ae• indutry u4 Tarloue ••oitatt of o\b•r ia4uat.17 u. ... cu;l•t•d. r~oe !Dll new..,., •• ea.11414.at• tor 0offMIOr of •ev To-rk ud. u wb••qu.tot can4.14-t• tor ih• PTta1d.•U7· 'l!Mtt J>4a• iawl.-e the • .ar .ttort b tlMtd.J.

    Xr. 111.ooolD told..,. trlud. U.t th•7 b-4 di•CUt lOD• Yi.th !os n.v.,. an4 had. acr-.4 to ahanAon all ot her pro•oti•• preti• d.tnti.Al candid.ate• , 1.cclwll.c,g Senator !aft ka.4 Oo••raor John Irick•r or Oh!.o. ~ friend. led. Kr. LlDCOl1l OU\ b7 • ll1ll!C t o bia, in effect, 1 Arta 1 \ 7ou t.akl.nc u •vtul rltk Yith th!. t t•llov D9Y•7f After all, he aade bit r e,uta\1on •• a r•tone:r d.1t\r1c\ •tt.oni.e7 and ,.ou d.oft1 t. want to d.tpnd. tq'IOD a refoTac-, do 7ov.T1 to which Kr. Liacol.n rtp11e-d., acoord.1QC to rfl friend, 1 0b, 4.on 1 t wrr7 about that. Yt'"e taken OArt of tM.t. lle 1 t no reformer. Vt •re i&titfied. About that. Why, At a tv1.tter of faot , we haYt got oYttTtb.1n« •ll tet 1nclu41a« th• nut i nturan.ce oo•1••1oner of New Tork alrea47, and. e.• tor lAbor , we ha•e .-.n \1.D41l'ttaiuli.t1,g v1th Mm that he ' ll craok d.owo on l•bor to bea\ hell vb•o he get• 1D and v e 1Yt r.-.ll7 '°' Roo• e,..lt on th• rw:i ~QV, I

    >b" fT1etldl •&14 t~r• v iu, qu.lt• an .xt•n•l•• OOD't1r1•tion •boQt tM• l•'l>or thlQC, a eoo4 d.q1 of 1\ cent•l'1DC oa 'Ch• 1'1\ion of [C.l'Q:'MC• J.ctn\• vb.1cb the CIO Of'tlce ati4 l"ro!tt•lcaal Yorb:-t bAY• t..r1M \0 bu.114 tzpc.

  • - 2 -

    i(y ·fr lend •aid that Mr. Li ncoln teemed to know all about th• wor~r.,ga of the l obby againet the ptLri t;v bill conducted by J:d !abcock and all about Irle Johneton'a »articl~3tion therein. Re deacribed to my friend hov the Chtunber ot Co:meree hat been r&0r4a.ni zed under Eric Johneton and the inaur$.DC8 d!vleion ot tha Chamber hae b een lncrBAeed ln illportance and 1 lie o.nd plo.ced under the ehalraan• hip ot Jame• Madden, J'irat Vice Preeldent of the Metropol l t p Life Ineu.r.e.nce Co:npany. A.ccordinc to m:r friend tho.t dlvialon collect• between $1')0,000 and s200.ooo a year t oz the ineur&Dce lnduatr1 , aott ot vhich froo nav on out. ey friend gathered from Mr . Lincoln, will be ueed to turthe.r the e..ttort• of Mr. Lincoln {\lld hie a 1toc1ate1.

    At the eame tir:le riy f rie nd. tr8,llemitted to ee in confidence ~ cop7 of 3 l etter elgned by Joe Pev of t.~e Sun 011 Compa.n,y along vlth certain acco=:p(IJlJ"ing m.nter il!ll. pbotoata tlc cop i es of which I have ~tt.c\cho4 to thit letter. Joe, ~ccord1n& t o rtf1' friend, 1• linked up to thi a generAl Lincoln picture.

    '!'he Hitl er tpeech, 1.m;plyin& f~irly expl ici tly that the Nazi• will hold what t b9¥ ha•e got a.nd let the ..Uliee do vht\t they ctui about it, tee=t to 1tr1ke a responeive note in tbe Lincoln oind and be the opening gun of the gre.At drive to call t h.6 'll'a.r ott a.11d do butineaa one w-i th (Ulothar.

    t paaa thie in.tonna.tlon on to you because it co~e& to ce from a eource vhich I have foW1d over tho latt ten ye!U'a to be Al.moat infallible both in tubata.nce and in tnt,erpretation. Tho tource htta the highest r egard f or your objectives, thoU&h f eeling that 7ou bavo never throughout your A4a1111ttrat1on been tough enoU&)l with the monopoly, fina.noe and buaineaa i nter eate typified by Lincoln, Pev, a nd the view• t hey reprot ent. !lh,i e aource 1h&r e1 the feftl'a ot 1ome ot the rerpont ibl e labor l~•d•r• that the operAt iona •hoWD you during your trip may in a nw:sber of inatancee have be61l drett r ehear•ala conceAling the actual condition• i n t bi e or t~t pl 6J1t and the aetuel t tAte of mlDd ot the corpora tion head• retpont1bl e for thl • or that plant.

    t trutt you are a.e vell fl• we all want you to be and u well u & number of ~ newa])«lpar tr1endt telP.phoned ae l••t night 70u

  • - 3 -

    1eemed to be durin& 7our pre11 conference.

    ~ eincerel y, ~

    Gardner :;/?k Spe al~t~t to nder Secretaey

    P.S. My immereion in the parity tight has brought to me i nformation and opinions from key figures on the Hill and elsewhere whi ch eeem to me eo important that you ought to know a t leaa t eome of them. Consequently, I am endeavoring to try to get a small slice of your valuable time t o recount to you what I think the meaning ie and what I think it calls for from this point on.

