Music Video Analysis – Phoebe Budgen The Knife- Pass this on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKhjaGRhIYU Target Audience & Needs I think the target audience is aimed at a more mature audience, this is because Lyrics (Meaning Implied?) The lyrics aren’t very good, I don’t get the meaning of them, and all that I know is that this woman is in love with someone’s brother. She’s aiming her lyrics at this one person who is also featured in the video. Tempo The tempo of the music is quite slow yet upbeat. The tempo picks up towards the end of the song as all the people in the video start dancing. Genre The genre of this song is Electronica. There’s a touch of Jamaican style music also included. Camera Technique The camera techniques used are: mid shot on the top half of the singer’s body, this shot is used a lot throughout the video. There’s also an establishing shot and also a point of view shot as the camera is looking in her point of view. Close ups of her face are used a lot as the camera is trying to show her beauty, at some moments there’s also extreme close ups to show this. Two shot is used as the 2 people she’s singing about are the only ones in the camera shot. And also another time where there’s a two shot is when the female singer is dancing with the guy that she’s singing about.

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Music Video Analysis – Phoebe Budgen

The Knife- Pass this on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKhjaGRhIYU Target Audience & Needs

I think the target audience is aimed at a more mature audience, this is because

Lyrics (Meaning Implied?)

The lyrics aren’t very good, I don’t get the meaning of them, and all that I know is that this woman is in love with someone’s brother. She’s aiming her lyrics at this one person who is also featured in the video.

Tempo The tempo of the music is quite slow yet upbeat. The tempo picks up towards the end of the song as all the people in the video start dancing.

Genre The genre of this song is Electronica. There’s a touch of Jamaican style music also included.

Camera Technique The camera techniques used are: mid shot on the top half of the singer’s body, this shot is used a lot throughout the video. There’s also an establishing shot and also a point of view shot as the camera is looking in her point of view. Close ups of her face are used a lot as the camera is trying to show her beauty, at some moments there’s also extreme close ups to show this. Two shot is used as the 2 people she’s singing about are the only ones in the camera shot. And also another time where there’s a two shot is when the female singer is dancing with the guy that she’s singing about.

Music Video Analysis – Phoebe Budgen

Editing The editing techniques used are cutting, as the frames are mostly very short until they cut to another frame.

Use of Digital Effects The digital effects used are colour correction used to dim the lights slightly.