Mythical and Historical Events in Ancient Rome

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  • 8/8/2019 Mythical and Historical Events in Ancient Rome


    Paolo Artymiak


    Mythical and Historical Events in Sculpture in Ancient Rome

    The main idea of this research is to validate the relationship between real events

    in history being tied with my mythical ideas. Several sculptures will be used in order to

    achieve this idea of the relationship of Historical events and Mythical ideas. During the

    vast reign of the Roman Empire, there has been a constant evolution of sculptures that

    vary from one emperor to another. In hopes to validate a connection with Myth and

    actual historical events, this research will be structured chronologically in order to

    maintain the proper timeline as well as how it changes over time.

    According to legend, Rome was founded by its first king, Romulus, on 21 April

    753 B.C.E. (Kleiner, 23). The sculpture is named She-Wolf, which is located in Rome,

    Museo del Palazzo dei Conservatori. The sculpture is described as primitive in using

    animal-like anatomy with stiff front legs and slightly leaning rear legs. The animal is

    depicted as a wolf with very human-like qualities in the eyes.It may be displayed with a

    body profile view with the head of the wolf looking out at the audience. There are also

    two child figures under the wolf suckling her breast. This sculpture was created a few

    hundred years after the founding of Rome. The statue itself is the symbol of Rome as

    the She-Wolf nourishes the twins Romulus and Remus until they founded Rome.

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    Scholars do have a debate over this myth simply as a later invention after the

    statue (Keiner, 23). It is also that later on the twins suckling on the She-Wolf is regarded

    as a later creation added on to it. With a deeper description, the unknown sculptor

    created the expression on the wolf as it would respond to threats by showing stiff

    muscles, pointed ears with wider eyes and bare teeth.

    It comes to a strong and valid conclusion that even though the She-Wolf way

    have been created a few hundred years after Romulus founded Rome, the fact that the

    two twins were added on later shows that it may be true that the myth was fabricated

    altogether to this day. Either way it is represented in the views of scholars, the main idea

    of the She-Wolf supporting Romulus and Remus would be a strong sense of pride and

    nationalism to those who dwell in Rome.

    Another piece that relates myth and historical events is the Gemma Augustea

    located in Vienna, Kunsthistorishces. The emperor is depicted, along with other

    members of his dynasty, in imperial cameos tat were used as one-of-a-kind, private

    imperial presentation pieces. (Kleiner, 69) This piece is one of the best surviving

    Roman cameos since the Hellenistic times. The piece is separated in two registers, the

    top are three males surrounded by gods at the time. The bottom register shows soldiers

    pillaging a town and torturing them.

    The upper register shows that there are gods and three specific figures due to

    their facial expressions. And their expressions suggests that they are key figures and

    have been reproduced before, and they are Tiberius, Augustus and Germanicus.

    Augustus... very proximity hints at quasi-divine power and indeed the eagle at his feet

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    suggests that he is a kind of earthly Jupiter. (Henig,156) His very pose tries to convey

    that he is godly himself by wearing a toga only on his lower half of his body. There are

    several themes being produced within the top register with the divinities represented. It

    shows Roma clad in weapons sitting next to Augustus, Winged victory accompanies

    Tiberius, and Italia holding children which may also represent the Roman empire under

    the pax augusta. The top register is said to celebrate Augustuss reign over the current

    time. Tiberius is also depicted more importantly as on a chariot with the Winged Victory

    which may mean that he is heading off to war or returning to war and quite possibly

    returning in glory. The bottom register shows the results of the waged war with soldiers

    pillaging and capturing the helpless enemy.

    The only argument about this work is the date of the sardonyx gem which is

    debated on the date it was created as either during Augustuss rule or during Tiberians

    period which is still a few years to go. The opinion goes either way. It would more likely

    seem that it could have been created during Tiberians time of rule to commemorate his

    family and Empire before he came to rule. It would seem more valid to do so as it was

    Augustus who created a sense of divinity as the head ruler and others followed.

    Another piece that shows myth and true historical event is the Ara Pacis

    Augustae. It is the culmination of Augustan state are. A permanent monument to

    Augustuss most notable achievement - the pacification of the Roman world. (Klein, 90)

    The monument combines the Emperors dynastic ambitions, social policies and religious

    affinities are celebrated on this monument. It shows the culmination of his empire by

    achieving peace and prosperity during his reign and the next few emperors to come. He

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    set an example of a powerful and large empire. The ancient location of the monument

    was located Via Lata/Flaminia north of Rome. It is now currently located at the Richard

    Meier Pavilion after reconstruction of World War II. The monument is mainly comprised

    of relief sculptures on the entire surface both on the inside and outside. On the lower

    frieze, there is vegetal decoration where the subject would enter. The decoration is

    designed to show growth and prosperity. There is also the recurring theme of Rumulus

    and Remus on a panel to the top of one of the vegetal decoration. On the north and

    south side processions, it shows the imperial family with children following them.

    although it is in relief, it shows depth and space between every subject. It is also the first

    large scale monument to have children take part as the main subject. It also shows

    realism in their poses as the children do seem to be getting restless or bored as the

    adults mingle with one another. There has also been major detail restoration when it

    was first excavated because it had been underground for several hundred years as well

    as broken in more than just several pieces. As one would enter the Augustan Ara Pacis,

    there will be the main altar that is used for sacrifices at the center of the piece. Also,

    there are relief carvings that show the sacrificial procession. There is also the symbol of

    Italia and Roma which show the fertility of the Italian soil through symbolism and show

    Rome as a dominant military force. It also shows a frieze where Roma is seated on a

    captured arms panel which is also restored but it shows the might of Romes military.

    There are several problems with this magnificent piece. Personally, I believe that

    the restoration of certain parts of the Augusta Ara Pacis is a inevitable loss due to its

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    lack of proper preservation. But I do believe that restoring it to what it may have

    appeared to have been is a potential view of the past but a view that is unsure. There

    has not been many arguments about what the monument stands for or what the

    symbolism truly means. Augustus brought Rome to its prime both as a thriving

    civilization and a dominant military force.

    There are more than just these three monuments that are created that included

    myths and intertwined it with non-fictional historical events. The lives of Roman citizens

    both in the upper and lower echelon of the aristocracy believe in a sense of higher being

    that creates meaning to their every day lives. Even the most powerful citizen of Rome -

    the Emperors - believe in higher beings that help them secure the position they hold

    both politically and militaristically. It creates a sense of unity and understanding within

    every day citizens that they may not realize. They are affected by the gods that support

    the emperors due to their beliefs.

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    Handbook of Roman art : a comprehensive survey of all the arts of the Roman world,

    edited by Martin Henig. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1983.

    Roman Sculpture, Diana E.E. Kleiner. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1992.