  • I I



    groupo. Theo< lndudo: ----.1

    ...... ....._ .. w_,._ ... ..., th , .. ....._.....,_ ,, ......................... ~ ...... -......... .. ~:.:-.:-..:!,. A-:.::.~:: =~,.r = ................... ,... .......... ~., .. --y .. - .................... -------... _ ... _,,.,_,,....._ '" .,_.,.. __ .. ..--.... ........... ..

    .... .... 2 7 ··- · ,,,

    ~--· _ _....,.....,. .. __ .............. ,. ............. _,._.,_.,..,....... ........ ___ """ __ .. .. ..... ..._ _ ,......w.. .. , 2 , • • , ........... .. ......,.,a..-__ ,_ ........ ~.-. ..,,_ _.., ........ -.

    . \ . ........ , ..... ,. A•llCILTUIAi. •IOIPI




    ""-' 19, 194!

    :i- t IM - I not. ID'si.o. \Mt 1"11 lead l'OW' """°rt to tl>o r .. u.w Illdutrtal In..torMtlO:l ComittM. Mr. IMMt.t. cu,,ie, A.1•1Hat. to PrMld• t o r t be t.1rlMD Rolltog !AU., tol4 • l>o a.loo 11'Wlld~ to brtog tl>o • t- - l• to _. •t-tloa, l>ot • i..tbor i.. llu h&4 tl>o oppo..-tt7 to ao thh or oot I 11o,. 1"11 rill P" oouU-1ntton to Sf request t o:r llben.l tt.na.aoi &l. u 1tatuot.

    War -...n• 1 .. nt&blr mpbaob • NA>rel. oontroi.., bu114tog ~• a_u .. ""4 -. ... t1o -"· I t rill nqul .. 1-lllpot w>leret&Ddl.DI oo ti.. JU\ ot tl>o p;tbl to to ocmbet th1• \nod &tt•r the .._ 11 onr. ftll ~tt.H' • wort l• Tit.al.17 t.Jortut t.o tl:a.1 1 en4 .o Uat wt.n lloetilit.1• ._.,. oe&M, • .,...unto JUllio rill belp ua rwtum w u.. uttoa o• or U. •Wll\1.al tn1 S: a tor &lM. w an ti-"'tog &ad Pl•>o trM- ot Wtl•Uft . 'llleM -\en an of t1nt .ODMl"D \0 100 QS. '/f10Z bu.1.o.M .

    l do DO\ blo• ~ r..1.Uar JUl'I. mn riUI U. CCla:l"-'• ... lrttl11 la .a JU\1 loot • alu .. Ulrol&P Ula ... loM4 11>14or rill pw 1"11 •pod 1- ot tM -ot OU' wort at U. ...t. Toa rill &Cl'M1 J • Rft Ure\ \MN antn.i.tu. '1110h an onl7 • tn of ti.. YOH &ad ~1ft p&1>11o tato- tlOll ,..._, pn ..U.rlt7 &Dd 41noUOD to ""C t'• l.e&do'*i• l» ti.. attain or ti.. ,..t!OD. *T I o44 t~ 1111bl1• natlOllO -· an oo-t17 """1,\'11.llC ti.. N.I.I.o . pro-. not t&lt111& ll>r FUWO - JU\ ot It,~ ukiog tor-. Mok or rt1rt tMtiiare, tbt ft lfPOD.M olrta.1N4, ud it• ftlDe to 'bUt D111-.m ot \lie """"t"T· I ... -etlr-., ... \llotr nJ>Ort• ll&ft ooon-4 • *t ti.. p:rocra 11 better tMn •ftr We ,_,. , u4 11 do1Dc mz1, 1..mtal job oa be!alJ..t of tlit ""\01"PrtM OJda• ...-LM.u i-.r1 ~ t.M OODU7 nrap••• U. .... N l\7 ot ~ trM ~ .... a tm.1-t&l JU\ ot tll& -•1ou - ot llto. I llolino 1"111111oro thll -rinloo. nor.11>n , It h lllJ olnoon ~ tlitt ,_rill -to p&rtl o1plto with tlit - ot lul..Do&& &ad ~ -· 'lllo - t&lia tlit l»ltlaU.,. l» or....,..tog u uderet&Dd!JIC ot &ad N.,..n tor "'° - l TH at f.adU\'7 &Dd -· t. A -Hr1P'IOD ha JUV - -U 11&1• --tbo --• ot _, 1D 111J op1Dtoa lo ti.. - ol'tH\l ft ,..._ ot pohlio rol&UOD• ot IU l::IDd ...r °"-'K• llownlJ.T tl>o - 1"11 .-Hrtllo 1• ll>r """' )ld-t, but .... It ,..._ ooDdlUODI ,.,.it """' Mlldlnc ODl7 . ~ -. thh -rt DD.,_ ,..n will 111111 .. u _. ,.....,.,, .,,.....i. ot ti.. uUT· !UH ...... ~ b7 OW'_,_,

  • '

    • t

  • National Industrial Information Committee NJNS Y&AU cw 8UILDINO •Arni Df •wer•• • .,,..

    1ro111oa•o ., T•• llATIOllAI. AllOCIATIOll 0, llAllO#ACTO•• ..

    ' To J. HowAAD hw, CUW-"A'l'IOtlAL ~ .....,...,..., GWWW-.OOTl"lUla

    H WDT 49nl nu&T, JISW - II. Y.

    WEACIU&dla&dio ....... af ............. FW t' .a• ' ....... ...... ,. ............ ; ' "

    I ti ........... I , "

    .............. baaloafp I n'- afdio..... .., ... ,.._

    ampedllw ....... .,_, wl.,, ... - _._ ..,. I

    To I.be od>' I •I of lllAl parpaoe .. ,...... _..,,... • .... l'lllllic .......... .._ .. ,.w o1 ...., Nodoul r w • • .._ cc-•-,.,__ natn .. ~ .. t•criflliolo ,_..._ _______________ _

    D C/ud •llMltff. D ,.,__ _,,, •iu -------------'"' 11.UmOWOOlllPAJn'------------------- ---QT1' ______ .,_ __________ ... ~ .... , ____

    ___ ~

    ...... ""'"'------------ - - --'*'"··---- --- -

    The Cftnml- o6r'l lbe folJowlng ablnNted Kh* !e ol avu+ mblcriptioal IO wilt JOU lo detcnaiAi .. )'Ollr Mlpporl ol dUo p+w:

    COMPANIU HAVINC A CAPITALIZATION °'' 1100.000. ... .. .. .... .... .. .......... ........ ---...... .. ...... .. ·-· .. .. ... .. .... "' ...... . .. .. • .. . • .. • 71 • .--.............. -- .............. 100 • .--...... . .... ... .

    -.-.............. .. ,.--·············· ----.. ..................... -.. ---('nlo _ _.,. .... ..UI be._... .-Inly ..... ,..__,_ ...... ,.._ wtn --

    to ....,.... llw ....., hm' n11eie oaJYlllot of llw 1'1.A..W.)

    gl- Pd11d11f pu6llc ...... dMl1Nft ,,,., .. ...._ • dw 1111 • ...

  • . . ...,, '

    CV " "' r' --. ~I• f ..... ri • I • . .


  • /



    8 Septeaber 1943


    rou will reaomber tho caee of Congreaeman Jackaon, ot llaabington, whoa tba Preeidant wi•bed inducted aa an anlbtod aan. Jaclceon requeeted that be not be in-ducted until earl y Sapte•ber.

    Thie ia to let you know tMt Jaok-oon ia now in the Army and that he left Port Lnia, 'llubiJl&ton, on September 6, to i;eport at Fort McClellan, Ala'ba911.

    ~· Mccarthy



  • ·,


    Phone.d Col . 'JcCo r thy -

    Gongr. Henry M. J tLckeon of We.shinp,ton c~ime i n to see tht! Pr aai dant ubout. u r 111tir taent f rom the House . He is b very t..bi~ ;."'O~lg fello~1 und the Prcsideiit does .1ot +Yi.Ult him t o r etire t r om tho House . But J uckson is hllXiou9 to get. soo1:1 service in the Amy.

    The Pt'enide.nt w .... s v.·o.nder ing if , ti..ft.erCongrcas convened, he cou.l.u go in u .. 'Ui get some 8\!QQer trai ninp- until next Septeober and thon d1.1cide \'th& t. coul\.l be done .

    Tb• President m>nted you ..., !u.ncU.• t his matt er o.nd r epor t. t.o me the r eaults . In the meanwhil e \"till you cont.bet Congr. Jhckson u.nd let him or his secretary know Hhen you Chn see bim. H.tt "Yill come to :rour office c..nd you Cbn find out •:1bL.t ho wnnts ancl wm..t C1&.n be done . The Pre1:>ioent seems t o be sympath@tictlly int'1r'?st.ed t n his etose .

    .. ' •


  • ...... co "' ..... .... .. ....... "' It--. ~ Vi en = . I

    ·~ gl ...., ·- "' .... "" ...... ~a: r:, :1-c:x: Q -' I c.:> 0 ., f ..!.J C> .... II! :-=I Q "'




    June 24, 1943

    llDORAHDUll l"OR GEli!RAL W.lTSOlll

    I ban bad a •eating with Congre11t1•p Jackaon of !a1hington, who w11hea if poasible to enter the .&..rw;y aa an enlisted •n, undergo baaio trafning, be aaaigned to a oo•bet unit onraaaa, He action, and rat.urn to CongreH ill F•brua1"7 •

    The President'• •UOrandull of June 17, 19.42, to the Secre-tary of War and the Seoretary of the 11&-.y directed ~t all Hmbera of the House and Senate who were than on active duty be placed on inaotiTe 1tatu11, and that ruture requests fro• Hmbera be conaidered onl;y' on the basil of active duty for the duration of the nr. I have heard inforal.ly that this •norandUll waa iasued at the request of the Speaker of the Houaa,

    I reooDend against girtng Congreaaman Jackson active duty for the following reaaona1

    l . Between 15 and 20 H•bera of the House and Senate have been turned down by the Secretary of War for aerrtoe in an,y capacity, oommiaaioned or enliated. hong theae are the following Duoorata1 Brook• of Loui8iana, Rioh&rda of South Carolina, Niohola of Okl&ho• (on three oooa8iona), Si;arkan of .llaballa, Stamen of .llabama, Beokworth of Texaa, Cbandler of Kantuok7, and Sorugbam of Nevada, The Secretary of the llal'Y baa t urned down MJ11 more.

    2 , lluaeroua •11bera of both Houaea a till hold Reaerve oom:m11111ion11 'but are not perllitt ed active duty, even during reoeaa period•.

    J, The general praotice of having Congress men on dut7 for 11.m.ted perioda of tiH baa proved unaatiafaotcry beoauae, upon returning to Congresa , they have ahown a tendency to speak without restraint on the noor, often Jliauaing oluaified infor-.. tion and employing their obaervationa to embarrass the War Depart.ant and the Administration. While this would not occur, I u sure, in the oaae of Congrea~ Jackson, it probably would in others.

    I feel certain that you and I oould explain the situation to Oongreaean Jackson to hi• aatiafaotion, and I reoo111D11nd that , unleaa the Pre1ident deairea otherwiae, we arrange to have a talk with him for thi• purpoae,

  • ..

    . / JO HNSON • WO OD

    ATlolA" .IOHM •ON

    \llOTO " • · • 'f• ON ....... ....... ~ .. , ... ,., ••w •O•• • 'OCI\ U C"'•"'• 1.

    ................. 10 . ... ~~·

    ~o . ,.OAD eTllllSl:T NCW YO,.K

    OHAl..W1•• '#000 ··-··--··-... -·. H, OUNOAN WOOO ........ ... _ .. ....., .,,_ .. 1111•0'1' .. . ., .o ... o.1-.

    Ha•ea•T O. • T·•AO" • OWA• O e . •

  • (5f -j,.,. --~, r~~- "- .. ) i AAM••A HAl.L

    I not.ct ~ th• M1!'1peptr )'OQ are c"'11ina up the coa•t in Herrr fwtod'• tchooner which, b7 U-.t Wl1t 1• • .,.,.,. 0011t-to1"t..bl1 00.t. I have bean on htr aeveral t.1 .. 1. I bo~ you •X'ft h& •ina • good rt• t. troa the dittere.nt otrtt 8nd • orrio8 t.Mt. oonl'r'oot Tou u Pret1dtnt.

    bowing the 1t.M in o t .U 7C\I bave to do 8lld barlns J\llt. Ud a b:tock-down blow 97ael.t', I wcnde-r tr, •• an old f'r1 end, t _, P•• 7ou. a little word ot n.rnl.cc. Alt.hovcb I a.a not 1c pollUoal 1rta.t.r1, I u prettJ" acti•e and a.lw&T• ap Mrl.7 doing one t.h1..ac or aaoUiier - tiiMt.ber comuttl.cc to Nn York trcm 1-Up, t.ak1Ac oan or ft::I bueln••• a.tt&ira or Marian' 1 and th9 rest ot rtf taailJ'. la ot.ber word• I ha•• not been eoou1toaed t.o ci•inc .:t••lt • reet.

    The aiddle or ~ I 90ved the teail.T up hert e.nd et·c.er 1et.tin.1 t'f'1rythina 1otnc, went be.ck t.o New Tork, oo.inc ~P only . .. t~a. .ll1 this 1oti•it.7 rel\tlted in t:l1 eOC\l.m'Ul.at.ion ot t..lncl.D9•• •• I did not 1'MllJ relax. rooliebl,r I d.ld not Co to a doctor ead r•t. ~. A.I a H•ult., laet MolldaJ 1 Md a nice Ut.Ue lMie.rt ttt.act oall.S

  • - 2 -

    coromr,. thro•boel1. ni_ey tell me I will be 11 w.il •• eyer tft.erwarde it I take thit.lg1 Mlilt. .At. Pl"Oltmt I u t'lat oa 'llQ' btot •nd •W h&Tt to r._ln 1n bed a good elc.bt ..Ua.

    I p •hd..inc tbis 1-etter, tir1l to P.Y• 1'W a UtUe per!icmal adYlce u t bope T

  • - s -

    it ooyool t .

    Eleanor, Wi th beot regards to 1ou and

    Iouro n~ver,


  • •• s,;,··

    ~. r Franklin,

    I can't atop l\Tllar'• 'lll'iting you, el though I know you are too busy to T'IAd letters.• However, hie recent experience hea 118d• him e:rudous about you in the superhwoan Job you ue shouldering.

    Forgive this very into,.,..l little note. .bid these strenuous day• , when such coloeslll denande ere being ll&de on you both, I wont you lllld Eleanor to know that SOM or your friends sppr

    We hope you have got IOlllft reat recently end P'"87 for your etrength i n the days to come.

    These nre extraordiMT'Y timea end I understand eoee big world event is pro-phesied tor September 16th!

    Please do not bother to anner t thH• notes, but let us know it •• cen ever

  • be or holp in any ""Y·

    With "'If love to you both, a.....J

    ~~ '7.D~ ~ Your effectionate couein,



  • ,.,, ...

    ._, 0 nt- for ._, d• ..-. e6

    ,_. llft &atne.U., ... 491tpthl , • .-J.-

    be lf 91!9 -....i OU O ,..., 911o11140 .i''-

    flfte. ,.ue0 nd1J' nrtb oU. ., ... tlM

    ,_ ... I wl1l ..n.tal)' w4 ... I 11'1

    ., --· to ,_ ... ..n.a .

    ..,_ ' t •• • waq •• IO.,_...._._ lw Toft. I. Y.


    • l. ~ , .



    V I C,.ON • • • TNOH

    AMe"Oe • 0. H IMlllY

    H l fll• l lllT C. •TlltA CI(

    I OW,U tO • • •'f fllON

    .. ._.. ... _.. WIW TO•"' •tOC• . ... c ........ .. ._...._ ... .. c- '°°'"-" - ....c>o-•·

    30 •ROAD aTAlc-T N IW YOlllK

    February 25, 1Q36 ,

    Preoidont Fran.kl.in D. lloooovolt, Tho l'lhi to Ilouoo, Waah1Jlston, D. O.

    Dear !Jr. Prooident:

    OHAutt"• WOOD


    .......... ..... - .... ... -uc ........ . .

    Some yeare ago , i t you re.member, you purchased tb.rOUgh '111:1 advice acme Montacol Oil Co. atook. .l :row doya a go I wrote to IJX' , Baker who ie connected With that Campany , end a•kod him ir tho etock • a• atill worth anything, t or, it you rem.amber, that they made several teat holes but did not at rike oil, ,and unfortunately ran out ot money , He kept ,,Jriting me J however, thet ho otill waa aboolutelY oonridont that oil would be round on their property at a dooper doptb. I got t he follow-ing letter tree him yootorday. It will speak tor i teelr.

    "The Montacol Co. is still very much aliTo end we are hopo:rul t hat within tho next couple or yeare there will be autt1c1ent demand t or ~dditionel oil reserves to warrant the drilling or a deop teat woll on tho Baxter Basin !ol d. Tho lea.aee are in good atandin.g. Several gas wells b.aTe been drilled under the deal we made with tho Wyoming Caliroroia Petrol ou:n Corp. However, we can not oxyeot any income t'rom theee wells until the ooet has been refunded f'rom gas ael ee . The gas eeles are limited and therefore we can not hope tor en;y appreci able returns to the ~:Ooteool Co. unleee oil is discovered .

    Finding oil in Ce.litornio is boconl.ng oxtrocelY difficult, and i t appears likely that Cslitorn1e re!inoriee will r ind it oecooeery to draw on other states r or ths1r orude eupply withi n the next coupl e or years . .la aoon a• thia condition cameo ebout, there will bo o Tory lll&l'kod increase in wild-cattil18 in tho nocky Llountain area , a• thia district and the Weot Texao fields are tho lllOOt likely source or aupply tor California refineries . It looks to me ea thouS):l tha possibilities ere a• pr omiei ng ao at t be time we made our i nveetment back in 1920 - 1923."

    I t hOuEht t he above would intereet you, end I etill real that with a little more pationoo he ie right, ond that eventually we will strike oil in this section , t or I bove been out thoro end seen it literelly eoep1ng out or the earth within sixty mile• to the oorth.


  • -z-

    I not s by tho popera that you wont up to C.,.br14go tor the ?l.y dinner . I o:i aorry to aay that t!Ua year I waa unable to eo thero tor our club 41lluor .

    t~p1J18 this tinda you eo woll ea ever ond that ell tho counto1Doua probl e1il8 wh ich you havo dolly aro not too mch ror you , I am

    ¥our • •• U vi ~-



  • .,

    My doe.r Mr. Pros i dent ,

    II ......:"' ' ' 3d April ' 37 J

    I :reoo1ved your letter ot April lat wbicb """ marked oont identlal and .ii ich I can aa sure you haa been oonaidored aboolutoly confidential by me. I hue done a greet deal ot tbinlcl.ng about the 011tt1r to which you reter anct, the NI tore, have not aont an answer un.t U to-d97.

    In the tirst place, aa ter aa your not hniDa attended a mBeilng since 1928 1.a concerned, I do not think that tbet ia •err il:!portant owing to the tect that you hue be"" Con:r:nor and eince then Proaident. Althou;tb I admire your honest teoll.ng in the matter, the nere tact ot having your neine on the Boud or "rrustooa whether you are able to attend the meetings or not, ia a great help in 1n•oi r1ng peoole with inter-eet in the Church, whioh ha.o been aedly leoking.

    No to the second reason why you think you should roeign, I have always bed a reeling thet •••ry bishop and proeohar ohould retro lo from mentioning palltloa or ax-pro1e1.ng peraone.l ott1n1on& in rondet"1ng e aonoon from the pulpit. I feel the ouloit la a place rl"Or.I which tho Coe pol alone should be pntochod.

    But I cen absol utely a.aaure you that since the day I ban been act l.ng aa aocnttory - and I rarely a!sa

  • • 2 •

    • ••t 1ng - t h•Y• m••r be.ard a thout,b1. ot •ri7 ll:lnd trpr..••4 in eltti.r tbe &1:1t1roc. wb.tn •• auesble or et the ,..etinp the:u:elTM. ~~or the lbal"d, to tht etftCL tbat 9CIM-Oftt t.lee 11Qu.14 bo DZ"e.!trnd lD 70Ur place.

    1'b4N S.. p:olzl& i..o ~ • Ttl'J' l•r~ •ad lfq>reNt•t g.atb.erl~ e\ tH Cathffral wh::i t.ho7 f1Aall7 4to14t to OptiA tbt .:. ..... A.otuall1 I caru:iot t.tll 10U •W tht.e wlll iate pl.ect al.tho~ tllen1 a a posalbUtt7 or U• ooou.rr-. 1n.g thl• eprl.ng and, ot coun.e. I teel tbat 10'.JZ Pf'Ntnce would •dd to it• oauae .

    Fo'r' •lno•t two tbouaand years . l tad.trt or tbt tl .. t h••• been mteunderetood by the rell.glout eutbori· t.101 or thttr day. &J.t eurel7 the ll'lrger l11ue lt tho fact that S.n thte day or mucb dengeroua dl•ialon , end ln order to n.arthtr the totrttuel and morel mrrekenlng JOU ba•• JOUl"ltlt 1tr1•aed the need ror, the Cbrlt~ten Oburob, .o re than ,.,.,. betort , and reg.a.n'l-1.eet or part.y, prejUdlC-1, or per1orw.l reell~•. need• to ?~•ent a unltH tron\. J oanno'\ b-1.p but tetl cb•t. aa.1 eto;i euch u tht•, would be publtoLr detrkWJocal, r1nt '° t.he cathedral aad lt• oom .. pl•tlon, Wt •bo'rt •ll to the 1odefl.TOUl' at c:brl.tt iu CO• opeN'tton, in wblolli you JOCH•lt ha•• gl.,.n us eo tlAI a 1••4·

    Tooa ha•• ••bd. tor a tborout)l:l7 ciont ldP:t t&l repl1 to J"OU1' litter and I .,. s1•1n& lt 1.0 t.h• Me\ of


  • ..

    "'H''MM1 ' t!r

    April l, 11137.

    llJ 4-r .V•r1-

    llaar Sbanke tor t:he ol~lng. Tak• ... ,.. ot ,.ov .. u and ..... • 0011pl.ew ree\ 1n ller-4&. I 4o hope \o aH 1'- boUI _ ,. ..... , book.

    lliaT 1 ••It ,..,. oonf14an\lallT al>ou\ • MUOI' wb1ob .... "- Oft ., ll1n4 for -'1• r I ba•• been & tr.eh• of U.. Ca\ha4r&l for ab09\ • qar\er or a o•ntla7 -1n tao\ , I \hlalt wt leag\b of Hl'Y1oa ba• boon Hoee4•4 ~ onlT one or \we oebere on \be IOel'4. A• ,..,. ltrloor, I Ila•• no\ boon \o a •IUJIS alnoe 11128, botoro I won\ \o AlbeJl1. hooa U\e poln\ ot •1" of H•hl-neH, \berotore, I ha•• no r!Ch\ \o oon\1n11e "' .. ,.. ..

    'l'bore h, bowo'l'ar, anoU..r rauon wh1ob atreng\bona U.. \bo111!1l\ \ha\ I ehCNl.4 rulp. n h llal'41T r!Ch\ t or • \o ,....ln •• a Tl'lla\ee wban I feel ao 11\\l• .,...,._, •Ull MJ1J of «ih• ••rd• an4 aoUone or UM lhb6p, f'l'anltlJ, - or a. ... WOl'4• an4 aouone are, floe• ., po1n\ of •1 .. , .,.. obrle\1aft,

    lll"1W - oont14enUallJ ,_ ~' on \Ile •"•"· I .. 1nol1n0d \o

  • U.l.alt u.a• - -ro or - -rd -4. p•Tbap• oorreo'1.r, pret•• toeeon• • l M ln ., plaoe.

    ~ -John.on, l1q •• 30 8roa4 ttreet:, •w York 01~ , 1 .. r or11.

    A• ner 1ow1,

  • .. \

    ' .,

    .......... ,, ....... . v••••• .., • ...-. 01t

    ..._ ... _ ........... ., Ml•••ll f O, • 'IM OJI ••••ot• . . ... . .


    ' . ,

    , ..

    .JO HN 80 N & W OOD ..................... .._., ,,._., ... ··-·-- - - · ao • 1tOAo D • T lllCC"T H & W'YOll"'-

    •"'~"'••• w 60o ---- .. ··--~·· ot DUllOA .11 W0-00 ... _ ... -- ..,._ - -·· 1>1110 '1' 4.0 T tltON, ,, 11, ··-····- .. --··

    ......... 11 , l tlf .


    • ... ~ u.-...... 1, , rr .. 1 .. n , ~ .. ... . -.-. ••••


    L> ...

    , /'

    1 1 \b ~ ner}'t.bln& iba t l • Soi.114: oa fi••• h.7• 1 I taou.P' i t at.Pt -.. f OQ \o ... u e rti • l • wittu ...,. .. 11 t • "'• •Ui e:r ot • TUJ lu• ......,_ ,.,_, ft l a .tide•• n i t '- ~1 -..1u l'ola:uoa,Tr. tllo ~-• tor • lnc ti. tor tla• •·I . A. ... .,. • • wat ·~ t o e i to tol' ......... , ..

    Ma.rtu •• I a• i.ntac ror- a..r.ta •"-' .Apr'U lf u4 r ....Ulq: \ bar• a t tl e :bcnt\ \M a1Ml• ot ,,._, -\ ,..._ '\hv9 " u a ,.s.a, " o,.. •J' U o laou. e t lf.-port tor the -... 1t JH 6 "1.t o-. ep t lt.a\ _, '\o ... t ko \oat


    " ; n .. o, to biep b u• ~· a np Of' \ee rtUI U e Quo •.l&oo 18 \M aotoa4 .._ ... , 01 tlst ria,ht .. 70ll oc.e le t.b.o bar~. I t 1• a l up ol• taa.-10.at b0\180 rltb .. !&au a ail a sr••• toppel" root. You n u p:ro'M\17 ... Mari a .-tpho:rUC t o 1•• u 9li e

    ' ' 4oe• it "'U'J w U .

    ,.,, 1. A '


    ....... '- r '

    ._ ' ' •

    // •

    /1. "' ....

    t~ \ ·r





    I <

    I. ,,_


  • . .


  • \,

    1°HE. ~l~~~~ F~~~AM S~.$~

    MIW YORK ( OWAllllO C:: t WIClll 'I', • •U!•t• f

    ~ ·~•UtT ' •c::O\l'lt..t..I . . ...... ac• ... (~ ~~ ..1 ......

    "I , ) :ff

    Ji. ST •tq h•r• b.u DMrl:T tn•illato4 \ u I aa l•Yillg nm 1fe4DN4a)' wllioh will haT• b .. n tlirM -u, I tboupt I woul.4 write )'OU a liD• to t•ll )'OU 90-thillg about thl• plao• u4 tho goo4 that it ha• 4on• •• fllr I lcDow Wbat illtoron 10u haT• tun 1D it - in t.n, u I un4H•tu4 it, it ._. tllrough )'OUl' ottort• wtlllo goTor11or that the 9Pri!IP hara nro ma4e poHiblo.

    I r .. 1 on• hun4ro4 poro•nt b•ttor thu 11b•D I arrin4, I wu moh too onl'-night, nighing 188, u4 I • now l.80, although I inton4 to talc• ott at lMat tin m>ro poun49 attar l •YillC hero by oontillui.ng the 41ot that I haT• bHD on,

    Th• bath bouH i• u.gnitioont in ft'•r>' ~. u4 run bMutitul.17, I 4o not put tu tu1l or•41t to tho wton aloH , although I tool that tu7 haft a great 4oal to 4o with th• ouro, You are ~-4 t o .t_q i n th• bathe t•n alnut .. , with th• .. tor bubbling all th• tilM, u4 it llt•rallJ' tur11• )'Our •kin ro4 whioh •bon tho ro-aoUon that m111t b• taking plaoo. ·

    • The 41et h a ftr)' •ue, HUiblo 0 11.0 with muoh Yariot7, outting out -t•, hHYJ' •auoN, otaroh, •upr, thiok 90up• u4 4-•Hrh, but )'OU nonr fMl hW1411'1 fl"om th• way the7 haTo worked. it out. You alao talc• Ju.t 90 mioh light ox•roiH in tho morning u4 atteJ'llOOn,

    I han Dr. Comotooll:, wbo h a nry •u•, Hll•ible man, a• nil u being a 4olighttu1 poroon, wbo •&J'• h• hu ha4 th• plouuro of mHtlng 70u.

    Thi• bot., The Oi4oon Putua, h npeuin, but b•utltul.l:T rwi. AU the RooHTolt Batu aro tho m>n oxpOD.Oi n; but, aa 10u know, th.• lfHhlngton Batu u4 th• Linooln Batu aro lH• n:pOllOiT•, u4 then aro 9111 ouap rooaing bou.H u4 botal• in t on n•r• tu pooplo with loH -• ou oom• u4 ODJOJ' the -tora.


  • IAll•fOD• CV•A? IY & _ , ... ... o .. u ............ .

    l.l"'Ol • . , ,.,., •11•s111v ·11tOIO

    ""IYATC Of'f'ICC

    < OW•JIO C. a WCCNY . •• u

  • . ' ' .

  • . . O;u·r,;.~ Joo~ &ft ,. -• tt• ~CKTRl:I: ftOAO .. ......,. ..

  • '

  • ~at 1i.JJtd. 1" t-. ~ f4.. ~ ~ , .Mn.,,t ?Iv.. I/ f!: • p; J= V'


    March 6 , 194~


    'I'll!: PRESID;;JIT

    Abo~t three weeks •go, Ju1ilce f'rank Murpb,J' told ae, at the Maytlover Hotel, that eeveral Tiara •Co he ca::1e'1nio your ottlc1 tollOY-lng a conference you had had wlth ae •nd that you told him thet you had Just told. ae that on Che tollow-ing Monday you were so1ng to ~ppolnt a e Secretary ot War. Ju1tlce Murphy continued th~t trying to be helpful end finding Drew Pear,o n at hla ottlot when he returned there . he g~ve Drow Peoreon th1 e otory.

    Murder will !.lwaye out , 10 et ~ong laat l know hov thl• 1tory go t out tor I have cheoke4 wi th Drew Pe1r1on , having Juet1ce ~urph,y 1 1 nt1tea1nt, end Peareon contlrma thle ortgl n ot the etorr .

    I want to r eattl..ra what I once 1114 to the Pree14. ent and th•t 11 th8t I dld not releaee ch1• 1n-fQraatlon and untll Ju•tlce Murpl\)''1 •te t t aent, 41d not knov t~O• vhenoe 1 t o.aae.




    J• • ., 24, 19'6.

    R"cw•1•11111 JOa m nsam•t: ~c!oft John!OD 0' 7 c!owa to ... -

    19ne1'4a7 '° wn ae that the 4a7 betoN U. hd.eral Judge 1n the J>1atrlot of ••tln, t'eua, had dle4. .. hrther '911• M there le one thing AlTln _lftnz bae &1W1• wanted and that 1• to be a l'edenl. Jttdp.

    L1Y\don ea1d he bad done ·11uoh a wonder-tlll Job with ~t 0onTent1on •eee in t'e:i:ae that he reallJ telt Alrtn 1firt1 wae de .. n1ag of Ulla spot. .,_ne:r he feel• tllat leMtor OouallJ will '8Te a oan414ate or •••Nl whom bl will reoo ... 84 and OD Jd.a ll•t 97 Ol" ~not be 'Che _.. of Al.Tin •tns.

    14'ft4oa '911• • that all rom- trtencte ,la hue a:re fol" Ill'. Ytrtz, aaoh •• Jt ; &11,..4, eto. and will go on reoo:rd reoo•e84-lag IWI. I lla•• a feellng that Bob •negan will be tor lt aa, of oourae, be was of .... , btlp io OU" oaaee 1n fesaa.

    . !Illa l• tor rour lntOl"llatlon 1n ••e •a•1th1ng ahoald set bJ txoa lea. Oonnal.17 pn1e1ng tor ao•one el••· I Juat wanffd roa '° be na1n4e4 abo11t .Alfln Vlfta u4 ,.,,. '11at bl. 11 mloua for ! thlt appoln'-9nt.


  • TH& WHn& H O U ..

    --••eTOM ._. a, lMl

    --- ---------Of '9W.., ---. 1 .. _*-_..., ....

    to .Uu ~·'>' ..U ioot I • -..... -11 .. ., ... ,.., -· •• l .... ll1H "' •f - - -.. -·· ..... ., .. ---- -1• - •t Oll1' ... Ule•r Mt -••'17 Tlol••• uu t+r•••e ... uoe ....... 11-. a..,..uc ___ _ ._.. ot .._., er alrtr D•1 .. u. --- - a.. .. - -•dlll ~-

  • i .. : c: s 0 0 " ~ .. ~ ~ i s i

    ,_ .. x ~

    / --Sonorabl• P'ranklin D. ROO••••lt, Tb• 1fb1t• Bou•• •uhlncton, o. c. Dear llr. Pre11d.eot 1

    .J- I ... Jt •ft. At.- ~ .. , --1 ., ... ,,

    ...... YOkl Februar7 20., lHl..

    Just a note to t•ll you that I tllink that

    your London •elections a.re areat. •1n.a.nt •hould have wide

    popular1t:r and do • splendid Job. •• all lr:now that Averill


    I often tl11nk of th• awful problu :rou baYe

    on peraonnel, and please do not think that I don ' t under-

    atand some of 10\l.1' er••• probl ... tn .. k1nc th••• 1election1.

    With all the de.and tor capable •n on th!• •14•, 1t akes it aU the harder to find the on.a 7ou want tor foreign

    ' P'roa all s::f bu11ne1a and other COl\neCtion.s I

    find a feolinc througb the Country that induatry 1a beginn-

    ing to do • first-class Job, althou1h th•r• ar• 1till a tew who are a1k.1ng theuelTel "What 11 going to happen a!'ter

    tba war?• I told th• ther won• t ha•• to worr:r 11' Hitler wine.

    It anything ariaH at a117 tiM wbere I can be

    ot aQJO bdp, Juat haYe so .. one 11n .. a r1nc.

  • / __ Ill'• llarnn llclDt:n't, Tb• Wb1 te Bou••, l'asbingtoo, D.O.

    Dear ll&ci

    l't• YOU Ftbruar7 20, 1941.

    1'111 7ou plea•• band. this to th• Pr111dent ror ....


  • ---- - -~


  • ' ---

  • . ' . ,

    ~(VO ~rtl~.

    ~~~~ •

  • :

    • •

    lr--v .. / j·· --=~~ y

    December 2 , 1941 .

    !Jll!O RANDUJ.1 JmR


    v;111 you answer him and

    say I was very grateful to him

    for bis letter end thfl t H le

    a ooincid enc'? t h.a t t •.o de ye

    t>.>fore I had teken up the

    procedw-e he suggested snd may

    a till use it?

    F . D. R •


  • I/ ,_ .. . ])w~ ... ii

    $""~ ~. 9' .~ · CY~ t;:.._ r,

    *--· ..:t f ; ¥: )

    ~ ~ ~f~ ..._ ,.-"4 ~,_, L • .. 'f'Y._

    ~ -;;; , ... . . .( ""- /- ... .. µ ~~ .....:... -d....

    . P~'F-. c:J ;G. • . /' . .. - -., ;t:" r::.._ e.... ' --< ~

    ..;; ""? O-, 9i... . p ,,,...__.:.4-1'-, ,. .. 0 ,( ~ ....,. --' ~ ~

    ;t: ,-· ,,( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rt... ~......_}· •• .,

    ~ Q_ ,L - ~. - ~ X' ~ . ,...... ... :r •· v 0 cr-r-- ~p . • ,/, 'f ~ ' •

    f._'",( .._ j.-.. « "" ~ ~~- • r :...:; r ... ~ C..... -1'¥~ ~ , .

    .:it... ~ ~· ,., , ~ ~ r- ;,_,,t .....::. CQ,.;' . • -L a..__, ..,. t:l... ~ -..I( :t:L ,... -r.. , . '4.. ~

    :c. ;.;r , ~~~ ....::t' ~~ ~ . ~ ~ P..... ~~ v--,,~ , / , "" , ' ' • '( -;' ~ ;t:: a::... ....._ p • • c ~ ,... • 0 -<

    ~ ~ ~..4.- .. ...,.. n --L ·....._ • ~ /.I-CA- ~ A «: di ,. • r-- ( .,,....,_,

    ~ -_..:t- 6.-_ o. ~ ~G. , . ;r-, ;:...._ -r-(._

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    • • • ~ ---~ £.. ?;:._,,.... er··.. ~ .~

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    ~ ~ t;;:f-

  • Memo to President From Jessie Jones--telephoned from Houston

    In re-Joe Kennedy wanting R.P.c. to lend money to '!'he American lines .

    SEE--Maritime Commission f o lder- Drawer 2 --1937

    ' ;

  • -


    1"4 " · 19J6

    117 oear W111 J osopbt

    J our lett.er or .11>4 ~·ea1.1-r1rn b ...

    been reoe1Yed end I llha.ll llivo tho chook )'01l .a-

    cl oaed to the PreaWont u "°"" u ho re wrna to

    iltlo I UlliAO J OHpil 1 ~ l est SI.th lt.ree ~, l e• fort, I . r.

    Y•r1 el ncerel.¥ your• ,

    S1'EPll En EAJIL'Y Aoaht1'1lt S.crour;r

    to U.o Preddeat


  • ~--

    l'f"Mi \bo \be D•wel" book, C:. OUI DJ, M• Nim OGt eo i.c.c, lotm. Da7 etlll .._ t.o ..U oooa•1ceal oopi•• ot LOCSDG 1'0DllD, m I ha'" Jut. bad a l'O)'ll.'7' et.a'-t.t uxl oheU tor t ft,'6, ...s &1AIO tu.oo r- lilclud tor a briat .nr.ct. U.t. .. of tht J*PtJ'• •Nd o...-~. tJ» ocmbir.at1.cm mkJ.nc' a total ot ..,.11, ooaiaaim ca wh1.ob la te.n, lM'rS.AI teT.09, o! • b.ioh t.l.t •• 7CU know al-.,,1 eo-• t.o ...,.l• Looker OD LOOmo FORtrAIU>, tor h.1• .on on tbe ••na.eo.ript., and .o encloMd 1• oheok tor tbt r.-.inil'IC fta.1111.

    I th.1Ak that Ml•• cm UU. rill 10 cm tor • long U.., juat -U. uomlt., but U.,. do l4d up, doa't thlJ'f

    87 U.. _,., • f'r1..S ot am., no t..1 Jut ntanMd t'"9 q av~ \.rip tn.. oout.-to-.ooa•t., nd 'lllM) t.ock ao ah Id~•, •11 OOllD'b't ro.41, 9bo'• .. ,..,._ ... hlaMlt and u.r.fore MA tait·to tan.r1, o-.. back 9DJ'e ocm-•1.Doirld \ha'- ... , tbat the Pnaid.ent •Ul ~ ,.._i.oted i.,."" ... ,.balloinc ....iont,. la"""'1l.7 W• n• ,ood .... to • , and I tboqht, tho I'a l\Ll'e 7ou ICDW it ~, Tou' d Uk• to Mu it.

    -...---- ... ~-




    .. _______ .,..._

  • All oorreepondence tor 1936• 1937 Frca NanJ.no Joaeph t.r.d Harle· Loolc:or in downatalre t11e .
